#just for yuelou
friendlynbhddevil · 6 months
So, story time!
When I started watching Killer and Healer, I was (still am) in love with the song that used to play at the end of each episode. Even after I had finished watching the entire show, the song stuck with me. So, I used to listen to it almost on a daily basis while going to and coming back from school.
This was back in 2021. Basically when Spotify served the very purpose of its existence.
I remember being sad when I couldn't find it there. But, thanks to a very kind uploader on YouTube (they included the translated lyrics too, bless them), my moping didn't last long.
Fast forward to today, I found myself listening to the songs posted on the tag game posts. Among these was the title track of the show's OST.
Out of habit, I scrolled through playlists with the title Killer and Healer on Spotify before my search was finally over.
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I don't know why I'm writing this. However, what I do feel is a whole ton of gratitude for the existence of fandoms. My heart is happy :>
So thank youuu 😭😭 (Thank you so much @killerandhealerqueen)
Here's the link if anyone wants to give it a listen:
And here's the video:
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✨ weekend wip exposure club ✨
rules: post 7 sentences/a snippet of an unfinished work
@hyperbolicgrinch and @theotherwhybietoldmeso (happy Sunday my loves!)
So, I'm back on my Killer and Healer bullshit (god how I've missed writing for them) so here is a snippet from Die Trying (I've finally picked her back up again and god I've really missed writing for this fandom)
         “Father, if I may…can I offer you some advice when dealing with subordinates who need to be kept in place?” he asked.  Bai Jinbo and the rest of the villagers looked at him warily.          “What sort of advice?” he inquired.  Zhao Jingming hummed.          “Well, I find people can lose sight of the stakes and sometimes need a gentle reminder of just how those with power deal with those without” he explained before he walked over to one of his men in the metal masks and grabbed the staff they were holding before he walked back over to Jin Dacheng and stood before him, making everyone extremely nervous.          “Admiral—” Bai Jinbo started when Zhao Jingming looked over at him.          “It’s fine” he assured before he looked back at Jin Dacheng, who looked at him in fear, and tightened his grip on his staff.          “Let me show you what I mean” he declared before he suddenly turned and smashed the head of the staff into the side of Bai Jinbo’s head, causing all of the villagers to gasp and scream in horror as he fell to the ground, dead.          “No” Jin Dacheng whispered, just as Zhao Jingming began to beat him repeatedly over and over with the staff, even though it really wasn’t necessary, as the single blow to the head had killed him instantly.  Once he had finished beating him, he took a step back, just as Bai Yanli let out a scream and ran towards Bai Jinbo’s body, only to be cut down by one of the soldier’s krypteian blades.  As she fell to the ground, blood pooling around both of them, all of the villagers stared at the massacre in horror as Jin Dacheng looked at Zhao Jingming in confusion.          “Why would you do that?!” he demanded.  Zhao Jingming, however, didn’t answer and instead just looked him straight in the eyes, his own eyes cold and unfeeling.          “When can I expect my harvest?” he inquired.  Jin Dacheng blinked in shock; how could he think about his harvest when he had just killed, no, murdered two people?!  He then quickly shook his head.          “I…I don’t…” he started when Zhao Jingming suddenly pressed the staff against his throat, making him look up at him with wide eyes.          “I said, tell me partner, when I can expect my harvest” he growled.  Jin Dacheng blinked rapidly, all of his neurons firing off at once, before he gulped.          “Nine…nine weeks” he stammered.  Zhao Jingming nodded and lowered the staff from his neck.          “Very well.  In ten weeks, I shall return and you will have my 10,000 bushels prepared for my ship” he declared, making Jin Dacheng look at him in shock.          “10…” he started before he shook his head.          “We…we barely produce 12,000 bushels.  We’ll starve to death!  I don’t understand what it is you want!” he exclaimed.  Zhao Jingming looked at him calmly.          “What I want…is everything” he declared before he walked over to one of his masked men and took his cap from him, placing it back on his head before he turned and headed out of the Longhouse, all of his men following behind.  As they left the building, all of the villagers remained behind and stared at Bai Jinbo and Bai Yanli’s bodies in shock before Jin Dacheng took a deep shuddering breath.          “Call…Call Chen Yuzhi” he instructed.  However, no one moved, causing him to growl as he looked at them.          “CALL CHEN YUZHI!” he roared. 
When I say this fic is rated M...I ain't fucking kidding
Tagging: anyone who wants to join, this is open for all!
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nineninepetals · 2 years
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I’ll never be this happy again You and I And no one else
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tytangfei · 8 months
remembering that chen yuzhi was a fierce stubborn dude. early yuzhi would kill you if he wasn't a doctor who already made an oath not to kill.
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noraigo · 9 months
can we please talk about jiang yuelou and chen yuzhi?
if you told me a couple of months ago that i wouldn't get over a series about a hot-tempered policeman and a gentle doctor, i wouldn't have believed you. however, here i am and i cannot fathom the fact that this series is so underrated. the chemistry, the whole plot, the characters: chen yuzhi, jiang yuelou, chu ran, yu tangchun, among many others, are so well-built and i think that just for this, it deserves more recognition.
BUT, i’m solely here to talk about these two. can we appreciate how beautiful their relationship is? i am aware that they fall under the bromance trope, but you cannot convince me they are merely close friends, not when the whole series is based on a bl novel. although they start off a bit hostile (i know, i know), the evident infatuation jiang yuelou develops towards chen yuzhi and vice versa is so romantic. he finds everything the doctor does endearing, from his quiet surprises to the way he’s always trying to help him psychologically. yuelou suffers emotionally due to his bipolar disorder, with violent outbursts and unstability that makes him throughout the series, you get to know that yuelou is not the kind of person to seek help, that he would rather confront everything by himself than ask guidance. yet, somehow — he always comes to yuzhi when he’s uneasy or confused. it’s not a secret in the police bureau either, song rong and sun yongren (the most loyal characters i’ve seen in a series, i have to say) are pretty much aware of his liking towards yuzhi’s company. even jin dacheng himself insinuated that both of them didn’t have an innocent relationship at all.
the hugs, the touches, THE LOOKS! oh my goodness, their stares were the death of me. i am the kind of person who never skips initial and final credits, so i was very eager to know the hospital scene that happens at the very end of the credits, because i was sure it would become my favourite. i was right and i won’t forget the feeling i was experiencing: the look of relief on yuelou to see yuzhi alive before his eyes, but being on the verge of tears because he knew yuzhi almost didn’t make it? it's a mixture between guilt, relief and love, all in one. absolutely delightful. it’s a repetitive pattern though: yuzhi gets in trouble, yuelou goes crazy and once he’s safe in his arms again, it’s like a part of yuelou’s soul is being reassured that the most important person in his life is alive, safe and sound. because, oh my… in the novel, yuelou considers the doctor his zhī jǐ: a person who understands him deeply no matter what, similar to a soulmate. thanks to an user on tumblr and their translations, i could get to know that, in the audiodrama, yuelou’s feels go beyond platonic. “you’re more significant than friends. people touch you, it’s the same thing as them going after my life.” THIS IS SO RAW AND EMOTIONAL, I’M GOING TO FAINT. the fact that even when yuelou and yuzhi were in danger, as zhan junbai was watching them over, yuelou straight up says: (on my own words, as my memory has been failing me lately)
“is there something between us that can’t be said? we're of the same mind.” i’m so... give me a minute, please *inaudible screams and screeches*
one thing i noticed a lot while watching the series is the fact yuzhi is a very gentle, soft-spoken and intelligent character, which already makes him likable (oh, i LOVE kind-hearted characters) but when you see him through yuelou’s pov — slow motioned movements, timid dimpled smiles, a person whose demeanour is described as pure even — he becomes even more lovable and that’s how yuelou sees yuzhi. how crazy in love yuelou must be to stare at yuzhi while doing mundane things, such as having dinner together? absolutely not focusing on the plate underneath him. instead, grinning with doe eyes as he watches yuzhi looking at the snowy night. ROMANTICISM ON ITS PEAK.
however, for me, the most special thing is to see yuzhi reassuring yuelou by holding his hand so dearly, by hugging him out of relief to see him alive too, by cradling his hand on yuelou’s cheek to brush his tears away. THE ENDING, I CAN’T CONTINUE MY LIFE AND PRETEND NOTHING HAPPENED.
yuzhi is slowly passing away on the other’s arms. yuzhi always wants to be near him and it gets highlighted in his final words, he was too wishing to eat tang yuan with now commissioner jiang yuelou. even on death, he’s under the snow with him. even on death, yuelou’s fondest memories are with chen yuzhi, for he keeps their photo together close to his heart despite grieving his absence and having to take care of yuzhi’s little sister. yuelou simply sits on his home all alone, with the emptiest eyes which once had the entire galaxy shared with yuzhi. not moving, not doing anything. i felt like i was mourning with yuelou, i will never forget how he quietly lays down beside yuzhi’s body while crying his heart out when he realized the inevitable.
WHY? WHY IS THE ANGST SO BRILLIANT WITH THEM? THE LONGING, THE YEARNING, THE LOVE. i’m afraid i won’t enjoy anything that doesn’t remind me of them. there was a before and an after in me, it literally reseted my entire smooth brain.
everyone, go watch killer and healer. 37 episodes are definitely worth the time!
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just look at them, i will respectfully combust.
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cephiius · 6 months
Why is Jiang YueLou the "Killer"?
Do you think that Chen YuZhi's death is the full consequence of Jiang YueLou's initial attempt to half-kill him? That the embodiment of his pride-turned-pain and vice versa is how he could not save the people that he loved? That he cherished? That gave him meaning? That saved his life?
That the essence of Jiang YueLou as the "killer" isn't just because of the blood on his hands, but because he was never able to save the people that mattered to him?
His trusted subtordinates, who both died in battle alongside him. Sun YongRen. Song Rong.
The figure and mentor that took him in which became his family after he lost his first one. Bai JinBo.
His mother whom he grieved before, during, and after their reunion. Jiang ShenNan.
Chen YuZhi.
Perhaps it really was his strong sense of justice that pulled him to do it... maybe it is his first priority to take the odds with the only chance he had. His bureaucratic ideals were something long planned after all. But.
Do you think that for what he did to Chen YuZhi, specifically, Jiang YueLou was given karma for not preparing or warning the other beforehand? That he only had to believe that the other would be okay fully knowing in his field of work, it would almost always end otherwise? That YueLou's recklessness was a risk he was willing to make that took YuZhi's warm and careful humanness for granted?
That YueLou took YuZhi for granted, because the latter was the "healer" who was supposedly going to be fine until the very end, until he was not?
I think that at the finale of it all, YueLou was tired. He could not save his friends and family. Not even the person that faithfully remained with him throughout everything which occurred and helped him achieve his glory. Maybe YueLou knew that there was nothing else that could heal YuZhi. So he laid there, beside the love of his life, and stayed.
Because if Jiang YueLou could not save Chen YuZhi, he would at least stay with him and not take him for granted one last time.
additional: i think it would be a great thing to note how keying was alive. all this time. (interesting writing tbh) so chen keying basically gave his life, as the healer, and did manage to save the people around him. the people that meant most to him.
yes, chu ran died. that's a whole other thing and her own distinct person and arc. but. i'd like to emphasize that i think chu ran is one of yuzhi's greatest friends. therefore, he managed to save the two just right above that friendship. chen keying. jiang yuelou. his family.
(i wrote this mid-brainrot at almost sunrise after finishing the series lmao anw i still hate the ending, make the girls and gays happy tsk) (anw i'd like to hear ur thoughts!)
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luxhesperus · 3 months
I'm so glad you're enjoying Killer and Healer! It's absolutely my favorite drama and I'm completely normal (lying) about it and everyone in it. If you ever want someone to talk to about the drama or about the ships or whatever, please feel free to drop by my ask box! I adore talking about Killer and Healer and would love to talk about it with you!
omg hi! hello hello! i totally understand why you're completely normal about killer and healer bc i am too despite being only on ep 13, that's just how good and addicting it and the characters are!
i've been slowly going feral over yuelou and yuzhi ever since yuelou carved 堂之余 for the clinic and now the silly little thought of yuelou also building them their home post-canon (canon is dead to me the same way it did to yuzhi) 🥹
(also, i was wondering why your username looked so familiar and as it turns out, i've read some of your works—for killer and healer and some other fandoms—and i absolutely adore them!!)
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anitabandita · 6 months
Okay, okay, OKAY. So I’m rewatching Killer and Healer right now, and I just had a marvelous realization: in episode 5, we get a scene where Chu Ran is reading “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen:
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Later on in the same episode, Jiang Yuelou, out of guilt or maybe because of something else as well, gifts the clinic to Chen Yuzhi:
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He even makes him the goddamn sign.
Okay, so where am I going with this? Well, in “Pride and Prejudice”, Mr. Darcy wrongs Elizabeth by insulting both her and her family, as well as breaking her sister Jane’s heart by taking Mr. Bingley away. In Killer and Healer, Yuelou feels that he has wronged Yuzhi, for guilt for his sister. Mr Darcy redeems himself by helping first Elizabeth’s younger sister Lydia. It is also hinted that he was involved with the reunion between Jane and Mr. Bingley. Jiang Yuelou, as mentioned earlier, helps Chen Yuzhi get his own clinic.
Lastly, and this is important, neither Mr. Darcy not Jiang Yuelou wants to be found out. Mr. Darcy doesn’t want Elizabeth to know that he’s the one that helped her sister: he asks people to specifically not tell her. Jiang Yuelou does something similar: he doesn’t want Yuzhi to know that he helped him get the clinic. He asks Yu Tangchun to pose as the “benefactor” instead.
The parallel is striking: Mr. Darcy and Yuelou are both doing this not because they wish to show off or because they want to be perceived as good by Elizabeth/Yuzhi. They just want to help them because they care for them .
Like, please tell me I’m not reading into this too much, because it would actually be insane if the writers wrote such a parallel without even realizing it.
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booksandwords · 2 years
“You can lie to everyone else in the police station, but you can’t lie to me.  So, I’m going to ask you again: are you okay?” he asked.  Jiang Yuelou shot him a glare before he sighed heavily. “I’ll be fine…I just need some time.  I…I just wasn’t expecting to see that today” he murmured.  Jin Dacheng nodded.
I'll Be There For You by Sass (aka @killerandhealerqueen)
I have a serious weakness for fics that write Jiang Yuelou and Jin Dacheng friendship post canon (though this is an everyone AU). Honestly it just makes sense. Sass does a brilliant job here she plays on the trauma that is the end of the drama in one of the most realistic ways possible.
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evil-moonlight · 2 years
Since you love Killer and Healer as much as I do, I'm gonna send you some emojis from my K&H emoji ask list: ☀️🎨👌👑🤬❤️❤️
Hiii, Sass!!! Finally I have the time to answer this! I hate my job; it won’t even allow me to rest! But anyway, here it goes............
☀️ What’s your favorite episode?
Definitely Episode 33. Because first of all, Chen Keying is alive. The best news ever! Second of all, this scene exists. You know how deeply this scene shattered me. What constitutes love if not giving your life to save another person's?
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🎨 Create a moodboard of your favorite fic (if you don’t know how to do that, just linking it and describing it works too)
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Karma by Gizzwhizz :))) I cried reading this! :’))))) 
👌 Top five moments
1. The beginning of “friendship”
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2. when the doctor gets sick
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3. when the cop couldn’t stop admiring his doctor
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4. when the cop feels sick (but we know we know xD)
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5. when yuelou began to understand that yuzhi is someone he can trust
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👑 Best/favorite outfit
Jiang Yuelou’s blue outfit; it suits him very well. I think he has the best outfit in the show. I also think Chen Yuzhi has the best ones. And Chu Ran. And Zhan Jun Bai. Yu Tang Chun. And Jin Dasheng. Everybody has very beautiful outfit and I am dying to wear one!!!
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🤬 What moment makes you absolutely unhinged and feral?
Ahhh, I got absolutely unhinged and feral when Jin Da Cheng arrested Chen Yuzhi for opium. I seriously despised Da Cheng for awhile when our soft doctor encountered such a disturbing situation (but of course, that was my first viewing, now my attitude for Jin DaCheng is different; I love that man!) But yeah, that moment was so nerve-wracking, plus Jiang Yuelou did all those things to Da Cheng just to save Yuzhi. Yuelou made it abundantly obvious that no one is ever allowed to touch Yuzhi! <333
❤️ What’s your favorite Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi moment? (good luck, there are many)
There really are so many! But let me give you two of my favorites. <333
1. they’re so in love, your honor, that even a bad weather can’t stop them from having their best times together.
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2. they’re so gay and I love that about them. <333
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❤️ What’s your favorite Zhan Junbai and Yu Tangchun moment? (gotta show them some love too)
This moment right here is my favorite! The fact that Zhan Jun Bai appears to be so content in this scene—purely happy and thrilled that Tang Chun is singing for him—has me completely baffled. And Yu Tang Chun WHAAAT? so wonderful of him to suggest a Farewell My Concubine performance with Zhun Bai! <333 I adore them to no end!
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kavitawinchester · 2 years
Crossover with Well Intended Love | Nai He BOSS Yao Qu Wo, time travel.
Chu Yan just wanted his life not to be so difficult. He was tired of his father's nagging and the fact that he raised his hand against him for any disobedience. It's not that Chu Sr. was able to break his son's stubborn character, but the guy wants his father to say at least once that he is proud of him.
Yan wants to tear out of his heart the love for Jia Xiao Lin, because she is the wife of his best friend, Lin Yi Zhou. Chu Yan will never admit his feelings to a girl, he values his friend/brother too much, he will only ruin everything with his confession.
His asthma can attack unexpectedly, he dreams that someday he will be cured of it.
After another quarrel with his father, Chu Yan locked himself in his room and went to bed exhausted.
Chu Yan wakes up in an unfamiliar room and in different clothes. He gets up and goes to the mirror and is shocked to see that his hair is dark, instead of his red, and his hairstyle is different. And then a handsome man dressed in an old police uniform enters, hugs him and gently kisses him on the cheek.
- Are you awake? It's your day off, Yuzhi, why did you get up so early?
Chu Yan looks at him in absolute shock and can't find the words. This joke is no longer funny! What Yuzhi? What's going on here??? But no one jumps out shouting "Prank!", and the handsome stranger continues to hug him.
- Are you all right?"What is it?" he asked anxiously.- Yuzhi?
"I'm not Yuzhi!" Chu Yan wants to yell
"It's fine, apparently I haven't fully woken up," Chu Yan replied as calmly as possible, forcing himself not to panic. - Okay, I'll try to come to lunch. And you rest," he kissed him gently on the forehead again and left.
Chu Yan barely restrained the urge to scream. What the fuck is going on here??? He rummages in the closet and sees light suits along with dark ones and realizes that Yuzhi is wearing light clothes. Chu Yan changes clothes and goes to look for information where he got to. He is not happy with the results. He was in the past/how is this possible at all???/, his name is Chen Yuzhi, he is a doctor, and this gorgeous man / yes, Yan is a convinced hetero (who are you lying to), but despite this he knows how to appreciate the beauty of a man / his husband. Husband, fuck. And this is in China. His name is Jian Yuelou, he is the commissioner of the local police and they have been together for many years.
Chu Yan decides to play the role of Dr. Chen Yuzhi, he's an actor! But would he be able to deceive Jian Yuelou? Couldn't. The commissioner suspected that this was not his husband. And it's not about Chu Yan's acting skills, it's just that Yuelou knows Yuzhi inside and out, and this guy seems to have fallen into another dimension.
"You're not Yuzhi," Jian Yuelou stares at the actor.
Chu Yan almost dropped the teapot when he was pouring tea into the cups.
- What makes you think that?- the actor quickly pulled himself together.
- Do you think I don't recognize my husband? You shy away from my touch, are you afraid of me?- Yuelow grinned.
Chu Yan looked at him indignantly.
- I'm not afraid of you!- the actor snorted.
- Really?- The commissioner's grin made Yan want to throw a teapot at him.
Jian Yuelou got up from the sofa he was sitting on and walked over to Chu Yan. The actor immediately took a step back. Yuelou laughed.
- Why are you running away?- The commissioner's grin was annoying. God, Yan hadn't been so mad since his quarrels with Xia Ling. And how does Chen Yuzhi live with this type?
"I'm not running away," Chu Yan replied irritably, putting the kettle on the table. He doesn't want to remember how he tried to sort things out in the kitchen. He's a man from the 21st century, give him a break!
- Stop lying!- Yuelou's gaze became hard.- You have a different facial expression, it's like you're in someone else's house. Where is Chen Yuzhi? What did you do to him?- Yuelow growls at the end.
Chu Yan is not afraid of him. He boldly looks into the eyes of the one whom all criminals called a demon. Jian Yuelou involuntarily remembers Yuzhi, he was also never afraid of him.
Chu Yan gives up. He wants to get away from this commissioner in his own time. Yan doesn't want to fall in love with him. Does he have such karma that he falls in love with non-free people? First Xia Ling, now Jian Yuelou. And yes, he managed to fall in love with a man in one day. But who can resist Jian Yuelou? Chen Yuzhi was very lucky.
-You're right, I'm not Chen Yuzhi. My name is Chu Yan and I have no idea how I got to this time.
-At this time?- Jian Yuelou was hooked by this phrase.- What does that mean?
- You won't believe me, but I'm from the 21st century.- Chu Yang sighed.
Yuelou wanted to laugh at first, but looking at Chu Yang's serious face, he believed him.
- Tell me everything.- Chu Yang tells everything he knows, trying not to talk too much about the future so as not to spoil anything.
Quite by chance, Jian Yuelou finds out that Chu Yang's father is mistreating him. He gets furious.
- Why does your father beat you?
- How did you...
- It's not hard to guess. So why?
- I don't know. He adopted me, I'm not the perfect son for him. I don't know what needs to be done to make him like me,- Chu Yang shrugs. How dare he?! Jian Yuelou is furious. Chu Yang shrugs his shoulders.
- I've accepted it for a long time. Let's close the topic.
Jian Yuelou is ready to kill Senior Chu.
Chu Yan is the absolute opposite of Chen Yuzhi, he is more audacious, irritated faster, more emotional. But at the same time, he is also full of compassion and ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones.
-Where do you think Chen Yuzhi is?- Jian Yuelou is worried about her husband. Chu Yan had long guessed where the doctor might have gone.
-I think he got into my time. We just need to find out how to get us back to our places.
- Are we going to look for sorcerers?-Yuelow snorts.
-If I have to,- Yan shrugs. He needs to go back to his own time, otherwise his poor heart won't stand it. Jian Yuelou is so caring with him that it hurts. After all, in his time, he does not have a person who will look at him like that, who will be interested in him. No, he loves his friends, but Yuelou is something else entirely. Yan hides his feelings under lock and key, he doesn't want there to be tension between them. Only Yuelou was the best cop for a reason, he sees that Chu Yan is interested in him, but he is silent. Commissioner Jian admires his willpower, the actor does not want to destroy any relationship. Therefore, he did not confess to Xiao Ling and would never do so. And now he is silent. -Someday you will meet your Jian Yuelou. Our souls are connected. I am sure that in your time my future incarnation is waiting for you.
- Very funny, Commissioner.-Chu Yan snorts.- I'm not lucky.
- We'll see. You'll remember my words later,- smiles Jian Yuelou.
At this time, Chen Yuzhi wakes up in Chu Yang's body. The poor doctor is terrified that he is out of his time. Yuzhi looks at his reflection and thinks that the red color is not his. It is better not to remember how he tried to understand modern technology. He finds out that at this time he is a famous actor, he is the only son of a rich businessman, his best friend got married under a contract, but is head over heels in love with his wife. Yuzhi gathers courage and leaves the room. What a blessing that Lin Yi Zhou sent a car for him, otherwise he would definitely have been lost. Yuzhi meets Lin Yi Zhou and his wife, Xiao Lin. The girl reminds him a lot of Chu Ran. They start jokingly swearing and time flies by imperceptibly. When Yuzhi returns "home", he is met by Chu Sr. He is a serious man, walks with the help of a cane. Yuzhi, as a doctor, wants to find out the cause of the injury and help, but then a man comes up to him and slaps him. Yuzhi's head swung to the side from the force of the blow and he barely managed to stay on his feet.
- Obnoxious boy! Where have you been?!-Chu asked furiously.- You were supposed to be at dinner with Mrs. Sun! How dare you not come?
Yuzhi was confused from shock at first and looked at his "father" in disbelief. Beat up your son for not being at some dinner? What's going on here???
- Did you swallow your tongue?- The man hissed and swung at Yuzhi again. Only Chen Yuzhi has had enough. He easily grabs his hand by the wrist and squeezes it hard.
- Don't you dare hit me. I was with Lin and Zhou and you knew it perfectly well. I won't stand for it anymore.- Yuzhi's gaze became hard. Chu Senior's eyes widened in shock and he tried to free himself from the grip.
- Who do you think you are? Have you forgotten your place?
- I haven't forgotten my place. I am your son, not a slave. And you have no right to raise your hand against me. That was the last time.- Yuzhi is not going to tolerate this. No wonder he and Chu Yan decided to switch places. Apparently someone upstairs got tired of watching the poor guy suffer and they sent Yuzhi here.
He lets go of Chu Senior's hands and goes up to his room. Yuzhi wants to find out what's going on here. He finds Chu Yan's diary and hesitates to read it for a long time. Deciding that he will write a letter of apology, he begins to read. After reading it, he admires the actor. Despite the difficulties, he did not get angry at the whole world and became strong. Yuzhi finds out that he is adopted, but this does not give his father the right to mock him. Chu Yan has fallen in love with his best friend's wife, but is doing his best to help them save their marriage after a strong quarrel. Not only that, but the actor suffers from asthma. Yuzhi is happy that there are medicines that help those who have this disease, because there is no such thing in their time and it is difficult to help patients. He writes a letter in which he says that he should not let his father torment him, that he admires him. And that he will definitely meet his Jian Yuelou at this time, because their souls are connected.
At this time, Chu Senior is in his office trying to figure out what has changed in his son. Yan had been impudent to him before, but this was the first time. His son has never defended himself from a blow until today. Something has changed. That's just what?
A day later, the guys switch places. Jian Yuelou immediately realizes that his Yuzhi has returned. Seeing her husband, the doctor immediately hugs him tightly. Yuelou gently touches his hair on the back of his head.
-My Yuzhi is back,- Yuelou is happy.
-Yes, I'm home now,- Chen Yuzhi hugged his husband for a long time. Then they shared the news and hoped very much that Chu Yang would be fine.
Chu Yan woke up in his room and immediately saw a letter from Chen Yuzhi. Reading everything that happened in his absence and his confrontation with his father, Yan only smiles gently. He was amused by the phrase that he would meet a man like Yuelou.
-My friend was telling the truth, that married people think the same way,- Yan snorts. Chu Yan meets Xiao Ling and realizes that he still loves her, but his heart does not hurt so much at the sight of her. After all, Jian Yuelou will easily outshine anyone.
And then comes the canon. Chu Yan quarrels with his father again because of Xiao Ling and gets hit by his father's cane. Falling, he hits a corner and soon loses consciousness. At the hospital, he finds out that Lin Yi Zhou know about his feelings for Xiao Lin, but he trusts him, because they are brothers. And that Yan is now free from the Chu family. He doesn't believe it. Now his nightmare will end. But the nightmare is just beginning. He is abducted from the hospital, he is declared dead, and Xiao Ling is blamed for his "death". Chu Yan manages to escape from captivity and, seeing the motorcycle, decides to steal it. Only the owner of the motorcycle is very against it. Chu Yan tries to convince him that he needs it more, but when he saw who the owner was, he widened his eyes in shock. In front of him is Jian Yuelou. More precisely, its more modern version.
After hearing that the actor had been kidnapped and escaped from captivity, Kang Sheyan/ that's Jian Yuelou's name at this time/ decides to help him and take him where he needs to go. Chu Yan annoys Lin and Zhou and they expose the deception. After all, Yaea's father finds him and tries to persuade him to return home. The guy doesn't agree. But Chu Senior is getting sick and Yan can't leave him. The father understood a lot after the "death" of his son and is trying to establish relations. Chu Yan doesn't believe him, but decides to give him one last chance. So he finds out that he is actually his own son, but because of the mother who abandoned them, Chu Sr. began to snap at his son. Realizing that he was wrong, the man desperately wants to improve. He knows that his son's trust will not be easy to regain.
Soon, Chu Yan meets Kang Sheyan, who is also a policeman in this life and he came for his reward. Chu Yan tells him to tell the account where to transfer the money, but Detective Kang grins and declares that his reward will be a date. Chu Yan was even speechless from such impudence. But Kang Sheyan does not give up and Chu Yan cursing everything, agrees. Detective Kang is slowly winning the heart of the actor he fell in love with at first sight. Chu Yan probably definitely did something terrible in his past life that he met Kang Sheyan. This man drove him to frenzy with his hints, he had never blushed so much in his whole life! But at the same time, with him, Chu Yan felt safe and loved. He certainly goes to the temple to thank the souls of Jian Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi for their wish to meet the person who has become his soul mate. And yes, Lin Yi Zhou promised to kill the detective if he broke his younger brother's heart. Chu Yan was happy.
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killerandhealerqueen · 9 months
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Chen Yuzhi, baby, the last thing on Jiang Yuelou's mind right now is living a good life
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Hey, Jiang Yuelou, you can't beat yourself up about this...
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Thank you, Chen Yuzhi, my thoughts exactly
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God, the way Chen Yuzhi gently rubs his thumb over Jiang Yuelou's knuckles comfortingly
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Chen Yuzhi's inner thoughts: "You still have me"
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God, they're both hurting and so am I
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nineninepetals · 2 years
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As long as he’s willing to give me the tiniest bit of affection, from this point on, every day he lives, I will live with him. If he passes on, I will hold a bundle of dry grass, douse myself in kerosene, and burn up together with him, turning to ash, becoming one with the earth in the same spot.
As long as you’re willing, as long as you want me…
Can I make an extravagant request for a minute, to be with you until we grow the white hairs of age?
Faraway Wanderers Extra 2 — (trans. by chichilations)
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tytangfei · 2 years
a year-late opinion but I would've been fine with Chen Yuzhi dying in the end if it wasn't so...dumb. like, that death felt stupid after Chen Yuzhi literally survived a different bullet wound before. It was just. Not a smart ending. That's why I don't recognize it. Do I like the parallel of Zhan Junbai going "we both lost" to Jiang Yuelou because it indicates a kind of affection toward Yu Tangchun? Yes. But was letting Chen Yuzhi bleed on the streets stupid? Yes, also.
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quietplace26 · 2 years
I don't know if you could already tell, but I LOVE time travel aus. Here's one for Killer and Healer.
Chen Yuzhi was a modern day doctor.
Somehow, he ends up in the past after an accident that should have killed him.
Seeing how he was stuck, and with no way to get back home, he settles for doing what he did best. Heal.
Yuzhi finds a clinic willing to hired him and he begins his new life as a doctor in a another time.
He even gained a family memeber! A little girl wandered into the clinic one day, and Yuzhi, not having the heart to turn her away, took her in. Little Keying was his sister now~
Despite being in the past for a couple of months now, Yuzhi was still clueless about certain things.
One example being Police Commissioner Jiang Yuelou.
Yuzhi was told by others that the man was someone to fear and to never anger him. Hearing how terrifying and violent the commissioner was, Yuzhi vowed to never cross paths with the man.
To bad he broke that vow not even a few hours later.
Yuzhi huffs as he dragged the man into his home, yelling at Keying to get his first aid kit.
It was probably a bad idea, dragging a man he didn't even know into his home, but when Yuzhi saw him bleeding on the ground, he just knew he had to help this man!
To bad he never expected the man to wake up enraged, demanding to know where he was at.
Yuzhi tried to calm him down, but after the man said some not so nice things, Yuzhi felt all the niceness leave him.
Yuzhi quickly shuts the man down with some sharp words of his own, feeling some pride when the man looked at him in shock.
Yuzhi's mystery patient ended up leaving not long after, saying he needed to go, and even with Yuzhi telling him it wasn't a good idea, the man still slipped away.
Yuzhi didn't even get his name...
A few days past, and Yuzhi was still thinking about his mystery patient. Did he get where he needed to be? Did he get there alive?
Yuzhi sighs as made his way to the clinic, only stopping when he noticed crowd around it.
Squeezing through the crowd, Yuzhi sees what they were staring at.
Dressed handsomely in a police uniform and standing quite menacingly out in front of the clinic was Yuzhi's mystery patient!
The moment his mystery patient saw him and walked over to him was the same moment Yuzhi realized he saved a very dangerous man.
Jiang Yuelou. The same man Yuzhi vowed to never cross paths with was his mystery patient, and now it seemed he caught this dangerous man's attention.
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cephiius · 7 months
can we talk abt how the poem yuzhi recites (picking mulberries by lu benzhong) before yuelou gets shot at the dock, it isn't actually about grief and just more about yearning. the poet however has written poems of grief for his wife's death.
...then compare this info with how yuzhi himself dies which does not mirror the author's life at all. obv it's not like it's suppoooosed to or some shit but still. really
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