bxstvrd · 4 years
✉️ : ))))))
send me a ‘✉’ for five times my muse didn’t text yours, and one time they did.
february 19, 2017
[UNSENT 11:32am] everyone likes you. it’s so fucking annoying. can you... do less??
september 3, 2018
[UNSENT 01:49pm] what did i do to make you hate me? you must hate me. otherwise why the fuck would you have made me look so stupid? i’m not cool or effortless or graceful like you, and we all know it, but of course, you couldn’t just leave it alone. you had to rub my nose in it, and in front of orson no less. well. it’s a two way fucking stre
march 28, 2019
[UNSENT 08:37am] if i was nice to you, would you be nice to me back? i think the answer is yes. and if the answer is yes, i’m a terrible fucking person.
august 31, 2019
[UNSENT 06:30pm] your family sounds like they love each other. maybe that’s why i hate you so much. well no i don’t hate you. i don’t know how to breathe around you. you take up all this space and air, and i want it back and it’s been less than twenty four hours, and i can already tell that living with you is going to make me feel like shit about myself all the fucking time and that’s not your fault, but it’s easy to make it your fault and i’m sorr
 october 1, 2019
[UNSENT 11:46am] yes. i was crying. no. you don’t get to ask me why. we’re never talking about this again.
november 23, 2019
[UNSENT 04:13pm] am i a bad person?
february 4, 2020
[DELIVERED 09:21pm] [giantshowercurtain.png] [DELIVERED 09:21pm] thoughts on hanging this up in the middle of the room when we get back so we never have to see each other again?
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pvlmer · 4 years
malcolm and horatio
malcolm: what does honor mean to you?
“i think honor is...” jason’s voice trails off for a second as he tries to think of a way to eloquently describe such a complicated concept that he’s not quite sure he’s ever gotten the grasp of. “i think honor is trying to live your life as honestly as you can and working as hard as you can. honor isn’t really about the awards and the praise, it’s about the work that goes into everything. honor is about giving it your all.”
horatio: who do you love the most?
“nate,” jason answers almost as quickly as the question is asked. it’s like second nature to him. “i mean he’s my brother and as much as i resent him sometimes, he’s my family. he’s the only who can make me laugh after a bad day and he’s the only one who gets what it’s like to be raised by our parents. of course, he doesn’t really get it the way i do but still...he’s like my best friend.”
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zahramalik · 4 years
name three songs you would want to choreograph a fight scene to.
honesty day !
Suffragette City by David Bowie
19.10 by Childish Gambino
Los Ageless by St. Vincent
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teddynewell · 4 years
Lab Partner/Elevator/McDonalds Trainer: Mathias, Chandler, Nate
lab partner: chandler. there’s something about these two that just screams “power team” when they are together. they could get straight A’s on perfect experiments or burn down the whole school. there’s no inbetween.
elevator: nate. do you know all of the things these two can be up to while locked in an elevator for hours?! one thing’s for sure, there won’t be a dull moment while they’re in there.
mcdonalds trainer: mathias. teddy would be too scared of him, probably. but he will listen and take in every word, write down every detail. lest the french fries aren’t crispy enough.
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harryzhangs · 4 years
leading man, temptress, & understudy
THE LEADING MAN: if you could play anyone in any form of media, who would it be and why?
“beatrice in much ado. i don’t know, i’m just drawn to those kinds of outspoken heroine roles. and much ado was the first of the comedies that i ever read, so i’ve got a soft spot for it. i know the shakespeare choice is predictable, but if my dream role isn’t shakespeare, then i’m at the wrong college.”
THE TEMPTRESS: what trait are you most proud of?
“i’m a good fucking actor. like, i know i am. but i don’t feel a need to take up the spotlight, really. i thrive just as well when attention isn’t on me-- which, let’s be honest, is most of the time-- as when it is.”
THE UNDERSTUDY: who are you most envious of—real or fictional—and why?
“i was super jealous of the american twin from the parent trap who got to live in that amazing mansion in napa where her dad owned a fucking vineyard. i still want that life. i’m not sure who else i can say here, since i don’t really get jealous in real life-- that’s just not my thing.”
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saffijackson · 4 years
comic, stuntman, and utility
THE COMIC: what's the most ridiculous thing you actually attempted thinking it would work?
“Being in the closet. You think I’m joking? I really did try to be a cis boy in public for like, half my life. Me? A cis boy? I have to laugh.”
THE STUNTMAN: are you an optimist? why or why not?
“No. I wouldn’t say I’m a pessimist either, though. I’m a realist. Unlike some people, I’ve actually lived a normal person, unsheltered life, so I know what the world is like. There’s no point in making it seem any better or worse than it already is.”
THE UTILITY: do you usually instigate arguments or do you try to diffuse them? which would you prefer?
“Instigate! I love to start shit!”
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ofmadsle · 4 years
❥, ♡, ꕤ
❥ What is an instant turn-off for you?
“Being a slob. If someone’s got dirty finger nails or looks- and smells-like they haven’t showered in a week then gross, I will be swiping left. Even if it’s in person.”
♡ What is an instant turn-on for you?
“Get me a drink first! Haha, just kidding. It depends but a killer smile really does it for me when I’m first looking at someone to determine if I’d be into them like that. That, and if they can match my wit of course.”
ꕤ If you really love someone - would you ever lie to them about something? About what? Why?
“Maybe nothing too big- I don’t think hiding some personal stuff that I’m not comfortable sharing counts as lying exactly. But a small white lie here or there that’s relatively harmless, sure. I can lie a lot if I need to but if I love you then that meets you’ve gained my trust so I wouldn’t feel the need to lie with you for big things. You know?”
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ofhelens · 4 years
LOCATION: sebastian’s classroom TIME: before first rehearsals, afternoon  AVAILABILITY: closed @juliansbennet​
Wiping beads of sweat off her forehead with the back of one hand, Helen struggled to keep grip of her wooden sword with the other. “This is a lot harder than you make it look.” When Julian parried his blows, he made it look effortless, like dancing on water. She felt cumbersome, alien in her own skin. “I don’t think this is going to work.”
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aldysfool · 4 years
📱 :)
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: 
this chorus for sure.
What contact photo my muse has set for yours: 
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts:
nate’s kryptonite is a lame convo, so as long as julian keeps it fun, nate doesn’t really care about how he texts. because, let’s be real, nate is in the emoji using-lowercase writing-triple texting-five exclamation points gang. he would have no room to complain.
How quickly my muse responds to your texts:
pretty quickly. mostly because nate’s phone is an extension of his hand; he’ll respond between scene run-throughs, in class, during a presentation, showering, and sleeping (it happened once). it doesn’t really matter.
How often our muses text:
since they’re roomies, i imagine they text pretty regularly. if not for nate to talk shit about everything going on, then to send julian funny memes.
How often our muses call:
exposing nate in the worst way right now: he hates phone calls, but loves using facetime/video chats. it’s kinda his thing. he just likes looking at people’s faces when they talk, okay? and yes, he will call at the worst times.
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours:
uh, i don’t see why he would. if julian’s calling, nate’s picking up the damn phone.
Last text(s) sent from my muse to yours:
[ sent, 3:28 a.m. ] : uhhhh i just tried humming while plugging my nose - almost blew my brains out? i think i popped a blood vessel??? my feet are numb????? am i dying??????????
[ sent, 4:52 a.m. ] : hey thx again for not makin me in2 a nate kabob the othr night during the r&j scene. ur a professional & i <3 u
[ sent, 7:24 a.m. ] : breakfast run, buckaroo!!!! u want anything? if jonah doesn’t txt me back in 10 min i’m bringing him burnt toast & a lemon wedge.
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hudscnwilliams · 4 years
when: early in the night, before the performances where: the refectory who: @juliansbennet
nothing about this night had been going well for hudson, so far. the police being here had completely ruined any chance he had for having fun, because now all he could think about was that night. the same night that had haunted his dreams for months. he was terrified that if he didn’t act natural, they would become suspicious and actually start questioning him or teddy about what had happened, assuming they had some reason to. 
being so on edge meant he’d only allowed himself to have one drink, so far. he didn’t want to get too tipsy for fear that he might accidentally do something to give him or teddy away. however, that also meant that he was painfully aware of the mood among the theatre students. some were enjoying themselves, glad to finally be rid of orson, while others were mourning him in ways that only theatre students could. of course hudson hadn’t missed the funeral attire mathias and paola had shown up in. 
he couldn’t blame them. if he had actually ever impressed orson enough to become one of his favorites, he would be heartbroken now too. 
taking another sip of his drink, his eyes wandered over to a welcome face. julian was one of the most positive people hudson knew; spending some time around him would likely calm hudson down a bit. walking towards him, he mustered an actual smile for his classmate and friend. “how was your break?” hudson asked as he got closer. 
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ofperez · 4 years
* closed starter for 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔫𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔫 / @juliansbennet​
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she was beginning to think that texting him was a mistake. how silly of her, to send a message describing her outfit to someone who she hasn’t had a face to face conversation with in what felt like an eternity. the masque was a perfect cover, people’s identities hidden just enough for them not to draw suspicion for talking to each other in some overlooked corner of the party.
that’s where she is now, standing off against the wall, relishing in the moment she has away from the spotlight. it’s not something she enjoys that frequently, but right now, in this moment, it’s what she needs. as someone walks up to her, she looks up from her phone, a smile overtaking her features. it’s not like they could see her whole face, but when she smiled her whole demeanor changed. it was the curse of being an actress, her emotions were painted over her entire being.
“but soft, what light through yonder window breaks? it is the east, and julian is...” she trails off, her eyebrows poking up above her mask.
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bxstvrd · 4 years
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j2rights: jonah left because him and julian broke up i’m sorry i literally don’t make the rules joddystan: ???? legit have you SEEN the way him and teddy look at each other judsoniseverything: y’all are nasty, jonah left in protest because of how horribly orson treats hudson and THAT is the tea jonahprycedeservesbetter: ok but like?? who cares about ship drama, i just want to make sure jonah is ok!!!! he is my son!!!! i would die for him!!!! tedsonordie: low key, NR is better without jp, like tell me one (1) positive thing he brought to the band rawmejulian: im sure he’s really going through it right now but like.... honestly, it’s really shitty he left mid tour, like think of the fans :/ flowerkinghudson: who’s going to sing his verse on CB??? neoromantass: are you KIDDING, i was LEGIT supposed to go see them NEXT THURSDAY at the O2, im gonna bust a fucking nut teddynewellfistme: he can’t even sing dawg jorsonshipper: im telling y’all, he’s FUCKING ORSON
@hudscnwilliams @teddynewell @juliansbennet
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ensemblehq · 4 years
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the following individuals have 24 hours to make an in-character post or message the main for a hiatus before their characters are re-opened:
@juliansbennet​ @chandlerrosen​
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zahramalik · 4 years
LOCATION: jonah & julian’s room TIME: after heidi’s announcement, before the auditions AVAILABILITY: closed @juliansbennet​
Be it a coastal town in Alabama or a prestigious university in Washington, Zahra could weaponize her beauty to her advantage on anywhere. All it took was a few sugary words and coquettish smiles for the freshman manning the residence desk to grant her access into Julian and Jonah’s shared room. 
That was the most impressive part of her little break-in. Zahra knew her plan wasn’t great, but she was growing antsy. Julian knew about her being in possession of Orson’s notebook, the one she stole the very night he died. And what did Zahra know? That Julian was a snoop who had to work a shitty job to pay for tuition? The cards weren’t in her favor, and Zahra had to change that.
After waving off the temptation to throw Jonah’s clothes out the window, Zahra began her search underneath Julian’s mattress and wasn’t surprised when she found nothing. That would’ve been too convenient and more poetic than she deserved. His dresser, nightstand, and desk were also void of anything that could be used against him, but what exactly did she expect? That she’d find Orson’s severed head in his underwear drawer? Julian wasn’t like her, rough and lecherous. He was good, and didn’t deserve to have his friend look through his closet for skeletons that didn’t exist.
The heavy blanket of guilt on her shoulders wasn’t enough to deter her from rifling through his suitcase. After that, Zahra promised herself that she’d leave. She’d already spent too long in the room as it was, and it was only a matter of time before Julian or Jonah came in.
There was something bulging through the inside pocket of the suitcase. A phone, and not Julian’s. Why would Julian have someone else’s phone? It was password protected and the generic lock screen background revealed nothing. Zahra inspected the phone’s familiar case, and realized she recognized it. She’d seen countless times before, in the same hands that used to carry around the notebook she was now in possession of.
The door opened.
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teddynewell · 4 years
What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Would you like to be famous? In what way?
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teddy smiles. at last, a question that he likes. “playing orlando in as you like it,” he answers, thinking back on his very first lead. “it was just a lot of fun, you know?” simpler times. when teddy had orson’s favor. “as for being famous, you know... i never cared so much about that. i don’t even have an instagram account. as an actor, i would just like to have a steady job. being able to do plays that challenge me and that i enjoy. making theatre available for others, taking away this pretentious vibe that seems to follow our art. if i’ll ever be famous, i hope it’s because of those achievements.”
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harryzhangs · 4 years
What is your most treasured memory?What is your most terrible memory?
most treasured memory.
“i don’t know if this counts, because it isn’t just one memory. but growing up, my grandparents would always host a big family celebration for chinese new year, and those are some of my favorite memories-- making dumplings with my grandma before the rest of the family got there, helping her clean and decorate, being so stuffed with food from the various courses that i could barely move by the end of the night. my cousins and i used to sneak upstairs to compare how much money we’d all gotten, since we weren’t technically supposed to. and i’d make everyone watch me perform whatever shakespeare monologue or scene i’d memorized that month. we still do it every year, but it’s been at my aunt’s house since grandma died, and... it’s just not really the same, i guess. plus, i’m usually at school for chinese new year now.”
most terrible memory.
“sitting in planned parenthood by myself, waiting for them to call my name so the nightmare would be over. i mean, the procedure itself wasn’t as terrible as i was expecting, but the waiting... i’ve never felt more fucking alone in my entire life than i did that day. i’m usually pretty good at getting things done on my own, and i kind of prefer it, but not that. it was just the absolute lowest point in my life and i never want to re-live that feeling.”
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