#just a silly doodle from discord conversations
heartfulselkie · 1 year
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Aspik was an unfortunate name choice.
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clowndotgay · 10 months
Hiii!! it's me again :))
(smiles cutely and bats eyelashes) (I SWEAR IT'S MY LAST REQUEST) So I was wondering if uhm it would be possible to get more renders of thomas... Whenever I see him or his brother I get a serotonin boost (I have the most normal ttcc blog ever hahaha ha ha ha)
I've seen that you started to receive more request recently, so once again, if you don't want to do it, don't force yourself!
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oh yeah absolutely here's A Bunch Of Him:
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inspiration for the style of the first one was drawn from @/applekitty's renders, which look absolutely amazing and have a great vibe to them. there's more specific origins for each of these images, so there's that + rambling + a doodle below the cut
more specifically the first image is inspired by someone in the clash discord who was hypothesizing about boardbot hq boss fight just being a fight vs the chairmans whole family, which i think would be. A Time. (hence Crystalline being there, but i don't have a design for her, personally, so, y'know.) the gif was requested by a friend because i find it really funny that he really is just an ottoman if you angle the camera away from his face??? third image i made as a desktop background, fourth image is thomas sleeping in his office. i think he ends up sleeping overnight frequently, he just has too much work to do to commute, honestly.
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^ quick doodle, transcript of the text is in the alt text because i know its difficult to read. conversation takes place several years before events of the game.
first of all the image you attached is absolutely amazing! secondly you are free to send requests any time!!! i do not actually get (that) many, after i respond to this one there'll only be another in the backlog to do, and i've only been putting off that one because it's got a cog that i don't have the model for yet (though it's not like that's a hassle, really) rest assured sending me a request is not bothering me or forcing me. if i don't want to do a request i'll just ignore it or say nah. i am a very bored unemployed person who likes toontown and likes making stuff of other peoples blorbos!
i read all of the comics on the clash site the other day, so i've been meaning to do renders/draw thomas and robert anyhow... they're both such sillies. silly old men. this isn't related but roberts model is. super expressive! like, i can only really get him to look angry, but damn is it easy to make him look a bunch of different shades of angry. i think its mostly the excessive eyelid bones. that last sentence sucked actually, banning myself from posting about fictional eyelids
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masked-and-doomed · 8 months
Hello, I'm Kat/Kats (or Yomotsu), welcome!! I am so normal about my boyfriends.
Other places you can find me:
@katsdoodles - art blog/archive.
Discord: thatonekats
👆 just in case. Tumblr explodes. Talk to me if you wanna ig (I am not good at conversing. So. Keep that in mind.)
Ao3: ThatOneKat2
👆 Might as well have it here. I've been more in a writing mood this year.
Suspected BPD, have been diagnosed autistic. I will feel things very intensely either forever or feel nothing about it in the next hour max. You may see vent posts. Every now and then. Check the tagging system to block em out.
I am deeply in love and sickly affectionate for 4 men. They're my boyfriends, girlfriends, besties- our relationship? Is uhh whatever man. It's love. It's love. (Also not the best fathers but hey I take what I can get)
First two being Yomotsu Hirasaka (pfp), and Takao Hiyama. They are my most intense hyperfixation of 2 years.! They are from Mirai Nikki/Future Diary. An anime/manga which I don't really like.
The next beloved is Pocketcat! He is from Fear and Hunger. He's. A silly :) There's so much intrigue of him aaaghhh ough he is so sad.
Last one !! Faust. From Guilty Gear. He's a. He's somebody. Got him on Valentine's Day. He makes me a different kind of ill. Alas, this doctor cannot cure me.
They're 💙 just like me fr. I love them. URL is them btw. Masked men, doomed.
(comfortable with sharing and gushing together with everyone. I don't mind if you send or @ me in stuff that has Faust shipped with someone, (I like appreciating art of Faust in any form :] ) just know I'm uncomfy with all (canon x canon) Faust ships except Happy Chaos)
I do block on some criteria but I will not disclose it. So, you may get blocked by me for something, and you will never know. (Followers only)
(if we're mutuals and you block me, I'd like to know the reason why. Not a requirement.)
Yayaya tagging system time!
#ah rambling - general yapping tag
#[MN/funger] rambling - ramblings of MN or funger
#[MN/funger] bangers - memes/shitposts of that fandom
#oc time - posts about the little OCs I have
#unnamed girlie - posts about my self insert. (UG for short)
#guy in my head - headcanon posts
#doodle tag - stuff not high effort enough to put into my art blog goes here
#reblog moment - reblogs! So you can filter them out
#lovesick - yandere / obsessive behaviour
#gatito - kitty tag.
#belalang beloveds - grasshopper tag. Belalang is grasshopper in Malay :)
#art save - images I wanna draw (typically memes I wanna draw with my guys)
#art reference material - reblogs of posts with helpful art stuff
#general reference material - reblogs of posts with whatever that isn't art. Not really 'general' perse but I don't have another word
#epic meowtual art - art by the meowtuals!
#ask game - reblogs of ask game posts
#ask game answer - answers to asks abt the ask game
#hello asker - ask tag
#tag game - reblog of posts that are meant to have you tag other ppl to continue the chain
#negative. And #/negative are used for vent posts. Make those sometimes.
#hxrny aroace on main - (mind the x) epic posts where I feel feelings for some characters (carnally)
#fanfic shit idfk - posts related to fanfics I'm reading (or something like that)
#shit I send to fictional guy - posts I'd send to fictional characters. Will prob have their name tagged too.
#unnamed oc core - wow it's just like him fr. Many things will be tagged this btw. They are not okay. (Same person as UG jsyk)
#pocketkitty - for posts I don't want in the pocket.cat tag or reblogging posts that are like pocket.cat. (only applies to him everyone else gets tagged with their name in posts that are like them)
#robot nephew - similar to pocketkitty just that it's. Mr robo.t K.y
#silly doctor man - I fell into gui.lty g.ear and now I'm in love with this bozo. When I don't want it to be in the main tag. Yes like pocketkitty and robo bo.
Liveblog tags:
#mister omelette - guy that asks which came first the chicken or the egg. Answers himself, it's omelette.
#mask quartet - fucking stupid masked bitches trying to kill humanity
Guilty gear: #pride in my gears: sign, #pride in my gears: rev, #pride in my gears: overture
Tag me in stuff you think I like!! I don't mind! Or like tag games.
There's also a *cough cough* side blog. For degenerate thoughts of mine. If you want it just give a DM ig.
That's all for now!! Have fun!!
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Meet all the guys that you can ask questions, and who will be role-playing them in responses!
(All copy pasted from discord, everything under cut!)
Violet(Vi, V):
-Draws well (I had to)
-Actually wears her glasses
-Very silly, acts like normal V but sometimes actually genuinely happy and nice
-Totally isn’t the cause behind the bite marks on the landing pod chairs
-Aroace & lesbian flag
-Does the Dino arm thing
-Basically just a fucking cat (purrs, meows, and all that jazz)
-A broken headlight cause yummy yummy (same with crack in tail Vial and screen)
-Acts like a silly cat
-Most of the time unaware of surroundings
==> @conniewoof
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:!Stars intro!:
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- half snow leopard (somehow)
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- slightly talker than the average drone
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- workaholic
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- thinks her scars r cool
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- their pawpads and ear stars r rlly squishy :3 and if u squish her ear stars they make a squeak sound GEHE
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- she's practically a nightlight coz of how glowy they are.. but whenever she goes to sleep they stop glowing lolz
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- rlly likes bugs and studys them nonstop
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- loves analog horror n scary stuff in general,, they just find the concept of it all rlly interesting
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- gets distracted by anything cats would💀
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- rlly likes video games and can defo kick ass in them
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- has a scary ass zombie drone/solver form
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- her nose twitches when she cries shrug emoji
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ -- her tail (elliot) is actually pretty sentient, meaning he can communicate with beeps and boops (even though star can only understand them clearly)
==> @strbrypancakesxd
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《☆ Nathan ☆》
<-- ADHD -->
☆▪︎▪︎ Pansexual, Transmasc ▪︎▪︎☆
==> This little man PURRS. He is a dog at heart but he PURRS.(his favorite thing to do)
==> Hehe silly feathered wings(that could still kill a man)
==> Would unironically bark at someone if they annoyed him somehow
==> Is the sweetest guy but oh my goodness does he hold a grudge
==> "Haha oh biscuts that knife right by my heart really hurts- Do you want that back?"
==> PUZZLES. Do not give this man a puzzle he will try to solve it for the next week and no-one will see him
==> Took the nanite acid out of his tail at one point(it hurt like a bitch) and now has a empty stinger as a tail tip instead
==> OBSESSED with keeping his wings clean and nice looking, he literally will put aside any other responsibilities until they're perfect
Silly little Alaskan Malamute inspired guy :3
==> @staruzi002
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❦ Revel ❦
❦ Pansexual lil guy
❦ Has a weird hyperfixation on ducks, specifically lil tiny yellow ones and really loves to make random duck comments to fill a conversation.
❦ Anything that might be yellow is going to be gone in approximately 5 seconds of him spotting it
❦ Outgoing with a passion for fashion (OUJI-) and design, has a bit of sass if you by chance try to question his fashion choices. He also uses "girl" and "sis" unironically
❦ Usually passes away at the slightest compliment and will ascend with his wings into the stratosphere to hide himself
❦ Ribbons. Ribbons are the best.
❦ Don't give him any bells or things that squeak, he will indefinitely be playing with them until they break somehow and he'll go into sad lil guy mode for a week on average
❦ “Autobots! Roll out!” *rolls down an ongoing avalanche*
❦ Deathly afraid of spiders but will disintegrate an entire colony
==> @bonkadonkss
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In a mysterious alternate version of Copper-9, this fun little group all met eachother! And now they're here to answer your questions!
So ask away folks!
- No NSFW. For the love of God please none.
- Be nice to the sillies(and the roleplayers) we're just here to have fun!
- These are characters that are from an active rp server, so things might change about them as we go!
- Expect text for most of the answers(unless whoevers answering feels up to doing a doodle), that'll be how they're put most of the time!
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razzek · 4 months
In case you're a patron of mine and feel like it's been quiet over there, double check your settings. They did something and a few people got knocked out of their tiers.
If you're not a Patron and would like to join, I post updates to what I'm working on and I'm planning to start posting my older art there (mostly because it's kind of impossible to upload hundreds of comic pages one by one here). I have an all ages, sfw Patreon and there's an 18+/nsfw one for the folks that like updates there. I post everything at the $1 tier, very loose sketches and inks of works in progress at $5, and at $10 (all ages) or $15 (nsfw) I'll draw a sketch a month for you (you just have to tell me of what haha). All members get access to my Discord sever, which is kind of quiet but I stream once in a blue moon there and drop very silly doodles and get inspiration from conversations with people there.
I try not to gatekeep anything via Patreon. It's meant to be a tip jar and a less crowded space where I can post ideas I'm mulling over and WIPs. I deeply appreciate everyone who's a member, your support means a lot; it eases some of the pressure from living below the poverty line but more importantly it's nice to be able to talk with folks in a less public space. :)
Link to the all ages Patreon in the reblog (you can find the adults only one on my FA page or send me a message for the link).
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worldsentwined · 2 years
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I posted 231 times in 2022
55 posts created (24%)
176 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 231 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 39 posts
#the queen's thief - 24 posts
#dnd - 23 posts
#the murderbot diaries - 21 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 20 posts
#queen's thief - 20 posts
#poetry - 19 posts
#silly things - 16 posts
#oh i love this - 15 posts
#murderbot - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#because at this point i've sort of forgotten who's into what and also half of my brain is at all times consumed with my original characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Not quite midnight here, but since the AO3 collection is live, here is my gift for @vaysh11 in the @mbd-gift-exchange! True story, I haven’t actually watched the Mandalorian but the idea of Murderbot and the Mandalorian encountering each other in a bar in space was such a good mental image that I had to draw it. I hope you like it! You can also find it on AO3. (Bonus: a ficlet describing Murderbot’s reaction to this heavily armored stranger, as seen in a conversation with everyone’s favorite research vessel. Read it on AO3 or under the cut!)
<opening secure feed channel>
SecUnit? Is everything okay?
I'm not sure. Running a risk assessment now.
Do I need to deploy the-
For fuck's sake, ART, do NOT deploy the Pathfinders. This guy just has a lot of weapons, that's all
Just weapons?
And armor
What kind of armor?
<file sent: ArmorGuy.img>
That's a Mandalorian warrior. Culturally significant armor style, beskar steel. I can send you an info packet if you want
<file sent: Mandalore_culture.file>
<file sent: Mandalore_history.file>
<file sent: Mandalore_religion.file>
Sure, ART, go ahead and send it, not like I have anything better to do than read
You don't have to be sarcastic, I'm just trying to help
You can help by telling me if I need to worry about him going after my humans
Our crew, you mean?
Yes, our crew
Unlikely. Has he shown any interest in them?
No. I just...he has a LOT of weapons
And armor, don't forget the armor
Yes, thanks, I'm very aware of the armor
Do I detect a note of jealousy?
Fuck off, ART
<secure feed channel closed>
62 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
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Wanted a new phone wallpaper (that would fit my new, awkwardly large phone) so I played around and doodled on top of a pretty texture my friend @audreycritter made.
92 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
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New @mayakern skirt arrived today! I love how the pockets are green inside, it's such a fun detail. (Also, many many thanks to Devin for exchanging my order for the next size up after I bought a different skirt in the recent sale and realized I'd prefer a larger size, this one fits perfectly!)
124 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
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Immakuk and Ennikar they anointed each other with the oil of the gods made only for the gods
So a few weeks ago @shaelit asked if anyone had drawn that scene, and then the request got shared in the QT discord server and I was bullied into drawing it lovingly reminded that I have the ability to draw. Anyway, it was high time I did some art from these myths, the Immakuk and Ennikar stories are my favorite in the series and this one is a particular favorite.
124 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
This has probably been said before on the posts about leaving comments on fics you like (especially when you get the "already left kudos here" banner) but it just occurred to me that the easiest comment to leave when you have already left kudos is "I liked this fic so much I read it twice".
223 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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orphic-exe-archived · 3 months
(SRRY THIS IS A LOT LONGER THAN I EXPECTED IT TO BE WHEN WRITING. TAKE UR TIME ) (Taking “ask as many questions as you like” and running with it /silly) same anon from before again again. idk kind of rant incoming bcuz i don’t much much of anywhere else to! im sort of questioning being plural but with a big question mark there bcuz it could honestly just be my gender changing too much and the identity crisis 💔 and i feel like for every symptom i have there’s at least 2 more i dont. my gender fluctuates enough already but sometimes specific genders or pronouns seem to come with certain name preferences and moods (to which I’ve always referred to as different “vibes” because that’s the only way i figured to describe things). but each of these sort of “vibes” have started to actually feel like different ppl and ive started to mess around with acknowledging them separately and it does feel nice. im also realizing that even though i don’t hear any distinct voices or anything in my mind, when i think to myself it’s more of actual back and forth conversation than is normal from what ive asked some friends? i never have amnesia at all (other than the usual forgetfulness i have which is very minor) but sometimes ill do things that don’t feel like. myself? like ill forget I drew/posted/wrote something for a bit but when I see it again i remember. and I know i did it, I was there, doing it, even though i feel like it wasn’t me. and not like im not in control of my body when I do it either cuz I very much remember doing it i just dont see why or what my thought process was. i have a whiteboard in my room where I’ve started making doodles of whatever feels like “myself” at any certain time and they’re all kind of similar but still feel like distinct. ppl. and again i physically remember drawing the other ones but it’s still weird. but most of this is just me I guess, because I don’t think i ever act particularly different online or irl around other ppl, it’s always just things i observe when im alone. i also know i have problems with symptoms of things I think I might have only appearing after I overthink it but maybeeeeeee it’s just im noticing it more? probably not. oh also before I forget I’ve also never actually dissociated or anything (at least to my understanding of an out of body experience type of thing. (Well actually I did once and remember it very clearly but that was several years ago when I hadn’t slept for much longer than usual)). its just normal zoning out for me i guess. anyways idk where i was rlly going with this and ik everyone’s experiences r different and obviously strangers on the internet can’t diagnose me with anything but I just wanted to say something ^-^ thank u for reading if u did lol
hey man! i can get that it’s stressful to figure all this out. if it helps, our experiences are pretty similar! our syscovery started with name preferences, feeling really different, and pronoun/gender identity preferences fluctuating. it sounds to me like you could very well be plural!
like you said, i can’t diagnose you with anything. however, there are some ways to try and log your headmates/alters/parts (whatever you’d prefer them called)! for example, the website simplyplural (we don’t use but many systems do) or the pluralkit bot on discord (if you use discord!) these softwares can do things like track your switches, log your headmates with names, pronouns, and descriptions, and more.
there’s no harm in giving those helpful resources a try, especially if you’re seriously considering this possibility. if you have a therapist/some form of professional help, it would be really good to bring these feelings up with them as well.
for now, keep doing what you’re already doing, possibly dabble in simplyplural or pluralkit (or another resource i didn’t list — any notes app could work as well)
i’m gonna start calling you “system questioning anon” in case you have any more questions to send me, as long as you don’t mind!
i also have to apologize— all three of these asks were answered by three different headmates (kumo, oliver, and myself (olly) in chronological order.)
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belovedstill · 3 years
hi!! i have a question... i saw your reblog about freewriting and i wanted to try it myself cause i have a hard time with writing because of my anxiety but i'm not sure i understood 100%. what do you actually write while you freewrite? is it related to what you're working on at the moment, like do you freewrite a scene (kind of like sprinting in a way) or just random words/thoughts in your head?
hi <3 i understand you 100% because sometimes (most of the time) when i sit down with the intention to write, my brain subconsciously goes "okay, the pressure's ON, everything i write must be useful for the fic" (and then i go "wait, @ brain, what fic? i don't even know what fic i would write, i just want to write" and brain says "it must be useful for the fic" (which btw doesn't help, thanks @ brain but no thanks))
i will start by honestly saying that while I've been doing this for many years, I've never had a word for it. If my memory's right, then I've never heard the term "freewriting" before. I'd either call it stream of consciousness or messaging a friend or word vomit or scribbling
(i'm going to share some photos & screenshots as examples because i personally appreciate examples for things i don't know how to even start doing; i'll include content warnings above the photos wherever applicable. These things were not meant to be seen by other people, obviously, so not all of them are neat, not all of them are in English or spelled correctly, and not all of them make sense, some might not even be Socially Acceptable (i'm very anxious as well, you see, so I ask people to be kind if you do take a look at the examples and decipher what's written), but that's the whole point of these: you let your mind go without worrying about where it's going)
I'm sure every person who does freewriting does it differently but here are several ways i do it (under the cut because it got very long as i pretty much (ayyyy) freewrote it):
test a pen/pencil! you know when you get a new pen and write down the most random thing on a piece of paper to see what the ink looks like and how it feels to write using that pen? for me it's usually a single word or a phrase from a song (my go-tos are hello, wait, Beloved (my MC's name, shhh) and other fictional characters' names or Why you gotta be so mean? from Taylor Swift's song "Mean", don't ask me why because i have no answer)
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writing down the lyrics to a song that's currently stuck in your mind and living there rent-free, and if you forget the next line or if something else pops into your head - let it take you over
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write on random pieces of paper! the less it reminds you of a notebook/blank page, the better! sometimes that means what's left of printer paper or post-it notes. actually, most of the photos of paper pages in this post are from my poor quality notebooks - the paper is too thin or not smooth or the pages are yellowish, so i don't feel bad """wasting""" the notebook for doodles, random scribbles, etc.
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a diary entry? a diary entry, except there doesn't have to be depth to it, no journaling type of reflection on your feelings, on your experiences, on the Daily Journaling Prompt necessary--unless you want to. in my case it's mostly complaining about the pen i decided to use or the quality of the paper but!!! because i let myself write anything and everything on one page, at one point it feels natural to write some random story sentences on the other page
CW: implied past physical abuse
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brainstorming! here's where, for me, the "messaging a friend" name came from. i have a very vague idea for what i want to write or a very small detail i want to write about, but nothing else. i set up a timer and write everything down (the screenshot is taken from my very own personal discord server, it's just me and a writing bot. at one point i realised that whenever i was brainstorming or writing cheer up ficlets in my friends' discord DMs, writing went super easy because my brain didn't register it as writing, but as chatting. At first, I formatted a new google doc so it looked exactly like discord's dark theme, but ultimately decided that just creating a new server just for my writing process/practice/etc and stuff is easier)
CW: harmful & discouraging stuff asexual people face
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"I don't know what to write, I don't even think I want to write an actual story, it's not going to stop me" kind of writing. Anything goes and I mean anything. The sentences aren't connected. There's no actual idea or story behind the sentences. You're just writing a word after a word after a word. Sometimes a question appears in your mind, so you write it down. The question leads to more questions, or maybe an answer, or maybe you realise you like the feel/sound of one word so you write it again and again. After you wrote the word three times, tiny ideas form in your mind, things you relate to that word. Then you lose track of the thought so you write "I lost track", then a piece of dialogue floats in your mind that's probably inspired or part of a song lyric you wrote earlier
CW: unconventional/controversial lovers
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if your writing anxiety is caused by fandom wank regarding some topics, tropes, themes, or even genres, know that if you freestyle about the thing you're worried somebody would judge you for, nobody else will read it. you can delete the doc afterwards. you can password protect it. you can tear the page out of your notebook and shred it to pieces. i won't include a photo example of this one (anxious, remember? also, it's nsfw) but i did this with smut-specific words and phrases. i got a blank piece of paper and wrote--first, just words (nouns for genitalia, verbs for action, etc. let me tell you - i was alone in the room and even trying to write the first word was difficult, in my head i kept thinking back to people's conversations on how "problematic these words are" etc etc etc and that fed my anxiety even further because "oh god what if they knew i was about to write this, what would they think of me"), then the words combined into phrases, then common smexy phrases that characters in smut say, and so on and so on. no punctuation because it's not a story. you know what happened after i put that first word on the page? nothing. i felt silly, sure, but i repeated the word several more times and still no People From the Internet barged into my room to ridicule & judge me. during that session, freestyling for that genre got easier and easier with every word.
Two posts that helped me realise that warming up for writing (and anything creative) is a good idea:
Writers need warm up sketches too (my way of warm up is usually either freewriting or using a typing speed website)
The anatomy of a pen/pencil etc
...and I think that's all from me 💕 apologies for how long this is but I hope it helps you in some way *hugs*
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mercyxkilling · 3 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you...
@emptyvictory said: ♛ + my url if we're copying each other? Lol
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: oh my god. niko bellic. i can’t explain to you the love affair that i have with this sassy ass motherfucker of a man and how much i want to hold him close and tell him that he’s good enough, though i bet he’d shove me away and tell me to never do that shit again and that i’m weird for doing it at all. he’s got such an amazing duality to him that i am in love with because like. yeah, he’ll fucking kill a buncha dudes, but then he’ll have a conversation in the car with a buddy about how he’s okay with saving some lives or some shit. he’s known to play peacemaker for some, but he’s also willing to smash a cameraman’s face in by kicking his foot through his skull because he doesn’t want to be on manny’s show. then when manny dies he says some callous ass shit about it and then goes about his business like nothing happened. niko is such a good man, he really is, but he’s also not at the same time, and is capable of doing such awful things. characters like that have always had a special place in my heart, and niko is no different. that accent helps an awful lot, too, lemme tell ya. it gives ya girl the vapors. *fans self* which is funny because i don’t actually find the man to be conventionally attractive, but all of that stuff i mentioned above? i mean... i’d let him touch me. i can’t lie.  how they play them: now, rory, i know we’ve had this discussion before, but i’m going to say it again (to fuel your ego because i absolutely love doing that because i want you to feel as special as you truly are, and just because this is how i actually feel and i want to keep being honest about this stuff because secrets don’t make friends!!): if there were anyone else behind the wheel here taking charge of this slavic badass, i’m not so sure i’d even be interested in trying to have a thread with them at all. you bring such a take to this man that i cannot truly explain with words in an adequate way that could do you and what you do with him any justice. it’s just... an experience. and it’s an experience that i have loved from the moment we started all the way up till now, and i know i’ll feel the same way (and still quite as strongly!!) with anything and everything that we do in the future, be it with threads or asks or things in discord or just nonsensical little back-and-forths that we share once in a while when the mood strikes us. i love everything that we’ve done/are doing/will do, and i cannot fully describe to you just how much more i still want to have with you. i’m like mercy is with niko apparently; i’m fucking insatiable with these two. they’ve somehow become my OTP and that’s truly saying something since the last one i had lasted forever (all the way up to this point tbh--the one i told you about with my RDR verse where mercy and jack were supposed to get married? like, it’s managed to override even THAT one in my heart, that’s how much these two mean to me). i will never tire of niko x mercy content, i will ALWAYS want to hear your ideas about them, i will ALWAYS want to hear any ideas that you have for them--no matter how big or or how small they might seem, i will ALWAYS want to hear any ideas you might have for AUs with these two... i mean. i think you get the picture, yeah? BUT IF YOU DON’T COME FIND ME ON DISCORD AND I’LL GLADLY ELABORATE EVEN MORE IF YOU WANT, BECAUSE I COULD TALK ABOUT THESE FUCKERS FOR HOURS. I MEAN, YOU KNOW THAT I ALREADY HAVE, SO DON’T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME HERE, LMAOOOO. the mun: oh god, rory. ohgodohgodohgod. there are so many things that i want to say here, but i feel like you’ve heard me say them a thousand times already. i just... i want to make sure that you know that i love you, first and foremost. a lot of folks seem to think i throw the word ‘love’ around far too freely, but i very much beg to differ; i only use it when i truly mean it and when it truly means something to me. do with that knowledge what you will. you are such a treasure to me, and i can’t tell you how happy i am that you’re apart of my life and how much i wish we lived closer to one another so we could be silly together and i could actually ruffle your hair and give you platonic forehead smooches and wish you a good day at school each morning and then see you after classes and ask you about your day and talk to you about anything and everything as we sat side by side and watched some garbage like ancient aliens or played some ridiculous video games together while coming up with scenarios, both of us being like “oh my god, could you imagine if niko and mercy ____ together???” and things like that. but even if we aren’t closer, it doesn’t make me value your time that you give to me any less, and it doesn’t make me love the time that we spend talking with one another any less, either. i adore you so fucking much. i just... i just really, really, really love you, and i wish i could show you that better than just with some writing or a crappy doodle here and there you know? you deserve such good things. all the good things in life, in fact, and i wish i were capable of giving them to you. but i hope that you know that i truly am grateful for your presence in my life, i can’t imagine my experience here (or away from here and over on discord instead!) without you, as you’ve become such an integral part of my experience on this hellsite. niko and mercy are my OTP, and i’m yours for as long as you’ll have me, and you are very much stuck with me!
do i;
follow them: bitch, please. of fucking course i do. i can’t imagine not following rory. rp with them: as much as i possibly can and hopefully then some; i can’t get enough of niko and any other characters they want to introduce me to that they think mercy could mesh well with... or that she couldn’t mesh well with and yet could still make an amazing dynamic all the same. :P want to rp with them: are... are you illiterate? YES. ALL THE TIME. ALL DAY, ERRYDAY.  ship their character with mine: one more time, for those in the back, and with feeling!: YES, YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES. i am so, so, so grateful that niko is part of mercy’s narrative (and honestly, i may even make it so that he’s part of her actual main backstory, that’s how much their relationship means to me and how much it’s allowed me to see her in so many different ways).
what is my;
overall opinion: holy shit i love you and i love niko and i love the way you play him and i love the way you really show his duality and i love the way he learned to respect mercy and how that respect turned to admiration and the way that admiration turned to full on attraction and how that attraction turned to awkward dating but not dating and how that awkward dating but not dating eventually turned into actual dating and how that led to mercy finally kissing him and how that kiss made him feel relief more than anything else but then how all of that turned into something even more awkward and how that led to mercy realizing finally how much she actually truly loved him despite never having been in love and despite the hurt that it caused and the way they both dealt with it (two hardened killers acting like BABIES omggggg) until finally, finally they were able to come to terms with it and are now left wondering where they’re supposed to go from here since they’ve never done anything like this before... AND ALL THE AUs WE COULD HAVE AND HOW THAT COULD END UP FOR THEM BOTH HAS ME SO FUCKING EXCITED BECAUSE WE COULD GET A CHANCE TO SEE THEM BEHAVE IN A DIFFERENT WAY LIKE WHAT IF THEY START OUT HATING EACH OTHER BUT HAVE A MUTUAL ATTRACTION BECAUSE NIKO’S LIKE ‘GODDAMN THIS BITCH IS STACKED BUT SHE’S GOT SUCH A MOUTH ON HER UGH’ OR MAYBE THE RDR AU COULD HAVE SOME STRIFE BETWEEN THEM SINCE MERCY RUNS WITH HER POSSE AND COULD POSSIBLY END UP HITTING A TARGET THAT HE PLANNED TO OR OR OR OMG THE POSSIBILITIES RORY OMFG THERE ARE JUST SO FUCKING MANY and i just can’t wait to experience them all with you and your interpretation of niko because it’s just so fucking good and they’re such a good couple and have such an amazing dynamic that have them both behaving in ways that sometimes are predictable but in others leave me reeling for days like ‘holy shit that actually fucking happened??’ and THAT, my friend, is the sign of a good writing partner. and that is exactly what you are to me, amongst many, many other things. <3 i love you so very much and while i know you’ve had a rough go of it lately, i wish you all the best with it, know that i’m here for you if you should need me for ABSOLUTELY anything you might need (whether it’s to talk/vent, write you silly drabbles, or draw you things), and know that you’ll always, always, ALWAYS have my support through whatever you’re going through. though part of me knows that you know that you don’t need it because you’re so fucking strong and capable of absolutely anything that you put your mind do.
i love you, boo. never forget that. please.
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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bxll-cxpher · 7 years
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⭐️⭐️⭐️  300 Follower Giveaway   ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I can’t believe this blog is going to be a YEAR old in a month. I know I dropped off the face of earth for a few months but I’m back and plan to stay back. A lot of my old partners aren’t here anymore BUT I have met so many wonderful people in the last week since I have returned. This is a little thank you/half assed promo post for those special people that I particularly enjoy writing with and that Bill is absolutely nuts for. Not to mention a little giveaway, too~!
⭐️⭐️⭐️ FOLLOW FOREVER  ⭐️⭐️⭐️
⭐️⭐️⭐️ THE PINES FAMILY  ⭐️⭐️⭐️
@pinetrce - Holy heckaroni. I LOVE your Dipper so much. I love the thread we have going on for the We’ll Meet Again AU/verse/whatever. Bill and Dip’s interactions make me laugh so much and I always enjoy seeing you on my dash ALL THE TIME and I await each and every reply from you! Quality!
@theglitterytwin - YOU HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR SO LONG OF THIS BLOG’S LIFE AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are such a positive person and I love your portrayal of Mabel beyond reason. She’s so bubbly and happy and it’s addictive. I love every thread we do because it flows so well with our muses.
@bannedinmoststates - This Stan. This Stan right here. We need to do more threads together but I already super adore your Stan. “Staniel” and Bill fighting? Give me more of that! Punch him in his stupid eyeball! Also I am a Big Fan of your Mabel cosplay. A+++ stuff, my friend. 
@sufordtive - Let me tell you about this Ford right now. It’s been TWO fucking days since we met and I messaged them on a whim. It was such a great decision because talk about immediately clicking. Headcanons and memes galore! I cannot WAIT to do a serious thread with you because DAYUM. Even with our crack/Dicksword conversations, I LOVE your Ford soooooo much. Bill, too.
@bolotiesandjournals - The sassiest Dipper ever. I know we have yet to do the werewolf AU/where Bill and Dipper share a body but... I love talking to you on Discord so much. You are super amazing and Bill is already So Attached to your boyo. The hijinks they would get into in both of these situations is hilarious and I think about this a lot. Thank you for messaging me out of the blue. Friendship made. 
@wxll-cxpher - This is Bill’s demon bf. They have a beautiful baby triangle daughter named Lilith Guacamole and the mun is absolutely wonderful. I have been sending her snapchat doodles of Bill doing silly things over the year and she replies with Will drawings and it always cheers me up. Also our URLs match. We’re fuckin’ twins, okay?
@useless-stereotype - I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE PAZ. I swear to God, Paz is the cutest angel I have ever seen and the way you write is beautiful. I have seen threads where she’s an energetic ball of love and others where she’s super murderous and loyal. Which is awesome and I love seeing that in a character. Bill’s on and off girlfriend ( mostly on ) and he loves her deep down. He just doesn’t show it because he’s a fucking triangle. <3
@bezazzled - I know we’ve been out of touch for a while but hell. You are a Mabel that makes me laugh so hard and every interaction we have puts a big grin on my face. My new favorites are “I can’t believe Bill sent a nude to Ford” and “Great Aunt Bill Cipher”. Keep being you and never change. To more RPs in the future!
@flannelandchill - I know you haven’t been active for some time but hey, I wanted to mention you here, too. I LOVE your Wendy. She’s so chill and she is Wine Mom’s favorite kiddo. I will always remember the thread where Bill takes over and texts her “dates” with ridiculously violent and insulting things. That was the best ever. 
@ted-audrey-blog - No offense but Bill hates Ted. Me on the other hand... I love that you always send me asks to answer! It’s a lot of fun and it makes me very happy that I can deliver quality that makes you keep coming back. 
@wxrstliink​ - I haven’t really interacted much with you but damn. The sass-off with Bill and Pacifica had me in tears. I hope we can do more threads in the future! Thank you for giving me a chance!
I am sure I’m missing people but those are the ones that REALLY stand out. It’s such a short list ( and I’m sorry ) but please know that I appreciate the hell out of everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking with me all this time.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ GIVEAWAY  ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Okay, okay. I’m a poor as fuck girl with two jobs and some passable artistic talent. One ( 1 ) reblog and you’ll be put into a list that will be randomly generated with random.org for a prize. This time there will be three winners and the prizes are the following:
First place winner: A fully colored/shaded/highlighted drawing of your choice! If you have an OC you want me to draw, provide references.
Second place winner: A flat colored drawing! Same thing applies with OCs.
Third place winner: An uncolored drawing. Same as above for OCs.
I’ll be deciding the winners on Tuesday! Good luck and thank you! 
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crescendo-system · 7 years
iM ASKING DEF HALP ADVICE but ya I'm not always able to properly relax and then any memories are like, hazy and watered down, and the last time I was able to get real deep into focus I felt a Bad memory coming on and got tf out of there
ooooo, yea that can happen. Personally speaking, I had that happen once and I continued to pursue the memory to get it over with? but it was already affecting my mood terribly and I had the time and mental preparedness to just have some sob time over the memory. it’s possible you may need to set aside time where you’re ready for it if that memory starts to resurface. I say this more because it might blindside you otherwise, or lurk underneath your consciousness and affect your mood if it goes on too long (which has happened to me a few times with my Dave kin.) But yeah if you can’t handle it then don’t feel pressured to face it just yet. 
the method I use is actually probably good for avoiding that sort of thing, since it’s meant to be a guided mental walk through your memories. I’ve found it’s possible to dictate or affect what memories you see, to an extent. It’s reliant on visualisation so you could guide yourself away from that memory, perhaps. I’ve never tried to use it to avoid a memory so I’m not certain, but it’s possible. 
Said method is built and personalized off of this handy dandy post right here, though the initial setup often led to me losing focus since i myself am a bit adhd lmao.  This post is an inconveniently long and rambly iteration of my specific process and observations that have built up around the method as I’ve adapted it. (I’ll be reblogging both of these to this blog momentarily since I neglected to when archiving I guess, whoops)
main takeaway from these is  probably- learn to visualize and utilize your mindspace to your advantage, and to sort of ‘cherrypick’ things - but don’t try to be too controlling or things will be unsuccessful, unclear or will just fall more out of control.
As for alternatives - I’ve found a few other things that help me, but personally speaking they’re not as consistently successful or reliable. They are however an invaluable resource so I recommend giving them a peek. ;)
(under readmore bc this got Lengthy™ as is in my nature to do lmao. I hope some of this helps!!)
1- paying attention to your dreams. I’ve gotten some kin details from dreams. Sometimes it’s layered in bunches of dream gunk, but if a character from my canon was there to my knowledge, I pay close attention and analyze for symbolism and alternate interpretations. This includes old memories before you kinfirmed, as well - sometimes there are details there that help as well. I’ve known someone who dreamt a kin memory in their childhood as a nightmare. It may not happen with everyone, or be obvious, but I recommend combing what you do remember of your dreams, now and then, just in case.
On a related note, keeping track of your dreams may help you remember more of them in general, and may make it easier to find kin memories. keeping a little notebook, even just to jot down key phrases or doodles, will help you remember things about the dream that you would lose on your own.
2- impressions, feelings etc - of course there’s a danger of overthinking, or of personal preferences/projections affecting it, but sometimes a gut feeling might lead to something more connected to a memory. I figured out one of the swaps in a bloodswap timeline of mine based on gut feelings alone (they had been a former matesprit so the emotional connection allowed me to figure it out better)
3- media. This one is tricky and random. I’ve regained memories from song lyrics, melodies and character themes, fanart and even some fanfics. it can be a phrase, or a certain action, pose, situation. Heck I’ve recalled a memory from a totally unrelated video before. Rather random, even if you look specifically at content/themes relating to your kin. 
But there is a way to tip this into your favor - do you write? draw? make music? anything artistic/creative? then you may be able to pull from your kin memories if you do something based on your kin and the canonmates/settings/etc you had. I have a friend who’s discovered over time that many of the fanfictions they have written aren’t just fics, but actually based on memories from their timelines. They’re not always accurate portrayals of events, or quotes or dynamics, but the core flow and content has always matched up. Likewise, the way I draw/drew characters based on ‘headcanons’ have tended to match up to one of my own canons, and I believe I’ve also written fic snippets based on experiences from my timelines. And as I regain more memories, I’m beginning to write using the memories as a springboard, hoping to expand upon what was initially just, an emotion and specific image, turning it into an excavation of the whole memory I have yet to recall.
and last I can think of as of right now;
4 - talking to people about your memories - this is a very helpful exercise in general! and by this, I mean hold a discussion with someone you feel ok with, about memories and the like, as opposed to just making a post on tumblr. This conversation encourages and stimulates the brain to come up with details when describing, and sometimes the person will say something unexpected that might jog your memory, or help confirm what your canon WASN’T like.  This can sometimes be because the person knows something you forgot/don’t know, or they might say something to be silly/make a joke or offer suggestions. Someone joked about something silly that otters did when I told them about my lusus in my Eridan Leijon timeline being an otter - which surprisingly gave me a memory and also answered a few questions.
I personally am on a few servers on discord where kin talk is encouraged and frequent, plus my longest time kinfriend has always encouraged me to talk about kinstuff as well as tell me about theirs, and in doing this we’ve both made connections for the other as well as discover we’re canonmates in a few tls. 
So these are the methods I’m familiar with! I’m sure others have their methods, I know some witches will rely on spells and the like, but I’ve never been one for those things, based on personal preference. 
I hope these help, and I am always open to helping in any way I can!! Feel free to ask me more stuff if you need!! :)
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