#jonas f3
skarletterambles · 2 months
Good idea: Re(-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re)-watching Twister before going to see Twisters tomorrow.
Bad idea: Watching when you're PMSing so you get tears in your eyes at Jo's dad getting sucked out of the storm cellar, and then feel bad when you see the late Bill Paxton and Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Twister is in a three-way tie with The Mummy and the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie as my favorite film of all time. I'm sure the new version won't measure up to the original but it looks like a hell of a fun ride and I'm pumped to see it. It's also only the second movie I've seen in a theater since Rise of Skywalker, a.k.a. pre-Covid. (The other was Inside Out 2, which wasn't that big a deal to me but a friend really wanted to see it when she was in town.)
Random thoughts and favorite quotes I typed up while watching...
"Not unless you want to sketch the tornadoes."
"You left her with Dusty? What's the matter with you?"
OMG that late '90s cellphone Melissa has...vintage! LOL! (The laptops and other tech are also fun to see, even if they make me feel old. It was cutting edge then!)
Dusty's obviously the most fun, but all these storm chasers have so much personality, just from their faces, their road soundtracks, and the few quirks we learn about them. I always wanted to read (or write?) a book that went into their backstories.
The first time I saw this I thought Dorothy was Bill and Jo's daughter, the way they talked about her. "She's here?!" / "Let me take a look at her!"
"I find this kinda interesting. I'm gonna tag along!" Famous last words, Melissa...
"He's in it for the money, not the science." insert bothisgood.gif meme here.
Both Jonas and Melissa have southern accents. Not sure if there's any deeper meaning there. He is a straight-up villain, and she is set up as an antagonist but you just can't hate her because she's actually sweet despite being so far out of her element, and ultimately she bows out of the love triangle with dignity and grace.
"She's a therapist." [long pause] "Yours?"
"Can I drive?" "No." "Then would you?"
High five to the writer(s) who came up with this banter.
"I was just wondering if we were gonna chase this tornado or wait for the next one."
The awed heavenly chorus that takes over the soundtrack when the tornado comes into view is so cheesy but I love it so much. The lion growls it makes are absurd but I can't hate them.
"Where's my truck?" *truck comes out of nowhere to crash in the middle of the road* The comedic timing is so good in this.
Dusty and Melissa should get together. He's infatuated by her ability to almost get crushed by a flying truck, and she needs a rebound after Bill. *insert inappropriate jokes about the Suck Zone*
"Why don't you find your own twister, buddy?" LOL
Every time I see a cow in this movie I grin. We all know why.
The storm chasers I've followed online almost never pre-rate tornados. You don't say it's a F2 or F3 while it's on the ground--especially when it's just churning up fields and not causing any damage that could be used to determine a rating.
OMG the music is so damn epic throughout this sequence.
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"When you used to tell me you chased tornados, deep down I always just thought it was a metaphor!"
Ah, the windchimes. You'd never think such a gentle, whimsical sound could be so ominous...
Aunt Meg always reminded me of one of my aunts, physically at least. R.I.P. Aunt P.
WHAT A MINUTE! What kind of personal Mandela effect B.S. is this? I've always remembered it that Jo left her necklace on in the shower, and thought it was SO cool for some inexplicable reason. But she didn't! My entire life is a life.
"A[n F]4 will relocate your house pretty efficiently."
Yes, do a nice closeup of the water tower with "WAKITA" on it so the audience remembers the name when it comes up later...
Of course Bill can sense when and where the tornadoes are. He can just follow the dramatic music cues!
"It's like Bob's Road..." I wonder what Rabbit, a.k.a. Map Guy, would think about modern GPS. At least Google Maps doesn't have a crease through Wichita.
See? Melissa is riding in Dusty's car now. OTP! (I've seen crack ships founded on far less.)
That is pretty wimpy hail. Reed Timmer would be unimpressed. It's not a storm chase until you break a windshield or two.
Power flashes are a thing. A massive fireball lighting up the funnel, not so much (except for that one time...) Growling like a lion, also not a thing. I love it all anyway, because of and despite the ridiculousness.
"You've never seen it miss this house, and miss that house, and come after you." I think about that line so often when viewing tornado damage. They can be so capricious and seemingly random.
Aww, now Dusty is holding the umbrella over Melissa as she's heartbroken over Bill. I started shipping this as a joke, damn it...
And we get to the drive-in. One iconic scene after the other. I know some screenings were held in drive-ins for the lulz. I wish I could have attended one.
The TV signal dying is one more mundane thing that becomes unspeakably ominous in this movie.
"It's headed right for us!" "It's already here." Cheesier than a Packers game, but still gives me chills.
I always thought it was nice how Jo took the time to warn the girls in the concessions stand.
You know it's a bad situation when the people who cheerfully seek out twisters are cowering in terror.
Cue the creepy windchimes.
"It looks to hit Wakita head-on." That being the first serious line of dialogue Dusty has uttered in the entire movie gives it so much more impact.
The sudden tone change meant I really wasn't sure if Meg was going to survive the first time I saw this. The jokes and goofiness evaporated at the drive-in and by the time they get to Wakita it really does feel like anything can happen.
"How nice you all came over." Meg is a cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.
"I'm going to drive myself." "Honey, your car's in a tree around the corner."
Meg's okay, the dog survived, and the jokes are back!
The weather service doesn't "predict an F5" as blatantly as they do in the movie, but I can forgive them for dramatic license.
Back to the epic traveling music! (And Pepsi product placement.)
I don't think I ever noticed that Meg's dog came with them! Aww.
"Unless you think somebody will hit it." ("It" being Dorothy in the middle of the road in the path of a massive F5.) "Nobody'll be there." Again, it's cheesy, but I don't care. I still get chills.
Somebody was like, "We haven't had enough fiery explosions in the this movie. Fix that."
I love how we've almost forgotten about Jonas by the time the drive-in and Wakita scenes are over, and then suddenly he's back in all his smarmy glory...just in time to die in spectacular fashion.
"DEBRIS! DUSTY, WE HAVE DEBRIS!" *entire tractors start raining from the sky* " 'Debris' ?!?!"
The random teddy bear squeaking as it hits the windshield is way funnier than it probably should be.
Cue that epic music again. Love it. Duh duhduh DUHDUH DUH DUH!
Suddenly the wind chime sound becomes a good thing!
Seeing the tornado rip up corn stalks reminds me of how the recent Greenfield, Iowa, tornado actually planted corn in the town that has since sprouted all over the place.
Wicked-looking scythes and blades clanking all over the barn, and Jo says, "OMG who are these people?" That's funny enough in the moment but later you see the perfectly normal, wholesome looking family who lives there and you wonder if they're secretly serial killers...
We just saw this tornado pulverize a huge barn, but this tiny shed will protect us! (I know, I know, it's the plumbing, but it's still funny before you learn that.)
The lack of impalement and clothes getting ripped off in the wind does stretch willing suspension of disbelief, but...eh, so what? It's cool.
The woman in the checkered pink shirt who comes out of the storm shelter with the kids looks a LOT like one of my friends from grade school. Or how I'd imagine she would look as an adult. I last saw her at 5th grade graduation.
"Mommy, why are there people tied to the pipes where the shed used to be and why are they making out?" "Shut up, Timmy." "And why aren't they impaled by a bunch of corn stalks and wood planks?" "I said shut up, Timmy." "And who are all those other weirdos?" "If you don't shut up I won't let you into the storm shelter the next time a tornado happens. Now go play with a rusty scythe like a good little boy."
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This has been another episode of "Katie Rewatches a Favorite Movie and Types Random Stream of Consciousness Crap Onto her Blog."
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felassanis · 5 years
My favourite Fallout NPC’S (Fallout 3,NV and 4!)
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Raul Tejada (Fallout: New Vegas) AKA my snarky Abuelo who puts up with all my bullshit and complains about his knees and eats all my sweets. 
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ED-E (Fallout: New Vegas) My sweet spherical boi who I would die for. And who I keep calling E-dee not Eddie despite the game telling me numerous times it’s pronounced Eddie. 
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Deacon (Fallout 4) This motherfucker who Bethesda wouldn't me put a ring on. Funny, doesn’t take anything seriously and rocks the sunglasses. A very complicated and mysterious dude who keeps lying to my sorry face and makes me have a meltdown over a stupid note all for his own entertainment. He’s an asshole but I love it. My favourite dude in FO4
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Three Dog (Fallout 3) Cool. Just the embodiment of cool. Says cool shit. Has cool ideas. Cool goals and a cool voice. If there was three dog merch in the wasteland I would buy everything. Even overpriced mugs.
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Ulysses (Fallout: New Vegas) This ray of fucking sunshine. Nice voice and I am one of the few individuals who thirst for this mailman. Constantly hinted about throughout the game and the DLC’s which is kinda spooky but very intriguing. Talks waaaay too much but I actually like the way he broodily talks.
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Jonas (Fallout 3) VIP of the did not deserve it club. I was enraged when he died and beat Alphonse with a baseball bat. I liked this geezer cuz he was kind and clearly held affection for the LW, wish we got more of him but he’s on this list because I have a tendency to sometimes get attached to minor characters too quickly.
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Cait (Fallout 4) She could stab me and I’d still worship the ground she stood on. Mad woman who’s got the biggest balls in the Commonwealth and I have huge respect for her. 
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Charon (Fallout 3) One tall motherfucker, knew he was something special when after I got his contract by killing an old precious lady he straight up whipped out a shotgun and blasted his former boss to oblivion and then turned to me as if nothing happened...
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MacCready (Fallout 4) Swearing toddler becomes a greasy weasel who can’t swear. MacCready beats Danse all the way sorry folks, I love my sniper with the bad teenager attitude more than the rigid soldier who’s mean to Nick, Hancock and Deacon. Also nice hat.
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Benny (Fallout: New Vegas) I sped halfway across the Mojave desert looking for Chandler from friends and I wasn’t disappointed. If he took off the damn suit I wouldn’t have found him which just sums up his priorities...
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Arcade Gannon (Fallout: New Vegas) ayyyy my bro, the guy who does 99.9% of the work. Seriously, I’d be dead without him and I think he fucking knows it the smarty smug bugger.
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Moira (Fallout 3) I am very conflicted towards her. On one hand, I wanna body slam her into the bomb at Megaton, but on the other, I also do a disgruntled grunt as I treck across the wasteland fetching her material for her book.
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Butch Deloria (Fallout 3) ohh boy. The fallout heartthrob in my opinion. deffo enemies to lovers trope if you’re into him. I mean, he’s immature and obnoxious but that kind of attitude is entertaining when you’ve got a mean old merc named jericho, a 7 foot ghoul named Charon who doesn’t talk much and a brainwashed slave girl named Clover. and more lovelies. Plus, he’s a greaser and they’re hot so...
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Dean Domino (Fallout: New Vegas/Dead Money) I hate this asshole. I love this asshole. He’s done bad bad BAD things but he’s so charismatic so I don’t care lmao. Also, kinda tragic in a way. He couldn’t let go so he stayed in the streets under the Sierra Madre for over 200 years...
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Christine Royce (Fallout: New Vegas/Dead Money)  I am ngl I had the hots for her during the elevator scene. Also, unique and I like how she tied into Ulysses and Veronica. I like her story too, tragic hero and all that.
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Muggy (Fallout: New Vegas/ Old World Blues) Muggy fucking cracks me up and if you haven’t met this guy lemme tell you, that gif? whatever you’re thinking about how he sounds or what he is like YOU’RE FUCKING WRONG.
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songwriternews · 3 years
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notihatillo · 5 years
Este resumen de noticias llega a ustedes por cortesía de @NotiHatillo /La Ceiba de Ramón Muchacho /Alcaldía de El Hatillo
El Hatillo 17 de Agosto del 2019
Alcalde Elias Sayegh realizó el día de ayer su innovadora actividad "Despacho en la Calle" en el CC Paseo El Hatillo, numerosos vecinos y asistentes al CC conversaron con el alcalde sobre las problemáticas puntuales y sus posibles soluciones, el alcalde Sayegh agradeció a los asistentes y expresó que gracias a esta iniciativa se han resuelto con prontitud los problemas expuestos por los vecinos.
@eliasayegh: El país se esta cayendo a pedazos en nuestras narices y junto a mis hermanos Alcaldes @MorelDavidR @LeonJura @DarwinGonzalezP @ManuelFerreiraG @DuqueGustavoS y @JosyFernandez decidimos no quedarnos de brazos cruzados. @PrimeraPagina #PrimeraPagina
Ayer viernes culminó exitosamente el plan vacacional 2019 promovido por la, Alcaldía del Hatillo y Fundahinfa que además contó con la colaboración de la, empresa privada, el Alcalde Elias Sayegh informó que a pesar de la terrible situación la alcaldía se ha avocado a lograr sonrisas en nuestros niños hatillanos.
Alcaldía del Hatillo continúa con su plan #CuidemosElHatillo con la recuperación de calles y avenidas, esta actividad que incluye bacheo, restauración de carpeta asfáltica en caliente, limpieza y demarcación vial ha sido constante y en todo el municipio incluyendo la zona rural, la Lagunita, Alto Hatillo, Los Naranjos entre otras.
Fallas eléctricas continúan afectando diversas zonas del municipio, asi lo informaron habitantes del Hatillo vía redes sociales.
Colapso de losas de concreto por fugas de agua en tubería de Hidrocapital fueron las razones que produjeron escape de gas en tubería de gas directo frente a Hatillo Suites en la intercomunal del Hatillo, el alcalde Sayegh estuvo en el sitio indicando que la Alcaldía brindará colaboración para la recuperación de la zona afectada.
Por dos días Alcaldía del Hatillo y FOSPUCA realizaron la llamada "Operación Cachivache" donde se recogieron numerosos desechos y enseres de gran volumen en el sector.
Con la Federación de Alcaldes cuyo nacimiento se produjo en el Hatillo se logrará coordinar esfuerzos para solucionar los problemas que afectan las comunidades. Para mi es un honor que esta iniciativa haya tenido su origen en nuestro municipio, asi lo expreso el alcalde Elias Sayegh en el programa televisivo "Primera Página", de igual manera el alcalde informó que no se quedarán de brazos cruzados ante la adversa situación que vive el país.
@PC_ElHatillo se encuentra alerta ante las copiosas lluvias que han afectado el municipio, situaciones como la ca��das de árboles han sido frecuentes y han sido resueltas por los miembros del organismo.
Bloomberg. Por sanciones de EEUU: Petrochina paró la compra de petróleo venezolano.
La mayor empresa estatal de China, China National Petroleum, paró la compra de petróleo venezolano después de las sanciones de EEUU. La compañía canceló sus planes de cargar este mes cerca de 5 millones de barriles de petróleo venezolano, tal como lo reseñó Bloomberg.
Embajador Carlos Vecchio: China y Turquía están dejando solo a Maduro.
Maduro: “Trump le hace a Venezuela lo que Hitler le hizo al pueblo judío”.
Venezuela reaparece incorporada al Tratado Interamericano de Asistencia Recíproca (TIAR).
Secretario de Estado de EEUU, Mike Pompeo: “Estados Unidos continúa de pie con el presidente interino, la Asamblea Nacional elegida democráticamente y el pueblo de Venezuela mientras buscan restaurar el orden constitucional y la democracia en su país”.
Maduro sobre parlamentarias: Estoy deseoso de que el CNE y la ANC convoquen, quiero elecciones ya.
Nicmer Evans: En el chavismo todos quieren negociar menos Cabello.
A 100 días del secuestro del diputado Edgar Zambrano. Presidente Guaidó: La detención de Édgar Zambrano es la persecución del régimen al Parlamento venezolano.
Ramos Allup: Lucharemos por cada preso político sin importar su militancia.
Walter Martínez denuncia censura por parte de Jorge Rodríguez.
El petróleo venezolano sube un poco y se ubica en $55,01 por barril.
La Patilla: En julio, la producción de petróleo de Venezuela cayó a 742 mil bpd, según la OPEP.
Banca y Negocios: Importaciones en Venezuela volvieron a caer en el primer semestre por debajo de lo estimado.
Presidente de la Cámara de la Industria Farmacéutica: “Hemos podido importar tranquilamente materia prima con o sin sanciones”.
Cámara Inmobiliaria de Venezuela: Sector inmobiliario trabaja a menos de 5% de su capacidad.
Unión Radio: Sudeban investigará denuncias de puntos de venta arrendados.
El lunes 19 de agosto será feriado bancario.
Crónica Uno: A punto de apagón 11 estados que ya no generan termoelectricidad.
Juan Pablo Guanipa: En Maracaibo hay sectores castigados sin luz, sin agua, sin gas y sin transporte.
Tal Cual: OVCS registra más de 200 protestas por falta de luz, agua y gas en julio.
Dos delincuentes asesinaron a un empresario venezolano en Cúcuta. La víctima fue identificada como Rigoberto José Urdaneta Romero.
Gobierno Legítimo rechaza firma de supuesto acuerdo militar entre el régimen de Maduro y la Federación Rusa.
El Nacional: Colombia amplía el plazo hasta el 31 de octubre para que venezolanos renueven el
PEP. El Pitazo: Ecuador realizará una jornada social este 17 de agosto para migrantes venezolanos.
Diputada Gaby Arellano asegura que más de 2.000 venezolanos ingresan diariamente a Colombia.
El Nacional. OIM: Venezolanos encabezan lista de muertes de migrantes en la región con un total de 89.
El Pitazo: Jefe de ACNUR solicita a países de la región acoger a venezolanos.
Reuters: Por arepas venezolanas, Perú registra importación récord de harina de maíz.
Embajadora María Teresa Belandria participó en ceremonia del Centro de Inteligencia del Ejército de Brasil.
Reuters: Mercados argentinos se mantienen en recuperación tras crisis económica.
El País: La política de Bolsonaro hace peligrar el millonario Fondo Amazonia de lucha contra la deforestación.
Corte permite a gobierno de EEUU empezar a rechazar solicitudes de asilo presentadas en partes de la frontera con México.
Autopsia confirma suicidio por ahorcamiento del magnate Jeffrey Epstein en prisión.
AFP: Nueva demanda contra herederos y cómplices de Jeffrey Epstein por 100 millones de dólares.
AFP: Italia impide desembarcar a inmigrantes del ‘Open Arms’.
Alerta en Israel: Sistema de defensa Cúpula de Hierro interceptó un cohete lanzado desde Gaza.
AFP: EEUU emitió una orden para incautar el carguero iraní Grace 1.
1.905 muertos dejó la epidemia de ébola en un año en la República Democrática del Congo.
EFE: Hong Kong cumple undécimo fin de semana de protestas.
El País: Comprar Groenlandia, la última ocurrencia de Trump.
S&P: +1.44%; Dow: +1.20%; Nasdaq: +1.67%.
Madonna la “reina del pop”, celebra sus 61 años.
Jonas Brothers vuelven a los escenarios de los premios MTV VMA tras 10 años de ausencia.
Aduriz fulminó al Barcelona con un gol de tijera en el arranque de la Liga.
AFP: “Principio de acuerdo” para que Barça ceda a Coutinho al Bayern.
Greivis Vásquez será asistente técnico en G-League con los Pelicans.
La FVF anunció a José Hernández como DT de la sub-20.
Wilson Ramos despachó cuatro imparables en victoria de Mets.
Luis Arraez es el novato productor de Mellizos de Minnesota.
Freddy Galvis impuso récord en su debut con Rojos de Cincinnati.
Meridiano: Zulia voló alto en Copa Sudamericana. El equipo venezolano se convirtió en el primero del país en llegar a cuartos de final del torneo, y Colon de Santa Fé truncó el sueño de llegar más lejos.
EFE: El cofundador de la compañía china Alibaba, Joseph Tsai, compró los Brooklyn Nets y el Barclays Center.
El País: Colonos lunares de ocho patas. El envío de tardígrados
a la Luna es la última idea de los magnates visionarios empeñados en cambiar el mundo.
Pronóstico del tiempo cortesía del INAMEH válido por las próximas 6 horas.
Situación General
Válido para el día Sábado, 17 de Agosto de 2019. Entre las 06:00 y las 12:00 HLV.
Onda tropical Nº 36 de la temporada sobre el oriente del país, interactúa con la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT); son reforzadas además por Divergencia del Viento en altura (lo que favorece los ascensos del aire húmedo desde superficie); originando abundante desarrollo de nubosidad convectiva con precipitaciones de intensidad variable, algunas con tormentas eléctricas y ráfagas de viento, sobre gran parte del país; en especial las regiones: Oriental, Centro Norte Costero, Llanos Central y Occidentales, Amazonas, Bolívar, Zulia y Andes. PENDIENTES se prevén acumulados de precipitaciones entre 30 - 60 litros/m².
Efemérides de hoy.
986 - la armada bizantina es destruida en el paso por la Puerta de Trajano por los búlgaros bajo el mando de Samuel y Aarón de Bulgaria. El emperador bizantino Basilio II logra escapar.
1462 - comienza la Toma de Gibralta por la cual el reino castellano-leonésa reconquistará Gibraltar a los nazaríes.
1668 - en Anatolia (Turquía) un terremoto de 8 grados en la escala sismológica de Richter deja 8000 muertos.
1740 - en Roma, Próspero Lorenzo Lambertini es elegido papa y toma el nombre de Benedicto XIV.
1756 - en Padua (Italia) se registra un tornado (posiblemente un F3).
1817 - se produce el Combate de Quirihue desarrollado entre las fuerzas realistas del chileno Juan Antonio Olate y las fuerzas patriotas chilenas al mando de José Joaquín Prieto.
1862 - Guerra de Secesión: el general J.E.B. Stuart es designado comandante en jefe de la caballería del ejército confederado en Virginia del Norte.
1865 - en las cercanías de la villa argentina de Paso de los Libres (provincia de Corrientes) las tropas de la Triple Alianza (Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay) libran la batalla de Yatay contra las tropas del Paraguay.
1883 - se presenta el himno nacional de la República Dominicana.
1908 - se presenta en París Fantasmagorie, la primera película de animación, creada por Émile Cohl.
1914 - Primera Guerra Mundial: Batalla de Stallupönen, las fuerzas del general Hermann von François derrotan a las fuerzas rusas comandadas por Paul von Rennenkampf cerca de Nesterov (Rusia).
1918 - el líder bolchevique Moisei Uritsky es asesinado.
1930 - se produce el pacto de San Sebastián en el que todos los partidos republicanos españoles acuerdan la estrategia para poner fin a la monarquía de Alfonso XIII y proclamar la Segunda República Española.
1936 - Guerra civil española: comienza la Batalla de Sierra Guadalupe por la cual el ejército republicano sufre una nueva derrota en la zona de Guadalupe, Trujillo y Navalmoral de la Mata.
1939 - Segunda Guerra Mundial: en Alemania se conforma la 206.º División de Infantería.
1942 - Segunda Guerra Mundial: marines norteamericanos desembarcan en la isla de Makin (Butaritari).
1943 - Segunda Guerra Mundial: El 7º Ejército de los Estados Unidos bajo el mando del General George S. Patton llega a Messina (Italia). Pocas horas llegaría el 8º Ejército británico del general Bernard Montgomery, con lo que se completa la conquista aliada de Sicilia.
1943 - Segunda Guerra Mundial: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt y William Lyon Mackenzie King se encuentran en Quebec.
1945 - Sukarno y Mohammad Hatta proclaman la independencia de Indonesia con respecto a los Países Bajos.
1947 - se crea la línea Radcliffe, la frontera entre India y Pakistán.
1949 - en Santiago de Chile, Carabineros reprime una manifestación que se realizaba desde el día anterior ― (Revuelta de la Chaucha).
1958 - Pioneer 0 supone el primer intento de lanzamiento de un cohete lunar.
1959 - en Estados Unidos un terremoto de 7,5 grados sacude el Parque Nacional Yellowstone, Montana, creando el lago Quake.
1960 - en África, Gabón se independiza de Francia.
1970 - la Unión Soviética lanza la sonda espacial Venera 7 a Venus, aterrizando y transmitiendo datos desde su superficie.
1977 - en Francia se estrena Ese oscuro objeto del deseo.
1982 - se comercializa los Compact Disc (CDs) en Alemania.
1988 - el presidente de Pakistán Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq y el embajador Arnold Raphel mueren en un accidente de avión.
1989 - en Argentina se sanciona la Ley de Reforma del Estado, que da inicio a un proceso privatizador en el país.
1993 - El cantante de pop latino español Alejandro Sanz, lanza al mercado su álbum titulado Si tú me miras.
1998 - en Estados Unidos, el presidente Bill Clinton admite en testimonio haber tenido "relaciones físicas impropias" con la becaria de la Casa Blanca, Monica Lewinsky (caso Lewinsky).
2002 - en Dresde, Alemania, el desbordamiento del río Elba alcanza el mismo nivel que la inundación histórica del 31 de marzo de 1845.
2004 - César Costa es nombrado embajador de la UNICEF para México.
2008 - el nadador estadounidense Michael Phelps se coniverte en la primera persona que gana ocho medallas de oro en unos Juegos Olímpicos.
La cita de hoy.
Los políticos son siempre lo mismo. Prometen construir un puente aunque no haya río.
Nikita Jrushchov (1894-1971) Político ruso.
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Originally called the “Northeast Quarter”, Hubbardston was part of Rutland until it was incorporated as a separate town in 1767. It was named for Thomas Hubbard, a prominent Bostonian who served several years as the Massachusetts Speaker of the House of Representatives and was the treasurer of Harvard College for 17 years.
Hubbard was an extensive landowner in several central Massachusetts towns. Tradition says that in view of the honor of giving his name to the town, he promised to provide the glass for the windows of the first meeting house built in town. To make his liberality more conspicuous, the people planned for extra windows. Hubbard died in 1773, and his estate was so complicated that the town of Hubbardston received nothing and was obliged to glaze the windows at its own expense.
The first settler was Eleazer Brown, who came from Rutland in 1737. Mr. Brown was provided 60 acres (240,000 m2) by the proprietors and operated a hotel used by surveyors and trappers passing through this wilderness. Until 1746, Mr. Brown and his wife were the only inhabitants of Hubbardston. After Eleazer’s death (it is said that he was killed by a deer), Mrs. Brown was the only occupant of town for several years and kept a public house for prominent travelers. In 1749 Israel Green moved into Hubbardston. His daughter, Molly Green, is reported to be the first child born in Hubbardston. Mr. Green was the first chairman of the board of selectmen.
By the 19th century, dairy and berry farming and market gardening were major enterprises. Immigrants from Ireland, French Canada, England, Sweden and Finland moved to town to work on local farms.
The town’s early economy was based on agriculture and small-scale chair, boot and shoe manufacturing. It is described by historians as a poor town, sparsely settled and almost wholly agricultural, but having sawmills, potash works and cottage industries such as the making of palm leaf hats. Dairy and berry farming and market gardening were major pursuits in the town.
Hubbardston was represented by 65 men during the Revolutionary War. Hubbardston furnished 164 men during the Civil War, and 44 were killed or died of illness.
The Hubbardston Public Library was founded in 1872, and originally housed its collection of books in the local Mechanics Hall. In 1874, Jonas G. Clark, a native of Hubbardston and founder of Clark University, purchased the Main Street Property and funded the construction of the brick and stone library building.
The building is in the Second Empire/Italianate style and was designed by Elbridge Boyden and Son, of Worcester. In September 1875, the Hubbardston Public Library opened the doors at its 7 Main Street location, where you can find it today. The first floor was originally half library, half post office, hence the pained plaques you might notice flanking the front door. The gallery level was added to the rear of the building in 1929. Many residents recall the gallery’s original translucent glass floor. The property underwent a historical restoration project in 2000 to address many of its needed repairs and is looking quite grand for its age of 128 years.
Hubbardston is home to the invention of the first backhoe swing frame developed in July 1947 by Vaino J. Holopainen (pronounced “Waino”) and Roy E. Handy, Jr., (thus the company name “Wain-Roy”) and assigned to Wain-Roy Corporation of Hubbardston, MA. In July 1948, patent # 2,698,697 was filed by Vaino J. Holopainen.
The Hubbardston Public Library was founded in 1872, and originally housed its collection of books in the local Mechanics Hall. In 1874, Jonas G. Clark, a native of Hubbardston and founder of Clark University, purchased the Main Street Property and funded the construction of the brick and stone library building.
On the afternoon of June 22, 1981, a confirmed F3 tornado touched down in Hubbardston northwest of the town center, causing significant damage.
Today, Hubbardston, MA is a quintessential country town where people value the pristine, quiet surroundings. The community is well run by dedicated local officials and the school system provides an excellent education for the children. The Hubbardston Center School is located in down town Hubbardston and the Quabbin Regional School is located in Barre.
The town has wonderful activities for people from all walks of life including the Barre Falls Dam with Frisbee golf, hiking, amazing waterfall; the Hubbardston Rec Fields with ball fields, play grounds, and skateboard park; Asnacomet Pond (Comet Pond) with boat launch, beaches, and fishing; Mare Meadow Reservoir for amazing fishing; and the Country Hen, which has great organic eggs.
Come take a ride through this boucolic country town and discover a beautiful community steeped in local history.
source http://secondchanceautofinance.org/worcester-county-massachusetts-bad-credit-auto-loans/hubbardston-ma-bad-credit-car-loans/
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thefanboyseo · 7 years
Manila, Philippines (August 14, 2017) — OPPO’s partnership with Star Magic for this year’s All-Star Game has been filled with action-packed moments, all captured by OPPO F3. This year’s exhibition basketball match featured two teams composed of Star Magic’s male artists, headed by Kapamilya heartthrobs, Daniel Padilla (Team Red) and Gerald Anderson (Team Blue), last August 13 at the Araneta Coliseum.
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 Fans cheered their hearts out as both teams battled it out on court.  Young JV Kapunan and OPPO’s very own brand ambassador Ronnie Alonte performed their heroics as they put their teams ahead of the game.
Spotted on the red team sidelines is Kathryn Bernardo, who initiated the ceremonial photo before the official start of the game.
The first two quarters started off with both teams thriving their very best on the way to the top. While some of the male artists were consistently being called out by the referees for violations, some players such as Young JV, Ronnie Alonte, Axel Torres, and the team captains focused their head on the game.
Fans were in for another treat with surprise performances from their favorite Kapamilya artists during the half-time. Among the stars who graced and performed were Jona, loveteams MayWard and KissMarc.
The second half of the game got more intense as both teams strived harder to gain advantage over the other. Controlling the pace for Team Blue are Young JV, JC De Vera, and Gerald Anderson.
While OPPO influencer Ronnie Alonte primes Team Red’s leverage during the last quarter, who finished with a total of 38 points. Another stand-out from Team Red is Axel Torres who helped pull three-pointers for his team.
This year’s mythical five consisted of team captains, Gerald Anderson and Daniel Padilla, Young JV Kapunan, Zanjoe Marudo, and Ronnie Alonte. Awarded as the Most Valuable Player of the game is team captain Gerald Anderson who acknowledged his team’s strong collaboration for his strong performance on court.
Despite the intense action on-court, winners of the special award of OPPO Selfie Ready Trio were Gerald Anderson, Zanjoe Marudo, and Ronnie Alonte for looking fresh and ready for a selfie anytime.
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“OPPO’s partnership with Star Magic All-Star was definitely a success. The objectives of the game are to promote sportsmanship among Star Magic’s male artists and to treat OPPO’s loyal fans through a one-of-a-kind basketball match.  OPPO is all about capturing the best moments in life with just one click and we’re glad that OPPO have made this possible. Not only did the fans enjoyed the intense game between the two teams, the game also served as the perfect venue for them to actually capture the best and extreme moments on and off court using their OPPO smartphone.”,  said Stephen Cheng, OPPO Philippines Brand Marketing Manager.
The greatest moments on court were captured using the expert selfie smartphone OPPO F3, with its dual selfie camera for wide-angle selfies. Perfect for taking the live action happening on court, OPPO F3 has 4GB of RAM made for multi-tasking, a 64GB of storage for action-packed photos and videos, and a 13MP rear camera.
Watch the entire action-packed game of both teams on August 20, in ABS-CBN Channel 2, right after ASAP and ABS- CBN Sports + Action, 8PM.
Expect more exciting court action from OPPO as they become the official Mobile Phone partner of Gilas Pilipinas in the hopes of giving pride and glory to our country. Watch out for more updates via the OPPO Philippines Facebook Fan Page.
Oppo Celebrates Sportsmanship at the Star Magic Oppo All-Star Game Manila, Philippines (August 14, 2017) — OPPO’s partnership with Star Magic for this year’s All-Star Game has been filled with action-packed moments, all captured by OPPO F3.
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felassanis · 5 years
Headcanons of stuff that happened in my Fallout 3 story
1. When my Lone Wanderer enters Rivet City and sees Dr Li for the first time, Dr Li doesn’t comment on the Wanderer’s likeness to James. Instead, she gasps, shocked as she thinks she’s seeing a ghost and she shouts “Catherine!?” Believing for a moment that her old colleague is alive. My Lone is visibly confused until Dr Li calms herself down and she says she looks just like her mother, and they proceed to talk about James. I just think with a male lone wanderer her thinking he looks like James makes sense, but for a female LW, it makes more sense for Dr Li to say she bears a resemblance to Catherine.
2. In the Tranquil Lane (Or whatever the simulation is called) as soon as my Lone enters the pre-war realm James instantly recognises his daughter. His little girl, 10 years old once more. He thinks it’s something in the simulation trying to trick him, the mad scientist’s way of tormenting him. The dog starts to whine and cry a bit. It’s tough for James to see his little girl at an age when everything seemed so simple.
3. James has always been wary of Butch. He doesn’t think the boy is a bad kid, but he has a rocky home life. And James knows that can lead to tumultuous and erratic behaviour. So the fact that Butch has a switchblade genuinely makes him worried for his daughter’s safety and other Vault dwellers. One night, he finds a drunk 17-year-old Butch stumbling about angrily. James tries to calm him down but Butch goes for his blade, and it's here that Jame’s Wastelander side comes out because next thing James has Butch’s arm bent and pressed against his own back and the switchblade has been snatched and James is holding it tightly while he’s restraining Butch. It all happened so fast and James didn’t even think about what he was doing, it was just instinct. Butch remembers that moment and forever wondered where the hell the old man learnt such moves being stuck in the vault. Obviously, things become clearer in later years...They never talked about it.
4. Butch has an obsession with his hair. Will spend hours if he must getting it just right. He doesn’t just wake up like this you know!
5. Butch meeting James Hargrave? Ouch. Yeah, Butch makes sure him and Lone talk to James whenever they’re in Rivet City. He looks out for the kid and Butch rents our a constant room in Rivet City’s hotel so James can go there if he needs an escape.
6. In fact, because you meet Butch in the Muddy Rudder I believe he adopted his mom’s drinking habits but upon meeting James and his mother Tammy as well as some encouragement from my Lone Butch drops alcohol and only ever has some if he’s celebrating. He won’t become his mother.
7. Amata never really dates anyone. Her father is really controlling; I mean he goes into all of her doctor appointments as stated by James in his terminal so she has zero privacy but if we get into the mindset of the other vault dwellers...Alfonse is a bully, a bully who is very protective of his daughter. Dating Amata is just a bad idea, she’s pretty and sweet but no one can get over that looming shadow that is the Overseer that hangs over her. 
8. The only reason the Tunnel Snakes pick on Amata is because of Wally. Wally has a huge crush on Amata but because his mates keep telling him “Dating Almodovar is a terrible idea,” and they call her fat and daddy’s little girl, it hinders his intention to ever ask her out. I mean, Butch and co are arseholes anyway in their teenage years so they pick on anyone but Butch has his rivalry with Lone, Amata doesn’t really cross his mind. Wally picks on her simply because he likes her and so he’s the one that instigates any bullying towards her. The difference between him and Butch is that Wally is a bit more...abusive. He’s grown up with fucking EVIL men in his life and it’s the only way he knows how. It ain’t good.
9. The Lone Wanderer CRINGES during the holotape recording found in her father’s old office in the Project Purity building. Yeah, it’s sweet but she’s hearing the moment before her father and her mother have sex it’s WEIRD.
10. Dr Li has to drag and slap The Lone Wanderer when James dies because she just won’t move.
11. Speaking of Dr Li, she stays with Lone and looks out for her. It’s painful for Li to see the kid of Catherine and James, looking at Lone she can’t help but be reminded of them. When Lone ‘Dies’ completing Project Purity Dr Li is fucking OUT of there. She leaves the Capital Wasteland for good. The woman needs a break.
12. When Lone fixes the pipes in Megaton she sits on Charon’s shoulders so she doesn't have to climb and break her neck scouring the crooked buildings and pipes trying to get to the leaky ones.
13. When Lone ‘dies’ Charon and Butch stay together. It’s kinda like “Well...we only have each other know I guess?” Like it's just them clinging to some familiarity after Lone ‘dies’. But its this period where the two go from indifferent strangers only connected through another person to genuine buddies.
14. I don’t believe for A SECOND that BITCH DELORIA walked to the other end of the fucking Captial Wasteland utterly unharmed. like, Rivet City is fucking FAR from Vault 101. I got my ass beat by a lady chilling in her hoodie in a shitty house and got chewed up by an ant just on the outskirts of Megaton! You can’t sell me the idea that this twink straight outta the vault wandered MILES AND MILES through Super Mutant infested deserts and city ruins to Rivet City without a scratch. Don’t be stupid Bethesda! Butch Deloria walked out the Vault WITH the Lone Wanderer where they came to an agreement.
15. The Agreement was that Lone would escort Butch to Rivet City after he complains non-stop about what a shit hole Megaton was, and on the way, she’ll teach him how to survive. After that? they’ll never see each other again. Obviously, this plan goes wrong because of...well. Enemies to lovers and 19 looks good on Butch Deloria and my Lone Wanderer.
15. Charon enters the irradiated chamber where James died so that he can give Lone a proper burial for her dad. Dr Li reveals they buried Catherine near the water at Jefferson Memorial so they bury him next to her.
16. Amata and my Lone Wanderer DO NOT end on good terms and this stems from my own reaction the first time I finished Trouble on the Homefront. I killed Alfonse during the beginning and you can’t talk down Alan Mack so I get where she’s coming from, my Lone is the Overseer killer and she’s dangerous as well as a tad bit unstable but I was MAD. I was so pissed off that she called me all the way out the 101, didn’t even ask how I was or what I had been through and then begs me to solve their shit out only for her first order as Overseer to boot me out! I lost my dad and now you’re kicking me out a SECOND TIME?! Fuck you Amata.
17. Personally, when Jonas died I took his glasses and when I got a house in Megaton I kept them on my desk. As a little thing to remember the sweetest guy in Vault 101 who did not deserve it. So yeah, my Lone does that.
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songwriternews · 3 years
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Live to Party
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By Jonas Brothers
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Emerging Songwriters & Artists – Songwriter News has evolved into a slick robust music press platform with a smart trendy multi-platform adaptive appearance and an increasing level of site traffic which numbers approx 30,000 page views per week – circa 120,000+ page views per month.
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songwriternews · 3 years
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Live to Party
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By Jonas Brothers
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All of the Artists Featured on our pages are already getting lots of publicity everywhere!
Emerging Songwriters & Artists – Songwriter News has evolved into a slick robust music press platform with a smart trendy multi-platform adaptive appearance and an increasing level of site traffic which numbers approx 30,000 page views per week – circa 120,000+ page views per month.
Fans and followers – Get access to the Latest upcoming hits and stars before everyone else ! – Artists and Songwriters get your music in front of our fast growing audience !! 
Now Independent songwriters and artists have access to our platform via our online Press-Room where it is possible to create your very own press release and run a campaign to gain the attention of industry, fans, followers and other site visitors.Find out more by clicking on Press Room in the menu above. Businesses – Studios, Producers , Music Coaches Event Organisers – We have a place for you on our pages too – Click on the Advertising section to see our banner advertising rates and Find Your tribe with SongwriterNews.
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songwriternews · 4 years
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Burnin' Up
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By Jonas Brothers
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All of the Artists Featured on our pages are already getting lots of publicity everywhere!
Emerging Songwriters & Artists – Songwriter News has evolved into a slick robust music press platform with a smart trendy multi-platform adaptive appearance and an increasing level of site traffic which numbers approx 30,000 page views per week – circa 120,000+ page views per month.
Fans and followers – Get access to the Latest upcoming hits and stars before everyone else ! – Artists and Songwriters get your music in front of our fast growing audience !! 
Now Independent songwriters and artists have access to our platform via our online Press-Room where it is possible to create your very own press release and run a campaign to gain the attention of industry, fans, followers and other site visitors.Find out more by clicking on Press Room in the menu above. Businesses – Studios, Producers , Music Coaches Event Organisers – We have a place for you on our pages too – Click on the Advertising section to see our banner advertising rates and Find Your tribe with SongwriterNews.
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