#jsut for safe measure
the-firebird69 · 25 days
High Ho Silver Away ! Bruce Almighty x Stereo Love - Edward Maya, Vika J...
This is how we know our son to be angry at him him doing it is doing it out of spite and anger and trying to rub it in a sons face yeah it's in the future and he doesn't really get it it's like this precursor that the macroper having him do and it's probably the same car he tries to do things and he can't as he thinks it's his he says it's probably number one from one plant and he said I can't stand it anymore he explains it to us and stuff like that then he says he's sitting there saying it and we don't get it and we still don't get it he said I had to build a piece of ship ship to prove that if you left it in there to marinate it would be real and someone else has already done it why do you think I trust you or something so we say this it's a terrible act that we're doing and we know it and he did this while we were dumping on him and he knew it And he says that it's like the bomb in the side and we haven't seen it and it's like those who are there keeping people from knowing it and he put it right in her face and we still don't get it. Some kind of like a little bit panicked I'm understanding that we're in a good position it could be right there but it's not explaining what he's talking about he says it's like these monkeys and stuff but they're smarter about it and they're just gonna sit there and use this as a buffer and to hide and to make safe and stuff like that now that makes sense so it's kind of a hard concept to explain we got across to me today a little bit so I'm gonna try and study it.
and It's not all of the holes and he cautioned us that they're not the same but did say that there should not be two holes right next to each other the same But there will be holes in people build ships under them but having two right next to each other is a little odd because they're naturally formed and the two balls in space usually combine and have that many is pretty weird the same solar system maybe but it is a little weird we have seen brother and sister asteroids but the measurements are very close and he says usually they would be smacking into each other and reforming but it is not necessarily that normal of a phenomenon.
Andrew derailed and the Mac Proper might not be but you might cause chaos in Earth and destroy everybody and doing it for them so here we are that's what the standoff is. And having a brother and sister asteroid survive in space is impossibly rare and never has any of them been seen but it's a physical problem that could occur but we don't think it would that much because of gravity of other bodies being larger and the two would eventually combine and yes in all sorts of ways they'd wreck each other and then smooshed together and form one big purple blue mass which is what these two up on stage would do with Shaquille O'neal because they would revolve around him for awhile.
It's hard to say that no one's ever seen that phenomenon. now there's some other things too but usually people put chips below them but usually there's never two right next to each other.
Thor Freya
we pring
jsut sitting ther enow ad wont move
we do things tnow and sto pthem
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rosebloodcat · 3 years
Poor I had an idea while thinking of the time trav l hopscotch for an alternative way the hopscotchera met younger Ingo. Basically Elsa is introducing them to the single most important form of transportation they need to be aware of when it comes to a big city like Nimabasa, the subway! Naturally she explains that she has a couple of really dorky conductor friends so they are expecting to see someone when they walked down the stairs and into the main entrance of the Subway, they jsut expect those someone’s to be a pair of twins in a very familiar uniform.
They’re waiting for them in the crowd next to a brass band that playing, Emmet is dancing to the music while Ingo is nodding along and tapping his foot. Bother Electross and Chandelure are out and swaying alongside Emmet when Elesa comes jogging up to them with the hopscotchers. Irida and Akari let out gasps the moment they see him, one of his rare smiles on his face as he watches his brother dancing.
“Ingo! Emmet!! Hiya, guys, you seem to being Electabuzzing today, is that an actual smile Ingo!?” Elesa grins as the boys turn to her, Emmet quickly patting down his coat to regain some measure of professionalism when he notices her guests.
“Hi Elesa! I am verrry excited, it’s really lovely today with a new band and…” Emmet begins a sIngo is busy recalling their Pokémon before suddenly freezing, “…was that a pun?”
Elesa just grins while Ingo lets out a snort, having caught onto the pun himself. Pokémon now recalled, he steps up the introduce himself,
“I’m Ingo and this is Emmet, we’re the Subway Masters. Welcome to Gear Station, Elesa has told us a lot about you.”
The group share a small glance with each other before awkwardly reintroducing themselves to their friend. Theo whole white Emmet is groaning as Elesa continually throws out more and more bad puns until…
“Come now, Emmet. We’re here to help conduct these folk to the correct route so they may arrive at their destination safely, no need to be Gloomy about it.”
Emmet nods along and was about to open his mouth to agree when his brothers words registered,
“UGH! BETRAYED BY MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD!! Elesa you have contaminated my brother with your horrible sense of humor!!”
Both Elesa and Ingo bust out laughing while Irida hides a smile behind her hand while Akari giggles and Adaman and Laventon are failing to hide their snickering. It seems the Ingo of this era is a bit more outgoing than they expected, but still quite a pleasant fellow who apparently likes to tease his younger twin. And apparently had a terrible sense of humor and a love of puns to go with it!
Love me some good, bad puns. And it seems the same can be said for Ingo and Elesa.
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yoditorian · 4 years
I’d love a Will Miller prompt with 11 if it hasn’t been used? He needs to let loose ❤️
11. when one of them is hurt by the antagonist… and their lover goes… absolutely ballistic and does everything in their power to get to the person they love, to the point in which the antagonist and it’s crew have to physically restrain them… and it still doesn’t stop them… they jsut keep kicking… doesn’t matter what happens to them… doesn’t matter if they get beaten in the process… as long as their lover is safe…
word count: 931 // warnings: ptsd, nightmares, blood/torture mentions, mention of accidental injury
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follower celebration requests are now closed
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“Light it up.”
But right before he knows the secret door opens and a bullet finds a home in his abdomen, the other two guys disappear. Will is alone, suddenly, the smell of barely dried paint sticks to the inside of his nostrils and the darkness of the house threatens to swallow him whole. 
His blood runs cold. 
You scream again, from somewhere deep in the house, and he knows it’s wrong. You weren’t there, you have no idea what happened beyond losing Tom and the bullet that tore through his side. But any logic that might have convinced him of that is suddenly nowhere to be found. His only thought is of you. 
Will stalks down the hall, gun first, flinching at every echo of a fist against skin. Your skin. With every step he takes, you always sound just as far away as when you first called out. Never closer, but never further either. He must have run through the whole house trying to find you until he finds himself back in front of the bedroom door. Closed. 
He nudges it open with the gun, hinges creaking, to reveal what he knows is waiting for him. 
You’re bound to the wooden chair, face almost unrecognisable under the blood and bruises. But he’d know you anywhere by your breathing alone. Three guards line the right wall, ones he knows should be secured downstairs, and yet here they are. He can take out one for sure, maybe incapacitate another before the last one can grab a hold of him. Even then, none of them had put up much of a fight before. Probably hired for their bulk over any skill they might possess. Amateur work, really. He lets the tension mount for another long moment, before he makes a move.
Will sends a round through the closest guard’s throat without even really noticing, his attention already on aiming for the second. He pulls the trigger only for it to splinter the mantelpiece of the fireplace, both remaining guards disappeared into thin air. Someone’s arms lock his elbows in behind him, his gun is sent flying across the room and clatters to the floor. It doesn’t make sense. 
The guards yank his arms further behind him, shoulders popping alarmingly, and you call out for them to stop. Will fights harder, muscles pulling against bone as he tries to throw the men off balance. He can’t let them win, he knows it’ll end in the overgrown tennis courts just outside and he can’t let it happen. You need to live. 
“Will.” Your voice is so much weaker, terror laced in every breath as Lorea steps out from the hidden compartment. He walks over to you, tutting, and strokes a hand down your cheek. You shudder, which only makes Will pick up the fight again. He shouts when his shoulder crunches, the guard’s grip wrenching his arm out of the socket, but he can’t stop. 
It seems to take an age, struggling against the grip on his arms and watching you cry for him. Until the second Lorea lifts a pistol to your temple. And then-
Will jolts awake, a cold sweat soaking the bed sheets beneath, with a solid weight on his stomach and forearms. He opens his eyes to find you, half lit by the lamp on the street outside. He really needs to get on ordering those blackout curtains you talked about. 
Your knees hold his arms solidly against his sides, he’s not sure he could move them if he tried. Something his therapist suggested after a particularly bad night about six months ago. One that had had him lashing out in his sleep and left you with a bruise stretching across your cheekbone, the darkest blue he’s ever seen. It haunted him for weeks even after it faded. Still does.
“Baby?” You whisper, not unlike the way you did in his dream. 
It was a dream. 
He takes a few deep breaths to reorient himself, and then another few for good measure. His bedroom, in his house, in a quiet street in the same town as his friends. The bedroom and the house he shares with you, his other half. Quite literally. He’s safe. He’s safe and you’re safe and the house in the jungle is gone. 
Will nods when he’s back in the room, and you shuffle down his body to release his arms and rest on his thighs instead. He sits up to meet you, eyes closing when you press your lips against his forehead. 
“You were there, you were-” He swallows thickly, “He shot you.”
You don’t know what he means, you rarely have done since he got back minus one friend and injured. But you’re not stupid, whatever they were doing down there, it wasn’t the boys hiking weekend that you’d initially thought. 
The freshly healed scar on his side, the bullet wound he’d refused to explain, pulls as he shuffles you a little closer on his lap and you lay your cold fingers on it when he flinches. It helps a little. 
“Look at me, I’m here. I’m okay.” Your other hand moves to his face, holding him steady the way you always do. Whether you realise it or not. 
Will opens his eyes, a little reluctantly, but finds the tension begin to melt out of his body when they settle on you. Pillow creases in your cheek, his t-shirt rumpled around your hips, unwavering love for him in every fibre of your being. Home. He’s home, you’re safe. That’s all that matters.
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TAGLIST (add yourself here):
@bee-dameron @keeper0fthestars @thevoiceinyourheadx @firstofficerwiggles @1800-fight-me @ew-erin @chatterbean @darnitdraco @greeneyedblondie44
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I never spoke in class or in gatherings because I was afraid I would say something cringey or worse everyone would state at me like "wtf is she" but I always make sure I talk nicely to anyone who talks to me (I may even end up overdoing it but better safe than sorry)
But now I found out that they think I am a bitch who doesn't talk to others. Bro I don't have even confidence to be a bitch (〒﹏〒)
What is the most best and acceptable social behaviour? How to do small talk? How to not be overly nice and responsive to anyone who talks to you?
Id just like to assure you by saying that, you not wanting to talk to peole is not a bitchy thing to do, AT ALL. Its called being reserved and is 100% very much a common thing
And, I know me saying this wont be of any help unless you realize it yourself, but peoples judgment are not under your control at all That goes for both compliments and insults.
Even if you are an angel, some people are gonna not like you Even if you are a devil, some people are gonna love you
So other's judgment isnt at all a good measuring tool of your capabilities and your personality,
So coming to your questions- vvvvv
Q1, What is the most best and acceptable social behaviour?
the most best and acceptable social behaviour, is empathy To me, its one of the few things that are necessary for being an a social group So thats something you need to pay close attention to while talking to someone. Empathize with their Joys and sorrows, and youll be bonding in no time
Q2, How to do small talk?
small talk is a very bumpy process and there isnt much of a clear rulebook, but small talk works best when you listen well, and talk around topics that you can connect back to them, and are generally enthusiastic about their interest. you cant be selfish here. Like, as an example, if someone were to start talking bts with me, i am an absolute idiot when it comes to bts but, i would show enthusiasm and interest. And then if i was told to talk, id talk about someone i know who has collabedwith bts, but wont directly startoff with that. Start about that artist completely far away from bts, and END your side of the convo with bts, so that that feel the closure of conversation, and shows them that you listened, and Heard about what they were talking about
Q3, How to not be overly nice and responsive to anyone who talks to you?
well, always be looking for hints, and cadences in tone, be it irl or texting. If its something somber, about their bad day, dont interject at all, even with a hmm. Let them talk, and you collect your thoughts to form a proper constructive reply that covers all the stuf they jsut talked about. Be nice and polite and let them talk, but dont be a pushover all the time. Do convey that you have something to talk about too, and see if they let you.
its like a subtle game of chess for politeness. Dont go too far, but also dont be a dick either
Hope that helped !!
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virideaa · 3 years
On a quackity alt stream quackity was discussing about quackity and his behavior and listening to theories and soemthinf he brought up was about how all quackity rlly wants to do is jsut belong and have a place for him. And like settle and it’s been taken so many times from him in every way shape and form the slightest form of like- an arising dispute that could lead into him no longer belonging worries him. Which is so weird Bc that’s also what happened to Tubbo so it’s confusing why couldn’t they reach an understanding? We’re they just both stubborn to meet an actual compromise Bc of like- fear? And also I rlly see old Wilbur, quackity, and Tubbo starting to show all sorts of similar attributes
From the way I see it, Tubbo and Quackity do share the same want of 'belonging' but they have had different experiences that led them to that point. They both have shifted the means in which they obtain that goal and even the definition of it to be very personalized to each of them.
Tubbo's form of belonging is being safe with the people he cares about by creating measures and tactics to ensure that safety (on the offensive) while Quackity's is more about creating his own hub of a community for himself far away (more about defensive). We don't really know what Quackity's big plan is with the Las Nevadas since it does tie back to Dream, Schaltt and now Technoblade so it's hard to really come up with a concrete answer as to what 'belonging' entails for him and how far he's willing to go for it.
In the end they both want control over every aspect of a secured future where they have a role to belong to, and both are flawed in different ways so it's impossible right now to come to a compromise.
While I'm personally more on the Las Nevadas side of them both, their feud has just begun and right now I don't see a peaceful end to this.
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thequietmanno1 · 5 years
Thelreads, MHA 204, Replies Part 1
1)“Oh my, you have no idea kid… If you knew half the shit Midoriya did, you would cry.”-In all honesty Midoria could probably pull something like this off if he was stuck in a similar situation, just with more vertical movement rather than horizontal propulsion, since Iida’s currently got all his power and thrust coming from behind his calves, he doesn’t really have any choice but to push forward through the ground until he’s level with the others again, whereas 20% would still likely be enough to break through any hardened substance that Juzo tosses at deku easily enough- though I wonder if that same could be said if Juzo softened something like titanium and trapped deku in it? Regardless, there’s nothing really tough enough around for Juzo to use that would be guaranteed to trap somebody with enough raw power in 1A, like bakugou or Midoria, so Juzo thought he’d lucked out with the random draws and gone up against somebody who’s only means of breaking free was a one-shot type of deal, and wouldn’t have enough strength to safely burst through  anyway, only to get taken off guard from Iida upgrading from a ford to a Ferrari.
2)“I’M NOT EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY ARE TALKING BECAUSE IDA’S FAMILY. FUCK THIS “TUNING UP” BS, IT PALES IN COMPARISON TO MOMMA THE HEDGEHOG.”-I don’t think we’ve see their dad, but it’s a safe bet that Iida took after their mom’s side of the family more, given he needs to use similar spectacles… though I am curious as to whom he inherited the robo-arm gestures from
3)“H- wait… Tensei… Did you… Did you always had that arrow on your face?”-yeah, pretty much- in addition to major mutations like extra arms and body part like shoji, or a somewhat rock-like feature like Koda, quirks can cause minor, inconspicuous changes to a body that would be weird if there was anything like a normal human body-type left to measure against, but in this case comes off as more of a minor shared biological quirk between family members, separate but in some ways linked to their speed-style family quirk
4)“YOU’RE JSUT RIPPING THOSE THINGS OFF?! CHRIST”-so, at this point you have to start considering the biological/mechanical interface of iida’s quirk. I mean, at what point does his engine stop being mechanical and start becoming biological? If the pipes can be torn out, then they’re like a machine that can receive spare parts, but the mention of nerve pain and how new mufflers will ‘grow’ in from the blood stumps indicate they’re partially biological as well. Either way you just witnessed the equivalent of a young kid preforming makeshift surgery without aesthetic to remove his leg bones so new, stronger bones will grow to replace them in time. And It’s not stated whether or not this can happen more than once, so if iida wants another upgrade, he may have to go through more self-surgery to enhance his running legs again in due time.
5)“Oh, I see, you’re doing that so your eyebrows will grow into full-fledged arrows”-Yeah, Iida’s eyes were always arrow points, but we didn’t get to realise that until we saw his brother with the ‘complete’ look- and I believe that if he’s truly serious about surpassing him, them iida’s eyebrows will grow into full-fledged arrows pointing in ‘both’ directions, including towards the bridge of his nose
6)“That means that Ida, that could only go all-in for some seconds will finally be able to go a full-fight while at max speed. “- in addition, his statement about ‘lowered fuel consumption’ means he can get more speed out of less OJ, meaning if he’s carrying about the same level of spare fuel on his person that he had before, he’ll be able to run for faster and longer than he could before and more easily refuel in his down time. The main problem seems to be his ingrained habit of firing recipro off all the time whilst he’s got it active, which was effective before because it would only last a few seconds and he needed the speed boost, but now he can maintain that state for 10 solid minutes the forward-propulsion makes it difficult for him to turn sharply, and even seems to grant him minor flight capabilities at times. 
If iida could turn off recipro for a second, then quickly turn around and fire it up again that the same speed, he’d enter an entirely new dimension of speed and manoeuvrability. The problem is that right now he’s still getting a handle on the sheer forces his body’s moving at, but once he’s mastered that he can move onto fine-tuning his control- assuming he doesn’t accidently decapitate somebody with a reciptro kick in the meantime because this is basically moving from max 30 MPH to 70MPH right now.
7)“*Teleports behind you* Nothing personal kid.”-Ah, a fellow fan of Epithet Erased as well, are we?
8)“See? He can’t see Ida, and worse, even if he turns the ground soft, it won’t stop him. Ida can’t stop.
no, really, he can’t stop, he has no breaks. Please call Sandra Bullock.”-As mentioned, Iida’s practically flying with his new recpiro, so even if Juzo turned the ground soft, he’d be skating on top of it like a skipping stone, so Juzo can no longer hope to contain the sheer forces he’s pushing himself around with- the natural enemy of somebody with a flexible, ‘softening’ power is somebody with an unstoppable, ‘hardened’ force, like Iida’s turned himself into here, so as long as iida can use Recipro, Juzo can neither keep up with him or set traps to bog him down with- given he can’t use his powers directly on anybody, setting traps and thinking ahead is really his only means of beating somebody in a fight, meaning he’s actually kinda weak in a head-on fight, despite the recommendations. Therefore, iida’s ‘hour of power’ move is completely out of Juzo’s league to compete with, so he decides it’s better to cut his losses and focus on the fight he ‘can’ achieve something with.
9)“So, Ida is having some trouble turning around. “-As a testament to his sheer speed, you can actually ‘see’ Juzo’s body practically teleporting backwards from the force of that glancing kick he was just hit with, badly cracking his armour and flinging him like a ragdoll, meaning a direct blow is a straight trip to recovery girl, or the morgue
10)“Also, this is the moment, that guy will either come up with a plan to stop Ida, or he’ll be taken. Let’s see if he is as good as I imagined him to be.”-each recommended student has their own strengths and weaknesses, and in Juzo’s case it’s using his mind in ways that don’t make him a straight-up genius like Momo, but provide the best logical course of reasoning to figure out his options and the best ones to make in a crisis situation, no matter what problems he’s confronted with. In that regards, escaping a fight he can’t win to try and pick one he ‘can’ especially with the aid of ambush tactics, which his quirk works best with, and even seems to encourage in terms of using it, given the whole ‘trap-master’ aspects, is his best option as iida sends him flinging about the stage like a crash test dummy.
11)“Well, Ida can still swim after him. That’s not much of a escape plan, more like postponing the inevitable.”- True-ish, but even if Juzo hadn’t undone the softening to prevent iida following him, iida has no way to orient himself underground or figure out where Juzo’s moving to, since being completely buried would cut off most of his senses, and Juzo would be able to literally swim circles around him even if he used recipro to chase after him. Given his costume setup and his confidence in finding the others even without surfacing and giving iida a chance to follow/capture him, I think Juzo has some kind of sonar gear and breathing apparatus installed in his costume, allowing him to stay ‘underwater’ for long periods and keep track of those above ground without having to expose his presence, until the opportune moment. This helps provide another reason for his mask other than having to help cover his face because he normally has quite ghoulish looks that’d scare civilians he was helping. Iida diving after him would mean he’d run out of air long before Juzo did and leave himself vulnerable, even with his boosted recipro.
12)“Actually, scratch that, I don’t think they will be able to help you. Ida can end them before they can even blink. Even Tetsu won’t be able to do much against him”-Actually, given the fact that Tetsu is forcing Todoroki to fire of AOE attacks to try and force him back continuously,, relying on his metal’s natural defences to counter the temperature effects, neither Ojiro nor Shoji can stick close to Todoroki whislt he’s trying to force Tetsu’s relentless assault back with the only tools he has at his disposal- similar to Juzo’s ‘softness’ being completely beaten by the force of Iida’s new recipro, Shoto’s temperature-based attacks are being fired against somebody who’s tough enough to withstand them and force him to keep upping his game- so iida’s teammates are actually being forced to separate whilst battling their individual opponents, meaning Juzo now has freedom to pick and choose a fight he can tip the odds in his team’s favourin, whereas Iida only has a 1-in-3 shot of stopping him before that- he’s go no choice but to try and take out one of their opponents before Juzo trips his teammates up and hope his legs are speedy enough to catch up before they get taken out.
13)“Honestly, I’m surprised he managed to stop in one place, I thought he would be circling around, incapable of stop running.”-Actually, iida’s main problem with recpiro was the fact that it lasted only a few seconds and immediately stalled his legs when the time ran out or he stopped moving at that speed, rendering his quirk useless for a few seconds afterwards. Now he’s upgraded his legs, he can stop using recipro and fire it up again any time he wants mid-fight, meaning he can extend the 10 minutes his new recipro can be used by picking and choosing when to use the speed boost as needed. On the other hand, I’m concerned about what might happen if he manages to hit that 10-minute limit- it may be that the aftereffects of hitting his new limits are more severe than they were before, and won’t be something that can be easily fixed by rapidly cooling his engines.
14)“Oh wow, he managed to out-speed Gran Torino? Seriously?! Jesus Christ, I wasn’t expecting him to be THIS fast.”-Gran Torino can only use the amount of air in his lungs to speed around, so whilst he can be very fast in an instant, he can’t keep that going and will slow down shortly as his air runs out. Given the issues aging will have had on his lung capacity, This means his speed is now best utilised inside cramped confines like his apartment room, where he can utilise the short, sharp, burst of speed to outmanoeuvre and attack from his opponents blind side- wider open spaces are actually more disadvantageous for Torino to fight in, because there’s less opportunity for him ro rapidly switch directions, even with his mid-air manoeuvring capability, whereas a wide-open space like this is perfect for iida to utilise the maximum speed his quirk can manage, given it’s designed more for sheer velocity- in fact, he has the opposite problem, in that his speed is not so strong he can barely control it, whereas gran Torino still has his razor-sharp reflexive control over his own momentum, even if he’s not as fast as he used to be in his prime
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umclite · 2 years
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These is the simplest method to LOVE people and beyond reasonable doubt, you'll get back same measure from 99% of them.
What Is Reltionship or treu lovr?
Im g!ving yuo an exampel
Jsut see tihs msg. Evrey splleing of tihs msg is wrhog but sitll yuo cah raed it finnish wihtout giv!ng up.
Taht iz waht treu raletionship demahds to sucseed
Can yuo sea taht yuo just ignoer mistaeks ahd understahd aech stetement.
You can read the above example again and see that you noticed some mistakes if not all, yet understood each statement.
It implies that for you to understand each paragraph with the mistakes, you have a great role to play in his/her life.
It means that the artilleries to make or Mar him/her is in your hand and guess what, you never did anything great when you destroy the vulnerable whom you're meant to protect and correct.
Life would have been completely boring if everything was perfect so learn to patiently help others become their best and watch their positive reactions towards you.
I just worked on your mind with that example so you understand how to love unconditionally.
Over a decade, I've been on constant devotion in studying human emotions, The mind in quote is the toughest course to undertake/Study.
It is safe to say that without Patient, passion and love for it as a course, you will not understand it nor sustain another's own to stand the test of time with you.
Did you enjoy that?
Then join my telegram channel via https://t.me/umclite_DailyMotivation for dose of daily motivations to keep you going.
Have a wonderful time.
Ugochukwu c.
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memories-are-mine · 7 years
Maybe you could write a fic about Philip I'm the hospital recovering or like dreaming while he's unconscious. Lots of HC and angst? (And maybe some protective/sorry PT thrown in for good measure but doesn't have to, just a thought?)
Phillip dreams and protective dad PT?? Sign me up??
So this is what I imagine Phillip dreamed about while he was asleep in the hospital, and what went on around him while he was unconscious
It’s very angsty with lots of metaphors and once again Phillip’s parents are class A jerks. 
I’m sure y’all can figure this out but:
Italics: Phillip’s dream world 
Normal Text: Real world
Word Count: 3135
*Side note I am working on all of your asks it’s jsut midterm week so I’m going a little slow as I have a LOT of work to do but they are coming along with some other fun stuff
Phillip ran through the fire.
Racing through flames, ignoring the pain, feeling his skin burn, breathing in more smoke with every bit of air his lungs tried desperately to take. He needed to find Anne, she was still in here, he couldn’t lose her.
He tried calling her name but his voice wouldn’t work. There was just too much smoke. His head was spinning, dark spots dancing in his eyes, legs on the verge of buckling. He couldn’t go on much longer. He had to find Anne before he collapsed. Where was she?
Phillip stumbled into the arena, and saw her. Anne stood on the opposite side of the arena from him. The rest of the circus performers stood with her, all seemingly unaffected by the smoke. They all looked grim, staring at him like he was a dead man walking. W.D. tightly held Anne’s hand, Charles looked at him with sad eyes. Lettie reached out and beckoned him closer.
He started to make his way towards them, but halfway across the stage, Phillip ran smack into something solid. It was some kind of barrier that he couldn’t see, between him and the performers. Between him and Anne.
Anne ran to it, too, and placed her hand on the barrier, his name on her lips. Phillip did the same on the other side. The funny thing was, it was almost as if he could feel her hand holding onto his.
The other circus performers surrounded Anne now, all murmuring things to Phillip that he couldn’t hear.
That’s when the floor began to crumble. Not on the side of the circus performers and Anne, but on his side, widening chasm speeding towards him.
Lettie looked him dead in the eye. She looked like she had been crying. When she spoke, Phillip could hear her crystal clearly.  “I know you probably can’t hear me, but you’d better wake up soon, you stupid kid. We need you back. Can’t have a circus without our ringleader. We can’t lose you.”
And then the chasm reached him and Phillip fell, a silent cry forming on his lips as the darkness swallowed him.
The circus performers were gathered silently around the hospital bed. Phillip lay there unmoving, not an inch of skin unburnt. His body wrapped in bandages to stop the bleeding and keep the injuries from getting worse. Anne holding his still, bandaged hand, with her other hand clutched in W.D.’s. No one was beyond tears.
The doctors had delivered their verdict. They had done all they could, Phillip would have to fight this one on his own. Win if he could. If he lost….
He had done everything for them. Helped them meet the queen, taken up the post of ringleader when P.T. had disappeared on them, and run into the fire because he thought Anne was in danger.
“This is my fault,” Anne sobbed. “He ran back in there for me. Phillip…”
“Don’t you think like that, honey,” Lettie said shakily, tears staining her face. “That boy would have run back into that fire for any of us. That’s just the way he is. And you know that he would run into a thousand fires for you. He’s head over heels.”
“Stupid kid,” Charlie muttered, looking down at Phillip’s still body as he said it. “Stupid, stupid kid. Goddamned stupid brave heroic selfless stupid kid.”
They sat in silence after that. Silent for a long time as they watched Phillip, lying there: still and pale, chest barely rising and falling. They sat until the silence was broken by the nurses who had been watching them since they had arrived.
There was whispering from the other side of the hospital. Over by the desk, there were nurses whispering, staring at the performers gathered around Phillip. Some of them simply glared.
“Lettie, Charlie, Anne,” W.D. said softly. “We should go. We don’t need another scene. Especially not here.”
“I’m staying,” Anne said quickly. “Someone should be with him.”
W.D. said nothing, simply nodding. There was nothing to say. W.D. knew that for better or worse, his sister loved Phillip Carlyle. That’s all there was to it. W.D. just hoped that the man woke up, for his sister’s sake.
Charlie and W.D. made their way toward the hospital door, but Lettie lingered at Phillip’s side for just a moment.
She knelt down beside his bed and said “I know you probably can’t hear me, but you’d better wake up soon you stupid kid. We need you back. We can’t have a circus without a ringleader. We can’t lose you.”
Her voice broke and she squeezed Anne’s hand and left without saying anything more. Anne sat by his side, whispering hymns and prayers. Her world narrowed to just her and Phillip and his hospital bed.
Then she felt a hand on her shoulder.
She glanced up. Standing beside her, eyes pricked with tears, was P.T. Barnum, Charity and the girls right behind. On the other side, a very safe distance from the bed were Phillip’s parents.
More fire, but Phillip was above it this time. That was the first thing he became aware of as the darkness faded. He sat up, leaning against his hands for support, and took in his surroundings.
He sat against foreboding iron bars, dangling in mid-air from some sort of tightrope, precariously hanging over the flames. The flames were slowly melting the tightrope, eventually, the rope wouldn’t be able to bear Phillip’s weight. If the wire snapped and his cage fell, he was dead.
He needed to get out of the thing. He needed to escape.
He went to move his hands from behind him, where he had been using them to sit up but found he couldn’t. His hands were tied, the ropes suddenly there, winding themselves around his wrists, cutting off his escape plan.
Phillip struggled, but the knots were too strong, he couldn’t break free. He kicked at the door of the cage but it wouldn’t budge either. He was trapped. Completely at the mercy of the fire, the cage and the tightrope.
He looked around desperately, searching for something that could help him get free. There was nothing but the fiery chasm below him, and the tightrope above. He kicked the door again, but to no avail.
He called for help. It was the only thing he could think of to do. He was panicked, the smoke suffocating him, the ropes cutting into his wrists, the tightrope becoming more and more frayed by the moment. Someone, anyone, might hear his plea.
Nobody answered. Phillip tried again, crying louder this time. Once again, nothing. Phillip began to despair. Then he heard the voices.
Voices in the darkness, faint, Phillip could barely make them out, but they were there. His head whipped around wildly, trying to judge where the voices were coming from. They sounded like they came from the darkness above, near where the tightrope stretched into darkness.
Impossible though it seemed, Phillip looked up. He didn’t see anyone. Then he looked down and gasped. Standing in the flames, waiting for their son to fall, were Phillip’s parents. They didn’t look concerned, no shock that they were standing in fire, no worry for his safety in their eyes. They simply waited for him to fall down to them. They said something Phillip couldn’t hear, and his mother beckoned him, as if he could move. Maybe it was Phillip’s imagination, but the rope on his hands seemed to tighten when he locked eyes with his parents.
Phillip would rather fall into flame and burn than go to them. That seemed like his only option at this point. Well, the best option, anyway. At least he’d get out of the cage.
Then, the voices from above came again, a little louder this time. The light from the fire leaped and illuminated something Phillip hadn’t seen before. A platform at the end of the tightrope, not unlike the one Anne and W.D. used for some of their trapeze stunts.
Standing on the platform, their faces pale and ghostlike from the light of the fire, were the Barnums. P.T. and Charity stood closest to the edge, the frantic concern and love absent in Phillip’s parents’ faces present in theirs. Caroline and Helen stood behind them, both hysterically sobbing. It made Phillip’s heart ache to see them like that, and he wanted to call out to them, tell them he’d be fine, but he wasn’t so sure about that.
He wanted nothing more than to be up there with them, but he couldn’t see how they could possibly save him. He couldn’t see how he could save himself.
Phillip locked eyes with Phineas, and somehow he heard him speak. “Phillip, I’m so sorry.”
Phillip heard a crack and felt himself go weightless. The rope had snapped. He closed his eyes as he fell, helpless to do anything. Then the fall stopped with a jolt. Phillip looked up with a start.  There was absolutely no way that it should have been possible, but Phineas had pulled the tightrope enough for Phillip’s cage to slide across the rope, and close enough for the Barnums to catch him before he fell.
Phineas shouldn’t have been able to hold the weight of both the cage and Phillip, even with Charity’s help, but somehow they managed to pull Phillip to safety. Phillip glanced back down at the fire, looking to see if his parents were there, but they were gone. 
Phineas pulled a silver key out of his pocket and unlocked the door to Phillip’s cage, pulled it open, and helped Phillip out easily. Once he was out, Phineas and Charity wrapped their arms around him, holding him close, away from the fire. They didn’t try to free his hands, but Phillip didn’t really mind at that moment.  
“You have to wake up, Phillip,” Charity whispered, still holding him tightly. “There’s no way the girls can lose their brother, and we can’t lose our boy.”
“Chairy’s right,” Phineas said. Then he shook his head. He looked like he was crying. “You’d better wake up. I need my over compensated apprentice back. I need my boy back…” He stepped away, turning Phillip around. He struggled with the knots binding Phillip’s hands, but he couldn’t seem to free him.
Just then, Phillip’s knees buckled, and he collapsed to the floor of the platform.
Phineas looked at Charity and said something. Charity nodded reluctantly.
Caroline approached Phillip, still lying on the ground. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Come back to us, Phillip,” she whispered. “Please.”
“We love you, Phillip,” Helen said softly.
The Barnums faded away and vanished, and Phillip was left alone in the darkness.
The Barnums raced to Phillip’s side without hesitation, Phineas and Charity in the lead. The concern and love that showed on their faces showed Anne how truly they thought of themselves as Phillip’s parents. Looking at the barely concealed indifference on the faces of his real parents, Anne could see why.
It made her so irrationally angry. Their son was dying in a hospital bed after running into a burning building and Phillip’s parents couldn’t bother to even come within three feet of him. She thought the universe cruel to give such a wonderful, kind man such awful, heartless parents.
“Phillip,” Phineas whispered to Phillip’s unconscious form. “I’m so sorry. I abandoned you. All of you.” He looked at Anne meaningfully. She knew that the apology was directed to her as well.
Anne said nothing to blame or excuse him. The man was obviously distressed at the thought of losing someone he thought of as a son. If Anne had been thinking about how Phineas had abandoned them all, she might not have known what to feel.
She wasn’t thinking about Phineas, and how he had abandoned them, though. She was just thinking about how he had saved Phillip from the fire. All she felt at that moment was gratitude.
Anne heard a sigh from the other side. Phillip’s parents still stood apart from the group, not making a move to come closer, making no attempt to even appear worried about the safety of their son.
“He made his choice,” Phillip’s father said to his mother, looking at Anne with distaste. “If he dies, he chose it.”
Phineas looked away from Phillip’s unconscious body to stare at Phillip’s parents, expression half shock and half rage. “Get out,” he said. “Get out right now.”
Phillip’s parents simply turned and left without looking back.
Caroline and Helen began to sob, running to Anne, and crawling into her lap. She held both girls protectively with one arm, and Phillip’s hand with the other.
“I-is he going to d-d-die?” Caroline asked, barely able to get the words out.  
“Of course not, love,” Charity said gently, trying to find the words to comfort her daughter. “Phillip’s strong. He’ll make it.”
She gently leaned over Phillip and whispered to him. “You have to wake up Phillip. There’s no way the girls can lose their big brother, and we can’t lose our boy.”
“Chairy’s right, Phillip,” Phineas went over to stand by his wife’s side. “You had better wake up. I need my over compensated apprentice back. I need my boy back…”
The girls’ sobbing became louder, and Charity and Phineas looked at one another.
“We should get them home, Chairy,” Phineas said, looking over at Phillip with obvious reluctance.
Charity nodded and gave Anne a hug. “If anything changes…”
Anne nodded. Charity didn’t need to finish.
“W-W-Wait!” Caroline said. She went cautiously to Phillip’s side, before leaning over and kissing his forehead lightly. “Come back to us, Phillip.” She was so quiet Anne almost didn’t hear her. “Please.”
“We love you, Phillip,” Helen whispered from her mother’s arms. “You’re gonna wake up.”
Phineas looked at Phillip one last time, the pain in his eyes almost too much to bear. Then, Charity gently took his arm and they left, talking in low voices so the girls wouldn’t hear.
“I suppose it’s just you and me now, Phillip,” Anne said softly. “Let me tell you a story…”
The darkness was suffocating. It wouldn’t have been so hard to bear if Phillip wasn’t so completely alone. He had never been scared of the dark before, but now it terrified him more than he cared to admit.
He lay there on his platform, unable to move, hands still tied. He wanted to scream in frustration, like if he yelled loud enough, someone would come and save him. Like that would happen. Nobody ever had helped him before, why would anyone save him now.
Then he heard a voice, the voice that made his stomach flutter and heart soar. There she was, Anne. Flying above him on an invisible trapeze wire. “Guess it’s just you and me now,” she said with a smile.
She landed next to him, and miraculously his bonds fell away. It was as if just being near her set him free. He tried to stand, but Anne gently held him down. “Let me tell you a story,” she said, taking one of his hands in hers.
“Once upon a time,” she said. “There was a girl, a princess, actually… and we’ll call her… Anne,” She gave a little laugh at that. “I’m not very creative, am I? Now, Anne lived in a kingdom where the people were looked down on. Judged because they were different from all the other people in the world. Just because Anne looked different from everyone else, she and the rest of her kingdom were spat at, and looked down on.” She looked at him meaningfully before continuing. “Anne was happy, of course, the people of her kingdom were her family. But Anne still felt as if she were missing something. That maybe if the people would stop staring at her, then she would finally be satisfied. But she knew that would never be, the people of the other kingdoms would never stop judging her, they could never change. Boy, was she wrong.”
Anne gently leaned down and kissed his forehead before continuing. “One day, a prince from one of the other kingdoms came to Anne’s. We’ll call him… Phillip. Anne knew the moment she saw him, that she loved him. But how could she ever tell him? He was of another kingdom. He wasn’t like them. He would only laugh at her, wouldn’t he? But Prince Phillip proved her very wrong. He didn’t scorn and laugh at her. He took the scorn and laughter from the other kingdoms right alongside her. It was difficult at first, and Prince Phillip’s parents tried very hard to get him to come back, but he didn’t. He was strong and brave and….” Anne broke off, wiping something off her face. Maybe Phillip was imagining it, but the darkness around him seemed to become less oppressive, light keeping in. Anne took a deep breath before continuing. “He tried to tell Anne he loved her, but Princess Anne didn’t believe it was possible for them to be in love. One night, there was a fire at the palace. Princess Anne couldn’t make it out right away. Prince Phillip didn’t hesitate in running back in for her…” Anne bit back a sob. The darkness was definitely fading now. Phillip could hear voices besides Annes. “It was at that moment that Anne knew she couldn’t be without him. Anne is going to stay by Phillip’s side, praying every day that he’ll wake up….”
“And he will wake up,” Anne finished. “You will wake up, Phillip. And I’ll be right here when you do.”
That’s when his hand moves in hers. His eyes flutter open, wincing from pain as he registers her above him. “You’re here,” He said. Sounding like he didn’t believe it.
Anne leaned down and kissed him. She couldn’t hold herself back any longer. Anne no longer cared about what people would say. She had her Phillip back, and with him, she could take on the world and all it had to say.
“I heard your story,” Phillip said. “I heard what everyone said. I thought I dreamed all of it.”
“Oh you did, did you?” Anne gently touched the side of his face. “Everyone will be glad to hear that. What did you think of it?”
“I loved it,” Phillip said with a pained smile. “But you might want to work on the names.”
Anne actually laughed at that. It was a wonderful sound to hear. “Phillip, I’m so glad that you’re alright.”
She leaned down and kissed him again, and all of Phillip’s nightmares, all the pain, faded into the background. All of the bad memories were just that, memories. Now it was about the future.
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babyawacs · 4 years
.@law @law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om thejews arethebest in edu. wouldtheyhave wondered?when a sensitive smartie myster iously wouldnever develop? as3brothers?!smartie of family?!? and alone among asshol es mobbing school 7years the opposite of pampered. would thejews have wondered?atlate st by nowadays science?!? with 4brainhemispheres+turns out youneed allofit just no t atthesametime dynamic network they are likely hiding soemwhere and may ormaynot s trafethecase like maybe canada as distant disinterest maybe haha but would they h ave wondered? could they d a r i n gl y add 1+1 that thegermans cook their civillians a r b i t r a r i l y and villagecornerwise and handsdown now r e a l l y anyone that wants and can messes  usually theywould  subtle hints like piano?! which i s learning and developing itself letalone age12 14  canyou imagine that noone eve r forced to practice it notone single day aeh... dos? 3.3beta?!? as only one in fa mily?!? incomputing ? youknow what the germans do and did they shuffle shitbal ls they throw objects they shuffle proxies and this inthe 30s is goodenough to c over that they  b r a i n d a m a g e a guy that invents these things and those th ings a l l the time since kissm otor (reinvented starpiston but jsut the tophalf ofit but with hydrogen powered) and matchboxcar test on .@law @law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fra nce24 @snowden @haaretzcom  theyrape nonimmunised agaisntintelcoma+euphemism: t hatsonething,but repeat on a case daytime charging it. repeatedly. then pedoorgies. added tofiles pornit extra. cmooon.  years?!chargingit? 10ys?!? youknow whattheydid here. that itis sexual assault as one further tool of a criminal government shuffli ngproxies and shuffling harms #how #many #analysis #es #cooked #in #this #very #ca se .@law @law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzco m theyre cockroaches they cook the forehead of civillians arbitrarily to exploit em brainfuck the crapoutof em optimised as slave fools  and shuffle stigmas da ytime asifthey wouldnever develop its a disgrace they porn the crap out of em f ortheir pleasure gains and euphemism it as they wont mind anyway its a bonus toget ac cess tothem teen or kid or adult its  its a sexbonus   or a dna leech close toth e savages  theyre a bunch of criminals immunised by layer1cauisng authrotiies to dowhat itis criminal governments that didthis for control but lost control over th eir layer2 scums and thsoe did whattheywant withthe civillians there on its only que ll and overtape and redamamge them whenthey notice something hoooooowmany laye r2 cockroaches  claimed they immunise thecase which layer1 averted toquell their c rimes or let somany scums thatthey think theyhave prerogatives tomess thenthe f ix nut it braincookit and letmore ////  #lawyers this verycase debunked ahug e pile of how the germans rule their swamp is it a criminal monstrous bastardish s wamp where the immunised control notjust the civillians but who getsup or even a chance to get up itis all structured around control and themoney in a criminal dec entralised controlsystem working with intel tricks using anything anytrick that works to rule and exploit the nonimmunised civil population they damage whattheywant t hey fengshui intel crimes with the nextbest daytime explanation excuse fengshui tri ck for intel crime and doing so realmwise means house wise  means family wise and quickly a mysterious worm is inthe apple inthat family a mmmmystery theyareno t incompetent theyare guilty they  a l l are guilty liable causing they shuffle tricks and shuffle harms and quell immunisation and try anytrick to make you an inferior dayfool and them the tricks to fraud steal chain and control where is the mystery what did this very case d a y t i m e charge eu humanrights xmas2009 echr2800/10 on to 3781/20 fr inge quell kill plus sexual assault withminors  bagatellised thatthegermans cando what january to date today letalone their local swamp sleazers fiveyears localsh itcops authorities daytimecharged intelcomarape stayingdamamges poisonmixes theygot evenafoto how green thestuff was one of thousands of tricks deedtype what did the case demystify here how they rule their swamp theyare not so incompetent theyreliable theyreguilty they aim for t h e f t t o steal hightheft and unhappen their crimes that it is dayti me charged that itis iniative fromwithinthe bubble as 6ar50/19  1k347/18 that its not safe but murder tricks shuffled leading to t h is medifile? midlate30s? without healthsins? and those emergency measures? youknow what is played they shuffle harms and shuffleproxies and they got away daytime charging whatthey do but sm earing and degrading to steal and savetheir ass a f t e r it i s daytime charged sgerman sgermany itonly matt ers if the trick works rightnow whocares waht was oneyear ago doyou? fiveyears?! ? really? I am Christian KISS Bab yAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://w ww.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@law @law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzc om thejews arethebest in edu. wouldtheyhave wondered?when a sensitive smartie myster iously wouldnever develop? as3brothers?!smartie of family?!? and alone among asshol es mobbing school 7years the opposite of pampered. would thejews have wondered?atlate st by nowadays science?!? with 4brainhemispheres+turns out youneed allofit just no t atthesametime dynamic network they are likely hiding soemwhere and may ormaynot s trafethecase like maybe canada as distant disinterest maybe haha but would they h ave wondered? could they d a r i n gl y add 1+1 that thegermans cook their civillians a r b i t r a r i l y and villagecornerwise and handsdown now r e a l l y anyone that wants and can messes  usually theywould  subtle hints like piano?! which i s learning and developing itself letalone age12 14  canyou imagine that noone eve r forced to practice it notone single day aeh… dos? 3.3beta?!? as only one in fa mily?!? incomputing ? youknow what the germans do and did they shuffle shitbal ls they throw objects they shuffle proxies and this inthe 30s is goodenough to c over that they  b r a i n d a m a g e a guy that invents these things and those th ings a l l the time since kissm otor (reinvented starpiston but jsut the tophalf ofit but with hydrogen powered) and matchboxcar test on .@law @law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fra nce24 @snowden @haaretzcom  theyrape nonimmunised agaisntintelcoma+euphemism: t hatsonething,but repeat on a case daytime charging it. repeatedly. then pedoorgies. added tofiles pornit extra. cmooon.  years?!chargingit? 10ys?!? youknow whattheydid here. that itis sexual assault as one further tool of a criminal government shuffli ngproxies and shuffling harms #how #many #analysis #es #cooked #in #this #very #ca se .@law @law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzco m theyre cockroaches they cook the forehead of civillians arbitrarily to exploit em brainfuck the crapoutof em optimised as slave fools  and shuffle stigmas da ytime asifthey wouldnever develop its a disgrace they porn the crap out of em f ortheir pleasure gains and euphemism it as they wont mind anyway its a bonus toget ac cess tothem teen or kid or adult its  its a sexbonus   or a dna leech close toth e savages  theyre a bunch of criminals immunised by layer1cauisng authrotiies to dowhat itis criminal governments that didthis for control but lost control over th eir layer2 scums and thsoe did whattheywant withthe civillians there on its only que ll and overtape and redamamge them whenthey notice something hoooooowmany laye r2 cockroaches  claimed they immunise thecase which layer1 averted toquell their c rimes or let somany scums thatthey think theyhave prerogatives tomess thenthe f ix nut it braincookit and letmore ////  #lawyers this verycase debunked ahug e pile of how the germans rule their swamp is it a criminal monstrous bastardish s wamp where the immunised control notjust the civillians but who getsup or even a chance to get up itis all structured around control and themoney in a criminal dec entralised controlsystem working with intel tricks using anything anytrick that works to rule and exploit the nonimmunised civil population they damage whattheywant t hey fengshui intel crimes with the nextbest daytime explanation excuse fengshui tri ck for intel crime and doing so realmwise means house wise  means family wise and quickly a mysterious worm is inthe apple inthat family a mmmmystery theyareno t incompetent theyare guilty they  a l l are guilty liable causing they shuffle tricks and shuffle harms and quell immunisation and try anytrick to make you an inferior dayfool and them the tricks to fraud steal chain and control where is the mystery what did this very case d a y t i m e charge eu humanrights xmas2009 echr2800/10 on to 3781/20 fr inge quell kill plus sexual assault withminors  bagatellised thatthegermans cando what january to date today letalone their local swamp sleazers fiveyears localsh itcops authorities daytimecharged intelcomarape stayingdamamges poisonmixes theygot evenafoto how green thestuff was one of thousands of tricks deedtype what did the case demystify here how they rule their swamp theyare not so incompetent theyreliable theyreguilty they aim for t h e f t t o steal hightheft and unhappen their crimes that it is dayti me charged that itis iniative fromwithinthe bubble as 6ar50/19  1k347/18 that its not safe but murder tricks shuffled leading to t h is medifile? midlate30s? without healthsins? and those emergency measures? youknow what is played they shuffle harms and shuffleproxies and they got away daytime charging whatthey do but sm earing and degrading to steal and savetheir ass a f t e r it i s daytime charged sgerman sgermany itonly matt ers if the trick works rightnow whocares waht was oneyear ago doyou? fiveyears?! ? really? I am Christian KISS Bab yAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://w ww.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@law @law @harvard_law @laws @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom thejews arethebest in edu. wouldtheyhave wondered?when a sensitive smartie mysteriously wouldnever develop? as3brothers?!smartie of family?!? and alone among assholes mobbing school 7years the opposite of pampered. would thejews have wondered?atlatest by nowadays science?!? with 4brainhemispheres+turns out youneed…
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wwoofcsa · 6 years
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A few other fun things that went down
We went to a little headwash spot, called astral headwash, where you get a fifteen minute head wash and massage and its amazing. I asked if i could volunteer and they said yes! So i gave little guided meditations as i washed peoples heads and minds. Such a lovely experience. (reminder for myself: connecting with the girl with dreads)
The burn was around the time that it dawned on me, that my relationship with THC was coming to an end for now. A beautiful and freeing revolation
One of our camp mates brought these hilarious little tiny hands, that you can put on your fingers, and it looks like you had a tiny hand. Needless to say, this prop became an integral part of our hilarious week, filled with bits.
And lastly, i put together these awesome mdma supplement kits, to help protect your brain againsts toxicity from the mdma. Its a kit mostly full of antioxidants and i gave them away as gifts. This was something super important to me, to be able to help people be healthier, and to educate them on responsible mind expansion. It took me HOURS to work on them. I had about 90 kits, and was planning on giving away 30 at the burn. Before i left terris house, i put an extra kit in there for myself, but this kit was marked a bit differently cause i had put two capsles of mdma in one of the little baggies. I did it jsut in case i got stopped or checked by a police officer on my way in to the burn, as everyone was on high alert. I planned on taking the packet out and storing it spereately when i arrived. Flash forward about 5 days, i had gifted about 20 or 25 of the supplement kits. Everyone was so thankful and lovely and on the night of tycho, mikey, jake and i were gonna take my mdma, but i couldnt find it anywhere. All the sudden it hit me...hard.  I had accidentally dosed one of the kits though because i hid my mdma in one of them. It was about 2am and my heart started beating very quickly. How could i have done something like this!? Everyone had trusted me!? How could i be so careless!? WHO DID I DOSE? HOW COULD I TELL THEM> WHAT WOULD THEY THINK!? I had to find everyone and tell them, all 25 people, in a festival of 70 thousand. Thank god about 12 or 13 of them were in our camp. So after a few good minutes of panic, i decided that there was nothing i could do immediately, and later that evening the moment i saw anyone i had given a kit to, i would tell them not to take the restof it, and i need to check it. THANK FUCKING GOD, pips was the first one i checked, and i found it before she dosed herself unknowingly. Everyone seemed pretty cool about it when i told them though. Most everyone was just excited about getting more mdma. In good measure, i gave her one of the capsules as reparations. Never again
The last day of the burn was very interesting experience. I was heading out in the early evening with magenta and mothballs. And i was a bit sad as the burn had quickly (as always) flown by me. I woke up early, to wake brittany up and we were going to go together to a random rab set. I woke up, rode over to her tent, but she wasnt inside so i figured this was my experience to have on my own. I rode through the freezing morning across the playa over to playa school, a sound camp that was literally covered in actual burning flames. Random rab was playing when i got there, and i started warming up a bit as the set went on. I danced a bit and a few things came up for me. I saw couples around me and people dancing with friends, and i just closed my eyes and moved with the music. Suddenly i saw the two twins come out of nowhere. These twins that for years ive seen over and over again, and while ive wanted to connect with them, the connection has always felt very superficial and in the past, for some reason, its been tough for me. When i saw them, we smiled and hugged, and for the next twenty mins or so i wrestled a bit with the feelings that were coming up after seeing them and yet again, repeating an ingenuine feeling interaction ived had with them a dozen times. All of the sudden, a guy comes up to me while im dancing and explains that he’s doing a day where he makes himself approach everyone he sees that he admires in some way, and must give them a compliment. So he comes up to me, and gives me this huge compliment about how beautiful and thinks i am etc etc. it was so beautiful that i started tearing up and started to cry a bit. It was such a perfectly timed interaction, it took me by surprise. We hugged and he dissapeared and i notice a guy dancing in front of me. He was shirtless and i noticed he had a ton of hebrew writing tattooed on him like a collar of a shirt. I asked him in hebrew what the tattoo meant, but he ended up being spanish. He explained that the tattoo was 72 names for god. He got it for protection. It dawned on me suddenly, that the entire time i was struggling, i was being watched over and protected. Protection was right next to me and i had no clue. This epiffany allowed me to surrender into the present and gain persepective that im always safe, im always being watched over, and everything is happening exactly how its supposed to. This helped me let go of the twins, allow them to be them, and as the set ended, and i headed to my shift at the zendo project, brittany rode by asking where i had been that morning. I told her i ran by her tent and couldnt find her, but that i went to the random rab set, she told me that she had been at the entire set too, but she must have been a bit further back from me. I smiled as a feeling sunk in that the morning’s experience really was one that i was destined to have alone. A beautiful final experience for the burn.
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