#just luke and thoughts and ashton and joshua tree
allsassnoclass · 2 years
Hey!! Could you do “things you said when we were the happiest we ever were” with Lashton please? And with a friendship base as well!
lashton: things you said when we were the happiest we ever were (friendship)
Luke burrows deeper into his hoodie, eyes fixed on the horizon where the sun has just risen, the sky bright and pale blue.  Byron's birds sing gently from the surrounding trees, wind rustling through the bare branches, whistling over the landscape further out where the sparse vegetation gives way to desert.  Luke takes a deep breath of a crisp autumn air.
There's something about cold, outdoor air that makes him feel alive.  Humans weren't meant to be cooped up in their houses all the time.  They're meant to be in places like this with people they love, getting up early to watch the sunrise when a few years ago they would've stayed up late to see it instead.
Luke closes his eyes against the white, bright sun and breathes.
It doesn't take long for someone to find him.  Luke hears footsteps approach, but he keeps his eyes closed, knowing that whoever it is isn't intruding because they belong in the moment with him.
A gentle hand passes over his curls, large and callused.  Luke tips his head up as the person sits next to him, then finally opens his eyes.
"Hey," Ashton says, beanie covering his faded black hair.  They'll both abandon their extra layers as the day progresses, succumbing to the heat of the dessert, but for now he looks cozy, cheeks turned up in a smile that Luke has desperately missed seeing in person for the past few months.
"Hi," he says, clearing his throat when his voice comes out hoarse from lack of use.  He'll have to be sure to properly warm up later if they do more writing.
God, he wants to do more writing.  He's missed creating with his band.  He's glad that they paused, letting each of them rest instead of forcing new songs when they weren't ready, allowing each of them to spend time settled at home and find other outlets, whether with personal songs or different hobbies, but he's ready now.  He thinks that they're all ready, and this place feels like the perfect beginning.
"I never thought I'd see the day when Luke Hemmings woke up early to watch the sunrise alone," Ashton says, amusement radiating off of his features.  Luke rolls his eyes with a smile, used to this type of gentle teasing born of familiarity.
Ashton was already up by the time Luke woke.  Luke spotted him around the other side of the house, preparing to do some yoga.
"It's not a habit, don't worry," he says.  "I can't change that much in a few months."
"It's been closer to a year," Ashton says on an exhale, looking back out across the landscape.  Luke studies his profile, taking in the slight physical changes that Luke--for the first time in nearly ten years--wasn't around for.
"Yeah," he agrees once he realizes Ashton is probably waiting for a reply.  "We're still the same, though."
Part of him, a very, very small part that he's learned he's never supposed to listen to, was worried that they wouldn't be.  Sure, they've done zoom calls and they've texted, but that's not the same as being there.  A lot can happen in months away from each other: Luke went to therapy and fixed his sleep schedule.  Ashton wrote and released an entire album.  If they were any other band, it might be strange to come back together for a few days, isolated from everyone else except a kind caretaker and the desert wildlife.
That was never an option for them, though.  They're bonded too closely for time away to damage things between them.  Luke thinks that he could reunite with any of them after fifty years and still pick up right where they left off, as if all the time apart was the cut scene in a video game they could skip with the push of a button.  If they left each other mid-sentence, one of the others would complete it the second they reunited.
Being without the other three was like being without three of his fingers: he could survive, sure, and still do most of the things he had before, but the loss was noticeable and tangible every second he was awake.  Driving with Michael on his way out here then seeing Calum and Ashton pull up next to them a few minutes after arriving filled the gaping crevices in his heart that he had forgotten were vacant.
"I missed you," he says.  Ashton blinks, pulling his gaze away from the trees and the birds and the clear blue sky.  It's a phrase that all of them uttered when passing hugs on the first day here, but they aren't empty words.
They aren't sad, either.  Missed, in the past tense.  Luke's heart soars the longer they spend out here, like it will fly out of his chest to join those birds in that big blue sky.
"I missed you," he grins.  Ashton mirrors it with the same smile Luke remembers him sporting as a teenager back in Australia.  He wraps an arm around Luke's shoulders like he used to do back then, and Luke tips into his side.  He's warm and alive against him, something that phone screens and video chats can't replicate, and Luke knows that he's never going to go this long without a hug from Ashton again.
"I missed you, too," Ashton says, and he isn't sad, either.  He's fluent in Luke's emotions, and that's never going to change.
Luke wraps his arms around him and closes his eyes against the desert sun, knowing that Ashton is doing the same thing.
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Fics w/ 15k Words Masterlist
all i want (ao3) - lourrygum michael/luke, calum/ashton E
Summary: Luke is a camboy and Michael has to have normal conversations with him like he didn't watch him come untouched just last night
Or, Lush isn't Luke's only place of employment, Calum is falling in love with the curly haired dork that comes in to his coffee shop on a daily basis and Michael's going to stop watching Luke's videos soon, he swears.
desert sunrise (ao3) - citiesbelow michael/calum, past michael/crystal E
Summary: AU in which Michael ends up single early in quarantine and Calum has been pining for him for years, but even when they get to Joshua Tree, he’s determined not to say anything out of fear of ruining their friendship. He can’t keep a secret forever, however, especially not from his best friends.
Life-Size Luke (ao3) - plushyluke luke/ashton E
Summary: ashton is a sex store employee when the new adult, collector dolls hit the shelves. he's had enough of these "lukey dolls," when one night everything changes, and his life becomes lukalicious.
Matchmaker Matchmaker, Make Me a Match (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/calum, michael/ashton T
Summary: Luke has the bright idea to matchmake his two best friends. Calum’s just along for the ride
morphine lover, make me numb (ao3) - swiefts luke/ashton E
Summary: He knew what the ancients said about the butterflies but right now there were planets colliding with one another inside his stomach, inevitably exploding. Feeding him with irrevocable lust. Crushing his bones and stealing his oxygen.
That’s what Luke does to him.
Maybe Ashton’s not a derailed comet. Maybe he’s a fucking shooting star, because he was falling. Falling for Luke.
Or the one where Luke is maybe more than just Ashton's fuck buddy. And Ashton may be falling for him.
my heart radio is set to explode (ao3) - horriblekids luke/calum, michael/ashton T
Summary: Five times everyone thought Luke and Calum were dating and then one time where they actually are.
Luke puts up an ad for a roommate-slash-bandmate online and Calum's the only one who responds. He turns out not to be a serial killer, though.
Sippin' On Moonlight, Drinking Champagne (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/calum E
Summary: There have been many times that he’s considered approaching Michael about his feelings and putting everything on the line. He’s no stranger to wearing his heart on his sleeve. Every time though, he’s stopped by a pop of the hip, a flick of the fringe, or those goddamn clear glasses, worn only to make Calum constantly hard.
It’s not that Calum doesn’t believe their relationship would be amazing, because it would be. It’s just, for all that they blend together perfectly, Calum isn’t sure that they’d be sexually compatible. Because while Calum loves to be held down and man-handled, Michael, well…
Michael is a twink.
Or the one where Calum moves in with Michael and doesn't know how to take a hint.
somehow you kicked all my walls in (ao3) - estrella30 michael/harry E
Summary: Enough time passes between the last Manchester show and the next time he sees Harry that Michael thinks he probably imagined everything that had happened between the two of them.
or, Harry and Michael hook up a lot over the course of the tour
Starting Over (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 15k
Summary: Luke Hemmings is the new kid at school. Shy, self conscious and nervous, he (literally) bumps into Ashton Irwin, the most popular kid at school. It's time for starting over.
This Was Unforeseeable, Aching To Be Near You (ao3) - reversecow calum/ashton E
Summary: Ashton crosses the room, ready to fall into his own bed and sleep for as long as possible when he hears Calum sniffle and let out a quiet sigh
“You’re never gonna love me.” ---
The night of Calum's 23rd birthday, he accidentally tells Ashton more than he ever planned to about his feelings. Ashton looks back at the last eight years and does some soul searching.
throw on a jersey, no one gets hurt (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton T
Summary: Ashton knew he wasn't normal okay, he fucking knew it, he didn't need his father reminding him of that every goddamn day. He knew it wasn't normal to like wearing girl's clothes and makeup and just feeling pretty, but it was like an itch under his skin - he needed it, just like he needed the sharp blade in his drawer.
Maybe that was why he was close to just ending it all.
Thunderstorm (ao3) - outlawofideal michael/luke, minor calum/ashton M
Summary: Or the one Luke loses his hope of his swimming career, Calum is a impeccable medley racer, Ashton and Michael are really close friends.
Too Young, Too Dumb (ao3) - orphan_account luke/calum N/R
Summary: Calum has to find a way to pull his band back together or jump ship himself before he drowns along with Luke.
You'll Be Stuck On It Cause My Love's So Good (ao3) - senioritastyles luke/ashton E
Summary: "How was it? How was it, Ash? Was it fun? Did you throw the ball? Was it awesome? Did they-"
"Lu, too many questions." Ashton chuckles, petting at Luke's hair as he moves his awkwardly growing fourteen year old body towards the backyard with his twelve year old best friend and neighbor close behind him.
Ashton sits on the warm grass, tossing his shoulder pads and helmet to the side and kicking his muddy cleats off, turning to look at Luke's tanned face and they way it makes his eyes look an even brighter blue than normal. Luke looks anxious to know about Ashton's first football practice, brimming with so many questions that they'd probably be here all night if Ashton let Luke keep asking, and he knows it's only because this is the first thing that Ashton's done without Luke in pretty much forever and that Luke's curious because he wants to play football too. Luke isn't old enough for the town league yet though, and he won't be for two more years so right now he's stuck with living vicariously through Ashton.
Or: Luke and Ashton are football buddies until they're not and then they are again and then they're not and---okay, you get it.
you own me, you rattle my bones (ao3) - iambic_pulse michael/luke/ashton E
Summary: Kink meme prompt: Luke wants to be used, roughed up and degraded but he also wants to be caressed and comforted and told how beautiful and good and perfect he is. At the same time. That's how he ends up with two doms: Ashton to treat him rough and Michael to comfort and encourage him with gentle kisses and sweet nothings.
you're lucky if your memory remains (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum, minor luke/ashton E
Summary: "Calum's frame is so small and frail, Michael feels like he might turn to dust if touched. His usually amber brown skin is now pale and ghostly, wrapping around his bones like a thin sheet of snow. He reminds Michael of the paper flower he gave the boy when they were younger; fragile, crumpled, and barely holding himself together."   Calum's gone, and Michael can't forget him even if he tried.
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Married Life Masterlist
part two
Good Days Start With Coffee and You (ao3) - lgbtlukas, MyMy michael/calum, luke/ashton G, 2k
Summary: Calum wonders if Michael is as invested in this relationship as he is, but he doesn't know that Michael is one step ahead of him.
Got 'til it's gone (ao3) - orphan_account calum/ashton E, 7k
Summary: “Luke, Luke, listen, can you send the certificate?” Calum asks. Luke sighs and tells them to hold on one second while he does so and when he does, Calum opens the messenger app, clicks into the attachment, and there it is, clear as day. Calum Thomas Hood and Ashton Fletcher Irwin, married at 5 in the morning. This morning.
His mum is going to kill him.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You (ao3) - fivesecondsofmae luke/ashton, michael/calum M, 2k
Summary: Luke and Ashton Irwin-Hemmings live in suburban London with their 3 children. Fluff for now about the cutest couple in existence. Lashton.
i could live by the light in your eyes (ao3) - gothcalum (orphan_account) michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: The music ends and priest gets everyone’s attention. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today,” Luke stops listening.
Michael’s eyes are so green and Luke feels like he’s falling. Michael’s eyes crinkle, and he’s smiling because he can tell Luke’s not listening, and Luke smiles because he can tell that Michael can tell.
I Just Feel Complete When You're By My Side (ao3) - nationalnobody michael/luke, calum/ashton G, 1k
Summary: Luke never thought that his son would ever ask him how he and Michael met. He really didn't. So when he did ask, needless to say, Luke was caught extremely off guard.
I'll Give You The Best Years (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/ashton T, 4k
Summary: Luke and Ashton have their backyard wedding
In This Together (ao3) - berettajane michael/luke N/R, 2k
Summary: Luke struggles with the aftermath of Michael being in a serious car accident.
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars (ao3) - mukelftv calum/ashton T, 1k
Summary: They sit there for a beat, kissing each other slowly in the moonlight, Calum’s hand coming up to gently tangle into Ashton’s curls. He wishes life could always be so simple for them.
Or, the one where Calum and Ashton are in Joshua Tree.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe michael/luke E, 5k
Summary: In all the whole of four years that Luke and Michael had been married, he'd never once let the other man know about his habit. That habit being that he loved wearing knitted knee socks around the house with nothing else on but Michael's sweater.
That is, until he got caught...
The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn't home and then he gets caught wearing them..
nice ring to it (ao3) - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/luke T, 3k
Summary: Luke and Michael drunkenly meet at a bar, and wind up married to each other. Calum and Ashton are less than impressed with Michael's impulsive decision.
really not fine at all (ao3) - @sup3rbloom​ (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/ashton, luke/calum T, 12k
Summary: Michael is a new nurse trainee at the hospital that his husband is already working at. His husband, who is already an established and well respected doctor. Everybody in the doctor field knows who he is. Michael knew this. He didn't expect things to get so complicated when he sees just how popular Ashton is.
we built this house of memories (ao3) - @sup3rbloom​ (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) calum/ashton, michael/luke T, 2k
Summary: In which Calum and Ashton are married, but Calum is suffering from temporary amnesia due to a car wreck he's been in. Ashton has taken it upon himself to leave sticky notes all over the house in order to help with Calum's memories. Slowly but surely, Calum regains his memories with the help of his husband and two best friends.
We Got A Good Thing (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum G, 4k
Summary: And just like that, Calum gets it.
God, of course. Why else would their daughter have come all the way down to their room at a quarter past ten, looking like she’s been trying to work up the courage to do so for hours?
“Holy shit.” Calum grins, practically vibrating with excitement. “Fuck, Mike, she’s going on a date.”
Or, Bella has her first date. It's a bigger deal for Michael than even Michael was anticipating for it to be.
What A Wonderful World This Would Be (ao3) - badtales luke/ashton G, 784
Summary: "May I have this dance?" He asked formally and handed a hand out for Ashton to hold. Ashton smiled so brightly Luke couldn't help but think he was looking at the sun and if Ashton was the sun, Luke was the moon, lighting up when Ashton was shining on him.
"You may," Ashton giggled and placed his hand gently in Luke's allowing the younger boy to lead the dance.
aka. married Lashton sharing a moment
Your Love Was Handmade For Somebody Like Me (I'm In Love With The Shape Of You) (ao3) - Migs luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Michael has just returned from a four day conference in Brisbane to find his husband in their bedroom in front of the canvas with two pretty twinks sitting literally butt naked on their marital bed.
"Why is there a twink in trainers on our bed?" Michael finally speaks up once Ashton leans back from the painting, presumably to check for any last details he needs to fix.
OR: Mashton are maried, Ashton is Private Artist and there is a twink in Adidas sneakers on their bed.
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Fics Written in 2023 Masterlist
Coffee Boy (ao3) - Jay_isnotokay michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 12k
Summary: Calum Hood has a crush on a barista, plenty of coffee making ensues.
craving something sweeter (ao3) - toddamyanderson luke/calum T, 10k
Summary: “Y’know, it was either the plushies, or the cute guy sitting on his roof drinking lemonade. Surprisingly enough, you won.” Calum’s voice is quiet, but Luke can still hear the coy smile in his voice. Hear, because Luke is still looking down at the fairy floss, trying to hide his pleased grin.
“Damn.” Luke tames his wild grin into a more reasonable smile so he can face Calum. “I feel like the plushies deserve more credit."
deleted things (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum T, 14k
Summary: It’s different when all you have are words. Sometimes for the best, but sometimes words aren’t enough. Words without any emotion, words without any way for Calum to convey that when he types out, “I miss you a lot,” to Luke, he means it, earnestly, but not so earnestly it would make Luke uncomfortable.
But since he can’t do that, he just deletes it without hitting send. Every night.
desert sunrise (ao3) - citiesbelow michael/calum E, 15k
Summary: AU in which Michael ends up single early in quarantine and Calum has been pining for him for years, but even when they get to Joshua Tree, he’s determined not to say anything out of fear of ruining their friendship. He can’t keep a secret forever, however, especially not from his best friends.
fate lines (ao3) - kaleidoscopeminds luke/calum E, 44k
Summary: Calum makes decisions based on things that happen, and his life is a result of his series of choices, not some higher power pulling the strings. But there’s always an anomaly to the rule. To be discounted if looking at a trend, but there for a reason.
Luke Hemmings is Calum’s anomaly.
Because one thing Calum does know for sure. He met Luke Hemmings for a reason. He’s just never been sure what that reason is.
feels like i’m dreaming but i’m not sleeping (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 29k
Summary: “But saying that out loud is just..” the blonde boy trails off, his voice weakened and unsteady, “Makes me feel kind of pathetic, I guess.” “Pathetic?” Calum parrots, “Therapy isn’t just for people who have issues, Luke. I have patients who just like to tell me about their life because they want to. You have this preconceived notion that therapy is only for broken people.”
or, luke has too many problems but calum doesn’t mind them.
go for miles (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum, michael/ashton G, 11k
Summary: When Calum had bought tickets to Glastonbury Festival with his ex nearly a full year ago, he never imagined he would have ended up going alone. The very messy breakup of a nearly-three-year relationship pushed any and all thoughts of future-plans to the back of his mind. He had almost entirely forgotten about the tickets tucked into an envelope, if he was being honest with himself. It wasn’t until an email dropped into his inbox with the subject: 'We can’t wait to see you!', reminding him that oh shit, they had bought tickets together and oh shit, that’s in like two weeks.
He spent the better part of the afternoon sitting on the living room floor trying to figure out what to do with his ticket. It was too late for him to transfer it to someone else, he couldn’t sell it because it had his name printed on it, and he didn’t really want to lose out on the £300 he spent on the damn thing by just not going. So, he decided then and there that he would go alone. Ex-boyfriend be damned, he’d have a great time even if he was by himself.
he was sunshine (i was midnight rain) - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 5k
Summary: Luke and Ashton are roommates, which sounds perfectly fine, but Ashton is the biggest grump according to Luke. At least, only during the Christmas holidays. Luke makes it his mission to get Ashton to like Christmas by the end of the month.
hold you closer than I ever did before (ao3) - jeffreyskinner luke/ashton T, 32k
Summary: “What’s the date,” Ashton asks, cracking an eye open at the doctor. He wants to know how many months he’s lost, he doesn’t want any bullshit spiel doctors tend to give.
She looks back at Luke and gives him a nod, like hearing it from Luke will make it better, more real somehow. Luke comes around the side of his bed and reaches out for Ashton's hand, as if trying to ground him, his blue eyes looking so fucking sad. “It’s September 30th, 2025.”
or; Ashton falls at a gig, loses four years of memory, and forgetshe and Luke are together.
i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) (ao3) - fakecharliebrown luke/ashton, michael/calum M, 16k (WIP)
Summary: Ash US > Wakey wakey eggs and bakey
Luke US > lose my number
or; in which Luke and Ashton take on the world, fall in love, and pine for far, far longer than is socially acceptable. In that order.
Made in Magnolia - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 220k
Summary: There’s that feeling again. The warmth and the electricity that travels between them which lacks nerves or pretenses or any semblance of who they have been in the past. Calum isn’t the same guy who usually gets fucked and kicked out when he gets invited to stay the night. Ashton isn’t the same guy who got married at twenty in Mississippi. They’re new when they’re together.
photo of you in my mind (on the table, under lights) (ao3) - starvinginbelair (threeheadedmonster) luke/ashton E, 13k
Summary: Ashton isn't sure what compels him to do it.
Or, 5 times Ashton takes a photo of Luke and the 1 time he doesn't. (And the 1 time Luke takes a photo of him)
we're just taking it slow, we're taking the long road home (ao3) - Bethany_i_made_bIScuiTs ot4 N/R, 5k
Summary: 3 times Michael feels like he's home and the 1 time he says it
we were just two kids thrown into the flames - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) michael/ashton T, 8k
Summary: Ashton Irwin's name is picked during the reaping for the 75th Hunger Games. Unfortunately, so is his little brother Luke. But then, Michael Clifford is volunteering for his brother. Ashton has to figure out how to make sure he stays alive, but the love of his life also stays alive.
when the party ends (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum E, 30k
Summary: Sadly, Calum is going to have to buy this bottle of wine. Is he torturing himself unnecessarily? Definitely. He can’t even really make himself feel pathetic about it, though. He’s fully aware of what he’s doing. Of why he misses Luke so much. Of why drinking this wine alone in his apartment is a bad idea. Even without Luke actually being present, Calum is using him.
a heaven, iowa songfic.
you can hear it in the silence (ao3) - fakecharliebrown luke/ashton T, 23k
Summary: Ashton turns to look at Luke then. He doesn’t speak right away, appearing to consider his next words very carefully. He opens and closes his mouth several times, before finally, he says, “Do you think it’ll all work out for us?”
Luke hums softly. His head is angled in such a way that Petunia imagines he’s looking at their intertwined hands behind his dark sunglasses when he admits in a quiet voice, “I think it already has, Ash.”
Ashton squints at him for less than a second before he turns to face forward, closing his eyes against the bright afternoon sun, and says, “Yeah. I think you’re probably right.”
or; Petunia loves her boy more than anything in the world. When the world shuts down, she realizes that she might not be the only one.
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cranberry-rain · 2 years
5sos5 track by track by me
my first listen was on the way home and before going to sleep. some thoughts i wrote down at night, some on the second and third listen. enjoy!
Complete mess: not my favorite song on the album, but the whole process of releasing it with the teasers and the changing titles made it fun, and i like the concept of having someone who kinda fits but freaking you out at the same time
easy for you to say: studio version sounds different than live (but not worse in any way), can't forget the pizza pizza mind tweet, feels kinda personal with trying to change but it's hard, gets better and better closer to the song ending
bad omens: the dark brown eyes lyric really stood out in the ono version and we freaked out a little, love the song and the melody, the instrumental in the middle is so beautiful (strings maybe?), love the part with "this i where we are"
me, myself and i: really simple lyrics being repeated over and over again like telling yourself this and trying to convince yourself, still sad that they released it after my show, feels personal because of being independent and caring for yourself but wanting someone to break through
take my hand: just such a beautiful song, the 23 lyric still hits hard cause i was 23 at my show and they played it there, this song will always make me remember the show, love “redefine what keeps you up at night” because the things that you think about can be good things and being happy can also make you stay up, this song is about friendship for me too, about having someone who is helping you through it and who you want to have next to you always, this version feels like being at joshua tree and luke is snging it to the others for the first time and you’re there in this special moment too
carousel: love the beat, it’s like a heartbeat and the metaphor of the carousel kinda makes me think of grey’s anatomy “the carousel never stops turning”, love that it’s not about love 
older: such a sad song in a way, and luke’s introduction at ono made it even sadder, so sweet and beautiful with sierras voice on it
haze: still don’t understand some titles being written in capitals, love ash’s voice on this, are there some kind of trumpets or something?
you don't go to parties: there’s kinda a really specific picture in my brain for this song, like a mix of the couch from ash’s instaposts and the youngblood video couch with ash and cal singing “ashton my best friend”, love ash’s voice on this, “i should kick me out”, the five years lyric is intriguing
blender: must be really great live, stressed and depressed lyric describes me too good, not a majorly heartbroken song until the “i’d die for you” lyric hits, the end sounds as if the song is starting again which fits the round and round again theme so good
caramel: i always think there’s a phone ringing in the background, beautiful melody, love the instrumental even though i have no idea which instruments, sweet outro with the guitar, “color in all th lines now” --> there’s a parallel to some song but i can’t figure it out, love the “it used to be easy” harmonies of luke and ash, “i feel the comedown” --> parallel to luke’s comedown
best friends: love that it’s friendship, was kinda scared that it could be a love song, “calm before the storm” lyric, “i got the best friends in this place”, “i love to love you”, i love me a good friendship anthem, have a whole playlist for this theme
bleach: second song i hearted, beginning sounds so spacey, “if there’s bleach in the hallway i can start over”, brought a knife to gun fight” --> t-swift parallel !!!!!!, love the metaphor and the calm verses, kinda fits the often bleached hair of some band members 
red line: Train noises in the end, the spotify storyline thingy told me the meaning with the train, still can’t figure out the aperol lyric, i think the song means like going home from the person with whom you’re no good but you keep going back
mood swings: love the swinging between the harmonies, fits the lyrics perfectly, for me it’s about feeling like you’re too messed up for someone to love you, “without you” is so beautiful, this song hurts
flatline: first song i hearted from this album (except for the singles), exciting beginning, was intrigued from the first couple of seconds, it’s so different in the best way, BANGER, couldn’t believe that the chorus is cal???, i mean how high can he sing?? for me it’s about falling in love and it’s just so much, it’s kicking you and almost killing you, it’s like “gorgeous” by t-swift, like the person’s too beautiful and you can’t take it, love the part about having changed a lot
emotions: MIKE, this song hits so hard, describes me a little too good, and it’s like not wanting to worry others but just feeling like shit, “kinda broken”, “i’ll be here with my emotions”, “i don’t wanna cry about it”, this song hurts too much, it makes me cry, “i’m doing my best and i guess that’s the best that i can do” for me is about relearning that your best sometimes is getting out of bed and howering and not being able to do more
bloodhound: completely different vibe than i thought, completely lost on the meaning, love the clapping (?) part, didn’t hear ash in the bridge at first, whichever voice you focus on in the chorus you hear the most
tears: i had such high expectations because of the “the ash girls are not ready”, wild song, you can hear ashs solo influence on it in my opinion, cals part fits perfectly, lyrics are hitting differently, was in fact not ready, “blacking out in my room”, “diamond tears” --> cut like diamonds from lukes song?
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