#just waiting for the day y'all can see under those censors
a-flaming-idiot · 1 year
So. What is The Scene™ for Titan Spawn?
Ok, that's a bit of a larger ask and since there's really a The Scene™ for every chapter, I'll just go through them all.
Ch. 1 Since it was the start I wasn't really focused on one scene. Though the first scene of Luz falling is probably my favorite. Though every time I go back to read it I kind of get jumpscared by just how brutal I made it.
Ch. 2 It was a long while ago so my memory is a bit hazy but I think I was really looking forward to the scene of Luz and Eda talking through the door. Honestly, that was fun to write and created some of the funnier lines in the fic.
Ch.3 This whole chapter was a lot more all over the place since I didn't really plan it too much. Though I guess you could count the scene with Luz and Willow accidentally embarrassing Amity since I'd gotten stuck prior to that. Plus it was just a fun scene and I liked fucking with early Amity.
Ch. 4 100% the Luz vs Eda fight. I loved getting the chance to make these two characters who would basically never fight get into an absolute brawl! Plus the fact TS!Luz has a completely different set of abilities compared to canon Luz, so getting to have her maul Eda was fun.
Ch. 5 Really this chapter was just one big scene so you could say Vee and Luz's interaction as a whole. but I think the part I liked the most and looked forward to was the part where Vee trips and sees Luz get that little bit sad from realizing she hadn't met another demon like her. And Vee thinks that disappointment is about to turn into murderous rage only for Luz to just help her up. It's fun and sweet, it was a lot of fun and it's one of the scenes I go back and read on its own.
Ch. 6 It's a little hard to say but I'd put it to the Amity, Vee, and Luz confrontation near the end. That was just a lot and put all the characters at odds in an interesting way. It was fun and the beginning of AmiVee.
Ch. 7 This was a more last-minute and quick chapter but I'd say probably Vee and Eda's argument at the dinner table. Again, characters you don't typically see at odd. (Though funny enough they end up getting into conflict in the very next chapter... then two chapters after that... Eda and Vee weirdly fight a lot.)
Ch. 8 Ok this one is easier, the scene of Vee(I'm realizing a lot of these are Vee-related) and Xylene talking. I seriously was just repeating Vee's line of “By making everyone so scared they hunt us all back into extinction?!?!” over and over in my head since the two of us brainstormed it together. It was so good!
Ch. 9 This one is kind of harder since I was really just excited by the concept of the coven coins so I was kind of excited for this whole chapter. But stuff like the Eda potioneering flashback was wonderful to write and so fun!
Ch. 10&11 Oh ho ho ho... Really you could call this whole chapter The Scene™ of this fic! Sash, you know well of the amount I hyped of this chapter, as does @mixit-exists. I hyped up this set of chapters so much and was practically salivating at the thought of making it since making chapter 3! And then it nearly killed me! But seriously, The Scene™ of this chapter is 100% Vee's fight with Inner Luz. That singular fucking scene, I am not kidding, created like half the fic! Why did I want Vee to stay in the demon realm? That scene. Why did I decide to give Vee magic? That scene. Why is Vee Luz's older sister against the more typical characterizations? That scene. Why did I write Amity the way I did? Well it was actually to silently set up for Willumity that soon turned into AmiV- JK! IT WAS THAT FUCKING SCENE! That one scene is why we are here now...
Ch. 12 Again, this was a more hodgepodge chapter, so there wasn't exactly one scene. Though Eda's scene was very interesting and that last kind of twist of the knife after DD that will haunt her character for the rest of the fic.
Ch. 13 This chapter ain't done but...
Of course there are plenty more scenes in the future that I am so anxious to write! Like for example in chapter 14 when Lilith [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] Luz and Eda has to come in and [CENSORED] [CENSORED]. Oh, or when Eberwolf and Darius come to the school to [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED]! That's gonna be so much fun. Not to mention much later when [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] and Lilith appear to hold down Luz with magic before [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] And Vee [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] crying in Eda's arms, still covered in vomit. And we can't forget the entire season 1 finale with Belos [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] Luz [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] glyph [CENSORED] [CENSORED] [CENSORED] KA-BOOM!
Oh that's all gonna be so much fun... you know?
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depraved-gf · 11 months
**There will be no more updates unfortunately. I've been ghosted. :(
MASSIVE TW'S: CNC, STALKING, RAPE FANTASY, ETC ETC. Basically if you are triggered by intense, dark kinks or sex, please do not read. I do not censor words.
*tagging under #repressedh0e's adventures
Aight so, I can't tell anyone else this because they'd probably call the cops lmao, but I know I can tell y'all freaksss about what happened today. Essentially, I'm being VERY marinated in a cnc stalking scenario for the very first time... Finally! And according to him, it's going to be a very slow burn for anticipation.
So, I've been talking to this local guy for a lil bit that's very, very much into cnc just like I am (and y'all, he's a whole FOOT AND 2 INCHES taller than me, and has the biggest fucking cock I've ever seen. I'm not even lying - this man is going to rip my little, only-had-sex-with-one-person body to SHREDS). Once we both got a good vibe, we moved towards more kinky territory, talking about safe words, limits, and scenarios for when we eventually meet. He then asked me to send a single photo outside of my bedroom window, and promised he'd find me.
Intrigued, I sent it. I can see my city from my window. Beautiful, really.
But within 15 minutes, he sent me a live snap of my apartment building with the caption: Found you, princess. After losing my shit (in a good way), I confirmed it was my building, and he said he actually lives really close by.
I suspect you're in a corner apartment, 2nd or 3rd story, I'm not sure yet but I'll figure it out. I say nothing. I'm not giving any hints. I'm impressed by his perception at this point. But I am, in fact, on a corner on the 2nd story. How will you figure that out? I ask in innocent curiosity. All I get back is a 🤫 emoji.
And then, maybe 3 hours later, I get a random snap - a chat that simply says, I have a question, Isa. I told him to shoot, go ahead and ask!, and again, he simply asks:
Do you have a fan in your window?
I freak the fuck out (again, in a good way), and confirm that, um, yes... I enjoy the cold, and why do you ask?
About a second goes by, and he sends a live snap of MY 2ND STORY BEDROOM WINDOW with the caption, You can't see me, but I can see you.
How the FUCK this man was able to tell it was my window in a fully wrapped around 6 story apartment building, just by the angle of my one photo, was astounding. I was truly perplexed.
I then get another ding before I can truly wrap my brain around what was happening.
Turn your light off.
I do as I'm told.
I then receive a live video of my bedroom window, with the light shutting off.
I freak out a third time (y'all already know I'm soaking by now), but I realize I couldn't see him. There were 4 cars a little ways down the street, parked in the night. Any of them could've been him. None of them could've been him. I can't see you.. Is all I managed to type out through trembling fingers. It was so intense, and I was so turned on, I barely knew what I was saying at this point.
His response: Good. Let's keep it that way... For now.
Not long after as I'm continuing to try to look into any and every vehicle, I receive a live video. It's him stroking his massive cock in his car with the caption, You know what I want.
Y'all. When I say I about came undone, I MEAN IT. My heart is pounding, my pussy and inner thighs are both absolutely drenched. The moment is so thick with sexual tension, and I'm so entranced in it, I could've sworn I saw god at that point lmao.
But I continue looking out the window, my light still off so I can see into the night. But nothing. All is still. And finally, the car in the very front down the street slowly drives away.
About 5 minutes go by, and it feels like a lifetime, before I receive a chat: You're so close to me. I'll be watching. Waiting. Checking on you every time I go out. Stroking my cock outside your apartment until the day I can finally tear those holes apart.
Y'all, I... have been dreaming of living out a stalking scenario since I started becoming interested in sex as a teenager. I begged my ex, and while they were into cnc, it was never like this.
Never in my life did I ever imagine these scenarios to be so intense in real life. It's so damn different when it's really happening. Intense, I use that word a lot but there's legitimately no other way to explain it. Exhilarating, even. Psychologically it fucks with you, because you truly never know when they're looking at you. He could be outside right now as I'm typing this, stroking that huge cock, thinking about raping my holes, and I genuinely wouldn't know it. And it turns me on so, so much.
I absolutely cannot wait to see what else happens. 🫣
***DISCLAIMER: yes, I'm being safe!! I've told my roommate and another good friend all about him/the entire situation and the man was of course good with that as well. I'm very willing in this situation, and incredibly aware of any red flags that could arise, pls don't worry<3***
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hearmeoutno · 2 years
Chapter 3: The Monster and the Superhero
This one is around 1.5k words so have fun y'all. Also idk if other people are already doing this, but I highly recommend watching the episode along with reading. Again, pls let me know of any feedback you have, everything is appreciated.
Okay enjoy reading! :)
Cw: use of the f-slur (it censored it)
"Ssht stay here, someone's coming."
Being stuck in a boat, under a tarp is really starting to suck right now. Mack and Eddie are anxiously listening to any sound they hear, clutching their makeshift weapons close to their chest. Eddie still opting for a broken bottle, and Mack with a knife she found laying around
"I can protect myself Ed, it's probably nothjng"
Eddie quickly sushing Mack, standing up violently and running to the tiny window and looking for any possible intruders. Not seeing anything he whispers some curses to himself, Mack sitting upright in the boat about to make a snarky remark before there's a loud bang as the door gets flung open causing both of them to scream and Mack about to leap at the door knife in hand.
And that's when the possible intruder turns into the group of sweet, sweet saviors, Dustin holding a plastic shopping bag
"Delivery service."
"What is your problem chewbacca I could've killed you! Try knocking next time jesus christ."
Steve does a cute little wave to Eddie, both slightly blushing afterwards as they let themselves in.
As Mack and Eddie are munching down on whatever food they can get their hands on, Dustin takes the word.
"So we got, uh, some good news and some bad news. How do you prefer it?"
Mack Shrugs, looking over at Eddie to let him decide.
"Bad news first, always."
"All right. Bad news. We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro, and they're definitely looking for you."
Mack quickly interrupts Dustin, being in the mood of some more sarcasm.
"No shit Sherlock, tell me something new."
Dustin sighs, slightly rolling his eyes as he continues.
"Also, they're, uh, pretty convinced you guys killed Chrissy."
"Like, 100% kind of convinced."
Mack starts to ruffle through the bag of food, looking up at the group in disbelief.
"You guys forgot my cigarettes! Eddie prepare for the worst days of your life."
Not really paying attention to Mack's antics, Eddie tries to look for just a tiny bit of reassurance.
"And the good news?"
"Your names haven't gone public yet. But if we found out about you guys, it's a matter of time before others do too. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna be gunning for you."
"Hunt the freak, kill the f*g. Same story like always, but now people will actually carry true with it."
Mack can't fucking believe she's in this situation right now. A whole town is looking for her and her friend, for something they didn't do.
That's it, that's all Eddie can say about this absurd tale.
"So, before that happens, we need to find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence."
"That's all, Dustin? That's all?"
Yeah that is definitely not going to be all, Eddie can feel it.
"Yeah, no, that's pretty much it."
Mack rolls her eyes and sighs, pretty sure that they're just trying to calm them down a bit.
"Listen, Mack, I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this before. I mean, they have a... a few times, and... and I have once. Mine was more human-flesh-based, theirs was more smoke-related, but bottom like is  collectively, I really feel we got this."
Steve stands up a bit straighter, leaving the pole he was leaning against while staring down Eddie, and decides to also say a few things.
"We usually rely on this girl who has super powers. But, uh, those want bye-bye, so..."
"Were te technically in a kinda brainstorming phase."
Brainstorming? Mack's brain is melting at this point.
"Wait so now you're telling me Carrie is real too now? What's next, zombies? Are they real too?"
God, Mack really needs to stop watching so many horror movies. Yes they're fun and all, and the kills are always cool and creative, but this I'd the worst time to have an abundance of horror movie knowledge.
"She- she's not like Carrie, she grew up in a lab and shit, it's a long story."
Okay, maybe Steve isn't as much as an asshole as she was told. He's kind of chill, but just kind of.
"There... there's nothing to worry about."
Eddie gives Dustin and Steve a look of disagreement. Nothing to worry about? They are wanted for murder. Mur-der!
The group is caught of guard by sirens wailing in the street.
"Tarp. Tarp. Tarp"
As Eddie and Mack rush under the tarp, the rest of the group runs to the window, only to see the police passing the house.
(Original dialogue)
"Eddie, we need an escape plan."
"Uuuuh, how about you run to skull rock and I get the boat out to the lake and come get you when they stopped chasing me?"
Mack stares dumbfounded at him, taking a few seconds to respond.
"And what if... they chase me? And do you even know how to start a boat?"
"Of course I do, it's not *that* hard. Trust me on this one they'll definitely chase me first, I mean she was found in my trailer so they're gonna hunt me and take you as collateral damage."
Mack hums in agreement and rolls her eyes. Bold of Eddie to assume she can't be hunted down by a ton of idiots.
"You know, it's a real shame you never invited me to your band's performance"
"What? Why do you care?"
"Eds, we're the exact same person, just opposite gender. How would I not care about a band called corroded coffin that's like the coolest name ever!"
Eddie smiles a bit, wondering what his friends are doing right now.
"I don't know, you never asked. We should have a gig next week though, maybe if this shit is over you can come along."
"Nice, I'll be there."
"Where the hell is Sinclair?"
As Lucas shoves his way in an open window he drops on Dustin's bed and runs over to his radio.
"Dustin. It's Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin."
Immediately Dustin's voice can be heard over the radio.
"Lucas? Where the hell have you been?"
"Just listen. Are you guys looking for Eddie and Mackenzie?"
"Yeah and we found them, no thanks to you."
Relieved, Lucas is eager to answer, hoping that Jason hasn't been alarmed by his absence.
"You found them?"
"They're at a boat house on Coal Mill Road. Don't worry. They're safe."
"You guys know they killed Chrissy, right?"
"That's bullshit. Eddie and Mack tried to save Chrissy."
"Then why do all the cops say they did it?"
He was expecting Dustin to answer, but he heard Max's voice over the radio.
"Lucas, you're so behind it's ridiculous, okay? Just meet us at school. We'll explain later."
"I... I can't. I think some real bad shit's about it go down."
"What are you talking about? What bad shit?"
As Lucas is about to answer, Jason and his friends are out the window.
As Mack and Eddie are sitting in the boat, tarp off due to the warmth it created, they were casually talking about some of their favourite movies when they heard a loud crash in the house not so far from them.
They didn't expect any visits from Stevo and the gang and get prepared for their escape plan.
Mack gets her knife, along with a Flashlight while Eddie arms himself with whatever he can find, not starting the boat yet. Mack gets in position, right next to the door which will open away from her, already trying out a catch phrase.
"Hasta la vista baby"
Missed the first 2? Here's they are! :)
Wanna read more? Enjoy the next chapters :)
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nancydhooper · 5 years
Murum Aries Attigit, Y'all
Tell them boys they can have the statue and $2.5m… US dollars, that is.
This here case is a pretty good story.
It all starts in Orange County, North Carolina. Folks there, well, everywhere, say the wheels of justice turn slowly. But, a few weeks ago, Lady Justice traded in her robe and blindfold for a pair of short cutoff jeans, tossed her scales into the kudzu on the side of a dusty road, and grabbed the keys to a bright orange 1969 Dodge Charger. She jumped in one window and Mendacius rode shotgun. The two of them let out a cry that bystanders called “a foxhunt yip mixed up with sort of a banshee squall.”
She pushed the pedal to the metal and made those 426 cubic inches growl through Orange County (North Carolina, that is) at such a speed that I do say that ol’ road’s hills flattened and its curves straightened for her. She screeched on up back to the courthouse hoping to return before anyone noticed her joyride had taken her from her post. She skidded to a stop, but those wheels were spinning just a bit too fast for her to brake in enough time to avoid running right over poor Veritas, who ironically was waiting outside for her daddy – who always did seem to dawdle when he was in that building. Lady Justice crawled out of the car window and put her blindfold back on, lest she see with her own eyes the consequences of leaving her post to go on such a joyride. And while she blindly wept, Mendacius grabbed her robes and scales and ran right in that courthouse to set things just the way he liked em – dirty.
Now Mr. Doucette ain’t no Greek god, but he might be mistaken for one mythological figure – Mr. Clean. Acts like him too – at least in this story. He’s a lawyer in North Carolina now, but once upon a time, he was on the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina (“UNC”).
Way back, more than a hundred years ago, a group of ladies went around calling themselves the United Daughters of the Confederacy and putting up monuments to that lost cause. Now this was pretty darn ironic, since General Lee, himself, believed memorials like this would just keep the wounds of the Civil War open. He famously said “I think it well, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war, but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife and to commit to oblivion the feelings it engendered.”. Well who am I to argue with Robert E. Lee?
I might not be nobody to argue with the General, but a bunch of folks down South didn’t have so much respect for what he wanted. And those former slaves around that time were getting a bit what folks called “uppity.” It was right about 1908 when the started the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or as you know it, the NAACP. They started asking for things like “rights” and “equality.” So those nice ladies went around with smiles as wide as their hats and didn’t have to work to hard to convince the powers that be all across the South to start putting up monuments to General Lee’s lost cause, and nobody paid any mind to what he said about ‘em.
Along came “Silent Sam” – a pretty tall feller made all out of bronze who these nice ladies with a not-so-nice mission got put right there at the front door to the University of North Carolina, in a position of honor. Now that was a pretty ironic kind of position for him to be in, since his mission was about as dishonorable as the soldier he represented. Where the real thing was there to preserve slavery, Sam was there to remind Black people that, if Joss Whedon will indulge me and forgive me, the Confederates might have been on the losing side, but they weren’t quite convinced it was the wrong one.
When they oh so ironically pulled the sheet off of Silent Sam in 1913, this KKK supporter named Julian Carr spoke from his heart, and told the crowd that the Confederate soldiers it honored had saved “the very life of the Anglo Saxon race in the South,” and told the following story:
“One hundred yards from where we stand, less than ninety days perhaps after my return from Appomattox, I horse-whipped a negro wench until her skirts hung in shreds, because upon the streets of this quiet village she had publicly insulted and maligned a Southern lady, and then rushed for protection to these University buildings where was stationed a garrison of 100 Federal soldiers. I performed the pleasing duty in the immediate presence of the entire garrison, and for thirty nights afterwards slept with a double-barrel shot gun under my head.”
Nobody really remembered that until about 2018, but about then someone dug it up. With a metaphorical flamethrower taken to the tale that Sam stood there as a solemn testament to “southern pride,” some people just couldn’t take looking at him anymore – so they got together and damn if they didn’t tear that statue right down. Now that might not have been the polite, legal, or gentlemanly thing to do. And, I’m not one for giving a pass to destroying art or public property. But, I can still say, with no insincerity at all, that I damn well understand.
It don't end there. You see there’s this group of good ol boys, call themselves the North Carolina Sons of Confederate Veterans. We’re sure that some of ‘em are pretty nice guys and they mean well. But, them all that run it, they’re still a bit put out that you can buy an old Dodge Charger in the Auto Trader, but there’s no similar publication to buy and sell yourself a Negro, if y’all is so inclined.
So let's fast forward to November 27, 2019 – when the Sons of Confederate Veterans filed a lawsuit, despite lacking standing to bring it, against UNC for its failure to put Silent Sam back in his place of honor. (check it out) Despite the fact that the plaintiffs lacked standing, seven minutes after the suit was filed, a state court judge approved a settlement between the parties. Whoooo-eeee! Thats there where I was talking about earlier with Lady Justice using all 426 cubic inches of that engine!
Well, in those seven minutes, the Sons of Confederate Veterans got themselves the Silent Sam statue and slap my ass and call me Sally if they didn’t also get $2.5 million United States dollars from the University too. Now if that don’t beat all! Seven minutes of a lawsuit, and a nice sweetheart deal with a bag o’ cash come just raining down on the Confederates!
The day the settlement was approved, the Sons’ “commander” Ronald Kevin Stone, announced this “victory” to thousands of his members – not all of whom agreed with it. Some of those boys who didn’t much like it, they sent Mr. Doucette the victory proclamation. Well you might be surprised to learn that the victory proclamation itself confirmed that this deal stank like the shithouse on a shrimper boat. The Commander himself admitted that the Confederates had no business suing the University, and his victory speech sure made it seem like that someone might have used a bit of impropriety, as they say, to convince Justice to take that joyride of hers.
Now Mr. Doucette thought everyone had a right to know, so he went on and put that victory proclamation right up on the glowin’ tubes of all of the Internets, just so you and me and everyone else could see what they’d done. But, the Confederates didn’t like that. They wanted their skulduggery done in the shadows. So what they did is say that the proclamation was a copyrighted work, would you believe it? They then got it all censor-iffic despite knowing full well they were no more in their rights than if they were firing on Fort Sumter.
Well, Mr. Doucette wasn’t takin that lying down. He gave those boys a chance to come to their senses. They didn’t.
Murum Aries Attigit, Y'all..
Copyright 2017 by the named Popehat author. from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247012 https://www.popehat.com/2019/12/13/randazza-confederates-doucette/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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