#juuuussttt in case
theempressar · 8 months
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Juuuussttt gonna leave this here...in case anyone was interested...
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so i had the cutest dream last night 🥺
can't remember every detail of it but i do remember the gist of it, and it kind of followed through luka's route of the recent weddings event (i forgot the actual name of it, sorry). basically that luka and i got engaged and then jonah finding out and getting all emotional over his baby bro growing up/mad he didn't find out first lolol. then it kind of just cut to us being happily married and all that for a bit, and then cuts again (as far as i can remember anyway) to like visiting the red army for some meeting and then jonah ofc using it as an excuse to check up on luka us..... only to find out that there's going to be a new generation of clemence, if you catch my drift. he nearly passes out at the news that i was pregnant, but everyone's elated (black army ofc teased us to absolutely no end when they found out hahaha). kind of cuts again to bits of the future until all of a sudden there was like some big party/meeting thing for an alliance and then my water broke (rip). kyle ends up kind of helping out with the process since he's quite literally the closest doctor, but surprise surprise, not only was there a baby clemence coming.. there were two. (i tend to dream a lot with twins man idk) so the whole ordeal happens and now we two beautiful baby girls, fraternal twins with different hair colors but the same eyes. i don't remember who was who name-wise, just that their names were (iirc) hayley and hannah; the older had the signature clemence minty hair and the younger had dark hair like mine, but both had eyes that were a mix of luka's yellow and my brown ones. the girls were absolutely most certainly spoiled rotten by both armies and then some, but they had so many fun uncles and family pets they were surrounded by, just too cute. 💕💕💕
makes me wish i could draw, these girls were the epitomy of adorable. the one with dark hair had a lil beauty mark of her own, and with all of the others spoiling them + the lavish dresses their actual uncle gifted them?...cuties!! 😭💘
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Okay so using this beautiful wonderful picrew, I was able to create as close of a rendition to the twins as I possibly could! Had to edit the eyes myself and slightly altered the hair color to match a bit better but ssshhh it works aight, looks pretty close to the girls <3
i don't even want kids irl but i don't mind em, and dreams like these are just dreams, i kinda love when my brain spits out oc's like this all the time hahaha. had a dream one time where i had twins with satan as well, but a fraternal m/f twins (sabrina & salem i think, like from sabrina the teenage witch, man was that one a trip) ..made them too cause why not!
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that reminds me..... i think i might've had a dream with diavolo one time too, but i don't think those twins had names. similarly to the one with satan, m/f twins that took after both my oc's and their father's (diavolo's) color scheme of red/black. i think the girl had his red hair and the boy took after my black hair, but i think both of them had his eyes, not sure though bc it's been quite awhile, and i don't even think they had names, as that was a much shorter dream :( mainly just remember the girl taking after diavolo's leadership and diplomacy, but being fairly straight-faced, and the boy always hiding behind me and being super sweet but shy and easily spooked, would cry for everything but stop crying just as quickly, total momma's boy haha. polar opposite kiddos
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REQUEST FROM AO3: “What if. What if Null finds out that you’re a tether”
Oh boyyyy I liked writing this one, I care Null very greatly
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-First of all I see this as you two dating already, that is already set up
-In my eyes I don’t think you would be aware that you’re a tether either, meaning the two of you found out about it mostly likely at the exact same time
-At first she was just kinda, stunned. Unsure of what to do in this scenario
-But quickly after the initial shock she saw how much of an assist this situation could be
-She dislikes forcing you to do anything so isn’t gonna force you to join Zone-B, but she will ask you too and highly recommend you do
-No matter your answer, whoever your Vani is very quickly being put into custody of Zone-B
-This has no effect on your twos relation (at least for the time being, we don't know everything about the story so depending on what we learn it very much could later on)
-The biggest change made by this is now Maddie seems more protective over you, she also keeps an extra eye on your Vani. Juuuussttt in case.
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theyruinedeuron · 5 years
I have no doubt
They tossed that line about Volantis in at the end juuuussttt in case they wanna do a sequel in like 5 years if shit ain’t working out and bring Daenerys back to life. 
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despairing-haunt · 7 years
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This is it. This was going to be her end. Before you all stood the Super High School Level Roboticist, Uriel Nakamura. The vile student who murdered your friend. Cut Hiromichi’s life down before it even had a chance to flourish. She was about to get what she deserved.
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You all watched as the chain pulled her away from the room. Latched on to her and tore her down the hallway. You and the rest of your classmates quickly followed suit, chasing Uriel and Tsubou down the hall. The wires and electrics of the dodgy lights nearly tripping some of you. You noticed as you ran that little Old fashioned Televisions lined the hall, all beaming with Tsubou’s face, laughing maniacally.
The room you all get to is large, and past a chain link fence sits Uriel. On the one end she has a large wrench, on the other, a large robot, blades sticking out of each limb, connectors and wires coming out of its seams.
Uriel looks towards Tsubou, sitting between the two. “You Will Not Kill Me.” She says, cold, and rebellious. “I Am Not Going To Die.” She stares directly at Tsubou, not paying any attention to the mechanical aberration that is on the other side.
“Oho!” Cries Tsubou. “A Rebellious one! I couldn’t be any more glad! You are a wonderful example to what happens to killers here! Lets begin!”
Tsubou floated over in between the two. “Alright, dear viewers! This match will get red hot! Lets begin! Can she take down the giant mechanical giant? Lets find out! Three! Two! One! FIGHT!”
Uriel clutched the wrench, repeating the same mantra over and over. “You Will Not Kill Me.” She eyes up the monster as it turns on and lunges at her. Unfortunately, due to her rather… unsavory agility, her body is sliced. Down the arm, up the side, and even on the head. However, one thing is odd. When her head was sliced, what should have been bone and blood was cold, metal, mechanical machinery. It fizzed and sparked.
Once more, Uriel repeated herself. “You Will Not Kill Me.” and lunged at the monster, grabbing the wires out of it, and pressing them against her head, where the exposed machinery that was her brain lied. Suddenly, there was a bright blue shocking as volts and ladders of electricity shot throughout the room. Uriel dropped dead, but that was not the end. You could see the volts, bouncing in and out, making its way through the metal monster, and out its cords, and outside of the execution area.
If ghosts could pale, then Tsubou would be ghost white. He floated out of the machine and through the hall. You all followed suit as you saw the strange cluster of electricity rush through the wires. The monitors in the halls turning from Tsubou to the visage of the roboticist. They all chanted in unison. “I am Free From The Body. I Am Free From The Game. You Will Not Kill Me.
You all made your way back to the trial room. The large metallic beast back to ripping the body of Uriel to ribbons. You didn’t care though, such a horrific and visceral sight is nothing compared to the roboticist’s escape attempt. Uriel had arrived on the final monitor in the room, old, and CRT, and connected to a large old fashioned computer tower at the front of the room. Uriel, from the monitor, smirked at Tsubou. “I Win.”
Tsubou looked upset, before smirking right back at her. “I gotta say, you really put up a good fight! But I have something you never expected, juuuussttt in case!” Tsubou rushed and, a single swipe of his hand, pulled the wires out of the Computer Tower, save for the power. Uriel looked shocked. Tsubou laughed even more. “Ahaha!! Looks like you’re trapped now, you dumb AI! Its time to end this!
Tsubou clapped, and out of the ceiling, a larger-than-life magnet descended, pointing straight at the Tower Uriel’s display began to distort as she looked worried. Volts jumped and sparked as the A.I. made its attempt to escape, but there was nowhere left to run. Try as you might, nobody escapes their fate.
The last thing you heard was the sickening, deafening cry of a terrified girl before the Monitor flickered one last time, Showing a chilling, yet final blue screen.
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Uriel Nakamura was dead, and the AI Living inside her has been permanently deleted. Nothing of the SHSL Roboticist remained.
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