gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 3
warnings- light smut, drugs, alcohol. 
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The dull light of the afternoon sun reflected off of Josh’s cheekbones as he showed Penny around the venue and the various rooms. He led her around, hand in hand with childlike excitement, explaining every funny thing that happened in every specific spot. 
“Oh and here's where Sam yacked after taking five tequila shots in a row,” he laughed heartily, placing a hand across his chest. Penny shook her head, laughing at the antics concurring within the band. They finished the tour by entering the tour bus for a pre-show drink and warm-up. Sam sat on one of the various tables, criss cross applesauce and void of shoes of course, Jake was sat sideways in a chair strumming his guitar, and Danny was crouched in front of a mirror far too short for him trying to do his hair. Josh sat across from Jake, patting the seat next to him softly. His eyes widened for a moment, as if he had just remembered something vitally important. 
“Mama, what should I wear tonight?” He said in hyper speed, moving his hands in his usual manner, “I have a few options, but I need your fashion expertise.” 
“What are the options?” Penny answered. Josh then climbed haphazardly across the row and opened a small closet by the bunks, pulling out three extravagant outfits. The first was a purple silk or satin jumpsuit, clad in gems and detailing. The second was a sleeveless black jumpsuit covered in gold detailing. The last was a white jumpsuit, similar to the purple one, just softer in look. She scratched her chin thoughtfully, pondering it seriously in her head. 
“You look sexy in purple,” she answered after a few moments of consideration. Jake then snorted, chuckling to himself. 
“Yeah if you consider looking like a magenta hobbit sexy,” he continued. Penny laughed at the other twin's response, looking at Josh’s offended expression. Josh then silently, and dramatically removed the purple jumpsuit from the hanger and moved into the bathroom to change. While Josh was gone, the rest of the group decided to bring out the good stuff. Danny put a large bottle of tequila on the table, causing Sam to make a queasy face. Jake then placed a freshly rolled joint and a few beers down next to it. Penny smiled, feeling relieved that she had a group of friends to do these things with rather than alone with her cat on the couch. She plopped herself down next to Jake, causing her suede jacket to ruffle slightly, she then grabbed the joint and raised her eyebrows at Jake, asking permission to light it. He nodded, handing her his silver zippo in response. She then leaned into the light and inhaled, feeling that familiar burning sensation run through her chest. Josh soon exited the bathroom, of course making a show out of it. He first swung his leg out and then dramatically sung some old show tune, wiggling his eyebrows at her. She laughed and then offered a hit of the joint to him. He responded with an excited “ooh” and took a hit. He looked magnificent, the purple perfectly accented his skin tone, making it gleam in a pearly fashion. His hair was his usual mop, but now it was a tad longer, covering his ears and falling perfectly. He was beautiful, truly. 
“That probably isn’t great for your voice babe,” she thought out loud. Josh raised his eyebrows at her mid-hit. He exhaled then thought for a moment. 
“You are probably right, wise one.” 
After the J was passed around to everybody a few times, pre-show nerves were no longer present, and it was time to get in the real mood. Jake handed everybody a shot glass and poured a generous amount of tequila in each. Sam still looked unhappy about the choice in alcohol, but held the glass in his hand anyways. 
“Cheers,” rang out from the group and heads tilted back, mouths filling with the painful taste of tequila. Penny felt the shot rush straight to her head, the mixture of weed and alcohol making her feel slightly dizzy, but still dazed out.
“Lets rock this shit,” Jake exclaimed loudly, in a british accent for some reason. 
“Oh no, Oliver Reed is back,” Danny sighed, carrying the bottle out as the group exited the bus. Josh and Penny were the last ones to get up, staying together for one last moment of silence before the show began. 
“You look beautiful,” Penny said truthfully, running her hands softly down the fabric. He glanced down at her hands for a moment, then back up into her eyes, running a hand through her hair as he did. 
“You look stunning mama, you always do,” he said, inching closer to her slowly. She smiled softly, pulling the collar of his jumpsuit closer to her. Josh then closed the gap between the pair, connecting their lips. The kiss began softly, feeling out the waters as if they had not swam in them a thousand times before. He tasted like tequila and smoke, but it felt like home. She sighed into the kiss softly, running her hands up and down his chest lovingly. Just as the kiss got more intense and their tongues traced the outlines of the other, Josh pulled away with narrowed eyes. 
“Fuck, I missed you Pen,” he said in a hushed whisper. He then took her hand and guided her towards the green room behind the stage. The few minutes they had together as a group before the show were filled with adrenaline, and more shots. She managed to snap a few photos amidst the chaos. One of Jake and Josh posed in front of a large painting, Josh holding a fire extinguisher for whatever alcohol induced reason, and Jake with his hands clasped in front of his red suit. She also snapped one of Josh, leaning against a box smiling. She made sure to capture the realness of the moment, wanting to remember the beauty of his persona at the show. 
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Soon enough, the boys pranced onto the stage and Penny stood against an amp box by the side of the stage watching in awe. It was not her first time seeing the boys perform, but everytime she did, it felt better than the last. The show began with a fan favorite, Heat Above. This was one of Penny’s favorite tracks on the album, remembering back to the sunny mornings when Josh would belt it out in the shower, tinkering with certain parts of it. The song was a work of art, one of their best, and it deserved to be based on how long they waited to release it. The other numbers passed by in a haze, she loved every moment, dancing and singing along wildly by the side of the stage. Every now and then Josh would turn around to her on a particularly lovely line and wink at her. He did this during Highway tune’s “so sweet, so nice, so fine,” and Light my love’s “your mind is stream of colors.” The fact that he looked at her during these specific lyrics made her heart hurt with happiness, knowing that Josh felt the same way about her. 
The band soon exited the stage, sweaty and filled to the brim with post-show adrenaline. Josh immediately ran to her, pulling her hand behind him as he ran to one of the dressing rooms. Penny was slightly confused by his quick exit, but followed him nevertheless, she would follow him anywhere. He shut the door in a hurry and connected their lips harshly. She froze for a second, still wondering where this rush of affection came from, but she soon gave in, melting into his touch. He then pushed her against the door and pushed her jacket off of her shoulders. She sighed, lifting his chin up and meeting his eyes. He looked at her with wide eyes, licking his own lips. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but closed it after a few seconds. But his nexts words caused Penny to have another head rush, but this time it wasn’t due to tequila. 
“I love you,” he said in such a hushed whisper that she could barely hear it over the crowd still relishing in the shows excitement. She blinked, slightly tearily and put her hands on either side of his face. 
“I love you, Joshua.” Josh then kissed her with a fercosity that had never been present between the pair, until now. She whined against him, as his core jutted against her own. His hands were roaming over her body, squeezing her ass over her jeans, and toying with her breasts. They were then interupted harshly with a knock on the door that vibrated into Penny’s back. 
“Guys, I know you haven’t seen each other in a bit, but can you save the fucking for when we have a hotel, we kind of need to change our clothes,” Jake yelled through the door. Penny looked at Josh, meeting his eyes with a surprised expression. They maintained the eye contact for a moment before breaking out in hysterical laughter, clutching their stomachs as Josh opened the door to a very annoyed Jake.
Hi babes, I know this chapter is rather short, I just had a really busy day today! next one will be longer (and maybe more smut) :) 
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue
Part 1- 
“I can’t do this anymore,” her words came out flatly, concealing the abundance of pain behind them. He leaned his frame against the door, looking down and sighing deeply. Tears spilled out of his eyes, chest quivering with every breath. To her words he simply nodded and respond with a broken, 
“I love you.”
Two months prior-
The musky smell of the cabin flooded her nostrils, smiling to herself as she set her bags down on the bed. A weekend away with her favorite person and the rest of his band was something common in her life. With breaks in tour and time for writing, Josh wanted to get a second of quiet amongst the constant pound of Rock and Roll on tour. She was shy before him, but now she was comfortable with her own presence. That is the kind of effect that he had on people, his welcoming aura absorbed her own, changing it overnight. 
“Hey Doll,” the curly headed man entered the bedroom they were to share for the next week, “Danny is makin’ dinner if you’re hungry.” His peculiarity poured out of his lips, unlike anything she’d ever heard before. His voice was American, that was the best way to describe it. American, but not modern. When they first met, if she closed her eyes his voice transported her to the 70’s, the age of love. 
“I could eat,” She answered, taking his hand and walking back into the excitement of the cabin. They joined the rest of the band around the bonfire on the patio, an abundance of blankets and drinks being passed around. The guitarist Jake, the bassist Sam, and the drummer Danny all reacted to the pair's entrance with polite smiles and waves. 
Hours passed in the moonlight of the forest. Adirondack chairs placed haphazardly around the fire held bodies of warmth and laughter. Conversations shifted from the best Bob Dylan song, to the meaning of life and death itself. Whenever Penny had the pleasure of being around the band, things always took a philosophical turn at the end of the night, slowing the tempo and creating a new energy. Her eyes drifted to Josh in the seat next to her, his face glowing in the light of the fire, his chin tilted up in laughter, filling her own chest with warmth. The shadows of the flames danced across his face, mimicking the reaction that is constant with his performances. No one could control a crowd like Josh. 
 notes of John Denver's The music is you flooded the area, making her smile. That was the first song Josh played for you. She remembered dancing alone in their apartment, barefoot feet padding across the worn carpet, yellow light emitting from the windows. That was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, closing her eyes and smiling as she thought back to it. She was brought back to reality by the entrance of the boy’s instruments in the circle, giddy to hear the easy flow of fireside songs. 
They played easily together, doing it a million times before. Lyrics soon flowed out of Josh’s lips, softly at first then growing stronger. His tone was confident, using his hands as an extension of his passion, moving them with every word. 
“Can you light my love?
Flames glowing bright as the sun
Deeper than oceans you run
Watch as our world has begun”
Every time he sang, she was reminded of why the weeks without him were worth it. He was doing what he was made to do, and she was happy that he was. But a pang in her gut reminded her of the empty apartment that was soon to come. When he was gone, she wished nothing more than for him to be back with her, back in his presence. It was almost as if she didn’t exist without him, and she knew that in the future it would bite her in the ass. 
The rest of the nights passed with a similar chain of events, an overwhelming sense of comfort in the break from madness. The last morning arrived with a harsh snap back to reality, The band making their way to LA while you returned to Nashville. She stood in the bathroom, short before the goodbyes, gazing into the mirror for a moment of silence. Her tangled mop of dirty blonde hair tangled at her sides, and eyes sunken from late nights that she wouldn’t regret in a million years. Goodbyes soon filled the air, short and sweet with the rest of the band until it came time to say goodbye to Josh. 
“Hey Darlin’” he sighed softly, pulling her into a warm embrace. His hands cupping the back of her head while hers wrapped around his waist, a bittersweet last meeting before he was gone for another two weeks. 
“Please don’t leave me,” she blinked through watery eyes, pulling back from the hug after it was held for what felt like hours. He smiled and bit his tongue, tasting the bittersweet taste of a goodbye. 
“I would never leave your side if I didn’t have to Pen,” he answered, brushing a stray lock of hair behind his ear and placing a kiss on her head. And with that Josh and the rest of the band closed the doors to their van and drove off into the next leg of the tour. 
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