#julius wolff
rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Sardines were first canned by Julius Wolff in Eastport, Maine on February 17, 1876.
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wmlz · 7 days
„Wer mit allem Tun und Sinnen immer in die Zukunft starrt, wird die Zukunft nie gewinnen und verliert die Gegenwart.“
Julius Wolff
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therealmrpositive · 6 months
The Master of Disguise (2002)
In today's review, I find it pretty easy to get into character, as I attempt a #positive review of the 2002 family-friendly feature film, The Master of Disguise #DanaCarvey BrentSpiner #JenniferEsposito #HaroldGould #JamesBrolin #EdieMcClurg
To be an actor, you have to embody many characters, take on their looks, mannerisms, and even the way that they speak and channel that into the performance, you must study your character down to the letter. Some people can find this skill as natural as breathing, and when you can watch. In 2002, a comedian took that artistry to combat a plot of epic proportions in The Master of Disguise. The…
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agendabymooner · 1 year
closure ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
“it wasn't right—the way it all went down. looks like you know that now.”
summary: sylvie just wanted to prove that she was good enough for the red bull racing team, but everything that had to do with her history with max seemed to get in the way of her determination— and she made sure that he knew that.
content warning: panic attack (and its triggers), use of explicit language, mentions of absent father figure, j*s verst*ppen 🤢, christian horner, frenemies to lovers (ish), confrontational text messages (max and sylvie), max being oblivious to her mental state, mentions of max’s childhood (not detailed)
note: as someone who struggled to find peace at certain situations, I know what it’s like to struggle in asking for help. please remember that there are people that are more than willing to give you the support that you need.
(i may not be able to update any of the smau works for the next two weeks as i am out of town and i only have my ipad with me. i normally do the layouts on my computer. i’ll try my best!)
enjoy xx
2016 Spanish GP
If fate worked like this all the time, she might as well jump off the cliff if any of her peers asked for it.
She had been pulled out of her lectures for the week only for her to sit and watch how the racing teams operated. She could only roll her eyes when Christian Horner recommended she should have her presence be known in the paddock and the track as she prepared to work in an F1 team.
Sylvie already knew how everything worked; she was going to be a driver, for fuck’s sake. She had been trained for it. She grew up attending the race weekends because of her father and grandparents. She knew everything now. Hell, she even had Toto Wolff for an in-law (practically). He could just rerun everything to her if she needed to remember.
Christian Horner clearly had a different intention towards her visit. He claimed that she needed to relive the experiences in the garage, the media pit and the hospitality. But she knew the truth.
She had a rapport, her history in the academy was obviously discussed to Christian at some point. How Christian never mentioned anything about her departure from the program to her sister, who now held parts of Red Bull and the other two teams, she never had an answer for. It wasn’t a secret to most. At least to those who were there the day she left.
Tilly was in the Mercedes area, leaving her little sister in the Red Bull hospitality as she listened to nothing. She felt so alone and isolated, her urge to go to Mercedes was overwhelming. But it wasn’t as if she could; Christian had already told her off about her role and position in the company.
It didn’t help that Max Verstappen, donning his number 33 shirt, was in the same building. He was quite adamant on keeping her company but she constantly avoided him, slipping out of his sight as soon as his eyes settled on her.
She found excuses, most of which had something to do with Daniel Ricciardo. The Australian hadn’t minded though, knowing that she felt uncomfortable being around other people especially around Max. Daniel never minded her excuses, instead making up a lie that’s believable to others. Just so she could escape.
Max’s family was there that weekend. Obviously, she knew his mother and Victoria, his sister. Max and Sylvie, the two 18 year olds, were practically soul twins. Born on the same day, grew up together, and had been attached to the hips since the day they could crawl— they were friends, no one just knew what had happened. His mother had always asked Sylvie’s mum about her and how she’d managed to let her friendship with Max dissipate like that. Victoria missed having Sylvie over for tea whenever she visited the Netherlands, asking Max about what he had done to let Sylvie go like that.
Jos Verstappen was a different story. He never liked Sylvie, only holding a certain amount of respect for Julius Hearth and Blanche Ford Hearth. He always wanted Max to be successful at motorsport and this meant that nobody could be as equally good as his son. Not especially when Max’s ability matched Sylvie’s. He always claimed that hanging out with “that girl” will simply distract Max.
Even if he nodded at his father’s direction, Max continued to be friends with Sylvie, spending more time together whenever she and her family would fly and meet with his family.
At the ripe age of 12, Max admitted to her that she’s the closest thing that he had to an imaginary friend. Like he was forced to grow up before he could even walk. She was the one who would pull up the PlayStation whenever he failed to please his father for the tournament of that time. Jos never liked her, but he didn’t know exactly what could’ve made him dislike her. Sylvie didn’t like him, either, because she couldn’t believe that she was the one who’d have to give Max the childhood that he deserved. There are times when she wished she could simply spew out the foulest words and lump him with her own father. Well… she had already considered him a shitty father, and there’s no changing of opinion now.
So for Sylvie to see Jos in the paddock, basically keeping his eye on his son like a pestering hawk? Yeah, she turned away from their direction.
Then another group of people came, the same arrogant smile all over their faces. They taunted her.
She could remember her last week at the academy, when she had enough. These boys questioned her abilities on the track as soon as she started, trying to get her to quit as soon as she could. She didn’t care about them, because whenever they’d race she remained on the top of their level. They hated her because of it. Then on her last day, she was left to be called a name that didn’t even fit her…
“Snake Sylvie!” Matt Bauer was what she called Max’s bitch. He never liked Sylvie and had always wanted to be in Max’s family’s good graces. Alongside him were Max’s two other friends. These three were the same incompetent fucks who never ended in Formula 2. Thus, ending their racing careers early. They were doing fuck knows what these days. Which was quite hilarious, if you were to ask Sylvie, because they were the ones who kept telling Max to “Keep working” or “toughen up and get the first place.”
She couldn’t remember their names when she met them again that weekend, her eyes were already blurry from the tears as she shoved her way through them. “Where are you going?! We’re just going to catch up, babe!”
She didn’t even stop, her feet speeding up as she attempted to wipe her tears away. Her lips let out a stutter of excuse me as she pushed her way into where the Mercedes garage was.
Second free practice didn’t start anytime soon and Sylvie was thankful for that. It, however, never stopped the camera by the engineering station from capturing the sounds of a sobbing girl and an image of her nearly soaked Red Bull shirt as she ran inside. Had she been stronger than this, she wouldn’t have ran to Toto.
As if he knew someone was coming his way, Toto Wolff immediately took his headphones off and turned. His face etched with worry as Sylvie wrapped her arms around his broad figure. She was hysterically sobbing and shaking, her tears almost soaking his white shirt as she kept her head tucked in his chest.
“Can we stop the camera? There’s an obvious situation going on in here and we need a moment,” Sylvie couldn’t hear his voice as it was something more of a rumbling noise. Meanwhile Toto’s stern expression made the cameraman do as he was told. “Hey, schwester, are you okay?”
She was relentless, sobbing as she kept her head down and her arms tightly wrapped around him. She couldn’t speak. Not breathe for that matter. It felt like the last day of the academy all over again. Having no voice felt like she was just as defenseless once more.
“Sylvie, do you want me to take you to your hospitality?” Her bloodshot red eyes, still tearing up, stared into his dark ones as her lips quivered and her head shook left and right. “Do you want your sister?”
Toto knew that the Mercedes hospitality was nearer to the Red Bull area than the Mercedes garage. So for her to go this far just for comfort… something told him that she didn’t want to stress out the pregnant woman and that she needed more than her sister.
He pursed his lips, feeling helpless as he kept an arm around her shoulder as they walked out of the garage. He nodded at his engineers as if he was letting them know about leaving for a moment.
He did his best at comforting her. Rubbed her back, shushing her quietly and gently leading her to the hospitality. People outdoors had gotten a glimpse of her situation and began to speculate, which forced her to hide her face once more as Toto glared at them.
“Come on, schatzi,” inside nobody had batted an eye on her. And instead of speculating, certain people merely looked at the two with concern. What the hell happened, they probably asked themselves.
She was too busy crying and hiding her face away that she hadn’t realized Tilly was already approaching the two. Sylvie didn’t look up until she heard, “What happened, bello?”
“She came to the garage,” Toto said quietly, looking down at his in-law with concern as he said, “she couldn’t say anything because she’s having a hard time breathing.”
“Oh, lovie,” Tilly whispered empathetically, her delicate figure reaching out to hug her little sister, “I’m sorry to hear that. Come, let’s sit down, yes?”
Sylvie could barely think throughout the process of moving from one place to another. They reached the Mercedes motorhome and found themselves in a private room, Sylvie’s lips were swollen and her tear-stained cheeks were red.
She wasn’t even aware that Toto left until his tall figure returned with two bottles of water in his hands. He simply placed it down on the empty table and exchanged looks with his girlfriend. They couldn’t even find a way to help her out of this.
“Listen, Sylvie,” the girl’s sobbing subsided for a moment as Toto said, “I will come back. Okay? I will check and make sure that you’re alright, but I have to go.”
“Yes, go,” Tilly nodded at him, “I’ll be here. Thank you for taking her to me, mon amour.”
“Alright, I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Toto murmured as he leaned down and pecked Tilly’s lips. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Tilly smiled ruefully, her eyes trained on her little sister as Toto moved to stand and hug Sylvie. Sylvie could only hug his waist, not wanting to let go but had done so anyway.
“Take some time to breathe, lovie,” Toto said for the last time before he left hesitantly.
Nobody but the two were inside the motorhome, thankfully. Sylvie would be so embarrassed to cry in front of other people— as she had done so ten minutes ago. The silence was interrupted by Sylvie’s sobbing. Tilly couldn’t help but wrap her arm around Sylvie’s shoulders, trying to occupy as much space as a pregnant woman could. God, this was the only thing that she didn’t like about her pregnancy. She wasn’t able to comfort her sisters or anyone as much as she’d like to do.
The model couldn’t even think or try to let out a single word, only crying in her sister’s arms as she listened to her shushing. It didn’t take long until the tears dried up. Her energy drained from crying too much over some fuckers who couldn’t even make it to the podium. Them, and that one person would be able to do that on Sunday.
With exhaustion washing over her, her sniffles turned into something more silent as she shut her eyes. It didn’t take long for Tilly to notice this as she stood up, giving more space to the girl on the couch. “Get some rest, lovie,” Tilly said quietly, brushing Sylvie’s hair away as the girl drifted off to sleep.
She really didn’t like being here in Spain.
Argument just outside the motorhome was what had woken her up. It was normal to have frustrated drivers or team principals throw a bitch fit, but hearing an argument was a different story.
Her eyes stung from opening after her post-crying nap, her feet meeting the floor as she popped the lid of the bottle open, her parched body taking in the water that she swallowed.
She liked eavesdropping, she really did. She liked to provide her own input even if it’s not needed— she was nosey and everyone knew that. But what she had gone through just about an hour or so ago made her lose the energy and motivation to be her usual self.
It didn’t stop her from walking closer to the door and listening in to whatever argument was going on.
“She’s here to observe and work, she’s not here to spectate,” that was Christian Horner.
“But she’s not feeling well, Christian, she has to rest,” now that’s her favourite in-law. Not really in-law.
“Look, I get that you’re looking out for her but you have to understand,” Christian hissed, “she’ll be signing with Red Bull as soon as she graduates. I cannot have her working with the team if you’re constantly mollycoddling her just because you’re the closest that she has to a father figure. This is a professional work setting, Toto, and she needs to be disciplined to be a part of it.”
“Disciplined, in what way?” The sternness on Toto’s voice could kill, unless you’re just as stupid as Christian as Sylvie heard a scoff coming out of the Red Bull team principal’s mouth.
“Everybody’s going through tough times,” Christian said, “so what? Most of us are moving along anyways. Don’t treat her like a child and make exemptions. She’s never going to learn how to toughen up from it.”
“Hey!” Another voice rung out as the door opened slightly, making her step back as she heard an exclamation of, “That girl was distressed after she left your area— the place where she’s supposed to feel comfortable working in. It’s not her responsibility to bear the problems that are clearly happening within the area of your control, so don’t you tell us how to accommodate if you can barely take care of it. Alright?”
“Fuckin’ prick,” the door slammed shut as Sylvie’s figure remained frozen, her eyes watching as they met Lewis’ dark ones. He smiled gently and asked, “Hey. Are you feeling better now, sweetheart?”
She didn’t respond for a moment after she heard Toto say, “Just give it a rest. She’ll work on what she has to do, just let it go for now. Speak to Tilly, if you would like.”
“Don’t worry about them,” Lewis pulled her back to the couch and sat with her. He leaned back as he joked, “Lovers’ quarrel is what’s going on between the two.”
She chuckled quietly, unable to keep her facade. The laughter fell eventually as she muttered, “I didn’t mean to create such a scene. I’m sorry.”
“What? Hey, girl, no,” Lewis felt his heart break at her words as he reached and rubbed her shoulder for comfort. “Don’t be sorry for snapping. It’s brave of you to keep it together in the first place.”
“I really didn’t mean to make a big deal out of it,” her voice cracked as she tried not to cry. Thinking about it was exhausting and saddening. “It’s just— there’s—“
“It’s okay, take a deep breath,” Lewis told her softly. She did as she was told. Many would say that it’s a rare thing to happen but Sylvie listened.
“There’s just people,” Sylvie explained quietly, not looking at Lewis as she murmured, “I haven’t seen them for a while and… I felt so uneasy. Like it’s the final nail in the coffin. I didn’t want to make a big deal because it was at Red Bull. Nobody’s in there. Toto, you and Tilly are in Mercedes.”
“Sorry we couldn’t be there,” Lewis told her sympathetically. “But it’s a good idea that you went to the garage as quickly as you did. Now look, even Christian’s facing Toto’s wrath.”
“I don’t want to think about it anymore,” Sylvie whispered shakily, shutting her eyes close as she sighed, “I just want some closure.”
The next few days were dreadful. She hadn’t wanted to go back to England as much as she did that weekend.
The people she never wanted to see were there. The sad part of it was the fact that Max would continue to be a part of her life and job, whether she liked it or not. She’d have to tolerate him, no matter how much shit she had gone through because of him and those people around him. This was the second time she had seen him and felt so angry. It was like her life was a race. It starts out very well, with her at the pole. But then she crashes the moment she tries to take advantage and overtake.
On Sunday, Max landed in P1. Sylvie watched him pop the cork of the Moet out and showered his fellow podium winners with it. The text that she then received and sent spilled everything that had nothing to do with champagne. But rather explained how she ended up leaving the academy after that damn open tournament four years ago.
Max complains a lot, he could admit, but he never felt so guilty as much as he did when he practically berated her through a series of text messages. He always demanded answers to things that he believed had explanations, and he wouldn’t stop until he got it. But sometimes he wished his relentless demands were silenced by his conscience.
He felt extremely guilty and upset. It wasn’t because Sylvie Hearth refused to give in to his demands, but rather because her answers explained her hatred and anger. It wasn’t just any anger. It was an ounce of hatred and a lot of anger directed towards him.
Because really, he was the reason why Sylvie never turned out to be the first woman to become a Formula One driver. She never got the seat in Red Bull Racing and Max had gotten it instead. Now he understood why she would refuse to speak to or look at him as if they were childhood best friends and act like they were strangers.
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cid5 · 2 months
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German dictator (NSDAP)in 'Wolfsschanze' military headquarters in East Prussia attending the presentation of an amphibian vehicle by Ferdinand Porsche jun., from left chauffeur Erich Kempka, SS-Officer Karl Wolff, personal adjutant SS-officer Julius Schaub, Heinrich Himmler, General Alfred Jodl- around 1941/42.
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xtruss · 9 months
Miracle Plant Used in Ancient Greece Rediscovered After 2,000 Years
— By Giovanni Prete | January 3, 2024
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Ancient Greek Plant Silphium. Credit: Wikimedia Commons/Eckard Wolff-Postler cc By 3.0
The “miracle” plant Silphium consumed by Ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, which was thought to have become extinct two thousand years ago, has recently been rediscovered in Turkey by a professor, who thinks he’s found a botanical survivor.
The plant, which the Ancient Greeks called silphion (Silphium), was a golden-flowered plant. It was once the most sought-after product in the Mediterranean even before the rise of Athens and the Roman Empire.
It is believed that the plant with yellow flowers attached to a thick stalk was crushed, roasted, sauteed, and boiled for medicinal purposes, food, and even contraception. During the reign of Julius Caesar, more than a thousand pounds of the plant were stockpiled alongside gold in Rome’s imperial treasures, and silphion saplings were valued at the same price as silver.
However, just seven centuries after the adored plant was first documented growing along the coast of Cyrenaica in what is now modern day Libya, silphion disappeared from the ancient Mediterranean world.
Roman chronicler Pliny the Elder in his Natural History claims that “just one stalk has been found” of the plant in the first century A.D., “and it has been given to Emperor Nero.” This was the last documented account of the silphion.
Inspired by ancient accounts, botanical explorers throughout the Middle Ages perpetually sought the plant across three continents although in vain. Consequently, historians believed the disappearance of silphion to be the first recorded extinction of any species, plant, or animal.
Despite the plant having been perceived to be extinct for centuries and having completely disappeared from the history books, a researcher at Istanbul University, Mahmut Miski, suspects he has re-discovered the ancient plant. He believes the Ferula Drudeana that grows on Mount Hasan is the elusive ancient plant—nearly a thousand miles from where it once grew.
According to a report by National Geographic, the researcher found it has similarities with the silphion plant which line up with old botanical texts and images of the plant on Ancient Greek coins.
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Ancient Silver Coin From Cyrene Depicting Silphium. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
The researcher has noticed that both plants have the same thick branching root and yellow flowers. In addition, both have powerful medicinal purposes. Ferula Drudeana has anticancer compounds and anti-inflammatory properties much like those known to be found in silphium.
Even though Ferula Drudeana is found hundreds of miles from where it originated, according to Miski, it has been found in two locations in Turkey, which were once home to Ancient Greeks thousands of years ago. One of these locations is Cappadocia.
Analysis Shows Similar Medicinal Compounds As The Ancient Plant
Miski, who specializes in pharmacognosy, the study of medicines derived from natural sources, first encountered the modern plant he now believes to be silphion while conducting postdoctoral research. He had received a grant to collect specimens of Ferula, which is in the same family as carrots, fennel, and parsley, and has the reputation for yielding many novel disease-fighting compounds.
While Miski was studying the plants on Mount Hassan, he determined it had thirty secondary metabolites that have medical purposes. Among the compounds are many have cancer-fighting, contraceptive, and anti-inflammatory properties. Miski believes that future analyses of the plant will reveal the existence of dozens of yet-to-be-identified compounds of medical interest.
On Mount Hassan, Miski also encountered caretakers of the plants who informed him sheep and goats are fond of the leaves, as is mentioned in Pliny’s record of the ancient silphion.
According to Pliny’s records, sheep and goats would graze in pastures where silphion grew. The sheep would fall asleep after consuming it, and it caused goats to sneeze. His text reads: “The juice of this plant is called ‘laser’ and it is greatly in vogue for medicinal as well as other purposes, being sold at the same rate as silver. For these many years past, however, it has not been found in Cyrenaica.”
According to a 2021 study published in the journal Plants by Miski and his team, Ferula drudeana had similarities with the silphion as described in ancient text and depicted on Cyrenaican coins: from thick branching roots to celery-like leaves.
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A Coin of Magas of Cyrene c. 300–282/75 BC. The Reverse Side Depicts Silphium. Credit: Wikimedia CommonE
However, similarity in appearance wasn’t the only compelling link. It is said that the first silphion appeared after a “heavy spring downpour,” which, in those days, was called “black rain.”
According to Miski and his team, “We find it stated by the most trustworthy among the Greek writers…that this plant made its appearance near the gardens of the Hesperides and the Greater Syrtis immediately after the earth had been soaked on…by a shower as black as pitch.” This event took place seven years prior to the foundation of the city of Cyrenae.
Miski observed that when rains came to Cappadocia in April, Ferula Drudeana would spring from the ground, growing up to six feet in just a month.
Moreover, as ancient silphion resisted cultivation, it had to be harvested in the wild. It is said that Cyrenaic nobles entrusted its cultivation to desert nomads. Two attempts reported by Hippocrates to transplant it to mainland Greece failed. Similarly, Miski found that Ferula Drudeana is difficult to transplant. He found that the only way it could be done was by using cold stratification, a process of subjecting seeds to both cold and moist conditions. By utilizing this technique, Miski and his team were able to grow Ferula in a greenhouse.
One of the main reasons Ferula had not immediately been identified as silphion is mainly because of its location. However, as Miski had discovered, the region in Turkey where Mount Hasan sits was home to ancient Greeks thousands of years ago, and these people could have easily transported the plant.
Erica Rowan, an associate professor in archaeobotany at Royal Holloway University of London, finds Miski’s speculations plausible. “The ancients were very good at transporting things,” Rowan points out. “There’s no reason why people from Cyrenaica couldn’t have brought the seeds to Cappadocia and planted them. They’re similar enough with a Mediterranean climate. And this Ferula species does look like what’s shown on the coins.”
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knightofleo · 2 years
Favourite Songs of 2022
Aldous Harding, Alela Diane, Alex G, altrice, Alvvays, Amber Mark, Andrew Bird, Angel Olsen, Aoife Nessa Frances, Arc Iris, Aubrey Haddard, Avalon Emerson, Basia Bulat, Beach House, Beth Orton, Beyoncé, Big Thief, Björk, Black Country, New Road, Braxe + Falcon, Brecon, Brimheim, Carmen Villain, Caroline Loveglow, Caroline Polachek, Cate le Bon, Caterina Barbieri, COBRAH, The Comet Is Coming, Cornelia Jakobs, COUCOU CHLOE, Daniela Lalita, Daniel Avery, Daphni, deathcrash, Deepchord, DJ Lag, DJ Python, Duval Timothy, Ethel Cain, fanclubwallet, Fennec, Fever Ray, Floating Points, Flock of Dimes, Florence + the Machine, Florist, For Tracy Hyde, George FitzGerald. Glüme, Godford, Gold Panda, Gotts Street Park, Grace Ives, Haley Blais, Hania Rani, Hatis Noit, Highasakite, Hollie Cook, Hikaru Utada, Hinako Omori, Honey Dijon, Huerco S., Hurray For The Riff Raff, iamamiwhoami, I.JORDAN, India Shawn, Jemima Coulter, Jenny Berkel, Jenny Hval, JFDR, Jockstrap, Jon Hopkins, Joshua Burnside, Julius Eastman, Junk Drawer, Keeley Forsyth, Kelela, Kep1er, K. Freund, Kim Wan-Sun, Knifeplay, The Knocks, Kuedo, KWON EUN BI, Leikeli47, Limelight, The Linda Lindas, Lydia Ainsworth, Mabe Fratti, Madi Diaz, Magi Merlin, Mamalarky, Maria BC, Maria Chiara Argirò, Medici Daughter, Melt Yourself Down, Meth Math, Mitski, MØ, Mr Little Jeans, My Idea, MYSS KETA, Nilüfer Yanya, Nathan Micay, NNAMDÏ, Normani, NoSo, Orlando Weeks, Owlle, Patrick Wolff, Porij, Rachel Chinouriri, Ravyn Lenae, Red Velvet, Rocket Punch, Rokia Koné, ROSALÍA, Salamanda, SASAMI, Sea Change, Sevdaliza, Shanti Celeste, Shearwater, Soccer96, Svaneborg Kardyb, SZA, Tangerine Dream, Tess Roby, ‘T Geruis, Tiana Major, Two Shell, U.S. Girls, Vitesse X, Vladislav Delay, Weyes Blood, Whee In, Wordcolour, Yair Elazar Glotman, Yerin Baek, yuné pinku, Zola Blood, Zola Jesus
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Emil Sjögren - Six Songs from Julius Wolff's Tannhäuser, Op.12: I. You Look at Me with Unspoken Questions ·
Katarina Pilotti · Kristina Balstedt Tyrenius ·
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zojnks · 1 year
working cast list for my lestappen roman republic au:
Julius Caesar = Christian Horner
Pompey = Toto Wolff
Crassus = Mattia Binotto
Cassius = Charles Leclerc
Brutus = Max Verstappen
what do we think...
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nebris · 2 years
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Hitler with his staff at headquarters In June 1940, Hitler and his entourage were photographed at the Führer's headquarters. As far as is known, from left to right: SA Obergruppenfuhrer Wilhelm Brückner, OKH Adjutant Major Engel, Reich Press Chief Dr. Otto Dietrich, Hitler's doctor, Dr. Karl Brandt, Chief of the OKW Colonel-General Wilhelm Keitel, Luftwaffe Adjutant Major General [Karl] Bodenschatz, Adolf Hitler, Wehrmacht Adjutant Colonel Rudolf Schmundt, SS Adjutant SS-Group Leader Julius Schaub, Chief of the Wehrmacht Command Office in the OKW General Alfred Jodl, Adjutant Himmler and liaison to Hitler's SS -Group leader Karl Wolff, head of the party chancellery Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, Hitler's personal physician Prof. Dr. [Theo] Morell, Air Force Adjutant Captain von Below, Reich Photographer of the NSDAP Heinrich Hoffmann. The “Wolfsschanze”, a name coined by Hitler, was near the town of Ketrzyn, Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship (formerly Rastenburg, Allenstein District), Republic of Poland.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Sardines were first canned by Julius Wolff in Eastport, Maine on February 17, 1876.
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Julius Wolff - Lorelei, 1886.
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ebonetnoir · 5 years
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Der Raubgraf (The Robber Count) von Julius Wolff
Publisher: G. Grotesche Verlagbuchhandlung, Berlin Copyright: 1888
In his next prose romance, Der Raubgraf (The Robber Count), we find again more of the passion of Wolff's poetry. The scene is laid in the vicinity of his native town and the historical framework of the story is taken from its annals. The wild marauding life of the nobles in the Middle Ages, their incessant feuds with one another and with the pretensions of the clergy, as here delineated, have not en tirely stifled a gentler ideal of life and character even in the Robber Count himself. His most attractive personality, with all its manly courage and capacity for love and self-sacrifice, explains the irresistible affection with which he inspires women of such very different natures as the two heroines, and leads to the sad complication of his own fate.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
matilda ! max v. x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
“you showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days.”
summary: sylvie ford wasn’t fond of the older men who stuck around in her life and those who didn’t even try to be there for her, but she couldn’t speak for him. one thing was clear, though: there’s a silent agreement that they’d take a different route from those who brought nothing but pain into their lives. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)
content warning: angst angst hurt/comfort, use of explicit language, mentions of emotional traumas, brief description of paternal relationship issues (character’s father and max’s dad), emotional breakdown/crying (max) and support (ofc), “you talk of the pain like it’s no big deal”, christian horner is funny- ofc just hates him but he's cool
note: posting this because i want a lil context for the post after this lmfaoooo. i am sharing my view on max’s relationship with jos based on what i experienced btw— i have problems with paternal figures so 🫡 cheers enjoy xx
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She never once liked any older men to exist in her life. All but one, but it was mainly because Toto Wolff truly cared for Tilly. Otherwise, older men were the shittiest people to exist and they can choke for all she cares. 
The distasteful feeling that she got from knowing Christian Horner had subsided as she continued to work with him and the team. She was outspoken and passionate about what she believed in for that moment. She told him upfront about how she respected him but preferred to keep her personal life separate from her work. She never shared anything about her family. Everyone around them only got the gist of her life, but never did she share to everyone who she was. And with her dislike for her employer, she preferred to keep it that way. 
Toto merely earned her respect as he treated their relationship as if there's no man’s land. At least that was what had happened at the beginning, when he and her sister became official.
The end of the term exam ended and coincided with the summer break of the 2015 season. She wondered who he was as a person and had asked her chauffeur to take her to the Mercedes factory. Toto had surprisingly picked her up from the lobby when the receptionist called him about a “college student who would like to get an interview with him” named Sylvie, asking her if she actually needed some help with her research. 
To which she replied, “It’s nice to know you’re a considerate man. No, I don’t. I don’t have any paper to write. My term just ended, in fact.” 
She then spent her days in the factory with him being stuck on his desk. Oftentimes, she followed him like a duckling and asked him questions left and right about how communications between drivers and the public worked. 
It started there and she continued to visit the factory, now gaining a special access ID just in case she wished to barge in to pester the Mercedes staff with questions. Well, not to harass them but rather ask questions or observe here and there should they allow her to sit in.
Now the frown that she etched in her face while she worked became a permanent part of her routine. Christian once joked that she was Toto’s clone, to which her frown deepened in annoyance before she continued to work on whatever task she had in hand. 
She wouldn’t admit to Christian that she found it hilarious few hours after because her pride was bigger than her fondness of him.
But she was proud of herself for reaching that phase of mentorship. Toto was the only older man she tolerated. Having to grow up with no father and with only sisters — while both your stepmother and mother coparented — would give you that feeling. 
There was just something about father figures that made her feel so little and stupid. Perhaps it was her father’s expectations to make her a prodigal F1 driver — to put the Hearth name back to the motorsports community after being absent from the tracks for thirty years.
Julius wasn’t subtle when he’d put Sylvie in a private schooling program just as she started karting at the age of 5. He’d long given up on Tilly and Stevie, but Sylvie was his star driver. How her mother never got full custody of them, she didn’t know, but she disliked the fact that she had to attend driving classes with her father during his week and somehow still had to take the classes despite not living with him. 
She could remember having her piles of books being stored away once after she ended up on the 7th place of their tournament. He said that she didn’t need all of that kind of intelligence and that her education was an easy thing to pursue— it wasn’t a big deal to him. Everything that she wanted, he’d refuse. He wanted her to focus on racing, because the next time she ended up in such a position he’d burn the books. She began to race and fight against other competitors to get a good shot at winning trophies. She became somebody that she didn’t want to be. 
Maybe it was his arrogance and greediness that made her think that all fathers were the same. That… or maybe because she’d seen how Max’s father acted towards him after landing on 5th in Monaco. She felt her heart breaking at the sight of a defeated Max. She had seen it all before, but to hear it up close this time— it was even worse. She could feel his heart pounding, his need to clear his head and possibly cry it out— she could feel it. Because she was in that position before, and it takes a traumatized child to know one. 
Sure, Sylvie had grown a backbone to tell her father about leaving the academy without his knowledge and had somehow loosened her grip on her own ambitious thoughts, but she didn’t think that she’d witness a version of herself in the form of her best friend. This was what she didn’t see after abandoning her friendship with him. But it wasn’t as if she did it just to spite him. 
She merely needed the courage. At some point, Max Verstappen managed to win against his own father — but there was something about the father figures they’ve had in life that were too determined to keep their children on a tight leash. 
She pretended as if she didn’t eavesdrop on Jos’ berating and merely gave him a curt nod and a stink eye before she approached Max’s drivers room. She could hear him throwing his bag in rage… then silence.
He was seething in disappointment. He wasn’t disappointed in anyone but himself. And the anger that he had told Sylvie that he needed to sit down for a moment. By himself. 
There was just something about their fathers that drove them mad. They’re always too greedy and arrogant, and they both damaged their bloodlines at a young age because of their vile desires and lack of empathy towards others and their own children.
Thankfully, his father had flown back to the Netherlands right after the race. Max, from what Christian had told her (with a sympathetic smile), had retired early to his room instead of partying. Good, she told herself, because he needs someone and some ice cream right now. 
Marinara was going to sleep in Stevie’s room tonight. Sylvie was very good at begging until others cave in to her pleading face, and it obviously worked on her older sister too. So after dropping her dog off, her fluffy sandal-cladded feet made their way into another floor and directly to his room. 
She patiently waited for him to open the door after knocking, her plaid pajamas hanging on her hips while she wore a blue jumper over her white cropped shirt. She could hear the faint footsteps gradually moving their way to the door. She was met with Max’s reddening eyes just as he swung the door open. 
Her hands held a tub of ice cream as she shuddered at the cold water the dripped down her hand, “It’s melting. And there’s less calories on it so you’re not gonna fully ruin your diet.” 
He stared at it for a moment, then looked back at her as he stepped aside to let her in.
The night they spent together consisted of watching Miss Congeniality and Easy A (again). While Sylvie laughed along at some jokes, she could hear how he took deep breaths before regaining his composure. It happened every other minute. 
She decided to put the ice cream on the table and turned to look at him. He, acting as if he wasn’t grounding himself ten seconds ago, asked her with a croak, “W-what?” 
She didn’t answer, observing all of him. His facial features. His surprisingly messy bed hair. His bloodshot eyes. His lips were more plump than usual. His cheeks were tinted pink. She could just tell that he wanted to let it out. But he grew up being told that, “his feelings wouldn’t be a big deal when he’s competing.” 
Sylvie pushed her sleeves back and wiped the tear away from his eyes, smiling faintly at him and breathing evenly. She was more grounded than he was, and her simple gestures helped him get back. Somehow. 
Then his deep breathing method didn’t work out, now quietly sobbing as Sylvie hugged him on his side, her hand circling his back gently. Sandra Bullock’s voice tampered his sound of defeat, but it wasn’t as if it mattered. He could cry for as long and as loud as he wanted. 
She hadn’t even realized how late it was until he fell asleep in her arms, head resting on her chest while she ran her fingers through his hair. She could barely see the digital clock and couldn’t figure out if it said eleven or one, having to squint and adjust a little to look closely. 
These days, she has been able to sleep before midnight. After that intimate moment she shared with her best friend, she had been able to close her eyes peacefully. He’ll have to figure out what helps him sleep better. It’ll be easier if he sought help from professionals— that’s what the team was for. He’ll give them success and in exchange, they make things easier for him. Nobody really knew what eased Max off, because he seemed more calmed and relaxed for the past few races. But that was because he knew that she was only a few footsteps away from him.
It was as if they had their little sanctuary that nobody could find. They couldn’t find themselves in the arms of other people, already used to each other’s affection and the solace that came with it. As if it was normal for friends to be this… considerate. 
Everyone who knew the two as a pairing would simply laugh when you tell them about the peculiarity of their “friendship.” You would think that they’d have intervened by now, but their relatives and friends merely shrugged it off. They returned to their old routine, except they’ve grown. It was normal for their families to see the two together, much to Max’s father’s dismay, knowing that whatever they may have planned was already thought of and agreed on. 
Their closest friends laughed at the thought of their relationship being platonic. What a fucking dream it would be if best friends can just casually buy a house together, or decide to adopt a puppy together (which happens more frequently than not). It would be a wild experience for anyone if their best friends would just platonically steal glances from their other half. 
And friends don’t create their own little family like that. Just the two of them, and their dog. They don’t play mum and dad while they’re just “friends.” No friends would silently agree with raising their kids the way their fathers hadn’t treated them before, just to avoid that pain all over again.
So no, if you were to ask anyone who knew them well — they’d say that Mustang and Cadillac being friends would be a load of rubbish. Even the two knew that the thought was ridiculous. 
Peering down at the Dutchman, she sighed softly while snores escaped his mouth quietly. His weight on top of her was comforting, immediately lulling her to a dreamless sleep. 
They really need to work on not bottling their feelings up.
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rozkurz · 5 years
[12.04-02.06.2019] Wszyscy spotkamy się w tym samym miejscu
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12 kwietnia 2019 – 2 czerwca 2019
BWA Wrocław Główny
ul. Józefa Piłsudskiego 105, 50-085 Wrocław
artyści: Wojciech Bruszewski, Sebastian Buczek, Matěj Frank, Grupa Budapeszt, Sarah Hennies, Łukasz Jastrubczak, Rolf Julius, Brandon LaBelle, Karolina Pietrzyk, Gilbert Schneider, Kama Sokolnicka, Wandelweiser Komponisten Ensemble, Ryszard Waśko, Tobias Wenig, Christian Wolff, Zorka Wollny, Anna Zaradny, Artur Żmijewski
rezydencje choreograficzne: Anna Nowicka, Aleksandra Osowicz, Magdalena Ptasznik, Agata Siniarska kuratorzy: Paweł Szroniak, Karolina Wycisk, Magdalena Zamorska
Wystawa Wszyscy spotkamy się w tym samym miejscu to połączenie dwóch praktyk kuratorskich odwołujących się do zagadnień dźwięku i ruchu w kontekście sztuki współczesnej. Pierwsza – przygotowana przez Pawła Szroniaka i związana z tematem percepcji dźwięku – ma wyznaczać rodzaj konceptualnej ramy i zorganizowanego otoczenia. Druga – za którą odpowiadają Magdalena Zamorska i Karolina Wycisk – będzie skupiona na nowym spojrzeniu na zagadnienia współczesnej choreografii i zagości w przestrzeni wystawy, reinterpretując poszczególne wątki w tygodniowym rytmie, odmierzanym wizytami czterech artystek związanych ze sceną ruchu. U podstaw ekspozycji opracowanej przez Pawła Szroniaka w galerii BWA Wrocław Główny leży próba zaprezentowania artystów, których twórczość pozwala na dokonanie znaczących przewartościowań w obszarze kultury audialnej. Punktem wyjścia do wystawy Wszyscy spotkamy się w tym samym miejscu jest tu tradycja eksperymentu muzycznego, wytyczona w połowie XX wieku przez amerykańskiego kompozytora Johna Cage’a. W nawiązaniu do niej zaproponowany zostanie sposób definiowania sound artu jako pola praktyk, które umożliwiają rozszerzenie pojęć dźwięku i słyszenia. Kurator wybrał artystów i prace, które łącząc się na tej wystawie, tworzą rodzaj alternatywnego kanonu. Wśród zaproszonych twórców są m.in. Rolf Julius, Wojciech Bruszewski, Ryszard Waśko, Anna Zaradny, Sarah Hennies, Brandon LaBelle, Artur Żmijewski czy Kama Sokolnicka. “Poruszymy wiele zagadnień dotyczących ontologii i epistemologii dźwięku” – opowiada kurator – “zwłaszcza te związane z wyobrażeniami audialnymi, pamięcią dźwiękową, percepcją dźwięku oraz różnymi trybami uważności”. Będzie to wyzwanie dla widzów, by wyjść poza swoje dźwiękowe przyzwyczajenia i w głęboki sposób doświadczyć wystawy. Obiekty, instalacje i inne formy komunikatów audiowizualnych zostaną poddane reinterpretacji za sprawą działań performatywnych, otwierając się na zagadnienia związane z ruchem i gestem. Obie płaszczyzny znaczeniowe przetną się w czułym punkcie, jakim jest ciało widza. Ważnym elementem wystawy są również tygodniowe mini-rezydencje czterech artystek (Magdalena Ptasznik, Anna Nowicka, Aleksandra Osowicz i Agata Siniarska) związanych z choreografią, ruchem, tańcem. Kuratorki tej części projektu, Karolina Wycisk i Magdalena Zamorska, zdecydowały, że łączącym je dodatkowo tematem będą dyfuzje, czyli obszary wspólne między tym, co konkretne i materialne, a tym, co przemieszcza się i przeistacza. Artystki mają badać i tworzyć lokalnie uwarunkowane choreografie, wykorzystując jako budulec zastane materie (w tym te niewidzialne), układy sił i obiektów oraz przepływy i relacje. Ich choreografie zainfekują odbiór fizycznej warstwy ekspozycji i w trakcie otwartych dla publiczności działań, artystki będą także eksperymentować z ucieleśnianiem pojęć ekologicznych i biochemicznych.
Wydarzenia towarzyszące:
12.04.2019, godz. 19.00 Wernisaż i koncert Sebastiana Buczka
24.04.2019, godz. 18.00–20.00 Composing Listening – warsztaty performatywne Billa Dietza
27.04.2019, godz. 16.00–18.00 Tania imitacja albo ćwiczenia z nagrywania ciszy – warsztaty
Więcej informacji o programie (w tym szczegóły dotyczące rezydencji choreograficznych): http://bwa.wroc.pl/events/wszyscy-spotkamy-sie-w-tym-samym-miejscu/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/642954482813659
Plakat: Karolina Pietrzyk, Gilbert Schneider, Tobias Wenig
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miuarchiv · 2 years
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Merely speculation of personalities in this alleged Walter Schellenberg photograph. Personally I think No.15 was too tall to be WS.
The scene was similar to part of Eva Braun’s home movies. Heinrich Hoffmann, the claimed-to-be photographer of p1, could be seen in this footage. He walked off, followed by a view switching, and then a woman in dress holding a camera shortly appeared in the background. Seemingly it was Eva Braun.
1 Joachim Peiper 2 Hermann Esser 3 Max Wünsche 4 Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer? Fritz Darges? 5 Karl Brandt 6 Reinhard Heydrich 7 Julius Schaub 8 Rudolf Schmundt? 9 Wilhelm Brückner? 10 Heinrich Himmler 11 Martin Bormann 12 Karl Wolff 13 ? 14 Theodor Morell 15 ?
White question mark and p8: Unknown, could he be No.15?
Hans-Hendrik Neumann, RH’s adjutant.(P7, behind RH)
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