#jus blaze producer
jcmartinmusic1999 · 4 years
(Jc Martin) crazy new instrumental crazy new rap track enjoy 
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justnerdthings · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 14
F!Reader x Liu Kang/Kung Lao
Some of you are about to be real happy.
And then real pissed off.
just a friendly warning.
Also, only two of you voted. *stares in disappointed*
@ancientowlgirl @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @shang-hung
Enough of this. Why were you being so nervous? You were a badass. You could run into blazing infernos. Or could lunge over cliffs. You could make the earth shake!
You took a deep breath and straightened as you looked to Lao. Alright. Do it. Just do it! You opened your mouth, ready to declare that you were more than impressed with his abs…
Only a small sound escaped you. Your lungs betrayed your sliver of confidence. Lao’s brows raised in confused concern.
You shut your mouth. Your lips pursed together. What had you been thinking? Of course you couldn’t do this. You sighed in your defeat and looked away again.
Lao chuckled as he recognized that familiar doubt come to your face. “Just say it,” he told you, earning himself a small cornered glance from you. He moved in front of you. “What? What’s going on in that head of yours?”
When you shifted your eyes away again to avoid looking at him, he just moved into your new line of sight. “What is it?” He pressed again.
You shook your head and turned away, only for him to once again move in front of you. “We’re not leaving this spot until you tell me. You really gotta get over this--… whatever it is. How bad could it really be? It’s alright if you’re cautious about water now. You said you almost drowned. It’s fine. We can work on that.”
“It’s not that,” you told him, fighting the annoyance in your voice.
“Then what?”
You sighed in defeat again. “I really don’t think I should—”
“Is it a woman thing?”
“What? No!” you gave him a disgusted look.
“Then what?”
You pressed your lips together in defiance.
Lao frowned. You noticed his spirit deflating. Dammit, he must have felt like you didn’t trust him again… You didn’t entirely, but the way his eyes looked right then made your heart drop. Damn puppy dog eyes. You looked away and grumbled. He hadn’t heard what it was you’d said so he stepped closer. “What?”
You took a deep breath. You said it a bit louder, but not any more clear.
“I can’t understand you when you mumble,” he’d told you.
“You’re hot!” You then blurted out, only to quickly shut your mouth and freeze like you’d just been caught red-handed while committing some crime.
Lao stared at you in silence for a moment, then grinned and began to laugh. You sank with embarrassment. You knew you shouldn’t have said anything. Now he was just laughing at you like all those guys you’d tried to ask out in high school. Dammit. Damn him! You turned in a huff and began to hurry away.
“Hey!” Lao called after you, and soon caught your wrist to stop you. He turned you to face him, that big grin still stretched across his face, but he was trying to fight it off. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh at you.”
“I’m used to it,” you told him, shame dripping from your words.
“No. No, it’s not like that. I swear.”
“It’s fine,” You tried to pull your hand back, but he gripped your wrist tighter and gently pulled you closer. You were wary as you looked up at his face.
“That’s what was so hard for you to say? That I’m hot?”
Your brows sunk as you frowned again.
“Y/N…” His grin slowly came back. “It’s fine. Really. Thank you.”
Your eyes shifted away. This was so embarrassing. Lao’s grip shifted from your wrist, gaining your attention, and you watched as he took your hand. Your chin was then lifted gently, making you look back to his face. He let his fingers linger along your jaw. That funny feeling in the pit of your stomach started up again. The one that knotted it the day before, just before Liu had pulled you into a kiss.
The icy chill of adrenaline washed over you as you stared up at him. Oh no. It was happening again. Now with Lao. Oh no. No. No. No. This was not a good idea. What if Liu found out? What did that even mean? Were you and Liu a couple now? Is that what happened yesterday? You had no idea. You two never said anything about that. Maybe it was just a one time thing? No. No, Lao had told you that Liu was interested in you. Maybe you two were a couple now. But now, Lao…
Oh, this was not going right at all. Not both of them. You didn’t know what Liu had in mind, but Lao… Lao had told you days ago that he was picky about his relationships. He was looking for a wife. He was looking for a mother for his future children. And just a few hours ago, he’d made it apparent that you were being considered for both those things. Oh no. No. No. This had to stop.
Lao’s eyes had shifted to your lips. Your breath hitched as he leaned towards you. You pulled your head back as a dark little piece of your mind screamed at you to let it happen. “Lao…” You said hesitantly.
He stopped. His brows knotted as he noticed a conflict on your face.
“I can’t,” you told him gently. “Not with… I mean… Liu…” You couldn’t form a proper sentence as guilt began sinking it’s talons into you.
Lao let out a slow sigh. Right… Liu. Liu had acted first, hadn’t he? And Liu had gotten so defensive over you last night. Lao let your hand go and stepped back. “Sorry.”
"No." You moved towards him, frowning. "Don't be… You…" Oh, god, how could you say this without sounding pathetic. "I… This is all really new to me. No one's ever been interested in me before. And now… Now I have two guys interested in me and they're practically brothers."
Lao watched you as a familiar hint of panic began to lurk in your eyes.
"I don't know what I'm doing…" you admitted. "Up until yesterday, I'd never kissed anyone."
Lao nodded and suddenly realized how uncomfortable you must have felt. Strange place. Strange people. Strange customs. And now strange feelings. He took a deep breath. Tears had threatened to fall down your cheeks. Lao was not good at dealing with crying. And thinking he may have caused this bout, dread and helplessness weighed on his shoulders.
Lao reached out and pulled you right into his chest. His strong arms wrapped around you and held you tight. He wasn't sure if this was the right move or not, but it felt like something you'd appreciate.
You couldn't help the tears as you were held. You cried right into his chest as anxiety surged through your body. You felt a gentle weight on the top of your head. "It's alright. I'm sorry," Lao said softly. You realized then that it was his chin resting on the top of your head. That was… sweet.
He must have held you for a few minutes before the awkwardness overwhelmed him. He lifted his head and pulled back a bit to look at your face. "You want to get some breakfast?"
You'd almost forgot that you hadn't eaten yet. Nodding, you pulled out of his arms and for a second it seemed like he didn't want to let you go, but had relented. You wiped at your wet eyes as you turned and headed for the dining room.
You were sitting next to Liu again at the breakfast table. Your eyes were still puffy and red, but you had assured Liu it was nothing. Lao didn’t do anything. It was just anxiety. He didn’t seem completely convinced, but let it go.
You both kept stealing glances at each other. You even stole a few of Lao, who wasn’t even bothering to hide his own efforts. A red hue stained your cheeks again.
The door opened and in walked a monk. He walked right over to the table and handed Lao an envelope with a polite bow. He bowed to you and Liu as well before taking his leave. You watched curiously before looking back to Lao as he opened the envelope.
“You guys… get mail?” You asked.
“We’re not completely in the dark ages,” Liu joked with an amused chuckle.
You grinned and looked back to Lao. Your grin quickly faded as you saw the look on his face. “What? What is it?” you asked carefully.
“Nothing. It’s fine.” He lied. Lao shook his head and folded the letter back up.
“It’s not nothing,” you pressed.
“It’s fine. Just junk,” Lao dismissed.
Liu reached for the empty envelope. He read over the address. “Your mother.”
“Yeah.” Lao took the envelope back with a sigh.
“What’d she say?” You asked.
“Nothing.” Lao was being so avoidant.
“She sent you a blank letter?” You asked in disbelief. No. It was definitely something.
“Yeah—Hey!” Lao reached out, but it was too late, you had swiped the letter from him. Your pride quickly fell as you looked over the handwritten letter.
It was entirely in chinese.
“Oh.” You frowned in your defeat. “Uh… I… I can’t read this,” you admitted.
Lao reached for it again, but Liu had grabbed it before he could. Lao sighed heavily. “Really? It’s none of your business—”
“Your brother and Ju had a baby?” Liu asked. “I didn’t know that they were expecting.”
Lao sighed again. “Yeah. Didn’t think it was that important to mention.”
“That’s great news!” You chimed in, beaming. “Why aren’t you excited? You’re an uncle!”
“Yeah. Great.” Lao wasn’t at all excited.
“Oh…” Liu mused as he read over the rest of the letter.
“Yeah…” Lao sighed as shame washed over his face.
“Don’t let it get to you, Kung Lao,” Liu told him.
“Easier said than done.” Lao seemed so defeated.
Liu frowned and you looked between them in utter confusion. “What? Don’t let what get to him?”
Neither one of them said anything for a moment, much to your annoyance. “C’mon. What’s wrong? I thought we were supposed to be a team?” Weren’t you? Shouldn’t you know what was bothering each other? What had Lao’s mother said in the letter?
Liu and Lao exchanged a glance before Liu looked back to the letter. He cleared his throat. “To my dearest, Kung Lao. We have welcomed your brother Chang and his wife’s first child into the family. They were blessed with a son who they have named Kung Jin. I hope this serves as motivation for you. How much longer are you going to wait? You are twenty-seven years old, unwed, and childless. I do not need to remind you that you carry the responsibility to carry on your ancestor’s legacy. Mortal Kombat is only five years away and you have not yet produced a son to continue the tradition. If you die in the tournament without a son to carry on the name, shame will fall onto this family. This is completely irresponsible of you. Your father is very ashamed of you. Stop fooling around. Love, Your mother.”
You could not believe your ears. “No. She didn’t write that,” you said, denying such a thing. How could a mother speak that way to her own child? You shook your head. This had to be a joke.
But Liu and Lao weren’t laughing.
It sunk in. What Liu read to you was real. Lao’s mother really had wrote those words. Your jaw hardened. “That bitch…” you mused, not meaning to say it out loud. Both of them heard it, but neither defended Lao’s mother’s honor. They just exchanged another glance with each other. You reached out and took the letter. You still couldn’t read it, but you didn’t want to if such awful words were on it.
You tore it up.
Liu and Lao both watched you in mild surprise as you shredded that letter into the tiniest pieces. “This never happened,” you told them both and brushed the pieces of paper off the table and your lap.
“Y/N…” Lao spoke, but stopped as you stared up at him defiantly.
“Never. Happened,” you repeated. “Got lost in the mail,” you offered.
Liu grinned and looked down to his plate.
You couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was well after breakfast and you were training with Liu. You were balancing on the pole again… well, not really. Your balance was awful. Your concentration was shot. Each time you fell, you didn’t even pay enough attention to be upset with yourself. Liu noticed it immediately, but chose to not say anything at first, hoping you would work through your intrusive thoughts. But it was becoming obvious that you weren’t even trying to avoid them.
He let out a small sigh, and that was enough to catch your attention. You looked up to him with knotted brows.
“What’s wrong?” He asked.
You shook your head. “Just can’t believe a mother would say that kind of stuff.”
He nodded. It had stayed on his mind too, but he was used to it. He’d known the woman almost his entire life. “She means well.”
“Bullshit,” you hissed.
Liu didn’t even fight your protest. He nodded in agreement. “She’s always been like that,” he told you. “Ever since we were children. His father isn’t any better.”
You frowned.
“He didn’t have the best childhood.”
“Don’t tell me he was abused…” You dreaded that thought.
Liu pursed his lips for a moment. That’s all you needed to see to know the answer. God, dammit. If you ever met that woman… if you ever met Lao’s father… No. You couldn’t even beat Lao. How good of fighters would his parents be? You sighed and let your clenched jaw relax.
“Thank the gods Lao turned out as well as he did,” you breathed. Liu nodded.
“I remember when we were children and I would notice new bruises on his arms or face. He never talked about them. He never had to. Sometimes I would just take him away from the temple and we’d run around… get in a bit of trouble together. Anything to distract him, really,” Liu said.
“Did the temple ever do anything about his parents?” You asked.
Liu shook his head. “They were practically untouchable. Still are, I imagine.”
“Like royalty,” you accused.
Liu nodded. “Something like that.”
“Still no excuse to beat your kid… Never an excuse for that.”
“I agree.”
“Has his family always been like that? Even his grandparents?”
Liu shrugged his shoulders. “Never met them.”
“Aunts? Uncles?”
Liu shrugged again.
“This really pisses me off, Liu.”
“Mhm.” He nodded. It upset him too. “But, they can’t do it anymore.”
“What about that baby? Is his brother like that?”
“Chang was always jealous of Lao. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has his own issues.”
“That’s not comforting to hear.”
“I know.”
“What about that baby, Liu?”
“I don’t know.”
You didn’t like that answer. You didn’t like that answer at all.
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dakotafoster · 4 years
ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
ραιяιиg : katsuki bakugou x g/n reader
ɢɛռʀɛ: fluff ♡ crack humor
աօʀɖ ƈօʊռȶ : 2.1k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: a bit steamy
𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪 : When your boyfriend comes home intoxicated, he shows you a side of him that is reserved for only you. ✰
This will be my first one-shot on this blog, so please any constructive criticism will be really helpful! Hope you all enjoy. ッ
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It was a chilly starry night. Japan from the balcony window had never looked so serene until now. The bright stars that dotted the dark velvet sky, giving the gloomy canvas a little bit of life--of light. It was somber yet luminous, they drew the lights of heaven and gave the citizens of below a meager taste of something so divine and sublime, a measly fragment of the beauty we long to see in ourselves and the world around it. It was magnificent.
A heavy knock interrupted your attention on the black before you, muffled whispers and giggles could be heard from the opposite side of the chestnut door. As you lifted yourself from the glass railing you took a brief gander at the clock sitting on the desk beside your TV. It read 2:43 a.m.
Wrapping a small nearby cardigan around your frame and rubbed your eyes of sleep before making a beeline toward the door, the muffled voices becoming clearer as your got closer.
“Dammit Bakugou, quit messing around and give me your keys!”
“Gotta find it in my ass first shitty hair!”
Swinging the door open your (e/c) optics landed upon a frustrated Kirishima who was wrestling a very drunk Bakugou for a silvery white ring of keys right outside your flat doorstep. Bakugou seemed to be having an absolute blast, giggling like a little school girl as he evaded Kirishima’s attempts to swipe the item from his grip, and Kiri was having none of it. They both seemed rather oblivious to your presence and persisted to look like complete idiots in the halls of the complex.
“Both of you stop it before you wake up the neighbors!”
Your harsh tone is what finally received their attention, gazing timidly at you with wide eyes frozen. In one last attempt to get a rise out of Kirishima, Bakugou swiped his palm brutally on the back of his friends head, his head flung forward rough smack and a grunt, mumbling something about Katsuki being a dick. You heaved out a sigh at the sight of your boyfriend, his face sheen with a thick layer of sweat and a radiant red flush adorned his cheeks and across his nose. His eyes still the blazing crimson you had come to adore so much puffy and irritated.
“Sorry ‘bout this (y/n)... I didn’t mean to wake ya but Bakugou has had too much to be alone right now, and I still have to take care of Kaminari so...”
Kirishima timidly began to caress the back of his spiky locks, giving you a sheepish grin and gave a quick glance at the blonde next to him who was struggling to keep himself from tumbling forward. Too exhausted to even argue, you simply waved Kirishima off and moved to grab hold of your intoxicated boyfriend. The strong aroma of what was seemingly Fireball mixed with rum made your nostrils flare in distaste, far from his usual caramel scent.
“It’s fine Kiri. Just get home safe ‘kay?”
“Yeah, have a goodnight (y/n)”
You slammed the door behind with a swing of your foot, you then proceeded to lead Katsuki into your bedroom with an arm wrapped around his bulky torso to keep him straight. He stumbled over his feet a couple times along the way there, leaning on you for support so he didn’t face plant or dive to the floorboards in any way. He was mumbling incoherently to himself, slumping against your shoulder which led to his breath brushing up against the side of your face and into your ear, the hot sensation produced a shiver down your spine. Katsuki interpreted this rather well, because he immediately attached himself to your neck and pressed soft, open-mouthed kissed to your soft spot. He knew exactly how to drive you crazy even if he couldn’t even fucking walk straight.
“I need you babygirl.”
“Not tonight ‘Suki, maybe tomorrow.”
Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his searing hot lips against your pulse, his wet tongue slipping out everyone and then teasingly. You hummed softly and weakly cupped his scalding cheek to pull him from your nape, cursing whatever deity that made him so goddamn tempting.
“C’mon lets get you ready for bed hun.”
“Mmm... Babe...”
He groaned lowly as you sat him down at the foot of your bed, his large frame slouching over his knees. Crouching down you gripped his ankle and raised his seemingly massive leg into your lap, silently untying his shoes whilst feeling his vivid gaze burning holes into your skull. Placing his shoes to the side you began to fumble with his belt to get rid of his ebony jeans. Amid doing so, Katsuki had graced with a lazy smirk and casually reached his generous hands to your head, running his fingers through your (h/c) strands.
“Hell yeah, this is what I like to see baby.”
Fuck. The way the words fell from those lips made you utterly weak. Your face felt like it was on fire with how carnal his gaze was, you were sure you looked like a fish out of water with the shock and overwhelming arousment you were feeling. Nevertheless, it was short lived when Bakugou dropped onto the bed and burst into a fit of laughter and giggles just by your reaction. You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle with a twitch of your brow, you gave a quick smack to his thigh and tiredly tugged at his jeans once he had calmed down. His endless taunting was never so apparent until now and frankly, it was debilitating and instigating all at once.
“Stay here. Please don’t try and get up, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
“Yeah.. Sure.”
He released a small giggle and his head rolled to his left shoulder, laying tired on his back upon your white duvet. You rose from your spot on the floor and exited the bedroom to get him a glass of water and some ibuprofen to somewhat relieve his hang over. You didnt think you’d return to find a very naked and very erect Katsuki laying splayed out across the bed, the remainder of his clothes discarded on the side of the bed and his arms crossed behind the back of his head, his sculpted six-pack presented to you in such a way it made you drool like a fucking dog.. And the same arrogant smirk he’d been adorning for entirety of his stay among your apartment, the same enticing glimmer in his optics.
“Oh my god Katsu! What the fuck?!”
You shrieked, averting your eyes to your feet and stumbled around to find his boxers or at least something to conceal his manhood. Bakugou cackled our in delight before he was met with his boxers on his face, picking up on a faint grumble and your feet stomping toward the nightstand next to him.
“Put on your damn boxers Bakugou! I’m too fuckin tired for this shit..” You hissed at your dopey, idiotic boyfriend as he just began to fumble with the garment and mishandle them up each leg, snickering throughout the whole process. “Okay okay... No need to yell. So much for trying to serve it to you like a Hot ‘n Ready Hotpocket.”
You’ve never laughed so hard in your damn laugh at that. He grinned at your shaking form, watching intently as you struggled to breath through each laugh and chuckle, snorts coming out every few seconds. God, you hated him and loved him simultaneously for doing this to you. You wanted to give in to his desire because Jesus the sex was with him was down right unbelievable. Man, did this hunk of a man know how to pleasure a woman and fuck was he exceptional at doing so. Although, at the same time you were tempted to knock his ass into sleep. Either way you couldn’t officially decide. After several moments you composed yourself, taking deep breaths as you made your way into your restroom. You managed to stifle a few chortles in the process of grabbing a rag and moistened it with lukewarm water from your sink, then returned thankful you hadn’t walked in on another naked Bakugou. Making your way around the king sized mattress you were pleased to find he had already taken the ibuprofen and the water both absent.
“Let me clean your face baby. It’s all sweaty and sticky.”
You mumbled out drowsily, sitting down beside Katsuki and tilting his chin up to face you and nimbly wipe his face clean. You looked up at him to make sure we wasn’t falling asleep and you froze, your heart erupted at the sight you were provided with. Katsuki’s face was free of his usual scowl, instead his eyebrows were relaxed, tilted upward and his lips in a small, soft smile. Those dazzling vermilion eyes staring into you, glistening with so much adoration and passion for you. You choked, mesmerized with how calm and serene he looked. The next words to tumble from his lips could’ve sent you melting onto the floor like wax.
“I am really really... Really in love with you (y/n).”
You believed every single word. You never even questioned it for a second in that moment. Really because you had no reason to discredit his love for you, he was a genuine man with a sharp and palpable tongue 24/7. You both were aware of that, and you didn’t complain. It was nice to have him so honest with you, and yes sometimes he wasn’t always nice with the way he expressed such honesty you had grown accustomed to it. Which is why you had been so shocked to see the brash and usually loud brute suddenly become so hushed and tender.
“I mean it princess. I love you so fuckin’ much. I know I don’t really show you how much I do like normal shitty couples, and i’m really fucking sorry for that but I love you with everything I got babe.. I know how much I can be a pain in the ass sometimes.. But.. I promise I’ll never stop lovin’ you, and I’ll show you every damn day just to fucking prove it. M’kay? Your fucking stuck with me until you’re too damn old to even try and fight me on it. I’m so happy I met you and I’m terrified at the same, ‘cause fuck babe I never knew I wanted love until now, until you. I never saw the fuckin’ point. So please jus.. Fuckin’ stay and be in love with me too.”
He refused to give you a chance to reply before he gingerly took your face into his hands and brought his lips to yours. The world fell away as you felt his soft, chapped lips against your own. The kiss with just as delicate as his words and touch, moving smoothly and overwhelming emotion. You immediately raised your hands to weave together behind his neck, pulling him in gently to deepen the kiss. In response to this, Katsuki rolled his tongue across your bottom lip in a silent request for an entrance. You whimpered, opening your mouth as his tongue began to explore your wet cavern, faintly tasting the alcoholic beverages from just hours before. His thumbs swiping tenderly across your cheekbones and your fingertips tangled themselves around his strong neck.
It wasn’t rushed or rough in any way, not like the many nights were he would intend on fucking you senseless, this is when he would truly let himself be vulnerable. Moments like these when he was so damn soft and loving toward you, and only you.
The kiss lasted for what felt like only a minute when in reality lasted 15 minutes. He left you seeking for more. Heaving for breath at the mere intensity of the make-out, resting his forehead against yours, noses brushing against each other gently. You both stayed like that for a moment, just basking in each other’s loving glow with stupid grins across your lips. You took your time taking in this hidden side of your boyfriend, loving each second of it while you still could before he would return to his sullen self. You reveled in every moment you lost yourself in his soft caress, were it was nobody but the two of you acting almost as one. In which you could feel close to him away from intercourse and instead with sensual kisses and grazes. Nonetheless, he was certainly the half that made you whole.
“I’m in love with you too Katsu’.”
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Thank you so much for reading! Request are open, and feel free to leave feedback or ask any questions! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ
- 𝖑𝖎𝖟 ☾ ✩
𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 : (𝟔/𝟐𝟏/𝟐𝟎 - 𝟏:𝟓𝟓 𝐚.𝐦.)
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remmushound · 3 years
Could you write a crossover oneshot, about the 2018 crew (April included) showing off their crazy OP skillz? (Mikey yeeting boats around, Donnie's tech, Leo's portals, etc.)
@assanmaharielsreblogs @itscryptifssil
Rise April = April
2012 April = O’Neil
“Hey guys!”
Leo hated being so exposed, just standing in the open for all to see. Leonardo had reassured him that it was chill here, that they’d never been spotted and weird stuff happened so often that no one would question it if they were. Still, standing there on the docks, open as he was, Leo couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder every few minutes to check for any signs of life disturbing the darkness.
“Watch this!”
Michelangelo resembled the Mikey that Leo knew in so many ways, and it seemed they even shared the same mad skills that all Mikey’s seemed to have in common. The turtle had been loud in his cry, drawing the attention of all below as he leapt from the rooftops and swung out hiskusari-fundo. Like the most beautiful fire work show, the blade and chain ignited in a feiry blaze that caught all of the other box turtles below by surprise, though Michelangelo’s brothers hardly acknowledged the act past a short applause or curious, watching eye.
“Holy—“ Leo sputtered.
“It’s so beautiful!” Mikey’s eyes Reflected the flames like something out of a movie, observing their beauty and hardly breathing.
“HOLY CHALUPAS!” Ejected Donnie, “How did he...?”
“Thats... concerning.” Raph said softly, trying to hide his astonishment behind a chilled facade.
The kusari-fundo shot out over the water, the chain stretching far longer than Leo could remember it actually being. Like an ever growing snake, flying and flying over the orange-reflectinh bay until the blade and a good deal of the chain latched impossibly around the hull of a boat down in the water. Before Michelangelo could come crashing down onto the hard docks, the chain tightened and pulled him into the water at incredible speeds, like a water skier without skis.
When he was just about to hit the bough of the ship, the chain gave a sudden, upward jerk and pulled him onto the safety of the deck just in the nick of time. The fire went out, and for a heart wrenching moment none of the turtles could even see the youngest among them, until the teen’s silhouette appeared over the railing and waved to them.
“Uh... how did he—“ Leo began before his taller counterpart cut him off.
“Relax; I’ll go get him.”
Before Leo could even begin to ask how Leonardo would achieve such a feat, Leonardo had drawn his katana and traced a large, arching shape in the air. It was like the blade was slicing through the very fabric of reality, leaving a baby blue glow wherever the tip of the metal touched. When the sword reunited with where it had started, the entire middle erupted into that same mystic glow.
“Woaaaah.” Was all the box turtles could say— even Donnie finding himself speechless at the pure display of power.
Leonardo tucked his katana back in its sheath as he stretched and stepped into the portal, backward so he could click his tongue and give finger guns as he disappeared through the rippling blue. Across the bay came that same ghostly blue glow aboard the ship, and they could see Leonardo step out and wrap his arm around Michelangelo before waving back to the turtles on land.
“Did you build that?” Donnie gasped out, addressing Donatello.
Donatello scoffed. “That? That’s nothing. Raph, show em.” He waved and gave the show off to Raphael, who seemed confused for a second before catching on with a belching bellow.
“Alright, guys!” Raphael slammed his fists together and gave an excited jig, swaying his body back and forth as a determined grin found itself on his face. Eyes narrowed, teeth pulled into a smirk, body moving with untapped potential. “I call this boss mode!”
“Boss mode?” Raph said slowly, trying to hide his growing anticipation and fear. “Looks like a dance to me.”
“Just gotta get warmed up!” He sucked in and huffed out deep breaths, grabbing his Tonfa as he shook out his wrists and started to dig his feet deeper into the ground with each increasingly-violent stomp. His tail lashed. Red sparks started to twist their way around his weapons and wrists, slowly spreading up until the electric aura surrounded him completely. The sparks turned into a fire once the all of him was in their power. His eyes flushed white. The red aura around him grew— and grew, and grew until he was almost as tall as the buildings surrounding him. Despite the awe-inspiring scene, the smaller Raphael within the heart of the beast seemed to be straining under the expended power. The bigger he was, the harder Boss Raph was to control. His teeth were clenched, muscles and veins bulging as life flooded back into tear-filled eyes.
Once the final three words escaped his mouth, he seemed in full control of the situation. When his leg moved, Boss moved in sync. Raphael forced his larger form to wade into the water, his red glow disappearing under the surface as he walked effortlessly over to his brothers on the ship. He held out a hand to them, and both seemed more than happy to hop onboard. Raphael spun around, the movement of his superior self slow and lumbering like most large creatures.
He held the two safely to his chest and carried them to shore, carefully letting them down beside Donatello. Raphael made sure his brothers were on sound footing before finally letting his form pixelate away into nothing and lower him to the ground in a gentle grasp. Leonardo and Donatello were there to support their older brother as he collapsed into them, his legs feeling little more than flexible foam under his great weight. Just from the maybe-minute long quest, Raphael was soaked in sweat and his plastron heaved with begging, thankful gasps of cool air.
“Sorry.” Raphael gasped to the other team, laughing and forcing his heavy arm up to wave. “Kinda tiring, yknow.”
“INCREDIBLE!” Donnie gasped, hurrying over to investigate Raphael though all traces of mystic power was gone from his body. “How often can you do that?!”
“Uh. Never done it more than once in a day.” Raphael rubbed the back of his neck, “it’s pretty draining.”
“I bet!” Donnie squealed, “maybe it’s like that because your metabolism speeds up dramatically— or, or your body adjusts for how long it SHOULD have taken you to do that normally, or—“
“It’s his chakra.” Donatello answered simply.
“Chakra?” Donnie deflated as he asked.
“Seven power points through the body, centers of magic? Ring a bell?”
Leo hummed. “Master Splinter taught me a technique called Reiki thats supposed to heal chakras...”
“So like, what’s your super magic power thing?” Mikey was practically pressing his nose to Donatello’s as he spoke
Donatello’s nose scrunched up at the invasion of personal space, but he quickly brushed it off when Leo grabbed his brother and pulled him away.
“I, little man, have the greatest ‘magic’ of all! SCIENCE!”
“Here we go,” Raph rolled his eyes.
“BEHOLD!” Donatello pulled his bō staff free of its holster and held it to the sky in a pose not unlike the Statue of Liberty. “MY TITANIUM REINFORCED TECH BO!”
Raph gave a slow clap. “Wow. Wonderful. So cool.”
Leo shoved Raph pointedly. “Thats... wonderful, Donnie.”
“Oh. OH HO HO!” Donatello laughed, motioning to his precious staff, “you think this is everything? Au contraire, my fellow shelled companions! This is the top of the line, most up to date technology in my arsenal. Complete with a glider...”
Two wings shot out from either end of the staff, much to the surprise of the turtles gathered.
“Chainsaw! Laser gun! Tranquilizer! Buzz saw! Dual sided rocket propellers! And of course a selfie stick!”
As Donatello listed off his tech-bo’s enhancement, the once simple-looking staff shifted between each feature, ending with a selfie stick that extended far beyond the reach of a normal one and took a snap after the few seconds it took Donatello to pose with two fingers extended and his tongue sticking out.
Leo blinked to try and bring himself out of the blindness induced by the sudden flash. Donnie recovered from it quickly, though his eyes were just as bright the light of the camera had been. He ran over to Donatello practically fit to burst as the softshell gave a smug smirk.
Donatello booped his older counterparts snout. “By no legal means.”
April decided to insert herself into the conversation before it could get much farther. “Wanna see what my power can do?”
Eight sets of eyes turned on her.
“You have a power too?” Mikey beaned.
April laughed and gave the mutant a pet on the head. “Sure do! Watch this!”
She lifted her baseball bat from her back, tapping it a few times on the ground as a green glow Overcame the wood. Donatello reached into his shell armor and produced a baseball, tossing it high into the air and out of sight.
She dug her feet into the earth as her eyes ignited in the same lime as her bat. She swung the bat a few times, super sight locking onto the small ball as it came hurdling downward.
With impossibly perfect timing, she spun around once more and brought her bat slamming down on the falling target, sending the ball flying once more in a blaze of neon green glory over the city’s horizon.
114 notes · View notes
visions-from-reaver · 4 years
Outlaw Legends
CHAPTER V: Taming A Beast
Arthur stepped outside the cabin to meet Dutch. “We ain’t run into Micah or John yet, so they must have gone on down the hill.” Dutch shivered as he spoke to Arthur. 
“Sure.” Arthur said as he looked as far down the path as the snow would allow. “Dutch, I ain’t had time to ask. What really went down back there on that boat?” Dutch reached over and put his hand on Arthur’s shoulder. 
“We missed you. That’s what happened. Now come on, see if that beast of a horse will let you ride him.” 
Arthur paled. “Are you insane? Even if he would let me, there ain’t no saddle or bridle that I could see in there for him!” 
Dutch sighed as they both made their way to the barn “You got a lasso on you, don’t you?” 
Arthur nodded “Well yes of course but-” 
“Then use that to tie around his head like a bridle.” Dutch’s tone left no room for argument as they entered the barn. 
“I’m tellin’ ya Dutch, I don’t like this.” Arthur tried again to argue since his last two encounters with Reaver didn’t go so well. 
“Yeah well I ain’t askin’ you, son, I’m tellin’.”
Arthur groaned and removed his lasso from his satchel and slowly made his way toward Reaver. “Hey there feller…” Reaver turned his head toward Arthur curiously. “I need you to do me a favor...a favor you probably ain’t gonna like.” Reaver’s ears twitched and rotated back and forth. “Here...a peace offerin’.” Arthur reached into his satchel and pulled out an apple. “You like apples, right?” Reaver gently took the apple out of Arthur’s hand and gave a gentle huff. “Okay, here goes nothin’ I guess…” Arthur tied the lasso and slowly slipped it over Reaver’s head. “There you go...that’s it...good boy.” Reaver held somewhat still, besides pawing his right hoof against the frozen floor of the barn. “I know, listen if it means anythin’ to ya, this weren’t my idea.” 
“That beast calm enough to ride?” Dutch spoke up, holding The Count’s reins by the open barn door. Arthur gently tugged on the makeshift bridle, leading Reaver to the door as well. 
“We’ll soon find out I guess. Say, why don’t you try ridin’ him Dutch?” 
Dutch rolled his eyes “‘Cause that horse don’t like me.” 
Arthur scoffed “So you’re assumin’ he likes me? He kicked me, remember?” Dutch shook his head and led The Count outside before mounting the saddle.
“It ain’t up for discussion Arthur, now hurry up. The sooner we get this done the better.”
Arthur gently stroked Reaver’s neck and along his back “Dutch I really don’t think-” 
“Do you not trust me, son?” 
Arthur shook his head “It ain’t that I jus’...I don’t trust this horse is all. Whatever he did to you in that barn earlier shook you up pretty good.” Dutch looked away and acted like he was adjusting the reins. “What did he do, Dutch?” Dutch didn’t answer “Dutch what did he d-” 
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Arthur!” Dutch snapped making Arthur hold his hands up in surrender and back up some. “I’m sorry son, I didn’t mean…” 
“Ah it’s alright, I pushed you too far, I get it.” 
Dutch sighed and glanced over his shoulder at Arthur impatiently 
“I know, I know, I’m workin’ on it.” Arthur said as he caught Dutch’s eye. 
“I could always get that girl  out here to-” 
“No I got it, don’t need to drag her out here in this goddamned weather.” 
Dutch chuckled lightly 
“What you laughin’ at, Dutch?” 
The older man shook his head “Oh nothing, son. Nothing at all.”
Arthur took a deep breath to steel his nerves before clumsily clambering onto Reaver’s back. The beast huffed and snorted in annoyance and pawed at the ground in agitation. “Easy boy...easy…” Reaver settled finally and Arthur stroked his neck “There good boy. Here…” Arthur reached into his satchel and produced another apple, feeding it to the beast. 
“I thought you said he didn’t like you Arthur?” Dutch teased him lightly 
“He don’t like me.” 
Dutch hummed in response “Whatever you say, son. Now, see if you can control him. Follow me.” 
Dutch spurred his Arabian into a slight trot through the snow in front of Arthur and his new steed. Arthur lightly spurred Reaver in the sides...the brute immediately reared. “Hey, hey, woah!” Arthur gripped onto the makeshift reins, praying they would hold, as he tried not to fall off. “Easy! Easy boy! It’s okay!” Reaver settled back on his front hooves and snorted loudly before setting off in a trot to follow alongside Dutch. The older man was trying to hold in his laughter 
“See, I told you he liked you better.” 
Arthur glared at him “Shut up Dutch.” 
Dutch cleared his throat and nodded his head “Alright then, let's head out there and see if we can find our boys.”
Reaver followed the leader without a struggle “I ain’t sure what we’re gonna find out here, Dutch.” Arthur called out over the wind “I can barely see anything as it is.” Arthur noticed that the black stallion wasn’t struggling in the deep snow as much as the other horses were. He leaned down and patted his neck gently as Dutch spoke up 
“We have to try, just stay close and we will see if we can’t stick to this trail!” 
Arthur shivered “You think this storm will last much longer?” 
Dutch hunkered down over his saddle “It’s been two days or more, it’ll have to blow over soon!” 
“I just....what happened to Davey...I can’t believe it.” The air grew thick with sorrow 
“He’s the last one Arthur, no more.”
The pair had been riding for a while when Dutch stopped “Hang on, there’s someone coming down the trail.” Dutch held up his lantern, trying to see through the blinding storm “You up ahead! Who’s there?” A man with long blonde hair and handlebar mustache came into view. “Micah.” Dutch greeted 
“Gentlemen.” Micah responded
 “Have you found anything?” Dutch inquired as Micah spurred his horse closer. 
“I think so. A little homestead down thataway.” Micah motioned his head back from the direction he came. 
“Anyone home?” 
Micah glanced a look over at Arthur and laughed “Didn’t know you could ride bareback, Morgan. Where’d you find that thing?” Reaver snorted and Arthur scratched his neck 
“None of your damn business, now was there anyone home?” Micah shrugged “Sure. The place is blazing with light and noise. Sounded like a party.” 
“Let’s go see, now you two quit arguing. Lead the way Micah.”
 Micah turned his horse around “Follow me. How’s Davey doin’?”
 Dutch just shook his head “Ah, he didn’t make it. Nor did little Jenny.” There was a pause. 
“That’s too bad, Davey was a real fighter. Both of them Callander boys is or...was. What about Mac and Sean?” 
Arthur fell to the back of the group, allowing Dutch and Micah to talk 
“We don’t know, we got separated on the ride out of there.” 
Micah grunted “Quite a business…” 
The group rode on ahead for a while before Arthur finally spoke up “Ask him if he’s seen John!” 
Dutch, being directly behind Micah relayed Arthur’s question “Have you seen John, Micah?”
 Micah called back over his shoulder “Didn’t see much of anything once this storm blew in!” 
“Micah says he hasn’t seen him, Arthur!” 
“I’m sure he’ll be fine, things always turn out right for that boy!” Arthur’s response was more, it seemed, for himself than the other two. He had his issues with John, sure. But at the end of it all, they were brothers. 
“I hope...Mac and Sean, they’re still out there somewhere too!” Dutch voiced his concern for the other two missing members, to lose Davey and Jenny was bad enough, but to lose two more members? Dutch didn’t want to think about it. “Arthur, you move on up, I’ll take up the rear...I need to think a minute.”
 As Arthur lightly spurred Reaver forward he pulled back on the reins to keep pace beside the leader. “You okay, Dutch?” The younger man was concerned, it wasn’t like Dutch to be this quiet 
“I’ll be fine, son, I’m just worried is all.”
 Arthur reached over and placed a hand on Dutch’s shoulder “It’ll be okay Dutch, like you said...Davey is gonna be the last one.”
 Dutch looked the other in the eyes “I really hope you’re right, son. I really hope you’re right.”
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~Come Away to The Water~
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|| Chapter One - Dead of Winter ||  
Inspiration: Come Away to the Water by Maroon 5 ft. Rozzi Crane
Storyboard Credit: Myself. Pictures not mine, but editing and collage is.
Pairings: Harald Finehair x OFC ((face claim - Sophie Turner))
Rating: Mature/18+
General warnings: Death, Violence, Gore, Graphic content, Abuse, Kidnapping, Sexual content.
Chapter warnings: Depictions of death, gory-ish details? Angst.
A/N: EDIT: SO, it’s been forever since I touched this story...Or well, posted anything for that fact lol but I finally found some inspo on where I wanna go with this story, so I’ve edited/added to the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoy! SHOUTOUT to @jacksonroseroth​ for your help, darlin’! New fic idea say waaaaa?! Anywho, thank you for taking a moment of your time to stop and read; it means a lot ^-^ Obviously this is a work of fiction, so I apologize if things aren’t 100% HISTORICALLY accurate. I’ve spent a lot of time researching the past few days trying to certain aspects as close as possible. So bare with me! 
Feedback is always welcomed and much appreciated! I hope you guys enjoy! Also I want to add that the beginning italic is a flashback scene...Dialogue, bold and italic is to distinguish the language barrier between Rowan and Harald.
Word Count:  5099
“Come away little lamb come away to the water Give yourself so we might live anew Come away little lamb come away to the slaughter”
~ “Do try nah to stray so far from the path this time, Rowan…” Her mother sighed deeply as she fastened the heavy black fur cloak around her daughters shoulders; settling a small sack of provisions in her hands. “It worries me’h.”
“Dinna worry yer’self, Ma.” Rowan smiled warmly, pressing a kiss to her mother’s cheek gently as she drew up the hood to cover her flame kissed hair. “I’ll be fine.”
The older woman cracked a small grin as she cupped her daughters cheek, patting it affectionately. “Y’er to much like y’er Da.” She shook her head lightly as she watched her daughter slip the bow over her head, settling it with the string across her chest before snatching up the quiver of arrows. “Jus’ be back ‘fore dark...There’s a storm comin’!”
“Aye, Ma.” Rowan chuckled softly with a roll over her Emerald eyes before placing a kiss atop each of her three younger siblings heads. “Behave yourselves, ya wee savages.” She teased lightly, earning a pair of giggles out of the two youngest. A set of identical twins of just barely five years.
“Are ye goin’ to bring us back a Stag, Rowey?!” Alana questioned excitedly.
“Aye, are ye, are ye?” Ainslie echoed as she bounced in her seat, equally as excited as her sister.
“I’ll most certainly try.” Rowan winked as she reached for the front door, pausing when she felt a slight tug on her cloak. Turning to find her youngest brother peering up at her sheepishly.
“C-Can I? P-Please?” He stuttered nervously, looking down at his feet as Rowan shook her head no.
“Nay. Not today, Findley.” She gave her youngest brothers shoulder a reassuring squeeze and ruffled his dark auburn hair, before leaning back to snatch a couple of bannocks off the table. “Perhaps after the storm passes...I’ll teach ye how to catch rabbits.”
“Aye.” She grinned softly, earning a shy smile out of the young boy in return. “I promise.”
With a final goodbye to her mother and siblings, Rowan pushed open the creaky wooden door of the small stone and wood built bothy, that their large family of Six shared; stepping out into the frigid early morning air. Her leather and fur clad foot catching the back of her own twins leg, as she passed by. Tossing him the second bannock she held, causing him to pause mid-swing on the chunk of wood he had been about to split as he caught it. Beaming a smile as he thanked her around a mouthful of food.
“Spend some time with Finn today, eh?” Rowan called over her shoulder as she started towards the path that lead out of the Village and down towards the river. Turning back to shoot her brother a glare at the annoyed groan he gave her in return.
“Don’ make me tell Ma what ye’ve been gettin’ up to with Flora now, Kai! She threatened.
“Ye wouldn’t?!”
Rowan simply shrugged, throwing her brother a mischievous grin before trotting off down the path towards the water. Ignoring her brothers voice as he called after her. Begrudgingly agreeing that he would spend some time with Finn later.
The day continued on as normal as any other. Rowan took her time trekking through the woods, setting and checking snares along her usual path. A smile creeping onto her lips as she spied a set of tracks -- those of a stag -- just off the main trailhead.
It had been well over a month since she had brought home a Stag, or any other large game for that matter, and the thought of having fresh meat on the table again, made her mouth water. But more importantly the thought of seeing the smiles it would bring to her family’s faces made the aspect of the hunt seem all the more worthwhile as she reset her final snare. Taking a final glance around to get her bearings, before venturing off the beaten path and deeper into the forest.
Rowan tracked the animal well into the late afternoon before it was finally snowing too hard for her to safely venture any farther. The Stag having remained, teasingly, just out of her reach the entire time. Taunting her almost, as they trailed deeper and deeper into the woods until it was too late to turn back. Forcing her to seek shelter for the night in an abandoned den she stumbled across on the hunt.
The wind blew too fiercely for her to start a fire, which forced her to settle for pulling the thick fur cloak she wore around herself tightly, in an attempt to stay warm. Burrowing down into the fallen leaves and debris that surrounded her as an uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach...But she wasn’t quite able to place a finger on it.
This hadn’t been the first time she was caught out in a storm over night like this and never before had it been -- nor would it likely ever be -- an issue. Her father having taken extra care to teach her, as well as her twin brother, everything they needed to know about surviving in the wild, from a young age; Until his untimely death just a few short years ago. She knew how to take care of herself regardless of the situation...She would be fine.
But that still did little to quell the worry that settled in the back of her mind as Rowan sighed, clutching her cloak tighter around herself as she closed her eyes. Attempting to push the worry from her thoughts the best she could as she tried to make herself comfortable. She knew for certain that her mother and the wee ones would be worried sick that she had not returned yet, but that come first light, Kai would be out to meet her halfway on the trail just like he always did.
But for the time being, she was at the mercy of the Gods.
The weather had cleared come dawn, allowing Rowan to venture out from the safety of the den she called home for the night. Brushing away the moss and dries leaves from her clothes as she emerged with a stretch, pausing to grab a bannock and a piece of dried fish from the small sack of provisions she carried. Thankful that her mother had insisted upon her taking it with her as she nibbled away at it; beginning the trekk back towards her Village.  
The ground was covered in a fresh layer of ankle deep snow, making the journey twice as long and twice as treacherous as it concealed many things beneath its shimmering surface -- like ice and root snarls -- that could pose a threat to a serious injury, if one was not sure of their footing. It made her that much more thankful she had spent so much of her youth exploring these woods with Kai and their father...It was her home away from home, and she knew it like the back of her hand. Which in turn helped her to make decent time on her return to the main path. It also made her more aware of things that most anyone else would often overlook naturally. Like how nature had suddenly fallen into an eerie silence as she stepped back onto the main path, noting how the snow was still fresh; untouched.  
The uneasy feeling from the night before suddenly returned to settle in the pit of her stomach, tying it up in knots as she looked up at the sky. It was well past mid-morning and there were no signs that Kai had yet been there, which struck her as unusual. He was always waiting, no matter the hour.  
A jolt of anxiety shot through her like lightning as she took off down the path, willing her feet to carry her faster as she broke through the treeline and out into the open. The silence around her deafening, aside from the sound of the River as she raced along its edge, wading the crossing swiftly, trying her best to ignore the icy sting of the water as it soaked her boots, only adding to her struggle as she stumbled up the snow slick hill that lead to her home...That surge of anxiety quickly morphing into fear as she watched thick plumes of black smoke billowing into the grey Winter sky.
Rowan’s heart nearly stopped as she crested over the top of the hill, a scream ripping from her lungs at the sight of the damage that lay before her. What was left of her people stood gathered round in a wash of tears, disbelief and despair. Their homes and outbuildings still blazed, while others only smoldered now; Reduced to rubble, or turned to ash. Their Livestock hung from trees and fences, slaughtered. All their stores of produce and provisions set aside for winter, gone.
Bodies lie butchered, scattered along the ground, tainting the once pure white snow a sickening shade of dark crimson. Her boots imprinting a trail of red in the snow behind her, as she ran towards her family’s home that still smoldered. Rowan ignoring the sting of burning flesh as she dug frantically at what remained of the building. Tears streaming down her face as she cried out for Mother and siblings.
“They’re gone, Rowan.” A neighbor approached quickly, grabbing her by the shoulders gently as he urged her away from the still crumbling building to safety. Rowan pulling away, stumbling a few feet where she fell to her knees at the sight of Kai’s body; lifeless on the ground. His dark hair and fair skin matted with drying blood...An axe protruding from the center of his chest.
“I-I’m s-s-or-ry…” A broken sob left her lips as she covered his blue eyes -- still widened with fear -- with her hand and slipped them closed.
“Ma--…The twins?”
The woman who approached her before, now shook her head. The look on her face a solemn one as she knelt beside the broken young woman before her, taking her forearms gently and pulling her up to her feet as she embraced her.
“The Danes took ‘em...Ye and Findley are all that’s left.”
“Findley?” The name fell as a hoarse whisper from her lips, as green eyes tried desperately to blink back tears as she pulled away to look up.
“Aye, he lives...But jus’ barely.” The woman grinned softly as she replied, though the gesture was less than hopeful. The woman raising a finger to silence Rowan as she knew what was about to come next.
“Ye can not see him jus’ yet, Lass.” She stated gently, with a soft pat against Rowan’s arms. “Let us go an’ take care of those burns first...”  
Turning as the woman lead her away to one of the healers, Rowan gave a final glance at the carnage that lay all around her. Wondering what they had done to deserve such a senseless act of violence...Innocent families, women, children?
They had heard Tales of the vicious Northmen -- Danes as many called them -- that ruled over the Seas. Pillaging and plundering places of riches and nobility…But Rowan’s people were no more than simple farmers; hunters and fishermen. What would the Norsemen want with them?
Never once had her own people consider, that one day, they might set foot in the Highlands...Something that left them unprepared, and defenseless to the ruthless attack.
Leaving the place she called her homeland...Broken and in ruin.
Rowan’s chest heaved erratically as she sat bolt upright in her bed, clutching the furs to her chest as she swiped a hand across her forehead, finding it slick with sweat as she pushed back the fiery red locks that were matted to her skin. A sigh escaping her lips quietly. It had been quite some time since she’d had a nightmare about that fateful day...The day her family was so cruelly taken from her. It had been nearly five years now, but the wounds were still fresh in her mind like it had happened only yesterday.
Frowning to herself, Rowan pushed the furs from her body and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, shivering as her bare feet touched the cold dirt covered floor as she wrapped herself in one of the furs tightly as she walked to the window; pushing the shutter open. The sun had barely even begun to rise over the mountains, showering the glen in a twilight glow as it cast  shadows through the trees. Everything around them lay quiet and completely still, as if basking in the arrival of a new day.
Pulling her gaze away from the rapid approach of dawn just outside their small home, Rowan turned and walked towards the fire on the opposite side of the room. Adjusting the fur into one hand as she added more kindling and wood to the glowing embers that resided in the hearth; kneeling and blowing gently until the fire blazed back to life.
Once she was satisfied with the heat emitted from the fire, Rowan stood and returned to the foot of her bed, opening the small wooden trunk that lie there as she began piecing together an outfit for the day. Dressing in her warmest pair of trousers and a light blue tunic made from a heavier wool material for added warmth. Securing it with a thin leather belt before tugging on her boots.
She discarded her night shirt into the wash pile before returning the fur to its place on her bed as she made it for the day. A small smile tugging at her lips as a pitiful low pitched whine caught her attention, turning to find the large gray wolf she called her companion, now sitting beside the fire. Having climbed down from her little brother’s bed;  head tipped curiously as it watched her.
“Don’t be impatient, ya greedy breast. I dinna forget abou’ ye.” She quipped as she rummaged around for some bits of dried meat and bannocks to take out with her. Tossing the wolf a small chunk of meat she kept aside specifically for him, before throwing together a small pot of wheat porridge for Findley and setting it up over the fire to cook.
“Go on now.” She waved her hand to where her young brother still slept soundly. “Go an’ wake the boy.” The wolf gave a snort as it rose to all fours, giving a long stretch before the beast trotted across the room and leapt gracefully onto the bed. The large animal laying directly on top of Findlay as he commenced to licking the boys face repeatedly with it’s large tongue.
“Ugh, get off me ya brute!” Findley yelped out as he squirmed beneath the large animal, trying to push him off to no avail. Rowan chuckled softly, watching her brother struggle for a moment longer before she gave a sharp whistle to call him off. The wolf jumping down from the bed and coming over to sit beside her, accepting a small piece of bannock she offered before popping the last bite into her mouth with a grin. Her little brother glowered at her from the edge of his bed where he now sat upright.
“Good mornin’ to ye too, Fin.” She snickered with an amused grin.
“Mornin’...” Findley grumbled back crankily as he climbed out of bed and moved to warm himself beside the fire. Lifting the lid on the small pot briefly to inspect what was inside of it.
“Should be done soon.” Rowan stated as she moved to grab her heavy black fur cloak and pull it on, before gathering her game bag, bow and quiver. “I need to check the traps, so it’s up to ye to get the animals fed an’ taken care of. Can ye handle that?”
Findley gave a curt nod as he grabbed a bannock off the table and began devouring it. “Aye, I can handle it.” He spoke around a mouth full of food, Rowan rolling her eyes in response as she shook her head.
“Don’t talk with ye’r mouthful, ya heathen.” She chided with a playful grin before continuing. “If ye need help with anythin’, go an’ fetch young Turick to help ye. Got it?”
“Aye…” Findley sighed in annoyance with an eye roll, which in turn earned him a glare from his older sister. “I’m a cripple, Row, tha’ does not mean I’m useless.” He muttered self consciously as his right hand ventured absentmindedly to the stump of his left shoulder. A deep frown creasing his features.
“I never called ye useless, Fin.” Rowan stepped forward, reaching out to grasp his chin lightly and turn his attention back towards her. “I jus’ don’t want ye hurtin’ yer’self more than necessary...Besides, if ye hurt y’er good arm, who’s going to milk the cows?”
Findley swatted her hand away with a playful glare as he cracked half a smile. “I got it handled.” He reassured in a sarcastic tone, shooting her a real glare as she reached out and ruffled his red hair affectionately.
“I’ll be back this afternoon. Do try an’ stay out of trouble, eh?” Rowan called over her shoulder as she pushed the front door open and stepped out into the brisk morning air; wolf in tow as he trotted along beside her happily, as they mosied down the path.
The day came to pass quite quickly for Rowan and her furry companion, Faolan. The pair making quick work of checking and resetting snares, before venturing a little deeper into the woods in search of some smaller game, before returning to the village to go about finishing up evening chores; the workload increasing as signs of Spring steadily approached. Soon they would be tilling fields to plant their crops, tending to the animals that would soon produce offspring, making repairs to homes, building new boats for trading travels...The list was truly endless, and Rowan looked forward to the distractions that the work promised.
Winters had become exceptionally difficult since suffering the loss of nearly her entire family. Everyday a struggle against the guilt that she kept bottled up inside. Rowan somehow feeling responsible for what had happened to her family; to Fin. Constantly replaying that day over and over in her head. Always wondering if things could have turned out differently, had she stayed home that day with her family. Maybe she could have protected them...Or maybe she would’ve shared in their fate. But then what would have become of poor Findley?
Rowan sighed as they paused to rest beside a small stream. Faolan letting out a soft whine as he rested his head against her thigh; sensing her distress. A small smile tugging at her lips as she gave him an affectionate scratch behind the ears, his warm, intelligent brown eyes drifting shut for a moment as gave a contented sigh. Rowan silently thankful that the gods had granted such a wonderful guardian to watch over her and Findley. The wolf coming into their lives not long after the deaths of their kin. Just a pup himself when Rowan had stumbled upon him in the forest...Still clinging to his own mother and siblings who had long since perished from starvation and cold.
The village had been less than thrilled to say the least, when Rowan brought the small bundle of fur home. Several of the elder woman trying to advise her that the beast could would never be tamed nor broken; But they couldn’t have been more wrong. For Faolan had been the key that aided them in their journey to healing...And they his. The wolf having more than earned his keep around the village since becoming part of their broken pack. 
“Suppose we should be gettin’ back, eh?” Rowan sighed softly as she gave the wolf a final pat on the head before standing. Gathering her game bag and slinging it over her shoulder as she turned her back to the steam. “Come, mo charaid…’Fore Fin starts worryin’.” Faolan let out a sharp series of yips in answer as he bounded from his spot, darting between the trees playfully for a moment before laying down a ways up the trail as he waited. Rowan letting out a small laugh at the wolfs antics as she quickened her pace, taking the hint as they hurried off. Head for their usual detour as they made the trek for home. ~
Dusk was approaching by the time the group finally reached the shores of a seeming desolate beach. The ships, as well as their men, battered from an unexpected storm that had caught them off guard a day prior. “We’ll camp here for now...Start salvaging what we can to make repairs come dawn, before continuing on to York.” Harald instructed once the boats had been pulled safely to shore; A fire started for the men to get warm as they assembled camp. Harald quick to assemble a plan for his men, in order to get moving again as soon as possible. Not pleased with the unexpected detour they had been forced to make on their journey to York.
“You three.” Harald turned to address a group of younger Viking men, who stood opposite him beside the fire. “Gather what wood you can; And you two,” He gestured towards a pair of more experienced men, usually assigned to watch. “Survey the area...I do not want any more unexpected surprises.” The men nodded, accepting their assigned duties before dismissing themselves. Harald letting out a sigh as he turned for one of the tents that had already been assembled...Taking a seat and grabbing a cup of mead, trying to quell his frustrations as he watched his men continue to set up camp. While Harald drank his frustrations away, the two experienced men set off up the beach, climbing the dunes on the beach and venturing into the forest beyond.
“Fine time to set up camp…” The first man grumbled as they trudged the Scottish land. The second man grunted in response as they settled on a spot and began building a small fire. The warmth from the flames doing little to warm the chill that had settled in their bones. “The cold here is different...I don’t like it.”
“They say we’re the heathens.” The first man chuckled. “Pass us the ale…” The second man obliged his friends request. Reaching over to grab the ale horn from beside his axe, taking a swig himself before passing it over and returning his hands to warm by the fire. As the men chatted away, Rowan made her way to the beach, stopping and dropping to the ground when she spotted the men encamped on the beach. Swearing in Gaelic, she gripped the scruff at Faolan’s neck to make sure he didn’t growl and give their position away. She took her bag off and strapped it around the beast’s.
“Go home, Faolan. I’ll be right behind ye.” Rowan whispered. The wolf let out a small whine before he turned away, making his way back to the village while Rowan stayed, counting the men so she could give an accurate report to the village elders. When her eyes met Harald’s, Rowan ducked and crawled along the brush until she was far enough into the foliage before she stood and hurried along behind Faolan.
“What was that?” The first man asked, looking up at the sound of twigs snapping. He reached down, fingers wrapping around the axe at his side as he scanned the surrounding area, looking for movement. Both men saw the flash of gray fur pass quickly by, followed by a flame of red hair; Visible even in the darkness. The second man motioned for the first to split off towards the left, while he tracked the intruders on the right. Trailing silently after them into the darkness of the woods, but eventually losing sight as the darkness became too much; Slowing their progress significantly.
“Go.” The second man ordered quietly, gesturing back towards the beach. “Tell King Harald what we’ve found, and assemble more men for a search. I will try and the trail.” The first man nodded and turned back towards camp. Leaving his companion to assemble a torch and continue the search.  
Meanwhile, Rowan continued to move swiftly through the darkness. Picking her way carefully over fallen debris and tangled tree roots as she strayed away from the main trail; attempting to lose the enemies who likely now pursued her, as she fled towards her village. Hoping she would have enough time to warn her people of a potential attack before it was too late. Anger and fear building inside of her chest as she pushed herself harder, bound and determined to not let her people suffer through another attack like they had all those years ago.
The sound of twigs snapping several feet away from behind her, made Rowan turn, a knot forming in her stomach as she spotted the faint glow of a torch coming over the small rise she had just climbed. Ducking behind a tree, she shielded herself from sight momentarily as she closed her eyes...Rowan’s heart sinking as she came to the realization that she would be unable to return to her village safely, without risking the exposure of their location to a potential attack. She knew what she had to do, but that didn’t make the choice any easier as she let out a soft, shaky sigh. Opening her green eyes as slipped the bow over her head carefully, and nocked an arrow. Sending up a silent prayer for the gods to protect her family — her people — before drawing back the sting of her bow, and stepping into the open. A steady breath leaving her lips as she released the arrow towards its target, the startled yelp that followed signaling that she had struck her target.
Rowan using the distraction as her opportunity to change directions, doubling back, as she began leading her enemy away from her village, and deeper into the woods. Another arrow nocked and ready to fire as she neared the next ridge; ducking behind another tree as she waited for the torch to appear again...Her heart rate quickening when she turned to find that the light had been extinguished. A wave of panic washed over her as she struggled to pick up on the faint footsteps that rustled from somewhere in the darkness. Unable to determine what direction they were coming from, Rowan was left to make a split decision, as she darted from behind the tree, hoping she could make a break for the treeline. 
The flash of red hair was all they needed, as Harald gave the signal for their own archer to take a shot; the man loosing the arrow as the rest of the men relit their torches. Harald watching as the form stumbled in the darkness, but only for a moment before darting off once more.  A smirk creeping onto his lips as they took up their pursuit once more, driving their prey back towards the edge of the forest, where more of his men lie in wait to capture whoever it was that they had been chasing all over the woods...But the small victory soon faded from his thoughts as bone chilling howl pierced the silence, followed by a series of snarls and growls that brought the group to a stand still.
Rowan stumbled as she ran through the treeline and out into the open, coming to stop as she was greeted by a rather unwelcoming sight, as a group of men closed in on her. Rowan quick to draw back the string of her bow in defense, ignoring the searing pain in her shoulder the action caused, from having been struck by an arrow herself. The edges of her lips quirking into a faint smirk as she heard the howl that broke the silence and caused several of the men to glance towards the treeline; Searching. Rowan seizing the opportunity to loose her arrow into the man nearest to her, watching as he crumpled to the ground as the arrow struck him between the eyes, her next arrow nocked before the man had even full collided with the earth. Another man lunged towards her, catching the second arrow as a series of shouts broke out amongst the group of men in front of her...Their words foreign to her as they spoke.
“Come on. Come get me, ye heathens…” She said with a smirk, fingering the feather fletching of her arrow. Rowan readied her bow again, waiting for the next victim to step forward and make their move. She knew that she stood very little chance against these men, but that didn’t mean that she would go down without a fight. Another series of shouts erupted from the woods, causing Rowan to turn and glance over her shoulder as the shouts quickly dissolved into one horrified scream that was followed by vicious snarling and the sounds of teeth ripping into flesh. Another man used her distraction to strike her with the hilt of his sword; sending Rowan to the ground as her vision blurred around the edges. A foot kicking her bow out of her reach as it approached from behind. Rowan struggling to focus on the man’s face as she glanced up, recognizing him as the man from the beach.
“Bind her and take her back to the beach.” Harald ordered as surveyed the two dead men that lie on the ground in front of him, before turning his attention to look down at the fiery haired woman who struggled against the two vikings who hauled her to her feet before their King. Allowing him a brief moment to examine her more closely as he grasped her jaw tightly, forcing her to look at him; Rowan’s eyes struggling to maintain focus as the edges over her vision started to turn black...The last thing she saw being a flash of gray fur, followed by nothing.
So that’s the first chapter! I hope ya’ll liked it...I also wanna add ((don’t quote me on it as I used google traslate)) that Mo charaid means ‘My friend’ Gaelic. And Faolan means Little Wolf.
Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist for future updates!
MASTER TAGLIST:  @jacksonroth​ @greennightspider @captstefanbrandt​ @microsmacrosandneedles​ @irishhiggins​ @naaladareia​ @liiv0urlifee @readsalot73 @readsalot73​ @londoncharlotte88 @theworld-is-ahead @zazasblogxx @ly–canthrope @harjumus @jade770 @that-goodgirl @xxwarhawk @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose @theskinofmyemotions @synnersaint @12grimauldp @sympathyfortheblinderdevil​ @ilooklikeididyesterday​ @inforapound​
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juchechat · 6 years
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Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Inspects Kumsanpho Fish Pickling Factory [August 8 Juche 107 (2018), KCNA] 
Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected the Kumsanpho Fish Pickling Factory together with Ri Sol Ju.
Being briefed on the factory before a map showing its panoramic view, the respected Supreme Leader of the Party, state and army Kim Jong Un learned about how the factory carried out its tasks after his field guidance to the factory last year and the production of pickled fish goods.
After being told of the fact that the factory in touch with relevant institutions completed last year and this year more than 30 trial pickled fish products with differing salty and spicy levels such as those of tiny shrimp, sand eel, anchovy and salted shellfish and produced hundreds of tons of pickled fish of seven varieties and that it has done the finishing work of some buildings including dwelling houses of employees and installed fixtures in them, he highly appreciated them, saying that they did lots of work.
As the Kumsanpho Fish Pickling Factory is like blazing a trail in the fish pickling industry of the country, it is necessary for it to settle scientific and technological problems arising in the research and development for enhancing the taste of pickled fish goods and increasing their diversity and in the management and operation of the factory in active cooperation with relevant units, set up proper business and management strategy, actively pursue and introduce advanced technology and thus become a factory that substantially contributes to further improving the advantageous pickled fish culture of the nation and the improvement of the people's diet, he said.
Stressing the need to pay primary attention to hygienic safety and quality of goods at foodstuff factories as it has always been stressed, and to heighten awareness of them in pickled fish goods field, in particular, as pickled fish can easily allow bacteria unlike other foods, he underscored the need to make high demands on the employees to thoroughly keep hygienic demands in productive labor, keep inside and outside environment of the production area and processes clean to be free from contamination sources and to keep the good control of raw materials, food additives and packing materials.
Watching samples at the goods display room, he appreciated the diversity of goods, saying that it seems all kinds possible have been tried with even just one species and admiring their packing good enough to make one's mouth water and diverse forms. He added that one can notice how much research into pickled fish goods have been made.
He said it is necessary to put to maximum use the aquatic resources in the West Sea to produce peculiar pickled fish goods with diverse fish species and sell them to citizens in the capital and those in the west coastal area, adding that they should meet the demand, lend an ear to the people's assessment and conceive ideas for the qualitative development of goods, not just content with the production of trial goods.
Watching with a bright smile on his face the pickled fish goods that packed the storehouse, he said it is a spectacular view. He added that the heaps of pickled fish goods made him feel pride even though he worried about the productivity as it was the first fish pickling factory, and that he feels proud and worth living at the thought of contributing to the betterment of the people's diet even a bit.
He gave thanks to the officials and employees of the factory who glorified the 70th founding anniversary of the DPRK with shining labor achievements and greatly encouraged the mother Party, highly appreciating their feats.
He repeatedly asked the officials and employees of the factory to mass-produce diverse tasty and highly nutritious pickled fish goods in the spirit of devotedly serving the people and thus make the Party's noble policies of loving the people pay off in reality and make people actually benefit from them.
He was accompanied by Choe Ryong Hae, Hwang Pyong So, Jo Yong Won, O Il Jong, Kim Yong Su and Kim Chang Son.
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prismmarketingco · 3 years
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Red Reign, the newest batch of bangers from Dancehall deejay Konshens is a kaleidoscope of global music. Konshens sounds assured and effortless as ever on the 18 track suite, executive produced by Jonny Blaze. On Red Reign, Konshens becomes a slick chameleon, using his Dancehall background to his advantage for convincing displays in EDM, soca, reggae, Afrobeats and more. Five albums in, he proves he can match if not dominate any soundscape, never resorting to mimicry. Opening track, Season 4, is a prime example, a two-minute career flashback over a flamenco backdrop that aptly frames the album title. Konshens barrels through the rags to riches cut, making the case for his renewed hunger (“this feel like 2010 when mi jus a buss, me and mi hungry bredda dem a tear di road”), the return to a point most notably marked by his now signature hair colour. The track is perfect primer to his abilities and approach, spinning his uniquely dancehall tale (which cites ER, OnStage, Gaza and Gully) over gentle Spanish guitars. From there, listeners keep seeing red, never quite certain what sounds they’ll hear next. Konshens doesn’t deviate from his trademark topics—sex, gunplay, trials & tribulations, making millions, fun punchlines, stunting, sex—and Red Reign shines in its silver-tongued delivery. He enlists Jonny Blaze & Stadic, Track Starr, Ricky Blaze, Shab Don, Zimi Ent, Bashment, BomboCat, Mark Hize and Hitgruves Music among others for the genre-bending production touches. On 2018’s It Feel Good, Konshens pushed the envelope with his peers, a bevy of Jamaican trailblazers breaking barriers worldwide. The project featured Shaggy, King Kosa, Bakersteez and Tarrus Riley, and Red Reign wins with its repeat formula. Queen of Dancehall, Spice, Rvssian and Stefflon Don make compelling cameos, while Puerto Rican Rafa Pabön and Bermudian siren Kaelyn Castle channel Caribbean linkup vibes. (at Kingston, Jamaica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWUliJys7OR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jcmartinmusic1999 · 4 years
bringing back the 90′s for the future hot instrumental for 2020
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Pennywise x reader: ‘The big bad wolf, and his games’
Chapter two
"Oh you are tooooo fun to play with, so much fun, fun, fun!" you tried to speak, tried that is. Your voice box was nearly crushed, and you could feel bruises already forming, coughing, the clown could tell you wanted to have an imput, so it let you, it liked when they begged, especially the girls, their sweet innocent voices begging for their life, pleading was like music to his ears. He loosned his grip on your throat a little, giving your voice a chance to say something. "I don't like playing games, now let me go or else" your voice was breaking as you fought to hold back tears. "Brave words missy, very big and brave of you, but don't fool yourself.... you smell devine" His face getting closer to yours, so close that your noses were practically touching. "All that fear pumping through your little body, oh it's so delectable, I could jus-t. eat.you.up" he said, enunciating the ends of words sinisterly, "in fact, think that's just what i might do princess" Suddenly horror was unvealed right in front of your very eyes, as his jaw unhinged like a snake, getting wider and wider, revealing layers upon layers of jagged, sharp jaws, you didn't even want to think about the savagery they could produce. Instead all your restrain and fear you had been trying to sheild from this thing had come flying out of your body as you let out a high pitched scream, a scream that said everything words couldn't. Pennywise, of course adored this, he taunted you and cheered for you to scream more, as his hand let go of your throat completely now and you slumped down to the ground like a sack of potatoes. 
You didn't dare move, you learned your leason from the first time he "let you go", you just sat there head slammed back against the tree trying to distance yourself as much as possible from him. But it was to no avail as he grabbed you by the hair and swung you round to the other side, your body forced upon the cold, damp grass. As you lay staring up at the glowing setting sun you were trembling and shaking like a leaf, for a moment it seemed like the clown had vanished and just left you laying there, alone and scared. Maybe that was it’s plan all along? to just completely freak you out and leave without a trace, make you think you're going insane. But how wrong you were, like a solar eclipse it’s body suddenly climbed upon you, it's legs between your thighs and it's thick gloved hands gripping your wrists down by your waist, His entire body covered you completely, he was so tall that when he leaned over your body it felt like looking up at a skyscraper. He was terrifying, intimidating, but at the same time you couldn't deny that he held himself with a rather majestic presence, like he was very proud, but you figured that of course he'd feel powerful and in control. He was something else, all though you didn't dare ask him, you knew deep down he wasn't of this world. Your lungs were crushed by his mighty force upon you and you felt short of breath, your heart beating out of your chest, you were a pathetic little girl to him so what chance did you really stand to fight this battle? maybe not physically, but mentally maybe you could fight back... or maybe he would break your little mind with his will of steel. Your head felt like it was in a fish tank, your body and your mind couldn't breathe. He stared down at you, his eyes still piercing blue and calm, they shone so bright that you almost felt drawn into them. "what do you want from me?" you asked, trying to put on a brave face. He smirked again and let out a slight playful giggle before answering back "ol' pennywise just wants to play a game with his pretty lil doll" your teeth clenched as you heard the implied teasing in his tone, whimpering out a gasp and trying to stop your eyes filling with tears of dread you looked him straight in the eyes and spoke "what kind of game?" you asked with a shy, timid expression. "Oh it's a realllllly fun game, you'll like it very much i promise, now you have to be good and play nice and maybe you'll live out the rest of your days in peace, buuut you have to play nice" he skimmed his hand against your jawline like it was a feather, "but you HAVE to play nice, yes? no fighting back" You didn't know what fate truely awaited you and truthfully you didn't want to think about it, all that mattered was now and right now you had two options anger him and more than likely die at his paws or play along and live to tell the tale some day, live out your life and be safe again, so that's just what you did, sucumbed. You bobbed your head up and down in agreement and he smiled at you "That’s a good little girl, now i'm going to ask you things little one, you're a curious case of a human, you smell....differen-t" His eyes stared at you with an intensity that made you shiver, he wasn't smiling anymore but instead his mouth was slightly open, with thick red drool dripping down his bottom lip and before you could even begin to think of something to say the droplet of drool plopped down on your neck, making you flinch and spine tingle. It was hot, it burned but in the most fascinating manner, almost like when you step into a shower and you feel the warm water hit you for the first time. The noticed that the weather around you had began to change, it was the middle of July, right smack bang in the middle of those wonderful blazing summer days that never seemed to end, but when your little walk started it was slightly cloudy and you thought it was going to rain, but now the slow heat of the sunset was intense, it was glowing, humid and sticky. You had fine but prominent droplets of sweat beading over your chest and forehead, you were only wearing a casual white summer dress and a denim jacket, but you felt on fire. Whether that heat over your body was caused by the season or something else, you didn't know.  
“Different?" you asked in a bewildered state. “Yes, you smell so sickly sweet, so pure but yet so full of something else, something wonderful and... forbidden” without warning his head fell down into your hair sniffing it, all the way down until his nose pushed down into the crook of your neck, you felt his hot breath vibrate against your pulse, you could have also swore he purred like a cat. He let out a pleasured animalistic growl, once again you felt drool fall upon you, this time seeping down your neck, right down your chest. You couldn’t help but feel a warm fuzzy sensation come over you like a wave. Why did it feel so good? It was wrong and invasive, but oh so nice. He jolted his head up again and layed his eyes on yours once again, this time they changed. They weren’t a pretty blue anymore, oh no. They were burning with fire, yellow and inflamed like something even more dark and evil awakened inside him. He tried to retain himself, letting his tongue slide over his lips, mopping up the leaking drool. “Tell me my sweet, have you given yourself to one of those pathetic human males hm?, have you been touched before little thing?” You gazed upon his presence, you felt embarrassed and almost dirty for him asking you these questions, but his curiosity slightly amused you. “N-no, I’m a good girl” you responded in a coy manner. Your cheeks were flushed and your heart was pumping with something you couldn’t really give a explanation to. But what you were sure of was the look in his eyes was of hunger. “Oh how precious, little virgin, how special” you felt completely exposed now. You felt like you were being interrogated. “Something I’ve learned about you humans over my eternal existence is that you females have a fire just waiting to be set, but lucky for you doll face....no vile, insolent pathetic human boy is going to take that wonderful gift you’ve got” He put his thumb and index finger on your chin and held your head firmly in place, so your eyes could never leave his, “I’ll be the one to do that, I’m going to make you buuurn” his face right against yours, with his legs still firmly trapped against your thighs, pushing even more closer to that area, that area that you had never let anyone get so close to before.
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culturedub · 5 years
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Family Thing inna Culture Dub !!... They fought the rain, mud and thunderstorms to share beautiful Reggae Dub pictures and live reports : Large large up my daughter Ti Kaya and Kevin On The Roots for your great work with smile, passion and love !!... Of course a large big up for all Culture Dub's Reporters for this great summer inna Dub style : Charlotte Dubcat, Margaux, Marie, Ju Stine, Héléna, Johann, Raphaël, Hadrien, Mehdi, Julien, David... You are great !!!.... No Logo Festival : http://bit.ly/2NiHe7d Reggae Sun Ska Festival Official : http://bit.ly/2Zbhdx4 Festival AU FIL DU SON : http://bit.ly/2YVVMAc Summer Vibration Festival : http://bit.ly/2MFCxUW The Blaze @ Paléo Festival Nyon : http://bit.ly/32V3c5H Dub Camp Festival Officiel : http://bit.ly/2JTnBPN Festival Freemusic : http://bit.ly/2XndoF2 Dub Master Clash @ Lyon : http://bit.ly/2Xl32p2 So Good Fest : http://bit.ly/2WUS8Gq Wadada Festival : http://bit.ly/31B7kr2 I Say You, You and You : Thannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnk You So Much !!... The Dub Mission Continues... As well thank you very much all producers, artists and activists for your welcome !!.... Culture Dub 20 Years !!... Comme disait Alexandre : "United We Stand" Large Up, Alex Dub #report #livereport #picture #festival #reportage #video #dub #reggae #soundsystem #live #steppa #cd20years #culturedub20years #thedubmissioncontinues #indubwetrust #justdubit #culturedub #ontheroots @manon.kaya @kevinburet @nologofestival @reggaesunska @festival_au_fil_du_son @summer_vibration_officiel @paleofestival @theblazeprod @dubcampfestivalofficial @association_getup @oliv_getup @festfreemusic #dubmasterclash @aftrwrk.prod @sogoodfest @wadada.festival @margo_bailly @loob86 @lna1510 @mrc_prod @charlotteducatillon @fredlachaize https://www.instagram.com/p/B1dYuDKFBtD/?igshid=1vkn5oo7uc4ie
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365daysofj2 · 7 years
I'm Under You (Tornado 'verse, NC-17)
Jensen knocks lightly on the doorframe. “Hey, Jared? You busy?” Jared rubs a hand over his eyes and leans back against the chair. He’s been drilling derivatives and integrals for hours, and he’s fucking tired. “I could use a break.” Jensen wheels into the room. “You look beat, kid. Come on.” He grasps Jared’s wrist and pulls him up from the chair. “Follow me.” Jensen leads him into his bedroom, which is dark except for a few white pillar candles flickering on the dresser and one on the nightstand blazing merrily. The room smells sweet and a little flowery. “What kind of candles are those?” Jared asks. “Jasmine vanilla,” answers Jensen. “Where’d you get those?” Jensen smirks. “I have my ways.” “You asked Sam to buy them.” Jensen rolls his eyes. “I have a laptop, you know. And you’ve been so busy the past week you didn’t even see the delivery.” He pulls his chair up next to the bed and expertly transfers to it. He pulls off his shirt and shimmies out of his shorts. “Your turn.” He picks up his phone and cues up some music—specifically, a piano cover of “Let’s Get It On.” He sets it on the nightstand. “Show me what you got.” Jared frowns. “You want me to strip?” “Damn right I do.” Jensen gestures impatiently at him. “You just finished four years at a state school. Don’t tell me you never stripped for a guy.” “Not to music,” argues Jared. Jensen narrows his eyes. “Come on, have some fun with it.” Jared sways his hips a little, feeling completely ridiculous. He grasps the hem of his shirt and pulls it up to his collarbone, exposing abs and pecs that probably aren’t as hard as when he left Penn State and the 24-hour gym. He slips the shirt over his head and tosses it aside. He sways his hips some more and starts inching his jeans and boxers off. Jensen leans back against a pillow, his foot propped up on the therapy cushion, and smirks. Jared eases the jeans down over his hips and to his knees. He’s not getting hard, which seems to disappoint Jensen. Jared steps out of his pants and steps closer to the bed. Jensen spreads his thighs wide. “Get up here,” he barks, patting the mattress in front of his own semi-hard dick. Jared climbs on the bed and crawls towards Jensen. “Turn around.” Jared does as he’s told and settles with his back to Jensen. He sees movement out of the corner of his eye and glances back to see Jensen pick up a bottle. Jensen reaches up and turns Jared’s head so he’s facing forward. “Just relax and keep looking forward.” Jared then smells the same fragrance as the candles, but more concentrated, and then Jensen lays oil-slick hands on Jared’s shoulders. He starts to massage the tight muscles, knotted from all the stress of trying to relearn two years of high school calculus in two weeks, and Jared can’t help but moan with pleasure. Jensen’s hands aren’t nearly as rough as they used to be when he regularly worked on his car and his camera equipment, and they’re warm and gentle as they work out the tension in Jared’s neck and shoulder. It’s the first time Jensen’s laid hands on him since the hospital. The pain and the meds for it really dampen Jensen’s sex drive, so Jared’s done a lot of jerking off in the shower and in his own room. He doesn’t know what spurred Jensen to do this, but he’s not looking the gift horse in the mouth. Jensen squirts more oil on his lithe fingers and digs deep into Jared’s shoulder blades. Jared’s chin drops nearly to his chest. “God, tha’s fuck’n awes’m,” he mumbles, barely articulate in his boneless state of bliss. Jensen’s hands work their way down to Jared’s back, his thumbs carving what seem like deep canyons in Jared’s overly reactive musculature. “Yeah, jus’ li’ tha’,” mutters Jared. Jensen refreshes the oil and tackles Jared’s lower back, which is basically one giant knot. He groans a few times, not sure whether from pain or pleasure. It hurts when Jensen goes deep, but the relief is almost painful in itself. Finally, when Jared’s nearly asleep, Jensen turns his attention to Jared’s cock, which Jared suddenly realizes is rock-hard and ready for action. Jensen drags a fingertip up the shaft, eliciting a full-body shiver from Jared, and then he flicks a bead of precome off the slit, which sends a frisson of pleasure straight to Jared’s groin. He drops his head back onto Jensen’s shoulder, and Jensen traces a fingertip around the underside of the head, which just makes Jared suck in a breath through his bone-dry mouth. Jensen nudges Jared’s head up with his own and presses his lips to the back of Jared’s neck. He grazes his teeth over the sensitized skin there and grazes the slit of Jared’s cock, and Jared nearly loses it right there. He bites back a moan as Jensen starts to suck a claiming mark into the back of Jared’s neck. Jensen jacks Jared’s cock with firm, sure strokes as he kisses a train down to the junction of Jared’s neck and shoulder. He starts to gently apply pressure to Jared’s shoulder just as he starts to play with Jared’s balls, and Jared’s attention is split in so many different directions that he can’t even keep up. His chin falls forward onto his chest and he just rides the waves of sensation in silence, broken only by the occasional gasp or sigh. Jensen swipes a thumb over the head just as he presses a finger behind Jared’s balls, and that’s when Jared loses it. He comes into Jensen’s fist, dropping his head back onto Jensen’s shoulder and shouting indistinctly. Jensen eases him through the aftershocks and produces a damp towel to clean them up. Fuck, he really did think of everything. Jared vows never again to get so caught up in studying that he misses Jensen putting together an entire room full of romantic paraphernalia. “You relaxed now?” Jensen asks in a husky voice. “Totally,” moans Jared. “I fuckin’ needed that.” “Yeah, you did.” He feels Jensen’s shoulder vibrate as he chuckles lightly. “I never even studied that hard for finals.” “You majored in photographic art,” retorts Jared. “What was your final, memorizing f-stops?” “We did projects instead of tests.” Jensen kisses his cheek. “You should look into it. ‘Lot less stressful.” “‘M not an artist,” mumbles Jared. “I wanna be a storm chaser.” “You’ll get there,” promises Jensen. “Just don’t kill yourself studying before you even start classes.” “You’ll take care a’me,” replies Jared, eyes falling closed. “Time for me to return the favor,” is the last thing he hears before he falls asleep.
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enginerumors · 6 years
Epson ET-8700 Drivers For Windows 8
Epson ET-8700 Drivers For Windows 8
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bbabushkajusofonii · 7 years
Babushka was given a digital copy of Cars3 and party goods by Allied Contigo to facilitate this post   All opinions stated are BB's. HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! Hoy, BB had a viewing fiesta for Cars 3 and to share con ustedes some of the features in the Blu-Ray that's coming out on November 7.  Of course Babushka will be doing it a little diferente and con otro angle.  This is definitivamente a pelicula with many nuances and mensajes that will be missed by children , y aunque my MIL still sees Sweetie & BIL as her babies, this was an adult fiesta. Porque Si, adultos love Disney/Pixar. Especialmente en esta casa. Pero primero, la viewing fiesta. Gracias to Allied Contigo for sending party decorations, my Eldest, Cristyl's Corazon for making all the foods following a Cars theme, and to Sweetie for making sure there were no leftovers.   ; )   Once we had gotten our comida, todos settled in to watch the pelicula, looking forward to the continuance of a favorite. Even Lightning McQueen settled to follow the adventures of  Cars 3. "Blindsided by a new generation of blazing-fast racers, the legendary Lightning McQueen issuddenly pushed out of the sport he loves. To get back in the game, he will need the help of an eager young race technician, Cruz Ramirez , with her own plan to win, plus inspiration from the late Fabulous Hudson Hornet and a few unexpected turns. Proving that #95 isn’t through yet will test the heart of a champion on Piston Cup Racing’s biggest stage" Race fans of all ages are invited to ride along with the “Cars 3” crew for hilarious and heartfelt extras, including an exclusive new mini-movie, “Miss Fritter’s Racing Skoool,” taught by the queen of the Crazy 8; a feature detailing how real-world race training influenced filmmakers; the journey taken by voice actor Cristela Alonzo and team while shaping tech-savvy trainer Cruz Ramirez; behind-the-scenes access to the story team who crafted Lightning McQueen’s third chapter; deleted scenes; and much more. “Cars 3” is Disney•Pixar’s first in-home title released in stunning 4K Ultra HD format, the next-generation viewing format with four times the resolution of HD and exceptional high dynamic range (HDR), resulting in brilliant highlights, vibrant colors and greater contrast on compatible displays than ever before. With 4K Ultra HD, viewers will feel like they’re at the center of the action—holding their breath during the dramatic crash that launches Lightning’s journey, feeling the pulse-pounding action at the Florida International Super Speedway, and getting down and dirty at the Crazy 8 demolition derby. Bonus Features* Blu-ray & Digital:Miss Fritter’s Racing Skoool (Exclusive new mini-movie) – Enjoy blindsided testimonials from the Crazy 8’s, touting the transformative impact Miss Fritter’s Racing School has had in reshaping the direction of their lives Theatrical Short: “Lou” – When a toy-stealing bully ruins recess for a playground full of kids, only one thing stands in his way: the “Lost and Found” box. Let’s. Get. Crazy. – Get schooled in the world of demolition derby, the “rules” of figure 8 racing, and how Pixar puts the crazy in the Thunder Hollow Crazy 8 race. This piece is hosted by Lea DeLaria. Legendary – a close, historical look at the racing legends Wendell Scott and Louise Smith, whose tenacity and perseverance got them into the race even when they weren’t invited. Ready for the Race – Disney Channel’s Olivia Rodrigo and NASCAR Racer William Byron check out the Hendrick Motorsports campus to showcase how real-world race training influenced the filmmakers. World’s Fastest Billboard – Blink and you will miss all of the graphics and “car-ified” advertisements created by Pixar’s Art team to make the ”Cars 3” world as believable as possible. Cruz Ramirez: The Yellow Car That Could – Join Cristela Alonzo and the filmmakers on their journey to create a race-car trainer turned champion racer. Generations: The Story of “Cars 3” – For the story team, creating Lightning McQueen’s next chapter didn’t involve just a tune-up, but a complete overhaul.   My First Car – A collection of illustrated first-car stories as narrated by members of the “Cars 3” cast and crew. “A Green Car on the Red Carpet with Kerry Washington,” “Old Blue,” and “Still in the Family.” 5 Deleted Scenes – Each deleted scene is set up with an introduction as to why it was removed from the film. Deleted scenes include “The Boogie Woogie,” “The Jars of Dirt,” “Lugnut,” “The Bolt,” and “More Than New Paint.” Cars To Die(cast) For – Take a look at the phenomenon of die-cast toy collecting and the more than 1,000 unique designs that exist in the Cars universe. Commentary – Brian Fee (Director), Kevin Reher (Producer), Andrea Warren (Co-Producer) and Jay Ward (Creative Director) And more… DVD:Theatrical Short: “Lou” & “Commentary” #95 by the #s in “Cars 3”5 – As “Cars 3” gets underway, world-champion racer Lightning McQueen is riding high with five Piston-Cup wins under his hood. 11 – Lightning McQueen raced into moviegoers’ hearts 11 years ago—making his rookie debut in “Cars” in March 2006—and remains an iconic character today. 24 – The dramatic, slow-motion crash scene in which Lightning McQueen hits a wall and rolls several times takes 24 seconds. 95 – Lightning McQueen still sports the dynamic #95 with his signature lightning-bolt graphics. He displays five distinct looks in “Cars 3,” including one that pays homage to his original paint, a primer look he gets following the devastating crash, a custom wrap ordered by Sterling, and more. 198 – Lightning McQueen tops out at a speed of 198 miles per hour on his last lap with Cruz Ramirez on Fireball Beach. But Lightning’s nemesis—next-gen racer Jackson Storm—races at speeds pushing 207 mph.   Kudos to Disney/Pixar for their subtle ways of inclusion.  Cruz Ramirez, Latina, sin stereotype, becoming a star on equal nivel when she followed her dream, believed in herself. Also Kudos for the way discrimination in racing was handled.  Louise Nash- 1st lady of Racing of the Piston Cup was a nod to NASCAR Legend Louise Smith  and River Scott was in rememberance of Wendell Scott-Pioneering African American driver, 1st  black man to win a major NASCAR race. Honoring greats , honoring differences, honoring age and the wisdom that comes with experience. Gracias for knowing how to tell a story guys.  You had BB on ALL levels. Facebook: Facebook.com/pixarcarsWebsite: Cars.disney.comTwitter: http://ift.tt/2ixskJBInstagram: http://ift.tt/2ivylpU Ahora, una fiesta sin Goody Bag?  JU SO FONII!!!The Beautifuls of Allied Contigo will be gifting one of you a digital copy of Cars 3.  To enter, hay muchos chances-   Entry-Form Buena Suerte Beautifuls. Remember, for those of you who can't wait,  el Blu-ray sale on the 7th.   BB2U
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jcmartinmusic1999 · 4 years
a crazy Timbaland and missy type track enjoy from the 90′s to the future 
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