jennelainechamb · 11 years
It's been a day...
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Today seems to have dragged on forever. Probably the going to bed late and waking early. Got my legs done this morning. The boys woke up extra early, so I gave them their InnoTabs and milk and they mostly chilled while I worked out. 
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Spent the day lounging around with the kids. They were rambunctious most of the day but after bath time they calmed down some. 
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Then I finally finished the dreaded paper I have been working on forever and turned that sucker in. Hoping it doesn't come back needing revisions.... I'm not looking forward to the next two due for this class. Legal and Ethical in Healthcare, uggggh. Just keep going. 
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Addie's birthday is in 4 days. Craaaaaaaaaaazy. I can't believe she's already a year old. *tear* My babies are all growing up! 
Tomorrow is a cardio day. Trying to mentally prepare to get up early. OR decide to make tomorrow an off day. At this point, off day is sounding oh, so so so tempting. Hmmm. 
Got a pal coming by tomorrow to spend some time with me and the kiddos, and to enjoy some grown up time after they go to bed tomorrow. Probably pulling out some margaritas tomorrow night. Much needed. ;) 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Coffee, Coffee, COFFEEEEEE!
This morning I woke up bright and early and got my workout on. An 80 minute circuit and I was done before 8a. I felt awwwwwwwwwwwsome. :) 
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Then I enjoyed some delicious overnight no-cook banana nut oatmeal with the hubs. Came out pretty good! 
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Enjoyed the day with my babies, cuddling warm on the couch most of the day. It was COLD out today! Brrrr. High of 34 in Houston? Crazy. Put on some Children's songs and watched the kids dance out. Super cute. 
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This evening I got an awesome extra-espresso caramel macchiato from my favorite Starbucks barista, and I am enjoying it while finishing up a school paper. Oh, and Addie is extra cute tonight. :) 
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Logged all my foods and exercises in my MFP and Fitbit sites today. I'm committed. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Taking fitness and health one step further
So, I have started really honing into using my Fitbit Flex and My Fitness Pal for my workouts and food logging. I'm exercising, which is great. But the rest of it is important as well. Yesterday was my first day back in the groove of really tracking everything. Go me. 
Getting up early is working for me so far. Yesterday was a cardio morning and today was chest and back. Tomorrow is my 80 min circuit. Woot woot. Feels great being done with my workout before 8a. I feel accomplished early in the day. It's nice. 
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Both boys had therapy today. Trevor will be switching up therapists at the beginning of the month to Connor's therapist. His current therapy location doesn't have the ability to give him twice a week as he needs and Connor is moving down to once a week since he's doing so great. So he'll fill in that extra spot. Trevor seemed to be attempting to be a little more verbal today. He babbled three syllables when I asked "chocolate or strawberry milk" for his response of "strawberry". So that's good. In therapy this morning he was doing good trying to get out that "B" sound. He had about 7/10 attempts. I'm hoping this year we make some good progress. Get him to say "mama" more. And I cannot tell you how much I yearn to hear him say "I love you".... Maybe by his 3rd birthday? Probably not... Mother's Day? Maybe at least a few more sounds toward the sentence. Any progress this year will be welcomed. I know he's so frustrated he can't communicate. The food PEC board we're putting together next week should at least help when it comes to food/kitchen wants at least. One step at a time. No one said Apraxia was an overnight fix. I know that. It's just hard.
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Addie Bree is about to be 1. I can't believe it. ONE YEAR OLD ALREADY. Where does the time go?! Holy moly. Expect picture collage and mama nostalgia of the past year next week.
Anyway. Off to do this paper. The same paper I have been meaning to get done for about 2 weeks. Yes that one. It WILL be turned in tonight.   
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Catch Up and Change of Plans
So I've been so caught up lately on nightly workouts I haven't been doing much or any homework at night. I've been meaning to, but have been just mostly sitting at the computer doing nothing. 
So starting tomorrow I am getting up at 6:30a (uggggggggh... the sun isn't out yet!!) and doing my workouts. That way, at 7p when the kids are down I can get on homework. I still might get to bed by 10-11p and get a good amount of sleep under my belt.
Today was therapy day. Both boys had good sessions. Played around between sessions. No nap time today. Will get one tomorrow. Connor asked for a pajama day (he got new Marvel Heroes pjs) so we'll just lounge tomorrow. 
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Other than all of that.... I'm off to bed in a few. 6:30a comes quick! 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
On the run
Didn't have 5 minutes to sit today. Out and about doing errands all day. Picked up Trevor from grandma's house. He got his first scraped knee tonight. Ate at Golden Corral this evening with the in laws. Not a whole lot else. Been so busy past two days in behind on my workouts.... Doubling up tomorrow.
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Eat, Study, Eat
Spent half the day with a peer. We ate at Chilis then sat at Starbucks for a few hours and did some schoolwork. Then went with the hubs and Connor and Addie to Black Eyed Pea and Walmart after for groceries. Not much else to report today. Should have more to say tomorrow. For now I'm off to bed.
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Down a Kid
Almost didn't post tonight! Made myself get on real quick. Planning another early night tonight, so I'll make this a quickie. 
Trevor got picked up by grandma this morning. He's spending some one-on-one with her this weekend. We'll pick him up Monday. So this weekend is just Addie, Connor, me and the hubs. 
Anywho, after he got picked up I tried (keyword *tried*) for nap time. Connor didn't really want to nap. After Addie woke up Connor and I played with Play Doh. Mommy made a Rafael Ninja Turtle. He LOVED it. 
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Dinner and after came quick. He decided he wanted to workout with Mommy tonight. (No "bedtime" since Trevor isn't here) So he talked to me through the whole-and I mean WHOLE-workout, so I definitely had a great workout! My breath control and stamina were tested tonight. Lol. 
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So now hubs is home and I've showered. Tomorrow I've got a study day ahead with a peer. We're hitting up Chili's and Starbucks for a few hours. Then back home to do some shopping for groceries and readying for baby girl's birthday/party in a few weeks. Can't believe she's almost 1.... 
Closing out now. I'm off to bed! G'niteeeeeeeeee. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Whoops! Catch up!!
Slipped up yesterday. I didn't post. I was honestly soooooo tired I didn't log on the computer at all after my workout. So, we'll run down yesterday and today. 
Yesterday was a therapy day, which of course is always busy. Trevor had a good session in the morning and Connor in the afternoon. Then t boys played quietly on their InnoTabs while Addie Bree slept. 
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The day ended nice and calm after Addie enjoyed some Bubble Guppies (her fave). 
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Yesterday was full body circuit day, and it felt gooooooood after. 
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Since I went to bed so early last night and I am not used to more than 5-6hr of sleep lately, after a good 9.5-10hr of sleep last night I felt like I had gotten hit by a truck this morning. It was not pretty. No, really. Look... 
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Anyway, the kids (after a fight with the boys) took a nap this afternoon and since I had plenty of sleep last night I took advantage and worked out at nap time. :) Leg day! 
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So, this evening I have some free time. Mama has made some margaritas and is patiently awaiting the hubs arrival home for the night. Will get some TV time with him and crunch out and finish writing up this paper this weekend. 
So alrighty then- have a great weekend everyone! 
Until tomorrow, J
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Hump Day
Took some cute photos of the kids and daddy this morning on his way out. They really miss him when he's gone.
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Easy going day. Literally just relaxed and played with the kids most of the day. Connor was a champ again at dinner, eating most of his chicken, sweet potatoes, quinoa, and mixed veggies. Atta boy! :) 
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Got the kids down this evening and have decided to take a night off of homework after chest and back workout. Catching up on some shows tonight with the hubs. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Go, go, go! Just another Tuesday!
Tuesdays are one of the busy weekdays. It seems I never get a moment to sit down! Addie doesn't get to nurse until after lunch. Craaaazy. 
Morning started out well. Hubs took off to work and Trevor had therapy (11a vs our normal 9:45). Then some lunch and onto Connor's 1p therapy. Addie didn't even get to nap until almost 2! 
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Afternoon was a little more relaxed. Boys played on their InnoTabs. I bribed Connor with some ice cream to eat his salmon, mixed veggies, and spinach and cheese tortellini (which he ate all of!!). Then bath time and the day came to a close. Then Cardio night tonight. Sweaty Tuesday!! 
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And off to some homework.... 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Vroom Vroom!
Hubs had to work today (his normal day off). S'alllll good. Got a birthday party to save up for! 
Put Addie's new shoes on her this morning. Watched her get ticked that she couldn't get them off. Hehe. But they are so cute! 
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Kids we pretty god today. No real issues. Nap time was pretty much a bust, but I did manage an adorable picture of Miss Adelynn and Trevor. 
Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighs!!! :) 
Then this afternoon I pulled out all of the Hot Wheels and the Cars foam mat and the kids had fun playing. Addie watched her brothers go "Vroooom, vroooom!" with the cars and she started rolling them around on the mat, too. Smart girl! 
Evening ended with some Core and Stretch this evening, and now I'm off to FINALLY quit messing around and get this paper in. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Woke up to this. LOVE HER. :) 
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Pretty relaxed Sunday. This morning I made croissants, eggs, and maple sausage. Addie got to try eggs and sausage for the first time. She ate almost all that I gave her. 
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After breakfast I spent half the day sorting, organizing, and folding clothes to donate. I have tons of clothes that I've been carrying around since high school (8yr ago) and things I haven't fit in since before I got pregnant with Connor (5yr ago). So I reconciled within myself to get rid of things I would honestly never wear again. Like these Marilyn Manson shirts (my favorite in high school). 
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Some old office attire when I was an admin assistant. Also my maternity clothes. I am done having children so there's no reason to keep them. And because I am done having babies (and my youngest is about to be 1) there's no excuse to keep them. When all was said and done I ended up with two boxes of clothing. 
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I went through the boys clothes too. Though most of their stuff is going to a friend who has a boy a little younger than mine. That was 2 nice size boxes there. And the hubs came out with about two boxes himself. So we'll drop those tomorrow (along with previously sorted baby clothes). 
After the sorting and organizing we headed to our weekly Walmart trip. Got some groceries. Headed home and put the kids down. Then mommy got her workout on (helllllllllllllllo biceps, triceps and shoulders!!) and now I'm about to get on this paper. 
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Until tomorrow- J. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Scary Ending to the Day
Today wasn't a bad day. Did some crafts with the boys earlier this afternoon. Made some heart puppies and some hand painting trees. 
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Then after baths, dinner, and prepping for bed it turned. I was taking the boys upstairs for the night and Connor somehow lost his footing/hold on the rail and tumbled down the stairs. I had Addie and couldn't reach out and stop him... so I about had a heart attack watching him roll down to the bottom of the stairs. He was quite shaken up, but he's ok. No broken bones, no concussion, no blown pupils... He may be sore, possibly have a few bruises tomorrow. But he was feeling good enough to ask daddy to bring him home some strawberry sprinkle donuts on his way home from work. Good. 
So, I called off any workout and homework tonight. I can pick it up tomorrow. Tonight was filled with cuddles. And to end the day, here are my three favorite people this evening. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
Mommy, make me a pink triceratops!
Today was a pretty good Friday. Woke up this morning to three adorable children (they're always adorable... just even more so today). Hubby played around with them a bit longer this morning as he went in late to work. Good morning. 
Day kept getting better when I managed to pull off a beautiful 1.5hr naptime-ALL THREE KIDS! Wooooooooo! And of course I lay there dozing in and out not able to 100% sleep but at least I got a little rest. 
This afternoon the boys and I pulled out the Play Doh. Connor said "Mommy, make me a pink triceratops!" So I did. He loved it. Hey, as long as the kids know it's a triceratops and are happy, right? :) 
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After all wee ones were fast asleep, tonight was Cardio night. All done! Now awaiting the hubs home so I can shower and get onto some homework. I've got a paper to complete this weekend. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
It's almost Friday! Woooo!!! Wait, I'm a mom....
Was a very, very busy day today!! Got a late start- didn't get out of bed until almost 9a. Not a common occurrence. Come downstairs and Connor asked for cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We didn't have any.... So I improvised. Cinnamon and sugar croissants! Huge hit! 
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Then just before noon I put some ribs in the crock pot. Beef ribs with a honey bbq sauce mix.
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They have now been cooking almost 10 hours and boy do they smell AH-MAZE-ING. I might just eat them for breakfast tomorrow!
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Nah, tomorrow morning we're having Texas toast french toast bake. It's already made, set, and ready to cook first thing in the morning. Mmmmm. Nom nom. It's been a cook day! 
Then we had a whole day full of therapy. Trevor had his eval from B 12-1. Connor had therapy from 1-2. And Trevor had ECI from 2-3. Time to feed the kids some dinner, start getting them ready for bed. Then onto legs this evening. I am feeling those glutes and calves! But not as much as I will in the morning coming downstairs I'm sure. 
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After the workout, hubs got home and gave me my Christmas gift (which finally arrived!!!). A beautiful sliver and gold plated bracelet with the kids' names and Swarovski crystals for the kids' birthstones. Absolutely gorgeous!!! :) Happy wife/mama. 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
A old friend drops by
Trevor had therapy this morning. His normal Thursday morning got rescheduled for this morning. And his normal Tuesday morning was rescheduled for tomorrow morning. Therapy was good. We talked about his broad diagnosis of speech delay and articulation delay, Apraxia symptoms, and getting a referral to TCH from the pedi next time we see her. 
Nap time was a bust. Connor refused to nap. Which made the other two have a short-lived nap. Then Byron showed up. I TOTALLY forgot he was coming by today. So he came out, visited and played with the kids, chatted with me, watching Madagascar 3 with the boys. I don't get to see him often enough. One of my best buds, he is. I do enjoy our visits. 
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Tonight's workout was awesome. 81 mins of circuit. Wooooooo, I was feeling it just 20 mins in! Looking forward to tomorrow. I'm committed. 90 days of working out. 3 in, 87 more to go. 
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Shifting gears on school to a paper. Not sure which class I am moving to, but I'll be working on a layout tonight for something and getting it written and turned in by the end of the weekend. Back at it! 
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jennelainechamb · 11 years
My, what lovely 's' sounds!
This morning was kind of go-go-go. Doing with the kids and phone calls for bills and school. Then Connor had therapy. He's doing such a great job on articulation and his lisp going away! As his therapist said "My, what lovely 's' sounds you have!" :) Good boy! Such a smarty pants he's picking up so quickly. 
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Little ways through the afternoon, the boys were enjoying some crackers. Someone left the bag in reach of Addie and she grabbed it down and enjoyed some crackers for herself. The look on her face... Haha! 
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Then after a frustrating bit with classes (and the inability to get much schoolwork done tonight...) I decided to call on a margarita night after the kids went to bed. So, after my workout this evening I made myself a nice drink. Watching some TV with the hubs right now. And I might head off to bed early tonight. 
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It's going to be a bit warmer tonight and temps will raise into the 60s tomorrow. Big change up from the past few days. Should open up for some nice plans this weekend. 
Until tomorrow- J
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