xxkittenbebexx · 2 years
The fact that i still hate some of you for what you have done to Wonho is insane.
And i still hate you for hurting and crushing Minhyuk, Shownu, Hyungwon, Changkyun, Kihyun and even more for the state of stress you put Jooheon.
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justsomekpopstuff · 6 months
monsta x as d&d characters
NOTE: Remember, these are just my opinion and how I would classify them in D&D. You can have your own perspective, just don't be a hater about it. I also know that my D&D knowledge isn't perfect. Don't judge me.
Shoutout to @vesvosmozhno who encouraged and awaited this post! You are awesome, and thank you for all your support!
current masterlist | fic recs
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Shownu: Half-Orc Barbarian
Shownu was born and raised into a communal clan of half-orcs, living in isolation from the rest of the world. While he did have parents, he really was raised by the entire group, with each member teaching him every skill they could. As he grew, he eventually became a proficient blacksmith, becoming the official apprentice for the clan. Everything was peaceful - until it wasn't. One day, the village was attacked by a group of raiders who had a particular hatred for half-orcs, wanting them to suffer. The raiders were destroying everything in their path, taking anyone and anything they could get their hands on. Shownu, who happened to be finishing his shift at the blacksmith's, ran out to the commotion, newly forged and sharpened axes in his hands. After witnessing the terror for himself, Shownu's rage became too much to handle. Despite his typically peaceful nature, he blazed through the raiders, as if the axes were made to be in his hands. When the raiders realized there was no stopping him, they ran, never to be seen again. While the village stood silent, marveling in Shownu's show of strength and fury, all he could care about was going back and fixing the damage to the shop, as well as what he was going to eat for lunch. That day, without him knowing, his people deemed him the town protector, knowing that his love for his village and his might would protect them from any danger - even with his peaceful demeanor.
Wonho: Human Druid
Wonho doesn’t have any memory of where he really came from. All he knew was that as a small child, he wandered into the feywild and was adopted by the people there. They showed him all sorts of magic, but quickly learned that he loved animal magic the most. As he grew, they focused more on teaching him the lessons of animal magic, and Wonho quickly became a druid prodigy. Befitting for his gentle temperament, the feywild people bestowed upon him the power to transform into a small lop-eared rabbit, with a nature as gentle as himself. After bestowing this gift upon him, the feywild people gave Wonho a mission: go into the human world, and show the power of love and kindness to those who are most in need of it. Each village he approached, he approached with kindness and curiosity, which was off putting to most of the locals. However, those who saw his genuineness and appreciation for learning welcomed him. Wonho quickly learned he had a soft spot for the orphanages of the villages, seeing how much in-need the young children were of love and kindness. Wonho became a regular presence, often showing up in his rabbit form to greet the children as they played. He rarely showed his human form to them until one night, when he was caught sneaking in extra food rations by the head of the orphanage. The head of the orphanage watched as Wonho got so spooked by his presence that he accidentally shifted into his rabbit form, exposing himself as a druid - and the one that was giving comfort to the children. The orphanage owner, instead of kicking Wonho out, allowed Wonho to stay and work at the orphanage as a caretaker for the children. Needless to say, the children were incredibly overjoyed at his presence, both animal and human. Wonho knew from then on, his mission would always be complete.
Minhyuk: Tiefling Rogue
From the time he was born, Minhyuk knew that he was meant to be a showman. As a small child he would regularly pretend to be different characters, creating new stories of people and things from far-off lands. However, because of his appearance and infernal nature, his theatricality was often seen as a threat by the other children. Being a tiefling was seen as a curse. Despite those who tried to make him feel ashamed for who he was, Minhyuk never gave up on his dream. However, as much as he put on a brave face, he could never deny that the words of the ignorant cut him to his core. One day, it became all too much. He saw the horrible paintings on his home, depicting him as nothing more than an awful monster, a creature never to be respected. That night, he packed his things and ran, never to return to his hometown again. Every village he wandered into, he found the outcasts, the odd-ones-out, and the rejected. To each of them, he gave kindness and respect, and shared his dream of creating a show where no one would have to be ashamed of who they were. Eventually, he had a whole group of followers, and their dream began to take shape. Every talent, magic, look, and style were welcome in Minhyuk’s show. He would make sure they were all introduced with respect and lauded with praise. Anyone who dared try to ridicule his fellow performers would quickly be met with Minhyuk’s legendary infernal wrath. While his show was still met with the usual group of detractors and protestors, Minhyuk knew that he was doing what he was meant to. His dream of showmanship, and showing the world what those who are rejected are capable of, all came together. No matter what, he never let the hatred get to him anymore.
Kihyun: Half-Siren Bard
Kihyun was born on a boat to a sea-faring family, but ships are not friendly places to small children. There was a massive storm that tossed him overboard, and because of his age, he began to drown. That was, until he felt two arms scoop him up and the air returned to his lungs. He would learn that he was saved by a siren queen who had taken pity on him and bestowed him with some of the powers of the sirens. Kihyun was raised with the pod, never really questioning why he was the only one without a tail, scales, or gills. To him, they were the only family he actually knew. He grew up singing, his voice becoming a unique and alluring power that benefited him greatly; and, because of his mostly human origins, he would learn that he is the only “siren” that could walk between sea and land. When Kihyun reached adulthood, he decided to leave the pod and venture onto land full time, promising his mother the siren queen to never forget his true self. He wandered onto the shores and began his new life, humming his way through local villages. Because of the alluring tone of his singing, he quickly drew crowds. Local taverns tripped over each other to try and get him to perform, and Kihyun found himself obliging all of them, bouncing to a different one each night. However, this quickly became too much for Kihyun. He decided to become an apprentice at a local bakery, where his skill with baked goods nearly outshone his talents for music. Every now and again, the owner of the bakery would open the door to the shop to let the locals hear Kihyun’s humming as he worked. One day, an elderly member of the village came into the bakery, and Kihyun recognized them as the owner of one of the oldest, smallest taverns in the village. Kihyun felt it was fate as the tavern owner lamented over how few patrons came through their doors. Kihyun volunteered to help, scheduling a performance for that night at the old tavern that brought in nearly the entire village. Seeing the smile on the tavern owner’s face as he sang brought so much joy to Kihyun’s heart that he announced to the village that this would be the only tavern he would perform in. From then on, Kihyun was a baker’s assistant by day, and a tavern singer by night. He finally felt whole both of his worlds finally at peace with each other.
Hyungwon: Human Ranger
From his earliest memories, the only human person that Hyungwon ever knew was his grandfather. Living in the middle of nowhere, on the outskirts of society, Hyungwon was raised to trust and respect the land around him, and was taught how to survive in the harshest of conditions. Despite his disdain for exerting extreme amounts of energy, Hyungwon became a skilled survivalist. Eventually, his grandfather passed away, and Hyungwon was driven to live out in the wild on his own. Because he didn’t really have anyone else, Hyungwon found himself connecting more with the wild, especially with the animals. This led to him discovering his ability to summon an animal companion to keep him company. This animal companion, or companions, became a hoard of rats he accumulated while on the road, with their leader, whom Hyungwon named Ratrick. Every now and again, whenever he realized that he was running low on supplies that he couldn’t make or find himself, Hyungwon (having a small existential crisis) forced himself to wander into local villages to restock. He would use Ratrick and his hoard rats to gather what they could before he had to step in and do it himself. Anything he could do to avoid people, he’d do it. The only person who ever made the effort to become friends with Hyungwon and give him one small connection to society was Shownu. The only reason that this happened was because Shownu almost killed Hyungwon by accident after he found Hyungwon sneaking large amounts of snacks out of the community pantry. Shownu saw that despite Hyungwon's incredible reflexes and skill, that all Hyungwon really wanted was to be. Just be. So, Shownu gave Hyungwon the supplies he needed and told Hyungwon that if he ever wanted a place to return to, that he would always have one in Shownu's village. That one connection was all Hyungwon needed in the world - that and Ratrick.
Jooheon: Human Sorcerer
Even though he would deny it, the village where he was born called Jooheon a miracle. For many generations, the village had been plagued by a militant occupation of power and money-hungry warlords. These warlords would regularly steal children as young as infants to raise them to be pieces of their military machine. Jooheon’s family did everything they could to keep his birth a secret, but his presence was felt all the way to the Feywild. The Fae decided to bless Jooheon with magic abilities - a jack-of-all-trades magic that would help him on his quest to freedom. Despite his blessing, Jooheon grew up hidden and isolated. His parents told him stories passed down from those before them of how the village used to be free until the warmongers had taken over. Every story fueled Jooheon to want to take action, and so he grew his magic to one day bring that liberation to his village. As an adult, with his Fae blessing fully charged, he made his presence known with explosions, taking out many of the warmonger’s bases. Cultivating all of his power, he blew through the warmonger’s encampments. By the time dawn began to break, not a single leader was left. The village was finally free - but, what now? Jooheon spent days in the village, ensuring everyone that he was force of good, and working with the other villagers to liberate all of the lost children that had been stolen from them. As more weeks passed, Jooheon began to feel more like there was something more left for him to do. As the village got back on its feet, free of their militant oppressors, Jooheon felt more and more useless, and his family could sense it. And so, they knew to let him go. They knew, with his Fae blessing, he would become a powerful freedom fighter that would bring liberation to countless people - just as he was born to do.
Chankgyun: Half-Elf Bard
Changkyun was born into a family of bardic singers, beloved by the humans and elvish. Everyone born into the family was blessed with a beautiful voice, and joined in the family choir once they came of age. That was, until Changkyun came along. When he became old enough to start his training to join the family, they learned something quite jarring - Changkyun couldn’t sing at all. No matter what they tried, he just could not sing to their standards; and so, they gave up on him. Every time they would travel to a new town to perform, Chankgyun’s family would sit him in the very back of the tavern while they performed. One night when he was a tween, and they saw him scribbling away on some paper. When they snatched the paper away from him, they saw that this whole time he had been writing lyrics -lyrics for him to perform. At first they laughed, reminding Changkyun that he was tone-deaf, but then he opened his mouth and began to rap the lyrics to perfection. His musicality, despite not singing, rendered his family speechless, as they never realized that talent could look different than what they expected. And so, Changkyun’s family gave him permission to join the family choir - an offer that he quickly refused. Chankgyun knew he was meant for more, and the fact that it took them until now to realize it never sat well for him. He walked off into the night, lyrics and a small drum in tow. On Chankgyun’s travels, he grew his skills of rhythm and rap. His unique musical stylings (and sporadic d*ck jokes) enthralled every village and town he came across. Despite being more shy and quiet when not performing, his stage persona was goofy, flirtatious, and a little bit of a menace. Every now and again, when he would have to interact with fans on the road, he’d break out the persona - an act that would regularly get him into trouble. There was an incident where he accidentally got engaged to a half-orc that he sweet-talked…he doesn’t like to talk about it. But, with every adventure and every song, he felt more and more free. He was no longer the “tone-deaf outcast”, but a creative spirit in his own right - one that he was meant to be all along. His talents helped him connect to so many on the outskirts, including Minhyuk, Jooheon and the others. Changkyun knew from then on that he would never be tossed aside again.
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jooheonspinky · 1 year
Kpop Dream Log 35: with Jooheon and BamBam and JB of got7
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April 11, 2022, Monday
I worked somewhere where I got to see Jooheon often. I don’t know if he worked there too or if it was just a place he frequented. I had left to go to a friend’s house and part way there, my car's headlights flicker and go out. It’s night time and I freak out so instead of continuing, I head back to work. I see Jooheon and tell him what happened and he helps me get my lights working again. It takes a while, but he finally fixes my headlights and I’m on my way again.
At the friend’s house, I get something to eat and see my sister is there. Once we are done we pass through a living room where I find these weird lace undies that has a pad on it. My sister and I are grossed out and run outside to take the stairs up to the second floor which is the friend’s room. Our friend is a guy, but I can’t remember who. They have this big bed, like a California King size and they are lying on it sideways watching a game show on tv so we join him on the bed. 
He asks what took so long and I tell him what happened. My sister and I start talking about Jooheon and she tells me I should say something to him and stop letting so much time pass before I lose him for real.
By then two other guy friends have shown up and they are cheesin' and making immature sounds like “ooh” and giggling because apparently, everyone knows I like Jooheon. One guy looked like JB now that I think about it and the other I do remember to be BamBam.
So BamBam says, “You have to make the first move. My boy is too shy. He’s not going to say anything.”
I get embarrassed and say I need to go shower, but then I realize I left my overnight bag at home so I have no clean underwear, jamas, or clothes for that matter. I fall back on the bed in frustration and in comes Jooheon!
I’m mortified!
The room grows quiet except for the random snickering from the guys. My sister pretends she had to go do something downstairs and leaves hoping the guys will take the hint. 
They don’t 😒
BamBam gives me the look like “say something” so (I’m back to lying on my side on the bed) I look up at Jooheon and outstretch my hand. He reaches down and I wrap my hand around his index and middle fingers. I’m looking up at him and he is just so freaking gorgeous my words get stuck in my throat. He’s got a white t-shirt on and his hair is a light orange color parted off-center.
Finally I speak.
As I playfully swing our hands gently side to side, I say “Thank you for helping me today, Jooheony.” I can hear the guys snickering, but try and ignore them. Jooheon gives me a small shy smile and his dimples show up. “I was scared driving in the dark with no lights, so I’m grateful you were still there to help me.”
“It's not a problem,” he says to me. “I don’t mind helping you, Ingrid.”
JB points out, “Didn’t you help her with her lights recently?” We both look over at him. “At this point, I feel like you only pretended to fix it the first time, just so you can help her again.”
Jooheon blushes and tsk, “Yah, aish. It’s not like that.”
I stand up so I can be closer to him and hopefully talk to him without the others hearing. 
“Jooheon, I wanted to tell you something.” I’m sure I look like I’m about to be sick because he straightens and looks at me with concern. Drawing up my last bit of courage I confess, “I like you…a lot and is why I go to you. Because I trust you and you are kind and always willing to help and that all draws me to you.”
I can’t remember what he says, but he’s shocked at first and then he gets shy to the point that when he starts talking it’s in a little bit of a baby/aegyo voice. I think real life me was too focused on the sound of his voice that I completely missed what his response was. Whatever it was was positive because my heart was racing and I was smiling and then the guys started teasing us.
We hug and BamBam is like, “We have to try this game.”
So, I’ve never seen this game before in real life, but it reminded me a little of the one that throws whip cream in your face except this one shot milk threw a tube in the middle if you got an answer wrong. 
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BamBam poses a question to me before I can say yes or no whether I want to play. Did I mention I was also wearing a white shirt? A v-neck at that, so I had a very small bit of cleavage showing. Anyway, whatever he asked I got it wrong and I scream when the cold ass milk squirts out and completely soaks my chest and top part of my shirt.
Suddenly, I’m see through and BamBam is just hysterical laughing and JB is giggling. At some point my friend had stepped out and then Jooheon is just wide eyed, trying so hard not to look at my boobs. 
Jooheon takes my hand and tells me, “Come on. I’ll get you some of my clothes to change into.”
I remember being worried I wouldn’t fit in them and him assuring me I would. I remember looking back over my shoulder as Jooheon tugged me along to see BamBam wink and smirk at me as if his plan to get us together had worked and then I woke up.
Moodboard credits
Dream Log Masterlist
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monsterhigh-cb · 2 years
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Jaemin: Hello. Welcome to the Jaemin show. I'm going to be running things around here. Today we are having a fashion show where everyone is going to show their best outfits. I designed them so all of them are going to be amazing. First up is Yeonjun!
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Yeonjun: where is the rest of the shirt?
Jaemin: *pushing Jun out of the way* and here is outfit number one! What do we think? It's amazing? I know~
Jaemin: Moving on to contestant number two
Chan: h-he said I'd come fully clothed-
Jaemin: you are
Chan: but there's no pants?
Jaemin: your ass is covered... mostly- you're fine
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Jaemin: Third up on the spotlight is Jooheonie~
Jooheon: Actually, this is really cute
Jaemin: and lastly is Jaehyun
Jaehyun: I'm surprised this is tame
Jaemin: you threatened to bite me
Jaemin: Sorry, folks! That is all the time we had on the Jaemin show. Tune in next time to see what these monsters do next time!
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Possible students: @halloween-idols @darkmoonsiblings @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @mechat-kpopcb @multiaugirls @payu-cb @freakstars-cb @cave-of-demons @your-renlix @welcome-to-maniac @hybrididol-cb @temptationcb @hellborn-ateez-cb @gashaponlixie-cb @jayswritingcafe @thepack-cb @multi-esme @yanderemuses @yandereyeri @blackpink-cb @clubwnderland @urbtsboys @angelxdevil-bot @hybrid-center @mystical-ocs @svt-wolfpack @nana-n-nono @domxbot @dr-hwa-cb @yourhorrorbots
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monstax-info · 2 years
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221006 @OfficialMonstaX Twitter Update
우리 주허니원허닛 해피벌쓰데이 맨 항상 텐션좋게 우리팀 배터리처럼 있어줘서 고맙고 작곡가로써도 우리 앨범 퀄리티 올리려고 노력하는거 너무 고마워 사랑하고 오늘 하루 나쁜일 다 떨쳐버리고 좋은일만 있었으면 좋겠다 해피벌쓰데이!!!🐝 #기현 #주헌이라는_멜로디로_가득찬하루
Our Jooheonie one hunnit, happy birthday man. Thank you so much for always being like our team’s battery and letting the tension be great and also for trying your best to improve the quality of our album as a composer. I love you and hope you can get rid of all bad things today and that only good things happen to you. Happy birthday!!! #kihyun
translation by monstax-info
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seoulbeatscom · 1 year
Week in Review, 5/15 to 5/21
Teasers & Announcements for 5/15 to 5/21
Enhypen come back with “Bite Me” on May 22.
Monsta X‘s Jooheony releases his first solo album, Lights, on May 22.
Kard return with Icky on May 23.
Dreamcatcher are gearing up for their return with Apocalypse: From Us on May 24.
Ab6ix‘s The Future Is Ours: Lost releases on May 29.
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BoyNextDoor debuts with WHO! on May 30.
Stray Kids continue to unveil album tracks as lead up to the June 2 release of 5 Star.
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NCT‘s Taeyong makes his solo debut with Shalala on June 5.
Fromis_9 drops their first studio album, Unlock My World, on June 5.
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I.M (MonstaX) drops Overdrive on June 23.
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inkkrp · 25 days
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ [ monsta x ]⠀lee jooheon (jooheony) — [ royal red ]
✦ ⠀ ⋮ ⠀ accepted .ᐟ your application has been accepted. please add the mod account within 48 hours otherwise your claim will be released, and you will have a 48 hour cooldown period before you are able to apply again.
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moonlight-yuyu · 6 months
Hiii I saw that your requests are partly open, is it okay if you do a monsta x mtl for me please? 💕✨
Sun: lib (2nd)
Moon: sco (2nd)
Mercury: sco (2nd)
Venus: lib (2nd)
Mars: lib (2nd)
Ascendant: lib
Here you go love 🩷
Shownu 85%
Minhyuk 40%
Kihyun 50%
Hyungwon 20%
Jooheony 65%
IM 65%
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potatomountain · 2 years
Hey similar to me I'm more of a boygroup multiple but I love mamamoo and everglow etc. Joongs your bias for ateez how about you bias for other groups? Or bias wreckers? 😂 Sorry for all the questions 😂😂
dont be sorry! I love the questions <3 it makes me really happy that you are, especially since im still technically knew to tumblr ^^'
Joongie is ult bias but Hwa ans yeo be fighting for that spot (you might also see me claim to be a mingisexual lmao) but Jongho be wrecking me ngl. overall im just ot8 at this point xD
for Stray Kids, my Bias is Chan, Han and Felix are wreckers. (felix's voice? mhwa -chefs kiss- alone!)
EXO- Xiumin and Chanyeol like share bias spot i guess? Kai, Lay, Soo, and Suho be wrecking me tho. its so hard to pick just one with them i swear T^T
bts- namjoon with Jungkook wrecker. Monsta x- I.M bias, Jooheony wrecker (tho Kihyun get me with those vocals) it used to be Wonho wrecker but now that he is solo... ;D
Moonbyul from Mamamoo and Soyeon from gidle are pretty much my only current g.group biases
if you havent noticed yet, i typically have a type xD rapper dorky dad leaders, or as long as they fit one or 2 of those lmao
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amy-mwalker · 3 years
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210421 MX Talk Tok 😚
The live broadcast for Wild Wild Quiz show has ended~ our Monbebe who’ve watched it, thank you and I love you ❤️
Now let’s hurry go to bed ㅎㅎ good night~
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ijustlovethemx · 4 years
this album WILL be the death of me
Changkyun excuse you?????Minhyuk with a MULLET??? Hyungwon being an icon??? Shownu wearing THAT and looking fine?? Just Jooheon and Kihyun in general???
God this era...... this era i shall fall
could you imagine how FINE wonho would be this era im sobbing
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thenamesseven · 5 years
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Plot: Jooheon, your tattoo artist friend, and you had been best friends with hidden feelings for way too long…
Genre: Fluff, smut, tattoo artista au! Friends to lovers au!
Word count: 5.9k *coughs* don’t know what happened….Heh
Warnings: Vanilla smut, some swearing.
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I had to change the plot a little bit but I hope you enjoy it!
Your friendship with Jooheon started when the two of you still slept in cribs. Your parents were neighbors and your mothers became best friends so as expected, the two of you spent a bunch of time together. Needless to say teenage years came and unlike in some cliche stories, your best friend and you took really different ways. 
Jooheon aspired to turn into an artist, one that enjoyed using bodies as canvas, an artist that used needles and different inks instead of brushes and paints. Jooheon’s art was made to be exposed in streets or bodies and not in galleries. Whenever the two of you hung out he would sometimes get distracted observing people, imagining what kind of tattoo would fit the chosen person. If he also saw somebody with a ridiculous tattoo on their body he would quietly made fun of it with you before getting all serious and explaining how he would cover it up with an awesome yet insane designs that kept popping in his mind.
You on the other hand, enjoyed art but in a different way. Your art was the one displayed in books through hundreds or thousands of pages of an imaginary world with imaginary characters that went through a more than interesting adventure. Since a really young age your interest in books had been one of your main characteristics, you simply were the kind of kid that picked an adventures book over any kind of video game which was something that always made you stood out. Getting into University to study a literature major felt like your dreams were becoming a reality, after all, you would spend hours and hours studying, reading and analyzing texts or even entire books that you’ve loved, already discovered or were about to find out.
Jooheon and you became opposite poles but that didn’t weaken your relationship, in fact, it kind of strengthen it.
You weren’t antisocial but it’s true that making new friends wasn’t an easy task for you which was the reason why Jooheon immediately forced you to join his group of friends. All of them were kind of intimidating, specially Hoseok, or as they usually called him, Wonho but with Minhyuk’s bubbly and cheerful personality and Shownu’s quickly acceptance made becoming friends with the rest of the guys not as difficult as you thought it would be. You were the only girl in the group which made things a little complicated because their testosterone could be too much to handle sometimes but seeing Jooheon’s smile whenever he saw the guys treated you as one more made everything worth it.
Although not everything was good, specially since the guys started joking about you having a crush on one of them. Sometimes it was Kihyun because you complimented his food, then it could also be Changhyuk whenever he hyped you up with his raps, they also mentioned the possibility of it being Wonho because he was just handsome or even Minhyuk just because you liked to spend a bunch of time together gossiping and talking about random stuff.
The guys didn’t seem to care about this issue but it bothered Jooheon, you have thought about the possibility of him being jealous not because he had any romantic feelings towards you but just because he might feel threatened by this, by the silly thought of you getting a special someone and forgetting about your best friend. Little did he know that you’ve been trying to confess to him for years and that the only male you were interested in was him.
Your feelings for him had bloomed naturally, Jooheon had always been a special person for you and your friendly feelings simply turned into something more romantic with the years. Maybe it was those dimples that adorned his cheeks when he smiled or the ink in his skin that kept spreading more and more around his body as time passed. Maybe it was his cheerful personality or the way he pouted whenever you two got into a little fight, Jooheon just had a bunch of little things, little details that you seemed to adored unconditionally.
Unfortunately, he hasn’t realized that yet somehow and that led to situations similar to the one you were in right now.
The two of you sat in his car in silence after Jooheon had ended his shift in the tattoo shop he had recently opened. The two of you had made plans to go out to eat dinner together but Jooheon had somehow ended up getting mad when you mentioned this in front of the guys, allowing Minhyuk and Hoseok to join the two of you. Apparently and by the little frown in his face, you guessed your best friend didn’t feel like going out with the guys or believed that you didn’t want to go out with just him since you invited the other two.
“Jooheonie” You reached out pouting too, wrapping your hand around his bicep to gently shake him. Jooheon didn’t react and kept his eyes down on the steering wheel making you shake him harder “Jooheonieee, come on man, I really didn’t know you would get mad if I invited them”
He sighed shaking his head “I just wanted it to be the two of us, it’s been so long since we could hang out together without one of the guys” He muttered leaning his head back against the seat, pouting at you
“I know but Minhyuk got all excited when I mentioned fried chicken and then he just assumed we were all going together” You muttered scratching the back part of your neck, being completely honest with him “So I really didn’t know how to tell him he couldn’t come”
“It’s always Minhyuk” He groaned rolling his eyes, sounding slightly more frustrated than before “How about ‘no Minhyuk, it will be just Jooheon and I’?” He asked glancing at you
“He would probably misunderstand my words and then all of them would think-”
“Do you like him or something?”
“What?” Your response was automatic, why he, out of all people, was asking something like this?
“Don’t play dumb on me  (Y/N), come on! I am asking if you really like him or not because I prepared tonight’s dinner to talk about my feelings and I really won’t do it if there’s public” 
Jooheon’s sudden rant was being too much for your poor brain. When he stopped talking, you just looked at him quietly, puppy eyes on full display as your brain tried to comprehend what was going on. Did he just say he wanted to talk about his feelings?
“What feelings?” You asked, mouth acting before brain.
“Are you that oblivious?” Jooheon asked back, eyes open as wide as plates as he watched your face genuinely surprised “For real?”
Something clicked in your mind and you suddenly understood Jooheon was going to confess to you. To say you felt like the biggest idiot in the world was a total understatement, apparently, the two of you had been liking each other back but were too focused on your own feelings to realize what was going on with the other.
“Are you serious!? Dude!” You hit his arm, frowning, feeling slightly frustrated for all the time the both of you lost
“Ow! What!? Why are you hitting me!?” He raised his voice, frustrated with your behaviour that kept changing. Jooheon didn’t know if you were mad because you didn’t like him back or because you liked him back but, if you liked him back, why would you be mad at him? Shouldn’t his confession make you happy? “The fuck is going on?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked looking at him, poor Jooheon kept debating on the possible options of why you seemed to be so mad at him
“Uh...I…” He stuttered before shaking his head and speaking again “Do you like me?” Maybe it was the wrong way to ask that question, maybe it was the confused tone he used or the ‘I think I fucked up’ expression he had on his face what made you think Jooheon had been pranking you for the entire conversation and now he knew about your unrequited love.
“Fuck off Jooheon, this isn’t funny”
Before he could say something else, you dashed out of his car not even caring that it was raining outside. Your clothes were ridiculously wet in an instant and your hair sticked to your face like the fur of a wet dog. “W-Wait! (Y/N)” You heard Jooheon rushing outside of his car too just to follow your fast steps, he had longer legs though and easily caught up to you.
Jooheon reached out and grabbed your wrist, the fucker had never been a romantic but he forced you to turned around and face him like in those dramas you loved to watched every Sunday night accompanied by popcorns and a ridiculous amount of chocolate. He looked as drenched as you but that didn’t extinguish the burning feeling your skin got as soon as his big free hand came up to cup one of your cheeks.
“Of course is not funny” He said quietly, looking down into your eyes as his thumb started unconsciously doing small circles on your skin “Telling somebody they’re the love of your life is more complicated than I thought it would be” Your heart stopped beating, not really believing what you were hearing.
“What?” You asked breathlessly, eyes glued to his.
Jooheon smiled, one of his dimples stealing some of your attention “You really are that oblivious huh?” He asked quietly before he gently pulled you into his arms, not allowing you to look at his face as he prepared a mental, cheesy speech “I don’t know when it happened exactly but one day I was thinking which book to get for you you for your birthday and then the next day I was writing your damn name in every last page of my doodling notebooks” That made you smiled, you felt his chest shaking in gentle laughter “I was confused, you know? A nerdy yet innocent girl had invaded my mind, you and that bright smile of yours was the only thing I could think of, it drove me insane” Jooheon gently stepped back, positioning the both of you under a small roof that would cover the both of you. You didn’t dare to move and decided to just listen to him “And this is going to sound creepy as fuck but more than once I’ve ended up drawing you when I was trying to draw something else” The two of you laughed at that, Jooheon gently pushed you back so he could look into your eyes once again “I’ve got years to think this over and over again just to come to the conclusion that my feelings are not a childish crush anymore, I want you to be my girlfriend, I want to call you mine in front of every single male in this world” Jooheon’s face got closer to yours, your noses were almost touching “I want you to scold me for getting more tattoos, I want to bother and annoy you every single day about getting some ink in that skin of yours”
“Please do not tell me you’ve got a ring hidden somewhere” You joked laughing softly, cheeks getting slightly pink when he smiled even more.
“Not today” He answered chuckling, bringing you closer to him “But if you agree to this and let me show you how much I love you, I swear to God I’m putting a ring on your finger as soon as you graduate”
“Shut up” You said laughing, face getting incredibly red making Jooheon laugh back, he loved making you shy, he loved when you got all flustered just because of him.
“Look” He said brushing some of your wet strands away from your face “I’m a little jealous, I pout a lot and I probably won’t want to share you with anybody else but I’m also absolutely sure that we are meant to be, so please be my girlfriend?” Jooheon asked again smiling, nudging your nose with his gently “Please don’t make me ask a third time, this is incredibly embarrassing for me?” 
“What did you say? I didn’t hear you properly” You asked on purpose, smirking.
You regretted doing this when he smirked back at you “Ah, since you don’t seem to understand me I’ll show you instead of repeating myself again”
You watched, like a deer caught in the headlights as his lips got closer and closer to yours, only forcing yourself to close them once you could feel Jooheon’s breath tickling your skin. He stopped incredibly close to your mouth, lips brushing against yours teasingly as your heart beated incredibly hard and fast against your chest. You didn’t know if a kiss could make you suffer a heart attack but you were sure Jooheon could cause you one if he didn’t kiss you or moved away soon. 
“Give me an answer” He whispered, he had closed his eyes too willing to focus on the sensation of having your small figure against his body, of having his lips so close to yours for the first time in years. “I still remember that time I accidentally kissed you to prove my friends I wasn’t gay in high school...I promise this kiss will be way better” The memory made you giggled as you nodded “Promise not to slam you against any lockers or force my lips against yours like that time” He muttered quietly, making you laugh this time.
“Fine, you won my heart with the promise of not slamming me against any lockers again” You replied giggling, awaiting for his Kiss
“By the way, I’m sorry about the bump that appeared in your head after that, I really didn’t-” You knew Jooheon well enough to know he was only talking about this to delay the moment and tease you even more, thinking you were too shy to take the first step by yourself. Little did he know that you weren’t having any of that today, you had waited too long for what was about to happen.
“Shut up and kiss me already” 
Before Jooheon could react to your words, you stood on your toes and closed the distance between both of your mouths to gently press your lips against his. Jooheon, obviously caught of guard, was slightly frozen during the very first seconds of your kiss but quickly kissed you back before you could pull away from him. Letting Jooheon dominate the kiss was something that felt better than you could ever dream of, his lips moved against yours smoothly yet passionately, somehow making you feel all those unspoken words between the both of you, letting you feel those hidden feelings that stayed in the shadows for too long. As he had previously said, with how well his lips fit against yours, it truly seemed like his lips had been made to kiss yours.
What started as an innocent “first” kiss under the rain turned into something else when Jooheon and you discovered that you were too addicted to each other’s tastes to pull away, it was as if oxygen wasn’t important anymore and the other was the only thing keeping you alive. Jooheon had turned you around and pressed you against the wall of the tattoo shop gently, covering you with his broad back in case somebody walked past the two of you. His hands kept cupping your cheeks while yours had made their way up to his drenched hoodie, exactly to the chest part. Nothing could erase the silly yet sweet smiles from your faces, happiness was flowing through your veins everytime one of you moved in to not break the neverending kiss. Unfortunately, everything has to come to an end and the sound of somebody honking the two of you made you snap out of the trance the kisses had put you in and finally, made you put some distance between you and Jooheon’s lips.
Your boyfriend looked down at you, at your red cheeks and chuckled pressing his lips against your forehead as you hid behind him “Want to get back in the shop?” He asked quietly, hands resting on your hips as his lips peppered your cheeks with kisses “Dry up a little before I drive you home?” 
The sexual tension between the both of you was crazy in that moment. Even though you didn’t want to move too fast in your relationship with Jooheon, you also knew that the both of you had been waiting for this moment for too long and that he was also the person you trusted more in the world. Jooheon wouldn’t do something you were uncomfortable with, he always put you and your well-being before his.
“Yeah, thanks to you I’m soaked” You muttered clearing your throat, trying to not act all shy around him but avoiding eye contact. Jooheon knew exactly how you felt and definitely loved seeing this new side of you
He reached inside his pocket to take out the keys of the shop and unlock the doors “Is it too soon to start making dirty jokes?” He asked laughing when you rolled your eyes, pushing him away to walk back inside “It wasn’t me the one who suddenly decided it was a good idea to get out of the car when it’s pouring outside” Jooheon kicked the door closed gently, quickly reaching up to you to pull you back into his arms “But hey, at least we got that romantic make out session in the rain, isn’t that something girls really like?”
“You probably enjoyed it even more” You scoffed looking up at him, smiling a little when he started playing with your wet hair
“Damn right I did baby” The pet name made your heart skip a beat, Jooheon was spoiling you with so much affection that you didn’t even know how to react “You know what I would enjoy more though?” When you tilted your head curiously, he smirked leaning back down to kiss your lips again “A second round”
“It’s a deal if we don’t have to get back under the rain”
Jooheon’s smile turned bigger “Deal”
You found yourselves in the same situation once again but this time, confidence was present and that really showed in the way the two of you moved. Jooheon’s hands were now confidently placed on the lower part of your back, sometimes pulling you closer against his body whenever he wanted. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, your fingers playing with his hair, something he really seemed to enjoy. The two of you only changed the position to take off your coats in a lame attempt of trying to get closer to the other without taking too many clothes off which soon, the two of you realized was useless since taking off your coats wasn’t enough.
You started walking backwards, Jooheon’s decided steps guiding you down the hall and to the room where he usually tattooed people, you had spent a lot of hours sitting in there with him, just watching him draw some drafts for tattoos while you attempted to read something, always ending up getting distracted by him and his smile. You only realized you had been tugging on the hem of his hoodie when Jooheon pressed you up against the closed door, leaning back just to look down at you.
“Take it off” He whispered, lips moving down your jaw to your neck “It’s okay” You wanted to take it off, after all, it wouldn’t be the first time Jooheon would be shirtless in front of you but the way his soft lips felt against the sensitive skin of your neck turned your hands and whole body weak and before you knew it, you were putty in his hands.
Noticing this Jooheon couldn’t help but chuckle softly against your neck, giving it a few more kisses before he moved back up to your lips. Each time your mouths met, the resulting kiss felt more passionately, more exciting but at the same time not enough. You wanted Jooheon to be closer, to give you more of him, to allow you to see and touch him as much as you wanted and you would allow him the same thing. 
“Sit there, get comfy” He muttered, playfully pushing you back against the comfortable chair where his clients usually sat down right when they were about to get tattooed. He reached down and got rid of his hoodie before laying you down on the chair so he could lay above you “You don’t know” He started speaking but interrupted himself by placing some more kisses on your neck, slower ones that made your cheeks turn red and your intimate parts clench around nothing “How many times” He stopped again, nibbling this time, stealing a quiet moan from your lips that only made him smirk “I’ve dreamed about having you like this”
You only nodded at his words, too busy with your hands wandering around his body while your teeth bit down onto your lower lip harder to avoid another embarrassing moan escaping your lips. Jooheon on the other hand, groaned when he felt your nails gently yet unconsciously scratching your back when he sucked on your neck. He just loved the way your little and delicate hands investigated his body, it was a dream coming true.
“On my chair” He muttered, glancing up at you when one of his hands slid underneath your hoodie to touch your naked stomach “Underneath me” Jooheon leaned to peck your lips but ended up kissing you heatedly once again “Damn you’re driving me insane (Y/N), as soon as I tasted you I became addicted”
“Take it off” You whispered, sitting up enough for Jooheon to get rid of your sweater and toss it away with his hoodie. You felt kind of shy when you exposed your almost naked torso to him, the way Jooheon’s eyes seemed to take in every single detail of your body could become kind of intimidating.
“You’re beautiful” He whispered, overwhelmed. You were his favorite canvas, the only one pure and untouched enough to astonish him “And I haven’t seen everything yet” He added, lips glued to your shoulder before he started lowering himself.
“Jooheon” You groaned, kind of turned on by his compliments and kisses. You weren’t a virgin but  kissing sure as hell didn’t feel this good when your last boyfriend did it, Jooheon was just special, somebody that probably knew you better than yourself and that’s why your mind wasn’t filled with worries about your body, about your curves or messy hair, about how your red face must look right now. He was just making you feel good and confident, awkwardness couldn’t fight against the two of you.
“What is it baby?” He asked, hand sneakily sliding behind you to get rid of your bra as he brushed his lips against yours “Just tell me whenever you want to stop” You shook your head and he chuckled, pecking your lips as he slid the straps of your bra down your arms before taking away another piece of clothing. “Gorgeous” He muttered against your lips, kissing you once again.
Your hands moved away from your breast to go back to his naked back while Jooheon  was too busy scattering kisses in every single available inch of skin in your body. Keeping yourself quiet turned into mission impossible as soon as he got to your nipples, Jooheon moved slowly always giving you enough time to tell him to stop before he could do something you didn’t want him too. At first, when he approached your breasts you wanted to stop him, too embarrassed of what he was about to do but when he closed his lips around your nipples and gently sucked while his tongue caressed the sensitive skin gently you couldn’t help but gasped satisfied, feeling the small wet spot in your panties getting bigger. Jooheon was being pretty considerate, giving you and your pleasure all of his attention as he just kept stealing moans and silent whimpers from your lips with every kiss, lick or suck. You attempted to kiss his neck, to make him feel good but he always shook his head telling you to only focus on yourself and on how he was making you feel, Jooheon could easily get off just by the sounds and pleasurable expressions you were making. 
He was that crazy for you.
That didn’t stop you from tugging on his pants, willing to get rid of them when the temperature in the room was getting too hot. “Want to take this off, huh?” He asked smirking, nuzzling your neck as one of his hands moved down your stomach and underneath your shorts to caress the hem of your panties “How about I take yours off first? Let me make you feel even better love”
Another pet name that made you gulped as soon as you heard it, you didn’t even breathe when Jooheon gently slid the cloth of your shorts down your legs, took your ankles out of it and threw the piece of clothing onto the little pile your discarded clothes and shoes were making. He was quick to ran his hands down your legs, starting from your thighs and finishing on your toes, smiling at your cute painted nails.
“What?” You asked shyly, a small smile pulling your lips up
“You keep painting them red just like when we were kids” He said with a giggle, hands back on your thighs once again “I still remember when you got mad at me and used that red little brush to paint my eyebrows” The two of you laughed against each other’s lips, looking into the other’s eyes to get lost in them
“You cried like a girl when you saw yourself on the mirror” You laughed pretty hard at that memory, it had been one of the few times you’ve seen Jooheon cry really hard.
Jooheon’s smile was wiped away from his face, the last thing he wanted to remember was that, he had never been more embarrassed in his whole life “I did not”
“You so did Jooheon” You mumbled poking his chest, chuckling at his offended face.
“Well, isn’t the guy who cried like a girl making you moan right now? Mhm? What do you have to say about that?” His fingers caressed the wet spot on your panties, making you gasp since it had been really long since last time somebody touched you down there “Oh?” You blushed at the stupid smirk on his face, his eyes brighting with a triumphant expression “What is this?” 
“You know well what it is” You replied looking away, frustrated that he was teasing you with this.
“I suddenly don’t remember why girls get wet down here” He gently turned your head, forcing you to look at him and watch the way he sexily smiled down at you “Care to explain me what does this mean?”
“Jooheon” You warned, nails digging into his shoulder once again.
He shook his head, lips moving away from yours as the tip of his finger moved up until it touched the place where your clit hid “Mhm? I don’t think that’s the answer”
“Stop teasing babe, come on” The pet name definitely caught his attention but it wasn’t enough to make him do what you wanted him to “It’s because I want you”
“Sorry? I was daydreaming about my girlfriend and didn’t hear you”
You rolled your eyes looking at him “I said that my panties are soaking wet because I can’t wait to have you inside of me”
Those words were an instant game over for Jooheon. He definitely didn’t expect you to be into dirty talking and he definitely thought he would never get to hear you saying something like that so to say he was stunned as soon as the words left your lips was a huge misunderstatement. Lust replaced the confusion, you literally saw his eyes turning darker and his muscles getting more and more tense as he stared down at you.
“Fuck (Y/N), do not tease me like that if you don’t want me to lose control” He warned quietly, pushing your panties down your legs as he finally allowed you to get rid of his jeans “Like holy shit, leave the kinky shit for our second time if you don’t want me to fuck your brains out during our first time together”
He really sounded conflicted, making you giggle with his words “Who says there will be a second time? I didn’t agree to be your girlfriend yet” You said trying not to laugh, carefully watching his reaction.
Jooheon looked up at you, his head moving extremely quick “You are mine” He said looking into your eyes, you’ve never been more turned on in your life
“I didn’t say so” You said laying back on the seat, noticing how he was completely naked now too as he pressed his body against yours.
“Then say it” He ordered, skipping the rest of the foreplay to finally give you a little taste of what you truly wanted. Jooheon moved his hips forward against yours, making you hiss quietly “I am not playing around baby, I even marked you as mine” When he saw you were still resisting to admit it, Jooheon decided to place the tip of his hard cock against your wet entrance, gently yet slowly pushing it inside “Say it” 
“Say what?” You asked trying to keep teasing him but the both of you knew this was a battle that you were easily going to lose against him.
“You know the words baby, say it and I’ll give it to you” Jooheon pushed harder but didn’t get deeper inside of you, your inner walls started clenching around anything turning you on even more but also incrementing your frustration. 
“I’m yours, I’m all yours Jooheon, fuck” The words slipped out of your lips before you could stop them and Jooheon’s erection slipped inside of you incredibly easy thanks to how wet he had made you.
The both of you moaned, your voice slightly high pitched thanks to the pleasure his hips made you feel, his voice husky and restrained as he held himself back to be gentle with you. Your hands started wandering around his voice again, tracing the outline of his defined muscles with the tip of your fingers as he nuzzled the crook of your neck. Jooheon whispered all kind of sweet nothing into your ear, placing random kisses on your cheek and earlobe as he awaited for your vagina to get used to his size before he could move again.
“You can move now” You said after some time, caressing his back as you pressed a kiss against his jaw
“Thank God I can” He muttered smiling, placing his forearms on both sides of your head so your bodies would be really close to each other’s during the whole act “Wrap your legs around my waist baby” As the good girl you were, you did what Jooheon said and laid there comfortably.
The first thrusts were as slow and gentle as the first one, Jooheon was still making sure you were used to his size and perfectly fine with him sliding in and out of you, he wanted to make this the best night of our lives and the last thing he wanted to do was somehow hurting you. Then, when he felt the little pushes your heels gave his ass to get faster, your boyfriend started making love to you a little rougher.
That’s when the real action started.
The sound of your moans and his so sexy and husky groans echoed in the empty room, the temperature only kept rising and sweat started rolling down your bodies. Jooheon’s sweet compliments turned into something slightly dirty and his thrusts started making that horny clapping sound that you seemed to love so much. It was actually the feeling of his big cock stretching you out, the way his balls slapped your ass whenever he tried to get deeper inside of you, Jooheon’s only thought was that he wanted to make you his, that he wanted to make you feel so good that you would never ever want to leave him.
“Fuck you feel so good baby” He whispered against your ear breathless, hips moving slower but harder against yours “Keep sucking me in like that and I might come sooner”
You shook your head, arms and legs wrapped around his body to keep him as close as you could “I can’t help it...Just don’t stop moving, God Jooheon you feel so fucking good”
“My girl has such a filthy tongue huh?” He said looking down at you, licking your lower lip “And I love it so god damn much” Jooheon gently spanked you, making you moan louder underneath him 
“Jooheon please” You begged, needing him to go faster, to move harder to finally push you over the edge
“Please what?”
“Harder, faster...Fuck me” 
He didn’t need to be told twice. Jooheon started moving not so gently anymore, fucking you as if it was the last thing he would do in his entire live. He put all his strength and effort in it and you were certain you wouldn’t be able to walk whenever the two of you were done, you kept gipping onto him, the feeling of your nails scratching him only pushing your boyfriend to thrust into you harder. His moans got louder, yours were about to turn into pure screaming, specially, when his hand got between your legs and started rubbing your clit at an insane pace
“J-Jooheon” You stuttered, trying to warn him
“I know love, I know” He said, staring down at you, willing to watch you breaking apart because of him “Just let go, I’ll do it with you” You nodded, closing your eyes not even caring about holding back the sounds you were making anymore “Oh fuck (Y/N)! Yes...Yes baby yes! Say my name, please say my name” He begged in a weak moment, willing to hear you screaming the name of the love of your life.
“Jooheon! Jo-Joo…”
The two of you didn’t have time to say something else before you reached your respective orgasms. Your bodies, still connected, shook uncontrollably as you squeezed Jooheon’s cock while he filled you up. It was something that should have scared you but in that moment, you could only think about how much you loved the guy laying on top of your body, almost crashing you with all his weight.
“Fuck baby” He whispered panting as hard as you, unable to move since he was extremely sensitive right now “I love you so god damn much” Jooheon said, tilting his head enough to kiss your lips
“I love you too” You answered back smiling, running your fingers through his slightly wet hair.
He kept his eyes on you when you pulled back, staring at you as if you were the most precious thing in his life.
“What?” You asked giggling at his dumbfounded expression, Jooheon smiled shaking his head “No, tell me babe, come on”
“I was just thinking” He said lovingly, pecking your lips repeatedly “That no matter how much art I’ve seen or I’ll see in the rest of my life...You will always be my masterpiece” He kissed your lips multiple times before looking down into your eyes with a playful yet sweet smirk “Forget dinner, let’s go to my apartment tonight”
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xxkittenbebexx · 5 years
Some of you are really out there talking shit again. You supposed OT6, shut your mouth for once, do something usefull and bite your tongue. Hyungwon, apologize for WHAT exactly?!. Going out? Eating? Drinking? FOR WHAT? LIVING? Get back to your sense for FUCK SAKE!!
HE CAN go out like everyone of you
HE CAN do whatever HE WANT.
I'm so pissed, you have no right on him or any member, and that break my heart to see him apologize for nothing but stupid bitches like you. I'M SO DONE WITH YOU.
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monsterhigh-cb · 2 years
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Hongjoong: Hi! If anyone has seen this hand... please give it back. I lost it. I think there was some rings on it when I last saw it
Yeonjun: I haven't been on a date in so long. I miss going on cute little cafe dates and staying inside because of the cold. I.. I think I'm starting to become a hopeless romantic
Taehyung: I'm biting the next person that calls me a puppy
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Chan: My skin is drying out from not being in the water often enough.. does anyone want some swim lessons? The only payment is bringing me food... specifically rice cakes or cookies-
Jaemin: snow days~ I spent hours outside. Jooheonie had to force me inside
Jooheon: *sighs* I made hot chocolate if anyone wants some. It's a rather chilly day outside
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Possible students: @halloween-idols @darkmoonsiblings @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @mechat-kpopcb @multiaugirls @payu-cb @freakstars-cb @cave-of-demons @your-renlix @welcome-to-maniac @hybrididol-cb @temptationcb @hellborn-ateez-cb @gashaponlixie-cb @jayswritingcafe @thepack-cb @multi-esme @yanderemuses @yandereyeri @blackpink-cb @clubwnderland @urbtsboys @angelxdevil-bot @hybrid-center @mystical-ocs @svt-wolfpack @nana-n-nono @domxbot @dr-hwa-cb
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miniyulianaputri · 5 years
#Repost @bee_jooheon (@get_repost) ・・・ This was so so funny😂🤣 #monstaxray3 _ #monbebe #monstax #mxmb #monstaxgram #wonho #hyungwon #jooheon #minhyuk #kinhyun #shownu #monstaxchangkyun #shineforever #jealousy #joohoney #jooheonie #joohyuk #monsta_x #hoseok  #monstaxfunny #theconnect #mx #yookihyun #monstaxjooheon #monstax #leejooheon #leeminhyuk #주헌 #몬스타엑스 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxRSk-YH2jZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lvkp9i6a096a
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baozibunns · 6 years
Can I suck Jooheons d**k please?
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