#justcallmecj fics
justcallmecj · 4 months
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Dormleaders
Heyyyy~ Back with another chapter! Here, this is when they saw your full dragon form for the first time. Now, this chapter is a bit special. It'll be separated into 3 or 4 parts. One for the Dormleaders, one for the vice's + Ruggie and Floyd, another for the first years and a last one for anyone left. I'm also thinking about one for the teachers + Crowley. This one is the Dormleaders. You can take this as romantic or platonic, your choice.
Also, I'm gonna describe what you look like in Riddle's section so I don't have to in others. Just refer back to his section for imagery.
He was certainly shocked, that's for sure.
He's only seen dragons in drawings or in the media, and even then they were mostly the mainstream kind of dragons. Ice isn't the first thing people think of when they think of dragons,
You had taken him to a small clearing of trees in the forest behind NRC since there was plenty of space where you didn't need to worry about hurting someone.
You towered over him, and he himself is pretty short so it made the difference even greater.
The usual cold air that followed you had increased in temperature, making it harder for him to be close to you.
Your horns became larger and sharper, like huge icicles. Spikes ran down your back just as sharp as your horns. Your tail swayed behind you and your eyes gleamed a dangerous e/c color.
Despite all this, you showed no signs of being hostile towards him. When he looked into your eyes, he saw a playful glint in them. Like you were studying his reactions and getting a kick out of it all.
He quickly put himself together after the initial shock.
You brought yourself down to his height and placed your head peacefully on the grass in front of him. He slowly made his way closer to you.
Gently, he placed a hand on your head. Despite the cold feeling, it didn't hurt. He sat next to your head and found himself quickly easing into a sense of safety and security. You laid your wings around him, enclosing the space and basically trapping him, but he didn't mind.
You made gentle, humming noises and he found the shaking feeling began to make him sleepy. He no longer was shocked about how you look like this and the drowsiness of his daily activities caught up to him. He curled up in the crook of your long neck.
"Thank you, for trusting me with this sight. I know how you feel, but you don't need to worry around me. Have a good nap, Y/N. I'm not to far behind you anyways."
You truly are an oversized lizard, huh?
He did whatever he could to keep the shock off his face, and it worked. You would've believed him, if you hadn't known him so well.
He didn't realize, but his tail stayed close to the grass, his ears twitch in your direction. More than a few of his muscles tensed.
He wasn't scared, just weary. He's always wondered what would happen if Malleus got pissed off at him enough to turn dragon mode. Now he just associates the thought with a sense of danger.
You could pick up on this though. You've always had a strange ability to do that when it comes to Leona. Your next goal? Be as non-threatening as possible.
Your tail gently curled around your hind leg, you sprawled your wings out in the grass around you and you brought your body close to the ground.
When he looked at you, he could clearly see the message you were trying to tell him. He understands you can't talk in this form.
He approached you. His muscles loosened when he touch your snout and your eyes closed, showing contentment.
Gently, he ran his hand up and down your scales. The skin on his hands pricked from the cold, a feeling he still wasn't used to.
His ears picked up on the faint hum you made. A smirk found its way on his face, and he didn't try to hide it.
He spent a bit of time petting you. He saw it as revenge for all the times you pet him with no warning. But, much to his demise, you didn't see it as anything spiteful. You quite enjoyed the attention.
"Hm. Fine. I'll stay with you for a while. But that's only because Ruggie won't come get me if I'm with you while you're like this."
He was...hesitant..to say the least.
He was nervous to see what you'd turn into. That's not meant to sound mean or judgemental, he wouldn't judge you. You don't judge him, why would he in turn?
More so, it's just that he doesn't know how he himself will react and doesn't want to hurt you with a negative reaction.
He knew you were nervous about yourself for a long time. But, you decided that if he saw you comfortable with yourself, he'd become a bit more confident as well.
It took a lot of convincing from you to lead him into the forest clearing. Even more for the Twins not to follow.
Once you two were there and he backed up to give you space, seeing you transform was the most stunning things he's ever seen.
A white mist covered you and a dark shadow on the inside(you) grew and changed shape. Into the shape of a dragon. When the mist cleared, he saw you.
Your e/c colors stared him down. You did what you could not to freak him out, but you didn't have full control of every habit of yours.
He could feel a few flight reflexes kick in. He stayed in place though. (You praised him for that later)
You sat. You kinda reminded him of a dog with the way you sat and waited patiently. Your tail rested motionless, wings calmly at your sides. Your head tilted to the side. To Azul, it was kinda cute. Like looking at a sea guppy.
He stepped closer, but kept a slight distance. You weren't offended, you knew you needed to take things slow. And you knew he was more worried about you than himself.
In an attempt to show him that there was nothing to worry about, you stretched out one of your arms, careful to watch your claws, and held it in front of him. Like how a human reaches out a hand to a scared animal. (Ironic since he was more human than you rn)
He got the message. He approached you and placed a gentle hand on your arm. The cold was somehow a comfort. It sorta reminded him of the cold waters in the Coral Sea. Slowly, he leaned into your touch and found himself calm. All worry faded away and you came close to him and gave whatever your equivalent of a smile is. It warmed his heart.
"I see. I hope none of my actions hurt you. You were very brave to show me all this. I hope one day, I can be like you with myself."
He was certainly the most excited to see your dragon form.
He's never seen a dragon before, and The Land Of Scalding Sands doesn't have any legends or stories regarding dragons, so it's been an obscure concept to him.
He, without hesitance, followed you to the clearing in the forest and patiently waited for you to feel you were ready.
He held his breath as you transformed and only released it when he saw you were okay.
The dragon he saw standing in front of him. Blew. His. Mind!
Even before you could entirely orientate yourself he quickly threw himself onto you and wrapped his arms around your long neck, which was barely close enough to the ground for him to reach. (Especially since he's short)
He talked to you about everything and anything for 2 hours straight. He didn't mind that you couldn't verbally respond, it actually gave him enough time to learn what different ques you made meant. You nodded and shook your head for yes or no questions, you flopped your tail when you meant 'maybe', and your wings flutter lightly when you don't know how to respond.
He even learned what the meaning behind certain sounds meant.
"Sorta wish I had seen your dragon form earlier, but better later than never! Right?...I wonder what Jamil's doing right now?" Cue to Jamil who's freaking out because Kalim didn't tell him he was leaving the dorm.
He had come to know you pretty well. Despite that, he realized that he never actually asked you anything about your dragon form.
He's definitely thought about it, but never wanted to ask you for fear of making you uncomfortable.
When you told him you really wanted to, he worried that you may have been forcing yourself for him. You quickly reassured him that that wasn't the case. He then agreed to come with.
Seeing you morph was beautiful to him.
You were beautiful.
Your beautiful white scales tinted blue when the sun hit them at a certain angle. Your horns glistened with an icy nature, your eyes shone with a slight glaze of white over them. (Rook explained to him how this protects your eyes from the sun)
All he saw was pure, icy beauty. In a way, he couldn't comprehend why you've been self-conscious about how this form looked. Then he remembered how he gets when people comment negatively about how he looks, and how it can take a toll after so long.
He came to a resolve. To make sure you never again see anything negative about your dragon form!
With quick, confident strides, he approached you. Looking up to meet your eyes, he gave you a sweet, caring face.
He then began to fawn over you. His usual uptight behavior fell to allow his more caring side to take hold so that he could make sure you knew just how beautiful you looked. He commented on how well you seem to take care of yourself, your huge size meaning there was more to admire. Your horns looked like you took gentle care of them. Your snout looked adorable to him. The spikes running down your back, were sharp to the touch.
Those are all examples of how he expressed that he saw and took notice of all your beauty.
He sat on the grass in front of you and allowed you to place you snout in his lap as he gently rubbed your head while whispering sweet compliments to you.
"I hope that, never again, do you see anything wrong with your own beauty. And if anyone tells you other wise, just send them my way."
You want him to leave his room??? Whyyyyy?
He always thought seeing you in your dragon form would be the coolest thing ever. But he didn't think he'd be dragged out of his room by you and forced into the forest.
We couldn't have just done this somewhere at Ignihyde?
Then you transformed, and he no longer remembered why he was upset.
The fantasy loving weeb in him came out and he started to freak out.
He had a split second of hesitation, ice and fire don't mix and he could feel the ice on you, but his weeb took over and he rushed over. He was no longer shy with you.
His mind was going a million miles and hour and he asked you question after question. Until he realized that you couldn't talk. Which honestly bummed him out a bit but he quickly recovered.
Soon, he took to simply admiring you while you soaked up the attention he was giving you.
His warm fingers lightly slid across your cold scales, sending a shiver up his spine every time, but he didn't mind.
It shocked him when you reached out an arm and pulled him close to you. You held him against your side while you curled up like a puppy.
"Um, okay then. I guess we can stay like this for a bit. But, I do still have some games I need to play later, so not all day, okay?"
You had zero problems with him. It actually went the smoothest with him.
When you two were having a conversation a while back, he had questioned if you had a dragon form like he did. You had explained to him that you did but you were to shy to show anyone. He had asked why and you told him that after so long of people bad mouthing you about how you look in fae form, you became hesitant for anyone to see you as a dragon.
He talked about his form in an attempt to help you feel comfortable. He also told you that you'd never need to be scared with him because he's just like you. That made it easier for you to get where you are now. Finally ready to show.
You took him to the clearing and asked him to back away so you wouldn't hit him.
The way you transformed was different from his. He created a puff of smoke around him, you made a mist of ice.
Once the mist faded, he quickly took in every detail about you. How sharper your horns are compared to his, your serrated claws. The white and blue tint of your scales while his a black with purple tints. (Well, that's what Lilia has told him.)
He immediately took to feeling your scales and tough skin, wings and tail. You didn't mind, not like you had a lot of feeling in those areas. He's a dragon to, so he knew exactly where he needed to avoid.
You were a lot more different from him than he was expecting. His scales were rough while yours were smooth. Your horns sharp, his rounded. Your wings were more angular and his were longer.
He didn't mean to get as analytical as he did, he was just really curious. After realizing how he was acting he took to talking to you. Unlike others, he could understand majority of your draconic growls and rumbling. You could actually hold a proper conversation with him.
Eventually, you began to get tired. Your eye lids drooped and you struggled to keep your head up. He saw this and told you it was fine to fall asleep.
He actually turned into his own dragon form and curled up next to you, intertwining your tails. Together, you both fell asleep there on the grass.
"I never thought that I would meet someone so like me, even if we are different. Thank you, Child of Dragons, for coming into my life."
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Vice's+Ruggie and Floyd
Trey was a lot more chill about this than you were expecting him to be.
He agreed to come with you with no problem, and when you came out of the mist and he saw you, he looked like this was all normal.
He quickly approached you and stretched his arms towards you. You brought yourself closer to the ground to make it easier for him to reach your head.
Gently, Trey pet your head. Running his hands across you snout and up to your horns.
He always made sure to keep eye contact with you if you were looking at him. Your e/c eyes and his golden colored eyes locked together.
He constantly made small talk with you, asking simple yes or no questions or simply telling you about something random.
Unbeknownst to you, on the inside, Trey was freaking out!
You reminded him a puppy! (Quite a deal larger than an actual puppy, but his view is still valid.)
He's used to keeping some form of a rational, adult face all the time. You, Riddle and Chenya are really the only ones who have seen the childish side that he has.
Because of this, he didn't want to just full on fawn and freak out on you. He also didn't want to risk overwhelming you.
He opted to waiting for you to be human again, where you could speak, to ask any questions he had.
Later that day, when you had turned back into your fae form, he asked. Surprisingly, he had a lot of questions.
"I'm proud of you, Y/N. I'll let you do what you want for right now, but when we get back to the dorm, prepare for questions, alright?"
He was very skeptical when you asked if he wanted to see your dragon form.
He immediately thought that you wanted something out of this (like to eat him).
With plenty of skepticism, he followed you out to your spot in the woods and waited patiently for you to come out of the mist.
Seeing you had him stunned for a solid 2 minutes.
Now, you and Ruggie have been friends for a long time now, and he knows that it's you, but he had a rough childhood.
You were about 4x his size, serrated claws, razor sharp teeth and covered in spikes. Everything about you screamed DANGEROUS.
It was like staring down everything that he taught himself to stay away from.
Then you did something he wasn't expecting.
You sat quietly and gently tilted your head to the side. Your e/c eyes gazed into his with a look he feels is familiar to him.
Then he remembered. Once, when one of his younger brothers had gotten into a fight, he came home looking roughed up and dangerous. But the moment Ruggie came to patch him up and they met eyes, his brother gave him a look that extremely contrasted that roughed up state he was in. His brother was soft and on the verge of crying.
Looking at you, it was the same thing. Ruggie got the same feeling he did back then. You looked scary and dangerous, but he knew that you were still the same softy that he sees everyday.
Finally, he got over his initial feelings and strutted towards you. He ended up right under your head, forcing you to look down at a weird angle to see him. You adjusted yourself and brought your head to his level.
Just as Ruggie had done with his brother, he patted you on the head. It instilled a feeling of contentment in you and your eyes slowly fluttered shut. Soon, a gently hum ran through your throat and hit Ruggie with the vibrations since he was still patting you.
"Wow, that worked a lot better than I thought it would. Y'know, all this nice treatment from me will cost ya, Y/N~"
You had his curiosity extremely peaked.
He must admit, upon meeting you and learning you were a fae, he thought about what you may look like as a dragon whenever he was with you.
He never said anything, out of courtesy and politeness. But now that you were offering him the chance, he took it with no hesitation and never held his tongue about anything.
You had asked him during on of the very few times Floyd wasn't with him, meaning at was just you two. (You still can't tell if that made things better or worse)
Jade was unaffected by the mist, and the extra amount of cold you radiated.
The first thing he did? Go to your tail. Him being an eel, he has one himself. For some reason, he wanted to find out how different yours was from his. He's never been able to get good looks at the tails of the beastmen at school, so you were his best example.
He poked and prodded at the spike that ran down it. Not that you minded, there was no feeling there and if they were to break, they'd grow back quickly. There was only feeling in your spikes when in fae form.
Soon, he had gathered all the information he needed for the time being. He then sat by your snout, which had been on the ground as you had laid down.
He held a pleasant conversation with you. You couldn't respond, but he didn't care. He spoke of things that really didn't need you input but still kept you entertained, which was his goal.
At times, he unconsciously start petting and stroking you. Running a hand across your hand(?) and claw, soft head pats, gentle rubs behind your ears, things like that. You decided to take a nap due the peaceful sounds of the woods and Jade's calming voice.
"You never cease to stretch my thoughts of you. When I think I have you figured out, you surprise me." He can only hope you can't hear him right now.
Unlike with the others, it wasn't you who suggested him seeing your dragon form, it was Floyd.
He had been insistently pestering you about it for weeks now. Both Azul and Jade have tried to get him off your back but he just pops back up and asks again.
Eventually, you gave in.
Upon the disappearance of the mist, he was already on top of you.
Without notice, he poked at your sides, claws and wings. You barely even had enough time to figure out what he was doing before he moved on to investigate somewhere else. He stayed away from your tail though.
You even allowed him to climb onto your back for a while. He didn't stay long though, he found the scales to be too uncomfortable to stay there much longer.
Eventually, he opted to spend some time near your head, so he could spend the rest of the time with you.
For a while, he was surprisingly chill with you, but then mood swings decided to pay a visit.
He got frustrated that you couldn't talk back, or more so at the fact he couldn't understand you. He just really wanted to know what you were saying to him.
You thought of just not saying anything to not further escalate things, but then realized he be even more upset if he felt you were ignoring him.
You've been friends with Floyd for a long time now, and you've gotten pretty good at handling his mood swings. The moment you felt he was getting too frustrated, you took action.
You brought your tail towards him and pushed him over. He fixed himself and caught sight of your face. You may be a dragon right now, but he could tell that you were smiling at him and laughing in your head. He saw what game you were trying to play easily.
You two playfully wrestled with each other for a long time. He would climb around and you'd gently knock him over. Things like that.
"Umitsubame-kun! I knew it be a good idea to do this. We could've been having this much fun sooner if you had just listened to me when I first asked~"
Jamil was a lot calmer than his Scarabian counterpart.
He will admit though, he's been curious about what you may look like. Just like Kalim, he doesn't have much experience with dragons, real or fake.
The mist was freezing to him, though, considering where he grew up, that's no surprise.
He didn't quite know how to respond.
You looked awesome! But he didn't know what to do from there. You two just kinda stared at each other for a while, neither moving.
Then you took the lead.
You walked up to him (it only took you like three steps) and raised your hand(?) into the air.
He flinched, thinking you were gonna crush him, but then froze when he felt himself rise into the air.
When he opened his eyes he saw that you had picked him up and held him in your palm.
Luckily he's spent enough time on the flying carpet to not be afraid of heights.
You brought him close to your snout and in a moment of no better ideas, he gently placed a hand on the tip of your nose.
Your scales were freezing cold, and while he expected the air you exhaled to be warm, it was just as cold as your scales, if not colder.
Now he was a lot more comfortable with the situation, meaning he started doing more.
He asked questions, then realized that you couldn't speak. He then decided to change his method and asked yes or no questions. They started as one about your dragon form, then the conversation drifted off into other subjects. School. Food. Dorm life. Other students at school.
He asked if changing forms was tiring to you, in which you gave him a side ways nod. 'Sorta' is what you were telling him.
"How about when we're done here, we go back to Scarabia and I'll make you something to eat and get your energy back up? Take is as a 'thank you' for this experience."
Actually, this isn't his first time seeing your dragon form.
Since the first day he saw you, you've captured his attention, and triggered his hunting habits.
One day when you were taking a break from NRC life, you snuck away and spent some time as a dragon. Unbeknownst to you, he had been watching you the whole time.
But then you actually asked him if he wanted to see. He told you 'yes' with a strange and knowing excitement.
He was on top of you even before the mist cleared since his sight was enough for him.
This is the first time he's been this close to a creature so much bigger than him.
Throughout the entire experience he was showering you in compliment after compliment. Words of encouragement filled with passion, charisma and said quite fervently.
You wholeheartedly believed that even if he wanted to, Rook would not have been able to take his hands off you. His hands touched where ever they could, your spikes, wings, horns, snout, claws, tail, you name it.
You understood though. You've always known how curious Rook is. How, while it seemed strange and creepy to others, his habits and mannerisms never really bothered you.
Out of no where, he confessed to following you all that time ago.
He could see as emotions flicked across your draconic face for a few seconds. Confusion. Realization. Upset. Thoughtfulness. Then it stilled into one. Amusement.
Your chest rose and fell fast. You were laughing. Rook couldn't help but laugh himself, lowkey glad you weren't upset with him.
"Oh dear Dragon de Glace, your beauty is truly magnifique! I hope you and I will continue to have many moments like these in the future!"
He happily took you on you offer.
He's known the Draconia family for years, so you having a dragon form is nothing new to him. Heck, he was there the first time Malleus used his.
Out of everyone, who saw you as intimidating or astounding, he saw you as cute.
Lilia will admit with no remorse, he has a soft spot for dragons. With his experience in helping to raise Malleus, he can't help it.
When you opened your eyes after transforming, you were met with Lilia's large, red, slit-pupil eyes in you face, upside down.
He flipped out and rested his arms in your snout, using them to support his chin.
He then struck up a conversation. He could understand every word you said to him. (Learned with Malleus.)
It was an extremely lovely conversation. But, you did get embarrassed when he would speak to you as if you were a child.
You'll have to excuse him. It's an old and sometimes an unconscious habit he picked up due to Malleus and mostly Silver.
For some reason, he really likes booping your nose. Mid conversation he'll just boop you for no apparent reason. He then proceeds to giggle to himself at your reactions.
Eventually, you got a bit tired. Your body relaxed while listening to Lilia and your eyes fluttered close.
Seeing that you had drifted off to sleep, Lilia got closer and gently moved your head into his lap. It was ridiculous with how much bigger your head was compared to him, but cute non the less.
He gently stoked your snout, making sure you stayed asleep. As you snored away, he remembered when he would do this with Malleus and even Silver when they were babies. It made him smile, a smile you unfortunately couldn't see.
"Just stay asleep Little One. I'll be here when you wake up, and we can continue to have some fun."
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justcallmecj · 4 months
When Dragons Meet
"HII can I request a fluff Malleus x dragon reader (but like in friend way) Malleus meeting dragon reader for the first time. I think would be funny. Malleus being curious since the only dragons he know is himself and his family." Courtesy of- Ghost (On AO3)
Malleus's POV
        The first week of school went by just like they did the past two years. Fear. Avoidance. No one to talk too. Sure, there was Lilia, Silver and Sebek to keep him company, but they always have. Malleus wanted something new to do. Someone new to talk too.
        Unfortunately there was no one. No students were brave enough to approach the imposing Malleus Draconia. The only one with no care was Leona Kingscholar, and he only spoke to Malleus to start a fight, which Malleus could never bring himself to truly care about.
        The halls were empty, void of life and sound. Malleus ended up staying after classes to go gargoyle hunting, even if he has seen every gargoyle Nigh Raven College has to offer a hundred times over. It was a day like every other, and without his family in Diasomnia, nothing to truly do.
        Malleus found himself in the courtyard, so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't even remember making his way there. The courtyard isn't new to Malleus either, he could even name the century every gargoyle around was made. It was such an innate thought to him that he simply started rattling off dates to himself in a whisper, barely loud enough for even himself to hear.
        "Wow, that is an impressive memory. How do you do that?" a voice nearby asked. No, it wasn't nearby, the voice had the same quality of being far away, but Malleus' hearing allowed him to hear with no problem. Malleus turned around into the direction the voice came from. There was no one immediately in sights, so it took Malleus a moment to find who had asked him the question.
        Eventually, his eyes settled on a pristine white tail, lazily hanging from a tree branch all the way on the other end of the courtyard. He was unable to see the person the tail was attached to, being this far and them hiding within the branches of the tree. Regardless, the tail looked familiar, and Malleus suddenly had a theory he wanted to test.
        Making no attempt to get closer to his mysterious guest, like he normally would, he stayed put and simply spoke, only rising the volume of his voice from a almost soundless whisper to a quite speaking voice.
        "What was the question? I apologize, I was a little distracted." he asked. Malleus felt his pointed ears twitch when a giggle reached him. He caught sight of the tail lifting and suddenly reaching further down, along with the faint sound of rustling clothes and the flutter of something large. They must have sat up.
        "I said that you have an impressive memory. How do you do it?" There voice was so relaxed, not tinged with fear or painfully tense like Malleus is used to hearing from people. Does this person not know who he is? Or do they simply not care or feel afraid?
        "Well, I have a strong fascination with gargoyles, so learning the when and how of their creation comes with the territory, so I feel it is only natural." he answered. Again, Malleus is only speaking in a quite voice, and this person on the other end of the courtyard is capable of holding a conversation with him with no problems.
        "That's fair. If something interests you, why wouldn't you know that kind of stuff? Still impressive though." they responded. Malleus heard the quiet sound of scales brushing against wood, a sound he is quite used to. (No one will speak of the numerous trees he flew into when he was young.)
        Malleus finally decided it was time he found out who this mystery guest of his is. Filled with hope that this growing theory in his head was true, he made his way across the courtyard. However, he is not rude enough to keep someone waiting in a conversation, so he still spoke as he walked.
        "You sound like you speak from experience. Do you have any interests you are particularly fond of?" he asked. He was about halfway across the courtyard now, and he heard as the person adjusted in the branch again, seemingly to get a better view of him.
        "Yeah, I have a few. Maybe not any that will test my memory like your history of gargoyles, but I like them regardless." Just as Malleus was coming closer, a pair of equally white wings slowly fell into view, relaxing and finding purchase on two smaller branches that seemed to have grown perfectly for this exact person to use.
        "Well, an interest is an interest, no matter how big or small." he supplied. He was finally under the tree, and could perfectly see the person he's been speaking too.
        Up in the tree, lazying around, was another fae, a dragon type to be more exact, just like him.
        Their wings, tail and horns were a pristine white and seemed to be well taken care of. They wore the uniform of Pomefiore, however they have ditched the school blazer and had a few of the top and bottom buttons of their colored vest undone. It seemed they had done so to allow themself more breathing room and to get comfortable. Unprofessional, but school was technically over, so Malleus could understand.
        "Glad you think so." they said. They sat up the rest of the way, allowing their legs to dangle over the edge of their resting branch and lifting their wings, tucking them close to their back, but with how big their wings were, they still under over the edge of the branch. "What would you name be mister?"
        "Please, no need to call me mister." It made Malleus feel old, like how Lilia feels when people back in The Valley of Thorns call him 'Sir Lilia' or his other old titles. But, this person asked for his name. Of that is so, then they must truly not know who he is. If Malleus told them his name, would they recognize it and connect the dots? Would they fear him like everyone else does?
        But, they are a fae like him, even more so than Lilia and Sebek. Have they faced the same prejudice and feelings he has? With they feel empathy instead of fear?
        Is that a risk Malleus is willing to take with this potential new friend?
        "Why don't you give me a name? I am curious what you may come up with." No. It's not a risk he's willing to take. Maybe they will find out on their own after this, but maybe there is a chance their attitude towards him will not change when they do. And if his luck runs out, he can at least say he enjoyed the company while he had it.
        Malleus met their eyes once again. They seemed to be in deep thought, tossing the request around in their head. A smile that Malleus can't describe as anything but wicked took over their face.
        "How about Tsunotaro then? I think it fits you well." They smiled more gently, resting their head on the branch and swaying their tail near Malleus' face, a cold spike just barely brushing against his nose playfully. When Malleus sneezed due to it, they simply laughed and moved their tail again.
        Tsunotaro. A name basically meaning 'Mr. Horns'. Quite literal, but Malleus had to agree. It fit.
        "Then let it be so. I am 'Tsunotaro'. And what is your name, if I may ask." They smiled again and wrapped their hands tightly around their supporting branch, a glint of sharp claws digging into the bark. With a movement too quick to be human, they jumped off the branch and swung off, landing a a good couple feet away from the tree.
        They turned towards Malleus, playfully bowing in a show of their skill, to which Malleus chuckled and gave a small clap, and then walked toward him.
        That was strange. A movement as simple as walking towards someone was nothing important or new in everyday life, but for Malleus it felt alien. No one simply walked to him. They walked or ran away, subtly giving him a wide birth as he walked through the halls.
        But this person did it so normally. There was no fear or trepidation or tenseness in their muscles. A gentle and friendly smile on their lips. An unhurried feel to their walk, like they had no intention to get out of there as quickly as they can. It was new to Malleus.
        The unnamed fae stopped right in front of Malleus, a move no other at this school has had the bravery to do. Now that they are on the ground, Malleus saw that, while he still has them beat in height by a couple inches, they are still quite tall. It didn't matter but it was a thought that made Malleus have to hold back a chuckle.
        Their hand came up to meet his, a friendly handshake, one that Malleus returns. "My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N. It's great to meet you." Their tail swayed behind them gently as they speak, pure relaxation radiated off their body.
        "It is a pleasure to meet you Mx. Y/N" Malleus returned. Y/N laughed, placing a hand over their mouth in an attempt to stop themself. They failed.
        "No, please don't call me Mx. Y/N. Makes me feel old. Plus, we're friends now, so there is no need for formalities Tsunotaro." Their hand release his. Their skin, matched with a few hidden scales, was cold. It wasn't hard to see that Y/N was an ice dragon, but despite that, Malleus's hand still felt warm from the handshake.
        Friends. Y/N said that they were now friends. Malleus has never really had a friend. There was Lilia, but Lilia raised Malleus, more a parent than anything. There was also Silver, but Malleus can remember when Silver was nothing but a baby and even helped Lilia to take care of the little baby. Silver didn't feel like a 'friend'. There was also Sebek, but Malleus felt that Sebek took his duty as Malleu's guard a little to seriously, which got in the way of the whole 'friend' thing.
        But this person. The one who looked at him with curiosity and warmth despite their own nature as an ice dragon. The one who teased him while lazying around in a tree. The one who essentially named him 'Mr. Horns.' The one who refused honorifics under the pretense of being 'friends' even if they had only met him some ten minutes ago and didn't even know his name.
        They felt like a friend.
        A ring went off in the courtyard.
        "Oh, sorry. That's my phone." Y/N said. They pulled their hand held device out of their pocket, something Malleus still struggles to understand, and began to read something on it. When they were done, they looked up at Malleus with a apologetic sadness in their eyes.
        "I'm sorry Tsunotaro, I have somewhere I need to be in a few minutes. It's best I leave now so I don't end up late." That was understandable. Malleus is a prince, he understands one must always be punctual.
        "Of course. I understand. If you must leave, then please do." he said with a slight nod of his head. The look in their eyes brought a lonely sadness to Malleus's heart, but he could handle it.
        "Okay. Well, I'll make sure to be on the lookout in the halls for you from now on. I'd love to pick up our conversation on gargoyles." They winked as if to punctuate their words. It brought a genuine laugh to Malleus' chest, one he made no attempt to hide.
        "I will be waiting for that day."
        There is always a chance Y/N finds out who he is before they see each other next and that conversation will never come, but for now, Malleus will allow himself to hang on to the hope that it will.
        Y/N turned and started to make their way across the courtyard. At some point, before Malleus could tun away himself, they turned and began to walk backwards. They waved enthusiastically and shouted a goodbye. Malleus returned the gesture.
        And just as Malleus had turned to begin his walk to Diasomnia, he heard a whisper. A quiet noise among the wind. But no matter how quite it was, Malleus heard it and knew that he was meant to, they those words were made for him to hear, that Y/N knew he would hear them.
        "Goodbye, Malleus. Hope we can talk again soon."
I get that the relationship between Y/N and Malleus here can be read as either the beginnings of romance or just platonic, but the request specified platonic so I hope I got that across. I found it a little harder to write than romance and my thoughts literally were 'why is this harder than romance?!?" {Looks at my AO3 reading history: 'oh, nvm') Also, I did not go back and proofread because I wanted to get it done and posted, so sorry about any mistakes.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Please Cook Your Fish First
"The prefects find Y/n went fish hunting and is eating their fish raw(cuz they can’t cook it with ice-sadly)" Courtesy of- QUEEN Skippy on Quotev
This is gonna be sometime after the prefects have seen Y/N's dragon form, so there will be no surprised there.
The Prefect's POV
        "Where is Y/N?" Riddle asked, annoyance lacing his voice. Y/N had contacted all the prefects to set up a meeting time because they wanted to spend time with all of them. They all agreed to meet near the entrance of the Botanical Garden, a place the prefects knew Y/N likes to frequent. But now that they had all gathered, even the lazy Leona, the reclusive Idia and the very excited Malleus, Y/N was no where to be seen. They tried waiting for about twenty minutes, but after that they all got worried.
        "Child of Dragon's did say to meet at this time, correct?" Malleus checked, just to make sure they hadn't misunderstood the ice dragon.
        Leona scoffed. "Of course, we have in down in text. They are the one who's late." He rolled his eyes while his ears twitched discretely, trying to listen for where the Lizard is. While Leona was trying to listen for Y/N, it was actually Malleus who heard something first.
        "Was that...the sound of water splashing?" he paused to listen again. Everyone, hearing Malleus, stopped to listen as well. While none picked up on what the fae heard with his incredible hearing, they followed when he suddenly stood up and started walking into the wooded area behind the Botanical Garden.
        When they reached a clearing, they spotted a lake. (There's no lake on NRC property canonically but there is now for the sake of this story) It's a decent sized lake, filled with murky water but also filled with fish and other lake-dwelling animals. Actually, not a lot of people acknowledge this lake since it's hidden behind the Botanical Garden, and few of the prefects have actually been here.
        Malleus continued forward but stayed near the tree line, inciting the others to do the same. While they looked towards the lake, they all saw as a patch of the water right off the overgrown shore stirred. The water rippled violently. Something big was surfacing.
        The surface of the water suddenly broke, and into the air hopped a dragon, white scales tinted blue and sharp spikes down it's back. The dragon landed on the shore almost gracefully, tail thrashing behind it.
        "Y/N!" Kalim whispered excitedly. It's been quite a long time since he's last seen Y/N in their dragon form since they insist on not taking that form as often.
        "Yes, Kalim, it is. But what were they doing down in the lake?" Azul asked. He's never been in the lake himself, preferring the saltwater of Octavinelle's tanks, but he knows the lake itself can't be very deep and it looks so dirty to swim in. There's no way it's easy to see in to just be enjoying a swim.
        "I don't know what, but why would they want to swim in such disgustingly dirty water?" Vil responded incredulously. There's no way that water is good for their pristine, white scales! He may need to help them clean their scales later.
        Everyone went silent when Y/N turned enough for them to see their face. They first saw Y/N's razor sharp teeth, but that's only because Y/N's mouth was open, filled with....fish? Resting in Y/N's mouth was about a dozen large fish, violently shaking and spasming around, trying to escape the predator that has caught them. Despite the constant moving, Y/N kept hold of their pray and even seemed to not notice the frantic motions of the fish.
        Y/N moved to a large clearing in the overgrowth, a spot that showed clear signs of the plants being frozen, snapped and then brushed out of the way. Walking in a few circles, sort of like a dog, Y/N finally settled down and dropped all the fish, which have now stopped moving, into an open spot they had made. They used their body as a wall to make sure none of the fish could escape back to the water.
        From the treeline not too far away, the prefects were still watching. Some of them wanted to go over and question Y/N, ask them what they were doing and why they weren't at the Botanical Garden when they had requested the meet up. But, when Kalim tried to step forward, Malleus stretched out a hand to stop him. Kalim looked up at the tall fae with confusion.
        "Just wait a moment, I want to see what Child of Dragon's does." Kalim, although confused, will admit that he was curious himself, so he stepped back again and continued to watch, just like the others.
        Y/N finally decided that all the fish were dead. Now, they knew that, technically, they should be at the Botanical Garden right now with the prefects, not at the lake fishing. Buuut, Y/N arrived at the Botanical Garden much earlier than they thought they would, so it was either wait or go explore a bit. And exploring sounded much more interesting than waiting around.
        So when Y/N stumbled across this lake that they had absolutely no idea existed, they got excited and quickly got comfortable. They had been lazying around in a spot they made for a good thirty minutes when they realized that there was heaps of fish swimming around in the lakes murky waters.
        Remembering times where they'd go fishing at the nearby lake to their house back in the Valley of Thorns, Y/N turned into their dragon form and jumped in. While the water was murky, their dragon eyesight and special ability of a protective layer over their eyes allowed them to see. It didn't take long for them to catch up to a school of fish, rather big ones at that. They quickly snapped their large jaw around the fish and made their way back to the surface for air and to drop off the catch.
        And, now that the fish were certainly dead, Y/N could eat as much as they wanted. While a dozen fish of this size is a lot in theory, dragons have large stomachs and this wouldn't be enough to fill Y/N's stomach in dragon form. So, they shifted back to human form, where their stomach would be much smaller.
        Taking the nearest fish into their hands, Y/N allowed their teeth to sharpen and claws to lengthen. Their claws dug through the scales of the fish and kept in place. In one chomp, around half of the fish was torn off the skeleton and Y/N was happily eating it.
        The meat was chewy but not to tough, the fish didn't move so it wasn't a chore to eat, and while blood did spill and drip down Y/N's mouth and covered the few scales that rested on their chin, it didn't bother them and they continued to eat away.
        "Y/N!!!!" a voice shrilled not far away. The shock caused Y/N to choke on the food in their mouth. They dropped the remaining fish and pounded a hand against their chest to try and knock the food down their esophagus. When they finally managed that, they felt a hand rest on their back and try to assist them.
        When Y/N turned to face the person who interrupted their late lunch, they were shocked to find all seven prefects staring at them like they just tried to jump off a cliff, well, except Malleus, he looked chill about this.
        "What the hell are you all doing over here? And why did you shout like that, Vil?" Vil was the one with his hand on their back and now that Y/N thinks about it, only he had to power to make such a shrill with his voice.
        "What do you mean why?!" Vil shouted. "You were just trying to eat raw fish!! Are you crazy?" He looked both genuinely concerned and like a mother scolding her stupid child. Is there something wrong with eating raw fish? Apparently so, if the other prefects faces were anything to go by.
        Riddle's face was scrunched up in mild disgust, Idia was trying to hide his overwhelming concern behind his hands, Kalim crouched in front of Y/N to try and make sure they weren't about to get sick, Azul was frantically cleaning his glasses like he couldn't believe what he was seeing, Leona was staring rather intensely at the blood Y/N knew was on their chin and Vil was fussing over them while trying to clean said blood. Only Malleus was calm, but when Y/N looked to him for answers, he put a finger to his lips in a shushed motion.
        "Sooo, um, what's the problem?" Y/N asked while pushing Vil hand away from their face after he had mostly cleaned the blood.
        "What's the problem?" Riddle echoed. "The problem is that if you eat raw fish it can lead you to get sick." his hands flew to his hips while he reprimanded the fae.
        The next couple minuted were blur. Y/N didn't truly register what the prefects where doing until they thought about it again later. Vil, Riddle and Azul were scolding Y/N about the health risks, Kalim and Leona offered to cook the fish for them (more like get Jamil and Ruggie to do it) and Idia mumbled to himself about Y/N having 'main character plot armor'(Y/N just barely managed to hear him).
        I've never gotten sick from eating raw fish. Is that a common thing for humans? How do they eat fish of they can't cook it then? A familiar tail wrapping around their own brought Y/N out of their thoughts.
        Y/N found all the prefects sitting comfortably in Y/N's clearing by the lake, Malleus right next to them with his tail revealed and wrapped around their, all the prefects offering them the snacks they brought. Apparently they all simultaneously thought to bring snacks because they know how much Y/N likes to snack throughout the day.
        Y/N just decided to settle in and enjoy the company around them, taking the offered snacks, but they did see as Malleus unraveled their tails and used his to push the fish Y/N caught behind their bodies, hiding the fish from the prefects sight. He leaned over to whisper in their ear while the others spoke to each other.
        "Did the fish taste nice?" he asked. "Lilia never let me eat fish raw growing up. He always insisted on cooking it himself first." Y/N couldn't hold back the small giggled that managed to escape their throat.
        "Yeah, just the perfect consistency to eat. But do humans really get sick if they eat raw fish?" they asked curiously. Malleus nodded his head and chuckled.
        "Yes, humans have to cook their meats before they can eat them. Something in raw meat makes them sick. That's why they all freaked out when they saw what you were doing." Malleus explained.
        Huh, strange, but I guess neither me nor Malleus are humans, so our bodies would respond differently.
        A...slightly evil idea grew in Y/N's brain. They shifted closer to Malleus to make sure absolutely no one heard.
        "Do you wanna...give them a little spook?" Y/N whispered playfully. Malleus raised his brow in question until he saw Y/N's hand reach behind the two and their claws dig into the flesh of one of the fish. Upon realizing their plan, he chuckled again and followed, reaching for a fish and digging his own claws into it.
        On a synchronized mental count of three, both made their teeth grow and pulled a fish out, rushing to chomp down on it before someone found out what they were doing. The nearby prefects all let out very different sounds of horror when the two fae tore through the fish and started eating, blood falling down both their chins.
(I figured that Y/N and Malleus would be naturally immune to getting sick from raw meat because they're both dragons. I also assume that, because y/N grew up with a dragon family in the Valley of Thorns, away from humans for the most part, wouldn't know that eating raw meat makes humans sick. Also, Y/N and Malleus taking the chance to torture the poor prefects? Yes!!)
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Y/N Being An Older Sibling To The Boys
Here, this will just be random spews of information about some examples of how Y/N acts in this manner with each boy. (This will be with everyone)(Also, platonic all around)
Also, if it's with a student who has Overblotted, It will take place sometime after their OB. I haven't researched lore beyond the Pomefiore book so anything after that I don't know about, sorry.
   Riddle Rosehearts
After Riddle's OB, it was hard for you to see him as anything but a child who had it tough in his childhood.
Ever since, you've sorta just had a soft spot him.
You often find yourself checking on him, especially when you know that Heartslabyul has had events going on that could possibly lead to stress for him.
Riddle is short, everyone know that. And you being a dragon, you're taller than most people. Because of these factors, head pats are a common occurrence for Riddle when you're nearby.
You've found yourself quite good at calming Riddle when he starts to blow his lid. You've saved quite a few Heartslabyul students from getting collard (they thank you greatly for it).
You think he is extremely cute!
You don't tease him like you do your actual sibling, but that's just because you know how sensitive he is.
Riddle won't say it because he's too embarrassed, but he absolutely loves the affection he gets from you because he is an only child and has never been treated like this.
Hugs. Plenty of them. He melts all the time from your sibling affections.
Trey absolutely loves you because of what you do for Riddle.
Trey Clover
Now, we all know Trey is the oldest sibling, so he and you are actually very alike in personality and your mannerisms.
But, with how close you two are, you both have your moments of being the older sibling to the other.
You two kinda are like those twins that actually get along. Y'know, who have similar interests so you do a lot of things together.
You and him bake for the Heartslabyul parties and unbirthdays together all the time. Even for dorm dinners where you get invited by both him and Riddle as a 'thank you' for help cooking.
When you get to be the older sibling: There are times where Trey gets stressed and you happen to catch him. All it takes is a good 20 minute talk and he feels better than ever because he's actually really good at detecting his emotions and knowing what needs to be done to feel better. You are one of those things.
For a moment when you get to be the younger sibling: Sometimes, the whispers you hear and the looks you get from the boys at school get to you. They get you feeling down. And for some reason beyond your knowledge, Trey always manages to find you. He's prepared with your favorite treat and listening ears for you to vent about it all. When you start to feel better, you both decide to go do something to have a little fun.
Unbeknownst to you both (but you both kinda do know), some kids in Heartslabyul have started calling you two 'The Dorm Twins'. It's a strange title but they still use it for whenever the both of you are together. (Cater uses it the most out of anyone, sometimes you can find pictures of you and Trey baking on Cater's Magicam with captions like #TheDormTwinsAreAtItAgain).
Also, Trey is a sucker for the big hugs you give him with your wings. For some reason, he find the action a comfort.
Cater Diamond
Now, Cater has made it quite clear that his sisters annoy him and that he rather not be near them.(He does love them tho)
You on the other hand, your affection is no where near as over bearing and annoying to him as his sisters is.
You're aware of how his actual sisters get to him, so you made sure you didn't do the same thing.
You often find yourself indulging in his Magicam shenanigans. You know it makes him happy and his wide smile makes you feel warm inside.
He actually loves when you two are hanging out and you start styling his hair! It makes him feel loved.
Cater is very physically affectionate, so when you two are together, he's almost always touching you in some way. You both love it.
On particularly hot days when he's working with the rose bushes, he invites you over so your natural cold can help keep him cool. You don't mind much anymore these days.
You sometimes like to mess with him by using the light that reflects off your scales and make a glare on the screen of his phone that makes it so he can't see anything. It annoys him so much but you stop before he actually gets upset.
Ace Trappola
The relationship between you two is 'annoying little brother with responsible/teasing older sibling'.
While Ace has his teasing streak with people, he can never seem to get under your skin, but you definitely can get under his.
You get him out of trouble (especially with Riddle) all the time. He'll never thank you for it, but you can see the silent words in his eyes.
You tease him. All. The. Time.
You also know when to reprimand him. When he's doing something you know will get him in trouble, you wack him in the back of the head with your tail to stop him. He immediately knows to back down before you try again, harder next time.
Ruffling his hair makes him so embarrassed, do it and he's frozen for a good while. It's kinda your secret weapon against him.
Of course, as all siblings do, they have their moments of getting along. When you both decide to do something, there's no doubt that it's gonna happen. Once, you both decided to play a prank on Deuce, and it worked out beautifully!
In the end, Deuce was drenched in water, and freezing cold after you sprayed the softest mist of your ice breath on him. (No harm done in the long shot tho, he was just grumpy with you two. You made it up to him by baking a treat during you and Trey's recent bake session)
You also attend most of his basketball games and are his biggest supporter in the stands.
Deuce Spade
'Delinquent brother and responsible sibling' vibes all the way with you two.
You were the first person to know about his delinquent days, and you were sympathetic with him (which he appreciated)
In times where his delinquent side shows, you know exactly how to snap him back to reality.
You bring his balled fists together and rest both hands on top of his. The firm grab of your hands is enough to ground him and remind him of his goals for this year.
 He always comes to you when he feels he needs to speak or vent about something, and you're always there to listen.
He really appreciates how you indulge him in athletic hobbies.
He loves to be able to see you cheering him on when he's at a track meet/competition, cheering him on from the audience. It always makes him even more hyped up to compete!
He's another person you should head pat. He gets silently flustered and embarrassed every time. He's not that used to positive physical affection so he doesn't know how to react.
You can't help but giggle every time you see his state after a hug or head pat, this only makes the embarrassment worse for him.
Leona Kingscholar
Now, Leona is a tricky one. While yes he is the younger sibling in his family, he's one of the older people at NRC so there's no real "being on older sibling" with him.
More, it's taking care of him when he neglects to do it himself.
Ruggie thanks you for taking some of his load from Leona off his back.
You easily hunt Leona down when it's time for his next class or when lunch time rolls around.
He reminds you of an oversized cat honestly (in an endearing way).
Sitting next to him when he naps is oddly comforting, and he doesn't seem to get too grumpy when he wakes up to find you watching him in his sleep.
You bring him food when he makes it clear to you that he's not getting up.
Sometimes, his insistence to not get up becomes so annoying that you straight up just pick him up by the waist and sling him over you shoulder while walking off to where ever he needs to be.
At this point, he's defenseless against your forced removal from his napping place.
The cold you produce is strange to him. He's so used to the hot of Savanaclaw and Afterglow Savannah that cold sets him into some kind of awestruck, shock state. (This makes moving him easier)
Once, when he was eating after you brought him lunch in the botanical garden, the sun caught on your scales and created a small circle of light on the ground in front of him. He didn't react, but you saw that for a solid 2 minutes, his eyes were glued to wherever the circle went.
He'll never tell you that he really likes the attention you give him.
You knew due to his OB that he had bad relationships with his family, especially with his brother, Farena.
You started paying more attention to him after that to try and give his some more stable relationships on his life.
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie is someone who isn't used to being taken care of.
He has so many younger siblings that he takes care of that, that treatment being uno reversed on him by you is the strangest thing to him.
And it's exactly that reason that you do it.
His clueless reactions and lack of knowing what to do spark a sense of playfulness in you that you just need to give into.
You do have your moments of being helpful instead of playful though.
You help him with his chores around Savanaclaw whenever you can.
Although, Ruggie does get back at you for playing with him eventually. And he strikes back harder than what you start the war with.
Sometimes, a full out prank war breaks out between you two.
The other members of Savanaclaw find it to be the most amusing thing ever, but Leona doesn't.
But you two purposefully rope him in and he ends up being the victim to a lot of the pranks you throw at each other. It's your guys' revenge for him making Ruggie do so many chores.
Scratch behind his ears. He makes the cutest face of peaceful contempt, one you don't get to see that often.
He has definitely introduced you to his family and they were quick to except you into the family, even if you are a dragon.
His siblings LOVE you. (You also let them hide under your wings, hang on your tail and look at your horns. You got some extra brownie points from them for that.)
Jack Howl
From others pov, it's hard for them to see you being the older sibling type when next to Jack. The way he looks, big and with a grumpy look constantly on his face, makes others think he doesn't get close to anyone. Even you.
You on the other hand, have found your way into his heart.
Jack's still young, and while you aren't actually much older, you definitely act the part. He's more immature and brash while you're the one who gets him to stay out of trouble.
He's a bit of a muscle head, and sometimes his strength gets to his head. You're strong yourself, but not in a meathead manner.
For sweet moments between you both, here: You are an absolute sucker for his wolf form.
Seeing a giant wolf is adorable enough, but knowing that it's actually Jack, the boy you've come to care for like a brother, makes it 10x better.
Whether it's his wolf or beast man form, ear scratches are a common must have with you both. He melts at the feeling of them and seeing his happy face and wagging tail makes you feel so freaking giddy inside!
Sometimes when you and him are standing next to each other(for whatever reason), your wings instinctively wrap around him. He doesn't mind and people have stopped questioning it.
Azul Ashengrotto
You and him get along oddly well.
He's a tricky man, but that behavior never seems to be pointed or shot at you.
When y'all first met, he was actually very nervous around you and found you intimidating. That was until he and you actually started interacting with each other.
You helped him a great deal after his OB. Now that you knew the truth of his childhood, your instincts of an older sibling kicked in with him.
You always encourage him with his self image and self esteem. He's actually gotten better because of you.
Its gotten to the point where he trusts you to commonly see his octopus form.
You think he is just the most adorable thing when he's like this! You can see where Floyd gets the urge to poke Azul(but you don't for fear of making him question his looks again)
You actually like to hang out at Octavinelle with him. He knows all the ways to access the giant fish tanks, meaning you get the chance to play with the fish and other creatures swimming around in there.
When you're there, sometimes Azul will take you to a secret tank that only him and the Twins know of. The cold of the water in Octavinelle is a comfort to you and you like swimming in the water. You and Azul swim together until one of you has stuff that needs your attention.
You being a dragon is extremely fascinating to him. You're nothing like the mer-folk he's used to seeing in The Coral Sea. You often catch him staring at your wings or horns even if he tried to turn away before you can see him. You're eyes are too perceptive though.
The Twins love to tease him about finally making another friend besides them. They also have come to like you because of how much you help Azul and they see that you genuinely care for him.
Jade Leech
Jade can also be tough to be an 'older sibling' to. He is the more mature of the Leech Twins and supervises both Floyd and Azul in some manner.
You appreciate his calm nature. You spend so much of your time with the other first years that chaos has become part of your daily routine.
His calm demeanor is like a breath of fresh air.
Despite this, you know that there's a more malevolent side that he has yet to truly show. But honestly, you don't care because that fact hasn't caused you any harm, nor your friends.
He didn't act any different with you than anyone else at first, but you soon saw his normal behavior change towards you.
When it's just you and him, or you, him and Floyd, he drops his formal way of speech when comfortable. Sometimes even ranting about his sorta strange passions.
One day, you, him and Floyd were hanging out in their room and Jade went on a small rant about his terrarium. You leaned over to Floyd and asked if he often does it. Floyd answered with-
"Only when he feels comfortable. I mean, yeah he does talk about them with people, but not with so much passion. Usually only with me. Don't you feel special, Umitsubame-kun?"
Now Jade considers you to be a sibling, or at least close to one.
He's also very glad that you and Floyd get along just as much as you and he. He'd be upset if you didn't
Floyd Leech
He was real quick to give you a nickname, just as he does with everyone. The name was 'Umitsubame-kun.'
In turn, you gave him one for the hell of it. You ended up calling him 'kaishi-san'
The return of his nickname games at himself shocked Floyd, but he was quick to accept it and tease you about it as well.
You've grown used to his mood swings. You also have found ways to get him interested in something, even if only for a short while.
He actually likes how easily you can handle him.
He's come to realize that there's no real getting under your skin. When teasing doesn't work, he jokes how "your skin stays true to a dragon, hard scales that don't break even with stabbing." He then sulks if he really wanted the teasing to work.
He's tried squeezing you in the past, but your scales are hard and made it ineffective. Once they even cut him a little because he tried to hard. You then spent some time bandaging the cut and spending the day with him to make up for it. He quickly accepted the apology.
Jade trusts you to watch over Floyd if he's ever not around, and you gladly take on the challenge and have fun doing it.
He took you to that secret tank I mentioned earlier simply to show off his eel form and show you some tricks in the water.
He and Jade are a packaged deal. One is typically not with the other. Only when Jade has a duty he needs to attend to or when Floyd gets bored of something Jade's doing and leaves. His first destination is typically, you.
He's clingy with you, but you don't mind. He touches your horns and pokes at you wings all the time. He stays away from your tail though unless given permission. He has a tail too and doesn't like it being randomly touched out of no where.
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim gives the biggest 'little brother' vibes of anyone at NRC.
Yes he's the oldest of his family, but his attitude, demeanor and behavior shows quite the opposite.
You take care of him all the time, and he welcomes it with open arms!
Kalim is extremely physically affectionate. And while he was a lot to handle at first, you were quick to adjust and welcome the affection.
When ever you too are together he's touching you some way. Eventually, he's clinging to your side as if he were glued there.
Hugs and cuddles are a must have, multiple times a day kinda thing for him. It makes him shine just a bit brighter than before (if that was even possible)
Jamil also gets some benefits from this. He doesn't have Kalim up his ass as much as he used to be. Now Jamil can get a little bit more work done with less stress.
You are always the first person Kalim goes to when Scarabia is hosting a party. He wants to make sure you know so that you come (if you want to, he won't force you).
When he hugs you, you instinctively wrap your wings around him. It creates a dark space around him and sends a chill down his back but he always laughs at it. It doesn't matter what it feels like to him, he's getting hugs and that's what he wanted.
He was never truly intimidated with your dragon features, maybe a little nervous but not scared or anything. You thank him for that a lot.
Your horns fascinate him. They're pointy, like icicles, and cold to the touch. He pokes them when you let him and despite the cold prick he feels every time, he still does because curiosity overcomes any pain. Sometimes, you have to stop him because he's been poking to long for your liking.
He loves flying on the Magic Carpet, but to him, nothing beats flying with you. He discovered this when once you offered to carry him through the air while flying. Your powerful wings kept both of you in the air and you went faster than the Magic Carpet typically does.
Jamil Viper
Jamil is so used to being the adult of Scarabia, that your treatment towards him was hard to get used to.
It got even stranger to him after his OB.
While you already did these things, they became more frequent. You helped with his chores whenever you stopped by the dorm, constantly checked up on him, took Kalim off his hands (which you were fine with) and helped cook some of the dorm dinners. (Your time with Trey helped you prepare for this moment!)
He's so used to doing things on his own and being alone in most endeavors.
He was reluctant in the beginning, but he came to love long, deep hugs from you. Your natural cold body was calming, a break from the hot of Scarabia. (The hot was terrible to you but you did what you could to regulate yourself)
He appreciates the quiet time you give him and how you don't push him to talk about what may be troubling him. You wait for him to be comfortable.
He actually really likes listening to you talk. He showed a lot of interest once when you talked about your Unique Magic. He wanted to see what it was like (This stems from his interest in ancient incantations). You warned him of what the effects were but he still offered for you to try it on him. (He tried to use Snake Whisper on you during his OB, but your eyes are meant for blinding snow. It didn't work on you. He still feels sorry.)
Never. Again. He grew up in The Land Of Scalding Sands. He only saw snow for the first time when he came to NRC. He was definitely not ready for being actually frozen.
Vil Schoenheit
This is clearly long after chapter 1 and 2 that I wrote. You've gotten close with Vil and Rook now.
Vil doesn't like being doted on in a 'little brother' type manner. He's an only child who is constantly praised and loved by his millions of fans.
Because of this, you've decided to take a different path with him.
You began to tease him.
This was the biggest of surprises to him. Never before has someone tried to tease him. He's only ever received praise and respect from people. At first, he thought you just had far to much audacity.
It didn't take long for him to realize though, that you were being affectionate with him.
Your words were never harmful, hateful or condescending. They were their own strange, sweet encouragements hidden under the tone of teases.
"Oh come on Vil, why not do something different with how you look? I'm sure someone as talented as you could pull anything off."
One day he confronted you about it all. He expected a bit of a fight about it though. With zero hesitation, you admitted to messing around with him. But you also explained why you acted the way you did.
He then told you that he was fine with whatever affections you wanted to shower him in. Over time after realizing your true intentions, he came to enjoy the attention he got from you.
He really like gentle, firm squeezes on his shoulders or thighs because they're a feeling of grounding for him.
He's learned how to better mind his mental state after his OB and you've helped him with it.
You two being in the same dorm means you're easy to find, and same goes for the reciprocal.
He also likes to use you as a makeup dummy and a model for clothes meant to fix people with animalistic features
Rook Hunt
Rook is an interesting character.
Even as you two have gotten closer, he's still so freaking mysterious.
Your dynamic with him is more 'acceptance of the strange' (if that makes any sense).
Neither of you are an 'older' or 'younger' sibling with the other, you just kinda have a comfortable acceptance with everything about each other that has lead to a sibling-like bond.
He sneaks up on you. All. The. Time. And while you almost always hear him coming, (your hearing is even better than a beast-man) his fast movement always manages to spook you a bit from the shear speed.
He 'hunts' you like he does the other non-human students of NRC, but unlike others, you don't mind it a bit. In fact, you kinda find it fun. You can't hide from him but you can manage to escape.
He is always staring at you dragon features, but he's even managed to notice the less noticeable ones. He sees how in the sun, your eyes have a type of glaze over them, protecting them from the blinding light. Your pointed fae ears have small white points on them, a scale like spike. Sometimes your white scales have a blue tint to them in certain lighting.
He praises the beauty of all these things, always earning a small look of embarrassment from you as no one has ever noticed these things.
Once, he convinced you to go on a 'hunt' with him. You and him just spent a day watching Ruggie, Leona, Sebek and Floyd as they went about their day. But you heard as everyone of them whispered about having the feeling of eyes on them. You quietly giggled every time.
Epel Felmier
He hates it, but he is such a little brother.
He wants to be seen as big, strong and the protector.
But with you, he doesn't need to protect, you can do that on your own. You're bigger and stronger too.
You do all those things to him, but you know what he wants. Because of that, you let him.
You've let others mess with you a bit so that he has the chance to stick up for you. His accent thickens and he gets threatening.
You let him have his moments, but he's too cute for you not to baby him a bit.
Ever since the first day of school, wrapping your wings around him has become normal. And he's no longer nervous about it.
He comes to your room to vent to you about how Vil's been breathing down his neck all week and he is getting tired of it. You think it's amusing when he slips from normal speech into his natural, thick southern one.
He invites you to come with him when he's training for Magift. He uses you as a means to see how far he can push himself, using your inhuman capabilities as a test. How far and fast he can run, how flexible he is, his aim with the disc and some other things. Ruggie and Leona don't mind you helping him out.
When he needs time to unwind from the stress of Pomefiore, you know exactly what to do. You sneak him under Vil and Rook's radars and take him to a quiet place you've found in the forest behind the school. A peaceful grove of trees that creates a perfect atmosphere.
He also loves cuddles where he can be the big spoon (but he can be small spoon when he just needs the most hugging)
Idia Shroud
Idia was extremely hard to get anything like being close.
His anti-social behavior and social anxiety means that for a while, you didn't even know who he was.
You actually met him through Ortho. You were at Sam's shop while Ortho was buying some snacks for his brother to eat. You two got to talking and Ortho for some reason thought you'd be the perfect friend for Idia. So he invited you over and convinced you to talk to Idia.
It was extremely awkward at first, and rightfully so. Neither of you talked, that is, until you made a comment on one of the games you spotted on his computer.
He was shocked to know that you played it yourself. This new knowledge sparked some random burst of confidence to just talk on and on about the game.
What's your playing style? Who's your favorite? How much lore do you know? How often do you play?
You two only got closer because you started playing that game with him, speaking to him online where he's more comfortable.
Eventually, he started inviting you over more often to his dorm to play games and watch stuff.
Once he got comfortable with you, he grew used to have forms of physical affection. Your cold body was strange to him, but he found it a comfort from the usual hot temperatures of his room. Your tail was fun to watch swing and flop around when you weren't paying attention.
You were hesitant, but happy in the end to learn that his hair wasn't harmful to touch, just warm to feel.
When he, you and Ortho go out (the only times he leaves his dorm), you've learned to recognize his anxious tell-tales. When you see him start to freak out, you wrap and wing around him to block his few of people, which are the things making him anxious. It calms him down since all he can see is you and Ortho.
 Ortho Shroud
He. Is. So. Freaking. Adorable!
The 'little brother' behavior of this boy is through the fucking roof.
You met him at Sam's shop and you two hit it off right away.
He found you extremely fascinating because he's never met a fae like you. He's spotted Malleus a few times but that's it. And you're a dragon completely opposite of him.
You found him equally fascinating. Not everyday you meet a robot as intelligent and well functioning as Ortho. He seems just as human-like as anyone really.
Just like with Idia, you were hesitant around his fire features. You weren't scared after knowing they were just as harmless as his brother's hair.
He loves to give you hugs, and since he's a robot, the cold doesn't bother him.
He helps you with homework (idk, I just can see him doing this)
The thing that makes Ortho most happy is that you get along with his brother.
He takes you with him every time he goes to Sam's shop to buy something.
Malleus Draconia
You are his absolute favorite person in the world.
I mean, he does still love being with Lilia, Silver and Sebek, but you are a different story.
You being a dragon type fae makes him like you even more!
He's never met someone so like him, sure you're an ice dragon, but a dragon nonetheless. You have the same attributes he does.
He was actually really nervous to talk to you. He ended up asking Lilia talk to you first and invite you over to Diasomnia.
Lilia left you and Malleus to talk (keeping Sebek away) and you two surprisingly hit it off well.
As you got to know each other, you both were quick to learn what the other was like. And over time, you found him to be an adorable, socially awkward boy who really just wants a friend to talk to. And you were happy to fill that role.
Eventually, you came to treat him like you do your own little brother. You didn't baby him, but treated him as if he were younger (he's not but that didn't stop you, and he doesn't seem to mind.)
Trips to ice cream shops are common with you two. Your tails intertwine at times and your wings tend to brush together (when he has them out that is.)
Late night flight sessions as well. He flies over to Pomefiore and knocks on your window to get your attention. Vil found out that you were sneaking out once and got so upset about it because you were supposed to be sleeping. Them Malleus came up to you and Vil and explained to your dear dormleader that you two were just having fun. Vil didn't get onto you again after that.
He makes sure not to breath fire near you. Once he did to light a fireplace and you panicked, he hasn't done it without warning you first since.
Lilia Vanrouge
There is absolutely no way to be an 'older sibling' with this man.
He's an grown man who has raised a prince and a child of his own. Nothing but father vibes from him.
There are times though that he reminds you of a little kid due to his playful nature and short stature.
Sometimes you forget how old he actually is and just out of no where ruffle the hair on his head or rest your hand on his shoulder.
His first thought when meeting you was to introduce you to Malleus but eventually you and him got closer as well.
He gets ahead of himself sometimes and he randomly just messes with your wings or horns. After awhile of him doing this, you've just grown used to the sudden feeling of him suddenly touching you.
He tells you stories of when Malleus and Silver were babies and in turn you tell him stories of when your siblings were babies. (He begs you to introduce him to your brother and sister one day)
He treats you like another one of his kids honestly. He always invites you over to Diasomnia and cooks cookies. (Don't worry, they're simple pre made cookies that just need to be baked in the oven. He's not trying to kill you, he only does that with his actual kids.)
You take care of this sucker all the time. (Lilia thanks you for this)
Whenever he falls asleep in a less than conventional place, you're always there to scoop him and move him or watch him until he wakes up.
Silver attracts all sorts of woodland animals, meaning you get to play with them when he falls asleep.
Seeing someone with dragon features like Malleus is weird to him. He did grow up in the world of fae but the only ones he's met are those of the Draconia family. He didn't even think there were other dragon type fae.
You're a breath of fresh air for him. He's so used to being with Sebek, your more calm nature compared to the loud, verbose Sebek is nice and refreshing.
You like to set his head down in your lap when he falls asleep. But you make sure to place a cloth between you two so your cold body doesn't bother him.
He's invited you to training sessions many times. (Sebek complains but whatever) He like when you sit off to the side and cheer him on. You do sometimes like to spar against him. It's mostly just to mess with him though, you use your tail or wings to block all his attacks and he can't do anything against it, your scales are to tough to do any damage to. (Almost like ice ;) )
Sebek Zigvolt
(Through wiki searches I've discovered Sebek has two older siblings) Sebek is the youngest kid of three children! You can fit in as the perfect 3rd older sibling.
At first, he didn't show much like for you, but that's because he had only heard of you, not met you. Then you two met.
He gave you respect because you were a fae, not a human like he assumed you were through Lilia talking about you. (Of course he still held Malleus above you)
Actually, you being a dragon was very off putting for him. He felt extremely conflicted for some reason.
Even with how stubborn he was, you were determined to break through him. You mean, you've manged to get close with all the other boys, why not him too?
You did. You got to him. He grew affectionate towards you (but he'll never admit it).
Kinda giving 'reluctant and stubborn brother, but really like being taken care of' vibes.
Sebek prefers warm environments, so you being naturally freezing is strange. And you know that so you tend to refrain from touching him more than he's comfortable with but sometimes you can't help yourself. And surprisingly enough, he didn't seem to mind it too much.
(Floyd calls you 'Umitsubame-kun'. Umitsubame means Sea Swallow. It's a beautiful little sea creature. You should google it to see what it looks like. You call Floyd 'Kaishi-san'. I researched and Kaishi is a name that means 'Ocean Child', you thought it'd fit for him. Rook also called you a nickname in chapter 2. He called you Dragon de glace, which translates to Ice Dragon.)
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Seeing Your Dragon Form: First Years
(I feel like this chapter of the series may be crappier than the previous ones. I'm slowly running out of ideas and have used up quite a bit of my writing energy recently. I've come to realize that writing for the First Year Squad is just harder for me because I'm used to the pure crackhead energy the fandom gives them, but I'm still going strong! Oh well, I really want to write, so here I am!)
^Original note from Quotev that I put prior to the chapter. As a sort of mini explanation for my mindset going into this one.
Ace wanted to look unimpressed and chill, but he was currently losing it, and you could tell.
When you finally settled down, he approached you with his hands behind his head, really trying to hit home the idea he wasn't fanboying over you right now.
You brought your head down to allow him to get a closer look as well as touch your horns and snout.
He was a lot gentler than you thought he'd be.
He carefully ran his hand up and down your snout, making you hum in the process.
He tried talking to you, getting frustrated when you'd only hum and growl, before those two working brain cells in his head worked and he figured out that you couldn't actually talk.
He doesn't know, for some reason, a part of his brain just assumed you'd be able to talk.
Despite the current situation, Ace's behavior didn't change. He still tried to tease you, coming up basically unsuccessful because that's just how it is between the two of you, didn't stop him though.
Once, when you weren't paying attention, he tried to climb onto your back, not expecting the reaction that you'd have.
When you realized, you rolled over, trapping him under you. Due to the size difference, he was completely stuck, despite how much effort he put into trying to push you off him. You made sure not to hurt him though, and you didn't.
He could practically hear you laughing, even if it just came out as draconic grumbles.
sigh "You really never change, huh? You big bully! Though honestly, what can I say? I'm the same way, and I wouldn't want you any other way."
Deuce was certainly nervous.
No fear. His brazen, delinquent years prepared him to take on any challenge that may be thrown at him, but this was definitely different.
He was stunned for a decent while after you transformed. Just kinda standing there, frozen in place.
Pretty sure his brain fried for a moment.
When he finally came back to his sense, he tried to play it all off with compliments, but really, there was no tricking you, but you gave him the benefit of the doubt and ignored it.
He was the most interesting by your wings.
(If I remember correctly)One of the reasons he likes being on the Track Team/Magical Wheel(?Can't remember which), is feeling the wind rush past him when he picks up speed. Because of this, he really admired your wings, which could do the same thing but ten fold.
He really wanted to ask you to take him on a flight with you, but was too shy to ask out loud. Maybe one day he'll have the confidence.
He made sure to be extra careful around parts like your horns, tail and other parts that may be considered sensitive/vulnerable. He didn't want to risk being even a little to rough and hurting you. He'd never forgive himself if he hurt you. (He doesn't realize how tough dragon skin and scales are, just give him a while).
All in all, it was a pleasant experience for the both of you. He had fun getting to see a new side of you, and you got to have a breather in your dragon form with no worries about who's around you.
"This is truly amazing. I can't believe you're capable of something like this. You really make NRC much more fun than it would be if you weren't here."
His reaction was much different from the others.
You and him are pretty similar in more ways than some may think.
Both of you are non-human beings capable of turning into a natural animal form. Him a wolf, you a dragon.
He was calm, but astounded. He didn't think you'd be quite so big.
He gets bigger than a normal wolf when he uses his Unique Magic, but he always assumed that was because he's a bigger person himself. Maybe it's just natural for anyone capable of this ability.
He was cautious to approach, not fully aware of how conscious you are, taking his own wolf state into account.
You just sat down, tail resting on the forest floor, wings at rest, showing just how comfortable you were in the situation. That convinced him that nothing had changed except how you looked.
He sat next to you, showing the same peaceful signs. Tail resting and ears calm.
You came closer, laying your head down next to his side. He reached out a hand and gently stroked the top of your head.
You two just stayed there like that for a while. Peacefully enjoying each others calm presence, until he stopped petting you.
You had gotten so used to the feeling and were so close to falling asleep, him stopping upset you.
In retaliation, you picked up your head and placed it down in his lap. He panicked for a moment before freezing, not knowing quite what to do.
He soon recognized the affectionate action. It was one his younger sister and brother would do when they wanted affection without actually saying they wanted affection. A silent plea.
He placed his hand back on your head, petting you like he was not even a minute ago. Sometimes he'd move his hand and scratch behind your ear, which caused you to hum and delight.
"We really are more alike than I thought. Are you sure you're not just a dog in disguise?" You grumbled at the playful tease, making him laugh.
Epel actually reacted much differently than you expected.
The moment he saw your dragon form, he wasted no time in rushing over and didn't even attempt to hide his complete adoration.
He jump up and down, bouncing on the heel of his feet. He rushed around, taking in every detail about you that he could.
His attention to speech completely leaves his mind and his natural accent slips in until he's speaking with such a think accent it's sometimes hard to understand what he's saying.
This may very well be the most excited you've seen Epel act, other than when he's getting competitive.
When he was finally able to wrap his head around everything and calm down, his demeanor changed on the dime, much like his personality can.
He softly took hold of your snout and held if close to his chest with his arms holding onto the underside of your head, something he likes to do even when you're in your normal form. For him, it's a show of trust, one he knew you'd understand.
A soft hum found its way out of your throat. He giggled at the affection.
You both took a rest and talked. It may have been a one-sided conversation, but he didn't mind.
He rambled on and on to fill the silence, accompanied with the occasional scratch under the chin.
There was a moment where he got jealous about how much bigger you were than him normally, let alone now. But, he soon got over it after thinking about how it must have just been natural since you weren't human.
"As much as I think it's unfair you can do all these cool things about how you look while I'm stuck like this, I'm still really happy that you opened up to me. I know what it's like to not be content with how you look, but we can do our own thing together!"
Now, normally, Sebek is really respectful towards you. A byproduct from how he treats Malleus and how similar the two of you are.
Throughout the school year, it's taken some work, but you've gotten him to truly see you as a friend, not just another fae.
But, things did change a little bit after seeing your dragon form.
He's never seen Malleus's, because Malleus sees no use in taking his dragon form most of the time, so he didn't quite know what he was expecting to see from you.
When he watched a massive, spike covered, ice coated dragon walked out of the mist that practically came out of now where, he was honestly a little scared.
He remembered a story Lilia had told him and Silver once. It was about how once, when Malleus was young, he changed forms after throwing a temper-tantrum. After that, Sebek just started associating the idea with anger.
But, his time as a guard(and your friend) allowed him to be more observant than some. He saw every cue that would tell your current mood. There was no anger, only a calm curiosity. A curiosity towards him.
The idea of you watching him with the intention to see how he'd react embarrassed him. He turned his head to hide the reddening of his cheeks, but he didn't realize the red had crept up his ears and right into your watchful gaze.
You made a sound, one he didn't recognize, but it sounded faintly like laughter.
You were laughing at him!!!
He stomped a foot and grumbled under his breath, only causing you make more of the laughing sounds.
After that whole fiasco, Sebek finally felt comfortable enough to let down his guard.
His sharp hearing allowed him to quickly pick up on the different meanings of certain sounds, enough to have a semi-coherent conversation. He made sure to keep his voice quieter than usual, only being able to guess how sensitive your hearing may be right now.
Eventually, the interaction between the two of you fell into a comfortable and familiar conversation, like nothing was different about this scenario than usual.
"I really should be finding Waka-sama right now, but as Silver has told me, I may need to lighten up. So, we'll stay here for a while longer." His voice got just a bit quieter, "Thank you for showing me this."
And then the original note I put on Quotev after the chapter-
(Well, I think this set actually came out a lot better than I initially though it would. These five weren't as hard to write for as they usually are once I actually started soooo- YAY!!)
You can see the mindset change, wow.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Don't Play With Love Potions
"Is it bad I'm curious what the guys would do if someone slipped alovepotion into their food/drinks as a prank, and reader was the first person they saw?" Courtesy of- Luna the shiny eevee (On Quotev)
Anyway, I randomized a boy and got Jack! There was no specific person in that comment, so I hope they won't mind that I chose one of the boys myself! (Lots of flustered and embarrassed Jack!)
        Potions class was kicking his ass. It's like Crewel just suddenly decided to throw a shit ton of information at the class out of nowhere and wanted them to be able to do everything on short notice!
        Now, potions class may not be Jack's best subject, but he's never particularly struggled with it. All he had to do was pay attention and study, when need be, and he'd be good. Someone must have done something to Crewel for him to suddenly torture his students.
        But all that is what led Jack to be where he is now. In the potionology classroom, hunched over a book of recipes, ingredients strewn about the table and some red-ish colored liquid boiling in a cauldron. For the most part, everything was going according to plan. He'd been practicing and studying the potions and retained most of the information without any problems.
        Then, his friend Y/N came into the room. His sharp ears immediately caught onto their entrance, and he turned to greet them.
        "Hey Y/N! What brings you here?" he asked while putting down the vial he held in his hand. Y/N walked over to him and placed down their bag.
        "Nothing much honestly." they said. Their wings spread out wide behind their back and their tail curled around in front of them. "I heard that you were studying in here and thought I'd come keep you company!" Y/N pulled out a laptop from their bag and placed it on the table as they sat across from Jack.
        "Well, thank you. I don't mind the company as long as you don't distract me." Jack joked, causing Y/N to laugh. They waved a hand dismissively as they reassured Jack that they wouldn't distract him while he was working.
        Seeming to remember something, Y/N reached into their bag again and pulled out a plastic bag from it. "By the way, Ruggie asked me to give this to you." they said as they handed the plastic bag to Jack. He took it and pulled out a ham and turkey sandwich. "He said he made a little too much food today and made a sandwich for you with some of the leftovers. He ran into me while trying to find you and asked me to give it to you."
        Jack took a bite out of the sandwich and realized how hungry he had actually been. Usually, he gets a snack after school, but he didn't since he stayed behind to study. Happily, he had a few more bites and left what was left for when he's done with work.
        Y/N giggled watching Jack garble down the food like he hadn't eaten in days. Jack pouted at their teasing but just pushed it to the back of his mind.
        Jack and Y/N sat in comfortable silence and did their individual work for a good 20 minutes when Y/N noticed that Jack had stopped moving. They moved their laptop to the side and tried to get Jack's attention.
        "Jack? Hey! Are you okay? Jack! JACK!" they kept waving their hand in front of his face, but nothing could snap him out of this strange trance. Not even his ears twitched at the yelling and calling of his name. Y/N's worry only increased when Jack's eyes closed, and his head hit the table.
        They stood up and rushed to his side and shook his shoulders. Slowly, Jack got back up.
        "Jack?! Are you okay?? What happened!?" He held his head in his hands and shook around, trying to wake himself up. He still had yet to respond to Y/N. After a few moments, groggily, he finally spoke.
        "Yeah, yeah, I'm....good..." His words were slurred, but coherent. That was enough to stamp down Y/N's worries a tad. He finally gained the strength to look up. His eyes met Y/N and stayed there, like he was stuck. If Y/N didn't know they had impeccable eyesight, they would have played off the faint, pink swirl in his eyes as their imagination.
        Something wasn't right, and Y/N knew it.
        "Hey...you're really pretty, you know that?" he said, snapping Y/N from the spiral of thought in their mind.
        "W-what?" Y/N stuttered. Why would he suddenly say that? Jack looked away and hid his face by his shoulder. A faint blush crept up his neck and he mumbled something to himself that Y/N didn't bother to try and understand.
        "I said...that you're really pretty." He was still facing the other direction. "I-Is there something wrong with me saying that??" Jack asked, he turned his head back to face Y/N and willed himself to look them in the eyes.
        Once they looked closer, Y/N saw the difference in Jack. It definitely wasn't their imagination. There was a pink color in Jack's eyes, it swirled and mixed with his gold eyes, pulsing at times and sending ripples through the mixed color.
        There had to have been something in that sandwich Jack ate.
        "Jack? How do you feel right now?" Y/N waited for a response but didn't let go of his shoulders. Jack was slow to respond, seemingly distracted by looking at Y/N's eyes.
        "I feel...just fine.." he stalled. "But I feel like kissing you.." That caught Y/N off guard. They felt their face heat up and their brain failed to think straight. Jack's words seemed to finally hit him. His cheeks grew pink and his ears laid flat against his head. Despite the embarrassment, he didn't back down. He continued to stare Y/n in the eyes, even if it made the blushing worse.
        Y/N finally started to understand what may have happened and now Jack's sudden words made sense. A love potion. A potion that induces and increases a person's love. It typically lasts for a couple hours, five usually, but can be more or less depending on the strength of the potion. People also tend to be a lot more...verbal with their feelings when under the potion's effects.
        Jack confessing he wanted to kiss Y/N really didn't help Y/N ignore the feelings they had for Jack that they preferred to keep down.
        Y/N's liked Jack for a long time now but was too scared to admit it. They didn't know if he'd return the feelings and didn't want to risk ruining their friendship. But due to the current circumstance, they could indulge a little, right? Chances were high he'd only have fuzzy memories once the potion wore off, and then Y/N could just play it off as trying to help him with the potions effects if he asked. One method to get a potion like this to wear off quicker is to indulge the person.
        What if he does end up remembering? What would I do then? He'd hate me after that. There's no way he wouldn't.
        There's only one small detail Y/N forgot about love potions.
        They can't create feelings, only enhance already existing ones.
        Jack seemed to lose whatever patience he had. He got closer to Y/N's face, which snapped them out of their spiral of thoughts. He just stayed there, staring. Y/N didn't know what to do.
        "Can I?" he asked, his voice was filled with emotions, some of which Y/N had never heard from him. It took a moment before they understood what he was asking. He genuinely wanted to kiss them. Would he be saying these things if he wasn't under the potion's effects?
        Y/N nodded.
       Jack moved forward, all the way until his lips connected with Y/N's. His ears stood up again, and his tail wagged even if he tried to stop it. Y/N wasn't doing any better controlling themselves. Their tail uncurled and swished behind them. Their wings twitched and the longer the two stayed like that, the more the wings flared out.
        Y/N gently pushed Jack back a bit. He wasn't the happiest with that action but did nothing to stop it just in case. Y/N turned away from him, intense blush covering their face. The sight made Jack blush, but he also chuckled at them. Y/N got even more flustered and pushed Jack more forcefully as well as hit him on the top of his head, but it was a gentle hit and lacked the force to hurt.
        "Jack...I think we should be careful about this." Y/N finally managed to say. Jack raised his brow in confusion.
        "Why?" he asked. Y/N could hear the tad bit of hurt in his question. Crap. He's not in a clear enough mind for me to tell him about the potion, he'd reject the idea. I need to come up with an actual reason. 
        "Is t-this really something you want to do out in the open?" Y/N asked. Jack brought his face closer again and Y/N stumbled to elaborate. "I-I mean!" they took a breath, "shouldn't we go somewhere where it can just be the two of us? To avoid being interrupted!" For the Sevens sake, that shouldn't have been as hard as it was, nor that embarrassing!!
        "I guess..." he started. Y/N watched as a resolve settled in his eyes. He swiftly put away the potion ingredients he was studying, stuffed his books into his bag, carefully put Y/N's stuff in their bag, grabbed both bags and latched onto Y/N's wrist, pulling them out of the potionology room.
        Y/N didn't know where Jack was dragging them, but they didn't put up a fight about it. Eventually, Jack came to a stop, forcing Y/N to do the same. They found themself at the door of an empty classroom. With a final tug, Jack pulled Y/N into the classroom. He placed both of their things by a desk and motioned for them to sit down. They obliged. They scooted over so Jack could sit too. The seat was plenty long, so there was plenty of space. (It's like the desks you see in the lessons of the game)
        He took the seat and faced the front of the room, not Y/N. They took the initiative to break the ice.
        "Jack, why are we in here?" they asked, placing a hand on the others shoulder. There was no way they could miss how Jack's tail wagged at the contact. He turned to Y/N, and Y/N caught sight of his current condition on full volume. His cheeks and a bit of his neck was fully pink. His face scrunched up with embarrassment. The potion was doing all sorts of things to him, and he didn't understand to the same degree that Y/N did.
        He quickly reached for Y/N's hands, holding them in his own, then using what seemed like quite a bit of willpower to look them in the eyes. Y/N met that stare with some embarrassment of their own.
        "I don't really know what I'm doing right now, but I'm going to keep going with it until something happens!" he shouts, more to himself than to Y/N from the sound of it.
        He let go of Y/N's hands and pulled them into a tight hug. Y/N was stunned with shock as Jack tightened the hug slightly. He was clearly pushing himself to make sure he didn't chicken out and embarrass himself further. Once Y/N had enough time to process Jack's actions, they returned the hug, pulling their wings around their conjoined forms and encasing the two in a protective cocoon.
        Now in the cocoon, his heart rate, which Y/N had been listening to since the potion effects started, slowed down considerably from what it had been this whole time. His grip loosed just a bit, he seemed more at ease. He knew how large Y/N's wings were, and he was sure that no one could see him from the outside with the way they covered him. It let him calm down.
        He pulled away just enough to properly speak to Y/N. "Sorry," he mumbled. He nuzzled his head into their neck a little, which tickled but Y/N stayed still as to not freak him out. But they did allow a small giggle to escape their lips. Jack, upon hearing this, huffed and nuzzled further into their neck. This only gave Y/N more reasons to giggle and laugh. Eventually though, they took pity on the poor wolf.
        "So, did you bring me in here just to cuddle with me?" they asked, Y/N really was curious to know if that's all Jack had planned. He pulled his head back and stared into Y/N's eyes. That pink from earlier swirled around in the gold again. Y/N had come to realize that it was a tell-tale sign that the love potion was doing something.
        Jack closed the space between the two again and locked Y/N into another kiss. Thankfully, they were a bit better prepared this time for the feeling and how it effected them. Jack pushed into Y/N more than he had the first kiss. Y/N made sure to keep their wings up and around Jack, wanting to make him feels as comfortable as possible.
        After a good while of long kisses and a few pecks on the lips mixed in, Jack let Y/n go. He backed up, but not far enough that Y/N had their own personal space again. Their noses brushed against one another whenever either breathed a certain way.
        Jack looked kinda out of it. Like his brain was still caught up in the middle of the make out session that just happened. "....I love you," he muttered under his breath. "I have for a long time, but I didn't know how to say it." Y/N was utterly shocked. They didn't know what to say.
        The boy they'd been heavily crushing on for months, the same boy they had watched from across the table at lunch every day, the same boy that was right then practically sitting in their lap, red all over his face, eyes half lidded, and had just made out with them not even a minute ago, was now sitting there and confessing that he loved them. It was a situation they had played out in their head countless time, but never expected to come true. But it had. What else can they do-
        "I love you too, Jack." they said breathlessly.
        -but seize the moment?
        Those words excited Jack. He looked up with a brand-new vigor in his eyes. He lit up, pushing himself up. His tail wagged fiercely behind him, and his ears flicked in every which direction. "Really!?" he shouted, a little to loud for Y/N's powerful hearing and how close he was right now. They giggled, nonetheless.
        "Yes, Jack. I feel the same way, have for a long time." He basically jumped at Y/N, pushing them backwards and forcing them onto their back against the long seat of the classroom. He laid on their chest, practically beaming with joy and love. This is my new favorite face for him.
        He finally settled down and rested his chin on the middle of Y/N's chest. Not far from their face, but not too close for it to feel claustrophobic, especially since they were still cocooned.
        They both just sat there and stared into each other's eyes, admiring the one they loved. Y/n watched as the pink swirl in his eyes got faster and faster, curling into itself before finally fizzing out and disappearing. He smiled differently than before, a smile that could leave anyone with no doubt, that he absolutely loved Y/N.
        "I love you." he said.
        "What are you laughing to yourself about?" Leona asked Ruggie with clear annoyance in his tone. Ruggie, who had been hunched over the counter with and open bag of bread, leftover lunch meat and a now empty glass vial with a bit of pink residue on it, made one more giggle before looking his dormleader in the eyes. He adjusted himself to be leaning against the counter more comfortably.
       "You remember our little conversation about how annoying it was to watch our Dear Dragon and Little Wolf pin each other for so long without realizing they both liked each other?" he asked. Leona looked him up and down like he may have lost it from all the laughing.
        "Yeah, it was annoying and starting to get on my nerves. What about it?" Ruggie reached over and grabbed the empty vial. He held it up to Leona, who grabbed it and put it up to his nose. He blanched from the strong smell the moment it hit him. He knew exactly what potion this was, he remembered the class where he made it for some test vividly.
        "Well, I think I found a damn good solution. And all it took was a sandwich and a little errand from Y/N." he laughed that signature laugh of his. Leona couldn't help but chuckle along with him. Finally, the ever-painful shows of pinning between Y/N and Jack were being put to an end.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Twst x Ice Dragon!Reader
So I started making fanfiction on a website called Quotev years ago. And this first (public) fanfic was a collection of small headcanons/scenarios regarding the Twisted Wonderland characters and an Ice Dragon!reader. So I figured I could post that stuff here to in its own masterlist. Basically, people (from either Quotev or Ao3) suggested writing prompts for me and I wrote them with a reader who was a type of fae, an ice dragon. I am free to suggestions from here on Tumblr too! And this list will mostly be in the original posting order from Quotev. (May be a bit slow to update)
Sorting Ceremony and My Dorm
First Day of School
Prompt Rules (Must read before requesting!)
Y/N Being An Older Sibling to the Boys
Potion Gone Wrong
Walking AC Unit
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Dormleaders
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Vices + Ruggie and Floyd
Seeing Your Dragon Form: First Years
Seeing Your Dragon Form: The Rest of Them
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Staff
To The Past
Epel and Y/N's Sleepover
Don't Play With Love Potions
Please Cook Your Fish First
When Dragons Meet
Ice Dragons DON'T Belong in the Desert
Loose Scales and Siblings
Super Secret NSFW Section:
Azul x AMAB Dragon!reader
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Walking AC Unit
"-It being a hot day in Twisted Wonderland, and im assuming since Y/N’s a dragon with ice magic, they probably radiate coldness so everyone’s swarming around them" Once again, courtesy of- Your Imaginary Friend on Quotev
As I've previously mentioned through out my writing, Y/N naturally produces an icy air around them. While the heat bothers them, their cold helps them to stay on the cooler side of things. One particularly hot day at NRC, the First Year Squad, whiling hanging out with you, found out that you helped them cool down by just being near. They stuck with you the rest of the day, others would soon follow suite.
        "Why does it have to be soooo hooot today!?" Epel whined. He fanned his face with his hand rapidly. Ace's face was flushed red, Deuce's body slouched from exhaustion and Jack's ears drooped down as he panted lightly. Sebek said nothing, but the sweat on his forehead was easy to spot.
        "I don't know man, but it's starting to kill me!" complained Ace. It was a peculiarly hot day at NRC. The sun shone brighter and hotter than it has all year, and the schools AC system did nothing to stop the students from overheating. Even the teachers couldn't really teach during class because of the heat.
        Jack decided to speak. "Man, things were bad enough this morning, but everything got worse after that, even at the end of the school day. It's hotter than Savanaclaw out here, and that's saying something. His tail wagged behind him in an attempt to cool off.
        "I don't know what you humans are talking about! This weather is nothing! I don't feel a thing!" Even the heat couldn't stop Sebek from yelling. "Shut up, Sebek!" the other boys said in unison. That was enough to convince Sebek to quiet down. Deuce turned around and spotted someone familiar.
        "Hey guys, look, it's Y/N." he said as he pointed at the tall dragon heading their way. Everyone else turned to face You. You walked towards them pretty quickly, it was kinda scary from their point of view.
        "Are you guys heating to death right now!?" you asked. Your voice had a hint of exhaustion in it. The others groaned in confirmation. You nodded your head in understanding. Ace eyed you up and down, his face changed to look confused.
        "You don't even look hot, Y/N. Do you even got hot? Being an ice dragon and all." You paused. It was a question you've been asked before, and were tired of hearing. You looked at him with a strained, open smile and close eyes. Your fangs glinted off the light of the sun. It sent a shiver down his spine. Behind him, Epel let out a quiet gasp. He's known you long enough to know about you and heat.
        "Yes, Ace. I am an ice dragon. Despite that, even a little bit of heat can effect me. Ice dragons just don't sweat. I feel like I'm dying." you told him with a dangerous edge in your voice. He backed off. Epel decided to ask how you were staying cool enough not pass out. You pointed at the medium sized bag that sat across your chest.
        "I bought this at Sam's shop. He knew I was coming and had it ready for me. It's enchanted and creates ice in its pockets. When I get to hot from the heat, I just take out a piece of ice-" you grabbed one for a demonstration. "-and plop in into my mouth and eat it." The ice fell in your mouth and crunched as you chewed it. "The extra ice in my body allows me to cool down and my icy mist gets colder." You could already feel the effects.
        "That's actually pretty neat, that's all it really takes for you to control your body temperature." Deuce said with his chin in his hand as he looked at you. The others nodded in agreement.
        "WOAH, WAIT!!" Ace yelped. Everyone turned to him. He was patting his face and neck frantically. "How in the world?!". He looked genuinely confused and shocked. Deuce placed his hand on Ace's shoulder.
        "Dude, what's wrong? What's got you so riled up?" Deuce asked. Ace looked at Deuce and pointed at his face. "I don't feel hot anymore!! I've stopped sweating too!!" he exclaimed. We all took a closer look at him. He was right, his face even lost the red it was once covered in and no sweat could be seen. Everyone else started patting themselves down to find that they weren't hot anymore either. Epel stopped and stared at you.
        "Y/N, you said that you create a cold mist around you, right?" You nodded. "It must be that then! You're mist is cooling us down, just like it does to you!". You thought for a moment, soon coming to the same thought process as Epel. "You're right, it's actually not the first time it's happened. I just didn't think about it before this.", you said as your wings opened. If your friends were really benefiting from your presence, might as well help them out a bit more with more mist.
        "Now that I look more, I can see the mist around you." Jack said. "It's faint, but there." His beast-man eyes helped him out.
        "That's great!!!" cheered a new voice. Cater came out of no where and jumped onto your back, clearly not thinking. He immediately regretted his decision as he felt your cold scales send a jolt of freezing cold up his arms and through his body. He backed off and took to standing under your open right wing. "Now I have a way to keep cool from this blistering heat." he said with a dramatic twang in his words.
        For the rest of the afternoon, Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, Sebek and Cater stuck with you like they were attached to your hip. It was annoying at first, but you quickly adjusted and didn't mind the company in the end. You all found a large, shady tree to sit under. They snuggled up close to you while you sat with your back to the tree. Apparently, being outside now meant they didn't mind the freezing of your scales. Epel sat between your legs, Jack and Cater on your right side laying in your lap. Deuce and Ace sat on your left with Ace's head on your shoulder and Deuce nudging into your side. Sebek, grudgingly, placed his head against you thigh.
        Cater took out his phone and snapped a picture of you all together. You only managed to get a glimpse of the caption he posted with the picture. Staying cool w/ the first years! #Y/NIsThePerfectACForTheHotDay! You decided to ignore it and just let him do his thing. You know how Cater can be at times. Nothing happened for a while, that is until you got some extra guests.
        Leona and Ruggie found you all. With no words, Leona joined the group and quickly fell asleep. Ruggie joined as well and told you that he and Leona had seen Cater's Magicam post and just had to get in on the action.
        Soon, even more of your friends came by. Kalim, who was followed by Jamil, came and both found a snug place right under your right wing. Jade, Floyd and Azul found you eventually. Floyd got as close as he could and Jade sat next to him, Azul found a comfy spot between the Twins. Rook plopped down from the actual tree and laid in the grass next to your tail.
        Riddle and Trey had actually accidentally stumbled upon your dog pile of boys. They found spots under your left wing. Ortho saw Cater's post and dragged Idia by the collar and forced him to come as well. Idia kept a distance at first but fell asleep and Ortho pushed him closer. Vil was reluctant but Rook convinced him to lay down. Later came Lilia, with Silver sluggishly in tow. Silver passed out immediately after finding a spot in your lap (if anyone could still fit honestly). Lilia climbed the tree and found a low hanging branch where he decided to take a nap upside down. Malleus, who was right behind Lilia and Silver, sat next to you and he revealed his tail. He intertwined yours and his tail with a smile.
        Eventually, you were the only one awake. The heat of the day left everyone exhausted. Much to your surprise, all the boys covering you didn't make the heat worse. Just in case though you ate a piece of ice. The mist got colder and everyone seemed to get a bit more comfortable. You stretched your wings our further and made sure to cover those you could reach. You felt your own exhaustion start to take over and your eyelids fluttered open and shut. Content with the people you cared about surrounding you, you gave into the desire to sleep, happy with where you were at.
(I loved the idea of you and all the boys sitting under a tree with your wings spread across everyone! Fun fact: After this hot day, Professor Oski (refer back to First Day of School chapter) taught you how to use the personal snow cloud spell. It helped from this incident happening again.)
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justcallmecj · 4 months
To The Past
"Dorm Leaders see a memory of Y/n fighting another dragon(fae?) -this would probably happen because of a potion accident or the ghostcamera somehow brings the prefect into the memory like they were there" Courtesy of- QUEEN Skippy on Quotev
There's going to be a bit of Crowley bullying. And I'm gonna be descriptive with the other dragon but not with Y/N because they're supposed to be you, so you create that image.
        'Ghost Cameras. Capable of capturing the memory of the events they take pictures of, but also capable of other things. If the connection between camera and caretaker is strong enough, the Ghost Camera can bring memories of the caretaker to life. It can even reveal those memories to others if the caretaker allows it.'
        That's what Headmaster Crowley told me when he gave me the Ghost Camera. He assigned me the task of capturing moments of the students of NRC either in their day to day lives, or when something important happens. I happily excepted, being interested in photography as it already was.
        Now, the Ghost Camera sat around my neck hanging by a strap. I pulled out my phone. Shit! I'm gonna be late!! Me and the prefects all planned to spend the first day of NRC's only free week, that wasn't caused by a holiday, together. We were to meet up at the Botanical Garden where we'd go to a more secluded part of the building and have a picnic.
        Just judging from the time, I wasn't going to make it on time. I hadn't expected Crowley to call me to his office. Dammit. If I'm late, Riddle will be upset with me, Vil even more. With no other good alternative, I decided. Quickly, my wings spread wide and I found an open window. Climbing onto the edge of the windows ledge, I jumped and took flight. So much faster to fly than to walk. I'd do it more often but flying around the halls of NRC is not appreciated by the teachers.
        Not long after, I spotted the Botanical Garden not far from me, and in front of it's doors my sharp eyes saw the prefects. Of course I'm the last to show. I slowed down my speed and readied to fold my wings and let my weight drop. I sprung them back open once I got close to the ground, effectively stopping my drop and not crashing into the ground. It was hard for the prefects to not spot me after I came crashing in.
        "Y/N! You're finally here!!" Kalim cheered as he ran over and gave me a hug, one that I happily returned. I looked to meet the eyes of the other prefects. Most looked pleased of my arrival, except for Leona who looked annoyed and tired. Typical.
        "Good, you made it before you became late." Riddle praised. Vil, standing behind him, hummed in agreement. Azul adjusted his glasses, apparently my decent had knocked them askew. Idia nervously waved and stuttered out a hello and Malleus came up and greeted me. Yep, they haven't changed.
        "Well, now that I am here, how about we go inside and continue with our picnic?" I asked. All agreed and went into the Botanical Garden. Surprisingly, Leona led the way to the secluded spot. I guess it makes sense, since he spends the most time here than the rest of us. I bet he knows where all the good places are.
        We passed all the pretty plants ranging in colors from red to purple. Big and small. Floppy and stiff. Basically any plant in Twisted Wonderland, except the ones that only grew in the cold. I had to fold my wings in and keep my tail close to make sure I didn't knock anything over.
        The Ghost Camera still hung from my neck.
        We finally made it to this secret spot. There was a large blanket set out to sit on, baskets filled with food and plates with even more food placed around the space. The sun created lots of natural light through the Botanical Garden's glass ceiling. Plants hung all around, strung up pots, plants climbing up the walls like vines, branching out from wherever they were planted.
        It was a beautiful place to spend the rest of the day.
        Leona immediately found a place on the blanket and plopped down onto his back with his arms under his head. Soon enough, he was sound asleep. Vil groaned in annoyance with his hand covering his face. We all found spots around the blanket and began our peaceful afternoon.
        We talked on and on for what felt like forever, Idia being the only one on a device meaning only he could tell the time. Throughout the afternoon, I took pictures of all of us with the Ghost Camera. Then, I'd take the pictures and let them play out for everyone to watch. Never thought I'd be so happy with something Headmaster Crowley gave me.
        But I could've sworn that the camera was getting heavier.
        "By the way Y/N, where did that camera come from? It's pretty rare to get your hands on a Ghost Camera since they're so old." asked Azul as he pushed up his glasses. I looked at him and held the camera in my hands. Is it heavier?
        "It was given to me by the Headmaster. He assigned me a photography project with it, so now I'm just gonna take a bunch of pictures and collect the film for them." I told him. He and the other prefects seemed pretty interested, even Leona, who I knew was asleep just a moment ago, perked his ears in my direction.
        "Crowley did tell you everything about the Ghost Camera, right? I wouldn't be too surprised if he hadn't, knowing him." Vil scoffed with an eye roll. I shook my head.
        "No, I don't think he told me everything, but he told me all I needed to know." I said with a shrug of my shoulders, my wings flitted behind me. My arms we getting tired so I brought my tail in front of me and gently laid the camera on it, using my tail as an extra arm basically.
        "Can we take at least one more picture Y/N!?!" Kalim yelled with his arms holding him up as he leaned closer to me. "I really like to see when they come to life! Can we please??" He was so energetic, but his smile was infectious and I couldn't will myself to do anything but indulge him in his desire.
        I lifted the camera, which seemed much harder to do than it had been when I was taking pictures earlier, and snapped a shot of all of us. I waited for the film to come out of the slit in the camera's base with Kalim leaning over my shoulder. Soon, the film came out and produced and image of all of us smiling at the camera. Even Leona had the slightest hint of a smile on his face.
        I took the film and held it carefully in my hand. I then shook the film and out sprang the picture I just took. It was like one of those filters to turn pictures into 3d images, the ones Cater loves to try out on photos to see what happens. Everyone watched the moving image with fascination.
        Just then, the camera gained weight and dragged me down. It pinned my hand to the ground due to the weight and I was unable to get myself free. Everyone around me gasped.
        "Y/N! Are you okay?" Riddle asked as he scooted closer to me and attempted to pry the camera off my hands. It was no use since the camera didn't budge. It luckily didn't hurt but I didn't understand what was happening.
        The voices of everyone trying to help drowned out as my mind blanked. A faint voice echoed in my mind, one I didn't recognize.
        Hello. Do I have your permission? The voice rang through my ears. I couldn't speak, but I could think. Permission for what? Who are you? I wanted answers, but the voice gave no response.
        Permission to show them a memory. Your memory. All I need is a yes from you, I can take things from there. It said. The voice sounded...gentle. Understanding. Patient. Something about it just sat peacefully in my gut. I calmed down. The next thing I thought shocked me, I didn't think I'd put so much trust in a disembodied voice.
        Okay. Sure. Go ahead.
        A kind laugh sounded in my ears and my eyes, which had become blurry, closed. Then I lost all track of what was going on.
        A muffled voice. I couldn't see a thing, just black.
        The muffle started to lift.
        Now it was loud and clear. My eye lids finally found the energy to flutter open. I saw Malleus leaning over me and it seems it was him who was calling my name. Once he saw that I was awake, he put his hand under my back and helped me sit up. My head ached, but the pain was already fading, but there was a strange inching feeling in the back of my mind.
        "Are you alright, Y/N?" Azul, who was kneeled at my feet, asked. I nodded with my hand pressed against my head. The throbbing was gone but there was still that inching. Malleus grabbed my right hand and Vil grabbed my left, together they pulled me to my feet and kept me standing while I orientated myself. Eventually they could let go and not worry about me keeling over.
        I took a look around us. We were in a forest, one I found familiar. The trees surrounding the area, the wind that brushed against my wings and horns, the tweeting birds I definitely recognized. We were...back home? To where my house lays on the outskirts of the Valley of Thorns. It felt comforting to be where I had grown up, where everything was familiar. But, weren't we just in the Botanical Garden?
        "Where are we? This isn't NRC." asked Idia. He held his phone close to his chest and was frantically typing. "I can't even get any service out here!?" he yelped. I grunted, remembering how shitty phone service is out in these parts. Honestly it's shitty everywhere in the Valley of Thorns. The people here are so old school that most don't even know what a phone is.
        "This is the Valley of Thorns. Your hand held device won't work out here, Idia." Malleus informed everyone which made Idia panic until Azul placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
        "True, I grew up here. We're far out enough that there may be a slight chance it'll work, but I doubt it." I said with an eye roll. My wings adjusted and my tail swayed in the excitement of being home. It's been so long it feels since I've been home, since I've seen my family. It was exhilarating, so much so that I didn't realize how different the place actually looked compared to when I left. How...old it looked.
        "It this your forest, Y/N?" Leona asked. His ears twitched and tail swayed as if he sensed something being off. Truth be told, I did too, and I think the others had a vague feeling of it as well. I nodded at him.
        Then, a deafening roar sounded through the trees and the birds flew off in fear. Something large zoomed past us in the air with a second thing following suite, chasing the first one.
        We all dashed behind one of the wide trunk trees for protection from...whatever those things were. Now safe, we all peaked around the trees trunk to see what was going on.
        From around a couple trees, out stepped a dragon. It's large body stomped into the clearing the NRC students were just in. Its scales were deep red with hints of yellow and orange scales mixed in. Its horns were long and twisted, wings large and slim, clearly meant for flying. The dragons snout thinned out at the end and had a small horn on the tip of its nose.
        Its amber eyes were wild. Dangerous. It looked from left to right frantically. Its tail thrashed around and its wings flexed open and shut. Smoke rose into the air from its flaring nostrils. Everything about its body language showed that it was ready for battle, and already had been.
        With a low growl, the red dragon swung its tail against a tree hard. The entire tree shook and leaves fell to the ground. Another creature jumped down from a branch high in the tree and landed right were the red dragon was, if it hadn't leapt out of the way first.
        This dragon was familiar to the NRC students. The white and blue scales, sharp horns, cold e/c eyes and slender wings. There was no doubt, that was Y/N. All the prefects have seen Y/N in full dragon form before, and there was no mistaking what Y/N looked like. But, there was one difference. This Y/N, the one in front of them instead of beside them, was smaller.
        They all looked to Y/N. They had their sharp eyes trained on the scene in front of them, the gears in their head clearly turning a mile and minute. Kalim scooted closer to Y/N.
        "Hey" he whispered. "Is that you?" You didn't speak, only nodded in response. "But how? You're right here, with us. How are you also over there." They all looked over again to see the two dragon staring each other down, walking in a slow circle around the other. Smoke rose into the sky, and ice glazed the grass Y/N walked over.
        "This is the past." Y/N blurted out. Everyone turned back to Y/N. They finally tore their eyes away from the scene and to their friend. They seemed troubled, like something heavy was weighing on their mind. "This took place three years ago. It was..." they paused. They couldn't continue the sentence without a voice crack if they didn't stop for a moment. "...not a good day for me." they managed to choke out.
        The two dragons on the other side of the tree growled aggressively at each other, causing everyone to turn their attention back to the fight. They both stopped circling, staring and watching the opponents every move.
        Y/N changed, their body shrinking and molding into a human form. Scales morphed into s/c skin and horns adjusted to a size fit for their human head. Their hair grew out and situated itself into its usual hairstyle. Their tail swayed dangerously behind them as they stayed in a defensive stance, ready to protect themself if the need arises. Y/N watched the red dragon and their sharp facial features pointed up in authority.
        This Y/N was certainly younger, around 13 years old. They were shorter than usual (still tall considering Y/N is unusually tall). Their horns were duller and smaller, their wings much littler. But something was the same. The undying determination and anger in their e/c eyes, shooting ice daggers at the red dragon, who towered over Y/N.
        "Stop it! Why fight me!?" little Y/N yelled out. "There's no use in escaping, the trees are too dense for you to fly freely here, and I know the area better. I'd catch you before you can get far." Their voice sounded desperate and out of breath. They must've been chasing this dragon for a while.
        The red dragon stepped closer to Y/N. Its body shrank and morphed, much like Y/N's did. Red scales turned into tanned skin, the amber eyes stayed. The once dragon grew long, dirty blonde hair that was fixed in a fishtail braid. It was a girl, only a couple years older than the little Y/N, maybe the age Y/N currently is, 16. Her slender, red and orange scaled wings flared out in anger behind her. Her horns were only slightly less curved than before.
        "You should back off, Y/N." she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You're starting to get really annoying, you know that?" she huffed smoke out her nostrils. Long clawed nails tapped on her forearm.
        Y/N flexed their own claws, something the prefects had never seen before. "Circe, I will only ask one more time. Go home and stop with this stupid plan of yours! Do you know how much trouble you'll get in if-" they paused and rephrased their wording. "No- when you get caught?" That seemed to anger Circe even more.
        Circe lunged forward and managed to grab Y/N by the horns, tripping them with her tail. Circe straddled Y/N's waist and held onto their horns, adjusting her legs to pin Y/N's hand to the forest floor. Circe had Y/N effectively trapped and unable to move.
        Circe brought herself closer to Y/N while they struggled underneath her body weight. "Aw, what is little Y/N gonna do now? You can't stop me if I have you under control." Circe looked up, staring at the sky, more at the moon than anything. "I plan on doing something that should've been done long ago." She seemed to be lost in thought while staring at the moon. That was a mistake.
        Y/N stopped struggling and gathered their breath. The air got colder, until they opened their mouth and Circe looked down from the sudden cold sensation. She yelped when Y/N released their pent up breath and out came a powerful gust of ice and wind. Circe tried to leap away but Y/N grabbed onto her ankle as soon as their wrists were free from Circe's hold. The ice breath hit Circe's wings which she used to protect herself as she broke free from Y/N's grip and moved away.
        She stumbled backwards and held her wings as her breathing labored, she was clearly in pain but refused to cry out. Her wings were coated in ice that she couldn't break.
        "YOU BRAT!!! HOW DARE YOU!?! YOU COULD'VE KILLED ME!!!" Circe screamed. Y/N stayed silent and got off the ground, holding themself low to the ground where they may just have an advantage against Circe. Circe ran towards Y/N with a new found anger and slashed where ever she could with her claws. Y/N, being young and inexperienced in combat, only managed to escape most blows by scrambling around on the ground.
        Y/N quickly changed into dragon form. Circe was momentarily blinded by the cold mist, but it wasn't enough for Y/N to get an attack in. Circe followed Y/N's lead and changed back too. Now, both dragons, they engaged again. While Y/N knew their surroundings better, Circe was quicker, Y/N only barely escaping injury.
        Until, Circe landed a hit. Y/N had turned their head and Circe swirled mid attack and slashed across Y/N's snout. They fell to the floor and held their foreclaws to their snout to try and stop the bleeding.
        "Y/N!" Kalim screamed. It shocked all the prefects who had been stunned into silence since the fight started. Riddle held his hand on Kalim's shoulder to calm him down and gently squeezed. Kalim didn't cry, but he was worried for little Y/N, even if this was all in the past. Malleus stepped out from behind the tree while the other prefects watched him. He intended to stop this here and now.
        "Hey! Stop this unruly behavior at once!" he yelled out.
        Neither dragon stopped.
        "What?" Malleus whispered to himself. Leona, Vil and Azul walked out to stand next to him. Riddle, Idia and Kalim stayed behind the tree.
        "Could they not hear you?" Vil asked. Leona growled.
        "No, Y/N has damn good hearing. There's no way they didn't hear the Lizard yelling." His tail swished in annoyance while he stared down the scene in front of him. Azul, standing next to him, pushed his glasses back up his nose.
        "I don't think we can interact with this event at all." Everyone, even the ones still behind the tree who were finally coming out, looked to Azul. "Instead of us going back in time like what we may have initially thought, I believe that we're actually just watching a memory. A memory of Y/N's." he sighed.
        Everyone thought for a moment. They realized that Azul was right. This was a memory. Something they couldn't change or interfere with. They couldn't help Y/N.
        Ice shattered.
        Y/N got up. Blood poured out of their wound, but they ignored it. They tried to walked forward, most likely to attack Circe, but their legs gave out under them and they fell to the forest floor. Y/N reverted back to human form from weakness and lack of energy. This allowed the prefects to clearly see the gash Circe's claws left.
        The bleeding gash stretched from the top of their right eye, across their nose and ended at the corner of their top lip. Their nose was slightly crooked, probably broken. Tears swelled in their eyes and ran down their cheeks, but they didn't cry out loud.
        Circe turned back into human form as well. She had the most smug smirk on her face, watching in joy as she watched Y/N struggle to get up and ignore the pain flaring across their face. They finally managed to get up and stay standing but their legs trembled underneath them, threatening to give out again.
        Circe laughed. It reverberated through the forest and seemed to bounce off the trees, causing it to echo. "Oh Y/N. Poor little you. You seem to be a little hurt." she said through her laughter. Y/N glared ice spikes at Circe, but they seemed to melt as soon as they reached Circe's fiery eyes. Y/N mumbled something under their breath.
        "Huh? What was that? I think you need to speak up, that is, unless you're to weak too." Circe chuckled to herself. Y/N, who had been looking down at the ground, shot their head up and locked eyes with Circe. In a final fit of rage. they blew another gust of ice breath at Circe. She easily dodged it. She stepped over the patch of ice and walked up to Y/N. But, right before Circe could reach them, they spoke.
        "Ice of My Blood." they whispered coldly. The effects of the ice breath and Y/N's unique magic made the air cold.
        Circe froze in place. She grunted as she tried to move, but it was a fruitless venture. Suddenly she was hit with a wave of frost, making her feel as if she had gotten frostbite. She could do nothing but stand there and shiver.
        "Remarkable." Azul said under his breath. "Ice of My Blood. Y/N's unique magic paralyzes the opponent as well as freezing them physically. It truly is amazing to see it in action." The others had to admit, it was pretty cool. And it made the perfect trump card for Y/N.
        Y/N came closer to Circe, who glared at them like they had at her, but this time the glares couldn't penetrate the ice. They used their tail and swung it against Circe's ankles, causing her frozen form to tumble over and hit he ground. Face first.
        Y/N couldn't help but giggle, not after everything Circe just put them through.
        Then, little Y/N and Circe disappeared in a gust of wind. The forest didn't change, but the memory was now over. The prefects finally had a moment to breath and collect their thoughts. None could quite wrap their minds around what they just witnessed. Everyone snapped out of their thoughts when Idia spoke.
        "U-um, guys? Where i-is Y/N?" he stuttered. They all looked around and discovered that Y/N, their Y/N, was nowhere to be seen. All of them scrambled around to try and find them, but the forest was huge and the trees reached up high, and Y/N loves to climb trees. Malleus listened with his fae hearing, but couldn't find Y/N. Kalim, Riddle and Vil called out their name, but there was no response. Idia tried calling their phone, Azul thought of anyway to find them and Leona tried to sniff out their scent. Nothing worked.
        The trees changed. They lost their shape and went from brown to transparent. The grass on the forest floor disappeared into tiled flooring. The moon left the sky and was replaced with the sun which shown through windowed ceilings. In the blink of an eye, the boys found themselves back in the Botanical garden.
        And right off to the side, right where they were before they left, was Y/N. They sat peacefully, hands resting in their lap while their tail flicked behind them and their wings relaxed on the floor. Their eyes closed, seemingly in thought.
        "Y/N!!!" Kalim shouted as he threw his arms around Y/N's next, ignoring the cold of their scales. Y/N almost toppled over if their tail hadn't stopped them. Their eyes shot open and took in their surroundings while they hugged Kalim back tightly out of habit. Vil stomped forward.
        "And where were you!?" his voice was laced in worry more than anger. They stayed silent, taking a moment to respond.
        "I left. I didn't want to watch that go down again. You don't need to worry about it, promise." They seemed tired, their words dragged on and came out quiet. Everyone got closer to Y/N and sat on the floor.
        "What was that about, huh Lizard? What did that crazy fae want?" Leona questioned. He sounded annoyed but Y/N knew he was just worried.
        "She...wanted to hurt people. There was a village nearby my home." they paused and took a deep breath. "I went to school with her. Earlier that day I heard Circe say she was going to burn down the village." Everyone listened to Y/N intently.
        "Why did she want to burn it down?" Riddle asked. Y/N chuckled, they sounded so exhausted.
        "I don't entirely know why. I know she said it was 'going to be fun', but I personally don't think that was all. I know the village was known for having a lot of half human half fae people living in it, and she came from a very traditional family." Oh, now Malleus understood. Some of the older fae, at least the ones who were around when humans and fae were at war, didn't like humans and fae being close to each other, much less having kids together. It reminded him of Sebek.
        "I had friends in that village and I didn't want anything to happen to them. So, that night I sneaked out of the house and tracked her down. That's when the fight happened." They sighed heavily. Everyone was silent, not wanting to make Y/N anymore uncomfortable than they already were. "Eh, whatever. It doesn't matter now, that was three years ago! Circe was taken by authorities and punished accordingly after that." They stared off into the foliage around the garden.
        "Are you okay? Physically, that is." asked Vil. He couldn't get the image of that nasty gash out of his head. He scanned Y/N's face for any evidence of it, but there was nothing there. Y/N caught onto his true question.
        "Yeah, I'm good. There's no scar and the wound healed with no problems. There's nothing to worry about." they reassured Vil as they reached out and took his hands in their own, rubbing calming circles on his skin. That helped Vil with his concerns.
        Azul cleared his throat to get everyone attention. "Well, how about we continue with our afternoon, yes? Y/N, you look absolutely exhausted and you should take is easy for the time being. We can all stay here and finish our food before heading back to our dorms for the night." Everyone nodded and made sounds of agreement.
        Y/N released all the tension in their muscles and leaned on Malleus's shoulder since he was sitting next to them. He allowed them to and even adjusted so they'd be more comfy. Everyone ate the food they still had left over. Conversations started, none about what they all saw. There was laughter, jokes, silliness. It made Y/N happy.
        The Ghost Camera around their neck grew heavy.
        You did wonderfully My Dear. That was really brave of you. The voice from before came back. I should've panicked, but I didn't. The voice still brought a sense of gentle peace with it. I closed my eyes and responded.
        Thank you. But, you didn't answer me earlier. Who are you? It went silent for a while. You'll learn in due time. There's no need to rush things Dear. I just wanted to thank you for trusting me with that memory. I thought for a moment. Should I press on? Should I ask it to leave me alone? No. What good would that do?
        I smiled. Sure thing. Just give me a warning next time. I assume there will be a next time, right? I could hear the soft smile as it spoke. Most likely. But I do promise to warn you next time. There was an oddly comfortable silence between us.
        I will leave you to rest now. I promise it'll get easier, Dear. Now, rest well. I didn't speak back, only enjoyed the peace this brought me.
        The weight of the Ghost Camera lightened.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Potion Gone Wrong
(This was the first prompt I got as a suggestion. I make sure to put the names of the commentors and the original comment at the beginning of every chapter. I also specify which platform they commented on.)
"Some suggestions ig, I’ll come back to this chapter if I have more -A potion gone wrong turning Y/N into their dragon form but the size of a cat and a character of your choice has to take care of them." Courtesy of- Your Imaginary Friend on Quotev
(Just as the suggestion says, Y/N was in Alchemy class and with a potion gone wrong, they were turned into their full dragon form, with one condition. They're now the size of a normal house cat. Until Y/N is forced into their dragon form, the story will be in their POV. After that it will be the POV of other characters. I was given free reign with who the one taken care of you is but I'm so freaking indecisive that I just did a wheel of names. I got....VIL.)
(Also, after writing the platonic relationships, I really wanna write romance soooo- You're dating Vil.)
        What the heck does this recipe even mean? Crewel-sama assigned the whole class to make a potion. We haven't been previously taught how to make this potion specifically. He told us it is "to test our problem solving knowledge.", but from the evil glint in his eyes and the small chuckles of laughter I can hear from him, he's getting a lot of enjoyment from watching us struggle.
        Unfortunately for myself, I let myself be partnered up with Ace and Deuce. The Idiot Duo. Honestly, I'm the only one working right now. The other two are just sitting there, bickering with each other. Just my luck I guess. I already tried to get them to work, with no prevail. I eventually resorted to tuning out their voices so I could focus.
        I looked back down at the recipe book. What's the next ingredient I need to add?....Dragon scales... A shiver makes its way down my back. I found the two dragon scales on the cart of ingredients next to our work station. By looking at it I can tell its a normal dragon scale. From a true dragon, not a fae type dragon. True dragons shed scales regularly, unlike we fae types. And the red color of the scales shows that it wasn't even from a ice type. I relaxed a tad.
        The book said to gently place the scales into the cauldron and to make sure the potion doesn't splash on you. Nothing was said about what would happen if it did. As a precaution, I grabbed a pair of tongs and grabbed one of the scales with it. Carefully I placed the scale inside the cauldron, making sure nothing would splash. Now, it was time for the second one.
        I only caught a small hint of Ace and Deuce arguing behind me. It was too late when I realized that Ace had decided to smack Deuce upside the head. Deuce's body lurched forward and ran into me. My grip on the tongs loosened and the scale fell from my grasp. It hit the liquid in the cauldron and splashed. Right. On. Me.
        I felt a cold breeze sweep across my body, and soon, changes happened. Ones I recognized, the ones of changing from dragon to human form. But for once, I didn't trigger the transformation.
Crewel's POV
        "OH CRAP!!!", the voice of one of my students yelled. I whipped around and found Mr. Trappola and Mr. Spade standing over something that has clearly caught their attention. While making my way across the room to them, I realized the disappearance of a certain student. Y/N L/N, the dragon student. They're hard to miss, even within a crowd, and since I'm unable to find them right now, I can only assume what had happened.
        A small shove moved Ace and Deuce out of the way and stared at the same things they were. On the ground was a small, white dragon. I immediately knew what had happened and who the dragon was. Y/N.
        I felt a vein on my head bulge slightly from annoyance, but I ignored it for the sake of those around me. Gently, I leaned down and picked up Y/N. Their chest rose and fell peacefully, they've fallen asleep. I turned to face Ace and Deuce. "What. Happened."
Vil's POV
        Why in the world would I be called by Crewel-sama to his room? I wasn't given any context about the reasoning. One thing I do know though, right now, Y/N is in that class. That made me worry just a tad.
        When I got to the Alchemy room, Crewel-sama was sitting at his desk. His eyes were fixed on something in his lap, but I couldn't see what it was. He heard as my heels hit the floor and he looked at me. His face looked almost relieved to see me.
        "What is the reason you called for me, Crewel-sama? Seems out of character for you." He placed his hands on whatever laid in his lap.
        "I'm glad you were able to make it here, Mr. Schoenheit. There was a problem concerning Y/n during class today. A type of incident." he said. Uh oh. "Mr. Trappola and Mr. Spade said that if I were to notify anyone, it should be you. I understand their sentiment.", with that, he reached for what was in his lap and carefully placed it on his desk.
        There laid a small, white dragon. Reality was quick to click into my head. Crewel-sama quickly filled me in on what happened, said that I could take care of Y/N until Crewel-sama found out how to reverse the spell or when it'll wear off. I accepted the offer and took Y/N into my arms, careful not to wake them up.
        "Please Dear, stop running around my bed like that. I just made the sheets this morning." I groaned. Y/N woke up as soon as I returned to my dorm room. Ever since, they've been running around non-stop, making small messes around the room. They've seemed to have reverted to the mind of a baby dragon. Wanting nothing but to have fun.
        It's not like I completely minded. It made me happy to see my lover having what looked like the time of their life, and they looked beautiful while doing it.
        Y/N has never actually shown me their dragon form. They said that it was an inconvenience to turn when all I really needed to see was them, not the dragon. I've heard the whispers and mean words of people around school. All those words sharpened to point at Y/N. They said it doesn't bother them, at least not anymore. But in a way, I knew that they had become someway self-conscious of their dragon side.
        I don't know why though, they looked beautiful, majestic even. In a fumbling, clumsy, baby type way. Adorable really. Their white scales reflected the light that came through the window. The e/c of their eyes shone like colored ice. Their small, harmless horns weighed their head from side to side, causing them to wobble around. They tripped over their tail multiple times.
        Suddenly, Y/N stopped running around. They turned and slowly walked up to where I sat on a chair at the side of the bed. They plopped down like a cat deciding to rest. Their head laid flat on the bed and their eyes stared into mine. I followed their example, my head resting right in front of them and my eyes staring back into theirs. Honestly, I felt ridiculous. Is this really the same lover that I've been dating for so long? I've never seen Y/N act like such a child.
        A grumbling sound echoed from Y/N's stomach. "Hungry, huh?" I learned that Y/N can understand what I say to a certain extent. I've had to simplify my speech so they can properly understand. Their only response was another stomach rumble and a small growl. I took that as a 'yes'. What should I feed them?
        "What do you want to eat?" Y/N immediately jumped down from the bed and ran towards the door. They clawed at it. I stood and opened it for them. Faster than I've seen them run, they dashed down the hall. I had to actually run to keep up. I soon found myself in the kitchen and Y/N sitting quietly at the foot of the fridge. I opened it and they took to searching for something to eat.
        They suddenly climbed up my leg and eventually perched themself on my shoulder. They were heavier than I remember them being on the way to Pomefiore. It was actually really adorable to watch as their eyes darted among all the food in the fridge, as their tail and wings spread slightly to keep balance.
        Y/N's eyes steeled as they eyed something. I grabbed the item. Some cooked meat that Rook had made. He had hunted a rabbit earlier today and left some left overs for someone to take. Guess Y/N had settled on their dinner. "Alright then Dear, I'll get it ready for you." I grabbed a plate from a cupboard and placed the meat on it while Y/N patiently sat on the counter. I was going to cut it but Y/N leaped onto the meat and immediately started tearing it to shreds. A little terrifying, but they are a dragon. Guess it's just in their nature.
        It didn't take long for them to finish eating. After that I took Y/N back to my room and got them to settle for the night. They seemed tired but surprisingly refused to sleep. They nudged their snout into my hand repeatedly. "Fine, I'll pet you, but only for a little while. You need to get your beauty rest soon My Dear." I told them as I rubbed my hand up and down their head and snout. They climbed onto my chest and peacefully closed their eyes in contempt. Quite hums sounded from their throat. Just like a house cat.
        After a good 20 minuets of petting Y/N while they laid on my chest, I got a call from Crewel-sama. He said that the potions effects would wear off by tomorrow morning. As relieved as I was that My Dear would be back to their normal self within a couple hours, I couldn't help but feel a little sad that this adorable form of theirs would be gone. But, really, I shouldn't. Maybe now they'll feel comfortable showing me their dragon form. In all its glory.
        My eyes fluttered open. After waking up a bit, I heard the sound of breathing to my right. Looking over my eyes landed on the sleeping form next to me. Their white wings laid over their body like a blanket as they laid on their side, rolled in a ball like they always do. Y/N's face showed nothing but pure peace as they slept comfortably. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face as I admired the beauty of my lover. I'll wait to wake you, Dear.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Ice Dragons DON'T Belong In The Desert
"I would like to suggest a story with Jamil and the reader. Where Jamil finds our dragon passed out at the Scarabia dorm from overheating and takes care of her/them (i will leave the gender decision up to you). I could see this being romantic (like Jamil and our dragon are already dating). But i am open to platonic friendship too." Courtesy of- Foxtrot_Heart77 (On AO3)
Potential Trigger Warning: Passing out, extreme exposure to heat
        Damn this sun. Why is Scarabia so freaking hot?! Why couldn't it have been some winter wonderland instead!!
        Now, I've never been to Scarbia. Sure, Kalim has invited me over for parties and all that fun stuff all the time, but I've never gone through with it. If there is any lesson in life that I hope I never forget, it is that heat and Ice Dragons DON'T mix. Not whatsoever. Not even with hundreds of years of evolution.
        However, here I am. If it felt like I had much of a choice, I wouldn't be here. But there were problems and I needed to find my boyfriend quickly. It's not like Jamil to not answer his phone. And even in the times where he's too busy to answer a call or text, he's sure to get back to me eventually, which is why I left the texts as was for a couple hours. But even three hours later there was no response.
        I asked some classmates if they had seen him, but no one has. It's the weekend so no classes, meaning no reason for anyone to have seen him recently unless they went to Scarabia. The problem was that I'm not friends with many Scarabia kids due to the fact I've never been there.
        Why is there such a walk between the dorm building and where the Mirror Hall sends you!? Wouldn't it make more sense to put them right next to each other, or even inside the damn building???
        My wings flared out in an attempt to let whatever wind there potentially was brush against my skin and scales, however the desert air was stagnant and burning hot. Since that plan failed, I tried wrapping my wings around myself and producing whatever cold air I could, even letting out a small puff of Freeze Breath. Unfortunately, even that proved to be rather unfruitful.
        The sweltering heat of the sun beat down in me, my wings getting droopy and my tail dragging through the scorching sand. Thankfully my tail is covered in protective scales so it didn't hurt much. I could feel myself sweat, my clothes sticking to my skin and making me feel uncomfortable.
        A dull, throbbing pain settled in my head, making my stomach curl and knot. I could feel the beginning stages of light headed-ness set in and the desert sands started waving in the non-existent wind.
        I knew this was a bad idea. My only saving grace was the fact that I could see the Scarabia building getting closer and I know Jamil told me the building was purposely built to be much cooler on the inside.
        Is Scarbia moving? Why are the walls waving around? I swear this better not be some heat-induced hallucination! I don't think I can take that!
        The entire desert started spinning and right as I was at the doors of this potential hallucination, the world went black. The last thing I heard before blacking out was the yells of people.
        Ugh, what the hell?
        It is not fun to wake up with a headache, especially not a throbbing one. I attempted the smallest opening of my eyes but the light was far to strong. Opting to keep my eyes closed for the sake of my own head, I instead tried stretching out my limbs to make a quick assessment of my current state.
        Starting with my fingers, which moved without a hitch or soreness, I slowly worked my way up. Arms: working. Legs: sore but also working. Wings: extremely sore in the muscles but otherwise functioning. With a quick feel I can confirm my horns are still attached and my ears are still pointy.
        Well, at least I didn't lose anything important.
        "Y/N.." I heard a voice whisper. My mind may still be slow right now but that is a voice I could never forget. Jamil. My boyfriend. The man I came out here to Scarabia's blazing hot and annoying desert to see.
        "Mh." It was all a could manage. I still couldn't open my eyes, not with how heavy they felt. I quickly realize that my throat was sore, dry as the sands outside.
        Wait. Outside? I'm inside! How?!
        "How much do you remember?" Jamil asked. I felt his hand rest on my forehead and swipe something cold against my skin, a bit of fabric getting caught on a few scales. A cold washcloth. He's trying to cool me down.
        "U-um-" My voice cut out due to soreness and lack of use. It scratched and scrapped against my vocal cords and burned with the effort of responding. A weird object met my lips and it took me a moment to realize that it was a metal straw. I took an experimental sip, trusting my boyfriend not to try and poison me.
        I immediately gulped down as much as I could upon recognizing the refreshing taste of water. I only slightly registered the sound of Jamil's shocked yelp as he scrambled to hold the cup more firmly so there wouldn't be a mess to clean. The cup was soon empty. (I would later realize that it was a rather large cup that I had voraciously swallowed down.)
        "Well, I'm glad a grabbed multiple water bottles while I was getting that cup. You're gonna need them from the looks of it." he said, a slightly strained laugh in his voice.
        I finally worked up the courage to open my eyes again. The sun was bright as all hell but it did feel better to be more aware of my surroundings. My eyes opened one after the other, first the right one and when that one was adjusted to the light, the left followed suit. After a moment of forcing my eyes to stay open, I blinked a couple dozen times to orientate myself.
        Eventually Jamil came into focus. It didn't take long for me to see the worried crease of his brows and the slightly panicked look in his eyes. There was also a distinct tightness to his face that showed his strained facade of calm. There's the Jamil I know, always such a worry wart, but always keeping a clam face.
        Jamil lifted up another water bottle and opened the lid, holding it up for me to grab. My limps felt like they were filled with sand and my muscles strained to move, but I managed to lift my arm enough to take the bottle from him and hold it up to my mouth, gulping all of the water down in only a few swallows. I took a few moments after that to let my head stop spinning, feeling Jamil take the bottle from me.
        "Feeling a little better? You must have been really dehydrated." Silence followed while Jamil placed his hand on my back, rubbing small circles into the skin and scales and putting pressure to make sure I don't topple over if dizziness decided to poke its head. It was a couple of minutes before I could manage a response.
        "Better. No longer burning in the sun, so that's a plus." My voice was still rough and coarse, but it no longer scratched when I tried to speak. The water had helped.
        "Good to hear. However..." he trailed off for a split second before pulling me closer to his chest and maneuvering around my horns, trying not to poke out his eye. "What were you doing out in the sands? You know you can't handle the heat, so why risk it?" Jamil's voice was gentle, but also firm and scolding. Silence followed again.
        "I was worried about you.." I managed. The scratchiness in my throat was all but gone, little bits of Ice Breath cooling my throat now that it had water to create mist, but there was a tight feeling, like emotions squeezing my vocal cords.
        "I tried to text you, call you even, but I got nothing. And I know you're a busy man, with your duties and all that, so I let it be for a couple hours! You usually get back to me when you get the chance. But it had been hours and I still didn't get anything, so I started to worry. I tried a few more times and after that, I made a dumb ass decision to come and track you down.." I was rambling, and I knew that, but I needed to speak and Jamil made no effort to stop me, so why should I? Plus, I know it's best to be honest with my boyfriend, he appreciates it.
        "Shit..." he whispered under his breath. His arms hugged me tighter and I got the feeling it was less to comfort me than it was to comfort himself. One wing unfolded and wrapped around Jamil in a type of pseudo hug and the other splayed itself across my body in an effort to use whatever cold my body produced to keep me cool. I may be in the building now, but there is still a reason the Scarabia uniforms are sleeveless.
        "Sorry about that, babe. My phone died sometime around noon so I put it on the charger in my room, but with duties and all that, I haven't been back to my room since. I was actually beginning to prepare dinner when one of the Scarabia students found me, yelling about a student having passed out in the front courtyard. That's when I ran out to find you there, so I brought you back here, to my room, and did what I could to cool you down." he explained. Now, in Jamil's own weird way, he was rambling. It's a habit he may or may not have picked up from either me or Kalim. But he let me ramble, so I won't stop him.
        I hummed, acknowledging him while still giving him a moment to decide if he wanted to keep talking. He didn't speak again, so I took that as a 'no'. I moved just enough to be further up, so our faces were more level and I was less in his chest. I looked at him and he looked back.
        "You did great at that, by the way. You must have known what you were doing, because I feel better already. I bit hotter than I would normally like, but I no longer feel like I'm about to pass out and if you ask me, that's an improvement." I laughed, feeling the moment needed a bit of humor. Despite the fact he was still clearly worried, he laughed as well. It was a sweet moment.
        Jamil leaned closer and pecked me on the lips with a kiss. Sweet, gentle and meant to express every word that he couldn't properly speak right now. In turn, I kissed him back, this time longer and more passionate, and he returned the sentiment. And for an hour, that's all we were. Two lovers caught in each others embrace, sweetly kissing each other when the time felt right. Sometimes we spoke about our day, about the events that occurred when we were not at each others sides. Other times we sat in comfortable silence, speaking nothing because there was nothing that needed to be said.
        That was all we were until all the water bottles were empty and the sun had lowered some, cooling the air if only a little. We stayed like that until Kalim tracked us down and started to fuss over me. Jamil was a little frazzled, but let it be for the sake of peace. Realizing Kalim found Jamil for dinner, all three of us left Jamil's room and headed towards the kitchen, Kalim talking on an on in a quieter voice than normal and Jamil walking with my hand in his in silence, enjoying the peacefulness of the walk.
        My legs were still shaky, this being the first time I've walked since collapsing, but I managed with minimal help and was back to my normal self by the time we three reached the kitchen. But dread washed over me when the kitchen got infinitely hotter when Jamil turned on the stove, adding to the already hot air of Scarabia. But this time, I had my boyfriend at my side, and I knew I would be fine.
I feel really happy about this because there is something about this man that gets me so he is a delight to have content for
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Seeing Your Dragon Form: Staff
There's nothing romantic about these interactions. I left the ones with the boys kinda either romantic or platonic, but for the staff, it's strictly parent/child dynamics. Here, you are just close with these staff members for whatever reasons (they know other students are scared of you because of what you are is how I'm gonna write it for my own sake) Anyway, they all have parent/child dynamic with you. Also, these may suck because I don't have a very good grasp on the staff's personalities.
Headmaster Crowley
Honestly, Crowley still doesn't know how you and him have gotten so close. And, neither do you really.
But, he's not complaining. He actually sees you as nice company compared to the interesting students of Night Raven Collage and his fellow staff members.
Now, Crowley is (probably) an old soul and has seen his fair share of things from all over Twisted Wonderland. But, much to his own shame but also not his fault, he hasn't seen a draconic fae be a dragon. Fae keep to themselves and draconic ones are few and far between.
Because of this, while he will never admit, he was thoroughly frozen (pun unintended) in shock and amazement when he just so happened to across you mid transformation when he was taking a midday stroll in the woods.
He understands that you are a taller student and he understands that a part of that is because of your dragon lineage, but the thought that that might translate into the size of your dragon form didn't cross his mind.
He also didn't know what to do. This whole thing was a chance meeting and as far as he knows, you're unaware of his presence. Should he step into your line of sight and attempt to speak with you? Or should he continue to stay behind this tree and either leave or watch from a distance.
He opted to stay and watch, not knowing how you'd take to this ordeal and his own curiosity getting the best of him.
To bad for him, both your dragon and fae senses picked up on his presence even before transformation, you simply didn't care.
You turned around, icy wings spread out onto the forest floor, and faced him, making direct eye contact.
The Headmaster yelped in surprise, but not fear. Deciding there was no reason to stay hidden now that he knew you were aware of him, he stepped out and came forward.
Crowley was loud while he held a one-sided conversation, which was expected, but he was also calm and slow, which was surprising. Because of his prideful attitude and overall personality, it's sometimes easy to forget that this man is still an educator and a man who has kept this school running for who knows how long.
Looking back on it, long after he went back to work and you took a nap in the forest, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing in his own actions. Maybe it's the constant handling of rowdy beastmen or his extensive knowledge of Twisted Wonderland's people and abundant species, but he was quick to adjust to the situation while giving on air of someone not even trying.
"Now, aren't I oh so gracious? Taking time out of my busy day to see you and even learn some new things?" You knew he was lying, that he had been out here on a pleasure walk. But, the way his smile under the crow mask curled up in genuine happiness, you could let it pass.
Crewel is really fond of you.
This started when he managed to get you to agree to modal and help design clothing for people that have animalistic features. He'd been struggling to design clothes that worked with people that have wings or large tails and you were happy to help.
Because of this bond, he became a type of protector when he realized your fellow classmates were either messing with you or scared of you due to being a draconic fae. He'd scare off any students who tried to mess with you and let you stay in his classroom after class or after school if you needed a break.
Crewel voiced his curiosity of your dragon form one day when you and him were in his room discussing some mechanics to help wings fit through clothing without it tearing. And, since you had come to trust this man and he treats you like a father, you decided to indulge him.
He had to use his coat to cover his face when the cold mist swept over him.
The first thing that caught his attention was your wings, the very things he had been studying earlier today. They were much larger than when in human form and even had sharp, icy spikes on the tips that were only slightly visible in human form.
Would he have to take into account any transformations when making his new clothing line or does magic protect all clothing when it happens? Oh well, that's something he'll have to find out later.
He truly couldn't understand how other students could be scared of you. You were very beautiful in human form, your features not being the only thing that convinced him to ask for your help. But, even in dragon form, that beauty remained, albeit in a very different light.
The smoothness and pale color of your scales, the glistening ends of your horns, the spikes running down your back and even the glint in your e/c eyes. It was a type of beauty he was unused to, animal in nature but also strikingly human.
Really, how could someone ever be scared of you or ridicule you? Maybe you could be dangerous, if prompted or your life was in danger, but he knew you were a gentle soul.
After transforming back into human form, he carefully studied your clothes (some he had designed with your helpful insight) and beamed with pride when he found no tears or stretches. "Well, I must say, I think we did our job wonderfully, Little Pup."
Trein only got to know you the way he has because you started talking to Lucius(if you remember one of my earlier chapters, I had Y/N take Animal Linguistics) and the cat familiar seemed to take a liking to you.
I vaguely remembers Professor Oski mentioning you one day in the teacher's lounge, something about teaching you his snow cloud spell.
You two got to talking after that, usually with Lucius starting the conversation and it evolving from there, until you and him eventually started conversations on your own.
Sometimes, you remind him of one of his daughters. Lucius was the one who told him your relationship with other students and he couldn't help but think of when one of his daughter was in a similar situation.
When Lucius told him that he wanted to go see you in dragon form, because you had told him that's what you were doing after school, Trein really couldn't say no to the fond look in his familiar's eyes.
Trein has seen many animals and creatures, from house hold pets to magical familiars, but a full grown dragon is not one of those creatures. However, when someone else may be panicking at seeing a creature the size of you, Lucius was not fazed in the slightest, and, him being Trein's familiar and the two having a spiritual bond, it calmed Trein's own human instincts of fight or flight.
Plus, he could still see, in those large, sharp eyes, the young fae he has been teaching all your long. The child who never hesitated to talk to Lucius despite how other students see it as weird that the cat seems to mimic it's master's words during lessons. The child who spoke cheerily of the friend's they've made. The child who reminded him so much of his own daughters.
"See what I was talking about, Trein?" Lucius meowed. Trein truly did see why his familiar was so fond of this child. Staring up at the long snout pointed at him, he saw no difference between this dragon and the child he's taught in his classroom. "Right as always, Lucius."
Vargas took an interest in you on the first day of school.
He immediately understood you were a fae, and he knows that fae are known for their incredible strength even when they look unassuming. Take Lilia Vanrouge for example.
He had high hopes for you in this class, and he was right to do so. He encouraged all his students to never hold back in their talents, so it came as no surprise to him when you quickly outran most of your classmates and were capable of lifting more than them for longer periods of time.
One class, he even pulled you aside and requested that you start training more with your wings during class so he can make sure you are truly making full use of all your strengths and capabilities.
At first, you didn't think he'd be able to properly train you due to him being human but he quickly proved you wrong. Apparently he hasn't been teaching at NRC and not picked up a thing or two from the non-human students.
He even, actually quite happily, agreed to your request to stay after school some days to further your own training. It was on of these days that you, while deciding to mess with your coach for pushing you just a little too far recently, suddenly changed forms mid-flight.
You actually knocked him onto his butt when your giant form hit the ground and he was still stuck in shock at the transformation.
But, even that didn't faze him for long. He quickly jumped to his feet, dashed over and began inspecting the new form, trying to pick out just how strong you'd be in this form compared to before. (Quite a bit stronger if you're wondering.)
This new revelation, which you thought may spook him enough to go a little easier on you, did quite the opposite. Instead, he encouraged you to take the form more often during your after-school training sessions. To practice flight and see if spellcasting was manageable. Heck, he even set up some different training supplies for you to practice your ice breath and powerful tail on.
Unbeknownst to you, he wasn't only doing this just so your could get stronger. Trust him, he's heard the whispers of your fellow classmates whenever you showed them up in class and got praise for it. The harsh words so carelessly thrown at you.
And he knows that, if he can hear them, he has no doubt you can too.
So, he does this so you become more comfortable with yourself. Improvement starts with your own image of yourself! And, when all is said and done, when he's pushed you to a limit or you've beat a new goal, he gives you a hardy pat on the back while handing you a water bottle, praising you for your improvements.
Sam met you when you first came to his shop sometime during the first week of school.
Him, being the only shop owner on campus and having a reputation for having anything and everything, means he meets everyone eventually, and that's a lot of different people.
Usually, he relies on his Friends On The Other Side to quickly figure out what a student needs so he's not overworking his own mind trying to remember things. But, when he met you, he (and his friends) just knew you were going to be an interesting visitor.
And he was right. You come to Mr. S's Mystery Shop for an array of items, from normal groceries to scale care items.
It was during these frequent visits that the two of you began talking more, even to the point where he'd ask about whatever drama was flowing between the students and you happily spending however long it needed to explain it to him.
His Friends On The Other Side also became quickly fond of you, especially after finding out your senses could faintly pick up on them, capable of telling where in the shop they were hiding in. Sam himself took quite an interest in this.
It didn't take long before you became his "Favorite Imp", the one who provided him knowledge of what goes on inside the schools halls and classrooms. Sorta like gossip buddies at this point.
One day, after you'd fallen asleep in the woods one night in dragon form (your dormleader was not pleased), you had to make a stop at Sam's shop because the morning dew, while not bothering you due to being an ice dragon, had made the ground muddy where you were sleeping and now you needed to clean your scales. Again. Man, sometimes being a dragon is hard.
It was this day that Sam's friends, who you had learned to listen carefully enough to hear their words, tried to drag you out the back door so they could see what a dragon looked like.
You ended up indulging the friends, Sam having to come along to keep an eye on the rascals. He was a bit shocked, but with all the weird things he sells and even the ones he keeps put of stock for safety purposes, it wasn't the strangest nor the most astonishing thing he's seen. But it was new.
He's never been a big dragon fanatic, but he has sold some dragon related items, even to Professor Crewel who needs things for potionology, so it was actually really cool to see a dragon in the flesh.
But he also couldn't help to be a little sad. His Friends On The Other Side, and even himself, have hear the rumors about you on campus. About how there's a terrifying dragon student walking the halls, who glares at everyone in sight and refuses to be near other people.
He also knows that that's not you. You're his gossip buddy. And sure, he probably shouldn't be gossiping with a student, seeing as he's an adult, but he's still a young man at heart who years to have fun, which is why he took up a job at NRC.
So, just why would someone take a look at you, the student who keeps their wings and tail tucked in tight and politely apologizes when they knock something over, who plays games with his mysterious friends and looks freaking awesome as a dragon, and still think you're scary and mean?
"Now now my friends, let's not keep my Favorite Imp waiting." His friends, heading his call, quickly rush back inside and settle into their own shadows. When you walk past him, preparing to leave, he whispers to you. "Thanks for putting up with them, Little Imp. They appreciate it!"
Idk why Vargas doesn't have a speech after his section, but there wasn't one on Quotev and I don't feel like making one for him now. I did write in a note originally that I didn't proofread this bc is was so late at night, so that's probs why. Oof.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Seeing Your Dragon Form: The Rest of Them
Well, here's the last of the students. This will be a short chapter with only Cater, Ortho and Silver since they're the only ones that didn't fit into a previous category. After this, I think I'm gonna write a staff chapter and finally end this series. Enjoy~
Someone needs to take this mans phone away. Before he runs out of storage.
He literally screamed when he finally saw you.
Not from fear. Not from panic. No. From pure cuteness overload.
He rushed over to you, honestly stunning you for a short while, and pulled out his phone.
When you finally processed what just happened, he easily had around twenty pictures taken of you and a folder specifically for those pictures already made.
It's not like you particularity minded. After being friends with Cater for so long, you got used to the picture taking.
He's honestly really astonished.
Cater's always seen you as this amazing being that he admires. He doesn't quite understand it himself, but something about you just makes him want to be near you.
So, that's what he does. He sticks close around.
After Cater gets through the initial photo high, he chills out.
He's usually a pretty high energy person, but he doesn't know how you'd react to that in dragon form. He doesn't want to accidentally cross a line.
So, he sits down next to you and pats the forest floor next to him, signaling for you to come join him.
He couldn't resist snapping a picture when he saw how cute you looked with your head peacefully resting next to him.
He almost audibly gasped when he saw your ear twitch form the sound of the camera click.
"I'll make sure you get to see the pictures later!! But, for now, let''s just sit here." He whipped around to face you while his face lit up. "OMG!! You won't believe the funny videos I found today. Let's watch them!!!"
This kid is the epitome of excited little brother.
The mist does nothing against him, so he's immediately on top of you.
You're pretty sure you can hear him activate like six different scanning and data collecting systems.
You expected that.
Within only a minute, Ortho had collected tons of data about how the transformation happens, how your body systems physically change, and quite a bit about how you change mentally (which isn't a lot).
After that, he just became extremely giddy and excited.
He asked dozens of questions, speaking too quick to realize you couldn't and wouldn't answer him.
He poked and prodded a few scales until he realized that was rude and apologizing.
Eventually, when he was sure he gathered everything, he settled down.
He just sat and watched. When he noticed you looking at him with confusion, he gave and answer.
"Oh, I expended a lot of energy today and my battery is in the 40s. Plus, my brothers unfortunately not at the dorm right now, so I'll have to wait for him to properly hook me up to my charger. For now, I'll save energy by shutting off a few systems."
Excepting that answer, you resting your head near Ortho, getting close enough that he could pet your head, which he did once he understood your intentions.
 "You kind of remind me of the cats in the videos my brother watches late at night." Ortho was recording that whole time and showed the video to Idia later that night when he was charging.
You couldn't tell if he was chill or just didn't have the energy to show what he was feeling in the moment.
Regardless, he stood in place until he felt you were relaxed and comfortable.
When that time came, he calmly approached you until he was at the end of your snout.
He reached out a hand and gently placed it on the bridge of your nose.
He didn't move his hand, just left it there. It was actually a really nice feeling.
Unlike Sebek, who had never seen Malleus's dragon form which left him in shock after seeing yours, Silver has actually seen Malleus in that state. Of course, it was when he was a young child, but that doesn't mean much.
Considering that Lilia had raised both Silver and practically Malleus, Malleus was one of the first people Lilia had introduced Silver to.
As a child, he was weary of Malleus. So, Malleus had revealed his dragon form to the young child in hopes of him getting more comfortable around him. And it worked.
Because of these childhood experiences, Silver wasn't frightened, wasn't weary, wasn't out of his element. He knew exactly what to do.
Which is why he didn't move when he placed his hand on your snout, finding it best to stay calm and still, knowing how heightened your senses may be.
And it was appreciated. Silver was the last of your friends to do this. You found it easier to take it one by one for stress reasons. The others all had so different and versatile reactions, all fitting of their personalities.
Those that were more silent were quick and analytical. Those that were loud were all over, a lot to handle at once. Others were stiff and weary, which took more thought and patience from you.
Silver, however, was pure calm and still indifference. He wasn't excited or studying you. He wasn't asking questions or keeping a distance nor coming unnecessarily close.
He was just there. His eyes were tired and slow, his muscles loose and drowsy. He was tired, but made sure you knew he was there.
Silver said nothing. Eventually, his feet got tired and he sat, soon falling asleep. When he woke up, you were there, human again, and watching him with an appreciative smile. A smile he returned.
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justcallmecj · 4 months
Epel and Y/N's Sleepover
Heya! A little heads up before you start reading. This ties into the first 2 chapters I wrote, Y/N is in Pomefiore dorm and Epel and them are best friends. Let's say, this is a good couple months after the first day of school, so everyone is settled in and used to Pomefiore/NRC life. Anyway, back into the chapter!
Hints of romance between Epel and Y/N??? Idk, you decide if it's hinted at or not ;)
        It took you and Epel a solid 2 weeks to convince Vil to let this happen. You two have been wanting to have a sleepover with each other for a while, but whenever you tried to do it, Vil was there to stop you. Whether it be Epel sneaking to your room or you sneaking to his. Before curfew or after. Vil was always quick to find and get you both back to your respective rooms.
        So, you both resorted to the best method know to humankind. Annoying the hell out of him until he agrees just to get you off his back.
        For 2 weeks you and Epel did whatever you could think of to get on Vil's nerves. Begging. Insistently asking. Playing annoying tricks. Whatever you two could think of. Now, you guys would've gotten into quite a bit of trouble normally. Luckily, you guys had a secret shield. Rook Hunt.
        Right before Vil could dish out a punishment, Rook would swoop in and pull him away for different reasons. A dorm matter that needs his attention? Okay then. Some new pictures Rook took that he wanted to show Vil? Both are gone in the blink of an eye. Rook needs help making an outfit decision? Fine, Vil guesses he can help. And right as he and Vil are walking away, he would turn around and give you both a wink. Great job, you guys have Rook rooting for your success.
        Then, it happened. The day he gave in.
        You and Epel had been trailing behind Vil all day, he's been on edge ever since this morning because of it. This was different than normal though. He can handle you two bothering him, that's not new. But today, you silently followed him. He's used to you two begging and pleading, being loud to get his attention. But now, neither of you said a thing. No words, giggles or even things like sneezes or coughs. Just silence. In a way, it drove him crazy.
        Later that night, right before dinner, you and Epel decided to strike.
        Just as Vil thought he may have lost you both as neither of you were anywhere to be seen, he turned a corner in the dorm hallways and found himself face to face with you. Epel, who was next to you, slipped past Vil while he was startled and stood behind the prefect. With this, you and Epel managed to effectively corner Vil with no escape.
        Epel was the first to speak after a few seconds of tense silence. "So, Vil. I think me and Y/N have tried to reason with you in the past. It even got to the point where we had to try some...less than savory methods." He stared at Vil with a strange amusement.
        "Methods I'm sure you're getting tired of, right?" you said as you stepped closer to Vil, forcing him closer against the wall. Epel followed your example and closed the gap. Vil was trapped with barely any space to even move his arms. Vil would be lying if he said he wasn't genuinely terrified.
        Epel looked ready to pounce on him like he was some wild animal in a rodeo. You had your wings spread out to block any gaps of escape and Vil could see little puffs of mist when you breathed. You know what didn't help? The fact that you towered over Vil and Epel was shorter than him. He couldn't even try to escape by going over or under. Eventually, he gave in.
        With an exasperated sigh and an unsteady breath, Vil said "FINE. You two can have your sleepover! I won't try to interfere any further. Just please back away from me, I need to get to the dining room before dinner starts.
        Epel's eyes lit up and you let out a final breath of icy mist. Epel pushed himself into your side and hugged you excitedly. With a chuckle, you returned the hug while wrapping a wing around his back. Your sharp ears picked up on the quiet sigh of relief Vil let out. Without letting go of Epel, you nudged him out of the way, giving Vil room to breathe and escape the trap you two put him in.
        Vil's heels clicked against the floor tiles as he stepped away from his trappers. Epel finally let go of your waist and turned to Vil. He was still running on the high of finally having some form of power over his controlling dormleader.
        "So Vil, why did you suddenly change your mind?" he asked with a quiet giggle. You rolled your eyes at his taunting. Vil's amethyst eyes steeled as he shot daggers towards Epel. You were tempted to swipe a wing in front of your short friend to keep him safe.
        "Why would my reasons be anything of your concern, Epel? I have no reason to have to share that information with you." One thing you've realized about Vil, is that he's so unused to being beaten that he doesn't know what to do when he does. And that you and Epel teamed together, overwhelms him.
        Vil stormed off to the dining hall, but not before yelling out "And make sure you two are at dinner!!!". Once Vil was out of your sights, you and Epel busted into laughter that echoed through the empty hall. When you both managed to compose yourselves, you decided it was best to get to dinner before Vil found a reason to punish you for it.
        You picked Epel up by the waist, slung him over your shoulder and ran off towards the dining room. Of course, now without plenty of protest from Epel.
        After dinner, both of you rushed of to your bedrooms. He ran into his and packed a small bag since you guys had decided to spend the night in your room. You went into your room and put a few things away so Epel wouldn't trip went he came back.
        A knock sounded from the door, and you rushed to open it for him. He stood there with a wide smile on his face, bag on his shoulder and playfulness glinting in his eyes. You let him past you as you held the door for him, and he quickly set his bag down by your desk.
 He turned and caught one look at your bed and threw himself onto it. You had just remade the nest of pillows and blankets, a strange habit of yours that he loved. You laughed as you watched him curl himself comfortably into a ball in the nest. He grabbed the pillow he brought with him and threw it at you, nailing you in the head.
 "Hey!!! What the hell??" you laughed out. Dashing towards the bed, you grabbed one of your own pillows (careful not to ruin the nest) and took a powerful swing at Epel. The impact against his head forced him down onto the bed.
        He glanced up into your eyes as you towered over him, and held eye contact for a solid 5 seconds before you both busted into uncontrollable laughter. Loosing balance, you flopped down on the bed next to him, causing him to bounce from the weight difference.
        Epel flipped over onto his side so he could face you. "This is gonna be one hell of a night." he said cheerfully. You couldn't help but smile as you heard his southern accent slip through, evidence he was getting comfortable.
        You both decided to take it easy for a while. You spent time watching things like funny videos and shows, playing card games and eating snacks you got from Mr. S's shop earlier that day. Yes, that's how confident you and Epel were that your plan would work. You bought snacks.
        All in all, it was a really amazing night. You and Epel have been working to get this night to happen, and now you finally get to eat the fruit of your labors. Now, the two of you were comfortably dressed into you night clothes, snuggled into the nest of pillows and blankets. With a laptop sat in your lap, you noticed Epel, with his head on you shoulder and arms wrapped around your own arm, started yawning and his eyes fluttering from sleepiness until they finally closed.
        Pausing what was on screen, you moved your head just enough to look at him but not disturb him. His breathing steadied out and his muscles loosened. He was now asleep. You softly chuckled at your sleeping friend. Glancing at the clock on your laptop, it showed that it was only 12:30. When a day it easy, you usually stay up late, seeing the early morning sky of 2 and 3  o'clock. But considering the long and eventful day you've had, sleep wasn't to far from creeping up on you either, and you could feel it.
        After closing the laptop, you put it on the dresser beside your bed. You intended to move Epel over to the other side of the nest/bed, or even move yourself and let him stay where he is. You attempted to pry his arms off of you, but he tensed up and visible frustration crossed his face. Deciding against it, you used gentle words and ruffling his hair to sooth him while adjusting your position to make both of you comfortable.
        Once situated, sleep decided to hit you like a bullet train. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep. With Epel right next to you, wrapped up in your arms, his legs laying on top of your tail which protectively took up the space around him and wings sprawled out calmly on the beds open space, it was extremely comforting.
        Peacefully, you slept all through the night, up until the sun came up and Epel shook you awake.
        "Good mornin', Apple."
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justcallmecj · 4 months
First Day of School
(First time putting a picture in Tumblr so let's hope it works. Also, the picture is very old art and looks terrible in my opinion, so pls ignore it an only use it as a brief reference for what my TW! oc of myself looks like. He's a fan-made Animal Linguistics professor.)
        Sevens dammit. I hate that stupid fucking alarm. I even made it annoying to make sure it'd wake me up, but I'm to lazy too change it.
        BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
        I rolled over in my nest and rummaged around for where I hid my phone. I kept my eyes close to hide from the sun that was peaking through the window, creating red, purple and blue shades through my eye lids. When I finally found it, I opened my eyes and quickly swiped the dismiss circle.
        I tossed and turned, stretching every which way that my limbs would let me. I laid on my stomach and allowed my wings to open as wide as they could. The sun light reflected off my white scales and created more fractal shapes around the room. I soon gained enough energy to sit up and truly wake myself. Getting out of the bed was the hardest part, I wanted nothing more than to just keep sleeping on the comfy mattress. But I can't be late on the first day.
        Groggily, I walked to the wardrobe and managed to find my school uniform. To be fair, it doesn't look that bad. Never been a fan of uniforms but I think I can role with this. The white button-up, Pomefiore purple waistcoat, and black blazer looked nice together. After dressing into the uniform and making sure I looked fine, I packed my backpack with everything I would need for the day. Just gonna keep the schedule in my pocket, it'll always be on hand then.
        When I opened my door to leave, the door across from me opened as well. Out walked a short boy with lilac purple hair. We both startled the other and our eyes met. His ocean blue eyed were definitely shocked when he laid eyes on my horns, wings and tail. We both just kinda froze, neither knowing quite what to do.
        Crap, what do I do now?! Do I say hi? Do I look away and walk off?? Do I go back in my room and wait for him to leave??? He beat me to it.
        "Um...Hi!" he awkwardly waved. I waved back with a small 'Hiya'. Then, silence occurred again. Wow, I really suck at this, huh? This time though, I was determined to not go through the awkward moment again.
        "Looks like we're gonna be neighbors for our time here, huh?" I remarked. He thought about it for a moment until he came to some kind of conclusion.
        "Well technically, we're not. If I was, I would be in the room to your right. Pretty sure we're just hall mates!". His answer threw me for a curve ball. I actually laughed a bit after considering it. He giggled in turn.
        "Same difference if you ask me." I told him. He laughed again. "What's your name?" I asked.
        "Epel, Epel Felmier. Whatta 'bout you?". He had such a sweet southern accent. We both decided simultaneously to leave the comfort of our doorways.
        I'm Y/N L/N. Just call me Y/N though. You another first year?". He nodded as we both started our way down the hall and towards the kitchen. Breakfast time!!!
        Me and Epel talked about the basic stuff on our walk. 'How do you feel about going to NRC?', 'What classes do you have?' and a few other things. We quickly grabbed some breakfast sandwiches and made our way to the school building.
        Well shit, talk about a castle. Epel and I continued into the school building. Students flooded the halls and plenty of conversations filled my ears. Classes haven't started yet so everyone was waiting to be let into their class rooms.
        "What class do you have first?" Epel asked me. I pulled out my schedule from my pocket and found my first class.
        "History of Magic." Nice, a class I can do well. All that reading will come in handy. Epel jumped up and pumped a tiny fist in the air.
        "Woohoo! We got the same class!" Yay! A friend to start off the day. I smiled a wide toothed smile and he caught sight of my fangs. He looked slightly amazed by them.
        "We should head off now, shouldn't we?" I asked. Don't give him long to think about it. I started off to where my schedule said History of Magic would be. He followed close behind.
        Before we could get far, the bell rang. While the halls are large, we just so happened to be in a hall where lots of students decided to hang out.
        When everyone started heading for their class, they bumped and pushed one another. Me and Epel got stuck in the middle of the chaos. Unfortunately for him, his small size caused him to be crushed. He started to panicked.
        Nope. Not looking to let my first friend here get crushed before class even starts. I moved my way through the crowd, luckily people made room when they saw me.
        When I reached him, I spread my right wing out and wrapped it around him. "Come on, let's go this way." While he didn't quite know what to do with my wing there, he followed my directions. I gently swayed my tail behind us, careful not to hit Epel, and others gave us some space.
        Finally!! We've reached the room! The door to History of Magic was open.
        "Thank you for that. Kinda worried they woulda all crushed me back there." he said, pointing a thumb at the crowd behind us. "Those wings of your seem to come in handy, huh?". I kinda like how he doesn't talk about my features. I've grown so used to people whispering negative things about me just from the simple sight of me, the silent acceptance was a comfort.
        "They do, only when they're not being a pain in my butt. You don't know how many times I've whacked myself up side the head with them!" I sighed, remembering all the times of hitting my head growing up. I got Epel to laugh though, so all was well.
        We went in and found seats next to each other. Immediately our teacher came in through the door. An older man, with gray hair, maroon robes and a black and white cat in his arms, came and stood at the teachers desk. He said nothing, only eyed each of us up and down thoroughly.
        "I'm Mozus Trein. Your History of Magic professor. This is my familiar, Lucius. I expect all of you to hush up and sit down, we have a lot to do today." He sat Lucius on the desk, grabbed a pointing stick and moved to the blackboard.
        Me and Epel looked each other in the eyes. Both of us held exasperated expressions. Silently, we seemed to come to an agreement. This is gonna be a looong class.
        Me and Epel separated for two class periods after that. We found each other again in PE where we took flying lessons together with Coach Vargas. Then we parted ways again. Then came my favorite part of the day. LUNCH!!! Luckily, me and Epel planned to meet at lunch.
        The cafeteria was enormous. The roof went high and the room itself when far in each direction. Guess it does have to fit and entire college worth of students. I started my way down the long line. Foods I recognized from all over Twisted Wonderland were out on display and ripe for the picking. I chose plenty of meaty food, I'm a dragon, it's what we do. I grabbed a few extra things that looked appealing and a bottle a ice cold water. Hopefully this will help me cool my temperature a bit.
        I left the line and now found myself faced with the hardest decision known to me. Where the hell to sit? I was indecisive and just stood there, that was, until my savior came for me.
        "Y/N!! Over here!" I heard. Epel's voice shot through the crowd. My ears were quick to pick up on something that brought comfort, like his voice. I quickly spotted his lilac hair through the people. With a new pep in my step, I made my way towards him. I was quick to see that someone new was sitting next to him at the table. A beast man with white hair and wolf ears. I sat across from the both of them.
        "You started to make me think ya weren't coming. I been tryna find you for a while now." Epel told me. I chuckled at his concern.
        "Hey, I keep my promises. Don't worry." I turned to look at the unknown boy. "Hey, I'm Y/N, you?". He seemed to be put off a bit by my sudden acknowledgment of him.
        "I'm Jack Howl. Nice to meet you." Epel spoke up. "I met him during my potionology class." Nice, maybe we can be friends too. Suddenly I realized the mistake of where I was sitting. The sun coming through the windows was constantly hitting my back. My wings spread open in an attempt to mediate my temperature and I gulped down my water bottle. Jack was quick to catch eyes of me and start staring.
        His eyes unfortunately didn't hold the same silent acceptance Epel's did, but he did have a look of understanding on him. Maybe because we both weren't entirely human. Both of us having in-human features. Whatever the reason, he didn't talk about it.
        Jack, Epel and I talked and discussed our day throughout lunch. Unfortunately, the bell had to ring and we had to part ways. Next class. I pulled out my schedule. Animal Linguistics. Awesome, a class I can dominate at. At least the classroom wasn't that far away, didn't take long to get there.
        Walking into the classroom, I realized how much more accommodating the room was. While yes all the classrooms were large, they weren't made for students who take up a lot of space. Like me. The auditorium seats here were spaced for kids who had long tails or large wings. Perfect for me. I found a nice seat in the front of the room and waited.
        Soon came the teacher. A beast man, snow leopard to be exact. He sported a half buzz cut hairstyle with a muted purple coat over a lilac waistcoat. His tail swooshed behind him as he placed his bag on his desk, but something stood out about him. Not even a couple feet above his head was a small cloud that only snowed on him. When the snow reached closed to the ground, it evaporated, keeping the floor dry and him cool. Now he knows how to stay cool in the heat. I'll have to ask him to teach me how to do that.  He sat on the desk and turned his attention to us.
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        "Hello everyone. I'm the Animal Linguistics professor. Professor Oski. By the end of the year, I hope you all can either speak fluently with animals or fluently understand them.", he gave us a sweet, fanged smile and continued the class.
        Animal Linguistics seemed like it was gonna be a smooth class. After that I had my final period, Alchemy. Jack and Epel already told me about this teacher. Divus Crewel. Definitely sounded like an interesting character from what I got from Epel and Jack. Hopefully, this all goes well.
        Again, I found myself in another classroom, with another teacher. This is starting to get a little too repetitive. I sat at a seat in the middle of the room and notably, two boys sat to my right. One with vibrant red hair, the other with deep blue. While Crewel was giving a speech, the two of them talked non-stop. Then, I picked up on their conversation.
        'Deuce, look at the kid over there. They got wings.' said the red haired one. 'I can see that, Ace. I'm more interested in their horns though. They look scary but awesome at the same time.' said Deuce to Ace. I managed to catch a glimpse of them staring. Then Crewel announced free time to get to know one another.
        I got the most random burst of confidence. I actually walked up to them, with no hesitation.
        "You two gonna keep whispering about me or actually going to try and speak to me?". I spooked them, their surprised faces were a clear sign.
        "OH!? You heard us!? Deuce exclaimed. Ace came dangerously close to jumping out of his chair. I nodded as confirmation. Now, neither looked like they knew what to do next. Guess I'll have to take the lead this time.
        "Hi, I'm Y/N. I couldn't help but overhear you two talking about me. You're Ace and you're Deuce, right?" I pointed at both of them respectively. Ace huffed and Deuce sputtered a few random sounds.
        "You really must've been eavesdropping, you already know our names." Ace said, he seemed offended in some way.
        "Maybe if you weren't talking about me, I wouldn't have." I smiled at him teasingly. Deuce spoke up finally.
        "I'm terribly sorry!! We didn't mean to offend you. We were just curious, that's all!" he sure does speak loud. My pointed ears flinched from the yelling.
        "No, it's fine. As long as there was no ill will, I'm fine with it. I've grown used to whispers about me. How about we keep the behind the back talking to a level of zero?" I teased with a chuckle. After that, they were both pretty talkative people. We three talked for the rest of the free time we were granted, until class was dismissed, then we went our separate ways in the Mirror Chamber. They both went through the Heartslabyul mirror while I went through the Pomefiore.
        The common room was full of students. I only barely managed to sneak through the room without drawing a lot of attention to myself. My social battery has run out for the day and I really don't want to have to deal with anyone. While walking to my room, I ran into someone.
        "Why hello there, Dragon de glace. Hey are you on this beautiful day?" I looked only to meet the eyes of Rook, my vice dormleader. His green eyes gave me the same feeling his close-eyed smile did, only open this time. A shiver went down my back, ironic again, I don't shiver. What did he call me? Dragon de glace? What does that mean?
        He quickly moved in front of me, I didn't even have a moment to react before he was in my face. His heels brought him up to my height.
        "Your answer, Dear?" he asked. His hat came close and tickled my nose with its feather, I almost sneezed. "Um...it was pretty good today. Stressing but good none the less.". He seemed satisfied with my answer an backed away a bit.
        'Well that's great to hear, Dragon de glace. Your first day should be one that's magnifique!". His hand flew up and a dramatic manner. Magnifique? That's French. Means the name he called me was also French. Good start to figuring out what it means I guess. I noticed that his piercing gaze was locked on my wings and tail, occasionally my horns. Now this is getting weird. Gotta find a way to leave.
        "Well, I need to do something in my room. So I'll be on my way now. It was really nice talking to you Rook!". I maneuvered my way around him and put some speed in my walk. Luckily, I didn't hear the sounds of pursuing. I went in my room and didn't come out until dinner. He stared more at dinner and I quickly made my way back to the safety of my four walls and finally found the release of sleep.
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