sabinefyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jo & sabine
jennjennjenn wE NEED TO DO SOMETHING WITH THESE TWO???? the witch and the psychic?? i mean, these two can’t nOT interact??? but i feel like jo would be the one to make the first move?? so how would jo feel about sabine?? helppppp.
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adamfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jo & adam
JEEEEENNNNNNN. HEEEEEYYYYYY. so these two are enemies?? shall we chat about why?? i’m thinking it could be because adam is friends with chase?? or either because of his relationship with viv?? and maybe how he treats her (terribly)??? thoughts??
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chasefyfod · 9 years
ooc: josie + chase
so idk what happened that made these two enemies, but it was probably chase being a total ass/probs said something really offensive to her and lbr she probs kicked his ass and now he stays away from her 
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wesfyfod · 9 years
[ooc] jo & wes
OKAY JENN I HAVE COME TO SOB ABOUT THESE TWO THAT I ALREADY SHIP SO HARD. so jo also loves nature??? i’m thinking that’s maybe how she met wes?? maybe it was actually when they were kids and they both hiked the same trail a lot?? (i feel like wes also might have grown up with woods behind his house and maybe jo grew up on the other side of those and sometimes they would meet in the middle?? maybe???) anyway, i can see jo totally being the one to ~make a move and decide they were going to be friends?? and wes just kind of let her and they’ve been friends ever since?? thoughts?
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