#jonathan speaks of it like a lawful marriage bc to him and the others it makes no difference
weepylucifer · 2 years
So good to know that we're all thinking that Arthur and Seward are happily married To Each Other. Love that for them 💖
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hi, I'm a lesbian Christian. I have a very strong faith but the one thing I can't get over is how in the Bible marriage is only described as between a man and a woman. I'm very much looking forward to marrying my future wife, but what does God/the Bible think about it ? how does God still support me if I'm "not allowed" to marry a woman? thank you in advance♥️
Hey sapphic sis! Do I have news for you! There are gays in our very own Bible! Just mistranslated!
So lemme tell you bout my boys David and Jonathan. (I'mma be getting most of my stuff from this site which does an awesome job at explaining it http://hoperemains.webs.com/samesexmarriage.htm but tbh you can find this stuff everywhere)
(here’s another one that’s a bit of an easier read
http://qspirit.net/david-jonathan-same-sex-love/ ) 
So 1 Samuel 18 gives us a pretty good idea of how in love these two idiots were. It says their souls were intertwined in the first verse. In 1 Samuel 20:41, when they reunited after they’d been separated, they literally cried and made out until David got a boner. (Most modern translations leave out the erection bit, but this is what the original text says). Then after Jonathan dies, David goes on about how broken up he is about it and says he preferred the love of Jonathan to that of any woman (since it was improper for men and women, especially of that standing, to be friends or speak to each other outside of a romantic/sexual context, we can assume this wasn’t just his way of saying “Bros before hoes”)
“But Sarah!” You say, “I know my Bible! David didn’t marry Jonathan! He married his sister Michal!”Look at you, knowing your Bible. I’m proud of you. But you fail to know context, my youngling. In that time period, the government wasn’t involved in marriage- it consisted of about two things: a promise and a u-haul. Even if a couple was only betrothed, unfaithfulness is a serious thing and the word for the splitting after that is the same as “divorce” in the original text (we can see an example of this in the story of Mary and Joseph). 
1 Samuel 18:3-4 shows David and Jonathan making a covenant and then getting naked so there’s that. Then David moves in with Jonathan and his fam. Still not convinced they were married? We actually have clarification in the original text, but modern translations mix up the words! Geez I wonder why! 1 Samuel 18:21 cites Saul telling David that once he marries Michal, he will be his “son in law through one of the two”. It’s assumed by the reader that this is referencing the almost-betrothal of David to yet another royal sibling, Mehab, who refused the marriage. Maybe she had a good gaydar or wasn’t gonna steal her brother’s man, idk. Except here’s the thing. The translation of the King James version completely makes up the words “one of”. It should read that David will be Saul’s “son in saw through two”. 👀👀👀☕☕☕ 
Yes, David had other wives, and children. Polygamy was very common back then, especially for a king such as he. But he never expressed the same love he did for Jonathan for any woman in scripture. 
This is just one of the several examples of same sex couples, one of the most notorious being the roman centurion and his bf, whom Jesus blessed. You can find more examples in those two links up top.It’s unfortunate that I don’t know of any cool biblical examples for us wlw, it’s one of the side effects of history forgetting genders besides male exist.Honestly though, are there really any good examples of couples in the Bible? Adam and Eve literally brought sin into the world, God told Sarah and Abraham were told they were gonna have kids and they basically went “lol u wild” and didn’t believe him so. It’s not like the God gave us great straight examples of what a biblical marriage is supposed to look like practically (song of solomon is just a bunch of gushing over each other). 
So what I mean to say is this: you are allowed to marry woman. God loves you whoever you marry, if you decide to marry at all. If you have more doubts, scroll through my apologetics tag or message me with your questions. I love you and so does God and I hope this helped and I hope you have a great day!! 
tl;dr David and Jonathan were super gay for each other and God put it in the Bible but homophobes messed it up but it doesn’t matter bc God Loves The Gays
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