#just at the very end of tbe dream
prophetszendo · 11 months
How the birds fly (Pt. 1)
Content warning: attempted suicide, very negative thoughts. Only read if you are in the right mindset
Summary: the adventuring life took a toll on you, and you face your feelings on a nightly walk
Pairing: Astarion/you (no use of pronouns or y/n)
Word count: 2.7k
Tags: hurt/comfort, kissing, I guess fluff?, I am horrible at tagging please forgive me
About the dialogs: they are in two different "-marks, because my program uses my native language as default. And as I'm not a native speaker, feel free to point out typos, or simply weird sentences. I aim to be better with English.
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It was a very long day. You finally made camp after walking for half a day, defending yourselves against an ambush, then gettinf lost in some woods. You ended up in a clearing, somewhere up in a mountain. You were not even sure anymore that you were heading to the right direction.
Setting up camp always came with it’s duties. One of it was collecting wood for a fire so someone can make the only meal you usually eat a day. Today, you were on wood and branch duty. As if it wasn’t me nearly always – you thought to yourself. Everyone clearly preferred not doing it. It was a long task and if unsuccesful, the bearer could be blamed. They didn’t went far enough, didn’t look hard enough.
Of course, everyone was on edge by now. The tadpoles in your head, the waiting, the constant danger looming over all of you created this snappy and sarcastic environment. They never really meant any of it, it was just a way to let off some steam.
You tried to not think about any of it while you picked up another piece of wood. Somewhere in the distance you heard some birds rustling, chirping, and then flying away. You tried to look through the trees surrounding you to see their siluettes in the dawn, but they were far away.
Once you deemed you had enough wood, you headed back. You heard the camp from far away. Your companions talked loudly, as if they were in a tavern, not on some mountain in the middle of nowhere.
This used to make you smile. You used to think there was at least once place you could remotely call warm and home. Right now it just felt distant.
„I’m back” you announced. Your companions looked up in sync, and in agreement, they took all of it from you and started making a fire to cook. Everyone, except Astarion.
He had this game with you. Sometimes he gave you attention, and other times, like this, as if you were thin air. Which you probably wouldn’t have cared about that much, if only you didn’t have feelings for him for a time now. When he gave you his attention, it was simply heavenly. Great flirtatous talks, teasing words, maybe a few stolen moments alone, or a drink for him, from you. They were cherished by you.
You sighed as you sat down, watching the others get lost in the chaos of collecting the ingredients for dinner.
Gods, you felt alone.
Later, when it was already late at night, you lied in your tent, wide awake. You were exhausted, yet dreams evaded you. Maybe for the better – you thought to yourself. Since the tadpoles, they were confusing, and you couldn’t get the proper rest and awoke feeling tried.
You decided to take a walk. Maybe moving around could make you a bit more sleepy. You decided to take the same route you used for collecting wood. At least you had an idea where you were there, and where was camp.
It was a very clear night, the moon was also full and shining bright. So bright, that it nearly dimmed all of the stars.
You zoned out while walking. When you came to, you noticed a cliff. You decided to take a rest there, and using what light tbe moon provides to just sit and watch.
There was a branch conveniently a few meters from the edge of the cliff.
In the distance, you heard and owl making noise. The next moment, it flew above you, and into the horizon.
You always wanted to fly. It seemed so free. From everything. Let it be the ground that was under you, or the burden of everyday life.
Not that you had a big burden back in Baldur’s Gate. It was the opposite, really. Everyday was the same. It grew dull overtime. Yet you couldn’t find anything motivating enough to change it. You were prepared to grow old, doing the same thing. You also had trouble bonding with people there. Not that you didn’t try, the friendships just always seemed to wither away with time. And the tavern buddies slowly all stopped showing up, until you were sitting by yourself, drinking some cheap ale.
Originally you thought of this tadpole event to be the push you needed to finally change your life around for the better. Learn new skills, like how to set up camp, survive on your own, decide which berry is edible. Make great friends for life – if you make it out alive. You were positive at the start that you would. You took on every challenge, helped every person that came your way, moved every rock to find a cure.
The others started to see you as their leader. It made you happy, gave you a purpose.
Until it became too much. You had to make the hard choices: who to side with? Which lead to follow? Kill someone and be sure they won’t spill your plan to the enemy, or let them live and be hopeful that they will be true to their promise?
It didn’t help that everyone had opinions, which they didn’t hesitate to share. And someone always disapproved, and it was on you.
And seemingly only you had nothing personal to solve. Everyone had a life, a purpose, a big enemy, an end goal. A reason to get the tadpole out. What waited for you after the adventure was just... grey. As it was before.
You sometimes wished this adventure would never end. You liked being around everyone. Karlach’s happy demeanor, how she seemed to be excitied for everything. Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s conflicts did bring some tension, but it always turned out well in the end. Gale and his magical hunger made you slightly amused: who actually eats boots? Not to mention Wyll, Halsin or Volo.
Astarion. Obviously, he was the star of the group. For you, at least. You loved how he liked deception and mocking people. You loved hearing his sweet words, especially when one of those were your name. You loved, when he opened up a little about himself. How life was for him as a spawn. It twisted your heart to hear him struggle, and you tried to help any way you could. Basically blidly following if he had a suggestion, even claiming it was your idea, if the others asked.
You believed your feelings became obvious for the others some time ago. You overheard them talk, then suddenly go silent when they saw you. Your name was whisperes silently along with Astarion’s a few times, but you were never included in those conversations.
You stood up, and took a few steps ahead, while fixing your gaze on the stars. They looked beautiful, like tiny little lanters far in the sky.
Like how the blood splattered from the goblin you killed today.
The image suddenly invaded your mind, and you now all you saw in the sky was bloodshed and violence. You didn’t want to end their life, it seemed pointless. They didn’t even seem so evil, just like a few pawns in the bigger game.
You tried to redirect your thoughts, so you thought about something else. More precisely, someone else. His silverish hair, eyes so sharp, that they see into your soul, his vampire smile he only shows with you.
Usually these pictures comfort you, but how Astarion had been acting lately, you just felt more invisible, even smaller.
Yes, invisible. You found the right word. As if you were hidden behind your responsibilities and decisions. As if your opinions, emotions did not matter anymore. Because you will do all the hard stuff, let it be collecting wood, taking the blame, or deciding to let someone bleed out or end their suffering.
They probably haven’t even noticed just how much you had on your shoulders.
Would they notice if you were gone?
You took a few steps closer to the cliff. You wondered what could be on the bottom. Maybe the river you passed recently? Or was that on the other side? Maybe a few boulders.
The memory of the birds you heard today flashed i ro your mind. You really did want to feel free, like how they were flying away from you.
You stood on the edge. The front of your feet were not even on the ground anymore. The moon didn’t give enough light to see what was on thr bottom. It seemed like a dark pit, that could just swallow you whole.
You felt something cold on your face. You realized that while you were lost in your thoughts, you started crying.
You never faced your raw feelings before. Maybe that’s why. Or because you finally made a decision. One, that would make sure you never ever had to make anymore.
„I always wanted to try flying...” you whispered in front of you, into the abyss.
You closed your eyes, and put your arms out, imitating wings. You shifted your weight, and started to fall forward...
...and with a suddend yank, you fell back, onto something warm.
You were confused, and it took you a few seconds to realize what happened. Sounds slowly made it to your ear, and the little light into your eyes.
„Fuck, dammit, you... No, it’s not your fault, I’m sorry, but shit, I can’t believe... Do you know what you were doing?!”
A voice came from under and behind you. It was rambling, sounding very distraught. Maybe even scared.
You turned around, still a bit lightheaded from the shock of falling backwards. Your eyes met a very familiar pair of scarlet eyes.
He was panting, as if he ran from camp all the way here. But you doubted it, he wouldn’t run after you. Maybe he noticed you were gone?
Suddenly, he hugged you tightly. His fingers dug into you, as if you could just float away anytime from his grasp. He felt warm, which was unusual to you. But truth be told, he never held you like this before.
He struggled breathing. He didn’t need to get air, which just added to the list of strange things happening. Maybe you actually fell and now living in just a fantasy?
But no, you slowly started to hear soft sniffles with the breathing. Astarion was... Sobbing.
„I’m... So, so sorry” he said, making eyecontact again. You noticed tears forming in his eyes.
You were at a loss for words. You finally pieced together what happened. Astarion saved you in the last second, and he was clearly distraught by what happened.
You felt guilty.
„What happened?” Astarion asked with a soft voice. You looked away, not being able to make a sound. You yearned to share your feelings with him, but there seemed to be no proper words to use. Nor a voice to say anything with.
„You... You’re so strong. What happened? What did we... What did I miss?”
The correction in his sentence made you heart flutter and ache at the same time. He clearly was very caring towards you, but you feared it was just one of those times and that it would never last longer than a few days.
„I’m...” you stuttered. Your voice felt like it wasn’t yours. You had to put all your strength into forming just a few words. „...not...strong...”
Astarion looked at you, with immense worry. You couldn’t say more now, and you felt like you couldn’t speak again for a long time.
You tugged on his tadpole, inviting him for a visit in your mind. You previously all agreed in the group, that you give everyone the privacy of their own mind, so you opening a way into yours was unusual.
You gave him a faint smile. You tried to put encouragement into it. He closed his eyes, and stepped through the door into your memories and feelings.
You showed him everything. How life was for you in Baldur’s Gate, and just how miserable you felt. How the initial excitement of this adventure turned into a daily torture of decisions, where there was no right answer, responsibilities which were crushing you, and the constant judgement of others.
You showed him the rollercoaster of feelings his actions caused. The hope you cradled for so much time, the longing you felt for him. The pain you felt everytime it seemed like he was just toying with you.
You shared how ready you were to let things end.
As he experienced your feelings, his arm grew even tighter around you, and he slowly buried his wet face into your neck.
After you showed him everything, he pulled out of your mind. He lifted his head, but only so much that his mouth was to your ear.
„You’re so much stronger than I thought you to be, darling” he whispered. „I never knew you struggled so much. You always seemed so sure, you... You never took any shit. You seemed so brave and determined.”
He gulped, and took a deep breath. He slowly lifted his head fully, to be face to face with you.
„I guess... I never thought about how it affects you. It was so easy following what you say, letting you decide on every crossroad. And it was so easy... Blaming you, if something went south. We... I should’ve stopped to think about you. And how you feel.”
Tears started forming again. He took another shaky breath, and tried to quickly blink them away.
„I always took you for granted. A strong leader, who is always there. And not just there...”
He looked down. You saw a single teardrop sneaking over his cheek. You never saw him this vulnerable before.
„I took you granted in a more... personal way too. Now that I saw myself through your eyes, I understand. Gods, I was such an asshole with you.”
He paused for a moment, as if searching for words. He opened his mouth, but closed it back soon. You sat in silence for a bit. You didn’t mind.
For the first time, you felt seen.
„I was scared of my own feelings” Astarion said suddenly. You sligthly raised your eyebrows, suggesting suprise. His own feelings?
„Yes. The ones I have for you.”
Your stomach filled up with butterflies. Did you hear that correctly? You couldn’t do anything, but blink at him.
„Whenever I realized just how much I care about you, I pushed you away. In my past, caring about someone meant you had another exploitable weak spot. Someone they could hurt to hurt you. And I didn’t want anyone to hurt you. So I pushed you away, since if I’m cold towards you, noone will think anything of you.”
He chuckled a little.
„But I could never keep it up for long. Because I missed you, Gods I missed you so much, even when you were right beside me, covering my back in a battle, sleeping just a few tents away. And yet, I kept missing you so much, it hurt. And now that I see, just how much it hurt you, I regret it so, incredibly much. We could have had sweet stolen moments together, if only I was less stubborn, and looked out for you a little more.”
Astarion looked utterly defeated and sad. You felt the truth in his words, and it was something you only ever dreamed of. You raised your hand to caress his cheek. He gave you one of those vampire smiles that made your knees weak.
He lifted both his hands, and held your face just under your ears. He pulled you closer to himself, and out your foreheads together. It was a very intimate moment.
„I think I fell in love with you” he whispered so silently, you barely heard it. But you did. And it gave your voice back.
„I fell in love with you, too” you said, giving him the first real smile since you were here.
He slowly leaned closer to you. You closed your eyes, and got lost in the moment.
And then... He kissed you.
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
Disclaimer: I am not anti-Vickie by any means. I think Vickie seems very sweet (although there may be something going on with her we don't know) and I will fully support her and Robin if the Duffers can prove to me in S5 why they work together.
That said, I am going to examine the one, glaring issue I have with Rovickie. If you're not put off by that, read on!
So, most of the criticism leveled against Vickie is that we don't know anything about her. That's true; we don't.
However, my main criticism is:
Does Robin know anything about her??
All we hear from Robin in S4 is that Vickie is the girl of her dreams, but we never hear why. In all her gushing/agonizing to Steve, Robin never tells us what about Vickie makes her so special.
Is she smart? Funny? Ambitious? Kind? Is she a pro at playing poker?
Even Tammy Thompson, whose role in S3 was purely offscreen, got a shout out of traits that Robin valued ("she has dreams!").
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We can't say the same for Vickie. All we know is:
-she laughed at one of Robin's (Steve's) jokes
-she likes Fast Times
-she talks a lot when nervous
-she possibly likes boobies
And those last two were only figured out by Robin in the final episode of S4.
If Robin's feelings for Vickie are more than mere infatuation based on looks, wouldn't Robin have told us more than the most surface-level things about her?
And if your immediate response to this "well, she just hasn't spent enough one-on-one time with her to know!" .......that's exactly my point.
The writers have shown time and time again that the shallow relationships where tbe couple got into it without really talking or getting to know each other do not last .
I'm reminded of Lucas telling Mike "you're just blind because a girl isn't grossed out by you." 👀
All this in the same season where Robin is spending one-on-one time with Nancy, getting to know her and respect the things that make her "her". Rather than just looks, Robin gets to see Nancy's drive, intellect, leadership and bravery.
She calls her a "genius", says she is "full of surprises", and learns even more about her when Nancy opens up about her relationship inecurities. Robin sees her complexity.
I don't know about you, but to me, this is the core of why Rovickie is not as compelling as a ship. If they are meant to be endgame, why was Robin paired with Nancy all season?
Surely there could've been some plot device to bring Vickie into the fold, just like Max was brought into the Party back in S2.
Vickie could've been trapped with Robin and the older teens after some supernatural things happened at rhe pep rally or other school function and they got separated from the rest, or she could've been related to the Creels and the gang needed to ask her for help. It's a TV show; they can do whatever they want.
Either way, they decided not to involve her in the main plot of the show at all, preventing both Robin and the viewers from getting to know her fully. I believe this was intentional and will have consequences for their relationship in S5.
One final thought- in early S4, Robin tells Steve that she has found the girl of her dreams but can't get the courage to ask her out, whereas Steve goes on a ton of dates but has no idea what he wants.
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I think it would be VERY interesting if their roles were actually swapped, i.e. by the end of S4, Robin is the one who doesn't really know what she wants, and Steve is the one who realizes he has found the (person) of his dreams.
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smoooothoperator · 5 months
hiii lauraaa!! im just gonna say first things first and once again, Congratulations on writing an amazing series!!🥳✨️🫶🏼💗
I've been dedicated in reading and catching up and heads up, i may spam you with imagine plots soo sorry not sorry hehe😅😭
diving head first: I'd love to know abt the proposal + wedding details like whether lando proposed or violet proposed or maybe both🤷‍♀️😉 (like one of the tiktoks where the couple proposed at the same time), whoever proposes, what was their THE MOMENT when they knew 'this is it' (context: like jake and amy from b99 if you have watched), etc and etc.
i may have ranted in more detail but just wanted to share my pov of the idea. I'm sooo excited to see how this takes place! (ps: no pressure on writing asap!! take your sweet time pleasee! its always worth the wait to read😭😭😭)
okie now! byeeeeee loveee youuuuu mwaaahhhhh take care and happy race weekend!!🫂😉🫶🏼✨️ xx
Sorry it took me too long! Right now I'm very very very focused on reading that I really forgot that I had to write this HAHAHAHA
But I hope you like this!
He always knew he wanted to marry her. At first it was a joke he used to tell himself or his friends, that he was going to marry Violet no matter what, that he would put his last name next to hers. But it was only that, a joke and he barely though about it as something more.
But the day he had her, the day she said she loved him, he immediately knew he had to make that come true, that he was going to love her until his last breath. Days with her were like a new adventure he was dying to explore.
Lando started the search of a ring for her during the honeymoon phase of their relationship. He was so naive, so on love. He found himself countless times looking at rings everytime he walked in front of the jewelries Monaco, making screenshots on his phone of the ones he liked, picturing Violet with that ring on her finger.
But then the crash happened. He had to focus on her, on her recovery and making sure she was comfortable. And during that time with her, he came to the realization that he has to love the present and enjoy every second with her, enjoy life with her. But it made him realize, too, that he wanted to be next to her forever, now for real.
A year turned in two, two in three, and their love never stopped growing. They filled their house with souvenir of every places they visited, and their dogs were like their kids, always going with them to Lando's races.
It was a day he went out around Monaco with Max when he stopped right in front of the jewelry he always looked at. Max looked at him and smirked, nudging him and walking inside of the store. That day, he held Violet close to his chest, and while she was sleeping peacefully, he was staring at the ring inside elf the box, smiling widely.
He planned it, he kept the ring for months, and even if sometimes he decided to not wait and propose right in tbe moment, he waited for the day.
They went back to that city of snow, the city their favorite writer got inspired to write their favorite books. He thought it was perfect, Max and Pietra were with them, as well as their dogs.
"You know she will suspect if she find us recording, right?" Pietra sighed, looking at him.
"She won't" Lando nodded. "I have it planned, don't worry guys"
Lando had it pictured in his mind, he has been thinking and dreaming about this day since he bought the ring. When he's going to kneel, what words he's going to speak.
But it wasn't as easy as he thought.
His first attempt ended up with a fail. He wanted to go for a walk with the dogs and making sure that Max and Pietra were some meters away, with their phones in their hands making sure to record everything. But it ended with them screaming in a panic attack because one of their dogs decided to go explore to the wood. Thankfully they found the dog, covered in snow and the day ended with them cuddling the black dog in front of a fire and making sure he didn't freeze.
His second attempt was planned while they slept. It had to be something simple, no surprises. He has to make sure that their dogs are near, that the ring is in the box.
But at morning, when everything he wanted to do was cuddle her, he found Violet already in the living room making lunch for the day that was planned on the ski resort. So maybe that was the perfect moment to ask her.
He made sure he had the box with the ring in the inside pocket of his snow coat, sometimes having the need of patting his chest to make sure that the box was still there.
"Babe, you okay?" Violet asked worried, watching how he was always rubbing his chest. "Did something happen?"
"Oh? No, no! Why do you think that?" he frowned confused.
"Well..." she smiled looking him. "You can't stop touching your chest. Are you nervous because we're going to the red zone?"
"What?! Me?! My second name is danger" he scoffed, talking with a high pitched voice.
"Sure" she laughed, kissing his cheek.
Lando swallowed thickly and turned his head slightly to look at Max and Pietra, somehow panicking and moving his hand side to side under his chin.
"Abort plan, abort plan" he mouthed, making his friends chuckle.
He never thought that proposing to hercould be that hard without making her suspect.
He normally has a lot of patience, he had to get high levels of patience to love with two puppies and train them. But this? This is ending his patience levels.
The four of them spent the day skiing while their dogs were at a dog daycare place. And once they finished and got back with their dogs, Lando was too quiet on the way back to the house. And when they were finally there, he went immediately outside, grabbing his phone and texting Max.
Lando: Okay, this is the last chance. I'll stay out for a while, if she goes outside to talk with me, follow her.
Max: I never imagined proposing would be this hard...
Lando: Try it, then we'll talk 😩
Lando stayed out of the house, looking at the ring inside of the box. It doesn't have a big stone, in all his hers dating her he discovered that she doesn't like big jewelry. And the ring is the perfect definition of what she would wear everyday.
Rhysand and Feyre, their dogs, walked out of the house and stayed with him, cuddling him and trying to keep him warm, or trying to give him a reason to go back to the house.
"Hey, what are you doing outside? It's getting cold" Violet smiled, leaning on the door frame.
"Oh-" he wasn't ready. "C-can we talk?"
"There's something wrong?" she asked worried, walking towards him. "Lando, are you okay?"
"Well, I'm nervous" he sighed.
Violet started to panic. Nervous? Why would he be nervous? Is he going to break up with her?
"W-what?" she mumbled, swallowing thickly.
"I just wanted to do it before, but everytime I tried to talk with you, something happened" he said.
She could feel her vision getting blurry, not noticing the confusion in Lando's face.
"Baby, why are you crying?" Lando asked, holding her hands.
"You are going to break up with me, it's that?"
"What? No!" he laughed, pulling her close to him. "No! I'm actually going to do another thing"
She didn't feel him kneeling in front of her, grabbing the box inside of his coat. But when she finally understood what was happening, he didn't even need to say a word before she threw herself into his arms.
"You gave me a heart attack!" she exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, baby" Lando chuckled, holding her.
"But... Yes" she whispered. "I will marry you, idiot"
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dabisbratz · 1 year
first of all the nerd!eren series is so good i can’t it’s just > <
i love the smutty aspects but now i’m curious about the fluffy aspects too. like i know he has a lot of… naughty… things on his mind but-
will rennie ask us out? or go on cute dates? is there romance behind all of his bold getures? i can’t help but think about how the relationship will develop during the story hehe
rennie has alwaysalways had a crush on you !! before even goin to marley university ( hehe ), since a lot of the ppl who go there are from the same small, gated town !! (the university’s in the city though of course !!) would say yguys were close as kids but grew apart young even though ywere neighbors!! jus led veryvery different lives!! n ywanted tbe known as an athlete, not a loser :c so ykinda jus repressed all that n built yourself back up.
n e ways, before ren started even thinkin. bout sex n stuff. he was a huge romance manga fan!! n while he still is, he doesn’t have it displayed very clearly in his room. .n tho he’s not a virgin, he’s only ever really had your eyes set on you !! so s’not like he went out of his way tlose his virginity, jus kinda happened, n the whole time he really only thought of you.
he experimented a lot with his feelins too ( thank u armin n mikasa ), n he realized what he felt fyou was a lot bigger than a crush, or admiration, or friendship !! cuz it jus.. never went away. even after enterin college. especially when he’d see you in class or around the hall or jus hear your name.. sometimes he’d go to your games tsee you, n he’d roll some dice tsee f’ you’d win (cutiepie!!)
his weird. . . horny behavior s’def his way of flirtin!! every hentai he’s ever shown you ends supersuper sweet, like the mcs gettin married/havin kids n somehow he Thinks. yget that that’s his romantic gesture but ydont even read manga, so how would yknow?? he’s a lil dummy . s’also why his aftercare is so slow n thorough (as it should be !!) , he jus wants tlook at you n keep you close f’as long as he can :c
n he has a lot more confidence when he’s angry or shovin your head down on his cock ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ so whether you’re fightin or fuckin, his confession sjus.. horrible timin !! a grunt of ‘you’re so pretty. i love you. iloveyouiloveyou—’
buuut hed act like he never said it :c he’s scared of bein rejected, gettin t’talk t’you n touch you again ‘s already a dream come true t’him!! n fyou were tsay ywere jus friends he’d get so upset. so upset!! eyes waterin n lip wobblin n angry. ‘wanna say that again? friends don’t fuck like we do’ he’s so dramatic !! but he knows he puts his love into it :cc n you do too
s’def a “he fell first but you fell harder” thing !! reader’s still wrappin his head around his sexuality, his relationship with eren?? his borderline commitment issues? his reputation? n his bad grades !! at first rennie’s this sudden n crazy breather from it all. like stress relief!! until he jus keeps poppin up— in person, in his head, in his music n interests n conversations!! n he realizes he’s never felt more loved than when eren’s jus lookin at him.
thaaat bein said!!! they would go on dates!! once s’all figured out, they’d turn everyday stuff into dates !! eatin together in the foodcourt, goin off campus durin holidays, study dates, goin out for dinner after yhave a game!!
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hole-of-babel · 3 months
Face Fuck Practice Report 0
These are my first Face Fuck Practice Reports. They are all typed edgied out of my mind.
I have been practicing to be a better at sucking cock. I was posting them in a group, but it got deleted. Here’s the past reports and I will be posting future ones. 
Session 1:
I have been wisely advised by a Man  that i should always squat whule performing my dildo face fucking practice and asked for daily updayes. 
I have been in one long term "relationship" with a boy and it ended up in a disaster because i was so unskilled in coxk worship compared to my best friend. Because of that i lost them both so have set myself the task of practicing every day.
The task made a huge difference when i couldnt focus entirely on the large dildo i use. Suddenly my whole body is foxused ob my tasn and it was hard to get my usual depth. Looking at the mirror while i performed was different because i could see the strain in myveyes and it made me loath myself even mote which i didny think was possible. Still, i was proud of myself for obeying Sir and working to improve my essentiak skills as a  unt.
I love the idea of seeing every task i perform for a man being a full body yask completely focused on his pleasure. 
Thank yku, Sir flr ykur guidance.
Session 2:
Today i wore my 5inch heels as i squatted to make me fe more whorish. My ads was plugged as always to remibd me that i am a set of holes needing to be filled. Mounting the dildo on a mirror i squatted and began.
I made it a point to really ram my face hard on tbe duldo and make myself gag and choke. Today yhe position was easier but after 15 minutes i was still sore. I am in  hotel so im sure i must have sounded like a whore sucking off a guy to people in other roons.
Session 3:
Today i was completely naked. Squatting in front of the mirror i mounted my dildo on it. My boyfriend because i am too broken and scared to have a real one. I wanted to make a point of today’s practice session to be about your dick. i am just another interchangable fuck hole. The only way i can let you please me is if i try to please you better than any of the other girls. i tried to imagine how you would use my mouth. Would you sit back and let me do all the work? Would you grab my pony tail and completely control me? i spent time doing both. i knew you would be brutal. i knew that would want a total puke slut worshipping your cock. i was your object. Your FACE HOLE to choke and slap and use without mercy. My legs are getting stronger every day. Because of you, i am becoming a better FACE FUCK CUNT. i spend all my freetime edging dreaming of draining your dick. Imaging us all competing to make you hard. That’s what we’re made for. My throat still resists. I know i am a bad cock sucker, but i am getting better. All day i feel it, reminded me that everything that i do in public is a mask and a lie and how i want someone to just rip it away.
Session 4:
Today I decided to make myself up and put on my 5” heels and rose sheath dress that i wore yesterday so that i could visualize that i was being used by the men i work with. Mounting the dildo on the mirror i set the timer for 15 minutes, squatted and visualized how they would use me if they saw me for what i truly was. Today i was being fantasy face fucked by the biggest asshole on my team. He is rude when not dealing with clients and routinely cheats on his girlfriend with girls he picks up on the road. He’s not very attractive, but he is fit and has an attitude that excites me which is why i hired him.
He hates me. He seems me as a Daddy’s girl. He thinks he should have my job and has told me so. Honestly, he would be a disaster doing what i do, but it makes me clench how up front he is about what he feels is his right. This morning i was a hole for him for him to face fuck hard. i imagined him trying to make me stumble with his brutality. i slapped my face as i rammed by mouth deep onto his silicone cock. I had him change directions and rhythm just to make me gag more and feel out of control. This wasn’t just about getting off. This was him showing me what i truly was. i am staring at him across a makeshift office just reliving it wanting it knowing it will most likely never happen. i am a waste of space because i am not draining dicks, but i am practicing to be ready every day. He has big dick energy. It closes sales. It uses holes. This morning my face was his to rape. i channeled all my abuse to recreate the fear and make me know what i am and what i am made for. i am a sputtering, choking, fuck hole. My throat is made for abuse. i squat there feeling pathetic waves of self loathing and lust looping around in my head. This is for him. This is for me so that everday i become a better gender traitor cunt. Pulling off when i had too, my spit staining my beautiful new dress. i am nothing. i have no identity. i am a hole. I need to be filled.
Session 5:
As usual, I was squatting in front of a mirror with the dildo stuck to it, wearing 5” heels and panties with my udders clamped with bells on them. i made it a point today to put on really whorish makeup because i wanted to see myself as a man using me would see me. this morning i focused on breath control, forcing myself down long and hard, looking at myself not as a person but as a face for a man to rape. i knew that he would get harder from my gagging and the desperation and tears running down my face. i was a hole. i was his hole. i was completely replaceable. i was useless for any other purpose.
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emmacreatures · 2 years
OKAY. SO. Despite me and Nina literally made this ship earlier today, my brain did a BRRRR and went bonkers since I'm just extremely inspired and so happy to have nina in my life. This story starts off very gently, but well. Warning, it will take a big turn.
I cant tell yet how canon things will be, since we just made them, so I always need some experimenting and such! So IF I ANNOUNCE NEW SHIT, dont be surprised if it changes slightly through time, but despite all I'm nervous yet excited to hear what you guys think aaaa i literally wrote this in like.. 3 hours hoppla ENJOY! Featuring two new characters, called with their LAST NAMES!!! Muller and curran! __________
Everyone was just doing their thing at Bridgehead. Muller had been told to keep track of most developing recom bodies, as he was specialized in genetics. Though it didnt stop the man to go through more since he was one of tbe more specialized all 'inclusive' scientists at the RDA. His looks may seem innocent, but the man's mind was able to do more than just work on one part of their whole operation. He used to work beautifully along Grace, for they both had the beautiful passion for the Na'vi, and all living things.. But unlike Grace, Muller had a rather innocent look, so he at times got tossed around a bit, being asked to do various things which he did not mind.. In fact, he met alot of people because of that.. Something that at this day left a sour wound.
It was a big 'getting used to' for the man, when he was being brought back as a recom. He remembered waking up, as it felt like a dream at first.. He couldn't believe his own sight, and didnt remember anything when he started to slowly build up the fact he was a Na'vi now. He almost wanted to do tests on himself, as he was so mesmerized by the fact his DNA was now mixed with that of the native's... But the happiness was cut short, for his reality was slowly haunting him. It was like someone put a mental wall up in his brain. The more he scratched upon that wall, the more he rememberd from a past life. Memories they'd call it. But he started to feel it was becoming a slight nightmare. It wasnt his marvelous intelligence that bugged him.. It was the mere rather deeper emotions with attachments coming loose.
Through the months of being a Na'vi, he was asked a lot of things. He missed grace, for she kept a nice pace and control around the RDA, as they matched up well with energy, but he managed well on his own. His energy with the RDA didnt match so well.. So he tried to still be independant, and have his own corner to do what they asked of them. Originally he was put with the recom squad, to come along and explain them about pandora when they were developing to understand the na'vi ways especially, since like grace, he knew all about it. But slowly, Quaritch noticed the man becoming hesitant, as if something deeply put him on the breaks.. So for now, ardmore, after talking with quaritch about it, decided to keep the man at bay, and allow him to work in the labs for it seemed the best that way.
In those few months, alot of exciting things seemed to develop. Quaritch and his squad managed to catch one of the two natives of the Omatikayan.. In which another tried to come to rescue them, ending up with two. Something they could definitely use. One of them seemed rather difficult to handle, picking fights with specific recoms who originally lured them out.. But the other, was rather adjusted to the surroundings despite humans didnt seem to like the idea to have a native around. Since bridgehead was so extremely huge.. Muller hears about the 'rumors' of having a native on their side.. His eager and soft energy certainly wanted to have a chance if ever, to talk to him. He had so many questions.. Things he loved to ask. Despite he was a na'vi himself, he still had the biggest fascination to the natives.. Even if some of them, didnt like their association with them. He didnt know, or couldnt know, for he was just minding his business, gently checking half of the tubes full of the new recom units.. "All is stable." he softly said, smiling as he checked everything before heading back to his own lab. He got quite the space which he appreciated, but in the back of his head, he still felt a certain unknown.. Emptyness he couldnt quite figure just yet.
Being nearby his own lab, he wanted to hand out some data to some of the humans he had to work with, eventually seeing the native he heard about.. Out of pure fascination and admiration, he gently approached him.. He seemed to just look at some of the bigger screens. "Gosh.. Hi- I'm so sorry." Muller said in actual Na'vi.. Smiling. "You're a real.. Omatikayan.. Right. you must be Ka'am? If I'm not mistaken?" Muller gently asked, almost holding his hands together to see the rather warrior typed man turn to him. The beads in his mohawk like way of having his hair tied made a heavy noise.. Turning to him. For Ka'am looked at a rather excited scientist just from having a look at him. "you're from neytiri's family? i've heard rumors you were around but..-" Muller kept on talking in fluent na'vi, making Ka'am, who now had fully turned to the man instead of just his head.. Frown while responding in Na'vi. "i've not heard people speak about me" "OH nothing bad. I'm just, very honored to meet you. I see you" muller kept speaking in Na'vi, softly making the gesture from his head to show out of respect he saw Ka'am. Making the native tilt his head, as he looked down at the innocent looking scientist. Ka'am was taller than the man, and he seemed respectful.. Truly. "You are aware I can speak your language too right" Ka'am said serious, changing to english for Muller just had a soft "woah.." before harrumping. "I just felt like it was more fair to speak your language, since this is technically your territory." Muller said gently for, he invited Ka'am to his lab if he wanted, also because he just loved to see a full powerful native so closeby without wanting to kill him, which he would even understand.
Since Ka'am was quite looked at from the humans at this point, having a more respectful approach like Muller seemed better for his day. "I rather not be associated with them if you wouldnt mind by all means" Ka'am then said, for Muller frowned. "Associated with..?" "My family." "Oh- I- I'll note it down. I'm sorry if I-" Muller wanted to deeply apologize despite he certainly grew curiosity on why, but seeing Ka'am just make a gesture with his hand to say 'no need to continue' on his apologies.. For Muller understood right away. "So.. Were you looking for anything specific? I saw you try and figure your way, these things can be a hassle, even for me" Muller said kind, having noticed Ka'am was slightly searching for something. Ka'am could certainly tell the man was intelligent, on how he could read ka'am's intentions.. But since he really wasnt trying to get into Ka'am's business, he felt like Muller could actually help him. "I was.. Or well. do me a favor.. Can you look up old.. I believe they're recordings or field recordings. Quaritch wanted some, and since he's busy-" "So considerate- Let me actually see if I can get into it.. Since I'm just a .. Scientist. Not really like security or stuff like that" Muller said as he really was as innocent as he sounded. He wasn't JUST a scientist, but the man never bragged and was honest.. Sometimes he might even belittle himself on accident.. The man was never too kind though.. He knew where to stand his ground, but with Ka'am, he was just so fascinated, trying to help the best way. He was so impressed by the natives, and Ka'am was certainly a lovely example in his eyes. Perhaps even slightly scary to some, which Muller respected completely.
He gently put his card through the computer, seeing he in fact did have access. "Ah, there you go. I'll leave you to it" The man said as he gently sat down at a different desk near it, hearing Ka'am lean forward with his arms on the desk, watching the screens as the the braid from Ka'am, falling over his own shoulder to the front, made a noise that you could just hear was quite heavy. For some odd reason it made Muller smile. He loved having a native near, it just fueled his nerdy hype about the reason be became a scientist. The rather big smile almost on Muller's face took Ka'am's attention.. It wasnt like.. A fascination to his body or such, just the mere fact he was around. He turned to Muller once, for the man wanted to explain himself the second Ka'am did. "Must be heavy right? All those intricate beads.. with their possible traditions and stories" Muller said for Ka'am stood more straight instead of watching the screens. "It almost sounds you've never seen one like myself this close have you..?" The man said with a frown, for his voice was definitely lower than that of Muller. "Must be obvious right.. Indeed I havent. You caught me there. I apologize for it. Well, We've seen your kind from afar, let alone.. One that speaks to you, even in english, though I wouldnt mind to switch to Na'vi again" Muller said for Ka'am just nodded once.
"Quaritch isnt so fluent in Na'vi, so I might as well at times speak your language when its possible." Ka'am said rather serious, before Ka'am actually found something on the security footage after some searching. Something Quaritch most likely needed. "This. How can I obtain this" "Oh on a USB or? I can do that for you" Muller said as he stood up, putting it into the system that Ka'am was going through, putting the specific bit without checking what it was onto it. "That should do it.. Anything else you might need?" Muller was so helpful.. As at moments like this, infront of Ka'am for the first time, he almost forgot he was a na'vi himself. It was still something to get used to.
Ka'am noticed the genuine help.. But as the man helped him. He just never wanted to owe someone anything.. Being a loner and tricky man like he was. He just never wanted to have strings attached.. So having noticed the man's pure nerdy behavior which was what the humans called it.. Ka'am thought of a perfect solution..
"here. May this fill your fascination that you have for our kind" Ka'am said rather serious than thankful.. putting a very special carved bead onto the table they were standing at.. Making Muller who softly took it.. Just gasp. The bead was from hometree.. as Ka'am was slowly pushing himself further away from his original roots due to complications, it seemed like a win win So.. Now he was standing even.
"Are you serious... This is a bead from hometree. You get to make these when you- suceed within your tribe with a greater good" Muller said for Ka'am certainly was surprised but didnt show it. This man definitely knew alot. But hearing the man be so happy with it, he just nodded once in a 'just take it. and dont bother me about it' before he left, leaving Muller so excited about it.. "I gotta sample this in the lab later.." He whispered, before softly putting it into the pocket of his pants, slowly realizing that surprisingly along all this, he seemed to have access to much more than he originally thought with his RDA card that he always had with him.. He realized he might be able to dig into more stuff if he wanted to.. and as innocent as the man seemed, that dark empty hole he kept on feeling whether it was in his chest or head.. started munching more upon his curiosity. The mental wall was slowly breaking after months, and this sudden realization might grow worse
Muller was always rather fast with delivering what everyone asked. As mentioned before he was one of the best scientists around while people felt like he didnt live up to that title when it came to his looks.. But the man had brains and was a complex and well developed human who now was a na'vi. Brought back by the RDA. He knew something bad should've happened after a few weeks, but it seemed it was almost normal that everyone came back.. So, maybe his 'older' self.. would still be around, despite not having seen it yet
For he was done doing what he was asked to, muller's curiosity finally bit the bullet.. Sliding his card through the monitor to eventually start digging deeper into the system. After alot of trouble he ended up within the older files of their place before bridgehead was a thing.. Remembering a slight piece of it in the back of his mind. He rememberd selfridge.. A dirty asshole who never showed mercy, and he rememberd everyone he worked with before, including closer contacts he met along the way. Sighing as he went deeper and deeper into thr system, being alone in his lab, he frowned as he seemed to have found 'doctor muller. Confidental' files.. Without much hesitation he clicked on them, noticing a complex password was upon his files. Like said, he wasnt stupid. but now what.. What would he possibly have done as a password. It took a few tries even for him, and as a clone it was already complex enough.. But finally, he cracked it, seeing a lot of recordings of the first days..
He watched some of them, remembering it now, much clearer in his head. Being excited about plants, and hearing the avatar program Grace started was slowly becoming reality. Muller in the day was a young man, who was overly excited when he heard he was allowed to come to pandora to contribute with his intelligence. The second grace and him met, it was like a perfect match. Norm was fantastic too, but Muller ended up being more in the background, doing a lot of genetic research on the avatar bodies. Digging deeper into the DNA of things. The videos started off like a beautiful memory lane, even some videos where some squad members entered, asking how Muller was doing.. One in particular.. As the sudden connection was made in his brain. A happy little push, which made Muller smile for a second.. but as he went down and down.. Some videos, he couldnt remember. The aura was dark from the preview videos, but he did decide to click on one of the last ones, seeing right after most files were broken.
"This is day 799.. It seems Jake sully tried to convince them to leave. Everything is chaos right now. I dont know what he wants to do.. They're asking us to do horrible things. But selfridge and everyone else is doing the worst of things. They made hometree fall.. They killed it.. They put down grace's lab completely. At this rate I dont know what will happen. I dont know if I can do what they're asking of me.. Its not what I signed up for, but I dont want trouble either.".
Muller stopped the video there, closing it as he felt like it was getting worse.
"Day 805.. Just a few days apart, but its war.. I dont even blame the natives. They killed everything. This is not what I signed up for. The RDA, they're reckless.. I cant seem to see enough of whose behind this, but all we know is that most are prepared to fight, while me and the rest.. We want to leave the natives alone.. Unoptanium cannot be the reason we're doing this.. I.." Muller sighed so deeply on the video.. Seeing the human version of himself was odd too.. But he didnt know it could go worse from here..
"Day 806.." muller heard the audio.. He heard his own human version, sniffing from crying.. It was wrecking his stomach. "I dont know if this will ever reach the systems. The whole unit is collapsing.. I dont know if I will make it out alive myself, but you might ask yourselves while I'm here." The tone of his voice, was making Muller shiver, not touching the screens anymore as he let it go. "Curran.. Protected me.. From all chaos a few hours ago.. And now, here we are.. He passed away in my arms. I saw him die, right infront of me. And you know whats the worse part. I'm here, risking my life to do what you filfty bastards asked me to." Muller said as the anger he never showed popped up, his eyes full of tears on the video.
"If you are smart and if you ever see this, all of you, from the RDA.. You better not bring me back if I dont survive this.. As the chances of me surving alone here are small from the looks of it, but I have nothing to loose anymore, nothing to moarn over anymore as all you did was break me and...." Muller on the video couldnt even finish his sentence anymore, mentioning how the love of his life died in his arms was already too much.. "Unless you cold, horrendous people dare to pull me back. I never signed up for this when I was brought to pandora, for you all to murder them like.. A pest purely for your own good and money. I know I never seem threatening, and it might look like an easy game for you guys.. But i'm so.." Muller said on the video as the tears flew down his cheeks.. The heartache was unbearable.. "I dont want to be a part of this.. My life is nothing without him.." Muller said as he laughed once with the tears in his eyes. "Its almost funny.. To think the RDA, made me meet Curran in the first place which supposedly, was one of the best things that happened to me.. And now, you.. Make me end up erasing his mind because I was threatened to, right?" Muller said as his tears in video kept on flowing again. "If I didnt do it, you guys would.. so no win for me I suppose" Muller said defeated, swallowing. "you all dared me to take away that core memory.. so he can be a weapon for your new plan as this one failed.. Can you even sympathize with what I just described.. well. Of course not. Since you all have turned into killers, with no mercy. Having control over us all" Muller said as his crying made talking difficult. "Goodluck with that. I really hope, for you all, that you will not throw me back into this hellpit, as a recom" the man said almost threatening, hearing more of the building break apart.. As soon as he had sent off the DNA sample a second before.. "Its done.. Its sent off. So it might as well be done for me too." Muller said as he wanted to predict his own fate almost, before hearing more and more of the building collapse.. Muller watched his own human self, still try and get out of the mess, but before it completelt collapsed, the video broke and stopped recording.
Muller felt all his flashbacks occur in the back of his mind. Everything came back.. Every single detail that was captured in his DNA for the recom project. Popped up. It was taken before the huge accident he just watched, but seeing it all.. Was the last drop for him. He was frozen, he felt and heard the pain his human version already was going through. He rememberd Curran, of the most expertise Units he ever met.. He rememberd how they met, how they got along, how they fell in love.. and worst of all, now how he lost him. The realization hit him as well, that there was a chance Curran would be brought back as a recom, as the RDA asked him? as sickening as possible, to adjust his DNA sample with his memories, to have no hiccups. No emotional interuptions.. He rememberd it all now.. He rememberd the most difficult conversation he ever had in life.. How they were planning to make the recom program. But also knew about the relation Muller had to the incredible squad part that Curran was..
"We dont care what you think.. Emotional influences like that can make a soldier fall.. So whats the use if we would bring them back in such a state. Its misleading. If you wont take it out of his system Muller before sending it off to the recom system to have it imprinted on him, then we will. Its either you, or us"....
The sentences echoed in his brain.. Muller slowly stood up from the table after closing all tabs, making sure they were gone, before falling on his butt on the ground, holding himself as he was shivering.. Tears flew down his cheeks, as he couldnt make a noise, he was so frozen, as his emotions were all over. Muller held his own head after a while, unable to get a grip on himself for it all hit him too badly.. Worst part was that he knew about the conversation all too well, he remembered it now, but to have figured the two eventually died most likely since he could hear and see the building was about to collapse when Muller was still there.. Still trying to make it, in which Curran died for Muller to protect him.. Was something his heart couldnt bear.
The chances were there.. That Curran could eventually be part of the recom group, meaning if they'd ever come across each other, it would be a man.. That wouldnt have a single clue about Muller. Everything they experienced, build up.. Was gone, and out of all people, muller had to take it away from him..
Muller sat there for the longest of time, his own glasses had fallen off as he had sunken his own head into his arms that he held himself with at last.. Trying to give it a spot, but it was so hard to bear. Though as powerful as the man was, after a few hours, he managed to slowly push himself up, as his tail was wrapped around him.. Trying to breathe. He almost felt out of spite, the RDA brought him back.. It was definitely something Muller wanted to talk about eventually if he got himself a bit back together, but he just experienced his whole life in a few minutes. The emptyness now made sense.. for Curran wasnt in his life anymore, as so it seemed. He was just another scientist nessesairy for their things.. But Muller was not agreeing with it. He didnt dare to check the lists of Recoms anymore at this point.. He hadnt seen curran anywhere, so maybe.. just maybe it would give him a break for a bit. "Its.. Its late Muller.. You need to.. Sleep." He said to himself to calm down, despite it felt impossible.. He would eventually try and argue with the RDA, but for now, he needed some time for himself. He knew picking up work was the best he could do first thing tomorrow morning.. but this would definitely need time to process. The man was very smart, abd despite this was tough for him to do.. he knew trying to continue his 'new life' would've been the best to do.. so he tried that, despite his emotions at times like waves and flashbacks would sit him wrong.. Of course he didnt want to forget about curran.. He was everything that he could wish for.. But it was tough to hear whatbhappened.. but that wouldnt stop the man from working and possibly doing things he did want to do.. whats the worst that could happen now?...
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I saw the movie too. And honestly I didn't watch the trailers and only knew that the plot was a tennis movie with a love drama between the 3. From the general hype, it seemed like Zendaya was the main character and the plot would revolve around her. But in the end it turned out to be a little different. I definitely felt the chemistry between the 3 of them, but honestly the chemistry between Patrick and Art is the best part. And I was so happy for their hug and smiles at the end. I wish I knew what was in store for them next. (in my dreams they are together). Overall I enjoyed the dynamic. Sports movies always have the hardest time showing the sport in an interesting way, lol. But they succeeded. The actors are great, but because of the hype I expected more from Zendaya, but honestly her acting is the same everywhere for me and here she was even overacting somewhere. Her distorted face and screaming almost ruined the whole impression of the finale for me. In fact, all the attention was stolen by Josh and his Patrick. I don't think this movie is one of those that I will want to revisit again. But overall it wasn't bad.
I did see the trailers and I still thought it would be Zendaya focused haha! I loved that it was really a story about all three of them equally, they have a very captivating dynamic and like you said chemistry.
I also really loved that end shot it was beauitful and same hun, Art and Patrick are my dream goal haha but I do love a good open ending, leaves the viewer to decide so we can have it any way we like 😎
I'm very hit and miss with sports movies, the ones I enjoy best focus more on the people and story than tbe sport and this one I thinks the same. But boy did that soundtrack and zany camera work help me enjoy those actual tennis sequences!
I'll say Zendayas character was the most one note for me which did mean I was more interest in Art and Patrick (though to my surprise Patrick alone really stole the show for me) But I think the scenes with all three of them really bring something exciting and palpable to the screen!
If I love a film I always like to see it at least 2 - 3 times in cinemas so I'm going again tonight haha. I'm excited for a second viewing to see if my views hold up and just really take in the movie again!
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boonesfarmsangria · 1 year
catching up on these tag things so ... this is long . oops.
tagged by@blueberry-beanie thx😘
1.are you named after anyone? no
2.when was the last time you cried? yesterday at the store. it was the ✨trauma✨
3.do you have kids? nope
4.do you use sarcasm alot? very little. its begun to feel too disingenuous and less playful than i once thought
5.what sports do you play/have played? have: of organized most but chiefly soccer, rock climbing & trail running do: hike . not really a sport tho is it
6.whats the first thing you notice about people? usually how they move; if anything is restricted, in pain, quality of their energy, vitality..that sort of thing. we can call it their vibe
7.whats your eye color? green
8.scary movies or happy endings? not a fan of either. just prefer an ending congruent with the storyline
9.any speacial talents? any talent i have possessed is feelin less special all the time. im good at everything , can complete nothing
10.where were you born? at home
11.what are your hobbies? researching, reading, painting, sculpture, keeping track, wildcrafting, holistic apothecary biz, camping, hiking, music stuff. i like to make a craft one time and very well and never do that thing again. also been making foccacia, ciabatta and enfleurages lately.
12.do you have pets? in a way
13.how tall are you? not very
14.fav subject in school? english. ill admit to being a little fucker in school so not much else
15.dream job? artist (real) or foals collective personal assistant when theyre on tour (less real)
2 tagged by @flamingplay & @pitchforkhead thx babes
Last song you listened to: Wait 4 U by Machinedrum and Jesse Boykns lll. Its so good
Currently watching: nada
currently reading: im running a preoccupation program in tbe background of some pretty uncool heavy shit so i have now abandoned two books that id othrwise be reading. the desire is there. but alas. the idiot & the passenger
current obsession: my puppys rabbit feet and crazy hair. green tea smoothies, lying down, ben howards lyrical progression, yannis w a water pistol jpg, monument valley & how fuckin weird animals are like look at em! whaaaat?!
i dont know who to tag so you know the deal. do if you wanna. consider urself tagged if you see this
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi Stormie!
Non-BTS ask. Aside from the Stormlight series, what is your favorite Sanderson work? I read them all in a frenzy when I first discovered him, so I need to go back and start over because my adhd means I essentially forget what I’ve read. I enjoy them all immensely while I’m reading, but I can’t for the life of me remember any of the details.
Stormlight is my favorite, but Mistborn would probably be after that! Era 1 and era 2 for different reasons! Lol
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Mistborn official description: For a thousand years the ash fell and no flowers bloomed. For a thousand years the Skaa slaved in misery and lived in fear. For a thousand years the Lord Ruler, the "Sliver of Infinity," reigned with absolute power and ultimate terror, divinely invincible. Then, when hope was so long lost that not even its memory remained, a terribly scarred, heart-broken half-Skaa rediscovered it in the depths of the Lord Ruler's most hellish prison. Kelsier "snapped" and found in himself the powers of a Mistborn. A brilliant thief and natural leader, he turned his talents to the ultimate caper, with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark.
Kelsier recruited the underworld's elite, the smartest and most trustworthy allomancers, each of whom shares one of his many powers, and all of whom relish a high-stakes challenge. Then Kelsier reveals his ultimate dream, not just the greatest heist in history, but the downfall of the divine despot.
But even with the best criminal crew ever assembled, Kel's plan looks more like the ultimate long shot, until luck brings a ragged girl named Vin into his life. Like him, she's a half-Skaa orphan, but she's lived a much harsher life. Vin has learned to expect betrayal from everyone she meets. She will have to learn trust if Kel is to help her master powers of which she never dreamed.
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Basically it's an epic heist novel with some of the best found family vibes snd the emotional punches that don't hold back. It has some cliches, including Vin being one of tbe only female characyers and it can be very "not like the other girls", which Sanderson has admitted to regretting and has since grown from in his future books. But otherwise she is VERY well written and she is a BADASS. While it does have cliches, its twists them on their head more often then not. Its got multiple POVs and the magic system is one of the highlights of the book for me, being incredible complex, but logical and easy to understand and follow.
The quote "there is always another secret" is basically one of the defining characteristics of the plot and novel as a whole and it all is done SO WELL. The novel started out as the whole idea and premise of what happens if the hero/chosen one fails? And that's where the story picks up, with the Dark One having won and taken over the world, and it's now been thousands of years of people living under his domain. It's also ultimately a story about never giving up hope. It's got crazy twists and an amazing OTP, one that I'll cherish forever. "You've managed-- in our short three years together-- to kill not only my god, but my father, my brother, and my fiance. That's kind of like a homicidal hat trick. It's a strange foundation for a relationship, wouldn't you say?" (No, I don't think so! Lol) It dives deep in morally ambiguity and morally Grey is who are Characters are at their core. It starts off by pushing you straight into the deep end with some crazy action and then you learn as you go and it's amazing. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. It explores fallacies of religion, faith and politics in a way that's respectful but still critical. And it doesn't take you out of the story while it does so either.
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Content warnings for Abuse of a sibling, Death, Gore, Murder, prostitution, SA, Slavery, Violence, blood, self harm, war, decapitation, hallucinations, child's death, stalking starvation, suicidal ideation, torture, hostage situations
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leopoldainter · 5 months
Otherwise if you like honey do you fail at
# licko
They took yall likitung
Just one look
I don't have a lot of there s and jump out a window but why drink and drive when you can smoke and fly.
That's for kids,
No it's sushi my forearms pumped look
Your laying down too,
It works in all known position Ha hand
It's still a game boy
Your still. To close eSs ee where my fi getz pointing uh bye
Your dubk
It's fucked! Go
Here's 200$
O wow what do you for a living
Kramer here's four
A good day to you to let's go george
I can't not believe it Yankees it's baseball.
Do you have tbe card
K but I have tbe enthusiasm
I lime thar line it the lime chicken beer
Yku could have said something before the agent orange Dow
Coke George ancient history but your father's got his hand wrapped around so many type of loaves let me count the ways
I ll get some pasta or whatever
Gunna stop
They're like he's ge
Good life fitness
And a bandshell deep batch bleep patch jansahaides dental office X falls down forever but by them they'll b like come back
Why do they put would ebolas in these Whistle I might as well letter twitaall the rooster whistlas
But I wasn't anteater
Vagina westclause that's beverage
I still don't get why Washington a gotta get this close it's umpfed tp Alberta now.
But Thai lands no canvas man for very ddr
Ok now why do you. Writhe frog
Para graph
And before she s in Dublin with a panty mask
ones enough of glass pLot.
Next time why don't we try the Mexican elevator.
On a separate note not our faults
And he said to get the hat back. Hey Tina
Coffee mug gazunteit I can't cartoon implex?
Pope to the unlucky
It means ycant
You can't see me now
I have cats
Her cat had triplets
Edgar's dead
Rheegard motor board
Le la nipplw le la nipple nice eh! No. Down
Le lae le la laoblaw. Das huit. Gone
Quick want cigarets that will kill you
Too late
A d so d there's proof
You guys don't have raffle down there, do you...preitddwhyNhoughw? Or sara Palin actually so much nicelry put
Runrunrun omg run
Just try it's dubstep rhere gellua a bombdeHundala line of super dream steams the same game TX 3 you nasty hoe what the fucks fherwxhs bish de da k vrooooooom
Niki has you r money
Co bdahems
So poor of some of you, to depend on.
De lrceliwe porcelain don't like
Try staying up at night like I don't know, the second
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allthemusic · 5 months
Week ending: 17th March
Yes, I am back! Took a break then found myself wanting to get back to this project, so here I am. I can't promise reliability, but I can promise some wild tunes that you probably have never listened to before, so there's that? Today's contenders couldn't be more different:
A Blossom Fell - Nat King Cole (peaked at Number 3)
Igenerally like Nat King Cole. He has a lovely, smooth voice, and he sells melancholy well. So I'm quite hopeful for A Blossom Fell!
It starts pretty, all smooth strings, and delicate lyrics: A blossom fell from off a tree / It settled softly on the lips you turned to me. How delightful.
Except, it's subverted immediately as we learn that The gypsies say and I know why / "A falling Blossom only touches lips that lie." And sure enough, Nat soon sees his love kissing another person!
He then proceeds to be correctly melodramatic about it for the rest of the song, singing about how love is dead, and all that jazz. We also get the very effective repetition in the I thought you loved me, you said you loved me line, which really convinces you that he just doesn't get what happened. And Nat does work up some passion for this bit, to be fair, but then he shifts back into the softer, smoother mode he started in, and overall result is a lowkey vibe, that's more regretful than angry or critical.
The trumpet solo, particularly, is rich and sad and somehow sounds like it should be in a Disney film, and Nat's voice when he comes back in, along with the gorgeous strings and little plinky notes, does nothing to dispel that impression. He's just so smooth about it all. Heartbreak has never sounded so pretty.
We've got a Big Old Ending, after that, but not a huge one. It's fine and quite pleasant, and I actually think Nat could have sold it more, but as it is, it sells the same sort of restraint that Nat's been showing for the whole thing.
Mobile - Ray Burns (4)
I can't remember if I have seen Ray Burns yet, but I'm choosing to assume that the title is about Mobile, Alabama, and that this might be a country song? I can't work out why else you'd have a song called Mobile, but I might be wrong.
Ooooh, we're starting in a big band swing mode, with some blasts on trumpets. This is promising.
Aaaaa, it is indeed a song about Mobile, Alabama, a town I know very little about. But it's literally a song about the town's growth into a place where people play jazz! So not a country song at all, a jazzy song!
Immediately I am won over by the backing singers' "Where's that?" interjections, and Ray's scene-setting spiel at the start, explaining how They saw a swallow building his nest; / I guess they figured he knew best, / So they built his town around him / And they called it Mobile. (Where's that?)
We then get some mythologising about the people of Mobile, and about how They took a swampland, heavy with steam, / They added people with a dream, / And that dream became a heaven / By the name of Mobile. Which is some cool wordsmithing, even if I don't entirely buy into the idea that anything can be "heavy with steam". Steam is not heavy. Also, swamps are gassy, not steamy. Oh well.
We add a little piano as we start getting lyrics about how the town got big enough to have a trombone and a piano player, which is some nice sound painting - we're hearing the city develop as Ray sings about it.
And then it all turns a bit tourism ad as Ray implores you:  No use your wondrin' where you should go / It's on the Gulf of Mexico / Where the southern belles are ringin' / And the climate's ideal, / It's a honeysuckle heaven / By the name of Mobile. Which, admittedly, sounds great. I now wish to visit Mobile, so job done, I guess.
We also get some vocal backing as the song repeats itself to an end. It's all a little bit Andrews Sisters, that kind of tight vocal jazz group style. I appreciate it.
I feel like this was sponsored by Mobile's tourist board! Or it certainly would be embraced by tbe tourist board today. It must have sounded impossibly exotic to Brits in 1955, very few of whom probably would ever go to Mobile. I mean, it still does today, I don't think many Brits I know have been or are actually planning on going - it's just not a super well-known destination for us. Which, if Ray is to be believed, is a shame!
What a charming forgotten oddity, glad I heard this. This is what thenproject is good for!
Well, I liked both of these songs, but one surprised and charmed me more than the other, so the winner today's gotta be that one. More songs about places, please!
Favourite song of the bunch: Mobile
0 notes
dumbbitchfrommars · 10 months
Tonight has proven to have many many more developments than I expected cringey, awkward, Annoying Noah is apparently admired by many more than just me. Two girls who are very much taken have both expressed their interest in him. He’s a fuckboy to be certain. He flaunts his bachelor status as much as possible to us all. The interesting this is how deep he’s got his hooks into the girl who’s very much taken. But it’s interesting because I noticed their chemistry from day one. In fact - I think she didn’t like me initially purely because he had chemistry with me too. And he withdrew, or he noticed my interest and withdrew - to prove to her his desires are strictly for her. GOD. This is deep and complex and so fucking messy. And Amy on the other hand… the sweetest most innocent girlie pop. She’s had a sex dream with him?! It makes complete sense to be fair. He’s tall and he has a dominant, cocky energy that is irresistible. But at the same time.. we can all do better. He’s awkward and pathetic. But something about it is so fucking sexy. And I know that he noticed my attention was on the other guy the other night. It’s the only reason be fave me that much attention for the first time in tbe many months we’ve known eachother. And after Hannah left! How fucking predictable. It all makes so much sense and it is so frustrating and disappointing that it does. I hate men. I hate men! They aren’t even creepy anymore! They’re just toxic and manipulative and pathetic!!!!!! But to be fair, I knew from day one I can do and want better, so he is entitled to his own romantic interests. But Tom on the other hand.. I can’t believe he’s single now and I had no idea. How interesting. I wonder if I can pretend I don’t know. I can’t but I’ll try!! How interesting tho.. I wonder who ended things? It must have been his gf. Of course it was. He seems like a bit of an annoyance to be completely fair. Men at 22 are kinda pathetic and annoying.
Anyway. Everything about tonight has been so enlightening. It almost makes the tinnitus worth it. I guess I’m still relying on the idea that one day (soon!) they will invent some kind of treatment fkr tinnitus to either reduce or fix it. Anyway.
NDJSKDKKDKDFJKEJ. Whether or not he’s single… it’s fucking humiliating.
I was under the impression no one was around and I was changing in front of him. Ass out and everytbing. And god knows he looked. My dumb ass just kept changing despite him being ther. But tbh.. why did he stay instead of immediately leaving ? Because my instinct would be to leave immediately. But he lingered. And I turned my back to him tk keep changing. Ass out. Wow. I really be unintentionally flirting with every guy. Particularly the ones I like.
I still can’t help but wonder about the one who was friends with joe. Who are you! What’s your name? Why are you lowkey clapped but with good style. Are you in honours too? Phd? Are you marine? Who are you? Sexy man… I just wanna admire you a little bit more. Big arms are always and forever my weakness. Pin me down, child me, literally do nothing at all. Flex. Fix your hair. Put something somewhere. Just let me admire your beautiful sexy amazing arms. IM SO HORNY. I can’t help it. Single for many years now. And always sexually active. Even at my detriment. I traumatised myself to teach myself what I’m worthy of. Because I KNOW I’m worth hot, sexy, steamy, naughty, gorgeously magical sexual encounters. Anyway. I’m gonna try forget the fact that he broke up with his gf. Too fresh. I am sick of being the rebound. I’ve been the rebound for two guys now. One was truly pathetic. The other was concerning and pathetic. And he Matched my energy to fuck with me. Any way. ANYWAY!!!!!
I hate men I hate men I hate men I hate how much I love stupid silly disgusting pathetic men. Because in their weakness, they are inherently always going to be so powerful and sexy and desirable. Juicy. Firm. Strong. Powerful. Powerful……
AnywY. Ugh ughuchbbbbbbbbdjsjwkwkxjdjwnwnxjdjsjsjjsjsjdjd
How annoying. I need to ask for an extension on my assignment. Sfjdpjd chckicn assignment. I am sleepy. Please. And I have some dreams tonight. !! I know I was nIght and I had many drinks but I’m okay!! I promise I’m okay. I would like to have some dreams. Thank you. I appreciate it. I can’t believe I took on another shift without even have a confirmed extensifik. Djjddjjdjdnend xjdjdjdnsndhdndnxnjdwjmemsndnfjdjejfncnkwkskfnnfhtfijfjfhdjdhd
0 notes
aquadreamsiac · 11 months
last night this is going to be weird because I'm using my text to speech because I've had some ciders. I can't be bothered to type. basically I had a dream where I was the resident director at a secondary school and I also worked in this large chic shiny office building in the middle of London. I had just directed a play which had gone very successfully in the school. during the bows, i was to the side of stage and not visble to the audience, but i felt not too bad about it. i was happy to be in the project in the first place. i was feuding with the PE teacher who was a hot lesbian in her 20s, we were talking about what we did for halloween and she was taking the piss because me and my gf came home earlyish. we fought and argued until she basically said something along the lines of 'i know something you don't'. i got it out of her that she had fucked my girlfriend. she was halfway out the door of our place (which btw i think was a tent) and i said to her 'erm you're a liar you aren't even her type, and even if she did we're not completely monogamous so u thought u did something lol' (she was sporty and masc which is my gf's type lol i was trying to put her down). i turned around and my girlfriend was crying, and she said 'no babe i have something i need to tell you'. she told me she had cheated on me with this person. i was inconsolable, screaming about how id waited and pushed my own feelings aside to accommodate my love for her and she had fucked someone else. i was ripped apart but i didn't want to end things. i went to work on a bus (in a big swanky central london building which def wasnt a secondary school) and the PE teacher found me and said 'she called me a dickhead and then told me she wanted me' and i was like KILL YOURSELF YOU LITTLE FREAK and then flo (elkan) got on tbe bus after me and was like 'millie i don't have a debit card. pay for me' and i was like flo girl how are you here plus I HAVE MINUS MONEY AND I'M VERY STRESSED RIGHT NOW I CAN'T BUY YOUR BUS FARE. but i got it for her. i told my girlfriend I was going to break up with her for approx. three months. and then i woke up and she was right there and i had to talk about it immediately because it felt so real abd horrible.
also in thw night i had a nightmare idk what happened but a side character had the biggest most scary buggy eyes and she turned to look at me with these bulging frightening eyes and i woke up and YELLED. i think i was in a courtroom? idk. but i was scared
0 notes
homelessbird · 2 years
I have this idea.
It's playing with the idea of CF!setleth but not in the way of him betraying Rhea and joining Edelgard.
I was thinking like....it's years after the war has ended and Byleth is traveling around. Since her CF solo end just talks about how she keeps on her "destined path" by fighting TWSITD to bring peace to Fodlan. So I was thinking she's traveling around and is in Deidru and catches a glimpse of something green.
Which obviously makes her tense up and she quickly turns but sees nothing. Part of her hopes she somehow sees Seteth and Flayn again but at the same time doesn't because she doesn't know how she could face them now.
For her heart beats and her hair isn't green anymore.
But she stays a few days longer and is exploring the market area when she sees it again but this time sees a hooded figure walking quickly away. Without really thinking about it she runs after them and lo and behold it's Seteth.
It's not exactly the warmest reunion since the last time they saw each other she was invading the Monastary; and was telling him to flee if he wanted him and Flayn to live. And like they just stare at each other.
And he's like "so it is true....The Goddess has forsaken us all." Or something snippy lol Which obviously makes Byleth upset bc rn she doesn't know any truth about the children of The Goddess and just knows the propaganda.
Though she will never admit of the nightmares she has after stabbing Rhea with the SOTC and hearing the woman brokenly gasp "mother". Just like the dream she had of a similar woman holding the sword and calling if mother.
She refuses to ponder it because why admit that maybe you don't have all the facts?
But she's like "No she hasnt" and he just stares at her before turning away and she grabs him not understanding why she feels panic bc she KNOWS if he goes now she will never see him again as long as she lives.
And like I really wanna capture the feeling of "could of been" "in another life" regret and consequences. Loving someone and they love you back but it can never be bc they will never forgive you.
I dont have much thought out outside the "reunion" but they like talk to each other of the course of a few weeks. Seteth tho is even more cagey with her and even Flayn is keeping distance. But somehow she learns the truth about crests and relics.
But I also wanna enraptured these feelings in these qoutes
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Like also dont want it totally disregarding Byleths choice but I think the consequences of giving up her "family" whether she understood or not is like interesting? And also to like give Seteth and Flayn ability to understand her but for her to understand THEM.
And I still want it to be romantic but that achingly tragic kind. If that makes sense? Like I have a lotta thoughts but I think it'll only just stay like....thoughts since I don't really have the writing abilities or delicacy to write something like this. But I'm like obsessed with it lol.
I do know how it ends. Seteth and Flayn leave Fodlan maybe they contacted Claude and finally gave him tbe church secrets so be could give them asylum? And just ends with Byleth moving forward bc she chose her path. But the regret and love stays.
Maybe even ends with her giving him the ring as a goodbye. Or something lol
It's a very scatterbrained idea I know.
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sutimetravelau · 3 years
We Don’t Talk About “That” Bro (We Don’t Talk About Bruno)
We don’t talk about that bro, no, no, no!
We don’t talk about that bro… but
It was a normal day
It was a normal day
We were hanging out, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky
No clouds allowed in the sky
Diamond pops into existence and then—
You telling this story, or am I?
I’m sorry, my brother, go on
Diamond says, “The future is pain”
Why did he tell us?
In doing so, he looks insane
Oh, what a dilemma!
Never did he explain
What a horrid day… but anyway
[Pink and Denim:]
We don’t talk about that bro, no, no, no!
We don’t talk about that bro!
Hey! Grew to live in fear of Diamond stuttering or stumbling
I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling
I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch
It’s a heavy lift, with a life so humbling
Always left the gems and the family fumbling
Grappling with prophecies they couldn’t understand
Do you understand?
A seven-foot frame
Cats along his lap
When he calls your name
It all fades to black
Yeah, he sees your dreams
And feasts on your screams (hey!)
We don’t talk about that bro, no, no, no!
(We don’t talk about that bro, no, no, no!)
We don’t talk about that bro
(We don’t talk about that bro!)
He told me the world would end
Now I wake up with: dread! (no, no!)
He told me the sun would blow up
Now I can’t go to bed… (no, no!)
He said that all life on Earth would disappear, now I feel like I’m dead (no, no! Hey!)
Your fate is sealed when his prophecy is said!
He told me that the life of my dream would be pointless, and someday flatline
He told me that my power would slow, and in the end completely decline
[The Crystal Gems:]
Oye, Connie’s on her way
He told me that the plan of our team would be just not enough
Destined for failure
It’s like I hear him now
Hey bro, I want not a question out of you
I can hear him now
Um, Diamond…
Yeah, about that Diamond…
I really need to know about Diamond…
Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Diamond!
(Steven, your girlfriend is here!)
Time for dinner!
[All (overlapping):]
A seven-foot frame (It was a normal day, it was a normal day)
When he calls your name (and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky)
It all fades to black (no clouds allowed in the sky)
Yeah, he sees your dreams (Diamond pops into existence and then–)
And feasts on your screams (thunder!)
You telling this story, or am I?
I’m sorry, my brother, go on (oye, Connie’s on her way)
Diamond says, “The future is pain” (a seven-foot frame, cats along his lap)
In doing so, he looks insane
Never did he explain
She’s here!
Don’t talk about that bro, no, no, no!
(Why did I talk about that bro?)
Not a word about that bro
I never should’ve brought up that bro!
Also rly like "that bro". Very good way to keep it rhyming
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comradeboyhalo · 3 years
the 2nd pet war, aka a goldmine for sapnap, punz, and badlands analysis
The stream can be viewed here (Sam’s pov, starts 3 hours in). Full disclaimer, I made this originally to talk about the Badlands, but added bullets about Sapnap and Punz after rewatching the stream. The war occurred during the Pogtopia arc, so it’s pre-nov 16 and pre-egg arc. Also, this is insanely long under the cut.
The war starts when Ant steals a panda from Punz, which Sapnap and Sam were helping to escort. The panda then accidentally dies from Punz’s thorns, and it escalates to a war.
Sam’s loyalty to the Badlands is established right off the bat. He switches to the Badlands’ side quickly, despite being very upset that Ant and Bad engaged in a war while underprepared. The moment Sapnap starts attacking Bad, he runs for pots.
This loyalty is even more impressive considering Ant and Bad didn’t trust Sam to help initially. Sam barely holds a grudge against this, and helps anyway.
Ant gives the panda immediately back when Sapnap starts killing Bad and types “leave Bad alone” in chat. During negotiations, he also hits Punz away from Bad simply because he looks threatening.  (#1 bbh shooter)
Bad goes on the warpath the moment the Skeppy statue gets griefed. This is when Punz hesitates, but ultimately goes along with war. 
Also the way Sapnap just pushes all the blame on Bad instead of Ant….egg lore, anyone?
Ant: Punz killed the panda, they’re just dumb I guess
Punz is MUCH less bloodthirsty than Sapnap. It’s pretty clear that Punz is more upset about the panda’s death, while Sapnap is just eager to get revenge and kill people.
This battle also has copious amounts of stream sniping (from both ends) and combat logging (from everyone but Sapnap, who can’t combat log on the server).
Badlands are wayy less geared but Sam’s trident is so OP that it distracts Punz for majority of the battle. This will later spark Ant and Bad to get their own tridents, which leads them as the only people besides Techno to own tridents (hence their official flag having a trident). Now, of course, pretty much everyone has one.
The use of potions and communication through in game messages is very much a Badlands style of fighting. 
Sapnap: “Punz, you’ve always been my most powerful ally. well, you and Dream” 
Punz canonically grieves by being the cameraman for Sapnap’s destruction ???
Sam’s threats when Sapnap held Fran hostage is the first time we really see a darker side to him and he is dark with those threats.
Bad takes the de facto leader position in negotiations and, in typical Badboyhalo fashion, is both eloquent and extremely stubborn. 
Bad’s negotiation is actually really fun to listen to, because he’s really saying the same things as everyone else, but just in a calmer tone and with professional words. It brings back the “words have power” argument of early L’manberg and c!Quackity. Sapnap and Punz’s argument is solid and honestly a lot of fans agreed that they were in the right, but they just ended up letting Bad lay out the terms for everyone.
“It’s so dumb to argue with you, Bad, you never admit you’re wrong” sibling moment, cc!Sapnap just made this REAL 
They broke character a lot during negotiations and it’s honestly nice to see because during the early improv rp days, the lines still blurred a lot between character and cc.
Sam betraying Sapnap/Punz for the pet war and betraying Tubbo for the L’manberg war feels very much in tune for his character. He still views these people as friends, the Badlands just have to come first.
Punz was very much trying to distance himself from Sapnap’s actions to defend himself. Tbe Badlands, on the other hand, covered for each other even when they disagreed with their actions. Bad calls Punz out on this, actually, for not taking responsibility for his allies.
Bad views the Skeppy statue as the same value as Fran’s life, mainly because he built it together with Skeppy.
Sam  views the entire server as collateral damage for Fran, which has definitely changed in light of the prison and his survivor’s guilt.
Pretty much everyone thought Bad was overreacting over the statue, which is completely understandable, but it really stands out now since everyone thought Bad was overreacting over Red!Skeppy as well.
Bad ends up fixing Punz’s beacon that he broke out of revenge for his statue. While they fix it together, Ant and Sapnap just start whaling on each other as Sam/Punz/Bad watch in confusion. (Sam and Bad still end up helping Ant despite this bc Badlands are loyal yknow)
Ant is the most distrustful out of the three, as well as the most vengeful, which is a great contrast from the person who is building an animal sanctuary. 
Also, the fact that Ant is building a sanctuary for animals, but ends up stealing an animal for the kicks, which leads to its death is perfect irony.
at one point, Techno afks by the spider spawner and lags the server
Bad, after Sapnap claims Techno is on his side: i don’t think you understand what side Techno’s on. I dont think anyone understands what side Techno’s on
the Badlands come out as the winners, and it’s counted as the Badlands’ first win as an official faction.
At the end, the Badlands promise to get Punz a new panda, which leads to this stream I highly recommend. It contains the “Manburg, Pogtopia, who cares?” line as well as just god tier vibes
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