#justin herbert x reader
lyrenminth · 3 months
Can I request a fluff okay y/n is small and having a play fight with Justin luv ya 😉
Anon! Thank you for your patience! I hope you like it, I had so much fun writing it. Somehow I think Justin would be abrupt with his actions since he grew with two brothers, but he can learn to treat you less harshly 😅
Play fight
Play fight with your 6'6 athletic boyfriend wasn't the best idea knowing damn well he had to be extremely careful with you since that last time he almost broke your nose with the kitchen cabinet. Justin felt so bad he almost cried.
But you wanted to play. Justin was in the garden, picking up the fallen leaves when you tackled him from behind. He moved a couple of inches, and looked down at you. You were shoeless and the grass made you slip a bit, but you keep trying, grabbing him by the waist and pushing.
"What are you doing?" he asked, curious and patient as always.
"We're fighting and I'm currently winning" you announced, a little bit out of breath. You started climbing him like a koala.
"Oh, no. I can't lose" he said, his big hands grabbed your waist and lifted you up so easily you shrieked. "Justin!" he lifted both arms and you were fighting in the air. "Pull me down!"
He put you on the grass in a very fluid movement. Once in the ground, you walked around him, measuring his reaction which was none. He was there... standing with a slight smile on his face. In a moment of distraction, you jumped and grabbed his neck, pulling him down, he bent for seconds then let his own weight down, crushing you in the process. "Oof" you said "I kinda like this" he started tickling you on your sensitive spot: the ribs.
You laughed until it starting to hurt. "Stop, stop, stop! You win!" he was between your legs, and you felt something hard pressed against your thighs. You grabbed his face between your hands and gave him a smooch. "You're not rival for me" he said, playfully. "Now you're my prisoner"
You gasped. "Oh, no! Please, let me go. I'll be a good girl" you joked in a high pitched tone. When he moved again putting your arms above your head. "Or your sexual slave, whatever you want" he purred and dig into your neck to kiss it, the stubble made you ticklish and try to set free. "I'm in a very inconvenient position" you said, trying not to moan as he left wet kisses. "You are bigger...ah" he bite your earlobe, and you try to close your legs, but he was there "...and stronger than me"
"I am" he grunted. You tried to liberate yourself unsuccessfully. "I demand a rematch" you said, breathless. He was still kissing your neck. "It's only fair" he looked at you, his green eyes were darker. He studied your face. "What if I win?"
"I-I am going to make dinner for a month" you suggested. He didn't like it, so he started kissing you again. With a free hand he roamed your body, squeezing your breasts. "And mmm massages for free?"
"I can take that" he said, standing up and bringing you up with him.
"It's a rematch then" you smiled.
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bad268 · 8 months
Hi I love your work can you write about justin and a reporter ask a question about you( your relationship is unknown) and he’s loses his temper a lil but Is also trying not to disclose anything.
Private, But Not Secret (Justin Herbert X Reporter! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/NFL
Requested: Clearly (I love him so much)
Warnings: mentions of when Justin broke his leg in college
Pronouns: Third person (They/them)
W.C. 1031
Summary: A reporter takes a question too far, so Justin takes evasive action.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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It all started when they met in college, the University of Oregon. Y/n, a sports journalism major, and Justin, a science major on the football team. A match made in heaven, one would say. Their classes did not overlap a lot, but Y/n was assigned to cover the football team. It was only natural for the two to spark something. 
They began hanging out outside of the games and practices during the summer of their junior year and became official at the end of the football season. The two decided to keep it between themselves because the last thing they needed was people making comments about the quarterback and a journalist being together.
Fast forward a few years, Justin is doing well with the LA Chargers and Y/n has established themself with CBS. Y/n was the lead journalist when it came to the LA Chargers, and they were always reporting on Sundays. Their relationship remained strong, and no one other than their respective families and closest friends knew of the two.
Even though they were on the down low, everyone could see that Justin had a soft spot for Y/n in conferences. No matter the outcome of the game, Justin would smile and give very detailed responses. Heck, he would even banter back and forth with them!
One game in particular, Y/n could not attend. Y/n was visiting family, so they asked one of their newer reporters to fill their space. The game was pretty good for the LA Chargers and Justin with him throwing three touchdowns and running one in himself. Despite being at their parents’ house, Y/n turned on the post-game conference just as Justin came on the stage. All of the journalists were congratulating Justin and asking game-related questions until it got to one reporter. 
“Perla with CBS,” she started, Y/n immediately recognized the voice as their coworker who filled in for them. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my colleague, Y/n, is not here today.”
“No, I noticed,” Justin chuckled. “They’re at every game and every press conference, so it’s nice to see them taking a break.”
“Many people, myself included, have noticed that you two seem to have a stronger bond than just reporter and player,” Perla scoffed. Immediately, Y/n could sense where the question was going, and so could Justin. “Is there anything happening behind the scenes between you two?”
“That has nothing to do with the game, and frankly, it’s none of your business,” Justin answered monotonously.
“I mean, it’s obvious to everyone that Y/n doesn’t have the proper experience to have this job, so it’s clear that they’re doing some ‘behind the scenes’ favors,” Perla continued, completely disregarding Justin’s first answer and obvious distaste for the question.
“First off, don’t ever talk down on someone like Y/n who is higher up than you,” Justin started off, glaring at Perla through the crowd. “Second, if we were in a relationship, how would I have any say in their job? I have no personal connection to CBS, and I just don’t have that power. Lastly, if you’re going to keep talking shit, you can leave, and we’ll make sure that CBS knows how you aren’t actually working within your role. I don’t think your boss would appreciate that his sports reporter is poking her nose around in topics that don’t deal with sports, right?”
“Are you threatening me?” Perla gasped, surrounding reporters were eating it up. Justin was known for being quiet and reserved, so seeing him lash back was a one in a million shot. 
“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise,” Justin replied. “Slander against Y/n will not be tolerated, especially when I know that they specifically chose you for this gig because they believed in you.”
After the conference, Justin called Y/n on his way home.
“Thank you for standing up for me, J,” Y/n greeted almost immediately after answering the phone. “People need to learn to stay in their own lane.”
“I’ll always defend you,” Justin laughed. “We do need to talk to your boss about that, though. That was unacceptable.”
“I really thought Perla was just misunderstood,” Y/n replied sadly. “Turns out she’s just out for drama.”
“If people are going to keep asking about it,” Justin started, “how would you feel about us announcing us? We could be private but not secret, and I’ll make sure to add that we’ve been together since junior year.”
“If I get to help choose the pictures and the caption, I think it would be best,” Y/n admitted. “Plus, you kind of already outed us during the conference when you said ‘we’ will make sure that CBS knows.”
“For fucks sake,” Justin chuckled in disbelief. “I tried so hard to keep it hidden.”
“Well, now we don’t need to,” Y/n comforted. “Remember, private but not secret from now on.”
The next game day came faster than either were prepared for. Both shared two pictures to their Instagrams with the caption, “Five years and counting.” One of them was taken during the off-season, and the other was of the two sitting on the couch with Justin’s broken leg and Y/n dressed up as a nurse from junior year. The posts gained a lot of traction, but it was now in the open. Neither wanted to change that.
After the game and another win for the LA Chargers, there was, of course, another conference. This time, Y/n was back in their place.
“Y/n with CBS,” they smiled as Justin looked their way. “First off, congratulations on announcing your relationship. You two look very happy together.”
“Thanks,” Justin laughed at the brief teasing. "We've been through a lot together. Couldn't see myself without them, honestly."
“That's cute, but I would rather talk about that last play though,” Y/n quickly got on topic. “A 69-yard throw to Keenan Allen for the game-winning touchdown. With this win, you helped secure your place at the top of your division and a place in the playoff. Tell me, does your arm hurt with these long throws?”
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mattatouilletkachuk · 11 months
7. “You got frosting on your face” with justin herbert please?! thank you!
Baking was one of your favorite things about the Christmas season. Every year your home always smelled like warm cookies and you usually switched out your mug of coffee for a warm mug of hot chocolate. However, Justin couldn’t bake to save his life, and usually just joined in towards the end when it was time to frost the cookies and build the gingerbread houses.
There was one problem, though.
You couldn’t trust him near any of the baked goods. The first year you moved in together, the last year of college, was the year you realized that your boyfriend was an absolute menace around warm homemade treats.
As you padded into the kitchen to check to see if the sugar cookies you had made earlier were cooled down enough for you to start decorating you saw Justin standing next to the counter. You couldn’t see what he was doing but you could guess.
“Back away from the cookies,” you said, trying to sound authoritative but when he turned away with the look of a kid who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, you had to bite back the giggle that wanted to bubble up.
“I was only trying to help,” he raised his hands in defense as he backed away sheepishly.
You looked him over for any crumbs and then to the cookie sheet to count. So far all of the cookies remained but that didn’t mean it would stay that way for long.
“If you want to help,” you turned to him only to find him eyeing up the treats again, “go and grab the frosting I put in the fridge.”
With a quick nod, he did as you instructed and you had almost finished frosting the cookies until you noticed something amiss.
“Justin, what’s that on your face?”
“Hmm?” He hummed but tilted his head away from you.
You couldn’t help but giggle quietly as you grabbed his face in your hand. He didn’t pull away and even leaned down so you could see his face properly. His cheeks were tinted pink and his lips were slightly quirked. He knew he had been caught.
“You didn’t eat any of the cookies, I counted them to make sure,” you brushed some of the frosting away but you swore he must have eaten it by shoving his face in the bowl because it was all over his lips and cheeks. “Did you eat the frosting I made?”
Justin frowned and tried to look offended but the mischief was clear in his eyes. “I’m helping you decorate your cookies and you’re going to accuse me of sneaking food?”
There was no hiding the smile that was spreading on your face. “Honey, you got frosting on your face.”
Justin let his mask fall and he laughed at you catching him. You dropped your hand from his face as his arm snaked around your waist to pull you in closer.
“Well, I’m noticing a severe lack of frosting on your face,” his smile was filled with trouble and you tried to squirm away half-heartedly but you couldn’t get away before he leaned down and kissed you messily, leaving frosting behind on your face as well.
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jherbert10 · 1 year
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pov dating big boy justin herbert
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denmeetssports · 11 months
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pov: your camara roll but you’re Justin Herbert’s wife and have kids
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adoristsposts · 1 year
justin herbert winning superbowl and proposes to y/n on the field
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author's note; oh ABSOLUTELY anon u ate with this idea!!! singlehandedly bringing me out of my writing slump summary; the superbowl was supposed to be justin herberts biggest win of the day- but he can't help himself from making it just a little better. word count; 5k warnings; mention of underage drinking, nsfw joke Lol! unedited characters; Reader x Justin Herbert
There was no world in which you weren't shaking with nerves and anticipation. You had grown up watching the Super Bowl on television. You had honestly never really paid it much mind unless your local team had made it through, and even then it was usually your teenage excuse to have a few friends round and sneak a few drinks. In the past couple of years, however, football had become integrated into your life in the form of a 6'6, 236 lbs sweetheart. When you and Justin had begun dating, the idea of it lasting had been far from your mind. You complained incessantly to your girlfriends about his schedule. "He's always busy!" You had whinged to them, far from dramatic. He always had practice or a game or team bonding. Finding a time he could carve out for you was hard. But damn, did he try. And it worked. Three years later, you looked forward to the familiar thump of his football bag hitting the floor on a Sunday to alert you to his arrival. After a win, he'd come to find you with a grin on his face and wild eyes, usually peppering you with kisses. A loss, however, meant he immediately took a solemn shower and put all that gentle giant weight on you to lie in your arms and soak in your affection. This year had been filled with wins. After two losses at the start of the season, the team managed to turn the tide and keep a strong string of games going. The result was enough to put them head-to-head against the Kansas City Chiefs in this year's Super Bowl.
And the Nevada heat was not helping you stay calm. You half wanted to peel your Herbert jersey off and stand in a refrigerator until the game was over. You were nervous for all sorts of reasons. Firstly, you wanted Justin to win. Secondly, you wanted Justin to get through the game without getting injured. The injury to his ribs last year, he liked to joke, had scared you more than it had hurt him. You would be happy with any result as long as he left the field in one piece.
So far, it was a close game. 21-31 in the fourth quarter, with the Chiefs leading. You couldn't figure out how you felt. You were bursting at the seams with pride as is, but you were desperate for Justin to win what he had been working towards for so long. Justin had played an incredible game so far. You and his family kept repeating so to each other, like a mantra that he would continue doing so. You wanted nothing more than to see them win this game, even if watching was growing more difficult with each passing second. Mitch and Patrick, his two brothers, watched standing up. They either perched, staring and analyzing the game in a way only a football player could, or paced whatever stretch of ground they could, discussing their conclusions. "He's doing great," Holly said, not really aiming the words at anyone. Your hands were clasped in hers, and you gave her a squeeze. The sweet moment was interrupted by Patrick's yelp. Your gaze snapped back to the field, and Holly let go of your hands as both of you stood up. There was a wide opening, where Keenan Allen was waiting. Justin's snap made it to him, and Allen set into the most determined run you had ever seen. He dodged defense, with help from Chargers players doing their best to block them from his path. And then- "Touchdown by Keenan Allen! The Chargers are beginning to close the very small gap between them and the Chiefs!" The announcer called. You and the Herbert family erupted in glee (as you had with every previous point.)
With just under a minute now left in the last quarter, 28-30 was beginning to seem like it would be the final score. Both sides were not letting anything or anyone pass. You could practically feel the tension radiating from the players. No one had sat down since Keenan's touchdown. The electricity in the box was too much for anyone to stay stationary. Your hands were clasped, pressed to your lips as you watched your boyfriend set up. He got the ball, pulled back, and paused. "Go!" Mitch yelled like Justin could hear him. And then, like he could, Justin started running. They had set up close enough, he could make it- you could see he was going to make it. You had never heard louder yells than in the second Justin made it to the endzone. The clock after that ticked down painfully slowly. But second after second, the Chiefs were unable to score any points that would put them back in the lead.
Then the game ended, and the Los Angeles Chargers had officially won the 2024 Super Bowl. You were right behind the Herberts as the four of them rushed out of the box and down to the field, Patrick dragging you next to him with a handful of your shirt. "Slow down!" You laughed at him. "You're dating a Super Bowl winner, there's no slowing down now!" He exclaimed back at you. You felt the warm flush of giddiness and pride. Justin was a Super Bowl winner. Your boyfriend. Your lovely boyfriend. When you made it down, the field and sidelines were already flooded with family and friends. A sea of red and blue. You were sure the pure, unadulterated joy radiating off of you was salt in the wound for the Chiefs players, but the moment you locked eyes with your boyfriend you didn't care. In a surge of energy, you raced towards him, your large smile somehow growing even bigger. When you reached him, you didn't even care that he reeked or that his pads were wet with sweat. He picked you up on impact and twirled you around. "You won," you told him. When he put you down, he kissed you quickly but passionately. "I'm so proud of you, babe." You said. "I love you." "I love you too." He said, smiling down at you. That damned height. His family caught up, hugging him and crying and showering him with love and congratulations. Once their excitement had faded a little, Justin wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into his side. He pressed his lips into your hair and mumbled something. "What?" You asked, pulling away. "Marry me." He said clearly this time. You froze. His eyebrows lifted as he waited for your answer, a shit-eating grin uncurling on his face. You couldn't think of what to say except for "What?" "Marry me." He repeated. His words sounded so sure, and the way he was looking at you- You reached up a hand and grabbed the front of his pads to pull him down to kiss you. This time not short, but definitely just as passionate. "Yes," You told him against his lips, "Of course I will." "Woah! Slow it down on the PDA, Justin." His dad laughed. Justin pulled away from you. "Sorry, dad." He apologized, "Just excited." "Don't let the Super Bowl get to your head," Mitch joked, reaching up to slap his little brother lightly on the back of the head. "It's not just that," Justin began, "I just kind of.." he scratched the back of his neck, unsure how to explain it. He looked to you for help. "I think we just got engaged?" You said, not breaking your gaze away from his. Holly let out a yelp of excitement, but Patrick beat it by a mile. "I call best man!" He yelled without missing a beat. From near you, Sebastian's head turned. "What did I just hear about a best man?" He asked. Justin rolled his eyes and groaned like the question annoyed him. Underneath it all, he was bursting with the anticipation of telling everyone. He had been pondering when to ask for months. There was a ring in the drawer of his bedside table that had been waiting for him to finally propose. But of course, he had to choose the spontaneous moment that felt right. He wished you had a ring to show off to the boys, but instead, he just had to tell them, "We're engaged!" The team exploded with cheers and congratulations, all still riding the high of the win. Still under his arm, you looked up at your now-fiancee with a sly grin. "Go shower and get changed. You and I are in for a very fun night." You told him under your breath. His eyes widened and his eyebrows raised in a cheeky expression. "You're on," He retorted, beginning to walk away. "But don't forget baby, I'm a Super Bowl winner! It'll be a fun month." You ignored the curious glances his family and teammates gave you at his comment and tried to hide your bright red cheeks.
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justherbert10 · 29 days
Chance Meetings
This is my first story! enjoy!
word count: ~3400
The air in the bustling press room of the SoFi Stadium is charged with electricity as the LA Chargers celebrate their latest victory. Justin, the star quarterback, stands tall, his blue eyes scanning the sea of faces, looking for a moment of reprieve from the storm of flashing cameras and eager reporters. His gaze locks onto a figure that seems to glow amidst the chaos—a young woman with y/e/c and y/h/c hair, her smile as radiant as the setting sun. Y/n, a rising star in the world of entertainment and a surprise guest due to her friendship with Formula 1 legend Lewis Hamilton, feels the same magnetic pull. As they are introduced, their hands meet in a firm but gentle handshake, a silent promise of friendship, and perhaps more, in a world that often feels scripted.
"Justin, you make dodging defensive lines look like a cakewalk compared to dodging these paparazzi!" She playfully nudges his arm, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Ah, you've got to learn the art of the juke, Y/n," he says with a wink. "But I'd say you're pretty adept at navigating through crowds with that charm of yours." He nods towards the group of star-struck fans that had gathered around her earlier.  The corner of Y/n's mouth twitches upwards in a knowing smile as she leans closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You think I'm good? You should see me when I'm dodging the plot twists in my next movie script."
Justin chuckles, the sound resonating deep in his chest. "Now that's a game I wouldn't mind watching you play," he says, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He glances around the room, noticing the way people's eyes keep darting in their direction. The whispers and glances from the other attendees don't go unnoticed. "You know, it's crazy how quickly the spotlight finds us," he muses, a hint of wistfulness in his voice. "I miss the days when I could just grab a burger without someone asking for a selfie." He sighs, looking down at his hand wrapped around a bottle of water. "But I guess that's the price we pay for chasing our dreams, right?"
"It definitely has its perks," Y/n agrees, her smile wistful. "But sometimes I just want to be Y/n from Y/h/t again, you know?" She takes a sip of her drink, her eyes scanning the room before returning to Justin's. "So, tell me, how does a small-town boy from Oregon become the heartthrob of LA?"
"Well," Justin says, leaning back slightly, "It's a long story, but it all started with a love for the game and a father who believed in me more than anyone else." He pauses, his gaze drifting momentarily before refocusing on Y/n. "But let's not talk about me. What brings you to the world of football, Y/n?"
"Ah, the world of football," she echoes, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "It's all thanks to Lewis. He's like a father figure to me, and he's been introducing me to his own brand of speed and competition." She smiles warmly at the mention of her mentor. "But honestly, I've always had a soft spot for sports. It's like watching a live-action movie with the most unpredictable plot twists."
Justin nods, understanding the allure of the unpredictable. "Sounds like you've got a taste for the thrill," he says, leaning in slightly, his voice a mix of curiosity and admiration. "You ever get the chance to throw a ball around, or are you strictly an audience kind of girl?" His words are teasing, but there's a genuine interest in his eyes. He's used to people seeing him as the poster boy for the sport, not a regular guy who enjoys a good toss.
"Oh, you'd be surprised," Y/n says, her smile widening as she recounts tales of her impromptu football sessions with Lewis. "He's been trying to teach me the basics, and I've got to say, I'm not half bad." She mimics throwing a perfect spiral, her hand twisting gracefully through the air. "But let's not tell anyone, I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation."
Justin laughs, the sound rich and genuine. "Your secret's safe with me, Y/n. Besides, I've seen enough Hollywood magic to know that anything's possible with the right coach." He leans in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And if you ever need some tips from the real deal, you know where to find me."
The connection between them is palpable, a silent understanding that they share a common ground of chasing dreams and navigating fame. Y/n's eyes dance with excitement at the prospect of learning from a pro.
 "You know, I might just take you up on that," she says, her voice filled with the excitement of a child offered a secret treat. "But for now, let's enjoy the rest of the night. Maybe we can find a quiet spot where we don't have to whisper over the din of the party?" She glances around the room, her gaze lingering on the crowded space.
"I know just the place," Justin says, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint. He motions for her to follow him with a subtle nod of his head. They weave through the throng of people, his hand occasionally brushing against the small of her back, guiding her gently through the sea of bodies.
They arrive at a secluded patio area, the cool evening breeze carrying the faint scent of jasmine from the nearby garden. The noise of the party fades into the background, leaving only the distant murmur of the ocean and the occasional cheer from the die-hard fans watching the post-game analysis on the outdoor screens. Justin pulls out a chair for her, his movements as smooth as the passing plays he's known for. As they sit, their legs brush against each other, sending a shiver of anticipation up Y/n's spine. "This is more my speed," he says with a genuine smile, looking around the quiet space.
Y/n's eyes widen in delight as she takes in the serene surroundings. The twinkling lights strung above cast a soft glow over the patio, creating a cozy haven amidst the cacophony of the event. "It's like stepping into a different world," she whispers, her voice filled with wonder. She runs her fingers along the cool metal of the chair, feeling the gentle vibrations of the distant cheers. As she sits, she crosses her legs, the fabric of her dress whispering against her skin. The sensation of his hand briefly on her back lingers, sending a warmth that spreads through her body. She returns his smile, her heart fluttering at the kindness behind the gesture. "Thank you for this," she says, her eyes meeting his, the blue depths of his irises reminding her of the Pacific she'd seen in photos from his hometown.
Justin pulls out a chair for Y/n with a chivalrous grace that seems almost out of place amidst the flashy glamour of the event. He can't help but feel a swell of pride at her approval, the corners of his mouth curling up into a genuine smile. As they sit, the energy between them shifts, becoming more intimate, more real. He leans back in his chair, the leather creaking softly under his weight, and takes a deep breath, savoring the scent of jasmine that fills the air. "It's the least I could do," he says, his voice low and earnest. "I know how overwhelming these things can get. Sometimes you just need a break from the madness." His gaze holds hers for a moment longer than necessary, the silence stretching out like a tightrope between them. Then, with a shrug of his broad shoulders, he cracks open a beer, the cap flying off with a satisfying hiss. "So, what's your favorite thing about LA?"
"The people," Y/n says without hesitation, her eyes lingering on the horizon where the stadium lights bleed into the night sky. "Everyone's got a story, a dream they're chasing. It's like the whole city's alive with possibility." She takes a sip of her drink, the cool liquid a welcome contrast to the warmth of the evening. "But I miss the quiet nights back home, where you can hear the crickets and the rustle of leaves." She looks at him, curiosity piqued. "What about you, Justin? What do you miss most about Oregon?"
"The rain," Justin says with a nostalgic smile, his eyes reflecting the distant twinkle of the stars. "There's something about the way it sounds on the roof, the smell of wet earth, and the quiet that follows. It's like the world's hushing itself so you can hear your own thoughts." He takes a swig of his beer, the foam clinging to his upper lip for a moment before he wipes it away with the back of his hand. "But LA has its moments. The ocean, the palm trees...it's got its own kind of magic."
The conversation flows easily between them, their shared experiences of leaving small towns for the big city creating a bond that feels both familiar and exciting. The sound of their laughter intertwines with the distant murmur of the party, creating a symphony of shared secrets and new beginnings.
The moment is shattered by the sudden appearance of Joey, his towering frame silhouetted by the light spilling from the party inside. His boisterous laughter fills the night air as he claps Justin on the shoulder, a knowing smirk playing across his face. "Well, well, well," he says, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Looks like someone's finally decided to take my advice and snag themselves a date." Justin rolls his eyes, but the warmth in his cheeks betrays his embarrassment. Y/n laughs, the sound like the tinkling of glass bells, and shakes her head. "You two really are like brothers," she says, playfully swatting at Joey's hand. "Could you at least pretend to be subtle?" Joey just chuckles, his eyes flicking between the two of them before he settles into the chair next to Justin, his grin unabashed. "So, what's the story here?" he asks, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. "Or is it too early for me to start planning the wedding?"
Justin's cheeks redden slightly as he tries to brush off Joey's teasing. "It's not a date," he mumbles, his voice gruff. But the smile that tugs at his lips gives him away. Y/n giggles, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she says, playfully nudging Joey's arm. "We're just two friends enjoying a quiet night amidst the madness." Joey winks at her, his blond hair catching the light. "Friends, huh?" He leans back in his chair, a smug look on his face. "Well, if you say so. But if you ever need a best man, I'm your guy." The air between Justin and Y/n crackles with unspoken tension as they share a look that speaks volumes about the depth of their connection.
The playful banter between Justin and Joey brings a blush to Y/n's cheeks, but she quickly recovers, her laughter as bright as the stars above. She playfully swats at Joey's arm. "You're terrible," she says, though the smile on her face tells a different story. "But I'm surprised you noticed. Usually, you're too busy breaking defensive lines to care about my social life."
Joey's grin stretches from ear to ear as he takes a seat next to Justin, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He nudges Justin with his elbow, his voice a playful rumble. "Finally," he says, waggling his eyebrows. "I've been waiting for you to find someone who can keep up with your fast pace, both on and off the field." He winks at Y/n, his blue eyes twinkling with a hint of teasing. "And let me tell you, Justin here is the king of slow plays. But I see the way you two look at each other, and it's like watching a highlight reel of a perfect game." He laughs, slapping his knee. "I'd say it's about time you scored a touchdown in the love department, buddy."
Justin's eyes dart to Y/n, his cheeks reddening further. He playfully shoves Joey's shoulder, trying to deflect the attention. "You're one to talk, Joey," he counters, his voice tight with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Remember that time you tried to woo the mayor's daughter with your 'world-famous' pancake recipe?" The memory brings a round of laughter to the trio, breaking the tension.
"Oh no," Y/n gasps dramatically, her eyes widening. "What happened?" She leans in, eager for the juicy details, her curiosity piqued by the sudden shift in the conversation.
Justin's eyes widen in mock horror as Joey crashes into the conversation, his cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. He playfully swats at his friend's massive arm, trying to shoo him away like a pesky fly. "It's not a date," he protests, his voice a little too loud. His heart races in his chest as he feels the weight of Joey's words, the truth behind the teasing. But he can't deny the thrill that runs through him at the thought of it being true. He glances at Y/n, her laughter lighting up her face, and feels a warmth spread through him that has nothing to do with the beer. "You're just jealous because you can't handle a night without making headlines," he says, his voice tinged with affectionate sarcasm. Joey just laughs, not bothered in the slightest by the jab.
Y/n's laughter is like a summer breeze, light and airy, filling the quiet corner of the patio with a gentle warmth. She watches the playful banter between the two friends with an amused smile, her Y/e/c eyes sparkling. She's used to being the center of attention, but there's something refreshing about being part of this unscripted moment. When Joey finally takes a seat, his presence is like a warm embrace, reminding her of the camaraderie that comes with shared experiences. "So, you're the one who's been trying to play matchmaker," she says, tilting her head to the side as she assesses him with a playful glint in her eye. "What's your secret? Spill it, I want in on the action." She leans in conspiratorially, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass, her eyes darting between Joey and Justin, enjoying the blend of embarrassment and camaraderie between them.
Joey's laugh booms across the patio, the sound resonating with the easy comfort of an old friend who knows all the best stories. He leans back in his chair, his arms folded behind his head, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Secret?" He says, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "It's simple, really. I just know what a catch my boy here is." He nudges Justin with his elbow, the motion causing the chair to rock slightly. "And when I saw you two," he says, gesturing between them, "I knew it was game over."
The air thickens with the weight of Joey's words, and Justin's heart skips a beat. He clears his throat, trying to regain his composure, his eyes flickering to Y/n. Her smile is gentle, a knowing look in her eyes that suggests she sees right through their playful banter.
"Well, it's been quite the evening," Y/n says, glancing at her phone with a sigh. "But I've got an early call time tomorrow, and I can't let Hollywood's toughest director catch me yawning on set." She stands up, smoothing out her dress with a grace that belies the sudden sadness in her eyes. "Thank you for the escape, guys. It's been... refreshing." She looks at Justin, the unspoken understanding between them as palpable as the night air. "I'll see you around, Justin," she says, her voice a soft caress. "And Joey," she adds, her smile widening, "you keep him out of trouble, okay?"
"Oh, you bet I will," Joey says, his grin never faltering. He stands up as well, towering over both of them. "But you know me, I'm the king of stirring the pot." He winks at Y/n before slapping Justin on the back. "Take care, sweetheart," he says, his tone teasing but affectionate. "And don't let this guy sweet talk you into any crazy bets. He's got a silver tongue when he wants to."
Justin stands up with her, his hand instinctively reaching out to help her chair. "It's been a pleasure, Y/n," he says, his voice sincere, his eyes holding hers for a beat longer than necessary. "I hope our paths cross again soon." The gravity of his words hangs in the air, hinting at the connection that's grown between them in such a short time.
As Y/n says her goodbyes, Justin can't help but feel a pang of regret at their impromptu meeting coming to an end. He watches her slip away into the night, her laughter fading into the buzz of the party. His heart feels lighter than it has in a long time, and he knows that this isn't the last he'll see of her. With a nod to Joey, he gathers his things and heads home, his mind racing with thoughts of her smile, her wit, and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her love for racing. The quiet of the night seems to amplify his longing as he navigates the city streets, the neon lights reflecting off his windshield like a kaleidoscope of their shared moments.
The party goes on without them, a cacophony of voices and music that now seems a bit hollow. As Y/n's silhouette retreats into the night, Justin can't shake the feeling that he's lost something precious. He says his goodnights to Joey with a forced smile and heads home, his thoughts swirling like a tornado around the charming girl. Her laughter echoes in his mind, her words of kindness and understanding resonating in his soul. The drive back to his beachfront apartment is a blur, the city lights a mere backdrop to the replay of their conversation. He parks his car in the garage, the engine's purr the only sound to break the silence. The cool ocean breeze whispers through the open windows, carrying the faint scent of jasmine from the patio. He can't stop thinking about her, his heart racing with excitement and a hint of fear that he might never find someone who truly gets him like she seems to.
The memory of Y/n's dress clinging to her curves plays on a loop in Justin's mind as he walks into his apartment, the quiet hum of the fridge the only company to his racing thoughts. He tries to shake off the image, but it lingers like the scent of her perfume on his shirt. He heads to the bathroom, the thought of her contagious energy making his pulse quicken. 
As the steam fills the bathroom, Justin's thoughts drift back to the press of Y/n's body against his, the way her dress clung to her curves like a second skin. The memory sends a jolt of desire through him, and he can't help but let his hand wander, his fingertips grazing his abs as he imagines the softness of her touch. His hand moves lower, his thoughts spinning a web of passionate encounters, each more vivid than the last. The water pummels his back, a rhythmic beat that matches the tempo of his thoughts. He pictures her laugh, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and feels a sudden surge of arousal. He lets out a low groan, his hand moving faster as he gives in to the fantasy, the warm water a silent witness to his longing. The climax hits him like a wave, crashing over him and leaving him breathless, his heart pounding against his ribs. He leans heavily against the wall, the water now cold against his skin, as he comes back to reality with a gasp. It's not just physical desire; it's the connection they share that fuels his need for her. He turns off the shower, the silence ringing in his ears, feeling both satisfied and empty, knowing that the real thing would be nothing short of earth-shattering.
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delayed-affection · 6 months
Are you taking request ? If so, can I request one with Justin Herbert where you surprise him with a dog. Thank you 🥰
Oneshots Navigation
Justin Herbert x reader
Word count: 0.8k
Justin always talked about wanting a dog but he could never bring himself to get one because of football.
So with his season sadly coming to an end due to injury, you thought it would be a great idea to not only fulfill his wants of a dog but to uplift his spirits.
And today was the day you were going to go to the shelter to see the dogs and bring one home.
Justin was going to be out all day today to help and support his team during their game against buffalo.
So when he left for the day so did you.
When you get to the shelter you look for a dog whose personality would best fit his. You want to find the perfect dog that will complement his lifestyle and personality.
You walk around the shelter with one of the workers and spend time with each of the dogs, getting a sense of their energy levels, behaviors, and temperaments.
You’re looking for one who is friendly, energetic, and fun-loving but also calm enough to be around the house and won't be too hyperactive for her boyfriend.
After looking around for a while, you finally finds a dog that fits what you’re looking for. It's a 4 year old rottweiler, who’s house trained.
They explain to you that he was brought in a month ago after his previous owner wasn’t able to move with him.
They let you go into his cage with him and he immediately brightens up. Even though his tail is docked you can tell that trying to wag his little nub.
You immediately feel a connection with the dog and know that it would be a perfect fit for her boyfriend. And the cherry on top is that his name is Brisket.
After spending some time with him you have come to definitive conclusion that this is the dog that would be great for Justin.
You proceed to file all the necessary papers and pay the fees in order to take Brisket home.
They help you load him into the car, giving you a leash and a collar to use for now.
Before going home, you stop at PetCo and bring Brisket inside with you so that he can get some toys that he likes.
As you let him sniff around and choose, you notice that he's pretty picky and likes to analyze each toy before deciding if it's worth taking home with him.
It honestly reminds you of Justin when he’s looking for equipment and woods for his smoker.
Letting him pick and chew a few things it’s time to get actual supplies and necessities for him.
You grab a harness, bed, grooming supplies, food, bowls, and make some new tags for his collar.
Before leaving you schedule a date for him to get chipped.
For the rest of the day you make sure that Brisket is comfortable in his new home.
As it closer to the end of the game you text Justin saying that you have a surprise for him. You know that he won’t see it until after the game because of the no phones on the sideline rule but it’s fine.
When Justin texts you that he’s on his way home, you can’t help but sit in anticipation for his arrival.
Hearing him pull up makes both you and Brisket perk up. You stand in the living room with him sitting next to you as you watch the front door.
Your stomach is filled with butterflies as you waits for him to come through the door. You’re eager to see his reaction to the surprise, and you feel nervous but excited about how it will all turn out.
When he walks through the door you happily shout, “Suprise!”
He tilts his head in slight confusion as he shuts the door, his eyes going from you to Brisket.
He drops his bag and walks over to you asking, “Who’s this?”
You kneel down and pet the dog, “This is Brisket, isn’t he cute?”
He lets out a little chuckle, “Cute… but whose is he?”
He puts his hand out to him to sniff and a small smile plays at his lips.
“Yours… mine… ours.” You say dropping your hands from Brisket.
He looks at you like you’ve grown two heads but in somewhat of a good way, “What? Really?”
Nodding you smile, “Yeah, really.”
Brisket nudges his hand allowing him to pet him.
Justin’s face lights up, “Well hello there Brisket.”
He squats down and uses both hands to pet Briskets face, “You got quite the name.”
You watch as they happily interact, “So, you like him?”
“Is that even a question?” He replies leaning over giving you a kiss.
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lyrenminth · 3 months
hi! hope you’re doing good, could you write something like justin going on a podcast (kinda like call her daddy) and talks about his personal life with reader (maybe they’re married?)
Nobody expected Justin to talk about his love life. Especially on a podcast, but since his friend Andre was talking about how hard marriage was for him in a very vulnerable tone, Jack the interviewer asked for his opinion.
"We know you have been married for...four years now?" he said, asking for clarification. "Yeah, we are five years in March" he clarified, a little too quickly. "So do you agree with this stance?"
"I mean, I think marriage is as hard as you and your partner make it" he said "My wife and I get along great. We're friends before deciding for the next step so that definitely helped.
"Even with your job? I mean the NFL is hard. Moving around a lot"
"Well, I think we managed to establish a dynamic that worked for both of us. It was a mutual agreement." The topic was left at that point, as the attention returned to Andre and his relationship. When Jack asked Justin what he admired most about his wife, Justin smiled a bit shyly and said, "Her resilience. She has gone through difficult events since she was young and has always been a wonderful woman. It's something I admire a lot about her." When asked what bothered him, he was straightforward, "She sheds a lot of hair, leaves hair everywhere. It's crazy." Everyone laughed.
Then came the quick questions. "Is there something you find strange about your partner?" Justin smiled as if remembering something funny. "She loves mustard, and I mean, everyone has their tastes, but she uses it on everything: bread, chips, vegetables, meat. Sometimes I watch her and think, 'Is that really necessary?' and she looks back at me and says, 'This is essential, you wouldn't understand,' and yes, I don't understand."
"Something you find endearing? When she doesn’t understand something, she tilts her head like a dog. At first, I thought she was doing it on purpose, like to look cute, but she genuinely does it when she doesn’t understand something."
The last question was about love. "Do you feel loved?" he asked both men. Justin was the first to respond. "Yes, absolutely. She has given me all her support and love since we were friends. I don't think I would be in the NFL if it weren't for her, you know? I feel…" he hesitated for a few seconds, but his eyes grew a bit teary, "so grateful. I don't know, she makes me a better person in every way." You could hear the love reflected in his voice.
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hornyforherbert · 9 months
Hi, sorry I was the anon that said #59 with Justin it autocorrected, I meant to say #50
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You Came Over Just To See My Cat? ✧ (Justin Herbert)
Prompt 50. “You came over just to see my cat?”
CW: Fluff, Kissing
WC: 2047
A/N: didn’t mean for this to get so long i got a little carried away, i hope you enjoy!
It had been a long day at work, filled with endless meetings and tight deadlines. As I finally stepped through the door of my small apartment, all I wanted was to unwind and relax. But then, out of nowhere, a thought struck me - I missed Nova, Justin's adorable Bengal cat. Without another moment’s hesitation, I grabbed my keys and headed straight to Justin’s house.
I knocked on his door and waited for a response. After a few moments of me standing there, the door swung open, revealing Justin standing there with a quizzical expression on his face. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. “I came over to see your cat," I replied with a mischievous grin. Justin chuckled. "You came over just to see my cat?" “Of course i did! Look at her," I said, gesturing towards Nova who had just appeared at the door, rubbing against my legs.
"She does seem pretty smitten with you," Justin remarked, a hint of mock jealousy in his tone. "I told you she likes me more," I said triumphantly, scooping up Nova into my arms and giving her a few affectionate scratches behind her ears.
"I can't argue with that," Justin conceded, stepping aside to let me in. "Come on in. I think she's been moping around the house ever since you last visited."
The warmth of Justin's home enveloped me as I stepped inside. Nova immediately made herself comfortable on my lap, purring contentedly. Justin led me to the living room, where we settled onto the couch and caught up on each other's lives. "So, how's work?" Justin asked, leaning back against the cushions. "Oh, you know, the usual chaos," I replied with a wry smile. "But enough about that. Tell me about your latest football adventures."
Justin launched into a series of hilarious anecdotes about his teammates and the ups and downs of the season. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he recounted the thrilling victories and the nail-biting matches. Time seemed to fly by as we laughed and chatted, with Nova nestled between us, occasionally swatting at Justin's fingers playfully. It was moments like these that made me grateful for our friendship and the easy camaraderie we shared.
Out of nowhere, Nova jumped off my lap and dashed out of the room, her tail held high. Justin and I exchanged a puzzled glance before we heard a loud meow, coming from the kitchen. "What the hell?" Justin muttered, getting up from the couch with me following close behind. We found Nova perched on the counter, batting at a vase that teetered precariously on the edge. "Nova, no!" I exclaimed, rushing over to scoop her up before disaster struck. She wriggled in my arms, protesting against being removed from her newfound plaything. "I swear, she's more trouble than she's worth sometimes," Justin said with a chuckle, shaking his head. "Oh, hush, you love her and you know it," I teased, giving Nova a gentle scolding before setting her back on the floor.
As I turned around, I caught Justin watching me with a soft look in his eyes. It was a look I had seen countless times before, but this time it lingered, making my heart flutter inexplicably. "What?" I asked, feeling slightly self-conscious under his gaze. "Nothing," Justin said with a small smile. "It's just nice to have you here." "I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied, the words slipping out before I could stop them. I mentally kicked myself for the slip, but Justin's smile only widened.
We returned to the living room and settled back onto the couch, the comfortable silence wrapping around us like a warm blanket. Outside, the sky darkened and the first stars began to twinkle into view.
"Remember that time we went stargazing?" Justin suddenly said, breaking the quiet. “How could I forget?" I laughed, the memory coming back in a rush. "We ended up getting lost on our way back, and you were convinced we were going to stumble upon Bigfoot." Justin chuckled. "In my defense, it was dark, and the woods were pretty spooky.” “sure, blame it on the spooky woods," I teased, nudging his shoulder playfully. Our laughter filled the room, light and carefree. It was moments like these that made the world seem a little brighter, a little kinder.
As the evening deepened, Justin fetched a few snacks from the kitchen, and we indulged in a mini feast, trading stories and inside jokes. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, shattering the cozy atmosphere that had settled over us. Justin frowned, glancing at the clock. "Who could that be at this hour?" “I'll go check," Justin said, getting up from the couch. Standing on the doorstep was one of Justin's teammates, Keenan, looking a little out of breath.
"Hey, sorry to bother you, man, but the coach needs to discuss the game plan with you. It's urgent," he said, between breaths. Justin's expression turned serious. "Alright, I'll head out now." "I can wait for you to get back," I said, reaching for my coat. Justin shook his head. "No, it'll probably take a while. You can head home. I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah, of course," I replied, attempting to hide the disappointment in my voice. "Good luck with the meeting."
Justin walked me to the door, giving me a quick but sincere hug. "Thanks for coming over. Nova always brightens up when you're around." "Any time," I said, managing to put on a small smile. "Take care, okay?" With a final wave, I stepped out into the chilly night and made my way back to my apartment.
But no matter how much I tried to shake it off, a sense of unease lingered in the pit of my stomach. The next day, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was bothering Justin. He seemed distracted and preoccupied during our conversations, and even Nova's antics failed to bring his usual cheerfulness back.
"Is everything alright?" I ventured, as we sat in the cozy comfort of his living room. Justin hesitated for a moment, as if weighing his words. "I'm just really anxious about the upcoming game. It's a crucial match, and I can't afford any slip-ups." "I understand," I said, reaching out to give his hand a reassuring squeeze. "You've got this, and I'll be there cheering you on the entire time." Justin gave me a grateful smile, and for a moment, the heaviness in his eyes lifted.
As the days passed, Justin threw himself into rigorous training, leaving little time for anything else. I tried to be there for him as much as I could, providing encouragement and a listening ear whenever he needed it. Finally, the day of the game arrived, and the stadium buzzed with anticipation. I sat in the stands, my heart pounding with nervous energy as I watched Justin lead his team onto the field. The game was intense, with both teams locked in a fierce battle for victory. Every touchdown, every interception sent the crowd into a frenzy, and I could feel the tension mounting with each passing minute. In the final moments of the game, Justin found himself with the ball in his hands, the fate of the match resting on his shoulders. The air crackled with expectation as he surveyed the field, searching for an opening.
Luckily, he spotted an opportunity, and with a determined gleam in his eyes, he launched into action. The stadium erupted into cheers as he flew across the field, dodging defenders with effortless grace. And then, with a powerful throw, the ball soared through the air, landing squarely in the waiting hands of his teammate, who sprinted towards the end zone, securing the winning touchdown.
The roar of the crowd was deafening as the final whistle blew, signaling the chargers victory. On the field, Justin was embraced by his teammates, his face beaming with joy and relief. As the crowd began to disperse, I made my way down to the field, eager to congratulate Justin on the hard-earned win.
He spotted me from a distance and made his way through the throng of well-wishers, a radiant smile lighting up his features. "Y/N, I can't believe we did it!" Justin exclaimed, enveloping me in a bear hug. "You were amazing out there," I said, pulling back to look at his beaming face. "It's all thanks to your support," Justin said earnestly. "I couldn't have done it without you by my side." I laughed, feeling a spark of pride. "I told you I'd be there cheering you on. I'm just glad it all paid off."
As we made our way out of the stadium, the air was alive with jubilant energy. Justin's teammates clapped him on the back and offered their congratulations, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of affection for the camaraderie that bound them together. We headed back to Justin's house, where a small celebration was underway.
His teammates and a few close friends had gathered to toast their victory, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air. Nova weaved her way through the crowd, basking in the attention and occasional ear scratch from the guests. Justin and I found ourselves caught up in the revelry, exchanging stories and reliving the most thrilling moments of the game. As the evening wore on, the guests began to filter out, leaving only a few close friends behind.
Justin and I found ourselves in the quiet of the living room, the remnants of the celebration scattered around us. “I can't thank you enough for being here today," Justin said, his expression earnest. "I wouldn't have missed it for anything," I replied, giving his shoulder a friendly nudge. "You're my lucky charm, you know that?" Justin said, a twinkle in his eye. "I think I need you at all my games from now on." I laughed. "Well, if it means witnessing more victories like today, then I'm definitely up for the challenge."
Justin leaned back against the couch, a thoughtful look flitting across his features. "I've been meaning to ask you something." “What is it?" I ventured, suddenly feeling a flutter of nerves in my stomach. "Well, with everything that's been happening, I've been doing a lot of thinking," Justin began, his gaze fixed on mine. "Thinking about what?" I prompted, my heart pounding in my chest. "About us," Justin said, his voice steady.
"I know I've been caught up in football and everything, but I've realized that having you by my side makes everything better. You're my best friend, Y/N, and so much more." I felt my breath catch in my throat, my mind reeling with the weight of his words. "Justin, what are you saying?" "I'm saying that I love you, Y/N," Justin said, his eyes searching mine. "I want to be more than just friends. I want to be with you, if you'll have me." My heart swelled with a mix of joy and disbelief. I had never dared to hope for more, but here was Justin, laying his feelings bare before me. "I love you too, Justin," I whispered, feeling tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "I've always loved you." And then, without another word, Justin leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in a gentle, tender kiss. It felt like the world around us faded away, leaving only the warmth of his embrace and the promise of a future together.
From that day on, Justin and I went through the ups and downs of life together, hand in hand. Our love only grew stronger with each passing day, and Nova remained a steadfast presence, ensuring that our days were filled with laughter, joy, and the kind of love that lasts a lifetime. And as I looked back on the events that had brought us to this moment, I couldn't help but feel gratitude for a certain Bengal cat who had unwittingly played matchmaker, bringing Justin and me together in the most unexpected way imaginable. As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Justin, Nova, and I found ourselves woven into the tapestry of each other’s lives, and i wouldn’t want it any other way.
I hope you enjoyed reading! Thank you to the anon who requested this. (I had a draft for this but it disappeared so I had to rewrite it, sorry for the delay!)
You do NOT have permission to repost (reblogs are good) or copy my work.
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itsjustjackie55 · 8 months
“Hey sweets, will you…”
Being with Justin taught you many things. You quickly caught on to the fact that Justin wasn’t like some of the people you had encountered in your past.
He was sweet and gentle. But most of all he wouldn’t build himself up with talk. He was an action guy. A do-er if you will.
He’s the type of man to just do something for you instead of asking and being dismissed and told you’d take care of it. As your relationship developed you wouldn’t have to even look his way to know he’d be fixing that minor problem for you.
Now you stood finishing dinner and cleaning around your kitchen. Being distracted mixing the chicken and steak fajitas, you felt a thick, warm body embrace your figure.
Your man was finally home from practice. Being able to just lean your head back to his chest and melt after a hectic day at work. Feeling him behind you lean down a press a kiss onto your head was so reassuring and comforting.
“Hey Sweetness, the food smells amazing.”
Turning around in his arms you greeted him with a peck. “Hi Sweets, it’s almost done. I’ll serve you a plate right now just give it a minute.”
Once you guys finished dinner he not only picked up his plate but yours as well and began expressing his love language without even truly recognizing. You helped wipe down the table as he packed away the left overs. Throwing away a few more scraps of trash, you began taking it out. Turning toward your boyfriend you began to ask,
“Hey sweets, will you…”
Seeing him already starting on the dishes made you swoon. Being met with his broad back and seeing his big arms scrubbing a plate made you smile widely, too distracted to notice he had turned around to see what you needed.
“You okay?”
“Yeah was just gonna ask if you could help with the dishes while I did this” you said while nudging up the bag of trash.
He nodded okay and resumed his task but all you could do was smile like a dork and reminisce about that man. Oh that man… that man that did nothing over the top just now. Just simple household chores made you swoon for him much faster and harder than any other before him. He was your plain old Sweets.
A/N: This is my first work so please be kind. I felt confident enough to post on here cause of how kind all of you are. I’m new to the community and would like to continue writing so if there’s any requests please feel free to share also any feedback is welcome! 😊
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jherbert10 · 11 months
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pov post retirement life with mr money bags justin herbert
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bitchinbarzal · 1 year
Justin Herbert
76. “Hands off”
19. "I saw that. You just checked out my ass."
After being at camp for the past 30 days, Justin was more than happy to be home with you in Oregon to help pack up your off season home before headed back to LA.
Not much packing was actually getting done however, after a month of being apart Justin had turned into quite the horny guy. His hands weren’t off you.
You were bent over your bed trying to sort your clothes into piles when his hands grabbed your ass and you yelped, spinning around to face him you smack his chest “Hey, hands off!”
He pouts “But-“
“We have three days to pack this whole place up and get it in the truck, please we can have as much sex as humanly possible in LA”
He laughs at your ultimatum and kisses your nose “Ok, ok sorry you’re just so freaking beautiful”
By the time dinner rolled around half the house was packed and Justin was making food for you both.
You trudged downstairs with a box filled with shoes, a heavy box. You threw it down on the kitchen floor and looked up to see your boyfriend, shirtless and only wearing his tight dry-fit shorts with his hair still wet from the shower he must’ve taken.
You stared at his figure, your bottom lip subconsciously trapping between your teeth as your eyes raked his body from his back muscles all the way down.
In your moment of weakness, you hadn’t seen Justin turn around and stand smirking at you until he said
“I saw that. You just checked out my ass”
A blush spread over your cheeks “I was not!”
“Baby… it’s ok you’re allowed to”
You raised your hand to object before stopping yourself “I mean… we have packed, like I said we should”
He smirked, catching onto your words “The beds still made, right?”
“Not for long” You mumbled before you both took off up the stairs, giggling like teenagers in love again.
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adoristsposts · 1 year
hi i love your writing! could you possibly do justin herbert and reader breaking up but then they rekindle and it’s a happy ending?
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author's note; anons treating me so well u guys have better ideas than i do icl summary; alcohol and not being over your ex doesn't exactly mix well- unless, of course, your ex seems just as hung up on you. word count; 1K warnings; drinking, swearing characters; Reader x Justin Herbert
You let a loud sigh escape your lips the second your apartment door shut behind you. You placed a palm on the door, using it for support as you slipped off your heels and let your bare feet sink into the carpeted floor. "Jesus," you muttered to yourself. Without missing a beat, you headed to your fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. You set your purse down on the kitchen island and, wine bottle in hand, padded over to the couch. You turned it on and, of course, your ex-boyfriend's face filled the screen. "It was just a flesh wound." He told the press before you could switch the channels. Your hand paused, hovering over the Netflix icon you had been meaning to press. A flesh wound? You couldn't stop yourself from pulling your phone out and googling it. Three years later you were unable to resist the need to know he was okay. His dismissal of it on television seemed reasonable, you decided as you scrolled through a few articles. But then a few articles became a highlight reel. And then media posts. And then his Instagram. He still followed you from back when the two of you had dated. You remembered his management encouraging him to make the account, and how, despite the fact he didn't run it, he had made sure you were one of the few hundred he followed back.
The split had been amicable. Your post-college heart had been absolutely broken, but Justin was moving to LA and you couldn't handle the distance. The two of you tried keeping in contact for a few months, but the second he was spotted with another woman you shut down. By the time you had sorted out your feelings for him, it felt too embarrassing to reach out. Now, ironically, you were in LA. And you wished you had held on to contact. Because god damn was dating in LA boring. The one you had just returned from had entailed a Chiefs fan mansplaining football to you and complaining about Taylor Swift- all because you had peeked past his shoulder to get a look at the Niners' score. You forced yourself to close your phone. You stood up and walked over to the closest mirror, checking yourself out. You had done your hair and makeup and picked a cute outfit- even worn heels!- just for the guy to be a tool. You smoothed out your shirt. Fuck it, you told yourself. You texted your best friend. Wanna go out? Absolutely, bitch. She replied.
The next morning you woke up with a pounding headache. How you had gotten home, or what exactly had happened the night before, you had no idea. You groaned loudly and leaned over to grab your phone off the nightstand. The notifications that greeted you were so mortifying you were sure you were going to puke. Seven missed calls from Justin, three voicemails, and five text messages. There was no chance in hell you were looking at any of those. You took an everything shower, blew out your hair, painted your nails, and made yourself food. Who knew that your ex-boyfriend could be so helpful when it came to working through a hangover? Finally, hours later, you had to check. The time without your phone- although you hated to admit it- was driving you crazy. You could only sit through so much without wanting to check it. And you were sure your best friend had to be worried you had choked on your own vomit at this point.
You responded to her texts first, with a simple 'I think I drunk called Justin.' You ignored her frantic texts and clicked on his first voicemail. "Hey." His voice sent shivers down your spine. There was something so homely about the way he sounded. Like hearing an old favorite song. "I think you drunk called me. My hand's fine, thanks for asking. Just a sprain, it'll be fine by the end of our by week. " Ever polite. When Justin first stepped into the spotlight, so many people questioned his personality and whether he would be fit to lead a team as their quarterback. He had never cared. He always dismissed it with a quiet wave. He was how he was, and you had loved him for it. The voicemail cut out there, and you played the next one. "Sorry," He began, because what else would he start out with? "I can't stop listening to what you sent me. I know you're drunk, but you said you haven't gotten over it- just in case you don't remember in the morning- and I haven't either. Just thought you should know." A click. You cringed. You truthfully didn't remember a moment of it. You understood now how the prohibition had happened. The last one. "Ok, I swear this is it." He laughed. The sound was like stepping under a warm ray of sun on a cold day. "I miss you. Text me when you wake up- I'm sorry for blowing up your phone. You said you were in LA? We should reconnect."
You put your phone face down and ran a hand over your face. Reconnect. With your ex-boyfriend. That you still weren't over. You texted your best friend. She responded with a bunch of messages that all had the same point; 'absolutely, you dumbass, you are still so in love with him and i'm sick of hearing about it.'
You swiped out of her messages and opened Justin's, which were full of concerned texts and him asking for you to text him when you got home to ensure you were safe. You bit your lip to try and control your smile. I'm free anytime this week. Coffee?
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bad268 · 1 year
Writing Inktober 2023
300 word minimum and no repeats are the challenges this year. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably. (haha yes)
BTW the medal emojis are the winners from the polls :)
01/10 Dream
Sebastian Montoya X Reader (W.C. 386)
02/10 Spiders
Seth Borden X Reader (W.C. 338)
03/10 Path
Max Verstappen X Reader (W.C. 367)
04/10 Dodge
Benny Rodriguez X Reader (W.C. 348)
05/10 Map
Sebastian Vettel X Reader (W.C. 338)
06/10 Golden
Justin Herbert X Reader (W.C. 342)
07/10 Drip
TMR Newt X Reader (W.C. 342) 🥈
08/10 Toad Sacrifice
Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Reader (W.C. 338)
09/10 Bounce
Marcus Armstrong X Reader (W.C. 384)
10/10 Fortune
Johnny Cade X Reader (W.C. 485) 🥉
11/10 Wander
Peter Parker X Reader (W.C. 402) 🥇
12/10 Spicey Scandal
Pierre Gasly X Reader (W.C. 391)
13/10 Rise Tonight
Colby Brock X Reader (W.C. 370)
14/10 Castle
Oscar Piastri X Reader (W.C. 370)
15/10 Dagger Nightmare
Lando Norris X Reader (W.C. 419)
16/10 Angel
Mick Schumacher X Reader (W.C. 395)
17/10 Demon
Kimi Raikkonen X Reader (W.C. 327)
18/10 Saddle
Daniel Ricciardo X Reader (W.C. 318)
19/10 Plump Wet
Ollie Bearman X Reader (W.C. 365)
20/10 Frost
Paul Aron X Reader (W.C. 389)
21/10 Chains Bouquet
Charles Leclerc X Reader (W.C. 369)
22/10 Scratchy Flight
Joe Burrow X Reader (W.C. 390)
23/10 Celestial Redeemer
Corpse Husband X Reader (W.C. 400)
24/10 Shallow Chosen
P! SBI X Reader (W.C. 358)
25/10 Dangerous
Callum Ilott X Reader (W.C. 310)
26/10 Remove Shots
Dennis Hauger X Reader (W.C. 348)
27/10 Beast
Christian Lundgaard X Reader (W.C. 339)
28/10 Sparkle
Dino Beganovic X Reader (W.C. 406)
29/10 Massive Approval
Felipe Drugovich X Reader (W.C. 358)
30/10 Rush
Clement Novalak X Reader (W.C. 386)
31/10 Fire
Pato O’Ward X Reader (W.C. 343)
Bonus: Break
Tadashi Hamada X Reader (W.C. 363)
Average W.C. 369
Want to read other years’ Inktober stories, check these out:
2021 // 2022 // 2024
On a side note, I looked back at last year’s entries, and I definitely thought Bouquet was Banquet, so instead of admitting I was wrong, I did it as a sub this year. If you noticed, no you didn’t :)
Also funny story about Shallow, I kept reading it as Swallow, so I couldn't do it
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lyrenminth · 3 months
If you write smut could I request a justin fic where he lets his girl take charge in the bedroom and he’s just enjoying his time with his girl
+18 scenes.
Adults only.
Crazy over you
During your ovulation period you were feral about Justin. It wasn't a big deal during the season because he wasn't in the house most of the time, so you had to cope with other methods, but when he was in the house.
Dear lord should protect him.
You were so lustful over him and his face, and his arms, and his back, his butt, his thick tights. You were about to jump him every time he did something. One time you had sex with him in the garden because he was building a small house for your dog. His skill was so attractive that you have to go for it. And he gladly complied. Sometimes he was too tired or focused on other stuff but sooner or later he would reach for you and give you what you wanted in abundance.
So, when he was in the kitchen doing a simple lemonade as you stare at him and his forearm's muscles moving under his tan skin you couldn't contain what you were feeling. Justin was so mainly on his own, so secure of himself that it was irresistible.
You hug him from the back, enjoying how tall and broad he was. Your hands roamed through his body, feeling the flat abdomen and the pectorals. "Do you want lemonade?" he offered, stirring the jar with a spoon. "I want something else" you whispered close to his ear, well, tried to. He giggled, and slowly turned around. His big hands cupped your face and gave you a kiss. His lips brushing you send a shiver down your spine, all the way down. You inclined your head to have a better access, shameless your tongue touched his, your hands traveled all the way back to his butt. Justin groaned, and bit your lip. You felt throbbing down there, aching for his touch, his tongue, his fingers, his cock. "Please" you moaned against his lips.
You broke the kiss, and pulling his arm you took him to the living room. With a little push he sat down, arms spread and his long and beautiful legs open. You didn't think twice, you strip in front of him, leaving only your panties on (glad they were dark because you were really wet). You put his legs together and sat on his lap. "Let me take care of you" you said, biting his earlobe and he raised his shoulders giggling. You kissed him everywhere above the shoulders. Nibbling and licking his sensitive areas as you felt grow hard against your core.
Your hips start moving against his erection. He groaned, touching and squezzing your ass. "Mmm" he said, pleased. You put your tits in his mouth, and he started licking them; one first, then the other. He had a mischivious glimpse in his eyes. Justin had a few opportunities to see you like that, and he completely love it.
Before he could said anything, you were taking his shorts off, also his underwear. You grabbed his erection, giving it a few pumps before putting the tip inside your mouth. You were starving. "Oh my god" he said, his leg's muscles moving under his skin. "Baby, ohh" he moaned. You took a couple of inches more in, sucking him. With your free hand, you started touching yourself, trying to ease the pain between your legs. When he was about to release himself, you stopped, took your panties off and ride him shameless. He was frowning trying to keep it together as you bounce up and down, enjoying how full he made you feel. "I love you cock" you whispered before kissing him deeply, the growl came from his chest as he squeeze your hips harder. "You feel so good" you cried. Your bodies starting to sweat, but you couldn't stop kissing him.
The only noises in the room where your moans, his breathing and the sound of the skin against skin. You changed the rhythm and started grinding on him, his pubis stimulating your clit. Your hands wandered over his chest, and rest on his neck. His Adam apple was so inviting you didn't think twice and went to kiss it. "Baby..." he moaned. When your legs were shaking and you movements were more and more clumsy, he took the lead. "Justin" you cried his name, lost in the haze of pure pleasure.
You felt his cock twitch inside you, spreading his seed. "Fuck..." he said, you hid your face in his chest, trying to even your breath. "You are the best" you lazy smile told him everything.
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