#jung subin fluff
slytherinshua · 1 year
[ 6:13pm ]
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“Did I ever tell you that you look really hot in denim?” You said nonchalantly, mouth still full of food as you eyed your boyfriend with satisfaction to see his reaction. He choked on his noodles because of your sudden remark and you burst out laughing. 
When you first started dating, you were overly shy with him and would never have the confidence to throw out comments like you just did. But after 2 years, you two had been through a lot together, and were more comfortable with each other than anyone else in the world. You weren’t afraid to take every opportunity you wanted to compliment him now. 
And he certainly looked nice in denim. There was something about the stiff blue fabric against his milky skin and soft brown hair that was pleasing to your eyes. You could look at him for hours and not get tired of it. You smirked as you caught onto the way his cheeks tinted pink, even though he tried to hide it by drinking water.
“Is that so?” He replied, clearing his throat and collecting himself slightly.
You nodded, “You look amazing and it makes me ever so conscious that I haven’t kissed you yet today.” 
His face turned a bit redder, but he kept calm despite your flirting, “Why don’t you fix that, then?” 
“I should, shouldn’t I?” You smiled, stood up, and walked behind him, your arms resting on his shoulders in an almost hug while he was still sitting down.
“I really love you, Subin.” You said softly, lips hovering over his forehead like you were hesitating to kiss him there. You liked to say it often; it felt good to express your love to him easily. 
You finally kissed his temple and his mouth formed a smile. He loved when you were like this. He could tell you were comfortable when you reminded him that you loved him.
“I love you too.” He murmured softly, grabbing the strings of your hoodie and tugging softly so your face was closer to his and he could kiss you. You pressed your lips to his for a while, still smiling when you pulled out.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ victon taglist: @yeonjuns-bluehair,, @syrxiee2
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
fluff 35, 43 and 58 with subin from victon!! thank you 🫶🏻🫶🏻
( if you’re ok with it!! )
Subin + Fluff -I'm absolutely okay with it ❤️-
(I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me. + Is that my shirt? + You're pretty.)
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An incessant knocking on your door pulls you from your sleep. You tumble out of bed, eyes nearly halfway closed, and stumble out of your bedroom towards the sound. You have no idea what time it is, but you can tell by the lighting in your room that it's bright o'clock.
The knocking continues until you unlock your door and open it. In your tired state, you just want the sound to stop. You didn't think much about safety, so you're lucky when it's Subin that comes rushing in.
You notice his anxious nature as he moves past you, and you shut the door behind him. When you turn to face him, you notice his normally cute face is creased with nerves and it wakes you up a bit.
"Subin? What's wrong?"
"I need to talk to you," he responds, twisting his fingers together nervously.
"Okay. Sit down," you motion towards the couch.
He nods and moves to sit before his mind processes something and he turns back to face you. He eyes the sleep shirt you're wearing before asking, "Is that my shirt?"
Thrown off, you glance down and realize that it is his shirt. One you stole quite some time ago. "Oh… yeah. I sleep in it."
"You're pretty. In it. I mean, out of it too, but specifically in -" he pauses and takes a deep breath. "It looks good on you."
A small laugh is pulled out of you. His flustered state, the words that are falling out of his mouth without thought… It's all so cute and endearing. It makes the crush you have on him grow even more.
"Thank you," you say as you move to sit on the couch. "Don't expect to get it back, either."
He follows your lead and sits down too. "Keep it. I like knowing that you have my things here."
His words surprise both of you, and suddenly you're like nervous 15-year-olds again. He rubs his hands on his pants, and you sit as prim and proper as can be.
"So, what brings you here at," you glance at your clock and your eyes bulge, "8 in the morning?! Subin, what the heck?"
"I know it's early, but I couldn't sleep! I was tossing and turning all night long."
"Why couldn't you sleep?"
He hesitates, and you wait as he tries to put his thoughts into words. Finally, he turns to face you with a serious look.
"I realized something…" you nod when he pauses, signaling him to continue. "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me."
Your mouth falls open at the unexpected confession. Blinking a few times, you close your mouth when you realize he's waiting for you to say something.
"Why are you scared?"
"Because I've never felt like this before and I don't know what to do…"
You smile. "Well, this is a pretty good start… and you should know that I have feelings for you too…"
His eyes widen in surprise. "You do?"
"Mhmm," you hum before whispering, "So, this is probably the part where you should ask me out."
He grins and you can see his entire body relax. He whispers back, "Okay… Will you go out with me?"
Leaning forward, you kiss him in response.
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soobsubey · 1 year
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Hold him by the collar hug him and give him sweet kisses and Squish is cheeks😘
Love that boy <3
He‘s so cute in denim 🩵
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tbzhub · 1 year
Lucky Charm
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Pairing: drummer!Eric Sohn x gender neutral reader
feat. vocalist!Jung Subin, guitarist!Han Jisung, keyboardist!Choi Beomgyu, and bassist/vocalist!Lee Jooyeon
Summary: You’re the only one who can’t tag along for the entire tour.
Warnings: curse words, brief mention of drinking, kind of suggestive? idk
Rating / Genre: PG -13, metal band au, established relationship, fluff, angst
WC: 2.3K~
Artist Note: SO, I’ve been in a major rut and my lovely bestie, @everynewiee came up with a great idea to get me writing again. This fic is for her but feedback is encouraged and appreciated.
m.list tag list
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“Ooookayyy, this is the last one” the roadie says, waiting rather impatiently for the pink instant film camera in his hands to spit out the final group picture. This last one was for you, a keepsake to commemorate the band’s monumental achievement.
Everyone had jitters of excitement, this was the first time that Fragile Senses was leaving the local scene after getting picked up to tour with a band that Eric has been idolizing since you’ve known him. The first leg of the tour started in your hometown and for the next three months, they’d travel around the country in a Subin’s cramped, rusty van opening for some of the biggest names in the metalcore scene.
It was exciting, it was going to be crazy, insane even. At least that’s what Beomgyu kept saying practically on repeat last night when you all went out to celebrate. 
The band always went out the night before a show, it was a silly tradition that Jooyeon started before their first ever gig a few years back, where they all got irresponsibly plastered the night before to quell the nerves, because in his words, “it’s easier to fight a hangover than stage fright,” and somehow it worked? 
You’ve never missed a night out or a concert. But after tonight you’d miss everything. While everyone else was down to squeeze into a 06’ Ford Econoline, you literally couldn’t. You were the only girlfriend that wouldn’t be tagging along and although Eric was super sweet and understanding about it, you couldn’t help the negative emotions that kept coming up.
You wanted to be with him, three months is a long time away… and the thought of the band being surrounded by groupies every single night worried you.
“Here you go,” Jisung says, grinning as he hands you the picture and then his voice goes loud.
“Alright, guys! We gotta get backstage to set up. Kiss your girls and boys, so we can go.”
“NO MORE PICTURES,” he snaps at Subin just before the vocalist is about to take what has to be the 247th selfie with his boyfriend. 
Your head swivels in the boy's direction just in time to see Subin cheekily snap another picture and then he’s peeled away from his boyfriend by Jooyeon.
“Eric, five minutes,” you hear Jisung say as everyone scatters to their respective places and duties.
Eric’s arm stays wrapped around your shoulder all the while he leads you towards the back entrance of the concert venue.
“This is cool, right?” He says and you can hear the smile that couples with the excitement in his tone as you quietly hum in agreement beside him.
“But I don’t get to hug you right before you go on,” you add in as you carefully make your way up a rickety metal flight of steps and his hand finds yours to give it a tender squeeze.
“You’ll be able to see me from a better angle though and this place is way nicer than any other venue that we’ve ever played in.” He counters happily. 
“Plus, now you’ll have this entire space to yourself”, he says and you hear the sense of pride in his voice as he opens the door to the VIP booth that he was able to reserve for you.
Your face lights up at the quaint space, the velvet cushions look comfy– much better than sitting on top of a large amp on the far side of a tiny stage like usual, but you also enjoyed being able to watch their band from behind the scenes, it made you feel special. 
Still from up this high you’d be able to see everything, even now you can see Beomgyu’s girlfriend and Subin’s boyfriend trying to snake their way through the slowly growing crowd of people waiting for the show to start.
You’ve never been able to watch them play from the pit like everyone else, too dangerous and Eric never ever wanted you in harm's way, not even for a moment. So now you’ve grown used to the backstage treatment and the hustle and bustle that came with the pre-showtime set up routines. But from up here, it just seemed like another thing you’d be missing out on and you couldn’t help the way your bottom lip juts out.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Eric asks, frowning out of concern but you see the way he’s tapping his foot, antsy to get back to the guys, yet you know his care was genuine and earnest. 
This wasn’t the first time he’s asked this question and your answer still remains the same.
“Nothing,” you reply with a smile plastered on your face as you look up at him, hand coming to rest at the back of his neck as he leans forward and presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
“I’m proud of you. Thank you for this.” Your words come out hushed as he wraps his arms around your body in a warm hug and your face is buried into his graphic tee. You’d assume he’d smell gross and sweaty after all the heavy equipment they've moved around today in the hot sun but as you breathe in a long sigh, he still smells like your boyfriend; citrus and sandalwood soap, cologne, and the faint– yet distinct, smell of their makeshift recording studio.
“Okay, baby. I have to go, I know Jisung is backstage burning a hole through the floor waiting for me.” He announces, giving you another gentle squeeze before letting you go and walking towards the stairs.
“Good luck!” You call out as you sit down, starting to get comfy in your chair.
“Don’t need it! I have my lucky charm for one more night!” He shouts back from halfway down the steps.
Just when you’re about to pull out the picture from earlier to get a better look at it, you hear Eric running back up the metal stairs.
“Wait! I forgot something.” He says with a grin as he runs over to you and then he leans down for a kiss, lips waiting for yours to meet his own.
“Really? Aren’t you behind schedule?” You say through a giggle before you kiss him back.
“I can’t go on stage without it.” He murmurs against your lips before stealing a few quick kisses for extra measure and then he’s dashing towards the stairs once more.
And the cheeky smile he flashes your way before he finally leaves makes butterflies flutter in your stomach and your heart sink at the same time. Only Eric could create anomalies within you like this and this time it was because you knew you were going to miss seeing that sneaky smile so much.
You were going to miss him so fucking much.
You hear your name being called from the crowd below and smile once you see Jooyeon and Jisung’s girlfriends smiling faces as they frantically wave their hands up in their attempt to get your attention. Everyone was all together and ready for the next set to start. The opener was good but you thought Fragile Senses was better, their vocalist didn’t work the crowd like Subin and Jooyeon usually do when they perform so it made listening to their set rather boring for you.
The lights go dark and you hear cheers from the crowd as five dark shadows walk across the stage and you perk up when you recognize the last person in line and as everyone gets to their places you ready your camera, excited to film Fragile Senses first legit show.
“We did fucking amazing!” Beomgyu yells— again, rowdy as a toddler hopped up on a day's worth of sugar, but you suppose he still was riding the wave of a stellar night just like everyone else.
“We killed that shit.” Jisung admits as he fist bumps the hyped up keyboardist.
“Did you see how crazy that crowd got at Eric’s drum solo at the end? I saw someone’s shoe fly into the air and it never came back down.” Jooyeon says through a chuckle. “I almost messed up my last rift from laughing so hard.” 
“I have literally never sang in front of that many people before, I thought I was going to throw up.” Subin says and everyone starts laughing.
“But you didn’t and that's what counts”, Eric says pointing his drumstick at the older frontman.
“I can’t wait to do that again tomorrow! When are we going to get on the road, Jisung? Next stop is a 6-hour drive and it’s already 2am.” Subin asks, from where he lays sprawled across his boyfriend’s lap. Jisung looks over at Eric and you can see the silent conversation going on between the two but it was a language you couldn't speak. 
Finally, Eric lets out a heavy sigh beside you and then he hops to his feet, reaching his hand out for you to grab.
It’s silent at first as you both wait for your uber to come and pick you up.
“She’s 12 minutes away,” Eric says, shattering the silence with the worst sentence he could possibly say given the situation.
Only 12 minutes left.
“Okay,” you say and your lip starts to quiver.
“Baby, please let it out. I know you’ve been holding this in all day. Now we have like 11 minutes. I don’t want you to fall apart all alone when you get home.” 
Eric was right and you could hear the pleading hint in his tone but for whatever reason you wanted to live in denial just a little bit longer.
“M’ fine.” You mumble but the hot tears that spill down your cheeks say otherwise and Eric doesn't miss a beat at pulling you into his arms for a hug.
“I’ll call you every second I can. I’ll send you tons of pictures and I promise to text you so much that you’ll want to block my number before you go to sleep.” He starts, grip going tighter around your waist.
“I’ll send you a souvenir from each city I visit– I won’t wait to give them to you when I get back. I promise I’ll make the effort to make you feel special while I’m away.” For a second it sounds like he might be crying too.
“But–” you try to speak but your words dissolve into a sob as you feel warm hands rub up and down your back.
“I’ll miss you so much baby. I’m going to hate being a 9th wheel.” Eric says and you know he’s trying to reassure you with a joke and that makes you bury your face into his chest, wiping your tears all over his dark colored shirt. He really was the perfect boyfriend and you were going to miss him more than anything.
“I just– I don’t want to be left behind.” You finally choke out in a weak voice.
“I want to be with you for the entire tour and I can’t. I want to be like all the other partner’s. I don’t want you to feel alone while you’re away and there’s nothing I can do. I want to see you guys kill it every night, not just tonight.” You're rambling now as headlights begin to illuminate your bodies and you refuse to turn around.
“I can’t kiss you before you go on stage.” You say in a pout and Eric knows he shouldn't find any part of this cute but he does. You’re the cutest in his eyes.
“Then kiss me now.” He urges as he hooks his finger underneath your chin, tilting your head upwards before he melds his lips to yours and this kiss feels like so much more than a goodbye. There’s love, lust, yearning, and everything else packed into one single kiss, but above all else there’s a promise. A promise that Eric will come back to you in one piece and with stories to tell.
The uber honks twice, basically forcing you two apart and Eric frowns before opening the car door for you and helping you inside.
“Get her home safe please, I’m in love with her.” He says jokingly to the uber driver, before returning his attention to you for one more hug and a kiss on the lips.
“Bye baby, I love you. See you soon.” His lips are curved upwards in a smirk as he kisses you one more time.
“And who knows? Maybe when I’m a big time artist I’ll start flying you out.” He teases before closing the door and with that you leave Fragile Senses to embark on their journey with one less girlfriend in the mix.
You don’t feel happy but you also don’t feel sad. And as you sit in the back seat, letting some random woman drive you home, you remember that you still haven't checked out your picture since it’s been fully developed.
Pulling it out of your bag, you use the light from your phone to stare down at the group picture and immediately you’re giggling as tears roll down your cheeks.
Jisung looked more serious than he actually was with his girlfriend tucked underneath arm sticking her tongue out. Beomgyu was posed in a way that made it look like Subin was about to smack his ass while his girlfriend was throwing up the peace sign beside Subin’s dapper-looking boyfriend— the only one smiling like a normal person. Yoojeon was holding his guitar over his head while his girlfriend posed like she was screaming into a microphone. At the far end of the picture you were making a half heart against your left cheek while Eric’s lips were pressed to the other.
You loved it. The part you loved the most about it was how happy you looked surrounded by all of them. Three months wasn’t that long and even though you’d miss a lot, you were happy to have people in your life that they all wished you could come along for the ride.
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blossominghunnie · 1 year
☀️ Imagine 🌙 Fanfic
🌼 Fluff 🥀 Angst 🌷 Comedy 🍄 Suggestive 🧚🏼‍♀️ Popular
Fantasy Boys
Hong Sungmin
Coming soon
Yu Junwon
Coming soon
Park Jihoon
Fate 🌙 🌼
My love ☀️🌼🧚🏼‍♀️
Moving along ☀️🥀 (soon)
Woodz/Cho Seungyoun
Coming soon
Lucas Wong/ Wong Yukhei
Coming soon
Yoon Jongwoo
Coming soon
Jay Chang
20:00 ☀️🌼
Skateboard ☀️🌼
Chasing that feeling 🌙🌼🥀
Build Up ☀️🌼
Lee Yedam
Coming soon
Lim Sejun
Coming soon
Jung Subin
Lover of mine ☀️🌼 (soon)
Terazono Keita
Coming soon
Park Hanbin
Super shy ☀️🌼
Yoo Seungeon
Coming soon
Golden Child
Y/Choi Sungyoon
Coming soon
Bae Seungmin
Coming soon
Choi Bomin
Coming soon
Nakamoto Yuta
Coming soon
Jung Jaehyun
Coming soon
Kim Jungwoo
Coming soon
Winwin/Dong Sicheng
Coming Soon
Xiaojun/Xiao Dejun
Coming soon
Na Kamden
Coming soon
Choi Jiho
Broken Heart ☀️🌼🧚🏼‍♀️
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ao3feed-ateez · 2 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/b0EGHDk by Torian AU where Sejun is a lifeguard who accidentally drowned Subin who couldn’t swim instead of saving him Words: 4363, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band), VICTON (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi San (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ) Relationships: Im Sejun/Jung Subin, Do Hanse/Kang Yeosang, Jung Wooyoung/Han Seungwoo Additional Tags: Fluff, Funny, Swimming Pools, The Author Regrets Nothing, imsub!main, Blow Jobs read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/b0EGHDk
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annyeongffs · 3 years
𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑠 ༄ 𝑗.𝑠𝑏 (𝗺)
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𝗑𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀: 𝗉𝗐𝗉, 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍, 𝖻𝗋𝗂𝖾𝖿 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍, 𝖾𝗌𝗍𝖺𝖻𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗁𝖾𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉.
𝗑𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗌𝗎𝖻! 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 + 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍(𝗂𝗌𝗁)𝖽𝗈𝗆! 𝗌𝗎𝖻𝗂𝗇
𝗑𝘄𝗰: 7.2𝗸
𝗑𝘄𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗳𝗼𝗿: 𝖽𝗈𝗆/𝗌𝗎𝖻 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗌, 𝗆𝖺𝗃𝗈𝗋 𝖼𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗎𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗄, 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗒/𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖻𝖾𝗀𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝖻𝗈𝖽𝗒 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉, 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗄, 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗁𝖺𝗂𝗋 𝗉𝗎𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗈𝗋𝖺𝗅 𝗌𝖾𝗑 (𝖿 𝗋𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀), 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗉𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗌𝖾 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗄, 𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖽𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄, 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗎𝖺𝗅 𝗌𝖾𝗑 (𝗎𝗇𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽, 𝗉𝗅𝗌 𝗐𝗋𝖺𝗉 𝖻4 𝗎 𝗍𝖺𝗉!!), 𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾𝖽/𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗒, 𝖻𝗋𝗂𝖾𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗅𝗈𝗍𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗉𝖾𝗍 𝗇𝖺����𝖾𝗌, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗆 "𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅" 𝗂𝗌 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾, 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖾, 𝗌𝗎𝖻𝗂𝗇 𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍𝗂𝖾 𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽.
𝗑𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗯𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝘁.
<< 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒓!!! >>
You were sitting on the couch with your latest novel in hand, legs crossed politely beneath your skirt, when you heard the front door open, signaling that your boyfriend is back from his all-day lecture.
You drop the book instantly and spring up from your seat to go greet Subin. He wastes no time in wrapping his arms around your waist and places a chaste kiss on your forehead, letting his heavy bag slide off of his shoulder. You giggle when his nose nudges against your cheek, a soft whisper of “hi, Subin” leaving your lips once he presses a second kiss to your temple.
“Hi yourself, princess,” He says with a grin, “were you waiting for me?” You can’t help the pink flush that rises to your cheeks as you nod yes, his mere presence being enough to make your heart flutter. Subin swears you’re the cutest thing to ever grace the planet.
“I missed you today,” You admit with a tiny pout. You’d gone out to lunch with your best friend and her boyfriend Hanse, who also happened to be friends with Subin; but you’d felt like a third wheel without your own boyfriend at your side, even despite their best attempts to include you.
“I missed you too.” He tells you, at which you forcefully shake your head and insist, “but I missed you more.” You seal your statement by leaving your own kiss along his jaw, not being quite tall enough to reach his cheek.
Subin’s heart soars at how utterly adorable you are. “You’re too cute for your own good, baby. You’re gonna kill me one day if you keep this up.” He observes casually. You curl your fingers in the material of his shirt with a whine that you have no intention of killing him, your eyes lingering on how the fabric pulls tightly against his biceps.
Has he always been so muscular? You wonder to yourself, slowly slipping into your head. Maybe he’s been working out more... how come you’ve never noticed this before just now?
He doesn’t miss your distracted gaze, and he feels a smirk spreading when he puts two and two together to realize that maybe your blush isn’t quite as random as it seems. He doesn’t stop the smirk from growing when your small fingers begin to cautiously trace over where his sleeves end.
“You look pretty today.”  He comments like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Which it is for him- hardly a day goes by without his mention of how beautiful you are- but even after all these months, it’s still new to you. Your stare drops to the floor as you take a sudden interest in your shoes.
“Thank you, Binnie.” You say quietly. You fidget with the hem of your (ahem, Subin’s) white sweater, and the image of you standing there in your little pink skirt and his oversized sweater is almost too much for him to handle. 
You’ve been testing him so much lately, the length of your skirts shrinking while the collection of his shirts that you wear to bed has only been growing, and it’s gonna be the thing to end him. All it takes is one glance at your innocent smile and Subin knows he’s a goner; he’s never wanted to ruin anyone so badly in his life. 
 He steps into your personal space and tilts your head up with his fingers to make you return his gaze, the dark, nameless emotion swirling in his eyes jarring you. His touch is like an electric current, the simple gesture sending a trail of sparks zipping down your spine as you inhale sharply. He doesn’t say anything, only looking at you hungrily, longingly. You wanna touch him too- maybe weave your fingers through his hair or something- but before you get the chance, he brings your mouth to his harshly and gives you a kiss you never knew you needed.
He’s normally so gentle with you, his kisses soft and slow as if he’s afraid you’re made of glass. But this kiss is different for reasons you can’t explain. It’s bruising and fast and delicious, stirring up a sort of tension that you find to be entirely exhilarating. You do your best to keep up with the pace he’s set, holding back a yelp of surprise when you feel his tongue swipe teasingly across your lower lip.
You must do a pretty good job of staying with the speed of the sudden kiss, because when you eventually break apart, you aren’t the only one panting for breath. Your lips are tingling with the foreign buzz from so much pressure at once but it’s a buzz you don’t really mind. As a matter of fact, the whole room seems to be buzzing, the air alive with the rising tension as Subin’s grip tightens around your chin.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess that you’ve got something on your mind today. Am I right, y/n?” He asks cockily while raising one eyebrow. 
He knows exactly what’s up, having seen the gleam in your eyes that hasn’t shown itself before and knowing for certain what it means. But if your widening eyes and confused expression are enough to go off of, then it’s safe to say that you don’t have a clue what’s happening.
 All you know is that there’s something new bubbling in the pit of your stomach, some strange and unsettling weight building in your lower half that you haven’t ever been exposed to before. It isn’t unpleasant, per say; just new. The feeling reminds you of when you put a pot of water on the stove to boil- except rather than boiling, your body is merely simmering.
But it’s still more than enough to make you want to kiss Subin like that again.
Your blush returns with full force when you stutter out, “Well... th-there is one thing I’m, umm, thinking about...” You trail off, resisting the urge to hide your face in his chest. Subin stays put with his hand under your jaw and waits for you to tell him what you want like the good girl he knows you are.
“Can we do that again?” Comes your quiet plea, giving his shirt a slight tug to punctuate your request. “Please?” And who the hell would he be to refuse?
He brings you close again until your lips are brushing together, barely a millimeter away, and mumbles hotly, “Oh, baby, I can do so much more than that. Just you wait.” And then his mouth is back on yours, engulfing you in a heated kiss unlike any you’ve ever shared.
You let out a small sigh of content as he kisses you passionately, your body pressing against his to try to get as close as you can. Your arms wrap themselves around his broad shoulders and he takes the chance to deepen the kiss, tongue coming back out to tease you. You’ve never kissed him like this before and you don’t quite know what to do; you settle for just granting him access and allowing him to do as he pleases, ultimately pleasing you when he slides his other hand up and down the curve of your back, warm fingers dancing over your bare skin beneath the sweater and drawing out another little sigh from you.
“Jump,” He mumbles against your mouth. You pull back slightly in question, not sure you understand what he’s asking. His lips chase yours but you don’t respond immediately, continuing to stare at him with your head cocked to the side.
“I said jump, y/n. I know you can listen to me.” He says in a tone that, while soft, leaves no room for debate. You obey quickly and allow him to catch you as you wrap your legs around him, unable to contain your squeal when his hands firmly hook beneath your body, and your eyes are shut so tightly in your state of bliss that you hardly even register when Subin walks from the entryway into your bedroom, pausing only to lower you onto the bed.
He caresses your face in a sudden move of tenderness, looking straight into your heavy-lidded eyes to make sure he hasn’t hurt you. While he might be acting a little rougher than usual, the last thing he would ever want to do is hurt you, his precious angel. 
His angel who was currently staring back at him with a blush so innocent it poked a dark side of his dominance, a side he always tries so hard to hide around you in fears of scaring you off. But the way you’re responding to his kisses tonight is telling him a different story- one that might let him take you to another chapter, if you’ll let him.
Subin’s thumb skims over your cheek as he keeps his arms braced on either side of you to hover over your little body. “Angel, if you want me to stop, say it now.” He says, his words hoarse with self restraint. He’s come close to losing his cool a few times before, but you’ve never tested him quite like this; and if he’s gonna be able to stop himself before he releases his grip on the dirty beast inside of him- the beast you bring to life with your sweet innocence- then he needs you to stop it now.
You blink twice and stare up at him with those doe eyes, mouth opening but finding you have nothing to say. He scans the way the sweater has started slipping off of your shoulders and inhales deeply before asking again, “I’m serious, y/n. If we’re gonna stop then you have to tell me right now or else I can’t promise to stay away from you.”
His gruff words flip a switch in you without warning. You’ve never gone any further than slow makeouts with Subin, the most risque thing you’ve done so far being the time you sat on his lap while kissing. But tonight, you discover that you want to push that boundary, even though you don’t know much of what’s beyond it.
All you really know is that you like the way these kisses feel. You like the bold way Subin’s hands dance around your shoulders, the new fire he’s started in your tummy.
You like not knowing what comes next.
“I... I don’t want you to stop, Binnie.” You answer in a whisper. Subin groans in response, the sentence making him harden instantly. He moves his hand slowly over the expanse of your neck, nails tracing the lines of your collarbone, and that beast inside of him is tugging at its chains when you inhale loudly and latch onto his wrist. 
He rubs small circles into the skin at the base of your neck, admiring how easily it causes you to sigh. You don’t know what it is about them that always fascinate you. They’re just hands; but something about the powerful way his hand lingers on your skin makes you think you wanna feel it holding onto your neck.
“You have a thing for my hands, baby?” He teases with a smirk, “I can do whatever you want with them, put them wherever you want.” He uses his other hand to brush your hair out of your face so he can clearly see the lust building. “But you have to ask first.”
Your tiny surprised gasp turns into a breathy whimper when his fingers curl around your neck exactly how you hoped they would, the pressure delightful and salacious without cutting off your airflow. 
Subin grins even wider. “You like that.” It’s not a question, it’s a factual statement. You nod anyways, your weak hands not trying at all to pull him off of you. “You look so pretty like this, angel. Wearing my hand like it’s a necklace.” He muses out loud. His cocky tone sends a warm feeling rushing through your abdomen, making your eyes flutter shut momentarily as you bask in how perfect his hold on you is. You never thought having his hand around your throat would be so incredible, would feel so right.
Upon seeing your eyes closing, he leans down closer to your ear, fully intending to make you even more bothered without lifting his hand from your throat.
“You like it when I talk dirty too, hmm?” He adds. “I’m not surprised. Good girls like you probably love hearing what you make people wanna do to you.” And you lose all power to resist your boyfriend’s arousing charm when he calls you that, calls you a good girl. You decide you always wanna be good for him if you’re rewarded in ways like this.
“Binnie, I-” You start timidly, but one quick squeeze to your neck has you stopping before you ask him to call you that again. “No baby, use my whole name. I wanna hear you moaning my name when I give you the pleasure you deserve tonight.” Another hot feeling begins to pool in places you’ve never felt heat pooling in before, arousal flooding you at his suggestiveness.
And because you want to stay well-behaved for him, to see how far being good will get you, you bite your swollen lip and nod your head. “Subin, can you say it again?” You beg shyly, cheeks reddening. Subin observes the way you’ve begun to breathe a little heavier and considers how obedient you’re being so far.
“Say what?”
You gulp down your embarrassment. “G-Good girl. Call me that again, please.” You sound desperate even to your own ears, but it’s a sound that beckons his dominant side into coming out to play. He’s waited far too long to ruin his innocent little angel to hold himself back.
His head drops to litter kisses around the skin not covered by his hand, seeking out the one spot that makes you whine the loudest. He finds it and nips lightly, soothing the unexpected yet not unwelcome sting over with his tongue. Your sighs grow more and more frequent as he sucks multiple hickies along your collarbone, thighs rubbing together when he licks a tantalizingly slow, seductive stripe along the entire outline of it.
He reluctantly drops his grip to replace it with his mouth, feverishly marking up your neck while he busies himself with sliding the sweater another inch off your shoulders to give him more room. “You’re such a good girl, you know that?” He murmurs into your skin, “Already so needy for me when we’ve barely even started. My good girl, all wet and eager. I’ll give you what you want, baby, I’ll give you whatever you want if you tell me to. Use your words for me.” 
It’s these words, hurried and half-muffled by the way his mouth presses against you, that begin to unravel the strings laced up inside your core. You can feel yourself falling apart, succumbing to Subin’s obvious control, letting your desire to feel everything he promises to make you feel cloud out any doubt in your mind. You wanted Jung Subin, and even if it killed you to ask for it, you wanted him now.
The only problem is that you don’t know what to ask for.
“I want you, Subin.” You inform him with a slight wobble in your voice, “I want to feel more... please.” You add the please at the end in hopes that it might cause him to suck a little harder at your neck, but your pleading instead makes him pull off of you and gaze down at the mess he’s made of his beautiful girlfriend. 
“You want more?” He prompts you, “What do you mean by more? You wanna be choked some more? Is that it, angel?” As appealing as that is, you shake your head meekly, wiggling noticeably underneath him.
“I wanna feel you.” You say with crimson stained cheeks.
Subin takes his hand and lightly caresses your hickey-covered jaw, unable to resist the temptation to slip two fingers into your wet mouth. You suck on them the moment his fingers are there, unsure of what possibly made you do it but liking the results nonetheless, especially when he curses under his breath at how fucking hot you look in this position. You swirl your tongue around them experimentally and it sends him into another world, making him remove his fingers hastily before he envisions how well you’d suck his dick. 
You whine at the loss of contact and Subin chuckles darkly, not wiping off his fingers. “Where do you wanna feel me?” He asks you in a sultry voice. His hand slides beneath the sweater easily and finds its way to your chest, where he runs his large palms over the white lace bra you wore under it. “Did you want to feel me here?” He continues. You’re too flustered to speak when he playfully snaps at your bra strap before moving down lower. 
Your breath hitches audibly when Subin ghosts over your stomach, descending even lower, hand cupping cautiously around the place where you needed him the most. “Or maybe... you wanna feel me here.” He remarks, “Is this where you want me, princess? Want me playing between your pretty thighs, tasting what no one has ever touched before?” His dirty comments are sending stars into your vision.
He’s relentless in his teasing, fingers edging around your innocent white panties under the cute skirt he can’t wait to push up later. “Want to see my head between your legs as I eat you out, make you sigh and whine until you can’t stand it anymore? Wanna fuck yourself senseless on my tongue? Do you want that, y/n?” You can't control the moan that leaves you at his words, hips unintentionally rising off of the bed to push yourself against his body. He hisses at your actions and lifts the band to your underwear, the cool air hitting your core making you whine. The sensation of his finger tracing your pussy gently is unlike anything else on the planet.
“Yes,” You call desperately when he softly rubs against you, the friction giving you only the tiniest bit of respite from the overwhelming heat spreading through you, “Subin, please.”
“Please what? Be a good girl and tell me, baby. I told you to use your words.” He instructs as he teases your core with his hand.
You can’t take it anymore. “Please give me m-more,” You gasp out despite your horrible embarrassment, “Make m-me feel all the things you just said you would. I-I wanna feel you... between my legs.” You stutter furiously, but it’s all Subin needs to push his finger into your pussy, groaning at the same time you let out a rather shaky sigh.
“Fuck, princess,” He curses when he feels how warm and tight you are. “You’re absolutely fucking perfect, you know? You take my fingers so well, you dirty girl. You’re behaving so good for me tonight.” He praises you as he moves his fingers in a steady rhythm, trying to go slow so he won’t hurt you even though every bone in his body is screaming to fuck you into next week with his hands alone.
 But all efforts of slow are abandoned the second you latch onto his neck and begin sucking, attempting to make him feel half as good as you do right now as you press little kisses to his skin. Subin’s pace quickens while you pepper open-mouthed lovebites on his throat, your small wrist tugging at his shirt to signal that you want it off. You don’t know what’s gotten into you- you have a nearly carnal desire to run your hands along as much of his skin as you can, to rake your nails down the abs you’ve only seen once or twice at the beach. 
He gets the hint and strips the shirt off of himself without removing his fingers from your pussy, tossing the garment somewhere before leaning back down to loom over your writhing figure. Your hands explore his naked chest with an enthusiasm that you didn’t know you possessed, appreciating his warm skin with little kisses and scratches as he continues to pleasure you at an increasing rate.
“Fucking hell, y/n,” He says with his brows furrowed, “how long have you been so desperate for my touch? How long have you felt this needy, this wet?” He coos mockingly, speeding up as your back begins to arch slightly, pushing you even further into him. “Your body is practically begging to get fucked, baby. Look at you, whining so prettily for me while your pussy tries to suck my fingers in. You like fucking yourself against my hands?”
A loud cry escapes your lips at his downright nasty words. They’re obscene and crude and filthy; and you love it.
“M-Mouth,” You sigh pathetically as you grip his broad shoulders for dear life. “I wanna feel y-your mouth, Subin, wanna feel your mouth down- down there.”
And because you asked so nicely, Subin smirks and slides his slick-covered fingers out of you, making you flush shyly when he raises them to his lips and tastes your essence. He pins you to the bed with just his heated stare, head spinning at how much he’s gonna taint you tonight.
“You might wanna hold onto the sheets, princess,” He warns as he sinks to kneel in front of your needy core, “because I don’t know if I can be gentle after tasting how fucking sweet you are for me.” You moan again at the firm kiss he places on your inner thigh. He’s so close to where you want to feel him; so close to bringing you to a high you’ve never even dared to dream of before.
He doesn’t dive in until he’s positive you want him to. Your little sighs of content turn into cries of his name the second his tongue is flicking at your core, sucking skillfully while his fingers return to the scene to slowly drag along your walls. You find yourself heeding his warning and bunching up the sheets in your fists to keep yourself from screaming out at how utterly good his tongue feels against your folds.
“Subin, fuck,” You sigh weakly, unable to handle the image of his head between your thighs, “I-It feels so good, Subin, so good.” 
“Yeah?” He replies, and the vibrations against your sensitive pussy almost send you careening over the edge, hurtling into the clouds of complete ecstasy. But before you get the chance, Subin once more removes his fingers, causing you to whine for him. You were almost there, almost ready to have your very first orgasm.
“Why did you stop-” Your words are cut off when he resumes fucking you with his mouth, turning your protests into mewls of how good everything feels.
“You’re gonna come on my tongue, y/n” He demands, his dominant tone making you meet his eyes, “You’re gonna fall apart in my mouth and I better hear you saying my name as you do. Got it angel?” He leaves no room for argument, and as soon as you nod your head yes, he’s back to eating you out like a champ, head moving to reach every little spot that drives you wild.
You’re within seconds of falling apart as he guides you to your high with his tongue- but the single thing that pushes you over the edge is his hot whispered praise of “good girl.”
You come undone with a cry louder than any of your previous noises, mouth repeating his name like it’s the only word you know as your vision momentarily blanks. You’re on top of the fucking world- your head is spinning like a top but you swear you’ve never felt so good before in your entire life, never felt like you’re both falling and flying at the same time. Subin’s tongue guides you through your high, cock fully hard at your lust filled moans of his name as you ride out on cloud nine.
He only detaches his mouth when you squirm away form him, panting and breathlessly relaxing your hold on the sheets.
Your blush is practically painted on your face at this point, fully aware of the way your panties are still shoved to the side and the skin still exposed by your skirt. You pull Subin back from his place between your legs and press soft kisses to his bare chest to wordlessly express your thanks.
Subin, meanwhile, is fighting hard to keep you from noticing his raging hard-on. His only focus tonight was you: your pleasure and your cries and your orgasm, his only goal being to bring you the feelings your sweet innocent mind hadn’t dreamt of before.
But now that he’s had a glimpse of how perfectly good you are for him in bed, he can’t help but wonder how good you’d feel under him, how well you’d take his cock as you sigh out his name. He can’t rid himself of the mental image no matter how hard he tries to, grounding himself in the sweet kisses you’re spreading on his chest. He’s got to snap out of this; he has to keep being gentle-
“Subin,” You mumble into his skin, “Did that- did you feel good, too?” As amazing as he made you feel, you want to know that he’s satisfied too, to know if he enjoyed it as much as you did. It wouldn’t seem fair to you if he did all the work with nothing in it for himself.
Subin gulps, nervous for the first time tonight. “Yes, princess. I loved every second of it. You were so good for me.” He praises you, and you can’t believe how easily his praise stirs up another fire inside you, making you feel like you’re ready for even more.
“I can keep being good for you,” You tell him in a modest whisper. “I can keep being your... your good girl.” You offer, the new part of you he’s unlocked making you bold enough to suggest that maybe, just maybe, you wanna go further with him tonight.
Subin opens his mouth to protest and tell you that you don’t need to do that, that you’ve done more than enough for one night. He even tries to persuade you to put on some pajamas and get ready for sleep; but you aren’t having it.
You cut off his rambling with a kiss so wanton that he can hardly believe you had the guts to do it, but he’s far from complaining as he hungrily accepts everything you have to give him, feeling how eager you are to please him.
His precious girl, so needy and obedient, wanting to please him like he’s just pleased you. Sadly for Subin, that’s a thought for another time, because he knows he won’t last long at all if he starts fantasizing about your mouth on his cock. Instead he settles for another fantasy, the one that brings you both pleasure.
He’s discovered tonight that you seriously get off on hearing his thoughts, hearing about the dirty things you plant in his head, and now is as good a time as ever to talk you through one more.
But he has to make sure you want it first. He’s already taken you so far- he won’t let it go any further until he’s absolutely positive that you won’t regret giving him more.
He ends the kiss and stares straight into your eyes, the gesture so meaningful and loving that your heart melts a little bit. He’s always taking care of you, always putting you first. You wish he’d let you put him first for once- but the warmth lingering in your core says maybe you’ll still get the chance to.
“Y/n, you know you can always stop.” Subin says seriously. “You don’t need to do anything else if you don’t wanna. Please don’t push yourself into doing something if you aren’t ready for it.” He kisses your cheeks, your nose, and lightly pecks your lips. “I would never want you to go too far to please me, baby. I’m always satisfied just to be in your heart, and I... I don’t need to be anywhere else, angel. I promise.”
His confession is laced with so much love that it brings tears to your eyes. His words are sincere, the proof in his statement made obvious by the adoring gaze he wears. You’ve never felt so safe- never felt so wanted, so secure. You don’t think you can love anyone else the way you love Subin.
And it’s this display of love, this moment of sweet vulnerability, that makes you more sure of yourself than ever before. You’re ready for what comes next- you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you wanna give him your all. You wanna give him every little piece of you, body and heart.
“I love you so much, Binnie.” You say with a smile. He’s so whipped for you that he doesn’t bother to comment on the nickname.
“I love you, and... I know I’m ready. I don’t want to stop tonight, please. I want you to make me yours.” You add.
Subin abandons any reservations about going further the moment the words are out of your mouth, seeing clearly the trust and desire that shines in your eyes. He nods and gently lays you back down, sensing zero fear from you as he slides the sweater off of your body.
He can’t believe how lucky he is. “You’re gorgeous, y/n, fucking gorgeous,” He worships with an awestruck look on his face, wiping away all of your insecurities, “every inch of you is perfect baby.”
And with that, he slides off your skirt, leaving only a thin layer of clothing between your skin and his.
Your hands itch to grab for his belt, but as you begin to reach out, Subin tsks and lightly swats your hands away. “Let me do that y/n. Just relax for me, yeah? Lay there and keep on looking like a fucking angel, that shouldn’t be a problem for you.” He says in a lower voice- you whine when you realize he’s back to being bedroom Subin.
He removes everything in one swift motion, and you fail to hold back the loud gasp at how hard he is. You’ve never really seen a dick before, never wondered about it or thought about it, but seeing Subin’s cock standing decidedly at attention makes you wish you knew more. You can’t stop staring at how intimidating it looks- does it hurt him that it’s so obviously hard? Will you be able to feel the veiny ridges along it as it drags against your walls? Or for that matter... will you even know what to do with yourself when it’s inside you?
Subin hums at your innocent surprise, memorizing the way your head tilts to the side while you study his cock. He comes back into your personal space to run his hands along your sides, giving you no warning before he tugs your panties off and rubs you without any barriers. You whine again, back arching off of the pillows to push your bodies together.
His body pins you against the bed, keeping you right where he wants you- but you have other ideas. Ideas that involve straddling his lap and seeing what would happen if he fucked up into you after you’ve been lying down for so long.
You look up at him with the prettiest pout you can muster. “I wanna... wanna get on top. C-can I please get on top, Subin? Please?” You beg him with stars in your eyes. Subin is so fucking whipped for your dirty request that he allows it, marveling in what a good girl his y/n is. He leads you into another brutal kiss, and you feel the knot reforming itself in your stomach when you break away with a strand of saliva still tethering your lips together. It’d be nothing short of nasty if it wasn’t with him.
“Climb aboard, baby.” He beckons you, and you blush at the mere thought of sinking yourself down on him.
He moves so you’re straddling his lap with his back against the headboard, bare pussy still slick from your orgasm. You grind down on his thigh when his hand makes its way into your hair, wrapping the strands around his fist and tugging just ever-so-slightly, enough to give you a taste of the stinging sensation on your scalp. You gasp, not expecting to like the feeling as much as you do, and it provokes Subin to tug a little harder, eventually drawing out a moan.
“You gonna ride me, princess, or do wanna keep fucking my thigh?” He coaxes. Your blush deepens but you stop rubbing against his leg anyways, not totally coherent when you moan out that yes, you’re gonna ride him.
“I’ll be gentle.” He murmurs suddenly, cupping your face with one hand so he can tenderly gaze at you. You nod and hover over him, bracing yourself for the initial pain you’ve heard every girl has on their first time, and Subin frowns at how your nose scrunches up unhappily.
“Baby, don’t think too hard.” He persuades you to loosen up, knowing you’ll hurt more if you’re tense. “I’ll talk you through every step of the way if you want. You gotta relax for me though, okay? You’ll feel better if you let yourself go. I’m right here, love.” His reassurance is the final push you needed to unclench your muscles, mind going completely empty as you slowly, slowly begin to lower yourself onto him.
And oh fuck did it burn.
You cry out at the uncomfortable sensation, feeling your core stretch to accommodate his length. Subin doesn’t dare move a millimeter, allowing you to have control of your pace since he knows your little body has never done this before, never had to adjust to this. You pause your movement to let yourself get used to the burn for a second when he’s halfway inside, and your nails dig into his shoulders as you hang on for dear life.
“It stings, Subin.” You whine, “Is- is it supposed to sting?”
He shushes you affectionately, kissing your temple. “Shh, angel, I know it hurts. It’ll go away real soon. I promise it will.” He consoles in a soft voice. You nod and continue to sink down, biting your lip to keep from complaining again when he’s fully entered you, the intense burn making you think something’s just snapped inside of you. 
Subin stays totally still as you stop again to adjust to the stretch. He oh so desperately wants to buck up into you, wants to drive himself into your pussy that he swears must’ve been made for him; but he restrains himself because he doesn’t want to hurt you, doesn’t want to bring you any kind of pain. So he waits patiently until you start moving.
You move your hips experimentally, whining sharply at the burn but finding that the more you do so, the less it stings. Subin groans lowly when you find a steady, slow pace, lifting yourself up and down- and all at once, the stinging turns into pleasure, an earth-shattering sensation that sets every nerve ending on fire with a delicious heat.
The pain dissipates entirely. Subin sees the change in your expression, your furrowed brows raising and your mouth opening as you let out an airy sigh that carries no hint of discomfort. Your walls suck him in like a wet vice, warm and tight and such a perfect fit that he thinks he could be in danger of cumming first, solely because of how amazing you feel.
“S-Subin,” You call out his name in a breathless moan. “Fuck, Binnie, I feel so- so good.” You sigh again in sheer bliss, and your eyes threaten to roll back into your head.
“How good, y/n?” He asks, making your moans increase rapidly in volume when he begins to meet your hips with slow thrusts of his own. “Tell me how good I’m making you feel.”
You babble incoherently as you attempt to describe the otherworldly pleasure that shoots through every inch of your body like a forest fire. “So good, Subin, so full, so much...” You can’t finish your sentence as a particularly deep thrust causes you to cry out once more. “Oh my god, Subin!” 
A self-satisfied smirk rests on his lips when he hears you gasping for breath, unable to keep yourself together as he fucks into you at a quicker pace. “That’s it, y/n. I’m gonna give you the best fucking night of your life tonight. You’ve been such a good girl for me, so obedient. Good girls deserve to come, yeah?” 
His question is rhetorical but you answer anyways, a strangled yes escaping you when he brings his hand back up to loosely grip your throat. The knot is pulling tighter and tighter inside of you, feeling like a rubber band being stretched out and it’s only a matter of minutes before you break.
Subin could come right then and there when he sees your fucked-out expression as he takes you with his hand on your neck, a steady mantra of his name leaving your mouth over and over. But he’s determined to make you come first- good thing he knows your weaknesses.
“You’re close, baby, I can feel it,” He begins to talk dirty to you once again and prides himself on the way your pussy clenches around him, “I can feel how close you are to losing it, to cumming on my cock. You think you can do that for me, y/n? Will you fall apart on my cock like my good little princess?”
You nod frantically as you chase the high that waits for you, the high Subin is providing with his nasty mouth and his heavenly thrusts. Your hips bounce in an irregular pace as you feel it approaching, a wave of pleasure about to crash over you, about to send you into a state of euphoria.
“Please, Subin, please,” You plead as his hold tightens on your throat, “I- I wanna come on your cock, Binnie, please make me c-come!”
Subin growls at your high pitched begging and sets the pace at a breakneck speed, seconds away from destroying you. “Your wish is my command, princess.” He says hotly.
It takes three more moans of “oh my god” for you to reach your high, officially falling apart when Subin whispers in your ear as he thrusts up into you, “Come for me, y/n.”
And you obey easily, screaming louder than you have all night as you lose yourself in the feeling of spinning out in a haze of pleasure. You’ve never felt anything as fucking good as this- not in a million years.
Subin can’t wait another second before he pulls out quickly, cutting it really close as your orgasm causes him to lose all control and comes over your tummy, covering you in his seed; thankfully, you’re too blissed out to give a damn about the sticky mess, the both of you panting like you’ve just run a marathon as you collapse onto your sides with eyes shut tightly.
You both wind down with your chests heaving, unsure of how many minutes pass by (at least four, but you guess it’s more than that) until Subin turns to face you with a warm grin.
“How was it, princess?” He asks with just the slightest hint of pink on his cheeks.
You smile back at him, your fingers weaving with his and pressing a kiss into his knuckles. “I loved it, Binnie, every bit of it.” You admit softly, your face taking on a glow of sheer happiness that looks so damn sexy on an angel like you. Subin can’t help pulling your head towards his to give you a long, sweet kiss, this one slow and unhurried as you bask in the intimacy of just being together.
“I love you y/n.” He murmurs, and you smile against his lips as you tell him you love him more.
You stay curled up like that for a few moments until Subin remembers what a mess he’s left on your tummy, the pink flush spreading when he moves to get up from the bed. You whine, thinking he’s leaving, but he shushes you and strokes your cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“I’m just gonna get you cleaned up, baby, I’ll be right back.” He promises. You let his hand go, eyes sliding shut as you begin to feel exhaustion setting in. He gets up and walks to the bathroom to get a wet rag, still feeling dazed from the wild ride he never expected to happen tonight, and comes back to dab at your stomach. You wiggle at the tickling sensation, laughing quietly when Subin purposefully blows cold air on your skin just to be funny.
He grabs a t-shirt once he’s finished cleaning you up, coaxing your tired body into sitting up for a few seconds so he can tug it on you before letting you flop back down. You lay there on your back, eyes shutting again, and Subin can’t stand how cute and sweet you look all swaddled in his clothes with your cheeks glowing brightly. You’re perfect, he thinks to himself as he slides on some pajama pants, absolutely freaking perfect.
He manages to get you underneath the covers and turns out the light before he slips into bed with you, mesmerized by the steady rise and fall of your chest. He can hardly believe that you’re asleep so quickly; but your little sighs give you away, confirming that you have, indeed, drifted off into dreamland.
Subin smiles to himself and kisses your cheek lovingly as he cradles you in his arms.
“Sleep well, princess.” He whispers softly, “You deserve it.”
𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗵, 2021. 𝗻𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗺𝗮𝘆 𝗯𝗲 𝘂𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 @𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗒𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀𝖿𝖿𝗌; 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗱. 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗈𝗋 𝖺 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒! -𝗸𝘆𝗹𝗮
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Picnic Rains - Jung Subin
Victon Masterlist
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Pairing:  Jung Subin x GN! Reader
Genre: Fluff, Friends to Lovers, University Au kinda
Summary: Friends since childhood, you and Subin knew everything about each other well you thought you did. Turns out though, maybe there’s still a lot more to discover.
Warnings: Cursing (very little), being sick, some mutual pining themes.
Word Count: 2436
You and Subin had first met in grade school when everyone else was intimidated by his rather blunt demeanor and perhaps also his resting bitch face even as a child. You were, however, not intimidated by any of that though you walked right up to him and wiggled into a spot in life. One that now seemed like it would be rather permanent. Now all these years later you were in university together, Subin giving up going to a more prestigious one to stick by your side as you both went off to this new part of your life. 
“Is everything in the car now?” Subin asks, checking the trunk one last time to make sure everything was there, “I want to get going soon, that way we can hopefully get in before it gets dark tonight. Otherwise, our parents are going to go crazy.”
“It’s our first trip back home, they’re going to go crazy either way, but yes everything should be in the car and good to go.” You joke, nudging him away from the trunk so you could close it, “Rock, paper, scissors to decide who takes first shift for driving?” 
Subin lost and took the first shift, something you’re glad for when the weather turned sour a little over an hour into the drive. Water rushed down your windshield faster than the wipers could clear it off, the wind soon picking up to add to it as it rocked the car, making you anxious from the passenger side as it was. Subin was quick to think though and noticed on the GPS a stop to pull off at and so that’s what you did.
“Hey, let’s check the weather and then call our parents and warn them it might be a while so they don’t think something happened.” He suggests, pulling up the radar with a frown, “The storm is huge...doesn’t look like it’ll let up anytime soon either.”
You lean over to look at his phone and see the weather predictions as well before shaking your head, “I’ll let my parents know...the real problem though is that if we keep the car running we’ll use most of the gas before it passes and we don’t have that much food.”
Subin sighs, nodding in agreement as he calls his parents before turning the car off, watching how hard the rain is actually falling without the windshield wipers on for a moment. You watch from where you are talking on the phone with your parents as he climbs over the center console into the back to look around for something. His head popping up again right about the time you hang up. 
“Take your hoodie off, I have an idea.” Subin pesters as he taps your arm, before leaning back to pull his hoodie off. You’re confused, but you trust him enough to follow his lead and take it off.
“And what exactly is this idea, Subin?” You raise a brow as you hand it over. Watching as he shoves them both in a plastic bag he kept in his car for trash tossing his phone and the snacks you brought in there as well.
“Hand me your phone too. We’re gonna make a run for that pavilion the next time the rain lightens a little. The temperature will be better out there and we’ll be able to get to the bathrooms and vending machines from there without getting wet. Plus our hoodies will be dry.” He proudly says holding up the bag he just shoved them in, putting your phone in as well when you hand it to him. He secures the bag closed before climbing back to the driver’s seat, “We’ll go on three.”
You thought you had mentally prepared yourself enough to face the deluge that was going on outside, but as soon as the first gust covered you in a wall of rain you couldn’t help but shriek, still shocked by it all. Subin takes your hand in his as you both make it to the front of the car, leading the way to allow you to better shield your face even if it meant further limiting your line of sight because he was your guide. Getting you safely onto the little picnic area that was shielded by a pavilion, he sets the bag down onto one of the tables near the center where no water can reach even when the wind howls past.
“Why don’t you go to the bathroom and dry yourself off some before putting a dry hoodie on. I’ll do the same.” Subin suggests and you nod knowing it was a good suggestion even if the aged rest stop bathroom hand dryers wouldn’t do much to help you out. Still, anything was better than nothing after those few minutes out in the storm soaked you like this.
 You make it back before Subin does and slip your hoodie on looking for a good source of warmth, which a hoodie alone certainly won’t provide but it’s a good start. Checking the battery on your phone you sigh, you were gonna have to be careful not to use that up either...so what exactly were you going to spend your time doing then? You grab a snack deciding to get some brain food while you attempt to think up an activity to do in the picnic area. Glancing over to notice Subin again when you hear someone walking over, going back to watching the rain as you think. You soon feel arms around you and notice yellow sweater paws from his hoodie as he pulls you close, settling into his hold and the warmth you both shared as you tried to get some shelter from the storm. 
“So it’s gonna be a good few hours...what are we going to do?” You question, leaning your head back to look up at him as you eat, earning a shrug from Subin.
“I mean we would always jump around the tables,” Subin suggests, chuckling at the shocked look you give him.
“Right...because adding a hospital trip to traveling in this weather is exactly the way to start off our first school holiday.” You respond carefully as you roll your eyes. 
“Fine then how about we ask each other questions about ourselves and if we answer wrong we have to dance on top of this table for a minute. Less dangerous but still interesting to do.” Subin changes his suggestion slightly and after glancing around to notice how there was no one else around to see you make a fool of yourself if you have to dance you agree.
 Besides you’d known him for so long now that there was no way you’d get things wrong, you both knew everything about each other by now so surely this game would grow boring soon and you’d both move on to something else...or so you thought.
By the time Subin gave it up and went to get more stuff from the vending machine for you both though you had answered at least a dozen questions wrong. You should have known though, even the people closest to you don't always know everything that’s why you can always get closer, besides you had one secret you intentionally didn’t tell him. Though if it ever came up you knew you couldn’t keep even that from him, not with the way he looks at you when he asks about things. 
“Okay, I got lots of stuff for us. Though it is mostly junk food snacks, but hey...better than nothing.” Subin laughs a little as he places everything down besides you on the table, “Wanna do another question to see who gets first pick at snacks?”
“Go ahead...ask your question, I got this.” You answer more confidently than you think you should have, especially considering the way a smirk finds its way onto Subin’s features.
“Do I think of you as more than a friend?” Subin decides to ask his question of choice as if it were the most casual thing to ask and not related to the anxiety-induced secret you’d just been thinking about.
“No, of course not. I know that.” Your voice is soft as you speak because while your mind told you that is what was true your heart was longing for the reality to be otherwise even if you have no basis to get that from.
“You think you know anyways, but you’re wrong. I’ve always wanted to be more. I will however accept a wrong answer in the case of free food.” Subin teases trying to keep the topic light-hearted as he felt as though he’d end up with his feelings not being reciprocated. 
Your heart stopped for a moment, but you acted almost on instinct when you saw him snatch up your favorite snack, “Oh yeah? Well, I’ll ask you a question for the next pick then! Do I like you?”
“Yes,” Subin answers deadpan and you almost stumble back, confidence gone as this shocks you even more than the answer to the previous question did.
“Wait...you knew?” You meekly whisper out, feeling almost embarrassed now until he shakes his head.
“Honestly no, but asking that all smug after getting my question like that wrong made the answer a tad obvious don’t you think. Though I’ll take it.” Subin smugly states as he snatches up another of your favorites. You know he won the pics but you’re still a tad upset, not realizing it caused you to pout though as you grab another option, turning to face the storm and not Subin while you eat. Only you once again feel familiar arms wrap around you, now though they drop the snacks into your lap before Subin silently retreats back to the snack stash to get something else.
After nearly three hours spent in the picnic area, the weather finally calmed down enough that Subin thought he’d be able to safely drive the rest of the way in it. He still had a bit of a hard time, but this time it wasn’t because of the weather. No, his gaze kept drifting to the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of you laid out across the back seat. Subin knew driving in bad weather would make you nervous so he said he’d take care of it and you could rest, but still, neither of you was exactly dry at this point and that worried him. He had given you a coat and some other things to warm you back up despite how the water brought the chill straight to your bones. Even with all that and him having the heat on in the car you still seemed cold and he just hoped it would be enough to keep you from being sick. 
Getting to your family's house, Subin carefully nudges you awake and helps you climb out of the car. He guides you up to your old bedroom carefully to make sure you don’t get the bed wet. He rushes back to get all your bags and bring them to you.
“Put on something dry and try to warm up enough, please. Call me if you get sick, okay?” Subin softly requests, kissing your forehead after he gets a sleepy nod in response. After that, you hear him leave and begrudgingly do as he asked despite the urge to just go straight to sleep instead. 
Subin’s request was good for you, you took a short shower that warms you up tremendously before putting on some sweatpants and another hoodie that hadn’t soaked up the rain from your form. Then you said hi to the family before settling into bed still exhausted. Your family was worried, but knowing you had been out in that weather and that exhaustion would likely help you fight any potential cold trying to settle in now they didn’t disturb you at all. Well except to bring you a hot meal after a little bit, making sure you ate properly as well.
Despite all the efforts though it wasn’t enough and you quickly realized that when you woke up the next morning feeling like your whole body was in a furnace, one that would be difficult to get out of with how much your body ached. Still, you got yourself up and moved to get some tea with lemon and honey for the sore throat that was starting to be a nuisance and let your family know before taking meds and going to rest again. You sent Subin a quick text letting him know too, quickly hearing back that he was in the same boat right now and had also come down with something. Your family was cautious but cared for you throughout the day, hearing a knock on the door once again about midafternoon only to be shocked as Subin entered your room now, hands full of stuff.
“What on earth are you doing here, Subinnie? You should be in bed resting right now too!” You scold as best you can though as you do you end up in a bit of a coughing fit.
“I was, but then I felt bad like this was kind of my fault. Besides, I missed you and we’re both sick anyways so we can hang out and be around someone.” Subin insists, setting down the tray he had before helping you sit up and settling on the opposite side of the bed, “I have the meds you’ve been taking, some soup, and some juice for both of us. I was thinking we could eat it together while watching a movie.”
Being sick you had even less of a filter than typical, not stopping at a simple nod, “That sounds good and also awfully boyfriend of you to do.”
“Well, you know...I always could be.” Subin suggests looking away from where he was setting up the food on the tray to look at you instead, your gaze moving from scrolling on the tv to his as your brows furrow.
“Could be what?” You once again had to blame your feverish brain for not picking up on what he was implying, but Subin only finds it cute as he smiles at you.
“Your boyfriend. I mean we both said we want to be more than friends and we’re constantly worrying about others and doing things like this, so why not?” Subin suggests opening a juice and handing it to you along with some meds.
“There’s no reason why not. So I guess it makes sense. My boyfriend needs to take care of himself right now though too, besides we have a movie to watch.”
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Also @sannie-hannie-archive​ I didn’t forget to let you know about this. 😊
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roniscloud · 3 years
jsb - 302
jung subin [f. 1577 words] 302 
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from the day you moved into your new apartment, you couldn’t help but notice the cute tenant across the hall from you. you first saw him when you were bringing in the last round of boxes. you left a box in the frame of the door so you wouldn’t get locked out. with the final one, you joyfully kicked open the entry and practically dropped the items from your arms, ready to be done with unloading from your cramped car. standing in the doorway, looking into the quaint one-bedroom loft, you realize you now need to unpack and organize everything. you thought about a game plan, opting to get some food before starting. you turn your head to look to the hall outside, catching a glimpse of someone entering the apartment on the other side. 
you’ve never properly met him. hell, you don’t even know his name, only referring to him as 302—the brass number adorning his wooden door. yet, you know he always gets subway for lunch every tuesday, take-out from the ramen bistro down the street every friday, and goes to dinner with his friends every other saturday night. you know he has two pets, a cat and a dog. you know that he likes to go on early morning walks on sundays if the weather is nice and that he usually leaves, for what you assume would be work, at 7:30 am sharp. even with all of the trivial things you know about him, you somehow still had no idea what his name was. funny how that works.
little to your knowledge, subin—the nameless next-door neighbor—thought the same thing. he thought it was hysterical that he didn’t know his new neighbor’s identity—opting for the nickname, 303—but somehow knew that they were a night-owl who loved ordering a large pizza every thursday and strictly bought groceries on the second sunday of each month.
it wasn’t until about almost 4 months of you living in that loft till you crossed paths. it was bound to happen, right? you found yourself entering the building after a long day, on the phone with a close friend. you aimlessly press the button for the elevator, not looking up and waiting for the doors to open. a presence is made on your right, but you pay no attention, too caught up in your conversation, too busy to notice that it’s subin. your friend is rambling on and on about your favorite k-drama, “one spring night”.
“i get that, but hear me out. jeongin’s sister should just leave him already. she deserves better and there is no way that deadbeat jackass would be a good father, not like jiho is for his son.” your quarrel catching the attention of subin. “what do you mean by that? jiho sacrificed everything because eunwoo’s mom is no longer in the picture. even if he can’t be there 24/7, he still gives his all for his son.”
your argument continues till you reach your door. you nestle your phone onto your shoulder, sandwiching it there with the side of your head. you reach into your bag to pull out your keys. “yeah, whatever. i’m home anyways. i’ll talk to you later. i need to order some food, i’m starving.” a light chuckle comes from you with the last words. you exchange goodbyes, hanging up the call. you turn the key and open the door. you’re interrupted with a small voice behind you.
“excuse me… were you possibly talking about ‘one spring night’? i didn’t mean to eavesdrop, i just really love that show.” bright eyes and an even brighter smile are what your eyes see as you turn to answer. 
you blink a few times and swallow. this is it. this is him. you stumble to find the words, “oh… uh… yeah. my friend and i are both watching it and i guess… we’re just really passionate about it.”
“i mean it is really good, hard to stop watching.” this time he’s the one laughing. his voice resonating in your ears like honey, his giggle being oh so sweet. “now that i think about it, i’m pretty sure we’ve never actually met. i’m subin.”
you introduce yourself. not knowing what else to say other than your name and that it was nice to finally meet him. he shyly apologizes for never approaching you and not giving you a proper welcome to the complex. you tell him that it’s fine and that there’s no reason to worry. 
after that night, you seem to always see each other, always flashing a polite grin to one another. sometimes, you’ll stop in the hallway to dish about the newest show you both are hooked on. until one day, he notices you go to work like every morning, but you’re not back by your typical time. you haven’t formally addressed each other as friends yet, but it comes like second-nature to him to feel anxious. he paces back and forth in his kitchen, checking the peephole everytime he hears the faintest of noises in the hall. you usually get home at 5:37, pushing 6:21 if you decide to get dinner on the way. it’s almost quarter to ten when he hears keys jangling. his neck whips around immediately, not even checking if it’s you, just rushing to open the door. “where have you been?” the worry way too evident in his tone.
“oh… were you waiting for me? i’m sorry if i worried you. i had a dinner with someone, you know how that goes. blind date.” you roll your eyes at the mention of your coworker’s doing.
he sighs loudly. “how’d it go?”
“he was… nice, not sure i see myself dating him, but hey… it’s only the first date.”
“so, there’s going to be a second?”
“maybe, still not sure. we don’t really click.”
“well, you never know. people can surprise you. i should probably head back inside. have a goodnight.”
“you too…”
from then, your coworker keeps setting you up with other people. unfortunately, no one ever being a good match. by the fifth? sixth one? who knows at this point? you’re pretty much done with these stupid outings, but you’re not one to say no to a friend who’s trying to do a favor. you grab the last of your things as you make your way out. not even stepping all the way into the hallway are you met with subin’s voice.
“again, seriously?”
“you know me… how am i supposed to turn it down?”
“by saying that you’d rather not go on a date, by saying you’re not looking for a relationship right now, by telling your friend that maybe you’d rather find someone on your own…” he states in a teasing tone. “why go on another shitty date when you can spend the night with me, binge-watching our favorite tv shows and drinking cheap beer?”
“at this point, i’d consider that the best idea anyone has ever had. i’ll text them saying an emergency came up and that i can’t make it.” he opens his door wider to let you in.
an hour and a half later, you find yourself slightly buzzed and on the fourth episode of a new drama. “boo, can they stop pining over each other and kiss already?”
“subin, calm down. they literally just started getting close.”
“but- but they-”
“i know, i know. i want them to get together already too, but we have to wait.” you turn your attention back to the screen situated higher up on the wall. “look, they’re at least sitting closer now. before they couldn’t even hold eye contact for two seconds.” he’s quiet, not trying to refute your observation. “subin? are you even watching?” your gaze meets his. “hello? earth to jung subin. i asked if you were watching…”
“you remember the night we met? what you were talking about? how you said the sister deserved better than the jackass? well, you do too. you deserve better than those guys.”
“how much did you drink? i think you might want to slow down on those beers.” you laugh at his expression, the smile not leaving your lips.
 “please, stop smiling at me like that. i’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.”
“alright, now i’m sure you drank too much.” you’re flustered at how straightforward he is. “i think it’s time i go.”
“wait, no. look, i’m sorry. i wasn’t thinking. i just- i really do think you deserve better.”
“and who and where is exactly is better?”
“me. right now, whenever.”
your jaw drops. did subin just confess? did your heart just skip a beat? is he telling the truth or is it just the alcohol and mood talking? “tell me that again when you’re sober. for now, i’m leaving. i’ll see you in the morning.” 
you’re woken up with your phone ringing. you see the contact, 302, appear. your groggy morning voice answers. you hear subin ask you to come out. you reach your entryway, opening it to see a wide-awake neighbor. “you deserve better.”
“huh… so you weren’t kidding?”
“nope.” he nods his head firmly, pouting his lips. 
“well… if you really think that, let me go back to sleep. you can come in, maybe cuddle, who knows? i just need sleep.” he follows you in, reaching his hand down to hold yours and bring it up to kiss the back of it.
originally written: 26 november 2020
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crybabybomin · 3 years
college love - Jung Subin
Pairing: Subin x reader
Words: 713 words
Genre: college AU, Established relationship, a little bit of angst, fluff, non idol. 
Request: nope 
1. sorry i have been so inactive lately ive just been very unmotivated because of personal stuff but i still want to write. 
2. I found this dialogue in a series im watching. So I got inspired to make an imagine out of it I hope y’all like it :)
You hated today, when you came into your dorm room you saw your boyfriend already there. You went up to him and hugged him. Then your phone rang, Seungsik, your club leader called you. “I am so sorry but I really have to go.” He let out a sigh and sat down. He started talking about how you were always busy and you two started fighting. 
So now your here, on the campus sitting on a bench, thinking about how you treated him. He had a point every date was interrupted by you, if you even had time for a date. You felt bad and started getting mad at yourself. You couldn’t help yourself anymore and started crying. You were happy it was already late and no one could see you. Your phone lit up and saw a message.
Subinnie: hey can we talk? Please..
You: yes please
Subinnie: where are you right now? 
You: I’ll send my location 
 You: *location attached* 
Subinnie: okay I’ll be there in five, stay there
You: okay see you soon be safe. 
After a couple minutes you heard someone running. “Did you run the whole way?” He sat down breathing heavily and nodded. You gave him some water to steady his breathing. “Why’d you wanna talk?” You asked him and he looked at you. “I just have one question, why can’t you put me above all your other stuff, im you boyfriend I should be just as important or more than your clubs.” You felt your heart drop after he said that, you wanted to achieve a lot with school and clubs but you never knew that you made him feel this way. 
“I know, I’m sorry for treating you like that. Im complicated I know.” You told him.  “Yes I know, but that’s what I like about you. Your like a mess but in a put together way, I like that you listen to (insert fave artist) and that you like weird things together as food. I like that… No I just like you hell I love you.” You were shocked by his words. He’s never said that before. “What”
“And I know you enough to know that your gonna need time and you don’t have to say anything back right no-“ You cut him off with a hug. 
“I love you too” you pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. His eyes melted when he saw you looking at him. “I’m sorry for being a bad girlfriend, I’ll try to make more time to spend together.” He smiled at you. “Great because, I don’t want them to take my girlfriend away for me.” You laughed “oh you couldn’t get rid of me even if you tried.” “I couldn’t live without you baby.” 
He walked you to your dorm and you stood at the door. “Do you wanna spend the night?” You asked and he looked at you with a smile. “I thought you’d never ask, of course.” And you pulled him inside your room. “I’m gonna get ready for bed if you need a shirt there’s a couple old shirts in my dresser.” He hummed and you went to the bathroom. He knocked on the dor and you opened. He didn’t wear a shirt and had your old grey sweatpants on. You stared at his chest through the mirror.
“Like the view babe?” He asked with a smirk. You blushed and laughed at him. “If you want me to cover up I will.” He said. “No its okay, baby” you gave him a toothbrush and when you were done you left and changed into your pyjamas. You laid down in bed and Subin joined you right after. You turned you back to him but he put his arm around you waist and pulled you into his arms. “Hmm your hair smells nice baby.” He said with a muffled voice. You just smiled too tired to answer. “Goodnight, I love you.” He said and you both fell asleep 
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slytherinshua · 2 years
"Wanna kiss since we're bored?"
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: kisses. it's rly just cute fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: subin x fem!reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: stuck in the janitor's closet with the 1 boy who makes your heart race. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 1.1k. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: iykyk for the title.
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Your impression of your highschool was already bad, but after Hide & Seek was the most anticipated game on your school trip, your respect for the school was in the negatives. They really expected a bunch of 18 year olds to get excited about playing? Well, here you were hiding anyway…
The fact that you always seemed to be paired with your classmate, Subin, made it all the worse. There were a million reasons why you wanted him to stay away from you. 
He was annoying, a slacker, teased you nonstop, copied your homework every other day, was unreasonably pretty, and worst of all… made your heart race every single day.
He was a distraction to you. An aggravating, stupid, beautiful distraction. You weren’t aware of when you started falling for him. One day you barely noticed him, and the next day you felt flustered over everything he did. Your heart seemed to speed up from just being in the same room as him.
You decided it was the school’s fault that you were stuck with him in the janitor’s closet at the vacation cabins. This school trip was supposed to be fun, not anxiety inducing from being stuck in a closet with Subin.
Your heart was certainly racing now, sitting on the floor of the janitor’s closet, a mere foot away from the boy who had stolen your heart.
Your converses were about 3 centimetres away from his black boots, both of you in the same position - your knees to your chest, arms clasped around them.
You had found this brilliant hiding spot first, but the moment after you had stepped into the closet, he had followed. And now, you were stuck in here together, amongst the brooms, mops, and highly toxic cleaners.
“Do you think they’ll think to check in here?” Subin asked, interrupting the blissful silence that once blanketed the small space.
“No. I told you, it’s a genius hiding spot.”
“It seems kinda obvious to me. People always end up in closets like these in shows.” He said, looking up at the shelves to not make eye contact with you.
“That only happens in shows, which is why it’s perfect.” You reasoned, “No one thinks stuff like that actually happens in real life.”
“Stuff like what?”
You paused, realising what you just accidentally implied.
“You know just… where the girl and the boy are stuck in a cramped space together…” You trailed off, knowing that he got the jist of it. “Not that I would want to do that with you-” You hurriedly defended, too embarrassed by the thought. 
You nervously looked up at Subin’s face, heart racing at the sight of his lopsided, sarcastic smile. 
“As if I’d want to kiss you.” Subin said harshly, continuing to avoid eye contact. It was a lie, of course. He daydreamed about kissing you. He was just too much of a wimp to initiate anything.
“I didn’t say anything about kissing, just that two people got stuck in a closet together.” You backfired, cheeks burning up. It was a good thing that it was so dark in the closet, or Subin would’ve definitely teased you about your pink cheeks.
“I guess now we just wait until someone finds us…” You said, resting your head on your knees and observing Subin without him noticing (or so you thought).
Subin had always thought you were cute. From the moment he saw you. In fact, he had liked you before you had even acknowledged his existence. He had picked up on your little habits over the months.
The way you brushed your hair back when you were stressed taking a test, how you smiled randomly throughout the day thinking about something (if only he knew you were thinking about him), or how you saved your favourite thing to eat for last - he had picked up on it all, and only fallen more in love with you.
Sure, ending up in the closet together might not be the ideal situation to be in, but Subin was at least happy that you were the person he was stuck with.
Half an hour passed in almost complete silence, but it wasn’t awkward necessarily. It was just… quiet. You both were starting to wonder if people were ever gonna find you, but you weren’t just gonna give up and leave your hiding spot.
“Wanna kiss since we’re bored?” Subin said suddenly, looking up at the ceiling before making eye contact.
“What?” You were stunned, your eyes wide, and your cheeks incredibly pink. “W-why would we do that-”
“I like you, y/n.” 
His face was suddenly right in front of yours, his lips just a small distance away. Your breathing was unsteady, unsure of what to do. Your body didn’t seem to listen to what your brain was telling you as you grabbed the back of his neck and brought his lips to yours.
You were never as in love with him as you were now. The butterflies in your stomach were erupting as he deepened the kiss. The moment felt unreal, and it was gone too quickly as he pulled away.
“So…” He started nervously, blushing harder than he ever had in his entire life.
“I like you too… so much. You make my heart go crazy.” You admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed, but also not caring. You were so happy, you felt like you were on top of the world.
“I do?” He asked, scooting over to sit closer to you.
You smiled and nodded, “It’s racing right now, I don’t know how you’re so calm.”
“I’m not.” You turned your face to his slowly. He took your hand and placed it over his chest and you felt his heartbeat. It was beating just as fast as yours. Knowing that you affected him as much as he affected you gave you extra confidence you didn’t know you had.
“Can I kiss you again?” You whispered. He nodded, moving his face closer to yours again. You both were smiling before you even kissed again.
The second kiss was just as magical as the first, your heart fluttering at the reality of actually kissing Subin twice. He giggled once you pulled out, his hand tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked timidly.
“Yes. Why’d you take so long to ask that?” You both laughed, then looked away from each other shyly, and then looked back at the same time.
“Do you think they’re gonna look in here any time soon? Don’t you think the game is probably over?” You looked over at the door.
“Hide & Seek is the last thing on my mind right now.” Subin said.
“Oh what’s the first thing then?” You asked him.
You slapped his arm lightly, “That’s cheesy!”
“I wasn’t lying, though!” He rubbed the spot on his arm, pouting.
“Let’s get out of here.” You kissed his cheek quickly, causing more blush to appear on his face, before standing up and leaving the janitor’s closet finally.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ victon taglist: @yeonjuns-bluehair
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
How about a fluff #15 with anyone from victon!? Fluff 15 kinda sounds like a weird food order and it’s making me laugh it’s either funny or I’m overtired! Thank you!
Subin + Fluff - I chose Subin, I hope that's okay!! Haha -
(I prank call you with my friends to cuss you out but you end up being a sweetheart) - This one stumped me, so I switched it up a tiny bit -
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"I can't do this." You say, handing the phone over to your friend.
"Why not?" She annoyingly whines. "Let's mess with him."
You roll your eyes at your friend's unwillingness to move on from her stupid idea of prank calling your ex-boyfriend. She had somehow managed to talk you into dialing his number into her phone, but no part of you really wanted to do this. Sure, Subin was an asshole and he hurt you, but why would you waste any more time on him?
"Fine. I'll do it." Your friend finally says, already hitting the speaker button and letting the ringing sound fill the air.
You sit there and stare at her as Subin answers the phone, but offer her no help at all. This is on her.
Panic fills her eyes for a second and you already know it's bc she had no idea what she was going to say before making the call, and what she ends up blurting out has you cringing.
"Is your refrigerator running?"
You roll your eyes until they're so far into the back of your head, you're sure you're about to see your brain. What is she five?
Subin is silent for a moment. Clearly, taking in the situation before answering. "Should I go catch it?"
You smile at his response and enjoy the lost look on your friend's face. This obviously isn't going how she expected it to go.
"Should I warn the police about it? It sounds like a safety concern..." Subin continues, sweetly feigning concern and causing you to laugh out loud. You cover your mouth as soon as you realize what you've done.
"Ah... so it's you..." He says, immediately recognizing your laugh.
"Absolutely not. I had nothing to do with this."
Subin makes a noncommittal sound, obviously not believing you. "You know, if you missed my voice so much, you could've just called me."
Snatching the phone from your friend's hand, you say, "Who says I miss you or your voice?"
"Oh... so, it's just me that misses you then..."
Your heart hammers in your chest and your eyes widen at his words. This is not an outcome you had expected and you are stunned silent.
After a moment, Subin quietly says, "I guess, maybe, a small part of you does miss me."
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soobsubey · 1 year
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♥︎ Listening to the rain, laying on his bare chest, with him inside me softly thrustng,
What a dream 💭 ♡
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minheeology · 4 years
victon reaction ➳ you jump on their back
pairing : victon x gn!reader
requested? : yes!
a/n : sorry if these get repetitive! maybe they aren’t idk but i can’t help but think i kept repeating myself.. anyways, enjoy!
he instinctively catches you. he ensures that you won’t fall, giving you the safe feeling he tries to give to everyone he meets.
he finds it so endearing?? he wants you close to him like this, even if he can’t really see you, he likes knowing that you’re there.
this man will scream and probably almost drop you. luckily, he comes to his senses quickly and holds you, laughing about how you just startled him a little.
“y/n, what are you doing?” he wasn’t ready, but holds onto you nevertheless. he’d never admit how much he loves carrying you around since after all, you are his baby.
it’s a common occurrence, so he thinks nothing of it. he turns to look at you just to give you his signature smile.
cocky.. “y/n! you’re excited to see me, i guess? i would be too”, but then he starts cooing at you few seconds later this man i s2g. he likes having you close to him.
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latteunwoo · 2 years
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You weren't entirely sure when, how, or why your entire life decided to suddenly fall apart. First you broke up with your boyfriend of four years and lost your best friend at the same time because your boyfriend was cheating on you with her. Then you lost your job after not even a year of being in the company because you lashed out on your boss after he told you that you were too incompetents when the reality was that he was the incompetent one seeing as he couldn't even be a good boss for his employees. And on top of that, you currently don't have a place to live because the apartment you shared with your now ex-boyfriend was under his name so you don't have the right to kick him out.
With everything that happened, you decided that perhaps it was time to take a trip to Jeju for the week, maybe more depending on how you end up feeling by the end of the week, and just get away from everything in the city.
As soon as you had checked into your hotel for the week, you grabbed your phone and headed towards the beach to take a long deserving walk.
"It would've been nice if my parents were here," you said as you sat down on the sand and pulled your phone out to take a picture of the ocean to send to your parents.
Just as you had snapped the photo, the wind decided to blow your hat away.
"Just great..." you said, already annoyed and more stressed out than you already were with everything that has happened during the past few days.
You quickly got up from your spot and started chasing your hat. Every time you got close enough to grabbing it, it flew further away from you. Luckily the chase didn't last very long as someone had saw it coming towards them and grabbed it before it flew any further.
"Oh my goodness, thank you so m-" Right as you were about to finish your sentence, you looked up to see a very familiar face.
"Wait, aren't you-" The man had said as you quickly interrupted him.
"Yeah. It's me. Y/N. You remember me?" You asked as he let out a small laugh before nodding his head.
"How could I forget? You were always the one who helped me get out of possibly getting detention for being late, Miss Class President."
It was your turn to laugh, "Well, if we weren't close and if you hadn't been so persistent in convincing me to help you out all the time, then I wouldn't have helped you."
He laughed as his smile grew wider when he realized just how much you've changed, "How are you? What are you doing here?"
Instead of a nice small laugh, you let out a very dry laugh that obviously made it look like something must've been wrong, "I wish I could lie and say I'm fine."
"Rough week?"
"More like rough past couple of months."
"It couldn't be worse than what I've been going through."
"Oh really now? And how do you know that?"
"Well, first of all. I am currently unemployed."
"Did you get fired?"
"More like I quit."
"Mina told me that you were working for a really big company, what happened?"
"It just wasn't for me," Subin said as you raised an eyebrow at him, clearly knowing that he was lying, "Okay, well long story short, you remember Jiyeon? Yeah, well after we graduated college she got recruited at that company too; with my help obviously. And everything was good, we were able to keep our relationship and work separate from each other. However being as I had a higher position than her, I ended up being very busy with work to the point where I ended up not having a lot of time for our relationship. Let's just say that she didn't really like the idea of waiting for us to figure everything out so we could find more time for each other."
"Oh..." you said as he just let out a small laugh while nodding, "Is he also working at that company?"
"Luckily, no. However, it just didn't feel good having to see or work with her every day so I just left."
"And you don't regret that? Isn't the pay at that company really high?"
"Yeah, but honestly it started to also not feel like that was somewhere I would want to keep working at."
"Yeah," he said as he looked over at you, "Now, tell me, are your problems worse than mine?"
"Are we turning this into a competition now?" You teased as he laughed, "But I would say mine are worse if not equally as bad. I'm also unemployed. I don't know whether I lost it or if I quit myself, but my boss wasn't a very great boss to begin with. He would always call me incompetent when in reality he was the incompetent one and he never really paid us well enough for the amount of work we did. He ended up firing me but I honestly would've just quit if he hadn't."
"He sounds like an ass."
"He was. There is also someone else who's an ass. My boyfriend, or well I guess now my ex-boyfriend."
"What did he do?"
"He cheated on me with my best friend from college."
"Honestly saw it coming, I'm not very much of a good girlfriend to begin with."
"Now that can't be true."
"And how would you know?"
"Well, from what I remember... you're very smart. Even if they don't deserve it, you always help others out. You're also very attentive and selfless, you know when something is wrong with someone and you pay extra attention to things someone may or may not like. Like remember that time I really wanted that one DVD but it sold out really quickly by the time we got to the shop? Even though it was like months later you still remembered and was able to find me a copy. I remember Mina telling me how you had spent the past months before that looking for it for me even though you really didn't have to. But you still did because you knew that I really liked the book series for that movie."
"Wow, I can't believe you remember that."
Subin just let out a small laugh as he turned to look at you again. You really grew up well. You're just as pretty as he remembered, however of course now you have a more mature look to you. Your hair is a lot shorter than it was before and you no longer have bangs that cover a majority of your face. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts as you started to get suspicious as to why he was suddenly so quiet.
"Y-yeah. Of course I remember! It's my favorite series," Subin said as he paused and turned his head towards the ocean in front of the two of you as he softly muttered his next words, "Plus, my first love gave it to me."
You completely froze. First love? Me? You thought, thinking you must've just heard him wrong. You stared at him for a while debating if you should question him about it or not. After a while, you decided to just go for it because there's no harm in asking, right?
"First love?" You asked as Subin froze completely, not realizing that maybe you did hear him after all.
"Oh, you heard that?" He asked nervously as he turned to you as he scratched the back of his neck.
"I thought-"
"I mean she was my first girlfriend, but- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I made this awkward, didn't I?"
"Well, if I'm being honest. You were also my first love."
"Really?!" He asked as you let out a small laugh and nodded, "Well, in that case, yeah you were my actual first love."
You both quickly looked away from each other; unsure of what to say next.
There was a silence between the two of you before you decided to speak up, "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"
Subin let out a small laugh as he continued to look out towards the sea in front of you, "I couldn't."
You then contemplated on whether or not you should as him why. Yes, you did want to know why he didn't say anything sooner as maybe if he did then there would have been a chance that the two of you would have been together still by now. However, if he didn't say anything before then there must have been a good reason for it.
It was like Subin had read your mind as he continued, "The second I realized that I liked you more than just a friend, we had finally gotten so close. I didn't want to ruin what we had. I was scared that you might not like me back or that you would have thought that maybe I was only liking you so I could stay out of trouble. I know that sounds like a stupid reason but I really didn't want to ruin what we had that instead of telling you the truth I decided to run away from my feelings."
"Wow," you said as you let out a small laugh, "That really does sound a lot like the Subin I know. Always running away from his problems."
"Hey," he said as he lightly pushed your side while you let out another laugh.
"However, that's understandable. Though I think even if you did tell me sooner and I didn't like you back, that wouldn't have changed my perspective on you. I would've still seen you as my favorite troublemaker."
"Oh, favorite?" It was his turn to tease you now, "Am I perhaps still your favorite?"
"Why do you want to know?"
"So I am?"
"I didn't say that."
"But you didn't say no."
"Buy me dinner, and maybe I'll answer your question," You said as you fixed your bag on your shoulder and started walking back toward your hotel.
"Alright, you're on. I'll pick you up at 8," Subin said as he smiled and waved towards you as you walked away.
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seungs1ks · 3 years
new victon writing blog!💙💛
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hello alices of tumblr!
welcome to a new victon writing blog! my name is sab.
i am taking requests for scenarios, drabbles, reactions, etc.! i write fluff & smut for all members of victon x reader. please, no non-con, or member/member pairings. feel free to to request multiple members for drabbles and reactions. 
thank you for reading. i’m so excited to write for my favorite boys and i hope you alices enjoy reading💕 
gif credit: limsejun
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