dewgongs · 8 days
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snippits of progress ?
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one of my friends may be able to get me a rollator 🎉
it belonged to their grandmother (i think?) and they've been given the OK to give me one which is actually really exciting
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
Syrus for the askmeme!! (if you already did him or just wanna do two, Alexis?)
favorite thing about them: he is leaps and bounds the most i have ever felt a ygo character has been relatable to me specifically. I love that he's just this neurotic mess with such a sweet character arc and this very real fear of "what if im not good at the one thing im going to school for and all of my peers are going to leave me in the dust" like...i went to art school I Know That One !!!!!!!!!!
least favorite thing about them: HES. A LITTLE BIT OF A CREEP and like it's very very funny with this little 4'6" twerp but good god they slapped so much "wow! hot girl alert !!!" mid-2000s humor on him with the dark magician thing/just how he acts around women in general. we didnt need all that.
brOTP: his relationship with zane makes me sob and cry and throw up and explode we know this. Top Yugioh Siblings of All Time for me. Power Bond Event Hits Every Time. I also just adore his friendship with Jaden....Syrus has two whole brothers and I WILL cry about it.
OTP: listen. listen to me boy. No one is on my wavelength of College AU Syrus and Mana From Duel Monsters weirdboy4weirdgirl power couple but they're GOOD. You could take the dark magician girl thing and make something FUN out of it!!!!!!! Me and the Bad Bitch I Pulled By Being Autistic *picture of Syrus Truesdale*
nOTP: not super into jaden/syrus as a shit just because i'm more locked onto the platonic/surrogate siblings read with that, but it's fine. i don't think theres any sy ship i hate. unless you ship him with his brother in which case explode then.
random headcanon: god where do i start. lactose intolerant. has OCD and is plagued by intrusive thoughts you cant even comprehend. gets headaches after crying. likes star fox. carly rae jepsen would rock his whole fucking world. would collect hot wheels (based) and booby lady anime figures (cringe.)
song i associate with them: Point to Prove (I Was an Ugly Kid) by Bug Hunter kind of a Sy song big.
favorite picture of them: so many. this one is especially good though.
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local 16 year old thinking murderous thoughts
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
(water + wood)
will miguel's dreams of poisoning people with the venom from his fangs ever be realized
i promise, anon. yes 🙏
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radrobotz · 1 year
as a kid i would just pretend to be parts of fandoms i barely knew anything about like i saw all those animes that everybody was into at the time i would be like yeah this anime is soooo good (has literally never watched an episode of it in my life besides 240p 1 minute dub clips on youtube)
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oklcmc · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀𝓘 KNOW IT’S BEEN A hot little minute since I’ve updated you guys on what’s been going on offline, but especially as far as my writing goes, so I’ma try to break this down for y’all the simplest way that I know how to.
I know the last time I left off here— Probably sometime in early January— I told y’all that I was waiting out my probation period so that I can switch departments within the hospital that I’m currently employed at, so after seven extremely agonizing months, I can finally and proudly say that I’m switching departments. It’s been confirmed as of last Saturday morning. Switching departments means that I’ll be on a whole new work schedule which gives me even more leeway to write in the evening time (As I’ve been wanting to) being that I’ll be on first shift from here on out, but I, of course, have to get accustomed to waking up early, first and foremost.
I know I owe absolutely no one an explanation for my absence, but I also wanted to address the “thought” post that I posted on here back in late December of ‘22 about separating from writing in order to pursue my other hobbies. That’s not happening. At least not right this second, it isn’t. I’ve been put in a bind for the next five months to a year. Whatever. I’ve already cried and prayed over it multiple times. Bottom line is that I need an escape. Writing’s my escape and coping mechanism when shit gets tough, and always has been, so I’ma do what I need to do in order to survive like the true indecisive writer that I’ve always been.
I know that the last time I spoke about writing a piece on here was back in February when I contracted Covid—19. I mentioned wanting to do a second part to my Lil Meech imagine, but that won’t be happening, like ever, ‘cause I’m not into his gutter butt ass any longer, so run them numbers up on the first part, please. I don’t normally spin the block twice on a particular love interest anyway unless I show extreme interest in that specific piece of writing or unless it’s Kendrick, of course. I refuse to hint at who I’m writing a piece on next, ‘cause I want it to be a surprise and I damn sure don’t want anyone jackin’ my idea. I’m just hoping that I’ll actually have it out in time before the momentum completely dies out on it. All y’all need to know is that I’m in the process of doing my normal extensive research and outlining. I know some motherfuckers think it’s not that deep, but it is to me, and always will be, okay?! Y’all have no idea how excited I am to finally be pressin’ an ink pen to a pad after seven long months. This is gon’ be hot! I just know it! I can feel it in my bones! Anyway, after I publish this upcoming WIP then I’ll finally start on the next chapter of Underground Combat and If You Want Me To Stay then an imagine on Joey Bada$$ or Pharrell will probably follow suit. Not making any promises for those as of now though.
In the meanwhile, I’ma adjust some of these links as I’ve been meaning to. Just until I’m able to find time to revamp this blog, Georgy Porgy’s graphics and create a whole new theme. I know y’all are probably as tired as I am of staring at this current one.
Y’all have a blessed night now! I appreciate y’all for even staying locked in wit’ me throughout my hiatus. That’s genuine love! I love y’all!
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putukdraws · 4 months
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Wasp Wednesday #054 Blast Jugglin'
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granddaughterogg · 5 months
Ghost: Why is being KIND AND GOOD to people that you care for so damn complicated. Bein' a cunt is an absolute no brainer. But when you like 'em and Care for 'em? It's like tryin' to ice skate while jugglin' live hedgehogs, I swear to FAWKING GOD - Recruits: *quiver in their boots because the Lutenit is being ever weirder than usual today*
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
ooh. how 'bout circus criminals AU
“Step right up! Step right up- you’ve seen the action, and now it’s time to get your share!” Kravitz makes sweeping gestures with his top hat that are so dramatic that glitter keeps falling off of it. Taako bites his lip, trying not to laugh. Truly how he has the energy after a whole day of shows is beyond him, but Taako’s gonna match him pitter for patter until the crowds are gone. “Not a fan of carnival games? Why not test another skill?” 
Taako, still on his bigass stilts (okay, mediumass stilts, Lup stole the ladder-tall ones tonight) directs seedier traffic Kravitz-ward and seedless traffic towards the carnival games. The tweens and lovers and grubby child-babies can go throw balls at shit for stuffed unicorns. Double Secret Circus Blackjack is only for assholes. But like, a certain kind of asshole. They don’t need any law enforcement officers to step into the ring. Kravitz is duping ex-step-dads and greasy stockbrokers and self-entitled Um Actuallys into feeding the machine with their yum yummy dollar bills. 
You know, people that don’t return their carts at the grocery store. 
“Right this way!” Taako calls, slipping a number of shiny objects from his pockets and juggling like a dream. (Sometimes he does juggle in his dreams. Three previous roommates have complained about it.) He waits for a gap in the crowd and kicks with one long, long leg right towards the Hit The Thing With The Hammer Real Good stall– “Play sweet games, win sweet prizes!” and rolls his whole body toward The Subtle Tent– “Or try your luck, if you dare!” 
And so on. It all sort of runs together. Taako and Kravitz keep making eye contact that makes the air in Taako’s lungs glitter, and finally, when he’s got enough little fishies, Kravitz winks and ducks in. Taako drops his jugglin’ bits. For effect. He’s not stupid. He does make a show of struggling to bend down to pick them up, which gets a load of lil’guys gigglin and tossing him the things. Taako pretends to miss, and pretends to miss, and at the unlikeliest moment–oh my god mommy did you see that, he caught it!! 
Golly. What a miracle, at this, the Regularest Circus. 
He waits for a lull, rabbiting and yakking with the customers, playing it up, making a scene. And when he finally has a moment, he slips away and drops the stilts–easy as pie to make a quick change, if you’d like a slice. No time to redo his makeup, but it’s all whatever. The nights blend like impressionist paintings in a storm drain, and none of that oil paint should enter the water table. 
Heavy metals, you know. 
He ducks into the tent, like literally does a tuck and roll and POP, gasp hello it’s Taako here, can you believe you didn’t have him before now? You’re SAVED. And he walks around, checking on the heavy round felted tables that are such a bitch to roll into the semi when they leave town. Whatever the fuck was wrong with the Costco tables that fold in the middle?
He sneaks up to Kravitz, who is running the highest stakes in the tent, of course, and loving every minute of it. Taako pops up behind him– even sitting, that stupid top hat obscures most of Taako, you know, stilts-less– and pulls a few funny faces to amuse and distract the patrons. Haha, a fucking clown. Doesn’t he know his whole existence is stupid? Kravitz makes a big show of turning and Just Missing Taako, and the big fishies are in stitches by the time the clown is caught. 
“You’re distracting me,” Kravitz teases, shuffling cards like a real obnoxious bitch. Shame he’s so great. “Can’t you clown around another big top?” 
“Who, me?” Taako makes a big show of innocence. It’s so funny how much they’re taken in by him, with some makeup and sweeping gestures and nonsense. These are probably the kind of guys who’d run screaming from a clown in a haunted corn maze or whatever, but Taako’s got these dung beetles eating bullshit right out of his hands. 
“Yeah, you! Can’t you see I’ve got serious business to attend to?” 
“Sure, sure, sure,” Taako soothes, clocking Kravitz slipping an ace or seven up his sleeve. Taako’s whole chest bursts with affection. “I’ll secure the perimeter, sir!” And Taako clicks his heels together as loudly as possible. 
His shoes squeak. It’s great. 
Kravitz barely keeps a straight face. 
“As you were, Captain Bananapants.” 
Taako’s gonna show him. Taako’s going to show him but good. 
He honks his nose and evaporates, pacing round the outside instead. And Ring A Ding Ding, Chicken Wing, who the Fuck must be approaching but the goddamn fuzz. 
He presses a button in the lining of his pocket to Shut That Shit down, and Kravitz will certainly feel his pager go off. Taako’s time to shine, full distract mode. 
“Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair,” he starts off, pulling a full handstand and wiggling his ass. Here’s the thing about being a clown. You can get away with so much. 
“Can it, jackass,” the head guy in charge growls. 
“Oh, extremely loud buzzer noise!” Taako rolls back to a back bend. “Clown, actually. Fool, even. Jester, on the weekends. Harlequin if you ask sweetly. But not a jackass.” 
“You work here, right?” Buzzcut demands. 
“No,” Taako says politely. “This is a hobby.” He makes a show of stage whispering behind his hand. “The wife calls it a fetish, but what does she know!” He laughs so hard he makes himself fall over, and, when the cop steps over him, sits up as fast as possible. Both of them end up on the ground. 
“So sorry!” Taako pops up and reaches out to help him up, which obviously activates the buzzer on his hand, because he’s old school. It’s hilarious. It’s also not full grounds for arrest. Ha ha. “Are you alright? I guess I have a habit of tripping over my feet!” 
This doesn’t end, you know, well, but by the time Taako is done getting grilled like chicken on a milf’s salad, there’s no evidence or remnant of their super legal gambling ring. 
“That’s how you do it, baby,” Taako mumbles later, taking off his makeup. Sometimes he wishes he had a sandblaster, just get it real done real fast.
“Thank you again, Taako, you did perfectly.” Kravitz waits for him to be mostly lipstick free, and then tugs him into a grateful kiss. Taako takes two extra for good measure, and one for his pocket, and another to collect interest in the bank. 
“You bet your sweet ass, I did. I had to recite the whole clown code to those jokers to get them to believe me. You know, not just anyone can do this shit.” 
“Yeah,” Kravitz says, smiling glittery-eyed at his makeup-less face. “You’re a real stand-up ham.”
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askthelordsinblack · 3 months
Hello my Lords! I’m the Jester! Is there something I could do for you? I can do lots of interesting tricks!
Uh hhi! Canuoy juggle? I like jugglin g
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scarlxtleaves · 8 months
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SOOO I'm out on my adventure, second run after resetting from a Rogue because OH I'm on console and I missed the part where the freaking game TOLD ME that I can push R1 to view abilities. But that's neither here or there. I'm playin' having fun exploring the map and my friend called and heard it in the background.
first off, my man was proud that I'm playin' this shit after he's constantly recommended it to me but told me to NOT treat it like a typical RPG. Got me shook so I asked him why but told me it would be best I just explore and find out myself since it's really TOO early for me to be making account breaking mistakes so I'm like 'word' Imma be cautious but still didn't EXACTLY know what he meant by don't treat it like an RPG.
Either way yo boy came up to what looks like the ruins of a cathedral cause I heard bitchin' in the area. Turned up there's a smol bean talkin with his taller friend bout this place they found and they'd wanna go for the spoils. (which now that i think about it could have been the mindflayer ship, but the kiddo was playing paw patrol around me so i'm jugglin') NOW i'm here sayin' there's friggin' monsters in that bitch and this lost Dwarf from the echanted forest sittin' to front up on me.
He don't know my game tho, he don't know that I JUST recruited Astarion and..what's his name Gale? Two for one special up in my party. SO we get the boxing. Going right and left and these folks almost got me, got a sniper at the top and a mage at the bottom. This is when i was thinkin of what my friend said so It makes me wonder if I could have snuck up on them pre-fight. EITHER way took out their peeps and all that was left was their lil sniper at the top but once i got homie cornered. I was all:
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IT WAS WRAPS for these fools. Though, imma have to make another pause here cause This boy just wants to play with me. Bought him sOO many action figures for christmas and I'm still priority..kids.
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h1mejoshi · 10 months
my name is lyria and i really like girls
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rn im like sooo into jjba and d4dj and bandori im jugglin g those three interests rn u should follow me cuz im cool and fun and very friendly i fucking love talking to people flutters my eyelashes
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rank da msi albums+eps NOW!!!!!!
Oh great heavens ….OK !!!!
1. Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangely Sexy
I mean this was to be expected, even LJU himself put frankenstein girls at the top when asked his to rank his own records. It’s a classic. You never get bored of it.
2. How I learned To Stop Giving A Shit And Love Mindless Self Indulgence
ok this one is SEVERELY overhated. It’s so good. its like the classic msi sound combined with elements of Jimmy’s solo work, it’s like the theme song to an existential crisis if you focus on songs like hey tomorrow fuck you and your friends yesterday, stalkers, the logical song, and i am not here to make any friends. A++++ a bunch of my favorite songs are from this one
3. Self-titled and PINK
I feel like Jimmy revealed a lot about himself by releasing PINK. A lot of it has to do with religious and sexual trauma ….I don’t know what was going on in his head in the 90s when he wrote all those songs but he was getting whatever was bothering him out of his system and turning it into art and I love that 💗
4. Crappy Little Demo + Igor’s Secret Stash
No MSI demo can ever go wrong, U know what I mean. Especially Royally Fucked, Royally Fuckwd is my FAVEEEE . I also love the last track on Crappy Little Demo, it’s controversial but makes such an amazing point. If you don’t understand it just say you’re an idiot and move on.
5. <3
Just a really good EP I don’t know what else to say about it, it covers some serious topics aswell, love love love. Make Me Cum is my fave
6. Tight
It’s classic you know! and i listen to panty shot on repeat a lot ….it has a lot of funny stories that go with it and around the time that it was released
7. Despierta Los Ninõs
I don’t want to be the one who’s stuck with me when I whip my meat out trapped in a room when I start to beat it I don’t want to be the one who’s touchin me when I whip my meat out jugglin muh balls little sucka gonna beat now
8. You’ll Rebel To Anything
All I have to say is: weeooweeooweeooweeoo
9. If
If was my favorite for a LONGGGGGG time, I would listen to Mark David Chapmen and Issues on repeat for like ….hours. I listened to it so much that I made myself not able to stand it anymore 😭 a handful of songs on it are very underrated. Justice for If now
10. Another Mindless Rip Off
Ok some people are gonna be VERY mad at me for putting this one so low and i’m very sorry but it’s not the best. That and I did the same thing with it that I did with If, listened to it too much
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cresfts · 4 months
Man's jugglin'
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pjackk · 2 years
Are you good at jugglin?
When i was a long time ago i always wanted to learn cuz i always like the idea of clowns & shit but i really didnt want to do that myself cuz i wanted to be a business man & shit but i still tried to learn watching youtube vids & all that shit & i kind of learned like i can juggle 1 orange at a time but sometimes i like 2 see if i can do a apple to but i usauly just end up throwing it from 1 hjand to the other & sometimes they hit each other mid air like a colision which u might think would smash them together but they just bounce off each other & shit & i thoiught they would bounce on the ground/floor to but they really dont seriously they just fall down & roll around & shit so i have to pick them up bvutsometimes they get dirty and bruised & shit & at that point its hard to juggle them because the velocity & shit is out of wack since they arent perfetly arrow dynamic anymore which makes it sooo hard to juggle i think i wshould get bouncy balls to do it with so they dont colide and bruise but they are way to expensive i dont even have to pay for the apples & oranges thought because i just pick them from a tree or even take them from the store maybe getting fucked up woudl help me juggle LOL because i do lots of shit better fucked up on beer & wine & shit like i actually drive better when im drunk af LOL but nobody thinks i do because theres a sigma about it & many people are biassed against the idea but i think they should just keep an open mind & shit & just try it h onestly
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mewfun · 6 months
(@ask-the-shiny-pokemons) Rimi approaches Mew as she is very curious about them.
"Hey. Question: can you do some tricks, like jugglin'? I mean, ya look like the one..."
"Oh I can do juggling and much more! Altought if you want juggling..."
He takes from his hat 3 crystal balls and starts juggling them easily while starting to make it more and more overboard. Almost achieving cartoonish levels of juggling.
"And this is without any psychic influence! Now if I used some... This would get wild.
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