#just let me join two gifs together without the quality loss
rackhamjack · 6 years
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Cyrus: *biggest heart eyes*
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mrsgiovanna · 3 years
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A lesson in Recollection (Don Giorno x Wife! Reader)
An awesome request from a nonnie mouse, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thanks so much for requesting my sweet 💕💜😘💭🐞
TW: brief descriptions of injuries, anxiety and hospitals
Word count: 1.7k
The beeps and hisses of the medical equipment were the only sounds that could be heard in your hospital room. Next to your bed sat your husband, jaw squared off, mouth clenched shut trying to contain his rage. His usually immaculate appearance was disheveled as he clutched your delicate hand against his lips.
He blamed himself for the position you were in by default, a husband was supposed to love and protect, the convention is built into the vows themselves. In reality though, the attack had happened so fast and so suddenly that nobody would have been able to preempt it. None of that mattered now… even though the offenders were severely dealt with, your condition was still the same. It had been a week, and you were still asleep. Your superficial injuries were taken care of by Giorno, but still you wouldn’t wake up. Numerous scans and brain activity tests revealed some swelling in your brain which was slowly subsiding, he simply had to be patient and wait for you to open your eyes again… and fortunately for him, it happened… unfortunately, you stared at him blankly, unable to put a name to his handsome, crestfallen face.
“Tesoro, it’s me… Giorno… your husband,”
“Tesoro? What’s that? I’m… married? I… I don’t feel so good,” you whispered, unable to find your voice after being unconscious for so long.
“Okay, okay amore, I’m getting your doctor, please hang on for me,”
You looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, at the towering blond man scrambling around with all the white coats, you tried to push yourself up to join the conversation happening just above your head, but your physical strength was virtually nonexistent.
You were given a few days to physically recuperate, being subjected to test upon test to make sure that there was no other underlying cause for your loss of memory. The man who called himself your husband came to see you every day, bringing your favorite flowers, drinks, foods and scents with him in an attempt to help your memory recover. Even though you couldn’t remember him, you felt a sense of peace when you were around him, as if his soul was trying to connect on a subconscious level with your own. He was the only one who was able to talk you down from your bouts of anxiety, or the nightmares that sometimes plagued you. You figured he must have loved you immensely with all the effort he put into trying to get you to remember him.
“Your wife has retrograde amnesia, Mr. Giovanna. Fortunately, the swelling has subsided and her intracranial pressure has managed to consistently remain within normal levels, which is why I’m clearing her to go home. If there is any change in her condition or level of consciousness though, bring her back immediately. The road is a long one, Mr. Giovanna, there are no guarantees that her memories will return, but I have confidence that with the right care, she will be able to recover steadily.” Your doctor spoke honestly, not wanting to create unrealistic expectations, what he didn’t know was that Giorno was the type of person who always achieved whatever he had put his mind to- and right now, he was only concerned with making sure you would come out of this as unscathed as possible. Knowing that you would need all of his attention in the near future, he enlisted the help of his underboss and consigliere to help him run the organization remotely without having anyone privy to what he was actually doing. Both Mista and Fugo willingly obliged, wanting nothing than for you to make a full recovery.
“Thank you doctor, I’ll keep a close eye on her,” Giorno was relieved you were well enough to return home, the villa was painfully quiet and empty without you and he was certain that being in your sanctuary would help you remember your life with him. Looking at you sitting with your legs swinging off the side of your hospital bed and a faraway look in your eyes, you appeared so fragile and innocent.
“Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling today?” you turned to face him with a soft smile.
“Good morning Giorno, I’m okay thanks, and you?” the tender way in which you addressed him, being concerned for his well-being warmed his heart, whether you remembered him or not, you were still you… he was still yours as much as you were his.
“I’m much better now that I’m taking you home, shall we leave my love?”
“I’m ready, let’s go,”
Your doting husband helped you off the bed and took your things, you didn’t want to be wheeled out on the wheelchair, so you both walked out to the luxury car waiting for you. You didn’t expect there to be a driver, or a guard escorting you both… what does he do as job to be able to afford all this you mused. Come to think of it, you didn’t really know what your job was either… you decided to leave those questions for later. The entire drive home, you looked out of the window, the route home was unfamiliar, the imposing villa you were driven up to didn’t even feel real.
“Welcome home my love. Come, let’s get you settled in,”
“We live here? What exactly do we do?” your voice was imbued with curiosity.
“Well, I run a large, multidivisional organization, you are in charge of handing our philanthropic ventures, I’ll explain more later on… are you okay to walk up the stairs? In fact, never mind,” he said as he lifted you off the ground and carried you up the stairs despite your reassurances that you were fine. You looked at the beautifully decorated home, pictures of you both tastefully dotted throughout the hall way. Looking at his gorgeous angled face, you wondered how you both met and fell in love.
“This is our room bella, would you like to take a nap?”
“Gio, I’m fine… sorry, it just slipped out, do you mind if I call you Gio? It just sounds… right,”
“Of course bella, I’d prefer that. Ah! You must be hungry, all those days just eating hospital food… what would you like eat? Our chef will make anything you want, everyone has missed you here, so they’re all pretty excited you’re back home,”
“Really? I’d like to meet everyone later… if they’re not busy,”
“Okay my love,” said Giorno as he went into his closet to fetch something more casual to wear, choosing a simple V-neck t-shirt and jeans, shaking out his hair from its usual style, and leaving it unbound about his shoulders. He walked out to find you sitting at your vanity, looking at the products and the baubles, lifting up your favorite hairbrush and examining its engravings. He walked towards you, and took his place behind you, lifting your hair off your shoulders and bringing it to the back, he took the ornate brush from your grasp and began to gently brush your hair. Your injuries were well healed by now, but Giorno was still extremely careful.
“How does this feel? I’m not hurting you am I?
“No, it feels really nice actually… Gio… would you tell me how we met? Like, what’s our story? I see all the pictures around and we look so happy,”
“We were happy, bella, we still are, we’ll get back what was lost and create even better memories on the way… we met 10 years ago, we were just stupid ambitious kids back then, both 15 years old with heads full of dreams. I won’t go into detail, but we had very… unique occupations and abilities. We’ve been through a lot together, and rebuilt this organization from the ground up. We’ve been together as a couple for seven years and married for the past two,”
“Sounds like quite a journey for a pair as young as us… and now there’s this… I’m sorry, I’m sure you didn’t imagine something like this would happen,” the apologetic quality of your voice saddened Giorno, the last thing he wanted was for you to feel like this was your fault.
“We have fought against worse my love, and just like that we’ll handle this together… come, no sad faces now,” said Giorno as he braided some flowers into your hair.
“Wow, you’re good at this… where did you get the flowers from, you didn’t move an inch?” you asked, admiring his handiwork.
With a smile he replied that he’ll show you a bit later on, which you accepted. The rest of day was spent by talking about some of the interesting things that had happened to you both in the past. Being wary of overwhelming you, Giorno didn’t go into great detail about the more tragic experiences. When it came time for you to sleep, he suggested he sleep in one of the guest rooms if you felt uncomfortable, but you asked him to stay with you, feeling guilty that you were the reason he felt like he had to behave like a guest in his own home.
As you got more comfortable, and built up your strength with your recovery, Giorno slowly started reintegrating you back into your old routine, as difficult as it was, you had made great strides in re-learning key bits of information. Your mental fortitude had constantly reminded your husband exactly why he had fallen in love with you, the least he could do with your trying so hard, was to match your effort, working tirelessly with you on the exercises that your therapist suggested, recreating pivotal events so you could experience some semblance of what you would have when it initially occurred, and most importantly, being the support you needed when things became overwhelming.
Slowly you were reintroduced to Mista, Fugo and Trish, reestablishing the friendships almost immediately. You were grateful for the wonderful people who surrounded you, from the staff at the villa to Giorno’s closest associates who constantly sought to aid in your recovery. Most of all though, you were grateful for Giorno, you were aware of how much he had done and continues to do to aid you. While you were cognizant of everything you had been through together, having regained most of your memory through your combined efforts, what had remained altered though, was how you felt about Giorno, this whole experience solidifying your bond even more than you thought possible, it had just reaffirmed that you both would be able to overcome even the most dire of situations if you handled it together.
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darthlorddiamond · 4 years
I´m Sorry
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Summary: The destruction of the Starkiller Base was a pretty heavy blow to Hux who decided to completely distance himself from you once in the Finalizer, however, a few weeks after ignoring you he appears late at night at your quarters trying to apologize in a somewhat different way.
Words: 2,333
Reading Time: 10 min
Category: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Warnings: SMUT (Oral receive-give)
Check my Masterlist for more.
I´m Sorry
It's been a while since the last time we were together. It has been a while since we both felt the warmth of our caresses for the last time.
The destruction of the Starkiller Base was a pretty heavy blow to Hux. In a matter of minutes his work, his effort, and his dedication exploded in space as we flew away from that devastating place. His pride was hurt, his self-esteem was protected under a shield of anger and resentment, which caused him to move away from me, from my attempts to speak to him, from the light caresses that I tried to hide from the eyes of others, each time I tried to get closer to him, I suffered from his anger and his rejection, which pierced my heart like a thorn that sank even more with each word of contempt, so I gradually stopped trying, generating an even wider gap between us.
Our contact within the Finalizer turned into brief exchanges of glances in the hallways and answers to questions with simple phrases. I no longer knew if there was still something between us. The nights became moments of crying inside the shower, my constant company was a glass of wine and a cigar, and when I got to bed, the pillow flooded my mind with memories of his lips brushing my neck, of his hands holding my back, our bodies moving in unison with our moans, his eyes fixed on my gaze full of adoration, his kisses.
Life had completely changed, my life had completely changed. His memory flooded every one of my activities, hearing his voice during meetings only accentuated the fact that I truly missed him, but at that point I was no longer sure if he felt the same way about me. No more.
Previously, he was the one who sought my presence around him, the one who silently implored for my caresses, the one who died to end the day to digest himself to my quartes and surrender before my feet to feel my warmth, the warmth of my embrace, the warmth of my words, of my caresses, of my sex, however, it was now me who begged for some sign on his part, a nonexistent sign.
Weeks went by and the only way out I found for those endless and tedious nights of nostalgia was to lock myself in my work, staying until late at night on the Command Bridge, reviewing the reports of that day and preparing the summary for the meeting of the next day, looking for ways to improve my position and maximize the efforts of my troops. Deep inside my mind, I thought that, if I exploited all my qualities, Hux would eventually make a nice comment about me and, for me, at that moment, just hearing him address me, say my name during a meeting, would be a sign of hope.
One of these long nights, my body demanded a rest, the lack of sleep and the excessive effort I was making were beginning to take its toll on me, and although I wanted to continue on the bridge, I chose to return to my quarters to try to rest. The way back seemed endless, my legs were walking automatically while my mind wandered in memories and work pending, so I didn´t notice until I was close enough, that, in the hallway, standing next to my door was he, waiting.
The moment I saw him, I was completely paralyzed in my place, while he pulled back from the wall and walked, somewhat hastily, to where I was. Once he found himself in front of me, I was able to observe the same ravages that time and the lack of rest had done in him, his eyes were somewhat puffy and his dark circles were pronounced.
I had no words. He also had no words. Only the silence between the two of us was present, without either one of us taking our eyes off each other. Fearfully to suffer another rejection, I took one of my hands to hold his, and unlike the other occasions, once he felt my fingers intertwine with his and our palms joined, he clung to me like a lifeline. Slowly, but with a sure step, I guided him to the inside of my quarters. Once with the door closed behind us, I brought my other hand up to stroke his face, covering it with my palm, and he immediately snuggled into my touch as he closed his eyes and held my other hand tighter.
Tears began to flow from my eyes. Was it possible that my Armitage had returned? When he opened his eyes again and rested his gaze on my tear-covered face, he didn´t hesitate to let go of my caresses to hold me tightly in his arms, while I buried my face in his chest and held tight the fabric of his raincoat that covered his chest.
"I´m sorry..." he whispered in my head, his warm breath expanding through my scalp as I tried to stifle a few sobs in his chest. His hug lasted a few more minutes, Hux tried to cover my entire body with his, to redeem his guilt and at the same time protect me from everything around me. Eventually, my sobs stopped, the heat that his body emanated calmed me every second, his heartbeat managed to make me recover my tranquility and with all the delicacy in the world, I broke his embrace a little to look at him again.
A few tears ran in his eyes too, I had never seen him like that. I realized that, all this time, it had been torture for him similar to mine and it broke my heart. Had I been selfish enough to think that he didn't feel the same? But, I tried to get close to him. Perhaps I hadn´t understood that he needed time to assimilate his terrible loss? My mind was filled with doubts looking at him like that, I was so busy trying to figure out what had happened to him during those weeks that I didn't notice in time that one of his hands had dropped to my low back to close the proximity between us. Suddenly his lips fell on mine, at first as a light caress that was escalating in need, in strength.
His mouth demanded power over mine, licking and biting my lips, while one of his hands ran down my back and the other held my neck. I let out a small moan that allowed him access to my mouth, which he gladly explored with his tongue as his hands left his place on my body to begin removing the multiple layers of my clothes. My raincoat fell to the floor, followed by my blouse, while I desperately tried to imitate his rhythm, removing the same garments off him.
His hands went down to my lower back, then to my hip and ass, where he stopped to hold me tight and with a single movement lifted me off the ground, fixing my legs around his waist. At no time did his lips part from mine. Turning, he moved toward the bed, where he gently lay me down. Once there, I finished undressing, removing my boots and gently sliding my pants over my legs, leaving only my underwear, a simple set of matte black panties and bra; Hux stood on the edge of the bed watching me, even in the dim light that the port view of my room gave, I could see his erection tight on his pants and, although I was sure that he died to feel me, in the same I wanted him, I could realize that something in him didn´t allow him to continue, as if he didn´t deserve it, so I advanced to sit on the edge of the bed to take the initiative.
One of my hands held him by the edge of his pants to bring him closer to me, once standing between my legs, I unbuttoned his pants and started to slowly lower it, releasing his cock,,which was just the height of my face, causing a small moan from him. One of my hands began to caress his abdomen, while, with the other, I took the head of his cock and spread the pre-cum that was beginning to form. Slowly my hand started to move from its base to tip, it was completely hard and when I lightly squeezed it I could feel it contract in my hand. As I increased speed, I turned to face him. His face was pointed at the ceiling, his eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open trying to stifle some moans. I increased the speed of my movements and pressure on his cock, causing his moans to increase, the hand I had on his abdomen I brought it to his lower back to make him get closer to me.
I loved seeing him like that, half-naked, with his cock super hard in my hands, his face filling with pleasure and his mouth making the most pleasant sounds, just music to my ears.
I knew that my general was close to reaching his climax, his moans began to growl, his hips sank in my hand, his breathing became more agitated, what I most wanted at that moment was to give him the release he needed so much, but also I wanted to give him even more, so I suddenly stopped stroking his cock to put it in my mouth.
My tongue passed through its entire length, from its base to deposit it at its tip, where my lips gently embraced it and I began to suck it. His hand intertwined in my hair and that gave me the guideline to start devouring him, little by little my mouth licked and sucked his cock, while his hold over my hair became stronger. I had half of his length inside my mouth when, with a blow, he sank his hip and held my head tight, causing me to choke a little, but I did my best to contain the reflex. A few more movements of his hip in my mouth, a muffled moan in his throat and both of his hands holding my face, were the signals he gave me before my entire mouth would fill it with his hot seed, which I took completely, I couldn't lie, I missed his taste, I missed the way he´s after finishing.
His hands rested on my face again to lift it, he wanted to see me, he wanted to see how my cheeks were somewhat red and my pupils were dilated.
Leaning down slightly, he kissed my lips, savoring part of his cum on me, and without breaking the kiss, he leaned my body until I found you completely lying down, with my hip still on the edge of the bed. He only broke the kiss to finish undressing and once he finished he returned his lips to my body.
While his hands undid my bra, his lips explored my neck, the valley of my breasts, until he reached one of my nipples, which he licked and sucked while his hands went down the sides of my waist until it reached the shore of my panties to slide it down my legs. His mouth passed to my other breast, where he repeated the same activity, his hands separated my legs even more and a small moans began to come out of my mouth, which only made his spirits rise even more and his mouth began to drop down my abdomen, through my pubis, until he was completely positioned between my legs.
His hands held my hip by the sides, while his licks were soft but deep. Only with his tongue, he opened my folds. My hands held his head "Please Mit... More..." was the only thing I could say to him before he completely assaulted my pussy. Licking and sucking my clit, making me break on moans for him. He was convinced to make me reach my climax only with his mouth. Gradually my breathing hitched, my moans started to get more erratic and my hands pressed his head closer to my cunt, so he brought one of his hands to my pubis to caress my clit with his thumb while he pressed his tongue hard at my entrance, he wanted to drink from me, to suck all my juices once I cum. The pressure on my abdomen was released with a loud moan and my orgasm completely covered his mouth, which didn't stop licking or sucking until he had consumed every part of my pleasure.
My body was in bed recovering, it had been a long time since I felt like this and I hadn't realized how much I needed it, how much I miss him. Armitage climbed onto the bed, bringing my body to his, positioning me on his chest and putting his arms around me. While I was still catching some breath, he only placed a few kisses on my head and his hands caressed the skin on my back, while I only drew random patterns on his chest.
A few minutes passed. Silence reappeared in the room, but this time it had a different presence. The question about what had happened the past weeks was still unanswered, but neither of us cared, we both had the warmth and contact that we had missed so much, that we had unintentionally refused.
The accumulated fatigue was causing us both to begin to lose ourselves in the dream "I'm sorry..." he said again as his hug grew stronger "I never wanted..." one of my hands traveled to the line of his jaw, to caress it gently "Mit, it's okay. You´re here, I´m here..." my hand returned to his chest, at the level of his heart "We´re here..." he reached my hand to interlace his fingers and hold it tightly "Now everything will be fine".
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imagine-valhalla · 7 years
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(anonymous said: being ragnar and lagerthas daughter?)
(a/n: heya lovely! thanks so much for requesting. we hope that you enjoy what we have come up with!  - admin kat 🌙❣️ & admin wenzel 🌲💖)
◾ Being this power couples daughter would be a blessing in itself; for your parents would love you unconditionally, no matter if their relationship tarnished.
◾ Your parents would be extremely proud of you whenever you would accomplish anything - great or small -, particularly if you did so within regards to your goals.
◾ They would also be proud of what would be in store for your future, supporting you through everything.
◾ Constantly praying to the God’s for your well being. For they wish nothing more for you than true happiness.
◾ If you had a desire to become a very adept and proficient shield maiden like your legendary mother Lagertha, be aware that she would teach you all the ways of becoming a shield maiden before hand and without you realizing it.
◾ Even if you wished not to become a shield maiden, you would be taught more than just the basics to keep yourself and your home safe.
◾ When hearing of this news, your father Ragnar would be authentically proud of you for stepping up and finding something that you took great interest in.
◾ He would thus end up teaching you a thing or two in training.
◾ Your father would practice with you, wishing to be soft with you, but if you were not learning, he would demonstrate many of the dangers that could become possible upon the battlefield.
◾ Please be aware that your parents would support you with anything that you truly desired; doing their best to nurture that and help you to achieve your dream.
◾ They would definitely keep their eyes focused on you, even when you think that they do not, they are. They would not wish to lose you.
◾ Your parents would make sure to tell your Uncle Rollo or older brother Bjorn to keep a very close eye on you when they are gone or when they are too busy. 
◾ Your father and mother would try their best to make time for you, if it were to be one on one or just in the form of a loving family moment. They would cherish each and every second with you and would treat it like it were to be their last. 
◾ Your mother Lagertha would take yourself and your sister Gyda on fishing trips, teaching the pair of you how to catch fish the proper way. She would also teach you how to prepare fish the right way, also.
◾ With that said, your parents reminding you to one day teach your own children the techniques and joys of farming, so then your children will know. Thus hopefully your own will carry it through the future generations to come.
◾ Your parents would teach yourself and your siblings the ways of farming, sometimes telling you stories of what they both went through, giving you tips on how to look after the farm the proper way.
◾ Rollo spoiling you rotten, as well as your siblings, which would make you all smile.
◾ Your parents telling you old tales of the Gods and old legends that their own parents had told them when they were growing up. 
◾ Your father taking you on trips to see Floki the famous boat builder and his wife Helga, which ends up with Helga teaching you how to make convenient medicines and what different herbs can cure what, etc.
◾ Since you visit Floki so much, the boat builder would end up teaching you the ways of building a boat and would let you help him with carving wood pieces for the boat that he was building at that moment in time. 
◾ All of your family members and family friends being extremely protective of you and making sure that no harm were to come your way. 
◾ Training with your father whilst your mother watches with a proud look, only for Bjorn and Gyda to join in. 
◾ Sticking close with your siblings. 
◾ When your parents split up, you find it very hard to pick whether to stay with your father, Ragnar, or going with your mother, Lagertha. In that way, you share the confusion and inner-conflict that Bjorn does.
◾ When you tell your mother that you bleed for the first time, she would be so proud, helping you through the entire process.
◾ Being extremely close to Athelstan and the other citizens in Kattegat when the plague hit and mourning your late sister.
◾ You and Gyda would be close, being the only girls and losing her would cause you to mourn her loss in such a hard way that it would worry those who love you, especially your mother and father.
◾ Athelstan would comfort you during this time, causing you to be much closer to him than your siblings.
◾ Bjorn would inadvertently be the one to pull you out of your depression, forming a closer bond between their pair of you. Your mother and father would smile at this, telling you how proud Gyda would be that you two are sticking together.
◾ Being utterly loved by your family and the family’s close friends. 
◾ Having your parents temperament at times; which often causes humorous bickering between them.  
◾ “Our beloved daughter has the temperament of a wild beast. I wonder where she inherited such a quality from.” Ragnar would sarcastically remark to Lagertha as he gets ready to drink his ale. 
◾ “Oh, I’m not sure, dear husband...” Lagertha would state sarcastically. “Something tells me my love, that the God’s have blessed this world with another beautiful young woman who just can’t digest the stupidity of men who do not think before they speak.” She would say as friendly as Ragnar had began before she almost growled the rest out; resulting in Ragnar nearly spitting out his ale. 
◾ If you were to suffer from night terrors just know that your mother and father would try their best to calm you down and comfort you whilst this happened. 
◾ “There is no reason to be terrified our dear daughter...” Your mother uttered out as she softly moved the damp wet messy hair that clung to you forehead away. “It was only a bad dream...” Your father began as he made his way over to where your bed was.  “We would never let a phantom go near you, dear child.” 
◾ If you stayed with Ragnar, you would miss your mother desperately. You would have ill feelings towards your father at first, but you knew that he would need you. At least you had Athelstan during this time.
◾ You wouldn’t really like Aslaug all too much, but you would tolerate her. You may even eventually grow closer to her, but reminding her that she would never replace your mother.
◾ If you were to go with your mother, you would miss your father, your uncle Rollo, everyone in Kattegat and Athelstan. You would long for the day that your family would be reunited once again. And due to the circumstances of Lagertha’s new marriage, you would be heavily protected by her and Bjorn.
◾ When, and if possibly, you reunited with either of your parents, there would be tears shed and many celebrations set out and experienced.
◾ People would often look at you and Bjorn and see greatness, as your parents were so famous.
◾ When going on raids, your family would fight together, and what a strong unit it would be.
◾ Even though you are only the half-sister’s of Ubbe, Sigurd, Hvitserk and Ivar, you would love them as your full brothers. They would love you immensely and be protective over you.
◾ You would mourn your fathers death as you may be more sensitive, but you would accompany your brothers upon seeking to avenge him.
◾ When your half-brothers attempt to kill your mother, you would not settle for it, nor would you settle for Astrid threatening your brothers, or your mother for that matter. You would feel caught in the middle in such a situation.
◾ Even though over the years your family had been broken up and become dysfunctional, you would be happy to have parents as you do, no matter the mistakes that they have made.
ragnar & lagertha gif : source - 🏹
hope you enjoyed! please follow for more, lovelies.
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