#just. Laurent as a character is pretty good esp with the backstory and
danidoesathing · 9 months
📓 Tell us the fanfics!!
There's one thats like. lived in my brain for years now but ive never got around to writing it. It's a fire emblem awakening fic that is almost entirely focused of Laurent and his relationship with his father, who would be Gaius in this version. as you can tell it's specific to my playthrough because no one else gives a shit about Laurent or a muriel/gaius ship but. like. I care. I care a lot
It's focused on Laurent and his memories of his parents during his years wandering the desert. It would just be him thinking back to the few memories he actually has of them, and specifically how he could remember the few things about his dad. Like his sweet tooth and how his dad would occasionally (and reluctantly) share his sweet stash with him, or the nickname he gave him or the fact Laurent knew how to lockpick or slight of hand because it was one of the few skills he was able to pass on to his son before he died.
ive had the idea of Laurent trying to perform one of the magic tricks his dad was good at and just. not remembering how to do it because its been too long. and with all the weight on his shoulders of trying to save the world while being alone in an empty desert and having to grow up so fast because you'd die otherwise or the fact most of his memories with his mother were about her more clinical nature (she loved him, and he knows that, but its hard when thats the image of her that sticks) or the fact he's lost one of the few things his dad passed onto him, that it just kinda. breaks him. the emotional weight is too much and he has a bit of a breakdown.
It's not really a happy one but like. look ever since i saw their support it's been stuck in my brain. and I KNOW the support is the same for every father support Laurent could have but like
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it feels so in-character for Gaius. idk how to explain it any more
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