#jules f13
manbehindthemask · 9 months
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i found a stardew valley character portrait maker (link here) which progressed into making Jules a lil profile!!! (template here if you wanna make your own) it was actually a really thought provoking exercise, trying to figure out what he'd like and dislike was difficult, but here are some reasons under the cut
Pepper- Jules likes spicy stuff
Snail- definitely the type to crouch down and watch a snail move around for an hour or two
Duck Feather- since he spends so much time outside he definitely gathers little treasures like bird feathers
Nekoite- same reason as the duck feather essentially, also pink and sparkly
Fruit Salad- i think jules eats a lot of fruit tbh, not just because he's a big ole fruit himself. i think he'd like nothing more than chowing down on some fruit salad (yummy yummy)
Dandelion- similar to duck feather/nekoite, but he als just genuinely thinks they're pretty and loves making wishes on them
Honey- he likes sweet things :-)
Beer- brings back the ~trauma~ from his childhood, also generally thinks it tastes bad
Caviar- he thinks it's gross and also doesn't like the whole connotation with the wealthy elite
Parsnip- icky
Seaweed- he hates being touched by it, it's one of his least favorite textures and deeply upsets him
Coffee- too bitter and icky, also reminds him of his dad
Pale Ale- same reason as beer
Krobus- jules definitely loves the spooky little guy and finds him fascinating, he likes to listen to Krobus tell him about where he came from
Dwarf- Similar to Krobus
Bear- just like how he loves Teddy!!
Linus- I think they'd have a lot to talk about tbh, nature, simple things, living a nomadic lifestyle, etc
Sandy- I just think their personalities would mesh really well and they'd end up really good buddies
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frostcorpsclub · 1 year
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Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened,
The birds began to sing.
Wasn't that a dainty (or dandy) dish
To set before the king?
The king was in his counting house,
Counting out his money.
The queen was in the parlour,
Eating bread and honey.
The maid was in the garden,
Hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose.
------------------- Adoption AU is a collab with @manbehindthemask and Jules belongs to them
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prettyputrified · 10 months
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Instagram edit for @manbehindthemask 's oc Jules Valentin
Template: https://cagewrites.tumblr.com/post/174142305167/insta-not-another-ingram-template-in-the-vast
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Perfect Paradise Ch.6 Living in Ruins of a Palace Within My Dreams
Summary: Mother's lament.
"Ok, which gate was it again?"
"I have it here."
Emma played with the auto luggage as Juleka and Rose got organized. Making it's little engine carry it forward and back.
Louis stuck his foot out. Causing it to stop. "No," he chastised.
Emma stuck her tongue out at him but got her stim toy out and played with that instead. Foot shaking on her knee.
Louis raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
It was almost a year since they last visited China and Emma hoped her Mandarin was up to par. It'd be embarrassing if she said something silly in front of Aunt Fei.
"... Do you think Maman will come with us?" Hugo wondered.
"Sorry, mon ange, not this time."
"Maman!" Hugo flew into her open arms. Grabbing on as tightly as he held onto Uncle Nino.
Marinette kissed the top of his head. Hugo inheriting all the tall genes from both sides of the family so she didn't need to lean down. Soon Marinette would have to look up at him the way she had to for Emma.
The thought sent a sharp pang through Marinette's chest and she squeezed a little bit tighter.
"Maman, you're here!" Louis beamed as she ruffled his hair.
"We're swamped at work but I couldn't let you go without seeing you off," Marinette smiled softly. "My little Sunshine."
Louis' smile fell a little but he didn't pull away.
He was so much like his father at that age. Even with the glasses.
"Daughter, ready to see your aunt again?" Marinette asked, switching to Mandarin.
Emma's hands had left the fidget toy in favor of running down her ponytail. "Méi cuò... Muqīn"
Marinette felt another stab at the formality but hid it quickly. "Ni què dìng mā?"
"Shìde shìde!" Emma walked a few steps away and pretended to look at the big screen of timetables. Brow furrowed as she felt her mother's gaze on her back.
"Hey, Marinette."
Pulling her eyes away from her daughter Marinette gave Juleka and Rose a hug each. "Jules! Rose! Thanks so much for doing this."
"You kidding? We've always wanted to visit your family!" Rose bounced slightly on her heels. "Kitty Section just isn't that popular in China."
"Which means we'll be able to walk the streets without being recognized," Juleka observed. "You okay?"
Marinette gave a pained smile and made a so-so gesture.
"Flight F13 is now boarding for departure to Shanghai. Flight F13 is now boarding for departure to Shanghai."
"Eep! That's us!" Rose directed the auto luggage in the proper direction as she gave Marinette two quick cheek kisses goodbye.
Marinette placed a hand on her sons' shoulders. "Take care of each other. Listen to your Grunkle and Aunt Fei."
"Yes, Maman," they chorused.
Hesitating for a moment Marinette walked up to her daughter. "I... Tell Aunt Fei I said 'Hi' and that I'll visit when things are a little less hectic over here."
"... Okay."
Marinette reached out a hand for her daughter's shoulder... Her fingers curling up as she let her hand fall to her side. "Okay."
"... Māma," Emma whirled around to look at her mother. "... Zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ.
Marinette swallowed. "Wo ye ài ni."
Blushing and biting her lip Emma hurried after her brothers.
Juleka hugged Marinette. "We'll keep an eye on them," she promised.
And then they were gone. Marinette standing alone and numb as the world went on around her.
A harried looking family rushed past with a stroller.
Four teens were laughing and joking with each other as they got out their tickets.
An older couple shared a chaste kiss.
Marinette turned on her heels and wiped at her eyes. Getting into her Tsurugi brand car, one of the few private vehicles left on Parisian streets.
"Destination?" The onboard computer asked.
"Le Mode Dupain-Cheng." Marinette took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She had work to do.
"Don't be bemused! It's just the news! This is Nadja Chamack and today we have Paris' favorite philanthropist, Adrien!"
"Hello again, Nadja."
"I wish we had you back on the show under better circumstances."
"Don't kid. You love the scandal!"
There was some light laughter from the audience as Nadja shrugged in foux guilt.
"In all seriousness though, your divorce came as a surprise to all of Paris. Especially so recently after your cousin's confession."
"Yes, Felix's revelation was shocking. I thought we were close enough where he could be honest with me but... that wasn't the case. You think you know someone, y'know?"
"So you're sympathetic to your cousin?"
"Oh, no. I fully endorse Mayor Haprèle's continued calls for extradition."
"Some of our watchers say that's quite cold of you."
"Some of your watchers forget that Monarch terrorized my city too."
"Indeed. What about the claims that Marinette issued the divorce due to the revelation about Monarch?"
"Baseless rumors. I'm the one that filed for divorce."
"Oh?" Nadja leaned in.
"We were having trouble even before Felix's little stunt. It was just poor timing."
"Isn't it always. And the nature of these 'problems'?"
"I'm afraid that's between me and my ex-wife."
"Nothing too serious, I hope?"
Adrien smiled blandly. "Nothing other couples haven't gone through."
"What about the custody of your children?"
"Marinette is busy running Le Mode Dupain-Cheng it seemed best to give our children a more... stable, environment."
"How could he not have known? That terrorist was right under his nose!"
"Talk like that is exactly why you shouldn't be here! You're ignorance on how abused children are treated-"
"Abused!? That sheltered little mama's boy had the world handed to him on a silver platter!"
"Says the man with ten yachts!"
"The Atlantean delegation has once again refused any compromise on-"
"Ryuko has successfully redirected the hurricane and dispersed it's energy. Climate scientists have issued a warning that the Miraculous hero has only given us a temporary reprieve from the worst of climate change-"
"-and Claudie Kanté have been chosen for the EU's joint mission to Mars. Mother of the famous Max Kanté, Claudie started as a test pilot for experimental spaceships-"
"Miraculous hero Wanblí spoke out today against America's continued encroachment onto indigenous land. In violation of established treaties-"
"Is Ladybug lying to us!? The people of Paris have a right to know!"
Next! Next! Next!
"Mme. Dupain-Cheng! Mme. Dupain-Cheng! Will your recent divorce affect the fall line's release?"
"No. I have a great team that's been working diligently to keep us on schedule."
"What about concerns of burnout?" Another voice called.
"That's why we've hired extra hands to help with the more technical aspects. Union representatives have been very helpful in contributing to a safe and efficient work environment."
"And the criticism the spring collection faced? Some say it was precisely because of these policies that-"
"The spring collection was always experimental. Any issues it had rest entirely on m- my shoulders... I would remind you that people work best when they're not exhausted. Thank you, that'll be all."
"Mme. Dupain-Cheng! Mme. Dupain-Cheng!"
Emma exited out of her news app and pulled out her earbuds as the fasten seatbelt sign blinked on. "Bit late for that," she snorted.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 6: "Hmmm #conspiracy" - Ian
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WOOOOOO WE WON!!! I WAS ACTUALLY GOOD AT SOMETHING. That being said if Tom, Evan, Jules or JJ goes home I will start a fire in your bathroom. Not really because I’m too scared to use matches but I will be very UPSET.
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That was probably one of the most unsettling rounds I have ever played. So like before I slept last night, JJ and I went on call and he spilled his guts to me. Literally offered me a lot of things saying he will be loyal to us four and all. I didn’t want to have that conversation but I had to in order to see if I can get anything from JJ.
Unfortunately even tho he was telling me how Evan, Jules and Tom betrayed him I got nothing new from him. Like he was not telling information that would earn my favor like info on his other tribe mates. So I told him I will consider his offer and I slept woo
Flash forward to the morning I wake up and us 4 Budva baes we’re debating the merits of keeping Evan or JJ. Jason and Julia were entertaining the idea of keeping JJ and voting out Evan because he has some connections to the other og Durmitor and Ali and I were pushing to keep the target on JJ. Me and Ali discussed this earlier and we know that JJ was gonna try do whatever it takes to stay. We both agreed that by keeping JJ that would screw over Tom and Jules who were the ones willing to flip for us. And so Ali finally brought that up and I think that convinced Jason and Julia to stick with the JJ vote. Jason also learned from Jules that JJ is very well connected with the other og Durmitor so that pretty much sold it.
Like minutes before tribal JJ made a chat with him and us 4 Budva minus the hosts oof! He pleaded his case and I AM NOT COMFROTABLE WE THOSE KIND OF THINGS!! So I ignored those messages and just endured and then JJ was voted out and he got into a small argument with Julia and Jules.
Right now, the plan if we go to tribal again is to get rid of Evan because he’s a SNAKE!!
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i can't remember when i last confessed but stuff has happened so... whew.
okay so! first things first, JJ is gone. which it was his time and byebye. I think Evan is likely next, he just alienated EVERYONE, including JJ who he leaked stuff too, who voted for him so rest in peace.
also emathia, can't keep secrets Ali truly jumped out on call with Jules yesterday. I truly told her everything. ALSO CRAP I JUST MISSED MY STEP FOR THE CHALLENGE GRR. but yup, she knows about the idol, that I trust Benj and that I hosted Mo for his first season (all the stuff I hadn't originally told her). I am committed to going as far as possible with her, we are WINNING!
in other news, i now know tom is sus about working with me. WHICH AHH NERVY. i really want him to trust me, and will do my best to show that trust is worth it.
in other... other news... I have thoughts about the other four I haven't played with yet. I assume Benj is who flipped and I'm proud of him for doing what he needs to do. Of the four I haven't met, we have:
Caeleb, aka Tom's cousin. IM CONVINCED. IM 100% CONVINCED THEY ARE RELATED. Tom can deny it ALL HE WANTS, but I am onto the ancestry.com (lowkey they aren't related but its super funny to me ankslfda)
Jones, aka... a queen? Jones seems SO NICE, LIKE SO SO NICE. I really wanna meet her and play with her, I hope she wins! She has come 4th and 6th... like she is a threat and someone to defo keep an eye on.
Mo! I love him!! I don't think he likes me, but if he does I'd love love LOVE to work with him! bang voyage woo we love him
Alex C... makes me the most nervous. Jules says he runs stuff and Julia has bad history with him! I feel like he is gonna be someone who by game dynamics I'm unable to work with, even though I'd like to! we will see on that one... hold that thought!
anyway, the dream is a F4 of me, Jules, Benj & Tom, Julia can go 5th for working with Jason/Ian too much, and then maybe like Mo/Jones in 6-7 because they seem iconic and would just love 'em to go far! idk this is mess aklsdfaf
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Hmm what are the odds that this challenge is an individual immunity challenge disguised as a tribe immunity challenge. Hmmm #conspiracy
Anyways, the plan is if we lose immunity we get rid of the snake in the grass which Evan. He can continue wearing his frog onesie but that doesn’t change the fact that you are a snake!! I just learned that Evan is telling Jules that me and Jason need to be broken up.
I love how these people like assumed me/Jason and Ali/Julia are pairs. Like ok that’s what y’all think then we will work with it. My only real worry is that if we do get rid of Evan there is no more cushion for us in this tribe. Like Tom and Jules are numbers for us rn (and I AM LOVING THEM RN) and if we don’t swap/merge after this round and there is still another immunity and we lose it then whew that’s gonna be a big dilemma. So yeah that’s the only thing holding me back from throwing this challenge hehehe
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im on call with tom, i want him to win and i am planting the seeds and WILL see them harvest.
this game's F3 better be Jules, Tom & Benj. I WILL ACCEPT NO OTHER OUTCOME.
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So with this challenge, I honestly didn't put alot of effort into it but neither did anyone in my alliance really. We kinda wanted to lose because we can get rid of another durmitor person and keep the other budvas safe from the uglies on the other tribe. With merge coming, I know who my targets are. MO AND ALEX. Bye you have both seen me play and frankly i dont have any respect for either of you. I'm gonna make it my dying wish to see you both fail. Also last night Jules and I lied to evan and said we were cousins to see if he would start drama. He didn't and he believed it too and he trusts us now wtf lol. He shouldnt because I want him gone 100%.
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If we lose this challenge then hopefully Evan goes. Then after that please let us merge already or we swap and I’m still in a majority position. I cannot lose anyone in this tribe after Evan goes because they’re all potential numbers for me when we merge.
On another note, Jason, tom and I solidified our alliance. Don’t know where we and Jason really gonna go with because we also have OG budva baes but rn I guess this alliance is here to stay I guess? Can’t wait to become the goat for these two!!
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why am i paranoid
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okay so i am fully missing some brain cells. i was trying to add tom on sc before we recorded this so had to fix the video on him to get the QR code, and then... never turned that off... so enjoy a video of tom with me in the background like a ghostie or a spirit.
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Watching Tom make literal pizza is ASMR.
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Okay so I'm watching BB21 and the amount of ad breaks on US shows is INSANE, so I have time to type.
I'm going to... crack next vote if we go to tribal this round. I feel really really good about Tom in this game moving forward, and... refuse to have him go home prejury (which could happen if we go to two tribals in a row).
So I have two plans, both of which are cracked and both of which will solidify my mess self.
1. A 3-2-1 vote. Convince Julia/Jason/Ian to split the votes between Tom and Jules, and then me/Tom/Jules vote for idk... Ian? This would burn bridges like crazy but hopefully merge could help me figure that whole mess out.
2. Give... Tom my idol. Now this would be CRACKED as all crackers. But if we play it off right it'll be fine. Only other complication is that Benj knows about my idol, which he could spread ahh!
but ignoring the crackheadery, the best case scenario is we win immunity and then next round we get Evan out... then we will be fine hdjdjdkd
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I change my mind we’re def not merging at F13 Bc Drew Seamus and Asya (to an extent Bc she’s innocent) are definitely gonna wanna milk the dua lipa cave twist until it’s BONE DRY!!!! But ya hopefully we lose and Michael goes home xoxo
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manbehindthemask · 2 months
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yet another jules edit joins the party. eraserhead baby jules
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manbehindthemask · 3 months
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ages ago @frostcorpsclub suggested i do a valenhees specific moodboard and ig i never did it so... here it is
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manbehindthemask · 4 months
Can we get art of Jules dying in a glue trap
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yes :-)
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manbehindthemask · 4 months
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this was as fun as it was painful defs would recommend people do this for funsies
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manbehindthemask · 3 months
What would slasher Jules’ mori be in dead by daylight
i've been thinking WAY too much about this tbh.
as much as i'd like his concept of using different weapons for different maps to go with his whole 'jack of all trades' thing when it comes to how he kills victims, i think that'd probably be annoying (a bitch can dream tho) so his main weapon would be his baseball bat (bcs i think that shit is aesthetic as fuck)
He straight up decks the player on the head, they fall but aren't dead yet. While they try to drag themselves away he pulls out one of these bitches:
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(it's probably carried on his back)
i think he'd take his sweet time too, sits it down and unlocks it, pulls out a big notepad and walks back over to the player. he'd grab their head/hair and yank it back, then just straight up slam their head onto the big sheet of paper, their blood splattering like some sort of morbid rorschach test. then he'd drop them and kick them away, then walk away with the paper (presumably to paint)
if it could be a little longer of an animation i think it'd show him actually painting a bit.
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manbehindthemask · 4 months
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@frostcorpsclub showed me this really neat idea of a song moodboard!! i had a lot of fun putting this together. i took this idea directly from @lepoppeta here's their version
song list:
season 2, episode 3 - glass animals
i/me/myself - will wood
keep your head up!!! - milkcan
disco! in the panic room - bug hunters
dance with me - topline addicts
first love/late spring - mitski
your ex said you can't dance - the real zebos
dummy - the regrettes
the full playlist in case you're curious and wanna hear more
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manbehindthemask · 3 months
We gotta see animal crossing Jules
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just a silly lil pink deer :-)
(fun fact his colors are based on his ponysona)
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manbehindthemask · 4 months
What are the paintings you’d use describe Jules best?
i've been thinking abt this question for way too long bcs my brain suddenly forgot what paintings existed but! finally i got my shit together a lil bit hehehe :-) long explanation under the cut
i think as a genre of art it'd be impressionism
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Claude Monet (b. 1840) || Impression, Sunrise (1872) || Oil on canvas
impressionism as a movement was very contrary to what was accepted as art at the time. it was sloppy and not so much about a perfect picture but was actually about capturing a moment and i feel like that's so crucial to who he is. he isn't about perfection he's about feelings and being in the moment. his painting style absolutely isn't like that tho because he spends a lot of time sketching and studying wherever he is painting.
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Edvard Munch (b. 1863) || The Sun (1909) || Oil on canvas
knowing the artist of this piece is kinda important to seeing who jules really is. edvard munch is the artist that did the scream and is viewed mainly as a dark artist that depicted pain and mental anguish. compared to his other stuff this piece is like a sigh of relief
jules is the opposite, he's a bright and shiny person that is a tangled web of uncertain emotions on the inside
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Georgia O'Keeffe (b. 1887) || Blue and Green Music (1919) || Oil on canvas
i think a lot of georgia o'keeffe's work resonates with and about jules, she painted to express her feelings in a way words couldn't and i feel like that's sometimes his goal with art
he doesn't like to let himself be vulnerable, so i think he lets his paintings do the talking for him
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Jean-Michel Basquiat (b. 1960) || Untitled (Fallen Angel) (1981) || Oil, acrylic, spray paint on canvas
a lot of basquiat's work has an impressionist feel to it, and i think with how he used his struggles as a black man in the 1970s in his art would resonate a lot with jules. jules definitely grew up with a lot of shitty comments being made about him or his family (especially since his parents are immigrants) so i think he'd feel really empowered by how basquiat used his struggles to fuel passion which made art
i've never thought about jules getting/having tattoos but i think he'd definitely get basquiat's crown
even though jules is a traditional watercolor artist, i associate him with a lot of modern art. i guess its bcs he just has that 'fuck around and find out' kind of vibe. he doesn't really experiment with his art per say but he does experiment with his life- that's why he's always on the move
uhh yeah this turned out really long whoopsies
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manbehindthemask · 3 months
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for yall who love jules a lot, heres ur chance to learn how to woo him
thank u glam for showing me this it was so fun
also here's the blank if you wanna do it
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manbehindthemask · 9 months
new chapter for A Painter and His Muse is liveeee
slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things
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manbehindthemask · 8 months
Jules and Jason's dnd races, classes, and alignments
Jason Voorhees:
a lawful evil firbolg fighter.
Firbolgs are deeply connected with nature/animals as Jason is with the campgrounds. fighters are also really versatile as far as weapons just like jason!! since we see him use SO many different weapons across the movies. lawful evil because he follows a specific code, he doesn't go out to kill just anywhere, not without serious reasons at least.
Jules Valentin:
a chaotic neutral eladrin bard
bard obviously because of jules' connection to the arts, as well as his ability to ~*inspire*~ others. Chaotic neutral because he DOES have morals but they're sorta skewed and he makes exceptions for all kinds of things, obviously. Eladrin are essentially in between fey and elves which just suits him. they're connected to nature and have high magic skills.
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