#yes i spent way too long on these but no regrets bc they came out so cute aaahh i love them sm
peligrosapop · 11 months
cute that you think frankie coming back is going to solve a structural problem. we have been playing badly for a long time, even with frenkie, but moments of individual brilliance saves us. the fact is that xavi makes tactical decisions that make no sense, anyone can see that the high 8s don’t work, that lewy should stay inside the box instead of roaming around the field, that playing romeu, alonso and a few others is giving up before the match starts
That’s your opinion. We’ve been playing without our best midfielders for 2 months, 2 of our attackers are just coming back from month long injuries and most of our players haven’t been rested enough but our bench is either over 30 without proper game rhythm (not played consistently) or under 20 (very lil experience) so obviously, besides that in the last two games we seem creatively stuck, lack of intensity and the game plan maybe wasn’t the best, I understand your pessimism but we have like 3-4 players that started 2.5 months ago with the team and haven’t had a consistent 11 that play with each other enough to know and feel comfortable with each other,I think, since we started bc of injuries and such. And yea, Xavi is a young coach (went from 1st division in Qatar for 2 years top, payed them 2 millions out if his pocket knowing he wasn’t Laporta’s first choice, to come one of the if the most difficult club to coach as a rookie coach in first division Europe) that makes mistakes, but he also came to a broke club that has been trying to build itself up again with a good team mainly of really really homegrown young cracks, or experienced vets that come for free after being free agents. We haven’t had a core group that has played 3-4 years with each other like Man City, Arsenal, Bayern, Ac Milan etc. Who are left from the starting 11 back in 21-22? Pedri? Gavi? Araujo? Ferrán? FDJ? That’s it? That’s it. And Pedri and Araujo get injured frequently.
This was always gonna be a long project. The fact that the palaca$ existed and we could buy some decent players like Lewy, Raphinha and Jules last year was a miracle and why we won La Liga and Supercopa, if not that would have been close to imposible. We spent 4 million this summer transfer and did fucking miracles. People forget where we are coming from. The trophies came earlier than they should have, really. Look at other team rebuilding. Arsenal? It has taken them 3 years to get where they are now, how many trophies? Girona has gotten where they are bc Mitchel has been there since 2021 with a main core of players and really smart buys/loans from really good scouting (and City group money), how many trophies?. This week was official the second anniversary of Xavi, who came mid season. A total mid-idiot-coach with no tactical skills would have not gotten a 9th place team to 2nd and on the way trashed 0-4 at Bernabeu the team that ended up being Champions of Europe that year. He obv has been experimenting more this year bc he has different players, lots of new ones between new transfers and kids from La Masia that came up and to makeup for injuries. We have won and tied with 5-6 injured players at a time, you know how hard that is? I think people are crazy.
Do I think both the team and staff need to reset? Yea. Wake up and shake it off? Yea? Were the last two games a disgrace? Yes. Should Xavi be sacked? No. Who the fuck is gonna come and coach us anyway? All the options are worse than Xavi. If we push him away, we’re gonna regret it like we did with Lucho. Calma.
We had a bad batch last season too Jan/February with injuries too, and fucking up in Europa, this shit happens. We still won trophies.
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loyalestmunch · 1 year
update. my cat got put down 8 days ago. im kind of fine now i did most of my coping/crying/grieving before it even happened bc my head is stupid and prepares for the worst. but if i think about it for too long i get teary eyed. i miss her every day. sometimes i'll hear a small noise and out of instinct i'll look to see if she's nearby, followed by instant regret and emptiness. i swear i still see her in the corner of my eye sometimes. sometimes i'll visit the spot where she's buried and tell her about my day. i hope shes out there somewhere listening.
also. as if one grief wasnt enough. few days after my cat's passing im at the park by myself swinging listening to music and a random little girl sits in the swing beside me. i dont think anything of it because i always get approached by kids when im at the park having me time. so i mind my business and this kid asks me for my name so i have to reluctantly take out an airpod and be like What did u say and she was like Ur name whats ur name and i was like oh it's *deadname* to which she replies with her name, aurora. she was really young, maybe 6 at most, so our small talk consisted of fnaf and taylor swift. not long after talking she invites me to sit at a bench with her. i say okay and she takes me to a spot closer to her family. upon our arrival her dad comes to the both of us (i was thinking he was probably annoyed that his daughter brought me (i have blue hair and piercings)) but he wasnt annoyed he just came and asked if i wanted a kitten. stunned and confused, i was like yes sure i want a kitten and i shit u not he pulls out a small black/gray/brown tabby and places her in my arms. it felt like this kitty was supposed to be mine. i just lost my cat. how did these events get intertwined?????
to make a long story short: i brought her (the kitten) (i named her smokey) home and my mom was pissed n didnt let me keep her despite by begging and pleading. i tried to tell her i felt as if i was connected with my old cat again when i spent time with the kitten. as she does, she disregards those feelings and gets rid of the damn cat. im still not talking to her as of right now.
so anyway. ive never felt so alone before and its so hard not to relapse. but i think its inevitable atp. as my main way of coping was spending time with my cat. im forced to be alone with my thoughts and feelings all the time.
romantically, im still stuck chasing people who couldnt give a shit about me. but thats been going on since me and ***** broke up in may. it just sucks, especially now, because i am quite literally, mentally and physically, alone. and i hate being stuck w this bitch for long periods of time. we dont get along.
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so i had the cutest dream last night 🥺
can't remember every detail of it but i do remember the gist of it, and it kind of followed through luka's route of the recent weddings event (i forgot the actual name of it, sorry). basically that luka and i got engaged and then jonah finding out and getting all emotional over his baby bro growing up/mad he didn't find out first lolol. then it kind of just cut to us being happily married and all that for a bit, and then cuts again (as far as i can remember anyway) to like visiting the red army for some meeting and then jonah ofc using it as an excuse to check up on luka us..... only to find out that there's going to be a new generation of clemence, if you catch my drift. he nearly passes out at the news that i was pregnant, but everyone's elated (black army ofc teased us to absolutely no end when they found out hahaha). kind of cuts again to bits of the future until all of a sudden there was like some big party/meeting thing for an alliance and then my water broke (rip). kyle ends up kind of helping out with the process since he's quite literally the closest doctor, but surprise surprise, not only was there a baby clemence coming.. there were two. (i tend to dream a lot with twins man idk) so the whole ordeal happens and now we two beautiful baby girls, fraternal twins with different hair colors but the same eyes. i don't remember who was who name-wise, just that their names were (iirc) hayley and hannah; the older had the signature clemence minty hair and the younger had dark hair like mine, but both had eyes that were a mix of luka's yellow and my brown ones. the girls were absolutely most certainly spoiled rotten by both armies and then some, but they had so many fun uncles and family pets they were surrounded by, just too cute. 💕💕💕
makes me wish i could draw, these girls were the epitomy of adorable. the one with dark hair had a lil beauty mark of her own, and with all of the others spoiling them + the lavish dresses their actual uncle gifted them?...cuties!! 😭💘
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Okay so using this beautiful wonderful picrew, I was able to create as close of a rendition to the twins as I possibly could! Had to edit the eyes myself and slightly altered the hair color to match a bit better but ssshhh it works aight, looks pretty close to the girls <3
i don't even want kids irl but i don't mind em, and dreams like these are just dreams, i kinda love when my brain spits out oc's like this all the time hahaha. had a dream one time where i had twins with satan as well, but a fraternal m/f twins (sabrina & salem i think, like from sabrina the teenage witch, man was that one a trip) ..made them too cause why not!
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that reminds me..... i think i might've had a dream with diavolo one time too, but i don't think those twins had names. similarly to the one with satan, m/f twins that took after both my oc's and their father's (diavolo's) color scheme of red/black. i think the girl had his red hair and the boy took after my black hair, but i think both of them had his eyes, not sure though bc it's been quite awhile, and i don't even think they had names, as that was a much shorter dream :( mainly just remember the girl taking after diavolo's leadership and diplomacy, but being fairly straight-faced, and the boy always hiding behind me and being super sweet but shy and easily spooked, would cry for everything but stop crying just as quickly, total momma's boy haha. polar opposite kiddos
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
adore you
summary // bucky and alpine enjoy their solitude, but the girl across the hall is slowly creeping into their hearts. (bucky x fem!reader)
words // 7.4k
warnings // diverges from canon & no major spoilers.
notes // just thousands of words of fluff bc that’s all i know how to write. maybe one day i’ll venture into anything else. fluffy bucky has my heart 
reblogs & replies are greatly appreciated!
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
The first time you knock on Bucky’s door Alpine wanders over curiously.
Bucky stares at the door silently urging you to go away. You knock again and Alpine begins to paw at the door before meowing loudly, which makes Bucky groan. “I’m coming.” He calls as he stands from the couch. He pauses the movie playing on his television, something ridiculous that Sam had insisted on. Alpine meows again and Bucky can hear you laugh through the door. 
He pulls on a hoodie that’s laying on his counter and stuffs his left hand into the front pocket. When he pulls the door open you smile brightly. “James!” 
The two of you had met briefly when Bucky had originally moved into the building. You had smiled the same bright smile in the elevator and offered up your name easily. Bucky had smiled tightly in return and told you his full name, a habit he had yet to break, and he deeply regretted it. Every time you passed in the hallway you called out a cheery James despite Bucky’s corrections. 
“It’s Bucky.” He mutters. Your eyes move over his shoulder and Bucky watches as you take in his very undecorated and barely furnished apartment. Bucky didn’t mind how seemingly empty his place was. He wasn’t home a lot and nobody but Sam spent time with him. Sam might think it was time to add barstools and a spice rack, but Bucky was content with how things were. 
Your attention is pulled to Alpine as he peeks out from behind Bucky’s legs. “And who are you?” You ask quietly as you squat down to meet his eyes. You hold a cautious hand out and Alpine only stares. You wait for a moment before he turns and moves back into the apartment. 
You don’t seem to take it to heart though. You laugh as you stand up. “He takes after his dad, huh.” There’s a teasing glint in your eyes and Bucky should be offended but the comment actually makes him smirk. 
“His name is Alpine.” Bucky says monotone as he watches you rock back and forth on your feet. “Did you need something?” 
“Oh!” Your eyes light up as if you had completely forgotten your reason for coming here in the first place. “I need salt! Do you have any?” Your eyes move behind him again as if you’re now suddenly worried the answer won’t be yes. 
“I have salt, yes.” He doesn’t move from his spot and only stares down at you. Your eyes flicker around the hallway before you smile nervously. “Can I have some?” You ask quietly. 
Bucky nods and makes his way into his kitchen. He expects you to stay and wait in the doorway, but he hears the door shut behind you.
“Didn’t want him to get out.” You say as you lean against his counter. Bucky’s a little put off by your brazen personality, but you don’t seem to notice his discomfort. “How long have you lived in DC?” You ask as Bucky moves to pull the salt out. 
“How much do you need?” He asks instead of answering. 
“Not much! A couple teaspoons.” Bucky’s stoic attitude doesn’t seem to deter you at all. He glances around the bare kitchen before deciding to just give you the shaker. 
“I don’t have anything to put it in, just make sure to return it eventually.” He shrugs as he slides it over to you. You grasp it in your hand but make no effort to move. Bucky sighs. “And I’ve lived here for a couple years now. I… I moved here after the Blip.” 
He wonders briefly if you know who he is. He’s not sure what happened in the years of the blip, if his name had been marked on one of those memorials. That had been before his pardon, so he assumes not. He wonders if Steve’s exhibit had been changed. He hadn’t been back since before the blip. Was he still in it? Had they changed it or was Bucky Barnes still dead in America’s eyes? His eyes find yours and then he wonders if you did know who he was, were you worried? 
You seemed fine around him. He hadn’t seen any recognition on your face when he had introduced himself all those months ago. A frown tugs at your lips. “Were you…” You trail off but Bucky knows the question. 
Bucky nods tightly and you take a step away and move towards his door, like you know he’s reached the limit on sharing personal details for the night. “Me too.” You finally say when your hand lands on his door knob. You pause. “It’s weird. Right? Coming back to a completely different world?”’
“Yeah.”  He nods. You have no idea, he thinks. He had just begun to figure out how to live free again and then he was gone. And when he came back, he was thrust into battle then lost Steve to a world Bucky was no longer a part of. “It’s weird.” 
You smile apologetically. “Thank you for the salt, James.” You say quietly. His eyes flash to yours but your face doesn’t give much away. 
He nods and the door slams shut. Alpine comes trotting out and rubs against Bucky’s shins. “Yeah, she’s weird.” Bucky reaches down to softly pet Alpine’s back. “Pretty though, huh?” 
Alpine pushes against his hand and Bucky takes that as agreement enough. 
Bucky liked helping Sam down at the VA. Handing things out, setting things up, and talking with veterans gave Bucky a sense of something. It gave him something to do when Sam and him weren’t away on missions. 
And he got to spend time with Sam. While it was something he would never admit to the man, he enjoyed his company. Sam had slowly become Bucky’s best friend. Not that Bucky really had any other close friends. 
“Thanks for helping out today.” Sam smiles as Bucky leads him through the hallway towards his apartment. “But you know, you can just come for a meeting. To talk.” 
Bucky nods. He did know that, really. But Bucky was okay with listening for now. Maybe one day he would share some of his story, but helping out now was helping him. 
Bucky stops short in the hall when he notices something sitting outside his door. He throws an arm out that Sam slams into. “Jesus, what…” He trails off when he notices what Bucky had seen. 
There’s a small brown box sitting on the ground. “Stay here.” He murmurs as he begins to move towards the object. Sam gives Bucky a look before following behind him. “Or not.” He glares. Both men kneel down in front of the box. There’s not much that gives anything about what’s in the box away, just his name written in fancy script. 
He reaches a hand out to touch it when the sound of your door opening makes him second guess and pull away. You were a little weird, but he didn’t want to blow you up. 
“James!” Him and Sam look over at you as you lock your door. You’ve got a red apron wrapped around your waist and your bag is slipping off your shoulder. Before Bucky can say anything like be careful, you furrow your brows at the men. “What are you doing? Do you not like cookies?” 
“Cookies?” Bucky asks as he glances down at the box again. Sam has already stood up and straightened out, but he’s still kneeling in front of the door. He can hear Alpine pawing at it, no doubt having heard Bucky’s voice, and he feels a little ridiculous now. “It’s Bucky.” He adds on now that he knows it’s not an explosive sitting in front of him. 
You nod slowly with a confused smile on your face. “Cookies. I made a bunch so I packed up the extra for you. When I knocked nobody answered so I left them, I wasn’t sure if I’d be home when you got back.” 
Bucky feels heat rise to his cheeks. He hastily picks the box up and stands. Sam laughs loudly and Bucky glances at him coldly. “Thanks.” He says quietly. 
You rock back and forth on your feet again. Must be a nervous habit, Bucky thinks. “I also made some cat treats. For Alpine.” Bucky recognizes the nervous tone in your voice as you stare at the box in his hands. “Thank you. For the help.” You say before spinning on your heel. You freeze and turn again, this time your eyes land on Sam. “Nice to meet you, Captain America, sir.” You look like you’re thinking of throwing your hand up in salute, but instead you turn again and rush down the hall. 
Bucky just stares after you until a muffled meow breaks his focus. He shakes his head before shoving the box into Sam’s hands and moving to unlock the door. “So.” Sam says with a poorly contained smirk as he follows Bucky inside. “She seems nice, James.” 
Bucky groans before snatching the box from his hands. “She knows I go by Bucky, she just calls me that to mess with me… I think.”
“And she knows Alpine?” Sam kneels down to pet said cat, but he jumps away and hides behind Bucky’s legs. “Come on, Al. We’ve known each other since you were adopted.” Sam stands up and rolls his eyes at Bucky. 
Bucky laughs softly at the cat. “She asked to borrow salt last night and kind of met him. Alpine didn’t really stick around to hang out with her.” He begins to open the box and notices a small note taped to the inside of the lid. 
He pulls it off hesitantly. “What’s her name?” Sam leans against the counter and pulls a cookie out of the box.
“Y/N.” He says quietly as his eyes skim over the note. 
Thank you for the salt. And the conversation. I hope you enjoy the cookies. I made some simple tuna treats for Alpine. 
Step One in getting your cat to love me. 
Bucky lays the note on his counter and looks into the box. His shaker is standing in the corner next to a small plate of cookies and a jar of what he assumes are the cat treats. Sam laughs and Bucky glances up to see him reading over the note. “Hey!” Bucky yanks it out of his hand and shoves it into one of the drawers in front of him. 
“Getting Alpine and you to love her, she means.” He laughs again and Bucky rolls his eyes. “That’s cute. I didn’t know you had a little flirtationship going on.” 
Bucky scoffs. “I don’t… What does that even mean? Did you see us in the hall? I don’t flirt with her.” 
Sam reaches for another cookie. “Really? Just felt like that’s how you would flirt. And you blushed so…” He trails off with a smirk. 
“I wasn’t blushing!” Bucky says defensively. He didn’t blush just because a pretty girl gave him cookies. He wasn’t in middle school. When Sam reaches for another cookie, Bucky yanks the box away. “Are you gonna order dinner or stand here and eat all of my cookies?” 
Sam throws his hands up in mock surrender and pulls out his cell phone. “Hey. No need to get defensive. Maybe it was just hot in the hallway.” He moves into the living room and flings himself onto the small couch. 
Bucky scoffs and looks down at Alpine, who has made himself comfortable at Bucky’s feet. “I wasn’t blushing.” He says quietly to the cat. Alpine just blinks. Bucky pulls a treat out of the small jar and holds it out to him. “You know I wasn’t blushing.” 
The next time Bucky sees you, it’s him at your door. He’s got a clean plate in his hand and is decidedly not nervous as he waits for you to answer. 
He lifts his hand to knock again when the door swings open. You’re standing in nothing but a sweatshirt and shorts that barely peek out from beneath it. Bucky swallows and forces his eyes up from your legs to your face. 
He gives you an apologetic smile when he sees your raised brows. “James.” You smile kindly as you lean against your door frame. “What can I do for you?” 
“Bucky.” He says automatically. He holds the plate out and notices your eyes catch on his gloved hands. “Figured you might want this back. I washed it.” 
You take the plate from his hands. “Thank you.” Bucky doesn’t move from his spot in the hallway. He’s not really sure why because he’s done what he needed to do. He just wanted to enjoy your presence, he assumes. You had begun to grow on him and your cookies were really good. Or maybe he had always kind of liked you. 
“Do you want to come in?” You ask. There’s an inviting smile on your face and he almost says yes. He wants to say yes. But he didn’t want to leave Alpine alone, he had already been gone for most of the day. 
Bucky gives you an apologetic smile. “I would… But I don’t want to leave Alpine alone.” You nod with a soft smile and Bucky watches for a moment before taking a step back.
“I’ll just…” He points over shoulder at his door. He turns and starts the short walk to his door. 
You laugh quietly. “Have a good night, James.” 
“Bucky.” He corrects. He takes a deep breath and turns to face you again. You’re still standing in your doorway watching him amused. “Do you want to… You can come to mine instead?” 
Your small smile transforms into something bright and excited as you nod. “That would be great. Let me grab my keys.” You hold a finger up and disappear into your apartment. 
As soon as you're out of sight Bucky slumps against the wall. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He thinks. His living room is bare except for the small, shitty couch Sam had persuaded him into buying. That and a lamp on an Ikea side table and his television. 
He imagined your living room was much homier. Probably decorated to fit your aesthetic and cozy. What would you think of his place? What did you think? You couldn’t mind it too much if you agreed to come, right? 
His nervous train of thought is disrupted when he hears your door slam shut. Bucky watches as you lock your door quickly. “Lead the way!” You look at Bucky with teasing eyes. 
Bucky smiles hesitantly as he turns towards his own door. When he opens it, he finds Alpine laying on the back of the couch and he stares confused at Bucky and the new addition to the apartment. 
“You remember Alpine.” Bucky says with a small smile as he beckons you further into the apartment. “It’s not much-“
“-It’s nice.” You cut him off. You’ve got a genuine smile on your face and Bucky begins to wonder why he had ever been nervous. You’d always been kind, he couldn’t imagine you having anything rude to say. “Hi, Alpine.” You say quietly as you step cautiously towards the couch. 
Bucky watches as Alpine looks up at you equally as cautious. “Nice to see you again. I hope you like the treats.” At the word, Alpine perks up and looks at you intrigued. 
Bucky quietly pulls a couple treats out of the jar. He moves as subtly as he can in order to avoid shifting Alpine’s attention. “Here.” He slips a treat into your hand. “See if he comes to you.”
You hold the treat out in front of you and Alpine sniffs the air. You don’t say anything, like you know trying to coax the cat to you might spook him. Alpine seems to appreciate it and moves towards you slowly. He snatches the treat from your hand before dashing away. He disappears down the hallways, but you don’t seem to care because you spin around to face Bucky with a happy smile. 
“Did you see that?” You laugh. Bucky swallows and nods. Briefly he thinks you have a beautiful smile before shaking the thought off. You take a seat on his couch and pull your legs up underneath you. “I’ll be his favorite in no time.”  
Bucky snorts. “I’m sure.” He says sarcastically. He sits next to you on the couch and moves to hand the remote to you. He lets a small smile be directed at you as he watches you make yourself comfortable in his home. It’s not much, but you seem to fit right in. 
When your eyes land on his gloved hands again, he thinks you’re gonna ask for a reasoning behind them. He’d have to come up with a poor excuse, not wanting to share the truth yet. But your eyes move from his hands to his face and you take the remote with a smirk. “You ever seen Legally Blonde?”
And, well. That’s that. 
The next time you and Bucky see each other, it’s in passing. He’s going out as you’re coming in. There’s a grease stain on your shirt and your red apron is barely stuffed into your purse.
Bucky hesitates for a moment. “Hey.” He says quietly. You spin around and slam backwards into your door. “Fuck. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry.” He takes a cautious step towards you. His eyes trail over your face, your eyes are red and he can tell how exhausted you are. 
“It’s okay.” You say quietly. You take a few calming breaths. “I was in my head. It was a rough night.” 
Bucky leans against the wall next to you. “Wanna talk about it?” He’s grown so used to you just stopping to chat that this tense silence feels wrong. Normally he wouldn’t even have to prompt you, he would listen as you just launch into a story easily.
You trail your eyes over his outfit. “You look like you’re headed out.”
Bucky shrugs and doesn’t move from his spot. “Just a recap then. I have time.” He’s not sure what’s inspired him to do this. But he thinks it has something to do with this newfound fondness to your bright personality. He wants it back. 
You take a deep breath and nod. “Come in for a glass of water? Then I’ll let you go.” 
Bucky sighs in relief. “Sounds perfect.” He follows you into the apartment. It’s different from his. Bright, like you. You’ve got posters hanging neatly on the wall your tv is against. Plants sitting by your window. A large couch and soft rug. “Nice place.” He comments as he moves to sit on one of your barstools.
You laugh softly. “Thanks.” You drop your purse onto the counter and turn to pull two glasses out of the cupboard. “Where are you headed? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
Bucky glances at the time on your stove. “Oh… I help my friend out with meetings at the VA. I was headed to help him set up.” 
You slide a glass of water towards him. “You’re a vet?” He takes it with an appreciative smile. “I didn’t…” You shake your head. “Thank you.” 
Bucky shakes his head. “I’m not…” He trails off unsure of how to explain his status to you. Did you really not know who he was? “Tonight's topic is you.”
You roll your eyes and lean back against the counter. “Have you ever just had a bad day? Where nothing seems to go right?” Bucky nods and you sigh. “My master’s thesis, I’ve been working on it for months, I got back my draft today from my advisor and he tore it apart. Had a good cry about that. Got called in early to work, I need the money so I said yes. The diner was busy and we were short staffed. To top it off, my last customer of the night was a douche. He hit on me all night. When I told him no to getting my phone number, he threatened to take my tip away.” You laugh bitterly as Bucky sits in silence, listening intently. “And then when I walked away, he tried to grab me. So… Stellar night over all.” 
“Want me to kill him?” The words are out of Bucky’s mouth before he can think. He couldn’t imagine being forced to be nice to somebody who was just harassing him all night. In fact, he knows he wouldn’t be. And he knows you certainly didn’t deserve treatment like that. 
You let out a shocked laugh that turns into a full blown laughing fit. Bucky lets out an awkward chuckle as he watches you shake. 
“That’s…” You trail off and Bucky notices tears gathering in your eyes. “That’s really sweet.” You say wetly. 
“Hey.” Bucky stands up and takes a step towards you. He pauses, unsure of what to do, but when you start to shake again, this time with tears, his decision is made. “Hey. You’re okay.” 
He pulls you into him and you come easily. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist and rest your head against his chest as you let it out. 
Bucky rubs your back and tries his best to calm his rapidly beating heart. He hopes you can’t hear it because he’s sure it would break any kind of aura of nonchalance he had created. 
He glances at the time again. He really has to go. The meeting was starting soon and he’s sure Sam is worried about where Bucky is. He pulls back slowly, not wanting to let go. 
You look at him with sad eyes. “I’m so sorry. I have to go.” You nod dejectedly and take a step back. You don’t go too far, both of your hands still clinging to his jacket. “Can you watch Alpine?” He rushes the words out and he knows there’s a light blush rising to his cheeks. He just wants to make you feel better and he really does hate leaving his cat alone. 
You furrow your brows. “What?” 
“I mean.” He takes a hurried step back suddenly aware of you still wrapped in his arms. “I hate leaving him alone. And… You look like you could use some furry company.” 
A slow smile spreads across your face. “Are you saying your cat likes me?”
“No.” Bucky laughs. “But you are the only other person he doesn’t completely hate.” 
“I would love to watch Alpine.” You take a few rushed steps out of your kitchen. “I’ll change and head over.” 
Bucky lets out a relieved breath and nods. “Good. Cool. I mean-“ He shakes his head. “-my spare key is on top of my door. You don’t have to do anything but hang out with him. Don’t expect cuddles though, I’m not sure you’re on that level yet. Don’t give him too many treats.” 
You’re nodding like his instructions are even the smallest bit important. “I have to go.” Bucky says ago and takes another step towards the door. “I’ll see you later.” 
You nod and take off down your hall. Bucky lingers by your door for a moment.
“Wait!” You yell and come rushing out again. Bucky freezes and turns to look at you. “Thank you…James.” You smile brightly before spinning around again and disappearing. 
Bucky smiles to himself as he leaves. The bright was back. 
When Bucky gets home he’s more nervous than when he left. His palm is sweaty and all that’s on his mind is Sam’s constant teasing. 
Bucky didn’t have a crush. He just… Liked having you around. That didn’t mean he wanted to date you. Maybe he did think you were pretty. And sure when you had let him hug you earlier it had made his heart race. 
But it wasn’t a crush. Bucky was too old to have a crush. He takes a deep breath before opening his door. He can hear a movie playing softly before he even looks up. 
“Hey.” You say quietly from where you’re laying on his couch. You sit up hastily with an embarrassed smile. Alpine is laying on the chair across from you. “We’re friends!” You point to the sleeping cat. 
Bucky nods. “He actually stayed in the same room as you all night?” He asks doubtfully. 
You frown, but there’s a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. “Maybe not all night. But he came out like an hour ago. I think he gave up on waiting for me to leave.” 
You pat the spot next to you on the couch and Bucky moves as quietly as he can. “How was your night? Do you feel better?” He looks you over. You looked less tired and from the blankets piled on his couch it looks like you had taken a nap. 
You nod. “A lot better… Thank you. I really appreciate you letting me hang out with your cat.” You look up at him with a nervous smile. “He’s just like you. You two were made for each other.” 
Bucky glances at Alpine. “What does that mean?” 
You poke Bucky’s leg with your socked foot. “Hard exterior, secretly wants to be best buds with me.” 
Bucky snorts and gently shoves your foot away. “My secret plan has been outed. Make the girl from 4B my best friend.” You laugh and move to tuck your feet under his leg. It’s silent for a moment, and Bucky knows you’re watching him so he busies himself with watching Alpine.
“Hey…” You trail off waiting for Bucky to turn his attention to you. “I don’t want to upset you or anything.” 
“That’s always a good start.” Bucky says nervously as he focuses on you. Your hands are fidgeting in your lap as you watch him. “What’s wrong?” 
You shake your head quickly. “Nothing’s wrong! I just… Promise you won’t be upset with me?” Your eyes are pleading and Bucky can feel himself get anxious. What could you be so nervous about? 
“What’s wrong?” He asks quietly. You don’t say anything, so Bucky swallows hard. “I promise.” He nods slowly. 
“Okay.” You take a deep breath. Bucky watches your eyes shift around the room before landing on his hands clenched together in his lap. “I thought I recognized you. Like, your name is so familiar and then when I saw you with Captain America…” 
Bucky looks down at his hands and nods. He knew where this was going. “I…” He trails off. 
“I looked you up.” You rush the words out. Your voice is small and Bucky feels any hopes he had for this friendship shatter around him. 
“I don’t… I’m not any of those things anymore.” Bucky cringes. His leg is shaking anxiously, but he just can’t get it to stop. He can’t even get himself to look up from his gloved hands, didn’t want to see the fear or disbelief that would be painted across your face. 
Your toes poke at his thigh again and it forces Bucky to look over at you. Your eyebrows are furrowed as you watch him, but there’s no trace of fear or anger, you wear the same kind smile that you always did. 
“I know that.” You whisper softly. Your eyes move past him and Bucky follows your line of vision to Alpine, whose bright eyes are staring at him. Bucky smiles gently at the cat as he stretches out and hops off the chair. Alpine rubs against Bucky’s shins, a welcome distraction from the impending conversation. Your feet curve upward to poke Bucky in the leg again. He looks up hastily at the gesture. “When I asked if you were a vet earlier, why did you say no?” 
Bucky purses his lips to think. The truth was he wasn’t at all sure how to explain everything to you. He didn’t have to explain things to Sam or Steve, they knew. “My war was a long time ago.” He settles on saying. 
“That doesn’t make you any less a veteran.” You say firmly.  “And there’s not much online about the Winter Soldier-“ There’s ringing in Bucky’s ears as the words come out of your mouth. What had you found? And what were you thinking? 
“Hey.” You lean over and place a gentle hand on his shoulder. “There’s not much online, but I didn’t read what there was because I knew that it was your story to tell me. When you’re ready.” 
Bucky inhales sharply as you look at him with curious eyes. “I… I did a lot of bad things. I… I worked on making amends and I… I was pardoned.” He pleads with you like he’s sure you’ll walk out if you know everything. 
“Okay.” The word is quiet and your hand is still resting on his shoulder. “You don’t have to tell me anything. I just wanted you to know that I’m your friend. Even with your super cool secret identity.” 
Bucky laughs at that. “It’s not a secret if you use your real name.” 
“Ah! You agree? We’re friends?” You say with a smirk. “Does that mean I get to see the super cool metal arm that’s always been covered around me?” 
Bucky shakes his head, but laughs. “Not yet.” You’re watching him carefully so he gives you a small smile. “I would say we’re friends though, yeah.” 
Suddenly, you’re always there. 
When Bucky has missions with Sam, you check in on Alpine for him. His spare key has moved from above his door to your keychain. 
You’ll come over with treats when he gets home from the VA. (Bucky likes to think you check for him when you hear the heavy footsteps in the hall and that’s why you’re always there right after he gets home.) 
He’ll bring dishes back whenever he sees you get home. (He does check the peephole when he hears footsteps.) 
You send him pictures of Alpine when he’s away. Alpine who still won't cuddle with you or even touch you, but who lays in the same room and has recently started allowing short pets. He sends you pictures of Sam and cities they’re in. 
And tonight, while he’s in New York, you’ve sent him a picture of you in his bathroom mirror with Alpine sitting pretty on the counter. 
He’s not supposed to be up there. 
All he gets is another picture in return, this time you have a thumbs up and Alpine is still on the counter. Bucky smiles. Sam notices. 
“Your girlfriend texting you?” He teases. 
Bucky scoffs. “She’s not my girlfriend… She just watches Alpine for me sometimes.” He looks back down at his phone. Nice. He sends back before stuffing it into his pocket and looking back at the man. 
Sam nods slowly. “Right. She just watches Alpine sometimes. And hangs out with you when she’s free. Don’t forget the treats she makes you and Alpine.” Sam lists off casually as he looks down at his fingernails. 
Bucky feels an embarrassed heat crawl up the back of his neck and looks down at his feet. “We’re friends. She’s a good friend.” 
When he looks up, Sam doesn’t have a teasing smile, but instead a genuinely happy one. Bucky thinks that this one is somehow worse when Sam grips his shoulder firmly. “I’m glad you have such a good friend, Bucky. Someone outside this super hero business.”
Bucky nods and swallows the lump in his throat. “Yeah. Thanks, Sam.”
“I’m serious, Bucky. You deserve it.” 
Bucky gives him a grateful smile unable to say anything else.
Bucky creeps into his apartment at four in the morning. It’s quiet, like usual, but Alpine isn’t sitting on the couch like he normally does when Bucky isn’t home. 
“Al?” He calls out quietly. The logical part of him is aware that Alpine may have fallen asleep in his bedroom, or underneath a piece of furniture. But there’s another part of him that panics at the routine being broken. 
Alpine was always there to greet him. 
Bucky would rather be safe than sorry. “Al.” He whispers again, already reaching for the knife strapped to his ankle. He bends slowly and lifts his pant leg as he scans his eyes under the couch and coffee table in search of the cat. 
He stands with the knife in his hand and moves slowly down his hallway. His bedroom door is ajar, Bucky takes a deep breath before pushing it open all the way. Alpine blinks at him from the edge of his bed. The knife slips from Bucky’s hand as he stands, shocked in the doorway. You’re asleep. Asleep on the bed that he never used. 
The knife clattering against the ground stirs you from your sleep and your eyes widen when you notice Bucky standing there. 
“Hey!” Your voice is raspy and low. You rub your eyes and Bucky can only stare at your half-asleep form. “I… I thought you were going to be gone until tomorrow night.” 
He nods. “Yeah. I mean, we got things done sooner than expected.” He explains. You lean over to flicker the light next to you on. Bucky doesn’t recognize the pillow sitting behind you or the blanket that’s thrown over your legs, he thinks you’ve brought them over from your apartment. You must have because his pillow and blanket was sitting folded in his linen closet waiting for the next time he camped out on the floor or the couch. 
You smile apologetically. “I’m sorry. I… I got tired of falling asleep on the couch.” You whisper. “And Alpine lays with me on the bed.” 
Bucky hastily shakes his head. “No! It’s fine. You don’t have to apologize. I should’ve told you to sleep in the bed. I didn’t even think of it.” I don’t really sleep in the bed. He moves further into the room. 
You scratch nervously at your cheek before freezing in action. He almost laughs at the annoyance that crosses your face. You had mentioned once that touching your face was a bad habit you had been trying to break for months. “I should go.” 
“You don’t have to.” Bucky opens his dresser drawer in search of sweatpants. “Stay here. You’ve already got yourself set up. I’ll crash on the couch.” 
You push the blanket off of your legs and Bucky has to force his eyes to stay on yours when he notices the already short shorts you’re wearing have ridden up your thighs from sleeping. “I can’t make you sleep on the couch, James. I’ll go!” 
“You know it’s Bucky.” He stops you with a hand on your shoulder. “It’s fine.” He stresses. “I… I don’t really sleep in the bed anyways. The couch is better.” 
Your eyes narrow. “You don’t have to lie to make me feel better.” He can tell you’re hesitant, but your rushed movements have paused. “My apartment is across the hall! I feel awful for invading your space like this already.” 
Bucky sits on the edge of the bed and watches curiously as you shift to sit next to him. Both your legs are dangling off, almost brushing his, and Bucky feels warmer than he had all week. “Doll, I’m serious. Beds are weird for me. I haven’t had one in so long that sometimes they’re just too overwhelming for me to sleep in.” 
He almost jumps when your head rests against his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t… I didn’t think of that.” 
“It’s good to see somebody getting good use out of this bed.” He leans into you slightly. “My ma would have thrown a fit if she saw how much this bed was. 800 dollars for a mattress... 800 dollars back then is like, thousands now.” 
You laugh softly. Bucky glances down again. Your eyes are closed and he thinks you’re almost asleep until you talk. “Do you… Would someone being there help you sleep in the bed?” 
You don’t open your eyes and Bucky’s almost glad for that because he can’t look away from you. “I… I don’t know. It’s only been Al and I.” His eyes follow the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe slow and calm. 
You finally look up. “You should stay with me. The couch isn’t comfortable to sleep on, I would know.” You elbow his stomach gently. 
He nods before he can even think about it. “If… If you’re comfortable with it.” He whispers. 
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t. I promise.” You move away from him and Bucky already misses the warmth you radiate. “I’ll let you change.” 
He leans against the bathroom door as soon as it’s shut behind him. “It’s okay.” He mumbles to himself. His nightmares had been getting better, but that didn’t mean they were gone entirely. 
They probably never would be. And he knew he couldn’t let himself be afraid of the bed for the rest of his life. He had bought the bed. He just hadn’t expected his attempt at getting over the anxiety to be with you. 
Why had he said yes? He thinks as he shakily slips his jacket off. He looks at himself in the mirror and sighs. It was a good question, why had he said yes? 
He slips into his sweatpants and just stands in the bathroom. He couldn’t change his mind now. 
Well, he could. He knew you would give him a kind smile and reassure him that he didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to. You were just that person. Kind and understanding and holding no judgement. 
“Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay.” He shakes his shoulders out and picks up his discarded clothes. He stops at the linen closet and pulls out his blanket and pillow. 
You’re already wrapped up in your blanket again when Bucky comes back into the room. Alpine has moved to lay the floor in front of his bed. You smile sleepily at Bucky. He feels himself smile back. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
(When his eyes crack open the next morning he finds Alpine curled at his feet and you curled into his side, he knows being with you wouldn’t be bad. It’s the first time he lets himself think maybe this really is a crush.) 
So, Bucky has a crush. Which is a little ridiculous because he’s over a century old and having a crush is so high school, but it’s there. When you smile in the hall and butterflies rush through his stomach or when his chest warms at a picture you’ve sent of you and Alpine. It’s so obviously there. 
“What are you staring at?” Your voice shakes him when he realizes he’s been staring at you this entire time. You’re sitting next to him on the couch, so close your legs are touching. “Do I have something on my face?” You reach a hand up to your cheek. 
Bucky shakes his head hastily. “No. Sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts.”
“Penny?” You ask softly and Bucky furrows his brows in confusion. “Penny for your thoughts.” You clarify quickly. 
He thinks the smile that appears on your face is bashful and it makes Bucky feel just a little more confident. Maybe he made you as nervous as you made him. 
“You’re really pretty.” He says suddenly. Your eyes widen and you look away nervously. A hand scratches at the back of your neck and Bucky bites down on his lip as he watches you. Not exactly how he hoped that would go. “I mean… I was just looking at… how pretty you were.” He cringes at the words as they come out of his mouth. 
He used to be so much smoother than this, he thinks. He remembered having a new girl on his arm every week and a friend of theirs for Steve. 
Alpine meows loudly and Bucky just knows the cat is laughing at him. “Thank you.” You finally say quietly. “I… I didn’t think you thought that about me.” 
“‘Course I do.” He says equally as quietly. “Always thought you were pretty.” He glances at you and smirks, “Even when I thought you were weird too.” 
You gasp and turn to look at him. “You thought I was weird?” 
Bucky laughs and nods. “After you came in the middle of the night for salt? A little. And the fact that you keep calling me James when I’ve told you it’s Bucky.” He raises an eyebrow. 
You smile brightly. “You introduced yourself as James. Why would I call you anything else?” 
Bucky presses his tongue to his cheek as he tries not to laugh. “Yeah. I’ve regretted that every day since. Nobody’s called me James since the forties.” 
You scoff. “I find that hard to believe.” 
Bucky looks away. “Well for decades I was referred to as soldat.” He glances down at his hands. He’d stop wearing his gloves around you after you’d spent the night, even told you a little of his story the next morning. 
Sam thinks your relationship is weird. You spend the night sometimes and both of you find time to spend together when you can. It’s like you’re dating, but Bucky knows it’s not really like that. He thinks you both bring a sense of calm to one another. 
He’s not sure how to shift that, or if you would even want to, into a relationship. He glances back at you with a tense smile. “Steve always called me Buck. Sam calls me Bucky. Last person to call me James was probably my mother.” 
“I’m sorry… I never meant to-'' You take a deep breath like you’re preparing yourself for what you're going to say next. 
Bucky shakes his head. “It’s fine. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, I was just pointing it out.” He tries to smile reassuringly. 
“I was just trying to flirt.” You say so quickly the words sound jumbled together. 
It takes him a moment to comprehend what you’ve said. “With me?” He points to himself. The words make his confidence rise exponentially. “You were trying to flirt with me?” 
“With you.” You confirm with a slow nod. You start laughing, but it’s soft and happy. “Of course I was! I wanted you to remember me! How could I do that if I called you what everybody else does?” 
“I don’t know. Anything else?” He laughs along with you. “I…” He shakes his head with a smile. 
You both settle and Bucky hears you inhale sharply. “The salt to come see you and talk, the cookies and treats for Alpine… I’ve had this huge crush on you since you moved in.” You say softly. 
Bucky nods, he could see it now. Then he starts laughing again. He feels you smack his shoulder. “I’m sorry… You… Sam said that those cookies and treats were you trying to get me and Alpine to like you.” 
You roll your eyes at him. “Keen eye. He saw I was flirting.” You tease gently. “Does it… Does it bother you? Or change anything? The fact that I was flirting?” You ask softly and full of nerves. 
Bucky smiles sweetly. “That depends. Do you still want to flirt with me?” 
You narrow your eyes, but nod. “I don’t ask just any boy to sleep in the same bed as me.” 
“Just me and Alpine?” Bucky nudges your knee with his. You nod softly and he inhales a deep, nervous breath. “It worked.” He says quietly. 
You nudge his knee back. “It did?” 
He turns to look at you again. You’re already looking up at him with hopeful eyes and Bucky feels his heart race. “Yeah. I like you a lot. I don’t... I haven’t felt this way in a long time.” 
A smile breaks out on your face. “I like you a lot too.” You whisper, like you’re afraid anything louder will break the moment. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers back. You nod excitedly and lean towards him. Bucky places a gentle hand on your cheek as shuts his eyes and leans in. 
His chest warms when your lips press against his tentatively, like you’re both still nervous it’s not real. Your lips are soft and Bucky knows his own are chapped, but he feels you smile against him and can’t stop his own smile from overtaking his face. 
You pull away, but you’re still close enough that your lips are brushing against his. He’s caught up in the moment staring at you when he feels something rub against his shin. 
It makes you pull apart. Alpine is rubbing himself against both your legs and purring softly. Bucky presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“Think you won both of us over.” 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // what do you do when your midterm is an essay & gave you a headache? write bucky barnes fanfiction. thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed it. ps i’ve seen some spelling mistakes promise to edit those in the morning!
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
now, childe as a general streamer,,, he’s a whale in every sense of the word 
so childe as a streamer in general would be one word ;
he would definitely be a variety streamer, but more so for games !!
especially pvp and/or pve games
competitive meta mf—
probably plays LoL, overwatch, apex legends, valorant and minecraft
don’t question the minecraft 
he likes mining but has a personal vendetta against the creepers bc once they blew up his mansion 
yes, a mansion
ask any of his community and they’ll tell u he spent a full-blown month and a half playing just minecraft to build it, only for it to go down just like that ;-; 
his chat loved it tho <//3
he’s played honkai too !! mainly for the pve and grinding bc he’s a whale but uh,,, shhh
his community,,, his community are just a bunch of trolls at this point i cant even lie
they just KEKW, SADGE & COPIUM spam everything and the newer viewers get intimidated until they realise he deserves them all HJGKJHF
especially when he starts getting annoyed by the game,,, his reactions are too good to pass up on gn
typically when he does mario kart streams 👩‍🦯 that shit’s wild when it happens oh my
when he falls in rainbow road 🤡 
and especially bc he has his webcam on, his viewers just see him internally dying or wanting to scream
also gets passive aggressive 
shit talks everything and everyone when in that mood <//3
for what’s left of his dignity i won’t disclose what happens
definitely gets jebaited a lot too <//3 unfortunately he’s too easy for his chat ;-;
another mf with a massive community except he has a lot of friends (sorry not sorry albedo)
ppl have a love-hate relationship with him tbh; u either love him or hate him
no inbetween
unless u show ur love through bullying him then go off ig
his discord server, twt + yt are also really big too !! also verified on insta 
also !!
he has lots of plushies :(( esp whale plushies from his community bc he’s the biggest whale they know <//3
but if u look at his setup, there’s a mini whale plushie on the top of his main monitor (he has 3), one big one (like,,, up to his chin) behind him, a smol on the top of his chair so u can see it above his head, and just more off screen HKJSDHL
they asked for a room tour once and half of it was just whale plushies
the rest were LED lights + shelves of merch & gifts from his community !!
he even has some fanmail (actual wholesome ones that aren’t cursed) pinned on a board too 🥺
also has an ensuite—
when he was eating on stream one time, his chat was sent into an absolute outrage
u know why?
bc he was eating noodles with a fork
bby ;-;
so sometimes he’ll get sent those beginner chopsticks with the finger guides to help him 👩‍🦯
he’s actually made sure to eat with them on stream tho bc he was sent one with a narwhal on top and he thinks it’s cute JHGJKH
now, his (also) AR56 ass has been playing since genshin first came out
an og if u will
this man,,, he’s been in love with u even before the game’s official release 🐥
not only were u in the promotional art and trailers, but he was also one of the beta testers so he got to try out ur character first hand in the early stages !!
and when i say he fell hard for u,
i mean it 
when the game wasn’t released publicly yet, he wasn’t allowed to disclose any information and ngl, it killed him that he couldn’t talk abt u :((
so all he could do was say this upcoming was really nice so far and subtly brag abt u to everyone JHGKJSDFHLK
when the official ads & promotional art were finally released 🥺🥺 when i tell u he immediately went live talking abt the game and u HKGJHFDK
he didn’t care that he streamed at an ungodly hour bc he’s been waiting for the reveal for so long he needs to let everyone know </3
he retweeted everything from their official twt straightaway, made a yt video based off his spontaneous stream promoting the game + pinged his entire server abt it
his nearly 200k server all got pinged abt this one game bc he’s in love with a character from it
and he has no regrets abt it <33
the day the game was available for download, he stREAMED THE ENTIRE DOWNLOAD PROCESS
while he and his chat were waiting, they decided to watch the trailers and character showcases to get a feel for the game, and played some mario kart to pass the time !!
as soon as the game loaded, he threw mario kart behind him and went on 🐥
he typed his name (ajax) for the when he chose aether and literally everyone was appreciating the aesthetics HKJFS
but childe,,, he was waiting for it to be over so he could see u ;-;
he appreciated the aesthetics, fighting mechanics & voice acting a lot tho !!
now he had gotten through all the tutorials, got all the chests he could he was finally in mond
and there u were 🥺 after the dvalin encounter u arrived before kaeya did
and boy did he show u off sm to his viewers HKJHKLF
they knew he was down bad before but now?? they know it’s hopeless to save him and if he ever falls out of love that’s when the world ends
luckily that’ll never happen tho <33
but he took !! so many !! screenshots !!
oh, and did i mention he changed his wallpapers to u? and his twt + discord pfps are also some very aesthetic screenshots of u from that first scene ;-;
he just appreciates u sm okay 🥺
he even clutched his chest where his heart is and sunk down his chair when he heard u speak 😩
his chat just spammed his downbad + y/nlove + SHRIMP emotes and he accepted them all with grace <33
now when he unlocks the wishing feature,,, u already know he’s wishing for u as soon as possible
ur in the standard banner so ur always there which he appreciates but he would’ve wanted u to be limited so he can rub it in ppl’s faces ;-;
and since it was the first release rewards, he had tons of wishes right off the bat !!
he was gonna roll for venti after he gets u bc,,, well does he need a reason??
also he doesn’t do well with archer characters in general ;;; but if ur an archer then ur obv an exception sooo
bUT he got a 5 star in his first 20 pulls !!
tho it was diluc 👩‍🦯
while he was happy bc he got an incredibly meta character right off the bat,
he wasn’t interested in diluc,,, (even now his diluc is barely looked after, and only used for spiral abyss, *sweats*)
the next 5 star he got was around the 60 mark, and he got a weapon,,,
i mean,,, he got the weapon that was most suited for u so that’s smth at least (ˉ▽ˉ;)
after he used all his remaining primos and fates, he finally got u 🥺
he just went “fuck the storyline” and immediately put u in his party and just
admired u as a whole 
went through all the voice lines available, ur character story, ur idle animations (he had a heart attack from u and his chat clipped it) and took many, many screenshots 
his favourite voice lines would have to be the night + about us + (y/n)’s hobbies
and then he equipped u with ur weapon and damnnn did u look so good with it 😩
he changed u to be his avatar, with his signature as :
“(y/n)’s whale <3”
and now the whaling process begins 👩‍🦯
after at least £2k, he got u to c6, along with at least 1 copy of all the standard 5 stars,,
then he went for venti’s banner—
his chat were just too focused on how he’s gonna play u to even think of anything else tbh HKJAH
with ur kit, u were honestly seen to be a dps or even a sub dps if ppl don’t want u on the field all the time
so definitely a perfect character for mr meta strimmer tartaglia (his twitch name btw ;;; childe is just smth he prefers his community to call him as but they also call him ajax too HKJSD) here
so he went through the archon quests with u as his carry and i won’t lie, ur name card is smth he has printed and framed behind him after he got it 🥺
he later finds out ur part of the fatui in the liyue archon quest tho and has to fight u with,,,
well, u ;;;
he finds it hot tho so it’s okay—
i won’t lie tho, his zhongli after he got him is his second strongest after u
he just builds all his characters in the most broken way he can so he can show his viewers that everyone can be a dps in their own right, not just the ones meant to be since there’s no right or wrong in this game !!
but now ur weapon is r5, ur lvl 90 and u have lvl 20 5 star artifacts that make u the most broken (y/n) seen
ppl who co op with him are honestly baffled,,, especially when the feature of them being able to view other players’ character stats become available,,,
u with ur nearly 3k atk,,,
he’s hit over 600k with u tho and he’ll always flex that
no one can top him as a (y/n) main and that’s honestly just a fact at this point 😩
when he saw that the dating sim hangouts was official, his immediate and iconic response was simply ;
“so when will (y/n) become a dateable, huh 🤨”
to this day he’s still waiting to be able to date u in-game <//3
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spencersawkward · 3 years
*concussions and confessions//spencer reid*
summary: a near-death experience encourages Spencer to admit his feelings for his best friend, even at the risk of ruining their relationship.
pairing: Fem!Reader/Spencer
content warnings: oh boy there’s a lot. i’ll start with the nonsexual ones-- choking (again, not sexual), blunt force, violence, some angst. ok time for the fun ones-- unprotected penetrative sex, masturbation, sex dream, oral (male receiving), slight dirty talk, creampie. lmk if there are more that i missed! 
word count: 5.4k
A/N: hi omg so i actually combined two requests for this bc i loved the concepts and i didn't wanna do one and not the other. i hope i do both of these justice hehe thanks for sending them! also sorry if the unsub scene sucks-- i don’t usually write that way, so i tried my best. 
request(s): omg if you need ideas for baby spence can you do a one shot where he's the girls best friend (she's not in the bau) and they are in love but neither of them admit it and he is really hurt in a case or almost dies or something traumatic and only when he gets back they confess their love... and then have sex 😏 ive been thinking about this concept alot 😌
can’t stop thinking about baby spencer (like s2-s4) & his girl best friend losing their virginity to each other... can you write a one shot on this please?
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"when are you coming back?" you ask over the line. you're lying on your bed, legs in the air while you talk to your best friend. it's been a long day for you, but a longer day for him. it's always a longer day for him. 
"you know that I don't know the answer to that question." Spencer's voice is soft as he attempts to keep quiet. he's two hours ahead and, despite the fact that you're both night owls, the person he's rooming with tonight isn't. 
"I know, but there's this Korean film festival that starts tomorrow and I was hoping you would be here to translate for me." you examine your nails while you talk. Spencer lets out a disappointed sigh. 
it's only been a few days since he left, but it's been a week since you last saw him and it feels like a long time. whenever he's not at work, you two are joined at the hip. ever since you first met a few years back at a poetry convention in DC, it feels like he's the only person who understands you. which is weird, because you couldn't be more different as individuals. 
"you should bring one of your other friends." 
"bold of you to assume I have other friends." you joke. Spencer chuckles to himself and your heart flutters. you love his laugh more than anything in the world. 
"I thought that was just me." he says. 
"oh, it is just you," you reply flatly. "I was trying to make you feel better."
you can practically feel Spencer smiling through the phone. although you tease him pretty frequently, he's sometimes able to get in his own shots. it's what makes your friendship interesting.
"hey," you add before he can say anything more. "how's the case going?" 
Spence starts to detail the whole thing, and you listen intently, the timbre and smoothness of his voice comforting you as you slip beneath the covers of your bed. you like the way he enunciates his words, his strange manner of speaking, because it lulls you to sleep. 
you know he's talking about horrible things, but something about the sound comforts you deeply. when he's not around, you're wishing you had it bottled up. 
he lays out their profile as it stands, and you fall silent. it's getting pretty late and you have to be up early for work tomorrow, so it would be a good idea to get some real rest. plus, Spencer needs to sleep, too-- even though he probably won't. 
you remember times when he'd call you at three in the morning, his mind whirring as he played chess against himself and asked if you wanted to hang out so he could teach you how. you hate chess, but of course you said yes; you'd been head over heels with him since your first conversation.
eventually, you feel yourself start to drift off. you don't even really know what he's saying; all of it blends together until you're laying there, one cheek pressed to the pillow and the receiver against the other. 
"Y/N?" he says your name abruptly and your eyes, which have been slowly drawing shut this whole time, fly open. 
"go to bed."
"what? no, I'll wait until you're done." you shift. 
"I could hear your breathing change." 
"then why didn't you just hang up?" you giggle. he goes silent for a moment and you wonder if he cut out, but then he responds. 
"I wanted to say goodnight." 
it's like a cage of butterflies is unleashed in your stomach. you wrinkle your nose as you get nervous. god, you miss him. things would be so much better if he was back. not like he'd be in your bed even if he was, though.  
"then say goodnight." you prod. he lets out an awkward little sound. 
"now I can't because you made it weird." 
"how did I make it weird?" 
"I don't know, you just did." he's so clumsy, your face heats up. you want to keep talking like this until morning.
"goodnight, Spence," the words sound reluctant, but you try to cover it up by teasing him further. "see, was that so bad?" 
"oh my god, Y/N--" he tries to sound exasperated. 
"no goodnight back?" you raise an eyebrow even though he can't see you right now.  
a lengthy silence again. "goodnight."
"that's what I thought." before he can protest, you end the call, settle into the covers. moonlight beams on the walls of your apartment, and you start to think about your best friend. about all the nights spent curled up on his couch with two bowls of popcorn, his ramblings about how much he loves his job and him asking about yours. 
he's a great listener. every time you talk, he nods along like he's hanging off every word. it's nice to feel heard that way, to have someone care. and he's fun to hang out with, too. you've met his team before and they all talk about how hard it is to get him to go out, but they don't see the same side of him that you do. 
Spencer is nerdy and cute and kind and sensitive. he makes you feel special. he's everything that you've ever wanted in a person. but it's not like it would matter, anyway. he hasn't really shown interest in any girls-- much less you. even if he did, you're scared of ruining the friendship. 
the fallout of not having him around at all... it would destroy you. and something, even if it's torturous, is better than nothing. 
which is why, as you sit there and remember being around him, your fingertips creep below the comforter. a familiar routine, they move over your stomach, until they reach the waistband of your panties. for a moment, you hesitate. it's wrong. he's your best friend. but he doesn't need to know that this is how you handle the ache he puts between your legs. 
as your index finger slides down your slit, you feel the wetness already forming. Spencer's hands, his mouth. the thought of his lips pressed to yours while he fucks you, holding your body like it's delicate. 
you don't know exactly how it would feel because you've never had sex, but you want to find out with him. he's never done it, either. you don't care; all you need is to have him inside of you, to see how he looks when he's on the edge. 
your mind wanders to the image of him parting your legs and rolling his eyes into the back of his head. the sensation of him filling you up. falling apart. 
you slide a finger inside, gasping at the way your walls tighten and your imagination runs wild. that tongue, lapping and making you squirm, your fingers twisted in his soft hair. he's so sweet; his attentiveness would make your legs shake. you want to look into his eyes while he does it. 
you add a second finger, curl them and brush over the most sensitive part. the pressure of his hips grinding into yours. your body curves up at the way you start to finger yourself, the other hand stimulating your clit. it's almost overwhelming, the way his name tumbles from your lips over and over. 
you've never wanted someone so badly in your life; he belongs in your bloodstream. the sounds he would make in your ear before finally cumming and collapsing on top of you, spent. you want to tire him out and then do it all over again. 
you're greedy on the edge, indulging in every single image of him you can conjure up, every dirty thing you'd say. finally, you feel yourself fall, the orgasm intense as you bite back groans of pleasure and work through the high. it's amazing. 
you sit there, panting, feeling your heart beat in your chest. some things can't leave your head, they're so sinful. and the worst part is that you don't regret it in the slightest. 
Spencer can feel his pulse practically leaping against his throat as he makes his way through the empty warehouse. he should have waited for backup; he knows he should have, but it's too late now to go back and change things. 
he clutches his gun, pointing it in front of him while his eyes flicker wildly across the space. he's moving between enormous aisles stuffed with crates, not knowing who else is around. they said the unsub brought his newest victim here-- Spencer came first because was closest to the site-- but he hears nothing aside from the uneven rhythm of his own breath. 
every step is careful. he's thinking about how close the rest of the team must be. based on their distance from the station, they should arrive within six minutes-- but that doesn't account for the time it takes to put on their bulletproof vests, to get to their cars. 
truthfully, he doesn't know if he's going to have to do this on his own. and that scares him the most. 
there's no point in worrying. he swallows the lump in his throat and presses his back to one of the crates. there's a scraping noise a ways off that causes him to freeze. because of the echoes of the warehouse, the origin is indiscernible. he doesn't breathe, eyes darting between each of the openings into the aisle. 
after a minute of pure silence, he peels himself away and turns to head back out. 
and that's when the sound of wood cracking against bone startles him; he hears it before he feels it, but it's obvious when he crumples to the floor. like knife points pressing into his brain at all angles, the shooting agony in his skull. 
he starts to clutch at his head, only to be yanked off the ground by a meaty hand and thrown against the side of a crate. 
"fucking feds." the guy is enormous. gargantuan. he keeps his arm across Reid's throat, pressing down enough to restrict his airway. but Spencer can't even concentrate on the guy's face further than its rough outlines. his vision is going in and out, fuzzy at the edges from the blow to his head. 
he definitely has a concussion. 
"I..." he trails off. the huge FBI logo on his vest is a dead giveaway. 
"all alone?" the unsub has breath like rotten fish, spits each word into his face. "I won't even need my gun." 
Spencer's head lolls to the side and he catches sight of his own weapon lying helplessly a few feet away. there's no way he could get to it in time, even if he got out of this guy's chokehold. 
he tries to think of a way to talk himself out of this; after all, their profile said he'd be more susceptible to negotiation, but that's kind of hard to do with someone's forearm slammed against your trachea. he presses harder and Spencer sees stars. his glasses hang almost off the bridge of his nose, centimeters from falling to the floor. 
he starts to realize that he's going to die, defenseless and alone, in a warehouse. at the hands of a man who kills women because his Viagra doesn't work. but this doesn't incite the kind of panic Spencer always predicted he'd feel. the lack of oxygen in his brain causes him to go delirious. 
he misses home. his mom and his old house, even though things were hard. he misses Y/N, his team members. he wishes his team was here; he should have waited for them. he should have told Y/N how he feels. now she's never going to know. 
Reid is so out of it, he doesn't even notice the pressure being relieved from his throat until he collapses on the ground. the unsub falls, too, his cheek smashed by the force of the abandoned wooden plank. 
it's hard to tell what's happening until Reid lifts his head to see Morgan standing above him, preparing to handcuff the criminal.
"kid," Spencer never thought he'd be so glad to hear his voice. "what happened?"
you practically crash into Spencer's apartment the next evening, flinging your body through the front door with your spare key. 
"Spence?" you call out from the entryway. everything still looks the same, but when his colleague, Penelope, called you today to tell you that Reid had gotten a concussion after a run-in with an unsub, you rushed here as soon as you could. 
"in here." he calls from his bedroom. you don't hesitate, your feet carrying you there. you've been anxious all day; he didn't call last night or even text like usual. you were on the verge of panicking when Penelope called. 
of course, you knew that was the risk with Spencer. he knew the risk, too. his life would always be in the balance when it came to the cases, but he'd gone through so many at this point, you weren't thinking about it. if you did, you wouldn't be able to focus on anything else. 
when you walk in, the first thing you see is Spencer laying in bed in his silk pjs. there's a stack of unread books on his bedside table. his glasses sit on top. he's just laying there with his eyes closed. 
"oh my god." you mutter, dropping your bag on the floor and walking over. he opens his eyes with a slight smile. there's a purple bruise forming across his throat, light but definitely there.  
"what the fuck happened?" you ask the question you've been wondering the whole way here. 
"he hit me with a plank." Spencer explains, the phrase coming out like he's still confused about it. "I'm fine, just a mild concussion and a bruise because he choked me." 
you take a second to assess if he actually means that he's okay, or if he's trying not to worry you. he stares at your expression for a second. 
"Y/N, I'm really fine." 
"you don't look fine." you gesture to the fact that he's laying in bed. 
"my body is sore, but nothing's wrong with me. I just can't look at screens or read." this last part makes him much more melancholy, it seems. you reach down and ruffle his hair playfully. 
"sounds like a nightmare." 
"it is." he cracks up. 
"I'm glad you're okay." you sigh. your heart rate has slowed to a reasonable pace now that you know he's fine. Spencer gives a ghost of a smile, and when he pats the empty spot on the bed beside him, you kick off your shoes and climb over his body to sit down. "so... did you guys get him?" 
"the unsub?" he turns his head to look at you. something is in his eyes that you can't read. "yeah, he's in custody. we saved the girl he abducted, too." 
"well, aren't you a hero?" you grin, pinching his arm. 
"ow!" he flinches. "don't hurt the patient."
"oh, so now you're injured?" you giggle softly. his smile fades a bit, gaze trailing from your face to your legs. it isn't lustful or anything, more like he's taking in your existence. it still makes your heart flutter. 
"I wasn't really a hero, anyway," he sighs. "I got knocked down before I even found her." 
"oof." you wince. 
"yeah, it's sort of embarrassing. I went in by myself and--"
"you went by yourself?" you clarify, turning to face him. of course he did. 
"yeah." he avoids your gaze. 
"Spencer, I work in a stationery shop and I know you're supposed to wait for backup." you deadpan. he snorts, staring straight ahead at the wall. his hair is flat in the back from where he's been resting it against the headboard. 
"he would have hurt her if I had waited." he explains. your heart softens a bit at this. you know Spencer has a problem with saving people; sometimes he doesn't think things through. but you know that it's only because he cares. 
you smile gently, appreciating what a beautiful person he is. you don't understand how other people don't see him how you do. your hand reaches for his suddenly, and you find yourself snuggling into his shoulder. 
Spencer doesn't usually like touch, but he welcomes this, dropping his own head to rest on top of yours while you both stare at the wall. his silence feels heavy, more than it usually does, and you wonder what he's thinking. 
"I'm really glad you're okay, Spencer." your tone is low, like it's a secret. 
"you already said that." 
"shut up." 
"you care about me." he sing-songs with a smile, and you know he means it in a friendly way, but you don't care. it brings warmth to your cheeks. 
"whatever. you care about me, too." 
he lets out a slight chuckle. "when I started to black out, I thought of you." 
your heart leaps, even though the reason is pretty dark. "oh, yeah?"
"mhmm." he hums. 
"nobody's ever told me that they thought of me in their last moments of life before." you tease. there are so many things you'd like to say, but know you can't. he smells like himself and coffee beans, his skin warm beneath the silk of his pajamas. 
"I'd hope not."
"anything in particular?" you wonder aloud. 
"what?" you feel him tense beneath you, and that's how you know there's something he's not telling you. 
"were you thinking about anything in particular?" 
"someone's full of themselves." he jokes. you smack his arm.  
"humor me." more than anything, you want to hear his thoughts. you know you're reaching, but you don't care. 
"just..." he pauses, the next words coming out almost too quietly to hear. "things I never got to say to you." 
"like?" now you're intrigued. 
"no way." he laughs and you groan, turning and realizing that you've both sunk deeper onto the bed and are now practically lying down. 
"c'mon," you prod. you've flipped onto your side while you watch him, his eyes directed at the ceiling. "what if you'd actually died?" 
Spencer gives you a look, and you wish you could snap a picture of his face. the gentle features, the warmth in his eyes. he stares at you differently than before, and it makes your stomach flip again. "I, um." 
you start to trace your index absently down his forearm, where his sleeve has incidentally gotten rolled up. his skin is soft. you know that this isn't a friendly thing to do, but something inside you craves his touch right now. you almost lost him; you can't imagine how horrible that would be. 
"I wanted to say that I--" he gulps, muscles in his shoulder tight beneath your cheek. "well, I care about you, and I... I really love you." 
it's not the first time he's said it, obviously in a platonic sense. what affects you is that he's acting like it's a big deal. 
"I love you too, Spence." you smile softly. his chest rises and falls faster, his face tensed. 
"no, I mean--" he turns onto his side, using the action to distract from his own nervousness. he holds your gaze and you forget how to breathe as he speaks. every syllable is serious, but you note his fingers fidgeting at his side. "I'm in love with you." 
it's like all the air in the room has been sucked out. you swallow, unsure of how to react at first. you don't believe what you're hearing, simply because it doesn't make sense. you've been friends for a while, now, but Spencer has never made a move to ask you out or acted like he wanted anything more. 
your heart swells. 
"you're in love with me?" the words even feel surreal on your tongue. he takes it as rejection.
"I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry." Spencer rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands, his expression turning to a cringe. he's about to sit up to hide the red in his cheeks, but you pull him back down by the shoulder. 
"not so fast, crazy boy." the corners of your mouth are turning up into a grin. you can't help it; every nerve in your body is alive. Spencer loves you. he feels the same way. 
when he sinks back down onto the mattress and sighs, preparing to say something that rescinds the statement to erase any awkwardness, you grab his face and turn it to yours. you don't kiss him, only force him to look. 
"I'm in love with you, too." 
his eyebrows fly up in surprise. "r-really?"
"yes." you nod. 
he takes a second to process this. you see about five different expressions pass over his face, each one reminding you of how earnest he is. and it's absolutely adorable. 
"well, that's good, isn't it?" he clarifies. you pretend to think on it. 
"I'd say so, yeah." 
he smiles. a genuine, rare one that makes your veins feel as if they're full of glitter. you're on Cloud 9. 
"can I kiss you?" you ask him quietly. he seems surprised at this, too, like he never thought you'd want that, but then nods eagerly. 
you close the gap between you on the bed, holding his jaw in one hand while the other rests on his forearm. your lips meet softly at first. he's cautious, scared of pushing you away. he hasn't kissed many people before. but he's good at it, letting you take the lead. 
there's no way to adequately describe kissing Spencer. every bone in your body turns to mush, immediately craving more contact. you slide your tongue across his full bottom lip, and he lets you in. his affection is the most loved you've ever felt. because sure, you haven't had sex, but you've kissed people before. 
never like this. 
one of his hands goes up to wrap around your forearm tenderly before he shifts to lie on his side. you wrap around each other, turning the kiss into a full-body embrace as you breathe in. you want more. your leg swings over his torso so you can pull yourself closer, and he groans into your mouth when your pelvis presses against his. 
the kiss gets more heated, his hands carefully but hungrily traveling down the curve of your waist. you flip so that you're straddling him without breaking any contact. 
you don't really think about the way your hips begin to rock against his, your pussy involuntarily working for friction. there are so many happy chemicals in your brain right now, you giggle against his mouth when his body bucks up into yours. he groans. 
"Y/N..." he breathes softly. his hands move from your waist to your thighs, afraid to dig his fingertips in. 
"what?" you sigh, licking over his bottom lip again. he moans at the way you keep grinding on his erection. 
"I wanna--" his eyelashes flutter when he gasps. "I wanna touch you." 
"do it." your palm is resting tenderly against his cheek. he responds by finally holding you down, sliding his body up a bit to grind against your center. you whine. "touch whatever you want, Spencer." 
his cock twitches in his pants and you push the hem of his shirt up while he uses one hand to massage your tits. the voracious, curious nature of his attention makes you sigh, touching his stomach. he feels perfect beneath you. 
soon you're grabbing at each other without any regard for grace. he's so horny, he's pawing at whatever he can while you do the same to him. the kissing gives way to straight panting while you look at each other. 
"can I suck your dick?" you whisper. Spencer's eyes widen. you've never seen him nod so fast. 
you press your mouth to his one more time before inching down his body, sucking on his clavicle, then his stomach. careful to avoid the purple marks on his neck. he watches you intently, memorizing the details of this moment for later. when you reach the waistband of his pants, you peek up. he strains against the material. 
your mouth drops open and you draw your tongue over the clothed bulge, maintaining eye contact. Spencer throws his head back. his voice is high. "oh my god, oh my god." 
you smirk, licking it again. he clenches his jaw. "I'm gonna c-cum if you don't--" he tries for words, but he's mewling and moving against your mouth. you pull at his pants, hooking your fingers in his boxers and bringing them down, too. 
Spencer bucks into the air when his cock hits his stomach. it's big, precum leaking helplessly out of the tip while he whines. you want him now. 
"wow." you smile. he stares at you, tensing his stomach as you wrap your hand around his length. he's trying to keep quiet, but as soon as you spit on it and start to pump him, his head falls back into the pillow. 
you draw your tongue up the underside, paying special attention to the veins, reveling in his reactions. he looks like he's ascending to heaven when you start to suck on the first couple inches.  
"o-oh, fuck..." he keeps moving his hips off the bed for more, so you sink down further onto him, hollowing your cheeks and moaning. "Y/N..." 
you groan in response, feeling yourself get wetter with every sound he makes. you can't believe this is happening, the way he threads his fingers loosely through your hair in an attempt to touch more of you.
he tries to keep his eyes open while you suck, but they squint with pleasure. he's a mess for you, shuddering gently when you take nearly all of him into your mouth. 
before he can cum, you pull your mouth off of him with a satisfying pop. Spencer moans. 
"was that okay?" you ask carefully. this is the extent of your sexual experience, and you want to do more with him, but you aren't sure how he feels. your best friend stares back at you like you've turned his world upside down. 
"y-yeah," he replies. his face is flushed. "definitely okay."
he's throbbing, occasionally twitching against his stomach as he waits for more stimulation. you eye him carefully. 
"what do you feel comfortable doing?" your voice is smooth. "we can stop now, if you'd like." 
"I--" he chokes on the word. "I don't wanna stop." 
"do you want to have sex?" you ask. Spencer bites his lip, whines. 
"I wanna do that, too," you breathe out, straightening up and pulling your shirt over your head, unclasping your bra, before getting to work on your shorts. you know you're practically dripping. he's been more vocal, but you feel like you're going to implode from the desire. "but I need to tell you something." 
"what?" he tugs your arm, coaxing you back to him and touching you greedily. you giggle as you kick your shorts and panties off somewhere in the room. both of you move like awkward teenagers. 
"I'm a virgin." you say. 
Spencer frowns. "really?" 
"yeah," you lick your lips. "so you need to be careful." 
"o-of course." he blushes, getting nervous again. "you know I'm a virgin too, right?"
"I know." you smile. he returns it sweetly, and the commotion of your bodies slows for a moment. you're so happy, you could cry. 
"what?" he breaks the comfortable silence. 
"I'm excited," you shrug. he's got his hands on your waist, rubbing his fingertips over your skin. then you remember something. "wait, are you allowed to have sex with your... injury?" 
"it's fine." he reaches up and kisses your throat with an urgency. 
"did the doctor say that?" your eyes roll while he sucks on your neck. he groans and pulls down on your waist so that your stomach presses against his cock. he ruts. 
"second opinion from me." he pants. you tap his cheek playfully, move up his body until your core brushes him. he whimpers when you reach between your bodies and grip his length in your hands. 
"you ready?" your voice is low. Spencer squeezes your thighs, eyes moving between your tits and your face. 
"yes." he sighs. you position it, slicking him in your pussy while he wraps an arm around your waist and moans for more. your chests are pressed together, looking into each other's eyes while you slide him into you. 
you have to go slow, the intrusion causing your jaw to drop. you don't breathe. he's got his eyes rolled into the back of his head.  
"Spencer." you whimper, dropping your head onto his chest when he's fully inside of you. his fingers rub patiently over your back. 
"are you okay?" his voice is laced with a moan, trying to resist thrusting. 
"yeah, just a second." you wiggle a little bit to test the boundaries. it hurts, but it also feels good. your clit is begging for more pressure, so you start to roll your hips. Reid moans loudly. 
"Y/N..." he whimpers. "don't stop." 
"you want more?" the need in his voice makes you hornier, and you increase the pace, despite the slight pain. you're so wet, he slides in and out without much effort. 
"so-- much more." he's gasping, hands on your thighs as he watches your naked body writhe on top of him. he's never been more aroused in his life, spurred on by your scent and form and the tightness that keeps clenching around his cock.
he understands why people love sex so much, now. he wants it every day, wants to fuck you in every position and pleasure you. the sounds you release in his ear, whines and praises, he would do anything for more. walk to the ends of the earth to feel you cum on his cock. 
his hand finds your ass, squeezes it. 
"this feel good, Spence? fucking your best friend?" you talk dirty and he twitches. you're always so sweet, the words coming out of your mouth for him are going to send the genius into a tailspin. 
"mhmm," he holds you down so that he can thrust up. speaking at all is a struggle with the way he's feeling. "perfect." 
you start to say something else, but he hits a certain angle and you let out a quiet yelp, hips jumping at the pleasure. "I'm gonna cum." 
Spencer gets a rush of relief because it's taking everything in him right now not to absolutely lose it inside your pussy. he's hanging on by a thread. "me, too." 
you use your position on top to stimulate yourself. both of you chase your orgasms roughly, the rhythm you created degenerating into clawing excitement. 
"cum inside me, Spencer." you beg him. it sounds like you would do anything to feel it, that sensation that you've never experience but have always imagined. and Spencer, his own head foggy with ecstasy, nods and opens his mouth to let out a loud groan. 
"Y/N, fuck fuck fuck-- I'm--" he shoots his load inside of you, rutting wildly and letting his head drop onto the pillow while he pants. you can feel it. strange, lovely jolts of his seed spreading. your hands, which have been resting on his shoulders, tighten and you reach your climax. you flutter around him, both of you still moving to ease the intensity of the high. 
it's remarkable. you're crying out, having the most mind-blowing orgasm of your life. you never thought your first time would be like this. but you're glad it is, muscles tightening and releasing with the mixture of emotions. 
you collapse fully, him still inside. 
neither of you speaks. his heartbeat thuds against your ear, and you hold onto him like letting go would be the end of the world. you can't believe you could have lost him. you don't want to think about it. 
"sorry I came so fast." Spencer apologizes breathlessly. you can feel his cum dripping down your entrance when he slides out. 
"I don't care." you mumble. both of you stay there for a while, his heartbeat changing to a pace that reminds you of genuine excitement. like a hummingbird. 
"we can try again, sometime." he offers. you lift your head to rest your chin on his chest. his skin is flushed, pupils dilated, hair messy. such a pretty boy. 
"we should try multiple times." 
he gives you a cheerful smile, and everything starts to fall into place. you took each other's virginity. "Y/N?" 
he likes to say your name, and you love to hear it. "yes?" 
"are we dating?" the bluntness of the question makes you giggle. you don't hesitate. 
taglist (lmk if you wanna be added/removed!): @reidsconverse @voidsfilm @xoxomgg​ 
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fictional-yearning · 2 years
Alright, so my scenario was this: a fic (or headcanons - whichever you find more preferable) about our dear Adrian falling for a Fem!Belmont dhampir. Yes, a vampire within the prestigious Belmont family - proposterous, I know 😏. Anyway, they fall in love, and A is kinda confused about Reader being Trevor's polar opposite in many ways - i.e. she's much more polite (can still curse like a sailor tho), she is more understanding of sup.monsters (due to her own nature + morals), and she's a melancholic romantic. And if you're willing to add it to the fic somehow (it's totally optional)...the events of season 3 still happen, but A never gets restrained or f-d by Sumi and Taka, R finds out about their plan and just stops them.
I'm doing headcanons bc I never actually finish the requests where I try to write out the whole thing 🤣 I love this setup btw. I hope you like it!
Due to your particular situation, you and your mother had cut ties with the rest of the Belmonts when you were just a child and retreated to live together in a cottage in a small town, where you trained your abilities in the shroud of the nearby woods.
It was only through folk tales of a vampire-like being having been sighted fighting off Dracula's hordes during the nights that Trevor was able to locate you. Finding out your mother had died not too long after his own parents did was a hard hit for Trevor, given that you were everything he was not: proper, ageeable, delicate and polite. He made it his mission to push your buttons so that you'd bring out what he called "your hidden Belmont charm".
You had never met another vampire, so you were fascinated by Alucard, wanting to spend time with him every chance that you got. Your presence alone helped him soote the complicated guilt he felt over his half-vampiric nature: if you were a dhampir like him, and the best person he knew, then surely, being a dhampir could not be so bad, right?
Soon, you became a perfectly synced battle duo, with Alucard's fighting style evolving to watch your back and yours to do the same for him. When off the battlefield, you also spent most of your time together, either researching about the supernatural or sharing stories from the books you'd read.
Despite all, however, you never confessed your feelings for each other, despite Trevor and Sypha's insistent pushing, as you were both too insecure to believe the other could like you in that way. But when it came time for all of you to part ways after your adventure, your answer surprised everyone: "If it's alright, I'd rather stay with Alucard".
Alucard found it hard to believe that anyone would want to spend time with him, much less now that he found himself in this state. You told him that you were tired of fighting, and that you had nowhere else to go. You couldn't bring yourself to also state the simple truth that there was nowhere in the world you'd rather be but by his side.
You'd come to regret this lack of bravery over and over, but more than ever as the weeks went by and Sumi and Taka joined you in the castle. You could see how forward they both were with Alucard, and how happy he looked when he was with them. You were happy for him, but you regretted it so much that you couldn't be like them and do the same.
When you started to notice something off about the couple, you were disappointed in yourself. You didn't want to ruin Alucard's happiness with what you thought was jealousy, and so, you tried not to fuel those thoughts and made an effort to better get along with the two guests instead.
It would soon prove to be impossible. The more you tried to be closer to them, the more they shut you off. It was almost like they wanted you to leave so they could have Alucard all for themselves.
Fortunately, you didn't let that happen, and so it was only a matter of time before you caught them in the act of planning their attack. The only problem being, that they caught you spying on them, too.
It all happened incredibly fast. You fought, and your calls for help were heard by Alucard, who came swiftly in your rescue, killing Sumi and Taka as soon as he could make sense of the situation, and tightly holding you as he bawled his eyes out asking you for forgiveness.
You shook you head and told him that having been too happy wasn't something that he should apologise for. The man had a heart of gold that had been taken advantage of. Thankfully, you had a brain. So now that you were truly together, you were sure that all would be well.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
🧿🤠🐇🍲🍯: Lan Wangji does not think it’s safe to raise A-Yuan in Cloud Recesses after the Lans participated in the killing of his zhiji and the entire Burial Mounds community (or more accurately that it’s not safe while he himself is in seclusion and can’t watch over A-Yuan, at least) so he delivers A-Yuan to the one person who he knows did not stand against Wei Wuxian (and got away with it, bc this person has never stood against anything, since standing takes effort): Nie Huaisang.
Little Side Door - ao3
Nie Huaisang’s rooms in the Unclean Realm had a little side door that no one but him ever used.
They hadn’t originally. The Unclean Realm was a fortress, designed to maximize protection and defense; there was no better place for keeping things safe by locking them away. While it had its fair share of boltholes and escape routes, they were not common and universally difficult to access lest the enemy learn of them and use them to their advantage. Even the layout of their open spaces were carefully planned lest the attack come from the sky, a concern that only cultivators had, and not about how they themselves could escape – after all, weren’t they all Nie, ready to die rather than endure dishonor?
The little side door that led to Nie Huaisang’s room opened onto a small rock garden, left to grow wild with weeds rather than reveal its presence to more people. It existed only because his brother had ordered it constructed by those he trusted most, all in secret in the dark of the night. He had never explained why he had gone to such lengths to create such an unwelcome and inauspicious place, but then, he hadn’t needed to – Nie Huaisang had been there, too, when his father had descended into madness and they had been trapped in the familial quarters with no way out that did not take them through him. If his brother had been the one to brave his father’s rage directly, Nie Huaisang had been the one stuck in a small space that was only not claustrophobic because it was so painfully familiar.
Now, though his father was long dead and gone, Nie Huaisang had a little side door.
A little side door, and a little garden that almost no one knew about; in combination with the saber that his brother forced him to learn and the golden core he had so begrudgingly formed, he now had a way to reach the sky and the illusive freedom it represented – the freedom to flee and leave his home behind.
If it ever happens again – his brother had said once, the closest he had ever come to speaking of it.
He did not finish his sentence, as Nie Huaisang had thrown his plate into his face and stormed off, steaming mad and close to tears. He did not raise the subject a second time.
Nie Huaisang did not often use his little side door.
Although he enjoyed gardens, he preferred the aviary he’d constructed, or one of the myriad of well-tended gardens in the main part of the sect; even the vegetable gardens out back beside the kitchens were far more welcoming than that sparse straggle of land. He’d only ever spent time there when he was a child and in desperate need of some quiet, wanting to avoid adults with their arguments and their miseries; he’d taken some friends there because he thought it might impress them, but it hadn’t, and anyway his brother had put a stop to that soon enough.
He didn’t even think about the little side door, most days. It was just a part of the room, a small tucked away corner with nothing in it. Nothing to think about.
And then, of course, years after he’d put it out of his mind entirely, there came a terrible banging noise at that little side door, like someone was kicking at it furiously from the outside.
Nie Huaisang nearly fell over sideways in his scramble to get up, and then once again when he realized where the noise was coming from – almost no one knew about his side door and its little garden, and so no one had ever come to him through it. Who would be knocking now…?
He opened it.
Lan Wangji, white robes stained with blood and cheeks bright with fever, shoved something into his arms. “You have a child now,” he said through bitten lips. “Congratulations. He is called A-Yuan. I entrust you with his care, for my sect cannot be trusted with it.”
And then he turned and staggered away, mounting up on Bichen and flying off before Nie Huaisang could say anything – before he could even finish searching his memories and recalling that yes, in fact, Lan Wangji had been one of the friends he had shown the side door to, years and years before, and thus knew how to find it. Before he could even start processing the thousands of thoughts that had spring to life, fully formed, at all the information he’d just received: the bloody robes, the desperation, the reference to the Lan sect – the Lan sect! – being somehow untrustworthy…
He looked down at his arms.
“Congratulations,” he echoed blankly. “I have a child now.”
The child blinked up at him, and then smiled.
“Da-ge!” Nie Husiang howled, rushing into the sect leader’s study where his brother was doing work – luckily it wasn’t receiving hours and he wasn’t in the main hall, as that would have been unfortunate. “Da-ge, you have to help me! I have a child now!”
His brother stared at him, expression blank and mouth slightly agape. The brush in his hand dripping ink onto a now-wasted piece of paper.
“Huaisang,” he said after a moment. “What the fuck.”
Nie Huaisang nodded furiously.
“Where did you get – how – who – what did you do?!”
“I am currently unable to disclose any details,” Nie Huaisang said promptly even as his brother tossed aside the brush and got up, striding over with a storm brewing in his face. “All I can say is that I have to raise this child now. By which I mean, you have to help me raise this child now; I can’t raise children! I’m not mature enough to raise a child!”
“No kidding! Why would someone entrust – to you…” Nie Mingjue trailed off, looking down at the child with a frown that shifted from disbelieving irritation to concern. He pressed his hand to the child’s forehead. “Huaisang, this child has a high fever. We need to get him to the medical wing at once – is that blood?”
“Not his, I don’t think?”
“I don’t want to know,” his brother decided. “Move.”
Some time later, they were both sitting next to the bed in one of the spare rooms in the family quarters; Nie Huaisang thought it might even have been the same one that he’d used when he was very young. A-Yuan was sleeping, and Nie Mingjue was still holding his little hand in his own, having been clocked as the oversize comfort animal that he not-so-secretly was from the very first moment A-Yuan laid eyes on him.
The doctors had declared A-Yuan’s fever to be very severe, but they had applied plenty of medicine – the Lan sect might have more esoteric healing techniques, but there wasn’t anything like the Nie sect when it came to standard medicine for injuries and illnesses associated with the battlefield, and despite A-Yuan’s tender age Nie Huaisang would be willing to bet that his injuries were from a battlefield. They were confident that A-Yuan would make a full recovery, body and mind both intact, although they warned that his memory of the past might be impacted.
Nie Huaisang had thought about all that blood that wasn’t his, of Lan Wangji pale-faced and wild-eyed, and decided that a little bit of forgetting might not be so bad after all.
“Are you going to tell me anything more,” his brother said after a while. “Or should I just give up now?”
Nie Huaisang leaned over and patted his knee. “It’s good that you know your limitations.”
His brother rolled his eyes.
“I can’t believe this is my life,” he remarked.
“What part?” Nie Huaisang asked, curious. “The fact that we have a kid now, because obviously we’re keeping him? Or the fact that someone gave a kid to me?”
“Both,” his brother decided. “Definitely both.”
“His name’s A-Yuan,” Nie Huaisang said. “Apparently.”
“Well,” his brother said. “Obviously that won’t do.”
Nie Huaisang had the ability to be sneaky when he wanted to be. It wasn’t a matter of stealth, he had explained to his brother, but sneakiness– a completely different concept. Stealth suggested that he was doing something to conceal himself and required skills and talent, or else a lot of practice, and obviously Nie Huaisang was not going to go in for either of those.
Sneakiness, though…
He didn’t need people not to be able to see him in order to be sneaky. He just needed them not to care about him, or wonder where he was.
“Psst,” he said, knocking on the window to the rooms where Lan Wangji was purportedly practicing seclusion. “Psst! Lan Zhan!”
Lan Wangji had given him a child. They were definitely past the ‘Lan-er-gongzi’ stage.
“Lan Zhan!” he rapped at the window with his fan. “We need a courtesy name!”
There was some sounds from within the jingshi, mostly stumbling around. Nie Huaisang waited patiently, and after a few moments the window opened and Lan Wangji stared out at him. He was as pale as a ghost with lips as red as blood, and very clearly not in seclusion at all, but rather in the midst of healing whatever wounds had left him bloody – he probably shouldn’t have gotten out of bed to answer.
Oh, well. Too late for regret now.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Lan Wangji said, voice dull and eyes blank as he stared at Nie Huaisang. It was unclear if he meant in the Cloud Recesses generally, or here in particular, interrupting his ‘seclusion’.
“Didn’t you hear me?” Nie Huaisang said, scowling at him. “We need a courtesy name! A courtesy name for the child, you hear me? You know, of course, that Qinghe Nie don’t use personal names, not even for children – certainlynot for children older than their first year. It’d be a complete giveaway that he’s not organically ours if we call him something like A-Yuan.”
Lan Wangji raised a hand to pinch his nose. “Please go away.”
“Courtesy name, Lan Zhan. I mean, I may be the one who’ll be raising him, but please think carefully: do you really want meto be the one naming him?”
“…call him Sizhui.”
“Sizhui,” Nie Huaisang repeated. “With the characters…?”
Lan Wangji nodded.
“Uh, no,” Nie Huaisang said. “I need a bettercourtesy name. Are you joking?”
“Nie Huaisang. Go away.”
“But –”
Lan Wangji slammed the window shut.
“…fine,” Nie Huaisang said to the closed window. “Be that way, see if I care. Not like we don’t need to build up a decent coparenting relationship or anything eventually.”
He thought he heard a choking sound from behind the door and smirked.
“Don’t you think you can baby-trap me and just walk away, Lan Zhan,” he said in his best ominous tone. “If you wanted someone to raise your kid without ever consulting you again, you should’ve dropped him off in the Lotus Pier with Jiang Cheng, who’d probably be too busy being confused to even question where he came frome – but no. You came to me. I don’t make decisions in the best of times, least of all good. I have questions. A lot of questions.”
He thought about it for a moment.
“Not about how you got him or anything like that,” he said. “I’m not stupid, I can tell a secret when I see one. But, you know, other types of questions. Parenting stuff. Are you a ‘go sit and think about what you’ve done’ sort of parent? Or more traditional discipline, with copying lines and occasionally strikes when they’re naughty? Do you want him to learn the Lan sect rules along with the Nie sect principles –”
There was a muffled sound from inside the house.
It sounded angry.
“…we can talk about it later,” Nie Huaisang decided. He might’ve pushed his luck a bit too much. “Talk later!”
“You have a…what?” Lan Xichen asked, his smile a little fixed and stare a little wilder than normal.
“A nephew!” Nie Mingjue gushed. “Isn’t he wonderful?”
“He’s so well behaved, too! He plays quietly by himself most of the time, drawing and even writing a little, and Huaisang’s already teaching him how to play the dizi –”
“When you say nephew, do you mean Nie Huaisang’s child?”
“Do I have other brothers?” Nie Mingjue rolled his eyes at him. “He’s obviously not yours. Anyway, I know Meng Yao is expecting one, too, but he wouldn’t be dressed in Nie colors if it was his, would it?”
“Yes, but…are you telling me that…that Nie Huaisang…”
“It’s a battlefield child, Xichen,” Nie Mingjue said patiently. “Obviously. Someone entrusted him to Huaisang.”
“Oh,” Lan Xichen said, looking relieved. “Yes, that makes more sense…wait.”
Nie Mingjue waited.
“Someone entrusted him to Nie Huaisang?”
“I know, right?” Nie Mingjue said, and Lan Xichen didn’t notice how strained his grin had suddenly become, or how thoughtful his eyes were as he surveyed Lan Xichen as if trying to find an answer to a question. “I would’ve assumed they’d go for someone more responsible, like you. Guess you never know…”
“I guess you don’t,” Lan Xichen agreed, looking down at the child with a bemused expression. A battlefield child, entrusted to Nie Huaisang… “They must have been truly driven to desperation.”
“Perhaps,” Nie Mingjue said, and then changed the subject to little Nie Sizhui’s accomplishments, of which he could list many at great length and very great enthusiasm. By the time he was done with that, Ln Xichen was so overwhelmed that he didn’t ask a single other question.
“So I’ve got an idea on how to do this whole co-parenting thing,” Nie Huaisang said, cracking nuts to eat. He was sitting next to Lan Wangji’s bedside, and dropping the shells straight on the floor, too, staring dead-eyed at Lan Wangji as if daring him to say something – which he wouldn’t, of course. “Since with Sizhui starting classes soon it’s become much more urgent, on account of me needing you to attend meetings with his teachers and discuss his progress.”
Lan Wangji looked deeply long-suffering. He’d only invited Nie Huaisang inside because Nie Huaisang had threatened to start shouting out his business loudly on account of oh but Lan Zhan, how was I to know if you could hear me in there, I just had to raise my voice just in case because I wouldn’t want you to miss any of the extremelyimportant news –
It was all Lan Wangji’s fault for being born earlier than Nie Huaisang, Nie Huaisang thought virtuously. It was merely Nie Huaisang’s lot in life to fulfill the role of annoying younger brother to everyone.
“See, it’s the music,” Nie Huaisang continued. “You do music, right?”
Lan Wangji’s ice-cold glare suggested that he did, in fact, ‘do music’.
“So your brother has been playing this song for da-ge on a regular basis,” Nie Huaisang explained, ignoring the glare entirely. “And when he’s not available, which is most of the time nowadays, he’s been sending san-ge instead. Even though, of course, poor san-ge’s so busy back at Lanling all the time…ughh, it’s so unfair, you know! Poor san-ge has to do all the work of being the heir and gets none of the benefits, and they pile even more work on him on top of that – really, he gets no respect.”
Lan Wangji’s expression suggested he didn’t care.
“And think about the inconvenience to us!” Nie Huaisang sallied forth, undeterred. “People coming and going all the time, da-ge having to interrupt his schedule of spending quality time with me and Sizhui – and sect leader work, of course, though that’s less important – in order to march over to greet them and host them and listen to them…what a pain it is!”
Lan Wangji appeared on the verge of suggesting that Nie Huaisang consider getting to the point.
“So you should come do it instead.”
Lan Wangji’s expression cracked, suggesting that Nie Huaisang had actually managed to make an impact.
“You remember,” he said, voice low and a little hoarse from all that refusing to speak he’d been doing. Really, if Nie Huaisang wasn’t around to goad him into it, he might’ve lost the voice entirely – he didn’t even have little Sizhui around to force him to speak! “That I’m in seclusion. Right?”
“You’re horribly lonely is what you are,” Nie Huisang said briskly. “You require company. Therefore, coming to take up a semi-permanent posting in the Unclean Realm to play the Song of Clarity for my brother morning, noon, and night is clearly the finest way to solve all of our problems, and for you to see little Sizhui as often as you like.”
Lan Wangji visibly wavered. “My brother,” he said, then coughed. “My brother will never believe it.”
“That’s your problem,” Nie Huaisang said. “Find a way to sell it.”
He stood, shaking the remaining shells onto the chair.
“See you in Qinghe soon, Lan Zhan..!”
Lan Wangji was trying to kill him with his mind, Nie Huaisang thought happily as he wandered off with a whistle and a vaguely silly expression. Good – he’d been inside for too long. He needed the stimulation.
“Truly,” Nie Mingjue remarked, strolling around their gardens without any apparent notice of the small child perched on his shoulders, giggling wildly at the feeling of being tall, “I feel far better than I did before! One can scarcely compare it – night and day, really. Your Lan sect’s Song of Clarity is a marvel, even if it does take a while before it kicks in.”
“Mm,” Lan Wangji said, walking slowly with his hands behind his back. He was still unsteady on his feet on account of the absolutely horrific injuries he’d incurred – but if the Lan sect’s response to everything was seclusion, seclusion, seclusion, then the Nie sect’s equivalent response was exercise. These little excursions through the gardens were the result.
Thus far, they were still only doing laps around the main gardens, but Nie Huaisang had plans to eventually force Lan Wangji to go even as far as his own little side garden. He’d made it through his side door once, after all; why not a second time..?
At any rate, Nie Huaisang still wasn’t quite sure how Lan Wangji had talked Lan Xichen into allowing him to come to the Unclean Realm, but it really did make the whole co-parenting business a lot more convenient. And his brother had had so much fun making Lan Wangji stiff and awkward over all his thanks and praise for his decision to come ‘help out’ with Nie Sizhui’s raising until finally, at last, Nie Huaisang had taken pity and revealed that Nie Mingjue knew perfectly well whose battlefield child this was.
Both in terms of who had gifted him to Nie Huaisang, and who’d adopted him originally, and of course even his original surname – The little tot’s been through enough adoptions to make anyone’s head spin, his brother had said, his voice gruff as always. There’s no point in thinking back too far, is there?
Lan Wangji had been very relieved.
“Run, bobo!” Nie Sizhui cried, pointing over at a bird. “We need to get it for Sang-gege!”
Nie Mingjue snorted like a bull but obediently quickened his feet and left the rest of them behind, heading in full charge straight at the wild pheasant that was far more likely to end up on Nie Huaisang’s plate than in his aviary. It was about even odds which one Nie Sizhui meant, anyway.
“Nie Huaisang,” Lan Wangji said, his voice low, and Nie Huaisang looked at him. “The Song of Clarity does not take time to work. These effects should have happened at once.”
Nie Huaisang opened his fan, hiding his face as he frowned. “How odd,” he said. “And after san-ge put in all that hard work.”
“Perhaps he played it wrong.”
“Odd,” Nie Huaisang said again. “When san-ge gets so very little wrong…has your brother sent any word on the Xue Yang issue?”
“…he has not.”
“He’s going to need to pick a side eventually.”
“He does not want to make things difficult for his sworn brother.”
“Does he have only the one?” Nie Huaisang asked archly, and Lan Wangji averted his gaze. “It’s awkward for us if he doesn’t back us, and is a bad look besides…truly, it’s a wonder that san-ge managed to squeeze out the time to come here.”
Lan Wangji’s frown deepened. “Indeed,” he said. “One would think his father might be tempted to stop him.”
“Wouldn’t you just?” Nie Huaisang said. “Wouldn’t you just…you know, maybe when you’re feeling better, we should go visit Lanling ourselves.”
Lan Wangji glanced at him, arching an eyebrow, and Nie Huaisang smiled, fanning himself casually.
“I’m not the only one with a little side door,” he said. “Let’s go knocking and see what we find, shall we?”
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n0tamused · 3 years
Hellooo hon can i request pls? Can u write for tobirama a one shot where he rejects his s/o but then he sees her with another guy in the village often and starts to realize about hia feelings but its late bc she is marrying this other guy? I need some angst hahahah. Its ok if you don't want to write it! Thank you 😘
A/N: Hello anon, thank you for the request! Here's some Tobirama angst. It made me sad to write this but here we are. The things we do for angst. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: none. Just pure sadness.
Words: Around 1.475
' The Fire Which Didn't Burn '
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-"No. I do not love you."
Those words echoed in your mind days after his initial rejection. Over and over again until it was all you could think about. It stung your heart each time you repeated the sentence. The never ending feeling that it was something you did wrong wrecked your mind, it made work harder and rest scarce for a while. You didn't understand. You were sure he felt at least some semblance of love for you, in the end you were the one he truly did let in his company. One he could rely on for anything that he may need. Or did you read the signs that wrong? At that point it wouldn't be a surprise if it was all for business sake, seeing as you both worked together on making the village prosper and bloom.
But that was almost an whole year ago. Even more. Since then you have moved on from the heart ache. Although a few select close friends knew of your pain, you never indulged them with your gloomy moods that came and went. It was a tendency you seemed to pick up from the younger Senju and the years you spent at his side. Not letting anyone really in. Only letting them scratch the surface of it, to know enough to leave you be.
It has been a whole year since the last time Tobirama had spent proper time with you, a whole year since you both sat down to unwind and discuss things amicably. At the confession of your feelings for him he was rather cold, cooly brushing you off and trying to get back into his work. He didn't feel like it was such a big deal then, he believed that it didn't matter as long as you both still remained a good bond. But he was proven wrong. You recoiled from his reach and even disappeared from his sight. His ears seldomly heard of you anymore. It was as if you disappeared from the village all together. Even if he saw traces of your work, your signatures and reports. It was all superficial.
At first this didn't bother Tobirama much, even if he was initially worried about your lack of communication with him. The man was simply so drowned in his work to take some kind of action, to do anything to smooth things over with you again. On certain days, when work was lesser, he would indulge himself in things he did with you once. Only then feeling the effects, the weight on his shoulders due to your absence. There was no more of your reasoning voice, no more laughter, no more endless teasing when the two of you were alone, no more long nights where the two of you shared your worries and even fears. There was none of it. Only distant memories.
As stubborn as he was, he would finally come to terms that he, in the very least, missed you greatly. That he should've done something sooner. Now he felt embarrassed to even try after so long had already passed.
Tobirama had recently started to seek out information about you. Head full of things, horrible things. Were you alright now? Have you moved on?
As it turns out, yes you were alright and yes...you have moved on. You were still working as a ninja, so how you managed to keep out of his sight so much and for so long surprised the silver haired Senju. And when word reached him that you were getting married soon. He was...he didn't know how to feel, actually. You had found another man to love and share your burdens and future with. He had spotted the pair of you once in the village, walking peacefully side by side. Hand and fingers entwined together. You pressing into his side once to give him a quick hug. Him smiling down at you, a genuine, earnest smile which you reflected back just the same. It made Tobirama ill. A deep, gut wrenching feeling over took him so much that he wanted to bolt. As unlikely as that was for him.
Perhaps this was karma. You were his most trusted friend. You understood him at best and at worst times, and you dealt with him when he was being difficult. You were with him at his side even when his brother got fed up with his arrogance. The amount of times you sat at the stairs on his porch, waiting for him to cool off were countless; even your company alone was salve enough. And not to even mention your beauty, you were the rare one that really caught Tobirama's eye, like no other woman has before. And yet, he pushed you away. Perhaps this was his punishment. The maker gave him a chance, a chance to be happy and content and have someone with him and he let it fall and shatter to the floor. Tobirama could only scowl, and he found himself in a sour mood ever since.
He wouldn't admit it but his heart was aching. Was this how you too felt?
You exclaimed. Shock written all over your features, the basket of fruit, fish and vegetables hooked onto your elbow. Neither of you knew what to say at first. Tobirama was just as shocked as you, regretting not using his sensory abilities to sense you and turn in another direction. Now that you two ran into each other his tongue felt dry.
Your breath stopped in your throat as you searched his eyes, his face for anything that could indicate some sort of reaction. Yet the only thing you found in his scarlet gaze was yearning, and then emptiness once he collected his racing thoughts.
"Y/N. It.. it has been a while."
He spoke, clearing his throat while his heart felt as if it was going to burst out of his chest. The clothes he wore suddenly felt suffocating and scolding. A tangible tension grew between the two of you.
"Yes. It has been...How have you been doing? I surely hope you are getting some proper rest, I heard there was quite a scuffle recently."
Trying to keep the conversation average failed. A frown became prominent on his lips as he only nodded, in a almost mechanical fashion, but didn't respond to the question. You caught his gaze flickering, only for a second, down to your ring finger. Where the silver ring was. A small gem held on the top of it. And you understood, in a way.
A wind breezed past the two of you, but it didn't feel comforting. It felt chilling and hot and dry all at the same time, like raking hands that clung to the both of you. If you were paying just a little more attention to the Senju, you would've seen the sadness collect in his eyes. Even if his face remained cold and unreadable. His eyes gave it all away.
The conversation ended rather awkwardly with both of you wishing each other well and saying your goodbyes. So many things were left unsaid then. It wouldn't take Tobirama long after that quick encounter to really admit it to himself that he has grown feelings for you, that he was in love. Realizing a year too late. A year he wished he could get back so he could be with you instead of that man. A year that could make it all better, for the both of you. But no matter how many sleepless nights he had, no matter how much he wished and even prayed, he couldn't take your happiness away. He couldn't even dare do such a thing, couldn't dream of it.
Sometimes you would even worm your way in his dreams, his mind visualizing a future he knew he couldn't have. A happy one with you at his side, in a house different from the one he was in now, with enough space for the both of you and even another addition. No matter how much he dreaded those dreams, he let himself drown in the comforts of them even if for a moment. Letting himself experience what could have been. The phantom touches and plush kisses that soon turned to dust in his mouth when he woke. The image of you still dancing vividly in front of his sleep hazed eyes.
Other times he even found himself crying in those dreams, angry, bitter and regretful tears. Clinging onto you in his dreams, pleading to not wake up yet to make it all better. It pained him. That he couldn't have you anymore. You were now married to someone, and that someone wasn't him.
Tobirama saw how happy you were, genuinely. And he wasn't going to take it away just because of his own mistakes.
Now it was his turn to share the pain you went through. He accepted it all. It was now his responsibility. His mistakes.
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eremiie · 4 years
Hello there I really like your writing and I was maybe wondering I can get some angst of a cheating eren who break his s/o heart
yes you can!! i shed a few tears writing this bc i was listening to sad music & thinking, but i hope you enjoy, i am not the best at writing angst😪!
cheers to you - eren x reader
in which eren breaks your heart and you have no choice but to move on.
tw; crying, heartbreak ig idk
2.5k words | angst | modern au
you pushed at sasha's phone, you didn't want to see anymore. you were trying to suppress your tears, refusing to cry in front of your two friends.
sasha took one more look at the photos before swiping out of her camera roll, looking back up at you with a frown, hitch likewise. "_____, are you okay?"
and you hated when people asked you that. you thought you were doing fine, you thought you could keep everything down but you simply thought wrong. you croaked out the smallest sound, but before you could even get a word out the tears began to spill, your eyes becoming bleary with the suffocating liquid and the suffocating feeling surrounding your heart. you felt so dumb.
hitch rushed to your side pulling you into a hug until your head fell against her shoulder, body going limp besides the soft heaves that would leave your shuddering body. the pictures of eren were embedded in your head, replaying in your mind, constantly on repeat and you wished to think of anything else that wasn't clawing at your heart like the photos lingering in your subconscious. it was all you could see, almost like a photo album; eren's hands sat on some random girls waist while she straddled him, his jaw slacked open as she ground against him, whoever taking the photo catching her mid grind. his eyes were half lidded if you remembered correctly, reddening, he must've been high.
you couldn't tell if that fact alone hurt you less or more.
your mind swiped, another photo with the same blond haired girl, this time her hands cupping his face and his hands gripping her ass while they engaged in a kiss that you wished was chaste. you were repulsed that your lips had met his in almost the same manner before he left for that party the same night. more sobs left your poor quivering lips, hitch's grip around you tightening as she tried to shush your sobs and cries.
sasha's hands ran over her face as she shook her head clear disappointment evident as she watched you and hitch.
"what did i do wrong?" you gasped for air finally pulling away from hitch, the only body part connecting with hers be your hands that she clasped so delicately as if, if she squeezed too tight you would break. "my heart hurts, it hurts, it hurts," you babbled as tears fell from the bottom of your chin and the bridge of your nose, your eyes were puffy and swollen. "this hurts so bad," you conveyed your emotions through words another gasp leaving your lips.
"you did nothing wrong," hitch reassured rubbing her thumbs against the surface of your hands. "he's just an idiot."
"it's gonna hurt, and that's okay," sasha scooted forward from her position on the floor laying her head in your lap and you knew she was right but god, you didn't want it to hurt. you wanted the pounding in your head to stop, the recurring thoughts to stop, the salty tears streaming down your cheeks to stop, i mean you wanted someone to tell you exactly where you messed up so you could go back and try again.
"do you want us to stay with you tonight?"
you looked down at the side of sasha's face, one of your hands letting go of hitch to comb through brunette hair, and the lazy bun in the back of her head seemed all too familiar already, the way a couple of flyaways framed the front of her face had you covering your mouth, repressing a gag with your palm, sasha whipping her head around to confront the source of the sound, worry on her face, but you squeezed your eyes shut, even the furrow in her brow reminding you all too much of the boy.
"______?" hitch's arms were back around you but you quickly pushed them off feeling the rising feeling of your breakfast you had not too long ago, rushing to the trash can in the corner of your dorm letting your remnants spill from your stomach. the feeling of throwing up felt so foreign to you, you couldn't even remember the last time you did it, and to some degree you wished your heart came up with it.
hitch's mouth parted in the slightest not even sure what to say but the anger behind her eyes was apparent. "baby, i'm so sorry." was all she could say in response while your body crouched beside the trash can, your hands slipping from the rim until they were palm first on the floor, slowing turning into fists.
"i wanna be alone for a couple hours." you managed to utter with a sniff.
"you sure?" sasha asked, standing up awkwardly with hitch reciprocating. you nodded your head and it felt like everything was going in snapshots, them walking to the door, the door opening and their bodies disappearing, your figure laying back in your bed and then the next snapshot didn't come, sleep had came so quick you didn't even have time to process it.
❈ ❈ ❈
your eyes fluttered slightly and you relished in the heat over you for a minute. your mind felt like a clean slate for the time being, as your eyes opened to the bed next to you, sasha's figure vacant from her bed. you remembered asking for some space before you left but you thought she'd had return by now. it was dark, but it couldn't have been too late as orange rays from the sun were attempting to shine through your curtains, making you assume that it was just around seven, the sun setting soon. but you craved the warmness that was around you a little more, pulling down to reach for your blanket, until your body froze.
the hand wrapped around your waist, much like in the photographs engraved in your brain twitched and that same sickness felt like it was resurfacing yet you dared to move, tears brimming again subconsciously.
"eren," you mumbled under your breath.
"hm?" oh, so he was awake.
your face scrunched up in agony at the sound of his voice, your eyebrows coming together, your eyes shutting and you biting your lip so hard the taste of blood collected on your tongue. "please," your breathing began to thicken again, you wanted to move his arm but your body was almost stuck in place. "move."
eren groaned against your back, nose nuzzling into the back of your neck and you mentally cringed. "get out," you said abruptly, body jolting at the sudden movement and you felt him still behind you. how did he even get in? and then you immediately regretted making an spare dorm key and giving it to him only a couple months into your relationship. "get out, get out." you finally regained some self control, your body slithering from under his until your arm touched the floor and you crawled away from your own bed. "go, what are you doing?" you lashed, his gingerly stare making you aware of the tears cascading down your face again.
eren stared back at you finally lifting his head up from the spare pillow that he always slept with when he spent nights with you, the pillow that stayed tucked away on your bed and the same pillow that you'd have to wash and get rid of that stupid recognizable cologne he wore, the same cologne that would linger on most of his clothing that you owned. "_____,"
"no, leave, please leave, i can't do this."
eren seemed genuinely confused, sitting up completely now and scooting forward until his legs dangled off the bed. "baby, what's-"
you winced at the nickname and clutched at your stomach, feeling the emptiness inside from the lack of food, yet you still felt the urge to dispel anything inside of it still. "please leave." you almost felt lightheaded, you felt as if you weren't being heard and you were sick.
the significant sound of the dorm keycard slot beeping until sasha's figure came back in, "_____, i left the key hear but luckily i had a keyca-" her voice slowly died down as she studied the scene of the dorm, your body on the floor away from your bed and eren's figure sat on the same bed, both pair of eyes now looking up at her."
"what the hell?" sasha stormed over to eren grabbing his arm in a feeble attempt to pull him off of your bed. although she wasn't strong enough eren did stand up, mainly because of your pleas for him to get out just earlier. "get out! she doesn't want you here, weirdo!" sasha exclaimed pointing towards the door clear anger flashing in her eyes. "and don't just come in here uninvited again!"
those green eyes that would unknowingly keep you up for nights after today kept that confused gaze on you as he walked around you and made you feel stupid and small. we're you overreacting? were those pictures just your imagination?
"_____..." eren mumbled before looking at your frame on the floor once more.
“get out!” sasha exclaimed.
you weren't sure if he was just that dense or he was hiding the fact that he knew exactly what he did. the door shut and you immediately began crying again, this time harder. wails of pain escaping your throat. your cries were loud and full of pain. you clutched at your shirt as if to grasp at your broken heart.
"oh my gosh." sasha dropped her keycard and bag onto your bed where she still stood and got on the floor with you pulling you as much into her lap as possible. you felt fragile in your hands, her gripping at the sweatshirt around your body. she listened to your cries, responding with "i knows," and "mhm," as if they were telling her a story, simply listening to the aching noises that were leaving you.
"sasha," you finally mustered the courage to speak a few words again, although they resembled your words from yesterday. "i'm hurting."
"i know, i know."
"i loved him." you blinked so you could see a little clearer, lifting your head to look at sasha, bringing your hands to either side of her head, your thumbs stroking her jaw. "i thought he loved me? why? why?"
sasha couldn't bare to look at your sad, damaged eyes and instead pulled you back against her chest. although your sobs died down she could feel the convulsing of your body and opted to hold you for as long as you needed.
“does he even know what he did? does he even know how much pain i’m in right now?”
sasha couldn’t even answer that question. by the looks of it he didn’t, maybe he was high? under the influence? but either way you didn’t have the courage to confront him about it.
instead you spent the next couple of weeks sulking, mending to your broken heart and staying out of eren’s way, no matter how many times he tried to communicate with you. it seemed as if word got to him on what he did, sasha getting connie to talk to him, and as angry as eren got there was no denying what he did, especially with photo evidence.
your phone blew up with his own pleas begging for forgiveness, begging for you to talk to him, to come back, to do something.
but you were fragile, and you knew that even being in his vicinity would tear you apart bit by bit. you didn’t want to weep in front of him, you didn’t want to be in front of him in the first place, nor did you want his pity.
did you want to get back with him? the question still pondered on your mind constantly but both sasha and hitch refused to let you, and they were perfectly fine with the situation going unresolved if it meant better for you.
"so?" hitch pointed the straw of her frappucino at you. "i really think you just need to try exploring your options, just living a little. you can go to the next party with sasha and i, i promise we won't mind."
“hitch i want her to go to a party too but i don’t know about her getting with anyone.” sasha swirled the stick inside her latte to mix it up before sucking the liquid off the end.
now it had been a few months since you had seen eren, a few months since you began to heal yourself slowly compared to those first couple weeks. you had to really thank hitch and sasha for being there most of the way for you, and you had to especially thank netflix and sleep for being two of your greatest distractions.
you never officially broke up with eren, sure you saw him in the hallways (and you were certain he saw you as well) you had a couple lectures with him where the two of you would sneak glances at each other; which kind of reminded you of when the two of you first began liking the other. he never made an effort to speak to you after the first couple weeks when he would text your phone constantly, as much as it seemed like he wanted to still.
"i don't know hitch. i haven't even got rid of his stuff yet. they're still sitting in that stupid box in the corner of me and sasha's dorm." sasha nodded in confirmation taking a bite of her biscuit.
"but i don't think that box should stop you from getting out the house again. you haven't really been anywhere besides maybe target with sasha. plus i miss seeing you!"
you rolled your eyes with a slight chuckle. "you see me at least three times, especially when... you know, you came like everyday at first."
hitch shrugged her shoulders and then took another sip of her drink. "but do you think i can start seeing you more is the question? c'mon this is the first step towards a new life without that bastard."
you pondered on the thought before a small sigh escaped your lips, and you slowly nodded your head.
"really?" hitch exclaimed, her hands reaching across the table to grab yours. "you mean you won't mind coming to the party this saturday?"
you narrowed your eyes at hitch. "this was your plan wasn't it?"
"yes, yes it was. but there's no backing out now."
"yes, hitch, i'll come to the party this saturday." you decided that maybe this would help your healing heart in the least and you would try to push aside the boy that broke it for the couple hours just to spend time with your friends. but you couldn't help and wonder, "what if i bump into him at the party? or he tries to talk to me?"
sasha looked at hitch and hitch looked back before both turning their eyes to you. "we can be with you the whole time if that's the case."
"i wouldn't want to ruin your fun."
"babe, hanging out with you is one of the points of bringing you, ____." sasha smiled.
you internally twitched at the mention of the nickname ‘babe’ but neither one of your friends seemed to tell. you were getting better with reacting to things that reminded you of him, and you didn’t hysterically start crying at the slightest mention or object that related to him.
"we got you, okay?"
you frowned slightly but gave sasha a smile back and squeezed hitch's hand in the slightest. "yeah, okay."
this was the beginning of a new life for you, you wouldn’t spend your days sulking after him anymore. cheers to you and your first big step forward.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
I'm so sorry if I've already asked you this (I can't remember which blog I asked) but what would Kiri, Denki & Baku do after cheating? Like how would they feel, how would they tell the reader (if at all) and the aftermath of it
angst? angst. 
good request btw!
A/N: I’m currently drunk and sad so let’s see how well I can rip y’all’s hearts out. Thank goodness you didn’t ask for a good ending. I have such a strict rule for cheaters. I personally got cheated on (can’t believe i let a man play me like that...smh) and had to learn the lesson the hard way. Never take them back. It subconsciously affirms that you will take them back even if they do it again. Even if the person loves you, it doesn’t matter. Love and respect are two different things and, obviously, they didn’t have the latter for you. 
So, what I’m trying to say is…there’s no romantically happy ending for this one :/
Of course, everyone and every relationship are different. Girls and gays, do what is best for your heart. That is all the advice I can give. Men…y’all can perish.
Sidenote: Please stay safe and well, both physically and mentally. Wash your hands and fucking take Corona seriously.  
With love, always 🖤
Warnings: Sad tingz :(
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
it was just a kiss
just one
his childhood friend was going through a rough time
their father just died and their ex dumped them bc they needed time away
they were always such good friend
kirishima remembered all the times in middle school they’d support him when he didn’t believe in himself
so when he was holding them, while they were crying, he just couldn’t pull away when they leaned in
before he knew what happened, they were kissing 
he kissed them back and he didn’t break away until you called his phone
it eats him up
every day
he immediately says they can’t see each other anymore
Kirishima literally wants to die
every time you and him are together, he feels the weight of his guilt grow
every time you two kiss, all he can think about is how dirty he feels
you are so in love with him
you’re oblivious to his guilt-ridden face
all the extra gifts and affection he gives you makes you so happy, you don’t realize that he’s doing it bc he’s so ashamed of himself
he keeps it in for 2 weeks
then, as you two are in bed, watching a movie, he just blurts it out
you just stare at him and he’s spilling everything to you
he’s sobbing, swearing that he wasn’t thinking and that he loves you 
he swears he loves you
“shut up”  you keep saying
he tries to hold you, but you rip his hands off you
you’re screaming at him, asking him how he could ever do that to you
“i never did anything to make you do this! how could you, you lying asshole?”
you know you were good to him 
all he does is look away, unable to face you 
you just leave to stay at your friend’s house
you break down to them
you didn’t come back
you never came back 
kirishima was never really the same afterward
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Kaminari Denki:
you two were fighting a lot
ever since you moved in together, it was harder to be around one another
it was fun at first, but then it got annoying
you two would catch each other at bad times and just grate on each other’s nerves
one particular screaming match ended with denki leaving the apartment
he didn’t come back for the rest of the night
you were on the phone with your friend talking it out
you realized you were being too hard on him and decided to do your best to be better in the future
he comes home, drunk, and you help him to bed
when he wakes up, you’re at his side, nursing his hangover
when he’s coherent, you burst out in tears and apologize for acting crazy
your apology brings him to tears and he apologizes as well
you two make up and the future is bright
you two work on yourselves and your relationship couldn’t be better
but denki has a dark secret that eats him up
on the night of your fight, he slept with some random person from the bar he went to
he was drunk, but not that drunk to not remember it 
he thought you two would break up and didn’t think it was a big deal at the time
now he regrets it so much
you were the best thing to ever happen to him
maybe you two butt heads, but you were his soulmate
he was sure of it
and now…
he loved you too much to tell you
so he swore he would just love you with his entire being to make up for it
but when you two went out for Mina’s birthday, to the same bar
the person comes up to him and tells him the night they spent together was amazing
you immediately ask what they means and it confirms your fears
he cheated on you
kaminari is chasing after you 
“y/n, wait! i can explain–”
“is that why you changed? bc you felt bad for fucking another person?”
“no baby. i mean yes, but please–”
“fuck you, kaminari. we’re done.”
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Bakugo Katsuki:
everything was fine
that day, you and your husband had kissed each other goodbye
you had to stay home and catch up on some paperwork
you forced him to go celebrate kirishima’s birthday for the both of you
he didn’t really drink so he was prepared to have a bad time
but his friends convinced him to drink
mans cannot hold his liquor
all of sudden, he’s in a separate room with another person
you two hadn’t had sex in so long bc of the kids and well…
he’s fucking them and he remembers wondering if the gasp he heard from the other side of the door was real
maybe it was true that midoriya liked you a little too much considering you were his friend’s (?) spouse
but this didn’t have anything to do with his feelings
even if he did get the slightest bit of satisfaction knowing he was right that katsuki didn’t deserve you when he recorded the sounds of the moans
sends it to you
katsuki was cheating on you and izuku refused keep it to himself 
izuku: y/n, i’m so sorry. this might not be the way to tell you, but i had to. you deserve to know the truth. 
you must have listened to the recording at least 700 times trying to convince yourself it was the wrong person
but you heard your husband and the other person moan your husband’s name each time
you take the kids to your mom’s house for an indefinite amount of time
you had business to tend to 
you: thank you for sending me this
izuku: y/n…are you okay? do you need me to do anything for you?
you: i’m fine, i just need some space. thank you for being a real friend. i appreciate you
izuku: anything for you…i’m so sorry again
bakugo somehow makes it home and passes out
he wakes up to you breaking your wedding photos
“what the fuck, y/n–”
“i gave you everything! and you wanna go fuck other bitches!?”
he’s confused and you play the recording
all the color drains from his face as bits and pieces of it come back to him
he’s trying to get you to calm you down
you’re throwing things and cussing him in and out
he grabs your arms but immediately stumbles back at the bloody look in your eyes
“fuck with me, bakugo, and i swear i’ll ruin your life”, you hiss
he’s begging you to forgive him
you throw your ring at him and grab your car keys
“when the kids ask why we’re not together, you can give them the reason”
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retroellie · 3 years
what about mom!ellie x mom!reader on their child's first day of school in jackson? i can picture ellie getting excited (protect her at all costs) and ofc the reader too :) a lot of fluff but also maybe u can add a little bit of smut bcs they finally have their alone time ;) but yeah something like that!!
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Summary: Mom!Ellie’s kid first day of school so y’all get some alone time ;)
A/N: Thank you for the request<3 Sorry it’s rushed but this took me a bit, i hope you enjoyed it. I tried to make it cute :)
Warnings: NSFW (towards the end), use of vibrator, fingering
Word count: 5.1K
This has been the day you have been dreading for years, The day your little baby goes to school. You knew eventually you would have to let her fly on her own but it’s too soon, it seems like yesterday she only needed you for cuddles and your boobs. Now she can tie her own shoes and she doesn’t need your help pouring her milk in her glass.
You were proud of the way she grew up, you and Ellie both were so proud of her. She knew her manners, she was confident, and she was positive about the world even through everything. You were glad she had that mindset, nothing could ever dull her shine.
She was a splitting image of you with Y/H/C and Y/E/C, she even had hints of Ellie in her even if Ellie wasn’t her blood related mom. You and Ellie never denied her when she asked for toy cars and toy swords to play with. You never wanted her to hide her true self from others so whatever she wanted to be you accepted her.
“Okay you can look now mommy!” You heard a small squeak come out from behind you.
You didn’t hesitate in turning around to reveal the small girl and Ellie proudly looking down at her. You chuckled at the sight in front of you, seeing your baby matching your lover.
She was wearing a dark red flannel and a cute pair of grey jeans. Her hair was thrown up in a small messy bun (Ellie can’t do hair) and her neck was decorated with a small necklace locket.
“Oh my gosh....” you chuckled, looking down at the smiling girl.
“I wanted to dress like mama today.” She said, doing small poses.
You looked up at Ellie and she was smiling with you, Ellie was so excited for her to start school. Ellie kept you up half the night telling you about what kind of person she knew the kid was gonna be.
“I love it.” You said, reaching down and scooping the child up.
The small girl giggled as you spun and danced around the room. You danced to imaginary music, peppering her face wow her kisses . You didn’t stop until you ran out of breath and her lungs hurt from laughing so much.
Ellie came up to you both, planting a kiss on top of both of your heads; watching you two with such admiration for the two of you. You reached up to peck her lips slightly, reaching a hand out to wrap around her waist to pull her closer.
You and Ellie were still so in love with each other even with a little human getting in the way of your many nights spent wrapped up with each other. You made time for each other, sneaking around at night to try not to wake the baby, quiet showers at 3am, and banging it out on the counter before the baby woke up.
It was a rare love you two had, the love you felt for each other never fell out. You both were still like teenagers in love for the first time. You pulled away from the kiss that only lasted a few seconds but felt like a lifetime. You stared at her for a minute, watching her eyes twinkle in amazement; giving her a small smile.
“Mama I forgot about my backpack!” The girl said, wriggling down from your arms. “I don’t wanna be late for school!”
She ran into her room, her feet pattering away in the distance. You looked at Ellie once more, she shrugged her arms and chuckled. You chuckled turning over to walk over to the couch to put your shoes on, but before you could turn around you felt a slap on your ass. You turned around to see Ellie with a shit eating grin on her lips. You gave her a face that Ellie told you was you “why the fuck did you do that” face.
“What?! It was just asking for a nice slap.” She bit her lip. You shook your head at her and gave her a smirk.
“You're gonna regret that.” You said calmly, making your way over to the couch.
She smiled over at you, walking down the hall into the kitchen to gather the girls lunch. You pulled your shoes on and got up to pull your jacket over yourself. You could hear your little girls footsteps make their way back into the living room.
“Can we see grandpa Joel??? I want him to wear my outfit.” She spoke, already to go to school.
She looked so grown up, were you gonna cry when you came home today? yes, most definitely. You just couldn’t believe how big she’s gotten, nxt thing you know she’s gonna be a teenager. You hoped she wasn’t going to be like Ellie when she was a teenager back in Boston, Ellie was always causing some trouble.
“Of course!” You said handing her jacket to her. “ I think he would kill me if i didn’t let him see his grandbaby before her first day of school.”
That made her jump up and down with excitement, dancing around the room with such excitement. She kept chanting about what Joel was gonna say about her outfit, you were so glad she was going to school so she could run some of this energy out.
“Okay come on or your gonna be late.” You chuckled, opening the door and her immediately booking it over to Joel's house.
You guys still lived in the garage but it was bigger now. You guys added on more rooms when you found out you had a baby on the way. There were now 2 bedrooms, making room for a bigger kitchen and living room. You guys spent an entire summer adding onto the house and obviously the town helped out.
You loved Ellie's little garage and you didn’t want to move away from your dad, so it was decided. Ellie didn’t mind, she’s lived in some shitty places before coming to jackson. As long as you and your baby were happy, Ellie was happy.
“Well there’s my favorite girl!!” Joel greeted, setting down his guitar and standing up to scoop up the little girl running towards him.
You watched from the door, watching as your dad talked to the little one. You felt like you were looking at you and your dad instead of your daughter and joel. You remember a time when you killed your first clicker and your dad scooped you up, then checked around your body to see if you were bit but you werent. He hugged you so tightly, that was the first time you ever saw your dad cry; he was so scared.
That’s something you never want your kid to go through, you never want them to have to kill something or even someone. You had gotten numb to the feeling of it, it didn’t phase you anymore. You never wanted that to be the normal for your baby.
“I can’t believe she’s going to school.” A voice said from behind you.
Ellie came into your vision, leaning against the door next to you. She was holding the little girls backpack, evident she had forgotten it from all the excitement. You nodded, agreeing with Ellie's statement.
“yeah, next thing you know she’ll be taking care of us when we’re all old and wrinkly.” You joked, starting to walk over to the two.
“So in the next five years?” Ellie joked back.
You chuckled, walking up the stairs to gather your kid so you wouldn’t be late. Joel didn’t even notice you until the top stair creaked, he was too invested in the rambling of the little girl. When Joel and your kid came together, they were in their own little world. They were such a dynamic duo but you would always be Joel's favorite person no matter what; even if he doesn’t admit it.
“Hey kiddo.” He said, giving you a great big smile.
“Hey dad.” You smiled back. “She wanted to show you her outfit.”
“Well ain’t that right?” He looked down at the girl. The girl agreed, giving him a spin to show off her outfit.
“Yeah, she was excited.” You replied. “Hey, we should get going. we don’t want to be late.” You knew if you didn’t cut this short, these two could talk for hours.
“I reckon we don’t want that.” He stated.
You allowed them to say their goodbyes, the girl told Joel how much she was going to miss him when she went off to school. It made your heart melt, you wish your mom were here to see her too. The kid and your mom would’ve gotten along just fine.
The girl ran past you, hopping down the stairs to get her backpack from ellie. Ellie helped her put it on, knowing she had trouble with that. It was nice to see at least she needed y’all for something.
“It’s hard the first day.” Your dad spoke, causing you to turn around. “It was hard to see you and... well sarah go to the first day of school.”
His eyes started getting glossy, you and Ellie weren’t the only ones having a hard time with this change. You moved over to him and wrapped your arms around him. He wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly.
“I know dad.” You said, face buried in his chest. “It’s hard but she’s gonna do great.”
The hug wasn’t long he pulled away after a couple seconds, he could’ve gone longer if he didn’t know you had to go. He blinked away his tears, not wanting to cry in front of you.
“I gotta go dad but i love you.” You said, stepping down the steps.
“I love you too kiddo.” He replied, watching as you made your way over to the kid and ellie. “Come over for dinner tonight! i wanna hear all about your day.” Joel called over to the three of you.
“We will! bye grandpa joel.” The girl shouted back.
On the way there the girl had to say hello to everyone, smiling over to the working men and women, petting their dogs when she got a chance. When y’all finally got there, her little heart dropped. She knew this was coming but now that it’s here she got really scared, all the kids made her nervous. You noticed and gave her hand a nice squeeze, something you dad did when you got scared.
To say the young girl was attached to her mother was an understatement. The teacher came up to you guys, talking you through what would happen throughout the day, the lesson plan, recess and the teaching of the ways on how to protect themselves against the world. Ellie took all the information in, you held your child while she gripped onto you dear life.
You’ve never seen a school like this before. You’ve seen the military school Ellie went too and when you first came to Jackson you went to the small high school they have. The high school basically taught you how to read and write, do math equations, all that good stuff. Most of the schools you’ve seen were gloomy and broken down, this one was filled with rainbows and kittens.
You were glad she was able to go here, most children today weren’t. You were pulled out of your thoughts when the teacher bent down to talk to the small girl, you could feel her grabbing tighter onto you.
“Hey Y/C/N, my name is miss Rosie. I’m really looking forward to teaching you.” She spoke with sugar in her voice
The child didn’t budge but instead dug her face into your stomach. The teacher looked up to you and Ellie, giving you both a small chuckle. You patted her back to see if maybe you could pry her off but she kept her grip on you.
“Hey kiddo...” Ellie said, bending down to her size. “How about mama take you in there, would you like that?”
The girl shifted around to look at Ellie, tears in her eyes. She nodded and let go of you, leaving behind a wet spot on your shirt. Ellie grabbed her hand and looked up at you, you gave her a small smile.
“How about you take her in, I’m afraid if I go in there I might never wanna come out.” You joke.
“Okay.” Ellie said, reaching over to peck your lips. “Say bye to mommy, bub.”
The girl once again grabbed on to you, pulling you into a tight hug. You hugged back, wrapping your arms around her small little head.
“Be good okay? We’ll go over to grandpa's house when you get back.” You said as you let go of her.
She gave her a sad little smile before grabbing onto Ellie’s hand. Ellie led her into the classroom, disappearing within its walls. You let out a small sigh, that was harder than you expected.
You realized what your dad said was right. It’s really fucking hard. It’s only a matter of time before she has boyfriends or girlfriends and she starts wanting to explore the world. She knew what was happening behind those huge walls that separated Jackson from the real world, but seeing it and being in it was something you dread her witness.
“The first day is always hard.” You heard a voice say from behind you.
You looked to where the voice was and saw Dina making her way up to you. She looked half asleep, evident that she had woken up not too long ago. She stopped right next to you and gave a small smile.
“The amount of times I’ve heard that today and yet it’s still not getting easier.” You chuckled, you didn’t mean to make it sound bitchy but it somehow did.
Dina chuckled with you, looking down at her feet. A gush of kids ran into the classroom, laughing and yelling. You were ready for your kid to come running out of there, loud noises made her nervous. You hoped she would do okay without you.
“I remember JJ’s first day here, it was so scary.” Dina spoke. “But it all turned out okay, plus it’s the only time you’ll have some alone time with Ellie.”
She raised her eyebrows and gave you a quick wink, making you laugh. You never would’ve thought you and Dina would be making sex jokes in a school that your children attend. It felt like yesterday that you were an awkward teen and Dina was the only friend you had in school.
“You know, I’m surprised you and Jesse don’t have more kids.” You laughed
“That makes two of us.” She joked back. “Now I’m gonna go home and pass out.”
She pulled you into a hug, giving you a nice squeeze before pulling away. Dina doesn’t look like a mom, she still looks like a teenager. You wonder if you look like a mom to people you just met, does your eyebags give it away or is it your hips.
“Thanks Dina.” You said, watching as she nodded and began to walk off.
Maybe this wasn’t the worst thing, having some alone time with Ellie; when you weren’t being parents. That didn’t sound so bad.
When you got home the first thing you did was clean up the mess that Ellie and your kid had made. Getting real pretty did have it’s disadvantages. You folded so many clothes your finger had started to hurt, it seemed every piece of the little girl's clothing was on the floor.
You were in your own little world, thinking about what your kid was doing right now or if she was scared or if she missed you... You tried to reassure yourself that she was doing just fine. You were pulled out of your world when two hands gripped your waist.
You didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was, the kisses to the back of your neck have you more of a clue. The soft feather like kisses pepper on your neck made your eyes flutter closed. Were you that touch starved?
“I was thinking about what we could do today since the baby’s away.” She mumbled in between kisses “I thought we could take a nice bath together hmm?”
That’s something you guys never really got to do, ever since the baby came you had to say bye to long hot baths especially ones together. The times you got alone time, just the house with each other were spent catching up on sleep.
Ellie’s hand wrapped around your body, dropping down to your waist and moving up your thigh. Her kisses lingered on your neck, your eyes fluttered closed.
“Sounds nice...” you sighed out
She watched your reaction to her touch, you were putty in her arms already. Ellie still loved hearing your pretty little moans, even if she didn’t get to hear them as much. She missed the nights when she left you screaming and shaking before the baby but now the quickies you had and the trying to get each other off as fast as you could while also trying to bathe in each other's affection; they were just so much better.
Ellie’s hands roamed your body a bit more, slightly swaying to imaginary music. The silliness of the house was rare and you guys were going to take advantage of that, Ellie was gonna make it her life goal to fill the entire house up with your moans. Her hands ran patterns down your thighs, inching closer and closer to your heart.
“As much as i’d really like to fuck you....” You mumbled, pushing her slightly away with your hip. “I don’t want it to be in my daughters room.”
Ellie chuckled, pulling away from you while stepping back. You went back to folding things, finishing what you started. Ellie watched you bend down, picking up more clothes and folding them. She wanted you now, wanted to feel close to you without a child in between you two. She bit her lip before grabbing your hand.
“Well, let's take it to the bathroom. I’ll get the bath water ready while strip for me.” She joked, pulling you by the hand into a kiss.
You smirked into the kiss, dropping the shirt in your hand on the ground. You nodded slowly telling her to take you to the bathroom. She noticed and walked to the bathroom, pulling you by the hand along with her. She busted the door open before bending down to get the water going.
You didn’t hesitate in pulling your clothes off, wanting nothing more than to get railed surrounded by nice warm water. You had already unbuttoned your pants and pulled completely off before working on getting your shirt over your head. You felt like at any moment your kid could come bursting in or come calling for you, motherhood really took a toll on you, huh.
You felt too hands on your waist once more, cold, rough hands grabbing roughly at your hips. You felt lips on your chest, taking their time when they reached your beast. You successfully pulled your shirt off, seeing Ellie suck and bite at your chest.
As much as you wanted to  admire the view you wanted her so you grabbed at her face and smashed your face into hers. She laughed at your neediness, pulling you closer to her. You were messy and sloppy with the kiss, putting your tongue in her mouth. You craved the heat from her body and affection she gave you. Only she could make you like this and she loved it.
Your hands made their way down the hem of her shirt, yanking it; hinting that you wanted it off. She pulled away momentarily to pull it over her head, you watched in anticipation. Her sports bra came into view, high lighting her toned body. The look of it just made you more wet, the wetness seeped through your underwear.
When the shirt hit the ground she was on you again, lips moved messly together in sync. Your chests were touching, heaving against each other. Her hand snaked around to your ass, squeezing the flesh roughly. Ellie was more of a boobie kinda gal but she sure did love what having a kid did to your ass.
You moaned into the kiss, hands going from her shoulders to her hips to the top of her jean button. You shake hand unbuttoned her jeans, sliding a hand into them. Your warm hand rubbing her through her underwear, she let out a surprised yelp. That egged your on, wanting to go further but she pulled away from you.
“You can’t wait till we get in the bath huh?” She spoked, She reached down to your heart, feelling how wet you were. “Needy little thing aren’t you?”
“I want you...” You spoke, voice suddenly raspy.
She bit her lip, pulling away from you completely. She turned over to the bathtub, crouching down to feel the water. She let out a small smirk, seeing how it was perfect. She got up from the tub and made her way over to you once more.
“I’ll be right back, go ahead and get in....” she said, pecking your lips before leaving the bathroom
You let a scoff out, watching the tub fill up but you did what you were told. You pulled your bra off along with your underwear, letting them both fall to the ground. You slowly got it, feeling the warmness consume you. You laid back, it had been so long since you took a bath.
The water splashing, the warmth and the sound of quietness could make you fall asleep right now if you could but the dull throb you felt in your heart irritated you. You wondered what Ellie went to get, maybe it was a toy? You knew she wanted to use that new vibe she found a couple weeks ago, maybe it was her walkman. She has to fuck you with music, ellie always kept you on the edge.
“Is mommy finally relaxed.” Ellie spoke, causing you to perk up.
She stood in the doorway, only in her bra and half buttoned jeans. She had something behind her back but you knew better than to ask. You gave her a small smile before sitting up.
“I’d be much more relaxed if momma came over and fucked me.” You said wiggling your butt slightly.
“My pleasure.” She said, pulling off the rest of her clothes.
You watched her every move, the anitpaction eating at you. You watched her boobs bounce out when her bra came off and you watched as she slid her jeans plus underwear down to her ankles. She threw her clothes by the door before jumping in with you, turning the water off on her way in.  
She didn’t hesitate in smashing your faces back together, her tongue finding its way into your mouth. You pulled her closer to you, pulling her down with you. The only thing between your naked bodies was the water, soaking your skin.
Ellie slowly laid you back, your warm skin hitting the cold bathtub. She hovered over you, lips still connected to yours. Her tongue explored your mouth like it was the first time, she was going to take her time with you. Her hands roamed your body, touching every inch of it. She loved how beautiful you were, how ever part of your body was so fucking perfect. It didn’t matter how many rolls you had or if your thighs touched or not or if you had a double chin when you laid down.
It didn’t matter to her, you were the one that carried her child all the while you still did your assignments with no trouble. She found your innocence and but also your corruption so hot. Her kisses had trailed down to your chest, spending time on creating purple bruises on your skin.
“Ellie...” You let out a breathless moan, squirming already. “Please...”
She thought she had teased you enough and because you had worked hard with the baby but also in the garden she thought she would give you what you wanted. She sat up once more, watching as you whimpered at the sudden loss. She reached over to grab her jeans, almost falling out of the tub; obviously you laughed at her clumsiness.
She grabbed her jeans, pulling a small black vibe out of them. It was one that you guys used to use but stopped once you had the baby, it was small but powerful and had you cumming in seconds. You stopped using it because it literally put you on your ass for days, plus you love the intimacy of using your hands now.
“Haven’t used this for a bit huh?” She said, sitting back in front of you
Your legs were already shaking, you could already feel the vibrations coursing through your body; That sensation will never leave you. Ellie saw how your eyes filled with lust, knowing how ready you were. She bent down to kiss you once more, your moans already becoming louder.
Her hand ran up your thigh again, not hesitating on putting her hand right where you wanted it to be. She ran her finger up your heat, causing you to gasp in her mouth. She watched as you reacted to her touch, your breath hitching and your legs self-consciously wrapping around her waist.
She stuck two fingers in, allowing her thumb to rub circles on your clit. She started slow with her actions, waiting for the perfect moment to put the vibe on your aching cunt. Your mouth locked open, causing her to trail her kisses down your chest again.
Her mouth stopped at your boobs, sucking and licking at them while her fingers worked your cunt open. You squirmed violently, the water was most likely spilling over at this point. Everything was going so fast but so slow all at the same time, she could already feel your walls clench around her fingers.
You rutted your hips up to meet her fingers, her fingers hitting your g-spot head on every single thrust. The pleasure coming from both your boobs and cunt, the steam arising from water, the sudden touch with you being touch starved could easily send you off the edge. You couldn’t believe at one time you could do this for hours and not break.
Ellie now knew this was the perfect time to turn the vibe on, so she pulled you up closer to her; sitting her down on her lap so you were straddling her. Her fingers were still sitting inside you, feeling around the spongy inside. Ellie could cum by just looking at your dripping body, the way the water dripped off your body so perfectly made her weak.
Your lip was between your teeth and our eyes were fluttering closed, your orgasm on hold since her fingers stopped pumping. Ellie turned the vibe on, the light hum filling the bathroom. Your eyes opened, watching as her hand wrapped around the small vibe. Her tattoo dancing along with the vibe, to say you were dripping was an understatement.
“You might wanna hold on to me princess.” She spoke, ripping your eyes away from the vibe.
You nodded, grabbing on to her shoulders. She gave you a small grin before pumping her fingers in and out of you once again, preparing your body for the powerful vibrations. She took her and pushed it down on her thighs, honestly afraid if you weren't fully seated you might fall over. She reached down with the vibe and placed it directly on your clit.
You almost immediately hunched over, the familiar feeling making your head fuzzy. Ellies lips attached to your neck, sucking love bits onto it. Your nails dug into her shoulders, leaving moon shaped marks on her arms. Your moans filled the bathroom, echoing throughout the house. You wondered if people outside could hear you, suddenly you were brought back to being an 18 year old with no kids; only doing assingments and coming home to be railed by ellie.
You grind your hips against her hand and the vibe, it was too much but you craved it. The knot in your stomach was building up and you knew in the next couple minutes you would be having a world shattering orgasm. You pulled at Ellie's hair, pulling her back to your lips; wanting all of her while you came undone.
Your hips rutted faster and harder, moaning loudly as you did so. The knot got tighter and tighter until you couldn’t hold it back anymore. Your grip on her hair tightened, your senses blurred as the knot snapped. You threw your head back as your orgasm ripped through you, screaming as the waves ran through your body
Ellie fucked you through your orgasm, whispering sweet nothings as you shook violently. You could swear you felt the earth below you shake and the sky boom with thunder. As you came down from you high, you collapsed on Ellie's shoulder.
She took the vibe off of you causing you to wince, you were so overstimulated. You could feel Ellie set the vibe down and wrap her arms around your waist, holding you in a hug-like position. You were barely conscious, the amount of pleasure really took it out of you.
Ellie rubbed circles on your heated, flushed skin. You could fall asleep right here if you wanted too, the warmth and the skin to skin contact lulled you to sleep. Ellie gave you a minute before she lifted you up to get you dried off, the bath was a good idea cause now she doesn’t have to clean you off.
“I was gonna make you some lunch but my legs won’t stop shaking.” You joked as Ellie dried your body off.
“You are my lunch.” She chuckled, picking up your clothes and putting them in the basket. “We could go a few more rounds before the kid gets back.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
You could feel your heart throb again, even after a orgasm that almost made you go unconscious ellie could still make you beg for more. You stood up as best as you could, wrapping the towel around you. You wobbled over to her and brought her into another kiss, literally holding on to her for dear life.
“Give me a minute before you fuck me again, i’m getting old.” You said in between a kiss.
“You’re like 25..” She chuckled.
(My first ellie gif <3) 
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: How you met Akaashi, Iwaizumi & Suga! + How things go down when you two realize you go to the same school!
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I’m kinda shy on posting bc my notifs are on and y’all are so nice to me 🥺 feel free to send requests at any time and I’ll get to them ASAP! KITHES ❤️
Update: I’m posting twice today! Check out my other writings below or just find your way around my page! 💞
✿ Masterlist ✿ ✿ Find Your Way Around ✿
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• It was one of his rare days off of Volleyball and babysitting so he went to pick up a new book to keep himself distracted on bus rides and downtime
• You were Visiting the book store to pick up a new book as well after reading so many good reviews about it - you loved reading with all the downtime you had
• As you reached the book store you made your way to the isle the books genre was, before picking up the book - the last copy!
• You smiled before hearing a sigh behind you and turning to see a boy your age looking at the book in your hand
“Looks like the last copy.”
• You looked down at your hands before handing it to him smiling slightly
“I can just purchase it on my phone.”
• You wouldn’t because it wasn’t the same but you could always come back and buy it another time, you were feeling nice today
“No no, you were here first I can find another book.”
• He smiled at you returning it but you didn’t accept it, you held your smile coming up with an idea.
“You can read it and if we ever meet again, you can let me borrow it?”
• He smiled, nodding and walking off with the book before stopping in his tracks before looking at you again.
“Akaashi.... My names Akaashi.”
• He continued walking as you smiled turning around and scanning through more books to buy.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• Yeah you began seeing Akaashi everywhere around school now - it’s not that you didn’t know he existed you just never knew him personally.
• You also didn’t know he was so popular with the girls, sadly now known to you.
• He’d also notice you more, walking and reading your book, eating and reading your book. Definitely thought it was cute
“And I didn’t even spike it hard enough to break a vase- what are we looking at?”
• Once Bokuto found out, he was so excited to meet you.
“I’m captain and ace!”
“That’s so cool!”
• Akaashi loved how much enthusiasm you had talking to Bokuto, and he was glad the crazy owl haired boy befriended you because now he could too.
• Bokuto got Akaashi to ask you on a date to which you obviously said yes to
• You two spent a lot of time sharing thoughts about certain books, going on dates and taking care of Bokuto
“I’m just saying Hinata and Tsukki could be your kids!”
“No ❤️ we have enough with you 🧚🏻‍♀️✨🥰💞”
“Akaashi 😔”
• One certain date confused you as Akaashi brought you flowers and a gift
“What is it?”
“If I tell you it ruins the surprise - that’s what wrapping papers for hun.”
• You rolled your eyes playfully only to have a book left in your hands with wrapped paper on the floor
“The book! Aw I never got to read it!”
• He watched you gush over it and smiled, he swore he fell in love with you all over again
“Stop staring at me I’m shy!”
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• It was a New Year and what did that come with? New Years Resolutions!
• January 2nd, you began to regret saying everything about going on a morning run every morning
• but here you were, dressed in your running clothes with a hoodie to help the cold
• As you started running you felt your body temperature warm up as you got tired after a few minutes but still pushed yourself
• you looked to your right to see a certain brown haired boy pass you
“Bruh rude.”
• you picked up your pace and passed him - as you should queen 😗
• This turned into a competition of who could continued to run longer
• He won, but only because you began dying on all the air you weren’t getting 😣
• This became a daily thing because you two wanted to see your cute running partner every morning during you twos winter break!
• Neither of you spoke a word to each other though - it was just constant running and pushing each other to your limits.
• It wasn’t until you saw his friend jog up to him on your last morning running day and noticed who his very popular friend was, Oikawa, that you remembered who he was, but it was too late because Oikawa dragged him off.
“Oi! Shittykawa let me go!”
“Iwa-Chan you don’t have to be so mean!”
“Then stop being shitty!”
• You giggled at their banter before running back home, Iwaizumi watching your retreating figure, sighing.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• When Oikawa approached you a few days after school resumed - you hated it here 💞 not because of Oikawa but because of all the ugly looks from fans that came with him approaching you
“Y/N! Please you have to meet with Iwa! He’ll shred me to pieces for not letting him catch your name! Please!”
• You looked at the setter who was on his knees
Y/N: 👁👄👁, Oikawa-San please get up!
• What a weird sight this would be, Oikawa on his knees begging for you to just go to the gym after school and you frantically waving your arms around saying ‘alright’ and ‘Oikawa get up PLEASE!’ He’s so dramatic but Iwaizumi was holding a grudge against him
• You kept your promise and walked to the volleyball gym after school and mentally prepared yourself
This is a bad idea, What if he doesn’t want to see me?, stupid Oikawa what if he’s pranking me? I could be eating a good sandwich right now on the way home-
• Your own thoughts were cut off by the door swinging open and knocking you down ❤️
“Shit! Are you okay?”
• You looked up to see your classmate Mattsun with his hand out, which you took. Oikawa was laughing like a manic right about now
• Iwaizumi asking what Oikawa was laughing about before he saw you, his face now glowing a bright red as you gave him a shy wave
• Oikawa laughed even harder and called for a break to which Iwaizumi walked over to you
“Y/N, I don’t think I ever told you but my name is Y/N.”
“I like that... The names Iwaizumi.”
“Yeah your friend practically kept screaming Iwa-Chan while on his knees asking me to come here.”
“No! No I didn’t-“
• Makki and Mattsun had teased Oikawa for getting on his knees and begging to which Iwa just yelled at him for being embarrassing
• That became your life as his girlfriend soon, hearing the bickering and the taunting. You sometimes felt bad for Oikawa so you stood up for him at times
Y/N: Boys don’t be so mean
Oikawa: Y/N-Chan loves me! Unlike you guys!
Iwazumi: I’ll choke you trashykawa, she’s my girlfriend
Oikawa: Not without my help!
• Yeah this was a common argument
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• You and Kiyoko were friends and you met Suga at Kiyoko’s birthday gathering!
• It happened when Noya and Tanaka saw you and Kiyoko hug and noticed you were her best friend
“Please date me!”
“Get me a date with my beautiful Kiyoko!”
• as you slowly backed away scared for your life Suga gabbed the two by their collars and yanked them back
“I’m sorry about them, they can be quiet a handful.”
“I told you two not to be weird during Kiyoko’s birthday party!”
• You spent a lot of time that night celebrating Kiyoko’s birthday at chatting with the sweet boy who saved you earlier
• He definitely had to get hyped up by Daichi to ask for your number
• You obviously gave it to him and Kiyoko was making fun of you
Noya: Not fair Senpai - why do you get to ask for her number but when I ask for a date everyone freaks out
• you two made plans to hang out in the future and definitely were both excited about it
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
• Things don’t always go as planned and you ended up seeing him at school
• How you hadn’t seen him before was beyond you but he saw you when you were walking with Kiyoko and laughing with her, he was giving you big puppy dog love eyes when Daichi sighed and pulled him to go say hi to you
• He got really happy when he saw you smile a bit bigger as they approached
• What he wasn’t expecting was to see you looking through your backpack all the sudden
“I put it in here somewhere - there’s that fork I was looking for earlier- AH HA!”
• He died when you pulled out a little volleyball keychain with a tiny crow you hooked onto it and a #2 charm
“I made this for you the other day! You were telling me all about how you played and I just thought you’d like it...”
• His eyes twinkled with adoration and he immediately took it and put it on his bag thanking you with a hug Kiyoko had to drag you to class because you were love struck and frozen
• he keeps it on his bag and he makes sure he has it for every game - he wouldn’t trade it for the world
“This? Y/n made it for me! It’s awesome huh?”
• It wasn’t too long after that he had finally asked you on a date and you guys made it official - so you would spend a lot of time next to Kiyoko at games
Noya: They’re like Goddesses...
Suga: Yeah 🥺🥰💞
• This man is a simp for you don’t let him get away
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778 notes · View notes
hello ! if ur requests are currently open, can i get headcanons / scenario of inarizakis manager having a celeb crush (like finn wolfhard, louis partridge ALSO if u can, can u please make the celeb crush louis patridge ? im kinda desperate for sum louis x reader scenarios lawl) and they let them simp for him cuz it's just a crush right ? right, what they don't know is that manager-chan has made some attempts for him (their celeb crush) to notice them and they have successfully made him notice them bc manager chan is such a charm, so what will be their reactions if they see manager chan holding hands with the celeb crush that they didn't worry ab ? thank u in advance if u do it ! but it's fine if ur requests aren't open,, i just didn't see any posts ab ur requests being closed hehe also sorry if i did this wrong 😭 this is my first time requesting sumthn 😭😭
Louis Patridge x Inarizaki manager
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Oh my goshhh hi bb. I'm so glad I was your first :D (yes, initially, requests were closed, unfortunately) but this was literally such a good one, I couldn't resist writing it. (I'm in love with Louis Patridge too, bubs)
Also, just a tip (if you're gonna request on anon, make sure you follow me, or have my profile saved because tumblr doesn't give you a notification when I've answered you 🥺🥺)
🦋; Inarizaki manager (reader) x Louis Patridge (celeb crush) x Inarizaki vbc ,, triggers: none!!
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“Guys. DID YOU WATCH ENOLA HOLMES?” your breathless face was red due to fact that you've ran a long way, obviously to tell them this.
Atsumu and Osamu nodded in unison, “Yea, that Millie Bobbi Brown chick acted prett' well”
Suna rolled his eyes. “Hated it. Only watched it for Superman, though.”
Kita shrugged, walked up to you, and shook his head as he smoothed your hair down (the stray curls obviously came undone as you were running). “I don't watch fictious movies, y/n-san. Was it good?”
Eyes sparkling, you nodded. “It was more than good. Besides, that actor, Louis Patridge? The guy who plays Lord Tewkesbury? I think I'm in love with him.” a dream-like look glazed over your eyes as you stared at your phone wallpaper wistfully.
Suddenly, the bell rang, jolting you back to reality. “Oh that's right, I need to go to class now.”, and with that, you left six very stunned boys in the gym.
“I wonder what'll be of her crush on that' actor?” asked Atsumu with a smirk. Don't be fooled though, behind the easygoing exterior, he was the most concerned of the lot (and the most jealous).
“Yer' overthinking it. They live oceans apart, and he plays movies on the big screen.” drawled Osamu.
“Yeah, I'm sure one of us still has more chance with her than him, she's actually met us, after all.” chirped Akagi, with a positive note. He was determined to win you over, and a celeb crush didn't deter him in any way.
Suna nodded, whilst Kita and Aran exchanged looks. “It's important to be supportive of her though. Albeit it being merely a schoolgirl crush, this could mean a lot to her.” said Kita, and his tone invited no further disagreement.
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Back at home that evening, thoughts of the handsome brown haired boy could not leave your mind, and you logged onto Instagram, hoping to see if he had posted any updates.
He had, and it was a selfie of himself, with his tousled hair in all its "I-just-got-out-of-bed" glory. Damn, this man was sexy.
Smiling, you typed out a comment. “No offense, but if being adorable was a crime, you'd have fine written all over you ˃ᴗ˂ ”. Yes, it was dorky, and cheesy all in one. But why not? He might not ever read it anyways, as your comment got swept underneath the hundreds of others that came after it.
Sighing, you settled down to study, with thoughts about the comment and Louis pushed out of your mind.
Meanwhile, as Louis scrolled through his comments, a single one caught his eye. She used a pickup line (how adorable) which caused his cheeks to redden. Tentatively, he surveyed her profile, before feeling the familiar sensation of having a crush, wash over him.
She was gorgeous, and although he knew he shouldn't stalk random pretty girls over the internet, he couldn't help himself. Her pictures showed her to be the manager of a club of some sort, and she was almost always posing with a teammate. A male, teammate.
But damn, that smile. Even if he felt a small pit of unfounded jealousy at the guys, her smile was enough to distract him from anything.
His fingers hovered over the "follow back" button, before he finally gave in to temptation by following her, commenting, and putting his phone away quickly, suddenly feeling like a schoolboy all over again.
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That morning, before school, you could barely believe the notifications waiting for you on your phone.
"louispatridge_ is following you"
"louispatridge_ commented: nah, if anyone's fine, it's gotta be you ˃ᴗ˂ "
Of course, after having seven mini panic attacks, and fawning over him, you set out to tell your boys at the volleyball club the good news.
And all you could think about on the way there was how Louis Patridge somehow noticed you. It was unbelievable, and somehow turned your insides to jelly.
As soon as you reached the gym, you flung yourself on Atsumu, engulfing him in a hug. “Guys I'm so happy” you managed to choke out.
Atsumu obviously enjoyed holding you, and he gently wrapped his arms around you to feel your heart beating quickly
“To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you this early, y/n?” joked Aran.
Wordlessly, you dug into your pocket and pulled out your phone. “He thinks I'm fine. Fine means hot right? I mean, I used it meaning hot. Because he is hot. And he thinks the same of me, that's gotta be good? And the emoticon. He used the same one, he's so cu—”
But you were interrupted out of your whisper-babble by the boys' shocked faces. He noticed her? This fast? “I'm so happy for you, y/n” said Akagi cheerfully, but internally he was demotivated and sad at the prospect of you dating the young star.
Suna looked at you thoughtfully and ruffled your hair. “That's my girl. She's just as amazing and capable as those girls on the silver screen.” and although it pained him to say this, he just wanted to share your happiness.
The twins were withdrawn, and Kita congratulated you, whilst obviously feeling a bit regretful for dismissing it as a "schoolgirl crush".
In general, the boys were upset, but not surprised. If you had them all collectively whipped for you, why not a movie star?
After kissing Suna's cheek and waving the rest of the boys off, you skipped all the way to homeroom, excited to share the news with your friends.
Silence followed your absence as Aran shrugged. “So are we gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room?”
Atsumu pouted and glared at them all. “Why did he have to notice her? Was it her profile picture? I've always asked her to change it, she looks way too attractive.”
Osamu nodded and jutted his bottom lip. “I mean, we think she's the most beautiful girl in the world, and apparently other guys do too.”
“Oh God make it stop” whispered Suna. “I wish she'd just stay ours. I don't mind competing with you guys, I'm obviously better, but that actor dude? No chance.”
“We'll be supportive” reaffirmed Kita. “Above all, she's out friend and we do not own her. If this makes her happy, we won't ruin it.”. Akagi and Aran were quiet.
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Ever since that day, you and Louis have been slowly but steadily growing closer and falling harder for each other.
He tried his luck by texting you, and although you were shy and tentative at first, getting to know the real him was refreshing.
And you really did like him. He was intelligent, adorable, and realistic. The two of you spent your time from dusk till' dawn talking, whether on call or on text.
And no one could deny the blossoming chemistry between yourself and Louis. He was a gentleman in every way, and his honeyed words stuck in your heart, finding its way to be replayed every time you felt down.
The boys slowly saw you drifting away. And when you weren't, it was always "Louis this—" or “Louis said—” and frankly their hearts couldn't take it anymore. It was time to give up, and love you as a friend instead.
But immersed in his attention you barely even noticed.
One day, Louis called you as you were heading home after practice. “y/n! Love, guess what?”
“aw bubs, just tell me. I hate guessing. Mostly because I suck at it.”
You could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line as he softly whispered “I'm coming to Japan on the ninth!”
“Wait, Louis. Today's the ninth.”
“I know. So are you gonna come to that bubble tea place you won't shut up about, or must I come get you?”
“You're joking”
“I'm not. I've wanted to surprise you, and I swear it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Which includes getting kicked by a horse on set, but nevermind about that, y/n, I want to see you, so get your arse here.”
“Coming, Lord Tewkesbury”
“I might have a kink.”
You blushed bright red at his words. “shut up oh my gosh, I'll be there.”
Louis ended the call with a small smile on his face. He knew how easily flustered you were with him and he loved it. It was just another thing on the list of all the reasons why Louis Patridge adored you to hell and back.
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The whole way to the shop, your heart was pounding. So you'd finally get to meet the guy you've been dreaming about ever since you laid eyes on him in a movie.
Ever since those late night phone calls and early morning texts made your heart race and eyes sparkle with wonder.
You were finally meeting him.
The familiar sweet smell of the tea washed over you, and a familiar face waited for you at the entrance. His brown eyes looked gorgeous in the sun and his hair was tousled exactly the way you once saw in a selfie.
Wasting no time, you ran to him, pulling him to a hug. He laughed and caught you in his arms, holding you closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. No words were exchanged, just touches. There were too many words said already.
After pulling away, he gently stroked his thumb through your features. Tucking a strand aside, ruffling your hair. His hands ached to touch you, and now, finally, he could.
“You're such a dork.” was all you could whisper, afraid speaking loudly would break the spell.
“Your dork. All yours.”
“Louis!” your voice went an octave higher as the familiar warm sensation came over your cheeks, painting them a delicate pink.
“Oh God, I've always wanted to see you blush. How can you be so adorable?? Oh God.”
You whined in protest, but frankly, you were too happy to be around him to care much at all.
Tipping your chin to face him, Louis Patridge did the one thing he dreamt of doing, ever since he stalked through your Instagram profile one fateful morning.
He kissed you.
And wouldn't you know it? You kissed him back. It was warm, comforting, and everything you thought it'd be.
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Meanwhile, the boys had finished cleaning up the gym, and started heading home.
“Hey guys, do you wanna go grab some bubble tea?” asked Aran. The prospect of food, or sweet things always cheered up the boys, and after a day of particularly grueling practice, it was no surprise they agreed at once.
You however, were comfortably nestled next to Louis as you swapped stories. Your hands never left each other, though. He kept stroking your palm, just to remind himself you were here, right next to him.
“So how's the volleyball club, Mrs. manager?”
“Mrs? Do I look like I'm married?” to which Louis responded with a shrug and wink.
Coincidentally, the Inarizaki boys entered the shop at that very moment, freezing in their tracks after seeing you in a booth with Louis.
“Psst. Guys. Loverboy's here.”
“Should we say hello?”
“I might cry if they kiss” whimpered Akagi.
“We need to say hello, it's the right thing to do.” said Kita sensibly, as he walked up to the two of you. “Hello y/n-san, Louis-san.” said Kita with a slight nod.
Happily, you rose from your seat and hugged the captain, thanking him for saying hi, as you introduced him to Louis.
Soon, the other boys came around and one by one, introduced themselves as well. Honestly speaking, they were jealous. How could they possibly get over someone like you? Someone as spectacular and beautiful as you? But when they saw you face shining with radiance as you smiled at Louis, and the way his hands never left yours, they understood.
And they wanted you to be happy. That was the most important thing, above all else for the both of them.
“I love you, manager-chan.”
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years
𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐰𝐞’𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝 | fic
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navigation | requests : open | 3rd feb 2021
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pairing : bakugou x gn!reader
genre : angst, fluff lots of fluff i promise
word count : 3.8k+
warnings : season 3 spoilers, blood, injuries, gore, knives, fire
themes : angst with a happy ending, kidnapping, injuries, worry, mutual pining
request : hiii so my idea was like a bakugou x reader (reader is kacchan's s/o) kinda storyline but the reader is like aizawa's daughter figure?? not necessarily by blood but like as a student she would always stay behind and make tea for aizawa and like just accompany him to not be lonely?? maybe?? idk something like that ANYWAYS we all know that bakugou gets kidnapped by the LOV so what if the reader saves him and reader gets taken instead so like how would bakugou and aizawa react or do when they see reader getting warped right in front of them? LOL HDKSLAMA does it make sense like hfkslala yeah idk but that was my idea hope you like it enough to write it<3 - 🐰anon
note : here’s me typing this out for the second time bc i’m stupid <3, by the way in this fic they’ve lived at the dorms since the USJ!
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being the niece of a pro-hero isn’t easy, since he isn’t very popular you didn’t worry too much about press but when you’re trying to get coffee together no one can deny the resemblance, people put two and two together. you lived with your uncle, also know as eraser-head by the media, since your parents weren’t really around anymore he took you in and looked after you, your uncle doesn’t show a lot of emotion but he has admitted that it’s nice not being alone all the time.
after first starting UA you noticed a certain boy a lot more, especially when you trained together, having a crush on someone was difficult especially when they’re your classmate and when that said classmate also falls for you? it made it harder to sneak glances and kisses inbetween class, despite you knowing your uncle won’t really care you both wanted to keep it a secret from everyone for as long as possible.
it wasn’t that you’re afraid of your uncle finding out but you’d rather your relationship be your own for now, that was until you were playing video games in the dorms with your boyfriend who’s head was in your lap not thinking anyone would walk in through the front door since everyone’s asleep and aizawa doesn’t visit often, he wouldn’t have thought much of it but your boyfriend, katsuki bakugou isn’t one for pda.. not from just anyone so he just put two and two together asking you when you went to the staff office as usual, ‘y/n are you and bakugou dating’ he said with his normal toneless voice, knowing it’s best not to lie you nodded, ‘hm’ and that was all he said about it, which is a good thing because when aizawa didn’t like something he’d say a bit more. everyone else found out when you both tried sneaking a kiss before class, kirishima noticed bakugou left early for class so he went after him, when he caught up and saw him holding your waist and jaw he smiled yelling ‘FINALLY’ and that’s how everyone else found out, when everyone found out about you being aizawa’s niece you were surprised that more people didn’t know, bakugou noticed you going to the staff room a lot and how you left at the same time as aizawa so when he found out that you’re related he made sure to tred a little softer around your uncle, noticing the similarities between your quirks, your quirks are both mind quirks so it made sense.
after months of dating you never regretted saying yes to the ashe blonde, not once. of course you both had rough spots like any other couple but you talked it out, however long it took, bakugou’s willingness to talk to you and comfort you made you feel special and loved, it’s not easy for him but he’s learnt to trust you more and more as time went on slowly bringing down his walls for you.
you looked out the window of the bus at the beautiful scenery as he watched you ‘dumbass, there’s a prettier view here’ he joked making you snort ‘mhm’ he huffed in annoyance before you brought out the doe eyes rubbing your head into his shoulder ‘you’re a very pretty view’ you pout as he smirked, ‘fuck yeah i am’ you kiss his cheek as you laughed at his antics, it was time for the training camp you had all talked about for months, when aizawa brought it up everyone went wild, until a couple of class 1A whined because they had to do extra work since they failed the exams. aizawa told you about the pussy cats and to make sure to use this training camp to your full advantage since it’s only a couple weeks.
as soon as you got out of the bus the ground beneath you shook making you all scream as the pussy cats that just introduced themselves to you told you to get to the campsite as fast as you can, you stood up from the fall, groaning you helped up mina, uraraka and your friend kendo from class b, you looked around to see where the blonde was, noticing him you sighed relieved until you heard denki say ‘what the fuck is that’ you all peered through the trees to see a big creatures that looked like they were made out of...sand?
not wasting any time you pulled yourself into the air with just enough power so you were now standing in front of the sand creature you heard some of your friends scream at you, holding your hand out pointing at the creature you flicked your wrist snapping it’s neck in an instant, some people praised you as you felt bakugou’s breath on your ear as he quickly whispered ‘that was hot’ before running in front of you going after another of the creatures, giggling you ran after them. one of the reasons bakugou fell for you was because you didn’t hesitate when it came to fighting something in your way, when you got attacked at the usj he noticed this, the way you protected your friends first. as you all climbed through the forest you stuck with midoriya and todoroki, ‘y/n jump!!’ you looked to the side of you to see a sand creature coming straight for you guys, you did as todoroki told you, he blasted the sand creature with his ice, freezing it and letting midoriya smash it into small particles. you all ran through the forest as light started to hit your face, more light shining through as you got closer to the camp. finally at the camp you all panted while sat on the floor, you looked up as todoroki walked back over to you and midoriya handing you both water bottles, ‘thank you todoroki’ you smiled as you chugged the water down soothing your dry throat and warmth.
once you all got cleaned up and the pussy cats explained what would be happening over the time spent at the training camp you felt an arm snake around your waist, leaning into the boys touch he gave you a small peck before peeling away from you grinning, bakugou isn’t one for pda but no one was really watching since you were all walking to the cafeteria to eat and everyone was too hungry to care, besides if anyone pointed it out bakugou wouldn’t hesitate to cuss them out.
you slept comfortably that night until you all got woken up at an ungodly time that morning, the only person who didn’t look dead was bakugou since he gets up early anyway, ‘what time did you sleep last night’ he asked you with a raised eyebrow, ‘the same time as everyone else, 11pm’ he rolled his eyes, before he could get a word out you said ‘not everyone sleeps at 8pm grandpa’, denki and kirishima laughed at your statement, ‘shut up dumbass’ he retorted. aizawa explained what you would be doing, many groans and whining could be heard as he explained how hard you should push yourself, you had to practise holding yourself in the air while throwing random objects for as long as possible, the only problem with this is you feel extremely light headed and your nose always bled when you do this for too long, bakugou practised near you so if you did go overboard he could catch you, which he didn’t tell you but he didn’t want you hurting your head.
it had been a couple hours of this and you were exhausted, ‘hey y/n, catch!’ you spin around catching the water bottle midoriya threw at you, ‘thanks midoriya’ you smiled, he returned it throwing one to todoroki who was near you and then bakugou, ‘dont try help me deku!’ he yelled, ‘baby you’re sweating take it’ you said thank you to midoriya which made bakugou mumble angrily.
after some group training the pussy cats explained a game to you guys assigning you pairs, since the numbers were odd you got paired up with tsu and ochako, you looked over at bakugou who was complaining about todoroki being his partner which you giggled at. your uncle led the other kids back to the camp as you guys headed into the forest. it had been a while in the forest and you heard a couple screams making you shiver, you all talked about random things before ochako pointed a little deeper into the forest sniffing ‘what is that’ you looked up to where she was pointing and you could see blue flames, before you could answer you felt a blade slice your cheek, wincing you looked to where it was thrown from to your confusion you saw a normal school girl, ‘you’re all so cute!!’ she exclaimed making you raise an eyebrow. just as tsu asked her who she is you got a message from mandalay via telepathy, ‘students, villains have infiltrated the site, get back to camp as soon as possible’, eyes widening you jumped away from the girl aiming at her ‘tsu, uraraka are you hurt’ you said eyeing the girl in front of you, ‘tsu!! that’s such a cute name, i think i’ll call you tsu’ she said in a high voice, ‘only my friends can call me that’ tsu said with a shaky voice dodging the knives. she sent another knife but not at you or tsu, this time at uraraka slicing her shoulder, just as you contemplated using your quirk you all got another message from mandalay ‘you have been given permission to use your quirks, but only in need of defence.. we also know who one of the targets are, katsuki bakugou, if you can hear this bakugou please go back to camp immediately’ hearing this your head filled with worry for your angry blonde, pushing the thoughts to the side you needed to find him, so you used the force in your hands to pin toga to the ground sitting on top of her so she couldn’t move, ‘Y/N HER HAND’ before you knew what uraraka meant the girl loosened your grip from her right hand and plunged a knife straight into your thigh making you cry out, unable to move in time she pumped the blood out using a machine, screaming out in pain, tsu and uraraka ran to you but quickly stopped as toga held the knife to your throat threatening to hurt you further. hearing your scream and recognising it immediately bakugou ran towards your voice, jumping through the trees, toga leapt from you as midoriya, todoroki, tokoyami and shoji ran behind bakugou halting when seeing you all, ‘there’s too many people now, i don’t feel like dying tonight’ toga pouted before running back through the trees. you groaned as bakugou ran to your side ‘fuck, can you stand up’ you hopped up with the help of him pressing your forehead to his, happy that he’s safe, you quickly spun around to check on your friends wincing in the process ‘y/n what happened?’ todoroki questioned looking at yours and urarakas injuries, you explained while checking your friends injuries ‘shit midoriya, you look terrible’ he smiled at you reassuring you it’s fine. ‘okay so bakugou, we have to protect him and get back to the camp as fast as possible, you turned around to talk to the boy, panicking when he wasn’t there ‘where is he.. bakugou this isn’t fucking funny’ looking around you noticed tokoyami wasn’t there either as shoji pointed out his lack of presence. panicking you looked up to see compress, another villain apart of the league of villains, ‘you were so occupied with your plan that you didn’t even notice they’re gone’ he sneered, your blood boiled at his words, thinking what has he done with them..
‘WHERE DID YOU TAKE THEM!’ you yelled, you saw red, how didn’t you notice, your friends looked at you bewildered never seeing you this angry before, ‘sorry gotta run!’ the villain said as he hopped tree to tree, ‘fuck no no no’ you mumbled trying to think of what to do, ‘i have an idea’ tsu said quickly, she explained how she was going to propel you with her tongue and use shoji’s arms if needed to go any further, without a second thought you agreed, she wrapped her tongue around all of you and pulled back before releasing, the cold night air hit your skin, your wounds feeling soothed at the feeling. you could see him, the villain found where he was meant to meet his friends, until he turned to see you all coming full speed at him, panicking he hesitated as you jumped at him, another villain dabi tried burning midoriya but you pulled him towards you in time, todoroki didn’t get burnt as dabi’s fire only aimed for midoriya, you turned noticing the girl from before, you threw toga against a tree with a flick making her squeak in pain ‘that wasn’t very nice, i thought we were friends!!’ you laughed at the delusional girl, ‘never’, her facial expression changed to a furious one, she grabbed her knives throwing them one by one as you dodged and used your telekinesis to throw them back at her, one of the knives hit her leg and her arm ‘THATS NOT FAIR!!’ she stomped like a child, ‘she could be useful’, you heard from compress, you turned about to attack him but before you could shoji yelled, ‘IVE GOT THEM LETS GO’ you all looked at him in disbelief, he showed you the two pearls that were meant to be bakugou and tokoyami, letting out a sigh of relief you all went to the side of the entrance to the clearing, todoroki took your wrist pulling you back from a nomu who came through the trees you were about to walk into, ‘this way!!’ midoriya pointed at another way out ‘we’ve can’t let them get away’ dabi said about to unleash his flames, ‘no don’t, i thought i’d let them gloat a bit’ at his words you spun around, eyes widening in horror as he moved his mask and opened his mouth, two little beads, tokoyami and bakugou in them shone in the light, the two beads shoji had turned into ice, ‘is that my ice?’ todoroki shouted frustrated, compress was about to walk through the portal, just as you started running at them he got hit with aoyama’s laser beam causing one of the beads to fall out, the bead transformed into tokoyami and the other transformed into bakugou, but he was still in their grasp, running as fast as you could you grabbed his wrist just in time knowing he wouldn’t let you do this, you pulled him as hard as you could making him fall behind you as dabi grabbed you by the waist holding you firmly, ‘guess we’ll take this one instead’ he grinned.
the last you saw of bakugou for the next 2 days was him running at you before you got transported into the league of villains base. ‘y/n l/n huh, we originally wanted bakugou but you got in the way.. no matter, your power is still powerful if not more, the only problem is you’re level headed, you aren’t as.. explosive’ he drawled on. they didn’t hurt you but it was repetitive, constantly asking if you’ll join them.
when bakugou woke up he felt at peace for a couple seconds before remembering what happened, when he did fall asleep it’s because aizawa convinced him he needed to sleep at least a little, so here he was resting his head on a chair in the waiting room of the hospital, before he finally fell asleep he couldn’t help but blame himself, constant questioning his actions, ‘it’s my fault’... ‘what?’ aizawa looked at the boy with a raised brow, ‘it’s my fault they took them, they were meant to take me but they grabbed me and i couldn’t help them in time, i-it’s my fault’ aizawa looked at the blonde for a couple seconds before a small smile, undetectable to anyone looking at him crept on his face, ‘bakugou, i may be angry at those villains for taking them but i am not angry at you, they chose to save you blaming yourself won’t help anyone, besides we will get them back and in order to help you need to make rational decisions which you can’t do thinking these things’ he sat next to bakugou while telling him this, only loud enough for bakugou to hear, he put his hand on the blondes head as they sat there in a comforting silence, ‘besides you would’ve done the same for them’.
as soon as bakugou woke up kirishima lead him to midoriyas room, ‘what the hell am i doing here’ he said not having the energy to scream, ‘kaachan, before you leave.. we want to help get y/n back’. it didn’t take anything for kirishima to convince him, he was in once they told him the plan, despite the protests from his friends and classmates he had to, the feeling in his stomach and chest felt as if he was suffocating, he didn’t know how you were, whether you’re injured or not or whether you’re even alive and it was eating him up inside.
they watched momo and midoriya walk over as bakugou, kirishima and todoroki stood in silence. after some discussing and protests from iida they all got on the next train agreeing that as soon as things get violent they’ll get out of there, bakugou didn’t really care about that, he just needed you to be safe. ‘we need disguises!!’ after looking the part they slowly tiptoed around the building you’re meant to be in, ‘kirishima what can you see?’ he wobbled a bit before his eyes widened in horror, ‘g-god, it’s those nomu things’, they looked through the gaps of the window in fear, ‘wait shit y/ns not in there are they?!’ bakugou tried stretching his neck to see each corner of the warehouse, ‘don’t yell!! we have to be careful, i don’t think they’re in there i’m-’ before momo could finish her sentence the entire building shook making them fall to the ground, groaning they looked up to see mt lady and best jeanist, ‘they said all mights on the scene, they’ll be okay’ todoroki said relaxing a little. for some reason bakugou didn’t relax he couldn’t until he saw you safe but before he could even think he felt himself being pushed against the wall of the small alley, looking next to him to find the culprit he met 5 terrified faces telling him not to move, he listened in to what was going on, so this was the boss, it was never shigaraki, as they heard their pro hero jeanist get wounded and maybe even die they couldn’t move, they were in shock, until they heard you.
‘fuck, where.. am i’.. bakugou looked over the wall peering through it at the sound of your voice, iida pulled him back quickly ‘don’t, bakugou no’ he knew it’s a bad idea, just as he was about to peer again to see if you were injured a large thud made the ground shake, it was all might and while all might and all for one are fighting you’re in the middle of it, meaning all might can’t use all of his powers, everytime you screamed dodging toga or compress bakugou feared the worst, ‘is that all you’ve got’ he heared you say, you sounded tired and weak. his mind was running with things that haven’t happened, the worst thoughts taking over his head, ‘guys, i have a plan’, never had bakugou been more keen on listening to midoriya.
after telling everyone the plan and their roles they got ready, since you couldn’t fly they had to think of a way to get you off the ground into the air, the only person who can do that is bakugou, with momo’s quirk she created a bluetooth device that’ll let her talk to you, since you had a telekinesis quirk you can use your mind as well as your hands, so the league of villains used magne to magnetise you to the chair you were bound in, which means you still have magnetism in you, so momo used that to get the earphone in your ear. you felt a tingle in your ear but too occupied by fighting the villains you ignored it, ‘y/n please carry on fighting as usual don’t let this throw you, get as close as you can to the wall behind you, bakugou is going to grab your arm, let him and then he’s going to blast you guys into the sky where midoriya will catch you’.
and that’s exactly what happened, the plan could not have gone smoother, bakugou grabbed your arm and you both blasted into the sky, you watched large amount of ice form creating a sledge for midoriya and iida to use, midoriya grabbed your arm as you all flew past mt lady. you landed safely, ‘are you hurt’ the boy frantically checked, you smiled at him before wrapping your arms around your boyfriends neck, ‘the only injuries i have are from back at the camp, they have bandages around them but they haven’t been healed’ he sighed relaxing into your touch, ‘fucking hell dumbass, don’t ever do that again’ you hummed against him rubbing your nose against his neck smelling his caramel scent which you missed. ‘guys we should let the authority’s know they’re okay’ midoriya squeaked bizarred at bakugou’s affection.
after getting a hug from all the friends who insisted on saving you today, bakugou dragged you back to the hospital, insisting on carrying you, ‘y/n?!... i’m so glad you’re safe’ you’re not used to affection from aizawa, it isn’t something you were used to because he knows how to comfort you without using physical affection, but hugging you was a comfort he needed right now, knowing that you’re safe and he’s able to hold you comforted him greatly in this moment before you he didn’t have anyone to talk to after school or look after, whether he was used to affection or not didn’t matter to him here. ‘bakugou, midoriya, kirishima, momo, iida, todoroki, what you did was fucking stupid, but i’m thankful, thank you’ he mumbled a little as he ruffled your hair.
as soon as you were all back at the dorms you had a class movie night in honour of your return and safety, that didn’t mean bakugou didn’t insist on you cuddling him, for a guy who’s not one for pda he needed this. throughout the whole movie you kept your head on his shoulder.his head on yours lifting his head every now and then to place a kiss on your head, ‘i missed you so fucking much teddybear’.
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oh my fucking god, before we even talk about this fic i deleted this in the drags BY ACCIDENT but my amazing talented smart ass had it copy and pasted into a word count. sometimes i love myself i would’ve gone ape shit if this was gone forever purely because of tHE TIME i sPENT.
anyway rant over enjoy your days it’s 3am and i couldn’t sleep again 😽🥲🕳👨‍🦯
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taglist : @blazedbakugou @todoroki-shoto-is-life @lulu
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wondernimbus · 4 years
a ghost story — cedric diggory
pairing: cedric diggory x female!reader
prompt: the thing with love is that it doesn't matter who it’s between; even if it's between someone who’s alive and someone who isn’t.
t/w: mentions of death
a/n: ahhh probably not gonna be able to post as much as i used to anymore bc i’ve been spending too much time on tumblr & social media DDD: anyways yay cedric 
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If you wander the halls of the Hogwarts castle, it's likely you'll come across a translucent figure or two, some eager to talk to you and others who won't even bat an eye.
Ghosts. Some have been around for decades, others for entire centuries, but many have aimlessly roamed the grounds for so long no one really knows—or cares—where or when or how they died. There are those that are bitter and hold incessant grudges; they wander through walls, angrily uttering empty threats under their breaths that they have long since lost the ability to truly carry out. They are ghosts after all; mere imprints of the departed soul, according to the usual textbook, and there are a variety of things that they can no longer do that they once were able to when they were alive.
Take the young Hufflepuff ghost, for example, who died at the young age of seventeen, long before she could truly live her life beyond the school walls. Before she could graduate or find love or do whatever was on her agenda.
That in itself is a tragedy. But if you happen to come across her in the castle—because Merlin knows she is always, always wandering, never in one place at one time—you will see that the last thing she seeks is vengeance.
Quite the opposite, actually.
There were times when [Y/N] regretted choosing to stay.
Times when she drifted through the corridors of Hogwarts and found herself wishing she’d left all of it behind and moved on to the afterlife—no matter how uncertain the idea of it seemed—instead of having to live every single day watching students go about talking and laughing and living the life she never got to live.
It could have been torture; watching them grow from timid, wide-eyed children oblivious to the workings of the world, to reckless teenagers who took every moment they had for granted, to slightly more mature versions of themselves, ready to venture out into the world beyond them and go down whichever path they wanted to. Become an Auror, maybe. Or a Healer. Start a family, grow a business, explore the world.
It could have been torture.
But that was only depending on which way she looked at it. She could have looked at those very same students and seen a life she never got to experience. But she could have also looked at each of them and seen a life she could experience over and over with each new batch of innocent first-years—and yes, it wasn't her life to live, per se, but wasn't that the magic of it all? To watch from the sidelines and witness them grow and blossom and do as much as they could with the life they'd been given?
So yes—there were times she regretted choosing to stay—but there were also times she was grateful she did.
It was the little things like whenever she spotted a lost first-year and helped him find his way. Or when she roamed the corridors and earned waves from friendly students. Or when she told them stories like the one about the Bloody Baron and Peeves fighting and the other ghosts having to break them up. (It was a story that she told quite often, but one they—especially the children—never got tired of.)
And in exchange, they told her stories. Who was dating who. Who broke up with who. Who might be breaking up with who. She'd become a friend to many students; a listening ear, albeit a translucent one.
But the catch was obvious: those students had to leave eventually, and [Y/N] had to stay.
It was sad, at first, having to bid farewell to her friends when they graduated. But it had been a hundred years and [Y/N] had grown used to it. The knowledge of forever being stuck at seventeen while they got to age and marry and do as much as they wanted to with the rest of the time they have.. well, it didn't quite hurt as much anymore.
It shouldn’t hurt when she had to say goodbye. At least not anymore, when she'd been doing it over and over for the last century.
So it shouldn’t have hurt—the idea of losing him. He was just one of the thousands of students she'd met, after all. Just one more person she had to let go of.
It really shouldn’t have hurt.
But it did. And [Y/N] may have been a ghost, but she wasn't dumb, so it didn't take her long to figure out that it hurt because she'd fallen in love. It was a very stupid move on her part, given that she was a bloody ghost and he was very much alive and human, but. Well. Love was love—no matter who it was between.
[Y/N] remembers Cedric when he was just eleven years old, young and energetic and a little naïve.
He was one of the nicer ones, if not the nicest. (Because of course there were those that weren’t as open to the idea of befriending a lonely Hufflepuff ghost; why bother talking to someone dead?)
Cedric had strayed away from his group of first-years to approach her by the staircases. She’d been hovering above the banister, watching them fondly—a little longingly—until he came up to her, beamed with a blinding sort of brightness, stuck his hand out, and then said, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!”
[Y/N] had stared at him, slightly surprised. Usually it was the first-years that took a little longer to befriend, given that most of them had grown up believing ghosts were to be feared, but every few years or so there’d be someone like the little eleven-year-old boy in front of her whose name she did not yet know, eager to make friends—even with a ghost.
”Hi there,” she’d said, own lips quirking up into a small grin as she stared down at him. “Are you sure you want me shaking your hand? It’s going to be a little cold.”
”That’s perfectly fine!” His eyes were bright; extraordinarily so. They gleamed with so much childlike innocence that [Y/N] found herself thinking back to vague bits of her youth that she didn’t know she remembered. “You looked lonely, so.”
She’d laughed. “Well, if you say so.” And when she reached out and shook the little boy’s hand—or, well, tried to—her own slipped right through his solid one.
He’d flinched and pulled his hand back. “That was really cold!”
Another laugh. “See, I told you.”
”Well, it was nice meeting you, anyway. I’m Cedric, and—“
”Cedric!” a Hufflepuff prefect was calling to him. “Come on, now, we’ve got to get to the common room!”
Cedric had pouted. “Well, I’ll see you around.. um..“
”[Y/N],” she’d told him, smiling softly, glad to make a new friend. “My name was [Y/N].”
She saw much of Cedric over the years, given that he was in Hufflepuff and thus often roamed the same corridors she haunted. But she had a feeling that even if he weren’t, he was still the type of person to go out of his way to search the vast grounds of the Hogwarts castle to look for her, because to Cedric, she was just as much of a friend as any of his other human ones.
She watched him grow with the passing of time, along with the other students, although part of her had grown especially fond of him. Cedric, whose talent for storytelling rivaled her own—whose kindness and compassionate heart rivaled just about anyone else’s—was not just another fleeting moment in her countless years at hogwarts. [Y/N] knew she would remember him when he left. She just didn’t know how hard it would be when he did.
When Cedric reached sixteen, it was only then that he changed in [Y/N]’s eyes; he’d gone from a little eleven-year-old with round, pink cheeks to something akin to a man, athletic and intelligent and exceptionally handsome.
When Cedric reached sixteen, [Y/N] was still seventeen. The same age she’d been for a long, long time.
[Y/N] was a ghost, and she had no real purpose anymore. Cedric was alive, and he had classes to go to. Other friends to talk to who had living, beating hearts and something in life to actually look forward to. Friends who he would still talk to long after he graduated. Friends who wouldn’t be bound to the castle until the end of time (if there was an end).
And yet Cedric spoke to her as though she was anything but a ghost.
He didn't just briefly wave to her whenever he saw her in the hallways, no; he would ask her how her day went, as if it actually mattered. He confirmed her previous suspicious; he didn't just count on their opportune meetings. He looked for her. His friends would find it strange, but he'd detach himself from them in favor of roaming the corridors, searching for a ghost, eager to tell her about his latest adventures.
Cedric made her feel like she was human. Made her feel like she was alive.
Whenever she spoke to him, it was as though her heart started to beat again for the first time in a hundred years. She wondered if he felt the same way, even if the notion of it was ridiculous. The idea of a ghost catching feelings for a human was a bizarre idea in and of itself, but of a human reciprocating those feelings? For someone who technically didn't even exist?
It was unheard of.
It was unheard of, but it wasn't impossible.
[Y/N] spent many nights in the Astronomy tower.
She couldn't remember much of her life. The memories faded away from her with each passing day, becoming blurry at the edges, like the longer time stretched on the farther away they went. They were still there, but she only vaguely recalled workings of the world, emptied of specifics, faces, names back from when she was alive. Like shelves labeled for memories, except they were empty.
She couldn't remember how she died, either, or why she chose to stay. It was odd. As far as she knew, the other ghosts knew fully well how they came to perish. But she wondered if maybe it was better that way; maybe she forgot for a reason.
But the Astronomy tower felt oddly familiar. There was something about it that drew her in. She knew it was relevant to her, in some way, even though she wasn't entirely sure how.
So she would stay there at sundown, looking out over the edge of the railing waiting for a blanket of stars to appear in the sky. Waiting for memories to come back to her, even though part of her knew that they weren't likely to.
The first time Cedric ever found her there, in his sixth year, he'd exclaimed, "There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you", and—oh.
For a ghost, [Y/N] always seemed to be exceptionally happy. Her eyes were always impossibly bright for a dead soul. But now she looked the saddest Cedric had ever seen her, like she was thinking back on all those hundred years she spent with the students and yet at the same time so very alone.
The sun had already set, the last bit of daylight filtering into the tower from the open sides. Cedric had walked forward and silently joined [Y/N] at the edge, sitting down on the floor next to her and staring out at the horizon.
He didn't say anything. He knew this wasn't about him; [Y/N] had to be the one to speak first.
Cedric didn't count the seconds as they passed, just stared out at the fading light as he waited. And waited. And he knew he would wait as long as it took.
And then, finally—"I wish I remembered how I died," she said quietly, her eyes glued to the scenery before her, and if she were alive there would have been tears inside them. Instead there was only a painful sort of wistfulness. "Or why I chose not to move on. I wish I knew, just so I’d feel justified in staying. But I don't. So now I don't know why I’m still here instead of—" she paused, frowning. "Well, I don't know what's beyond here, really. What real death is like. But it can't be too bad, can it?"
Another brief pause.
“I get brief flashes of my life sometimes," she murmured. "Nothing too big. Nothing enlightening. Nothing that really answers my questions. But I get most of them when I’m right here, in this tower."
For the first time since he sat next to her, [Y/N] turned her head just a fraction of an inch to look at him, eyes meeting his. "And when I’m with you," she said, voice soft. "When I’m with you, Cedric, I remember what it felt like to be—" a sharp exhale, as though it was exhilarating to say it out loud, "alive."
Cedric held her gaze for a few seconds. Maybe more. And then, quietly, as though he was letting her in on a secret (and in a way, he was): "If I told you I loved you, what would you say?"
There. It was a revelation, if anything, both to himself and to her. All the confirmation both of them needed that humans could love whoever they wanted to, even ghosts like her. Cedric had done it, hadn’t he?
He’d known her for seven years, and slowly, gradually, he’d fallen for her. No matter the fact that they were from two drastically different worlds. That was enough proof.
She was unresponsive for a while. And then she laughed. A sad sound. She turned back to the horizon, such little light left to seep through her translucent skin. "I’d say you were daft, falling in love with a ghost."
"If I asked you to wait for me," he reached out towards her hand, which was set on the floor. This time Cedric didn’t wince, even though it felt like he’d plunged his arm in icy water. "What would you do?"
She frowned down at their hands. It took her a long, long time, but when she spoke again, Cedric knew she meant it.
"I’d wait," she told him. Her smile was sad. "I’d wait for you, Ced. And I can only hope that you'll remember me, when the time comes.”
[Y/N] had been ready.
She’d prepared herself for the idea of waiting for a long time. A few more decades at most.
Cedric was going to leave, and she was going to stay. He would graduate and she would stay. He’d find a job, live the rest of his life to the best of his abilities, get married, start a family. Cedric would die, someday, and [Y/N] would stay at Hogwarts, forever seventeen, counting on the almost-promise he’d made back at the Astronomy tower.
A few decades more and she wouldn’t be so lonely anymore. A few decades more and maybe she’d start feeling a little like herself again.
But the idea of Cedric staying for her when he does die years and years and years from then—of asking him not to move forward into the afterlife and stay bound to the castle forever, just so she’d have someone to be with..
It was selfish.
But Cedric told her that it was his choice. When the time came, he said, he would choose to stay with her.
It almost made Cedric cry, thinking about it—about her just being here, staying just like this, for years more, and him growing older and older, growing apart. In the grand scheme of things, seven years spent learning to love a ghost shouldn’t have meant much, especially for her, who would have centuries more time to exist. But sitting here, with her cold hand almost in his, Cedric decided that the seven years he'd spent with her were the happiest moments of his life.
It could be sad. He could think of those times and see seven years of being so close to the girl he loved and yet at the same time so terribly far; unable to hold her the way he really wanted to. But he could also see the seven happiest years of his life; a time filled with love and adventure.  A time that defined him, molded him into everything he was today.
So no, Cedric wasn't sad. He was the happiest he'd ever been and would ever be in his entire life.
”Aren’t you scared?”
”Of what?”
”Of dying.”
Cedric kept his eyes on the stars, gaze wistful as though he was thinking of a life that he had yet to experience. "I don’t think so. Not if I think of what's waiting for me beyond it."
"Decades from now."
He turned to look at [Y/N], then down at where their hands were just inches apart, one solid and the other translucent. One dark in the night, one glowing silver. “Decades.”
A lot could happen in several decades. Cedric could change his mind. Several decades from now, he could look back on the young ghost from the Hogwarts castle and decide that maybe she wasn't worth staying for. Or he could just forget, and never once look back over his shoulder.
But [Y/N] trusted him, and she was ready to wait.
She’d wait for as long as it took him.
The day came far earlier than she'd been expecting.
When news broke that one of the Triwizard Champions had been murdered, [Y/N] had felt fear, for the first time in a very long time.
And when the hushed whispers of horror turned into murmurs of Cedric’s name, mourning him, crying for him, [Y/N] had felt anguish so terrible it was as though she was dying all over again.
Cedric wasn’t supposed to die. Not this early.
The next time she saw Cedric, for the first time in seven years her hands didn’t go through his anymore.
Cedric never regretted it, choosing to stay.
Admittedly, when Death came knocking and asked him the question he thought he'd have to answer far, far into the future, there was a split-second of hesitance.
Just a tiny moment of doubt. Just one. Moving forward into the afterlife, letting Death take him once and for all, leaving this world to set forth into whatever lay beyond it; it was the idea of that that made him hesitate.
But then he thought of [Y/N]—of the idea of being able to hold her the way he could never have done in life, and to be able to do that as much as he wanted to in death. Of being able to finally be with her. Of having her after being so terribly close to it for so long.
He thought of her, and he knew what he wanted.
For centuries, there have been two young ghosts who roam the corridors of the Hogwarts castle hand-in-hand, eager to offer a helping hand to anyone who might need it, never running out of tales of love and magic and laughter to tell the students, who, in turn, go to them bearing stories of their own.
They died too young, the pair of them. But the youthful gleam in their eyes never died out, and neither did the love they held for each other—the love that was there long before the other died. The love that will stay until the end of time (if there is an end).
Often you can find them roaming the Hufflepuff corridors. Some say they see the two ghosts in the Astronomy tower, mostly during sundown, sitting on the edge by the railings as the last traces of daylight trickle in through the open windows.
But they are always there, if you look hard enough. Always eager to offer a helping hand. Never apart. Never one without the other.
They call them Cedric and [Y/N]—the ghosts who died too early, and yet were lucky enough to find love. One in life and the other in death.
Call it magic. Call it a miracle. Call it nothing at all; but somehow, two people who were perhaps never meant to find love in each other, got what they wanted, in the end.
And Death knows all they ever wanted was each other.
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