#genshin abyss sibling
i know kamisato ayato is a seer of space tho i disagree with classpects being like astrology i think astrology is so popular bc people unknowingly recognize the 12 base classes in them aka Deep Personality Stuff anyway what do u think lumine is i know she and aether dont have the same classpect
Isn't the core of classpecting deep personality stuff? A hero title is simply another way to label what you are like in my opinion.
Anyways, I will be under the assumption that your Lumine in question is the Abyss Twin.
With that out of the way, lets talk about...
The Abyss Sibling: The Witch of Hope
Witch: Active Manipulation class
One who changes their aspect
Alternatively: One who manipulates others with their Aspect
Abstract: Conviction, Imagination, Fantasy, Delusion, Actual Hope
Literal: Light, Wings, Feathers, Religion
Despite how very little we have on the Traveler's kin, it's enough to glean off what kind of person she is and how she reacts to the environment she's surrounded by.
Let's start with her aspect of Hope.
People who identify themselves as Hope-bound are known to be motivated by their beliefs and sense of righteousness.
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We know that the Traveler's Sibling is working with the Abyss in order to settle a score with Celestia, likely for what it has done to Khaenri'ah and its inhabitants.
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Already does she show her belief that Khaenri'ah's punishment was unjustifiable and that going to war with the divine was the only way to avenge their people, seeking to destroy those under the Seven Archon's rule first.
After meeting the archons, her revenge plot sounds sinister. But since we don't what she's witnessed and experienced, there could be a side of that plan that could hold some validity. Even if the Traveler doesn't agree with it.
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The Hope-bound are also said to posses a vast imagination, using it to conjure up solutions to injustice and unfairness:
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The Abyss order has many creative plots that the Traveler's Sibling surely has helped scheme. One of them using the water dragon Osial and a corrupted statue in order to create a mechanized god to fight Celestia.
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The imagery is nothing short of gruesome, more so for a concept as light-hearted as Hope. But to assume that Hope is the aspect for goody-two-shoes, you would be sorely mistaken.
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Next there's her class, the Witch.
Witches, along with Heirs, are the magicians. They manipulate their aspect in ways that they think will befit them and their circumstances.
Witch of Life Feferi Peixies was able to bargain with cosmic horrors to create dreambubbles, a sort of afterlife for anyone in any timeline who have perished. Even after either one's waking, dreaming, or both selves are dead, the person can still keep on living as a ghost within those bubbles. Which, in essence, keeps said person alive essentially forever. It was also used to communicate with souls from far away in their sleep.
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Then there is Witch of Time Damara Megido who. instead of using her powesr to win SBURB, used her abilities of time-traveling to sabotage her teammates and lead their session into its doom.
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In addition to this, a Witch's arc starts with the Witch's surrounding engulfed by their aspect to the point where it influences them. This influence usually has an extension that takes form of what we'll call the Witch's Familiar.
Feferi is the troll heiress of the Alternian empire and is determined to inherit it and change the lifestyle of its inhabitants for the better.
Since birth, Feferi was tasked in keeping her lusus Gl’bolyb pacified and hushed, lest she lets out the Vast Glub and erradicates all life in not just her home planet Alternia, but in the whole universe.
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Look at thatt mother-daughter bonding!
Witch of Space Jade Harley spent most of her life isolated from civilization and was raised by her Best Friend/Best Dog Bequerel.
Bequerel is the First Guardian of Earth and possesses an array of cool powers, his most prominent one being able to bend the fabric of space to his will. A power that will be passed onto Jade once she goes Dogtier.
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What does this tell us about the Abyss Sibling?
The sibling is considered royalty by the Abyss Order as well as a leader. As one of the few people who not only side with Khaenri'ah, but is also unaffected by curse afflicted onto them by Celestia, she stands as one of the ancient civilization's last hopes.
She has the conviction of their salvation within the palm of her hand and that same conviction engulfs her. Their dreams turn into her's, and now she mans them like a ship, with the Abyss Sibling as its captain.
Her virtuous campaign against Celestia though, may only be a delusion that not only harms innocents, but the people she is trying to help as well.
A crack of her well-intentioned crusade could be seen in the Requiem of the Echoing Depths quest, where her attempt to ease the suffering of the hilichurls only lead to them suffering more pain.
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Although the Abyss Sibling is the pinnacle of the Kharnri’aian's salvation, their hopes aren’t the only ones that’s she’s manipulating:
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The main character of the game, The Traveler, has only started his journey in hopes of figuring out what happened to his sibling.
Time and time again does she elude the Traveler's eyes, keeping just out of sight. The one time they do meet face to face though, she tells him this:
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For the Traveler, there is perpetual hope in him that they'll be together again, and the Abyss Sibling turns that hope into a tether; a motivator for him to complete his journey and to understand the meaning of Teyvat's existence.
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Perhaps she is manipulating her own hope as well, stuck so far down in her delusion that Kharnri’ah could be saved that she hopes once the Traveler has finished his journey, he comes to the same conclusion as her and they could once again stand against the Heavenly Principles together.
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hehe more SAGAU Melsuine Creator featuring Foul Legacy plushie
you've been acclimating to your new life as a Melusine very nicely, the outside world falling away and as you forget and close off the memories of everything they did to you, only thinking about it when you happen to glance at the shimmering markings lining your body. swimming and spending time with Foul Legacy- those are your two favorite things, with your siblings coming in at a close third, and your little house made of shells becomes a popular spot for Melusine to visit, dropping by to say hello to both you and Legacy... although, you'll admit that you don't provide the same climbable experience that he does. you and Mamere even painted together, collaborating to make a painting of Legacy himself, all dotted with swirling colors and little stars and shapes only your Melusine eyes could see, proudly presenting it to him with paint splattered all over your colorful skin. he can't do anything but chitter and trill with delight, giving Mamere a friendly pat on the head and comfortably curling around you in satisfaction.
he should make something for you, he thinks. something small and soft and comforting, for when he inevitably needs to leave for Ajax's Harbinger duties. you always reassure him that you'll be fine... but oh, you look so sad when he has to go for a few days, or a week. he always gives you plenty of headbumps and purrs beforehand, silently stealing away from Merusea Village and shifting back into Ajax, so the foolish humans are none the wiser of your location. it's during one of these trips that he spends hours awake at night, carefully stitching fabric and cotton stuffing together until he returns and presents his gift- a tiny plush version of himself, cradled in his claws. your eyes light up, antennae wiggling happily as you gently pick up the plushie Legacy and twirl around, hugging it tightly. you're gently scooped into Legacy's arms so he can hug you as well, rumbling contently as both of your wings flutter in sync with each other.
you show Neuvillette the plushie next time he visits, and he merely gives you a smile of relief upon seeing you happy and safe.
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Lyney: Don't worry my dear siblings, home is wherever we are together!
*Traveler, sobbing and completely ruining the moment*
Lyney: Wha-
Paimon: No worries, they've just been separated from their twin for 500 years because of an Unknown God...
Paimon, noticing their shock: But they reunited! It's just that their sibling left on a mission five minutes later, saying that they "have to complete their journey" and "we've always had time".... Which means they haven't reunited at all, ha ha...
Liney, Lynette and Freminet:
Lyney, panicking: Do you want to see a magic trick!?!?
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bitterchocoo · 10 months
Alice in Wonderland
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"Once upon a time...."
The first Alice walked through the land of Teyvat. Bravely with a sword in her hand, she sliced everything and anything that dared crossed her, leaving chaos in her red bloody path. She was feared and respected by all.
The people will remember her wrath, her cruel smile, her self-centered attitude, and most importantly the sword on her hand.
Who could ever forget someone like that? Someone who sparks fear on others? The very mention of her name brought the high and mighty shaking on their knees. Everyone would always try their absolute best to stay on her good side or else... her sword would be the last thing you'll see. They would praise her, give her offerings and gifts, the lengths of what they would do to stay on her good side...
Through her might and unyielding wrath, she traveled far through her journey. But soon... her wrong doings came right back at her..
She stray too far and lost her way. Giving in to all her sins. Much like the gruesome path that she forged with her hands. Still....
Her life remains a mystery till this very day.
The second Alice was a tame and tender gentleman.
He helped those in need, he never lost his temper, he never talked bad about others, he's incredibly patient; a kind soul.
Such an enormous contrast with the first Alice.
The people would remember his kindness, his merciful acts, his pacifist route. In return for his deeds they would give him something in return despite how the man seemed uncertain of the gifts, claiming that "there's no need for such things."
What a kind soul... he can't even take a gift without feeling conflicted and guilty...
But of course.... you can't be kind to all.... sometimes kindness and mercy isn't the option...
Madness took ahold of him, shoot him dead to the ground. Blood stained the roses to a bright and somber red. Once loved and enjoyed by all, the man was left for dead
The third Alice was a lovely girl.
Beautiful, the girl was born into a life so grand. She charmed all the people to her beck and call. How could they resist such a charming young lady? Her smile is as bright as the sun, and her beauty rivals those of a goddess.
Through her charms she created a kingdom, an empire that would rise above them all! This Alice was then crowned turned into a Queen. Ruling all the people there... she lost herself in a crazy dream..
Previously a carefree girl, suddenly has the weight of a whole kingdom on her shoulders.. she must have gone insane by the sudden shift in power and responsibilities. Suddenly she's been made all aware of the things that didn't crossed her mind since the beginning. So afraid of death, the girl was mindless and warped.
The people would remember her beauty and charm.
Once a gorgeous ruler, now she's just an ugly corpse.
"So... what do you think?"
"What's with the silence, Alice?"
The man studied the other's expression before letting out a chuckle as he understood what he's thinking at that very moment. It was rather obvious. "Maybe I should start the next one~?"
"The fourth Alice was a pair of siblings who are twins. Straying into Teyvat—" "Shut up."
The man stopped as he glanced back at the man who stopped him with his story. "Oh? You don't want your story to be told? Your name echoes in their tales and songs?"
"You're telling a story of the past... this is not the past.. I—we—"
"Oh ho ho! Don't get ahead of yourself there, Alice~ You've fallen into this wonderland called Teyvat for how long now? 500 years? And now you're saying that? Don't make me laugh!"
"You two are staying here."
"Until we the Heavenly Principle say so."
"Until I say so."
M. Reader as the Creator
"Now... how will your story end, Alice~?"
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crows-of-buckets · 9 months
Thinking about ragbros and their direct parallel to the twins. The traveler who is widely considered a hero and spends their days protecting teyvat and their sibling who is leading the abyss who seeks to destroy that. Yeah that's a direct parallel to diluc being the protector of mondstat while kaeya is a descendant of the abyss orders founder. Like. Do you think after the traveler finds out about kaeya and Diluc's past they're just. Absolutely floored by how similar they are? And hoyo wants us to be normal about this???
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luuciidaasimon · 1 month
Continuation of doodles :33 and some au crumbs
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kxslana · 4 months
hoyoverse and their sick obsession with making sun & moon dynamics in their protagonists and the people who mean the most to them.
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like what do you mean “i want to hold your hand, but i am the moon and you are the sun and we will never collide.”
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pinkypastal · 4 months
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Get his ass
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Dain: please send in literally anybody else for interrogating me. please.
Abyss Sibling, watching as Enjou explains the 5 different ways to conjugate one extremely obscure verb in the language of Byukuyakoku to Dain:
AS: no ♥️
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getituo · 8 months
I love the “found family” trope as much as anyone (which is a lot) but no other trope breaks my heart as much as “lost family”. Characters who grew up together and who loved each other as family are separated by x or y reasons and the universe can’t seem to let them reunite. They both think the other one has forgotten about them/ hates them and they want to go back to how they were but it seems impossible to them. It’s so heartbreaking and genuinely makes me cry uncontrollably.
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noriee404 · 1 year
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Therefore we meet again
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xiaoaetherposts · 8 months
Aether & Lumine reunion
In the end of Xianyun's Story Quest,
Aether dreamed about Lumine.
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Aether dreamed that he was with Lumine again and they were happy together.
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Aether: "I always believed we would see each other again, that our days of separation would finally end, and all my troubles would be behind me..."
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Aether: "If only things could stay this way forever."
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Aether cried. It was heartbreaking to see.
It was a reminder to us that Aether does suffer a lot, even if he doesn't always show it.
Aether: "It was a good dream. It's just..."
Xianyun: "You weren't ready to wake up."
Aether: "Uhum..."
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Xianyun: "Eloquent as one may be, words of comfort are not one's strong suilt. You are doing all you can. One can see your strength of will, your fearlessness in the face of danger.
And so, whatever your dream may be, one believes that... you should achieve it.
Of course, whenever the perils you face overwhelm you, or you become weary, one is always here for you. After all... As an elder, it is only right to look out for the young ones."
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Aether's smile.🥺 This was a beautiful story quest.
Twitter(X): @xiaoaetherposts
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Of course we like that one, the mental image of FL holding lil melusine creator in one hand while the others climb on him like he's an abyssal jungle gym is free serotonin
eheheheheh excellent, that's precisely the vibe i was going for >:D
Foul Legacy is perfectly content to spend the rest of his days in Merusea Village, protecting his most incredible Creator and surrounded by little sea slug friends. the care you've received from your siblings, the new views of the world, of being treated as someone who deserves happiness, have all helped your mental and physical state immensely, bringing back the spark to your star-speckled eyes. with your help, Legacy quickly learns his way around the caverns, the other Melusine pitching in to expand your seashell house for him to stay in. since he knows your "true identity" you can confess in him whenever you have nightmares, showing him the shimmering markings where you were cut or stabbed, or the faintest one of all, right in the center of your throat. Legacy growls deeply, tugging you close and allowing you to bury your mitten-ish hands in his soft fluff, gently poking the tip of your nose with his claws
your absolute favorite place to be is on Foul Legacy's shoulder, his hand holding you steady as you lean against his head. now you're the tallest Melusine ever! speaking of which, there's constant joking that Legacy is just a really big, armored Melusine- look, he even has two horns and a pair of glittery wings! your own little wings are more angelic, and you can't fly with them, but you can both wiggle your wings in excitement. your more adventurous siblings have taken to attempting to scale Foul Legacy's tall body, dangling off his outstretched arms as you help pull them up- with both of his arms out to the sides, Foul Legacy can carry no less than six Melusine!
you never stop being odd, and Legacy's appearance and care for you just accentuates that, but to the Melusine, you're their odd, kind, wonderful sibling, with an equally strange but sweet Abyssal friend
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idyllic-affections · 10 months
i can't STANDDDD the abyss sibling. in my case, it's lumine. anyway i can't stand her. imagine your sibling chasing after you, pushing themselves to their limits JUST to find you--to find answers about you because they love and miss you more than anyone else--and when you finally decide you will see them again, what the fuck do you say? NOTHING OF VALUE?????? and you just go on your way, acting like you don't give a fuck????? when that's literally your only family, you walk away without reassuring that you do care for them and it's just that you have your hands tied or... fucking SOME explanation for why you won't talk??????? the abyss twin does not care about the other at all i swear. like imagine making your allegedly "beloved" sibling stretch themselves so impossibly thin just to find you instead of using your words and, idk, talking to them???? i would just stop looking for them at that point fuck that. anyway this is just a pet peeve about the genshin storyline. it's so annoying.
(i am not an only child btw. i do have an older sister.)
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nabitodexart · 6 months
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"The Witnesses to Teyvat"
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kitkatkk2 · 8 months
i think that the traveler as their own character isn't explored enough in the fandom. there's so much potential for soul-wrenching angst in being separated from your sibling and closest friend and partner whom you have presumably been inseparable from for centuries at LEAST (probably millennia, possibly more if wings of descension are to be taken literally). and then finding out that said person is pretty much the leader of the opposite side of a war. the inherent hurt in that is explored somewhat in canon. xianyun's story quest is a recent example. but i know what the fandom is capable of angst-wise.
even aside from that, the traveler has a personality. a lot of their personality is determined by dialogue choices but they do have their own showing through un-choosable dialogue and single choice dialogue. they're always initially minding only their goal of talking to the Archon to meet their sibling but always ultimately compassionate. collateral world-saving. they're a little snarky towards those they're especially close with (paimon being the main example), and playful in tone with even acquaintances. when they're serious, though, they're serious. they're not that talkative (heizou jokes that paimon is almost like their "voice"). they're incredibly quick to take up new information (conversational speaker of the teyvat language in two months).
the ever so slight differences in either traveler's personality, too. e.g. lumine's "let me take over!" vs aether's "let me at 'em!" and i think that's less because aether is more aggressive and more because he's more fervently protective. he's always been the defensive twin, and that's an "ally at low hp" line. where lumine is the more offense-oriented twin in combat, and is more calm about that (though yes, she obviously still cares), maybe aether... idk, feels like he failed, when his ally gets hurt? the traveler and their sibling are twins who've been together since forever, they're gonna be very similar, but i like the subtle differences they do have.
and THEN there's the abyss sibling. oh the abyss sibling. we only see them in we will be reunited and there's certainly no time for jokes then, but they seem generally just as determined as the traveler just... on the other side. there's obviously still love there, but it's tough love, the kind of love where you trust someone so much that you just leave them alone to come to your side eventually. but as of now, we still don't know who's right. and really? neither does the traveler. they are following their sibling's advice to see the world and find the truth for themself.
basically y'all are sleeping on the traveler
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