#just let them kiss!
s-creations · 5 months
Wishes - Mario x Geno One-Shot
Every day, since the Star left, Mario would talk to the night sky. About what's been happening since the adventure ended, how he'd been handling life, what was new but also the same.
How he missed Geno.
How he wished he could see the Star on more time.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Additional Tags: Other characters are at least mentioned, Missing Someone, If you constantly wish will they come back?, They're gay your honor, And that's in no way a bad thing.
@nintendonut1, this one's for you. Fun little 2 hour exercise to write this up. And another 2 for typing and editing.
Link to Comic Reference.
“Um, hey Geno… It’s been about a week since you left. I hope the reconstruction of Star Road is going well. I’m kind of assuming it is. I mean, I’ve been seeing a lot of small…I don’t know, miracles happening? That’s the best way to put it, I suppose. Maybe small wishes? Either way, good moments have been happening again and I know…I know that has to be you.” 
“I hope you’re okay. Mallow misses you. He’s talked to Peach and I a few times. Gaz was nice enough to give the doll to Mallow after learning what happened. And Mallow…gave it to me. Gave you to me… Said I probably needed you more than he did…”
“I really want to see you again. I know that’s a really big ask. I’m sure you’re busy. But I really, really miss you. Just…Just one more day. If you could manage that. I’ll take an hour, a minute even! Just…”
“I wish I could hold you again…”
“Hey again Geno. I’m seeing a lot more of your handy work. Only after 23 days, that’s impressive. You must be close to finishing it all up, if not already done. I mean, I’m sure you had help, it wasn’t all just you. The other Stars you were talking about helping out. You all no doubt working together to get everything finished.” 
“Luigi’s still curious about you. Well, he really wants to know what it’s like to kiss a Star. B-But he also keeps asking me to retell the different portions of our adventure. How I met Mallow, what it was like working together with Bowser, how stubborn Peach is as well as how she is as a fighter.”
“How…How we met, what you’re like, your experiences while being down here. When I fell for you, the first time we kissed, what I…admire about you…”
“I think he’s trying to make sure I don’t forget about you. I mean, I never could. But…he knows how I’ve been feeling lately… He is my brother after all. He knows I miss you and…he knows I’ve not been myself. His questions…help me focus on the good times we had…”
“I wish you could meet Luigi, I think you two would get along great.”
“Hey Geno. It’s been about a month and a half since…since our adventure ended. Luigi thinks saying ‘since you left’ isn’t the best way to think about it.”
“Um, things have been going pretty well. Peach is as supportive as ever, she and Luigi have really helped me. Mallow’s done well falling into his title of prince. It helps that he has so many people supporting him.”
“We’ve finally heard from Bowser. He’s been quiet since…well, you know. He asked us to come to his keep. All three of us, if you can believe it. We were a little concerned for a moment thinking he was planning something devious. But he just wanted to show us around. Show off what he and his minions had been able to clean up and rebuild. It’s quite impressive.”
“Granted, the moment was ruined when Bowser announced he had his next plan laid out. Still, it was a rather enjoyable experience…”
“I wish you could see the progress we’ve made.”
“Hey Geno, we’re about 4ish months out. Stopped a few of Bowser’s plans. I saw your handiwork first hand. Felt lighter on a few jumps. Found a few hidden Power-Ups that shouldn’t have been there. Thank you, for that. I mean, I know you can only help if someone wishes for that boost for me. Can you…make wishes as well as grant them? Can you see me from where you are? I can’t…I don’t think I can see you. I’ve tried…”
“I wish I could just see you up in the sky.”
“Hey Geno.”
“I wish I could know that you’re doing okay.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish I could hear from you.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish I could really talk to you.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish you could have spent more time here.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish you knew how much I missed you.”
“Hey Geno…”
“I wish you could come home.”
His soul was practically singing with joy and excitement as he descended from the night sky. Fully focused on the house with the green roof lying below him. 
He should probably get Mario’s attention. 
But he also wanted this to be a surprise.
Oh, this was going to be so great!
He was thrilled to find an open window, easily gliding in. Excitement grows further upon finding the familiar puppet. His body. Sitting so contently on one of Mario’s shelves. Kept close to where the human slept. 
Where Mario dreamed. 
He hoped he was able to provide good dreams to Mario in some way.
Floating into the familiar form felt like returning to a safe space. The return of the weight of gravity welcoming as he became familiar with his limbs once more. The weight of it all providing a way of grounding him again, to tell him he was finally back and-
Geno let out a rather undignified yelp as the shelf below him collapsed. Said puppet banging his head against the wooden floor.
Ah, yes, pain. The one thing he didn’t miss.
“Ow, ow, ow…” Geno mumbled as he carefully massaged his head. Slowly moving until he was kneeling on the ground. Slowly opening his eyes, Geno took a chance to better look around the room. 
Even with how dim it was, light only provided from the open doorway, he could still make out enough of what the room held. It was an overall simple layout. Two beds, each dressed with either a red or green comforter laying across each bed, sat across from each other in the room. Allowing enough space on either side for a dresser and desk.
The doorway leading out to the rest of the home that was providing the only light for the bedroom was quickly blocked by a large shadow.
Looking over found Mario standing in the doorway. Appearing both frazzled and shocked. No doubt startled by the loud crash. 
Suddenly feeling self-conscious by still being on the ground, Geno swiftly got to his feet. 
“Ah…sorry. I kind of wrecked your shelf.” Geno said quickly. Not sure what he should be saying at this point.
“I should’ve gotten your attention first, I was just… I was really excited to…um…”
It dawned on Geno that Mario had not moved an inch since appearing in the doorway. Gripping onto the door frame as he just stared in disbelief at the puppet. 
Had Geno been a bit too hopeful in being accepted once again?  That they would fall into their similar patterns as before? Has Geno been gone too long? Was Mario…upset?
“I-I know it took me a while!” Geno attempted to explain, “The work up on Star Road never ends, y’know? But…”
Even if Mario was upset. Even if Geno had missed his chance to return properly. He still needed the human to know what he’d done for the puppet.
“I’ve always heard them,” Geno choked out, hands pressed to his chest. The familiar feeling of tears spilling from his eyes, his throat tight as if stuffed with cotton. “All those words, for me to… To come home… I’ve heard every last one. To see you again, to see all that you’ve talked about, it sounds so wonderful…”
Geno’s eyes flickered down, “I just hope I’m not to late-”
The puppet tensed as he felt warmth pressed to his cheek. Eyes snapping back up to find that Mario had moved much closer. The human now looks back in absolute shock. Geno doing his very best to not melt into the touch as Mario’s thumbs gently brushed across his cheeks. 
“N-No way…” Mario eventually whispered out, “Am I dreaming? Is this real?”
“Is it really you, Geno?”
The puppet was absolutely stunned at how happy, how joyful, how relieved Mario sounded. The worry he felt about the quiet before completely gone with how radiant Mario now looked at him. 
Letting out a relieved laugh, Geno replied with, “Y-Yeah, that’s me! Let’s get this show on the road, right?”
He faltered slightly as tears started to silently fall from Mario’s eyes. Unable to ask if he was alright before being pulled into a tight hug. Mario calling out the puppet’s name with absolute exhilaration.
“I th-thought I’d never see you again!” Mario choked out, still crying, “But-But you’re here and you’re real and-”
Geno felt the sob that escaped the human. Mario desperately clawing at Geno to get him as close as possible as he whispered softly, ‘I can’t believe it!’.
As his own tears started to fall once more, Geno allowed himself to sink into the warmth Mario created. Wrapping arms around the human as he buried his face into the crook of Mario’s neck. Even as he was shaking from Mario’s gentle but happy cries, Geno knew this was what he wanted. 
Geno loved Star Road.
Geno loved the Mushroom Kingdom and this world.
Geno loved this body.
But he knew that it would always be Mario that he would pine for the most. 
Geno would always go back to Mario.
Mario was his home.
“Y-Yeah, I’m here,” Geno eventually whispered back, “I’m here, Mario…”
He wasn’t sure how long they remained like that. Each tangled up in the other. Soaking up the warmth and joy each other was providing. 
But Geno was broken out of the moment when something bitter entered his nose. The puppet pulled back slightly to ask, “Is something burning?”
“Mamma Mia, my pasta!”
Mario was out of the bedroom before Geno could fully process what had been said. A few seconds behind in following the human out. Freezing as his eyes landed on a large fire on the stove top. 
“How did this even happen!?” Geno called out frantically. Mario rushed as he filled another post with water and flung it onto the fire. 
It all eventually calmed down when the pot on fire was put out and reduced to smoke. Both staring at it with a mixed feeling of disappointment and residual shock. The contents inside a dried, brunt puck of food. 
“Well…” Mario broke the silence, “do you mind if your first meal back is take out?”
Geno couldn’t help but laugh, “I totally do not.”
Pizza was an absolutely amazing first meal to have. Made even better that they could sit across from each other. Regaling each other with tales from what’s happened for the past few months.
Luigi was thrilled to properly meet Geno. The puppet understood in an instant the protective older sibling feeling Mario had for the other human. Geno immediately promised to keep the younger brother safe at any cost. 
It was a joy to see everyone once again. Peach, Mallow, Gaz, it was all amazing. Seeing how they’d changed yet remained the same. 
Running into Bowser was an interesting interaction. As the Koopa was surprised yet happy to see Geno. But was also in the middle of trying to kidnap Peach when spotting Geno.
It was a wonderful experience to see the world once more.
Even more so with Mario right by his side.
Geno was finally home.
And he was more than happy to stay.
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jazzymarie1006 · 1 year
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Penny and Kareem's many almost kisses.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
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Funny that in one, they had sex in the first episode and in the other, one basically died in the first episode. Oh, and let's not forget Cupid's Last Wish!
We really gonna do this, Cheating Chicken? Are you really going to drive this point home about intimacy, Pollo de la Luna?! Y'all are really continuing this trend of not letting these two locks lips until the very end?
If Heart and Li Ming kiss before Jim and Wen and before Gun and Tinn kiss in My School President when that has been a big buildup, I'm going to assume GMM knows that an EarthMix kiss would distract from the entire plot or that they are haters.
We got one kiss at the end of A Tale of Thousand Stars. We got two kisses at the end of Cupid's Last Wish. By my very scientific calculations (solve for x, carry the one), we should get THREE kisses at the end of Sunlight Tuna.
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Or you could spread them out! That could solve this little conundrum.
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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I want this horrible man to be cherished by his best friend!❤️
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mel-kusanagi · 1 year
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there's always a kiss scene that usually happens while the movie starts to end, right?
aka how beyond the spiderverse ends
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
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hades atla bisexual simulator
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ghafahey · 1 year
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I want to stand with you in front of all the Daturma Ox things to come.
JESPER FAHEY and WYLAN HENDRICKS in Shadow and Bone ( 2021- )
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goodpvppy · 2 months
make me stop rambling and overthinking by shoving your fingers in my mouth and let me get hazy thinking only about pleasing you you you
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bluevelvetea · 3 months
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So start by saving me, Itadori.
(Find my reference here)
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fadedlovemp3 · 9 months
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caitlyn-kirammans · 7 months
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BLUE EYE SAMURAI: 1x04 - "Peculiarities" ↳ "Your Madame explained how it's some essential part of the soul that draws men to brоthеls when it's only naked flattery. Do men usually fall for this?" "The ones I've known? Yes."
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yuwuta · 28 days
you ask yuuta if he wants a bite of your food and when he says yes you offer your plate to him, but he’s just sat there looking at you with his dumb big bambi boy eyes and his mouth slightly open and he will not look away or blink or close his mouth until you lift your fork to his lips to feed him and then he grins like shit’s sweet and hums about how good the food is like nothing happened like he’s not ridiculously attractive. gonna chew on steel
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hychlorions · 6 months
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What if I told you that I've fallen?
[ID: Art of Susato Mikotoba and Haori Murasame/Rei Membami, done on a stylized background of swirling cherry blossom petals. Haori is falling backward, pulling Susato with her, so close that their noses are touching. Haori closes her eyes as she pulls off Susato’s cap, while Susato — still dressed as Ryutaro Naruhodo — looks down at her with eyes wide. The background is suffused with the faint colors of the lesbian flag. End ID]
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hansoeii · 8 months
I'm very much not normal about loki and mobius right now
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darkverrmin · 7 months
Okay but Ed and Stede having their moment, kissing and confessing their love for one another while Zheng is right there literally fighting for her life has got to be one of the funniest moments of this episode
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edamammy · 5 months
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basically, an asheijified study of this
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