#jungkook gcf
golden-jeon-jungkook · 5 months
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G.C.F in Helsinki
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jkslipppiercing · 9 months
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clburr03 · 2 years
Happy five years to G.C.F in Tokyo!
It's been five years since Jungkook gave us a glimpse of his Jimin. ☺️☺️
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jkjmbtsarmy · 7 months
231120 BANGTAN TV update
Jungkook: G.C.F in Budapest
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I watched Jungkook's Gcfs today again after a while.
The initial ones were good imo, he seemed to have something on mind, like a narrative.
Later ones just seemed like a bunch of clips put together. I mean no offense, just imo. The songs chosen even had almost nothing to do with the visual.
And then he just stopped with it. I don't think there was a 2020 and 2021 one.
I saw him with his cam again in Hobi's party clips, I am hoping he will release something from that.
The first ones were better because it was entirely a personal project for him but then it slowly became part of a job and I get the feeling Jungkook also gets bored easily. He has various creative outlets and GCF was one of them, but not the only one. Something turning into a job doesn't have to automatically be bad, but perhaps it just depends on his interest at the time. He directed Life Goes On which was a job, but it turned out good and it's something that should be remembered.
I did saw him with a camera at Hobi's party. I guess we'll wait and see if it's just part of a personal collection or it will presented for public consumption.
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jkvjimin · 7 months
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G.C.F in Budapest ♡
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urmingirl · 7 months
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G.C.F in Budapest
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dzckling · 7 months
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jungkook97 · 7 months
and if you let me;; jjk
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pairing: non idol!coworker jungkook x reader
word count: 1.9k
rating: teens & up!
genre: romance & fluff, cheesy confession, jungkook is a nervous guy in luv, also is silly, dorky, sweet, etc. (all the adjectives!)
summary: it was your last day at work and jungkook, who has a big fat crush on you, throws a going away party before you go.
notes: there's hardly any plot lmao it's just a hit of dopamine/feels i guess HAHAHAH :) i love him so much and my feelings are at an all-time high with the new gcf that came out!!
this is for nei (@melancholy-of-nadia)!!! luv u!!
© jungkook97 2023. do not repost or modify. please ask for permission to translate.
Jungkook was annoyed. Very annoyed.
As you howled in laughter at Hoseok’s antics, Jeon Jungkook was in his little corner, crossing his arms and shaking his head. 
It wasn’t that he was jealous. In fact, Jungkook was pretty confident and had somewhat normal self-esteem levels, but he felt like he was running out of time.
Running out of time for what, you ask? Confessing his love to you.
It was an open secret on the office floor that Jungkook had the biggest and loudest crush on you, making it real clear to all the guys in the office that you were the love of his life (on the clock, anyway). He liked people who were great at their jobs, and you were, to say the least, great at it. As your new boss and your guys’ boss fought for dominance to get you as an employee, it was clear that you were irreplaceable in the workplace, and that somehow made you even sexier to Jungkook. 
At first, it was all a physical thing. You were a looker with brains and a dry humor that Jungkook appreciated in a workplace filled with kiss-assers. It was easy to flirt with you, and it seemed like you were 110% flirting back, which, a few months down the road, got Jungkook to freak out. 
Surely, it was one thing to flirt with coworkers nonchalantly and another to deliberately be a boy loser about it. He was down bad at the 3-month mark and found himself counting the days when you would return to your cubicle, which conveniently was next to his. 
Every day, he swung by your desk trying to be smooth, only to trip up somehow. Whether it be the intonation of his voice or him tripping over his own feet, he would kick himself silly mentally before lamenting to his best friend and work confidant, Kim Namjoon at the water cooler hours later. 
“I swear I cannot walk around her!” Jungkook would sigh loudly, swirling his coffee stirrer as Namjoon chuckled, leaning against the counter before patting his coworker on the shoulder. 
“It’s okay, dude. I’m sure she doesn’t even notice it like you do,” Namjoon would reassure him even though he knew you would eventually find out (you would of course, but unaware how deep Jungkook’s love for you was). 
A year would swing by until you finally broke the news to the office that you would be leaving for another job with higher pay, and it felt like Jungkook’s world came crashing down. How could he continue working at this job if you weren’t next to him, giggling at his stupid jokes and his stupid short haircut that he specifically cut to make himself look even hotter for you? How could he possibly get through several rounds of meetings if you two weren’t playing tic-tac-toe on the memo pad the two of you would share? Or the times when Jungkook would go out of his way to the coffee shop to get your usual honey oatmilk latte from Urth Caffé? Or the time Jungkook would time his lunches so he could sit with you for the whole hour? 
And so, Jungkook devised a plan to break the “news” that he was in love with you, hoping that you would feel the same way. He orchestrated the going away party first, going to a KBBQ spot with your closest coworkers before doing karaoke with drinks. Because how else was Jungkook going to relax around you?
Jungkook could feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest as you giggled at his innocent joke about Hoseok’s dance moves as your delicate head leaned against his wide shoulders. His stomach lurched forward as he coughed to cover his nervousness up, pouring yet another glass of soju for the two of you. You gladly took it, clinking the glass against his before taking a swig, and swallowing the alcoholic contents as you clung into Jungkook for the next hour. 
Jungkook was elated of course, but he didn’t wanna give much away, closing his lips together as he thumped his fingers against the table, encouraging your former coworkers to drink more. 
An hour passed and you were blasted, still hollering and hooting for the dancers, Hoseok and Jimin, to continue as karaoke night came at a fever pitch. At this point, you and Jungkook were inseparable, and he has made major moves to the level of your comfort: 1) putting his arm behind you and 2) crossing his legs so he could tap his feet against yours. 
As you hummed quietly to yourself, you shivered at the cold air coming through the AC. Jungkook saw and immediately grabbed his leather jacket, putting it around you. 
You thanked him, leaning against his chest as the two of you cuddled. Jungkook’s heart skipped a beat as he flushed red, again covering his flustered self with a cough. 
“Are you getting sick?” you inquired, looking up at Jungkook with a pout. His eyes twinkled at this point as you cutely and drunkenly put your hand up to his forehead, trying to feel his temperature. It was going up all right, and Jungkook turned even redder than the tomatoes in the ramyeon in front of you two. 
“Uh,” was all Jungkook could say, stuttering his way into a lame excuse. “The ramyeon is a bit too spicy that’s all, haha.”
He did his best to chuckle sexily as you sighed, frowning. 
“Should I have asked for it to be mild?” you inquired, grabbing the menu from the table. “If I had known you didn’t like spice, I would’ve ordered it.”
“Oh no, i-it’s okay!” Jungkook hastily replied, putting the menu down. He was freaking out, and a few of the boys were starting to notice the two of you being rather cozy.
“Man, I have never seen Jungkook look so happy in my entire life,” Taehyung teased, snorting into his beer and pointing at the both of you. 
Jungkook frowned, still beet red. 
“W-what are you talking about?!” he fired back at Taehyung. All the second youngest in the office did was shrugged, smirking. 
“Oh, now you’re playing stupid,” Taehyung drunkenly laughed, leaning against you as he whispered something in your ear. 
Jungkook’s stomach bubbled in nervousness while Taehyung chuckled after saying his piece which made you giggle a bit.
“Yeah, he can be obtuse sometimes,” you replied, glancing back at Jungkook. He flushed again, his stomach in knots. Did you know? Were you playing with him? 
As the night progressed, you began acting more and more wild, making Jungkook laugh uproariously at your behavior. Seeing you loose made him happy and glad that he planned the goodbye party in the first place. He clapped and cheered for you as you attempted badly to sing Whitney Houston’s “I’ll Always Love You”. Even if you were off-key, he still found it endearing that you even attempted. 
Your unabashed confidence was shining through, and something ignited within Jungkook. It was then when he realized how much he liked you and seeing this side of you made him want you even more. The desire to be even closer than you two already were, and the desire to be intimate was growing inside Jungkook’s already big and kind heart, and he wanted to do something more. 
It wasn’t too late when everyone began to go home, leaving the two of you alone. You had Uber’d your way to the noraebang so Jungkook offered naturally to take you home after sobering up. 
As the two of you walked to the car, you instinctively but a bit impulsively wrapped your arm around his. His stomach lurched forward as his heart beat unbelievably fast, making him cough out of nervousness. 
“You okay?” you asked worryingly, slurring a bit of your words. Jungkook was a bit concerned for you as he gripped your arm tighter around his bicep, leaning against you. 
“I am,” he hummed lightly, opening his Mercedes GT door for you before guiding you in. “Are you okay though? You had a lot to drink.”
He strapped you in with the seatbelt as you smiled warmly. At this point, you two were really close to each other, feeling each other’s warm breaths as Jungkook’s big eyes stared into yours. He lamented quietly that you weren’t entirely there, wishing you were entirely sober so he could just kiss you right then and there. Your red warm lips were calling to him, and he wanted to kiss you so fucking bad, but only if you let him. 
God, you’re so beautiful right now, he thought.  
“What?” you laughed softly as he snapped out of it. 
Clearing his throat for the 1529458th time, he pulled away from your warmth and back into the winter air. Sliding his hands together to keep warm, he sprinted to the driver’s side of the car, sliding in before turning the engine on. The hot air swirled through the cabin as he turned the lights on and navigation took you home.
Not much was said during the ride to your house. Surely, he didn’t want to interrupt you slowly dozing off, mumbling to yourself as your hand laid on the center console. Jungkook’s hand was firmly on the shift gear but it achingly wanted to be there as well, holding your hand. He wanted to warm you up so badly, just like how he did it all night with you. 
There must have been real chemistry between you two up until this point, Jungkook thought. There was no way all of this was platonic or you had been leading him on. All the flirty exchanges you two had for the past year started replaying in Jungkook’s mind like a broken video tape, replaying over and over until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
He had to tell you. He had to confess.
As the car came to a stop and turned off, he went over to your side to open the door again. You woke up to the brisk cold air hitting your face as you were startled awake. Jungkook’s dark silhouette encapsulated you as you pulled out of the car, only to slip from the ice below and into Jungkook’s arms.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed as he caught you immediately into his embrace. His firm, yet warm body was pressed up against your own as you giggled drunkenly, trying to maintain your balance. “God, I’m just all over you tonight huh, Jeon?”
You could feel his heavy breaths on you as you looked up. He was already staring down at you with a soft smile, his cheeks pink. 
You wondered if he was going to keep hiding it from you. You knew for quite some time that Jungkook liked you a bit too much, and even in your drunken state, you wanted to tell him it was okay to lean in for a kiss. You liked him too, and you wanted him to be yours. 
Under the dim streetlight, he ever so slowly leaned in, closing the gap between you two. His eyes were pensive, thinking a bit too hard on this, but you had already made up your mind.
Kiss me, Jungkook. 
“If you let me,” he whispered right before your lips touched his. 
You pulled him in, kissing him. His eyes closed immediately as he took control, squeezing you tightly as you two softly kissed each other, keeping warm.
Snow was falling lightly on the both of you as your lips slowly made a grin when the two of you parted.  
“Always, Jungkook.”
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kanmom51 · 9 months
Did we talk about how anxious JK was?
He was super anxious.
The place, the crowds, this being an international event being streamed all over the world.
And he had to speak in English.
He was nervous. He was anxious. He was ALONE.
I love how they are trying to calm his nerves though. They were lovely really.
This anxiousness, it showed in his performance as well.
These little cute mistakes. That aren't a big deal AT ALL, but they just show us how nervous he was.
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And during Still with you as well. For a millisecond there he wasn't sure where he was going there on stage. Kind of "oops, I reached the end of the stage here..." moment.
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Just him a little distracted, not all there. Nerves.
I was so happy for JK having this opportunity. What made me sad was that he had to go it alone, especially knowing him and seeing that indeed it was not easy for him. Of course he did well, that's just who he is. But wouldn't it have been lovely if he could have someone there by his side? For this momentous moment. I'm sure that JM would be there by his side if he could. Sad that he couldn't.
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golden-jeon-jungkook · 7 months
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G.C.F in Budapest
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sntylq · 6 months
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jungkook details icons
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Do you think he'll go back to making gcfs again? Now with solo schedule I suppose not. He did say he's into photography, not sure if we'll get to see any of that.
Leaving aside that anything is possible because it's not like he talked about it recently, I don't think so. To me, it looks like a phase that ended with directing the mv for LGO. I see Jungkook as someone who wants to try lots of stuff, obsesses over something over a period of time, has his focus on it and after a while, he moves on to the next thing.
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jkvjimin · 7 months
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sleepy bunny ♡
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jmdbjk · 2 months
This in particular...
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Where have we seen these types of things hanging off necklaces before? Hmmmmmm?
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I KNOW IT'S NOT THE SAME but the fact that its the same design, a ring strung on a chain, and a tab shaped pendant... it's jikook coded for sure.
And another thing... the pop up location in Tokyo... isn't that the escalator that they are going down in that scene in GCF Tokyo? The Tokyo pop up will be where Jimin and Jungkook filmed GCFT. See that mirror-y stuff on the sides?
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dzckling · 7 months
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