#jrwi recap
mediocre-noodle · 1 year
hey so is there like. a place. where one can find a recap of jrwi:riptide?
i wanna get into it cause it looks fascinating but at the same time they’re 100+ episodes in and i absolutely do not have the time or capacity to go and watch every single one lmao
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plantboiart · 5 months
So i just finished episode 31 of s2 of prime defenders and like. I’d heard that william was gonna have a villain arc at some point. I kind of just wasn’t really expecting THAT.
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sneeg-snag · 17 days
what happened in riptide 97 again.. its been so long....
OHHH MY GOD OKAY (tdlr is at the bottom if u want a quick sum lmao i just like long summaries its like enrichment for me) so thats the episode i think right after the pull up to zero and beat the shit out of the ghost house, chip and gilly have a convo with ollies mom and she smacks one of em i forget who and is like whyd you keep my son away. theyre both like yeah thats fair! and they return to the house and gillion and chip make an underground pool in there- chip offers the mind reading braclets to gilly and is like hopefully maybe thisll help with the nightmares? and they all go 2 bed!
Gillion wakes uo and hes feeling refreshed!!! (he still has the kuba kenta curse at this point) but he actually got whole night sleep and its looking like its not like. enflamed or hurting anymore! they make jokes about it being healed with the power of friendship and all and then gryffon knocks on the door of the house.
gryffon tells em that he tailed the leader of the gang that was threatening ollies mom and he found their hideout, so the trio race off i fucking forget if like gryffon comes or not??????? they get to the hideout and fight a couple bitches in masks and they tell one of the guys to lead them to the "boss" but i forget so bad who but one of the albitrio puts the braclet on the goon and hes like "heh, if they pull the blue lever theyll get sent to the pit but if they pull the red lever theyll meet the boss and hell have my head!"
so the four of them pullup to this bar thing and chip of course pants a guy (rememver when they were fucking obsessed with pants cause i completely forgot) and the other guy pantses chip and the bar laughs or whatever and. SOMETHING HAPPENS I THINK IYS LIKE AN ENCOUNYTER OR SMTH OR ONE OF THE THREE MAKES A WRONG JOKE but charlies like "no worries! ill pull the blue lever!"
and everyones like charlie. and hes like what its gonna get us to the boss! and condi while laughing cause its condi is like THATS THE LEAVER TO THE PIT and charlies like. i legit fucking forgot what one was what one. so the albatrio falls down this fucking PIT and once again i fucking forget but some interaction happens here (iu think feather fall was cast these guys plummet so much) and gillion casts vortex warp on the other 2 so they land at the top! gillion im pretty sure lands at the bottom and something happens to where he passes out.
charlie is asked to leave and then grizzlys like :3 audience you dont get to know eitherrrr! and gilly boy wakes up in a cage with the boss in the middle of the room. chip and jay are described as looking "so fucking bad dude" and charlies like i thought yall had it!!!!! and bizly is like nah dude it was so fuckinh rough we do not have it. im pretty sure jays chained to the wall via her foot and chip is busted up in the middle of the room with the boss.
the boss laugjs and i forget but i think he pulls off his face and is revealed to be price! and he laughs and says some stuff about giving chip a fair fight in this like. lava arena and kicks him his swords! chip tries to fight him a little bit but after a moment he runs to jay to try and cut her chains, and price taunts him a little before saying smth like "i wantr you. to die" and chip just. drops dead in front of jay. no rolls nothin nada.
Gillion was fading in and out and at this point gillion does that and jay is right in front of him, her foot is so fucking mangled like she broke it to get out and she looks sooooo fucking fucked up. price also taunts them and jays like "fuck you" and price blasts her and she disintegrates. imto dust. just like that.
gillion is so distraught and hes like "NO THEY WOULDNY GO OUT LIKE THAT" and gillion tries to fight price but he gets bested and WAKES UP IN THE UNDERGROUND GHOST HOUSE POOOLLLLLL
so it was all a curse dream made worse by the bracelet and how much later stages it is. gillion throws jay across the room because he dosent believe this is real and is like YOURE DEAD YOURE ALL DEAD!!!!! the other two try to comfort him and im blanking so fucking hard on the rest but this is uaually what people refrence/mean then they say 97 :3
TLDR: ollies mom scolds chip and gill, they make underground pool in ghost house, go to sleepy, gill wakes up refreshed, they go to the mob boss of zeros hideout, gillion pulls the wrong lever and they all fall in a pit, gill vortex warps the other two and they get seperated, when gillion wakes up everyone looks incredibly fucked up, price is there and straight up kills chip and jay and then taunts gillion and "kills" him, gillion wakes up back in the ghost house pool because it was all a nightmare of the kuba kenta variety, and he then doubts everythinh around him and if anythings actually real! :D
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beckyblah · 3 months
becky i just remembered with riptide i think grizzly is putting together a recap over the hiatus? so if the goofy ass hijinks aren't your thing you could possibly just watch that and i could make a list of the more serious/plot heavy episodes. just a thought though lol.
AVEEEE man I hope there's a recap because I really think Riptide might be tailor-made for me to suffer before it gets to a place where I'd enjoy it T-T
The 10 episodes of hijinks in PD is killing me and i've heard there's about double that for Riptide lol
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hayesinthewoods · 2 months
Riptide recap!
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jrwiyuri · 5 months
‘then died’ huh alright guess that confirms it
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notlocalbisaster · 2 years
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siyeonips · 2 years
AHHHH edyn IS the chosen one and she is working with the navy and she’s gonna choose the land for what the undersea elders did to her and her brother
or she’s the chosen one of the sun goddess and gillion has now become the chosen one of the moon goddess in ep 82
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warrenthealien · 2 years
Once again I wish I had any sort of skill because I would be animating Rumi to Rose’s Turn (Glee Cast version) rn
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atrium-hq · 2 years
wait that last segment was the first time he’d seen his hometown since he was 5 or younger?
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pondjrwi · 2 years
Just Roll With It Recap
Riptide Episode 72 - No Fey Home
- They come across a lively carnival, called Kas’s carnival. Chip gets his shoes tied together and says he’s gonna kill whoever did that. Whoever did that will remember this. They frolic for a while being incredibly cheerful. The carnival ticketmaster says that they can enter a ticket pact. They’ll lose something that they won’t miss and won’t know what it is until it’s gone. 
- Gil takes a ticket, and now he has to greet all trees with reverence. Jay takes one and now loves unicorns. Filipe takes one and a pumpkin appears on his hand. Chip wants a ticket for free and apparently an anonymous person bought him one, so he gets it. Gil says hi to a tree and it talks back. Chip is unsettled and thinks his friends have gone crazy. 
- They see a carousel with live unicorns and Jay goes feral. She tries to skip the line but a centaur woman stops her. Chip asks her if this is the feywild; it is. He wants to find someone to help with their bird. If they talk to Northwest, she can help. Chip asks why she’s like this, and she reveals that she made a deal with a hag to find her lost horse. The hag fused her with her horse. Chip wants to help her. The centaur says that if they beat the unicorn’s game, they might be able to help. Many people in the carnival also have been affected by “this” (maybe hags, it’s vague). If she says any more she might be harmed.
- Gil wants to attack the unicorns, but then realizes that the game is actually solving idioms, not fighting. They solve the idioms and the unicorns tell them secrets. Jay has successfully fulfilled her fixation on unicorns so now she has to compliment everyone she meets. She tells Chip that he’s “alright”, which is, according to Chip, the nicest thing she’s ever said to him. Gil has a flower crown that he has to water, but he’s always wet. 
- The unicorn's secrets are that there are 3 hags that rule over the carnival, and if you’re not careful, they’ll take something from you. The hags have the power to turn the centaur into not a centaur. The entrance to their domain is somewhere in the carnival. One of them lives in a swamp, another in a hollowed out tree, and the last in a mountain top theater. Gil sniffs that the unicorn isn’t evil. 
- They go talk to Northwest, the dragonfly ride clerk. They’re an excitable treant who wants stories from the outside world. Chip tell her what the ocean is and that he used to have horrible nightmares. She says that sounds amazing. Gil tries to lay an egg. 
- Northwest says that she came from Prysmir. After it got taken over by hags and a swamp, the Archfey who ruled it said everyone should leave. The owner of the carnival was there for anyone who wanted refuge, dimension-hopping away from Prysmir. 
- One dragonfly, bearing a gnome on it’s back, flies out of control. Jay catches the gnome just as he falls off the dragonfly. The mood and music of the carnival accelerates to match her rescuing him. Chip and Filipe sing A Whole New World as they ride dragonflies together. Filipe wants to join the performers and get money, and Chip thinks that’s an awesome pirate thing to say. Filipe sings [hs musical song] but Chip hasn’t watched that movie and can’t sing along, so the mood of the carnival goes down. 
- Jay compliments the gnome she saved and he immediately falls in love with her. He runs off to get a ring and she runs away. Filipe has been alive for three days, but he insists he’s a man. 
- As they approach the hall of illusions, they see a halfling man propose to his girlfriend. Suddenly the girlfriend falls into uncontrollable laughter and the man runs off into the hall of illusions in embarrassment. Jay walks over and also starts laughing. Chip tries to get her to stop laughing by bringing up all her sad memories and she starts crying through her laughter.
- Gil runs after the halfling and sees a mime, who he doesn’t trust. Gil sees himself in an illusion mirror as a child. Child Gil wears armor that’s too big for him and is a bruised. As he continues, he sees himself aging up into his sixties. But he can’t find the halfling. 
- The uncontrollable laughter wears off and the man’s girlfriend is very worried for her boyfriend. Jay says she’ll marry her instead, but she’s spoken for. The mime mimes that he also wanted to propose once, but his voice was stolen from him and now he’s very sad. He punches their tickets and they go in. 
- They see child versions of themselves. Child Jay has a doll and nice clothes. Child Chip is malnourished and has long, unkempt hair. There’s a stark contrast between well taken care of and not at all. 
- Gil sees the halfling pulled into a mirror by a little girl in a pig mask. He tries to jump in after him but bounces off. Now in the mirror is a much older version of the halfling holding the girl’s hand. The other three come up and he tells them about it. Chip does not want to deal with this and wants to leave. Jay asks the girl if she wants to play, and pulls out the trap mirror. Jay and Gil feel stunned for a minute, then suddenly see the girl in the trap mirror. They blink, and she’s gone. Pretzel is now also gone. 
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transwhorefinn · 2 years
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formalbom · 2 years
Been really into hit dnd show Just roll with it: riptide pirates featuring charlie slimecicle, bizly, condi condifiction, and grizzly. Its really good and if you havent watched it you should! And if you can't watch all the 1 to 2 hour videos may i introduce you to this other video that summarizes the entire lore up to episode 81. Its only 2 hours long and entertaining enough to keep you watching. The video is called "An Appropriately Insane Recap of Just Roll With It: Riptide" I love this show so muchhhh
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app1eju1c3 · 2 years
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boilingheart · 2 years
god i am so NOT a fan of the sound effects they’ve been adding to the new riptide episodes they’re so goddamn distracting
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For those who do not have the patreon, Grizzly released an update video on the status of Riptide. He spoke about working with a writing coach named Mariana (not qsmp) who is helping him with diverse characters, sensitivity checks, and world building.
When Riptide returns Grizzly said they were going to run Jay’s solo session first. He also teased the possibility of upping the quality by using maps and getting together more however it would most likely just stay as it was. They also spoke about bonus material like a recap however that would not come out for a while.
The release date of Riptide has also changed due to behind the scenes complications and to make way for wonderlust. It is said that it is looking more towards early August when recordings and uploads would start again.
In the meantime there are some things you can look forward to to fill that Riptide shaped hole in your heart. The first being Wonderlust. The trailer made by Floating_Megane is coming out this month with recording coming soon after. Another patreon exclusive is a short campaign run by Grizzly featuring Milo Mumbles in place of Charlie as he is busy. If you don’t know Milo she ran a channel with Bizly called Spittake and whether or not you can watch Spittake to see some funny Bebo moments and get to see Milo absolutely dunk in said Bebo. Another lesser known campaign Grizzly didn’t mention is he is in the midst of a non-JRWI called Shadows Over Welde which is streamed live on twitch channel AlphaAniki. It is run by Jonah Scott the person who played Ichabod as a guest character a while back. It already has a few episodes released and for those interested Grizzly plays a representative of the reformed church of lolth called Zephrael so if you like religious themes I would definitely recommend checking it out.
In terms of this blog, as there is no confirmed date I am going to move the timers to August 12th or 50 more days so while it may not be entirely accurate it can still paint a picture of when Riptide will return.
Don’t worry we’re in this together.
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