#joshua maverick
fatrickgrimes · 3 months
Rick season 1 to TOWL
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jptynamo25 · 8 months
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More of this! I know, probably looks bad.
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partyexe · 2 years
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these two screencaps of josh and melanie capture the exact same emotion
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
omg y'all,
I was looking at the dates and places Joshua Bassett went on tour bc I only really knew a couple so I was looking at the back of the tour shirt I bought and no lie he went to San Diego which has my inner Top Gun girlie freaking out a lil'
this news has also gripped me with the feminine urge to write a fic about it. it would probably be a daughter!reader fic of some kind but idk I thought it would be fun (and fully self-indulgent on my part bc post-concert depression is real)
so if y'all would like to see this please let me know (and also let me know some more ideas or who you'd like reader to be related to n stuff)
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aondaneedles · 2 years
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New Year’s Eve party at the Nova lot.
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evilhorse · 2 years
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X-Force #35
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freethrows · 2 years
going insane do not text
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lovelytsunoda · 9 months
tell me something girl (are you happy in this modern world) // tom “iceman” kazansky
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summary: after thirty years of marriage, heather kazansky reflects on the time she spent and the love she shared with tom as she prepares to write her eulogy and say goodbye to her husband.
pairing: tom kazansky x wife!oc (named heather)
warnings: canon character death (Tom) and mentions of gooses death from the original movie, depictions of grief, mentions of mental health and medication,
authors note: this is the fic I firmly believe I was put on this earth to write. I wanted to do so much more with it, but honestly would have ended up with like 16k words or something like that.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
“is that the admirals wife?”
“jake, shut the fuck up.”
heather kazasnky had never thought of herself as an impressive woman. she always found herself timid, shy and a little anxious. it wasn’t until the first offshoots of gray started to sprout in her hair, and she’d watched all three of her children grow up that she truly thought sh had done something impressive with her life.
she sat alone at a table in the corner of the hard deck, oblivious to the wandering eyes of her husbands trainees as her slender fingers navigated the keyboard of her MacBook.
she started at the voice, cheeks marred with the flush of someone who had just been sobbing as she turned to look at the speaker.
“peter,” she hummed. “it’s good to see you, maverick.”
heather got to her feet, pulling the other pilot in for a tight hug. “nice to see you too, heather. how are you doing.”
“the best I can. the kids are supposed to be coming up tonight to help with the funerals.”
there were always going to be two funerals. the first was the formal military funeral, where her husband would be buried in the same cemetery as nick bradshaw, and the other was more like a reception, something more human and less structured. for the people who knew him not as admiral kazansky, but as tom.
“I miss him, mav. the house feels strange without him in it. I’ve spent so long being heather kazansky, I don’t know how to go back to being just heather.”
maverick shook his head, taking a seat next to her. “you’re still you, heather. you’re still a mother to three incredible kids, and grandmother to two.”
“with another on the way.” she coughed, somehow managing a smile. “joshua’s new girlfriend is expecting. he told tom before he died.”
“congratulations, heather. how are the kids doing?”
“as well as can be expected. as usual, mitchell is the glue holding us together. cassie’s a wreck. she always was her father’s daughter. and for it to happen so soon after she had jamie just seems cruel. tom was going to retire, did you know that? he was ready to put his papers in, we were going to go to greece. it was finally us time again. he gave so much of himself to this country, and I was so excited to finally have him back.”
pete rested a hand on heathers shoulder, squeezing it through the fur of her cardigan. she was strong despite her age, still well built and sturdy, face marred with laugh lines but not a single telltale old woman wrinkle. “I’m so sorry, heather.”
“thank you.”
she turned back to her laptop, showing the other pilot what she was doing. “I’m gathering pictures for the reception. but most of them are of me. tom always had his fucking camera with him. I should have let the kids do this part. all I’m doing is making myself cry.”
she cast her eyes back to her laptop screen, resisting the urge to reach out and run her finger over the photo, soaking in the good memories as they came flooding back. in the picture, she and tom stood on one side of the kitchen counter, laughing with each other as they cut gingerbread cookies.
it had been their first christmas together.
“oh my god,” maverick laughed. “is that iceman in a cable knit?”
“he was so nervous about meeting my dad for the first time. I had to talk him out of wearing his dress whites.”
December 1985, Richmond, Virginia.
they had been together for six months, give or take the few weeks his team had spent deployed in the gulf, and nothing had intimidated tom kazansky more than meeting his girlfriends father. he had wanted to wear his navy dress whites in an attempt to make a good impression before heather had laughed and made him change into jeans and a sweater before they left the apartment.
even then, he had changed sweaters four times before setting on the white cable knit he was currently wearing.
iceman knew how stressed his girl got during the holidays. her family could bring out the worst in her, and they were both highly strung when they walked in the door.
now, she was off to the side with her sister, cradling a mug of hot coco in her hands as she watched him with a smile, chuckling as he dropped a cup of flour down the front of his jeans.
“you really like him, don’t you?”
heather looked back at her sister, who raised her eyebrows as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.
“I do. I really do, abigail. he makes me feel like I’m worth loving, if that makes sense. everything with tom is just so…easy.”
abigail frowned. “he’s a lieutenant, isn’t he? that means he’s going to be deployed a lot. are you sure you can handle that?”
heather sighed, taking a sip of her drink. “we’re trying. he was out in the gulf for a few weeks in september, and we got through it.”
“he’s barely taken his eyes off you since you got here. and when he looks at you, I don’t see anything other than pure, unfiltered love. I bet he’s got a polaroid of you in his cockpit.”
heather laughed, a warm and giddy feeling in her chest. it was clear how much her family loved iceman, and how quickly they were welcoming him into the fold.
“you know I’m losing him for two months in the new year. he’s off to california, got into some fancy fighter jet training program.”
“you can still go see him, right?”
“yeah, I’ve got a few vacation days saved u- oh fuck.” heather cursed, thrusting her mug into abigail’s arms as she saw what her boyfriend was doing. “give me one second, I’ve gotta stop him from screwing up the gingerbread.”
she pushed up the sleeves of her jacquard sweater, socks skidding across the kitchen tiles as she loosely knotted her hair behind her head.
“kaz, sweetie, give me the rolling pin. you’ve gotta knead the dough.” she smiles softly, putting herself between the pilot and the counter.
one of tom’s flour coated hands came to rest as her waist, his chin on the top of her head as she watched her dip her hands into the bowl of flour, and proceed to knead the gingerbread dough by hand. her lovers hands came to rest over hers, his lips soft and warm against her skin as they kneaded the gingerbread dough together.
“see, you don’t always know everything, lieutenant.” she hummed giddily, running her thumb over his wrist.
“yeah, but I know I love you, and that’s all I need.” Tom laughed, gently using his finger to guide her head towards his and placing a soft kiss on her lips.
April 2022, Miramar, California.
heather paused, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "i loved that man so much, pete."
the hard deck was getting busier, off-duty pilots and seamen flooding in from the base at miramar as shifts changed for the day. heather knew all about the dagger squad and the hazy series of events that brought pete mitchell back to the academy, often having to speak for her husband in meetings once his first cancer operation had left him unable to speak for himself.
"auntie heather!" a familiar face looked over from the pool table. bradley bradshaw was a spitting image of his father, right down to the way that his moustache was trimmed.
for heather, it sometimes felt like seeing a ghost.
"brad!" she perked up, waving him over to the table. "how are you?"
when she first came to visit her husband at miramar, somethign about carole bradshaw had pulled heather in. she hadn't known the bradshaw's long, but by the time that goose's accident happened, she felt like she had known that family her whole life.
she did what she could to help carole out afterwards, especially when it came to raising bradley, but as rooster got older and time flew by, it was so easy for carole and heather to fall out of touch.
"you look just like your dad." she hummed, hugging the pilot. "it's like seeing nick again."
bradley nodded solemnly. "i was sorry to hear about admiral kazansky."
"thank you. it had been a long time coming, but there's no way to properly prepare to lose the man you love."
rooster gestures to the group behind him, the mismatched group of people coming to meet him at the table. “aunt heather, I’d like you to meet the dagger squad: jake, natasha, robert, reuben and javy. we knew the admiral well.”
“hi.” heather said weakly, introducing herself. “I’m heather, the admirals wife. or, widow, I guess. I’m still not used to saying that.”
“are you getting ready for the funeral?” jake asked, promptly getting jabbed in the rib cage by natasha.
“what hangman means to say is: we all respected your husband very much, and we would be honoured to help you plan his memorial service.” phoenix corrected, taking heathers hand between both of her own.
“thank you for the offer, natasha.” heather smiled. “bradley, I want to show you something.”
she sat back in front of her laptop, using the touchscreen to pull up a video taken the first summer she came to visit miramar. she had timed the visit to coincide with her birthday, a small selfish part of her unable to fathom spending her birthday without tom.
bradley pulled up a chair next to the table, watching as the screen crackled to life, the date stamp in the corner reading june of 1986. they were inside the o bar, the video opening with heather resting her head on tom’s shoulder, then panning over to the massive birthday cake and sparklers set in front of her. carole bradshaw sat on one side of her, and charlie blackwood was at the head of the table, sitting next to maverick.
“is that my mom?” Bradley smiled fondly. “she looks so full of life.”
“she was.” heather laughed. “and you might remember charlie, she was one of mavericks many lovers.”
“hey!” pete scoffed. “things just didn’t work out.”
“she was always too good for you, pete.” heather laughed, pointing to another space on the screen. the group was singing happy birthday, supported by a rockabilly piano backing track. “bradley, there’s your dad.”
goose was sitting in front of the grand piano, a toothpick hanging between his teeth as he hammered away at the ivory keys, aviator glasses over his eyes.
“happy birthday dear heather, happy birthday to you.”
the camera panned back to heather and tom as she blew out the cake candles. tom pulled her in to a soft kiss while the rest of the table cheered, and then the video cut to black.
“mitchell has been digitizing all of this stuff for us. I caught tom watching our wedding videos before he died.”
“remember when slider and wolfman got absolutely shitfaced at your wedding and tripped down the reception stairs?” maverick laughed to himself “did anybody ever get that on video?”
heather shook her head, a bright smile on her tear stained face as she hunted through the original wedding folder. “I’ve got you one better.”
September 1987, Monterrey, California.
mrs. heather kazansky. she could get used to that.
she was sitting with her sister and tom’s parents, the former two who were conversing with each other in polish. she twirled her wedding band on her finger, face flushed and spirits high as she looked on at her husband.
tom was with maverick and slider, the group of aviators dressed in their best white uniforms, beer bottles lifted high as they drunkenly hollered the words to an old rod stewart song.
“and I know your name is rita, because your perfume smells sweeter.”
abigail was filming, zooming the camera lens in on heather as she asked: “are you sure you don’t wanna back out now? till death do you part, you’re bound to this dumbass now.”
heather laughed, playfully smacking at the camera. “yes, I’m sure!”
“stay with me, come on stay with me!”
sliders voice was three decibels louder than everybody else, and he was also significantly drunker. one of the bridesmaids had her eyes on him, and there wasn’t a doubt in anybody’s mind that ron kerner would have somebody in his bed that night.
iceman’s face was flushed, his arm thrown around maverick as they rocked on their feet, skin sweaty and hair mussed.
but in the midst of all this chaos, he still managed to look over at his new wife, blowing her the softest kiss. she smiled, catching the kiss in her hands and pressing it to her heart, a moment her sister was able to capture frame for frame on digital video.
tom had watched the video hundreds of times as he sat alone in his office, struggling to come to terms with the fact that he’d be leaving not just the love of his life, but his three beautiful children as well.
April 2022. Miramar, California.
“that’s the kind of love that people only dream about.” natasha smiled softly. “you’re lucky you got to spend as much time with him as you did. most couples don’t make it as long as you guys did.”
heather smiled shakily, reaching for her drink. she’d left the sprite so long that the ice had half melted, condensation dripping down the glass.
“he was so good with the kids, you know. I was on and off depressed for a while after joshua was born. my mental health had never been perfect and I was on a low dose anti-anxiety medication for a long time. but after Josh was born, everything just got so much harder and I could barley get out of bed in the mornings. tom would take the kids to school, make their lunches. he was teaching full time at top gun by then, so he took a few days off to stay with me, make me feel like myself again.”
“he was a good man.” robert smiled, rubbing her shoulder.
“yeah, he was.” heather bit her bottom lip, pulling a photo up on her laptop that had the dagger squad letting out a chorus of ‘awe’s’
the picture was taken in 1989. tom was dressed in a gray waffle knit shirt, a pair of pit viper sunglasses on his forehead as he held a smiling baby in his arms. mitchell’s wide eyes looked up at his dad, his tiny fingers wrapped around in of tom’s larger ones.
his name was mitchell ronald kazansky, because tom had made a lame bet with maverick and slider (that he lost) and had to name his firstborn after both of them (because he was a fucking idiot at times, but she loved him anyways).
the boys were both easy children, but cassandra? she was a daddy’s girl through and through, and tom would have moved heaven and earth for his little girl. whatever cassie wanted, she often got, well into adulthood even. she was the spitting image of her father, from her honey blonde hair right down to the birthmark on the underside of her jaw.
when tom walked her down the aisle at her wedding three years ago, he cried all the way to the altar. but not half as much as he sobbed when he held his granddaughter for the first time, cancer-stricken and barely able to speak, but still brimming with joy as he held jamie to his chest.
“he lead a good life. one he was proud of. he used his last words to tell me as much.” heather choked out, overwhelmed by emotions. “I just wish we’d had more time.”
pete placed his hand over hers, squeezing it reassuringly as natasha rubbed her back, and rooster gently squeezed her shoulder.
there was still so much love that heather kazansky still had to give.
still so much love that she was surrounded by.
and maybe that was tom’s way, even from the grave, to tell her that everything would still be alright.
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @sidcrosbyspuck @twinkodium @sidcrosbyspuck @oconso @thatsdemko @lorarri
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callsigncurse · 11 months
Call Sign Chaos - (Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x Reader)
[Part One of the 'Agents of Chaos' series]
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Character Stats:
Personality is quiet, sweet - but will stand up for your friends/yourself if pushed too far. Very confident when it comes to your flying.
Best friend is your RIO, Lieutenant Joshua "Agent" Evans.
Raised in a small town in Oregon (this will be important-ish later)
Universe: Soulmates AU - When you come into contact with the one you're meant to be with, your invisible string shows itself to you, tying you to that person forever. Your soulmate can read your mind, and you can talk to each other telepathically (and, subsequently, block each other out), as well as feel the other's presence, no matter how far apart you are.
Words: 2.4K
Warnings: None that I know of, but if you see anything, please let me know!
part two →
"Listen, I'm just saying. You could do a lot worse than Seresin." Josh was walking beside you on your way to a meeting. "I mean, you haven't dated in good long while. I'm starting to worry about you."
Your amusement is evident when you turn your head to face him. "Seriously, J? You're trying to set me up with the Navy's number one playboy?" While you appreciated your best friend's concern, there was no way in hell you were going to pursue Jake "Hangman" Seresin.
"Oh, c'mon, he's not that bad." He sounded unconvinced, even to himself, and it pulled a laugh from you as you entered the classroom. "I mean, he's hot, isn't he?"
"I mean, sure." You relent. "But I'm not looking to mess around right now, you know? I want to wait for my soulmate." The last half of your sentence was more whispered than said, and the look your RIO gave you was one of worry. 
You took a seat next to Josh in preparation for the meeting. You were barely listening as your instructor for the mission was announced. You knew the callsign, of course. Captain Pete "Maverick" Mitchell was an absolute legend in the Navy. He was your instructor for this mission, the one that was top secret, which surprised you. He was pretty well known to never follow the rules set in place. He listened to no one but himself.
You started paying more attention when he started walking between the aisles of the tables you were sitting at. You caught sight of strong arms and a handsome face with messy black hair.
And when he reached the front and turned around, you caught sight of yet more of his strong, handsome face. He was a little on the older side, but still devastatingly gorgeous. When he removed his aviators, intense blue eyes met yours from across the room. Your breath left your lungs in a split second.
And because of the golden thread that was now gleaming against your skin, tying your wrist to his, he was also, evidently, your soulmate.
His eyes were blinking owlishly at you, confusion written in the gorgeous blue and in the tight line of his lips. The color of his string looked beautiful against the backdrop of the tanned skin on his left wrist. It was branded into him like a tattoo, just as it was on your right wrist.
You quickly slid your hand under your desk, sliding the sleeve of your flight suit down over your string. You looked around quickly, but it didn't seem like anyone else had seen anything. Rooster was too busy looking annoyed at Hangman; Hangman was snickering at him; and the rest were looking down at their desks or at each other.
To his credit, he didn't miss a beat. He copied you, sliding his flight suit sleeve down over his wrist. He played it cool, even if his intense gaze drifted to you constantly as he was talking.
It was hours later, and you were still walking around in a stupor. All you could think about was Captain Pete Mitchell. You could feel his presence, which was reassuring as the golden tattoo around your wrist pulsed. You weren't alone in the world anymore, because he was yours.
Just like you were his.
"Hey, Chaos. You wanna play some pool?"
The voice belonged to Rooster, and you looked up from your drink to see Bradley offering you a poolstick. You blinked at him for a second before you smiled. "Nah, I'm good. Last time I played pool here, I overshot majorly and broke a window."
"She totally did; Penny was not thrilled." Josh bumps into your side, his signature golden-retriever smile on his lips. "Basically banned her and me from playing from then on." 
Rooster found this outrageously funny, and you managed a meek smile as he and the others laughed at your antics. There was a reason why you and Josh were "Agent" and "Chaos." Agents of Chaos.
Your tattoo pulsed again, the string pulling tighter, and you turned your head toward the bar. Blue eyes were watching you, their intensity causing a shiver to roll down your spine. When he noticed you looking back at him, he offered a slight nod of his chin.
Well, at least he'd acknowledged you.
You copied him, lifting your drink up slightly. You wanted to go over to him, talk with him, and figure out just how you'd fit into his life. But the look on his face stopped you. He looked almost disappointed.
"It's not disappointment aimed at you." His voice was deeper and warmer in your head than it was out loud. It startled you, but you sat on your bar stool and listened carefully. "But you realize that this can't happen, right? This is a bad idea."
He watched as your mouth twisted into a devastating little pout, looking down at your drink now. He took a moment to study you, looking at your form-fitting blue jeans, your boots, and the shirt that hugged your curves. You were beautiful, and his chest ached with want.
"You don't even want to try?" You answered; your voice was now in his head, honeyed and sweet. He savored it. "If we explain what happened, Admiral Simpson can't keep us apart; there are laws against seperating soulmates."
"I know." He sighs in your head, and your eyes flick back from the drink in your hand to his face. He looks pained. "But Cyclone already hates me, and getting involved with a student would make things worse. We can't." 
Your throat suddenly felt too tight, the room too warm, and you suddenly just had to get out of there. You turn away, presenting Maverick with your back, and hand Josh your glass. "Hey, I'm feeling kind of tired. I think I'm going to head back a little early."
Josh hopped off his bar stool, concern for you in his deep brown eyes. "You want me to come with you?"
"Nah, I'll be alright. You stay and have fun, okay? I'll see you tomorrow." He looks like he wants to argue with you, but you gently push him back towards your friends. "Seriously, just go and have fun."
He sighs, but he knows it's pointless to argue with you, and he turns his attention back to a story that Hangman was telling. You turn away and start heading out when his voice fills your mind once again.
"Where are you going?"
You ignore him this time, slamming your mental block down so hard that you see him jolt in his seat from the corner of your eye, startled. 
It makes you feel a little bad, but you walk right past him and out the door of the bar. It's a cool night, with the ocean crashing nearby. You wish you'd had the foresight to grab a jacket before you'd left for the Hard Deck that night.
You make it maybe five minutes down the road when a motorcycle comes roaring up behind you, stopping a few feet away with dust flying all around.
"First of all," He steps off of the motorcycle, and the light from the streetlamp throws his face into shadows. "I probably deserved you shutting me out, but it fucking hurt." He's shrugging out of his bomber jacket and stepping into your space so he can throw it around your shoulders.
You're so startled by his sudden appearance that you let him.
"Second of all," he continues, "you should not be walking around out here alone. It's not safe. And without a jacket? C'mon, Chaos."
You open your mouth to argue; you're not a toddler. You're a fighter pilot in the United States Navy, for God's sake, but then he steps into your space a little more, and you get distracted by his eyes. His cologne dances with the wind, the scent of sandalwood and leather, and something that can only be described as him floods your senses.
He's staring at you now, his hands still on his jacket, and he's tugging it around you. You can feel the warmth of his skin bleeding into you, and it feels so right. You've never felt so at peace before, but when he's touching you it feels like everything is going to be okay.
"You did deserve it." You finally spoke up. He raises an eyebrow but lets you continue without interruption. "The Pete Mitchell I heard stories about in basic was fearless. Unstoppable. He always marched to the beat of his own drum."
He opens his mouth, but you push on. "And here you are, giving up on us before we even got started. All because you're scared of what, Admiral Simpson? Losing your job?"
"I'm not scared of him." He grumbles. "I have a responsibility to you and the rest of those kids whose lives are in danger because of this mission. I can't afford a distraction. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm a little too old for you."
You huff out an irritated sound, moving away from him so you have space to breathe. You can't think straight when he's so close. "Bullshit. I know you don't believe that."
"Look, obviously the universe made some kind of cosmic mistake here." He steps in toward you again, and you throw his jacket off and shove it back into his startled hands.
A mistake. Pete Mitchell, your soulmate, had just called your connection to him a mistake.
He tries to backtrack immediately when he sees the tears beginning to form in your eyes. He hadn't meant it that way, but he knows how it sounds, and he could feel your pain. You were wounded by his words.
"I'm so sorry." He murmured, watching you shiver and stare at the ground. "I really didn't—sweetheart, don't. Don't cry, please? I didn't mean it like that."
You're devastated, and you just shake your head. "Please go, Captain Mitchell." You don't use his call sign or his name, and somehow that feels wrong to him. All of this is making his head ache, but he doesn't move.
"At least let me take you home." His voice is soft. Tender, almost. You wipe your eyes and look back at him. "Please? I can't stomach the thought of you wandering around out here by yourself. Just let me get you home."
You almost say no. He'd rejected you twice and called you a mistake (whether he'd meant to or not, he'd still said it), and yet you found it hard to deny him anything. After a moment of hesitation, you nod slightly. "Okay." 
After practically ordering you to put his jacket back on so as not to catch your death, he helps you onto his bike, swinging his leg over and settling down with a practiced ease onto the seat in front of you. It's clear that he's been doing this for years. "You gotta hold on, sweetheart. Put your arms around me."
There's yet another moment of hesitation before you do as he says, sliding your arms around his waist. Your cheek rests against his back as he starts the bike back up and peels out onto the road.
The ride back to your place is tense. You want to relax into his warmth and cherish this time with him before it's gone for good. But there's no telling if he'll ever be this close to you again, and you don't want to get too close. You miss him already, and you quietly mourn the life you could've had with this man.
When the bike pulls into the driveway of your bungalow, you slide off quickly, nearly tripping and falling flat on your face. He catches you before you do, his strong arm sliding around you to keep you on your feet. Your shirt had ridden up, and you could feel his skin on yours. You did your best to ignore the warmth that was forming deep in your belly.
"Careful, sweetheart." He murmured, climbing off the bike. Suddenly, you felt small, looking up at him. "Don't want you getting hurt."
You huffed out a humorless laugh at that. "A little too late for that."
Turning your back, you left Captain Pete Mitchell in your driveway, watching your retreating form as he stood alone. He didn't let you get very far before he was moving your way.
"Can we please talk about this?" 
You were at the door, your hand resting on the surface. You don't bother to turn around. "What's there to talk about, sir? You made your decision perfectly clear. You don't want this. You don't want me."
"Hey, I never said that." His tone is stern, and that sound makes you swoon just the tiniest bit. "Did I say those words out loud to you?"
You lean your forehead against the door, rolling your eyes. "You didn't need to, Mr. 'This Is A Cosmic Mistake'." Your heart twinges again at the memory. You'd never felt that kind of sharp pain before.
He's so close to you that you can feel the warm air fanning over the back of your neck when he breathes out. His chest was very nearly pressed into your back, and his body heat cuts through the chill in the air.
His hand is on your shoulder, gently pulling you around to face him. You stubbornly refuse to meet his eyes, choosing instead to stare directly at his chest. This seems to amuse him, because he lets a soft chuckle escape his lips.
"I'm sorry." His thumb and pointer finger take your chin gently, tipping your head up so he can see your face. "I really am. I didn't mean that you were a mistake, sweetheart. I just meant..." He trails off for a moment before he continues. "I'm an old man. You deserve someone closer to your own age."
You shake your head, your hand coming up to wrap around his wrist. "Maverick, I don't care about the age gap." Your eyes meet his, finally, and he's blown away by the emotions he can see swirling in their depths. "I don't care that you're my instructor, and I don't care that you're the most stubborn man I've ever met. I want you."
He seems to be frozen in place, his hand still holding your face in place. His eyes are searching your face, almost like he's looking for something. When you resolve doesn't waiver, he sighs.
"You are something else." He says, his other hand coming up to cup your face. His thumb smooths over the skin of your cheekbone, and he leans his forehead against yours. He's still fighting an internal battle, but he gives himself this. A quiet moment with you.
This is just the beginning of Chaos and Maverick's story. Don't worry, dear reader. Maverick will come around.
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NAMES ⌇ abeline. adeline. alfred. anderson. annie. archer. arthur. ash. aspen. austin. automata. axel. barett. beau. beckett. belle. bennett. betty. billy. blaise. boone. bree. brooks. bryce. cade. caleb. callen. callie. calvin. carson. casey. cassidy. chance. chase. clayton. clementine. clint. clyde. cody. colby. cole. colt. colton. connor. coraline. county. cree. cyrus. dagger. dakota. dallas. dalton. damon. darby. darla. delta. denver. dove. east. easton. edgar. eliza. elliot. ellis. emmett. emmylou. everett. everly. fallon. fang. farmer. fletcher. flint. flynn. fritz. gage. georgia. georgina. grant. graves. hank. harrison. harvey. hattie. hawk. hayes. heidi. holster. hudson. hunter. ida. jace. jack. jackie. jackson. james. jed. jesse. jessie. john. jolene. josh. joshua. jude. knox. leroy. lewis. loretta. lucille. luke. luther. lyle. maple. marshall. mason. maverick. meadow. millie. misty. myra. nash. nell. nina. oakley. oscar. otis. owen. pace. pamela. penelope. phoenix. pierce. pollyanna. prairie. quinn. ray. reed. reid. rhett. rhys. riley. river. rochelle. rory. roscoe. rosie. rudy. ryder. rye. sadie. savannah. sawyer. scarlett. sedona. selena. shep. shepherd. sienna. sierra. silas. skye. spanner. sparky. sterling. stevie. stormy sullivan. sundance. tallulah. tate. tess. todd. tucker. twila twyla. verily. wade. walker. walt. walter. waylon. wayne. weston. wilde. will. willa. willow. winona. wren. wyatt. zachariah. zane. zeke. zinnia.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ace/ace. aim/aim. badge/badge. bandana/bandana. barrel/barrel. boot/boot. boy/boy. brash/brash. buck/buck. bull/bullet. cattle/cattle. clad/clad. clash/clash. colt/colt. cow/boy. cow/cow. cowboy/cowboy. cy/cyborg. denim/denim. dirt/dirt. dive/dive. drive/drive. fang/fang. farmer/farmer. fence/fence. fire/fire. foal/foal. gold/golden. gra/grass. gun/gun. hat/hat. herd/herd. hill/hill. hit/hit. hold/holdem. holdem/holdem. hoof/hoof. horse/horse. iron/iron. jack/jack. jump/jump. kick/kick. lasso/lasso. law/law. lawful/lawful. lone/lone. mech/mecha. metal/metal. mount/mountain. mustang/mustang. noon/noon. officer/officer. out/out. outlaw/outlaw. poker/poker. protect/protect. pry/pry. punch/punch. punish/punish. ranch/ranch. ranger/ranger. rev/rev. rev/revolver. rev/rev. revolvers/revolver. river/river. ro/ro. robo/robo. rug/rugged. run/run. rust/rust. ry/ry. save/save. sharp/sharp. sheriff/sheriff. shoot/shoot. shot/shot. shot/shotgun. shout/shout. spark/spark. spur/spur. star/star. steed/steed. steel/steel. sun/sun. thief/thief. tumble/tumble. weed/weed. wheat/wheat. wood/wood. yee/haw. yeehaw/yeehaw.
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blond-jerk-tourney · 1 year
Brackets + Participants Masterlist
Have you ever thought who is the JERKIEST and MOST LOVEABLE MEAN BLOND ASSHOLE?? Well then this is the tournament for you!
read this if you're new
complete list under cut. the order of images does not reflect matchups.
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Champagne Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Sakyo Furuichi from A3! Act! Addict! Actors! Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (musical) Clotted Cream Cookie from Cookie Run Yoshiki Kishinuma from Corpse Party Jiwoo from Dandelion - Wishes Brought To You - Byakuya Togami from Danganronpa Hiyoko Saionji from Danganronpa Eichi Tenshouin from Ensemble Stars Nazuna Nito from Ensemble Stars Karin Sauer from Fear and Hunger Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy Zenos yae Galvus from Final Fantasy XIV Sharpay Evans from High School Musical Vace from I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Natsume Minami from Idolish7 Cindy from Kindergarten Felix from Kindergarten Larxene from Kingdom Hearts Kromer from Limbus Company Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat Mikhael / THE MAVERICK from OMORI Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5 Bede from Pokémon Sword and Shield Oleana from Pokémon Sword and Shield Babette from Raggedy Ann and Andy A Musical Adventure Haley from Stardew Valley Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends With You Clownpiece from Touhou Project: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom Vil Shoenheit from Twisted Wonderland Camus from Uta no Prince-sama Ryuji Goda from Yakuza Honey Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Andrew Minyard from All for the Game Mean Generic Golden Retriever from Anon Ask (link) War from Bonus Links AU by @bonus-links Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes Richard Lazarus from Doctor Who MacKenzie Hollister from Dork Diaries Ryusui Nanami from Dr. Stone The Blond "weird sister"/"bride of dracula" from Dracula Arte Ente Conchita from Evillious Chronicles Dave Strider from Homestuck Dirk Strider from Homestuck Trophy from Inanimate Insanity Emma Frost from Marvel Comics (usually X-men titles) Brittnay Matthews from Most Popular Girls in School Ambrosius Goldenloin from Nimona (comic) Danburite “Danny” Skinner the OC of @porcelain-animatronic Rose Thorburn Jr. from Pact (art by @wraith_ly on twitter) Brandish/Carol Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium Glory Girl/Victoria Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium) Goddess/Bianca from Parahumans (art by raikiri on reddit) Tattletale/Lisa Wilbourn from Parahumans (art by monkeyjay on reddit) Shaka from Saint Seiya  Thranduil from The Hobbit Achilles from The Illiad (art by ancient greek polychromatic pottery painter c. 300BC) Ianthe Tridentarius from The Locked Tomb (art by @starcanist) Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray Adam Parrish from The Raven Cycle Rachel from Tower of God Arlo from Unordinary Mathis Quigley Sr. from Unsounded Benedict from Violet Evergarden Linton Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
Platinum Bracket (alphabetized by media) Brad Morton from American Dragon: Jake Long Biff Tannen from the Back to the Future Trilogy Patriarchy!Ken from Barbie Howard Hamlin from Better Call Saul Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai/Karate Kid Daring Charming from Ever After High Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off Zap Brannigan from Futurama Joffrey from Game of Thrones Gideon from Gravity Falls Heather Chandler from Heathers Helga Pataki from Hey Arnold Simon from Infinity Train Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cindy from Jimmy Neutron Ankh from Kamen Rider OOO Villanelle from Killing Eve Regina George from Mean Girls Arthur Pendragon from Merlin Skwisgaar Skwigelf from Metalocalypse Chloé Bourgeois from Miraculous Ladybug Steff McKee from Pretty in Pink Angelica Pickles from Rugrats Gunther and Tinka Hessenheffer from Shake It Up Prince Charming from Shrek Bartleby Montclair from Sonic Underground Illya Kuryakin from The Man From UNCLE (2015) Lyle Lanley from The Simpsons Tom "Iceman" Kazansky from Top Gun Julia from Total Drama / Total Takes Flash Thompson from Ultimate Spider-Man Strawberry Bracket (alphabetized by media) Lilith Bristol from Absolute Duo Rio from Assassination Classroom  Mello from Death Note Beelzebumon from Digimon Tamers Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Char Aznable from Gundam Kei Tsukishima from Haikyuu!! Shaiapouf from Hunter x Hunter Anzu Futaba from Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Isobe from Kamisama Kiss Nozomu Nanashima from Kiss Him Not Me Hanazawa Teruki from Mob Psycho 100  Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia Neito Monoma from My Hero Academia Arcangelo Corelli from Neo Yokio Cavendish from One Piece Donquixote Doflamingo from One Piece Sanji from One Piece Panty Anarchy from Panty and Stocking Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena Jadeite from Sailor Moon Zoisite from Sailor Moon Akagi Ritsuko from Shin Seiki Evangelion Sofia from Space Dandy Kuusuke Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K Ryou Shirogane from Tokyo Mew Mew Sylvio Sawatari from Yugioh Arc V Malik/Marik Ishtar from Yugioh Duel Monsters  Mizael from Yugioh Zexal Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri on Ice The brackets are based on the type of media they are from. It isn't perfect but I think that is okay. I was thinking of posting all the initial matchups, but I've decided I don't want to change them as they are now and I also want them to be surprises.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Summary: Bradley and Jake were in a relationship for 5 months after the Uranium Mission after a big fight over something petty, Bradley stormed out and went to The Hard Deck found a hookup went home, and accidentally knocked her up. Now Bradley sees Jake everywhere and works up the courage to call him. Can everything go back to normal?
Pairings: Jake Bradshaw x Bradley Bradshaw, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, fluff?
A/N: fic was inspired by the song Doppelgänger by Joshua Bassett. I also have to thank @justabigassnerd for pitching the idea and saying I can go with it, and also for getting me obsessed with Joshua Bassett.
A/N 2: If your name is Allie you can change this name
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2 years ago
Bradley and Jake just had arrived home not speaking to each other after work stressed out to the max. Jake had done a particularly stupid dangerous move when they were teaching some new students at Top Gun.
Jake's engines had gone out after he hit his brakes to invade a student and was going down when he got them up and going again at the last possible second. Bradley was listening to the whole thing and saw the whole thing since he too were up in the air. The class finished after that and everyone was dismissed for the day. Jake and Bradley packed their stuff up and headed home. Jake tried to speak to Bradley but got nothing. They arrived at their apartment and Bradley shut off the Bronco's engine still not saying anything, they got their stuff and headed inside.
Once inside it was silent Jake unlaced his boots and took them off but Bradley did not. He was fuming and it only got worse when Jake spoke.
"Ok. What is up with you? You haven't said a word since before we went up in the air." Jake asked Bradley. Bradley stood there before answering.
"What you did was reckless and you could've ended up hurt." Bradley said not moving. Jake scoffed which made Bradley frown.
"I saved it at the end. Everything worked out." Jake replied moving around the kitchen but yet Bradley stayed unmoving.
"Jake you're not getting it. I could've lost you today." Bradley said moving his arms to cross over his chest.
"But you didn't and I'm fine nothing happened." Jake said giving off his famous smirk but it fell when he saw Bradley's face.
"You're still not getting it. I've may have signed up for your cockiness but I did not sign up for recklessness. I've lost my dad and almost lost Maverick, I couldn't bare to lose you. I love you Jake I really do but I can't be with you if you're like this." Bradley said breaking his own heart.
"Fine if you don't want to be with me then leave. I don't give a fuck. We're done." Jake said breaking his own heart. Bradley turned and walked to the door opened it and stormed out and got in his Bronco and drove The Hard Deck. Bradley was heartbroken and angry, he needed a drink or two or three or five.
Bradley had his fifth glass of beer in front of him and he was feeling tipsy. He wasn't paying attention to anyone until a pretty 20 something year old walked up to him, she too were tipsy. They talked and they flirted and then Bradley was taking her back to his apartment. Things got heated quickly.
The next morning he woke up with a splitting headache. He sat up and noticed a girl in his bed immediately everything came back to him. He got up and put as much distance as he could away from her. He loved Jake. He went to the kitchen and started coffee. The woman walked out of the bedroom fully clothed. They talked and decided to keep in touch, she really wasn't a bad person. They exchanged names and it turns out hee name is Allie.
The next week Allie texted Bradley saying that she was pregnant. She told him that she wasn't going to terminate the pregnancy but once the baby was born she was giving it to him. Bradley was shocked but understandable. He still absolutely loved Jake tho and nothing has changed that and nothing will change that.
9 months flew by, Allie had been staying with Bradley during that time, and now Bradley was a father to a healthy beautiful baby girl named Y/N Y/M/N Bradshaw, that looked identically to him. Allie gave up parental rights at the hospital.
Bradley took Y/N home and everything was great. He still thought about calling Jake but decided against it each time. Y/N was the perfect little angel for Bradley never giving him trouble. He didn't get in touch with Jake until Y/N was 2 years old. He hadn't talked with Jake or seen him for 2 years, he may have seen him in passing but never stopped to talk to him. It was killing him and what he didn't know was that is was killing Jake too.
Present Day
Bradley had Y/N with him at a coffee shop/bakery/ice cream parlor spending the day with his little girl, that just so happened to the same and favorite place of Jake and Bradley. He had Y/N's back facing the door so he saw everyone that came in. Jake was on his mind almost everyday, he guessed he wasn't over him as he thought.
There was a man that walked in he wore a khaki uniform and had the same build as Jake and from behind he could've been. Feelings for Jake came back full force. He wanted him back but knew that Jake would probably never talk to him. He practiced for hours what he was going to say to him but each time he went and dialed his number his fight or flight kicked in and the flight won. His mind was telling him not to call and to move on but his heart wanted something completely different.
Jake wasn't taking it much better he wanted Bradley. He missed him so much. It hurt when he sees him at work but they never talk and it kills him to hear his voice. It really was a stupid fight and a stupid move. If he could take it all back he would. Jake thought about calling Bradley but backed out each time too, when Bradley left it shattered him. He cried for hours and drank until he passed out and had the worst headache in the morning and now he limits the drinks he has. He wanted Bradley back.
Everyone could see that both men were miserable. But they kept insisting they were ok but weren't fooling people. It sometimes impacted their flying and even started to worry Maverick.
Bradley kept seeing him around and wanted to so badly walk up to him, say sorry and kiss the hell out of him, but refrained from doing so. He and Y/N visit that shop every Saturday it was a tradition of theirs and each time he saw someone that looked liked Jake. He couldn't stand it anymore so that night when Y/N was in bed he decided to call Jake and prayed that he would answer and by some miracle he did.
"Bradley." Jake said and his voice was music to Bradley's ears.
"Jake." Bradley said full of emotion. He wanted him back badly.
"It's late Bradley. What do you want?" Jake asked and Bradley could tell that he was holding emotions back and it was true. Jake hearing his voice melted his heart and made it state racing he truly loved that man.
"I know baby. I just have to get some stuff off my chest." Bradley said letting the nickname slip but neither corrected it.
"I think this should be done in person Bradley." Jake said and Bradley knew he was right.
"You're right." Bradley said and Jake was right. "Tomorrow at our place near the lake in the park?" He asked hesitated but answered.
"That would be perfect." Jake said
"Oh and Jake?" Bradley asked
"Yea?" He answered
"I have someone you should meet. Does 2 PM work?" Bradley asked and Jake could've sworn his heart dropped and a million thoughts running through his head. Did Bradley move on? Why does he want him to meet the person he moved onto? Was he engaged?
"Yes that works. Goodnight Bradley." Jake said and about said 'I love you' but stopped himself.
"I'm looking forward to it. Goodnight Jake." Bradley said and ended the phone call.
The next morning at 1:30 PM Bradley called Amelia, his babysitter, to meet him at the park. He explained to her what was happening. Amelia nodded and took Y/N to the playground while Bradley went and sat on the bench, his and Jake's bench, in front of the water and waited. Exactly at 2 PM Jake showed like he said he would. He went to where Bradley was and sat down. Bradley turned to look at him, he was in tight fitting jeans and a hoodie and his hair was messy, just like Bradley liked, and he was still handsome as ever.
"I'm here. What do you want to talk about and who do you want me to meet?" Jake said getting right to the point and turning to look at Bradley.
"I just want to say I'm sorry for storming out. I planned out what I was going to say. I'm just going to get the point. These past 2 years have killed me. I miss being with you. I miss hearing your voice. I miss waking up in your arms. I miss your lips. I miss you in general. It was a petty fight, I'm sorry. I know you may never forgive me but I can at least try to apologize and hope you'll forgive me. I want you back Jake. Baby I love you so much. I went to out coffee shop and I could've sworn I saw you but it was just someone that looked like you." Bradley said pouring his heart out into the speech and Jake could see tears forming he knew that he was being sincere. Jake stayed silent and Bradley knew this was a mistake he should've never contacted him. He was getting ready to get up when Jake stopped him with a hand on his thigh and that made Bradley stop.
"Bradley, babe." Jake began "You really did hurt me that night. I drank until I passed out and woke up with a massive hangover that morning. I forgive you but it's going to take time for us to be whole again. I miss you dearly. These past two years have been miserable. I want you back in my life. I hope that can happen. I love you Bradley." Jake finished "Can I kiss you?" He asked Bradley.
"Absolutely." Bradley said and they smashed their lips together. They only pulled apart when air was needed "I missed your lips." Bradley said.
"Now who is this person you want me to meet?" Jake said in return. Bradley smiled.
"I'll go and get her." Bradley said. Jake watched him walk to the playground and had a conversation with Amelia and he smiled when he saw her jump in glee and hug Bradley. He was glad they worked this out. He watched Bradley bid Amelia a goodbye and bent down to a child's height and spoke to a little girl and saw the little girl nod. Bradley picked her up and walked over to Jake. "Jake meet Y/N. Y/N meet Jake." He introduced them sitting her down in front of Jake. "She was part of a one night stand 2 years ago when I stormed out. I got tipsy and took a girl home and accidentally kncoked her up. She stayed with me until Y/N/N was born and gave up parental rights that day." Jake listened and nodded looking at Bradley. He smiled at her once Bradley was done talking, she was the exact copy and Bradley.
"Hi Y/N. I'm Jake." He introduced himself and the little girl grew shy.
"Hi." She said shyly and after a beat of silence "Are you going to be my daddy?" She asked and Jake and Bradley could've sworn their hearts melted. Jake smiled and looked at Bradley who was smiling.
"If you and your daddy will allow that." Jake said in a sweet tone. Y/N smiled and hugged him. He took that as a yes. He picked her up and hugged Bradley which turned into a kiss and only broke apart again when Y/N made a high pitched squeal.
"Eww!!" She screeched out and they looked at her and laughed.
"What little miss?" Bradley asked his daughter.
"Gross daddy, you have cooties now!" She said with disgusted look but they just laughed.
"Well I guess we'll just have to give you some." Jake said they started to tickle her throwing her into a fit of giggles and she squirmed to get down and took off running. They took off running after laughing and telling her that they were going to get her. Jake was the one to grab her and swing her up in the air kissing her. Bradley stood back and watched the scene. He was glad they were back together and that both of his loves liked each other.
Everything was going to be ok. Jake and Bradley were happy again. Now they can raise their daughter. They were going to be one happy family.
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bestofsimoneashley · 2 months
And here it is!!!
“Bridgerton” star Simone Ashley has joined the cast of “F1,” the Formula 1 racing movie starring Brad Pitt.
The movie follows Pitt as Sonny Hayes, a former Formula 1 driver who returns to the sport and partners with and mentors rookie Joshua Pearce (Damson Idris) on APXGP, a fictional 11th team on the grid.
Eagle-eyed fans spotted Ashley with Idris over the weekend at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone Circuit in Northampton, England, where filming continued on the project. Kerry Condon, Javier Bardem, Tobias Menzies, Sarah Niles and Samson Kayo round out the cast for the film, which is being shot during actual Grand Prix weekends as the fictional team competes against the titans of the sport. Details of Ashley’s role are being kept under wraps. The first teaser for “F1” was released Sunday in conjunction with the race, which the film’s co-producer, seven-time Formula 1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, won.
Directed by “Top Gun: Maverick” helmer Joseph Kosinski, “F1” is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and Chad Oman (for Jerry Bruckheimer Films); Pitt, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner (for Plan B Entertainment); and Hamilton (for Dawn Apollo Films). The Apple Studios movie is made in collaboration with Formula 1. Ehren Kruger, who worked with Kosinski on “Top Gun: Maverick,” wrote the screenplay. Copper CEO Penni Thow serves as executive producer.
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justabigassnerd · 2 years
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Pairing - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x sister!reader
Word count - 4,537
Warnings - mentions of death, injuries, hospitals, angst, fluff
Song - Lifeline by Joshua Bassett
Summary - One of the only people Rooster has left gets in an accident resulting in a very panicked Bradley
A/N - So whaddup it's another Rooster fic (I am NOT sorry). I listened to Lifeline by Joshua Bassett on the way home from work one night and it inspired this fic. I lowkey hope this didn't turn out bad bc it took me so damn long to write aha. Anyways I'll stop rambling. As per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!
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You and your brother only had each other. You were adopted into the Bradshaw family long after Goose died and just around Bradley’s seventeenth birthday. Carole had always wanted two kids, a boy, and a girl but after Goose died, she thought her plans were gone with the wind but a family friend of hers told her about a gorgeous baby girl in the adoption agency she worked for that needed a home. Carole spoke to Bradley about it, valuing her son’s opinion and when they both went to visit you, they both fell head over heels in love with you and adopted you as quick as they possibly could.
Just as Bradley was nearing the end of college and looked at reapplying for the Navy, hoping Maverick wouldn’t pull his papers again, Carole got sick. Everyone hoped she’d shake it but as time pressed on and she got sicker everyone started to accept the harsh realities of what was happening. Some people suggested that they take you in since you were still little, and they didn’t want Bradley to put his career on hold to raise his sister but he only let some family friends take you in for a year so he could pass his training and get settled into his job before requesting he stay in California to bring you up without having to move you around all the time. After all the loss the Bradshaw family had endured, you and Bradley learnt to lean on each other. After all, it was you and him against the world.
Now you were eighteen and in the midst of your senior year of high school. Bradley was now an instructor at Top Gun and the two of you were still as close as ever. You had never been afraid to tell your brother about things that upset or bothered you and Bradley always listened, making you feel heard and did his best to help you.
“I’m off to work. Don’t be late to school, drive safe.” Rooster says as he gathers his bag and slings it over his shoulder.
“I’m always safe. What time are you home tonight?” You call from the kitchen, occupied with making your breakfast.
“Depends on when Cyclone and Mav say I can leave. I’m teaching pretty much all of today, so I’d gamble I’ll be back around dinner time.” He replies, grabbing his keys and opening the front door.
“Okay, bye!” You say, poking your head around the door so you could say goodbye to your brother properly.
“Bye y/n/n, I’ll see you later.” He says with a smile before finally leaving through the door and allowing you to finish getting ready for school. When you’ve eaten your breakfast and made sure you have all the stuff you need for school in your bag you grab your keys and leave the house, getting into your car and starting the drive to school.
Once you arrive at school you are greeted by your friends who are all immediately stressing about the college applications you had sent off just the week prior, all anxious about what places will accept them or reject them. You try to mediate the fear by keeping your friends calm telling them to just worry about right now rather than worrying about something that’s out of control. After successfully calming your friends down, you figure it’s time to head into the school building and head to your homeroom to get the school day started.
The day was long and while you were ready to head home and collapse into your bed for a nap until you could make dinner, your friend Abi invited you and the rest of your friends around to hers to hang out for a bit. Given that the group of you hadn’t been able to hang out together for a while you all accepted, going to your car so you could give everyone a lift due to the fact you were the only one with a car out of all your friends. The drive, while not long, was filled with you all scream singing songs that the radio played until you reached Abi’s house. The four of you unload and head into the house, immediately heading for the living room where you settle on the sofa and find your favourite show to watch together and press play while Abi grabs some snacks. The four of you lounge around, enjoying each other’s company and exchanging silly comments and remarks about what the characters are doing on screen. When you next check the time, you sit up straighter, pushing the blanket back and standing up.
“Sorry guys, I should probably think about heading home. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” You say, laughing as your friends groan and toss pillows at you for leaving so soon but you simply wave goodbye and head out the door, climbing into your car and beginning the drive home. As you listen to the radio quietly playing under the rumble of the engine, you started to admire the views. You were lucky you grew up in a beautiful place, so you took any opportunities to admire your surroundings. As you reached a set of traffic lights, you celebrated quietly when the light turned green upon your approach but as you went across the gridlock, a car sped from the left side of your car, driving straight into the side of your car, making your world go dark and silent within seconds.
Rooster was finishing up the lecture he was giving to a new batch of Top Gun students when his phone buzzed. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket to see who was calling and when he didn’t recognise the number, he shoved his phone back in his pocket and continued to address the pilots. Just as he was beginning to dismiss the pilots the door to the hall burst open, revealing Maverick and Cyclone on the other side. All the trainee’s stood to attention as their superiors walked towards Rooster.
“You’re all dismissed.” Cyclone says to the recruits, his voice projecting clearly and sternly to the recruits who obey without a second thought, leaving the room as Maverick and Cyclone turn to face Rooster.
“Rooster. The hospital just called me. They said y/n got in an accident.” Maverick says and in a matter of seconds, Rooster’s world came crumbling down around him. He released a shuddering breath and barged past the two men, rushing through the base to get to his car. His thoughts were running a million and one miles an hour. That phone call must’ve been the hospital calling him. He scolded himself silently. He was so stupid why didn’t he pick up the phone? He was grateful that you had both him and Maverick down as emergency contacts otherwise he probably wouldn’t have known until god knows when. He curses angrily at the traffic jam he approaches, hand slamming on the wheel in frustration as he blinks back the tears building. He still didn’t know what had happened to you other than hearing you were in an accident, so his thoughts were going crazy. What if he got there and you were already gone? He couldn’t lose another family member. You were all he had left. When the traffic begins to move smoothly again, he gets to the hospital in what he dubs as record time, parking his car and entering the hospital in a rush. He practically runs up to the front desk.
“I’m here to see y/n Bradshaw. I got told she was brought in not too long ago.��� Rooster says, almost leaning entirely over the desk to address the receptionist who looks up at him for a second before turning her attention back to her computer.
“Are you family?” She asks, typing on her computer before glancing up at him expectantly.
“Yes, I’m her brother.” Rooster replies hurriedly, fighting to keep the frustration from his tone but failing miserably. The receptionist types again on her computer before looking back up at him.
“You can go and wait in the waiting room. She’s being treated right now but I’ll inform someone, and they’ll come and get you when they’re done.” The receptionist says finally after typing one last thing into her computer. She gestured in the loose direction of the waiting room, and he followed her gesture to the room filled with people waiting to be seen by doctors or family members waiting to hear about their loved ones. Rooster sat down in one of the corners of the room, avoiding looking at anyone as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, seeing a bombardment of texts from everyone from Dagger Squad. Everyone was concerned about why he was seen storming out of work. Instead of replying to each individual text, he opened the group chat they had and sent what had happened and where he was. He hit send on the message and opened the text he got from Maverick asking if he was at the hospital and if he had any updates yet.
‘I’m at the hospital but they said she’s being treated. I can’t see her until she’s out. I’m scared, Mav.’
Rooster hit send on the message and leant back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling to try and will his tears to not escape from his eyes. He takes some slow deep breaths to try and remain calm, but his heart was hammering in fear. After a matter of minutes, his phone started buzzing intensely. He retracted the phone from his pocket and saw all his friends sending messages in response to his and then he noticed another message come through from Maverick.
‘I’m on my way, kid.’
Rooster felt a small amount of comfort from that one message and glanced around the waiting room, expecting Maverick to just appear out of thin air. It took about twenty minutes until Maverick entered the waiting room, locating Rooster and crossing to him. Maverick sat next to Rooster and turned to face him.
“Bradley…” Maverick says gently, the use of Rooster's name as opposed to his callsign made the tears he’d been holding in fall down his cheeks. Maverick wasted no time pulling him into a tight hug, squeezing him close as he feels the tears landing on his shoulder. Rooster’s whole body shook with sobs as he cried, clinging to Maverick like he was a terrified little boy again.
“What if I lose her, Mav? I can’t lose anyone else.” Rooster forces out through his cries, blinking the remainder of his tears away and pulling away from Maverick’s embrace and wiping his eyes furiously, looking away in embarrassment.
“That sister of yours is tough. We have to have faith that she’ll pull through.” Maverick says calmly although he too was worried about the severity of this accident. After Rooster takes some deep breaths to compose himself, he nods at Maverick’s words knowing that as much as he hated it, everything was out of his control, and he had to just have faith that everything would be okay. The two talk about anything and everything to try and keep their minds off how slowly time is passing when suddenly they hear a group of people coming and they were shocked to see Dagger Squad coming in, walking over to the two and ignoring the glares from everyone else in the waiting room. There weren’t enough seats for all of them to sit with Rooster and Maverick, so Hangman, Coyote and Phoenix decided to remain standing with their friends rather than finding somewhere else to sit.
“Have you gotten any updates?” Payback asks, looking over at Rooster as he shakes his head solemnly, glancing down at the floor.
“She’ll be alright, Bradshaw. That kid is a fighter. She’ll be back on her feet, kicking our asses in pool in no time.” Hangman says, his tone a lot gentler than anyone was used to hearing coming from him, but it was no secret that he held a soft spot for the youngest Bradshaw. Pretty much all of Dagger Squad had adopted you as their younger sister and they cared deeply for you so you being in hospital had all of them worried for you.
“Family of y/n Bradshaw?” The voice of a nurse has Rooster, Maverick and those of Dagger Squad who were sat down shooting out of their seats.
“I think just Rooster and Mav should go. They’ll fill us in.” Phoenix says, gesturing for everyone to sit down. Rooster and Maverick cross to the nurse, greeting him when they reach him. The nurse leads the two outside and to where a doctor was waiting. The doctor greets the two before bringing them into an office to have some privacy.
“They are just finishing treating y/n. She had some severe injuries when she came in. The car hit her side of the car, so we had to remove some glass and set some broken bones. She did suffer some head trauma so until she wakes up, we won’t know just how severe it is. We’ve moved her into a room, would you like me to take you up to her?” The doctor explains, reading through the charts on her clipboard before looking up at the two. Rooster nods while Maverick glances at Rooster.
“You go. I’ll let the others know what’s going on. Text me the room number when you’re there.” He says quietly, before turning and heading out of the office and into the waiting room to talk to Dagger Squad. Rooster follows the doctor to a lift and then follows her to your room where upon entry, more tears spring to his eyes at your state. Your left arm and leg were in a cast, and you had cuts and bruises littering your face and arms. Rooster pulled a chair up alongside your bed and took your right hand in his own, being mindful of the cannula in your hand. He was vaguely aware of the doctor letting herself out, but he didn’t remove his focus from you. He managed to force himself to take his eyes off you for but a moment so he could send Maverick your room number but the second his phone was off; his focus was back on you. He watched the steady rise and fall of your chest and listened to the repeated beeping from the heart monitor.
“I need you to pull through this, y/n/n.” He whispers to you, squeezing your hand for emphasis and despite the fact he knew you weren’t going to respond, it still crushed him.
As Maverick walked the hallway towards your hospital room, he kept praying in his head that you were going to make it. Maverick wasn’t a religious man, not by any means but if there was an afterlife or whatever people wanted to call it, Maverick had only two people in his mind he was praying to watch over you instead of any heavenly figure.
“Goose… Carole… you need to make sure y/n makes it. We can’t lose her too.” He mumbles to himself as he glances at the door numbers, still trying to find your room. When he locates your room, he enters and is greeted by the sight of Rooster sitting alongside your bed.
“The doctor caught all of us trying to come up to the room and said only two visitors at a time. We’ll take turns coming up here.” Maverick says gently, trying to bring some kind of comfort to Rooster. When Rooster doesn’t respond, Maverick pulls the other chair up alongside Rooster’s to be the support he needed right now.
Over the next day, Maverick and the rest of Dagger Squad would take it in turns being in the hospital room, not only to check on you but to make sure Rooster was okay. Everyone made sure to bring something to your hospital room, either something for you or something for your brother who hadn’t left your side. Hangman brought a bunch of flowers and left them on your bedside table. Bob brought a ‘get well soon’ card he got all of Dagger Squad to sign. Fanboy brought a teddy bear that sat alongside your flowers. Payback made sure to bring water for Rooster to drink while Phoenix would bring a meal from the hospital cafeteria up to him. She had attempted to bring in food from outside, but she got caught so had to resort to the hospital food. Maverick was always there for Rooster to talk to about whatever was worrying him. And every time Maverick approached the hospital room, he whispered a prayer up to Goose and Carole, asking them to watch over you.
On that evening you woke up, it was just you and Rooster in the room. You heard the beeping of the machines and gentle snoring before you opened your eyes, wincing at the brightness of the lights and the pounding in your head. You glanced to your side and saw your brother dozing lightly, his arms folded and his chin resting on his chest. You didn’t want to disturb him. He looked exhausted so you attempted to sit up slightly but exhaled sharply at the sudden pain, causing Rooster’s eyes to fly open.
“y/n?” He questions, trying to figure out if he’s dreaming or if this is real.
“Hey, B.” You say, smiling tiredly.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, knowing it’s a stupid question but he needed to know.
“Rough. My head hurts. The light is too bright.” You grumble, squinting when you make the mistake of glancing towards the light. Without hesitation, Rooster gets up and turns the light off, plunging the room into almost complete darkness with the only light filtering in through your window being the setting sun. Just as Rooster sits down by your side, a nurse walks in.
“It’s nice to see you awake, y/n. I’m just going to check you over and see how you’re doing if that’s okay with you.” The nurse says as you nod slowly, not enjoying the pain the motion gave you.
“Is your head giving you pain?” She asks, glancing down to make a note.
“Yeah, the light hurts my eyes, and my head is just pounding.” You admit, knowing nothing good will come from lying.
“Okay, we’ll try putting you on some different pain meds. When you were being treated, your doctors didn’t find anything of concern with your head injury, but we’ll be monitoring you just to be safe. Do you have any pain anywhere else?” The nurse asks, looking back up at you.
“Only if I move.” You say, hating the way you’re forced to just lie on your back.
“Well, I can only suggest staying still.” The nurse teases lightly, bringing a small smile to your face.
“Is there any way I could sit up slightly? I hate lying on my back like this.” You ask the nurse, your eyes pleading.
“We can try and adjust your bed but if there’s any discomfort, I expect you to tell us immediately.” She says, moving to pick up the remote for your bed and easing the side your head was at up. You hold a hand up to stop her when you’re sat up enough to satisfy you. You were relieved that no pain flooded through you at the motion, and you settled further into the pillow.
“I’m just going to grab those meds for you, okay?” The nurse confirms and when she leaves, you turn your attention back to your brother.
“How are you doing, B? You look rough. And that’s saying something.” You laugh lightly, stopping when he doesn’t even crack a smile at your joke.
“Not the time for jokes, y/n. I was scared shitless.” He says, sighing slightly as he shakes his head, still reeling from the whole ordeal.
“It’s not like I got in this accident just to scare you, Bradley. I don’t want to be here any more than you do.” You say, Rooster remained silent. He was always like this when he was emotional. He would choose to remain silent and stoic so no one could see that things were getting to him. He would bottle it up until he reached a breaking point and you always tried to get him to talk to you about it so he wouldn’t explode.
“Bradley?” You ask, hoping to get some sort of response from your brother. As you open your mouth to press him again, the door swings open and the nurse enters again with some meds in her arms.
“Alright, I have something that should help with those headaches of yours. I’ll just hook it up for you.” The nurse says cheerfully, oblivious to the slight awkwardness between you and Rooster.
“Thank you.” You say as she finishes hooking everything up.
“You’re welcome. You should get some rest. You should think about leaving, sir.” The nurse says, addressing you and then turning to Rooster.
“No. I’m staying. If that’s okay.” He says quickly, the nurse looked slightly taken aback by Rooster’s outburst but ultimately nodded.
“Okay, you can stay. Would you like me to set up a bed for you?” She replies but Rooster just shakes his head thanking the nurse but informing her he’ll be fine where he is.
“Well just come and get me if you change your mind. I’ll leave you two be now.” She says with a smile before leaving. When she’s gone you turn your head to look at your brother.
“I agree with the nurse. You should get some rest.” Rooster says as you nod slightly, feeling minor tiredness creeping up on you and you could only guess it was because of the meds.
“Only if you get some rest too. Something’s telling me you’ve slept a grand total of ten minutes since you got here.” You say and you could tell from his expression that you hit the nail right on the head.
“I’ll be fine, kid.” He says dismissively once he collects himself.
“But you won’t be if you don’t rest. You need to rest. So why won’t you?” You ask, the worry and confusion on your face making Rooster’s expression soften, he didn’t want to upset you.
“I’m just scared.” He admits, lowing his head in embarrassment and fixing his eyes on his lap.
“Scared of what?” You press gently, sitting up slightly, ignoring the small spark of pain that shoots through you.
“I’m scared that if I close my eyes, something might happen to you.” He manages to say, blinking the tears away and still not daring to look up at you.
“Look at me, B.” Your gentle voice encourages, wanting to do nothing more than to comfort your brother. He’d always been there for you growing up, so you wanted to return the favour.
“I’m not saying goodbye this soon. I’m going to be fine tonight. I got my big brother by my side and that’s all I need. I’ll be okay.” You say, a soft smile on your face as you grab his hand. Your smile widened when your brother finally looked up and made eye contact with you.
“I’ll be fine.” You repeat, squeezing his hand lightly as he nods carefully.
“Promise you’ll wake me up if anything happens.” He asks, and you hum in acknowledgement.
“If I wake up with even the slightest amount of pain, I’ll let you know. Promise.” You say, watching as a small smile finally graces your brother's face.
“Thank you. Now, get some rest y/n/n.” He says as you yawn and settle back on the pillows.
“You better get some rest too otherwise I’ll kick your ass.” You mumble, letting your eyes close as Rooster lets out a soft laugh.
“I promise I’ll get some rest. I love you, y/n/n.” He replies, smiling as you snuggle into the pillow.
“I love you too, B.” You mutter before allowing sleep to beckon you. Your breaths becoming slow and deep within seconds. Rooster watches you for a minute before folding his arms and resting his chin against his chest once more and allowing his tired eyes to close, welcoming sleep as it comes.
Rooster was awoken the next morning by all his friends entering and when he looked over at them confused, they were quick to explain.
“The nurse let us all come up. We must’ve bugged them so much yesterday that they just gave in this morning.” Fanboy explains, a shit-eating grin on his face that the naval aviators were able to get what they wanted.
“How’s she doing?” Phoenix asks, looking from where you were laid asleep peacefully to where Rooster was sat, handing him a granola bar to eat.
“She woke up last night. She’s doing okay.” Rooster says with a smile, feeling well rested and more optimistic. The news made everyone start chattering excitedly despite Maverick, Rooster, and Bob’s attempts to keep them quiet.
“Guys, come on she’s still asleep.” Bob pleads, feeling bad that the entire group has burst in and started making a racket.
“I was asleep until Fanboy started talking. His inside voice is any normal person’s outside voice.” Your tired voice has every head snapping to look at you as you peel your eyes open and smile.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Maverick asks, approaching your bedside and brushing a loose piece of hair away from your face.
“Feeling good, Mav.” You say, grinning up at your godfather as he smiles back, pressing a kiss to your forehead before moving away to allow the others to say hi.
“You’re one tough kid aren’t you, Bradshaw?” Hangman teases, ruffling your hair as you laugh, swatting at his hand.
“Sorry, Jake. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” You fire back as he shakes his head, chuckling before the others push him aside to talk to you. You spent time talking to all the members of Dagger Squad as Maverick and Rooster watched on with a fond smile as you asked the team to sign either the cast on your arm or leg. Both Rooster and Maverick were overjoyed that you were doing better, and they could hope that you’d be able to come home soon and that you’d be back to doing the things you love.
Bradley Bradshaw had already lost so much in his life so the time you were unconscious in the hospital bed were the most painful hours of his life. Wondering if he was about to add his little sister to the list of people he’s lost in his lifetime. He’d never been so relieved to see you awake in his life when you finally did. He vowed from that moment on that he was never going to take any moments with any of his loved ones for granted. He wanted to appreciate every moment he had with those he cared for in case something like this happened again. But for now, instead of dwelling on what could have been, he found himself smiling at the fact you’d be around to be his pain in the ass baby sister a bit longer.
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aondaneedles · 2 years
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The first teaser revealed for Apple Original Films 'F1'
A former driver finds himself back in action when he returns to Formula 1 racing to take on the sport's top competition.
Formula 1 and Apple Original Films have released the first teaser for the new film based on the sport, giving fans an adrenaline-fuelled glimpse of the action to come.
The film, titled F1, is being directed by Joseph Kosinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, Brad Pitt and seven-time F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton, among other respected names. Brad Pitt's F1 film will cost well over 300 million dollars (£ 232 million) making it one of the most expensive films ever
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It is set to be distributed in cinemas and in IMAX by Warner Bros. Pictures internationally on June 25, 2025, and in North America on June 27, 2025.
Pitt stars as former F1 driver Sonny Hayes, who returns to the sport to partner rookie team mate Joshua Pearce, played by Damson Idris, at the fictional APXGP team.
The F1 filming took place at real F1 events, including the British Grand Prix in Silverstone Circuit, where the teaser, which can be seen in the video player above, was revealed to the world, on Sunday 7th of July.
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This Is the Formula Car Brad Pitt Will Drive in His Upcoming F1 Film. His fictional team is called APXGP. Directed by Top Gun Maverick director Joseph Kosinski makes an F1 film starring a Top cast; Brad Pitt; Javier Bardem; Kerry Condon; Tobias Menzies; and Damson Idris. Lewis Hamilton is on board as a producer, too. The film, which is as of yet unnamed, has been picked up by Apple Original Films to debut on the tech giant's streaming service.
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Formula 2 cars, modified to look like F1 machines and featuring black and gold livery reminiscent of the Rich Energy-sponsored Haas team in 2019.
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"F1" is using custom-built cars based on F2 chassis. (Ryan Pierse/ Getty Images)
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#F1 #Formula1 #BritishGP #FormulaCar #F1film #BradPitt #APXGP #Director #JosephKosinski #JavierBardem #KerryCondon #TobiasMenzies #DamsonIdris. #LewisHamilton #producer #AppleFilms #Silverstone #JerryBruckheimer
Posted 22nd July 2024
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F1, coming to cinemas Summer 2025.
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