#julia's adventures with the HPI anon
bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
on a cheerier note, shoutout to céline’s double take at morgane’s outfit 😄😏 il lui en faut peu pour oublier ses problèmes avec le préfet… (while we’re at it, prayer circle she dumps fachoman sooner than later, c’est la saison des ruptures anyway 🕯️)
let’s also note it’s the outfit morgane shows up in at the date/debrief debacle. bourge coinços vibes much? 👀 loved how out of sync they were, adam was trying SO hard and morgane just couldn’t wrap her head around what was going on 😂😂 (meanwhile, ranir hovering around them, tu crois qu’il avait été briefé sur Le Date™ ? they weren’t seated at the usual table, iirc 🧐) ahh. the way they don’t fit together… delicious. without a case to fall back on they’re completely lost!!
Idk, I’m just a sucker for the contrast between the glimpses of vulnerability they let on and their general uselessness on the day-to-day. something about the miscommunications being trumped by a deep trust, yknow? 🥹 (and I kinda loved how they talked about ~décryptage. it has a blorbo débrief ring to it)
when morgane comes for adam’s help… gaaah. 🥲❣️ (the music had me think we’d get les démons 2.0, tbh) best interaction of the ep. and then she backs out because she doesn’t want to be a burden????? sign me up for that sweet sweet angst!!!! 😱 followed by "vous avez pleuré ?"--😭😭😭❤️💔 pfiou, my hearttt ⚰️ we need more of this healthy gut-wrenching stuff, don’t we? (ils nous doivent bien ça 🥲)
I can't wait to hear your thoughts on all of this, the good & the bad. thx for reading and bye til next time! 👋💖
Lololol, I love how Céline like... freezes whenever she sees a co-worker presenting unusually. Be it Adam without a beard or Morgane in fancy clothes, it never ceases to amuse me 😅 But yea, Céliane vibes all the way 🤗
Also let's not forget how Adam's eyes were falling out of their sockets when he saw Morgane climbing off the car (in his defense, she does look amazing in his clothes lol), so it's very likely that he really enjoyed that she came to the date in her "bourge coinços V2" outfit, this man probably has a kink and now I can't stop imagining the kind of roleplay they'd be into if they were a couple 🙈
The date was SO fun!!!! I've said this before, but a few months ago I had this idea of a disastrous date fic about them, and I just LOVE that the show went this way, it was just SO them, the out-of-sync-ness, le malaise absolu, "et sinon vous êtes allée au cinéma ?", "Ninja Warrior, c'est japonais ?", somebody puts them out of their misery already 😅😅😅, the fact that they only get their chemistry back as soon as they talk shop... Ranir awkwardly standing in front of the table after bringing the wine (btw, "Ranir, le Languedoc s'il te plaît", is it me or did they imply that Adam knows all of Ranir's wines list? This man takes ONE glass of wine at a housewarming and now he's a patented alcoholic I'm losing my mind here) was HILARIOUS, as was Morgane cheering with him out of despair 😆 Also I can't help thinking that Ranir has seen Adam bring all his dates here, he must bet with himself on how many times he'll see this one again, c'est sa télénovela à lui lol!
And I'm with you on the contrast between the deep connection they share, but also their absolute incompatibility regarding mundane things, that's the kind of stuff we want in this house!! 🥹🥹 The décryptage argument was a great moment too, especially when lit up with Morgane's bad faith (but also Adam's inability to call a date a date lol), ambulant disasters 😅
But also. I love SO MUCH that he tries again. He asked her out on a date, it was a complete mess and it would be easy to give up, but he doesn't. And he asks her out again because he believes in them while I turn into a puddle of goo 🫠🫠
Finally finally, Morgane knocking at Adam's door... 🥹🥹🥹🥹 Gah indeed! Bonus point for the implication that Adam listens to love songs while eating dinner alone 🤣 but the simple fact that she comes to him. And he lets her in without even protesting. And he SEES THAT SHE CRIED AND HE WON'T TAKE HER BULLSHIT ABOUT THE RAIN AND SHE'LL QUIETLY ADMIT IT AH BAH OUAIS EN FAIT IL PLEUT PAS -> we were THIS CLOSE to Morgane openly admitting to him that she cried and ugh, my heart 😭❤️
And then cue the case-solving where Adam BLATANTLY is only thinking about kissing Morgane, and they work her way (🥹) and end up in a post-orgasmic haze (it's been two episodes in a row where the final resolution sounds like they're having/just had sex, just saying) where he ASKS HER OUT AGAIN BE STILL MY BEATING HEART ⚰️⚰️
All of this was such a great scene altogether and I agree with you, we need more of this gut-wrenching angst of Morgane taking bad decisions not to be a burden and actually making things worse 😈 Something tells me 308 will deliver in that regard...😏
I honestly can't wish you a happy finale-watch for reasons that I've mentioned too many times already, but when the time comes I'll be happy to hear your thought if you have any. Stay strong, and see you on the other side anon 😘🫂
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ficuscircus · 2 years
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HOW DARE YOU call me out like this??? 😂😂😂
(but also I'm right and you know it 😈)
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
LES PILES DE COURRIER LILLOIS, what in the apollo dodgeball was that?? the PI bit + starry ceiling + emergency lights at the end (😭) made up for the horrid lighting in this ep. RIP émilie, I’d hoped she’d make it :(((( (par contre j’ai cru pdt 80 % de l’épi que son mari était allé au cap-vert, ptdr). when adam’s the last to leave the office and the cleaning cart comes into frame, ARGH, we know how bad he wanted it to be morgane because so did we 😥
The Courrier Lillois part got me screaming anon, I wasn't joking when I said I'd manifested too much canon stuff into existence with my fic lol, was almost expecting to read Sandra's initials down the article 😅
ALSO, this might be an unintended mishap, but did you pick up on the first wife's date of death? October the 4th??? Now why does this sound so familiar? 🤔🥹
I found the PI/film noir bit hilarious and extremely well done with Théa's interruptions, not such a big fan of the starry ceiling stuff though, for me it was too reminiscent of the projector effect in 202 which I hated.
Obviously the emergency lights in the end 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 Such an amazing callback, also did you notice that the moment Adam catches Morgane's eyes, the music/sounds surrounding them abruptly stop, leaving only room for a high-pitched note that sounds like tinnitus? 😱 The rest of the world stops existing the moment they see each other again, and that's my cue to die in the middle of the pieces of my shattered heart 😭😭😭
What do you mean the lighting was horrid this ep? Please enlighten me (pun awfully intended) 😆😆
"par contre j’ai cru pdt 80 % de l’épi que son mari était allé au cap-vert, ptdr" well I can't blame you, this Cap thing is a whole rollercoster lol, but you'll see 😉
The cleaning cart scene... 😭😭 their theme... 😭😭😭 Adam keeping his eyes on the cleaning lady as if she'd suddenly morph into Morgane... 😭😭😭 him taking off his tie before leaving like in that scene in season 1 😭😭😭 (also someone please explain to me how Adam can take off his tie and put it in his desk drawer in the evening, but come into the office in the morning with a tie on? The man must have dozens of worn ties in that drawer LOL). I particularly enjoyed this scene because we got very few insights into Adam's POV since the beginning of the show but in particular in latest episodes where it's kind of getting crucial to know his side of things, so witnessing the way he thinks of her just from seeing a cleaning cart felt so earned and rewarding 🥹🥹🥹
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
this is the depressing ask. beware. 😂 
first I want to thank the writers for so helpful reminding us of 305 with the line about naked suspects. clearly, morgane wasn’t there to witness adam’s frightful interrogation because she’d have eviscerated him then and there (that’s what I like to think, at least). 
bref. the ending. are we really doing this? I feel like this conversation’s been had a thousand times before yet the show doesn’t seem to have heard any of it. or doesn’t care. (I’ll let you list off the reasons why it’s an awful twist, if you feel up to it, because I’m frankly too tired for that) 
I hate the way they showed a sonogram as if to hammer home she’s carrying a child, not a fetus, when it's the other way round. I hate the mamma mia montage, as if figuring out whose genes are involved is the priority. I hate the 306 retcon, get this shit away from me, both their drinks were spiked. I hate that we’re supposed to believe none of these grown adults (the ones who weren’t drugged, at least) considered protection. especially morgane--she’s had DREAMS about this, ffs, there’s no way that wouldn’t cross her mind. I hate the ramifications of every single way this could go down (too long to expound but you get me). I hate that there’s even a shred of doubt about how this will go down. I hate that they served us some watered-down so-called feminist juice for a whole season and still decided to use morgane’s body as an open ground for drama. 
given the way they’ve addressed the question in the ep, I’m very pessimistic about s4. Idk about you but my only solace is knowing it’s out of our hands, anyway, so I don’t have to waste my energy trying to change anybody’s mind. 
thanks for sticking along on this ride. wouldn't have had it any other way. and good luck for the year ahead of us, everybody. the only way out is through! 🤞
Nodding along at everything you said because yeah, and also while I liked Adam's line about naked suspects, your point about Morgane finding out about it just gave me a fantastic idea to add to my WIP, so thank you for that!
Now for the ending.
I think there are two main points to distinguish here because obviously, my personal distaste for pregnancy and baby storylines makes the idea of Morgane bearing a fourth child everything I don't want to see. BUT, had the circumstances been wildly different, I could have come to terms with it and accepted it, as in "Yeah I don't like this turn of events but I can get over it because it makes sense narratively and serves an interesting purpose". What actually makes this finale awful are the circumstances of this pregnancy, and now we're getting to the essay-ish part of this post where I'll try to explain
Why HPI finale is lazy, infuriating, and profoundly anti-feminist
Just like you point out, this mamma mia scenario was already explored in… well… mamma mia, plus countless other stories, zero originality here, I expected better from HPI tbh. And I read just yesterday an interview with the producer saying "Season 4 be like, we're looking for a baby daddy instead of a murderer lolilol", yea guess what, I DON'T CARE. For a while after watching the episode, I dared to hope that the montage in the end was purposefully misleading, that soon Morgane would come to her senses and remember that she did use protection with at least Timothée and David, because I 100% agree with you, it's ridiculous to make us believe that none of these people ever had a thought about contraception. Timothée even said "We're not trying yet", which means he kinda knows how not to try, no? And also I can accept the idea that Morgane isn't on any kind of birth control because it happens (some women react badly to pills and IUDs, etc), but she was with Ludo for half a season so they must have used condoms, she has to know and think about it (and like you said, she's DREAMED of it, and explicitly said that SHE DIDN'T WANT A FOURTH KID - I'll get to that later because it makes me fume). Besides, she's had three kids already, she knows how this all works. So yeah, it's lazy and implausible.
What I find particularly infuriating in this 3-baby-daddies plotline is also the deeply misogynistic trope of seeing a female character unable to enjoy an unapologetic sex life with multiple partners without getting punished by the script with an unwanted pregnancy. This is the literal definition of slut-shaming by the way. I was going to say that I didn't see where you found feminist vibes in the show, but then I remembered how much I loved the way Morgane expresses her feminity, her desire, and her sexuality, and…. yea, this is exactly the point I'm trying to make (also I loved seeing childfree, 40+ characters who were thriving but that's another discussion I guess). Seeing that we're still there in 2023 legitimately makes me sick.
Speaking of misogynistic tropes… I guess the ONE detail that really makes me want to throw spears at the writers is the sixteen weeks' mention. By purposefully making her too far in her pregnancy for abortion, they robbed her of having a choice. I mean, they could have got her two months pregnant, and then for some bad (imo) reasons she'd have decided to keep the baby, it would have made no difference for what's coming next. I wouldn't have loved it, sure, but it would have been fine by me because at least it'd have been her decision. Here she's just subjected to the plot, and like you said, her body is used as a narrative tool, and it feels like a slap in the face. Not to mention that even here they fucked up the timeline, because she fucked Timothée, David, and Adam in the span of like 4 days, right? Literally the day after the LSD adventures she and Adam decide to wait for three months, and the montage insists on how on the schedule they are. And I'd say that 307-308 happen within a week maximum because Redbone's not one to wait three weeks for his money lol. So 3 months is 12, 13 weeks at most, which means that in the end, Morgane is 14 weeks pregnant AT BEST (which makes her still eligible for abortion, mhhhh, see where I'm going with this? 🤔), and not 16. The only valid explanation would be that it's Timothée's baby and that she was already pregnant when she had her other encounters, but since the show seems to go in another direction, then it means that they purposefully fucked up the numbers so that she CANNOT consider abortion, which is the most dehumanizing, disempowering thing you can do to a female character.
They're literally forcing a pregnancy on her, and I want to throw up every time I think about it.
Speaking of which. Morgnane's already had three kids. Also, she told us in season 2 about her first-trimester symptoms. And she's supposed to be smart, hell that's the WHOLE point of the show. So there's no way she wouldn't have noticed that she was pregnant again, unless she denied her pregnancy (which would explain her total absence of symptoms, incredulity at the hospital, and possibly the fact that her brain erased her sexytimes with Adam). Now pregnancy denial is one of my greatest fears in life, so I can hear that this was particularly triggering for me specifically, but still, this is an incredibly traumatic experience to throw at her, and a source of huge emotional distress. SHE STATED SHE DIDN'T WANT A FOURTH KID FOR FUCK'S SAFE AND YOU ARE FORCING HER TO GET ONE WHEN SHE'S AT HER LOWEST, AND YOU'RE EXPECTING US TO FIND THIS FUNNY??????? I mean just go sell potatoes and stop writing shows because this is an insult to the art of writing.
Sorry I need a minute to have a good cry and yell at the abyss.
Okay, I'll just close the 16-week essay by saying that I entirely blame Audrey Fleurot for this, and this is what I base my theory on:
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I mean, cool bro if it worked for you (except it didn't, do you want to talk again about your post-partum? Is that what you're planning for Morgane?) and I get that acting can be a therapy in some way, but this is getting way too close to the target, just get the fuck out of the writing room if that's what you're going to come up with, PLEASE.
I'm not sure where you see a 306 retcon though, for me it's pretty clear they were both under the influence, had sex, and blacked out about it (which as @earanie and @hemerae-ramblings pointed out, is highly unrealistic since memory losses are NOT a side-effect of LSD, but I can hear the argument of denial here). But speaking of 306, the finale completely doomed this episode for me, because in retrospect it feels like a giant set-up. The LSD scene is ONLY here to make it possible for Adam to have unprotected sex (side point here, I'm actually not mad they hooked up, even though it's kind of frustrating to see it happen this way, because I find the "offscreen banging reveal" a hilarious yet underused trope, and also I like the messiness), and while this last point is in a way funny, the worst part is the three months window at the end, which has in fact NOTHING to do with Adam sorting his feelings or whatever but is only here to forbid the possibility of abortion for Morgane, and this makes me want to stab people multiple times.
Also, one last thing that I find absolutely disgusting is the fact that Morgane and Adam (presumably) conceived a baby against their will (there's a whole other discussion to have about consent here but I won't go there for today) while solving a case about a BABY BORN FROM RAPE. I mean, can you make it more icky than that? Do the writers even acknowledge the irony of this? Do they even care? This baby is doomed by the narrative from the fertilization stage, and we're supposed to enjoy it as a comedy?
And now I assume we'll get to watch a forced coming together between Adam and Morgane due to the circumstances, which means that even if they end up together we'll never know if they actually wanted it? What a way to kill a ship, man, I've seen shows pretty efficient at ship-sinking but this has to be in the top three.
(somehow there's a wild irony in the fact that both the showrunners and the main cast have been saying on repeat from season 1 that they didn't want to make that disappointing season that ruins most shows, and yet they managed to spectacularly fuck-up and promise the worst season ever, and they're already paying for it audience-wise...)
See, all of this is the silver lining I'm holding onto for now, in the hope of a miscarriage (which would also be incredibly traumatic for Morgane, and still an objectified-by-the-plot scenario, but at this point our options are limited. Also for now the showrunners are only mentioning the pregnancy but not the baby so maybe there's a tiny chance she actually doesn't have it), because there's no way anyone could rejoice from this. And if she does have this baby, and if it's Adam's, then I'll officially change their shipname from Brosse Adam to Brosse & Rachel, and this will probably be my last contribution to this fandom. Hated this in Friends, will hate it in HPI.
I'm not pessimistic about season 4, anon, I just don't want to consider it at all. Obviously, I'm ready to withdraw everything I said here if they choose the only acceptable outcome (abortion) and actually make an extremely powerful narrative and political statement about it, but I know it's off the table. Having to endure such a plotline in 2023, at a time when women's right to dispose of their own bodies is threatened everywhere in the world, is a very painful punch in the face, and I sincerely hope they'll get a ton of backlash on social media for this. I just saw this morning that the airing of 308 had the lowest audience numbers ever in the show's history, and I can't say that it makes me unhappy.
(I was lowkey hoping for a cancellation at this point, even though I know the chances weren't great, but I found out today that the show was officially renewed so we won't even get the solace of knowing they can't do any further damage... Eh 🤷‍♀️)
Finally, the thing that saddens me the most isn't even what they did to Morgane and to the show, it's what they did to our community as a result. I have been alone in this fandom for almost a year, and it was incredibly frustrating. And then people joined, created content, interacted, had fun, and we had such an amazing time together, writing, giffing, vidding, sharing theories, jokes, and thoughts. I've met some incredible, witty people, some of them I dare to call friends. And now it feels like everything is falling apart. Friends are leaving, or considering to. Group chats have turned into support groups. The writers didn't only ruin the show, they took away the enjoyment we gathered from it, and it sickens me. Personally, I've had a very rough first semester of 2023, and this community is what has kept me afloat. It's made me smile and laugh in times of sadness, it's given me a shiny, quirky escape that I'll never be grateful enough for. And to witness it all collapsing really hurts. I do hope it's just a bump in the road, that we'll come back eventually, sticking together and collectively despising canon, ignoring it by ferociously writing AUs, and roasting the timeline, and making Daphné-centered vids, but I'm not even sure myself where I stand regarding my own involvement in this fandom. Nothing else to say, I just miss what we had, that's all 😢
Now that I'm thinking about it, "J'avais tellement envie que ça marche entre nous" is exactly how I feel about canon right now. You know when I said that getting into a new hyperfixation felt like falling in love? Well, this shitty ending feels like getting ugly dumped.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, anon, and thank you for sticking with me too. It's too early to say if this is officially the end of Julia's adventures with the HPI anon or not, but please know that I've loved every second of the ride and that I will never forget it 🥲
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
bon du coup, on en parle d’adam qui supplie roxane de rester juste quand morgane le harcèle de messages ? I’m all for it plot-wise, we gotta keep the angst on high, but did he even consider… moving to paris with her? he stands less to lose career-wise. ok, c’est paris, but he could at least offer to consider the move 😂
now for the sickfic vibes… I ate it up and I’m not ashamed 😍 morgane taking care of him like he did in 205? 🪥⚠️ staying with him? adam CLUTCHING her arm to fall asleep?? I’m done for, that was too good. et qu’elle l’appelle tout le temps kara aussi, c’est trop mims 🥹🥹🥹😭❤️ brb buying a lifetime supply of boating shoes cos I’m not leaving this ship anytime soon!!
gonna go dream of the blorbos now (or whoever else, ykwim 😆). I’ll leave you with this: did you notice the credits were, once again, unkind with the placement of marie denarnaud’s name? hehehe. seeya! 🍞😘
Adam begs Roxane to stay because Morgane is messaging him and also he just hallucinated her instead of Roxane lol! he's literally asking Roxane to watch him and stop him from making a mistake, and that's like the saddest thing to ask someone ever? Nobody can be happy in this scenario, and nobody can get out of this unharmed 😭 Also this is kind of a dick move, I agree with you, he could have considered moving to Paris with Roxane (lololol, préparez-vous pour un crossover avec la 3ème DIPJ de Paris 🥹), and aksing her to give up her dream job just because he can't keep it in his pants, is, um, not cool. 😢
I'm not such a huge fan of sick fics so I didn't vibe so much with all the caretaking although I'll admit that the parallel with 205 is actually really nice. The hand-holding and arm-clutching would have been cute if he hadn't spent the previous episode ignoring her and no giving a shit about her escaping death imo, but Adam's characterization this season is giving me headaches to be honest 😠
Personally, I hate it when she calls him Kara because it reminds me of this:
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And also I may have a thing for three-syllable names, I mean Alvaro/Karadec ça claque mieux que Kara lol!
I might need a new pair of boating shoes, I'm afraid I broke mine while watching the finale, would you mind sharing? 😘
Also what do you mean the credits were unkind with Marie's name??? Timothée just tattooed his boss's name across his chest and that's very normal of him, okay? 😂 (I assume the bread emoji was for the wet bread thing? lol)
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
… il était bizarre ce chapitre de PQENCEL… (as far as I’m concerned the newbie’s full name is timothée daniel paul guichard, now. also I think he has grounds to get morgane fired for sexual harassment) but jarring similarities aside, I barely have anything to say about 303, tbh? it was ok. the blorbos didn’t break me this time, I won’t need 5-10 business days to recover 😅 the most emotion I felt was when gilles expressed his hurt, moh 🥲 though roxane clearly was the star of the show this time (and I’m glad it inspired you fic-wise, hehe). I wonder when she’s gonna pull the "your colleague kissed you and you forgot to mention it?" card 😏 by the way… anyone else felt something in the air when she saved morgane’s life? no? just me? 👀
star #2 was SOFIANE 💓😍💖💘🥰 our prayers have been answered!!!!! 🫶 he managed to be snarky in a total of 2 lines. hope he comes back for much more! glad they brought bonnemain back too 😄 in a way the cast-related excitement made up for the lukewarm plot. speaking of, what’s more unlikely: a teenager channeling early 00’s energy by choosing "bledigirl" for a stage name, or the fact she didn’t figure out "princesse" was autobiographical because the name of her cousin is literally the title of the song? je veux bien qu’elle ait pas la réf à un film des années 1970 mais le coup du prénom, quoi 😭
gotta say I loved the beard running gag, lol. there’s something terribly wrong with le commandant’s face, mais quoi… 😂 (+ it has a tiny backstory! unexpected) love daphné’s inability to hide her digust. as well as her willingness to lend her new responsibilities to morgane’s scheming. AND (she was so good in this ep) "on peut mieux faire" re: women murderers… daph, never change 🤣💛 she must be so proud of their own statistics!
surprised adam was the one saying the episode title this time. ushering in a new trend, perhaps? it was entertaining to see him bear with morgane’s passive-agressivity. (now that I think about it, the tension throughout this ep probs felt surface-level because we didn’t get a glimpse into the characters’ feelings… et qu’est-ce qu’un chapitre de PQENCEL sans débrief ?) did like the phone cord thread; look at morgane letting him back into her life by stealing his charger! oui j’ai décidé que c’était symbolique. 😂 thank you for your patience and see you on thursday! 👻❣️
Oh my gosh, anon!! So let me just start by saying that I felt TOUT PAREIL the first time I watched that ep! It was even one of my least faves ever. But full disclaimer: this episode grew on me A LOT through the rewatches.
And the more I've thought about it, the more I believe that this ep isn't odd in itself, but it definitely feels so when lined up with the previous two. There's a real and quite unexplained tone shift here, which I think is tied with the whole comedy/dramedy switch and the fact that eps 1 and 2 were shot in July so probs still in the spirit of season 2 (due to the early shooting date, we can assume they were written at the same time as late S2 eps, and the writing of the rest of S3 probs resumed a couple of months later) while ep 3 inaugurates a darker mood for the season. Now let's dive into the specifics.
I wasn't joking when I said that Parce qu'entre nous predicted the season. Targeted home attack? Subsequent police protection? Banging the said protection barely two nights in? I SCREAMED (although while I'm all for Morgane getting some good time this season bc she clearly deserved it, couldn't they at least give her somebody enticing to look at? My guy Paul/Daniel/whatever his name emotes like wet bread. Ew.)(also yeah, I'm kinda bummed with the obvious lack of consent here, not in itself since it narratively and character-wise makes sense, but in the fact that the whole thing is filmed under a ~comedy angle while it would have been completely inappropriate to do so had the genders been reversed. Something something equality works both ways you know? Yikes)
Gilles expressing his hurt and preaching for forgiving to the people who hurt you has to be one of my favourite scenes in the ep and the season (don't get me started on it because I'll start to tear up and word-vomit a non-coherent rant), but I'm surprised it was the most emotion you got from ep 3? I'll get back to the other emotional scenes that I found worth noticing later though, otherwise this post is gonna be all over the place. So Gilles. GILLES, my baby, my love. The thing is, I love Morgane, but she tends to be extremely toxic to everyone around her, she uses people, she doesn't apologize, she ghosts them, she doesn't care about their feelings. And the fact that someone gets to tell her exactly that, that she HURTS people, the people who actually love her and care about her enough to get her out of jail, and the fact that of all people it's Gilles who gets to tell her that, well it made my heart swell. Because Gilles is the nicest person who has ever lived and that makes his speech way more impactful than if it had been Céline's or Adam's.
Also his words are literally the reason why Morgane finally reopens the door to Adam a little at the end of the episode, but again, I'll get to that later.
Let me just tell you that I absolutely love Roxane's arc this season and the way she no longer takes bullshit from anyone. I personally don't think that she bought Morgane's lies on who kissed who, and I do believe she already knows it was entirely Adam's initiative, although that's a personal headcanon of course. Not sure I felt any vibe between her and Morgane though but you know, I can get onboard that train pretty easily!
Now as for Sofiane, I must say I was glad he's back, and true he manages to be snarky in two lines, but my problem is that he ONLY got two lines?? Like... What was the point of calling him back just for this???? 😭 I need moar. Also Bonnemain wasn't gone, he was here in 301 if I remember correctly?
The implausible parts of the case didn't particularly hit me but also I haven't been a teenager in a looooong time now, so I didn't exactly notice the vintage vibes of bledigirl although it's quite obvious now that you pointed it out (I'm having skyblogs war flashbacks now, thank you very much 😂). And as for Sarah's name I'm not sure to see where you're heading at? Cause if it's Princess Sarah then I wouldn't have had the ref either (while I did get the Peau d'Âne one lol), but again, my teenage years are far ago.
Now Daphné. I juste LOVE how we get to see more of her in the season (not saying more but... yea) and the unexpected development of having her as the new workplace discrimination referee was a GENIUS move. The "on peut mieux faire" line has to be one of my absolute faves in the ENTIRE show (je crois qu'elle a même détrôné "excusez-moi de m'intéresser" c'est dire), and her reaction to Adam's glabre face was priceless (as was the whole shaved-his-beard thread, at least we got a consolation prize for losing beardie 🥲).
I actually never noticed that it was Morgane who'd usually say out loud the eps titles? Wasn't it Bonnemain who said Phyllobates Terribilis? Or Gilles who said 55 kilos first? To me the titles always refer to one of the clues that get Morgane to solve the puzzle but it never occurred to me she was the one saying them haha.
Mais bon en vrai on s'en fout parce que c'était juste pour introduire la partie sur Adam et... Okay.
"the tension throughout this ep probs felt surface-level because we didn’t get a glimpse into the characters’ feelings"
So this is exactly the part that grew on me with subsequent rewatches. I guess I was perhaps expecting too much, or was too used to writing myself what was happening in the blorbos' heads, to really get into what happens here on my first watch. But there's actually so much going on, blorbos-wise it is now one of my fave eps in the season!! (There's also some mildly annoying borderline ooc stuff happening but I'll get to that). Morgane is hurting so badly in this episode it's honestly heart-wrenching.
Obviously she's not going to show it eagerly, but it's visible at first in the way she flinches when Théa asks her if she's ready to work with Adam again (which also makes me wonder how much exactly Théa knows about what happened but that's a topic for another day). Then she goes full-on passive-aggressive mode with Adam, which says a lot, it all culminates in the cringiest song ever (I pasted the full lyrics in the end if you're curious), and then Adam does what??
He confronts her! Il essaye de communiquer !! Il veut crever l'abcès 🥹 And she cannot say it. She's the one who always comes up with angry punchlines but right now she's hurting so much she doesn't even have it in her to SAY IT 😭😭😭 and storms out instead. cue my first death in this episode.
BUT. She might be hurting and angry, she'll still lie to Roxane to protect his relationship. While she could very understandably retaliate by tanking it. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 Cue my second death, obviously.
Now we're getting to the part I honestly didn't like so much, because Morgane just got out of prison, and then she escapes a murder attempt, and nobody gives a shit about it? They can be mad at her all they want, and Adam can be shocked to find Roxane at Morgane's place, what happened to "je tiens à vous" huh? I didn't write "j'ai droit à un câlin à chaque fois que je frôle la mort ?" for nothing, and also I need to check that bingo box, thank you very much 😠😭 So I get that Adam is in the quite delicate situation of "oh shit, looks like wifey and mistress are hanging out behind my back", mais franchement ça lui arracherait une molaire de demander à Morgane comment elle va ?
Biggest OOC move from him as far as I'm concerned. 🔪🔪🔪
Actually wait no, I'm still angry, give me a minute.
Where was I? The show sort of made up for it after that because Adam being in charge of her protection!! While he's mad at her because he's thinking she ratted him out to Roxane!! And she's mad at him because, well, you know!! She physically cannot stand to be in the same room as he is and they are forced to hang out?? And he gets it? And he tries to talk to her but then the pressure explodes? And she FINALLY says it out loud? And exposes her feelings in a clearer way than she's ever done before? Because what else putting Adam at the same level as [redacted] means but "I was in love with you too"???? Cue my third and final death right here.
And finally, for me the phone charger thread as a symbol is not a theory, it's a fact! The way they insisted on how she refuses to use it at first to not owe him anything, for her to eventually steal it after Gilles' speech about forgiveness is pretty transparent, and so is her final joke about his beard. And the way she delivers this final line? This was absolutely not what she intended to tell him. She just didn't master the courage to say out loud "I forgive you", so she settled for something much safer but the meaning remains. Cue my undefined stare at the ceiling 🥹🥹🥹🥹
Honorable mentions to:
Jérôme's burnout? How? When? I need answers 😂
Céline yelling TIMOTHÉE ?! in the precinct
The cats
THE ELEVATOR STARE 😱😱😱😱😱😱 I didn't include it to the blorbos' emotional journey because it wasn't painful but my! God! the! absolute! tension! here!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Cue my actual death
And the lyrics to Morgane's song if anyone's interested:
C'est l'histoire d'un amant Qui s'est pris pour un Don Juan T'as cru qu'il était ti-gen Parce que le gars mettait ses gants Il t'a fait nan-nan-nan Chérie tu te méprends
C'est l'histoire d'un condé Qu'a voulu jouer les BG Il s'est pris pour Superman Mais il bouffe trop de kouign amann J'ai fait miam miam miam Par ici le croque-madame
J'fais monter la mayo (x3) Pour le poulet... (suite incompréhensible)
T'as cru qu'il était gentil Parce qu'il portait un képi Mais c'était que du mépris Il t'a tej comme un débris
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
307 now 🎈 I am not immune to [gros canard] trying to be suave and hinting at a date in the car while morgane ignores him completely in favor of her ruined sweater… I’ll allow the ghost of a smile to appear on my face. (and ok, fine, he’s got his beard & sense back, I’ll call him adam 🙄)
actually laughed to myself when I realized the writers were like "de l’infiltration à un mariage, ça vous dit ? 😏😏😏" can you believe???? I still can’t. the mission: impossible montage was just the right amount of quirky, it’s refreshing to go back to the show’s light-hearted beginnings!!
and visually, it’s interesting how recognizable djibril glissant’s style is (compared to the other directors at least), in 306 and even more so in 307. he’s wayyy too fond of backlighting and that weird green tint to my taste, mais on lui pardonne because he makes his shots interesting 💚
Oh my God, YES to all of this!!!! 🤗🤗🤗 This episode is my season's favourite for a reason, nay, for reasons!!!
Morgane stripping in Adam's car and being completely unbothered while he's STRUGGLING to keep looking her in the eyes (kudos to him, I didn't get that strength 🤭) and trying to ask her out was so FUNNY lmao!!! Love that scene, and love the going back to a lighter tone like you said 😍
Also, someone teaches this man how to ask anyone on a date, because "vous avez découvert des nouveaux restos, recemment ? Vous y avez été, heu, avec des gens ?" is like the worst opening ever, every time I feel like Adam's moves have hit rock bottom I discover that he's still digging 🤣
Lololol, yea, "de l’infiltration à un mariage, ça vous dit ? 😏😏😏" I SCREAMED!!! Now I wish I'd posted this fic before the season aired, because I could have said I told you so lol, but yea, truly at this point they must have hacked my computer or something 😆
Oh, and agreed that the mission: impossible montage was fun!!
Yea, I must say I do love Djibril Glissant's direction (and not only because he's Brosse Adam's n°1 shipper, every time he directs an episode, interesting stuff happens LOL 👀), and his shots truly are interesting although I do not always understand the intent (the drone zoom-out on the crime scene showing the police tape shaped as a pentagon?) but at least he's proposing new stuff 😊
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
this 👌 close to rewatching 302 immediately… envie de passer cet épi au four & de le manger 😭💜 very strong ep, I think, because everyone got a chance to shine--the kids getting up to illegal shenanigans, aw! & morgane-théa as well 🥲 given how insecure théa felt in the beginning of s1, it’s always so good to hear morgane congratulate her finds! céline’s slippery slope to dating un facho ✨qui la respecte✨, euh, not so much. let’s get you a guy who doesn’t have murphy’s law written all over him
Gah, anon, I get you so well!!! I LOVE 302, I was quite worried the jail part would be cringe and caricatural and everything but I ended up loving the whole ep so much 🥰
Yes to the kid's shenanigans, Théa's period move was genius, although "Eliott tu viens m'aider ?" sounded pretty weird lol!
Speaking of Théa... Morgane asking Adam to call her, and him doing as he's been told, means that somehow he's got Théa's number in his contacts? Why? Since when? Do you think that one day Morgane sat down and told Théa "tiens, c'est le numéro de Super Poulet, note-le on sait jamais, et si un jour il m'arrive un truc, tu l'appelles, d'accord ?" 🥲🥲
Also there's a huge debate ongoing on whether Adam said "t'es sur haut-parleur" or "c'est sur haut-parleur" when he presses the phone against the glass. It really sounds like the first option, but the thing is, there's no point in telling the person in front of you that they're on speakerphone, you normally tell that to the person on the line (also ça voudrait dire tutoiement lâché comme ça gratuitement ?). And one might argue that he's telling Théa, but the phone's still ringing when he says it so I don't know, what did you hear?
As for Céline's arc, err... Let's just say that it's the season of Bad Tastes In Men lol 🤣
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
hi 👀 306 was last week but I still wanted to address a couple of things… mainly roxane’s last scene, ouch, she deserved a better exit than parroting the writers’ memo on [gros canard]’s failings 😩 c’est faible. feels like they should’ve axed the scene (it was clear enough they’d break up, anyway) and simply confirmed she left with the voicemail about her sister dropping off the keys. (btw--did we know she had a sister before you mentioned that detail in fic, or was it another of your predictions??)
big fan of the attic scene though, and daphné & [gros canard]’s synchronized "gilles 🙄😵" lol. plot-wise, however, I’d like to know who would put multiple acid tablets in a bottle they’re not drinking, because 1) big waste of money for a student population, 2) it’s probably not the most efficient way to take lsd (les résidus au fond de la bouteille !!!), 3) que fait le bde ? shouldn’t they at least pretend to care about safety when there’s a party in the dorms?
and I’ll admit it was kinda fun to see [gros canard] using his ~"just broke up" privileges to dunk on morgane’s relationship history. the guy woke up and chose violence 😭😂😭 ça va qu’elle le prend bien…
bref. that’s all for me on this one!! brb ✌️
Oh hi anon, it's so good to see you back!! 😘
I tend to disagree with you re Roxane's break-up scene, because let's remember that we are obsessed. We can list all of Adam's misdemeanors in the blink of an eye. The casual viewer can't. So this last fact in itself justifies Roxane's monologue reminding us what a terrible boyfriend he's been. And also, even though it all wasn't fresh news for me, I must say I appreciated hearing them all together and I appreciated even more Adam having all of this said to his face. And Roxane's conclusion "Et tu penses que ça fait de toi un type bien" poooooooow elle tire à balles réelles et ça fait du bien !!!! So yea basically I loved that scene because he deserved it. Period. 😂
And yes, Roxane mentioned her sister in 206!!! ("et pour l'anniversaire de ma soeur, tu as pu te libérer ?" while Adam is cursing Morgane for not capping the ketchup bottle) Now did I mention her sister in PQENCEL, well I'm afraid that's another occurrence of Local HPI anon knows my own fic better than I do lol!
(oh wait no, I mentioned her in the 303 fic, didn't I?)
The attic scene was funny-ish, granted, but it's entirely thanks to Gilles' inability to correctly answer multiple-choice questions! Ok full disclaimer, I'm kinda meh about this episode, I don't understand why so many people, cast members included, claim that it's the season's best, but also I must say that for me, the episode is completely doomed because of some infuriating stuff that happens in the finale 😭
Agreed that there's some very generous dealers on this campus, last time I checked open bars didn't include full bottles of LSD, but hey what do I know, my student years are far behind (also BDEs have never been worried about safety, come on 😅)(but this makes me think of the Palmashow's HPI spinoff "BDE" lol I bet it would have made this ep more interesting)
(speaking of the Palmashow parody, Morgane finding the victim's daughter behind the screen that *happened to be here* reminded me so much of fake Morgane finding the killer behind the curtain lol)
"the guy woke up and chose violence 😭😂😭 ça va qu’elle le prend bien…" -> true, perhaps it was a bit harsh to tell her that, but honestly the return of the flirty bickering felt so refreshing!!!! 😍 And I'd dare to think that maybe that's also the reason she takes it well while she has all the reasons to be hurt by him reminding her that she always gets dumped, because he's FINALLY risking a joke at her after all those weeks of silent treatment and closed face and angry looks, my boy is making amends and holding a timid Olive branch and she couldn't be more relieved....
... which makes the three months window proposal absolutely frustrating!!! I *hated* this part (I mean, before I watched the finale and understood what hating an episode's ending really meant lol *crying laughter*), because even though Adam needs some time to heal (understandable), and is a total control freak who shows up early on dates and probably needs to know his schedule six months in advance, this is like peak non-romance. Where's the passion? The spontaneity? I'd have accepted this scene if we'd seen him showing up at Morgane's door barely a week later and telling her that he, in fact, cannot wait, but this... UGH!
My theory is that he wanted to wait long enough to be sure about his feelings for Morgane (which would explain why he's so enthusiastic to date her in the next ep, unless he's that dtf haha), make sure it wasn't a phase or a fantasy due to being stuck in a relationship, and that's probably the only theory I can accept because it's vaguely romantic at least, and also I need to believe that his feelings are real, which is something that tends to be hinted at in 307-308 imo, so there's that consistency at least...
Speaking of consistency!!! I know I'm just hurting myself at this point but I wanted to make a quick check on the timeline... Surprisingly the show actually manages to speak the truth, Timothée did spend 4 months with the team (he arrived in the summer, two months later around September/October - remember that the months were mixed up in 303-304 - he starts dating Morgane for two months, and here we are!). So WHY would they instantly ruin that effort with the most random line this show's ever delivered:
"Et bah moi, je me suis séparée de Ludo il y a neuf mois..."
GIRRRRRRRRL, you spent two months on a couch after your breakup. Then, admitting that 205 to 208 happened in like a week which is in itself a ridiculous assumption, you left the PJ for six months. And here we are, four months later, as dutifully reminded by Timothée. And I didn't even extrapolate here, I just took point blank the elements that the show gave me.
2 + 6 + 4 = TWELVE FUCKING MONTHS BARE MINIMUM. Was it that hard to follow up? Jesus Christ.
And since I'm on the inconsistency chapter, the way TIBER is written on Morgane and Adam's wrists suggests that it's Morgane who was holding the pen because of the letters' orientation, but in this case she wrote on her left wrist. While she's left-handed. Too bad, huh?
Other honorable mentions include:
Adam playing a Columbo bit on the university's dean re the silver scalpel
"C'est doux en fait. On dirait du mouton" -> this one goes straight in the top ten show's best lines 🤣🤣🤣
The LSD trip scene being WAY too sexual, this is pornography 😆
I know it's fleeting and not properly framed, but did you see the only interesting part of that re-doing the house montage in the end? THIS:
Tumblr media
No I will not accept any other theory, this is the handprint. I will justify it further with this shot from 304:
Tumblr media
While the handprint is not visible, probably due to the light and filming angle, it's the same spot as above, which ties in with where Morgane landed in the dance scene, and also it's interesting to note that she put a little candle in front of it 🕯️🥹
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
bref. j’avais pas d’attentes et c’était tellement bien 🤩 last thought: je n’ai même pas trouvé que le tatouage de morgane était de trop--I mean, it IS, but it’s in line with the tone of the show imho? (bonnes vibes de CXG dans cet épi non ? les jumpscares n’auraient pas dépareillé dans "meet morgane!") OH, and the line about mylène farmer??? took me back to the original anon thread, lol. le monde est petit 😅 kthxbye can’t wait to hear your thoughts!!!!! 👻
Ouiiiii, je suis d'accord, ces deux premiers épisodes étaient incroyables 🤩 And I don't know how you felt about it but personnally I was so scared with how they would handle the kiss aftermath, and I've been disappointed too many times with very promising cliffhangers that ended up in terrible plotlines, et là j'ai pas été déçue !!! 🥹🥹🥹 Just the right amount of angst, pining, anger, longing... Les retrouvailles au parloir... La scène de la sortie (il est là dès son arrivée, et c'est le premier à l'attendre à sa sortie, COULD HE BE MORE OBVIOUS???)
Le tatouage... I LOVE it 🤣🤣 Also can't help but think about the fact that from now on, every time Adam will undress Morgane, he'll get to see it 🙈
100% CXG vibes too, between the prison stay and the jumpscares, yes, could feature in Scary Sexy Lady with the right horror movie sounds 😅
And finally, yeaaaaa, the Mylène Farmer line got me all giggly, seriously the amount of references that seem designed specifically for me in this season is insane 😍
Can't wait for your debrief of episode 3!!!!
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
roxane’s here!!!! ❤ got scared when the guy jumped off the bridge and was like, mourning his 1st wife in front of adam who was looking on with a sympathetic look… thought for a sec they’d have killed roxane off-screen with sepsis or smth, but she’s ok and awkward as ever 🥲 (alors comme ça agatha christie a écrit des romans policiers ?? comme dirait l’autre, j’espère qu’elle a une chute parce que l’intro est comaque 🤣)
Oh, well, I wasn't exactly worried about Roxane, there's no point in building and setting up a whole love triangle by the end of a season just to kill one of the participants offscreen during hiatus 🤣
I didn't particularly pay attention to Adam's sympathetic look I must say, because I was too busy losing my entire mind to the fact that the husband has a survival blanket wrapped around him while Adam can get pneumonia for what everyone cares 🤣
Also did you notice the absurd and hilarious way Gilles runs (right after Adam dived)?
God, the Agatha Christie joke made absolutely zero sense! La petite ref Kaamelott m'a a-che-vée 😂 And also it's unclear whether Adam answers "no" ironically or not, so there's a real possibility he might be the only cop in the entire world who's never heard of Agatha Christie... And I liked that we only found out about Roxane's whereabouts in the very last minutes of the ep, kinda kept the suspense a little longer although I already knew she'd be there, it was a very nice touch I find 🥰
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
urgh. morgane and [gros canard]’s scenes were so funny… when they don’t even say hi at the crime scene because it’s Awkward… leur ton venimeux, les sourires crispés dans la voiture !!! "oubliez pas votre +1"--oh he was SO petty lmfao. on remarquera qu’il ne l’a pas lâchée du regard pendant qu’elle quittait le bureau 🧐 (+ son sms, ok monsieur le gros forceur. Mais à quel moment il faut un code pour venir chez lui ? il habite pas dans un immeuble 🙄)
and the dinner party, of course. the implication that [gros canard] found out about timothée and felt compelled to tell roxane. l’air défait sur sa figure quand morgane débarque accompagnée et qu’il réalise qu’elle ne reculera devant rien pour le faire chier. if only we’d had sofiane to witness all this… 😢
Agreed that Morgane and Adam's dynamic was priceless, especially the car scene at the beginning, omg 😂😂 The way Morgane is blatantly LYING about how amazing her relationship is (ses arguments c'est que Timothée est "doux et attentionné" ? Well if THAT was what she wanted from a relationship, she'd have stuck with Ludo, just saying... 🥺), also je sais pas pourquoi elle fait une fixette sur "pétillante", mais clairement c'est avec ça qu'il l'a eue, Adam should take a note or two... 📝
And yeah, the pettiness!! "oubliez pas votre +1" !! "On se réjouit" !! Loved loved LOVED the aggravated vibes in their orbit 🤗
Adam being unable to control his own phone and going through the mortifying ordeal of having to listen to his girlfriend's message with Morgane in the passenger seat is one of my favourite tropes and the show delivered. C'était tellement gênant !! 🤭 Speaking of technology, you're absolutely right, there's no digicode to enter houses, this makes no sense lol!
Also. On est d'accord qu'il avait pas prévu de l'inviter ? But had no choice after Roxane's message played out loud? Boy that was cold, but also I get it, he afterall asked his gf to move in with him because he was scared of falling for Morgane, il allait pas inviter le loup dans la bergerie 😢
The dinner scene was 🔥🔥🔥🔥 and I just couldn't stop laughing so hard!!! Everyone's having an absolutely terrible time but for very different reasons and watching this dumpster fire happen was SO great! Céline, who's on the constant verge of a burnout this season, arguing nonstop with Fachoman (j'espère au moins que c'est un bon coup parce que sinon je sais pas ce qu'elle lui trouve)("je me fous de ce que dit ton copain oeunologue !" lol)! Roxane who inadvertently pokes Daphné's ire by revealing that Morgane and Timothée were a thing! Gilles qui sait plus où se mettre ("ah il fond bien ce fromage, on a de la chance" bah oui gars, c'est un peu le principe de la raclette en même temps 🤣)!!! And best for last, Adam x David dynamic and ongoing feud since the beginning of the episode, culminating during the dinner ("oups je me suis trompé de verre" mais enfermez-les 😂🤦), and Adam downing wine out of rage and choking on it as a consequence filled me with such joy!!! 😍
Et le résumé de Morgane, "c'était bizarre comme soirée mais on s'est bien marrés" -> j'aurais pas mieux dit 😊
However, I agree with you that it's extremely strange that Sofiane wasn't there, the guy basically moved out to make room for Adam's new roommate, the least would be to invite him to the housewarming party, no? And also yes, his reactions to this absolute trainwreck of a dinner would have been priceless 🥲 Adam would NEVER have heard the end of it!
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
🪥-wise j’étais au bord de la syncope pdt la 1re scène du parloir 🕴️ shouting match. longing looks. there’s a literal wall between them. going from "I don’t need you" to "pls get involved in this mess and let my kid hide evidence" to "thank you" 😭😭😭😭 their other scenes were for the books too--asking her to work her magic, but she’s under pressure when suddenly "ouf c’est de l’or massif", mentalité de pie 😂
the carat-dec joke was so precious (mdr), les rapports se réchauffent !!! I’m glad there weren’t proper callbacks to earlier eps this time (except for the bookshelves!!), it left room for New stuff. plus some bits felt comfortingly familiar, like adam’s gestures when he asked morgane to get to the point (la petite graine !) 🥲❤ oh, & re: céline’s slippery slope… confirms she and adam are basically the same person. royal couple of getting roped into dates with people they’ve antagonized 😆
don’t you think "ça voulait dire quelque chose" was a bit too much? I wish both of them were in the dark about the other’s feelings. how are we gonna get that sweet, sweet pining if they know mutual affection is a real possibility? (+ don’t want roxane to become The Obstacle) we need a couple irremediable misunderstandings, stat 😈 tho the shot where they’re finally face to face outside was 😙👌 five feet apart but they were feeling awfully close 🥰🥰🥰❤
God, le parloir !! 😱😱 I'm glad I already knew about that scene before otherwise I would have died on the spot 😭 The way they look at each other, the way they talk, and you're right the evolution too, Adam compulsively yelling "I don't want to be involved with this" while actually being totally involved with this, Morgane being so angry, Adam qui s'exécute à toutes les conneries qu'elle lui demande sans rechigner (se baisser alors qu'on entend très bien, lui montrer le dossier à travers la vitre, arrêter de la regarder -- speaking of, arrêtez de me regarder j'arrive pas à me concentrer si c'est pas un aveu qu'il la trouble 🥹🥹, demander à Théa de planquer une pièce à conviction...)
Lol, mentalité de pie, le retour 😂
100% agreed re Adam's gesture, I too thought about the little seed joke!! And also I'm not sure I'd say their interactions are warming up, but they do seem to fall into reassuring, familiar patterns 🥲💕 Also the fact that Adam basically ran to the prison since Morgane's not even done with her check-in that he shows up in the parlor 🥹🥹
Oh gosh I didn't notice the ginormous parallel between Céline and Adam's date, to me Céline's arc felt like something exactly similar that happens in Engrenages, but I love how it applies to Adam and Roxane (hopefully not with the same outcome though?)
Now for "ça voulait dire quelque chose"... Oh boy...😱
I don't think it was too much at all, considering how Adam's previous words (ep 1 flashback) literally drove Morgane to quit and disappear for six months, and it probably would've lasted forever if it wasn't for this providential case. And I think he's aware of that, aware of his mistake, so this is his attempt at making up for what he said ("ça voulait rien dire") which obviously hurt her. I think she needed to hear that it actually meant something. And also for him it's perhaps the first time he's vocalizing out loud that he actually cares about Morgane, and that she's not just a pain in the ass. (Okay actually he said it before. It's just that he told her the exact opposite an hour later so the message may have gotten a bit confused lol).
And I don't think this is going to end all their misunderstandings, because he instantly tempers it with the words "collègue" et "amie". After how hard he broke her heart, Morgane is probably done living on false hopes, so she's not gonna try and read more in those words than what he actually said. And what he said was I care about you as a friend (sure Jan).
So for me they're both still in the dark re each other's feelings. They probably picked up on the fact that they do not hate each other (well, Adam probably thinks she does now, but that she actually didn't when he kissed her lol), but they most certainly have no idea of how deep they're actually pining for the other's affection 💔
Also this whole scene 😘😘😘 And the five feet apart shot, the way they slowly walk towards each other, et leurs pas sont absolument SYNCHRONES ???? No wonder it's literally the first thing I giffed from that new season 😭❤️
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
gilles+daph hating on the newbie bc he’s not morgane (n’empêche… dès qu’elle est plus là… ils y arrivent plus LOL). adam’s list of forbidden stuff, MDR 🤣 ludo getting into shenanigans ❣ (ramenez aussi bonnemain svp) suspense pour roxane, understandable. THE FLASHBACK, fuck my entire life ⚰ "on a besoin de vous" KILL ME NOW!!!!! the beard (swoon). gilles "bullet magnet" vandraud’s hair that keeps getting shorter (je prédis la coupe M. Propre en s5)&"c’est mon corbeau, il est super collant" 😂😂
The way Morgane's absence was written EVERYWHERE in the precinct and how Gilles and Daphné were so mean to Thimothée (Gilles. being. mean. to. someone. Gosh he must miss her 😰) was both hilarious and heart-wrenching. Adam's list of forbidden stuff was probably intended as a joke but it made me drown in my own tears, he misses her SO MUCH he had to write down toutes ses conneries dans le règlement intérieur 🥹 talk about some olympic level of pining here 😭
Also "n’empêche… dès qu’elle est plus là… ils y arrivent plus" was it this much implied in season 1 that they were so bad at solving crime before she came in? J'avais oublié que c'était à ce point des tocards lol 😂
Yes to Bonnemain's comeback!!! Manifesting it into existence!! Also obviously 🤐🤐🤐 re Roxane, and Ludo keeps being adorable and truly a solid contender in the list of men to ship Morgane with imo.
Now the flashback, ughhhhhhh, I've rewatched it an unreasonable amount of times already, and it still constricts my heart despite already knowing what's coming. Did you notice that they played Romain's theme in the car? Like she's getting "dumped" twice at the same time, the parallel is absolutely destroying me 💔
Also "j'crois que votre langue essayait de me faire passer un message" oh so they did add a little tongue (ffs!) after all, huh? Where? When? Release the fucking TAPE 😱
ALSO!!! Don't know if you noticed but when Morgane is crying on the couch, she's wearing red yoga pants with a white vertical band, a T-shirt with an animal print, and is holding onto a stars-spangled denim jacket, all of it being VERY similar to her outfit in Malo-les-Bains (thanks @hemerae-ramblings for noticing). While these are not the exact same clothes (there are little kitty faces on the pants' white band when she's on the couch), it definitely feels like a callback that signed the end of my life. She's holding onto Malo-les-Bains!! She's holding onto what they used to have!! 😭😭😭
"On a besoin de vous" and ALL the messages everyone left tbh 💔😰
Yes, the beard's still here, according to my very scientific calculations, it will be gone for three episodes, perhaps more, but we're safe for now 🥲
The Gilles content in that ep!!!!! Him being so nice to the corbeau, giving confidential information about cases over the phone to a perfect stranger, talking about his back problems, "et vous, ça va ?" 😭😭😭, "c'est juste quelqu'un de très seul" (😭😭😭), he is so PRECIOUS!!!! 🥰 And I'm still holding onto my Gilles moustache bingo case considering his ongoing hairy adventures! 😂
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
now gilles. ever-loyal gilles. GILLES. QUI FAIT SES DENTS. 😂😂😂 blending the precinct+visiting room was the best idea they’ve had in a long while, it’s fun, dynamic, works great, 💯 also wow I did NOT expect a familiar face from s2, lol. great jumpscares from morgane during the huntington deduction process. btw, if we look closely, I think we can turn laëtitia’s guest appearance into a social commentary on the prison system and its faults 🤔
le coup de la cagnotte ça m’a fait rire (5 € tmtc), audrey fleurot needs audrey fleurot from an alternate universe 🥑 gotta love how morgane immediately makes friends with the castaways in jail and, upon being released, wants to free them all. (case bingo fin de série : morgane s’installe à son compte et offre ses services aux laissés pour compte du système) et big up à la détenue qui n’oublie pas de sortir couverte, il y a en un qui serait fier 🥹
OMG yes!!!! The precinct/parlor blending was so good!!! And also narratively I felt like it was a very clever way to summarize the investigation (and also having scenes with everyone) without getting boring or dull! C'est vivant ! 😅 Et Gilles qui fait ses dents c'était à mourir de rire en effet 😂 I must say when it comes to the Gilles content this season hasn't disappointed so far...
And same re Laeticia, I did not expect her at all but it was a really nice callback, although it felt a bit underused re the plot? In the end, she just delayed Morgane's release by ratting her out but narratively it didn't change so many things so she felt dangerously close to a sexy lamp 💡 Also I'm not sure where you're finding a social commentary in her arc but I'm all ears!
The jumpscares were hilarious, also I absolutely adore Morgane's night mask with cat eyes prints matching her T-shirts 🤩 Et le coup de la cagnotte, ouiiiiii, parce qu'entre nous vibes, but also it was so cute? the whole team doing their best at getting her out even when it means paying a lawyer? Awwwww 🥰🥰🥰 And yep, 100% Engrenages vibes, and not only because Audrey was a lawyer in there 😅
The whole making friends with the other prisoners and the fantasy of Morgane getting into PI pro bono work sounds very reminiscent of Crazy Ex Girlfriend, no? Between Rebecca's time in jail and Paula's pro bono work...
Lololol, "il y en a qui serait fier", sometimes you gotta remember that Parce qu'entre nous isn't canon, despite the canon relentlessly imitating my works 😂
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
okay now for the meat of the matter (the seitan of the matter?) 🪥🪥🪥 oh, what an ep. what an ep. it was pretty much PER-FECT. excitedly talking about their date in hushed tones. morgane’s gift. le numéro de charme de mr. worldwide (you loved that bit, didn’t you 👀). adam opening up! and, yeah, the kiss--wherever he is, I know sofiane is smiling upon them, glad to have played a (weird) part in his brother getting some action, lmfao. (btw, little brother confirmed!! yay!!) 
morgane’s betrayal, aouch aouch aouch 😍 she hated every second of it and it still came back to bite them in the ass. wonderfully angsty 💙💜 the way adam’s face falls when he figures it out, AURGH!! the fact she sabotaged their perfect date to protect serge the only way that wouldn’t make her, in adam’s eyes, Un Nid À Problèmes who needs constant assistance--and in the end her worst fear comes true--yet adam takes it upon himself to protect serge (and morgane by extension) because he may hate her guts but he can’t to that to her--she asks him not to as a last-ditch effort to show she doesn’t want to use him and aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! I died many times over the course of this show but that time was for real, absolultely perfect, elle n’a jamais voulu le blesser mais c’est terminé, morgane !!!!!!!!  
thank fuck I died there and then actually because, hum. you know. let’s bask in the warm glow of brosse adam one last time and remember the rollercoaster of emotions they’ve taken us on 🥲
Lol, took me a while to understand why you were turning the meat into seitan but then I couldn't stop laughing, this is incredibly appropriate 😅
So. Yeah.
I'm not sure I have anything else to add to everything you said, because Brosse Adam's arc in this episode was. perfect. ❤️❤️❤️
(which makes it even more infuriating that they ruined the absolute, beautiful perfection of what would have been otherwise my favourite episode in the entire show in its last two minutes but I'll get to that in my next post)
I loved how cute and excited they were about the date, I loved Morgane's gift and the way Adam is already projecting onto seeing her kids more often ("ça va être pratique pour votre famille, ça" -> oui tu penses à quoi Adam, dis-nous tout ? 😏), I loved the almost kiss although I rolled my eyes a little about Mehdi Nebbou's blatant linguistic brag (what makes you think I'd love that bit? 😂 Although I can tell that @earanie understandably lost her shit about it, I remained much quieter than during the actual kiss lol. Oh by the way, Adam's line in Italian means "But Morgane, if you keep asking me such questions I'm gonna kiss you" if you didn't have it yet, and also I want to add that IL L'A VOUVOYÉE EN ITALIEN AUSSI 😱 while as far as I know, the formal you is less used in Italian than in French, especially in this context, ce mec me tue 🤦), I loved the nachos nonsense (was it supposed to be a dish or just appetizers?), I loved that he opened up indeed (also "on va jouer à un jeu [...]" "Je déteste ça." "Ok super" 😂😂😂), c'est le retour du nouvel Adam 🥲
What did you think about Sofiane's backstory? I know you weren't very into the idea of Adam being too tied with it re cheap guilt etc, personally I find that it's a bit much, but also you can tell that Adam is feeling unreasonably guilty about it.
Speaking of which. Sofiane broke his back while Adam was "kissing [his] first girlfriend" which must have cast a very dark shadow over EVERY relationship he's had ever since 😱 I can imagine that this is where his fear of intimacy comes from, and also he must have had a sense of shame and guilt dooming his whole love life, not to mention that he used to LIVE with Sofiane, can you imagine bringing a girl home and having to literally face what happened the very first time you did that? This man for sure has a taste for emotional torture 😏
Also, vous aussi vous mettez votre plus grand trauma comme mot de passe de votre PC pro ou c'est juste lui ? Asking for a friend... 😆
(and I never doubted the younger brother thing, Sofiane does look more juvenile than Adam)
Now the Kiss™... If I start talking about it we're still there by midnight, but phewwwwww, it was EVERYTHING ❤️😍😱🥵🔥🙊 Morgane can bear triplets in season 4 for what I care, as far as I'm concerned, the show ended after they kissed and she betrayed him. Period.
So, the betrayal. Screeching along with everything you said because DAMN YES, it hurts so bad but it's so perfectly angsty, and the fact that he still protects her in the end because HE STILL CARES, her asking him NOT TO, the way you can tell the break-up hurts them BOTH so bad, the IRONY of Morgane trying not to ruin things by actually ruining them, I'm sorry I'm just parroting you at this point but 🥹🥹🥹🥹 And also the line that shattered my heart, "J'avais tellement envie que ça marche entre nous" -> SHE'S OPENLY ADMITTING THAT SHE WANTS A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM OH MY GOD IT WAS NICE KNOWING Y'ALL BUT NOW I'M GONNA DIE BYE ⚰️⚰️⚰️
As far as I'm concerned, the season ends with Morgane being dragged away by a fireman. Hospital who?
🤡🤡 What an amazing, heart-wrenching season finale we had guys, I can't wait to see how they'll try to mend their relationship in season 4!! Also, the stakes must raise so maybe they'll finally hookup too! 🤡🤡
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