#julie's questions about gott und die welt
its-tortle · 6 months
(It’s Time For Fire Themed Questions with Julie!) Do you know how to build a campfire? How do you feel about the color orange? Can fire have a shadow?
hi julie!! i havent answered one of these in way too long, sorry <3
i do not know how to build a campfire beyond the basics and that is embarassing
orange can be really fun and pretty in combination with things, and it makes a mean sunset, but it's not my favorite color and most shades don't suit me at all
no because fire is a source of light!!! the light does 'dance' so it creates movement on walls and such, and smoke can have a shadow, but i don't think fire can
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its-tortle · 4 months
ttpd themed obscured asks with julie!! 
tortured poets department: have you ever used a typewriter?
i look in peoples windows: do you like to people watch?
so high school: do you love it or hate it?
Who’s afraid of little old me?: what would you say is your biggest red flag?
what is you favorite song on ttpd?
hi julie!!! these are so fun
ttpd: i don't think so. i might have tried one in a museum or something, but not in earnest. i do have a cute typewritten letter from friends!!
ilipw: i love people watching. the best seats in cafe's are the tables facing the windows so you can watch the people outside. living in the netherlands meant lots of evening walks so i could look into people's massive windows and attend christmas parties from outside :)
shs: the song? or high school? either way my feelings are overwhelmingly positive
waolom: (horrible acronym omg) wow i have so many. i can have a bit of a short temper and am just way too independent and good at being alone so i don't know how to share my time or space with someone. when i have friends staying with me i turn into a raging bitch by day four — please come stay with me though i promise i am working on it and getting better at actively not being a bitch 👉👈 also a girl i dated who was into astrology said my birthchart is full of red flags lmao.
fav song: really hard to choose but the first that spring to mind are: the prophecy, peter, mbobhft, down bad
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its-tortle · 10 months
(It’s time for obscure asks with Julie!) what are your favorite and least favorite parts of the holiday season? If you could have coffee with one person, dead or alive, who would it be? What is your current favorite lyric?
omg hi julie!!
my favorite part is probably the decorations and pretty lights, and omg the christmas markets!! bratwurst and glühwein and pretty twinkly stands!! that wins, i think. my least favorite part is probably the day itself lmao because it's always underwhelming and the family vibes are not immaculate
that is such a hard question oh my god. i feel like a lot of the famous people that come to mind, i would actually have a really tough time conversing with and they might not find me very interesting lmao. someone like taylor or maisie or conan would be so sweet regardless. but i think the sappiest possible answer i could give here might be my grandma? i regret not really getting to know her before she passed.
ugh this is so hard. i really really love "should have been honest, should have told the truth // it's a shame, i told my journal and my mirror but i never told you" right now. it's so real
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its-tortle · 9 months
(It’s Time For Water Themed Questions With Julie!) have you ever been in the ocean? if you were a pirate what would you name your ship? do you think there’s undiscovered sea monsters? do you need to go drink water?
hi julie!! <3
i have! just the atlantic one i think (from ireland) and then seas like the baltic, the north sea, and the mediterranean
oooh. how's the turtle? lame maybe, but i like it
for sure. i wouldn't call them monsters though haha, they would just be sea creatures, and i don't know how 'mythological' they would look
probably! i just had some tea before breakfast and then some juice with my eggs but i should probably have some water too. thanks :)
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its-tortle · 1 year
 (nonchalantly: it’s julie, no biggie-this is normal now)If you had a time machine, what time period would you travel to? What is your favorite version of the potato? what a weird fact you know?  
the 80s!! i want to dance to wham and be there when the wall falls ✨️🕺
bratkartoffeln!! or mcdonalds french fries
jugy garland's real name was francis gum
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its-tortle · 1 year
octoberconstellation asked:
(It’s time for bookish Questions with Julie!) What is your favorite classic book? What is your favorite modern book? What makes a book a classic? What was the first book that made you fall in love with reading? Are you currently reading anything?
hello m'dear!
i really like emma by jane austen!! and if we're going slightly more modern classics, have dandelion wine by ray bradbury and the secret life of bees by sue monk kidd.
have three: the book thief by markus zusak, eleanor oliphant is completley fine by gail honeyman, and extremely loud and incredibly close by jonathan safran foer
i think a classic is a novel that, especially retrospectively, well represents the cultural moment of the time when it was written and is able to relay that to readers even outside of that cultural context. obviously bonus if it's also a critique of the culture and has something novel to say.
i can't point to a single book that made me first fall in love because i grew up with a bookish mom who read to me every night for over a decade and was really raised into it. i lost touch with it for a short while but then we read the secret life of bees in freshman english class and it brought me back to literature. thank you mr felt <3
always! i just finished a book of short stories by heinrich böll in german and am starting a hundred years of solitude by gabriel garcìa màrquez!
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its-tortle · 1 year
(it’s question time with Julie!) Was math created or discovered? butterflies, bumble bees or dragon flies? Is fate a real thing?
bumble bees!! i mean butterflies too and that's the easy answer but i love love bumble bees. i want to be their best friend
i like to think it is, but realistically that's probably just reflective of a desire to imagine order in all the chaos because to think it's all juse random is a bit scary
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its-tortle · 1 year
(It’s time for some questions….)Do you like spicy food? Describe your country in five words or less (not using its name). given the opportunity would you climb a tree today?
julie, my beloved!! <3
i wouldn't say i dislike it by any means, but i cannot handle it very well. my east-german/midwestern US ginger genes are not built for it lmao
well i already gave away my heritage lmao but have this over five words description: very organized and on time about everything except our goddamn trains
absolutely!! i don't trust myself to climb anything very high or tricky but i aim to embrace the whimsy
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its-tortle · 1 year
(It’s time for quirky questions with Julie!) what’s your favorite decade? How to you feel about your birthday? If someone offered to run a presidential campaign for you today would you run?
hi julie!!
my first instinct is to say 80s. big hair and pop bops and the fall of the wall!
i am so obnoxious about it. i won't let anyone forget. i <3 being the center of attention. but then it's also never what i want it to be and i get really sad and fucked up on the day -- i deserve an award for not crying on my 21st please and thank you.
NOPE. do i want to change my countries for the better? absolutely. but i would crumble under that pressure oh my god
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its-tortle · 11 months
(It’s time again for obscure questions with Julie!) skinny jeans or baggy jeans? What’s your favorite month? Do you have a favorite place?
hi julie!!!
i'm gen z, so i will say baggy, but i definitely was a black skinny jeans person until i was like 16. also i think we should all just wear what looks best on our body shape and what makes us feel comfortable, trends be damned. i like myself in flared jeans :)
april!! or maybe may. i just love spring so much. april wins because it's my birthday month hihi
i think it depends on for what. because i certainly have lots of places i love, but for different moods or occasions. i do think that if i have to choose one place i'll go with berlin because it's home
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its-tortle · 1 year
(Julie! Julie! Julie!) what super power would you give to your arch nemesis? What is the highest number you’ve actually counted to? Do dreams have a deeper meaning?
hi julie!! sorry this response is so late
my arch nemesis should get super-hearing so i can scream really loud and shatter their eardrums. that would be fun, i think
that is a good question and i have no idea. i can't imagine it's that much over 100? maybe 150?
dreams are just your brain grabbing things off of the shelf and making a smoothie. that being said, i have had dreams that were very obviously processing a thought and working out an answer for me haha
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its-tortle · 1 year
(Julie’s back! it’s kinda been a minute hasn’t it?) What was the last thing you cooked? Does life need to have a purpose or can you just live, purposeless? Why is it called a building if it’s already built?
hi julie!!
the last thing i cooked was a cauliflower casserole and fishsticks last night. my dad was a bitch about it and ruined the dinner but my mom and i liked it so he can suck it. i am a chef
i think life should have purpose, but that purpose can be the vaguest, smallest thing. it can be saving lives or it can be planting a garden or it can be finding a moment of joy everyday. sometimes the purpose it just making it til tomorrow, y'know?
because the english language is ineffable. hope this helps!
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its-tortle · 1 year
what would be your dream job? What’s your favorite part of Halloween? Do you prefer hot drinks or cold drinks?
hi julie!! <3
dream job would probably be something in publishing!! i'd love to be an editor or something
i like the excuse to dress up and take a shot with my friends, though i know that's quite basic. i also get very excited for my mom's pumpkin soup, though i suppose that's not directly halloween related
depends!! i love warm teas and hot chocolate and warm milk with honey. i like warm coffee, but i usally prefer it iced. i think it really depends in the ✨vibes✨
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its-tortle · 1 year
(it’s me. hi. i am Julie, it’s me.) what the biggest red flag you seen? what’s the longest thing you’ve written? Is life a computer simulation?
hi julie!!
idk about biggest one i've seen but i think by biggest red flags in other people are (a) willful ignorance, (b) always making jokes at the expense of others, and (c) making someone feel bad for being excited about something
the longest thing i've written is probably my 47k stranger things fic!
no. and even if it's all happening in your head, it doesn't make it any less real
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its-tortle · 1 year
(Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s Julie!) Tell me a memory you have about fruit? How many people should it take to screw in a light bulb? If you could steal any one thing, what would it be?
it is julie indeed! and i am once again late w this one!
i remember that when i went to one of my friend's bday party as a kid there was a cherry pit spitting competition but i didn't like cherries because i was a really picky kid so everyone did it except me and one other picky girl lmao. i like them now though
it should take 1! we love an independent queen (gender neutrual). but also i want to say 2 because everything is nicer w a friend :))
your heart <3 (also all of jeff bezo's money)
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its-tortle · 1 year
It’s unusual ask time with Julie! What your favorite cheesy love song? What’s a song you can’t stand? Do you have any weird superstitions?
omg hi julie!
i adore cheesy love songs. have you got me by colbie caliat and ours by taylor swift.
the first song that comes to mind that i can't stand is gangnam style by psy
and also i don't think so? i knock on wood sometimes, but that's more of a bit than a genuine superstition. there are probably little things, but nothing that occurs to me now
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