#just say you're a fucking weirdo
gwandas · 3 months
Alright, time to elaborate on that other post. Elain by far has had the most free will, the most agency out of the three sisters. Elain stans love to say Nesta coddles her when the reality is Nesta consistently relents to what Elain chooses for herself.
In ACOMAF, Nesta doesn't agree at first to Feyre's request to use their house because she doesn't want to compromise Elain's engagement. Elain is the one to push back, and Nesta relents immediately. What Nesta thinks is best doesn't take precedence over Elain's wants.
We know that Nesta doesn't approve of Greyson. She agrees with Cassian that Elain deserves better, but what Nesta thinks is best doesn't take precedence over Elain's wants.
In ACOWAR, Elain is catatonic. If anything, she should be coddled here. Her and Elain were stuck with these strangers for months. Strangers who were also the people who got them into that mess in the first place. Finally, Feyre shows up to help Nesta figure out how to help their sister. Madja is brought in, who recommends Lucien try to figure it out since they're mates. Nesta pushes back in what might arguably be coddling to keep Lucien from Elain. Feyre tells her to shut the fuck up and let Lucien try. And what do you know? She relents again -- What Nesta thinks is best is ignored because Nesta doesn't have any power in this situation.
In ACOFAS, Nesta has pushed Elain away at this point. She tells her “You have your life, I have mine." That's more or less Nesta saying do whatever tf you want Elain it's not my business. Not coddling!
In ACOSF, ohhh the infamous scene when Elain finally develops a personality starts coming out of her shell. Please try to remember at this point, Nesta has been locked in a house and barely sees Elain. The IC doesn't give a fuck about what Nesta wants for this whole book—Why would they choose now to listen to her? Literally everyone except Azriel agrees that Elain should be able to scry if she wants to. It would literally be easier for the IC to let Elain do it over waiting for Nesta who didn't want to do it.
"Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can't have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater."
Elain says all this and then... goes back to "tend to her little garden." It's a toothless moment. Elain stans would rather blame Nesta for coddling her than consider that maybe Elain just didn't try very hard to take on some responsibility for her sister who was supposed to be in "rehab." It sounds fucking stupid in the context that Elain hasn't seen Nesta at all between ACOFAS and ACOSF -- Nesta physically isn't around to coddle her. Elain doesn't contribute because she chooses not to or because the IC simply doesn't ask her to. We don't have any context for what she's been up to aside from some vague comments about lying about gardening or whatever Cassian said.
Amren admits that they're using Elain to manipulate Nesta. There was zero practical reason for them to do this other than because they care more about Elain's safety than Nesta's safety. The IC are the ones who have the power to "hold Elain back," not her sister who is locked in a house and never sees her—The IC could easily say fuck you to Nesta and have Elain do it. They didn't even need to bring Nesta into this conversation!! They could've gone to Elain first!!
Some Elain stans want so badly for Nesta to be the thing holding Elain back and it's very transparent to me. I have seen people go so far as to blame Nesta for Elain's uselessness in the cabin and that Nesta abused her too—sorry, what? I mean nice try, but Elain already admitted to being just as neglectful, and not even because she was genuinely remoseful towards Feyre—She said that shit to defend Nesta from Cassian.
I'm not even saying Elain isn't coddled but Nesta sure as fuck isn't the one doing it. Nesta doesn't even have her own free will how the fuck is she supposed to take away someone else's? Nesta choosing to do things so Elain doesn't have to isn't coddling. It's well established that if Nesta couldn't successfully scry, they would've gone to Elain, which means Nesta never had the power to stop Elain from scrying. Nesta has never tried to take away Elain's free will and even if she wanted to, she has no power to do that.
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Psst this is just some advice from someone who grew up with the Wild West version of the internet but:
Just don't engage with mean spirited asks or people.
They want attention. Don't give it to them. Delete it, block em, scroll away, take a deep breath, and move on. They want to waste your time, so waste theirs instead.
They came into your house and tried to start shit in probably the most milquetoast way possible, so just block, delete, and move on. Don't even mention that you did. It'll be a fun little thing that you know and they know but no one else knows, and that's so much more satisfying.
Nothing you can say will "win" the conflict or change their mind. Just put them in time out by deleting their ask and you'll feel much better. :)
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lameotello · 1 year
I hate that we've gone from "don't like, don't read" and not caring about what fucked up shit is depicted in fan media as a standard to hypervigilance and having to mind your every word so the group you've found yourself in doesn't know you ship the Not HOA Approved Ship
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n4talia-chaparro · 4 months
"Omg 5 days without posting?! Lmao so funny."
Yeah I get it >|:/
I wanted to make this post cuz a lot of you were so "CoNcERnEd" about me and the allegations made by the anons. And well in case people wanna find "info". I kinda don't care if people wanna keep attacking me and shit but yk. I have to speak up and explain.
So I wanna start by saying that what I did last Thursday and Friday was very retarded and dumb of me and I highly apologize once again. I was not in the right mindset and it was never my intention to ignore anyone's advice. I have been mentally unstable and stressed that I couldn't focus. Yeah. I was having anger issues and a meltdown. I couldn't control them so I'm apologizing for the way I acted that time without thinking straight. It's not easy to be a CU artist because of what's happening and I admit it's not easy for me to be perfect like you guys wanted me to be. I tried everything yet you guys seem to judge and shove words in my damn throat.
About the allegations... the anons were also after one of my moots so I wanted to explain and debunk them. It's giving me a headache and overwhelming the living shit out of me.
(BTW pls I do NOT encourage harassment or any sort of threats to anyone mentioned in this post)
The grooming: this allegation is false. I'm sick of seeing them throwing the allegations around like it was some sort of volleyball-type shit. (I'm A MINOR !!! Not a adult-)
The reason why they were spreading those is because of my grooming situation I had a few years ago when I had 9-11 (and UNSUPERVISED). It all started on amino and I met my groomer. (I'm calling them M cuz yea). M and I were close friends and we used to talk. My groomer was a Krupp x Melvin shipper, a pro-shipper obviously, they would force me to do NSFW roleplay and art based on their favorite ship. (Keep this in mind I was younger at that time and I never knew how to say no to them) and they even guilt-trip me and stuff just make me feel bad and well. They would often force me to ship them too...yikes...
One day we argued and their friends decided to cause drama in the group chat. They pointed fingers at me and called me a predator. Again I was 9. I wasn't aware of what proshipping is until age 12. A lot of shit happened. I got threats, harassment, etc. And at the age of 13-14 I was groomed by someone different um yayy...:/// I was never taught about the internet safety.
And that's where the "Natty is a groomer" bullshit came from :/
I'm 16 now and to this day I keep receiving those rape threats and stuff over my past and then seeing people spreading those is dumb. The anon even went to Linavloger's blog to send a rape threat and told her I was gonna groom her. This is fucking disrespectful. Lina is Younger than me, she's fucking 13. I find it disgusting that you guys choose to tell her that. It's gross for fuck's sake. What is your problem????? For the love of God stop spreading that allegation. Not only you are making me uncomfortable but also the others who were involved. Literally, stop.
My trauma is not for you to joke with it or use it as a shield. It's gross that people are making fun of me for that. No I mean yeah. My past wasn't great because I met people who already sexualized me too many times but it doesn't mean you have to bring it up and tell everyone about it. :"(
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The sexualization: The anon mentioned that I sexualized Harold in one of my videos which is again funny yet bullshit because according to them it was because of a pride month pin and small accessories..
When I say pin i meant this- 😭
Like I'm so sorry but how is this sexualizing him? It's a Pride Month pin. A PIN. How the fuck can yall be this stupid. It was an old video and you took it so seriously????? Like what???? Have you read the 12th book??? There's no way you think it's sexualization when it's Harold with an MLM pin.
This also goes to the AGERE subject. I do NOT normalize nor promote ddlg. There's a difference between ddlg/ageplay and an ACTUAL coping mechanism and I'm tired of hearing this bullshit over again like stfu so uh.
Ddlg/ageplay is where random ass adults roleplay as children and do weird shit.
Agere on the other hand is where someone reverts to a young mindset to cope with trauma, stress, severe illness, or disorders. (Mainly a safe way to cope ofc)
These are the differences between them. You cannot just tell me it's the same shit dawg. 😭
The "ripping off" thingy: another thing that I wanna address is about the au :/
The anons that I dealt with were just infini-tree fans/supporters and tree house members. Well idk. They may sound like whiney little cunts but still-- my AU does NOT have any similarity with THAT. Why would I steal ideas from someone who BLOCKED me for no reason and sent her fans after me??? No really how? How can a blocked user steal ideas if they can't see, or interact with the post (like & reblog)? Be real y'all. You may seem ridiculous if you believed those anons cuz none of them didn't pull the evidence out of their ass. 💀
"You need to apologize to her" for what? Dawg I didn't do jack shit to her in the first place LMAO yeah like--- don't get me started on that bs again. I don't wanna hear her damn name, I don't wanna know anything about her aus and shiii-- or anything related to her in my inbox or dm. I do NOT wanna have anything to do with that individual. End of the story. Not trying to be harsh, rude, or anything but like. It's annoying. I don't like to be compared to anyone or deal with the same bullshit.
Mhm yea like man. Idk what else I need to debunk but pls don't believe those anons dawg.
You can't even ask for proof cuz they don't gave any 🥰🥰💀💀💀‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭 LOL IMAGINE FABRICATING ALLEGATIONS Y'ALL ARE SO DUMB 🗣‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
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oh. and by the way. the racism that both Louis and Claudia face?? it's not like. a Subtle story detail. it's quite possibly one of the most overt throughlines of the story, actually. to be pretty Blatantly racist while simultaneously claiming to enjoy a show that from Day One has been examining anti-blackness and the forms that it can take is like. a little bit astounding. the cognitive dissonance is phenomenal; it would almost be impressive if it wasn't so gross. my god. "reverse racism." tsk. please. maybe we should all try growing a fucking brain as we venture further into the new year. hmm?? maybe we should try that.
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satoriberry · 2 months
complaining about radical feminism bc even though it has a lot of good points, a lot are also very bad part idk what!!!
what the fuck is up with radfems literally seething when they learn that a member of their ideology has a GASPPPPP boyfriend!!! even worse A HUSBAND???? and oh my god can you imagine!!! A CHILD!!!! like what the fuck?? and yes i knowwww its bc blah blah blah inspirations taken from the 4B thing that came out of china and south korea, where the fundamental principles of their feminism is not having any sort of relations with a man nor having any children with one because marriage is a patriarchal institution (when it's a hetero marriage), and giving birth will systematically subjugate a women as mothers ar every handicapped societally and aren't treated fairly.
see im not denying that straight marriage has some dicey elements and that moms get a LOTTTT of shit from society. but why is it that women are shamed for their heterosexuality when it's not something they can control?? like i'm sorry but if a lady wants to marry a dude and have children with him it's literally her choice and if she doesnt thats fine too?? like they start calling her "male-centered" and justify the criticism she's facing which is nuts bc what the fuck do you mean she's male-centered do you hear the words that come out of your mouth?? what the fuck do you mean straight women need to be critical of their attraction to men!!! my brother why are you creating comphet 2.0 but for straight women!!!! this idea that women will be defiled with patriarchy germs if they come into any sort of romantic/sexual contact with a man genuinely feels like the flipside of purity culture but for "feminist" reasons and also it's like the cousin of political lesbianism which is the antithesis of "sexual orientation is uncontrollable".
"participating in male culture" and it's having a boyfriend BE FOR REAL!!! this is such a western concept to me as well bc in many eastern cultures young women have like little to no say when they're faced with the prospect of arranged marriage, and so the fact that you degenerates are complaining about VOLUNTARY marriage in modern societies whereas young girls in other countries don't have that kind of choice is!!! insane!!!! i have so much more to say about this but that's enough for today ig :333
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gurogutted · 7 months
hey guys someone obsessed with columbine just followed me and i had to block them. reminder that i like fucked up media and everything bloody and stuff but you're a weirdo if you're romanticizing real life tragedies, like the person who followed me did!! (had photos of the shooters on their carrd, considered the shooting to be "media").
its completely 100% okay to be interested in crimes and tragedies and all that, i have many special interest/past hyperfixes or just general interests that are related to horrible things in history, but its seriously fucked to romanticize it like that. im not saying your approach to it needs to be exclusively feeling sad or whatever, but theres a point its no longer interest or curiosity or what have you and that its just bizarre.
like i get PURPOSLY putting in images of it to be edgy or whatever. i get that. but theres a line you dont cross without looking like someone whos romanticizing it (...like listing the columbine shooting as "media" right next to tv shows and video games. the transparent image of the shooters on their carrd irked me but i would have brushed it off as just being edgy because i get that.... if it wasnt for how genuinely weird it is listing it like its some sort of video game or fandom or something???)
my page is not a safe space for those who romanticize school shootings/killers/mass murders
calling it out like this because i did not have this in my dni or whatever and im considering adding it to it or something similar. i never thought i needed to because i didnt believe i'd ever come across this issue in 2024 lmao.
being edgy or whatever does not mean praising real life shooters like gods.
if u gen wanna romanticize school shooters go watch zero day or something idk /j (i tried watching it once but it was boring so i gave up idk anything about it)
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miraculouslumination · 2 months
If one of the first things - or even ANY of the things - you have to say about someone dying due to the horrible negligence of the US healthcare system is "yeah but they were sketchy/yucky/Bad(TM)/etc." maybe you should shut the fuck up and actually think about how fucked up that is. Your morals are fucked if you hear about someone dying in a way that could have been avoided if America actually cared about its sick citizens and immediately go "Yeah but I didn't like them/they were creepy/they were at the Devil's Sacrament that one time". Get help. Get off the internet. Get off your fucking high horse
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anxiety-problem · 6 months
Friendly reminder that proship isn't short for problematic fiction. It's simply just pro ship. Another term would be profiction. It isn't about liking certain uncomfortable topics. It's about not harassing people who write or create such fictional content. Don't Like, Don't Read. Ship And Let Ship. Read And Let Read. Write And Let Write. Proship/Profic is the default mindset. Most content creators are proship as it is the mature stance to have. Many proshippers are disgusted by certain topics in fiction; they are just not an ass about it. They ignore/block what they don't like and move on. Proshippers understand that someone's fictional work is not a mirror into their morals or who they are as a person. Proshippers know that someone can write a very disturbing disgusting piece of fiction and not condone any of it. Antis have attempted to hijack the term 'proship' to mean something else entirely in order to justify harassing content creators just for creating fiction they feel uncomfortable with. Antis are typically young, mostly teens with some in their 20s. Thankfully many antis grow out of this and become proship/profic as their understanding of the nuances of fiction and the real world develops.
Why don't you say this to me off anon if you're so sure about it. Coward.
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theglizzardwizard · 5 months
Me and the bitch from Twitter staring at each other in the CEO
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cypheragent · 1 year
kawoshin is the most stupid bullshit piece of crap irrelevant ass worthless pointless obnoxious OVERRATED ship of all time
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gayspock · 1 year
what if I wss emo instead 🤔
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moe-broey · 1 year
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SORRY I HAVE TO SHARE. IDK how I even would describe it it's just one of the weirdo Takumi moments ever
LIKE. Maybe it's my own autism showing LMFAO BUT I GENUINELY CAN'T TELL IF HE'S JOKING OR BEING SARCASTIC?? And added to this I feel like there are MULTIPLE INSTANCES where Takumi will literally just say anything. My man does NOT know how to socialize.
Funniest option is he just failed the Autism Sarcasm/Joke Gambit himself where You (autistic) say something sarcastic or as a joke and it just falls completely flat. Some flat affect bullshit. Can somebody fucking help him
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cosmicrot · 8 months
post about fatphobia: fat people are systematically treated like shit and this extends deep into many aspects of life including but not limited to the medical field, school, fashion, etc.
the comments: well MaYbE if You CaReD AboUt BeinG FuckAbLe AnD HaTeD YouRseLF, you'd STARVE and bOdY BUILD!! fAT pEOPlE aREN't oPPRESSED!! You'Re OppRessIng ME by Enjoying Being Fat aNd Healthy. [insert rant about obesity here that is 90% lies] [insert follow up rant about being oppressed for being skinny]
"wuh buh skinny shaming!" "skinny people are medically neglected too!" like... y'all are ignoring the fact that *a majority* of medical neglect and things of that nature towards skinny people is in majority because of fatphobia, [the rest due to other factors such as misogyny, racism, transphobia and queerphobia, etc.. making them not take things like ED and ailments causing you to lose weight/be underweight as serious] Like from first hand experience, a lot of people & doctors would literally rather folks be sick and malnourished then be fat. They'd literally rather people's bodies fall apart due to lack of nutrients or be so underweight they can't get out of bed, than have noticeable fat on their bodies.
but yeah no let's just overtake serious discussions about fatphobia and/or posts uplifting and celebrating fat people and make it about skinny people //sarcasm
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
They made her CHEAT with EGGABELL too?? What the FUCK and why is that here????!
#Bugsnax#ANYWAYS IF YOU SHIP THAT GTFO YOU FREAK#I don't care if people don't like me saying this Lizbert is his SISTER FIGURE and she is JUST HIS FRIEND NOT FWBS#why do people want to ship them so badly??? Lizbert is gay ffs!#AND they make her feel like shit for being with Eggabell as if she even liked Filbo more than platonic?????#Lizbert is not a cheater!! She's not a fucking cheater why would that person do that or write or post something like that???!!!#She would not cheat with Eggabell she loves Eggabell geuinely and Filbo is JUST a brother to her GOD#as if Lizbert and Eggabell weren't together FIRST. Let canon strictly platonic childhood friends stay that way!#Anyways I muted that person thank you AO3 for that function I do not want to see freaks like that in my sight#I don't even know if I should tag this because people have gotten on my ass for ship shit as is#even though we literally got on someone's @ss for doing this before#this one was literally a 2 year ago problem WHY IS IT RETURNING#This fandom really wants Liz to be a scumbag so bad they have to make sh!t up now. There I said it! Cheaters are scumbags. she is not#it would be so great if people can stop being weirdos about LizEgg in general. it's always SPECIFICALLY them too! Never any of the others!#If you want the person's name to mute then feel free to ask (Even if it's on the front fucking page of the tag *RETCHES*)#but if you're just gonna tell me to let people do whatever they want even if it's fucking wrong. Then piss off#I'd LOVE for anyone that genuinely defends that ship to stay away from me. Reminder We've been here before and dealt with it so wtf???
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snekdood · 2 years
if ur able to drop a jewish person and block them immediately for not ~~clearly stating their stance on israel~~ i kinda feel like you dont support jewish people! i kinda feel like any one else you’d maybe give them a chance to understand them! or! idk! respect that they dont want to talk about a touchy subject? why are all jewish people obligated to write an essay about israel for yall, exactly?
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