#just in case you have no interest in my weird hp fanfics hahaha
moonprincess92 · 7 years
14, 22, 24, 25? :)
14. easiest character to write You know out of every fandom I’ve ever written for… I would have to honestly say it’s my boy, Harry Potter. Like, I find Mulder and Scully so difficult, and even Cassian and Jyn aren’t super easy to get into, but I grew up with Harry. I was in his head from the age of 7, and I can relate to him so much that yep, he’s the easiest character I’ve ever written for!! 
22. favorite story you’ve ever written I’m sorry Grace, these answers probably aren’t anything at all your interested in ahahahhahahhha, but the only answer I could have for this is Getting it Right. I wrote it on a whim at the age of 16 and thought no one would read it. SOMEHOW, it became easily my most popular fanfic I’ve ever written with over a thousand comments and to this day, I still have no idea wtf happened hahahaha 
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written AGAIN IM SORRY, but the first thing I ever thought of was a scene from When James Met Libby, a spin-off/sequel to aforementioned GIR. Fred and Emma were a side couple in that fic who are basically Human Disasters, and this scene still makes me crack up to this day: 
“Libby,” I said,calmly. “I do believe that that is not just Emma. That is Emma ona date.”
“Don’t tell me she managedto convince Fred!” Libby said in disbelief, trying to crane over heads.
“No, it doesn’t look likehim – although that is a mighty fine back of a head – BLIMEY!” I suddenlyexclaimed as the bloke in question finally turned this way.“That’s Sebastian!”
“Who, SebastianCortez?” Libby said.
“Exactly! He blatantly liedto me at training today, he said that he had nothing on tonight, thebastard!”
“But what’s Emma doing with him?”Libby said, tugging on my hand once more. “She and Fred split uplike, two weeks ago!”
“Moving on?” Isuggested. “She’s got a right to I guess–”
“Screw that,”Libby snorted. Then, she caught my look and added, “Not the whole movingon thing, of course she’s entitled to. It’s just, she is so inlove with that boy, and you know it.”
I just rolled my eyes. I hadn’ttried to delve too deeply into the crazy insane relationship that was Fred andEmma. Seriously, trying to understand them was fruitless. It had been quite clear that both parties were asequally as gutted as each other … yet they still broke up? WHAT THE HELL, GUYS?! 
I swear, nearly every day since,I’d been getting notes from Fred, claiming that he was totally fineand that there was no point in worrying because there was nothing to worryabout, and did I want to hit up the pub with him later? Parrrrrrrrty!Ahem. I mean, I went since I wasn’t entirely sure whether he was like, sane andstuff. I’m pretty sure the three or four girls he’d picked up that nightweren’t too sure either, but hey! It’s his life. 
Speaking of which.
“OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS!”Fred suddenly yelled.
Oh, Jesus.
Libby and I jumped in shock, spinningaround to where Fred had – somehow – turned up at Café Julio.He was waving frantically from the counter of the café, causing severalcustomers to turn and stare as he enthusiastically bounced up to our table. Imean, honestly, it was coincidence enough that we had ended up atthe same café as Emma! Either Fred was psychic, or I was going to have to havea serious word with him about stalking.
“Fancy seeing you!”Fred was saying cheerfully. He yanked a spare chair away from the nearesttable, forcing Libby to let go of my hand as he drew it up smack in between us.Libby shot him an incredulous look while I just inwardly smacked my forehead.He couldn’t even try and be subtle, could he? “I had noidea you’d be here! Have you guys ordered yet? I just got nachos, I am starving –oh, heeey!” he suddenly reached out, clamping down hard on each of ourshoulders, throwing an extremely strained grin as he added, “Happyanniversary, guyyyyyys!”
“… um, Fred?” Libbysaid, once Fred got his hands back to himself once more. “I mean this inthe nicest way possible … but what the HELL are you doing here?”
“Hanging out with my mates,of course!”
“Yeah, listen mate,”I said, ever so politely. “Like you rightly pointed out, it’s ouranniversary. So no offence, but GOOOOO AWAY.”
“Ah, we just do not get outlike this anymore, do we?” Fred simply ploughed on like he hadn’t evenheard me. I noticed that he shifted his chair slightly to the right so thatEmma’s table was suddenly conveniently in his line of sight. “We shouldall hang out more often! I wonder what the others are all doing – hey, wouldn’tit be cool if they all came here, too?” he added with an excited grin.“What d'you think? It’s a great idea, right? I should give them a call –I’LL GO CALL THEM!” Aaaand he quickly leapt to his feet, running for thecounter once more, yelling, “WAITER! I’d like one phone call,please!”
I think Libby and I were left alittle blindsided.
“… oh dear lord,what just happened?” Libby asked.
“Well, I think – I think–”I paused, holding up a hand for dramatic effect. “–yep! Fred just lostit.”
Out of context it’s probably not funny, but what the hell I posted it anyway, haha!! 
25. favorite line you’ve ever written More than one line, but because I just recently re-read it, this is from one of my rare xf-fics: 
Death is supposed to be peaceful. You can sleep when you’re dead, they say, and it’s a goddamn lie. Death is anything but peaceful.
(fanfic asks)
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vateacancameos · 7 years
Books Meme Fun
I was tagged by @odamakilock. You’re so lovely for including me. I could talk about books all. Day. Long. Even though I mostly read fanfic right now. ;)
1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest? 
My boxed set of The Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper. I adored that series as a kid. I used to read them on a yearly basis. They were my Harry Potter (I also adore HP, but came to the game late [college]). High-five to Oda for being close to the end of the series! I’m glad you’re liking them. :D
2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?
Oh yikes. Like I said, I’m not actively reading a lot of actual books these days, so I don’t have any current reads. Last book was Roald Dah’s Matilda, which I’d never got around to reading as a kid for some reason. I guess they didn’t have it my small town library. :( I was surprised at how close the movie was to the book. A great read for any child or adult, in any case! I was thinking I’d read the second book in the Binti trilogy next, but then I remembered the next Legend of Korra comic (Turf Wars Pt 2) comes out in a couple of weeks, so that’ll definitely be next up on my list. If anyone likes the Avatar cartoons and is interested in LGBT representation in comics, read Turf Wars. The Korrasami relationship is great to see fleshed out.
3. Which book does everyone like and you hated? 
Hah! Most classics? Too much… white maleness. Hard pass. As for modern popular reads, American Gods by Neil Gaiman (loved lots of other Gaiman books though), Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, and the whole Song of Ice and Fire series.
4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t? 
Hmmm. A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr. has been on my TBR for at least a decade, but it’s huge so I’ll probably not read it.
The rest under the cut, because this gets looong.
5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?” 
Nothing I ever thought about doing. Maybe A Canticle for Leibowitz!
6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end? 
As a kid I always read the last page first, but now I don’t. Mostly because books are more complex now and the ending makes zero sense without meeting all of the characters first.
7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?
Sometimes interesting, but mostly ignore them. I don’t mind them, though. People should be acknowledged for the help and support they gave the author.
8. Which book character would you switch places with?
Wow. Um. I have no clue! It’d be a background character, definitely. I want to be the one watching the ridiculousness, not the one it’s actually happening to. Oh! Maybe one of the Koudelka sisters in A Civil Campaign (Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan saga). Kareen’s life wasn’t completely chaotic, but still interesting. Plus, she got to go study on Beta Colony. Or some unnamed background character in the Wick+Div comics.
9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)? 
All of them? I almost always associate books and music with specific times of my life. The Dark is Rising series, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, and The Witch of Blackbird Pond when I was going through my adventure and history stage. The Time Quintet (A Wrinkle in Time, etc) was given to me by my cousin, and I fell in love with fantasy thanks to her. ACD’s Sherlock Holmes stories were my first “grown-up” books.
10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way. 
I’m boring. 90% of the books I’ve read have been from the library. The others I buy…
11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?
I love gifting books, because everyone should have at least one book in their life that they love unreservedly, and I want to help them find it. Last one was Slaughterhouse Five to my father-in-law, but that was just because he was bored and need of something to read. We got to talk about it, though, so that was nice, seeing as we don’t have much in common.
12. Which book has been with you to the most places?
Hahaha, everything on my reading apps? As for actual physical books, maybe Hogfather (Terry Pratchett). It’s a largish book and I’ve read it a few times, so it hangs out in my purse fairly often.
13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?
Yes! This happened to me several times. The Scarlett Letter and The Great Gatsby come to mind. I hated most of what we read in my HS American Lit class, but my college-level Love in American Lit class was amazeballs and made me re-examine lots of books.
14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?
I know there’s been a few things, but I can’t remember any of them. Some weird notes written in the margins maybe.
15. Used or brand new?
Yes please.
16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses? 
People like him, so you really can’t discount that. I think he did a lot to help keep the horror/fantasy genres from disappearing, so that’s a definite plus. He has an interesting mind, but not genius level at all. I personally have hated every book of his I’ve tried, apart from Salem’s Lot.
17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book? 
Lord of the Rings. Sorry, y’all. I hated the books. It was the first time I’d ever taken more than a week to read a book (end of high school era). I hate JRRT’s writing style with a fiery passion, but the world building was lovely, so I liked seeing a condensed version (haha) on screen.
18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid?
Oh dear. Ummm. The Dark is Rising movie was horrendous, but it is by no means a loner in that respect.
19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?
YES. Sunshine by Robin McKinley. The main character is known for her cinnamon rolls. I craved them for weeks after I read that book.
20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
Hmmm. Not really. I don’t have too many friends who like books, and most who do have very different preferences than I do.
I tag @221booksinthetardis and @61below, if you’re interested. ;) And anyone who sees this and wants to do it. Please tag me and let me know what you read! Seriously, I want to know all about y’all’s reading habits.
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