#jumin discourse
ghostiedreamsz · 11 months
Me, through gritted teeth: Jumin Han is a well-written character who does not fucking suck. He is essential to the plot, and even when he acts selfishly he is a good character just like everybody else
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marshmallowprotection · 3 months
In your opinion, do you think V was fully at fault for what happened to Saeran? There's no denying that he is partially responsible, but honestly I don't think he should be as blamed as much as he is? From Rika's Behind Story, we find out that Rika had told V that Saeran was "moving boarding schools" when in actuality it was a lie to distance V from Saeran and cut off any contact between them, so that she can deceive Saeran into thinking V abandoned him later on when she kidnaps him to Magenta. Still, V insisted on seeing Saeran, even asking for the apparent school's name, but backed down when Rika was adamant about not giving him answers. I agree that V was wrong here for not looking into Rika's words more, but he only relented because he genuinely trusted her—that this was for the sake of protecting the twins, and because he literally had no reason to suspect Rika had any malicious intentions towards Saeran. It took a month for V to find out about Mint Eye after Rika left, and he definitely needed more than a month's time to gather enough materials and intel to infiltrate the place himself, so by the time he managed to enter Mint Eye and find about what Rika did to Saeran, it was already far too late. A lot of people blame him in this part; that he didn't do anything to save Saeran or get him out. But truthfully speaking...what can V even do at this point? It's not like he can just grab Saeran and book it unless he wants a gun pulled on his ass 😭 he had to resort to taking Mint Eye down from the inside. A lot of people also brought up that V should've called the police, but wouldn't that jeopardise Saeran's position to Saejoong? He is actively looking for the twins, and while it may seem like he'd pay no mind to an ordinary cult takedown case, he is desperate. I can see him having his people keep tabs on potential "suspects" from all sorts of places. Sorry this turned out so long, I would really love to hear from your perspective as a passionate Saeran fan. I hope this doesn't start any discourse :'))
I think I'll preface by saying Mystic Messenger suffers in terms of the writers not communicating with each other between routes. There's a lot of differing information about what happened to Saeran. The diary plants one story, and Another Story and Rika Behind paint something else... and in Casual and Deep Story, there are parts of the story a lot of players aren't sure about in terms of what happened since there's a slightly different vibe there.
So, when it comes to errors in continuity, you have to take it with a grain of salt and make your own assumption.
I think it's hard to have a conversation about this subject because neither Jihyun nor Rika are innocent. We can't assign blame to one without assigning blame to the other, but the rate at which they're guilty differs because of the choices they made. There are people in the fandom who place all the blame at Rika's feet, but she's not the only guilty party here when it comes to what happened to Saeran in the end.
It's important to understand that neither of them is innocent, and at the same time, it's even more important to understand the dynamic Rika and V had in the first place.
Rika tortured, manipulated, brainwashed, and abused Saeran. That fact is undeniable. The things she did to him are unimaginable and I hope she pays for it every day after the events of the RAE take place and she has to face judgement day in the court of law.
Jihyun's greatest failure was his decision to uphold his promise to Rika Kim. He promised he would never abandon her in her time of need, no matter what, because he didn't want to fail someone like he "failed" his mother. He believes in his heart that he has to give all he has because of his mother's sacrifice.
This is what causes him to avoid telling Jumin about what happened, because as much as he wants to save Saeran, he wants to "save" Rika, and that's why his greatest failure in the route comes from the player fighting to convince him to do what he should've done in the first place. Ask for help and admit that sometimes, promises aren't worth keeping if they destroy everyone you love, including yourself.
When we compare the choices Rika and V made, yeah, it's easy to see how Rika has done the worst to Saeran, but it's important for players to know that V's inaction served to hurt Saeran, too. That's something he acknowledges during the route, but ends up shooting himself in the foot over by the end because he decided to uphold his promise to Rika despite knowing it wouldn't help her or himself in the end.
Yes, Rika and V are both guilty of failing Saeran and Saeyoung. There is no doubt about that. But, their guilt comes in different flavors and it's important to understand how those choices hurt the boys. Rika's blame is widely understood and correctly spoken about with hatred and ire by fans, but when it comes to Jihyun, it's not often I see fans assign the appropriate blame to him.
It's all or nothing with a lot of players. Either you're a saint or you're a guilty monster. There's no wiggle room in the middle for the grey area that covers choices people make that aren't inherently good or evil. It is the choices that fall in the middle that are hard to understand and easy to misconstrue.
Jihyun Kim is a man I like to refer to with the old saying, "The path paved to hell is made with good intentions."
I think people should be upset with V, and I understand why people hate him for his inability to act when it counts. But, that's one of the things that makes him human and some as a person. You should be angry with V because he outright confesses that he's aware that what he's doing is wrong and that he should be doing more to make things right. You should be disappointed in him.
Because, if you decide to sit down and play V Route, you'll see him make the right decision and do what he should've done from the start.
Ask for help.
Do you want to know what I think Jihyun should've done? He should have told Jumin he was in over his head when discovered the plans in the apartment for Mint Eye. Jumin has proven time and time again to be someone who will do the right thing, no matter the cost, and if he had simply trusted his best friend, they could've done something for Saeran to get him away from Rika and take down Mint Eye with it. I'm certain that Jihyun knew he could do that.
But, to do that would mean breaking his promise to Rika. He told her he would keep their promise. So, if he told Jumin, and then Jumin did everything he could to take down Mint Eye, Rika would likely lash out at Jihyun for "breaking" their promise.
I think he could've feared that Rika might've revealed the truth about Saeran or Saeyoung to spite him in the process, despite making her own promise to Saeyoung to do the right thing, and her promise to Saeran to "take care of him since she killed his mother." So, he was weighing that fear on top of the shame of breaking a promise. But, I am certain that if Jumin helped, Saeran would be safe far away from Seoul, and they would be hunting for a way to get Saeyoung out of that fucking agency.
Jihyun could've continued to investigate Saejoong in private with the help of Jumin's team. Even if Rika let something slip to the police and sided with Saejoong, I think they could've found a way to make things work out. Would it have worked out well? I don't know, but I think I've got enough faith in Jumin Han to trust that he would make it right as soon as he could.
Jihyun was the one hunting down information about Saejoong Choi to take him down. He was away most of the time for that reason, and Rika took it upon herself to take care of Saeran when he wasn’t in classes at the cathedral. He had no way of knowing what Rika was doing to Saeran. He gave her an inch and Rika took a mile in terms of control.
He trusted her to do the right thing and uphold her promise, and he had no choice but to believe in the idea she would keep her promise to protect Saeran because it was the two of them against the world. Two broken people in a relationship that was bound to fail from the start, trying to help two little boys who needed more help than they could provide on their own, it was a recipe for disaster. 
Truthfully speaking, the only thing he could have done when he discovered that Rika lied to him was talk to Jumin. His best friend would have been the only person in the world who could have helped him, but he didn't ask his friend for help out of shame and regret. So, while Rika and V are both guilty, it's important to understand the why and how.
It won't change their guilt, but it does give you more insight as to why Saeyoung doesn't bite Jihyun's head off in the VAE like he tried to do to Rika. Oh, he's still angry with Jihyun, but he's realized that Jihyun's choices were different from Rika's. Still terrible because his promise was broken tenfold, but he can despise Rika far easier because she actively tortured his twin brother and Jihyun's failure of his inaction in the face of weighing promises.
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juminhandfs · 1 month
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I'm forcing myself to come back to this blog before next semester starts (which if I'm lucky is going to be the last 🙏, that's the reason I left the blog abandoned for so long)
Loving Jumin is a 24/7 job after all 😅, and all the discourse surrounding The Ssum was distracting 😅 (and I definitely want to be around with the approach of Jumin's Birthday 👀)
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sabineelectricheart · 3 months
The Silent Discovery over the Nature of Loving
Summary: Jihyun Kim did not believe in soulmates.
Rating: T - Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Words: 2300
Notes: So, I’m thinking this is a half-way Jihyun. The kind of who has let go of Rika, but hasn’t truly freed himself of the thought processes that had gotten him in that situation.
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Jihyun Kim did not believe in soulmates.
It sounds rich coming from him, of all people, but he did not. It was always an idiosyncrasy in his friendship with Jumin that bitterly amused him: one, a free-spirited artist that was too much of a realist when it came to relationships, and the other, a cutthroat capitalist that nurtured romantic sensibilities.
Though, perhaps it is not properly a lack of faith or belief in soulmates, but rather a pragmatic view. He believed that love was not that world of rosy fairy tales and sunshine that everyone seemed to believe it was, but suffering and sacrifice. He thought that, with enough disposition, he could love just about anyone, so the notion of “fated one and only” seemed false. He did not see how one single person could complete a life. He believed that there was more to it than finding such a thing.
In Rika, he thought he found his version of a soulmate. After all, he loved her in that manner, she excited his senses and she made him suffer. They felt tethered to each other, like two stars rotating the same axis, destined to a collision of galactic proportions. It sounded a lot like how the discourse surrounding it all seemed to go.
He was wrong, of course, about Rika, though he still nurtured the underlying notion about love. Even now, after all he has been through, he still holds those beliefs, and his conviction does not seem to waver.
Then, there was her. MC.
A smile large enough to replace the sun and moon and all the stars in the sky. A soft glow in her eyes whenever she met his lingering stare. Crinkles framing them when her grin greeted her eyes. An angelic dusting of blush upon her cheek when she did.
That woman feels like she is truly the picture of beauty to him. So much so it almost hurt. Quickly, without he being none the wiser, she had slipped into his mind like a thief in the night, kicking out the old permanent tenant that once inhabited there. She has stolen his thoughts and taken his heart with it.
When it was all said and done, after he was discharged from his surgery, Jihyun wanted to leave. He wanted to be alone and heal himself away from everything and everyone, somewhere overseas, somewhere there was just nature and little to no human settlement. Alaska came to mind a few times.
MC, however, began talking to the hospital psychiatrist after having a minor panic attack while caring for him. He does not know what she said, and he is pretty sure that it was not her intention, but they put him under watch and had him take a few sessions of therapy.
Considering his situation, he agrees that he could stand to benefit from some professional help, so he went in open-minded. The doctor helped him to talk through some of his feelings and how they got where they were then, and put some things in perspective.
Mainly, how selfish was his plan of simply leaving the country with no date of return, waiting for others to clear up the mess he left on his stead.
It is not as if Jihyun did not know that, he did, but… Everybody else seemed to indulge him on it, saying that he should take care of himself first. When he expressed that desire, Jumin offered him tickets and MC insisted that he should do as he pleases. Why should he not believe their sincerity? Though, he must admit that he dismissed Yoosung’s sole dissenting voice on grounds of the animosity between them.
The doctor agreed that they must have meant what they said, but it does not mean that they were right in saying so. The demands of the sick take precedence, and they recognize it, even if it places an undue burden upon them, even if it is not the right choice for his own mental health. Besides, the professional points out, it is unfair of him to expect that MC waits for him on a flimsy promise. If he wants to leave, then he should make sure that she is free of any obligation towards him.
He soon found that this was not something he was willing to do.
Therefore, he was faced with a choice: either leave everything behind with no promises and no attachments, or stay and find some other way to get to mental health and self-appreciation. When put on those terms, moving to Alaska seemed quite a bit silly.
So, he stayed, and set himself disciplinarily on a path of healing, while guarding the target of his affections close to his heart. He knew what he felt was something like love. It felt natural and, like very few, he explored it willingly, even if restrictedly.
He did not push it down and stifle the feelings so desperate to sing out to her, he did not try to deny it or run away from it. He faced it for what it was, otherwise he knew they would explode at some point. However, he stopped short of a confession, settling himself on the role of a close friend, while working upon himself. He was content with them for now, thinking that he placed it all in its rightful place, keeping them a secret behind closed doors and wandering eyes.
Respectfully wandering, of course. Jihyun would never dream of seeing her in a light like that when he was not properly hers.
Which does not mean he had not struggled with his situation. What never failed to get him was her laugh. A hymn he would never grow tired of, one that stood out from the usual white noise. He believed she could bring down nations with that laugh of hers. How sweet and welcoming it was to him, playing his heartstrings like a harp and he relished in it.
The feeling close to love would bloom in the very bottom of his stomach, flowing to his chest and amusing it with emotions indescribable to him. Words could not even do justice to the overwhelming deep oceans of passion, admiration and respect that washed over him.
However, he is not drowning, he was finally breathing. For the first time in his life, he could finally slow down. There was clarity within him when sorting through things with her. Everything reminded him of her and her essence.
He had never met anyone else like MC. He does not want to meet anyone else like her. He can never believe something or someone as perfect and exact as her could exist more than once, as a dot in eternity. His love for her can quench any thirst, satiate any hunger and rest any fatigue. Yet, he was still left thirsty, starving and exhausted, longing for more of her lingering affections and advances on his ever-doting heart.
Perhaps he had it right all along. Love and pain go together. With enough effort and a good disposition, the heart grows fond. What truly changed between Rika and MC is that, while one seemed to latch upon him like a drowning woman dragging him down, the other seemed to rejoice in lifting him up.
This is exactly why Jihyun, a non-believer, held onto his feelings. He understands how it helped him being a better person, he sees how he needed to grasp onto it because something this wonderful could only come once in a lifetime, and they were too short to be wasted.
He never knew how truly wonderful it was to be loved back by someone, especially MC. Perfect, angelic MC.
Her lips invited him in but he hardly took a breath. She would lift his chin in soft kindness with her refined graces, cast a glaze upon his eyes, set his fluttering stomach at rest in the comfort of her. He would get on his knees and beg her to do it all. To have no mercy on his enthralled soul. 
With her lashes dusting his blushing cheeks, he is reminded of her other feather-light touches. Embracing him with her words, cradling his delicate and quivering lips.
He would let her, as his idol, treat him as she wishes. Let her abuse his advances on her love or tell him what he wished to hear and what he would never want to admit. Turn his words on him so he can see her listen. Let him drown in them. Let him look into her eyes once more before they parted ways and leave him searching for a part of himself that she is yet to touch.
The way she held his hand, how she cradled his lips with hers, contrasting rough with delicate. It was a movement that felt like religion, one he would devote his whole soul and being to. Her name was a mantra, a prayer on his lips that he would never grow tired of chanting softly to her. She is an altar, a temple of everything divine about life. He would idolize the ground she walked on every day for the rest of his life if he had to.
The way in which she embraces him with a warmth only for him. A warmth he held only for she too. It burned greater than any sacred fire within any hearth.
If MC wanted him to, he would do it all willingly.
At that very moment in time, it only just occurred to Jihyun why it is called being in love. He feels fully submerged and surrounded by her devotion to him. How did she do it all to him? Is she a magician?
One night, after almost a year’s worth of labour, he finally cracked.
She came to his house upon invitation, good-intentionally. The pretext had been a movie, he believes, but it did not matter: it was Friday, and they always met on Fridays. Either as a date somewhere, or at her home for whatever reason; this time, however, he would host, as he was finally proud of all the cleaning and Rika-banishing that he had done. Aside from the artwork, every single piece of furniture in there had been progressively changed and, when the new couch arrived earlier that week, he lived in a place completely devoid of her memory and her presence.
Fresh strawberries and white cream laid out perfectly on a gingham blanket to greet her. Soft silk woven into clothes that she drapes over her arms, shoulders and chest. The natural skipping of his heart that is synchronised to her breath and her breath only. Conversation ran long, and she had to ask to stay over.
To him, that is what he wanted to capture as bliss. Home is not where he is. Home is wherever she may be. When it finally became too much and she drifted off in that same new couch, marked with a new and bright memory, it broke his heart having to leave her to sleep. He knows that the end of this moment will come soon, but he resists.
He wants to take a picture, but he knows he cannot. Even if he could, it would be only a pale imitation of what he truly desired of it.
Jihyun always took a few moments to contemplate in something akin to prayer, held in a daze as he noticed the rise and fall of her chest form a steady pattern. He could recall it as he had committed it to memory the first time she had slept over. The quirk of her lip where a hum of a snore vibrated in her chest caught him out with a smile.
Love had been described to him in many ways by his mother and his father, always in different terms. Good thing so, as it taught that this is a personal idea and is one of the few things that humanity shall never conquer. Now, he would admit that a childish part of him found this belief naïve. As nothing but a sinner, a man, nothing more, looking upon her resting figure he feels nothing but love, and for such a significant emotion, he feels ignorant to have numbed it and reduce it to four letters. Well, that could not even do a fraction of justice to what he experienced with her.
Perfect ache. That is what he would attempt name it. The contradiction of love and how it wounds him into submission. His heart aching splendidly and tied down to her. Beating meekly but still beating for her. Time has often cut the time she shared together short and stolen the words unsaid from his starving mouth.
Still, as she leaves when the morning comes, he had an unwavering faith that every time was not a goodbye for good. It was a goodbye for now.
MC is everything to him, and he would never let that sense of belonging go. Not when he finally felt at home with his angel. His saviour. His divinity. Maybe he was crazy. Still, she is what made him sane in a deranged sort of way. She is what he saw in his past, present and future. Her company was heaven and without she was a hell no man should feel.
When the day comes and he does confess, when the day comes when Jihyun no longer knew the horror and sin he had seen as a cultist, he knows he will be finally free. He will finally know what it means to feel pain in love, and he will know satisfaction. He would determine what is worth his time and if he want to continue living in it.
Jihyun Kim did not believe in soulmates, but then he met MC.
Mystic Messenger Masterlist
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kiserusmoke · 7 years
If people could stop sending rude messages to Jumin fans on Tumblr, that'd be great
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higheverweave · 3 years
On the “Insanity.” Defense for RIKA
When it comes to Yoosung V the RFA and Rikas behavior + Yoosung grieving
Rika chose to start Mint eye she chose to start a cult she chose to hurt V and others (Even if Mika told her too she didn’t have to choose to obey.)
And no I don’t pity her because she’s mentally ill Ive been Autistic and had mental illnesses since I was a kid to equate what she did with mental illness and acting like she can’t control it is beyond Abelist
It makes me so livid and uncomfortable when people do that because it just equates mental illness and invisible disability with violence again
And like ok sure Rika had a Truamatic childhood
So did Jumin … Jumin didn’t inflict the same pain on the Choi twins or kill their Mom….
And as for Yoosung yeah sure I get he’s grieving That’s fair but you see how he reacts in the after ending when he finds out what Rika had done
And If Rika and V had different gender roles her abusing him would be taken WAAY MORE seriously
We have a bad habit of victim blaming V
When she took his EYES…
But he stayed with her and “Enabled her.”
Yeah because she Constantly Emotionally abuses him as well convincing him he is worthless and deserves what she’s doing to him blaming him for HER abuse
It’s classic gaslighting And there is NO excuse for it. She also gaslights the other characters in Vs route including Yoosung.
The reason she does this to V is to manipulate him into believing nobody will care about him to force him to stay so he can continue to be her personal target.
It isn’t just mental illness and That isn’t an excuse every other character is also traumatized like Seyoung is traumatized because of his Mom but also because RIKA KILLED HIS MoM and ABUsED:Drugged his brother
Jumins childhood was spent being abused by his Mom
V watched His MOTHER BURN ALIVE in front of him while his father all but ignores him.
Zens family Emotionally abuses him for being Albino
Not one of the other characters CHOSE to do what RIKA did.
Not one.
Yoosungs grieving and Truama is caused directly by Rika either with the cult stuff or even when she kidnaps him and others in multiple routes
Honestly she kind of reminds me of some of the Murder cults of the 70s and the people who ran them didn’t get a get out of jail free card due to mental illness and not should they have
Drugging torturing and abusing people is not something mental illness can excuse saying that is Abelism
“But V didn’t help her.”
V was being abused by her anyone who has ever been in that situation knows how easy it is for an abuser to cloud you’re judgment and that’s just what she does with V
It’s not cool or fun or role model or relatable
It’s her CHOOSING to perpetuate that violence
Like it doesn’t help people use diagnosis in real life to get an “insanity plea.” Or excuse violent behavior Thay most other people with the same Invisible Disability or Mentall illness don’t do and It vilifies our communities and causes harm in the real world as a narrative.
It’s not cute and it’s not ok to just use Mental illness as a free excuse or pass as it’s why people equate us with violence when our communities are not violent.
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edgelord-saeran · 4 years
Cheritz: Here's Ray's after end!!!
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Cheritz: Also remember Jumin's Bad End??
Me: Wait-
Cheritz: And we're dragging Jaehee into it! Isn't possessive obsession romantic~?
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Yoosung: wow ur really cool and respectful like my cousin but not in a romantic way cause we’ve known each other for seven days Junin: ur like my cat and I want to cage you up and according to my bad ending I DO mean that in a romantic way Everyone else: WOW yoosung that’s weird she’s ur cousin >:(
Once again it comes down to Jumin’s issues being “”””kinky”””” whereas Yoosung’s grief can’t be sexualized so he just gets shit for it 🙃
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unwiltingblossom · 4 years
My prediction for the Jumin Han DLC:
Actual DLC content:
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Fandom and its response to the DLC content:
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amalgamezz · 7 years
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I know that feeling, my pal. It hurts me so much whenever I go to my FB and see the one I call my bestie talking trash about him. I now don’t even talk to her about MM anymore. There is no use trying to change the mind of people who only want to believe what they want, really.
Jumin’s problems are probably the most overlooked one in the game.
Zen and Jaehee have their abused childhood explicitly brought up.
Yoosung has his Rika issue mentioned and nicely resolved.
There is a whole section dedicated to the tragic stories of Choi’s brothers + V/Rika.
Yet, Jumin is the one who had his problematic past only subtly addressed (and completely ignored).
1) His lack of emotions was caused by emotional neglect from both of his parents. His mom had never been with him. His father didn’t care about his feelings and brought a new woman home probably every two weeks. And now you ask why he disliked women with a passion. Really? We haven’t even discussed the possibility of him being sexually harassed by his stepmothers yet.
2) His preferred practical way of thinking resulted from his father’s will wanting him to learn the way to becoming not only competent but the best executive director in SK. This man legit had no dream for himself. He devoted all his time and energy to work and work. Pre-MC time, if you ask what he most desires, he probably says he wants C&R to succeed and his father to be proud of him. Someone really needs to free Jumin from his father and tell him that he deserves better than being a money making machine.
3) Out of his two best friends who he thought would understand him most, one was presumably dead; the other was gone MIA most of the time and unreachable. His one and only emotional outlet was a cat that could never actually respond to his feelings. You don’t treat this man like a proper human being he is with legit feelings, yet expect him to function like one? Oh, please. That.is.not.how.thing.works. As much as I like V, I’m still very salty about this one. You are his friend, V. He needs you, not a cat. On a side note, just look at how affectional he was with Elizabeth 3rd, that is how affectional he would also be with his love one, presumably he could ever have one. Jumin can just make quite a decent lover like anyone else. Fight me on this, Zenny.
4) The whole RFA treated him as if he was some sort of robot who had no feelings. Zen projected his hate for his brother onto him. Jaehee purely saw him as “a man who must go to work” even when he was experiencing an emotional crisis. Seven constantly provoked him with ridiculous gossips about his personal life. Yoosung thought he was a scary, mean boss who he must avoid working for. 
To other people, decent ones = those who treat them well.
To Jumin, decent ones = those who treat him like an actual human being.
You never expect the C&R executive director would have such a low standard, don’t you? Yet, aside from V and Rika, Elly the cat was the only one who passed, haha.
5) Even in Jumin’s Route, I feel like Cheritz did him no justice. During your stay in his home, the whole RFA acted like he was some sort of criminal while he only wanted to protect you from the ACTUAL THREATS. The BE3 gave so many weird options, making MC treat him as if he was a monster. Note that this never happens to any other character in any other route. Also, wake up, MC. You are the delusional one here. Why would you want to come back to the apartment that was not even yours? In case you have forgotten, the hacker was still on the loose. He knew the address. He knew the passcode. Why on Earth would you want to go back there? You wonder why Jumin’s Route was the only route where MC was safe from the hacker without V’s interference? That was because you were staying at Jumin’s penthouse, being given full protection that even the goddamn special security system and Seven’s Godliness couldn’t offer. I don’t know. Jumin was only being logical. Do I really have to hate him for that? 
TL;DR: Jumin is a deep character who deserves much more love, or at least respect and understanding rather than being portrayed by fandom as a kinky daddie, or getting his sexuality poked fun at with a shitty, homophobic meme. This is a fact, not an opinion. I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Join JHPS today. Be a lover and a fighter.
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yoosea-mysme · 5 years
As per @waitingformessages​ ‘s request I tried my hand at this pairing chart thing following their template and
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I didn’t put in the family lines to have less colors around, I don’t ship incest anyway
I didn’t put in lines for MC because she’s a character I can play with to adapt for each route and person, she’s not always the same to me. Only added in Vanderwood and Rika ‘cause they’re not romanceable characters (...yet?) and Seven because they ARE my OTP (mostly because of my fic idea that’s still in the work)
Damn it, I didn’t plan for V to have so many NOTPs, not my fault half the cast is either his indirect family, foster family or abusive ex
I don’t ship Rika with anyone ‘cause I don’t want her to abuse anyone. Only Vanderwood could potentially handle her imo and even then
Realising this might be hard to follow I reverted to what I’m best at... table charts
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I tried
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rockyissohungy · 5 years
Oh please don't play Jumin's route then, he doesn't need you (also you don't need to be all of that, you only need to not be a DICK towards Jumin) but I can see already you are heading towards a bad ending, so make yourself a favor and don't play it :)
I think I'll play the game however I wish thanks. And I'm not headed towards a bad ending I checked the first 4 days of his route and im getting all the purple hearts by being a jerk towards everyone but him. But I can see that your life is headed towards a bad ending haha. Now if you want discourse go off anonymous and face me like a man. And do yourself a favor and let people play how they wanna play.
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why would you be so critical about new jumin dlc? i don't mean to blame you, i understand that relationship introduced in that ending is no way appropriate and many people would be upset to see such relationship being romanticized. still, mysme is all about exploring personal and interpersonal problems and facing them no matter how revolting it is. i'm sure cheritz won't go for disposable fanservice and will show some kind of reasonable solution instead. they always did. i'd like to trust them.
I mean... it’s my opinion? I didn’t tag it as anything in the fandom as not to bother people that want to enjoy that content or not. I specifically tagged discourse as well so that people could know to block that tag or look away if they didn’t want to hear my opinion about it! :) 
My feelings on the matter aren’t about like what Cheritz is doing. It’s okay to explore topics and themes that may not be for the light-hearted. What bothers me about it is the people that ignore others and mischaracterize Jumin Han to be someone that he isn’t, and act like his Bad Ending 2 is something that is good and shout at anyone that tells them otherwise. 
I’m happy that Cheritz labeled it as a Bad Ending. Because you know how old it gets to see people talking about Jumin’s “kinky” ending? I’m not even a Jumin fan and I’m tired of it. Thank God that they did. As long as they’re labeling things right and making sure that people understand that it’s not a Good Ending, then it is okay. 
The whole point with what irritates me is people that don’t acknowledge that it’s bad or anything. Even I write for Bad Endings now and again, but you know, I do not tag them without adding warnings in case that can trigger or upset someone in a bad way, nor do I call them a Good Ending or a “Better Ending.” I call them for what they are. A Bad Ending. 
There’s a line with playing with these themes and it’s important to be respectful to how someone may react to this sort of thing, okay? I have faith in Cheritz on the matter, they always try to take the high road and ensure that there is a lot of care done in what they decide. My issue with the folks that don’t listen to what things are labeled. 
So, yeah. 
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juminhandfs · 4 years
You know what's something that has me really worried about tomorrow's new content?
When V's After Ending came out the Rika dlc was released in simultaneous, this because Rika was heavily involved in it (and people hated that, yeah) and it was necessary to explain her behavior.
Now, in this dlc Jumin is moving to a mansion, and we are having a new character introduced (the butler), so there's a high chance that we are going to learn more about Jumin's past (his traumatic experience with his stepmother happened after all in a mansion), just as we learned about Rika's past.
In the welcome screen Saeran and Seven both look ok, but if there's something this game has been very adamant about is that actions have consequences and when bad things happen someone always pays the price.
That someone most of the times is Jumin...
Is Jumin going to be OK on Saeran's After Ending?
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isuzukuretsuki · 5 years
Every time I see someone call Jumin a yandere I cry tears of blood.
Ah yes, trying to get someone to stay in your house (albeit, pushily and somewhat too forceful for comfort) because their apartment has a !!!FUCKING  BOMB!!! is totally equatable to caging, drugging, or locking someone up against their will. And even considering the red shoes ending, you literally gotta get on your knees and beg the man to lock you up and honestly, I’m pretty sure if the MC got tired of that treatment and asked Jumin to let her go, he probably would  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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Fake fans always out here posting this to prove that the Cult AU is cannon
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But ignore the rest of the conversation in the Brunch Cannon
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SMH fake fans
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