nedermemes · 5 months
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niks te zien hier, alles is zeer normaal, totaal niet fascistisch ofzo
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Mfw the right wing wants to make some ex secret service guy who illegally used fake social media accounts to spy on activists prime minister. And his name is dick.
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paulpingminho · 1 month
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unsarutsiamplecat · 2 years
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🌿Palatul de Justiție
București, România🌿
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ifreakingloveroyals · 2 years
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Through the Years → Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (1,286/∞)
14 March 2023 | King Willem-Alexander is paying a working visit to the National Criminal Investigation Service, part of the National Unit, together with Minister Yeşilgöz-Zegerius of Justice and Security. (Photo by Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid/Koninklijkhuis)
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monkeyssalad-blog · 28 days
BERG, Joop van der. Officier van Justitie
BERG, Joop van der. Officier van Justitie by Halloween HJB
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keynewssuriname · 2 years
Autoriteiten brengen steeds meer klaarheid rond aanslag kantongebouw
Terwijl het onderzoek naar de aanslag van 13 januari op het kantongebouw aan de Wulfinghstraat vordert, komt er steeds meer cruciale informatie over het motief van het gebeuren boven water. Minister Kenneth Amoksi van Justitie en Politie zegt dat er nu hard gewerkt wordt aan het opsporen en aanhouden van de kwaadwilligen die dit misdrijf hebben begaan. Er wordt nu gewerkt met informatie die het…
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Contestația lui Liviu Dragnea la condamnarea din 2019 a fost respinsă definitiv de ÎCCJ
Contestația lui Liviu Dragnea la condamnarea din 2019 a fost respinsă definitiv de ÎCCJ
Magistrații Înaltei Curți de Casație și Justiție au respins definitiv, luni, contestația în anulare depusă de fostul lider PSD, Liviu Dragnea, la condamnarea din 2019, în dosarul angajărilor fictive de la DGASPC Teleorman. Judecătorii ÎCCJ au respins ca inadmisibilă contestaţia în anulare formulată de Nicolae Liviu Dragnea împotriva deciziei penale nr. 142 din data de 27 mai 2019 pronunţată de…
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Loved the new fic with pegging Nebul😵‍💫🥴
Tho I did kinda feel bad for him 💀
Could you perhaps write a follow up to what happens the next day? Like how Nebul acts when he is sobered up and then having to face the entire group chat making fun of him😔😪
Maybe even later, him and Admin having a talk about what happened to him that caused him to use pearls?
(Also would Nebul be more wary or something like that around Admin considering,even tho it was a punishment, how wrong* and rape-y it was?💀)
*I know, bc they are monsters, that don't have morals and "wrong/right" but still, hope you get me🫠)
Anyway, have a good day/night, and I absolutely ADORE your fics, ur definitely one of my favourite acc on Tumblr 💜💜💜💜💜
[Thank ye anon! 🤍 I don't write follow ups much, if at all, but I can give this a general go. A couple of things here though:
1) There's no point in Nebul being wary of Admin. He knows very well what he signed up for when he took the deal to work under Krulu, just like any other of the workers there. If Admin walked into the room and demanded they bend over, they'd have to. And they know that's a possibility. They've consented to essentially living under Krulu's (and by extension your's) will, subtly. Will Nebul be colder afterwards? Probably. Does he justity her actions? No, not really. Does he understand they're part of what he signed up for? Yes;
2) While monsters inside The Clergy's Eye are all degenerates with a skewed sense of morality, if they have any at all, most monsters outside are part of civilized society and do have the same morals you'd find in a human. That's not to say feral monsters or evil ones don't exist, they sure do. Point is, everyone outside of TCE would call what went down between you and him rape. Clear as day.]
Part 2 of this fic.
TW: Mentions of past noncon, bullying(?), mentions of drug abuse.
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He expected as much.
Some part of Nebul knew the "forced into submission" part was never the real punishment.
Waking up with a horribly sore ass and hundreds of notifications as his coworkers saw him get viciously exploited was. The sounds of him begging, crying, screaming in sensation forever immortalized in video form.
Well played, Admin, well played.
He didn't think you'd actually manage to shake him. Which is idiotic of him to assume, given you have an infinitely more knowledgeable entity on your side. Perhaps he really did have to get "put in his place", as much as it disgusts him to say so. One can never get too comfortable when working under these circumstances, and Nebul supposes the intoxicating power of the building's atmosphere got in his head, allowed him to procrastinate, dismiss, decide for his superiors.
Needless to say, they're very thorough with their punishments. Not that Nebul expected less, he's not the only one subjected to such.
Nothing quite could have prepared him for the moments where he entered the break floor, greeted by the entire team cackling and quipping as shameful echoes of his cries rang across the entire floor. The wraith didn't expect any less bullying than what he got. Alas, it's something he'll have to wait out and process, which is simple enough. It takes a lot more to break his spirit than equally degenerate monsters joking and jabbing at his expense.
At least Patches was smart enough to give him a soft "A day in my shoes, huh?" kind of look. Everyone else made it a point to get on the undead's nerves. Not that they succeeded much.
The robot would randomly blast soundbites of his own wailing as he passed by the shopkeeper, sometimes clips of him mid-orgasm. It was apparently hilarious enough to send Vinnel tripping as he hacked and cackled. Grimbly would taunt him with the possibility of uploading this video to a porn site, though Belo was there to caution him that such violates the agreements of his "work contract". He'd still hear Vinnel mocking him from his stage, loud and clear imitations of his noises, and he swears Morell's boisterous laughter was deep enough to be heard on the highest floor of The Clergy. Gallon was slightly softer about his mocking, at least to Nebul's face. And Sybastian, bless that half-wild mimic, didn't really have much to say apart from odd snickering.
Still, the wraith is anything but content with this, especially when he has to consistently shoo away the most persistent of his coworkers.
" You know, you sounded really hot in that video. " Santi slurs, half-drapped across his counter. He's not here to buy anything, just to pester. As usual. " Hotter than usual. "
" Mhm. " Nebul keeps cool, jotting down stocks.
" I jerked off so hard to it. " Of course he did. The wraith wishes, now more than ever, that he could roll his nonexistent eyes. " Why don't you give me a shot? I bet I can make you feel just a good, better maybe. "
" Have you considered bothering literally anyone else? " The demon is a weird case, he's not being nefarious in his approach, merely spotting an opportunity to eat. Still, he should know better by now.
" Come on, don't be like that, love. " The incubus laments, biting his lower lip. " There's no need to be ashamed, it feels good to get stuffe- "
The elevator dings, his salvation. Or so Nebul thought, until you stepped out. Fuck.
" Santi, give him a break, will you? "
The demon spins around, eyes brightening as he all but glues himself to you. " Oh, OH! Is this round two? I want in, please? Can I at least watch? "
You snort, lightly pushing him away. " Once was enough. "
Santi makes a displeased sort of sigh, wandering further into the perverted isles to soothe himself while you approach the shopkeeper with the same friendly look you'd give him any other day, as if nothing transpired yesterday.
" Let's have a talk, Nebul. " You begin softly, hands behind your back.
He knows that wasn't a request.
" Of course, my lady. "
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The garden is calm, but then again, it's quite early. The clouds are heavy, a smog seems to settle in the air, moist and sickly.
He sits with you on a bench, a comfortable distance apart. Naturally, you note the awkward tilt of his hips.
" That did hurt, hm? " There's a proud glint to your eyes. And Nebul would feel offended, if he didn't know he would feel exactly the same way were he in your place.
" Naturally. You were harsh. "
Taking a sip of your coffee, a pause unfolds, calculated. " When am I not? Was there ever a time where I was soft? "
Fair enough, he supposes.
" I've threatened to drill into Fank-e's visor. I've dissolved parts of Gallon with corrosive substances. I've cut off and consumed chunks of Morell. There is nothing I won't do to make sure the rules of this establishment are respected. " You shrug. " Not that I particularly seek to do this, I prefer to reward you. "
" True. " Nebul gives you a look, silently asking why he was called here, to which you nod.
" Sybastian. "
He's confused for a moment, then the bench next to yours seems to jump, two yellow eyes sprouting from a leg. You don't even deign to stare at the monster, which is amusing to the undead.
" I know that's you. Bugger off for a bit. "
Sure enough, said bench quickly deforms into the tall mimic, and he skitters away on all fours, defeated.
" Small talk is not our modus operandi. " You start, gathering the wraith's attention. " Why do you use pearls? "
Why does he use pearls? It's something Nebul himself has pondered on. There's no clear answer, if he had one, he might have already dropped the habit. He's not sure what to tell you, though it's pleasantly surprising that you'd care. He supposes that, technically, you have to care, the health of your workers is important. But the wraith understands you also spare fondness for him, such is felt through your bond.
" You can talk to us, it'll die here. "
" I'm aware. "
" Take your time. "
And he does. Figuring there's no point dodging the topic. It's not as if he's ashamed of his actions.
" For as long as I've been aware of myself, I've felt a craving I could never satiate. " Nebul stares off. " This isn't uncommon for undead, as we all spawn from the unresolved turmoils of our living husks. Yet, at the time, I believed I was merely hungry. So I ate until I got sick, trying to cure this mystery ailment. "
You make a small noise of acknowledgement.
" The moment I discovered pearls is one I can't recall. But they... They filled me, Admin. They're giving me a taste of something I lost. Somehow. "
He feels vulnerable, Nebul doesn't like how much it's starting to hurt to talk about this.
" Something you lost when you were alive. " Your stare is pensive and intrusive, a taste of his own medicine, he supposes.
" I was never alive. Whoever that human was, that's not me. " The shopkeeper clarifies, finding himself a touch too reactive, defensive.
" Yes. My point still stands however, you're carrying someone else's burden and you're coping with it through psychostimulants. "
Brutal honesty, something he can appreciate in you. His mood still drops further. It's funny, Nebul feels worse now than he did when he woke up earlier today and realized what happened.
" That's not unheard of. Patches- "
" Patches carries his own sins on his back. " You interject. " He's had glimpses onto his past and he chooses not to remember more than he must. " Fingers cross on your lap, eyes glazing. He knows that look, Krulu's speaking to you. " You know nothing. You need closure. "
Nebul freezes. This type of powerlessness, of vulnerability, is much worse than getting turned into a submissive mess. He's realizing he'd rather bend over for you again than continue this conversation.
" Admin, I... "
" You need healing. You're not someone who hides from your problems, you will fix them, this is an order. " Your hand meets his clawed one, the grip firm. Through it, Nebul senses concern, a desire to help and comfort.
It cracks at him, hard. Harder than it should. He shakes minutely.
" I feel so empty. It doesn't go away, it never goes away. It's always so cold. I have no idea what he did, to make me this way, but it's unbearable. " The monster has to pause, catching himself before he could choke. It's so very foreign to let himself be open. " In all honesty, I don't think I want to know why I'm so empty. "
You sigh, stroking over his knuckles and nodding to yourself. " It's a process. I think it would benefit you in the long run. You need to let us know when you're ready to explore that. "
Nebul makes an ambivalent head gesture, deeply uncomfortable.
When you rise, he stays placid.
" Come on, let's watch Pebble's flying lesson with Belo. Last time he nearly broke the fountain, you know? "
That does make him chuckle quietly.
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ynseincanada · 10 months
zaterdag 9/12/2023
(deel 2)
Het leuke van de U of A is dat hier altijd wel iets te doen is. De afgelopen weekends ben ik verschillende keren naar de ijshockey geweest (go bears) en zelfs een keer naar de volleybal. Het ijshockeyteam heeft elke keer gewonnen als ik daar was <3 Ondertussen is het jammer genoeg winterstop :(
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Ik heb Donnie meegenomen naar zijn eerste ijshockeywedstrijd. Er was super veel volk, aangezien het de laatste van het seizoen was. Hij was een beetje overdonderd door het lawaai en het vechten. Achteraf hebben we pizza gegeten en een appel cider gedronken. Donnie kan niet tegen alcohol (het was erg, na een blikje was hij weg) en we hebben hem naar huis moeten brengen <3
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Anna, Jin, Mei en ik zijn nog verschillende keren op jacht geweest voor het noorderlicht, maar jammer genoeg heb ik het niet meer gespot. Net de week dat ik ziek in bed lag, was het te zien :( typisch
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Deze week heb ik mijn laatste twee lessen gehad, waarbij ik ook twee moest presenteren. Tegen volgende week heb ik vijf deadlines (help), waarvan er eentje (gelukkig) al ingediend is. Deze week neem ik ook deel aan een online conferentie voor mensenrechten, als deel van mijn vak Human Rights. Vanochtend hebben we een toespraak gekregen van de Canadese minister van justitie! Jammer genoeg noemde hij de genocide in Palestina "the Israel-Hamas war". Zoals we allemaal weten, hebbem de bommen van Israel het niet gemunt op Hamas, maar op de gewone Palestijnen.
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Het is nog maar 15u45 momenteel, maar het is al donker aan het worden. Mijn volgende sessie op de conferentie begint om 17u, dus ik ga snel nog werken aan mijn deadlines.
Tot binnenkort!!!
x Ynse
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uitzinnigmp3 · 7 months
3 maanden gevangenis en 20k euro boete voor acid. kan wel zeggen dat ik disappointed but not surprised ben. fucked up dat de belgische justitie zo diep zinkt
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gezellig · 7 months
ik wil niemand ooit nog horen zeggen dat klasse justitie geen ding is in belgië want what the actual fuck
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zenobegr · 1 year
Godvergeten: wat was de rol van de kerk en van justitie?
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paulpingminho · 1 month
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technetmedia · 1 year
Kollhoff towers over The Hague
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Continuation of The Hague presentation. From what I managed to grab while running. It is not without reason that he presents these shots. Firstly, the charm of autumn. Secondly. These are very famous buildings.
Kollhoff towers over The Hague. Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Justice Administration Building.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs is built of red brick, and the Ministry of Justice is covered with light granite. The towers are also called “JuBi-Gebouw”, Ju for Justitie and Bi for Binnenlandse.
The green skyscraper on the right is called “De Kroon” and was designed by Rapp + Rapp architects. At 131 m, it is slightly smaller than Kollhoff's two towers and was completed in 2011.
Two skyscrapers by Hans Kollhoff, a German architect and professor, were completed in 2012. A German architectural studio won the competition for new ministries in The Hague. Kollhoff is a representative of postmodern architecture and new classicism, as well as a hero of New Urbanism.
A pair of towers rises from the volume opening onto the promenade called Turfmarkt with the cour d'honneur cum garden. The ministry towers, with 36 floors and a height of 150 meters, stand out from the urban background with pilaster facades made of brick (for the Ministry of Interior) and granite (for the Ministry of Justice). The grey-green granite cladding of the base is made of four-centimeter-thick sandblasted slabs. These slabs are attached to the load-bearing wall with conventional stainless-steel anchors, with thermal insulation in between. In the corners of the ground floor, thicker L-shaped slabs supported by steel consoles were used.
This effectively emphasizes the expression of stability, which is also the intention of the hammered plinth. The rather flat facade of the first two floors with wide openings faces the street and connects to the ground with a curved profile, ending with a delicate course of strings. Shop windows are framed with brass-colored aluminium profiles. The second through fourth floor facades are topped by a tall main cornice that highlights the building's granite base and the shared ministries' functions. Here, the same casement windows that lie between the piers in the towers above serve as separate openings. Double windows allow natural, manually regulated ventilation throughout the building. The prefabricated facades of the towers are connected by pilasters which, covered with the same polished green granite as the base, break the upper edge of the wall and end in a crown. The connections between the elements disappear behind the overlapping panels, becoming invisible when viewed from the front.
The steeply sloping atrium, cut into the volume, has a main glazed front that overlooks the garden with revolving doors and brass-colored aluminium profiles. The garden is surrounded by a granite bench protruding from the building's plinth. This bench supports a fence made of decorative square posts and curved rectangular steel profiles coated in light anthracite. The tips are lacquered in gold.
Photo credits: @marcinwojcik
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dejufuniverse · 1 year
Er komt te weinig binnen bij die graaiers.....!
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