justasofa · 8 months
swap!joshni drabbles pt 2
Kenshi really hadn't suspected for things to go this downhill. One second they were with the Zatarren colony leader who was explaining about the lab they were planning to infiltrate. They had planned to follow Liu Kang around and then take him back for questioning. But with a swift change of plans, they were following the colony leader, Syzoth, to the laboratory. They had discovered Liu Kangs 'plans' to infect Prince Reiko with Tarkat, and had stopped it. Of course, doing so had been the biggest mistake. Both Raiden and Kenshi were shouting as they tried to hold the prince down to administer the shot that Liu Kang had to remake, but Reiko threw them off with ease and was heading just towards Kenshi before someone had pulled him away. Johnny. In response, the maddened prince with Tarkat responded by stabbing the former assassin in the eyes. "JOHNNY!" Kenshi couldn't control the scream that was ripped from his throat, as his eyes widened in horror as he heard the former assassin scream out in pain as well and then collapse on the ground. It all felt like a blur after that, until they were in Liu Kang's real laboratory. All four - Syzoth, Johnny, Raiden, and Kenshi himself - were stuffed inside one of the cells, and it seemed like Syzoth and Johnny were already talking when Kenshi awoke. "Before all this, what was it like? Living in your colony?" "They did not appreciate my talents for shift-shaping. I was outcasted by many, but I proved myself in the end and they welcomed me back. I try my best to protect and fight for my colony, for my Zatarrens." "Johnny.." Kenshi mumbled quietly and moved over to where the American lay seated. "How bad is it?" "Overwhelming." Was Johnnys quick and efficient response, head hung low. "You saved me from Prince Reiko.. I won't ever forget that." Kenshi knew they had been in an argument prior to the mission that Shang Tsung had sent them, and was never expecting this kind of sacrifice from someone who had gone from being hired to kill him, to fighting alongside him, to admitting he had fallen in love with him, and then to this. It was all so much, but Kenshi didn't think he'd ever let this escape his mind. The scream, how fast it had all transpired, and how selfless it was of the former assassin to even try and deflect the attack yet alone do it fully. But now, they were stuck in Liu Kang's real laboratory.
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horoskopiinteresant · 3 years
Horoskopi i datës 13 janar 2021
Horoskopi i datës 13 janar 2021
DASHIDitë e ndriçuar më mirë do jetë kjo e sotmja. Do kuptoni disa paqartësi dhe do mbaroni disa punë të nisura më herët. Nëse jeni në një lidhje do ndiheni më mirë se dje dhe do sqaroheni për disa keqkuptime. Shqetësimet dhe stresi do jene thuajse inekzistente. Ju beqarët do joshni pa e kufizuar veten dhe askush nuk do ju rezistojë dot. Ka shumë mundësi që gjithçka për ju do ndryshojë më shumë…
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ronaldmorton · 5 years
l want to see his reaction to the 7 rings music video https://twitter.com/joshniely/status/1087190590398320640 …
l want to see his reaction to the 7 rings music video
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https://twitter.com/joshniely/status/1087190590398320640 …
l want to see his reaction to the 7 rings music video https://twitter.com/joshniely/status/1087190590398320640 … syndicated from https://thehappypoochweb.wordpress.com/
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nerfzen · 7 years
Tyler is a college student and joshnis his professor and Tyler's lowkey (high key ) a slut and teases josh all the time Bonus points if josh snaps and fucks him) 🍼✨
“are you following me or what?”
tyler stops and kicks out idly at a rock on the pavement. it rolls off the curb and skips to josh’s shoe, where it hits and stops. “maybe.”
“why? if you need help with classwork, i have office hours-”
“dude. this is not about class.”
“then what is it?” when josh shrugs, his bag of chinese food rises and falls. so do his shoulders, standing out as his dress shirt clings to his biceps.
tyler steps forward and tilts his head. “are you single?” behind him, the bell above the door dings as someone else enters the restaurant.
“newly. why?” josh looks like he still doesn’t know what tyler is getting at.
“i figured. you’re right - i’ve been following you. mostly trying to figure out if you have a boyfriend or not. or a girlfriend…you’re not straight, are you?”
josh frowns. “no.”
“thank god.” tyler sighs and comes even closer to josh, sees the salt and pepper flakes in his beard that are hard to notice when he’s sitting bored in class. “i know you have enough food in there for two people. wanna go back to your place and share it?”
to his surprise, but elation, josh grins. “is this a come on?”
“of course it is.” a pause. “would it make you feel better if i said i don’t do this with every professor?”
“would that be a true statement?”
“no need then.” he gestures to his car. “get in.”
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naishtedikur · 4 years
Horoskopi ditor, e shtunë, 21 Dhjetor 2019
Horoskopi ditor, e shtunë, 21 Dhjetor 2019
Gjithçka do shkëlqejë sot ne jetën tuaj ne çift. Do e joshni pa fund njeri-tjetrin dhe çastet e lumtura do jene akoma me te shumta se me pare. Edhe beqaret do kalojnë një dite te bukur dhe me disa takime interesante. Me vone e dine vete ata se çfarë do bëjnë. Ne planin financiar do iu jepet mundësia ta përmirësoni situatën. Do jeni edhe me te qete.
Do e dashuroni aq shume atë…
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allyourdailyfashion · 6 years
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me crawling out of bed after too long of a nap https://twitter.com/joshniely/status/1066914588204118017 …
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SPC-Govt ModelHSS PUNNAMOODU,ഒക്ടോബർ 21 പോലീസ് സ്മൃതി ദിനം 🌹🌹🌹. ======================== നാടിന്റെ സുരക്ഷയ്ക്കും സമാധാനത്തിനുമായി ജീവൻ ബലി അർപ്പിച്ച പോലീസ് സേന അംഗങ്ങളുടെ ഓർമ പുതുക്കൽ ദിnam. Nemom SI Sanju Sir, DI മാരായ Ajaya Kumar, Banitha Joshni, CPO Rajitha Anil teacher എന്നിവരുടെ നേതൃത്വത്തിൽ സ്‌മൃതി ദിന റാലി സംഘടിപ്പിച്ചു. SI Sanju സർ റാലി Flag off ചെയ്തുcadets കളെ അഭിസംബോധന ചെയ്തു. Cadet നന്ദന സ്മൃതി ദിന പ്രസംഗം നടത്തി. https://ift.tt/2Aps9tR
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xhemilbeharaj · 6 years
"Bandilla" - Ja si të zgjoni interesin e femrës pa folur
“Bandilla” – Ja si të zgjoni interesin e femrës pa folur
Kryesisht meshkujt kanë frikë kur u pëlqen ndonjë vajzë, andaj shpesh takimi shndërrohet në katastrofë totale.
Është mirë të dini se si merrni qëndrim dhe në cilën mënyrë ta joshni vajzën, e cila ju ka pëlqyer, madje edhe pa asnjë fjalë të vetme
Nëse jeni duke u bërë gati të dilni me shoqëri, ndërsa akoma jeni duke kërkuar një vajzë, këto janë këshillat për ju. Nëse uleni… Nëse uleni për të pirë…
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horoskopiinteresant · 3 years
Horoskopi i datës 6 janar 2021
Horoskopi i datës 6 janar 2021
DASHIGjatë kësaj dite Hëna do bëjë që gjërat t’iu ecin më mirë sesa i mendonit. Mund të arrini edhe gjëra që i kishit menduar si të pamundura. Për ju të dashuruarit është momenti i duhur për të marre vendime të rëndësishme. Po i shtytë ende gjërat situata mund t’iu dalë edhe jashtë kontrollit. Nëse jeni beqarë duhet të besoni tek vetja dhe ta joshni ashtu siç dini atë që pëlqeni. Me shumë gjasë…
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ronaldmorton · 5 years
Did this kid think Ari was in high schooI or sumthin? LIIKE REEEAALLY? https://twitter.com/joshniely/status/1087190590398320640 …
Did this kid think Ari was in high schooI or sumthin? LIIKE REEEAALLY? https://twitter.com/joshniely/status/1087190590398320640 …
Did this kid think Ari was in high schooI or sumthin? LIIKE REEEAALLY? https://twitter.com/joshniely/status/1087190590398320640 … syndicated from https://thehappypoochweb.wordpress.com/
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heartfulofpayne · 12 years
It's Metzwell. Not Joshny.
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horoskopiinteresant · 3 years
Horoskopi i datës 20 dhjetor 2020
Horoskopi i datës 20 dhjetor 2020
DASHI Gjatë kësaj dite do mërziteni shumë edhe vetëm kur ta mendoni të shkuarën. Mendimet e të tjerëve gjithashtu do ju lëndojnë. Për ju të dashuruarit klima yjore nuk do jetë aspak e mirë. Tensioni do mbizotërojë në çdo moment dhe mund të thoni edhe fjalë lënduese për tjetrin. Kjo gjë do bëjë që gjithë kohës të jeni të mërzitur. Ju beqarët do jeni shumë të sinqertë me ata që do joshni dhe nuk…
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horoskopiinteresant · 4 years
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Horoskopi i datës 15 prill 2020 Akrepi Nëse i lini gjërat pas dore, mos prisni mrekulli nga planetët sot. Mundohuni ta joshni, ta dashuroni dhe ta surprizoni sa të mundni partnerin tuaj nëse keni një lidhje.
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horoskopiinteresant · 4 years
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Horoskopi i datës 6 prill 2020 Dashi Nëse i lini gjërat pas dore, mos prisni mrekulli nga planetët sot. Mundohuni ta joshni, ta dashuroni dhe ta surprizoni sa të mundni partnerin tuaj nëse keni një lidhje.
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horoskopiinteresant · 4 years
Horoskopi i datës 14 Shtator 2020
Horoskopi i datës 14 Shtator 2020
Plutoni do ju detyrojë të ndryshoni disa zakone gjatë kësaj ditë në thuajse të gjitha fushat. Do bëheni edhe më ambiciozë nga më parë. Nëse jeni në një lidhje duhet sa më parë të hiqni dorë nga kokëfortësia sepse përndryshe keni për të pasur probleme serioze. Vetëm kështu mund të kaloni një mbrëmje të këndshme. Ju beqarët do joshni edhe pa dashur vetë, por nuk do jeni gati të filloni një…
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horoskopiinteresant · 4 years
Horoskopi i datës 6 korrik 2020
Horoskopi i datës 6 korrik 2020
DASHI Gjatë kësaj dite do jeni shpesh në ankth dhe në merak për ecurinë e gjërave, megjithatë deri në mbrëmje situata mund të ndryshojë. Nëse keni një lidhje mos i fshihni asgjë partnerit tuaj sepse është shumë herë më mirë të keni disa debate të vogla dhe më pas të qetësoheni sesa të bëni sikur ndiheni mirë dhe të vuani gjithë kohës në shpirt. Ju beqarët do keni mundësi të joshni dhe të flirtoni…
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