#juliette byrd
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Title: Easy A
Rating: PG-13
Director: Will Gluck
Cast: Emma Stone, Penn Badgley, Amanda Bynes, Dan Byrd, Thomas Haden Church, Patricia Clarkson, Cam Gigandet, Lisa Kudrow, Malcolm McDowell, Aly Michalka, Stanley Tucci, Fred Armisen, Juliette Goglia, Jake Sandvig, Morgan Rusler
Release year: 2010
Genres: comedy, romance
Blurb: Average high school student Olive sees her below-the-radar existence turn around overnight once she decides to use the school's gossip grapevine to advance her social standing. Now, her classmates are turning against her, and the school board is becoming concerned, including her favourite teacher and the distracted guidance counsellor. With the support of her hilariously idiosyncratic parents and a little help from a long-time crush, Olive attempts to take on her notorious new identity and crush the rumour mill once and for all.
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how-manygalileos · 6 years
and the songbird keeps singing - chapt1
a/n: hey gang, this is the first bit of actual writing i’ve done for juliette byrd, an oc i’ve had in the works for a little while. so yea, this is a little intro to her, idk if this will follow a traditional chapter based system, but we’ll see. enjoy!! :) xx
word count: 2265
the audition
February 2013
Juliette sat outside the small auditorium, her bass guitar in its case sat next to her. She looked around nervously and bounced her knee. She took a deep breath, the final stage of auditions. A couple of other performers were loitering around the same area. It felt like every single one of them was staring at her. Should she be warming up? Thinking about what she might say? Because she was the only girl in that room? Should she have prepared more? The person who called her about final call backs said the pieces she had already would be enough but she couldn’t help but worry.
“Juliette Byrd.” the audition director called out, catching her off guard and startling her slightly. She collected herself and picks up her guitar case, before hurrying into the room. She stood, exposed, on the floor of the black box theatre, a drum kit and guitar amps set up behind her. Brian May, Roger Taylor sat in the auditorium stalls along with who she assumed was a musical director of some sort and the woman who had called her into the room.
“So, Miss Byrd” Brian started.
“No please, call me Juliette - or Byrdie- I don’t mind”, she scolded herself slightly. She just interrupted Brian may. THE BRIAN MAY. She also wasn’t sure why she brought up ‘Byrdie’, it was just a stupid nickname her jazz band director had given her at secondary school. Brian smiled, putting her mind at rest slightly. “Juliette, tell us something about yourself” he continued. Juliette cleared her throat slightly.
“Hi, i’m Juliette, I’ve been playing bass for 15 years, I’ve got 8 years training in both classical and musical theatre singing, acting and dance, I’ve played in jazz bands, rock bands, theatre orchestras and--”
“Juliette” Roger cut her off, “we want to know about you, not why you think you’re qualified”. She felt her cheeks flush slightly.
“Uhh- umm…” Juliette fumbled with her thoughts, “My name is Juliette Devon Byrd. I was born on 18th October 1989 - uh - I’m from Brighton... I like music, nearly all genres, playing it, listening to it, writing it, most everything about it - um - I like cats, I had one called Chester growing up and he would sleep on my pillow most nights… I lived in London for a few years but moved back to Brighton a little over a year ago.”
“Why the move back to Brighton?” Brian asked
“Oh…” She wasn’t sure if she wanted to answer that, afraid it would result in too much pity, “November last year my mum got sick, she couldn’t work or look after my sister. So I came home to help her out.”
“You have a sister?” Roger asked
“Yeah, -well- half-sister. Her name’s Lauren and she turns 13 in April” by this point Juliette felt more comfortable, more settled into the situation.
“Oh! My youngest turns 13 in April too. How’s your sister finding school?” Roger said, Juliette was glad, and slightly impressed, that the conversation had quickly moved past her mother being ill and she felt she had made a personal connection.
“She’s doing really well, she’s a lot more clever than I am. She’s great at science, really likes biology specifically” Juliette beamed.
“You certainly sound very proud of her.” Brian acknowledged her warm smile and returned it.
“So, shall we try some playing?” the musical director chirped up, “Brian? Roger? And Juliette, if you want to get yourself set up” the two older musicians stood up and walked down to the area where Juliette was standing. Juliette opened her guitar case, pulling out her mint green Music Man StingRay and checked it was in tune. Roger sat at the drum kit behind her as Brian amped up the Red Special, Juliette followed suit, amping up her bass.
“You know Crazy Little Thing Called Love?” Brian said, catching her attention. He had set down the Red Special and picked up an acoustic.
“Of course,” Juliette replied, smirking slightly, before the jam session began. She played well, confident but still with a few mistakes that she put down to nerves. After Crazy Little Thing they played Another One Bites The Dust and then Dragon Attack. After that Juliette was asked to improvise a bass solo, which because of her jazz band experience she was quite good at. Juliette left the final call back feeling quite confident but didn’t want to get her hopes up and risk disappointment.
After the final candidate finished their audition, Brian and Roger sat alone in the auditorium for a moment, the other two members of the casting board having left the room already. In the background two roadies were packing up the amps and drum kit.
“What do you think then? Have we got our bassist, Rog?” Brian broke the silence between them.
“I think we might, there’s certainly a couple I have in mind.” Roger answered, “Of course, I don’t think we’ll know for sure until we do a proper performance with the rest of the band.”
“I’ve heard from Deaky,” Brian said, “I sent him an email about it last week, just the final shortlist and their CVs and headshots, that sort of thing… I didn’t really expect to get a response.”
“Well, It was an email about finding someone to, in a way, replace him… I’ve not heard much out of him in years” Roger said crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair slightly, “What did Birdman have to say then? Anything useful?”
“He did have one particular favourite by the sounds of things,” Brian started, “a certain, Miss. Juliette Byrd. She played Scaramouche on the West End, you know.”
“Oh, that was her,” Roger commented, “I thought she seemed familiar.”
“Deaky said that she was his favourite Scaramouche, he’s been to see a few different casts and apparently her performance style stands miles above the rest.”
“Great bassist too, definitely one of the most talented ones we’ve seen today.” Roger paused to think, “At any of the callbacks this week, come to think of it. Quite young though.” This wasn’t incorrect, Juliette was only 23, there were more experienced people they had auditioned.
“But then so was Deaky.” Brian reasoned, Roger nodded in agreement.
Juliette sat at the kitchen table refreshing her email over and over and her mobile with a full battery, ready to pick up should it ring. She was supposed to find out today. An email if she didn’t get it, a phone call if she did. At least that’s how it usually went.
“So today’s the day!” her childhood best friend puts her hands on her shoulders. Juliette jumped slightly.
“Katie!” she called out upon realising who it was, “what are you doing here?”
“Your sister let me in, couldn’t miss seeing you on the big day.” Katie had been there every time Juliette was to find out about a part or job she’s auditioned for. She put a bottle of prosecco and a cake box down on the table.
“It’s a little premature for that, isn’t it?” Juliette said, refreshing her emails again. Katie raised an eyebrow at her. “J.” she stated, in a somewhat disapproving tone, “You’ll get it, I know you will. You’re the best bassist I know.”
“I’m the only bassist you know.”
“Shut up. That isn’t the point. Don’t be a smart arse.” Katie said, pointing at her, “You’ll get it, and if you don’t then you have some decent booze to drown your sorrows with and cupcakes so you can eat your feelings.” Juliette shrugged in response and went back to obsessively checking her emails.
“Hey, don’t they only send you an email if you don’t get it?” Katie asks, reaching to close the laptop.
“I don’t know that, every audition process is different.” Juliette replied, reopening her laptop, “Anyway, I’d thought you’d be over at James’, being in the honeymoon phase and all.” Katie blushed slightly.
“I feel this is far more important, today I get to find out if little Juliette I went to nursery with is joining one of the biggest rock bands in the world.” Katie beamed, “Also he has a load of year 2 maths homework to mark, him and Liv said they’d come over later.”
Katie, James, Liv and Juliette had been a tight knit group of friends in secondary school, and tried to see each other as often as they could. Katie worked in a small cake shop in the middle of town, she had dreams of one day opening her own cafe and patisserie. James wanted to be a primary school teacher, he was finishing his final year of training so he was stressed. The main solace he had to distract him from said stress was the blossoming relationship he had started with Katie that summer just gone. Liv was a librarian, she had always liked books so it seemed the natural thing for her to be doing after they finished school. Even though Juliette was back in Brighton, she’d seen less of her school friends than when she was living in London. She was really happy her old friends were there to support her on the day her career could potentially change forever. Juliette refreshed her email a few more times, Katie rolled her eyes and walked over to put the kettle on. Juliette’s phone buzzed on the tabletop. She scrambled to grab it.
New message from Cian O’Doherty: Today’s the day, you heard yet J-byrd? :P
Juliette sighed, what an inopportune moment to receive a text. She had promised Cian that he’d be the first to know, but he was rather impatient. Katie looks over her shoulder.
“Cian O’Doherty?” she asks, “Isn’t that the Irish lad who was the year below us? Played rugby with James?”
“Uhh- yeah,” Juliette said absentmindedly refreshing her laptop, “he’s actually the one who got me the audition.”
“Yeah, he’s a session drummer, he’s got contacts in the industry and stuff.”
“Do you know yet?” Juliette’s sister, Lauren, bounded into the room excitedly.
“Not yet, Laur, no.” Juliette sighed, her sister gave her a sympathetic smile and went to sit at the kitchen table with the other two girls.
A half hour passed, Juliette obsessively refreshing her emails and checking her phone. She felt like she was going a little bit insane. She was about to give up, assuming she hadn’t got it. Suddenly, her phone rang. Juliette froze for a moment.
“What are you waiting for?” Katie practically screamed, “Pick it up!” Juliette reached for her phone and answered it.
“Hello?” She said somewhat nervously,
“Is this Juliette Byrd?” the voice said, she thought it was the woman from the audition, but she couldn’t be sure. There was then a knock at the door. Typical, she thought to herself.
“Yes, I am she.” she hated the way she phrased that, “Lauren, get the door?” she aggressively whispered before putting the phone back up to her face.
“I’m contacting you about last week’s audition for the bassist position...” the woman said, it was hard to gauge what she would say from her tone of voice. Lauren ran back into the room, Liv and James in tow.
“Did she get it? Do we know?” James asked,
“Shhhh!” his girlfriend scolded, “she’s still on the phone.”
“...Miss Byrd, I’m delighted to say that you have the job” Juliette’s heart skipped a beat, a wide smile crossed her face.
“What is it?” Liv asked
“Have you got it?” Katie asked louder, jumping up slightly. Juliette scowls at them and motions for them to shut up.
“...Congratulations, you’re the new member of Queen + Adam Lambert”
“That’s fantastic,” she said excitedly, “thank you so much, that’s incredible. Oh my goodness, I’m so happy to hear that.”
“So you go it?” Lauren almost screeched, Juliette shot a semi-playful glare at her sister who rolled her eyes in response.
“You should get an email in the next day or so with a basic setlist of songs you’ll need to have ready and the upcoming dates of any rehearsals,” the woman on the phone said, “you’ll also get your contract, if you could read through that and get a signed copy to us as soon as possible, that would be great.” Juliette was nearly bursting at this point, she felt like she could cry she was so happy.
“Of course, I’ll get that to you as soon as you can, thank you again so much.” She said grinning.
“It was my pleasure to tell you, Miss Byrd. Congratulations again.” The woman said before hanging up. Juliette put her phone down on the table, smiling widely and happy tears pooling in her eyes.
“I think I know,” Katie started, “but I need to hear you say it.”
“I got it.” Juliette exclaimed, “I’m Queen + Adam Lambert’s new bassist!” cheers and screams of joy filled the room.
“J, that’s incredible!” Katie cried, wrapping her arms around here old friend. James popped the prosecco and poured five glasses as Liv and Lauren joined the hug between Katie and Juliette.
“James,” Juliette called over her shoulder, “only a tiny bit for Lauren, she’s 12.”
“I know, J.” he said chuckling and passing out the glasses, “I’d like to propose a toast. To Juliette Devon Byrd, our new favourite rock star.” he said raising his glass.
“To Juliette Devon Byrd!” everyone chanted in response. Juliette hadn’t felt this happy in a long time, she didn’t think she would ever stop smiling. After the past year she’d had, it finally felt like things were looking up.
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galaxy-potatoo · 3 years
So it's hard to follow the path ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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alixennial · 3 years
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For @aquagirl1978 - I know how much you love these 🍨
Look at how fluffy they all look, with their ice creams 🥰 
(Yes, I know some are technically milkshakes but the sentiment’s the same lol)
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Who did the mini cg better?
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badmovieihave · 3 years
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Bad movie I have Easy A 2010
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wolfiecindyxo · 6 years
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thornfield13713 · 2 years
So, if you could construct a Lovestruck worldstate like you do with DA, who would your 'canon' LIs be? And what did you call your protagonists for each game?
So, this one is tricky. First of all, ‘favourite’ and ‘canonical’ aren’t always the same thing. For instance, while my favourite Love and Legends route is Helena’s...I still wouldn’t choose it as my ‘canon’ route, because I find the ending so profoundly unsatisfying, and I wanted my heroine to be able to stay in the Domains with her newfound friends. I enjoyed the rest of the route enough for that not to matter, but that doesn’t mean I’d choose it for something as big as being the ‘one true’ route for my protagonist Lacey. Similarly, sometimes I have chosen my second-favourite route because I like the idea of the canonical kids from that route meeting the canonical kids of another route and possibly forming some sort of relationship. Also complicating matters is the fact that a lot of games have cameos from other routes where you get to see that a given route is 'canonical' to another - for example, in Diego's route in Havenfall is for Lovers, you get to see Reiner Wolfson and the Love and Legends MC during their stopover in Chicago, and Robin Sanders from Villainous Nights - a major character in all routes - is the child of the MC of Astoria: Fate's Kiss and Chimera, and has an older sister married to the son of the Gangsters in Love MC and Yoshimitsu.
...all of which you probably know if you're a fan. So, sorry about that little rant. But, sure, a grand unified Cat's MCs Lovestruck universe. Why not? I mean, it would lead to some massive changes - I'd probably need to change out the Villainous Nights MC's roommate for one of the other possible MC kids, to name the most major change. 
With that in mind, here’s the list of my MCs names and partners (I have not included partner listings for the shorts, as there usually isn’t a choice there. Likewise, routes like Della Falke’s in Tales of the Wild where there is only one possible LI have also been excluded.)
Full Games
Love and Legends - Lacey Caldwell (Altea Bellerose)
Ever After Academy - Thomas (Lucas Charming) and Iris (Arin Langdon) Thorne
Starship Promise - Alcyone Celaeno (Zhora Leonis) and Tarazed Tsih (Antares Fairchild)
Havenfall is for Lovers - Faith Harker (Jordan ‘JD’ Davies)
Villainous Nights - Willow Petiver (Juliette Optima)
Reigning Passions - Maris Wilder (Amara of the Summer)
Immortal Heart Society - Zoraida (Alanna McKenna) and Arístides (Emilio Espinoza) Escarrá
Astoria: Fate's Kiss - Juniper ‘Junie’ Peacock (Alex Cyprin)
Queen of Thieves - Inés Barba (Nikolai Stirling)
Wicked Lawless Love - Mercy Aaskster (Sascha Orosco)
Sweet Enchantments - Cordelia Rhymer (Zain Blackwood) and Hero Silkwater (Nysa Dawnvale)
Sin With Me - Audrey Liu (Nahara Byrd)
Gangsters in Love - Marilyn Moore (Irving Monroe) and Rosario Silver (Aurora James)
Edge Case: Love’s Pursuit - Ai Shiratori (Korin Reyes)
Tales of the Wild - Philippa Hölzer (Evina Arwel)
My Siren Crush - Coralee Seaver (Maxime Okun)
Castaway: Love’s Adventure - Hōkūlani Kalawai’a (Arthur Singh)
Speakeasy Tonight - Josephine ‘Josie’ Gray (Gerald O’Fallon)
To Love and Protect - Caroline Marchesi (Madison Lane)
Three Tattoos - Jessica ‘Jessie’ Digory
Drawn Together - Evangeline Raines
Loving After Midnight - Veronica Fell
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Lovestruck Masterlist
Queen of Thieves
Fanfiction: When Vodka is What You Need The Most (Nikolai Stirling, The Gilded Poppy) Skies (Raveena Patel) A Very Important Task (comedy) Fanart: MC:  portrait 1, portrait 2 Nikolai: with matrioshka dolls, birthday drawing Remy: birthday drawing Zoe: birthday drawing Jett: birthday drawing Jace: portrait Celine - 1, 2 Inez Serrano - 1, 2
Sweet Enchantments
Birthday drawings: Zain, Emeril, Roman, Liora, Milo Lucien: markers
Sin with Me
Birthday drawings: Onyx, Cal, Yvette, Darius, Wrath, Malakai Nahara Byrd - ace week, birthday drawing
Reigning Passions
Xenia in a comfy sweater, cosy with MC Lyris: birthday drawing, in a comfy sweater Piama: birthday drawing
Ever After Academy
Lucas - birthday drawing; with MMC
Wicked Lawless Love
Cecelia - charcoal drawing, birthday drawing
Starship Promise
Birthday drawings: Tyrian Jessa Flexand: charcoal drawing, with alien!MC, soft moments with alien!MC Zhora: portrait
Love & Legends
Fanfiction: Homework (Lional Ailerose, Altea Bellerose, Helena Klein) Fanart: Frozen cosplay (Helena) Powerful Ishara
Villainous Nights
Fanart: Pride parade Renzei and MC - giveaway drawing Duke Vale - birthday drawing Juliette - birthday drawing Andi - birthday drawing Lorelei - birthday drawing
Havenfall is for Lovers
Fanart: Pizza (MC, Mackenzie) Vanessa - birthday drawing Antonio - birthday drawing Razi - birthday drawing
Lovestruck Shorts
Fanart: MC of Drawn Together 1 MC of Drawn Together 2
Athena & Josh for Ace Week
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djlook · 5 years
Off the Air 4/16/19 Playlist
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Playlist inspired by this view.
Stan Getz & Charlie Byrd - O Pato
Monster Rally - Full Sail
Sunny & The Sunliners - Our Day Will Come
Gabor Szabo - Stormy
Jr Thomas & The Volcanos - Burning Fire
El Chicano - Viva Tirado
Kalapan - Juliette
Brenton Wood - Baby, You Got It
The Olympians - Apollo’s Mood
Pat Van Dyke - Clarity
Brazilian Girls - Lazy Lover
The Souljazz Orchestra - Lotus Flower
Agustin Pereyra Lucena - Guayabas
Koop - Koop Island Blues
Donald Byrd - I Feel Like Loving You Today
The Isley Brothers - Voyage to Atlantis
Axel Tosca Laugart - Estrella
Steve & Teresa - Kaho’Olawe Song
Monster Rally - Bahia Mar
Cal Tjader - Mambo Sangria
Bob’s Burgers - Jeff
Lemon Jelly - A Tune For Jack
Lemongrass - Hot Day
Poolside - Next to You
The Whitest Boy Alive - 1517
Holger Czukay - Cool in the Pool
Quantic - Mishaps Happening
Phase 7 - So Good to Be in Love
Kalapana - Blacksand
Greenflow - I Got’Cha
Walter Franco - Vela Aberta
Fabiano Orchestra - Rastaman Rock
Quadron - Sea Salt
Jorge Ben - E So Sambar
Don Tiki - An Occasional Man
Walter Wanderley - Call Me
Sinkane - Moonstruck
Devendra Banhart - Mi Negrita
Sean Ono Lennon - Into the Sun
Air - La Femme D’Argent
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vinylfromthevault · 7 years
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The Black Angels “Phosgene Nightmare” 2011. Blue Horizon. Limited edition 10″ on white vinyl. We saw The Black Angels, along with Black Lips, this past weekend at the Majestic in Madison. The Black Angels show was amazing, overwhelming. I was telling a fellow yogi friend about the concert and referenced the yogic practice of pratyahara (sense-withdrawal) where you turn the naturally outward-seeking sense organs inward to become more conscious of the true self. A Black Angels show is pretty much the exact opposite. Nonstop psychedelic sound waves crash through you, vibrating your body at a cellular level while video loops of hallucinatory images and strobes play behind the band and the smell of weed fills your nose (the only input missing was taste but I’ll go ahead and count the too-strong drink the bartender poured me as the assault on that sense organ). Perpetually sleep-deprived, I ended up having to close my eyes for awhile to shut some of the bombardment out (falling asleep briefly while standing up, then later headed up to the balcony where there was seating, curled up and fell asleep for real for a few minutes).
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Phosgene Nightmare is a bit less of a heavy hallucinogenic assault than many of The Black Angels other releases, with more bright 60′s Byrds-guitar sounds (i.e. on “At Night,” “Choose to Choose”) and some country flavor (“The Boat Song”). The most Black Angely tracks are the Velvet Undgroundesque “Ronettes” and “Entrance Song (Rain Dance Version).” (“Entrance Song” appears in its original format on the 2010 full-length Phosphene Dream. 
Black Lips played before The Black Angels. I’m ambivalent about the Lips but their show was solid and entertaining southern-fried garage punk. I got pretty distracted, though, when I first noticed that guitarist/vocalist Cole Alexander was a dead-ringer for Orlando Bloom’s hillbilly little brother, which in turn made me realize that drummer Oakley Munson resembled Jason Segel in the Freaks and Geeks era with a full-on ‘fro and saxophonist Zumi Rosow looked like a melding of Laura Dern and Juliette Lewis. Joe thought Jack Hines resembled a shaggy Steve Zahn. Neither of us could come up for a good celebrity doppelgänger for bassist/singer Jared Swilley who has so much of his own look going on.
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[[[Remember to add:
Graham Kartna - Laker Ice - EP
Graham Kartna - The Adventures Of Death Boy
Graham Kartna - Loop Tube
Graham Kartna - Ideation Deluxe
Graham Kartna - Shoot The Moons
Graham Kartna - Illegal Transmissions Over Boyos, ON
Graham Kartna - .temp
Graham Lambkin - Poem (For Voice & Tape)
Graham Lambkin - Salmon Run
Graham Lambkin - Softly Softly Copy Copy
Graham Lambkin - Amateur Doubles
Graham Lambkin - Community
Graham Lambkin - No Better No Worse (Vol 1)
Hanz - FireThief
Hanz - AMBAP
Hanz - A Brief Guide
Hanz - Reducer
Hanz - Mix (Kaltblut Magazine)
Hanz - Short Manual (Mix)
Hanz - Plasty I
Hanz - Plasty II
Hanz - I Got it A Gift​.​.
Hanz - Unofficial Hanz Singles Compilation Album
Haru Nemuri - Haru to Shura
Holly Herndon - Platform
Iggy Pop - The Idiot
Iglooghost - Neō Wax Bloom
Impossible Nothing - Phonemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Lexemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Tonemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Taxemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Glossemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Chronemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Phrasemenomicon
Impossible Nothing - Graphemenomicon
Infinity Frequencies - Between two worlds
It’s Over, I Tried... - Emotional Rollecoaster EP
It’s Over, I Tried... - Misandry
It’s Over, I Tried... - A Couple of Days Without Internet Connection
It’s Over, I Tried... - Six Random Dreams In A Single Night
It’s Over, I Tried... - fuck off
It’s Over, I Tried... - GASLiGHT!
It’s Over, I Tried... - Skin Carving
It’s Over, I Tried... - Dark Circles Around Our Eyes
It’s Over, I Tried... - 6:02am
It’s Over, I Tried... - Electra Complex
It’s Over, I Tried... - Eternal
It’s Over, I Tried... - At Last...
It’s Over, I Tried... - DISSOCIATION LOOPS
It’s Over, I Tried... - Juliette
It’s Over, I Tried... - dismissal
J Dilla - Donuts
Jack White - Boarding House Reach
James Blake - The Bells Sketch
James Blake - CMYK
James Blake - Klavierwerke
James Blake - James Blake
James Blake - Enough Thunder
James Blake - Overgrown
James Blake - The Colour in Anything
James Ferraro - Skid Row
James Ferraro - Burning Prius ®
James Ferraro - Fanfare For The Boston Marathon 2017
James Ferraro - Troll
James Ferraro - Four Pieces For Mirai
Joanna Newsom - Walnut Whales
Joanna Newsom - Yarn and Glue
Joanna Newsom - The Milk-Eyed Mender
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Joanna Newsom - Joanna Newsom and the Ys Street Band
Joanna Newsom - Have One on Me
Joanna Newsom - Divers
JPEGMAFIA - Communist Slow Jams
JPEGMAFIA - Darkskin Manson EP
JPEGMAFIA - Black Ben Carson
JPEGMAFIA - The 2nd Amendement
Julian McHutchison - Loopsided
Justin Bieber - My World 2.0
Kanye West - The College Dropout
Kanye West - Late Registration
Kanye West - Graduation
Kanye West - 808s and Heartbreak
Kanye West & Jay-Z - Watch the Throne
Kanye West - The Life of Pablo
Kanye West - ye
Kali Uchis - isola†ion
Kate Bush - The Kick Inside
Kate Bush - Lion Heart
Kate Bush - Never for Ever
Kate Bush - The Sensual World
Kate Bush - The Red Shoes
Kate Bush - Aerial
Kate Bush - Director’s Cut
Kate Bush - 50 Words for Snow
Kelela - Take Me Apart
Kendrick Lamar - Section.80
Kendrick Lamar - Untitled Unmastered
Kesha - Animal
Kesha - Cannibal
Kesha - Warrior
Kesha - Rainbow
Kirin J Callinan - Embracism
Kirin J Callinan - Bravado
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Moshi Moshi Harajuku
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Nanda Collection
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - Pika Pika Fantajin
Kyle - Smyle
Lady Gaga - The Fame
Lady Gaga - Born This Way
Lady Gaga - Artpop
Lady Gaga - Cheek to Cheek
Lady Gaga - Joanne
Lemon Demon - Live (Only Not)
Lemon Demon - Dinosaurchestra
Lemon Demon - View-Monster
Lemon Demon - I Am Become Christmas
Lemon Demon - Nature Tapes
Lemon Demon - Spirit Phone
Lil Ugly Mane - Mista Thug Isolation
Lil Ugly Mane - Three Sided Tape Volume One
Lil Ugly Mane - Three Sided Tape Volume Two
Lil Ugly Mane - Absence of Shitperson
Lil Ugly Mane - Third Side of Tape
Lil Ugly Mane - Oblivion Access
Sock - Sock
Mal Webb - Trainer Wheels
Mal Webb - 3 Cheers for Peace and Quiet
Mal Webb - Dodgy
Mal Webb - Not Nor Mal
Viktor Vaughn - Vaudeville Villain
Madvillain - Madvillainy
Danger Doom - The Mouse and the Mask
Doom - Born Like This
Michael Jackson - Thriller
Michael Jackson - Bad
Michael Jackson - Dangerous
Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion
Mika - The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Mika - The Origin of Love
Mika - No Place in Heaven
Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers
Milosh - You Make Me Feel
Milosh - meme
Milosh - iii
Milosh - Jetlag
Moby - Everything Was Beautiful, and Nothing Hurt
Moby - More Fast Songs About The Apocalypse
Monolake - Hongkong
Monolake - Interstate
Monolake - Gravity
Monolake - Cinemascope
Monolake - Momentum
Monolake - Polygon_Cities
Monolake - Silence
Monolake - Ghosts
Monolake - VLSI
Mount Eerie -  "No Flashlight": Songs of the Fulfilled Night
Mount Eerie - Lost Wisdom
Mount Eerie - Dawn
Mount Eerie - Wind’s Poem
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon
Mount Eerie - Ocean Road
Mount Eerie - Sauna
Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me
Mount Eerie - Now Only
Mr. Oizo - Analog Worms Attack
Mr. Oizo - Moustache (Half a Scissor)
Mr. Oizo - Lambs Anger
Mr. Oizo - Stade 2
Mr. Oizo - The Shurch
Mr. Oizo - All Wet
Nas - Illmatic
Natalia Lafourcade - Musas Vol. 2
Nmesh - Pharma
Ol’ Dirty Bastard - Nigga Please
Owl City - Maybe I’m Dreaming
Owl City - Ocean Eyes
Owl City - All Things Bright and Beautiful
Owl City - The Midsummer Station
Owl City - Mobile Orchestra
Owl City - Cinematic
PC Music - PC Music Volume 1
PC Music - PC Music Volume 2
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1977)
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1978)
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1980)
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (1982)
Peter Gabriel - So
Peter Gabriel - Us
Peter Gabriel - Up
Peter Gabriel - Scratch My Back
Peter Gabriel - New Blood
Poe - Hello
Prurient - Rainbow Mirror
Pusha T - My Name Is My Name
Pusha T - King Push – Darkest Before Dawn: The Prelude
Pusha T - Daytona
Regina Spektor - 11:11
Regina Spektor - Songs
Regina Spektor - Soviet Kitsch
Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
Regina Spektor - Far
Regina Spektor - What We Saw from the Cheap Seats
Rina Sawayama - Rina
Ross Byrd - Undeniable Resurrection
Ryoji Ikeda - 1000 fragments
Ryoji Ikeda - +/-
Ryoji Ikeda - 0°C
Ryoji Ikeda - time and space
Ryoji Ikeda - 99: Variations For Modulated 440Hz Sinewaves
Ryoji Ikeda - Mort Aux Vaches
Ryoji Ikeda - matrix
Ryoji Ikeda - .
Ryoji Ikeda - op.
Ryoji Ikeda - dataplex
Ryoji Ikeda - test pattern
Ryoji Ikeda - dataphonics
Ryoji Ikeda - id
Ryoji Ikeda - supercodex
Ryoji Ikeda - Live at White Cube
Ryuichi Sakamoto - async - Remodels
Shawn Kemp - External Files
Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle
Sophie - Product
Sophie - Oil of Every Pearl's Un-Insides
Squarepusher - Feed Me Weird Things
Squarepusher - Hard Normal Daddy
Squarepusher - Burningn’n Tree
Squarepusher - Buzz Caner
Squarepusher - Music Is Rotted One Note
Squarepusher - Big Loada
Squarepusher - Budakhan Mindphone
Squarepusher - Selection Sixteen
Squarepusher - Go Plastic
Squarepusher - Do You Know Squarepusher
Squarepusher - Ultravisitor
Squarepusher - Hello Everything
Squarepusher - Just a Souvenir
Squarepusher - Solo Electric Bass 1
Squarepusher - Shobaleader One: d’Demonstrator
Squarepusher - Ufabulum
Squarepusher - Damogen Furies
Squarepusher - Elektrac
St. Vincent - Marry Me
St. Vincent - Actor
St. Vincent - Strange Mercy
St. Vincent & David Byrne - Love This Giant
St. Vincent - St. Vincent
St. Vincent - Masseduction
Sufjan Stevens - A Sun Came
Sufjan Stevens - Enjoy Your Rabbit
Sufjan Stevens - Michigan
Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche
Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz
Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
Sun Kil Moon - Benji
Sun Kil Moon - Common as Light and Love Are Red Valleys of Blood
Mark Kozelek - Mark Kozelek
The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready to Die
The Notorious B.I.G. - Life After Death
Tiësto - In My Memory
Tiësto - Just Be
Tiësto - Elements of Life
Tiësto - Kaleidoscope
Tiësto - A Town Called Paradise
Tim Hecker - Haunt Me, Haunt Me Do It Again
Tim Hecker - Radio Amor
Tim Hecker - Mirages
Tim Hecker - Harmony in Ultraviolet
Tim Hecker - An Imaginary Country
Tim Hecker - Dropped Pianos
Tim Hecker - Love Streams
Tupac Shakur - 2Pacalypse Now
Tupac Shakur - Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z...
Tupac Shakur - Me Against the World
Tupac Shakur - All Eyez on Me
Tupac Shakur - The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory
Tupac Shakur - R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
Tupac Shakur - Until the End of Time
U.S. Girls - In a Poem Unlimited
New Dreams Ltd. - Sleepline
Vektroid - Big Danger
Vektroid - Vektroid Texture Maps
Vektroid - RE•SET
Siddiq & Vektroid - Midnight Run
New Dreams Ltd. - Eden
Palacio Del Rio - No Title
CTO & Ray Sherman - GDGA1
Vektroid - Telnet Complete
Peace Forever Eternal - Nextcentury
Vektroid - Seed & Synthetic Earth
Vectorfray - Bloodsample EP
Vectorfray - For OCRemix's Evaluation
Vectorfray - From The Comfort Of Your Deathbed
Vectorfray - Ides EP
Vectorfray - NolemN Single
Vectorfray - Omegalpha (Disc One)
Vectorfray - Pentbüt
Vktrfry - Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
Vktrfry - The Wavefunction Collapse Session
Vektordrum - Shitaihokansho
Vektordrum - Unreleased Tracks
Vektordrum - Capitose Windowpane
Vektordrum - Deciphered
Vektordrum - Fraktalseq: Blossom
Vektordrum - Hello Skypedals EP1
Vektordrum - Hello Skypedals EP2
Vektordrum - I, Banished
Vektordrum - Discrét Night Signals
Vektordrum - Geese
Vektordrum - Trinity
Vince Staples - Hell Can Wait
Vince Staples - Summertime ‘06
Vince Staples - Prima Donna
Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
Warmer - Rocket # 009
Warmer - The Tragic Evolution of Desire
Warmer - The Decisions
Matt Koester - I C L A
yeongrak - fn primer cake today II
Zach Hill - Astrological Straits
Zach Hill - Face Tat
骨架的 - Cool Water
骨架的 - Opal Disc
骨架的 - Sunset Melody
(embarrassing list of) Albums on phone:
Christina Grimmie - All Is Vanity
Sun Araw - On Patrol
Frank Zappa - One Size Fits All
Graham Kartna - One Year: A Collection Of Old Tunes
MF Doom - Operation: Doomsday
R23X - OST (1).rar
R23X - OSV: Original Sound Version
DJ Shadow - The Outsider 
Frank Zappa - Over-Nite Sensation
90210 - P.O. Box 666
Nyetscape - Party kicks
Andy Stott - Passed Me By
Bibio - Phantom Brickworks
Sun Araw - The Phynx
The Skaters - Physicalities Of The Sensibilities Of Ingrediential Strairways
James Ferraro - Pixarni
Moby - Play
Gary Numan - The Pleasure Principle
Fever Ray - Plunge
Ariel Pink - pom pom
Gas - Pop
Charli XCX - Pop 2
Baths - Pop Music/False B-Sides
Poppy - Poppy.Computer
Björk - Post
DJ Shadow - The Private Press
Famicom Fountains - Progman.Exe
Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
Internet Club - Pure Trance
James Ferraro - Purple Gongs
Gas - Rausch
Tim Hecker - Ravedeath, 1972
David Bowie - Reality
Eminem - Recovery
Internet Club - Redefining The Workplace
Eminem - Relapse
Eminem - Revival
Graham Kartna - Rewards
Graham Kartna - Rhetoric On Sublime
Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album
The Diamondstein - The Ridges
Goldie - Ring of Saturn
David Bowie - The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars
Elliott Smith - Roman Candle
Baths - Romaplasm
SkʞƧ - Round
Frank Zappa - Roxy & Elsewhere
Sun Araw - The Saddle Of The Increate
Goldie - Saturnz Return
David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
Scatman John - Scatman’s World
Girl Talk - Secret Diary
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient works 85-92
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II
Internet Club - The Sharper Image
Arca - Sheep
Christina Grimmie - Side A
Christina Grimmie - Side B
Bodyguard - Silica Gel
K2 - Silicon Oasis
Bibio - Silver Wilkinson
Nicolas Jaar - Sirens
Doseone - Skeleton Repelent
Flume - Skin
Flume - Skin Companion EP 1
Flume - Skin Companion EP 2
Dollr Menu - Slappers Only! 
Eminem - The Slim Shady LP
Comaduster - Slip Through
Doseone - slowdeath
DJ Rozwell - Sludge Dredd
Snake Figures Fan - Snake Figures Fan
Doseone - Soft Skulls
Earl Sweatshirt - Solace
Comaduster - Solace
James Ferraro - Son of Dracula
BT - A Song Across Wires
Annie Lennox - Songs of Mass Destruction
Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
David Bowie - Space Oddity
Dan Deacon - Spiderman of the Rings
James Ferraro - Star Digital Theatre: Movies For P.T. Cruisers
David Bowie - Station to Station
Sea of Dogs - Storm Memories
Charli XCX - Sucker
James Ferraro - Suki Girlz
Poopooface - Super Kawaii~
James Ferraro - Sushi
Aphex Twin - Syro
Denzel Curry - TA13OO
Scatman John - Take Your Time
Gary Numan - Telekon
Amanda Palmer - Theatre Is Evil
BT - These Hopeful Machines
Moby - These Systems Are Failing
BT - This Binary Universe
Sea of Dogs - Through The Fog And The Driftwood
Goldie - Timeless
Poopooface - Tinto5 EP
Andy Stott - Too Many Voices
Clark - Totems Flare
Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza - Transversal Worldwide Shopping
Nyetscape - Trinity
Charli XCX - True Romance
Carly Rae Jepsen - Tug of War  
Clark - Turning Dragon
Sick Animation - The Ultimate Party Collection Vol. 1
Frank Zappa - Uncle Meat
Internet Club - Underwater Mirage
Twistpillar - The Unity Plaza
Andy Stott - Unknown Exception
Internet Club - Unregistered HyperCam 420
Girl Talk - Unstoppable
Flying Lotus - Until the Quiet Comes
Burial - Untrue
Björk - Utopia
Internet Club - Vanishing Vision
Datavision Ltd. - Vector Tables
Björk - Vespertine
Bibio - Vignetting the Compost
Tim Hecker - Virgins
James Ferraro - Virtual Erase
Grimes - Visions
Björk - Volta
Bedwetter - volume 1: flick your tongue against your teeth and describe the present.
Charli XCX - Vroom Vroom
Björk - Vulnicura
Moby - Wait For Me
Warmer - Warmer
Alias Conrad Coldwood - Wastes
Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza - Watch Their Loneliness
Com Truise - Wave 1
Andy Stott - We Stay Together
Internet Club - Webinar
Basshunter - Welcome to Rainbow
Amanda Palmer - Who Killed Amanda Palmer
James Ferraro - Wild World
Aphex Twin - Windowlicker
Christina Grimmie - With Love
Nyetscape - World Edit
Arca - Xen
Elliott Smith - XO
Danny Brown - XXX
Aphex Twin - Xylem Tube
Flying Lotus - You’re Dead!
David Bowie - Young Americans
Gas - Zauberberg
[Begin vaporwave slums]
░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░ - ▣世界から解放され▣
FOODCOURT➒➐~ - TeleDreamz™
FOODCOURT➒➐~ - ♪♫평양 피아노 학교♪♫ 
TOYOTAセリカ - のためのショーケース The Eyes
TOYOTAセリカ - サプリメント 
TOYOTAセリカ - リバイバル
TOYOTAセリカ - 冬
Pastel Lounge LLC -  夢想假期TOYOTAセリカ - 日曜日DRIVE
Famicom Fountains - 砂漠のカメラレッスン
Albums I’ve had to skip: 
Ecco Unlimited - Liquid Nitrogen (My copy is in FLAC, will need to convert it eventually)
James Ferraro - Rerex 1 (Corrupted download)
James Ferraro - Rerex 2 (Corrupted download)
K2 - Chameleon Ballet (Corrupted download)
Eminem - Slim Shady EP (Shows up weird)
Albums I’ve had to skip because DoubleTwist will refuse to acknowledge the existence of certain tracks if they’re short enough and these albums have at least one short song that despite its length I would not like to experience the album without:
Flying Lotus - 1983
Girl Talk - All Day
Bonobo - Animal Magic
Doseone - Be Evil
Internet Club - Beyond The Zone
James Ferraro - Body Fusion 1
James Ferraro - Body Fusion 2
Local News - Channel 8
Aphex Twin - Cheetah
Aphex Twin - Computer Controlled Acoustic Instruments Pt2
James Ferraro - Cruisin’ The Nightbiker Strip 1977
Internet Club - Deluxe
Aphex Twin - Drukqs
Eminem - The Eminem Show
BT - Emotional Technology
Eminem - Encore
Frank Ocean - Endless 
Memorex Dawn - Galleria
James Ferraro - Genie Head Gas In The Tower Of Dreams (Jesters Midnight Toys)
Local News - Ghost Broadcast
Daniel Johnston - Hi, How Are You
Eminem - Infinite
Hearken - Kithless
DJ Shadow - The Less You Know, the Better
Flying Lotus - Los Angeles
Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP
Internet Club - Modern Business Collection
Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra
Nyetscape - Nyetscape
this is gonna fuckin suckj
1 note · View note
radiofreejro · 5 years
BYOV - Regular Night and Time, The Triumphant Return of: 7/28/16 @ Tap and Barrel
BYOV - Regular Night and Time, The Triumphant Return of: 7/28/16
Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place Giant Peach - Breaking Glass Statues Infinity Girl - Locklawn Flaming Lips - Shine On Sweet Jesus Jesus and Mary Chain - Head On Smiths - Panic Ups & Downs - The Living Kind (r) The Jam - Start! Marshall Crenshaw - Someday Someway Joe Jackson - Pretty Girls (r) Julian Cope - World, Shut Your Mouth Byrds - Why? (r) Kurt Vile - Pretty Pimpin (r) Ian Dury - Reasons to Be Cheerful (r) Robert Palmer - Johnny and Mary The Wolfgang Press - Mama Told Me Not To Come (remix) Beastie Boys - Hey Ladies Tom Tom Club - Sunshine & Ecstasy (xtc remix) Metal Urbain - Hysteric Connective Mix 2 (r) Bauhaus - Ziggy Stardust (r) David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes Brass Buttons - Hell Will Take Care of Her Alvvays - Archie, Marry Me Blood Sweat & Tears - Just One Smile Foundations - Back On My Feet Again (r) Clash - Train In Vain (r) B-52s - Love Shack (r) Bee Gees - More Than a Woman (r) Berlin - Sex...I'm a  (r) Flight of the Conchords - Inner City Pressure Joy Division - New Dawn Fades (r) Fleetwood Mac - The Chain Tom Waits - Step Right Up (r) Pogues - Sit Down By the Fire (r) Sparks - Angst In My Pants Queen - Killer Queen (r) Rocky Horror Picture Show - Sweet Transvestite (r) Prince - Raspberry Beret (r) Fugees - No Woman No Cry (r) Cheap Trick - She's Tight (r) Mr. T Experience - Don't Go Breakin' My Heart Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness (r) Get Up Kids - Anne Arbour Bangles - In Your Room (r) Yaz - Nobody's Diary (r) A Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (r) B-52s - Dance This Mess Around (r) Weird Al Yankovic - Mr. Popeil Devo - Whip It Cars - Let's Go Weezer - El Scorcho (r) Modern English - Someone's Calling T'Pau - Heart & Soul Thunderclap Newman - Something In the Air Tripping Daisy - I Got a Girl Camper Van Beethoven - Pictures of Matchstick Men Genius/GZA - 4th Chamber (r) Beastie Boys - Shake Your Rump (r) Run DMC - King of Rock (r) Grandmaster Flash - The Message A Tribe Called Quest - I Left My Wallet In El Segundo (r) Fat Boys - Stick 'Em Rodney Dangerfield - Rappin' Rodney Chaka Khan - I Feel For You
ELO - Can't Get It Out of My Head Fountains of Wayne - Sink to the Bottom Boo Radleys - Barney (...and Me) Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliette (r) Hold Steady - First Night Kris Kristofferson - Sunday Morning Coming Down Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning Laura Nyro - ...And When I Die Johnny Cash - So Doggone Lonesome Beatles - It's Only Love Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty - Stop Dragging My Heart Around Patti Smith - Break it Up Okkervil River - It Was My Season Elliott Smith - A Passing Feeling Chris Bell - You and Your Sister Beatles - Girl Mountain Goats - Southwood Plantation Road Decemberists - Grace Cathedral Hill Bruce Springsteen - Independence Day Bob Dylan - Dirge Mountain Goats - No Children (r) Beat Happening - Cry For a Shadow Bobbie Gentry - Ode to Billie Joe Belle & Sebastian - Mornington Crescent
0 notes
wolfiecindyxo · 6 years
Tumblr media
45 notes · View notes
spryfilm · 5 years
Trailer: “A Million Little Pieces”
Trailer: “A Million Little Pieces”
Trailer: “A Million Little Pieces”
Former MCU and “Kick Ass” actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson both penned the script and stars in the film which his helmed by his wife Sam Taylor-Johnson (“Fifty Shades of Grey”).
Johnson play Frey who meets interesting people in a clinic, with whom he forms relationships and who play an important role in his life both during and after his time there –…
View On WordPress
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Re-Collective Orchestra- All The Stars from Recollective Orchestra on Vimeo.
The Re-Collective Orchestra presents a re-imagination of Black Panther's title track, "All The Stars" with an original orchestration by Matt Jones. Inspired by the iconic black superhero, Matt Jones (Composer/Conductor, Founder of the Matt Jones Orchestra) and Stephanie Matthews (Violinist and Founder of StringCandy) joined forces to bring together a collective of musicians that would create a sonically and visually powerful statement: WE ARE HERE.
Orchestration/Conductor Matt Jones
Contractor Stephanie Matthews
Violin Philip Payton Stephanie Matthews Juliette Jones Scott Tixier Caitlin Edwards Lucinda Ali-Landing David Burnett Monique Brooks-Roberts Kyle Dixon
Viola Orlando Wells Josh Henderson Tia Allen Danielle Taylor
Cello Malcolm Parson Khari Joyner
Bass Chris Johnson Jeremiah Hunt
Harp Ashley Jackson
Flute Allison Loggins-Hull Gabrielle Garo
Oboe Roy Beason
Clarinet DaJuan Brooks
French Horn David Byrd
Trumpet Bruce Harris Marquis Hill
Trombone Corey Wallace
Videography Vitor Hirtsch Sabrina Duarte
Photography Shon Gibbs Imagery
Mixing Engineer Ben Kane
Recorded at Avatar Studios
0 notes