#just 1 million no biggie
nepobaby08 · 11 months
music and mishaps | T.C.
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summary: you adored music. so much to the point where it had you clouded, and you never paid attention to where you were going. at all. in the course of bumping into millions of people, you bump into a certain person that both changes you and herself.
warnings : tara’s a little stingy. but its okay she’ll warm up to you.
|word count: 1.4k|
part i || part ii
 Walking down the cold stone path to Blackmore University was your favorite thing to do. Only because that gave you a free pass to blast music on your way there.
You’d like to think you were the only one walking. That’s the way you put it at least. Music was your escape, and your awakening. There had not been a day where you had not listened to your “glorifying” playlist, as you told people. It had many songs that fit your criteria, and that’s the way you liked it. 
Only thing was, you liked to keep certain songs, and artists to yourself so you could only be the one to listen to them. You knew it was a weird thing to do, but you didn’t care. You felt like music was your best friend.
 But the thing about you was you never paid attention to your surroundings. And by never.. you mean never. You were clumsy like that. A klutz even. You often found yourself tripping over things, and bumping into people. A thing that you knew you needed to fix. But whatever, right?
“omph!” you said, once again, you bumped into someone. But it wasn’t a side push, or a light jab, it was right in your torso. The force was hard, but not hard enough for anything to ache.
You opened your eyes and saw that you knocked a girl over, or maybe she knocked herself over, because you knew that you weren’t in a rush to go anywhere. I mean - it was only 8:00, and classes didn’t start until nine.
“Shit, i’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” You apologized to the girl who now you took note of was very much shorter than you. You yourself standing at 5′5, and the girl 5′1.
It was cute. You thought.
“S’okay.” She said, dusting herself off, “It was me who wasn’t paying any attention.” She smiled at you. Not a full smile. It was more of a smile that was forced. Clearly she didn’t want to talk.
But you couldn’t really hear her because of the music that was playing in your ears. 
Of course you forgot about that.
You hurriedly took your phone out of your pocket, and hit pause, and then you took the black headphones off of your head, resting them on your neck. 
“I’m sorry?” You said. “I couldn’t hear what you just said. It was.. the music.” You gestured to the headphones around your neck.
The girl’s facial expression fell. She really seemed like she didn’t want to repeat herself.
“I said I'm sorry, and that I didn’t mean to bump into you?” 
“Oh, right!” You said quickly. “No biggie, happens to me all the time.” You said reassuringly.
“Yeah, clearly.” She mumbled.
“What was that?” You asked.
“I said I'm leaving!” She said, and rushed past you, her steps quickening by the second. You turned to look at her leave, with a confused look on your face. 
“Weirdo.” You mumbled, and looked down at your phone and hit play, and continued your usual walk to your class. English was first. Your favorite. Your teacher was the nicest in the world, you felt like. She reminded you of “Ms. Honey” from Matilda. Such a sweet soul.
  The bell finally rang, which meant classes were done for the day. At least for you. You were kinda a smart aleck. Not really one you weren’t annoying and kept to yourself when it came to work, if anyone needed notes for anything you would gladly hand them over cause you knew what it was like to struggle.
 You slung your bag over your shoulder, exiting out of the classroom. You let out a breath of relief you didn’t know you were holding, very glad to be going back to your dorm. You put your headphones over your head and began your daily stroll back.
You enjoyed the college life. You finally felt independent. You didn’t have to hear your siblings’ nagging in your ears, as well as your mother’s. You felt free. Free to yourself. And you hoped that it would last long until the winter break arrived.
 You shared a dorm with a girl named Anika. She was such a sweetheart too. You didn’t know how anyone could hurt her soul. She had a girlfriend Mindy who would often come over. She was nice as well, but she didn’t like you around very much. You knew why. She thought you were bad news because she might’ve had the idea that you were messing around with Anika. But that was definitely not the case. Anika reassured you a lot that that was just how Mindy was, and you said it was fine. You didn’t care that much.
 You finally made it up to your building, and swung the door open to enter. Taking your hands out of your pockets, you cracked your knuckles as they were pretty cramped from writing and typing all day. You loved doing that. Writing. That was another hobby of yours. You had many drafts of drabbles and thought’s in your notes, and your little brown notebook with a etch of a tree in it. Amazing, wasn’t it?
As you turned the corner you bumped into yet, another person. You sighed.
Not again. 
It was the same girl from earlier, and you wished she was the last person you would see on the day to day basis. Seems like this was a regular now.
As she looked up at you her facial expression dropped just the same as yours did.
“You again, really? You seem to not like to pay attention.” She said. 
You were taken aback by this.
“Me? Me? I’m pretty sure I was paying the fullest attention to where I was going this time.” You could hear yourself and her pretty clearly this time because your music wasn’t as loud.
“Yeah, sure you were.” She said, crossing her arms and sighing. “Where are you going anyway? I’ve never seen you around here.”
“To... my dorm?” You said obviously, “And probably because I live on the other side of the building..” You trailed off, pretty curious now. 
“What’s your name?” You looked down at the shorter girl, her brown eyes looking into yours.
“Tara, you?”
“Y/N.” You smiled. “Say.. we’ve bumped into each other twice today, and in my eyes, I set that as a world record. You think we could get to know each other more?”
“No. Nope, absolutely not.” She said quickly. Now trying to get past you. You stopped her with your free hand, touching her chest, pushing her back in front of you.
That made her flushed.
“I’m not a bad person, I swear! And you seem like the type who needs to loosen up a bit. What, do you have trust issues or something?”
“Yes. That’s exactly the case. And if my sister saw me talking to you right now she might just murder you.”
“Wow... super intimidating, Tara, I'll give you that one.” You started, “One sec.” You pulled out a black marker from the side of your backpack, and grabbed her arm.
“What are you do-”
“Shut up.” You laughed.
You wrote your number on her forearm and sighed, “There. Now you have my number, and.. I can show you how much of a trustworthy person I am.” You smiled in triumph.
She stared at you with a bored look.
“Why do you wanna get to know me so bad, huh Y/N? I don’t even know you and have only bumped into you twice. If anything, you could be a psychopath.”
“I can be a little psycho.” You said, then you saw her face shift. “I’m kidding of course!” You put your hands up in defense.
“But I think I may know one of your friends.” You said.
“Uh.. Mindy, is it? Yeah! She comes over to see her girlfriend, my roommate, a lot. Maybe even too much.”
“You know Mindy?” She looked at you in a way that screamed she just didn’t believe you one bit.
“Yes.. Well - no? She kinda hates me.”
“Yeah, I'm kinda starting to hate you too.” Tara added.
“Whatever, Tara.” You chuckled. “Just - text me okay? I can show you how much of a great person I am, and I sure as hell can get you out of whatever shell you’re trapped in.”
“.....Fine.” She said,
“Great, I'll see you!” You walked off, “And don’t bump into me again tomorrow or there will be consequences!” You yelled back.
Tara stopped in her tracks as she walked off at the same time you did, “I thought that’s what you wanted to happen!” She yelled.
“I guess we’ll never know, Carpenter!” 
She sighed, and turned to walk her way back to her own dorm.
How did you know her last name?
                            so that was a little something i whipped up while listening to music myself. thinking of turning this into a series!
- aur
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st4rb3rr13s · 8 months
Musician!Eren headcanons
Just some headcanons, should be no warnings
Since this is getting more popular I thought y’all would like me to do a second one<33
Musician!Eren only puts out his albums or singles on his favorite number(3). What I mean is, like if he’s putting out a song in October it would HAVE to be October 3rd, 13th, 23rd, 30th, or 31st. If it’s not, he’d be actually pissed. (He thinks it’s good luck.)
Musician!Eren would listen to Wave to earth, Beyoncé, Usher, A-Boogie, Meek Mill, Bruno Mars, Eminem, Biggie, Tupac, and Jay-Z. So he likes making RNB or rap. But when he was younger he def was into rock tho. He has posters, t-shirts, and merch of his old favorite bands. He probably met one of his idols when he was younger too. (Father Grisha has connections.)
Musician!Eren and Grisha’s relationship went rocky when Eren didn’t want to go to college and wanted to pursue his music career. Grisha was NOT happy about it because Eren was for one spending GRISHA’S money on his passion and it seemed like it wasn’t going anywhere. Grisha and Eren defiantly had multiple arguments about his career before it sky rocked.
Musician!Eren’s first hit was an overnight sensation. Like before maybe a couple thousands listened to it and was many people’s favorite underground artist, but when he made a song talking about his love PEOPLE WENT CRAZYY!! Like Snooze or Hrs and Hrs, people played it like that.
Musician!Eren would be the most chill person anyone could’ve met in the industry. Everyone loved him, as he was one of the most realest but nonchalant people. He could keep a conversation but he was never blatantly rude or disrespectful to anyone. So when you two met, you were drawn to his chill nature.
Musician!Eren’s first beef with Jean wasn’t anything he really cared about. He didn’t care until Jean started to talk shit about you honestly. He wanted to talk all this shit while his fiancé, Mikasa, and you were best friend. You didn’t care, knowing he wanted clout but Eren cared. And he made his first of many diss tracks, getting more attention.
Musician!Eren would get cancel for the shit he said in the past, like someone came for a song he made when he was much younger and he asked him about their dead relatives. People went after him, but did he care? No, he didn’t even address it. He honestly replied to it with “New Single out tomorrow.” LIKE WHAT?? (But profit ig.)
Musician!Eren’s first scandal would be him dating Mikasa (obviously fake.) They’d see the pair hanging out together more often, Mikasa giggling while Eren was telling a joke. People would question them, and they’d end it saying they were friends. (They were co-stars for AOT, but no one knew until the trailer came out.)
Musician!Eren and you came out on the red carpet, matching, while his hand was on your waist, omg. EVERYONE WOULD GO CRAZY !! So many pictures, paparazzi trying to talk to you two, asking when did this start. Everything. The two of you look at each other, laugh, answer, then walk away. (Too in love 😭)
Musician!Eren would definitely feature you in one of his songs. He would want you to be in at least one, and it had to be a love song. Either you acting in it or singing or even both, he didn’t care. Just needed you to work with him once.
Musician!Eren who definitely donates some of his money because he doesn’t know what he’d use all of it on?? He gives some to his family and spoils you?? What the hell is he going to do with an extra 1 mil?? Better to donate it, because he can gain that 1 million in a day if he really needed it.
Musician!Eren who was caught smoking weed. People tried to cancel him again, and he didn’t care. He addressed this time though, with a video of him smoking o’s while high. He didn’t really care about anyone’s opinion about what he does, unless it’s you.
Musician!Eren who went in disguise to buy you a bag. You complained about not being able to buy it online since it was sold out, but in store it wasnt. (His cover was shit and people found out easily(too many paparazzi, he asked for them to ship the bag to your house.))
Musician!Eren who got in trouble with his mom when he made a song about getting bitches. His mom KNEW he was in a relationship with you, and Mama Carla knew how it felt. She cussed him out then when she saw him next pinched his ear before forcing him to apologize to you. (Definitely doesn’t like her son being a player.)
Musician!Eren who is always a trending topic, and everyone always in his business. He went to get ice cream? Eren loves chocolate ice cream. Went to buy some new shirts? Eren can’t stop spending his money. Like leave him alone 😭😭
Musician!Eren on your anniversary definitely planned a nice vacation to the place you’ve been talking about going to, planning activities, everything. Surprises you too because he acts like he forgot. (He never forgets anything.)
Hope you like<33
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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O really ?
"F-fuck, wait." I stutter out, trying to rub away from the overwhelming pleasure. I am sitting on the couch of the 1 million room, trying to cover my screams. "It's t-to much p-please. I'm sorry I'll be good." I try to get out though the words seem to be nothing but mumbling in a room full of moans. "You move again. I'll gonna make sure I spank that ass raw. Now, be quiet unless you want everyone hear to know how much of a slut you are for me." "I stare down at her sitting there in between my legs with the bottom half of her mouth soaked with my juices. I didn't even know I could get this wet. At this point, I'm willing to do anything to please her. "For y-you all for you." She smirks, coming up for a second with her finger still working on my insides, "yea, only for me, glad you finally remembered baby." I sit there in a daze trying to remember how I got here.
If you were wondering how I ended up in this position, we would have to backtrack a bit. Going back to when we were being called down to the fight zone. I was so excited holding hands with Kristen. We had both been a part of the royal family for a while, and when we heard about this opportunity, we were ecstatic. It was a Korean dance TV program, though, so I can say that unlike the rest of my team, I generally didn't expect us to win, well, the show that is. Though that didn't mean we would go easy and let people make a mockery of us. Never know what the future holds. This would be an experience.
I had learned that a certain someone would be here. By that, I entirely mean my wife Lia Kim. We had just recently got engaged 2 months ago, and even though we weren't officially married yet, Lia always referred to me as her wife. When she told me she was invited to bring her crew to SWF2, I questioned it as first, I mean, my girl had the qualifications to be a judge, but just my opinion. Though, I didn't tell her about Jam Republic being on the team, and she wouldn't know until we got there. I had a feeling she would be surprised and slightly angry at the same time.
We walked down the stairs amazed by the architecture of this place. "This is it girls we are here, so chin up and let the confidence run through you. We shall not be caught lacking." I told them, as I smiled and saw Kristen make a gesture for us to keep walking. We finally made it down, stepping into the center of the fight zone. Allowing everyone to get a good look at us. Making their little side remarks and comments. Until we heard the screen come on giving us our team evaluation. We stood there listening to all the absolute bullshit they were saying, I was already pissied with them called Kristen, a backup for Paris and Audrey, just a pretty face. What made me even more pissed was that my fiance said it with that irritating smirk on her face that I usually would love. Not this time. I then heard the comments about me.
Biggy - Didn't Amara create the choreography for Rihanna superbowl?
Halo - If there is anyone I have respect for, Amara, she started out in underground street battles. She managed to even become better than her teacher.
Lusher- It feels like she has lived multiple lives you know, like she has done so much for her age.
Redlic- She is nicknamed Hybe's princess with her being the main choreographer for them. She has created majority of there dances, I wanna see if it's true.
I smirk hearing that comment.
Lia- Jam Republic will be the first to go home, I don't see anything special.
Mina- She has amazing skills and good energy, and it looks like she is special. I'll give you that.
And just like that found my target, one thing about my wife is her ego is fucking huge. She will do anything and everything to prove she is the best. You see, I knew about her issue, and will Mina. So why not play into that? Besides, she literally said Jam Republic will be the first to go home. So payback is about to be a bitch. We sat, and the entire time, I could feel someone's eyes locked on me. I knew exactly who it was, so I leaned closer to Kristen, grabbing her arm and having us basically be hugging at this point. At first, Kristen looked at me a little confused. Now she is a touchy person and didn't mind, but she was trying to figure out why suddenly. Until she looked over and saw Lia glaring at us. Then she smiled, turning to look at me before whispering in my ear, "it seems your girl is quite possessive, huh?" I just smile laughing and nodding.
Now, to any other person, that reaction wasn't weird or considered flirting, but to Lia, it meant war. Eventually, we are told about the no-respect battles. "This will be sp fun." I tell my team while Ling sat there telling us how she is so down to battle. We all go in our respective rooms to change. While I'm on the way to the room, I could see Lia gesturing for us to talk, but I paid no mind. This is a competition, and I'm mad at her right now. We walk in and immediately start changing. I go put on my grey little tank with no bra and some baggy jeans with my thong slightly showing. Might as well leave in impression, Korean strict ass dress code and overall high ass morals be dammed.
We all make it back to the fight zone, and the battles start rolling in. I am simply sporting two stickers, waiting for my name to be called. Crazy how Kristen is a much better battler than me, yet no one thought of that because they were too busy calling her Paris number 2. Well, they will see. Every since I got down here, Lia couldn't take her eyes off me, though it seems neither could Mina. Well, this will be fun. After a while of battles, Kristen is called up with her picking Waackxxxy. I move to the sideline to get a better view of the battle and hype her up. Doing a little more than necessary to pisd off you know who. Then, when Kristen takes the win, I run up and hug her. Finally, I'm glad everyone can see her in her element.
More battles continue until I'm called by Mina. Of course, why didn't I gather she was gonna call me? That makes sense. I walk to the center, hearing Daniel ask for any words before the battle. "I just wanna share the stage with this beautiful woman." Mina states while winking at me, causing the crowd to go wild. I stare at her, giving the doe eye effect before stating, "Then I will make it worth your while." At this point, everyone is tuning into this battle. Mina starts off using a big of hip pop moves, making sure to let everyone be aware of her presence. She even got close to me multiple times, grabbing my grin. When it's my turn to battle, I hear nicki minaj blasting through the speakers. I start off my routine locking and then move into some hip-hop while hitting a split. Then, I get close to her body rolling a twerking until the battle is over, the judges vote in favor of me.
I move over to hug Mina, thanking her for battling me. She holds me close before thanking me as well. I move to put the win on our board and make my way over to Deepndapp, putting the loss sticker on there's. Not before Mina taps my butt on the way over. After I make it back to my team, they are congratulating me, with Kristen placing me on her lap and kissing my cheeks. After a while, more battles continued with me being called us to battle redlic, which was more so not a battle with the amount of hair flipping she did. I literally counted each flip. She made it to 11 before she ended her battle. We eventually make it to a break, with production calling for a commercial telling us to go gather our thoughts and prepare for the next segment. We ordered some food, more so me, because I'm the only one who can speak Korean. As I'm making my way outside to get the food I spot Lia, looking angry as shit. Starting to realize that I kinda went a bit overboard and now I'm low-key scared as fuck.
I grab the food practically trying to run into the Jam Republic room. Latrice opens the door, taking the food from me. Until she sees Lia, "you realize you can't avoid her forever, especially when you were wrong as fuck." I look at her before she tells me to go apologize. I hear Lia yelling, "Amara, get you ass over here." I try to make another run for it until she catches up with me. "Your ass is getting punished. Let's go." I try to apologize to her, hoping that would work, I know I'm far past acceptance. She gives me a look before pulling me in the towards 1 million rooms. Telling everyone to leave immediately and go to Jam Republic's room, they see the look on her face, some to scared to question their leader and others already knowing I'm in for it, and then they all file out. She pushes me on the couch and starts pacing around the room. "Don't fucking speak to me, I can't believe you. Completely walking around whoring yourself out. Knowing everyone in that room wants to be in my position but can't. Its OK, just gonna have to remind you how makes you feel like your in heaven, the only person that can make you cum. Let's get to work then, shall we?"
Well, that's how I ended up in this position. Legs are being held open pressed against my stomach, feeling extremely vulnerable in this position. Just how she likes it. I've lost count of how many times I've come. This break seems like it's been forever. My legs have cramped up so badly. "B-baby please I can't cum anymore." I try to beg her hoping she will have mercy on me. She claimed she accepted my apology after I came for the 3rd time in a row. But she just keeps going. "Yes, you can, my pretty flower. I know you can. Just one more." She says while placing 3 fingers back inside me all at once, the stretch feeling the like the first time. I start to cry and thrash around, causing her to grab my face soothing me. "Just one more time. I promise, ok? Do it for me. Make me proud."
With rhat I try my very best. Do lost in pleasing her. All I want to do is make her proud. And she knows this. She has broken me down, orgasm by orgasm to the point that all I can think about is her. She starts to move her fingers faster, moving her head back down in its previous position to suck on my abused clit. I scream out loud. "F-fuck, yes... please... right there." She hits that sweet spot inside of me again, smirking. "Right there, huh? I know baby just cum for me." My thighs clench tight around her head screaming out her name completely forgetting where we are. Though, I'm too fucked out to care. All I see is white, my limbs going slack on the couch. She stares up at me, her chin dripping with her shirt as well. I look confused until she says, "You squirted baby." She seems so happy and proud of herself. All I can do is throw my arms out, grabbing her. "My precious little flower, all mine." I hear her say will looking at me lovely. "All yours, only yours."And don't you ever forget it."
(Request brought to you by @thegayassbit-ch)
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letswritebangtan · 1 year
It's Just Water | Jeon Jungkook Pt. 2
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Synopsis: y/n can't get over her fear of the water, but maybe former swim team captain and current swim coach Jeon Jungkook can help her.
A/N: Part 2 is finally here! Make sure you read Part 1 of It's Just Water to enjoy the rest.
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Surely, it couldn't be that bad. Facing the guy who just broke your heart into a million pieces in front of the entire class? No biggie.
Ever since you called off your swim sessions with Jungkook, your swim coach was very quick - scarily quick - to catch on that since the deal was off, swim lessons weren't the exception any longer. Funnily enough, being forced to face your biggest fear was nowhere near as bad as having to face Jungkook one-on-one for an hour a day, every day. Of course it would be. He used you. Preyed on your biggest weakness. Then he kissed you in the pool. Almost as if he had been resisting for years. And then you realise what it had really been about. A promotion.
"What a fool." you grumbled unhappily. A blue and white striped towel draped across your back even though you didn't need it. You weren't getting in that damned pool anyway.
"Hey, you chose to be friends with me." Taehyung said frowning.
You were pulled back into reality. Students were jumping into the pool one after the other going about their laps. You flinched with each splash.
"Not you, idiot." you sighed, chin resting on your palm while you lingered in your sour mood.
"Oh...", Taehyung nodded in understanding, "Him."
"Yeah," you huffed. "Him."
"What a dick move, honestly. I thought he was one of the good ones." said Dahyun.
"You can never trust men," she added as she patted your shoulder sympathetically.
"God, it's just so frustrating. I can't even move past it because there he is all shirtless in his stupid hot speedos and water dripping down his skin with his hair wet and slicked back-"
"Okay, y/n, calm down. I really think you need to hook up with someone. It stinks of desperation from your end," Taehyung said.
"Taehyung! Don't be mean. But he's right, y/n, I know a nice guy and I'm telling you he'd love to go out on a date with you." Dahyun suggested.
You stared pointedly at the two of them. "Okay mr and mrs 'couple of the year', just because the two of you are in a relationship doesn't mean everyone around you has to be."
"I never mentioned a relationship, I just think you need someone to fuck you silly," Taehyung said.
You slapped a hand over his mouth making him flinch. "Shut up!"
"Group 5! Up next, let's go!" you heard coach shout.
"Well as if this day couldn't get any worse," you grumbled.
"It's okay, y/n. Just do as much as you can and I'll help you out okay? I'll pull you out as soon as you want me to," Dahyun said getting up and setting her towel aside.
You sighed, "Taehyung doesn't deserve you. You can do so much better, Hyun."
She pulled you up by the hand grinning while Taehyung complained in the corner. The two of you approached the pool. There was no way you were doing a lap, and you knew that. The coach knew that. So the fact that he would insist only means he's out to make your life a living hell. You looked across to the end. Jungkook stood there with his whistle, blowing orders at the more advanced group. He looked up for a second and his gaze froze when he saw you at the pool's edge. You could tell he stopped to think for a moment, and then in a second he was walking over to your side. Your eyes widened and you frantically turned to the coach who was getting impatient by the second.
"Coach, you know I can't," you pleaded.
"Just get in, y/n. You don't have to swim. Come on, you'll be in and out in a second."
"Coach!" you heard him yell. Jungkook was by your side in no time.
"I think you should let her off, she can't really..." Jungkook trailed off trying to find the words.
You were growing angrier the more you thought of all the ways he could have ended his sentence.
She can't do it? She can't swim? She'll fail. Asshole, who does he think he is speaking up for you like that like some kind of hero?
"I can't what, Jungkook?" you snapped.
His eyes widened as he looked down at you, his hand instinctively moving to caress your upper arm.
"I mean, she doesn't have to-" he said worriedly, but you were quick to move away from him.
"I can do it," you said confidently, turning to your coach.
"That's right, she doesn't need a man to tell her what she can and can't do," Dahyun said backing you up, rolling her eyes at the man who know realises, he fucked up.
"No, y/n, I didn't mean- this pool it's much deeper I just don't want you to-"
"To what? To drown? I don't need your help, just leave me alone," you managed to choke out before gripping the hell out of Dahyun's hand and dipping your toes in the water.
She squeaked a little bit but held it in for your sake. With deep breaths, you kept lowering your foot, until the water was up till your ankle. Slowly, you bent your other leg and sat down, letting both legs dangle freely in the pool. Your hands were pressed to the tiled floor so hard they left marks on your palms. The bottom was right there. You could see it. You felt that you could reach it.
"y/n be careful," Jungkook tried to warn you.
"I said leave me alone," you snapped. You lifted yourself with your hands, and dropped your body in.
The cold water pierced your skin all the way up to your chest. Your breath hitched and your toes slowly pressed up against the tiles. That's it. You were standing in the water. And you did it all by yourself. The only problem now, was that you were too afraid to move.
"I did it," you whispered.
Dahyun yelled and cheered from behind you. "Taehyung get your ass over here!"
Your best friend didn't waste a second. He joined in with his girlfriend's cheering. They were a really loud couple.
"That's great, y/n. I think that's enough for today," your coach said pleased with your surprising performance.
"Okay, out you get!" Taehyung said reaching his hands out towards you.
You slowly turned your body around, hands still gripping the side of the pool. Taehyung slowly but firmly gripped your arms and practically lifted your body out like you were a rubber duck and stood you on your feet. Dahyun wrapped a towel around you and urged you back to the benches. You felt a pair of eyes bore into the side of your head but you couldn't bring yourself to look.
"That'll show him," Dahyun whispered to you cheekily, making you smile wider.
There was a buzz that filled you for the rest of the week. Sure, you stood in the pool before. But you had Jungkook there to help you. His strong arms holding you in place. You still remember his eyes, the way he couldn't stop looking at you. Yet this time, there was no overwhelming fear. Somehow the water felt calmer. Safer.
Jungkook lurked in the hallways once in a while, making sure to stay clear from your path. He knew you weren't too happy with him, and he didn't want to make things worse. It took every fibre in his body not to run up and talk to you. To tell you how amazing you did. To tell you that he was proud of you. To tell you that he was sorry. It hurt to see you look away from him so quickly whenever the two of you crossed paths.
Jungkook sighed at the thought of it as he shuffled through the piles of student reports on his desk. The semester was coming to an end, and he only had so much time to manually enter each grade into the system. It drove him nuts.
"You'd think by we'd have computers to do this for me," he muttered in frustration.
He chucked the report aside as soon as he was done with it, and swiftly picked up the next.
y/n l/n
Jungkook paused for a second. He ran a hand over his face in frustration. It was like he couldn't escape you, and he couldn't escape his guilt. He hated that you thought of him so lowly.
"I've liked you for years..."
"Years, huh?", Jungkook whispered to himself. "If only she knew."
A loud scream pulled Jungkook out of his thoughts. What the hell was that? It was late, school ended just about three hours ago. Who'd be around at this time?
He stepped out of his office trying to follow the noise. Jungkook checked every room in a hurry, but just as he ran past the entrance to the pool, he heard muffled cries.
"Help! Oh god...", someone sobbed.
Jungkook wasted no time. He ran towards the voice echoing throughout the room until he saw you. Jungkook stopped abruptly. There you were- drowning.
"y/n!" he yelled and jumped into the water immediately.
You were flailing, struggling to keep your head above the water. Soon enough, a pair of arms were lifting you by the waist and hoisting you up onto the pool's edge. Jungkook jumped out in a second and held you by your side, taking off his shirt in a flash to wipe the water from your eyes and sweeping the hair out of your face. You coughed and sputtered, trying to breathe normally.
"Here, it's okay. Just try and catch your breath, alright?" he said soothingly as he firmly pat your back, helping you cough the water out.
Your head hung low as you wheezed, one hand on your chest and the other instinctively placed on Jungkook's forearm. Slowly the atmosphere became quiet, with your softening breathing and Jungkook's gentle words of affirmation.
"What happened?" he asked softly.
You finally had the courage to look up. When you saw the concern in his eyes, you couldn't help the tears starting to flow out of yours.
"I-" you sniffled, "I'm so stupid."
"What? No-"
"You were right. I can't do it. I can't get over my fear. I can't swim and I never will. What was I thinking?" you cried angrily wiping the tears from your face.
"y/n, stop that. That's not true, okay? Did you or did you not get into the pool all by yourself the other day?"
"Oh screw that, Jungkook. I just got lucky, probably from some adrenaline rush. I nearly," you took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly. "I nearly drowned just now. And if you weren't here I would have- I could have-", your voice cracked, too scared to finish your sentence.
"Don't say that." Jungkook snapped, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your head to his chest.
"That would never happen. Not as long as I'm here." he mumbled softly.
"How did you hear me?" you asked softly.
"Well, you may not be a swimmer but you've got some lungs on you." he cracked a joke, trying to lighten the mood.
You smiled and hit his chest, sitting up again. Jungkook chuckled softly and brushed the hair from your eyes.
"What were you doing in the pool, y/n?" he asked, his tone soft and concerned.
You groaned and faced the stupid pool again. "I told you, I was stupid."
Jungkook paused, then asked, "Did you try to swim?"
"Yeah," you mumbled.
"Why would that be stupid?"
"Well it's not a good idea for someone terrified of the water to jump in headfirst with no one around," you said trying to explain the obvious.
"That's not true, I was around."
"Jungkook," you huffed. "You know what I mean."
"It's still not stupid, y/n," he said firmly, gently turning your chin to face him. "It's called being brave. And every day, I see you getting braver ad braver."
You resigned, shaking your head.
"It's true," Jungkook emphasised. "Just weeks ago you couldn't even dip your toes in the water. And when I did manage to get you in, you nearly beat me up while you panicked. You jumped in there not knowing that I- well, that anyone was around to help you."
You stayed silent, thinking about it.
"You jumped in because you were brave enough to do it alone. I don't call that fear and I sure as hell don't call that stupidity," he added.
It felt good hearing him say that, because a part of you knew it was true.
"Thank you, for saving me," you said looking at him. "Again."
The corner of his lips lifted slightly at that remark, and all you wanted to do was kiss it.
"No thanks needed, it wasn't even a question. Besides if you had drowned, I would have never gotten to tell you the truth and it would have killed me," Jungkook said.
"About that, Jungkook I-"
"No listen, please. Any other time, I'd let you speak first, I'd let you talk over me, I'd let you do absolutely anything y/n, but right now I have to tell you this before you remember that you hate me again," he rushed.
"I don't hate you," you said sympathetically.
"Well you should, considering what you thought I did. But I didn't do whatever it is you think I did, y/n."
"Okay, tell me. I'm listening."
Jungkook exhaled slowly. "It's true I'm being considered for a promotion. And it's true that it was my idea to help you get over your fear," he explained. "But what isn't true was that I did one to achieve the other. I would never use you, y/n. I would never use anyone like that."
"So why did she say it, Jungkook?" your voice sounding hurt.
He shook his head. "That was her own ridiculous assumption. Miss Jiyoung has no idea what she's talking about and she had no right saying that, especially when she knew you were standing right there."
You sighed. It was true. She said it, not Jungkook.
"I still don't get why you offered to teach me," you said sounding unsure.
Jungkook laughed softly, "Isn't it obvious, y/n?"
You stared at him clueless. "Jungkook, if I knew, I wouldn't be asking-" you said annoyed.
"Because I like you. Because I'm head over heels for you. Because I think I might actually be falling in love with you."
"Wh-Really?" you squeaked out embarrassed.
Jungkook looked almost offended. "Um yes, really. For years now. I wouldn't have kissed you otherwise. I wouldn't have offered to take extra hours out of my day to be with you. Just you, if I may add. And I wouldn't have been in such turmoil knowing how mad you were with me."
You blushed at the mention of the first kiss you had with Jungkook.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry..." you laughed softly. "I just, don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything right now-"
"No, I mean. I like you too, Jungkook. I more than like you, I-"
"You've had a crush on me for years too, I know," he replied smugly, a smirk adorning his face. If only he hadn't looked so hot while he smirked you would have slapped it off his face by now.
"Oh shut up! I just blurted that out because I was mad."
"So it's not true?"
"It's...not untrue."
Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Okay, so it's true?"
"Can we move on?" you groaned, feeling embarrassed.
Jungkook laughed, "Alright." He paused for a moment. "I forgot to mention, I actually gave up the promotion."
"What?" you said quickly.
"Yeah I, well it didn't seem like a good idea anymore. And I would have felt terrible if I took it, so-"
"No! Jungkook, what are you stupid?"
"You walk into that office right now and you ask for your promotion back."
"y/n, I'm not-"
"That's what I wanted to tell you before your 'I'm not supposed to interrupt you' apology."
"It was a fair request," he mumbled in defense.
"Well what's not fair is giving up everything you've worked so hard for just because of me. I thought about it a lot Jungkook, and you deserve that job with our without coaching me because the truth is you're a fucking fantastic swimmer and an excellent teacher and you've represented this school more times than I have fingers and toes, so if there's going to be anyone for our swim students, it's you, because there is no way in hell they are going to make it without you," you said poking a finger to his chest.
Jungkook looked stunned for a minute. His hand slowly reached up to circle your wrist pointed at his chest and pulled it down.
"Why aren't you saying anything?" you asked confused.
"Because there's nothing to say, only something I need to do."
You smiled. He was right. All he had to do was walk back into that office and get that promotion.
"Then do it."
Jungkook's hand threaded in your hair and pulled your head towards him, capturing your lips and kissing them hard. Your breath got knocked out of your lungs as your hands reached forward to steady yourself against his chest. You responded just as eagerly, feeling his tongue brush against yours. He pulled away, trying to catch his breath as he looked into your eyes. He planted a brief kiss on your nose making you smile, before he leaned back again.
"That wasn't what I meant when I said go do it," you teased.
He shrugged, smirking slightly, "Well, it was for me."
"Wipe that smirk off your face and go get your promotion back!"
"Or what?" he prodded.
"Or this." You leaned forward and kissed that stupid smirk off his face. Finally.
You quickly stood up after, chucking his t-shirt in his face and running to take a shower and get changed.
"You better be all promotion-ed up before I'm done!" you yelled laughing as you ran.
Jungkook grinned, quick to catch up after you. "No running near the pool!"
Your report card must be fooling you. Otherwise, you had no words to explain the A minus next to physical education.
"Of course, the one who fucks the PE teacher gets the best grades, why am I even surprised?" Taehyung said sarcastically.
You cringed, "You're just jealous because you couldn't pull the PE teacher, idiot," you said snatching the thing back from him.
"She's right, you couldn't," Jungkook shrugged as he approached your table at the cafe.
You beamed proudly at Taehyung eliciting an eye-roll from your best friend.
"Hi, baby," Jungkook mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and pulled his chair out to sit down next to you.
"Hi-" you started but stopped mid sentence when you saw the package in his hand. "What's that?"
Jungkook lifted the neatly wrapped brown package with your name written on in his cute, squiggly handwriting.
"Oh, nothing. Just an early birthday present for someone," he teased.
"W- her birthday's not for another month," Taehyung complained.
"Nothing wrong in being prepared. Maybe you could learn a thing or two," Dahyun muttered the last bit under her breath from next to her boyfriend.
"Okay, I'm sorry, when did this become an 'all hail Jungkook' and 'let's roast the hell out of Taehyung' party? I am actually the cohesion in this group, okay?" he complained.
"Aw, settle down, Tae. You know we love you," you cooed to get on his nerves.
"Yeah babe, don't be upset. You want me to buy you a cookie?" Dahyun reassured stroking his arm.
Jungkook laughed, "Let's give him some credit. Taehyung actually gave me the idea to get you this." He handed the present over to you, chuckling at the excitement in your eyes.
As you carefully opened the gift, afraid to rip through the wrapping paper, you heard Jungkook say, "I'll be away next month for the annual swim meet. I won't be able to see her for her birthday so, I thought I'd try and make up for it however I can."
"Nice try, but you can't buy my best friend over wit-"
"Oh my god, oh my GOD. Are you for real?" you exclaimed laughing.
Dahyung peered excitedly over the opposite side of the table. "What?! Show me, show us!"
Jungkook smiled sheepishly, "It's really nothing fancy."
You pulled out from the pretty pink box - the colour of rose petals to be exact - a framed certificate of your beginner swimming course that you took over the summer with Jungkook's help.
You laughed, unable to wipe the grin off your face as you looked at Jungkook with the utmost adoration.
"I can't believe this. This is so amazing, Jungkook, I never in a million years thought I'd be holding this in my hands," you laughed, warmth filling your chest.
You looked up from the frame to see him smiling down at you.
"I love you," you said softly.
Jungkook looked a little taken aback. He smiled softly, the blush on his cheeks unable to hide his embarrassment from your sudden confession.
"I love you. I'm so proud of you," he whispered before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your lips.
"Okay, not gonna lie that was kinda cute," Taehyung whispered to his girlfriend.
"It's adorable," Dahyun said fanning the tears out of her eyes.
You giggled and looked at your name printed on the official-looking piece of paper.
"Boy is my mother going to think I spent hours forging this," you whistled.
Jungkook laughed as he draped his arm over your shoulder, "I'll make sure to tell her that it is, in fact, real and very much deserved."
"Wait, y/n, there's something on the back," Dahyun pointed out excitedly.
You frowned and flipped over the frame to see an envelope. You looked up at Jungkook again in curiosity and he only smirked, urging you to open it. You pressed the corners of the envelope open and dumped the contents out into your hand. It was a folded piece of paper. You stretched it out and turned it around to find a printed plane ticket.
"Japan?" you looked at your boyfriend shocked.
He grinned, "For two weeks. I'll be yours all day, every day except on the day of the actual swim meet of course. I love you, but I can't-"
You cut him off with a kiss to his lips. "Shut up. Just shut the hell up and kiss me."
"Gladly," he grinned.
A/N: Well that took me forever to write. It's not as long as the first part but I wanted to give it an ending! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I would love to hear what you think. I'd appreciate your hearts and reblogs. My ask box is still open so, any ideas and suggestions, I am happy to listen to. Love xx
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katcheerrof · 2 years
Begged and borrowed time. (An Eddie Munson fanfiction). Chapter 2.
 Annnnnnnnnd I’m back. I should be sleeping but couldn’t help myself. Later today i’ll make a post with the chapters’ list. Promise.
Part 1.
You could swear you could see a sign of hurt in Eddie’s eyes for half a second, but it had to be your mind playing games. It wouldn’t be the first time. You forget all about it when Eddie starts to scoff, laughing out loud, clapping as he comes near you. “Oh my God, y/n! I am so happy for you” he says, a hint of sarcastic undertone in his voice. You narrow your eyes.
“Well, I mean, I know there’s some kind of bad blood between you two, ‘cause of Dustin and all, but I had no idea you’ve reacted like this in a million years!” you say, trowing your hands in the air, pissed.
“Oh, no, no, no, sweetheart. There’s no bad blood between us two, at least not on my part. I swear. I just…” he stops on his tracks, he can’t believe it. He was so close to confess his feelings for you before everything went to shit and the town paint him as a murderer. That was, like, a month ago? You stopped talking about Steve that often, the two of you became almost inseparable. Eddie couldn’t bear to be away from you. He finally thought he had a shot with you. Kind of. He had hoped. And prayed. “My apologies. It took me by surprise, that’s all. But I’m happy for you” no, he wasn’t. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, cause the very first night we ever talked you started to cry on my shoulder talking about him after we shared some cheap beers. You remember that?”
You shift your weight on your leg, uneasy. “Yeah”. Fair enough. You really thought you liked Steve for as long as you can recall. He was always rambling on about Nancy and you couldn’t take it. Then, one night, you were hanging out with her in her place, and the boys were playing DnD in the basement. You stayed for dinner. It was the last day in their most recent campaign, Jane said. She also said that, this time, Mike wasn’t the master. It was some guy named Eddie, from school. You thought his name sounded familiar, then you remembered you shared Ms. O’Donnell’s class. You thought he was cute.
By the time dinner was served, they’re done. Mrs. Wheeler, a little reluctant, you could tell, invited him as well, and he gracefully accepted. The boys were beyond excited, and told you all about the session at the table. They praised and talked about Eddie’s master skills in awe. You were facinated.
“Okay, I’m sold” you blurted. “Would you accept me, knowing you would have to teach me everything about it?” you asked Eddie, turning to him. He holds you stare, opening up a warm smile.
“I would love to” he replies. Then the boys start to talk about their characters, trying to get your attention. You laugh, turning to them. As Eddie listens to it, he thinks that that was the sweetest sound he’s ever heard in his life. He definetely wants to keep hearing it.
After that, you two stepped out of Mrs. Wheeler’s place and he wanted to ask you out on the spot. But, at the same time, he doubted you would accept it. Not at the moment, at least. He could take his time with you, he knew it would be  worth the wait. He felt it in his bones. But Eddie wanted to know you first. Nothing’s better than booze for that. Fearlessly, he took a deep breath…
“I should really get going”
“Oh. Okay.” he barely whisper, and you turn to him.
“What? What were you going to say?”
“Oh, I was…” he coughs, clearing his voice. “I was going to check if you were up to some beers at my trailer, since we don’t need to wake up early to go to school tomorrow. You know, no biggie.” then shrugs.
“I… I don’t know”
“Okay. Okay, cool. We can always recheck if you want to.” You offer him a small smile. Both of you don’t know what to do after that. You look at your feet, he starts to play with the rings in his fingers. You were about to walk home when a sound in the back of Nancy’s yard makes you two jump. You turn to Eddie with wide eyes. Then you start to circling the house, trying to get a glimpse of what caused this noise.
“What… what are you doing?” Eddie manage to whisper. “Are you nuts? You never run to the source of the sound! Everyone knows that”
“Shhh!” just a few more steps… and you see it. Clear as the day. Steve. Trying to climb the pipes. Drunk, for the looks of it. You can feel your eyes start to water up. You close your eyes, taking a deep breath and wiping that one tear away from your face with fury. That was the last straw. You come back to Eddie, recomposing yourself. “On a second thought, that beer would be perfect!” you see him smiling shyly, his face lighting up. He offers an arm to you.
 “Shall we?”
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theprophet359 · 1 year
He’s hoping to create more diversity and inclusion in the shoe business! Dr. D’Wayne Edwards is a veteran shoe designer, getting his start in an entry-level position with LA Gear when he was just 19-years-old, BlackBusiness.com reports. Accumulating more than 50 patents over the course of his 30 years in the business, Edwards has designed more than 500 shoe styles for a host of celebrities including Snoop Dogg, Tupac, Biggie, Michael Jordan and Carmelo Anthony. His designs have been worn in six Olympic games and he is a 3x Mercedes Benz Fashion award winner. He has also received the President’s Volunteer of Service Award from President Barack Obama.  In 2010, Edwards began his career as an educator, eventually converting the only HBCU in Michigan, Lewis College of Business, into the first academy dedicated to footwear design in the nation. He is now the President of Pensole Lewis College (PLC) of Business & Design in Detroit where he works to create diversity and inclusion in the shoe business. In his latest effort, Edwards has now made history, founding the Jan Ernst Matzeliger Studio (JEMS), the first ever Black-owned footwear and shoe factory.  JEMS is named for a Black inventor who revolutionized shoe manufacturing with his 1883 patent for the lasting machine. The factory is located in Somersworth, New Hampshire and will be used as a hub for other budding designers of color to produce their own shoes. The factory w...
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
The Best Graduation Songs To Turn Up To
With songs by Kelis, Lizzo, Drake, Big Sean, Queen Bey and more, what better way to celebrate graduation day than with a Black-ass playlist?
Candace McDuffie
Comments (1)
Graduation season is upon us and what better way to celebrate this milestone than with a Black ass playlist. Once you toss that cap in the air, it’s time to gather your closest friends who both twerk and two-step. Here are songs that are absolutely necessary for the post ceremony turn up.
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Beyoncé, “Before I Let Go”
Queen Bey blessed the world with this absolutely fantastic Maze & Frankie Beverly cover. Not only does her version of “Before I Let Go” pay homage to original, it features an array of moves for new grads to try out including swag surfing and “work the middle ‘til it hurt a little.” 
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Drake, “God’s Plan”
Drake’s famous video for “God’s Plan” included him giving away a million dollars to people all over Miami, proving that generosity pays off. This sentiment makes the track an excellent graduation song for graduates as they chart out their next major life step.
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Mary J. Blige, “Just Fine”
Aunt Mary most upbeat anthem is a perfect way to help celebrate the big day. “Just Fine” isn’t just infectious, it’s a song that encompasses the kind of joy that follows triumph. Graduates may not know what’s coming next, but this track reminds them that it’ll be ok no matter what.
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Three 6 Mafia, “Stay Fly”
Even though Three 6 Mafia’s “Stay Fly” was released nearly 20 years ago, it remains the ultimate anthem for those who can’t help but effortlessly brag. Getting that diploma wasn’t an easy feat and this track reiterates how dope an individual must be to have obtained it.
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Teyana Taylor, “Made It”
Teyana Taylor’s “Made It” feels more like a victory lap than a song and perfectly sums up the student experience. The track is a beautiful ode to how hard work truly pays off; Taylor also used the video to honor women graduates of color.
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Juvenile, “Back That Azz Up”
Juvenile’s “Back That Azz Up” isn’t just a club staple, but it’s also the perfect post-graduation turn up song. The epic intro gives you just enough to tear off that gown and drop it low for the ‘99 and the 2000.
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Big Sean, “Blessings”
Big Sean’s “Blessings” is all about gratitude for how far he’s come in life. On the track, he raps: “Blessings on blessings on blessings/Look at my life man that’s lessons on lessons on lessons.” Not only can students relate, but they can reflect about what they’ve learned so far on their journey.
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Notorious B.I.G, “Juicy”
One of Biggie’s most powerful themes is about becoming something out of nothing. On “Juicy,” the late emcee rapped: “I made the change from a common thief/To up close and personal with Robin Leach.” That remarkable transformation encapsulates the dreams that many graduates are aiming for as well.
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Kelis feat. Too Short, “Bossy”
Kelis was in her bag when she made “Bossy,” a song where she bragged about how she started certain trends and deserves the credit for it. This attitude is perfect for graduates who bossed up and got their degrees on their own terms.
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Nipsey Hussle, “Last Time That I Checc’d”
The late rapper Nipsey Hussle made an unforgettable banger on the YG-assisted “Last Time That I Checc’d.” On the track, the Crenshaw native talked about what it took for his talent to not only be recognized, but rewarded. Surely, this resilience resonates on graduation day.
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Lizzo, “About Damn Time”
Lizzo isn’t just the queen of body positivity but positivity period! Her track “About Damn Time” is a fun and irresistible track about being “way too fine to be this stressed.” Graduates know this feeling quite well and can dance to the pop star’s song about turning up taking precedence over worrying. 
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
The Best Graduation Songs To Turn Up To
With songs by Kelis, Lizzo, Drake, Big Sean, Queen Bey and more, what better way to celebrate graduation day than with a Black-ass playlist?
Candace McDuffie
Comments (1)
Graduation season is upon us and what better way to celebrate this milestone than with a Black ass playlist. Once you toss that cap in the air, it’s time to gather your closest friends who both twerk and two-step. Here are songs that are absolutely necessary for the post ceremony turn up.
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Beyoncé, “Before I Let Go”
Queen Bey blessed the world with this absolutely fantastic Maze & Frankie Beverly cover. Not only does her version of “Before I Let Go” pay homage to original, it features an array of moves for new grads to try out including swag surfing and “work the middle ‘til it hurt a little.” 
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Drake, “God’s Plan”
Drake’s famous video for “God’s Plan” included him giving away a million dollars to people all over Miami, proving that generosity pays off. This sentiment makes the track an excellent graduation song for graduates as they chart out their next major life step.
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Mary J. Blige, “Just Fine”
Aunt Mary most upbeat anthem is a perfect way to help celebrate the big day. “Just Fine” isn’t just infectious, it’s a song that encompasses the kind of joy that follows triumph. Graduates may not know what’s coming next, but this track reminds them that it’ll be ok no matter what.
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Three 6 Mafia, “Stay Fly”
Even though Three 6 Mafia’s “Stay Fly” was released nearly 20 years ago, it remains the ultimate anthem for those who can’t help but effortlessly brag. Getting that diploma wasn’t an easy feat and this track reiterates how dope an individual must be to have obtained it.
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Teyana Taylor, “Made It”
Teyana Taylor’s “Made It” feels more like a victory lap than a song and perfectly sums up the student experience. The track is a beautiful ode to how hard work truly pays off; Taylor also used the video to honor women graduates of color.
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Juvenile, “Back That Azz Up”
Juvenile’s “Back That Azz Up” isn’t just a club staple, but it’s also the perfect post-graduation turn up song. The epic intro gives you just enough to tear off that gown and drop it low for the ‘99 and the 2000.
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Big Sean, “Blessings”
Big Sean’s “Blessings” is all about gratitude for how far he’s come in life. On the track, he raps: “Blessings on blessings on blessings/Look at my life man that’s lessons on lessons on lessons.” Not only can students relate, but they can reflect about what they’ve learned so far on their journey.
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Notorious B.I.G, “Juicy”
One of Biggie’s most powerful themes is about becoming something out of nothing. On “Juicy,” the late emcee rapped: “I made the change from a common thief/To up close and personal with Robin Leach.” That remarkable transformation encapsulates the dreams that many graduates are aiming for as well.
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Kelis feat. Too Short, “Bossy”
Kelis was in her bag when she made “Bossy,” a song where she bragged about how she started certain trends and deserves the credit for it. This attitude is perfect for graduates who bossed up and got their degrees on their own terms.
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Nipsey Hussle, “Last Time That I Checc’d”
The late rapper Nipsey Hussle made an unforgettable banger on the YG-assisted “Last Time That I Checc’d.” On the track, the Crenshaw native talked about what it took for his talent to not only be recognized, but rewarded. Surely, this resilience resonates on graduation day.
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Lizzo, “About Damn Time”
Lizzo isn’t just the queen of body positivity but positivity period! Her track “About Damn Time” is a fun and irresistible track about being “way too fine to be this stressed.” Graduates know this feeling quite well and can dance to the pop star’s song about turning up taking precedence over worrying. 
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Jimmie Allen Says He Was a 'Victim' in New Apology to His Wife Amid Sexual Assault Allegations
'I’m working on becoming a better person that my kids can be proud of,' Allen said in part.
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jade-parcels · 2 years
Dottore: Hey, I need some funding.
Pantalone: Sure, how's 1 million mora sound?
Tartaglia: Also I could use some-
Pantalone: What you think I'm made of money?
He knows better than to give Childe money, he’s in time out rn. Blowing millions on dates, making the northland bank pay for damages to Liyue Harbor… that boy isn’t getting a CENT ever again!!!!!
Meanwhile, Dottore burns down a while city, activates 15 ruin guards, blows shit up and Pantalone just smiles <3 ‘oh don’t mind him, he’s just having a moment. 40 million mora you say? No biggie, here you go’
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digihindnews · 1 year
Biggie Small Net Worth 2023: How Much Money Did The Notorious B.I.G. Have?
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Born in the heart of Brooklyn, Christopher Wallace, better known as Biggie Smalls, rose to fame as one of the most iconic rappers of the 90s. With a voice that commanded attention and lyrics that told tales of the struggles and triumphs of life, Biggie's impact on the music industry was undeniable. Even after his untimely death, his legacy lives on, and his music continues to inspire a new generation of fans.
How Much Money Did The Notorious B.I.G. Have?
At the time of his death, the Notorious B.I.G., an iconic American rapper, was worth $10 million. As of this writing, the circumstances surrounding his death from a drive-by shooting on March 9, 1997, at the age of 24 remain unknown.
Early Life Of Biggie Small
He was born Christopher George Latore Wallace on May 21, 1972, in Brooklyn, New York, and became known as The Notorious B.I.G. He was born to Voletta Wallace and Selwyn George Latore, two Jamaicans, and he was their only child. When he was just two years old, his father abandoned his family. As a child, Wallace lived in Clinton Hill, a neighborhood of Brooklyn not far from Bedford-Stuyvesant. In middle school, he excelled academically, earning a number of English-related awards.
Rap Career Biggie Small
After his release from prison, "Biggie Smalls" released "Microphone Murderer," a demo. The Source's Unsigned Hype editor featured Biggie after hearing the recording. The demo tape was also given to Uptown Records A&R and producer Sean "Puffy" Combs. After Combs signed Biggie, Heavy D & the Boyz featured him. Uptown fired Combs in 1993. He started Bad Boy Records soon. Wallace joined Combs' record label on launch day. Biggie's big break was appearing on Mary J. Blige's "Real Love" (remix). He garnered music industry notice as a guest performer. He remixed Craig Mack's "Flava in Ya Ear" with LL Cool J and Busta Rhymes in July 1994.
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Biggie Small Net Worth 2023 Biggie released Ready to Die, his first solo album, on September 13, 1994. The Billboard Hot 100 ranked the song thirteenth. "Big Poppa" and "One More Chance" from the album reached #1. Over 1.1 million units were sold in 1995. It went six times platinum. Busta Rhymes said Wallace gave away free copies of Ready to Die from his residence for self-promotion and grassroots marketing. You may also like: - Actress Annie Wersching Cause Of Death: Annie Wersching Played a Variety of Characters in Movies And Television Shows - Is Mayim Bialik Married? Height, Age, Net Worth And More Information About Mayin Bialik Biggie became pals with Tupac Shakur and Shaquille O'Neal on his debut album. Biggie and O'Neal created "You Can't Stop the Reign." A second album from Notorious B.I.G., recorded over 18 months starting in September 1995. He visited New York, Trinidad, and Los Angeles. He also worked on Michael Jackson's ninth album, HIStory. Biggie was jailed in March 1996 for chasing and threatening to murder two autograph seekers in a Manhattan nightclub. Community service was 100 hours. Biggie was arrested for drug and firearm possession later that year. Biggie's meteoric rise elevated East Coast rap despite West Coast rap's peak popularity. As expected, coasts clashed. After a falling out and diss recordings, Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G. sparked the East Coast vs. West Coast hip-hop battle. On September 7, 1996, six bullets killed Tupac in a drive-by shooting. He died six days later. Biggie's family dismissed the murder rumors. Death To promote his second studio album and film the music video for its lead single Hypnotize, Death Wallace jetted off to the Golden State in February 1997. Since he was concerned for his safety, he hired security guards. Biggie was shot and killed in a drive-by outside a Los Angeles museum on March 9, 1997, six months after Tupac had been killed in the same way. Earlier in the night, he had presented Toni Braxton with an award at the Soul Train Music Awards. At 12:45 a.m., as Biggie was leaving an afterparty, a black Chevy Impala pulled up next to his truck. When an unknown assailant opened fire on Wallace's vehicle, four bullets struck his vehicle. Biggie was rushed to Cedars-Sinai by his crew, but he was pronounced dead at 1:15 a.m., at the age of 24. The funeral was held on March 18 in Manhattan, and 350 people attended to pay their respects, including Queen Latifah, Busta Rhymes, Salt-N-Pepa, and many more. Both rappers were brutally murdered, and no one has ever been brought to justice. There are many differing theories and perspectives on what really happened to the two men. On March 25, 1997, just 16 days after Wallace's death, his second solo studio album was released. It was certified Diamond in 2000, making it one of the rare hip-hop albums to reach the top spot on the Billboard album charts. In the end, this album would earn 11 platinum certifications. The Notorious B.I.G.'s rapping style was known for its relaxed flow, the apparent autobiographical nature of its dark lyrics, and its ability to tell stories. Several albums and compilations have been released in his honor since his passing. Biggie's estate would make tens of millions of dollars in the decades after his death. Posthumous album releases, re-releases, licensing deals, and other factors have helped increase Biggie's estate to an estimated $160 million today. His mom, Voletta Wallace, is in charge of the estate. Along with Biggie's former manager Wayne Barrow, a merchandising manager, and several lawyers, Biggie's widow Faith Evans helps manage the estate. Read Next:> Raquel Leviss Net Worth: When Did Raquel Leviss Join ‘Vanderpump Rules’?
Personal Life Of Biggie Small
The couple had broken up by the time Wallace and his high school sweetheart Jan had their first child, T'yanna, on August 8, 1993. On August 4, 1994, Biggie married R&B singer Faith Evans. Reports say the couple got married just days after meeting at a Bad Boy photo shoot. On October 29, 1996, Evans gave birth to Biggie's son, Christopher C.J. Wallace Jr.  After rumors spread that Evans had an affair with Tupac Shakur, she became embroiled in the East Coast vs. West Coast rivalry. As of Wallace's passing, he and Evans had been living apart but were not divorced.
Quick Facts
Net Worth in 2023 $160 million Full Name Christopher George Latore Wallace Nick Name Biggie Smalls, The Notorious B.I.G Birth Place  Brooklyn, New York, United States Birthday 21 May 1972 Death Date 9 March 1997 Age 24 years old ( 21 May 1972 – 9 March 1997) Occupation Rapper, Songwriter Sun Sign Gemini Spouse Faith Evans (m. 1994–1997) Height 6 feet 2 inches
Biggie Smalls’ Youtube Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JZom_gVfuw&t=12s He created his channel on YouTube on March 12, 2006, and as of February 1, 2023, it had over 1,876,433,514 views and 3.3 million subscribers. Follow us on Twitter to check out our latest updates on our social media pages. Read the full article
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Sanctuary for All, Part 1 Thoughts
*I always forget how different Will is in the pilot compared to the rest of the series. So desperate for someone to take him seriously that he's resorting to rambling to the waitress about his observations.
*Will finding a Russian nesting doll and immediately assuming the family is Russian or Ukranian. Like. Do you know how common those are, my guy?
*Alexi has ADHD confirmed.
*Kinda want to incorporate Joe into The Time Wars, even if it's as a bit part.
*Forever obsessed with the bit where Will narrowly avoids being hit by Ashley on a motorcycle only to IMMEDIATELY get hit by Helen in a car.
*OK but the way Will immediately covered for Magnus. Didn't tell anyone he'd seen the person who hit him or anything. He didn't know who she was, and maybe he didn't even know why he was covering for her, but he knew she was important.
*That's not how lineups work. That's not how any of this works. A lineup consists of more than one person.
*Oh BTW Will's hair was super curly when he was a kid. I choose to believe it still is when he doesn't put four million products in it.
*Eleanor! Hey remember when it was established that Helen Magnus had friends? And hung out with people she saw in her day to day life?
*John acting almost shy in this scene is painful. Especially knowing what's coming.
*Will desperately trying to convince someone, anyone to listen to him. Also just... The way Joe and Meg really are trying to help Will, in their own ways. They're wrong, but they don't know that.
*Helen is so dramatic, especially in reaching out to Will, and Will just. Doesn't Engage. "Lady, I'm getting soaked here. What do you what?" Just does not let her draw him into the drama.
*Okay but the way he makes her smile, even from the beginning. Her amusement. Her oh, this will be fun.
*One of my favorite things about this episode from a narrative perspective is the way they save the Ashley reveal for so far into it. Through most of the first part, Ashley and Helen are framed as Opposing Forces looking for the boy. (.... Oh hey not like I need another AU, but that would make a great AU.)
*Tbh I really do like Meg. Wish she could have been more of a character.
*Will. Will, what is that book organization? Will.
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Will, you're stressing me out.
*EC or not, there's definitely comparisons and contrasts between Meg's relationship with Will and Helen's relationship with Will. (Specifically humor, and also the contrast of Meg thinking he's crazy and him looking at Magnus' business card.)
*Magnus' excitement when Will says he doesn't know why she's looking for the boy is so fun.
*I forgot how HUGE the Sanctuary is from the outside.
*The one time teleporting into an EM shield just bounces him back. Also him laughing as he hits the ground, so fond of Helen... John, you're a DistasterTM.
*"Next time you just want some company, don't give your number out to strangers on the street." Ajdmsjsjdm Helen's sitting here trying to be all dramatic and mysterious, and Will's just like. "I diagnose you with Loneliness." And. He's not totally wrong.
*Ashley knocking out those cops just adds to the perceived contrast. We're so nervous that it looks like she'll get to the kid before Helen.
*Hey wait there's a clock on the wall when Will walks into the Sanctuary lab. We can see what time-WAIT THERE ARE TWO CLOCKS SET FOR DIFFERENT TIMES. ONE SEC. Wait, no, there's at least 3. All different times. Huh.
*Okay it looks like every pillar has a clock set to a different time. Nice detail actually.
*Love that the example for "Other [Abnormals] can't be allowed to run free" shows up multiple times throughout the series running free, including the VERY NEXT EPISODE.
*Flying Person should have been a major character.
*"He's just as unnerved by you." Ajdkfksms Biggie's characterization probably changes more than any other's throughout this show.
*Such a fascinating thing how Helen speaks so highly of Abnormals, but never refers to herself as one unless absolutely necessary. They're valuable, but they're still "Other" to her.
*Why does Ashley sign her texts? Ma'am you're texting your mother. Does she not know your number?
*Obsessed with the fact that it's played as if Helen looks too young to be Ashley's mother, as if Amanda isn't 19 years older than Emilie.
*"What she lacks in refinement, I assure you she makes up for in her field skills." Lines that get painful when you realize how soon Ashley will die.
*Wish there could have been more with Ashley trying to fool Will with stories and Will just shaking his head and laughing.
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anicekidlikeme · 23 days
All of this communication, but is it really worth jack shit?
Last week was painfully long, this week is off to a crappy start, and Drew pissed me off today. I don't think it's entirely fair to call this a fight, so, I am calling it Vaibhavi's shut-down time. Shut-down periods usually coincide with the shy little feeling that I am being stretched too thin. I am known to hate it.
I'll be honest, life has been so fucking excruciating recently. I have received an influx of opinions these past few days, more than you could think to count, and they all echo in my head in the form of painful, nonstop voices. Do I not fulfill all your expectations? Am I doing enough? Am I a liar? Do I enable bad habits? Am I the problem? I know the answers. There is a girl inside of me and she is so little and so scared but she knows enough to scream, this is all so terribly wrong. I fail her so many times. My therapist tells me to think of my pain as a little baby who lives in the heart. When a baby cries, you don't think to question why, scold her, or point an angry finger. No, it's a baby. All you can do is hold it tenderly.
I must not be very motherly, because I seem to be doing all the steps wrong. I fear I am cold, bitter, too mean. I also fear that everyone else thinks so.
I know it's okay to be hurt and I know it is okay to feel this stabbing one-of-a-kind pain when you are hurt by somebody you love. I know it's all okay, but I can't help feel a little shame for being so angry. It wouldn't be such a big deal on any other day, or maybe it would be. I don't know if this is a product of an especially shitty day or me being an especially shitty person. But right now, my pile of life-shit is starting to run out of room, so I am letting myself think that on a blank slate this would be no biggie. But it was. And it was piled up on top of my life-shit.
For his work, Drew has to spend a lot of time outside. I come with him whenever I can, mostly to watch him work but also to look at the grass before it gets a summer's trim. We were having an evening that was so perfect that I had entirely forgotten the million things that have been worrying me. And then it was 1,000,000 + 1. Why? Over absolutely fucking nothing. He said nothing wrong and he did nothing big. I hate when that happens. The most irritating part about being wrong is knowing post-outburst that all your words were just reactionary forces to your insecurities. Here are mine:
I remember how much I treasured my first real boyfriend after it was all official. It wasn't love, but I really enjoyed his company. I had someone who would say nice things to me when the world was shut down and nobody could go anywhere. It was a pretty sweet gig until the pandemic thing blew over, and I had to date him for reals.
When we started having sex I was terrified that it just wasn't enough. In fact, I was one of those post-sex crybabies the first time. The crying absolutely stops, but the feeling lingers. Have you seen my body? Some days I look at myself and think ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly. It is unbearable. Of course I cried, I couldn't stand feeling so seen. I thought sex will never be good for either of us because I am just so hopelessly terrible-looking. With how it all ended, I am sure we don't have very many kind words to exchange. I ran into this ex a couple times last year, and it felt alarmingly silent. We both happened to be developing film at the same time. I stole a quick look at his pictures, they were much better than mine. We did not speak. The second time was on the bus. This time I waved. No wave back. Mr. perfect-looking-film, if you are reading, that made me a little sad. I was stressed when you made me feel so seen and I was stressed when you didn't see me at all. I have heard many stories about him the past couple years through the grapevine, mostly about dumb college fuck ups. No words are ever useless, so I hope it's worth something that I never believed any of them.
A cousin who I love so dearly asked me the other day how I did and do this. How do I deal with anger towards my body? When do things get better? Should I start working out? I wish I could give her a blueprint. Instead, I told her to ask my boyfriend for a healthy-non-destructive diet and workout plan. I don't know if I did the right thing. How the fuck would I? The disgust I feel towards my body has been able to journey from there to here: a quiet calm place where I don't think about my stretch marks and my small shitty butt all day, but it took a lot of time. I fucking hate when I disrupt that peace for myself, which has been often lately.
I can make myself feel so undesirable with my what-ifs. What if when someone thought of the perfect body they thought of me? What if I was someone's dream girl? What if I was the first pick when you have to think of good examples of sexy sultry perfect women with perfect butts? It would be nice, big whoop.
I have yet to sort that out, so when the pain comes back, I pick her up, whisper shh shh shh in her small beautiful ears, and wait for it to become easy again. My little heart baby's face is often red from all her tears. But life can only be understood backwards: maybe one day I will write about my happiness and realize that my baby is calmy resting.
My other big insecurity is my mouth. A new, long-term stressor was at its peak recently, and I had to go on a different medication to help my brain work it out. The medication makes my teeth rot. I am so resentful of this stressor, but I never dare say the things I want to. I can never be unfiltered about this one part of my life. But they are the worst. I never want to smile anymore, I am scared Drew will notice my rotting teeth and my rotting gums. It's bad enough that he has to deal with this body.
My dearest novelist Dostoevsky maintained the view that being in hell is simply the suffering of being unable to love. If I didn't have Drew, this loathing would surely feel like hell. I want to be the first option, I want to be the example, I want to be desired, and I want to be so beautiful that there is no room for comparison. I wonder sometimes why it is that we hurt each other so much, often with so little intention to do so. If I am holding my crying baby, who is holding me? I wish my pain was a visible, vibrant color that you could see forming on my chest so that I never had to communicate when I needed gentleness. Asking for it makes me feel so full of shit. I think I needed it the day of Vaibhavi shut down time. I should have said so, but I was static set on being okay. Obviously I wasn't.
I hate my voice most of all.
I once had a father. Now I do not. But when I did, my family would fight a lot. My mother, her brothers, my grandma, and him had a tendency to loudly regurgitate their problems over and over and over till the sun was down. Their most prominent problem was the one childlike child they had, and were stuck with. Those fights were mostly just a blur of accusations about my being, how it was a huge mistake. It began when I was 5. She doesn't even know how to do this! And all she does is beg for help with her fucking voice. She's half you after all. I heard this half-you half-me bullshit until I left, it made me feel like I had no good halves to me.
My father made the most horrifying impressions of my voice. Like it was so ugly and shrill that the only way to shake off the physical discomfort of my sound was through mockery. I remember it well. So punctuated, so loud, so painful to hear. Repeating everything I have ever said. Every "Why?" I'd ever uttered, every excited babble, every discovery I made was always turned into an impression when it was wartime. My voice became a constant reminder of their unhappiness. One day my mother choked me because she couldn't stand my voice. I used to collect tea cups. My uncle shattered them all because he was that agitated by my talking. Even as I write about it now, I feel the familiar ache of my heart shriveling up. It hurts. So now, years later, someone repeating my words in a joking tone (even if it is with the sweetest of intent) leaves me shivering and angry. The fear of their mocking, even in its absence, makes me want to shrink into myself. So yes, leaving India wasn't just about distance; it was about escaping the echo chamber of my ugly childhood. It has happened with Drew a few times, and my words come off much sharper than I intended. I said to him this morning, why are you being so mean? stop it.
Am I? No Drew, you never are. You are so bright, and I am so dimly lit sometimes that I don't know how to respond to your awesome boyfriend-ness, so I get frustrated. My mother says to me, सुंदर ही तो प्रेम करता है (only the beautiful find love). I have been feeling so ugly lately Drew. Inside and out. There seem to be so many reminders that what I am is simply not good. None of them come from you, I know that. They shouldn't matter, I know that too. There's just so many of them. So many. I don't understand it. Why this? Why now? Why so much of it? I hear it all in my head, all this screaming. I have been trying to make sense of the recent days with the Socratic method (once again, the ex-philosophy major never escapes me). True wisdom comes from self reflection, but what if my view of the self today is rooted in every minor criticism? Should I keep self-examining? It seems like I am shit out of luck there. Should I try to find out why I have become this green dumping ground? What the motive is behind these stressors? My candid opinion is that these stressors are abusive assholes with great expectations: for people to stay on the path they have paved. It has to be the only one, because it is the one where they are most needed. Often that means letting them be the protagonist while you are stuck being the fuck up. It's a cruel, controlling fuckfest. And it is quite literally killing me. If one more person mentions to Drew how there are so many problems, me being one of them, I fear I might just pull all my hair out.
But there is no pain that love cannot fix, and there has never been a pain Drew hasn't taken away. I know I will feel pretty again, I know things will slow down. I do. To reach the summit, you have to work through all the yucky shit first. And it is so lovely to share a yucky shit-pile with someone who loves you. So maybe I do believe in the infinite connection we share. And maybe this connection is for all humans, a form of practical liberation. I feel more complete now, and I think it's because Drew might be my good half. Life is half me half him now, and he is a great great great half. It is so relieving to have somebody to love. This feels like a very phony way to end, so i'm going to try to conclude every post with a picture now. It might not stick, but it's a start.
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twunny20fission · 29 days
My thoughts on Pitchfork's 150 best albums of the 1990s; #20-#11
There are three completely subjective criteria. 1: do I like the album, yes or no? (Basically, is this for me?) 2: Would I recommend it to anyone, yes or no? (is this for anyone else?) and 3: Is it better than STPs "Core"? (The lowest bar. Few things are better than "Purple," but Core should absolutely be in the top 150, so that's the bar.)
20: D’Angelo: Brown Sugar (1995). It's fine. Maybe I'm not the right kind of horny?
Like it: yes. Recommend: no. Better than "Core": no.
19: Fiona Apple: When the Pawn Hits the Conflicts He Thinks Like a King What He Knows Throws the Blows When He Goes to the Fight and He'll Win the Whole Thing 'Fore He Enters the Ring There's No Body to Batter When Your Mind Is Your Might So When You Go Solo, You Hold Your Own Hand and Remember That Depth Is the Greatest of Heights and If You Know Where You Stand, Then You Know Where to Land and If You Fall It Won't Matter, Cuz You'll Know That You're Right (1999).
People who LOVE this shit never use the full album title. So it is left to people like me to remind the world what a pretentious shitbird Fiona Apple is.
Why am I doing this to myself? I don't like this album. I have never liked this album. To the point where, if someone professes extreme fondness for Fiona Apple, I like that person less. The music is disjointed, pretentious, and gives me an overwhelming sensation: like I want to get in my car and go home. Some of it is pretty, don't get me wrong. But to be clear: I dislike all kinds of pretty things
Like it: no. Recommend: no. Better than "Core": absolutely not.
18: Cocteau Twins: Heaven or Las Vegas (1990). I'd heard the name Cocteau Twins. I didn't expect it to sound like this. And now that I've heard it, I wouldn't expect it to be in the top 50, let alone the top 20. It's fine? But there is greatness that was put beneath this. I don't get it.
Like it: yes. Recommend: no. Better than "Core": no.
17: Erykah Badu: Baduizm (1997). It's great. It's chill, it's fun to listen to. Didn't change my life
Like it: yes. Recommend: yes. Better than "Core": maybe.
16: PJ Harvey: Rid of Me (1993). It's pretty good and extremely 90s. I don't think it's better than some of what was ranked lower, but it's probably better than several that were ranked higher (spoilers.) What else to say?
Like it: sure. Recommend: maybe. Better than "Core": sure.
15: Aaliyah: One in a Million (1996).I enjoyed many of the grooves, but it didn't really move me. Aaliyah has become this mythic figure in music, and I think she would have created a lot of great things if she'd enjoyed a longer life. But I don't think this album should be this high on this list.
Like it: yes. Recommend: no. Better than "Core": no.
14: The Notorious B.I.G.: Ready to Die (1994). I respect how good Biggie was at his job. But I have a hard time keeping in these songs. My brain tries to hear the whoel thing, and the beat prevents me from hearing the words. And when I try to focus in, I start to get overwhelmed by the sonic landscape. And, though I can recognize that the drugs, sex, & violence were essential parts of his style and of his genre…I just don't like it. It makes me uncomfortable.
Like it: no. Recommend: no. Better than "Core": no.
13: Daft Punk: Homework (1997). This is a good album. It's…fun?…to listen to. It definitely deserves a place on this list. I wouldn't put it in the Top 20. Even as full of energy as it is, the thing draaaaaaaaaags on. Top 30, maybe. Top 40, definitely. Above "The Downward Spiral?" NO.
Like it: yes. Recommend: yes. Better than "Core": yes.
12: OutKast: Aquemini (1998). Good shit. I don't know if it's better than other things that are lower. But OutKast is a force, and nothing else sounds like this.
Like it: yes. Recommend: yes. Better than "Core": yes.
11: Portishead: Dummy (1994). Very cool. Some of it is a little samey. Maybe I've lost my patience for "bands" that have a "sound"? Maybe I'm old? But wait, this was current when I was not yet old. Is this whole experiment a mistake? Am I doomed? Too late to question it now. Only 10 left. Portishead is good. This album is good. There are absolutely more than 10 albums from the 1990s that are better, but it deserves to be on the list
Like it: yes. Recommend: yes. Better than "Core": yes.
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A simple dream,
Archangel yahoels Intel given to Robert as I've said before his dream.
The numbers are equations for varying degrees of good deeds and acts of kindness as Jewish boy Nathan said beware the synagogue of Satan, as well as those truly loyal to me and Jesus.
The 1st number which I believe is 1000, is Jesus giving me 100 sheep which I divide between my 3 brothers, robert kevin michael, me with 70 and 30 between them, we will all turn into kids all those who are the truly purest of the pure and loyal. And his sheep increases to 900.
Robert Kevin mike can have picks from the other numbers ending in 1 billion to sum up their 100 and depending on the varying degrees the number is up to you as well as the life style you wish according to the lord and you.
I'll take my own 30 in a million or 2 as well. A standard proper simple life with vacations.
The numbers end in a billion and I just believe in the true catholic church and that their are a billion followers, keep it simple you will be paid just have faith in God and the money which is your body like the quarter miracle shall appear and never age until its time to dip*$*
Kevin Robert michael can make their own deal about age but I hope they know I like to see them in peak shape and like my big brothers since I will be 12.
1 mill is those who believe but sin. Time travel to the future.
2 mill is those who are poor but are good. Time travel to the past.
Peter the cloud will guide you the many.
Primerica 100 sol lol.
Remember biggie smalls rick Ross immaculate showmanship.
Sold him a cigg you know and he traveled to jfks estimate days as Mike's mansion is as par my dream.
Obama 02? Mom
Trump 06dad.
And my angel high school son will guide st laurant council of nicea.
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
The Best Graduation Songs To Turn Up To
With songs by Kelis, Lizzo, Drake, Big Sean, Queen Bey and more, what better way to celebrate graduation day than with a Black-ass playlist?
Candace McDuffie
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Graduation season is upon us and what better way to celebrate this milestone than with a Black ass playlist. Once you toss that cap in the air, it’s time to gather your closest friends who both twerk and two-step. Here are songs that are absolutely necessary for the post ceremony turn up.
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Beyoncé, “Before I Let Go”
Queen Bey blessed the world with this absolutely fantastic Maze & Frankie Beverly cover. Not only does her version of “Before I Let Go” pay homage to original, it features an array of moves for new grads to try out including swag surfing and “work the middle ‘til it hurt a little.” 
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Drake, “God’s Plan”
Drake’s famous video for “God’s Plan” included him giving away a million dollars to people all over Miami, proving that generosity pays off. This sentiment makes the track an excellent graduation song for graduates as they chart out their next major life step.
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Mary J. Blige, “Just Fine”
Aunt Mary most upbeat anthem is a perfect way to help celebrate the big day. “Just Fine” isn’t just infectious, it’s a song that encompasses the kind of joy that follows triumph. Graduates may not know what’s coming next, but this track reminds them that it’ll be ok no matter what.
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Three 6 Mafia, “Stay Fly”
Even though Three 6 Mafia’s “Stay Fly” was released nearly 20 years ago, it remains the ultimate anthem for those who can’t help but effortlessly brag. Getting that diploma wasn’t an easy feat and this track reiterates how dope an individual must be to have obtained it.
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Teyana Taylor, “Made It”
Teyana Taylor’s “Made It” feels more like a victory lap than a song and perfectly sums up the student experience. The track is a beautiful ode to how hard work truly pays off; Taylor also used the video to honor women graduates of color.
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Juvenile, “Back That Azz Up”
Juvenile’s “Back That Azz Up” isn’t just a club staple, but it’s also the perfect post-graduation turn up song. The epic intro gives you just enough to tear off that gown and drop it low for the ‘99 and the 2000.
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Big Sean, “Blessings”
Big Sean’s “Blessings” is all about gratitude for how far he’s come in life. On the track, he raps: “Blessings on blessings on blessings/Look at my life man that’s lessons on lessons on lessons.” Not only can students relate, but they can reflect about what they’ve learned so far on their journey.
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Notorious B.I.G, “Juicy”
One of Biggie’s most powerful themes is about becoming something out of nothing. On “Juicy,” the late emcee rapped: “I made the change from a common thief/To up close and personal with Robin Leach.” That remarkable transformation encapsulates the dreams that many graduates are aiming for as well.
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Kelis feat. Too Short, “Bossy”
Kelis was in her bag when she made “Bossy,” a song where she bragged about how she started certain trends and deserves the credit for it. This attitude is perfect for graduates who bossed up and got their degrees on their own terms.
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Nipsey Hussle, “Last Time That I Checc’d”
The late rapper Nipsey Hussle made an unforgettable banger on the YG-assisted “Last Time That I Checc’d.” On the track, the Crenshaw native talked about what it took for his talent to not only be recognized, but rewarded. Surely, this resilience resonates on graduation day.
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Lizzo, “About Damn Time”
Lizzo isn’t just the queen of body positivity but positivity period! Her track “About Damn Time” is a fun and irresistible track about being “way too fine to be this stressed.” Graduates know this feeling quite well and can dance to the pop star’s song about turning up taking precedence over worrying. 
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Photo: Gilbert Flores/Variety (Getty Images)
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aintshitbiz · 2 years
Please check out Up and Coming Artist Sirrom
Alex Morris, also known by his stage name, Sirrom, is an American artist. He started his Hip Hop journey in 2020 and has always had a passion for the art. He is mostly known for his hit single Big Ole Hater featuring Sickwitit where his message is, there will always be haters, you just have to stay focused. As a new artist, he's had over 1 million streams on all music distribution platforms with hit single Big Ole Hater getting most of those streams. Sirrom has done several performances including one in front of Yung Joc. He has done comedy skits with Fatboy SSE & Famousangel.
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He has also been associate with other artists, such as, Mpr Riche Rich, 90Rackss, and WillGotTheJuice. He has upcoming songs with a few artists like Lausane, Fatt Macc, Scout, PNF Rockie, Yayo Da Don, Biggie Bluw, KrazyMann, Chef Trez, PBE Pluto and more. He already has songs with QuezzyQuae, Sickwitit, Dubbygotbars other artists. Aside from his musical talent, Alex and his brand The Visual Goat is well-known globally for videography that has cultivated musical talent among other indie & mainstream artists. He also has his own Record Label called Young Goat Enterprise which currently is looking to sign some artists. Check out Sirrom Radio curated by Spotify. Sirrom has also featured on songs from Keymoe the Key to More Greatness, Rashad Malice, and more.
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Connect w/ Sirrom:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sirrom_the_rapper/
Website: sirromtherapper.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SirromTheRapper
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5zGf7Oari5JaUe7JMUZdH8
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/artists/B07CNFMWKQ
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