lyfebanana · 1 year
13 Side Effects Of Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a popular ingredient in many recipes and is often consumed for its health benefits. However, while lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C and other nutrients, excessive consumption can lead to adverse side effects.
Here are 13 side effects of lemon juice to keep in mind.
1. Upset Stomach Drinking too much lemon juice can cause an upset stomach. This is because lemon juice has a high acidity level, which can irritate the lining of the stomach and lead to indigestion and heartburn. It’s especially important to avoid drinking too much lemon juice on an empty stomach as this can exacerbate these symptoms. People who are prone to digestive issues may want to limit their intake of lemon juice or dilute it with water to reduce its acidity.
2. Tooth Enamel Erosion Lemon juice has a high level of acidity which can soften and eventually erode tooth enamel over time. This can lead to sensitivity, discoloration, and even tooth decay in extreme cases. To avoid this side effect, it is recommended to consume lemon juice in moderation or diluted with water to minimize the impact on teeth. Additionally, it's a good idea to wait at least 30 minutes after drinking lemon juice before brushing your teeth as immediate brushing can actually worsen the erosion of weakened enamel.
3. Aggravate Canker Sores Canker sores are small ulcers that develop on the inside of the mouth, and they can be quite painful and uncomfortable. While lemon juice is a natural source of vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients, it is also highly acidic, which means it can irritate the delicate tissues inside your mouth. If you have a canker sore, the acid in lemon juice can make it even more painful and inflamed. In some cases, lemon juice can even cause new canker sores to form. If you're prone to canker sores, it's best to avoid lemon juice altogether. If you do consume lemon juice and notice that it's aggravating your canker sores, try rinsing your mouth with water or a saltwater solution to help soothe the pain.
4. Frequent Urination and Dehydration Lemon juice is a natural diuretic, which means it encourages the production of urine, leading you to go to the bathroom more often than usual. While this may be helpful for those who are looking to flush out toxins or reduce bloating, it can also lead to dehydration if adequate fluids are not consumed throughout the day. Dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, constipation, and other adverse effects. Therefore, it's essential to drink enough water when including lemon juice in your diet to stay hydrated and prevent these side effects from occurring.
5. Harmful Germs When lemons are not handled properly, bacteria and other harmful germs can grow on their surface, and when juice is extracted from them, these germs can contaminate the juice. This can lead to various infections and illnesses, particularly for people with weaker immune systems. It is essential to wash lemons thoroughly and store them in a safe and clean place to prevent any health risks associated with consuming contaminated lemon juice.
6. Kidney Stones Lemon juice is high in citric acid, which can bind with calcium and cause it to build up in the kidneys, leading to kidney stone development. However, this doesn't mean you should necessarily avoid consuming lemon juice altogether. Drinking plenty of water along with your citrusy beverages can help flush out any excess calcium and prevent its accumulation in the kidneys.
7. Cause Migraines Lemon juice can trigger headaches in certain people. The citric acid found in lemons can cause an increase in the production of histamine, which leads to inflammation and ultimately results in migraine symptoms like throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and sound, and nausea. If you are prone to migraines or have experienced one after consuming lemon juice, it may be best to avoid or limit your intake. However, if you do enjoy drinking lemon juice, try adding a pinch of baking soda to neutralize the acidity and reduce the likelihood of triggering a headache.
8. Excess Iron Lemon juice is extremely high in vitamin C, which can enhance the absorption of iron. While iron is essential for good health, too much of it can be harmful, especially for those who are prone to iron overload. Excess iron can lead to liver damage, diabetes complications, and even heart disease.
9. Blood Sugar Fluctuations Lemon juice can cause your blood sugar levels to spike and drop rapidly. This can be especially concerning for people who have diabetes or other conditions that affect their blood sugar levels. Lemon juice contains natural sugars that are quickly absorbed by the body, therefore raising glucose levels very fast. When your insulin production isn't sufficient, it creates a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows in sugar levels leading to fatigue, irritability, and dizziness. A good way around this is diluting fresh lemon juice with water when drinking it without added sweeteners.
10. Interference with Medications Lemon juice contains compounds that can interfere with the absorption of certain medications, leading to decreased effectiveness or potentially dangerous drug interactions. This is especially true for drugs that rely on stomach acid to properly break down and be absorbed into the bloodstream. For example, antacids and antibiotics like tetracycline should not be taken with lemon juice as it can reduce their effectiveness.
11. Interference with Thyroid Function The thyroid gland regulates hormones throughout the body, and an imbalance can lead to serious health issues, including weight gain or loss, fatigue, and mood disorders. The main issue stems from the high levels of citric acid present in lemon juice, which can disrupt the absorption of iodine in the body, an essential mineral needed by the thyroid gland to function properly. To minimize any potential risk associated with drinking lemon juice, it's best to consume it in moderation along with a well-balanced diet that includes sufficient amounts of iodine-rich foods like fish and seaweed.
12. Muscle Weakness The high levels of acid in lemon juice can cause a reduction in potassium levels, which is essential for proper muscle function. This can result in symptoms such as fatigue, muscle cramps, and weakness. To avoid these side effects, it is recommended to consume lemon juice in moderation and to balance it with other food sources that are high in potassium, such as bananas or avocados. It is also advised to dilute lemon juice with water before consuming it.
13. Interference with Fertility One of the lesser-known side effects is interference with fertility. This is because lemon juice can alter the pH balance in your cervical mucus, which plays a crucial role in pregnancy. If the pH balance is too acidic, sperm may not be able to survive or reach the egg, leading to difficulties with conceiving. While some women may not experience any adverse effects from consuming lemon juice, those trying to conceive may want to limit their intake or speak with their doctor for further guidance.
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How To Clean Grout And Get It White Again?
Grout, the material used to fill the gaps between tiles, can easily become dirty and discolored over time due to regular use, spills, and grime buildup. This can make your once pristine tile floors or walls look dingy and unkempt. However, fear not! With the right techniques and tools, you can easily clean grout and restore it to its original white color, giving your space a fresh and clean appearance. Say goodbye to stained and discolored grout and hello to a sparkling clean finish!
Natural Home Remedies for Cleaning Grout
If you prefer to use natural ingredients, there are several household items that can be effective in cleaning grout. Here are some DIY remedies that you can try:
1. Baking Soda and Vinegar
Baking soda and vinegar are a dynamic duo when it comes to cleaning grout. It acts as a gentle abrasive that can help remove dirt and stains, while vinegar has acidic properties that can break down grime and disinfect the area.
To use this method, follow these steps:
Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to form a thick paste.
Apply the paste to the grout lines, covering them completely.
Spray vinegar over the baking soda paste and watch it fizz as it reacts with the baking soda.
Use a brush or an old toothbrush to scrub the grout lines vigorously.
Rinse with water to remove the baking soda and vinegar residue.
Dry the grout lines with a clean cloth.
2. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is another natural ingredient that can help clean grout and brighten its color. The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a natural bleach that can break down stains and kill bacteria.
To use lemon juice to clean grout, follow these steps:
Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a spray bottle or a bowl.
Apply the lemon juice directly to the grout lines, making sure to cover them thoroughly.
Let the lemon juice sit on the grout for about 10 minutes.
Use a brush or a toothbrush to scrub the grout lines.
Rinse with water to remove the lemon juice residue.
Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
3. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful disinfectant that can help remove tough stains from grout. When combined with baking soda, it forms a paste that can penetrate the grime and lift it away.
To use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to clean grout, follow these steps:
Mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a 1:1 ratio to form a paste.
Apply the paste to the grout lines and let it sit for about 15 minutes.
Use a brush or a toothbrush to scrub the grout lines vigorously.
Rinse with water to remove the paste residue.
Dry the grout lines with a clean cloth.
4. Salt and Water
Salt is a common household item that can also be used to clean grout. Its abrasive texture helps to scrub away dirt and stains, while its natural disinfectant properties can kill germs.
To use salt and water to clean grout,
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Helpful Homemade Cleaning Solutions for Tile and Grout
Tile and grout can look amazing when they're clean, but the reality is that they need to be cleaned regularly. If you have tile and grout in your home, chances are you've either tried or heard about many different cleaning products that promise to make your floors shine. While there are many natural cleaners out there, most contain chemicals that aren't safe for pets or children. The good news is that there are plenty of options available on the market—and none of them involve harmful chemicals! Here are some helpful solutions from my own experience:
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Vinegar is a natural cleaning product that can be used for many different purposes. Vinegar is acidic, but not too acidic--it has an average pH of about 3-4. This makes it safe for most surfaces, but it can damage some (like marble).
Vinegar is great for cleaning hard surfaces because it's non-toxic and doesn't leave behind any strong smells or residue after use. It also won't cause any damage to your tile or grout; in fact, some people believe that vinegar may actually help remove stains from these surfaces!
Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is an acidic substance, which means it has a pH of less than 7.0. When you apply lemon juice to your grout, the acidity will help break down stains and loosen dirt from the pores in your tile to make it easier to clean with other products or methods.
Lemon juice can be used for many different cleaning tasks around your home--from cleaning bathroom tiles to removing grease from kitchen floors, as well as removing rust from tools or stains from clothing. It also makes an excellent window cleaner!
Ammonia is a powerful cleaning solution that can be used to clean almost any surface. It's also commonly found in many household cleaners, so you may have some on hand already.
Ammonia has an odor that most people find unpleasant, which is why it's recommended that you work with this solution in a well-ventilated area (or outdoors) and wear gloves while cleaning with it. You should never use ammonia on marble or granite because they are both porous stones and will absorb the chemical properties of ammonia as it reacts with them over time. Ammonia should not be used on polished stone such as quartz surfaces either--it could damage their finish if left too long in contact with them! And finally: don't use this solution at all on natural stone like slate or sandstone because these materials tend not hold up well against strong acids like those found within ammonia compounds themselves!
Salt is a great natural way to clean tile and grout. It's cheap, easy to find and works wonders on stains caused by mold or mildew.
To use salt as a cleaning solution:
Sprinkle salt onto the surface of your tiles. Let it sit for about 30 minutes before scrubbing away any dirt or grime that has accumulated in the crevices between your tiles with a brush or sponge dipped in warm water (for best results).
If your grout lines are dirty and need extra attention, mix equal parts baking soda with warm water until it forms into paste-like consistency. Then apply this mixture directly onto those areas using fingers--this will allow you "massage" out any stuck-on debris without damaging your flooring material!
Olive Oil
Olive oil is a great all-around cleaning solution, and it's perfect for tile and grout.
You can use olive oil to clean your tile and grout by simply pouring some into a spray bottle, adding water (about 3:1 ratio), shaking well, then spraying onto the surface. You'll want to let it sit for about 15 minutes before scrubbing with an old toothbrush or sponge. Wipe up any excess with paper towels and you're done!
Olive oil can also be used on stone or porcelain tiles; just make sure you're careful not to get any on your clothing while working because they will stain if left too long before washing them off!
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At Priority Carpet Cleaning, we love to make customers happy! We specialize in tile and grout cleaning, carpet cleaning and other services for residential and commercial properties in Baltimore, Maryland and surrounding areas.
Our super cleaning teams will make your carpet look like new again. Our work is guaranteed and we offer competitive pricing for both residential and commercial jobs. We do not use harsh chemicals or use a truck mounted system to clean your carpets like other carpet cleaning baltimore companies!
Priority Carpet Cleaning 5109 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212, United States 410-210-4580 https://prioritycarpetcleaningmd.com/
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adrashshahaabah07 · 4 years
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U'LEMON (SARI BUAH LEMON) Kami menjual produk ASLI dengan kulitas dan harga terjamin, dilengkapi dengan takaran. Sari buah lemon U'Lemon merupakan 100% murni dari buah lemon. Praktis untuk di konsumsi, cukup tuangkan 2 sloki ke dalam air seukuran 400 - 500cc. Di konsumsi setiap hari sekali. Sari buah lemon juga secara alami berkhasiat untuk : - Detoksifikasi kotoran pada usus - Peluruh lemak - Mencegah sariawan - Mencerahkan kulit dari dalam - Memperkecil pori pori - Membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh Air lemon pada umumnya sangat aman untuk diminum. Namun, asam pada lemon dapat merusak email gigi secara perlahan bila sering meminumnya, yang membuat gigi Anda lebih rentan terhadap gigi berlubang.Tips untuk menghindari efek sampingnya, minumlah air lemon menggunakan sedotan bila memungkinkan, untuk menghindari kontak dengan gigi Anda. Isi bersih 500ml PIRT No. 1133674010312-23 #lemon #juicelemon #ulemon #diet #sarilemon #herbalifenutrition #herbalmedicine #herbalifelampung #herbalifebandung #herbalifemalaysia #herbalbukittinggi #herbaltarok #grosirherbal #obatherbal #herbalpadang #herbalpakanbaru #cristianoronaldo #lionelmessi #herbalinfusion #herbalife #herbalifebalikpapancommunity (di ADR Ash-Shahaabah) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-_xKrBpFbW/?igshid=1v90xlomwo528
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jagoro1979 · 5 years
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. . Yo sigo encantado cada vez que entro a mi baño, y no es de ahora, llevo tiempo utilizando los ambientadores Bref WC con perfume a pino y limón. . . Ademas del rico perfume aportan sus 4 funciones . 1️⃣ Espuma limpiadora . 2️⃣ Formula antical . 3️⃣ Protector contra la suciedad . 4️⃣ Frescor extra . E de decir que no se por cual decantarme porque los dos me encantan. Habéis podido probarlos? Cual os gusta mas? . . #bref #pino #limon #kuvutes #kuvutlovers #kuvutespaña #jagoro1979 #campaña #tester #pruebalogratis #muestrasgratis #power #poweractiv #juicelemon #pineforest #perfume https://www.instagram.com/p/B0IsyhagzWj/?igshid=1j9shqu6e8rzs
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Toothpaste To Reverse Receding Gums
Home remedies are excellent because they're cheap, they truly are safe and they are convenient. There are numerous home remedies for gums you can use at home. They're easy and effective, and they will enhance your gums in the short duration and also the very long term. You're able to prevent gum bleeding together with these home remedies. All these don't cost much and you will see the outcome in a couple of days. If you read more about Toothpaste Receding Gums visit here https://sites.google.com/site/toothpastetohelprecedinggums/
Salicylic Acid: This is one of the most popular home remedies for gums.  You may use it everyday since you brush your teeth and in precisely the exact same time you're employing it to the gums. The salicylic acid dissolves the bacteria and whenever this occurs the gums will begin to heal. You have to be consistent with the application though and you've got to employ it every day.
Toothpaste For Receding Gums
Toothpaste: It is very important to care for your teeth because periodontal disease can lead to gingivitis. This illness can progress if left untreated and also you can end up losing one's teeth.
It can help you to get rid of gingivitis and it's also very effective at combating plaque. You are able to make use of the pulp from this aloe Vera and the juice that's extracted out of it. It can help you reduce the swelling from your gums and it will also help ease any pain you may be experiencing. There are other remedies such as using the juice of fresh garlic internally along with aloe Vera and it will help get rid of plaque.
It will also help to reduce the bacteria and the tartar. You will begin to see a significant gap after using the product for fourteen days. It's quite cheap.
It helps you to nourish your own gums. It will also prevent any bacterial plaque from occurring.  It can be applied directly to the teeth or you are able to massage coconut oil directly onto the gums.
Strawberries: Strawberries may also be employed to avoid the tartar build up within the gums. They will prevent the bacteria from adhering to the teeth and so they may also prevent the tartar from coming off. You need to swallow 1 strawberry every day. Be sure not to eat a lot of berries though.
Whenever you employ these home remedies to stop the gums from receding, you are going to see they are rather helpful in giving you back your positive gums. Nevertheless, the good results of those remedies will not last forever. You will need to brush your teeth regularly if you'd like the results to endure. You need to also adhere to the advice listed below to make sure that you keep your healthy teeth.
Best Toothpaste To Heal Receding Gums
Make use of an all natural mouthwash: It is a good idea to go in for an all natural mouthwash if you have developed yellowish or brownish color stains onto your own gums. Natural toothpaste helps fight tooth decay and also helps in strengthening your teeth and gums.  Make use of a natural mouthwash regularly and watch the difference in a couple weeks. Brushing your teeth at least twice per day can help in keeping up the white colour of one's teeth.
Use lemon juiceLemon juice may also be applied to fight gum inflammation. The acidity of the lemon juice helps to reduce swelling and pain from the gums.   It's possible to add several sprigs of fresh lemons on your evening or morning java. It's going to help to give you a zest for your day and you may find it easier to savor your meals.
Use an Aloe Vera Leaf: Aloe Vera has great soothing and healing properties that may help fight decayed tooth enamel and quit receding gums. There are lots of Aloe Vera based products offered on the industry and also you can easily use these. Only brush your teeth using Aloe Vera based gel and rinse your mouth water.  You might also apply some Aloe Vera gel on the affected areas.
Use Castor oil: Castor oil might be utilised as one of the most effective home remedies to quit receding gums.  Then let it stay for around 30 minutes.
One of the primary reasons that people do not consider natural home remedies to quit receding gums would be because they do not know of these. There are a number of things that can help with this particular problem. For example, drinking a glass of warm water before brushing your teeth will probably help to keep your teeth clean and safe.   There are additional natural remedies which will be very helpful too.
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Most people aren't aware that there are foods that can cause their gums bleed. Those foods include various kinds of berries, citrus juices, and green tea.  You'll find foods that have been proven to help the gums by strengthening them and reducing sensitivity.  There are particular fruits which are also beneficial.
The Best Toothpaste For Gum Disease
If you're worried about bleeding gums, you then ought to be aware that some veggies can prevent this problem. Apples and pears are just two fruits that can help with this specific problem. Some people utilize prunes, too.  Pineapples and figs are some additional fruits which are very good for this use. They should really be consumed on a regular basis.
It's possible to stop the bleeding by using a toothpaste. It is wise if you find one that contains baking soda. This has been shown to help. Yet another home remedy that's often recommended is hydrogen peroxide.
Many people work with a root canal to help with this problem.  This also includes a physician putting a rubber band round the root of tooth. If they do so, they're eliminating the infection and the bacteria which make it. This action can leave people who have a sensitive taste in their mouths.  But for a lot of people it's a powerful solution.
Lots of people decide to make use of overthecounter medications. There are many of these products. One is really a mouthwash that's designed to rinse the bacteria and infection inside the moutharea. It will also help reduce the swelling of their gums. This is significant because gums which eventually become swelled up will not be able to feel some sensation when speaking or chewing. It will be very difficult for them to proceed.
Some of the principal factors why people will need to make use of home remedies to stop receding gums is these medications may cause side effects. Should they are taken for too much time or for a very long period of time, they could find their body cannot adjust for them. They will get rid of the capability to protect the teeth and gums. They can become poorer and more vulnerable to infection. This is the reason you need to talk to your physician before taking these medications.
Best Toothpaste For Gum Disease
You will realize we have several other natural strategies to stop receding gums. You should make certain you are receiving most of the advantages that you may get from home remedies without any of these unwanted effects that is seen with different products. These natural remedies are going to have the ability to supply you with the most effective results possible. Once you begin utilizing those products, you will soon notice a huge improvement from the way your gums look.
Perhaps one of the very common remedies you will find could be the use of raw garlic. This really is something that is not hard to get in the regional grocery store.  You will realize that this is a excellent way to get your gums to stay healthy.
Since you proceed to use these remedies, you will discover your gums will probably continue to boost at a very healthy way. You ought to continue to use them until all the tooth arrangement in your mouth has been completely protected from any disease or infection. Once the protective cap onto your teeth has been developed, you ought to avoid getting some of these rust or harmful bacteria that is found in plaque. The main issue is that you will be able to prevent one of the things from occurring. There are several different natural teeth whitening remedies that you will have the ability to use to make sure your gums remain strong and healthy.
Best Toothpaste Gum Disease
If you're interested in finding some home remedies to quit receding gums, you will want to check in to some of these natural remedies that are readily available. Garlic is one such thing that will offer you a powerful weapon in your fight against this illness. You'll realize that your gums will get much stronger when you continue to create use of the remedies each day. In fact, you may be amazed by how far fitter your mouth will appear as a result of using these remedies each day.
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skilletsandpots · 6 years
Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. How to make your cake extra moist If you want to make a moist cake that will stay moist it is easy. You can replace the milk for yogurt! I have been doing this for many years now, and I was never disappointed. If the recipe is asking for 1 cup of milk, replace it with 1 cup of yogurt, and your cake will be moist and will stay moist even if you keep it in the fridge. Plus the yogurt adds a little touch of tang in the taste which is something that I really like! How to make an easy lemon syrup This syrup is great over this cake or any sponge cake. I even use it on my pancakes in the morning, it is very delicious. To make the lemon syrup you will need, 1/3 cup of confectioner sugar 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Use only freshly squeeze juice from the lemons for best result.  Take a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. Drizzle the cake with the warm syrup and serve.
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  How to make the lemon cake First place the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F). Secondly grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. After combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Now add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. When its smooth stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice. How to cook the lemon cake First pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. Lemon syrup1/3 cup confectioner sugar1/2 cup lemon juiceLemon Cake1 1/2 cups flour2 tbsp baking powder3/4 cup sugar1/2 cup plain yogurt1/4 cup vegetable oil2 tbsp Poppy seeds (optionnal)1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing)3 eggs3 lemons (zest and juice) Lemon syrupTake a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. 
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Lemon cakePlace the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F).Grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. Combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice.Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. 
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Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea
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nkdhiman · 2 years
mary berry lemon & lime cheesecake
mary berry lemon & lime cheesecake
mary berry lemon lime cheesecake Basic ingredients for mary berry lemon lime cheesecake 125ml Lemon JuiceLemon Zest From 4 Lemons125g Butter350g Biscuits130g Butter250g Butter400g Whipped double-cream – also known as heavy cream65g Icing Sugar800g Cream cheese Zest From One Lime How to make mary berry lemon lime cheesecake Mix sugar and lemon juice over medium heat. Add the eggs to the…
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oliviacosmetics · 3 years
7 Homemade Natural Skin Bleach for A Bright and Beautiful Face
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We all want to have a bright and beautiful face, but sometimes we are unsure of the best way to get that. This blog post will discuss 7 homemade natural skin bleaches for your face. If you're looking for an efficient way to achieve brighter skin, this is it!
1. Lemon Juice
Lemon is a rich source of citric acid, which helps in bleaching. It has a mild astringent property which tightens the skin pores and enhances the complexion of your face.
Take one lemon juice out in a bowl, add few drops of honey to it and mix well. Apply the mixture on your clean face carefully and leave it for about 20 minutes.
Wash off with cold water and pat dry.
2. Milk Cream
Take some milk cream in a bowl, add few drops of tea tree oil to it and mix well. Apply this mixture on your clean face and neck, massage gently with your fingertips for about 10 minutes. Leave it on for another 15 minutes, wash off with lukewarm water.
3. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is rich in antioxidants, enzymes, and minerals that act as skin softeners. It effectively nourishes the skin tissues and rejuvenates them to maintain their elasticity.
Extract Aloe Vera gel by cutting open its leafy stem, apply this gel on your face and leave it overnight. Wash off with water the next morning.
4. Turmeric Powder
Turmeric contains high levels of antioxidants which have anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that fight acne and slow down the aging process, thus keeping your skin healthy and bright.
Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with a few drops of water to make a thick paste. Apply this on your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Scrub off gently with fingertips and wash the face clean.
5. Cucumber Juice
Cucumber juice can lighten skin complexion, and it imparts a cooling effect to your skin too. The anti-inflammatory properties in cucumber soothe out irritated skin areas and reduce signs of sunburn. Take a cucumber and extract its juice by placing it in a juicer; apply this juice on your face and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
6. Basil Leaves Paste
Take some fresh basil leaves out, blend them in a blender to make a fine paste, add few drops of lemon juice to it and mix well. Apply this paste on your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water, pat dries the face, and apply a good moisturizer. While basil may sound unheard, there are many bleaching products that are now producing various natural herbal bleach
7. Sandal Wood Powder (Chandan)
Sandalwood powder is rich in antioxidants, which help in maintaining the tone and texture of your skin. It has astringent properties that tighten the pores and prevent acne breakout.
Take some sandalwood powder out in a bowl, add few drops of milk cream to it and mix well. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on till it dries off. Rinse with water.
If you want to give your skin a natural glow, take time out of your day for some homemade face masks. These 7 natural facial bleach recipes are perfect for giving yourself the care that you deserve without spending too much money or time!
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incrediblemommy · 3 years
Lemon Garlic Pasta
July, 2021 Keep this Lemon Garlic Pasta Recipe for a simple dinner idea or filling side dish.  Pasta tossed with lemon, olive oil, red pepper flakes, parmesan and roasted garlic. This is definitely my go-to recipe for filling quick dinner recipe made quickly . Let’s jump into recipe: INGREDIENTS Ingredients 10-15 garlic cloves 1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 4-5 Tbsp Fresh Lemon JuiceLemon…
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skycript1 · 5 years
Acne Scar Procedure - Three Insider Secrets To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Quick
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Finding rid of acne scar isn't a straightforward and limited procedure in the least. It calls for time and consistency in case you are likely to remove them working with residence solutions rather than medical procedures. I will likely be demonstrating you a few of the most well liked and powerful household remedies You should utilize today to fade away your acne scar in lower than per month.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umz4iIK7C8UFor starters, you will find distinctive sorts of acne scar but every one of these remedies can treat all of them. Beneath are 3 home treatments you may begin working with today. You should utilize them each day for more quickly outcome.one. Using Ice Cubes.This really is undoubtedly the simplest and quickest technique to fade absent your scar. After you rub ice with your scar, the coldness can make it fewer visible and even gets rid of the damaged tissue very little by minimal. Just rub an ice dice on the scar for 5 minutes each day. You can also use this cure for making your acne glimpse less apparent.two. Using HoneyHoney is a great solution for dealing with sore throat, sleeping challenge, and in some cases headache. Merely rub somewhat honey on to your scar at nighttime when you're off to mattress. After you awaken each morning to clean it off, you're going to be astonished. Do this every single day for maximum influence. This remedy also will work in managing and avoiding acne also.3. Working with Lemon JuiceLemon Juice can help in lightening the scars and blemishes of the pores and skin. Lemon also has Vitamin C and other nutrients that will help make your skin appear healthier much too. All you must do is rub a bit lemon juice on to your scar on a daily basis after which clean it off ten thirty minutes later on.So there you may have it, 3 of the best residence remedies You should utilize to eliminate your acne scar. Utilize it persistently and you will see result in 2 three weeks. If You are looking to never get acne scar once more, then the neatest thing to perform should be to never get acne. You could understand all about having rid of acne and getting acne no cost for life beneath. Read the full article
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skilletsandpots · 5 years
Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. How to make your cake extra moist If you want to make a moist cake that will stay moist it is easy. You can replace the milk for yogurt! I have been doing this for many years now, and I was never disappointed. If the recipe is asking for 1 cup of milk, replace it with 1 cup of yogurt, and your cake will be moist and will stay moist even if you keep it in the fridge. Plus the yogurt adds a little touch of tang in the taste which is something that I really like! How to make an easy lemon syrup This syrup is great over this cake or any sponge cake. I even use it on my pancakes in the morning, it is very delicious. To make the lemon syrup you will need, 1/3 cup of confectioner sugar 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Use only freshly squeeze juice from the lemons for best result.  Take a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. Drizzle the cake with the warm syrup and serve.
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  How to make the lemon cake First place the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F). Secondly grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. After combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Now add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. When its smooth stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice. How to cook the lemon cake First pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. Lemon syrup1/3 cup confectioner sugar1/2 cup lemon juiceLemon Cake1 1/2 cups flour2 tbsp baking powder3/4 cup sugar1/2 cup plain yogurt1/4 cup vegetable oil2 tbsp Poppy seeds (optionnal)1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing)3 eggs3 lemons (zest and juice) Lemon syrupTake a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. 
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Lemon cakePlace the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F).Grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. Combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice.Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. 
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Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea
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skilletsandpots · 5 years
Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. How to make your cake extra moist If you want to make a moist cake that will stay moist it is easy. You can replace the milk for yogurt! I have been doing this for many years now, and I was never disappointed. If the recipe is asking for 1 cup of milk, replace it with 1 cup of yogurt, and your cake will be moist and will stay moist even if you keep it in the fridge. Plus the yogurt adds a little touch of tang in the taste which is something that I really like! How to make an easy lemon syrup This syrup is great over this cake or any sponge cake. I even use it on my pancakes in the morning, it is very delicious. To make the lemon syrup you will need, 1/3 cup of confectioner sugar 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Use only freshly squeeze juice from the lemons for best result.  Take a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. Drizzle the cake with the warm syrup and serve.
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  How to make the lemon cake First place the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F). Secondly grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. After combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Now add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. When its smooth stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice. How to cook the lemon cake First pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. Lemon syrup1/3 cup confectioner sugar1/2 cup lemon juiceLemon Cake1 1/2 cups flour2 tbsp baking powder3/4 cup sugar1/2 cup plain yogurt1/4 cup vegetable oil2 tbsp Poppy seeds (optionnal)1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing)3 eggs3 lemons (zest and juice) Lemon syrupTake a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. 
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Lemon cakePlace the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F).Grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. Combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice.Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. 
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Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea
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skilletsandpots · 5 years
Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. How to make your cake extra moist If you want to make a moist cake that will stay moist it is easy. You can replace the milk for yogurt! I have been doing this for many years now, and I was never disappointed. If the recipe is asking for 1 cup of milk, replace it with 1 cup of yogurt, and your cake will be moist and will stay moist even if you keep it in the fridge. Plus the yogurt adds a little touch of tang in the taste which is something that I really like! How to make an easy lemon syrup This syrup is great over this cake or any sponge cake. I even use it on my pancakes in the morning, it is very delicious. To make the lemon syrup you will need, 1/3 cup of confectioner sugar 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Use only freshly squeeze juice from the lemons for best result.  Take a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. Drizzle the cake with the warm syrup and serve.
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  How to make the lemon cake First place the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F). Secondly grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. After combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Now add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. When its smooth stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice. How to cook the lemon cake First pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. Lemon syrup1/3 cup confectioner sugar1/2 cup lemon juiceLemon Cake1 1/2 cups flour2 tbsp baking powder3/4 cup sugar1/2 cup plain yogurt1/4 cup vegetable oil2 tbsp Poppy seeds (optionnal)1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing)3 eggs3 lemons (zest and juice) Lemon syrupTake a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. 
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Lemon cakePlace the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F).Grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. Combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice.Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. 
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Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea
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skilletsandpots · 5 years
Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. How to make your cake extra moist If you want to make a moist cake that will stay moist it is easy. You can replace the milk for yogurt! I have been doing this for many years now, and I was never disappointed. If the recipe is asking for 1 cup of milk, replace it with 1 cup of yogurt, and your cake will be moist and will stay moist even if you keep it in the fridge. Plus the yogurt adds a little touch of tang in the taste which is something that I really like! How to make an easy lemon syrup This syrup is great over this cake or any sponge cake. I even use it on my pancakes in the morning, it is very delicious. To make the lemon syrup you will need, 1/3 cup of confectioner sugar 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Use only freshly squeeze juice from the lemons for best result.  Take a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. Drizzle the cake with the warm syrup and serve.
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  How to make the lemon cake First place the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F). Secondly grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. After combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Now add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. When its smooth stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice. How to cook the lemon cake First pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. Lemon syrup1/3 cup confectioner sugar1/2 cup lemon juiceLemon Cake1 1/2 cups flour2 tbsp baking powder3/4 cup sugar1/2 cup plain yogurt1/4 cup vegetable oil2 tbsp Poppy seeds (optionnal)1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing)3 eggs3 lemons (zest and juice) Lemon syrupTake a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. 
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Lemon cakePlace the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F).Grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. Combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice.Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. 
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Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea
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skilletsandpots · 5 years
Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. How to make your cake extra moist If you want to make a moist cake that will stay moist it is easy. You can replace the milk for yogurt! I have been doing this for many years now, and I was never disappointed. If the recipe is asking for 1 cup of milk, replace it with 1 cup of yogurt, and your cake will be moist and will stay moist even if you keep it in the fridge. Plus the yogurt adds a little touch of tang in the taste which is something that I really like! How to make an easy lemon syrup This syrup is great over this cake or any sponge cake. I even use it on my pancakes in the morning, it is very delicious. To make the lemon syrup you will need, 1/3 cup of confectioner sugar 1/2 cup of lemon juice. Use only freshly squeeze juice from the lemons for best result.  Take a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. Drizzle the cake with the warm syrup and serve.
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  How to make the lemon cake First place the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F). Secondly grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. After combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Now add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. When its smooth stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice. How to cook the lemon cake First pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.
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Easy Lemon Cake in Two Versions
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Would you like to know how to make an easy lemon cake, in no time and on top you can choose which version you want. Ideal and light for tea time. Lemon syrup1/3 cup confectioner sugar1/2 cup lemon juiceLemon Cake1 1/2 cups flour2 tbsp baking powder3/4 cup sugar1/2 cup plain yogurt1/4 cup vegetable oil2 tbsp Poppy seeds (optionnal)1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing)3 eggs3 lemons (zest and juice) Lemon syrupTake a small saucepan, bring the sugar and lemon juice to a boil. 
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Lemon cakePlace the rack in the middle position, preheat the oven at (350 F).Grease a bread baking pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. Combine the flour and baking powder (poppy seeds if you want the poppy seeds versions) in a small bowl and set aside. Add the sugar, the yogurt, the oil and the eggs into a large mixing bowl and mix until smooth. Stir in the dry ingredients, and then add the lemon zest and the juice.Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan. 
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Bake for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Remove form the bread pan and let it cool. Drizzle the lemon syrup on it and enjoy with a nice cup of tea
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