#julian x bakuli
bakuliwrites · 1 year
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Over the moon with this piece commissioned from @ace--of--swords 💜 Thank you so so much! Your art style is beautiful and I’m so happy I got to work with you.
Miss. Bakuli dancing the night away with our handsome, auburn-haired rogue 💕 They look amazing!!!!!!
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endupherefic · 15 days
Sneak peek of some of the changes you can look forward to in End Up Here (Reworked). Here's an excerpt from Chapter 3!
Bakuli is perched on the countertop closest to the sink, which is filled nearly to the brim with clear, shimmering water. Her hand trails absentmindedly through it, the pale outlines of the intricate, mehndi-style of tattoos looking almost blue under the surface. Occasionally, a little tentacle curls up out of the water and grasps at the magician’s finger. “Sagara likes teatime gossip,” Bakuli winks as Julian peers into the water-filled sink and meets the eye of a very mischievous looking mimic octopus. “Hello, there! Would Sagara accept a handshake in greeting? Or eight, I suppose,” Julian teases, leaning over to get a better look at the strange little creature. He gently tests the water with his finger. He’s seen many an octopus on his oceanic journeys, but they’ve all been too shy for him to get close enough to touch. “Careful, Ilya,” Bakuli chuckles as Sagara shrinks back, startled by the doctor looming over her, “She might spray you if you frighten her. She may be small, but her siphon is mighty.” “Oh, I’m not so scary, am I?” Julian begins but is cut off when a thin jet of cool water splashes him in the face. Bakuli, cackling from where she’s seated, passes him a dry hand towel.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Apprenticember- Day 23
What parts of Vesuvia is your mc most likely to be at?
Probably the market! Bakuli loves to shop for produce, spices, herbs, magical ingredients, and what not! And when she's not there, she's either haunting Julian at his clinic, running her shop, or going for walks along the canal with Lucio.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
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Temptation for Bakuli Björnsdottir. She can't resist a roguish doctor and rakish count.
Last piece of 2022! I am so utterly delighted with how this turned out!!!!!!!! I have wanted to recreate this image with Bakuli, Lucio, and Julian for a while, but haven’t felt confident enough to draw it until now :) I’m really happy with how it came out and can’t wait to draw more of this throuple ❤️
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Modern AU Bakuli and Julian living in a cute little houseboat that travels around the rivers of Europe. It's covered in all kinds of plants that Bakuli cares for and a garden she grows vegetables and herbs in. Julian runs a little clinic from the boat and makes house calls wherever they end up staying longer than a few days. Cozy nights snuggled up together under blankets on the deck, staring up at the stars. Julian's warbly singing floating through the air. The scrumptious scent of Bakuli's homecooked meals floating out the windows. (Also Julian has 100% fallen out of the boat multiple times, and Bakuli usually ends up following right after haha).
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Apprenticember- Day 2
2. Who is their LI? What’s their relationship like?
Shutout to @ghoulfriendfangs for coming up with this amazing idea! This is such a fun event to participate in and something to look forward to everyday :)
Bakuli's love interests are Julian and Lucio!
Here's a pic of them I commissioned from @artcana-vi-lovers 💜
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They are in a polyamorous relationship together. Their relationship began pre-plague. Bakuli and Julian got together first. They were in a committed relationship with one another when Lucio came into the picture. Their relationship with Lucio was purely physical at first, but got increasingly more complicated as the months wore on. When Bakuli eventually succumbed to the plague, the relationship between Julian and Lucio broke down.
Eventually, after Bakuli is brought back, their relationship is rekindled, but it takes a long time to get to any sort of normalcy. The three of them have a strong bond, but it did not come without serious struggles and a lot of work. Communication is key for any relationship and Bakuli, Julian, and Lucio certainly have a lot of communicating to work on.
Bakuli and Julian have a shared love of the sea, theatre/poetry/books, travel, and lively debate. She and Lucio both love shopping sprees, dinner out, and spoiling their animal companions. Bakuli's favorite activities to enjoy with her partners are dancing around the house, cooking together (which typically ends in a messy disaster, but the food ends up good anyway haha), enjoying some whiskey/wine on the deck of their home, traveling the world, and tangling up in each other's limbs.
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
5 and 29 for the MC ask game? ^^
Thank you so much for your question!!!!! And thanks for your patience! Sorry it took me so long to get to this one! Hope you are doing well :)
5. What changes to canon/headcanons have you made in relation to them? What & why?
Great question. Route spoilers! Just in case! In terms of changes to canon, I tried to not change too much, but I did have to change the nature of Julian and Lucio's relationship, and Julian and the Apprentice's relationship, pre-Plague in order for it to fit with the narrative I gave Bakuli. Julian and Bakuli pursue a romantic relationship after Bakuli and Asra break-up. During this time, they also meet up with Lucio. Julian knows him already after having amputated his arm a number of years ago. The two of them were flirtatious at the time, but nothing came of it. Now, Lucio, Julian, and Bakuli pursue a secret, romantic relationship that disintegrates when Bakuli dies.
However, this romance is rekindled when Bakuli returns and the three of them have to prove Julian's innocence/solve Lucio's murder. That's probably the biggest change I've had to make.
29. What are their values? How do those intersect with their morals & effect their actions?
Bakuli is very family/friend oriented. They come first before anything else. She's loyal and devoted. She also tries very hard to be a good person. She really struggles to grapple with her relationship with Lucio for a long time. He's done so many bad things, but she feels she can see the good in him. But it's hard for her to come to terms with often, and she goes through periods of time where she really questions herself and her values. Lots of cognitive dissonance when it comes to him, but overtime, she learns to navigate their complicated relationship.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Apprenticember- Day 24
Does your mc like parties, festivals, and masquerades? What do they do at them?
She does! Bakuli loves to celebrate. She's shy and introverted, but when it comes to partying with people she loves, she's all in! At masquerades, ya gurl is DANCING. She's getting down and dirty with Lucio and Julian. She's also probably several glasses of champagne in and having a blast. She very much enjoys partying with Nadia and her siblings too. All around, she can find a way to have fun no matter what.
Bakuli's masquerade outfit! Her mask (not shown) is designed after an octopus :)
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
An Exchange- Julian x Bakuli x Lucio
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Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Tags (for this excerpt): Slightly suggestive, Julian recounting the time he had to dart across the deck of a ship completely in the nude
Pairing: Julian Devorak x Lucio Morgasson x Bakuli Björnsdottir
So, I'm editing a version of End Up Here to feature my fan apprentice, Bakuli. I'm not sure that I'll ever release the full thing, but for fun, I might post some of it on Tumblr from time-to-time. So here's a bit of it from the segment An Exchange in Chapter 8.
Over the next several days, Lucio tries to rid his mind of pointless, wistful dreams, busying himself with concocting plans for his next party. But as soon as he sees Julian and Bakuli, the strange, soft yearnings return. It nearly puts him in a foul mood, but the attention showered upon him by his companions is enough to stave off any potential lashing out on his part. Though as soon as Bakuli and Julian have drifted off to sleep, Lucio’s irritation returns in full force. 
He hates how much he’s enjoying their company. He hates how- fluffy he’s starting to feel about them both. How attached he’s getting. He tells himself he’s doing this to distract them. Not that he thinks either Julian or Bakuli will get to the bottom of what he’s up to and where this plague came from. But still, the threat is present.
Lucio tells himself that all of this is just a bit of fun. He’ll get bored of the two of them eventually. He’s never been one to maintain prolonged affection or interest, with the exception of Noddy. Yet, he finds himself snuggling closer to Julian and Bakuli when the nights get cold, when the anxiety comes creeping into his mind. In his sleep, Julian will drape an arm over Lucio’s shivering torso. In Bakuli’s slumber, she lets out a soft sigh and reaches for Lucio’s hand. 
In their waking hours, Julian is a riot. Lucio can’t remember the last time someone made him laugh like Julian can. In fact, it was probably Julian that last made him laugh this hard, way back when Lucio was still Montag and Julian was still wet behind the ears. 
“The next thing I know, I’m running stark naked across the deck, shielding my bits with a rag while trying to hunt down a cargo crate or a barrel I can duck into before anyone can see me-” Julian is re-enacting, darting across Lucio’s bedroom, holding a kerchief in front of his “bits” to feign decency. Meanwhile, Bakuli is beside herself with laughter and Lucio is practically wheezing, clutching at his sides in pain from all the giggling he’s done. 
“La-” Julian tries to continue, nearly doubling over with laughter, “Lady Delphine pulls off the lid of the barrel and peeks inside to find me desperately trying to cover myself with the rag. I'm sputtering apologies and have got no good explanation for my unfortunate predicament. She merely looks at me for a moment and then- with a smirk, mind you- says, ‘I would scold you for the sheer audacity you have, but you’ve already embarrassed yourself enough for one day.’” 
“My Gods, Ilya,” Bakuli manages, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes with how hard she’s been laughing, “How do you go on after that?” 
“No wonder she gave me a funny look when I mentioned you were coming to that banquet a couple months back,” Lucio posits, recovering his breath after this ridiculous story. This comment just sends Bakuli into another fit of laughter.
As the night winds down and all three of them begin to fall into a daze of exhaustion, Bakuli waves her hand and extinguishes the candlelight. Julian settles in on one side of her while Lucio claims the other. Lucio isn’t surprised that Julian quickly dozes off, his animated storytelling no doubt exhausting. Meanwhile, Bakuli is wide awake beside the Count, her eyes curiously roving Lucio’s face in the silence. It’s a bit unnerving and he’s about to ask if she likes what she sees when she reaches out a hand and tenderly sweeps some of the gilded strands of his hair back.
“Who were you? Before you became Lucio, Count of Vesuvia?” she whispers. Bathed in moonlight, Bakuli’s eyes appear almost green, a lush forest thankful for days of rain. Lucio doesn’t quite understand what she means, quirking an eyebrow up in confusion before realizing that perhaps she's asking what his position in the palace was before he was named Count. 
“Oh, I was Spada’s right-hand man,” he explains, propping himself up on his elbow. But Bakuli shakes her head, the dark ringlets of her hair gently brushing against her shoulders with each motion. Her gaze is utterly penetrating. It spooks Lucio how deeply she’s looking at him, like she’s trying to puzzle out his soul. Like she’s trying to see beyond him in this present moment and figure out the scared little boy trapped in the swirling eddies of snow.
“But who were you? Like what did you do before this and how did you get here?” she specifies. Again, Lucio looks at her with confusion. It’s well known that Lucio, Light of Vesuvia, was a well-traveled, highly respected mercenary before he found his way to Count Spada. It’s common knowledge that he is the reason Vesuvia’s military was and is still so successful. With Bakuli being a Vesuvian citizen, she should know all of this already. And it’s then that Lucio realizes he actually doesn’t know much about Bakuli. Maybe she hasn’t always lived in Vesuvia. Maybe she’s from somewhere else. 
Like under a rock, you mean? a snarky thought pops into his head. Even if she were from elsewhere, word of Lucio Morgasson would have reached her. There isn’t a corner of the world where his name hasn’t been spoken. Before he has a chance to speak, however, Bakuli says something that gives him even further pause.
“I know you were a highly successful mercenary,” she clarifies with a small laugh, holding her penetrating gaze, “I guess what I mean is-”
She pauses, looking nervous to finish her own question. 
“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about you,” she finishes, dark brows knit together and forehead crinkling with a sheepish worry, “About your childhood. Some of them good, some of them not so good.”
Lucio’s heart jumps into his throat, vibrating rapidly, fear setting in. Where is this line of questioning going? This isn’t the first time over the last few weeks that Bakuli has, in some way, made him feel- anxious. There have been a couple times where he’s caught the magician staring curiously at him. He’s chalked it up to her somewhat odd personality and introverted nature, but the way Bakuli is looking at Lucio tonight makes him wonder if, perhaps, there’s more to it. 
“Oh yeah?” he tries to say as casually as possible, feigning nonchalance though his mind is reeling, “Do you believe them?” 
He hopes she can’t see how utterly terrified he is. Maybe the Devil was right. Maybe he shouldn’t have invited this magician into his palace, let alone his bed. Maybe she’s fishing for information. Maybe-
“I’m not one to let rumors cloud my judgment,” Bakuli states, the worried look on her face replaced with one of indignance, “Rumors aren’t always fair and, more often than not, they’re untrue. I’ll make my own opinions of you. I was just curious what you thought of them.”
“Ha,” Lucio lets out a false laugh, leaning back against his pillow and smiling mischievously, secretly relieved that she wasn’t more direct, “Well, all the good ones are certainly true. And all the bad? A load of crap. You can take that to the bank.”
Bakuli merely casts a kind smile at him. But the glimmer behind her eyes tells Lucio she’s thinking, contemplating.
“You’re a curious one, Lucio,” she chuckles, leaning towards him and pressing a featherlight kiss to his lips. She lingers for a moment, the pad of her thumb gently smoothing over the angles of Lucio’s cheekbones. Despite her aura of mystery, there’s something about her that Lucio can’t help but like. Maybe it’s the way she makes him feel heard. For as strange as her gaze may be, he can admit to some part of himself that Bakuli makes him feel seen. When he or Julian tell their stories, even if it’s the millionth time she’s heard them, Bakuli still looks at them like they’re the center of her attention. She seems to do this for everyone she meets. Her focus is unparalleled and Lucio finds himself appreciating this.
“Alright, Miss. Bakuli, your turn,” he smirks, beaming impishly and expectantly at his companion, “Who were you? Before you became such an illustrious magician.”
She beams, a bright smile that seems to reach her eyes. 
“No one special,” she laughs.
“Pshhh,” Lucio returns, “I highly doubt that.”
“No, really!” Bakuli insists, absentmindedly tracing Lucio’s collarbone with the tip of her fingernail. The sensation sends delightful shivers through him, goosebumps settling as quickly as they raise with her touch. 
“I want the whole story,” Lucio quietly demands, drawing her closer, “Tell me who Bakuli Björnsdottir is.” 
She glances at him hesitantly, blushing softly, no doubt at the one-on-one attention she’s receiving from The Count of Vesuvia. Lucio likes it when she’s flustered, likes to watch the way she sheepishly glances down and smiles quietly to herself. 
“Alright, fine,” she acquiesces before launching into a detailed account of her life. And for once, Lucio listens, perhaps too tired to interject with his own stories. Or maybe too invested in gauging if there’s anything in her past he should be worried about. Either way, he learns a fair amount about her. 
Bakuli was born in the South, to a tribe not unlike his own, though her mother is Prakran. She spent her early years in the frigid snows of the Scourgelands, before her parents and three other siblings relocated to Prakra, to be closer to her mother’s family. Things were good, until they weren’t. Her parents split up when she was twelve, something she’d made peace with a long time ago, though the mention of it still seemed to bring a quiver to her voice. Her father, a merchant by trade, went back to the Scourgelands, where Bakuli would visit once a year. Their relationship is somewhat strained.
“I love my father, very much,” she explains, eyes downcast at this part of her story, “But he wasn’t always present, even when he was around. Sometimes, it felt like his spirit was wandering somewhere else while his body stayed behind.” 
Lucio doesn’t dare say anything about his own father, pushing the image of a withered Lutz out of his mind. He doesn’t have to think about the man for long, as Bakuli goes on with her tale. 
Lucio learns that she inherited her magic shop from her mother, who inherited it from her sister, who inherited it from their mother. 
“It’s been in the family for generations,” Bakuli explains proudly as Lucio tries to follow the lineage of the shop, his brain starting to hurt, “You should come by to visit sometime. I think I have a couple things there that you might like. I can even do a tarot reading for you,” she adds with a wink. Lucio isn’t quite sure what that entails, but he’s down to give it a go.
Vesuvia was a summer destination for her family, to visit her grandmother when she was still alive. It didn’t become a permanent residence for Bakuli until her mother inherited the shop when Bakuli was fifteen. 
“And I’ve been living here ever since,” she finishes with a smile. Lucio knows there’s more to her story than this condensed version of it. He can see it in her eyes, a lingering sorrow that wavers in and out as she looks at him. But he’s far too exhausted to ask for any further details. And he’s certainly not going to press for more, knowing that it will open the door for Bakuli to question him in return. Lucio is certain that he does not want to share the intricacies of his own childhood with this magician. He’s never even done that with Julian, and he trusts him more than he trusts Bakuli at the moment. 
Their conversation fades to a whisper and soon enough, Bakuli is out like a light, leaving Lucio to stew in confusion. He’s grateful to have gotten a glimpse into the magician’s background. So far, there’s nothing to alarm him. It does sound like she’s come from a background none-too-special or threatening. Still, the feeling of paranoia lingers. Why is she asking him questions about his childhood? Is it genuine curiosity? Or is she trying to dig up dirt on him and spread it around a city that already seems to secretly hate their Count? Is this Aisha and Salim all over again? Or is it something else entirely? Something that scares Lucio even more. 
Lucio pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut in frustration. Bakuli’s interrogating, her inquisitive gaze, fills him with a perplexing mixture of caution and warmth. He doesn’t dare divulge the details of his childhood to anyone, let alone her and Julian. Yet, he finds himself feeling grateful that someone is paying attention to him. And genuinely so, it seems. 
Have to keep an eye on that one, Lucio notes, tired of mulling over possibilities in his head.
Something has changed. In this small interaction, everything has changed. Lucio can feel it deep in his heart. He can sense it radiating out from the brightness that slumbers beside him, and he’s not quite sure what to make of it all.
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
Hi! 4, 7 and 16 for the MC Asks!
Thank you so much for the question! Sorry it took so long for me to get to! I hope you're having a great day! I'll be answering all these questions for my fan apprentice, Bakuli :) Ask prompts are here. My inbox will be open for these asks (and any others) for a while.
4. How did you choose their name? Does it have a specific meaning? If so, what?
Bakuli's full name is Bakuli Björnsdottir. I wanted her to be of Prakran descent on her mother's side and Southern Tribal descent on her father's, so I selected a name that could combine them both. Bakuli is the Hindi/Marathi name of a small white flower often used in garlands in India. I thought it was a pretty name. Bakuli's last name is similar to Lucio's (his being Morgasson -> Son of Morga). She is Bakuli, Daughter of Björn. Though Lucio's name is derived from his mother's, I had Bakuli's surname derived from her father's so that she could have pieces of both of her culture in her name.
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The Bakuli flower :)
7. What's their design? Do they have a reference sheet? What made you choose that specific color scheme/fashion style/etc.?
I'm working on refining her design yet again! But for now, this is what she looks like and here is a mood board/some more info on her. I really like the color purple, so I wanted to incorporate a lot of that into her fashion sense. Her magic is also very celestial based, so a lot of her outfits/accessories are themed using stars, moons, suns, etc...
16. Are they an early bird or a night owl? Something else?
She is an early bird! Morning is Bakuli's favorite time of day. It's quiet and peaceful and she can get a lot of her work done, including setting up the shop, tidying up, and practicing new spells! She and Julian can also get some quiet time together, since Lucio sleeps in and we all know how disruptive he can be haha.
Again, thank you so much for the ask! I truly appreciate it :)
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bakuliwrites · 1 year
Moonlight- Julian x Bakuli x Lucio
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Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Tags (for this excerpt): Slightly suggestive, alcohol
Pairing: Julian Devorak x Lucio Morgasson x Bakuli Björnsdottir
Summary: Julian and Bakuli join Lucio and Nadia on the palace veranda for drinks. Lucio is unsure of how to feel about the doctor's apprentice, vacillating between intrigue and jealousy.
So, I'm editing a version of End Up Here to feature my fan apprentice, Bakuli. I'm not sure that I'll ever release the full thing, but for fun, I might post some of it on Tumblr from time-to-time. So here's a bit of it from the segment Moonlight in Chapter 7. I am having fun editing this version and getting to add a lot of personalization to the role of the Apprentice.
Lucio swirls his crystal snifter, watching the earthy-colored cognac churn gently around the glass before settling as he brings it to his lips. The brandy is sweet, gliding smoothly over his tongue, warmth blooming through his chest as it travels down his throat. His keen eyes watch as Julian and Bakuli both sample the finest beverage he owns.
“Count Spada left me crates and crates of this stuff,” Lucio brags, “I only bring it out for my favorite guests.” 
Julian makes a satisfied hum as he takes his first sip. When he draws the glass away, small, glimmering beads of the mahogany liquid dot his lips. Lucio watches as Julian’s tongue softly passes over them, lapping up the lingering droplets of cognac left behind from his initial sip. As a smile brightens the doctor’s face, Lucio feels his own heart fluttering. He’s not sure if it’s all the wine he’s had (and now cognac) or something else. Either way, he can’t help the heat that creeps slowly to his cheeks. The Count takes this moment to drape his arm along the seatback, close but not too close to Julian. Bakuli sits to the doctor’s other side, pressed near, searching eyes fixated on Lucio’s form. 
“So, what’s new in the life of Julian Devorak?” Lucio begins, waggling his eyebrows at the man, “You finally get to go on all those adventures I inspired you to go on?”
Julian chuckles, “Well- yes, actually.” He looks proudly over to the Count, eyes lighting with joy, clearly itching to share his stories. Just like Montag shared his stories with him.
“Whaddya say, Miss. Bakuli?” Lucio goes on, eyes dragging over Julian’s companion, delighting in the way she blushes as his gaze sweeps to her, “Should Julesy tell us all about his adventures?”
She grins sheepishly at the Count before turning to Julian and excitedly begging him to share his tales. She calls him, “Ilya,” Lucio notes. A bit too cozy for Lucio’s liking. The ugly feeling of envy constricts his heart, until Julian starts talking again and its grip slackens so it can slither back into its cave.
“Alright, alright,” Julian acquiesces, though he doesn’t seem to need all that much encouragement. He launches into the full account of where he went after he and Montag parted. Apparently, Julian has done quite a bit of traveling around the continent, assisting in medical tents during all kinds of battles. He’s gained a great deal of experience since that fateful encounter outside Vesuvia. And has gotten into more than a bit of trouble. Pirate ships, brigands, highwaymen, bar fights, you name it. He even has some strange story about a run-in with some Crabmen on a remote island off the coast.
“Ilya, you’re just making things up now,” Bakuli exclaims with an exasperated eye roll.
“No! I swear it happened! Lucio, you said you’ve seen the Crabmen. Back me up!” Julian chortles. 
“Oh, yeah. They’re everywhere,” Lucio adds with a mischievous wink at Bakuli, who merely dissolves into giggles and returns to diligently sipping at her drink. Lucio finds he can’t settle on how he feels about her. One minute, she’s laughing at one of his jokes, the next she’s got her hand on Julian’s thigh and it’s driving Lucio nuts. Part of him wonders if he’s jealous of Bakuli, or maybe he’s jealous of Julian. Or maybe he’s jealous of both of them.
Gah! he exclaims to himself, This is too confusing.
Putting this thought aside for a moment, Lucio is delighted to hear Julian’s tales, mainly because all of them seem to have been inspired by him. Julian lists all the places he’s been, each destination somewhere Lucio had told him all about when they were alone in the medical tent together. The trajectory of Julian’s travels seems to follow the path Lucio took, back in the day, before he was Count. While most of the doctor’s travels were medical visits in nature, he still had plenty of time to do some sightseeing and get up to all sorts of nonsense.
“Glad I could inspire you to go to all those places,” Lucio praises, pouring himself another glass of cognac, “I mean, who wouldn’t be inspired?”
While he’s excited to be with his old friend again, he feels horribly on edge, antsy. His heart pounds against his ribcage, seems to vibrate the cloth of his blazer. He wonders if Julian can see it, thrumming wildly, threatening to beat straight out of him. 
Cognac, he thinks, Cognac will fix that. Loosen me up. Don’t know why I’m so nervous. No, not nervous. Counts don’t get nervous. Warriors don’t get nervous. 
Lucio listens and absorbs as much as he can. His attention span for other people talking is limited. But he picks up a few other random things; like, Julian said something about not having time to play the vielle anymore. He came to Vesuvia because he’s following the plague (a topic of discussion Lucio hopes to avoid entirely for the remainder of the night). And he and Bakuli have been together for a few months now.
Together? Like together, together? that damned, meek voice whimpers in Lucio’s head.
Just because he said, “together,” doesn’t mean we can’t all have fun together, another voice speaks confidently, Just like Noddy and I. 
As if on cue, the door to the veranda swings open and out comes Nadia and Lady Delphine. Their gowns sweep languidly behind them as they glide across the patio to join the other three. With the presence of the Countess and her companion, Julian’s storytelling becomes even more animated. He even acts out a few duels he had with some swashbuckling pirates on the high seas. 
Maybe later, we can have a duel of our own. Pick up where we left off, all those years ago, Lucio contemplates to himself, watching as Julian flits around the veranda. He’s reminded of the day Julian surprised him with his unexpected mastery of the sword. But it’s not the actual fight that sticks in Lucio’s memory. It’s the aftermath of it. Julian’s back pressed against Montag’s chest, his amber scent filling the mercenary’s nose, pleasant and calming. Julian’s narrow hip in his hand, thrusting it back, hearing the soft grunt the doctor’s attendant makes. Lucio’s gaze trails back to Bakuli, whose smile is as bright as the moon above. She looks at Julian adoringly, like Julian used to look at Lucio. The Count wonders if she’ll ever look at him like that.
What a ridiculous thought, Lucio scolds himself, turning back to his drink, Why would she? And why would I even want that? 
But his grousing doesn’t last for long. Julian has always had this special ability: to bring joy out in everyone. His charisma and charm have a way of cheering up even the grouchiest of individuals. Lucio likes to think he has that ability, too, and that’s why he’s drawn to Julian. And Julian to him. Even Nadia and Lady Delphine seem to be having a great time. The night air is filled with merriment, gentle laughter and chatter floating through the breeze, carried into the heavens like a quiet blessing. 
“Wow, you really did get up to trouble without me!” Lucio exclaims when it seems Julian’s tale is coming to a close, “Imagine what we’d have gotten into if we’d traveled together.” 
Lucio winks at Bakuli once again, who shifts shyly in her seat and snuggles close to Julian after he reclaims his spot on the sofa. Silence. For once in his life, Lucio feels like sitting and observing. He wants to drink Julian’s form in, see what he hasn’t seen for ten years. He worries, and he hates that he worries. But an overpowering need to break the uncomfortable silence wells up in him. Rarely is he lost for words. But there’s something about Julian, something about Bakuli that numbs his tongue.
If I say the wrong thing. If I make the wrong move. Just like everyone else, he’ll leave me. And then I’ll be alone. Just like always, that accursed worry whispers, Just like everyone has, all these years. And I don’t even know this Bakuli, but I know she’ll leave me, too. If I say the wrong thing. Don’t fuck this up. Just this once, don’t fuck this up.  
“Doctor Devorak,” Nadia addresses in her smooth voice, “I hear you and my husband are old friends?”
Thank the Gods, Noddy, Lucio sighs in relief, passing her a glance he hopes she interprets as grateful. She graces him with a subtle, knowing look. She seems to know something he doesn’t. See something he’s unaware of. Noddy always knows. Noddy knows better than he does. Noddy’s good at reading him. Noddy’s good at everything she does.
And I’m good at nothing, worry snivels.
Shut up. Shut up, shut up, shut up. 
Rotten carpaccio. Rotten brat. Sick with you for nine months. 
“I was, indeed, the one to hack your husband’s arm off,” he distantly hears Julian proclaim, drawing his attention back to the conversation. Lucio absentmindedly reaches for Julian’s empty cognac glass, fills it, and gestures for Bakuli to hand him hers. As their eyes meet, Lucio feels a sudden and intense wave of jealousy once again. Like he can see the life he’s wanted dancing in her eyes, the life that is supposed to be his: Julian at his side. Not hers. Like she’s mocking him with her proximity to Julian.
And then he sees something soft in her gaze. A life yet to come. One with room for all three of them. One where Bakuli and Julian can stand at Count Lucio’s side, a united triumvirate leading Vesuvia to greatness. The Count, the Doctor, and the Magician.
Maybe they’d have room for me in their life, meekness whimpers, interrupting his glorious daydream, Maybe they’d have space in their life for me.
Pathetic. As if you’re some sort of stray dog they’d bring in off the streets, he scolds himself, anger roiling in his core.
“And what about you, Miss. Bakuli?” Lucio blurts as he hands back a full glass of cognac to her, surprising even himself with the question. His tone is blunt, blunter than he meant it to be, and he can feel how piercing his own gaze is. However, Bakuli remains resolute, poised, and ready for whatever comes next.
“You’ve been awfully quiet. How do you know Jules?” Lucio questions, giving way to petty jealousy. He heard it from Julian once this night. For some reason, he feels like he needs to hear the story from her mouth, too. As if somehow, that would give him a complete understanding of their relationship. His gaze flicks to where Bakuli has her hand resting on Julian’s thigh. She smiles amiably at the Count, clearly untroubled by Lucio’s question, and seemingly the least bit intimidated.
“We met when Ilya moved to Vesuvia,” she answers diplomatically, “We were in line at a market stall.” Her wistful smile afterwards is enough to tell Lucio that their relationship is more than just a physical one. It both incenses and excites him. Lucio isn’t sure whether to be terribly hurt or curiously intrigued. Either way, he doesn’t have a chance to respond to her comment.
“I’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about you,” Bakuli goes on, turning her tenderness towards the Count, welcoming him softly into her heart. A white flag. A surrender, of sorts. A comment as if to say, I am not your enemy.
“I’m excited that I’ve gotten the opportunity to meet someone that means so much to Ilya,” she finishes, a pleasant smile that extends all the way up to her hazel eyes. Lucio doesn’t remember the last time anyone looked at him that way: with a gentle compassion that leaves no room for animosity. He can’t be upset with her, a feeling that is almost unfamiliar to him. This entire evening, Bakuli has neither insulted nor demeaned him. She’s politely listened to his stories, asked questions when she’s needed clarification, and overall been the perfect guest. Neither she nor Julian have deigned to whisper foul things behind his back. Otherwise, Lucio surely would have heard, given that they’ve been right by his side this whole evening. Just like Julian, there is no pity in Miss. Bakuli’s gaze. Only a shimmering inquisitiveness and quiet benevolence.
So, Count Lucio of Vesuvia decides that perhaps he can grow to like this magician, even if he is a bit jealous.
“Jules is also the one that gave me my name,” Lucio blurts in an attempt to dispel the odd tension. His mouth forms the words before his brain can stop him. Other people weren’t supposed to know that. That was something Lucio wanted credit for. The genius of it. Lucio meaning, “light,” and all. He’s the Light of Vesuvia, clever for coming up with that. But some piece of Lucio couldn’t help announcing this to this tiny, intimate group. Perhaps it’s Julian’s sudden reappearance in his life making him nostalgic. Or Bakuli’s silent thoughtfulness that makes him want to open up, for some gods forsaken reason.
“He is?!” Bakuli beams, eyes lighting with surprise as she perks up in her seat, “You never told me that!” 
Lucio forgets all about his worry when Julian turns a bright crimson, drawing a devilish grin from the Count.
“He sure as hell is!” Lucio teases, delighted by Bakuli’s enthusiasm and Julian’s sheepishness, “Aww, look at him blush! Still the same modest mess you’ve always been, Jules.” 
“Oh, goodness. Tell me about it! He can hardly take a compliment without turning at least twenty different shades of red,” Bakuli twitters teasingly. That’s the most she’s said all night and Lucio is ecstatic.
“Look at him, he’s blushing even more!” Lucio cackles as Julian buries his nose in his glass and pretends not to hear his companions. 
“You should see him when he gets praised for something,” Bakuli goes on, leaning ever so slightly across Julian so she can speak to Lucio more directly.
“Darling!” Julian exclaims, clearly mortified. 
“I bet he’s a disaster!” Lucio guffaws, “You should’ve seen him back in the day. Every time I’d tell him he was doing a good job with my arm, he’d start sputtering!” 
Oh, I like this magician, he realizes, listening to her laughter as he tells her about how flustered Julian used to get. He likes how sassy she is, the glint of mischief in her eyes. She seems to like him, too. Just moments ago, Lucio had been conflicted about her, unsure if he should be wary, jealous, or try to get to know Bakuli. He’s still not quite settled on how he feels about her, but their shared teasing of Julian aids in making Lucio feel less threatened. She has plenty of hysterical stories to share about the doctor (to which Julian laughs, flustered, blushing a thousand shades of red, as predicted). Lucio has plenty of his own to tell. Soon, the night is just one big contest to see who can make Julian blush the most. Lucio feels he’s won, but Bakuli certainly puts in a good effort.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Apprenticember- Day 3
Give a short summary of their relationship to the other main characters!
Asra- Bakuli and Asra did have a romantic relationship pre-plague. However, after their break-up and upon a lot of reflection, Bakuli feels that they were never really meant to last forever, romantically. However, she does feel that he is her soulmate in a way. Their lives (and hearts) are inextricably tied together. They will be friends for life <3
Nadia- Bakuli greatly admires Nadia and considers her a dear friend. Am I coming up with another poly AU with Julian x Bakuli x Nadia? Yes. Yes I am. Bakuli for sure has a major crush on Nadia.
Portia- Bakuli adores her sister-in-law. They love to bake together and garden. Gossip fests over tea or a pint at the Rowdy Raven every week.
Muriel- Bakuli likes to visit Muriel with Asra. She doesn't ever bring Julian or Lucio with her. She enjoys quiet afternoons with Muriel and Asra, feeding the chickens, reading books, and soaking in the sunlight. She's not as close to him as she is to the others, but they are becoming good friends.
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bakuliwrites · 9 months
WIP Ask Game
Tagged by @bardic-inspo! Thank you so much for tagging me!!!!!!
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
There's so many haha.
The Arcana
End Up Here, Part Two, Chapter 15 (Julian x Lucio x Apprentice, long-fic)
End Up Here, Part One, Edited (Julian x Lucio x My Fan Apprentice Bakuli, an edited version of EUH to include specific things from her backstory)
Dark Star, Chapter 2 (Past!Gortash x Past!Tav and Astarion x Karlach x Tav long-fic)
Mirror (Astarion x Tav fluffy smut)
Intertwined (Zevlor x Tav smut)
Sea Salt (Nanami Kento x Reader smut)
Starlight (Nanami x Gojo x Reader smut)
Wings (Camilla x Reader smut, Fire Emblem: Fates)
Undone (Xander x Reader smut, Fire Emblem: Fates)
Silver Scars, Chapter 4 (Alucard x OC smut, Castlevania)
Feel free to ask about any of these! I have some other WIP's in my lists, but these are ones that I'm actually currently working on. And in terms of tagging others, I tag anyone who wants to do this! I'd love to see what y'all are working on :)
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
OT3 Challenge, Day 3
All prompts can be found here. All of my OT3 Challenge stories can be found here.
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Day Three- Date
In which Julian, Bakuli, and Lucio go on a peaceful boat ride, where everyone ends up in the water by the end.
Bakuli trails her fingers through the emerald water, watching as she sends gentle ripples across the surface. The lake around her is still, save her slight disturbance of it and the gentle rocking of the rowboat. An iridescent dragonfly hovers just a few feet away, its wings nearly invisible in their swift, repetitive motion. Bakuli glances at her partners. Julian looks utterly serene, leaning back in the boat, letting the gilded autumn sunlight wash over him. His hair sparks like threads of copper and gold and his long eyelashes create gentle shadows on his high cheekbones. Lucio, across from them, dozes peacefully, a white handkerchief draped over his face to shield out the light. He sports a jaunty, cream-colored linen ensemble and maroon boat shoes.
This lazy afternoon is just what the three of them have needed: silently basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun, tranquilly enjoying one another's presences. Bakuli gives a contented sigh before picking up the booklet of poetry resting on her lap and leaning back into Julian's welcoming embrace. He hums softly as she rests her head against his chest.
"What are you reading, my darling?" he murmurs, cracking one eye open to look at the book she holds open in her hands.
"Some Prakran love poems I found at a rare book stall at the market last week," Bakuli returns, angling the book so Julian has a better view.
"That's some awfully spicy stuff, my darling," Julian purrs, quirking an eyebrow up as he scans the page. He leans down to whisper in her ear, voice low and husky, "Would you care for a spirited reading of one?"
Bakuli feels heat rise to her cheeks, which are no doubt painted pink at Julian's suggestion. An impish smile tugs at the corners of her lips.
"Why, I would absolutely love one," she coos, passing the book to Julian and making herself quite comfortable in his lap. Julian takes the book from her, keeping it open with one hand while the other traces the top of the lacy stockings that peek out just underneath the bunched up hem of Bakuli's elegant, white dress. He clears his throat before launching into a sultry, albeit melodramatic, reading of a romantic Prakran ballad. His voice is velvety, the sensual words rolling off his tongue with ease. He has a mastery over the language and a mastery over the poem, itself. It's music to Bakuli's ears.
It's then that Lucio perks up, throwing off the handkerchief and leaning forward in his seat. His silver eyes gaze curiously over towards his partners. Bakuli knows he can't understand Prakran, but he can certainly guess at the contents of the poem based on Julian's roguish grin and the drawl in his voice. Bakuli casts a coquettish look his way, something impish glimmering in her hazel eyes. Lucio beams something wicked back at her.
"Mind translating for me, Jules?" Lucio croons when the doctor is finished, "Or maybe demonstrating on our lovely Bakuli?"
This last part he suggests with a devilish wink at Bakuli, who turns a deep crimson in response.
"Is that what you'd like, my dear Bakuli?" Julian offers, setting the book down and tilting her head so he might press his lips softly to hers. As their kisses turn heated, Julian's hand slinks further up Bakuli's skirt. She gasps into him, before giggling as she feels Lucio trail searing kisses from the top of her foot, all the way up her leg.
"Don't have all the fun without me, Jules," Lucio whines, inching off of his seat and trying to make his way closer to the two of them. He stands- ready to cross over the middle seat- when suddenly, the boat lurches, causing Julian and Bakuli to pull back from one another.
"Lucio, the boat!" Bakuli cries, just as Lucio starts to take another step. He balances on one leg for a mere second before losing his balance altogether, silver eyes wide with panic as he tips over into the emerald water below. The boat rocks violently, water splashing up the sides, but Julian manages to steady it just as Lucio resurfaces, sputtering and utterly drenched.
"Dear God, Lucio" Julian wheezes before bursting into laughter at the sight of Lucio, make-up smeared across his face and blonde hair hanging limply in front of his eyes, "What did you think was going to happen when you stood up?"
The mercenary scowls at the doctor, before a wide-grin splits his lips. Before Julian has the chance to react, Lucio grips him by the wrist and pulls him down into the water. Bakuli gasps as the cold water splashes up against her.
"What'd you do that for?!" Julian cries, skimming his hand along the water, launching some at Lucio.
"You deserved it!" the mercenary returns, beaming wickedly as he returns Julian's splash with an even larger one.
"You two are terrible!" Bakuli scolds through her laughter, peering over the boat as Julian shakes off his wet ringlets. She regrets her words as soon as Julian and Lucio share a silent, mischievous look.
"You know, I don't think it's fair that we're the only two in the water. Don't you agree, Lucio?" Julian begins, turning back to Bakuli.
"Oh, no you don't," she giggles, backing away towards the other side of the boat. But there's really nowhere for her to escape to.
"I think it's only fair we all get wet," Lucio returns. And suddenly, Bakuli feels herself being pulled over the edge of the boat, the sting of the cold hitting her skin almost immediately. She resurfaces with a gasp, blinking water way from her eyes before dissolving into laughter with Julian and Lucio.
"You'll pay for that!" she shouts teasingly, skipping her hand across the rippling surface, hoping to catch both Julian and Lucio with her splash. The air is filled with laughter and the sound of splashing water for the remainder of the afternoon.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
OT3 Challenge, Day 2
Here's Day 2 of the OT3 Challenge! I am 100% just taking this at my own pace, so it's not going to be consistent. Since this is a self-imposed challenge, I figure I can be lenient on myself. I have the tendency to overload myself with projects anyway. Additionally, these will all switch between mini-stories and headcanon-type posts :) All prompts can be found here. All of my OT3 Challenge stories can be found here.
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Day Two-Flirting
All three of them are quite flirtatious with one another. Julian is naturally suave and Bakuli naturally flirty. Lucio is, well, Lucio and can't help himself either
Bakuli and Lucio enjoy making Julian blush and watching him get all flustered. They often compete to see who can make him blush first or who can make him blush the hardest. It's not a difficult game for them to play haha
Bakuli's flirting style: witty banter with Julian, mischievous looks from across the room, making ridiculous bets with Lucio (all bets get increasingly more ridiculous over the years. Lucio can never say no and Bakuli can't resist tempting him into nonsense. Julian is usually exasperated but inevitably ends up getting in on it), whispering sweet (or sultry) nothings in Julian's and Lucio's ears, she likes to write little notes in the margins of Julian's papers
Julian flirting with Bakuli: she enjoys hearing his punny and dumb pick up lines, they love slinging witticisms back and forth, leaving trails of notes around the house for her when he's working long hours at the clinic (many of them are illegible, but it's the sentiment that counts), acts of service (he'll fix something around the shop for her without her having to ask, etc...)
Lucio flirting with Bakuli: gifts, gifts, and more gifts (usually of things that she likes, but occasionally things that he likes), telling her that if she were a _____ she'd be the cutest ____ of them all, not so quietly suggesting to her what the three of them should do when they get some alone time, gentle caresses, running his fingers through her hair
Julian and Lucio flirting with one another: Julian says something witty, Lucio takes it as an insult, an argument ensues. And then Lucio realizes Julian was complimenting him and flashes a devilish grin. All animosity is forgotten and Julian is blushing crimson when Lucio whispers something filthy in his ear.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
OT3 Challenge, Day 1, Part 2
Here's part two of yesterday's prompt! All prompts can be found here. All of my OT3 Challenge stories can be found here.
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Day One, Part Two- First Meeting
So, at this point in Bakuli's timeline, she's already started working with Julian at his clinic and helping out with the search for a cure for the plague. She and Julian have also recently started seeing one another :) Someday, I will probably write out a full timeline of her life. I'll aim to have that up sometime within the next month with her backstory and family tree.
Meeting Lucio
Bakuli fidgets with the sleeves of her dress, staring anxiously around at the paintings lining the grand palace hallways. She feels thoroughly underdressed in her simple white and tawny outfit. When she passes a mirror, she pauses to fix her hair, pulling back a dark ringlet that's fallen out of its clip.
"You alright?" Julian's calming voice sounds beside her. Her hazel eyes meet his gray ones, and she frowns.
"Just a bit nervous," Bakuli admits, smoothing her hands along her skirt as if to iron out any wrinkles. She tries to smile at her companion, but knows it comes out more like an anxious grimace. Julian beams softly at her, pulling her close. He smells of coffee and leather, comforting and warm.
"Don't worry," he reassures, wrapping his arms around her, "He's all bark and no bite. Plus, if things go south, we can always grab some of the Golden Goose and sneak out to the fountain in the gardens. I think I spotted one when we were coming in."
Bakuli rolls her eyes and swats playfully at Julian's arm as he winks impishly at her. Though ridiculous, his offer does sound mighty tempting.
"Being entirely serious," Julian goes on, softly pressing his lips to hers, "You look lovely. There's nothing to fret about."
His tone is even as he says this, but Bakuli can feel his anxiety, too. His heart is pounding underneath his coat and his steady hands have the slightest quiver as he laces his fingers with hers. Bakuli hears the admiration and wonder in Julian's voice every time he speaks about the mighty Montag Morgasson. She knows he's just as fretful about reuniting with the Count as she is about meeting him for the first time. Plus, Lucio's garnered quite the reputation over the years. Bakuli's heard tell of patricide, temper-tantrums, coliseum fights, and unsavory dealings in magic. Though she's not inclined to believe just any rumor she hears, she recognizes the value in their warning.
And, by the looks of it, rumors of Lucio's grandiose sense of self are spot on. The palace halls are lined with painting-after-painting and statue-after-statue of the man, each one more gaudy than the last. They all depict Lucio on some battlefield, victorious over his enemies. Or sat atop thrones of gold and magnificent furs. As she and Julian are led towards the salon, Bakuli catches a glimpse of one portrait, hidden away in a study, and has to stifle a laugh.
"Ilya," she whispers harshly, trying desperately to hold in her laughter, but to no avail, "Don't look."
"Too late, I already saw it," he returns, voice strained from trying not to giggle. They dissolve into laughter, having to quickly rush past the rather well-endowed painting of Lucio draped over a bearskin rug. Even if the night is a disaster, at least they'll have paintings to make fun of when they get back to Julian's apartment.
As they draw nearer to the salon, Bakuli can hear a boisterous voice that she can only assume belongs to the Count. She feels Julian tense beside her.
"Don't worry, I'm here," she comforts, giving Julian's hand a small squeeze. He presses one final kiss to her temple before leading them both into the bustling salon. Nobles and physicians mill about the room, making small talk with one another; but, most are standing in a ring around the center, all eyes glued on someone in the middle.
Count Lucio stands there, wildly gesturing around as he animatedly describes some story from his youth about a muskbear. He's about thirty seconds away from spilling his champagne all over the carpet with his enthusiastic hand-gestures. He doesn't seem to notice his two newest guests entering the room.
Julian stands frozen beside Bakuli, the most shy and withdrawn she's ever seen him. His eyes are filled with that same awestruck look he always gets when he talks about his days tending to Montag, all those years ago. Bakuli wonders what it is about the man that Julian admires so much. He doesn't seem the type for Julian to get so attached to, especially given the rumors. But perhaps there's something more to this vain, ill-tempered mercenary-turned-royalty that Bakuli doesn't know about.
Her thoughts are interrupted when a booming voice cuts through the din of chatter.
"Julesy? Is that you???" Count Lucio exclaims, pushing through the crowd and bounding towards Julian and Bakuli. The Count pulls the doctor into a crushing hug. Bakuli watches with curiosity as the two men take a brief moment to catch up. They look one another over, comment on how they've each changed. Lucio ruffles Julian's hair and teases him about how he's still as skinny as he remembers. It's fascinating to watch them greet one another, picking up seemingly right where they left off. She wonders if that's how Julian feels, or if it feels like it's been a lifetime for him.
"Oh? And who's this enchanting creature you've brought with you?" Bakuli peripherally hears Lucio say to Julian before she realizes he's talking about her. Bakuli glances quickly at Julian before putting on her best smile and extending her hand for Lucio to shake.
"My name is Bakuli. Bakuli Björnsdottir. It's an honor to meet you, Count Lucio," she greets, opting to remain as formal as possible, not knowing what Count Lucio expects of her. Even if "Julesy" is his old friend. Something flashes in Lucio's silver irises, something curious and cold. Bakuli stores that flash in her mind for later, something she can pick at with Julian when they inevitably stop at the Rowdy Raven for drinks after all of this.
Lucio takes Bakuli's hand and presses a gentle kiss to the back. Bakuli can feel heat bloom across her cheeks as his gaze flits up to meet hers again. There's something hungry in his eyes as he looks between her and Julian, something covetous.
"Julesy, I had no idea you would bring along such a cute apprentice," Lucio winks, smiling devilishly before he takes them both by the arm, "C'mon. The two of you are my guests of honor tonight. You get to sit right beside me at dinner."
Julian leans back to catch Bakuli's eye. She knows they both look bewildered and probably a bit frightened. Who's to say where this night is going? It's barely just started and already things feel rather strange...
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