#just your typical Zizi...
anasnasnas · 6 months
Cum 🥛 no milk
(this is Kylarcore rn)
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I have nothing to say. I should have abandoned you in the streets when I had the chance to.../j
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pelcas-beauty · 1 year
Ultrasonic Cleaner CDS-200A User Manual
In the world of advanced cleaning technology, ultrasonic cleaners have carved a niche for themselves as powerful tools that effortlessly remove dirt, grime, and contaminants from various objects. Whether you're a seasoned user or a newcomer to ultrasonic cleaning, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of effectively using an ultrasonic cleaner——CDS-200A.
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Understanding Ultrasonic Cleaning: The Basics
Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that employs high-frequency sound waves to create microscopic bubbles in a cleaning solution. As these bubbles collapse, they produce tiny shock waves that dislodge dirt and particles from the surface of the object being cleaned. This technology is used across a wide range of industries, from jewelry and eyewear to automotive and medical equipment.
Step-by-Step Guide to Using CDS-200A
Step 1: Set Up the Ultrasonic Cleaner
Choose a stable surface to set up your ultrasonic cleaner. Ensure the device is plugged into a safe electrical outlet.
Step 2: Prepare the Cleaning Agents
Different objects may require specific cleaning agents. For example, jewelry should not be cleaned with corrosive cleaning agents. Consult the manufacturer's guidelines for the appropriate cleaning agents.
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Step 3: Arrange the Items to be Cleaned
Place the items you want to clean into the cleaning basket or holder. Avoid overcrowding to ensure optimal cleaning results.
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Step 4: Start the Cleaning Process
You can choose to close the lid of the ultrasonic cleaner to minimize noise or choose to unclose the lid to look the precess of cleaning.
Turn on the ultrasonic cleaner using the control panel. There are power button, timer button, and on/off button.
Power button has 3 power gears. “03” is the strongest power and “01” is the weakest power. The cycle line is "02"-"03"-"01". You can choose power freely every time press “Power” button.
Timer button has 5 timer gears. “180s” is displayed automatically. The cycle line is “180s”-“280s”-“380s”-“480s”-“90s”
On/off button: Press “On/Off” button to start cleaning and the blue indication light is on. The time left will be displayed on the screen.
Note: During cleaning, you can hear the “ZIZI” voice, it means the unit is working normally.
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Step 5: Wait for the Cleaning Cycle to Complete
Ultrasonic cleaners typically have varying cleaning cycle durations. Use this time to observe the cleaning process. Witness the transformation as dirt and particles are gently lifted from the objects.
Step 6: Rinse and Dry
Once the cleaning cycle is complete, carefully remove the items from the cleaner. Rinse the items thoroughly with clean water to remove any residual cleaning solution. Use a soft cloth or air drying to ensure the items are completely dry before use.
Step 7: Clean the Ultrasonic Cleaner
After each use, turn off and unplug the ultrasonic cleaner. Empty and clean the tank to prevent the accumulation of dirt and residue. Detachable tank is one of the features of CDS-200A. You can just lift the handle on the tank and pour the sewage into the toilet. Use a mild detergent and a soft cloth for cleaning.
Incorporating an ultrasonic cleaner into your cleaning routine can revolutionize the way you maintain various items. By understanding the process and following these steps, you can harness the power of ultrasonic technology to achieve sparkling, debris-free results across a spectrum of objects. Whether it's your jewelry, eyeglasses, dental equipment, or even automotive parts, an ultrasonic cleaner can bring new life to your possessions with minimal effort.
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white-cat-of-doom · 4 years
I have thinking quite a bit about the concept of having a so called 'dream' cast of Cats performing, and who would be a part of my specific cast.
Looking through my list, most people in the fandom would probably say my choices are boring or safe, but that is the fun of Cats! There are so many wonderfully talented performers who bring such diverse ways of playing the characters! Some characters I can only ever see played by one certain person, who has essentially ruined it for any else. A number of characters I do not have strong feelings for, so they realistically could be played by anyone.
Anyways, here is my 'dream' cast of Cats, sorted alphabetically by character, and with a brief reason and production noted at the very end. Of course, some individuals were in multiple productions as a character, so I will list the most easily accessible one. Please feel free to share yours, as I am very interested in who others would pick!
Alonzo: Jason Gardiner (he is the first that comes to mind, and I think he does a good job, but I admittedly do not care much for Alonzo) (Cats 1998)
Asparagus/Gus/Growltiger (if done in a non-racist way): Stephen Hanan (he has chaotic energy that I think complements the characters well) (Original Broadway)
Bombalurina: Rosemarie Ford (the VERY best, no one else comes close, she has ruined the character for everyone else! She provides such a dynamic Bomba that is played as sensual, caring, and fun-loving! I LOVE HER!) (Cats 1998)
Bustopher Jones: James Barron (he does a fantastic job) (Cats 1998)
Cassandra: Mette Towley (a toss up between Mette, Rebecca Parker (Cats 1998), and Danielle Catto (Cats UK Tour 2016/2019). I know Mette is not a traditional Cassandra, but she is still probably my favourite) (Cats 2019)
Coricopat: Tommi Sliiden (his portrayal as the silly half of the twins will always win) (Cats 1998)
Demeter: Aeva May (another one of the VERY best, no one else touches her! I still have to give a major shoutout to Daniela Norman (Cats 2019) who I absolutely ADORE! She is such a wonderful dancer and singer!) (Cats 1998)
Electra: Leah Sue Morland (very hard to chose between her and Lili Froehlich (Broadway Revival 2016) who I LOVE SO MUCH, but Leah is AMAZINGLY talented and I wish to see her do a lot of flips as Electra, like she would do when she played Rumpleteazer) (Cats 1998)
Etcetera: Jo Bingham (THE VERY BEST, I LOVE HER SO MUCH! SHE IS SO HAPPY! SHE IS HAVING THE TIME OF HER LIFE! I would die to see her perform as Demeter!) (Cats 1998)
George/Rumpus Cat: Frank Thompson (I really like him, he has a lot of fun) (Cats 1998)
Grizabella: Elaine Page (the VERY best! Cats owes so much to her character portrayal and the way she sings 'Memory'! I do not feel anyone can easily touch her) (Cats 1998 and Original London)
Jellylorum/Griddlebone: Bonnie Simmons (Original Broadway)/Susan Jane Tanner (Original London/Cats 1998) (it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to choose my favourite Jelly. I LOVE EVERY ONE OF THEM. Jelly is one of my two most favourite Cats! In fairness, if the role is strictly for Jelly, Susan would be my choice. However, if it is to be both Jelly and Griddlebone, Bonnie would be my pick. I love both of them so much! I must also mention that Freya Rowley (Cats 2019) is an absolute joy! I wish she sang in the movie like a typical Jelly!)
Jemima: Veerle Casteleyn (another one of the VERY best, I find it near impossible to get into anyone else after seeing her! Throw in Helen Massey's hauntingly beautiful vocals and there is no contest!) (Cats 1998)
Jennyanydots: Eloise Kropp (I am going to say something that may seem odd, but I feel every Jenny NEEDS to be slightly chaotic in nature, and Eloise supports that. I basically love any Jenny in any production, all of them are so much fun!) (Broadway Revival 2016)
Mistofelees/Quaxo: Timothy Scott (an icon, although I never really cared much for the character. I still enjoy Laurie Davidson (Cats 2019) as he presents a Misto with character development) (Original Broadway)
Munkustrap: Michael Gruber (he is one of the best, but Robbie Fairchild is also AMAZING and sings so well. Have seen him dance? AMAZING! I want to see a Munkustrap who dances like him! Jack Rebaldi will also be mentioned because he is exceptionally talented! A very involved and intense Munk!) (Cats 1998)
Mungojerrie: Danny Collins (he does a FANTASTIC job, but let us face the fact that we, at least me, is only here for Rumple) (Cats 2019)
Old Deuteronomy: Ken Page (the VERY best! An absolute powerhouse vocally, no one touches him!) (Cats 1998 and Original Broadway)
Plato/Macavity: Bryn Walters (no strong feelings, he does a great job) (Cats 1998)
Pouncival: Guiseppe Bausilio (no feelings, he does a good job) (Broadway Revival 2016)
Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge (the VERY BEST, absolutely NO CONTEST! His voice and the way he plays Tugger is unmatched!) (Cats 1998)
Rumpleteazer: Naoimh Morgan (If you do not know already, I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HER AND SHE IS THE VERY BEST! THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE! ONE OF THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL AND WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS! Immensely talented and the only person I know who has sang and performed to both the OLC and OBC version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, she is my most favourite person ever to be involved in Cats! All Rumples are great, but Naoimh is the best!) (Cats 2019 and UK International Tour 2018)
Skimbleshanks: Steven McCrae (I really enjoyed his performance, and he is my favourite! YOU KNOW HE CAN DANCE BETTER THAN BASICALLY EVERYONE ELSE! He is an icon whether you agree or not) (Cats 2019)
Tantomile: Kaye Brown (her stern face and synchronization with Tommi as Coricopat is fun. I also love Zizi Strallen (Cats 2019), but she is just SO different from the traditional Tanto) (Cats 1998)
Tumblebrutus: Kolton Krouse (no strong feelings, Fergus Logan (Cats 1998) is as good, but only one was in Cats 2019) (Broadway Revival 2016)
Victoria: Phyllida Crowley Smith (I LOVE ALL VICTORIAS, as she is my favourite character in Cats right along with Jellylorum. Phyllida is so feline and beautiful in movements, exactly what I want from a Victoria! I also have to mention Francesca Hayward (Cats 2019) as she does a phenomenal job, and I love her singing! Hannah Kenna Thomas also looks like a fantastic Victoria, but I have never seen her perform! The small snippets I have seen make me believe that she would easily be one of my favourites!) (Cats 1998)
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thewhumpstuff · 4 years
You and I, Me and You [38]
[ CW: Self-harm, suicidal ideation, unhealthy relationship dynamics.]
[Teaser and Master List] [Archives of our Own] (Lost and Found: Chapter 13)
There is no point.
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Akira was slipping.
An evening when all Tariq could tell her to do was watch Zizi’s movements to learn and become better… “Almost, Kira… but you’re twisting your body too much, that’s a tell, you want the strike to be a surprise… you gotta-” He just needed to look at Zizi for her to demonstrate again. They had developed such a keen and natural choreography as the two of them trained Akira together… It was not like that; they were all learning together, just a few days ago. When did it become them teaching her?
Makes sense I guess; they have more experience.
Zizi’s fist flew at the pad Tariq held, missing it deliberately and then landing a quick backhanded strike as she recoiled. The pad took quite the battering, Akira was glad that the suite was soundproof. “-Like that, making the best of the miss…” It was Zizi who completed Tariq’s advice. Akira had learned that Zizi had lost so much, and yet she fought... and fought better than she did. In less literal ways too... -
And a night when she spent hours stammering answers at Nova as she revised for a test, haphazardly. “Alcyone really hates it when trainees are not procedural, so try to structure your answer, it’ll fly better.” Nova’s smile was genuine, she was encouraging as usual. So, Akira tried again, she started by listing the symptoms this time, gnawing at her lower lips as she stared past Nova, trying to recall the epidemiological data for the disease. Nova tried to offer a mooring for the answer. “Maybe start with the physical exam? Alcyone will probably walk you through a case…” “Ok… ok…” Akira took a deep breath and tried again. “Oh, and you can’t stutter… They’ll assume you don’t know…” Nova winced as she spoke this time, almost apologetically. She was just wishing that Alcyone was a more forgiving examiner. All Akira saw was pity. She laughed nervously. Dismissively, she decided to do what she always did… Postpone.  “I guess, I mean, I’m probably just not ready, I’ll just give the test… next round.” “No… Aki. Come on, you always do this, you know your stuff…” Nova’s pleas went unheard. Akira had made her decision. -
A morning that she could not find the will to get out of bed.
Nova had the day off, Zizi had fallen into the day to day humdrum well enough to make breakfast. Akira was not really needed; she did not have to get out of bed. So, she did not. “I’m not hungry, but thanks…” She responded to the knock at her door and heard the rhythmic clink of Zizi’s metal leg as she walked away. Later that day, Akira finally slipped out of her room, quietly. Unfortunately, she ran into Nova and Zizi in the living room. “I’m just… going to go for a walk. Get some snacks… Might go to my room to pick up some things too.” “Ok… but please don’t give up on the test, you still have-” Nova’s insistence was interrupted by the thud of the door. -
It was surprising how little of himself Jared left in her room. And everything was so neat.
She purposely shuffled the neatly tucked covers of her- the bed. The room did not feel like hers anymore, but nor was it his.
He had been living in it for about a fortnight now. She opened her cabinets, largely stocked with BuzzBo and cereal. The refrigerator had some frozen meals. She was not even sure if this was an invasion of privacy or not. The closet doors flew open next. Her hands ruffled through the clothes hung up on the hanger, everything was new. Uniforms, tracksuits… Most things were in threes. Solid colours… Suddenly, she was looking for something and she wasn’t sure what till she found it.
A white t-shirt.
She was not sure what compelled her to do it, but within moments, she stripped to just her underclothes. Akira snatched the cotton tee. It was too soft to be new. She held it up to her face, burying her nose in the fabric, she inhaled deeply. Detergent mostly, but him too. She slipped into it. The hem of the t-shirt kissed the top of her thighs.
Akira was not very sure of why she was doing whatever it was she was doing. Things seemed to be happening around her, her limbs acting out of their own accord.
She sauntered to the bathroom, that still felt like hers… and a little like his.
Her old toothbrush and his snuggled in a cup by the basin. Some of her things peeked from the shelves that sat on either side of the frameless mirror. He had tried neatening them up. Stacking the old dry bottles of nail-polish in one corner and the expired make up in another. It looked like he tried navigating the shelves before giving up and just letting them be, adding his own things somewhere in between.
Just like he finds his little spaces between the mess I am…
Could she really expect him to give her more, give her everything she said she wanted? Could she really handle what she was asking for? Probably not. Maybe it was stupid of her to think that she could be there for him. Maybe he was right in keeping things from her. Maybe not. Maybe he ought to trust her a little bit. Make some more space for himself. Things should feel more... equal. Yet, they didn't. He had a darker past and probably a brighter future, just like Tariq, like Nova too... And Zizi. They had suffered and they were better for it. She did not flick the light on, the only source of illumination was a glazed window for ventilation. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was like a black and white photo. She drew herself closer, leaning over the basin. Peering at the dark-circles and the slight gaunt of her cheeks. The slightly vacant and hollow look in her eyes. Things felt easier once. She felt less burdened, less like a burden too…   She was invincible once. Flawless. Fierce. Bold… Infallible. Heck, she was incorrigible. A fighter. She had her light in the past and maybe that was the problem. Maybe that's why she didn't know how to fight the darkness. ‘you are a…?’ That voice. That stupid voice. “Failure.” The reflection’s lips moved; the word echoed in the bathroom. Akira leaned closer; her left palm joined hands with the girl on the other side of the glass. Lips moved again, forming foreign words that asked for something final. “I’m a failure. I deserve to die. You should kill me.”
Then she saw it.
The letters were so angular and sharp. Precise and assured in the way they were etched onto the woman’s forearm. He was still flaunting his existence on her, in her mind.
Akira looked down at her own arm. She lingered on each letter individually. The E started about four-fingers from the crease of her elbow. L ended over the light-green tree of her veins, just under her wrist.
The mirror shattered. She broke it. “You don’t get to tell me who I am!”
A dagger-shaped shard clinked against the basin. Tiny perfect drops of red followed, staining the white ceramic. The ball of her left palm was now bleeding. She did not care. She barely felt it. Slowly, she reached for the piece. Blood fell onto it, and Akira wiped it away. The eyes of the woman who looked back at her, from the red-tinted reflective surface, were dark and stormy. Doubt and pain flickered as the eyelids closed momentarily. Then there was that molten anger again.
She marched into the shower cabinet and sat down on the floor. Like she sat that day, draped in that lab-coat. With a uniform first, and then a suit. Tariq and Jared had been there then… One after another.
But today she was alone. Alone in Jared’s white-tee, which was already sporting a few stains of crimson. She looked down at the god-forsaken name. At that perpendicularly angled letter at her wrist. Then back at the shard… and then just at the wrist, past the scar of the letter. -
Jared’s hair stood on end. He was not expecting someone to already be in the room. He noticed every little change, the covers, the cabinets that were left slightly ajar. The way the seam of his uniform peaked out of the crack between the closet doors, like they had been closed in a hurry. There were no signs of forced entry… But BioHacker trainees did not have too many layers of protections for their rooms, no one typically wanted anything from them. Getting in would not take too much effort.
Did someone come looking for something? If that had truly been the purpose of this intruder’s visit, he was not too worried. There was nothing in the room that was worth taking. This person was not really trying to mask their presence. Yet, there seemed to be no one in the room. Maybe they left? But something set Jared on edge. Something felt off. Then he heard the soft purr of streaming water. Jared was not in uniform, but he did have his army knife. He plucked it out of the drawer and cupped it in his hand, just in case this was an ambush of some sort.
Then it hit him. This was not his room after all. 
There was no response. He strode into the bathroom earnestly. The broken mirror, the drops of blood. And the silence, except for the water running. The door of the shower cabinet was not entirely closed, he could see some skin. Her ankles and a part of her calves, leaning against the wall on the other side.
And the trails of crimson dissolving into the drain.
There was no reply again. Why didn’t she answer? Why won’t she…
He could not breathe, and he keeled to the floor. His hands reached for the cabinet door. There was a slew of protest and denial in his thoughts. He didn’t want to open this door… as much as he knew he had to. He slid it open. She sat flattened against the corner. Blood ran down her palm, in a creek, joining the thicker rivulets down her arm. It collected at her elbow, from where it dripped steadily onto the white roughened tile. Repeatedly, the drop fell and dissolved, wispy dregs in the water that swirled.
Her eyes were open and she was alive.
Relief and rage took hold of him in equal measure, he leashed the latter, calling out her name again.
The drop of soft light glinted off the shard; it danced across the walls and lent a shimmer to the swirling water below. It peeked into his eyes, they looked silvery in its influence. A very shaky hand clutched the piece of the broken mirror. The tip was pressed against her skin. It sat just below the scar of another cigarette burn that he had given her, forced by circumstance.
Perhaps, now that she finally recognized that he was here, she allowed herself to respond with the softest of whimpers. It sounded like an unfocused afterthought. He watched her, but she seemed to be merely looking at him... From a distance that did not really exist between them.
He held out his hand. Her eyes narrowed and the grip she had on the shard suddenly steadied. She pressed the piece deeper into her skin. Her glare had such intensity, he could almost feel the stab of the glass and the warmth of the fresh crimson tears the wound cried. It was like she wanted him to, like this was a threat. He raised his hands.
Why would she do this?
“Shira… Put it down…”
There was a certain revulsion he tasted in the back of his throat. It came hand in hand with that searing pain of concern and helplessness.
“… Please.” “No…”
The voice was so quiet and yet, so resolute. It was her voice, but this was not his Shira… It could not be. Her averted eyes fell back to her lacerated arm. He did not want to spook her into doing something stupid. So, he sat there and followed her gaze, with his heart in his throat. It did not stop him from choking out the question.
“Why are you doing this?” -
No one ever means to make something about themselves. It just happens. It is all one knows.
“Because…” She did not really have an answer. But she had wanted something. This started somewhere, with something, with a goal. But somewhere along the way, she forgot what it was. Somewhere in those moments of making precise cuts in her mind and imprecise jagged lines on her arm… She forgot the why.
And now the blood ran too thickly, for her to see the mangled letters and remember. Now all she knew was that she didn’t want to mar the scar of that cigarette burn.  And that the piece now loitered dangerously close to making a line she knows she should not. To crossing a line she knows she should not.
She looked at him, the soft glow of his face. The black and white of their existence and the silver and red that was held in between.  
“What’s the point?”
She did not want to die. But, she also did not see the point. -
Jared was not really a romantic. But he did love, the best he could. Perhaps, what he did next was very wrong. In that desperate moment, he acted with the coldest, logical instinct - one that was more doused in passion than he would ever want to admit. He reached for the pocket-knife he had stowed away and flicked it open silently. The click drew her attention. She was watching now. There was a lethality to the way she regarded him, from behind the curtain of her drenched tresses. 
Jared didn’t seek to make a mockery of this by copying her gash for gash. He had his own point to make… about the pointlessness. And he got straight to it. He held the knife somewhere above the carved scrawl of her name. He did not wince as he made a small slice of his own. If he made his line, it would strike through her handiwork. Slice through the name he had actually grown accustomed to wearing.
A part of him wanted to. The part that hated this. Hated that she could hold her life, over his. Hated that he was now holding his over hers.
“There isn’t one.” He said. 
Now they sat, staring at the invisible lines that they could make… that they could cross… but did not. Till she recanted, after she noticed her name on his arm. Noticed what she would lose. What they would lose. “I’m sorry… It’s- It’s not what it looks like… Not exactly.” She sounded a little more like his Shira now.
Were there parts of her, he was refusing to see? Were their parts he had refused to make his own? He had refused to give up parts of him to her… Maybe it worked the other way around too… "We should... Talk" "Can we... talk?" She suggested and he asked. They spoke over one another, ending in sync. She dropped the shard. He snapped the knife close. Tags: @lettuceknighted, @quirkykayleetam
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DA:I Companions and advisers react to an Inquisitor who has a pet parrot? One that likes to perch on the Inky's shoulder and repeats swearwords that it hears from other people.
Cassandra: She was irritated by the bird because all it did for the days while the Herald was unconscious was squawk incessantly at anyone who it didn’t recognize and perch on the Herald, trying in vain to wake their beloved. Still, she doesn’t comment, because when the Herald is finally out and about, so is the bird, who brings them comfort. The parrot ends up growing on her, slowly but surely, though the first few times it perches on her, she freezes and is unsure of what to do.
Iron Bull: The parrot loves his horns as perches. “Alright, you little shit factory,” he says, amused, “you can sit up there all you like, long as you don’t mistake my head for a latrine.” The bird often bluntly asks for food if he’s eating nuts, and he argues with them before grumbling and giving in, much to the bird’s delight.
Blackwall: He’s never gotten up close to one before, and he’s not sure how to react. He just stares until the parrot starts talking to him, and he blinks in surprise. He enjoys talking to the parrot, especially after his secret is revealed, because it’s not in the least concerned about it and will still talk to him readily, even if it seems nonsensical at times.
Sera: She loves the parrot. She loves playing with it and talking to it and trying to teach it words. The parrot decides they like her, and if the bird isn’t perched on the Herald and cuddling, the parrot’s perched on her or Bull or a few of the other party members. She spoils it.
Varric: He tries telling the parrot stories to see what will happen, and finds that the bird likes it, sometimes repeating phrases back at him– or just over and over again at random times, sometimes annoying Cassandra. Varric greatly approves.
Cole: “They know the words and what words mean more than people think. Side-stepping, dancing, the humans will call me pretty and ooh and ahh and give me treats, it’s all as easy as talking. They are happy because you love them and care for them and give them attention.” He smiles. “It is good.” The bird likes him because of how calm he can be, and he always seems to know where they want scritches.
Dorian: He’s seen a few magisters with them, often neglected and sad once the owners tire of the novelty, so it pleases him to see the happy, well-kept and stimulated bird, who he enjoys having conversations with. He’ll bounce his theories and theorems off of the bird, who’s just happy to talk with him. “You are quite beautiful,” he says wryly one day, “but not as much as me.” This offends the bird, and it shocks him when it says ‘fuck you.’ “Did you learn that, by chance, from Sera?” he asks dryly. “No matter. There’s no need to ruffle your feathers over the matter. We can both be pretty.”
Solas: Parrots fascinate him, he discovers. He tries holding conversations with the bird to see how far its intelligence goes, and is pleased. He almost considers talking with the bird about his internal problems, but quickly decides against it, despite how nice it would be to have an outlet– don’t need a bird outing a wolf.
Vivienne: Like Dorian, she’s seen nobles who get the birds, get bored of them, and neglect them. While she’s not all that into keeping pets, she can at least admire how well the bird is kept– a parrot is a living creature, and deserves respect. Her nose wrinkles when she sees anyone in the party trying to teach it swear words, and she hopes it never repeats these words at any nobles. “Don’t repeat that, Darling.” she says dryly to the parrot as Sera tries to teach it new words.
Josephine: She thinks it’s adorable, up until it starts cursing at Roderick and Marquis DuRellion. Then she spends time looking for the best animal trainer to somehow get the bird to stop saying those inappropriate words. Sometimes the bird hums a tune, though, and it makes her calm down a little.
Leliana: If no one’s looking or in earshot, she’ll consider busting out the lute and singing a song to the bird, just to watch it dance and revel in the sound of music. Birds listen and enjoy music much like humans do, and she finds a little solace in interacting with the parrot. She compliments the Herald on their companion and their care of the parrot.
Cullen: He’s honestly surprised it survived all of this nonsense, and while he initially voices a bit of concern about the bird’s safety, the bird pitches such a fit when separated from their owner for extended periods of time that he lets it go. At one point, when he’s having a particularly bad headache from lyrium withdrawal, the parrot finds him and sits on his shoulder, puffing up and cuddling against his head, gently trying to kiss his head and groom his hair. The company is welcome.
As someone who had pet parakeets for years (until just a few months ago, when my last one of many years, Opal, finally passed; RIP Opal, Fritz, Fritzie, Zizi, and Bluey, I miss you all. For those wondering why they have weird names– I named them all when I was a child) this request pleased me.
Parrots take a lot of time, care, and patience, and can be costly to care for, but they’re worth it if you’re a crazy bird person who can tolerate it – for years, because they live a long time, sometimes for almost the length of a typical human lifespan, depending on species. Don’t ever get a parrot unless you’re ready for that commitment; even a smaller parrot like that of a parakeet. It’s like having a perpetual 3 year old– being bitten from time-to-time and woken up in the middle of the night and having a literal poop factory in your house (who always seem to aim for the walls and water container and LITERALLY ANYWHERE OTHER THAN THE INTENDED PLACE FOR POOP). I don’t plan on getting any new parakeets, but maybe in the future when I have enough time to train and take care of one, as well as locating a vet that can give medical attention, I may opt to adopt a conure.
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