alexkaplanphotovideo · 7 months
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Spotlight on the defenders of justice at Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi P.C.,. A privilege to photograph the individuals behind the reputation of excellence. #JusticeDefenders #LegalLuminaries #PhotographicExcellence #LawyerPortraits #FocusedOnJustice #BehindTheLens...
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bodejustice · 6 years
💕 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Send 💕 and my muse will use the Love Calculator to see how compatible they are with your muse!
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“Huh! That’s not too bad!! ...’Doctor Love’? Really?”
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smoltongzhi · 6 years
@justicedefended weh
A huff, soft and dismissive. “Nehh.” The bracelet squeezes as Yu’ung drapes his arms around Apollo and idly plays with a crease in his sleeve.
The shouting man drinking was the least of his bothers.
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blindjustixe · 6 years
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"...the heck is 'gay baby jail'?"
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detective-sharknado · 6 years
 Continued from Here @justicedefended​
“Hmm. I said you could say that again. And it was worth me repeating too. Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” 
Five shots in, and Daryan is still doing far better than the attorney with the winning smile. Is this what Gavin saw in him when they’d first met? A cute guy with a penchant for the truth, and a winning smile? Is it any wonder his flirtatious friend had been suckered in, willing to follow his lead towards true justice?
Never mind that - there’s no way he’d just thought of Sleeves as a cute guy. 
He takes another shot to chase away the idea. 
“Nah, we can head out. I’ll just get -- ... Erh...” When Apollo keeps talking, he quiets down so he doesn’t interrupt this very interesting confession he’s being entrusted with. It’s... only a little surprising to hear that Apollo hadn’t always been a shining paragon of justice. No one so jaded, so snide, could possibly have made it to adulthood without trouble all through their days. 
What is surprising, however, is to hear that Short-Stop hadn’t just gotten into fights, but had hurt someone badly enough in self-defense that he can - on some level - relate to Daryan. It’s enough to tug on his heart, really. No one deserves to be in a position like that; alone and left to stop the trouble even after reaching out for help. 
That hopelessness that leads to desperation enough that someone would do something so crazy - He shakes his head, interrupting that line of thought. 
“I’m... Sorry. Genuinely. That you had to go through that...” He nods a little and looks down at his empty shot glass.
“Smuggling wasn’t the go-to, I want you to know that. Our first idea wasn’t to just... jump to felonies. I can be a dumb, angry, violent idiot, but I was a detective, and before that I was a cop. I don’t like committing crimes, I like stopping them. But... the CJ and I... we were out of options.” 
If Apollo’s letting things slip tonight, he might as well share some information himself and make it a fair trade, even if his buddy here isn’t aware there is one.
“This doesn’t excuse what I did, or what happened, obviously. I just... Don’t like people thinking... that... y’know... I just decided to go pull some bullshit one day for fun.”
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itsgottabethebutz · 6 years
justicedefended replied to your post: What about Klavier Gavin-Butz?
You said it, kid. Sounds ridiculous.
Larry shakes his head again--and then perks up after a moment.
Hey, kid. Nick told me your bracelet has like, special powers or something, plus you hang out with Trucy. D’you know anything about like...weird statements that can make people do whatever you want?
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glamourwitchcraft · 6 years
justicedefended replied to your post “D, Z.”
i wanted a REAL secret
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          He’s a furry fucker.
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raajasii · 6 years
can you do Tag Yourself for the gone but not forgotten Jude™?
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guilty-love · 6 years
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I am not sure if you guys are being serious or if you simply decided to quote a child’s movie on me.
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absolutelaw-blog · 6 years
" One day I'll leave you. "
「 ♠ ┊ sentences. 」
〔 ♠ 〕 HE GIVES a hum of acknowledgement, and the air between them hangs heavy with silence for a moment, a quiet broken only by the occasional crinkle of a turning page. but if the atmosphere is oppressive, if every page-flip has the sudden report of a gunshot, if the room feels like it’s been suspended in the second before lightning strikes, well – neither of them seem to notice it. or, at least, they pretend not to. kristoph is a master of his craft, after all, AND JUSTICE HAS LEARNED FROM THE BEST. it shows in the way he speaks  :  words calm, even, carefully chosen. sharp shards of ice, precisely aimed. —— & even now, when they’re pointed at him, he feels something like pride well up in the void where his heart should be. IT’S AN HONOR, really, to have such a perfect barb tossed at you – to be an important player in the game of a worthy opponent. those are few & far between these days, you know.
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       ❝  NO, YOU won’t,  ❞ he replies, just as matter-of-factly, and turns yet another page. ❝  really, now. where would you go ?  ❞  
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wrightrpagency-blog · 6 years
Text @justicedefended
Klavier: Good afternoon, Herr Forehead 🎸
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bodejustice · 6 years
justicedefended replied to your post “Bobby help I'm gay and ur hot”
apollo vc: i am half drunk half gay and physically available
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“You’re a little young and small for me, Mr. Justice, as much as I love you as a friend and brother in justice! But come, why don’t I take you to a little dinner and sober you up?”
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smoltongzhi · 6 years
(@justicedefended because I'm tired of asks)
He looks over his shoulder, looks up from the curb and into Apollo's face. There's annoyance there mixed with something he can't quite put his finger on. It resembled the look his new "Papa" often carried in his stern gray eyes when he pushed Yu'ung to try to say or do something. He searches for what it might be.
Belief, probably. Believing in him.
Yu'ung looks away again. Tired. Overwhelmed. He probably needs a good kick to get him off the sidewalk and moving again.
He turns his back fully to Apollo and pulls his shirt up partway, finally exposing the part of his body he had refused to let his not-boyfriend see. The Defiant Dragons tattoo stretches from waist to shoulderblades--and the Khura'inese mark for "murderer" is branded across the black inking, big and scrawling, the burn scarring poorly-healed.
He straightens his shirt back down after a few seconds. Tries to think of how to say his point out loud in either language. Doesn't.
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blindjustixe · 6 years
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"...you know what, I give up!"
(Just keep the smell away from her, for heaven's sake!)
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detective-sharknado · 6 years
Daryan's expression changes as Apollo's does. Who the fuck did this guy think he is, anyway, sticking his nose where it doesn't belong? Again.
His eyes narrow, his lip raised in a snarl even as his blood runs ice cold at the lawyer's words. He feels like he's just been doused freezing water for as breathless as it leaves him.
The guy isn't wrong. Not at all, which is why it's so fucking hard for him to form a response. Daryan knows, he knows he should leave Klavier the hell alone after what he did. That he should leave the rest of the band as well, and maybe even L.A. altogether! But just because one knows something, doesn't mean they're strong or selfless enough to act on it.
"Fuck off, Sleeves. Seriously, what the hell do you know? It's none of your goddamn business! Klavier's an adult, and if he still wants me around then I'll stick around! If he tells me to fuck outta here, then I'll go!"
Daryan had promised not to leave again. What would hurt Klavier more, then, at this point?
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fiircbird-blog · 6 years
justicedefended replied to your post: What is this Dahlia body shaming on the dash...
but my lawful opinion of /her/ and her lack of, um, ‘assets’ is… no. though i recognize… there were a lot of idi–individuals quite smitten with ms. hawthorne for. r… easons. …kawaii reasons…
Because she’s an attractive girl (she was considered beautiful not just cute) who knew how to twist men around her little finger. Terry is a different case because she was actually underage then, but she’s a woman when she attracts the others.
She knew how to charm men and that’s really what it comes down to. Saying she has nothing to offer men because she doesn’t have boobs or leg (even though we don’t even know what her legs look like since her dress hides them) just seems a bit :/
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