#jonathan sims and ford pines are the same person
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wow these spot the difference games are getting harder and harder
i didn’t draw the picture of jon it was by wellotwig on twitter
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relatableblorbopoll · 6 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 8
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls)
"there are so many things wrong with this man i feel a kinship with him. Also the neurodivergency"
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
"he's a young child who is incredibly autistic (maybe a technology special interest, tail wagging could be interpreted as a stim, he is a fox and foxes have a gene variant linked to autism, etc) and incredibly humble and loyal to sonic. however he does feel like he may be a burden to him, as discussed in sonic frontiers. T: sonic, am i a burden to you? S: wow, and how did you come to this well thought out concern? T: whenever there's a crisis, i'm either running away or standing on the sidelines! you're always rescuing me, and all i do is follow you around! in the adventure era, there was some character development where he learned to grow into his own person (well. you know what i mean) kinda (he saved an entire city which isn't why he's relatable it's the growing into your own person thing) he was also bullied for having two tails before he met sonic. sonic saved him from his bullies which is how they met 👍 he is literally me"
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
"- emotionally repressed - socially awkward - ace"
Ford Prefect (The Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy)
"he’s very trans and autistic coded at least in my mind, and he has the fashion sense of a loser transmasc lesbian. he cracks stupid jokes all the time, changes the subject with absolutely no warning, he’s simultaneously the most likable and most annoying character in the book, he’s so me"
Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor)
"My brother got me into The Good Doctor. The only difference between my personality and Shaun's personality is my crippling social anxiety. I'm completely serious, my behavior when prior to developing social anxiety was identical to Shaun's (by which I mean I once shouted "I'm sharpening my pencil" in second grade completely unprovoked because I had no concept of it being socially inappropriate). Genuinely if I didn't have social anxiety, I would constantly be in a state of "hes just like me fr" and it would make complete sense to anyone who knows me and also watches The Good Doctor. Also keeping notes on flirting and keeping track of when people are flirting with each other around your workplace, which is a hospital, is a massive mood. That whole thing is basically him going around to colleagues and saying "this colleague was flirting with you! :D" and refusing to elaborate, then leaving. I love it and if I wasn't terrified of judgement I'd do the same thing."
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Franchise)
"Transgender. To me. Also very sarcastic. Idk how to explain, my brain is too smooth and he just me"
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