#just realized that mayb they were askin 4 a short aner and not a full on analysis
i know kamisato ayato is a seer of space tho i disagree with classpects being like astrology i think astrology is so popular bc people unknowingly recognize the 12 base classes in them aka Deep Personality Stuff anyway what do u think lumine is i know she and aether dont have the same classpect
Isn't the core of classpecting deep personality stuff? A hero title is simply another way to label what you are like in my opinion.
Anyways, I will be under the assumption that your Lumine in question is the Abyss Twin.
With that out of the way, lets talk about...
The Abyss Sibling: The Witch of Hope
Witch: Active Manipulation class
One who changes their aspect
Alternatively: One who manipulates others with their Aspect
Abstract: Conviction, Imagination, Fantasy, Delusion, Actual Hope
Literal: Light, Wings, Feathers, Religion
Despite how very little we have on the Traveler's kin, it's enough to glean off what kind of person she is and how she reacts to the environment she's surrounded by.
Let's start with her aspect of Hope.
People who identify themselves as Hope-bound are known to be motivated by their beliefs and sense of righteousness.
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We know that the Traveler's Sibling is working with the Abyss in order to settle a score with Celestia, likely for what it has done to Khaenri'ah and its inhabitants.
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Already does she show her belief that Khaenri'ah's punishment was unjustifiable and that going to war with the divine was the only way to avenge their people, seeking to destroy those under the Seven Archon's rule first.
After meeting the archons, her revenge plot sounds sinister. But since we don't what she's witnessed and experienced, there could be a side of that plan that could hold some validity. Even if the Traveler doesn't agree with it.
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The Hope-bound are also said to posses a vast imagination, using it to conjure up solutions to injustice and unfairness:
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The Abyss order has many creative plots that the Traveler's Sibling surely has helped scheme. One of them using the water dragon Osial and a corrupted statue in order to create a mechanized god to fight Celestia.
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The imagery is nothing short of gruesome, more so for a concept as light-hearted as Hope. But to assume that Hope is the aspect for goody-two-shoes, you would be sorely mistaken.
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Next there's her class, the Witch.
Witches, along with Heirs, are the magicians. They manipulate their aspect in ways that they think will befit them and their circumstances.
Witch of Life Feferi Peixies was able to bargain with cosmic horrors to create dreambubbles, a sort of afterlife for anyone in any timeline who have perished. Even after either one's waking, dreaming, or both selves are dead, the person can still keep on living as a ghost within those bubbles. Which, in essence, keeps said person alive essentially forever. It was also used to communicate with souls from far away in their sleep.
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Then there is Witch of Time Damara Megido who. instead of using her powesr to win SBURB, used her abilities of time-traveling to sabotage her teammates and lead their session into its doom.
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In addition to this, a Witch's arc starts with the Witch's surrounding engulfed by their aspect to the point where it influences them. This influence usually has an extension that takes form of what we'll call the Witch's Familiar.
Feferi is the troll heiress of the Alternian empire and is determined to inherit it and change the lifestyle of its inhabitants for the better.
Since birth, Feferi was tasked in keeping her lusus Gl’bolyb pacified and hushed, lest she lets out the Vast Glub and erradicates all life in not just her home planet Alternia, but in the whole universe.
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Look at thatt mother-daughter bonding!
Witch of Space Jade Harley spent most of her life isolated from civilization and was raised by her Best Friend/Best Dog Bequerel.
Bequerel is the First Guardian of Earth and possesses an array of cool powers, his most prominent one being able to bend the fabric of space to his will. A power that will be passed onto Jade once she goes Dogtier.
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What does this tell us about the Abyss Sibling?
The sibling is considered royalty by the Abyss Order as well as a leader. As one of the few people who not only side with Khaenri'ah, but is also unaffected by curse afflicted onto them by Celestia, she stands as one of the ancient civilization's last hopes.
She has the conviction of their salvation within the palm of her hand and that same conviction engulfs her. Their dreams turn into her's, and now she mans them like a ship, with the Abyss Sibling as its captain.
Her virtuous campaign against Celestia though, may only be a delusion that not only harms innocents, but the people she is trying to help as well.
A crack of her well-intentioned crusade could be seen in the Requiem of the Echoing Depths quest, where her attempt to ease the suffering of the hilichurls only lead to them suffering more pain.
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Although the Abyss Sibling is the pinnacle of the Kharnri’aian's salvation, their hopes aren’t the only ones that’s she’s manipulating:
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The main character of the game, The Traveler, has only started his journey in hopes of figuring out what happened to his sibling.
Time and time again does she elude the Traveler's eyes, keeping just out of sight. The one time they do meet face to face though, she tells him this:
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For the Traveler, there is perpetual hope in him that they'll be together again, and the Abyss Sibling turns that hope into a tether; a motivator for him to complete his journey and to understand the meaning of Teyvat's existence.
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Perhaps she is manipulating her own hope as well, stuck so far down in her delusion that Kharnri’ah could be saved that she hopes once the Traveler has finished his journey, he comes to the same conclusion as her and they could once again stand against the Heavenly Principles together.
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