#just bitterduo things
keyslox · 2 years
(og meme i found is by CHM0NYAA<3 on yt!!) wowza anomaly meme!!
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paragal · 2 years
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You know what they say, Johnny Quaver makes you famous and Eduardo Cleff robs you blind
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minamotoz · 3 years
no more c!bitterduo reconciliation fics where c!jack apologizes to c!tommy while c!tommy doesnt apologize to c!jack. all my homies hate fics where all the blame in their failed relationship is placed on c!jack.
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randomfansstuff · 2 years
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from here
Yes! Yes! Yes!
okay so c!bitterduo make me quite sad in a lot of ways mostly because their issues can be resolved with communication- but the communication cannot be achieved thru the current means.
c!tommy undeniably hurt c!jack a lot, and his actions and even more so the way he behaves himself make it seem like he does not care about c!jack which we - due to the way he acts around him (bcs we are hardcore inniters and know when ctommy likes someone or not) - can see is not true.
c!tommy hurt and killed c!jack, he ignored him in his time of need and does not acknowledge any of the attempts c!jack has made to reconcile and show his vunreablity (<- i will come back to this in jus a sec) and for these things I believ c!jack deserves an apology from chommy!!
but now. we have the REASON why c!tommy is acting the way he does towards c!jack, which there are several. for chommy c!jack had always been something more... consistent?? It's Jack Manifold you know!! The silly guy with the red and blue glasses who he jokingly hates because Thats Jack Manifold!!!
And now you may think 'but random!! so tvis means ctommy just doesnt take cjack seriously?!?!' And to that i answer yesn't.
He Does take cjack seriously, in the sense that cjack is a presence - a friend - in his life which he cares about even if he doesn't show it. ctommy during his development started showing more affection towards those he was scared of losing- but c!jack was such a consistent, same part that he never felt the need to do the same i think.
He Does Not want to acknowledge even the idea of cjack wanting to harm him, because hey Thats Jack Manifold?? Why would jack manifold, his friend and comrade, want any harm on him????
but i believe this is the smallest part on why chommy basically 'overlooks' (<- hyerbole) all of cjacks emotional damage and complaints. I thinkt the main reason really is just Right Person Wrong Time.
like ALL of rhe moments I can think of where ctommy actively hurt cjack were moments of high stress and even traums for ctommy. the death during exile was durint exile man, im 90% sure he doesnt even remember it happening considering he aldo forgot the mexican dream incident. ctommy blocked out all of the negative emotional shit exile gave him, and as much as it sucks for cjacks situation, you can’t blame him for that.
same for the hotel conflict- c!tommy directly after revival. High stress situation. c!tommy was concentrating on other things.
Like a real cartoon villain man, c!Jack always catches ctommy in the moments and wants to talk about their conflict when it's Literally The Worst Possible Time for it.
Of course that never works ojt good.
ESPECIALLY because cjack also always mentions cdream, and when cdream gets mentioned ctommy. spaces. out. He Stops listening because of His Own Trauma and it's not something He Can Control.
and c!jack is Not Able to see that. so he assumes ctommy doesnt care. and the cycle starts anew.
also i dont think cJack should like ermmmm murder ctommy that was Bad and that alone is deserving of an apology to ctommy
So yeah this post is long enough ermmmm
TLDR ; ctommy hurt cjack and cjack hurt ctommy they shoud talk abojt it while drinking tea and cjack needs to stop mentioning cdream when he wants to talk abt issues
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Meet The Mods
We're Happy To Have You~
This is an extension of our introduction post for Unminecrafts Your Fic that goes over the mods helping to run this blog as well as a couple details you might find interesting about this blog.
First and foremost, we'll usually be avoiding "first page fics". What this means is that usually we'll be avoiding fics with the most kudos are their tags since those fics already get a lot of attention and we'd like to share some of that attention with smaller and newer fics. We will make exceptions for fics that are requested though! I.e. we'd usually avoid fics like Shells In The Foam or Passerine unless requested.
Secondly, this blog is centered around positivity. While we will be "reviewing" fics as mentioned in our pinned post we won't be rating them. Reviews are just extended recommendations. They'll often include spoilers and our personal thoughts about the fics, but the primary aim is to provide positivity and compliments for these authors.
Third, we don't review unfinished fics. We will recommend them happily and talk about them as in progress pieces, but fics that are in progress will be clearly noted as such considering we can't talk about them as a finished work. Works that become boundary breaking will have their recommendation immediately removed the moment the mods become aware of it. Discontinued fics fall under the same category as unfinished and will be noted with the tag #UYFdiscontinuedorinprogress.
Now, on with the Mods
Mod Tommy Pronouns: Any Neo's Tag Specialization: discduo, bitterduo, awesamfam, rocketduo, souptrio, superhero aus, space aus, and will handle the fics with dark/serious/or potentially triggering topics most of the time, About: Hey! Mod Tommy here. I'll focus on anything with hefty amounts of angst! I'll probably tend to keep any reviews short and sweet, but if you need something to read that makes you go "Woah, that was fucked up" I'm your guy!
Mod Ranboo Pronouns: she/her Tag Specialization: crimebois, angelduo, octopusduo, dadbur, mer aus, fairy tale aus, kristin content, About: Hello hello! It's Mod Ranboo :D I'm really excited to help give writers the positive attention they all deserve! I plan on using my English degree to the fullest extent to point out all the amazing things people create! I'll be focusing on anything angst with a happy ending, and especially things like mer aus and fairy tale retellings! Side note UNFRIDGE THINE MUMZA!
Mod Tubbo Pronouns: Genderfluid, stick to She/They/He Tag Specialization: bedrock bros, alliumduo, benchtrio, winged tommy, familiar tommy, grian content, fae aus, foster aus, About: Your friendly Mod Tubbo here! As is indicative of my name I'm here to help inspire chaos, but also action. A lot of longer form rec and review posts are going to be mine. I adore requests so if you have a specific fic you'd like me to take a look at feel free to send it in as an ask! I love bullying Tommy, love turning him into nonhuman species, and the more unhinged your plot ideas the better.
Mod Purpled Pronouns: They/Them Tag Specialization: Paranormal and ghost aus, mystery fics, werewolf aus About: Hello, mod Purpled here o7 I adore fics centered around a mystery waiting to be solved, especially if it's paranormal or supernatural related. Small town horror or magic with a sense of dread or longing? Sign me up. I want to share what makes fics so enjoyable, and help uncover some absolute bangers that are often overlooked.
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