#just as there are multiple lesbian flags. with Sunset being what is most used
lacefuneral · 6 months
gonna make this its own post actually.
it is 2024. stop calling the ocean gay flag "the toothpaste flag" and stop spreading misinformation about it that has been long, long, long debunked
every lgbt identity is allowed to have a flag. anyone can make a flag for any reason
Gay persons are allowed to use the blue and green ocean flag to identify themselves. especially because rainbow flags represent the entire community
i'm a gay man that looks like a woman. i fly the ocean flag in queer spaces to ensure that i am gendered correctly/recognized for who i am. it clarifies without words my orientation, identity
you don't have to use the ocean flag. no one is making you. but stop being an asshole. especially if you are not Gay. you have your own flag, too.
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beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
BAU as College Professors AU
*cracks knuckles*
penelope is a graphic design professor
she loves teaching kids about the wonders of photoshop!!
hates illustrator and indesign with a burning passion
(the illustrator pen tool can fucking choke for all she cares)
(she really hates both applications sm 😭)
is always reluctant to teach them but does it begrudgingly
(she’s just glad there’s other professors in the department that teach editorial and graphic illustration)
teaches photography!!
encourages the students to be as expressive as they want to be with their pictures!!!
she’ll be just as enthusiastic to see a close up of a sneaker as she is to see a sunset landscape shot
teaches the graphic design studio classes too!!
she always has music playing!!
half the time, her students come into the class and her glasses are all skewed, her hands are covered in paint or glue and some abstract art piece is sitting on her desk
when the students ask her what it is, she just gives the projects human names
“hey professor... what did you make there?” “oh, this?? her name is... pam.... yeah, pam”
she doesn’t offer up any further explination than that
and the students just accept it
her office light is always off
but she has multiple fairy lights in various colors hung up
her office is v inviting!!!
students come to her to vent or to talk about their problems bc the campus therapist doesn’t help all lmao
she always has on the most unique outfits but she pulls them off so well
a ray of sunshine tbh!!
teaches major science and math courses
he teaches chemistry but only chem for majors in chemistry
it’s not that he can’t teach chem for non majors
but he sometimes gets too ahead of himself and forgets he’s teaching a course for non majors
it’s easier for him to teach for majors because the students can follow his ramblings better
he teaches upper level math courses and usually only has like three students in those classes
he’ll sit up on his desk and debate with the students for the entire hour about the riemann hypothesis
he gets excited because the students are just as enthusiastic as he is
he is two extremes
he either shows up to his classroom like a half hour early and writes out all his notes on the board so that when the students come in, he can go right into lecture
or he’ll show up two minutes before class starts with his hair disheveled, his tie undone and his expression glazed over and just be like “listen up i woke up late and just downed an entire pot of coffee i brewed with several cans of monster energy—i don’t exist on this dimension anymore”
on those days, he lets his students work on other projects for other classes because he knows it’s not fair to ask his students to focus if he’s not
he helps them with their homework
penelope brings him lunch sometimes to make sure he’s eating
he appreciates it a lot because between lesson plans and grading, he sometimes forgets to eat
he’s absolutely the youngest prof on campus
sometimes even his students are older than he is
but everyone addresses him correctly and respects him bc he’s really chill
his office is a disorganized mess
there’s files and papers all over his desk
and a sculpture penelope made for him (she named that one “roger”)
psychology professor
she really has a passion for teaching and learning about human psychology
(she may have started to become interested in psychology bc her sister was in the psch honors course before she died)
she comes across as a little hostile and unapproachable tbh
but she’s young
and she’s attractive
and she’s not conveniently what people think a professor looks like
she’ll respect her students if they respect her
she didn’t graduate the top of her class and work her ass off for the degree to not be respected
if there’s any inappropriate comments aimmed towards her or anyone in the class, she kicks the aggressor out immediately
she stands at the front of the room and lectures for the beginning part of the semester
once she’s built a good rapport with her students (and vise versa), she becomes more chill
she’ll sit on the edge of her desk and encourage discussion rather than following a book or a set plan
(she finds it’s more interesting that way anyway)
sometimes her students will show up ten minutes before class starts just to talk with her once they’re comfortable with her
she always answers her emails students send her (queen shit tbh 👑)
some kids in the psych major course playfully call her “mom” because she always asks them how they’re doing and about their week
(she hasn’t decided how she feels about it, but she also lets it slide)
always wears pants suits but cuffs the sleeves to the jackets
her office always smells like eucalyptus because she has a small mist diffuser plugged in
she also has a small fish tank with a beta fish inside (its the appropriate size too!!)
(she let a student name the fish—it’s name is sir bubbles of argon)
she also has a sculpture from penelope (“her name is maxine”)
her desk is very organized and clean!!
there’s a small couch in her office and her door is always open
sometimes, students will come in if they’re having a hard time and need someone to talk to
they know jj is there to listen and she always seems to understand (she doesn’t judge them either)
teaches three languages, both for majors and non majors
spanish, french and russian
(she’s also quite fluent in arabic and italian and can hold her own if she’s speaking in german or mandarin, but the students don’t need to know that)
she’s actually very intimidating lmao
students are so scared of her 😭
she’s serious af
(she smiles in class sometimes though!!)
(besides, she’s only serious inside the classroom)
(outside the classroom, she might even be as approachable as penelope)
always dressed in expensive black suits, polished heeled shoes with very dark makeup and a “don’t fuck with me” steely attitude to match
she also wears expensive watches
she always stands at the front of the class and slowly paces the entire hour
one time someone decided to fuck off in her spanish 101 class
she didn’t even yell at him, she glared
rumor has it the kid was never spotted on campus again after that
despite that, her classes are some of the easiest to take
one because emily has a way of teaching that helps all students understand
and two because her voice is naturally very easy to listen to
students taking her french 101 are going to leave the class speaking fluent conversational french
she also doesn’t tolerate people being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc in her class
if she catches a bigoted comment someone makes in her class, she kicks them immediately
she brings in her cat sometimes
he’s all black and his name is sergio
(he’s her esa that she brings in when she’s feeling really stressed out)
he’s clipped on a harness and sits on her shoulder or on her desk
if he meows, she accepts it as an answer
it’s the only time the students ever see professor emily prentiss as soft
other than the days she has the class watch foreign films because the students can tell emily has a fondness for them
her office is pretty organized like jj’s
instead of it being light and inviting, emily decorated her office on a more dark side
she has a few animal skulls, crystals and other gothic memorabilia on her desk or bookshelf
she has a small cat bed on the corner of her desk that sergio sleeps in
on the other corner is a sculpture penelope made her
(it kinda looks like a crow and emily named it kurt)
really, the only colors in her office are dark, deep purples and the small lesbian pride flag sticker on the back of her laptop
teaches history classes
but like modern history
from like 1940s to present
he refuses to follow most western history books bc they’re not accurate like at all
in his first year of teaching, the dean of his department made him use a book and he hated every second of it
how accurate could the information be if they portray king tut as a white guy???
he graduated under one of the best historians in the country
he also traveled a lot after he graduated and met a lot of people that had first hand experience with major historical events
that’s really what he bases his teachings off of—first hand experiences and encounters
every two weeks or so, he’ll invite in guest speakers to his classes to talk about what they went through (depending on his lesson plans)
that’s how he likes to teach and learn (bc he always loves to learn new things!!)
this is random, but also he is the type of professor to randomly box jump up onto a desk
he also sits in chairs backwards and has a more laid back style to teaching
his exams are based on what the students can learn from history rather than the information itself
he’s always dressed super casual!!
solid color, short sleeve button ups are a favorite!! (no tie)
he gets along with all the students
he’ll talk to the athletes about their games but sound just as enthusiastic and genuine talking with students who are majors in fine arts about their projects
he’s just a v down to earth professor tbh!!
he brings in clooney so much
like... every friday
it’s just another bonus of taking his history classes!!
he and penelope are dating
his office is full of sculptures she makes for him 🥺
he drops by her graphic design studio class with clooney to help out or even to just watch
he’s supportive and encouraging of penelope and her art!!
other than the sculptures penelope makes him, his office is a bit more disorganized than jj’s or emily’s, but cleaner than spencer’s
he has a few papers scattered on his desk but mostly he’s a little more put together
his office door has a small basketball hoop attached that he plays around with if he’s bored (and if penelope is busy)
both he and penelope have a dog bed in their office and water bowls for clooney when he comes in
law professor
is the most intimidating professor on campus
if students think professor prentiss is intimidating, they haven’t met professor hotchner
he stands in the front of the room and goes over his lecture without pausing or asking questions
his voice is naturally low and intimidating and he actually never smiles
his attire and appearance is always so professional
ties that are tied so tight, they look like they’re choking him
shoes so polished, he can see his reflection in them
hair always styled neatly
pants and jacket are always wrinkle free
his classes are difficult
not just because of the subject matter, but because he has a very organized, straight forward method to his teaching
students wouldn’t dare act up in his class—they’d be absolute idiots to
he’s quiet and reserved outside the classroom
if the others hear anyone talking shit about hotch behind his back, they’re always quick to come to his defense
they actually know hotch
they know he puts on a hardass exterior, but really he’s just a softie
he always lets them hang in his office with him
he listens to spencer’s ramblings and is extremely patient with him
he has lunch with emily every other day
even if she’s a pain in his ass 99% of the time, he likes that she sticks around and that he can trust her
he shows up to all of penelope’s art shows
and sometimes sits in on derek’s lectures when he has guest speakers
jj brings him pastries from the coffee shop on campus sometimes
he knows that he can come to her if he ever has anything he needs to talk about
(he never opens up to her but he really appreciates the sentiment nonetheless)
penelope has definitely made hotch a few sculptures
(he keeps them at home, but he does have one of her paintings hanging in his office)
speaking of his office it’s hands down the most organized out of all of them
his desk is so clean besides the picture of his son he proudly displays at the corner
he always has his lights off and his door shut
he seems so unapproachable, especially in class
but sometimes his lecture notes have crayon scribbles all over the page
or a small sock will fall out of his briefcase
and maybe, even for a moment, his serious demeanor falls when he spots them
and it almost reassures the students that he is human
actually he’s the only one besides maybe reid i can see being a criminology professor
is a retired fbi agent
and successful author
so like that hasn’t changed from canon
but because he doesn’t work for the fbi anymore, he has absolutely no chill and tells all secrets
he’ll be like
talking to his class about a case he worked on in ‘83
and be halfway talking about details of cases that were supposed to be confidential
he’ll pause and go “oops” but keep talking lmaooo
penelope actually never made him a sculpture
instead she made him a coffee mug she made on the wheel and glazed herself!! (she even made her own glaze bc she’s extra like that)
carved on the side is “world’s best italian dad”
(this is because when emily introduced rossi to the group she was like “yeah he’s kinda like my dad” and now everyone calls him “dad”)
(he loves it so much though and proudly accepts his title)
he loves his mug so much and uses it every single day!!!
he’s the only professor besides penelope that let his students refer to him without the title of “professor”
he gives off kind old grandpa vibes
and that he’s only teaching because he really doesn’t have anything better to do during his retirement
but he’s chill and his class is interesting to take
(plus he really does love to teach)
he’ll ramble on and on about his “golden years” as an agent
he will especially talk a student’s ear off if they come up to him and tell him that they read one [or all] of his books
he writes a different quote on his board every single day
his attire is always business casual
he sits on the edge of the desk or on a swivel chair because it’s comfy
he was doing a lecture on jack the ripper and just pushed himself around on the swivel chair, slowly spinning around the front of the room
his voice kept changing in volume every few words because of him facing the wall and then a few moments later facing the classroom
his students refer to him as a “living breathing meme”
he has no idea what the fuck that means
but he take it as a compliment
his office is empty because he goes home after he’s done with classes lmao
he doesn’t do paperwork
or fuck with technology (he never fucking responds to emails smh)
so he has no need for an office
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atlasishere · 3 years
Hello @rittz I was informed by my lovely friends that you were harassing minors. You were vehemently against them making a closeted pride flag.
Well get ready to get your shit rocked.
First off they had an amazing idea for a flag to show you're queer to those in the know without their family knowing about it. Honestly I would fucking love that as a queer person who safely cannot be out. Its really cool and offers a person the chance to show their pride in a safe way. I don't understand why you're against this but if you are, you could've kept your mouth shut.
Second, you stated that because they were one person they could not create a pride flag, however, that's how most pride flags have become more mainstream. Take for instance the modern lesbian flag. The person who created the sunset lesbian flag was just that, a person. The same happened with the transgender flag as well as many other populat ones. So the fact that we as a community have accepted that as our flags shows you don't need multiple people to create a flag, just good design and intentions.
Not only that but my friend collaborated with a few other fellow queer people to make it, so your point about it being created by only one person doesn't even make sense in this case.
Thirdly by saying that because they're not out that they should use the straight ally flag is not only disrespectful but equally dangerous. Most family members will see the rainbow A and understand what it means and because many closeted people have outright homophobic family and friends, or the flag can be a source of trouble with your country as well.
Finally I just want to say that my friends mentioned being minors many times yet you continued to harass them so I hope you stub your toe everyday for the rest of your life and every light you hit on a busy day is red.
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