jubela · 4 years
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Meias rendadas
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albalyuh · 6 years
tetas culos y chochos
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spectacletheater · 4 years
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And just in time to promote How the Sky Will Melt for tomorrow + Cat Effekt and the Motern series for Saturday + Automobilux etc, here's the latest Spectacle Radio on video (without the video). 
Spectacle Radio ep.54 :: 05.13.20 :: What's buggin' you Nino? Motern Media Movie Orchestra - Monsters, Marriage, and Murder in Manchvegas // Ennio Morricone - H2S Main Titles // (Cat Effeckt) // Hal Hartley - Opening credits from Amateur // Bombs Aren't Cool // J.R. Bookwalter - Left For Dead (The Dead Next Door) // Matthew Wade - (How the Sky Will Melt) // Motern Media Movie Orchestra - Incidental Music #4 (Don't Let the Riverbeast Get You) // David Shea - Enter the Dragon (Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y) // (Cat Effekt) // Ran Slavin - Distant Lights (Insomniac City) // Bowery Electric - Fear of Flying (Automobilux) // Patrick McGuinn - End Titles from Desert Spirits // (A Day on GOD Island) // Marc Strange - (Isabel) // (Project Nightmare) // Aleksandr Zatsepin - Planet sheleziaka (Mystery of the Third Planet) // Giullermo Portabales - El Carretero (Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y) // (How to Shoot a Crime) (Alma Punk) // Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia (Double Take) // Strangers in the Night (Kin-Dza-Dza) // Lee Dowell - Black Belt (Teenage Gang Debs) // (Onibaba) // Aleksandr Zatsepin - Following govorun (Mystery of the Third Planet) // Pierre Clementi - menacing opera (Clash)
liner notes:-About half of the tracks in the first block were recorded by the the directors themselves!-This includes Matt Farley's delightful scores for the films he makes with Charles Roxburgh. Because I'm a little late to this party, I had to feature cuts from two of the films we've shown already BUT you can catch two more of their films this Saturday, May 16.-H2S is a totally bizarre and messy film, but Morricone delivers some really notable postmodern dissonance AND a great love theme we'll get around to playing eventually.-The words in Russian seem to be about running up and down the street.-Bombs Aren't Cool was a music video film creation of a bunch of Sounth Bronx teens and filmmaker Joan Jubela. From the archives of the XFR Collective, and their Earth Day program-J.R. Bookwalter created his own score for The Dead Next Door on an 80s Amiga. There's also a great Akron-based new wave band that we'll include sometime.-Matthew Wade's scores for his own films are all great, and How the Sky Will Melt is no exception. Catch it this Friday, May 15!-Automobilux is a feature experimental film by Spectacle's own Garret Linn, and 90s shoegaze great Bowery Electric provided the whole soundtrack. Coming soon.-A Day on GOD Island is essentially a vacation home video by Sogo Ishii, but Balinese landscapes set to gamelan is very soothing.-Northern gothic canadian thriller Isabel features songs written and played by the lead actor.-Mystery of the Third Planet showed in our series on Soviet childrens' programming a few years ago.-If you missed Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y, it's fortunately streaming free on the director's site.-How to Shoot a Crime was part of our series of Chris Kraus' films in early 2013.-Black Belt was an original 60s pop number, with its own dance(!!), from Teenage Gang Debs, which we showed back in April-Clash was our feature presentation following the radio show, kicking off the new show + film format.
(This week's image is the Magic Wink system from Matthew Wade's How the Sky Will Melt, the ideal format for experiencing the show)
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shoesmedownj · 2 years
Top Ten Masonic Conspiracies
Top Ten Masonic Conspiracies and the Facts Behind Them – Whether you believe the Masonic brotherhood originated in Ancient Egypt, with the Knights Templar or in the medieval stonemason guilds, it is clear that Masonry has a long history and plenty of opportunities to get entangled in scandals and conspiracy theories. Here are the most popular Freemasonic conspiracy theories:
No. 10 – Jack the Ripper
No. 9 – Freemasonry and Washington, D.C.
No. 8 – The Kidnapping of Captain William Morgan
No. 7 – The Poisoning of Mozart
No. 6 – Freemasonry and the New World Order
No. 5 – Freemasons Worship the Devil
No. 4 – Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy
No. 3 – Albert Pike and the Three World Wars
No. 2 – Propaganda Due Masonic Lodge
No. 1 – Illuminati Infiltration of Masonic Lodges
No.10 Jack the Ripper
A serial killer ritually murders London prostitutes in order to cover up a scandal involving the British Royal family
The Masonic conspiracy rests on the testimony of Joseph Sickert, son of painter Walter Sickert who was allegedly involved in the conspiracy along with the Queen’s personal physician, Sir William Gull (aged 72!), police commissioner Sir Charles Warren and other high-level Freemasons. In Sickert’s tale, Queen Victoria’s grandson and heir apparent Prince Eddy, Duke of Clarence had married and fathered a child with a common Irish Catholic shop clerk from London’s East End. With the entire monarchy’s fragile state and a Catholic bastard now standing in line for the throne, the Freemasons were charged with cleaning up the mess and eliminating all witnesses. Sickert had the role of playing the Duke’s brother on his outings and suspiciously was not himself of a target of the Masonic hit squad, leading some to believe that Walter Sickert himself might be Jack the Ripper or at the very least, one of his accomplice. (There are currently over 100 suspects in the Whitechapel Murders).
In 1976, Stephen Knight wrote Jack the Ripper. The final solution, a bestselling book based on Sickert’s account. Sickert admitted to the Royal Conspiracy hoax in The Sunday Times of London in 1978. Despite the admission, the story remained popular and spawned a myriad of articles, books and movies including the big-budget 2001 film From Hell (based on the Alan Moore’s graphic novel by the same name), the 1979 Murder by Decree (famous for depicting actual secret Masonic grips) and a host of other movies.
The words “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.” (see the Goulston Street Graffito) were found scribbled in chalk near the double-murder scenes of victims Stride and Eddowes. Sir Charles Warren, head of the London Police and the Most Worshipful Master of the Quator Coronati Masonic Lodge erased the reference to “juwes” left behind by Jack the Ripper. Ostensibly, to avoid a backlash against the local Jewish population. Conspiracists point out that the unusual spelling of “Juwes” is a reference to the Masonic murder of Hiram Abiff by the three ruffians Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum.
Actor Johnny Depp’s finger discovering the names of the three ruffians.
Due to the lack of forensic evidence, it’s impossible to completely rule out the masons as the culprit behind the Jack the Ripper killings. However, there really isn’t any reason to do so. Some evidence does pop up once in a while, for instance author Patricia Cornwell’s research into DNA proved that at least one of the letters attributed to Jack the Ripper was written by Walter Sickert.
Parallels between the Ripper murders and Masonic Oaths:
All “Canonical 5” victims had their throat cut from left to right. (See Entered Apprentice Oath below) The fifth victim’s heart was taken. (See Fellowcraft Oath below) Four of the victims abdomen were slashed with Kelly’s completely emptied. (See Master Mason Oath below) Knight claims that Jack the Ripper’s murders paralleled Masonic blood oaths. (see below)
Oath of an Entered Apprentice:
“All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any mental reservation or secret evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly violate this my Entered Apprentice obligation. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”
Oath of a Fellowcraft
“All this I most solemnly promise and swear with a firm and steadfast resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or self-evasion of mind whatever, binding myself under no less penalty than of having my breast torn open my heart plucked out, and placed on the highest pinnacle of the temple, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, should I ever knowingly violate the Fellow Craft obligation. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.
(some say, My heart and vitals taken from thence, and thrown over my left shoulder, and carried into the valley of Jehoshaphat…)”
Oath of a Master Mason
“All this I most solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steady resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind what-ever, binding myself, under no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I would be, should I ever, knowingly, violate this my Master Mason’s obligation. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same.”
― Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor
The Ultimate Jack the Ripper resource can be found here and this site looks at the murders from a Freemasonic point of view. Note that Freemasons are not allowed to discuss Masonic obligations and penalties with Cowans. (non-masons) Admittingly, the supposed ties between the Ripper’s modus operandi and Masonic penalties are far-fetched.
youtubeClick on image to watch Murder by Decree trailer (1979) Trailer Running Time : 1:02
No.9 Freemasonry and Washington D.C.
The Founding Founders, Freemasonry and the capital of the United States
Since 1776, no less than 14 Presidents of the United States, 18 Vice-Presidents and around 40 Supreme Court Justices have been Freemasons. Many of the Founding Founders were active Freemasons. Thirteen of the 39 signers of the US Constitution were Masons; 9 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence. Just under half of George Washington’s Continental Army generals were Freemasons.
Masonic Presidents
Freemasons George Washington and Thomas Jefferson appointed Freemasonic brother Pierre Charles L’Enfant to design the new capital of the United States, Washington D.C. L’Enfant inserted multiple Masonic symbols into the street layouts of Washington.
Some Presidents still opt to use George Washington’s Masonic Inaugural Bible when being sworn in as POTUS. Masons, being masons, have a thing for laying cornerstones.
George Washington leveling the cornerstone of the United States Capitol
George Washington leveling the cornerstone of the United States Capitol
The headquarters of the American Revolution was the Masonic-owned Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. The tavern’s second floor served as a large meeting place for the Lodge of St-Andrews and the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Paul Revere was the Senior Deacon of St-Andrew’s Lodge. There, they dressed up as Mohawks and proceeded to dump over 9- thousand pounds of tea from the British East India Company into Boston harbor. The incident remains one of the most famous political protest in American history.
House of the Temple
House of the Temple
Check out The Illuminati Symbol, the Great Seal and the One Dollar Bill.
No.8 The Kidnapping of Captain William Morgan
1826 – A Masonic whistleblower disappears after announcing his intention to publish the secrets of Freemasonry
William Morgan routinely visited New York state Masonic Lodges in the cities of Batavia, Le Roy and Rochester, but his Masonic standing gradually came into question and he was removed (“blackballed” in Masonspeak) from the membership. Rebuked, Morgan threatened to expose the Freemason’s inner secrets in his upcoming book. He furthered angered the local masons by bragging about receiving a sizable advance from a local newspaper for his exposé’s publication.
morganFour Freemasons tried to prevent the printing of Morgan’s exposé by setting fire to Morgan’s publishers. They were apprehended and 3 were indicted.
Morgan was then arrested and sent to debtor’s prison for allegedly owing $2.68. His publisher paid the fine to get him released but he was immediately rearrested on a trumped up charge of stealing a shirt and tie. That night, a man claiming to be Morgan’s friend paid the fine and the two men entered a waiting carriage. Captain William Morgan was never seen again.
Freemasons Loton Lawon, Nicholas Chesebro and Edward Sawyer eventually coughed up to kidnapping William but denied murdering him. They claimed they took Morgan to Fort Niagara where they gave him $500 to go to Canada. The three men and two other accomplices were convicted of William Morgan’s Kidnapping.
Morgan’s pamphlet Freemasonry Exposed and Explained selling for a buck a piece and his Illustration of Masonry soon became best sellers and gave rise to the first American third party, the Anti-Masonic party, with Thurlow Weed opposing Masonic President Andrew Jackson. The party managed to elect two state governors before it gradually fizzled out after 1835.
No.7 The Poisoning of Mozart
After revealing Masonic secrets in his opera The Magic Flute, composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is poisoned by his the Brotherhood
Mozart was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on December 14th, 1784 at the at a Zur Wohltätigkeit (“Beneficence”) Masonic Lodge in Vienna. Mozart was more interested in the intellectual and philosophical aspects of freemasonry rather than its occult aspects. As such he was surrounded by members of the Bavarian Illuminati including one of his mentors, Illuminatus Ignaz von Born.
The Magic Flute did not reveal any Masonic secrets but it did not hide Mozart’s displeasure with the anti-Masonic Austrian Empress Maria Theresa and the Vatican. Pope Clement XII had issued a papal bull against freemasonry in 1738. Mozart incorporated many musical symbols from Freemasonic ceremonies into his opera. For example the overture’s opening features three harmonized chords. The number three reoccurred numerous times on the overture echoing a Masonic Initiation.
Mozart was an active Mason until his death, wrote many Masonic odes and is known as a Masonic composer. He was a happy mason. Unfortunately, Mozart’s health was fragile and he was afflicted with a number of serious disease including typhoid, smallpox, syphilis, and hepatitis.
On his return from Prague to Vienna, Mozart became convinced that he had been poisoned. In November 1791, he becoame bedridden and died the following month. His fellow masons held a Lodge of Sorrow in his honor.
The theory that Mozart could have been poisoned either by Freemasons or by his rival Antonio Salieri is not supported by physical evidence. Mozart displayed none of the symptoms of either arsenic or mercury poisoning as he lay dying.
Movie director Stanley Kubrick is also rumored to have been snuffed by members of an unnamed secret society for revealing too much in his Eyes Wide Shut.
No.6 Freemasonry and the New World Order
Freemasonry provides cover for the secret plutocratic rulers of the world
Ancient secret societies have metamorphosed into modern elite think tanks where they are able to fund researchers that serve their various agendas. The Freemasons were once very powerful and the members of the elite class joined it en masse in the 1800s and early 1900s, but the Elite class no longer requires the cover of freemasonry to meet secretly and plan world domination.
Members of the ruling class are free and can easily meet in closed-door meetings surrounded by employees gagged by iron-clad non-disclosure agreements or their teams of attorneys protected by client-attorney privileges. They also meet in larger committees and conferences such as the Trilateral Commission, Chatham House, The Council of Foreign Affairs, and the Bilderberg group where secrecy is always strongly enforced.
The structure of modern masonry itself also makes it useless for proponents of the New World Order. There is no top-down command structure as in a corporation or the military. Instead each Lodges individually recognizes other Masonic lodges and make independent decisions in all local matters. It would be impossible for a secret group on top to secretly command lower level masons.
Freemasonry accepts members of all religions which fit with the New World Order’s plan for the formation of a one world religion. Could the Masonic Grand Architect of the Universe be the unifier of all the world’s religions? One is doubtful.
At the Denver International Airport, artist Leo Tanguma’s “In Peace and Harmony with Nature” as well as his “Children of the World Dream of Peace” have caused much speculation as to motive.
No.5 Freemasons Worship the Devil
High-level Freemasons practice ritual murders in service of Satan
The theory that Freemasons worship Satan gained popularity in the 1890s with the writings of French journalist Gabriel Jogand-Pagès. After the publication of Pope’s Leo XIII’s anti-Masonic Humanum Genus, Jogand-Pagès made a great show of leaving Freemasonry and pretending to return to Roman Catholism. He was able to carve a comfortable anti-Masonic niche for himself.
Under the pen names of Léo Les_Mystères_de_la_franc-maçonnerie_dévoilés_par_Léo_TaxilTaxil or Dr. Bataille, Jogand-Pagès published a series of stories detailing Freemasonry’s involvement with Satanism. He based his articles in parts on the revelations of his entirely fictitious Satanic High Priestess, Diana Vaughan and the Masonic “Palladium” which practiced ritual murders and worshiped the devil Baphomet. Taxil also claimed that Scottish Rite Grand Commander Pike was the “Sovereign Pontiff” of universal Freemasonry. He transcribed the following address in which he claimed Pike was giving instructions to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World.
“That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a god, but it is the god one adores without superstition. To you sovereign grand inspector general, we say this and you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees – the Masonic religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.
If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would Adonay and His priests, calumniate Him?
Yes, Lucifer is god, and unfortunately Adonay is also God, for the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two gods. darkness being necessary for light to serve as its foil, as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive.
Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is heresy, and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay, but Lucifer, god of light and god of good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the god of darkness and evil”
In April 1897 the now famous Taxil called a press conference and confessed to the fraud. Nevertheless, some are still not convinced. Fundamentalist Comic book artist Jack Chick was inspired to write one of his famous tracts on the subject.
Beyond the Taxil Hoax, Albert Pike writes about Lucifer in Moral and Dogma
“”Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (p. 321)
Most Masons believe that Pike was referring to deliberate mistranslations in the King James Bible and how Lucifer originally meant the morning light (a designation presently reserved for Jesus) or the planet Venus.
The George Washington statue designed by Horatio Greenough was initially installed in the US Capitol’s Rotunda but was relocated to the Smithsonian Museum of American History in 1908 due to controversy caused not by Washington’s similar posture to occultist Eliphas Levi’s depiction of Baphomet, but because of Georgie’s bare chest.
Horatio Greenough's George Washington
Horatio Greenough’s George Washington
Levi’s Baphomet
Levi’s Baphomet
Christian Fundamentalists and Roman Catholics often point out the pagan elements found within Freemasonry’s symbols and rituals, but this would also be true of Christianity itself… (i.e. Yule as the origin of Christmas, Spring Solstice as the origin of Easter) hardly a case to support Masonic worship of the Beast.
No.4 Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy
Jewish Elders of Zion and the Freemasons are involved in a conspiracy to completely exterminate all Goyim
The Judeo-Masonic conspiracy is rooted in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion first published in 1905 in Russia by Sergei Nilus. The book details a joint Jewish-Freemasonic conspiracy in which the two work together to bring the end of the world. Despite the Tsar’s disapproval of the methods and attempts at confiscating copies of the Protocols, they served as a nice diversion from Russia’s recent humiliation against Japan and the book continued to circulate widely and went through many editions.
In the protocols, the Jews are the power behind the Freemasons and use the fraternity as a screen:
― Protocol 11
Like the Illuminati, the Elders allegedly used Masonic lodges as recruiting grounds for their own purposes:
“Meantime, however, until we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply free masonic lodges in all the countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence. ― Protocol 15
In 1921, The Times reporter, Philip Grave discovered that a great portion of the Protocols had been plagiarized from an Anti-Napoleon III work, The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu written by French artist Maurice Joly. The Dialogues themselves were later discovered to be partly plagiarize from Eugène Sue’s Les Mystères du people. Other sources for the Protocols text included Abbé Barruel’s Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, but with the blames now attributed to the Jews, the power behind the Freemasons and anti-Semitic legends of Jews sacrificing Christian babies and poisoning well.
The book was popularized in the United States by Freemason and admirer of Nazi Germany, Henry Ford. Adolf Hitler was a firm believer in the Protocol’s legitimacy and banned Freemasonry in Germany as a result. The Protocols continue to be popular in the Middle East and was recently a best seller in Syria.
The Mason are often accused of plotting to rebuild Solomon’s Temple at the present location of the Islamic Dome of the Rock. Freemasons maintain that their rituals refer to a metaphorical temple inside each mason. They also deny Lyndon Larouche’s claim that the Freemason are attempting to gain control of Temple Mount in Jerusalem and begin building the third temple of Solomon.
No.3 Albert Pike and the Three World Wars
33 ° Freemason and Confederate Army General Albert Pike writes to Italian revolutionary leader detailing his futuristic vision of three world wars
In a 1871 letter to revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini, Albert Pike described the coming of three world wars necessary for the world to accept a unified world under Lucifer. Mazzini was himself a great supporter of a unified Italy and a United States of Europe, a precursor to the European Union. The First war would overthrow the Czars and build a “fortress of atheistic communism.” The second war would pin the Fascists against the Zionists. The third war would be fought between Islam and the Zionists. Lucifer would then rise to rule the world.
diable-batailleThe letter was brought to light by conspiracy researcher William Guy Carr who claimed the letter was on display at the British Museum in London. The Museum itself denied the claim. Carr then pointed to respected author Cardinal Rodriguez of Chili‘s The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, in which, according to Carr, Rodriguez also claimed to have seen the Pike-Mazzini letter at the museum.
After verifying the quote from Rodriguez’s book, Illuminati researcher Terry Melanson discovered that it made no mention of three world wars and that furthermore, Rodriguez was referring to Dr. Battaille’s Le Diable au XIXème Siècle as being on display at the British Museum, not the Pike-Mazzini letter. Dr. Bataille was a nom de plume for hoaxer Gabriel Jogand-Pagès. (see Masonic Conspiracy #5 above)
Sample of the Pike-Mazzini letter
“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion, We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Source: http://rense.com/general80/pike.htm
No.2 Propaganda Due Masonic Lodge
Italian Masonic Lodge is used as a cover to coordinate everything from terrorist bombings, massive financial frauds and drug trafficking
The covert P2 Masonic Lodge was discovered in a 1981 police raid on Lucio Gelli’s home by Italian authorities in the aftermath of the Vatican-owned Banco Ambrosia scandal in which “God’s banker” Roberto Calvi and P2 brethren was found hanging under London’s Black Friars Bridge. Police discovered a list of over 900 P2 Lodge members which included high-ranking government officials and 43 Members of the Italian Parliament. The list also included the name of future Italian President Silvio Berlusconi and Mafia banker Michele Sindona.
The P2 Masonic Lodge was voted out of the Grand Lodge of Italy in 1974 but Gelli managed to “convince” the Grandmaster to issue his lodge another warrant. By 1981, regular Masonic lodges were eager to distance themselves from the P2 Lodge and it was officially disavowed in a Masonic Tribunal which ruled the 1974 vote valid.
The P2 Lodge was also used as a cover for Operation Gladio in which Gelli cooperated with American and British intelligence to promote fascism activities, including the 1980 Bologna railway bombing in order to prevent a communist takeover of Italy.
No.1 Illuminati Infiltration of Masonic Lodges
Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati infiltration and “Illumination” of European Freemasonic Lodges
The Bavarian Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. The Following year, Weishaupt was initiated as a Freemason at the Die Loge Theodor vom guten Rat in Munich. He soon realized the potential of Masonic Lodges as recruiting grounds for his own secret society and directed members of his Order to begin Illuminating Freemasonic Lodges throughout Germany and later Europe. After the dissolution the Masonic Rites of Strict Observance at the 1782 Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad, Weishaupt and Baron Von Knigge were shrewdly able to snatch up old Strict Observance members and increased membership in the Bavarian Illuminati to around 3000 members. The Illuminati soon had Illuminated Lodges in France, Italy, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Poland, and Hungary.
The anti-clerical and anti-monarchical doctrines of the Bavarian Illuminati and other revolutionaries influenced the events leading up to the French Revolution.
“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands.”
― Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison (1797)
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deliciousscaloppine · 4 years
cujubela = mayhem; jubela = destruction?
I am afraid it's way more complicated than that.
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ligaswiata-blog · 5 years
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Bestia drzemie w każdym z nas
#jacktheripper #dracula #stoker #dydymus #ligaswiata #masoneria #faust #machiaweli #krew #symbolika #wiedza #artykuł #kubarozpruwacz #royalalphalodge #wielkiterror #5ofiar #albervictor #irving #churchill #jubela #jubelo #jubelum #media #juwes
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pauljosephrovelli · 7 years
It seems one of the most potent voices behind the inner order secrets of the Golden Dawn was that of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.  Accordingly, Thelema, which also owes much to the inner order secrets of the Golden Dawn would clearly show its Theosophical roots.  We present here a Thelemic  commentary on HPB’s essay: NOAH WAS A KABIR, HENCE HE MUST HAVE BEEN A DEMON.
HPB: It matters little whether it is Isis, or Ceres -- the "Kabiria" -- or again the Kabiri, who have taught men agriculture; but it is very important to prevent fanatics from monopolising all the facts in history and legend, and from fathering their distortions of truth, history, and legend upon one man. Noah is either a myth along with the others, or one whose legend was built upon the Kabirian or Titanic tradition, as taught in Samothrace; he has, therefore, no claim to be monopolized by either Jew or Christian. If, as Faber tried to demonstrate at such cost of learning and research, Noah is an Atlantean and a Titan, and his family are the Kabiri or pious Titans, etc. -- then biblical chronology falls by its own weight, and along with it all the patriarchs -- the antediluvian and pre-Atlantean Titans.
AL:I.46 "Nothing is a secret key of this law. Sixty-one the Jews call it; I call it eight, eighty, four hundred & eighteen."
AL:I.47 "But they have the half: unite by thine art so that all disappear."
pj comment: Per Liber AL, the Jews have the half; but that doesn't mean that that half includes everything in Jewish lore and history.  Though there's much, including and especially the Qabalah that they did carry; yet I think it important to understand Thelema as a Western paradigm.  The East did not have the same ideological enslavement brought upon by the Roman church in the West, and its mystery tradition did not suffer the broken lineages subsequent to Roman persecution in the West.  Though possibly, the whole world lost when the library at Alexandria was destroyed.
HPB: As now discovered and proven, Cain is Mars, the god of power and generation, and of the first (sexual) bloodshed (As he is also Vulcan or Vul-cain, the greatest god with the later Egyptians, and the greatest Kabir. The god of time was Chium in Egypt, or Saturn, or Seth, and Chium is the same as Cain.). Tubal-Cain is a Kabir, "an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron"; or -- if this will please better -- he is one with Hephaestos or Vulcan; Jabal is taken from the Kabiri -- instructors in agriculture, "such as have cattle," and Jubal is "the father of all those who handle the harp," he, or they who fabricated the harp for Kronos and the trident for Poseidon (See Strabo, comparing them to the Cyclopes -- XIV. p. 653 et seq. (Callim in Del., 31 Stat. Silo. IV., 6, 47; etc., etc.)).
pj comment: Tubal-Cain is the secret word of the Freemasons; a holy and esteemed word.  We can see here that Tubal-Cain is then the Cain of the Bible, who was of the race of Giants or Titans (the Kabir and even the Nephilim).  As an artificer or creative artisan, he fits perfectly with the craft of mundane masonry, upon which the Freemasons are said by their lore, to have evolved.  But as Vulcan, the god of Fire, we can connote the idea of the element of Spirit, which is dually attributed to the element of Fire in the Western system.  As well, we see an allusion to Horus and the importance of sexual Magick. Albert Pike writes in the Freemasonic document, Morals and Dogma:
AROERIS or HAR-oeris, the elder HORUS, is from the same old root that in the Hebrew has the form Aur, or, with the definite article prefixed, Haur, Light, or the Light, splendor, flame, the Sun and his rays. The hieroglyphic of the younger HORUS was the point in a circle; of the Elder, a pair of eyes; and the festival of the thirtieth day of the month Epiphi, when the sun and moon were supposed to be in the same right line with the earth, was called "The birth-day of the eyes of Horus."
AL:I.16 "For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight."
pj comment: The Sun and the Moon of course, are the symbols of male and female.  The spilling of blood in the story of Cain and Abel must have a symbolic and not literal significance.  HPB writes in a footnote:
HPB: Adam-Jehovah, Brahma and Mars are, in one sense, identical; they are all symbols for primitive or initial generative powers for the purposes of human procreation. Adam is red, and so also are Brahma-Viraj and Mars -- god and planet. Water is the blood of the Earth; therefore, all these names are connected with Earth and Water. "It takes earth and water to create a human soul," says Moses. Mars is identical with Kartikeya God of War (in one sense) -- which god is born of the Sweat of Siva, Siva Gharmaja and the Earth. In the Mahabharata he is shown as born without the intervention of a woman. And he is also called "Lohita," the red, like Adam, and the other "first men." Hence, the author of "The Source of Measures" is quite right in thinking that Mars (and all the other gods of like attributes), "being the god of war and of bloodshed, was but a secondary idea flowing out of the primary one of shedding of blood in conception for the first time." Hence Jehovah became later a fighting god, "Lord of Hosts," and one who commands war. He is the aggressive Zodh -- or Cain by permutation who slew his (female) "brother," whose "blood crieth from the ground," the Earth having opened her mouth to receive the blood. (Genesis iii.)
pj comment: Jubal, the "father of all those who handle the harp" seems to draw an overt allusion to the three employed artificers (Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum) of the Third Degree in Masonry, who conspire and kill Hiram-Abif, the Master Mason overseeing the construction of Solomon's temple.  But also, HPB’s assertion that the god of procreation is also the god of war is clearly echoed in Thelema:
AL:III.3 "Now let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance. I shall deal hardly with them."
HPB: The history or "fables" about the mysterious Telchines -- fables echoing each and all the archaic events of our esoteric teachings -- furnish us with a key to the origin of Cain's genealogy (Genesis, ch. iii.); they give the reason why the Roman Catholic Church identifies "the accursed blood" of Cain and Ham with Sorcery, and makes it responsible for the Deluge. Were not the Telchines -- it is argued -- the mysterious ironworkers of Rhodes; they who were the first to raise statues to the gods, furnish them with weapons, and men with magic arts? And is it not they who were destroyed by a deluge at the command of Zeus, as the Cainites were by that of Jehovah?
AL:III.11 "This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough. I will make easy to you the abstruction from the ill-ordered house in the Victorious City. Thou shalt thyself convey it with worship, o prophet, though thou likest it not. Thou shalt have danger & trouble. Ra-Hoor-Khu is with thee. Worship me with fire & blood; worship me with swords & with spears. Let the woman be girt with a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give you of their flesh to eat!"
pj comment: To better understand this, the construction of the name Hiram-Abif as discussed in Pike's tome is essential:
In the ancient Phcenician character, and in the Samaritan, A B, (the two letters representing the numbers 1, 2, or Unity and Duality, means Father, and is a primitive noun, common to all the Semitic languages. It also means an Ancestor, Originator, Inventor, Head, Chief or Ruler, Manager, Overseer, Master, Priest, Prophet. is simply Father, when it is in construction, that is, when it precedes another word, and in English the preposition "of" is interposed, as Abi-Al, the Father of Al.
Also, the final Yod means "my"; so that by itself means "My father. David my father, 2 Chron. ii. 3. (Vav) final is the possessive pronoun "his"; and Abiu (which we read "Abif") means "of my father's." Its full meaning, as connected with the name of Khurum, no doubt is, "formerly one of my father's servants," or "slaves." The name of the Phcenician artificer is, in Samuel and Kings, [2 Sam. v. 11; 1 Kings v. 15; 1 Kings vii. 40]. In Chronicles it is with the addition of [2 Chron. ii. 12]; and of [2 Chron. iv. 16].
It is merely absurd to add the word "Abif," or "Abiff," as part of the name of the artificer. And it is almost as absurd to add the word "Abi," which was a title and not part of the name. Joseph says [Gen. xlv. 8], "God has constituted me 'Ab l'Paraah, as Father to Paraah, i.e., Vizier or Prime Minister." So Haman was called the Second Father of Artaxerxes; and when King Khurum used the phrase "Khurum Abi," he meant that the artificer he sent Schlomoh was the principal or chief workman in his line at Tsur.
pj comment: The Trident is also interesting here: in the GCL document, Liber Tridens, I write:
The trident is the fork, which mysteriously appears in our mythology, held traditionally by Neptune, while today it shows up in our cultural depiction of the Devil and interestingly enough, even the classic Norman Rockwell painting of the American farmer and his wife.  Its nature is thoroughly understood by our collective unconscious.  But the cartoon images of Satan don’t represent it well at all. They are the result of our cultural repression after centuries of domination by the Roman heresy.  The trident is a real Magickal weapon and its powers are complex and hard hitting.  With its power derived from the AUMGN going forth, the Trident directs and commands the way of the AUMGN; the spiritual content of our world, our reality in its unborn state.  
The Trident is held up or down in a vertical line, relating to the equations:  2=0, and 0=2, referring in its downward position, to the birth of duality/polarity, the birth of qualities within the world; or if held upwards, it refers to the process of Aspiration, to reconcile duality with each other in order to take a position beyond good and evil.  It points therefore to the highest or the lowest, and make no mistake about the lowest genius, it culminates in poison, disease and corruption.  And by comparison, the Rod in the Gnostic Mass is also held upwards and downwards, expressed in both ways during the rite. The Trident as we’ve presented it here, is a very lofty weapon, and the attainment of it (no less to be able to wield it) is possible for but a very few.  It is a type of a wand in that it is the AUMGN going; the dynamic expression of the content of Kether.  But it must not be confused with the Lance of the Gnostic Mass, as This Lance personifies the one-pointedness of the Magus. The Trident balances its holy tip containing the unborn essence by two sides, which will be recognized in this connection as Binah and Chokmah, but the correspondences and virtues of the Trident are many...
Continuing with the HPB essay:
HPB: The Telchines are simply the Kabiri and the Titans, in another form. They are the Atlanteans also. "Like Lemnos and Samothrace," says Decharme, "Rhodes, the birth-place of the Telchines, is an island of volcanic formation." (Genii of Fire, p. 271.) The island of Rhodes emerged suddenly out of the seas, after having been previously engulfed by the Ocean, say the traditions. Like Samothrace (of the Kabiri) it is connected in the memory of men with the Flood legends. As enough has been said on this subject, however, it may be left for the present.
pj comment: It is enough to state the obvious; the superstitious denotation that sees a God that created the deluge to destroy the race of Giants/Nephilim.  For that matter, he was quite inefficient as enough of that race survived; that we could even get story of Davey & Goliath--so much for the denotative interpretation of myth.  Yet this can be so rich in its connotative virtue.
HPB: But we may add a few more words about Noah, the Jewish representative of nearly every pagan God in one or another character. The Homeric songs contain, poetized, all the later fables about the Patriarchs, who are all sidereal, cosmic, and numerical symbols and signs. The attempt to disconnect the two genealogies -- those of Seth and Cain (Nothing could be more awkward and childish, we say, than this fruitless attempt to disconnect the genealogies of Cain and of Seth, or to conceal the identity of names under a different spelling. Thus, Cain has a Son ENOCH, and Seth a Son ENOCH also (Enos, Ch'anoch, Hanoch; -- one may do what one likes with Hebrew unvowelled names). In the Cainite line Enoch begets IRAD, Irad MEHUJAEL, the latter METHUSAEL, and Methusael, Lamech. In the Sethite line, Enoch begets Cainan, and this one MAHALEEL (a variation on Mehujael), who gives birth to JARAD (or Irad); Jarad to ENOCH (Number 3), who produces Methuselah (from Methusael), and finally Lamech closes the list. Now all these are symbols (Kabalistically) of solar and lunar years, of astronomical periods, and of physiological (phallic) functions, just as in any other pagan symbolical creed. This has been proven by a number of writers.) -- and the further attempt, as futile, to show them real, historical men, has only led to more serious inquiries into the history of the Past, and to discoveries which have damaged for ever the supposed revelation. For instance, the identity of Noah and Melchizedek being established, the further identity of Melchizedek, or Father Sadik, with Kronos-Saturn is proved also.
pj comment: Perhaps there is some connection here with Enoch and the antidiluvian races that once existed on this planet.  In HPB's exposition on races, there were more subtle (less material) races that preceded our race (giving some credence to the Nephilim as a spiritual or lower astra race) that ultimately would have contacted someone such as Enoch; who himself was not Hebrew and as a descendent of Cain (as HPB points out here) is of this race of Giants.
HPB: That it is so may be easily demonstrated. It is not denied by any of the Christian writers. Bryant (See "Analysis of Ancient Mythology," Vol. II., p. 760) concurs with all those who are of opinion, that Sydic, or Sadic, was the patriarch Noah (as also Melchizedek); and that the name by which he is called, or Sadic, corresponds to the character given of him in Genesis, chap. vi., 9. "He was , Sadic, a JUST man, and perfect in his generation. All science and every useful art were attributed to him, and through his sons transmitted to posterity." (See New Encyclopaedia by Abraham Rees, F.R.S.)
pj comment: With some puzzlement, I'll state that Melchizedek is said by some to be one of the names of Akhenaten (the first priest/pharaoh of monotheism); along with Oedipus and Aeschylus.  The latter is an ancient playwriter of great renown; the seeming originator of the ancient Greek myths that especially have to do with the stories of creation and are as closely woven into Judaic lore as could possibly be.  In the essay that follows this essay in HPB's Secret Doctrine: The Curse from a Philosophical Point of View, she writes:
Pointing to antiquity he will prove that there never was an original sin, but only an abuse of physical intelligence -- the psychic being guided by the animal, and both putting out the light of the spiritual. He will say, "All ye who can read between the lines, study ancient wisdom in the old dramas -- the Indian and the Greek; read carefully the one just mentioned, one enacted on the theatres of Athens 2,400 years ago, namely 'Prometheus Bound' " The myth belongs to neither Hesiod nor AEschylus; but, as Bunsen says, it "is older than the Hellenes themselves," for it belongs, in truth, to the dawn of human consciousness.
The subject of AEschylus' drama (the trilogy is lost) is known to all cultured readers. The demi-god robs the gods (the Elohim) of their secret -- the mystery of the creative fire.
pj comment: This is the Promethean drama; reflected in the pseudepigraphal myth of Lucifer being exiled from heaven.  Returning to the present HPB essay:
HPB: Now it is Sanchoniathon, who informs the world that the Kabiri were the Sons of Sydic or Zedek (Melchizedek). True enough, this information, having descended to us through Eusebius (Preparatio Evangelica), may be regarded with a certain amount of suspicion, as it is more than likely that he dealt with Sanchoniathon's works as he has with Manetho's Synchronistic Tables. But let us suppose that the identification of Sydic, Kronos, or Saturn with Noah and Melchizedek, is based on one of the Eusebian pious hypotheses. Let us accept it as such, along with Noah's characteristic as a just man, and his supposed duplicate, the mysterious Melchizedek, King of Salem, and priest of the high god, after "his own order" (See Hebrews, ch. v. 6, and vii. 1, et seq.); and finally, having seen what they all were spiritually, astronomically, psychically and cosmically, let us now see what they became rabbinically and KABALISTICALLY.
Speaking of Adam, Kain, Mars, etc., as personifications, we find the author of "The Source of Measures" enunciating our very esoteric teachings in his Kabalistic researches. Thus he says: --
"Now Mars was the lord of birth and of death, of generation and of destruction, of ploughing, of building, of sculpture or stone-cutting, of Architecture . . . . in fine, of all . . . . ARTS. He was the primeval principle, disintegrating into the modification of two opposites for production. Astronomically, too (HPB Note: The AEolian name of Mars was [[Areus]], and the Greek Ares, [[Ares]], is a name over the etymological significance of which, philologists and Indianists, Greek and Sanskrit scholars have vainly worked to this day. Very strangely, Max Muller connects both the names Mars and Ares with the Sanskrit root mar, whence he traces their derivation, and from which, he says, the name of Maruts (the storm-gods) comes. Welcker, however, offers more correct etymologies. (See Griech. Gotterlehre, I., 415.) However it may be, etymologies of roots and words alone will never yield the esoteric meaning fully, though they may help to useful guesses.), he held the birthplace of the day and year, the place of its increase of strength, Aries, and likewise the place of its death, Scorpio. He held the house of Venus, and that of the Scorpion. He, as birth, was good; as death, was Evil. As good, he was light; as bad, he was night. As good, he was man; as bad, he was woman. He held the cardinal points, and as Cain, or Vulcan (HPB Note: As the same author shows: "The very name Vulcain appears in the reading; for in the first words (of chap. iv. Genesis, 5) is to be found V'elcain, or V'ulcain, agreeably to the deepened u sound of the letter vau. Out of its immediate context, it may be read as "and the god Cain," or Vulcain. If, however, anything is wanting to confirm the Cain-Vulcain idea, Fuerst says: , Cain, the iron point of a lance, a smith (blacksmith), inventor of sharp iron tools and smith work"), or Pater Sadic, or Melchizadek, he was lord of the Ecliptic, or balance, or line of adjustment, and therefore was THE JUST ONE. The ancients held to there being seven planets, or great gods, growing out of eight, and Pater Sadik, the Just or Right One, was lord of the eighth, which was Mater Terra. ("Source of Measures," p. 186-70.)
pj comment: It is interesting to note that Libra, the scales of Justice; connected with this age of the Hammubi Code and the Ten Commandments, is opposite Aries on the astrological wheel.  The origin of the Jewish myth and the Torah is placed in this aeon, as discussed in my book: The Starry Gnosis. 
HPB: This makes their functions plain enough after they had been degraded, and establishes the identity.
The Noachian Deluge, as described in its dead letter and within the period of Biblical chronology, having been shown to have never existed, the pious, but very arbitrary supposition of Bishop Cumberland has but to follow that deluge into the land of fiction. Indeed it seems rather fanciful to any impartial observer to be told that there were "two distinct races of Kabiri," the first consisting of Ham and Mizraim, whom he conceives to be Jupiter and Dionysus of Mnaseas; the second, "of the children of Shem, are the Kabiri of Sochoniston, while their father Sydyk is consequently the Scriptural Shem." (Append. de Cabiris, ap. Orig. gent. p. 364, 376, and the latter statement on p. 357.)
pj comment: The chapter in my book, Gnostic Cycles asserts that the deluge is actually shown to be in the Manifestation of Scorpio (that includes the Aeon of Aries) and its aeon of Gemini.  So it's not that the deluge itself is pure fiction as HPB suggests, but rather the Hebrew myth of the deluge is fictional.
HPB: The Kabirim, "the mighty ones," are identical with our primeval Dhyan-Chohans, with the corporeal and the incorporeal Pitris, and with all the rulers and instructors of the primeval races, which are referred to as the Gods and Kings of the divine Dynasties.
pj comment: Identifying the Kabirim (the race of Noah as shown at the beginning of this essay) with the Dhyan-Chohans and the Pitris more clearly shows the spiritual importance of the Nephilim and validates further my speculation on the Nephilim being the Augoeiades or race of beings that are connected with the Thelemic idea of the Holy Guardian Angel, which itself evolves of Greek and Hebrew/Merkabah (Psuedpegripha) traditions.  Note also that the Jews, as descendants possibly of Akhenaten that when he was overthrown, settled into a region of ancient Greece (from which we get the Hellenic Jews), carried on the idea of Monotheism.  We should not be terribly surprised to see Jewish and Hellenic mythology to be so closely intertwined.  Indeed, the Greek connection of numeric values to the letters of their alphabet had a profound effect on the Jews; leading to the development of the Qabalah.
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♥ 6 meses ♥
Então quer dizer que, seis meses que estou com o amor da minha vida??? Como você disse: nosso meio ano. Se tivesse uma câmera aqui, agora, estaria filmando a pessoa com a cara mais boba do mundo... Eu. Mas, se tivesse uma câmera aí, agora, estaria filmando a pessoa com a cara mais boba -e linda- do mundo, também... Você. Que agora está sorrindo mais... Te conheço, muié! E conheço tanto, que sei que você já quer chorar... Se já não estiver chorando, né?! Minha chorona. Mas, não posso nem te zoar com isso, você sabe que também sou. Somos parecidas em tudo, cold water. Opa, parece que temos mais uma piada interna por aqui... Tá, tá bom... Duas. Minha senha é muito legal sim, xiu! Bom, meu amor... Eu estive admirando a forma como você me conhece -como ninguém, e você sabe-, e a forma como você me cuida -também como ninguém, e você também sabe-... Na verdade, eu não estive, eu sempre estou admirando isso. E admiro tanto, que parece e chego a me sentir como uma pessoa de fora do relacionamento, admirando de longe e contando para todos. Sei que temos milhares -nem nos achamos- de admiradores, mas você sabe que sou sincera, vou revelar uma coisa... Sou a admiradora do topo, hahhahaha. Tá booom, você também é, e sem nossa discussãozinha besta... Ou com, porque se não tiver ela, não é Jubela. Vamos lá... Eu quem sou a admiradora do topo, -agora você está dizendo que é você-, eu, -você dizendo que é você-, EU, -dizendo que é VOCÊ-, ai, tá bom, amor, nós duas, juntinhas, -agora você diz que somos nós, juntinhas-. Te conheço, mulé! Sei que esse nosso jeito infantil também é admirado pelas pessoas... E ás vezes nem preciso ir contar o quanto admiro nosso relacionamento, elas mesmas vêm. Daí, novamente, parece que sou uma pessoa de fora, ’fofocando’ coisas boas -até porque não têm ruins- do nosso relacionamento. E porra, minha ficha de como sou sortuda, ás vezes parece não cair... Eu te tenho mesmo? Você me ama assim mesmo? Você me trata assim mesmo? Você me cuida assim mesmo? Parece sonho... E se for, não quero acordar nunca mais, por favor! Sou tão grata e perdidamente apaixonada por ti!!! Sei que você é real, preciosa e única, por isso jamais quero te perder. E posso ser clichê? Já falei que você é única... Mas se por algum acaso Deus fez outra igual, tá com Ele lá em cima! E vou ser clichê mais uma vez, pois quero usar a frase que fiz pra você: não importa quantas pessoas estejam me olhando, porque, sempre estarei olhando para apenas uma, você. Me desculpa se ás vezes eu te deixo confusa com meu jeito -marrenta, birrenta, mimada, doceira- de ser. Não é minha intenção te deixar com medo, até porque a probabilidade da antiga Juliane voltar não existe -a não ser que você faça caquinha, o que é difícil pra caralho, o que acaba tornando a probabilidade inexistente mesmo-, e na verdade, não é nem minha intenção ficar assim contigo, mas você sabe, eu sou boba demais e doida -principalmente por você-. E mesmo que eu fique assim ás vezes, você sempre me coloca nos eixos. Também sabes que é só você quem tem esse poder -na verdade, você tem todos os poderes existentes sobre mim-. Cada vez mais você mostra isso, e com isso, me surpreende e sei que surpreende a si mesma. Você é a única pessoa que não me teme -na verdade, me teme sim, em algumas situações e nelas é pra me temer mesmo- e eu não acho isso ruim. Por falar em temer, Fora Temer -desculpa, a Lauren é você, mas não posso deixar passar uma oportunidade dessa e Camila também é politiqueira ás vezes-. Voltando, não acho isso ruim, porque já falei que amo o poder -em todos os sentidos de “poder”- que tu tens sobre mim. Apesar de ás vezes, com isso, acabar revertendo os papéis e me colocar como a ‘temente’ à você. Sou muito sua refém sim -essa frase me fez pensar naquele fetiche de serial killer, ai...- e nem me importo em assumir isso. Pra ficar mais claro o “em todos o sentidos de poder” que falei acima, se trata até do poder de me acalmar, só você tem, isso é absurdamente incrível, porque acalmar alguém parece ser tão fácil, mas quando se trata de mim, você sabe que nada é fácil, logo, não é fácil pra uma pessoa que não seja você, me acalmar. Com um simples “olha pra mim” e eu olhar, minha respiração já fica suave... Foi com esse poder que você mandou minha ansiedade praticamente embora. Mais uma vez, grata! Enfim, meu bem... Nesse texto, tô dizendo muita coisa que você já sabe, mas que queria dizer no texto de um aninho, maaas, não tem jeito, sou ansiosa, por isso o “praticamente” sobre mandar minha ansiedade embora, hahaha. E isso, de você já saber, me fez lembrar as músicas em Inglês que compus pra você: “(...) You decipher me in a minute, ‘cause you know who i am.”. Achou que eu tava brincando quando te chamei de minha musa inspiradora? Olha o que você me proporciona, eu sei que já fiz em Português e fiz até poesias/poemas, mas fiz essas agora sem nem usar tradutor, apenas vieram as palavras na minha cabeça, e eu sei também que manjamos o básico do Inglês, mas olha o tamanho dessa inspiração, compor músicas em Inglês pra você, me fazendo pensar que sou muito a fada cubana sim! Estou surpresa e ao mesmo tempo não, pois sei que com a inspiração infinita que tu me dás, sou capaz de fazer pra você até mais que isso. Sim, mais uma vez, grata. Em breve, você vai ler/ouvir. E como são nossos seis meses, preciso citar a six, só pra encaixar six mesmo e dizer que ela já leu, você já sabe que ela já leu, não me mata por te deixar tão curiosa, vai valer a -pena- galinha -pena- toda, hahahaha. P.S: feliz seis meses. Eu te amo mais que tudo nesse mundo!
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estorninos · 7 years
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I just added a new piece of art to Saatchi Art! Tríptico: Jubela
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madamlaydebug · 7 years
The parable of Hiram Abiff, the African God Man himself “ELOHIM” - EAGLE, LION, OX HI, MAN, states: “Hiram was on his way, with his pouch of tools, to help build Solomon’s Temple.” Along the straightway Hiram was attack by three European Ruffians called Jubilee, Jubela and Jubelum (or Britain, France and The United States). They stole everything from Abiff they could see, maimed him and hit him in the head killing the brother with a setting maul. They buried Hiram in a shallow grave in the north underneath an Acadia Tree (A plant indigenous only to Africa). This marks the physical beginning of Western Freemasonry. This is why Western Freemasonry is based upon a homicide; the murder of the African God Man. European can only build physical things with the tools he stole. But thought is greater than all manifest things ever made because they all first came from thoughts. Parables are like coins, although when only one side is showing, there is always the other side; the seen and the unseen. Look closely to the unrevealed Moorish side of the story. Well, well look what we have here?!?! The “Jube” Good Old Boys did steal everything they could see. But they could never see the spirit; especially the spirit of the very God which had cloned them from His own DNA. Hiram was the African Man in his studies to perfect himself. His pouch was the workshop of the mind where he used the tools of truth, right order and peace. Hiram Abiff was in fact the “Sol-om-on’s Temple which the European has been looking for in vain. Often Hiram is described as The Widow’s Son by those who do not know Elohim is the Husband Man and he planted his perfect seed into the Feminine soil of Sol so he could grow apace. Kemetian History of The Golden Calf: In order to understand today’s Golden Ass of the Moors one must have a clear conception of the old Hebrew's Golden Calf during the age of Musa (Moses). As the Tribes of Israel, in their Hebrew (slave state) mentality, created a graven image to glorify their former Kemetian oppressors... It should be noted the ancient Moabites and early Nubians and Kemetians designed the Zodiac (World of the Little Animals) from their own astro-travels. During this era, the Moors were more God than Human. The earthly origin of the Bull, as a symbol among men, is rooted deep in the constellation 'Taurus.' This was before Moors created (Europeans) robots, from their own DNA, which later developed leprosy and had to be expulsed from the continent of Amexem. Anyway, to this day, Taurus is an earth sign ruled by quality and a fixed stability. The Bull is usually consistent; its nature is reliability and commitment to its domain. The Pharaohs used the sign of Taurus as one of the great National Emblems of Kemet because it represented governing human activity on the principle of "As above so below." The un-castrated adult Bull (Taurus) was largely used by the ancient Kemetians to symbolize the right order and strength of their government. When the Pharaoh went after the Hebrews into the Red Sea it was not because he missed the gold jewelry worn by nearly every slave but because their departure had sent Kemet spiraling into an economic depression. The "Bull" would later be used by subsequent governments into the present day e.g. The Pope's Written Statements are called "Bull Laws", Christianity would later be known as "Bulla Christianity. Statues of the Bull would be found from N. Y. Wall Street to any-City USA. Most history books will not reveal ancient Kemet, like today’s United States of America, ever being sovereign without also owning slaves. Speaking of these two world powers, it's rather ironic how the same Moors ruled the former and built the latter while sleeping in a coma. Back to those He-Brewed-up: Why was their statue made in the likeness of a young male cattle e.g. Bull Calf. The science of the Hebrew Golden Calf is simply in the breeding. A calf is a young off-spring of a fully matured Bull. Ancient Kemetian Government was the only power they had known for 400 years and their Calf was made from the precious metals they had worn from Egypt land. The calf was a traumatic flashback of food, shelter and clothing supplied by their Rulers during their enslavement. According to legend when Moses went up into his higher plane of thought (mountain) the so-called Hebrews went berserk. They had become so accustomed to seeing the body of Moses until they completely missed the fact that man is not the body or the soul but a spirit and a part of the Great Elohim. They had lost their minds. Moorish who are somewhat knowledgeable of their national roots find themselves strangely in love with anguish, abuse, mistreatment and pain. In the realms of high sciences masterminds know the human body does not suffer pain because it is not in flesh to think or bones to reason. Only the ego suffers pain. Hence the most mutilating of tortures is only a psychic perception. The absence of this wisdom ventilates illusions and anticipations known as fear. It is the fear of pain and death. This misapprehension becomes the foundation upon which most man-made traumas are instituted. Generations of relentless oppression will create a comatose state to the minds of the victims. The universal minds of men naturally seek truth through resolution. However, its natural ability to think will invert, shutdown or often reverse this process when forced to adapt to constant threats of death. It was in this state of unconsciousness the children of Is-ra-el actually believed they were exactly what their Slavemasters had named them. In their minds they were "Hebrews." The Traumas of Slavery have a way of shortening the memory of its victims. The descendants of Israel had forgotten the mark 'Hebrew' was a Slave Name given to those foreign nationals enslaved by the High Priest of ancient Kemet. If those same Hebrew were in the USA they would be today's Negroes, Blacks and Colored People (NBC). For many years Prophet Musa thought he too was of Egyptian Sovereigns. The people did not know as 'Hebrews' they had detached themselves from their descent nature and therefore could not return to what was promised to them by their Forefathers. Failure to honor their Nationality is the real sinful crime and gave life to why they could not enter into (Canaan) the Promised Land. Nations, tribes and families name inhabited lands after themselves e.g. Moabites named Moab, Canaanites named Canaan, and Abyssinians named Abyssinia, etc. The Hebrews (being a name given to slaves) never named a land after themselves. Nowhere in history has there ever been recorded a Hebrew land. And todays Israel is not the land promised to the current occupants. There simply was never a "Hebrew Land" for the Kemetian made He-Brews to return. The Hebrews under the traumatic conditions of slavery in the tribes of Israel developed their own coded language similar to today's Ebonics among the African American NBC’s. This coded language became known as Hebrew...and was rarely if ever spoken by Kemetian hierarchy. With the advent of Moses, as is in the lineage of all Prophets, He elevated the Hebrew Language to the Torah’s state of spirituality. To truly be free they must return to their free national names. They had to be themselves, as Moabites, Amorites, Hittites, and Canaanites etc, before they could seek the Kingdom of Heaven. Like Prophet Musa, The Angel Drew Ali also taught his people "You are today what your forefathers were yesterday without doubt or contradiction." This divine lesson would later come to haunt the Moors nearly three thousand years later. The NBC of today are twice as head-dead as the Hebrew of yesterday. In fact the Moorish Americans would wander in the wilderness of North America for 2 X 40 Years before they learn to be themselves, a pure and clean nation. When the present is endured with no historical recall or corrections it becomes an unmistakable condition of history repeating itself.
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jubela · 7 years
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nerdgeekfeelings · 8 years
Em março estreia nos cinemas a versão live action de A Bela e a Fera, estrelada por Emma Watson. Mas, para os nerds que gostariam de um pouco mais de super poderes no romance clássico da Disney, um casal de cosplayers imaginou uma versão alternativa para a história.
E se o Fera tivesse um romance com a Jubileu? Ou melhor, Jubela. Enquanto a Fox não aproveita essa ideia, o jeito é apreciar a criatividade do casal:
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
[COSPLAY] “Jubela e o Fera” é o mashup que você gostaria de ver nos cinemas. Em março estreia nos cinemas a versão live action de A Bela e a Fera, estrelada por Emma Watson.
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hak-7 · 2 years
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THE MASTER BUILDERS The Real One's Like the Masonic story of the mythical Hiram Abiff (The Widows Son) history tells us that we African Americans were Master Builders and that we were slain by Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum in the form of England, France and America. The story of Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, says he was struck in the throat with the twenty-four inch gauge, struck in the left breast with the square, and struck in the head with the setting maul. We, too, were struck in those same three places.We were struck in the throat, which means we were robbed of our language and the ability to articulate the knowledge we once had. History reveals that even when the Caucasian slave traders packed the African into the ships, they made sure that we were from different communities, with different dialects, so that we could not communicate with one another (Hit in the throat). The African­American was struck in the left breast which means we were struck in the heart. The Caucasian slavemaster tried to kill our human love for one another. It is reported that many times the slavemaster would make the slave whip his own brother. Being struck in the left breast or heart also means cutting off our ability to properly weigh and judge the thoughts that come from our brains and mind. The heart and mind check one another. Yes! we were hit in the heart. They tried to make us cold and insensitive towards one another, so that they could draw back in their ivory towers of elitism and nobility and relax while we kill one another. "Black on Black crime" is a very serious problem for us now. It is because we were hit in the heart. The story says Hiram was finally killed by a blow to the head. This means that we were robbed of the knowledge of God, our culture, our religion, our name, our identity. They stripped us of every thought, of every conceptualization of our past. They were content to know that they had extinguished every bit of light that we had in our minds. The story says that Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum killed the Master Builder with the tools that he used to build the Temple. This means they used the precious knowledge that the Africans had used to advance man and soc https://www.instagram.com/p/BzZiSIPhNqV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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♥ 2 meses ♥
Enquanto começo esse texto, te ouço respirando, essa respiração forte e serena ao mesmo tempo, de quem está dormindo... É, você sabe que sou completamente apaixonada até pela sua respiração! Tem forma melhor de fazer um texto? Tem não. Estou digitando e suspirando toda apaixonada, como sempre! Parece que foi ontem que eu estava aqui fazendo o texto do nosso primeiro mês, aliás, parece que foi ontem que estávamos fazendo aquele troll, hahaha. Todos os trolls Jubela são fodas, mas foi por causa desse que surgiram e surgem os outros. Foi O troll, o melhor troll de todos os trolls do mundo e todo mundo sabe, porque se tornou realidade. E eu sei que praticamente em todo texto falo disso, sei que você gosta porque você também fica falando, isso é importantíssimo, porque podemos ver que foi a partir daí que começou a nossa cumplicidade, o que falta na maioria dos relacionamentos hoje em dia, na verdade, no relacionamento Jubela não falta absolutamente nada, pelo contrário, temos tanto que até sobra. Jubela transborda amor e todos os sentimentos bons existentes e até os que não existem de tão bons que são, por conta disso, relacionamento invejável, considerado o casal da porra toda, o OTP supremo da maioria das pessoas que conhecem, raramente não shippam, e quem não shippa, é por não aceitar tamanha perfeição. (Casal convencido? Magina, apenas realista!) Conexão é algo realmente raro entre duas pessoas, mas é óbvio que Jubela tem! É inexplicável, porque todo santo dia, em algum momento, falamos a mesma coisa e no mesmo instante, daí vem as risadas ao mesmo tempo, se misturando, se encaixando... É gostoso demais, gostoso demais o modo em que tudo que fazemos se mistura, se encaixa, rs... Tudo entre a gente se encaixa e combina, obviamente porque nós nos encaixamos e combinamos, mesmo com as pequenas diferenças, aliás, até elas se encaixam e combinam. Únicos encaixes e combinações que estão faltando se realizar fisicamente (porque mesmo de longe já realizamos, principalmente o encaixe e combinação de nossas almas): nossos corpos, nossas mãos, meu rosto no teu pescoço, teu rosto no meu pescoço, nossas bocas, nossas b...... Enfim, mais uma vez, infelizmente, falando sobre distância. O que me conforta é saber que o céu, as nuvens, o sol, a lua e as estrelas que vejo aqui, são os mesmos que você vê aí. Como a música do Mateus e Kauan que te dediquei: você de lá e eu de cá, olhando o mesmo céu, que distância cruel... Também como uma frase que vi: nenhuma distância é distante demais enquanto estivermos abaixo do mesmo céu. Mas, meu amor, eu sei que um dia estaremos juntinhas fisicamente, olhando pra ele, pra ser mais específica, olhando o sol se pondo, logo após, olhando o luar, bem agarradinhas, como sempre ficamos dizendo que vamos fazer. Sabemos que vai acontecer e esperamos que aconteça logo, mas caso demore, não tem problema... Tendo a certeza do dia que nos veremos e nos tocaremos, esperaremos o tempo que for por ele! Sempre tenho que dizer o quanto sou grata e sortuda por te ter, por você ser essa pessoa maravilhosa. Que há 2 meses fez e faz tanta coisa por mim, o que na vida, em 17 anos, ninguém fez. Quero retribuir todos os dias dela, me entregando ainda mais pra você​, em todos os sentidos, te amando cada vez mais, te mostrando tudo de bom que tenho é isso é meio irônico porque tudo de bom que tenho, metade foi você quem me deu e a outra metade você desvendou, quando chegou na minha vida, dando vida a ela, colorindo as coisas cinzentas (que não eram poucas), iluminando tudo dentro de mim... E é por isso, minha lua, que lhe digo: você é a luz que me traz paz. Eu te amo demais!
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jubela · 4 years
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jubela · 7 years
Workshop de Bordado
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