#just. i think it wouldve been interesting to see her change sides in the presence of this mianite who imma be real idont think she was
kiwibirdlafayette · 6 months
youtube.com/clip/UgkxQEMdkEsTgEok1TMEJdUSgACa2XQmQ55m?si=wFi08HKYD9ySCsW6 SONJA IANITEE COMPILATION
dude. dude imma be real. I think sonja would make an amazing ianitee like. she follows mianite sure but theres this part of me that can sorta feel that her idea of how to act on “order” aligns closer to seeking a balanced so through an act of justice. in this essay i will
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grayskyalt · 1 year
little writing practice snippet thing
for the au where show Lloyd ends up in another universe where the only major events went up to like season 2 minus misako abandoning loid
read after the more if u want
Lloyd felt himself instinctively flinch after a gust of wind blew past him. His grip tightened on the Bounty's railings. Out of the corner of his eye, Lloyd could see Kai staring at him.
It wasn't his Kai though. His Kai wouldn't wonder why Lloyd flinched at something like the wind. His Kai wouldve gone over to him just to be near, just so Lloyd knew Kai's presence was there.
This Kai only stared in interest. He was probably pondering that very question.
Lloyd turned around to see that Loid, this world's version of himself, had finally made his way out to the deck. Lloyd felt his stomach twist whenever he saw Loid's golden eyes, golden armor, or that dyed brown hair. It was like seeing a miniature version of his dad. He quickly became nauseous upon the thought of his dad.
"Sooo, what are you two doing?" Asked Loid, his voice chipper and still raspy and higher pitched. Apparently the tea incident never happened in this world either.
"Just catching my breath," Lloyd responded, "we're landing in Ninjago City next, right?" Loid gave a curt nod. Lloyd turned around again to look out into the distance. He wondered if Cyrus Borg was around, or how far technology advanced. He'd heavily questioned them beforehand about Borg Tower, only to be met with the fact such a tower didn't exist in this world. Only a memorial commemorating anyone who lost their lives during the Final Battle.
At least they can call it the Final Battle, Lloyd thought bitterly. For him, the Final Battle only became the first of many battles. For Loid and this world, it stopped there. Nothing more other than minor skirmishes and petty crimes.
The hope was to first find Cyrus Borg or Mystake, whoever could help deduce what brought Lloyd into another dimension in the first place. The ship came to a slow stop.
"Sorry guys!" A voice yelled from up top. "The winds are becoming a bit too wild for it to be safe to cross these mountains. We'll have to fly at a lower altitude and wait it out for a bit" Nya explained, walking down to the deck. Lloyd only now noticed that Jay and Cole were right behind her.
"So while we have to wait, how about we test your skills?" Kai offered, a cocky grin on his face.
"Knock it off Kai" Cole teased, jokingly punching Kai in the arm.
"You don't have to accept!" Kai affirmed, still rubbing the area where Cole punched him.
"I wouldn't mind" Lloyd responded, not letting his expression change. After all, he was rather curious about the Ninjas skill level too. "5 v 1 or 1 v 1?" Lloyd asked, nearly catching himself from saying 6 v 1. Nya hadn't been trained in this world as the water ninja.
"Now what makes you think you can handle 5 v 1?" Loid asked almost cautiously, with curiosity creeping into his voice. "You'll have to see" Lloyd smiled, leaving everyone slightly confused and challenged.
"How about we four go agaisnt him first, then we have the two loids duke it out!" Jay suggested, making a big hand motion when he described the loid fight. Loid and Nya backed up to give the rest of them space. The golden weapons had also been combined into the Mega Weapon before being sent off into space, thought the Overlord had not returned in this world.
Yet, a sadistic thought crept in. Lloyd hadn't gone in depth about his own timeline to the other ninja, maybe out of some selfish desire to see them go through the same suffering he had to.
He'd tell them later.
For now, Lloyd readied himself. He didn't power up or grab a sword. Zane gave him an odd look. Lloyd ignored him.
"And begin!"
Lloyd let Kai charge at him first, easily side stepping his advances before catching Jay's nunchucks. Jay was stronger than he thought, so Lloyd flung into a Spinjitzu tornado before throwing Jay onto Cole. A shuriken barely whipped past his face before Zane came and attacked with his other shuriken. Lloyd punched and dodged before getting abruptly kicked from the back and jumped to avoid Cole's scythe swing. Kai and Jay both used Spinjitzu while Cole and Zane kept him distracted.
So their fighting skills aren't all that bad, Lloyd thought to himself. Even though they lacked precise coordination with each other, it was still difficult to keep track of all 4 of them at once. Lloyd finally pulled out a small knife from his belt to block Kai's katana, his knees almost buckling from the amount of weight Kai had put into the swing.
He let go of the dagger and let Kai's sword fall to where Jay's nunchucks were swinging. Zane came at him again with both his shurikens while Cole came up behind him. Lloyd managed to out maneuver them again, but he was already panting. The others seemed much more exhausted than him, so Lloyd stretched his arms and taunted them again with a hand motion.
He really didn't want to use his power, if he needed to, he'd want it to be a surprise. This time Jay came at him with a Spinjitzu tornado, only he was much slower than what Lloyd was used to seeing. He simply moved out of the way and decided to go Kai first. Kai frantically tried to block with his swords at Lloyd's sudden advancement, with Lloyd taking out another dagger to disarm Kai.
A sword flew out of Kai's hand. Lloyd strained his arm upwards to catch the sword before kicking Kai to the ground. This fight has gone on for too long, Lloyd's mind echoed, it's time to end this.
He stood his ground in the middle and let the four of them surround him.
"We've got you cornered now!" Cole shouted enthusiastically, visibly tightening the grip on his scythe. The other three seemed equally prepared and confident. Lloyd slowly started to smirk. First Master, he had missed feeling this powerful.
He finally let green energy flow through him. The others didn't attack, but stared in wonder at the way Lloyd's eyes glowed and his hands produced bright green light. It must've been surprising, he'd already seen Loid's power and knew that his training had mostly gone to his golden power. Lloyd's mastery over green energy far surpassed any of the ninja in this world.
Zane was the first to react, but was still too slow compared to when Lloyd suddenly brought his hands together opposite parallel.
Lloyd started to hear a slow rhythmic clapping, and whipped his head around with everyone else to see Master Wu descending down the steps. "Your skills are masterful and powerful. I think it's safe to say my ninja do not hold a candle to you" Master Wu commented, his eyes twinkling with pride. "I-uh thank you Master" Lloyd stumbled, the words feeling like they were just spilling out of his mouth.
Green energy expelled everywhere as he moved his hands I'm opposite directions. It looked almost like a shockwave as the energy easily disarmed everybody and sent the ninja to the ground.
Lloyd walked over and reached his hand out to help Kai up, feeling awkward as Kai didn't grab his hand but instead continued to stare in disbelief.
Master Wu gave a warm smile, his gaze resting on everyone. "That being said, you all did wonderful and have clearly improved since the last time I have seen you all." Lloyd could see a few smaller smiles being exchanged between the ninja. Lloyd looked back over to where Nya and Loid was only to freeze.
His father. Not HIS father, but he wasn't even that different from the father Lloyd used to know. Garmadon met Lloyd's eyes with a look he couldn't place to any specific emotion. Lloyd looked away. He could feel his hands shaking from just meeting Garmadon's eyes.
"... Lloyd, how long have you been training with your green energy power?" Master Wu asked, staring right at Lloyd. He thought for a few moments. "5 years? Give or take a lot actually there were a lot of circumstances that made it difficult to track..." Lloyd answered, unsure of how he should go about answering that. He wasn't keen on explaining why he was several years older than Loid or why he wore green instead of gold.
He could tell that everyone knew he was hiding something, they just didn't know how much he wanted to keep under wraps. For now, Lloyd's lips stayed shut.
"It's nearly 7 and it looks like these winds won't be getting any better soon," said Garmadon. Lloyd gave another flinch from being startled, if anyone noticed, no one gave any indication. "Let's head inside and prepare dinner."
As everyone started to walk inside, Lloyd let himself take another deep breath, doing his best to ignore the bite of the wind.
Just a few more weeks, he told himself. It can't be much longer. But there is always the chance another portal can never be opened again, a lingering thought in the back of Lloyd's mind made itself known. He shook his head.
He didn't want to think about that possibility.
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ghostlypawn · 4 years
im just gonna babble about riley n cairo okay? okay. its mostly from cairos perspective. its 3am this could be garbage mama idk.
we all know that cairo and riley knew eachother since they were babies and grew up together,, like the spent every minute they could with eachother. as time went on they began to drift yet still call eachother friends simply because they dont have anyone else. they know everything about eachother from their favourite colour to deep secrets about their insecurities. their lives revolve around eachother so much that they dont know what life would be like without the other. they began to drift a lot when riley got on the cheerteam as a freshman,, riley for once has a interest that cairo didnt and she liked it. cairo however didnt; she felt scared and angry due to the unknown of the future, she relied so much on riley and now all her time was spent cheerleading which left cai alone. she made ‘friends’ with others but could never fill the hole that riley left; those friends led her to parties where she would get drunk to forget riley for a few hours. she would over-use socials to almost prove to herself that she did have friends other than riley and she could survive without her. she still remained friends with riley during the school day (they sat next to eachother in every non-designated seat class) but would find herself getting angry when riley had to practise at lunch/after school ultimately leaving her alone). sometimes people would make fun of rileys commitment to cheer which led to fights in the hallways after someone made a snide comment about her bow (though she’d never tell riley the actual reason for the fights). 
riley saw this change in cairo and ultimately felt bad for her, this was the girl who had helped her through middle school breakdowns and her first freshman year break-up which led to riley asking cairo to join the team. when riley proposed it to cairo she couldnt help but breakdown. she thought riley had started to forget about her. she felt stupid for wanting riley to be such a big part of her life but she truly doesnt know how to be without her, nonetheless she vowed to herself that she would try to become her own person. riley said that she’d always be by cairo’s side. as the years went on riley kept her focus on training to be captain whilst cairo kept up her social presence which ultimately led to her being crowned prom princess. she didnt enjoy cheerleading but kept to it to keep riley in her life. riley started to rely less and less on cairo which cairo noticed when riley didnt have a complete breakdown over the viral stunt (she was upset and disgruntled but not the the extent that cairo expected from her). she wasnt sure if it was because riley had become happier in life and didnt need help or it was because she didnt trust her but cairo reciprocated the action by bottling up her feelings instead of sharing them with riley. 
when riley became captain, cairo found out by a social media post. what she didnt expect was riley asking for cairos help preparing for the sleepover; cairo thought that mayb the old riley had come back now that she’d gotten what she wanted: to be captain. cairo obviously said yes and went to her house with the mentality of ‘act like it was before as if nothing happened and we remained close throughout the years’. she starts to feel happy and pokes fun at the viral video bc she thinks riley isnt overly bothered about it and she feels like her old self. its only when everyone arrives and riley gives her welcome speech that she realises this isnt gonna be like old times and riley is gonna be the kinda cheer-focused captain go-getter she turned into over the years. she, however, tries to make this fun for everyone (aka truth or dare) but riley is not about that and just wants to get on with the cheering. cairo spends all night trying to cater to rileys needs (finding annleigh, getting the pizza, being the first to put her phone away etc.) but riley doesnt notice or seem to care. in fact the only time riley doesnt talk about cheer is when shes talking about eva; which we know cairo isnt the happiest about,, she just wants riley to appreciate her like she does eva. i think at this point we start to truly notice cairos urge for a friendship with meaning because she begins to obsess over kate/chess (”trouble in paradise” she quips knowing full well its her and riley who’s having trouble). enter mattie covered in blood: cairo notices riley’s warning signs to her freakout so she follows her out. this is when cairo verbally mentions that she doesnt like the way riley treats her to which riley brushes her off because at this point she has no feelings for cairo and is only keeping her around because she has no one else. the defense scene is the last attempt and cairo holding onto the shred of their friendship hoping that if she can do this then she’s still of worth to riley and worth her time (and obviously it works,, kinda)
we know that cairo tried to contact her after that night to which riley straight up ignored her. she just wanted to know if riley was coping well and if they were going to rely on eachother during this hard time. she never knew how riley was dealing bc she ignored her but at least she knew she was in this alone. this was when she began to overthink that night, all the possible scenarios that couldve played out and all the culprits. she came up with many possible answers but the feeling in her gut was telling her it was the one she least wanted it to be. none of her previous ‘friends’ like her anymore after that night and dont want to be involved with the girl who was apart of the murder squad. when she finds out evas on the team her first thought is that this is truly the end of her friendship and shes going to be replaced by eva. but when she sees the state rileys in her heart cant help but feel bad for the girl knowing shes not in the best state of mind. and we see her try to comfort her throughout phoenix. (“you dont have a relationship with chess, kate” she cries subconciously knowing that, although very different circumstances, her relationship with riley is also dead and gone). at this point she only had herself to look out for so she gets super defensive when kate says shes going to the police and kinda threatened eva. then we get to the scene where cairo suggests that riley wouldve been blamed and rileys first instinct is to go no they wouldve blamed you; cairo sounds so hurt when she says this bc this is the moment she realises that riley has zero trust in her and riley has changed and outgrown their friendship. she cant even fathom the girl who she helped all throughout the years and the girl who helped her would blame her without reasonable suspicion. she tries to work out why riley is just letting this slide bc it just Doesnt make sense to her and the perfectionist captain riley she knew. for a short moment her thoughts go flying and before she knows it shes accusing everyone and everyone because it CANT be riley it just CANT. but when riley begins to breakdown she just knows that her gut feeling was right and it tears her apart to think that if theyd stayed closer friends this couldve been prevented,, if perhaps cairo still relied on riley then she would realise that cairo was there for her too but it doesnt matter bc its too late for that so she doesnt what she knows best and tries to deesculate rileys breakdown. she hates to admit that she misses riley sometimes and is scared that she will forever but she still goes on one day at a time becoming a better person than she couldve been if riley had still been in her life.
bonus: i like to think that due to their closeness they did harbour some romantic feelings during their middle school years however they didnt actually realise they were in love it was just what they knew/thought all friendships were like that. it wasnt until high school when they would think back on those memories that they realised perhaps there was something there but it doesnt matter now because theyve became too seperated for it to be anything.
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krusca · 7 years
A Concept:
mcu tony & comics clark kent (aka, the smol squishy human with one of the most powerful superheros of all time) 
(as transcribed and revised from my twitter thread. because i need more people to fall into this rairpair hell with me. handwaves the different universe and for the sake of this concept they’re single)
Clark Kent is deeply amused but also very impressed by this small human with a bad heart who sticks himself into a tin can and flies around at mach 5 speeds and keeps challenging him in unspoken races when flying despite knowing he’ll lose every time. 
Lets be real, mcu Tony is not a strong young healthy supersoldier or even someone who had the rigorous training lifstyle. He’s got tonys of health problems such as the injured heart, reduced lung capacity, liver problems from drinking, constant stress on his body from flying around in aforementioned tin can. And Tony’s mental state isnt that great either
But that doesn’t stop Tony one bit, and Clark sees everything he loves about humanity in Tony- brave, resilient, generous, stubborn, a bit annoying, and so so heroic. 
Clark can literally see tony’s weak heart, the lung capacity, the fake sternum (or arc reactor depends on what you prefer) the negative effects of constant G force on a body, and despite the armor’s protections the metal can’t absorb all the shock and sometimes does more damage than most people would think. His first instinct is to wrap him in blankets and keep him safe.....but he knows a man like Tony Stark would hate the coddling. 
Still that doesn't stop Clark from feeling protective, he winces every time Tony takes a hit because he can hear the joints and bones creaking and fracturing.
Meanwhile Tony has mixed feelings towards Superman. From a scientific standpoint, he’s fascinating, even moreso than Thor, stronger than Hulk, but he’s also scared of him, because Clark is someone who can see all of Tony’s weakness and imperfections (the physical ones at least), and when Clark starts taking a more vested interest in him the self conscious fear increases. He catches Clark’s worried glances, a look he interprets as judgement of being not good enough. He builds lead plating into most of his armors, he tries to avoid Clark as much as he can (especially one on one interactions. It doesn’t matter Clark says he doesn’t use his powers unless it’s necessary, Tony feels like Clark’s listening to his heart racing, the tightness in his shoulders, the fear of being seen as a fake a fraud)
Clark thinks Tony’s afraid of him and his powers, it stings a little but its much like Batman, the scientific and genius would have reason to fear him so he’s super gentle around Tony. Tony hates that even more, being treated with kiddie gloves, so he avoids Clark even more. Clark’s confused, wonders if its jealousy, in certain ways he reminds him of Bruce Wayne but this is a whole new level if it is jealousy (and that doesn't quite add up, Tony may talk about his ego but end of day Tony’s not jealous, he’s curious-  he marvels in new delights and bigger better shinier things. Clark has no idea its Tony’s crippling self esteem thats the issue)
One day Clark sees Tony doing some extreme remodeling of the workshop & he offers his help. Tony tries waving him away but a section of the wall nearly falls on Tony much to Clarks distress and Tony concedes Clark could be useful with the super speed strength flight and how to handle a hammer being a farmboy and all.
Clark’s never been in Tony’s workshop before, only seem glimpses. Seeing the holograms the half build machines, its all very impressive, different from kryptonian and other alien tech but still brilliant and intriguing like the scifi movies he used to enjoy as a kid. Tony’s cautious and guarded at first, but his workshop is his safe space and his domain so he lets loose bit by bit. Plus Clark is very helpful and replastering the walls in a fraction of a time it wouldve normally taken him. 
After tony’s done with all the security upgrades, he’s absorbed in his many projects again and barely notices Clark’s presence at this point. He’s flicking thru 3D holomodels making notes, and Clark doesn’t use his powers on his friends but hey he’s curious and takes a peek at the genius’s brain and he’s instantly blinded and captivated, its like looking at a thousand suns, every neuron firing at top speeds in multiple directions, processing several threads of thoughts at once (and I’m borrowing this aspect from 616 tony) yes Tony’s a genius but he’s also invaluable precisely because no one can multitask at such a high capacity level of genius at once. Clark’ has to look away because Tony’s mind is so bright and burns so hard he’s literally seeing stars in his eyes.
Tony sees him rubbing his eyes and Clark tells him its just dust and Tony’s skeptical can Superman even be affected by little things like dust. Tony hesitantly offers him dinner since Clark was so helpful and Tony’s not a bad host. Clark says yes quickly and really hopes he didn’t sound too overeager, he really wants to get to know Tony better. He always knew Tony was a genius but was always so overtaken by how small Tony was especially compared to the younger healthier heroes. Even Batman’s a genius but in a different way, he’s analytical whereas Tony’s genius is something else entirely, the kind of genius that can create elements, destroy and rebuild worlds, create life but a whole new kind.
Clark realizes how wrong he was, Tony isn’t weak at all, Tony’s mind is his true power and it’s something powerful, fearful, wonderful, breathtaking (clark wonders what it’d be like to have that kind of focus directed at him and gets a bit hot under the collar) 
They talk about various things over dinner, and Clark keeps peeking at Tony’s brain, its rude and kind of(?) a violation of privacy but it’s so pretty and Tony’s expressing everything that he’s seeing so yea he keeps looking. They get into topics of parents and he doesn’t need any superpowers to see how tony shutters up, his bright galaxy of a mind dimming at the bad topic. Clark apologizes, Tony brushes it off and moves to another topic, but Clark can see how his mind isn't as vibrant as it was before and it kills him a little, he wants Tony to be joyful and happy not..this. He cleans up dinner, thanks Tony, goes home happy to see Tony’s warmed up to him a lot.
Only after does Clark get home does he realize he may have a bit of a crush on Tony and stares at the ceiling all night. Tony thinks about Clark that night too, while working on Avengers upgrades. Clark’s polite, kind, sassy under that goody two shoes exterior, and a very attentive listener (a little bit too attentive? Clark looked a bit like a man in a desert staring at an oasis) Tony likes attention but that kind of naked adoration directed for hours from several hundred pounds of pure muscle and goodness is a bit overwhelming. He’s cut from the same cloth of Mr. Perfect like Steve but minus the sanctimonious aspect or the weird family ties with his dad so Clarks taken off Tony’s shit list.
Clark hovers again when Tony’s Iron Man, but holds himself back and lets Tony handle things. He sees how tony reacts badly when he tries to step in and help, Tony goes on building sprees and overworks himself, all an effort to show he’s valuable and not a liability while giving Clark the cold shoulder. Clark wonders if it really is just ego but despite appearances Tony’s not that shallow.
One December night Tony gets wasted in his lab and Clark can’t stay away, Tony’s BAC is dangerously high. Tony doesn’t take his presence well, shouts at him to leave, hurls insults and bottles, but Clark just walks forward slowly, approaching Tony like you would a spooked animal, until he’s close enough and asks Tony if he’d like a hug. 
Tony’s stunned into silence at this offer,  and he slowly leans forward into Clark’s chest. Clark can hear his heartbeat light and fast like a bird, as tony slowly falls apart in Clark’s arms. He’s drunk off his ass and telling Clark everything, his parents death anniversary, his dad who never loved him his mom who he loved so much, and Obie. Clark only happens to hear all of this because of his super hearing. Tony mostly mumbles and slurs his way through and he talks about his pathological fear of failure, not being good enough, and only being good for his usefulness otherwise he may as well be dead. 
Clark can’t believe the kind of self loathing tony was hiding, the fact his dad instilled that kind of though into his brilliant son, the loss and betrayal Tony’s faced, he’s Superman and he can’t do a damn thing, cept hold Tony, doesn’t want to say much in fear of saying the wrong thing. He carries Tony to his bed and tucks him in on his side, fetches painkillers and water for when tony wakes. He should leave but he can’t he sits at the edge of the bed and stares at the face of a man drowning in something dark and unseeable, but getting up anyways and changing the world every single day. He’s gone before Tony’s awake, calls his Ma because he doesn’t know how to handle this, tells her about his “friend” (she exposes his big fat crush for him within a minute into the conversation), she gives him advice, and Clark flies back to the tower with groceries. 
Tonys awake by the time he crawls out of bed, Clarks in the kitchen cooking breakfast (closer to lunch really) and Tony autopilot drinks the coffee and eats the food laid out in front of him until he semi-realizes what happened last night. things get awkward and Tony’s humiliated and embarrassed and Clark’s a big flustered baby who doesn’t know how to handle this situation either, so Tony pulls a retreat, gets out of his chair, thanks Clark for breakfast and walks out.
Clark is lost, he doesn’t want to lose the closeness he gained but it’s not like they can pretend it never happened. End of the day though he wants Tony to be happy and it doesn’t matter if Clarks part of the equation or not so he wants to let Tony choose.
Meanwhile Tony’s in full panic mode, he broke down in front of SUPERMAN the guy who treats him like he’s fragile, there’s no fixing this and Tony goes into burn all bridges mode, throwing himself into work and avoiding Clark at all costs.
Clark didn’t expect the sever all ties outcome (in retrospect its very tony) and it hurts a lot more than expected. He leaves a video message for Tony and flies off to the moon to pine. 
Tony doesn’t touch the video for 3 days until curiosity wins over the part of his brain thats screaming to abort and tells JARVIS to pull it up. It’s Clark talking to Tony, telling him (almost) everything, how much he respect his strength, bravery, generosity, how he never met anyone quite like him in all the galaxies and dimensions he’s been to, and he’d like the privilege of being Tony’s friend again, but if Tony doesn’t want him around he’ll respect that too.
Tony laughs because he’s... astonished (”JARVIS was that for real?” “Yes sir, I believe he was quite sincere” “The most powerful man in the world and he sends me a friendship letter via video”) Of course Clark can hear this and he’s a bit miffed but Tony’s laughing and not maliciously either so it’s ok. Tony says out loud “Hey big guy, I know you can hear me wanna come talk?” Clarks off the moon and in Tony’s lab in minutes, and Tony’s chuckling as he pats moondust off him. Tony tells Clark he’s a narcissistic fuckup and most people don’t stick around for long, but feel free to stay as long as he’d like and Clark’s ready to prove him wrong because Tony is just an amazing individual- Clark may protect humanity but Tony leads it to  new heights & he’s humbled that he can be by Tony’s side to see that happen.
so yea, tony stark and clark kent.
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