#jordie NOOOOO
icy-watch · 4 months
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Nooooo, Jordie, don't follow him
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elliottheidiot17 · 10 months
I listen to the first 20 episodes of Camp Here & There all in one day so here are my thoughts in no specific order(spoilers obvi):
I am loving the theme song, also be how the begining get more and more corrupted by other sound. Beautiful.
Ahhhhh Sydney is so like yes. Also him being chronically ill kind breaks my heart. As a chroniclly I'll person I don't want him to go through that. But also the fact that it is probably because he is some kind of monster.
The contrast of Sydney sounding the most chipper and happy over the speaker and then in the supplemental him being like "today was the worst". Fuck does it hit hard.
Jedidiah having the realization of his actions (inaction) but also recognizing he is to late and them yelling about it. (Same vibes as "what do you think my forgiveness looks like, Jordie" in Six of Crows). Man is just like me for real. But also he is trying to protect and save Sidney, but also he was being kinda a asshole.
When the thing was called and the counselor told Sydney to stop talking about personal things I was like nooooo. Please. I live for the camp drama.
The stories Sydney told of him and Jedidiah as kids :( literally was so sad. And then later Jedidiah talking about how the rabbit thing still effected him. Ahhh.
This podcast is so fucking good, so now I will go listen again.
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carlotaflaneur · 9 months
#7 december 2023
hola !!!
I hope you're well (as well as possible, we won't ask for more won't we?)
I'm feeling really well, and that makes me super happy. October and November were full of work and stress (both good and bad stress) and I was a little bit scared of December: I was afraid of stopping, not having more concerts before me and thus having more time to THINK ! hahaha. But fortunately it felt good to stop. I have the feeling that I'm enjoying my concerts with hindsight: I'm enjoying these autumn months now, feeling proud and lucky of what I've done.
Once more, I perceive that when I stop I can become aware of how fast we all want things to develop and bloom. I also realized that I'm in a rush when it comes to feeling sure and convinced of the decisions I make within my project.
This autumn I've played a whole lot; almost every weekend I had 1 or 2 (or 3!) gigs. In the process I felt accompanied by this rush: this need of things turning out fantastically and living my career fully convinced, feeling certain that my work is valuable. Now that I've stopped I clearly see the value is and has always been there intrinsically; the things I'm doing are beautiful and valuable for themselves, regardless of the places they will potentially take me. I can see it clearly now: I stare at the intense blue of the Barcelona sky and think: if I die tomorrow I will be at peace........ I have expressed everything I carry inside, I feel so full !
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november 2023 – with Artur's telecaster in Sevilla (photo: Dani Poveda)
On the 24th of november I went to Sevilla to play for the first time. It was a last-minute thing; turns out VIDA festival was setting up a showcase and Clara Peya couldn't play, so I went there to fill in her slot lol. Had I known some years ago that I'd be covering Clara on a line-up........... crazy. I'm so glad I took the chance because I had so much fun. I spent a lot of hours in the high-speed train (which I love) and I could go sightseeing with Artur and Biel and Oscar and Gerard and Ferran (socunbohemio). I shared a room with Carla from VIDA's record label and she was really warm and welcoming. It was like a little autumn-camp experience; I could also see my cousin from Sevilla :-) during the concert I felt really really happy; my songs were floating away from me on their own, I felt really privileged to be playing so far away from home and I could float along (and that's hard !!).
On the next day we were playing in Reus with Paula Jordi and Marcel (my band) and it was real fun in spite of my tiredness state haha. We had a wonderful dinner in an ateneu, and I met Greg who drew us (what a talented person). I also met a kid (I forgot their name nooooo) who came by to tell me we sound much better that the tyets (they're the most popular catalan band at the moment). I had such a laugh, I love to know how kids perceive my music. That night I could also talk to a couple who were seeing us live for the second time; they'd come to Altacustic in summer 2022, and they'd been waiting for us to play around again because they wanted to repeat. Things like that make me want to sing on and on til I'm old and leave the planet.
The last concert of the weekend was in the Jazz Cava in Vic. During that concert I could fly, I dunno how I did it. I was able to put the focus in my music so much that it felt like the concert was 1 minute long. In the middle of the set I asked the public "how are you doing?" and someone said: we're in your magic bubble. And that made me really happy........ when I grow up I just want to create bubbles.
On the 30th of november we finished the tour in Heliogàbal, here in Barcelona. That day I had more difficulties to sing inside the bubble, I was really nervous and we had problems during the soundcheck so I wasn't fully comfy. I could't find the space in my throat, I was finding it difficult to sing because of the mix of emotions... but we carried on and it went well. The room was full of friends and also LOTS of strangers which fills my heart in so many ways... I loved that Patricia Atzur opened the set; it felt special to have someone supporting me. I don't know... to think of the packed room, hearing you sing my songs.... it makes me want to express myself more and more. It makes me think maybe I'm not the only one who feels moved by my songs !
That night I was given a song in a cd as a present... I will never forget it. No one had ever written a song for me before (not that I know!) and receiving it on such a special day makes it memorable. I'm used to writing songs but not to receiving them !!! it's such a big thing and such a valuable gift that I needed to finish my letter sharing it with you.
I hope 2024 brings plenty of good things to all of us; health above everything else. I'm so happy to say I'm feeling great. Sending you hugs and hoping to see you next year. Thousands of kisses.
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pigeonriot · 2 years
jordie and little kaz nooooo 😭😭😭
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garciapimienta · 5 years
Jordi 😫😩
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eerna · 2 years
Maybe I’m a bit late to the Shadow and Bone TV salt party, but I’m a bit scared the showrunners might fumble the bag with the LGBTQ+ rep in season 2 since another two queer characters are being added to the main cast now. What they did with Jesper to explicitly show he was bi was icky.. they could’ve just shown him flirting with anyone attractive in the Barrel regardless of gender, but they had to play into stereotypes.. I’ve heard though that a new director of theirs is actually dyslexic, so hopefully she could’ve provided insight for one of our canon disabled characters in writing. (Also, dunno if you’ve seen the Wylan and Jesper leaked costumes and the Jordie casting already.. Kinda glad they gave Jesper some color in his outfits, but I would’ve preferred green over red aaaa)
NOOOOO WHY DID YOU REMIND ME OF THAT AWFUL CRINGY STABLEBOY SCENE........................ To think that Jesper's awful horrible crush on Kaz was locked and loaded and they just decided that no it was too interesting we are gonna do the most basic of stereotypes to show Jes is bi.
I did see them!! I can't find it again so I can't take a closer look to give you a more accurate answer, but I remember thinking Wylan looked good and Jes still looked a bit too monochrome. #BringColorBacktotheBarrel2k22
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helloiamhumanperson · 4 years
.......I feel sad my babies the grim reapers I KNOW they weren’t BORN into grim reaping so ;-; you know the other way to become a grim reaper you have to kill yourself like NOOOOO grelle, william,ronald *whispers* no *sadness*
with that said:
“Suicide doesn’t stop the pain,” “It gives it to someone else.”
- [ ] 1: We would miss you 
- [ ] 2: It’s worth it to be alive 
- [ ] 3: It does get better, believe it or not, it will eventually get better. 
- [ ] 4: There’s so much you would miss out on doing. 
- [ ] 5: You are worth it don’t let anyone, even yourself tell you otherwise. 
- [ ] 6: God made you for a reason, you have a reason. 
- [ ] 7: There is always a reason to live! 
- [ ] 8: So many people care about you 
- [ ] 9: You are amazing 
- [ ] 10: I don’t even know you and I love you 
- [ ] 11: I care for you 
- [ ] 12: There are plenty of people that love you 
- [ ] 13: Youre literally perfect!! <3 
- [ ] 14: There are plenty of people that care for you 
- [ ] 15: God loves you 
- [ ] 16: God cares about you
 - [ ] 17: Sometimes life is hard but it will make you a stronger person don’t worry! 
- [ ] 18: What about all the things you’ve always wanted to do?What about all the things you’ve planned,but never got around doing? You can’t do them if your dead. 
- [ ] 19: I want you to be alive 
- [ ] 20: So many people want you alive! 
- [ ] 21: You won’t be able to listen to Music if you die 
- [ ] 22: You’ll never be able to listen to your favorite song if you die. 
- [ ] 23: You’ll never be able to listen to your favorite singer if you’re gone 
- [ ] 24: You’ll never be able to listen to your favorite rapper if you’re gone. 
- [ ] 25: listening to really loud music 
- [ ] 26: Killing yourself is never worth it,you’ll hit both yourself & the people who care about you. 
- [ ] 27: There are so many people that would miss you,including me 
- [ ] 28: the clouds 
- [ ] 29: You are gorgeous 
- [ ] 30: Someone out there would die for you :’) 
- [ ] 31: How do you think your family would feel? 
- [ ] 32: Proving people wrong with your success. 
- [ ] 33: Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life. 
- [ ] 34: You’ll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day.
- [ ] 35: You’ll never have the feeling of walking into a cold building on a hot day.
- [ ] 36: Being stupid in public just because you can. 
- [ ] 37: Helping other people. 
- [ ] 38: You have a future to live for.. 
- [ ] 39: Being alive is good 
- [ ] 40: thinking about happy memories 
- [ ] 41: Finding your soulmate. 
- [ ] 42: All nighters!!! 
- [ ] 43: Sleeping in all day
- [ ] 44: You can look back at yourself later in your life and be glad you didn’t commit suicide. 
- [ ] 45: Nobody could ever replace you 
- [ ] 46: You’re unique 
- [ ] 47: pets 
- [ ] 48: petting pets 
- [ ] 49: Netflix and movies 
- [ ] 50: Decorating the Christmas tree 
- [ ] 51: Dreams that make you smile 
- [ ] 52: Breakfast in bed 
- [ ] 53: New clothes 
- [ ] 54: New shoes 
- [ ] 55: New books 
- [ ] 56: Sunrises and Sunsets 
- [ ] 57: Friends 
- [ ] 58: The ocean 
- [ ] 59: Sunlight 
- [ ] 60: Your family 
- [ ] 61: Inside jokes 
- [ ] 62: Birthdays 
- [ ] 63: Christmas 
- [ ] 64: Family traditions 
- [ ] 65: The taste of your favorite food 
- [ ] 66: Favorite tv show 
- [ ] 67: Favorite movie 
- [ ] 68: Going to new places 
- [ ] 69: The ability to peruse whatever you choose (there are over 7 billion people on Earth, don’t be afraid to be you) 
- [ ] 70: To earn money and rewards 
- [ ] 71: You can always flip your life around. 
- [ ] 72: To find the perfect job/career for you 
- [ ] 73: Pizza 
- [ ] 74: Kittens 
- [ ] 75: New haircuts 
- [ ] 76: Moments you can look back to and laugh at 
- [ ] 77: The clouds 
- [ ] 78: The world is better with you in it 
- [ ] 79: Roller Coasters 
- [ ] 80: Showers 
- [ ] 81: Cake 
- [ ] 82:Growing old 
- [ ] 83: Growing old with the person you love 
- [ ] 84: Singing 
- [ ] 85: Sleeping 
- [ ] 86: Icecream 
- [ ] 87: Cookies 
- [ ] 88: food in general 
- [ ] 89: Movie nights 
- [ ] 90: Candy 
- [ ] 91: Popcorn 
- [ ] 92: Daydreaming 
- [ ] 93: Happy moments 
- [ ] 94: Halloween 
- [ ] 95: Sleepovers 
- [ ] 96: Parties 
- [ ] 97: Having a good personality 
- [ ] 98: Making people happy 
- [ ] 99: Bonfires 
- [ ] 100: Sitting on rooftops 
- [ ] 101: Vacations 
- [ ] 102: Hearing crazy stories 
- [ ] 103: Telling crazy stories 
- [ ] 104: Treehouses 
- [ ] 105: Starbucks 
- [ ] 106: You’ve changed someone’s life 
- [ ] 107: If you’re gone how will you achieve great things? 
- [ ] 108: Everyone has talent including you 
- [ ] 109: Eating crazy food 
- [ ] 110: Hanging out with your friends 
- [ ] 111: Nobody could ever replace you 
- [ ] 112: You have so much to live for 
- [ ] 113: Your dreams need some fulfilling to do 
- [ ] 114: Living life to the fullest 
- [ ] 115: Heck,I would miss you like crazy 
- [ ] 116: Your family and friends would be devastated if you were gone 
- [ ] 117: Someone out there is constantly praying to meet someone like you 
- [ ] 118: Your future 
- [ ] 119: You could save so many lives 
- [ ] 120: You are too beautiful to disappear 
- [ ] 121: You are bigger than any of your problems 
- [ ] 122: You are never alone during this struggle 
- [ ] 123: Tomorrow is a new day! 
- [ ] 124: You are worth more than you think 
- [ ] 125: But,the final and most important one is, just being able to experience life,because even if your life doesn’t seem so great right now,anything could happen!
All suicide hotline numbers if you need someone to talk to : 
- [ ] Argentina: +5402234930430 
- [ ] Australia: 131114 
- [ ] Austria: 142; for children and young people, 147 
- [ ] Belgium: 106 
- [ ] Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 
- [ ] Botswana: 3911270 
- [ ] Brazil: 188 for the CVV National Association 
- [ ] Canada: 1 .833 .456 .4566, 5147234000 
- [ ] (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) 
- [ ] Croatia: 014833888 
- [ ] Denmark: +4570201201 
- [ ] Egypt: 7621602 
- [ ] Estonia: 3726558088; 
- [ ] Russian 3726555688 
- [ ] Finland: 010 195 202 
- [ ] France: 0145394000 
- [ ] Germany: 08001810771 
- [ ] Holland: 0900767 
- [ ] Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 
- [ ] Hungary: 116123 
- [ ] India: 8888817666 
- [ ] Ireland: +44058457909090 
- [ ] Italy: 800860022 
- [ ] Japan: +810352869090 
- [ ] Mexico: 5255102550 
- [ ] New Zealand: 0800543354 
- [ ] Norway: +4781533300 
- [ ] Philippines: 028969191 
- [ ] Poland: 5270000 
- [ ] Portugal: 21 854 07 40/8 . 96 898 21 50 
- [ ] Russia: 0078202577577 
- [ ] Spain: 914590050 
- [ ] South Africa: 0514445691 
- [ ] Sweden: 46317112400 
- [ ] Switzerland: 143 
- [ ] United Kingdom: 08457909090 
- [ ] USA: 18002738255 
- [ ] Veterans’ Crisis Line: 1 800 273 8255/ text 383255 
songs that could make you happy 🥺 
Personal by HRVY: @YJpE 
I like me better by Lauv: @ozwA 
Classic by MKTO: @A4Ds 
Just friends by JORDY: @eINM 
Eastside by Benny Blanco,Halsey,& Khalid: @UvGY 
What makes you beautiful by 1D: @-A4E 
Cheerleader by OMI: @QfW8 
Everybody talks by Neon Trees: @84lE 
Dear future husband by Meghan Trainor: @D_40 
Backyard Boy by Claire Rosinkranz: @shy8 
Shut up and dance with me by WALK THE MOON: @lx6Q 
iSpy by KYLE: @gMPU 
Trap queen by Fetty Wap: @NKio 
LMK by Lil XXEL: @IC24 
Dynamite by BTS: @WNZg 
- fun facts! 
1.Otters hold hands when sleeping is they don’t drift away from each other 
2.Penguins only have one mate their entire life, they also propose by giving them a pebble 
3.Cows have best friends 
4.you’re perfect <3 
- another message: - 
To all those people being bullied 
- To all those people who have lost a loved one 
- To all those people who have lost a pet 
- To all those people being abused 
- To all those people going through depression 
- To all those people with anxiety 
- To all those people in poverty 
- To all those people going through a breakup 
- To all those people having a bad day 
- To all those people with insecurities 
- To all those people just having a hard time 
Don’t forget 
- Your weakness today 
- Is your strength tomorrow 
- It always gets better 
- Your loved ones will remain in your hearts 
- You always have the memories 
- Love yourself 
- Stand up for yourself 
- Money can’t buy happiness 
- Those lovers 
- Just weren’t right 
- Don’t abuse yourself 
- Don’t abuse others 
- Kill them with kindness 
- Treat people with kindness 
- We’ve all had these times 
- There will always be a hole in our chests 
- Let’s all be each others’ strength 
- whether you’re 
- Black 
- White 
- Christian 
- Atheist 
- Muslim 
- Etc 
- Love yourself 
- Love others 
- Don’t cut 
- Don’t kill 
- Don’t criticize 
- Don’t beg 
- Don’t do drugs 
- Don’t starve yourself 
- Don’t starve others 
We aren’t supposed to do any of that 
- Just keep your strength 
- Keep your faith 
- Don’t change because you were told to 
- Be yourself 
- Sometimes playing a character, isn’t the best thing to do. Have a great day, and don’t stop spreading awareness about things that are happening currently in the world. 
⚠️ this is not my text, that however doesn't mean that I don't agree with every single word said here. out of the experience, it destroys people. Please don't be afraid to ask for help.
Please, I beg you, please don't do it. You are worth it and there are people who love you.⚠️ 
I need everyone to pass this on. 
💗 ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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kaedeichinose · 3 years
i watched maddy and jordi play against each other in tic tac toe and maddy accidentally gave up her win and i gasped and screamed MADDY NOOOOO bc i was genuinely so devastated
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zhilan · 3 years
literally all I could think about when Jordy was hiding behind the kitchen island was him having to mediate between Abby & Mel if they every broke up
alksjfaksjf nooooo poor jordy, i love him laksjfs save him from the wrath of these two dummies 😂 but also. im very into the three of them hanging out together. abimel and their bestie jordy pls. 
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robohintz · 3 years
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Why is everyone like “nooooo, I wanted Benn vs Benn”? I would not have the energy to make sure Jamie and Jordie didn’t brother kill each other on the ice in the series, to be honest—
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boysforeverblog · 8 years
jesus...dallas traded jordie benn to the habs. 
i’m legit gonna cry. how dare you separate the benn brothers!?! 
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rodriguezs · 4 years
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w-ilkinson · 6 years
1. Last kiss - His name starts with T :) 
2. Last phone call- My mum
3. Last text message - Jordie
4. Last song you listened to - Running - abi ocia
5. Last time you cried- yesterday
6. Dated someone twice- ahhhh no
7. Been cheated on- yes
8. Kissed someone & regretted it-  not really
9. Lost someone special- yes
10. Been depressed- yes 
11. Been drunk and threw up - yes 
12. had sex- yes
13. How many people have you had sex with this year? 2
15. Made a new friend- yes 
17. Laughed until you cried- mmm yes i think so
18. Met someone who changed you- i wouldnt say changed me 
19. Found out who your true friends were- yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you- yes 
26. What did you do for your last Birthday- went to melbourne
27. What time did you wake up today- 10:13
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- New zealand
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time- i only have one
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- how much i travel
32. What are you listening to right now- the surf
33. When is the last time you had sex? few weeks ago
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now- my manager 
35. Most visited webpage- instagram or tumblr
36. Favorite colour- i like green atm
37. Nicknames- wilko, nikki wilks 
38. Relationship Status- single
39. Zodiac sign- taurus
40. Male or female - female
41. Primary school- caulfield south
42. Secondary School- brighton sec and swinburne senior
43. High school/college- nope
44. Eye color- blue 
46. Height- 161
47. Do you have a crush on someone- yeah kind of :) 
48. What do you like about yourself- my tattoos and eyes
49. Piercings- heaps i think 12 or something 
50. Tattoos- 11 i think
51. Righty or lefty - righty
53. First piercing - earlobes 
54. First best friend- kate
55. First hookup -archie
56. First Bestfriend- kate?
59. Eating- nothing
60. Drinking-nothing
61. I’m about to- go see some friends
62. Listening to- the surf
63. Waiting for- the energy to get up 
64. Want kids? maybe
65. Get married? not really
66. Career- nooooo idea, own business?
67. Lips or eyes eyes
68. Hugs or kisses- kissesx
69. Shorter or taller- taller
70. Older or Younger- older
71. Romantic or spontaneous- spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms- nice tummy
73. Sensitive or loud- loud
74. Hook-up or relationship - relationship
76. Kissed a stranger- yep
77. Drank hard liquor- yes
78. Lost glasses/contacts- yes
79. Had sex- yes 
80. Broken someone’s heart- maybe iduno
82. Been arrested- nope
83. Turned someone down- yes
84. Cried when someone died - of course
85. Fallen for a friend- nope
86. Yourself- sometimes
87. Miracles- yes 
88. Love at first sight- yeah
89. Heaven- yes 
90. Santa Clause-  no
91. Kiss on the first date- sometimes haha 
92. Angels- yes 
93. How would you label yourself? chilled
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For- i dont pray
95. Did you sing today- yes 
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About- archie
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? i wouldnt
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For- happiness and love
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? yes 
100. Do you like the way you look?  i wish i could change things
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aharris00britney · 7 years
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@agentwashsims​ said: I️ knew you wouldn’t disappoint on the curly hairs!
Thank youu! lmao it is a pretty basic edit but I'm glad you like it ;-;
Anonymous said: Could you convert the solid colored EA Cruella DeVille style for girls or tots?
Actually it has already been converted HERE (warning: she uses an ad thing :( )
@verdigreedy​ said: You're doing a great job! Thank you for sharing with us!           
Thank you ;-; RIP imagine that there are cc creators out there that don't share ;-; how much cc are we missing out on
@simmiezoo​ said: I would love a flipped version of the Zoey hair - I usually use hairs that are flipped the other side. I don't know if it's easy to do. Just a suggestion! It looks great btw. :) 
I can try! No promises though lmao it should be pretty easy but sometimes it isn't
Anonymous said: Brady hair won't show up. Do I need to have Pets installed? I don't have it.            
Hey! @ayoshi​ tested it, Braxton, Jordie, and Zoey hairs for me and they all showed up fine for him. He does not have Cats & Dogs installed so that isn't the issue. I think you have to have the most recent game update.
Anonymous said: Hello. Can i find out what kind of lenses do you use on sims?💚💚💚            
I actually updated to quartz V2 a few days ago, and recolored them in 20 more swatches! Jade is gonna let me post my non-defaults, I just have to finish the previews
@lizziesimmer​ said: The link to your post of the clumsy braids are gone! I don't know what happened to them but I need them back!!   
Yeah, I had planned on revamping them ;-; I still do! Just haven't worked on them in a few months weeks lmao hopefully I can get them finished soon
Anonymous said: Thank you so much for not using Ad.fly and making it easy for everyone to just download your CC without having to go through an ad hell  <3 Talented and considerate.. what more do we need :)            
Aaaaah no problem!! There are tons of creators that don't use ad.fly! or at least give you the option of ad.fly or not
Anonymous said: Bless u for editing that middle part curly hair from cats and dogs. It made me feel like my sims was George fucking Washington.            
rhfdncv omggg screaming it does look kinda like a George Washington hair
Anonymous said: Will u make a Arilee Hair without the Bangs ? That would be so awesome ❤️ Love u and the cc u make. Such an talented person u are. Lots of love.            
Awe thank youu!! Yeah I am gonna finish the no-bangs version sometime this week and get it out <3
Anonymous said: do you know if anyone that has (or could you hehe) remake those toddler camo pants for adult sims
I don't actually :( and I sadly am not that good at cc clothes ;-; maybe another creator will see this and try it out
Anonymous said: I just wanted to say that you're my favorite CC maker c': I just adore your work and how unique your cc is! <3 You have so much talent and I can't wait to see more from you.            
Anonymous said: I think your Jordie Hair may have caused my game to bug, I got the never loading ring of death :/ Cute hair though           
Hey! As I said before, @ayoshi​ tested it and my othe recent hairs for me, and his game was fine :( a lot of mods broke with the patch so it is probably one of them
Anonymous said: I love all the stuff you make! You're super talented!
Omggg no I'm not ;-; thank you though, I'm glad you like it
Anonymous said: Does your username mean anything?            
A - Austin, Harris - my last name lolol, 00 - for 2000 aka the year i wss born, Britney - for the legendary Miss Britney Spears
@simnook​ said: You make the most amazing cc and it’s been cool to see how much you have improved since you first started. love your blog so much 💚
Thank you dude!! Literally I bet it was a journey to see my old cc previews vs now! Like last night I went back and looked at the previews for my Roseanne hair and i didnt fill in the area behind the '18 ea colors' all the way and just GOD I cringe at myself
@cowplant-pizza​ said: hi love! just wanted to ask if you are working on the middle parted curly hair from cats & dogs! its a tad flat imo, and i trust you more than anyone to do it justice!!! ily ♥         
This was sent before I released my Zoey hair :P hope you liked that
@simsinsanmyshuno​ said: yooo i have a suggestion: can you make that one floofy curly hair from C&D (lmao the bigger curly hair for women) shorter i feel like it would look really cute like shoulder length            
I think @wild-pixel is working on a hair like that actually!!
Anonymous said: the jordie hair is so cute!! thank you for everything you do for the community!
Anonymous said:Hi I was wondering if we have to pets for you newest toddler hair to work?      
As long as the post/preview says BGC, it means it is Base Game Compatible :) I do think, however, you have to have the most recent update to the base game
@spideywil921​ said: Omg could you potentially make a child version of the Half Up Do with the braids from Cats & Dogs???            
I might if nobody else has done it by like Tuesday??
Anonymous said: Can you do recolors on some of the male CAS tops in pets? You’re one of my favorite cc makers and I love your stuff 😩😩 
Lololol I am not that good of a recolor, I actually recolored 4 CC tops a week ago and have the post in my drafts still contemplating about posting them ;-;
Anonymous said: You should start a gameplay            
rip nooooo
Anonymous said: So, I love shaved hair, so I checked out the hairs, and while looking for a hair, I came across Tae Hair, so long story short--- where can I download it? It isn't in the list.            
It's in there :) just click the download and you should be able to find it
@deviants​ said: hey! this is super random but I’ve been watching you create content for a while now and tbh you've gotten so fantastic!! you’re one of my favourite CC makers :)     
Aweeeee thank you so much <3 I'm glad you call me one of your favorites
Anonymous said: Hi, where did you get the scar eyebrow in your Rebecca hair?  <3            
Please check my resource page! It is listed in there on Lora's cc chart
Anonymous said: Hey I love your cc!! Are we able to download the sims you make? They're just so perfect. What's your origin id? xx   
Thank you!! I am gonna work on getting Taylor and my male Sim posted this week :)
@itacorcoran said: I wanted to say your content is so amazing! It's the best sims 4 hair i've ever seen its unique and interesting and barely any clipping if at all :D I hope you're well i pretty much download every sim hair i see on here ^^     
Thank you!!! My hairs def aren't unique but I appreciate it!
Anonymous said: Which did you prefer, likey or knock knock?    
Right now I really like Likey but Knock Knock is soooo good I think it will overpower Likey later down the road.  Same thing happened with Signal
@simskru​ said: I'm literally in love with you and everything you've created, just saying       
TYSM!!! That is so nice ;-;
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elclosconesa · 4 years
Ataque global !!!  UNA BRISA DE ESPERANZA
UNA NUEVA VISIÓN del Covid-19 ...  
A pocos días del confinamiento, algo en mí ha dado un giro. Me sorprendo pensando, y contrastando el pasado.
Recordando cuanto viajábamos, cuando recorríamos mundo, cuando hacíamos grandes cenas, cuando íbamos a comprar en aglomerados espacios, ...
Y como de repente, algo me dice dentro de mí que esto no volverá. Como si hubiéramos estado viviendo en la abundancia, en el todo,                     en la época en que todo se podía hacer, en la que casi nada se daba valor.      A donde íbamos? ... dónde? 
.Y donde iban esta generación que lo habíamos tenido todo, y nada les había faltado?, donde no había límites donde lo que contaban era los "likes" donde todo era fachada, donde al final, todo se podía y todo valía.
Y ha tenido que ser un organismo minúsculo proveniente de una naturaleza sabia que nos dice "STOP" !!
La naturaleza avisa, que el mundo precisa detenerse, que tenemos que resituar y recolocar las cosas, los conceptos, que estábamos perdiendo lo que es más esencial.
Cubiertas las necesidades básicas, habíamos creado un mundo muy lejano de los verdaderos valores, donde todo  vale, donde todo se puede, donde todo es poco.
Corríamos afanados, afanados a qué?.....a  lo que tengo que hacer,  a lo que toca ir, lo que toca, toca, toca ... lo quiero, quiero, quiero ... puedo, puedo puedo ... el todo el todo ...
Nuevas generaciones nacidas en la abundancia, en la no carencia material, en el querer ser el centro, en el hecho de confundir los roles, en el hecho de tener protagonismo y la opinión, en el de no pedir, sino exigir, el de que la persona es más objeto que sujeto, donde todo es desechable, donde todo es fácil y al alcance.
Donde las relaciones son efímeras, donde el amor se encuentra en un escaparate y no en un ser, en un sentir, en un irse cociendo.
En el quiero más, en que esto es poco, en el no saber casi qué es el "no",    en lo que es el vacío, el no hacer nada, lo que es la no inmediatez, lo que es el esfuerzo pesado.
Lo que es la verdadera conexión con uno mismo, volcados en el exceso, en la vorágine de la sociedad. En la sociedad del todo, el de aparentar, el de exhibición, el de no poder vivir sin mostrar.
De existir en la medida en que los demás te ven, más importante mostrar, que estar.
Nooooo, NO !!! la vida no es eso,
La vida es sentirla en ti, disfrutarla en ti, que te llene a ti, que la sientas tú, que la elijas tú, que la acaricies, la saborees, que te nutra a ti.
Hay que vivir pendiente de tu imagen? Hay que "colgar" una foto mostrando tu cuerpo ?, hay que hacerse fotos para mostrar tu cuerpo medio desnudo ?, hay que mostrar lo que haces, lo que comes, lo que vistes?
Se ha confundido el dentro y el fuera, lo que siento por lo que toca. Lo que quiero por lo que se hace, se ha confundido la cantidad por la calidad, el hacer por mí, por hacer para el otro.
Es necesario que todo se convierta en una imagen irreal? Donde íbamos?
Mujercitas de 15 como si tuvieran 30, mujeres de 70 como si 15 .. Es necesario aumentar los pechos, engrosar los labios, licuar tu cuerpo a los 15 años?
Nos habíamos convertido en carcasas, a mantener a cualquier precio, destinando demasiado tiempo en tener la carcasa reluciente.
Y olvidarse de enriquecer el interior, la mente, la sabiduría, la humanidad, el hecho de amar, el hecho de sentir, de disfrutar ...,
Y este "bichito" nos dice "piensa", nos dice "parad", nos dice "todos a casa".
Nos dice, "no es necesario que se adornen", "no es necesario". Nos dice "no puede quedar con todos los amigos mundiales".
Os dice "no no todo vale". Os dice no no, no todo es fácil, no todo está a nuestro alcance ". Nos dice "no sabes que todos somos frágiles?", 
"Que todos somos vulnerables?"
De que todos requerimos de un abrazo, de una sonrisa, de un ser.
de un compartir, de un darse las manos, de un beso, de un estar en compañía. de un ir a tomar un café, de un quedar a comer, de una cena en compañía. de una risa de la tendera, del placer sencillo, de salir a la calle, ver el sol..
El hecho de ver al amigo que se acerca, el olor de la verdadera vida, de un paseo contigo, un caminar en la orilla del mar, del parque, de la montaña ...
De un dia de Sant Jordi paseando viendo libros y flores.
Una sonrisa de complicidad. y ... hasta ahora, nadando en el extremo. En el todo, en lo mucho....Y todo esto, siento que quedará atrás, no volveremos a vivir igual. El mundo hará unos cuantos pasos atrás porque seguramente corría demasiado, veremos mundo, pero más de cerca....
STOP paraaaa!!!  que el mundo nos lo pide, porque lo necesitaba.
Nos dice que hemos corrido demasiado, y que nos hemos pasado de listos, que hemos ido demasiado lejos,
Que hemos destrozado la naturaleza, hemos ensuciado las aguas, hemos contaminado los cielos, hemos cambiado los climas. Hemos corrido para conocer la otra parte del mundo y nos hemos olvidado de  lo nuestro, y el señor mundo nos dice "BASTA".
El señor mundo nos dice que le debemos de escuchar porque es muy sabio.
Nos dice a ¿Dónde vais? ...Que haceis? ..
Deja de estar siempre anhelando, planeando pensando siempre lo que harás, de subir el trabajo que estás haciendo !! Parad, escucha, toca, siente, se tú, y sobre todo haz de dentro hacia fuera y de fuera hacia dentro.
No mires a lo lejos, mirad cerca, no veas lo que no toca, y agradeced siempre lo que tienes.
 "¿Dónde vais?" Se ha descuidado lo más importante, hemos descuidado ser humanos !! "
AUTORA: Eulalia Corberó Psicóloga y Neuropsicología. https://eulaliacorbero.wordpress.com/
#psicologia #vida #cuerpo #mente #virus #coronavirus #covid-19
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