#k pop 1x1
rp-partnerfinder · 4 months
🫶🏻hello there lovely people!
I’m coming on here because I am looking for new rp partners, who are preferably 19+! MDNI. this role play will take place on discord!
what I can offer;
* I offer a variety of fandom that we could have an rp about such as animes, K-pop , shows, movies, etc.
* details, I am a semi literate to literate writer but my replies heavily base on the information given in your replies.
* nsfw and dark topics are absolutely on the table! even things like gore/violence!
* semi fast replies! I do work but I get my replies in when I can!
* I do oc x oc and oc x cc !
* I only do mxf, where I can play the female role. (I double sometimes)
* A variety of ocs that you can choose who you’d like to play against!!
looking for;
* someone to play the male role in a mxf rp
* Little to no triggers
* 19+
* Semi literate to literate replies
* Semi quick responses
* Someone who will be just as involved in the plotting as I am!
fandoms I’m willing to do right now;
- demon slayer
- Naruto
- Kpop (bts, straykids, seventeen, txt, ateez, etc..)
like this post and I’ll reach out to you! 🫶🏻
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theverylastnerve · 3 months
Looking For K-Pop RP Partners!
Hey everyone! I’m looking for some rp partners that would be able to write for ATEEZ! I’m currently hoping to find a Wooyoung or Yunho, but would accept a Hongjoong or Seonghwa as well. I have an OC to write against them; this would be mxf, and I’m totally fine with AUs and tropes… idolxidol, college au, coffee shop au, fantasy, etc! I’m fine with doubling as well!
I do write on discord, no smut, and I am hoping to find someone that can reply at least a few times a week. Thanks!
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kisumerisu · 1 year
30yo - she/her - gmt+3 - literate - 3rd person - active - discord
I'm on the lookout for dedicated and imaginative writing parters for mainly m+m and oc+oc plotlines for long term roleplays and beyond. For me, writing is a chance to create and to live big emotions through characters in good and bad, and I'm hoping for likeminded writers to create stories with. I'm fairly limitless, go very deep into the plotlines and characters and want to create our own little world with words! I love ooc talk, making mood boards, playlists, IG-feeds, constant headcannoning and just enjoying the characters we make and bringing their stories to life.
You can find all the necessary information here in my masterlist with more player info, some of my characters, limits and prompts I wish to pursue! I mainly use Asian faceclaims for my dudes, but you don't have to.
Feel free to shoot me a message here as an ask or in chat, and let's see if we match as writing partners!
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hello!🖤 I'm a 19+ roleplayer, looking for other 19+ roleplayers! I am semi lit -lit, I almost always write in third person, I don't make exceptions on that. I can easily write between 3-6 paragraphs if given enough detail and context in your responding replies. im kinda worn out on other pairings so I'm strictly looking for MxF right now, where I can play the female.
fandoms or not, it doesn't really matter to me. if so, here are some of my fandoms.
• The Last Of Us (there are a few other movies and shows here and there I'd be willing to do a plot for)
• K-pop (many groups)
• anime (I've seen Naruto, Tokyo ghoul, and demon slayer)
I'm okay with most genres, angst, fantasy, etc. I'm a sucker for angsty romances, but yeah, feel free to dm me or like this and I will reach out to you! I'm looking for people who are pretty consistent in their replies and people who like to write, and are actively wanting to rp.
Thank you!!💋💀
Like this post or reach out to the asker directly if you’re interested!
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crazyboredasians · 2 years
Hola! Vengo a dejar también una opinión rápida de los foros en los que estoy:
Probablemente mi favorito entre todos. No solo por el cariño que le tengo a mis tramas y personajes, sino porque nunca he tenido problemas con nadie. El nivel de roleo es bueno, aunque son un poco lentos en responder pero nada demasiado drástico. Es un bonito slices of life si buscas un lugar seguro y que no morirá. Hay grupismo, si, pero nadie te niega un rol o tramas. Coincido con otros de por aquí en el asunto de que algunos usuarios abusan de postear a último momento y los admins deberían estar un poco más atentos a eso. Tambien hay periodos donde se borran o reciclan muchos personajes así que puede ser algo inconsistente..no recomiendo encariñarte mucho con un pj porque te lo borran xd
No le tenía mucha fe pero ahí estoy. Se nota que es una administración poco experimentada y tuvieron algunos altibajos en la apertura pero no parece un mal lugar. La calidad de roleo no es mala pero note que es un poco complicado crear tramas cuando muchos personajes están repartidos en varias ciudades. Incluso note solo roles 1x1 de personas que aparentemente ya habían pactado algo entre si. Así que creo que sugiero que, si van a entrar, entren acompañado o tomen alguna búsqueda! Sino quizás será difícil acoplarse.
Wind Flower 
Admins muy amables y atentos. Me quedé muy a gusto aquí. Si bien solo tengo un personaje, noto que el foro tiene cositas que lo diferencian con otros y estoy ansiosa por ver cómo van desarrollando la trama. Hay muchas busquedas interesantes y creo que es un buen slices of life. La actividad es bastante buena también, responden rápido! La variedad y abanico de personajes es muy amplia. Lo único malo es que no puedes leer las fichas hasta obtener color así que no puedes darte mucha idea de que tipo de personaje crear que quizás pueda encajar con otros.
No he notado grupismo porque en si es un foro nuevisimo así que todos aún rolean entre si y nadie ignora MP
Hace mucho estuve en The Curse y desde ese momento que se cerró, me quedé con muchas ganas de un foro sobrenatural así que llegó WTL a mi vida. Aquí solo estoy con un personaje también. Es un poco difícil de comprender los sistemas y el lore al principio pero los admins son dentro de todo flexibles y te dejan dar rienda suelta a la imaginación en tu ficha y explican todo con mucha paciencia. Se los nota muy atentos y han hecho trama global y actividades desde que abrió, así que es buena señal para mí. En general el nivel de rol es muy bueno, coincidiendo con otro anon de abajo, me atrevo a decir que más alto de lo que suelo ver en los de K-pop y me hace pensar que los usuarios responden con muchas ganas y ánimos. Lo único negativo, es que noto poca variedad de personajes o razas y me apena. Sobre todo que bajo muchísimo la cantidad de usuarios y a veces me da miedo que muera, pero noto que igual siguen roleando todos. Por favor! No sé desanimen con esto admins si lo leen, no es a malas.
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uptcwn · 2 years
hiii everyone !! i like to write in my spare time and am currently looking for some writing partners over on discord !! my main muse is my jeong jaehyun fc (hann hanjae) at the moment, here’s some info if you’re interested! feel free to like this and i’ll come to you or add me on discord !! — uptvwn .#5071 also sorry if this post looks ugly, i’m writing it on mobile, as always.
PLOT LINES: i don’t have anything in particular i’m looking for, but some things i’ve been into lately are: slow burns, friends to lovers, hidden love between friends, forbidden love (like, both are dating someone else and it gets messy bc of feelings and stuffz??? the angst??!?!), maybe a work place romance ??. also open to more ideas. i like angst, fluff, romance, and more, all of the good stuff. and i’m open for discussing lotsa ideas !!
FACES: i’d like a m/f pairing for him and am not picky with faces at all. some that i’ve been wanting to write with are song yuqi, son naeun, (g)i-dle’s minnie, chou tzuyu - or literally any face, i’m not picky when it comes down to it !!
i don’t have any info posted on hanjae, but wouldn’t mind going into his details and giving info on him and his background if anyone was interested. i also would prefer to write with someone 21+ and someone who is comfortable with mature themes and contents such as smut, nsfw, etc. (but if you have triggers, obviously we can talk about them it make sure you’re comfortable !! ☺️) i like to match my partner’s writing, love quick reply convos, too !! (such as texts threads, call threads, stuff like that.) ghosting is no gouda, so preferably someone that is around for it. we don’t have to be on top of each other all day, but ya know? some effort. and most importantly, i’d like to be friends and get along with my writing partners. so that’s always a plus !!
again, feel free to add me on discord, like this, or however ya wanna reach out and we can discuss some thaaangz !! (discord: — uptvwn .#5071) (with the -)
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sapphicrpc · 3 years
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this guide is for everyone who is interested in learning more about my favorite bots that can be used for discord rp/rp servers. i’ll be explaining what each bot does, and how to use them. i will assume a basic knowledge of discord for this tutorial so if you don’t have that go check out parts 1 and 2 of this tutorial in the source link. 
PART 1 was discord 101, covering the basics of roleplaying. PART 2 was about setting up a server for 1x1 or a small group. this is part 3 and PART 4 will be discord 201, a more advanced guide to permissions, the limits of discord, nitro & more. 
T U P P E R B O X 
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[ L I N K ]
tupperbox is the holy grail of rp bots, it’s the only one i would say that you need, which is why it’s first, but of course there are tonnes of other bots which can be fun for rp. 
so, what is tupperbox? this bot right here is great for roleplay as it allows you to create proxies, which basically make it look like a message you sent, came from someone else (ie. your character)
to set up your proxy (or your character profile) what you need to do is send a message in the server, normally an rp will have a channel specifically for this so you don’t get spammed with notifications. your message should say
tul!register “character name” name: text
you should upload the photograph you want as your icon with this message too, you have to save it and send it as an attachment. [ icon credit ]
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when you send your message, this will pop up, that means you’ve done it right. check that the brackets and name are what you’d expect (ie. like this), and get ready to rp
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now, when you type “name: message” tupperbox will send the message from that proxy.
here’s an example of how it looks:
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the bracket is the part of the message you type before any message, in my example i said “name:” or “lisa:” but in fact this can be pretty much anything you want, an initial, whatever you’re going to be able to easily remember.
to get a full list of commands from the bot, use this command
this will generate an invite to the support server, this is such a useful resource if you’re a regular user of tupperbox
tul!avatar “name” image url
if you want to change avatars it’s this format - note that changing avatars like this only works with an image url, you can’t upload an image! finally, there are some limitations with this command - you need to ensure the file is <500kb and remember that if your image gets deleted, either from the website you took the link from or in the server if you upload it, your proxy’s icon will also cease to work.
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to see a list of all the tuppers that are registered to your user, you use the list command. this will give you a full list of all your tuppers, and if you use “tul!list @user” you can also see someone elses!
tul!remove “name” 
will delete that tupper
tul!rename “name” “new name”
will rename the tupper, you must use the old name and then the new name in that order. 
tul!auto “name” 
auto is one of the best inventions, you can type this into any channel and it will automatically proxy all messages in that channel without you having to type the bracket out every single time. tul!auto off will turn this off, and if you want just one message to not be proxied, start it with “\”
deleting/editing a proxy message
react with ❌  to delete the tupperbox message react with 📝  and the tupperbot will dm you and you can change the contents of the message. this is the most useful feature ever if you're always making typos like me.
another little quirk about tupperbox, it won’t work on large files or messages over 1000 characters. discord itself has a limit of 2000 characters per message and 4000 characters for nitro users. this means even if you have nitro, you’re still not gonna be able to send proxy messages with larger files or character counts! i don’t know the exact threshold for file sizes, but i’ve found that most things over 1MB won’t work with the proxy.
finally, tupperbox doesn’t work in threads. keep this in mind!
these are the basics but there’s loads more to explore HERE
C A R L / D Y N O   B O T 
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[ C A R L ] | [ D Y N O ]
i’ll be going through both of these bots at the same time, as they are very similar. these are essentially moderation bots that help you take care of your server. truly, this is only something you need if you’re opening up a larger server with 15+ members in and i’d say you need a good knowledge of roles, permissions, etc, to use them. these bots allow you to set automatic roles, automatically send warnings to people being offensive, and notifies you of deleted messages and other actions that people might take that you want to be aware of as a server owner. 
PS. personally i prefer carl to dyno, simply because i think he’s cute, but even though there’s pros and cons to each, they do basically the same thing... so i’m going to show you how to use dynobot in this tutorial as i can’t add carl because he’s already in all my servers...
when you set up these bots the first thing you want to do is make a private log channel with only admins and the bot in - this will be where the bot logs everything, you’re gonna want to mute this channel as it’ll be spammy! 
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now, add dyno to your server (dyno will automatically be added to ALL channels whether they’re private or not) - it’ll take you to a dashboard that looks something like this
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i don’t have time to talk you through every single option for this bot, because it’s honestly such a powerful tool and you can do a lot with it - but i’m going to talk you through what i would use for an rp server. (please remember, carlbot is a slightly different layout on the dashboard but largely they do the same things...)
this is important for me - it helps with activity checks as it tracks when a message is deleted and therefore tracks messages that are proxied by tupperbox. this allows you to see how often a user interacts in character in the server!
you want to go to modules, then action log. set your log channel that we created earlier as the channel, then simply tick everything you want logged. the important one for easier activity checks is “message deleted” but other than that, go crazy. i like to log pretty much everything so i have receipts... also it helps you pick out if anyone is messing with things that they shouldn’t be!
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these give a custom message when someone leaves or joins the server,  not necessary but can be a fun way to add a personal greeting. for me i have it set to @ users when they enter the server and direct them to the setup checklist and the intros channels. 
this is useful... ish. i say ish because... well, automatically this thing will ban all kinds of swear words so you’re going to have to check the settings carefully to see what you do and don’t want banned.
i set my banned words as slurs (not swear words though as all rps i admin are 18+) and triggers. i won’t show you the list because the words on there are offensive, but you get the idea. i like to make a separate log channel for this specifically so it doesn’t get lost but then set the bot to give a warning and delete the message if it contains one of those slurs or trigger words. this means even if all the admins are asleep and nobody is around to moderate the server, people will still face consequences and offensive messages will be removed. be careful in how you set this up and it’ll be one of the most useful tools ever, but if you set it up incorrectly it can be annoying!
this is a really clever feature that allows you to auto assign roles, this can be really useful for permissions, etc. i’m going to talk you through the main ways that i like to use them!
autoroles can either be used via a command to ask for a role/rank, or you can have it set to automatically give everyone a “member” role with basic permissions when they join the server. 
reaction roles give you the ability to react to certain messages with certain emojis, and when you do you’ll be given a role! i love this for pronoun roles especially, they look like this when you’re finished
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this is the last thing that i think is useful for admins. there’s loads more you can do with these bots but honestly it’s too much to go in one guide... 
you can set this to mute people when they have broken consecutive rules, dm users as warnings, and way more. it’s super useful, depending on what you want to be able to do just take your time to learn how to use this feature.
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[ L I N K ]
i’m not as familiar with this bot but it’s the best one i know of for games and in game currency. this absolutely isn’t necessary but it is super fun. to be honest, i’m not going to guide you through it because their website is absolutely amazing and gives you all the instructions you need. 
my favourite game is blackjack by the way, so fun! you can use the in game currency to buy certain privileges in the rp, and so on, or just to play games together. have fun with it! 
C O N F E S S I O N S 
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[ L I N K ]
simply put, this bot works as an anon feature in the server. i always set it up so it only works on the gossip inbox & the admin contact channel - those are the only channels in my server where i think it’s necessary.
other bots such as voltaire work well too, but personally i think this bot is the most user friendly, the easiest to set up, and the easiest for people who aren’t familiar with bot commands to use.
it uses / commands. all you need to do is type /confess, then select the confess option and enter your confession. it really is that easy.  
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your message will then look like this, nobody will be able to tell who sent the message, but you can still ban users from the feature and even ban them if they send hateful stuff through the bot. it gives the right mix of safety for your server, and true anonymity. 
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now, some final words... 
i could keep going with loads more info about way more bots, but i didn’t want this to turn into a whole textbook! first port of call if you get stuck should always be the help pages for the bot, or the discord server for the bot, or of course you could ask me and i’ll do my best!
don’t be scared of bots, they’re easier to use than you think (though, this is coming from someone who works in software so idk if that’s a me thing...) and have an experiment! if you’re looking to admin an rp and that’s why you’re looking at these bots then i suggest you make a test server to test and try all these bots before you put them into your main server!
that’s all you really need to know!
if you found this guide useful please leave a like or reblog this post as it means a lot to me, and you can follow to see the next guide i have coming up! don’t forget that all my discord guides will be found in the source link!
happy rping xoxo
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kpopmultifan · 7 years
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WANNA-ONE has released teaser images of members Daehwi, Seongwoo, Jinyoung, & Gaun Lin for their upcoming debut mini-album “1x1=1 (To Be One)” which features the title tracks “Burn It Up” & “Energetic” & is scheduled to be released on August 7th.
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#nowplaying 워너원 - Never (워너원 Ver.)
* Wanna One - Never (Wanna One Ver.)
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kamyru · 3 years
Random short headcanons: Her love in the force
Author’s note: The tops are placed from the highest to lowest. If someone wants me to make the same type of post for other fandoms I’m in, send me a message or a request. Also, if I mentioned something that is said in the stories, then tell me. The headcanons are more my imagination. So, I don’t want you to think that everything written here is real.
Two dimples: Hyogo Kaga, Ayumu Shinonome One dimple: Jin Namba, Toru Kurosawa No dimples: Hideki Ishigami, Shusuke Soma, Takaomi Tsugaru, Seiji Goto
Extrovert: Jin Namba, Shusuke Soma, Takaomi Tsugaru, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa Ambivert: Hyogo Kaga Introvert: Hideki Ishigami, Seiji Goto
Have a stage in life when they had long hair: Jin Namba, Hyogo Kaga, Shusuke Soma, Takaomi Tsugaru Haven’t a stage when they had long hair: Seiji Goto, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa Has the same hairstyle for their entire life: Hideki Ishigami
Have a degree in humanitarian sciences: Jin Namba, Hyogo Kaga, Takaomi Tsugaru, Toru Kurosawa Have a degree in technical sciences: Hideki Ishigami, Shusuke Soma, Seiji Goto, Ayumu Shinonome
Know what otome games are: Shusuke Soma, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa Haven’t heard about otome: Jin Namba, Hideki Ishigami, Hyogo Kaga, Seiji Goto Knew, but forgot: Takaomi Tsugaru
Will wear the wedding ring: Jin Namba, Hideki Ishigami, Hyogo Kaga, Shusuke Soma, Takaomi Tsugaru, Seiji Goto, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa Won’t wear the wedding ring:
Hyung line: Jin Namba, Hideki Ishigami, Hyogo Kaga, Shusuke Soma Maknae line: Takaomi Tsugaru, Seiji Goto, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa
Was in love with MC in others’ routes: Seiji Goto Weren’t in love with MC in others’ routes: Jin Namba, Shusuke Soma, Takaomi Tsugaru, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa Were in love with MC in every single route: Hyogo Kaga, Hideki Ishigami
Blush when buy contraception: Hideki Ishigami, Seiji Goto Don’t blush when buy contraception: Jin Namba, Hyogo Kaga, Shusuke Soma, Takaomi Tsugaru, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa
Know how to deal with a woman when she is on her period: Jin Namba, Hyogo Kaga, Shusuke Soma, Ayumu Shinonome Have no idea how to deal with a woman when she is on her period: Takaomi Tsugaru, Seiji Goto, Toru Kurosawa Didn’t know, but is very good nonetheless: Hideki Ishigami
Have photos of MC as wallpapers: Jin Namba, Hideki Ishigami, Takaomi Tsugaru, Toru Kurosawa Have photos of MC in the wallet: Hyogo Kaga, Seiji Goto Keep MC’s photos in private folders: Shusuke Soma, Ayumu Shinonome
Is a k-pop fan: Toru Kurosawa Know something about k-pop: Shusuke Soma, Ayumu Shinonome Know about it only because of work: Jin Namba, Hideki Ishigami, Hyogo Kaga, Takaomi Tsugaru, Seiji Goto
(1) Top gunslingers: Will hit the bull-eye even if a lobster eats two of his fingers: Jin Namba Once, MC asked him to cosplay Spike Spiegel: Seiji Goto 1. Hyogo Kaga If he was into cosplay, he would cosplay Riza Hawkeye: Shusuke Soma 2. Hideki Ishigami Has more talents than anyone can imagine: Takaomi Tsugaru Has at least a CG where he holds a gun: Ayumu Shinonome Who needs a gun when have his personality: Toru Kurosawa
(2) Most jealous: Lvl. 999: Takaomi Tsugaru Tsugaru’s competitor: Hyogo Kaga 1. Seiji Goto “I’m not jealous”: Ayumu Shinonome Definitely not confident enough to be lower: Toru Kurosawa “Isn’t Goto a wonderful man?”: Jin Namba Cutie: Hideki Ishigami Too confident for this: Shusuke Soma
(3) Most sociable: S in “spy” stays for sociable: Toru Korosawa 1. Shusuke Soma T in his name stands for “talking”: Takaomi Tsugaru Lived long enough to know how to deal with this: Jin Namba 10. Ayumu Shinonome ...: Hyogo Kaga If needed: Seiji Goto No: Hideki Ishigami
(4) Best with children: “I hATe brAtS”: Hyogo Kaga He can charm everyone: Shusuke Soma Has a younger brother: Seiji Goto A hidden gem: Hideki Ishigami He’s the kid: Ayumu Shinonome Character? Yes. Stubble? No.: Jin Namba Better than someone can imagine: Takaomi Tsugaru ???: Toru Kurosawa
(5) Faster to have a kid after marriage: Needs an early start for that basketball team he wants: Jin Namba Too good with kids to not make them: Hyogo Kaga Father material: Seiji Goto Needs a real family: Hideki Ishigami No need to rush anything: Shusuke Soma This man can wait: Ayumu Shinonome Too many problems have to be solved before this: Toru Kurosawa He has his own slow pace: Takaomi Tsugaru
(6) Most eccentric: No one is surprised: Takaomi Tsugaru No one is surprised 2: Toru Kurosawa Lived too long to not be eccentric: Jin Namba 2. Shusuke Soma Strange and sarcastic, not always eccentric: Hideki Ishigami 5. Ayumu Shinonome Too pissed off for this: Hyogo Kaga Finally, a normal person: Seiji Goto
(7) Healthiest lifestyle: No wonder he’s a beauty: Ayumu Shinonome 100. Shusuke Soma 101. Jin Namba He’s here only because he can cook and is organized: Hideki Ishigami Better than you can imagine: Toru Kurosawa Doctors cry when they see his blood tests: Hyogo Kaga Go and check his apartment, past and eating habits: Takaomi Tsugaru Needs more Subarus in his life: Seiji Goto
(8) Healthiest sleep habits: No wonder he’s a beauty: Ayumu Shinonome 100: Shusuke Soma 150: Jin Namba 200: Seiji Goto Has a dangerous night life: Toru Kurosawa S in sleep doesn’t stay for snoring *smirks*: Hyogo Kaga Please, no: Takaomi Tsugaru Sleep? What sleep?: Hideki Ishigami
(9) Best singing voice: Main vocal material: Shusuke Soma Wonderful tone: Jin Namba He’s honey not only for eyes: Ayumu Shinonome Has more talents than anyone can imagine: Takaomi Tsugaru Has to get rid of his diffidence: Hyogo Kaga 1000: Toru Kurosawa Tone-deaf: Seiji Goto He keeps his month shut: Hideki Ishigami
(10) Largest home library: It’s time to rename his residence in “Alexandria”: Hideki Ishigami Lived long enough to gather so many: Jin Namba Loves to read more than anyone can imagine: Hyogo Kaga More. More. MORE: Shusuke Soma No one knows how many they are: Ayumu Shinonome Has to do spend his money on something. Why not books?: Takaomi Tsugaru A lot of books, but all of them are thrown everywhere: Seiji Goto Not rich enough to compete with others: Toru Kurosawa
(11) Most vocal about own feelings: Has experience: Jin Namba Everyone knows: Hyogo Kaga Doesn’t have experience: Hideki Ishigami Just a cutie: Seiji Goto Perfect boyfriend: Shusuke Soma Sometimes talks about this: Ayumu Shinonome Feelings? What feelings? Is that a synonim for acting?: Toru Kurosawa Talks too much nonsense: Takaomi Tsugaru
(12) Best at taking photos: Can be hired as a photographer: Toru Kurosawa Best with technologies: Ayumu Shinonome This man can do everything: Shusuke Soma Made a wonderful selfie with MC: Takaomi Tsugaru Worse than he wants to admit: Hyogo Kaga Don’t ask him to take your photos: Seiji Goto Didn’t care too much about this: Hideki Ishigami What is a camera?: Jin Namba
(13) Most confident: 1. Hyogo Kaga 2. Shusuke Soma 3. Ayumu Shinonome 10. Jin Namba 20. Seiji Goto 50. Hideki Ishigami False Confidence: Takaomi Tsugaru Falsest Conficence: Toru Kurosawa
(14) Softest soul: Give this man all the love in the world: Seiji Goto I bet that he is hurt every time someone says that he is a cyborg: Hideki Ishigami A heart of glass: Ayumu Shinonome Messed up, dark, ill, yet so soft: Takaomi Tsugaru Softer than he’ll ever admit: Hyogo Kaga Tough cookie: Shusuke Soma Too old for this: Jin Namba What is a soul?: Toru Kurosawa
(15) Most active on social media: 1. Toru Kurosawa No wonder he knows so many people: Shusuke Soma 10. Takaomi Tsugaru 100. Ayumu Shinonome MC registered him on some of them: Jin Namba Checks them once in a blue moon: Seiji Goto Has them only for work: Hyogo Kaga Has them only for work 2: Hideki Ishigami
(16) Best at cooking: 1. Shusuke Soma 2. Jin Namba 3. Hideki Ishigami Will do better, if uses healthier products: Hyogo Kaga 10. Ayumu Shinonome Knows how to cook. But who will eat it?: Takaomi Tsugaru Edible: Toru Kurosawa No: Seiji Goto
(17) Most sarcastic: What is seriosity?: Takaomi Tsugaru 1. Hideki Ishigami 2. Ayumu Shinonome Gentleman: Shusuke Soma Rude? Yes. Sarcastic? Not always: Hyogo Kaga 10. Toru Kurosawa 11. Jin Namba Softest soul: Seiji Goto
(18) Fashionistas: Is naturally fashionable: Shusuke Soma 1. Ayumu Shinonome 1.5. Takaomi Tsugaru Tries hard to be one: Toru Kurosawa Doesn’t try hard to be one: Hyogo Kaga Great taste: Jin Namba No: Hideki Ishigami Pajamas: Seiji Goto
(19) My favorites: 1. Hideki Ishigami 2. Takaomi Tsugaru 3. Seiji Goto 4. Hyogo Kaga 5. Ayumu Shinonome 6. Toru Kurosawa 7. Jin Namba 8. Shusuke Soma
(20) Most likely for me to get along with in real life: 1. Hideki Ishigami 2. Ayumu Shinonome 3. Takaomi Tsugaru 4. Shusuke Soma 5. Toru Kurosawa 6. Seiji Goto 7. Jin Namba 8. Hyogo Kaga
Top results (For the 1st place, the guys get one point. Who has less, is placed higher. That’s just for fun. So, enjoy!): 1. Shusuke Soma (1x3+2x6+3x1+4x5+5x2+6x1+7x0+8x2): 70 points 2. Ayumu Shinonome (1x2+2x3+3x4+4x1+5x5+6x3+7x1+8x0): 74 points 3. Jin Namba (1x3+2x3+3x3+4x2+5x1+6x3+7x4+8x1): 85 points 4. Hyogo Kaga (1x2+2x3+3x2+4x2+5x5+6x3+7x2+8x1): 87 points 5. Takaomi Tsugaru (1x3+2x1+3x4+4x3+5x0+6x3+7x4+8x2): 91 points 6. Hideki Ishigami (1x3+2x2+3x2+4x3+5x2+6x1+7x3+8x4): 92 poins 7/8. Seiji Goto (1x1+2x1+3x4+4x2+5x1+6x3+7x3+8x5): 108 points 7/8. Toru Kurosawa (1x3+2x1+3x0+4x1+5x4+6x3+7x3+8x5): 108 points
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald, Sunday, February 27
SPIKE: (walks closer to her) You're not fooling me. BUFFY: What do you even mean? SPIKE: Well, you're not a quitter. BUFFY: Watch me. SPIKE You were their leader, and you still are. This isn't something you gave up, it's something they took. BUFFY: And the difference is? SPIKE: We can take it back.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Spikey Blue Monsters (Buffy/Cordelia, T) by lensbian_dykely
Magpies in the Morning (Buffy/Spike/Drusilla, M) by Tasseomancy
17 Fuffy Prompts (Faith/Buffy, T) by TTSoMean
Faith tells herself she's fine with Buffy's first boyfriend... (Buffy/Faith, G) by TTSoMean
Zebra (Faith/Buffy, E) by Anonymous
How to say Goodbye (Buffy/Dawn, E) by Anonymous
I Don't Believe in the Sun (Buffy/Spike, G) by Anonymous
Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits (Xander/Andrew, E) by Anonymous
Between the Stacks (Crossover with Harry Potter, G) by Anonymous
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Magpies in the Morning (Buffy/Spike/Drusilla, M) by annyankers
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Mending (Buffy/Angel, K+) by OveliaGirlHaditRight
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Poetry- Episode 127 - Selfless by The Slayer Verses
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Holey Moley, Me Oh My (You're the Apple of My Eye), Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Violet_valentine
All The Magic, Chapter 6 (Multiple crossovers, G) by Herk
Into the Limelight, Chapter 1 (Crossover with Criminal Minds, NR) by McQueenfan2016
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All But One, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by Jws1993
Milkshakes and Motorcycles, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Grief Counseling
Everybody Hurts, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by comlodge
The Fairytale, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dusty
who could ever leave me, darling – but who could stay? (you could stay), Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MillennialCryBaby
Closer and Closer, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Grief Counseling
You Learn, Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by bramcrackers
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The Lost Reasons to Live, Chapter 7 (Multiple crossovers, FR21) by ShadwowMaster
Divine Ideas from a Demonic Mind, Chapter 39 (Multiple crossovers, FR15) by TheDivineDemon
One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others, Chapter 11 (Multiple crossovers, FR18) by Greywizard
Broken Chain, Chapter 4 (Connor, FR18) by McQueen
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Darkest Dawn, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by zabjade
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:"super strength is useful for sweeping your demon bf off his feet" (SFW) by sunnyhellcalifornia
Artwork:Every Outfit - "Passion" Part 1 (SFW) by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork:Every Outfit - "Passion" Part 2 (SFW) by whatshisfaceblogs
Artwork: Willow (SFW) by someformoffathergod
Artwork:Spike (SFW) by dunewormz
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ETHAN RAYNE is so CHEEKY - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction - 4x12 - A New Man by TheLexiCrowd
Beer bad! | Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction | S4 E5 by Georgia Corsby
WE'RE DOING IT | Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x1 "Welcome to the Hellmouth" REACTION AND REVIEW!! by
Watching Buffy | S02 E03 | School Hard by darcie's watching buffy
Analysing Buffy Guide | BTVS S02E18 "Killed by Death" | "Tact is just not saying true stuff" by What the Pop
[Fandom Discussions]
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Why I ship characters (Bangel/Spuffy) by house-monster-fucker
Slaying Helpers Post-Season 3 by confusedguytoo
Xander and Anya should have been friends by ex-vengeancedemon
Couples you wish got together- Giles/Anya by ex-vengeancedemon
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How often do you re-watch Buffy? by multiple authors
My opinion about Bangel/Spuffy by Paulrina and multiple authors
Ranking major and semi-major Buffy/Angel villians by Paulrina
"Classic" Buffy by multiple authors
Talk about Season 7 by multiple authors
Rank B/A seasons and Tell us Why by multiple authors
Unpopular opnion about Giles and Ms. Calendar by multiple authors
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Season 8 comics retrospective poll continued by multiple authors
Into Every Generation a Slayer is Born - March 2022 release date continued by Andrew S and vampmogs
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Riley was pretty justified in his feelings in S5 by tierachaun and multiple authors
No PA system at Sunnydale High? by Tuxedo_Mark and multiple authors
Billy Idol Spike by multiple authors
Poll: Battle of the One Shot Villains by Hot-Orange-2958
Ode to Spike by MiserableAttempt13
The Pack by multiple authors
I don't understand why Angel and Buffy couldn't be together!! by multiple authors
Poll: Buffy would be best off with by IllustriousNovel7841
Poll: Who should Giles have ended up with? by Crimedramagirl
Poll: Who should Spike have ended up with? by Crimedramagirl
Poll: Who do you think Cordy should have ended up with? by Crimedramagirl
What's your best "you have to watch this show called Buffy" pitch by multiple authors
Is the show gory? by multiple authors
I’m late to Buffy but I imagine watching S5 when it first aired was so frustrating by tierachaun and multiple authors
What did the writers see in Riley Finn that we didn't? by multiple authors
Tara had more character development than Oz by jdpm1991
Would you have liked Fred to have become more involved in combat? by LIghtBlueSky55
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: 19 "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Moments That Still Make Me Cry, And 19 That Still Make Me Laugh via Buzzfeed
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by zqrwrgnani
What do you typically have for breakfast? I skip breakfast Monday to Friday. On weekends either of my parents will usually make fried rice served with 3–4 of the following: eggs, hotdogs, corned beef, dried fish, ham, longganisa, and luncheon meat.
Where do you purchase most of your clothes? There’s a tiangge at the local mall where they will change up the collection of clothes being sold every couple of weeks. They have trendy choices at really low prices so that’s where I liked getting clothes back when I went out more.
Do you have any opinions on Anna Delvey? Literally have never heard of her. Should I know who this is...?
What are you currently streaming? I have an episode of (surprise!) 2D1N turned on, but it’s paused.
What do you typically order when you go for coffee? Iced caramel macchiato. I actually switched it up today and went for a basic iced mocha, though. Just wanted to try something new, I guess.
Anything you’re looking out for at the thrift? No, and I don’t usually make trips to thrift stores either.
Who are your favorite YouTubers? Louise Pentland is a recent favorite. There’s also Good Mythical Morning, Grace Helbig, and The Try Guys. I also like a ton of BuzzFeed people but I don’t think they count as YouTubers. I like a good number of local vloggers as well but they’re no one you would recognize.
Describe your skincare routine. I just splash some water onto my face first thing in the morning, every day.
What’s your typical morning routine look like? Work has conditioned me to automatically wake up at 6:30, and by then I have the choice to either go back to sleep or try to properly wake up by watching YouTube videos. Either way, I have to be up by 8 so I can start working. And like I said, I briefly wash my face, then I immediately head to my laptop. That’s it, really; it’s super uneventful and I'm sorry I can’t make it any more interesting lol.
Are you still playing Animal Crossing? I never bought the game, actually. I asked Nina if I should buy it and she said it probably won’t be suitable for me since the game requires a lot of creativity, which as y’all know by now I lack entirely hahaha. I have my eyes set on other games.
How has the pandemic specifically affected you? It kept me from having a memorable final year in university, and it kept me from having a graduation ceremony. We also had to sell one of our cars, which I really loved driving when we still had it, so that bummed me out. I believe the pandemic had also been a slight factor in the crumbling of my former relationship as well.
Where’s your favorite place to go for brunch? I never go out for brunch.
What’s on your nightstand? Right now there is a bunch of books on it and a paper envelope from work.
What do you think about before falling asleep? Anything except my already pending deliverables work for the following day.
What is your main source of anxiety? Continued from the previous evening. I don’t know if there’s a main catalyst...a lot of things have the ability to make me feel anxious.
Any bands or artists you’ve recently discovered? I’m going further down the K-pop rabbit hole as I know it, lmao. It’s starting, you guys. This week I discovered GOT7; I’ve only heard one song so far but I’m extremely hooked. Ravi’s also very talented and has catchy songs.
What are your goals for today? Have a great rest of the evening and enjoy the start of my weekend.
What kind of games do you play on your phone? I haven’t been playing a lot of games on it, actually. I mainly use it to keep track of my Viber notifications (because my laptop sometimes won’t, and I end up replying to some work threads late) and to watch on Viu. But the last game I downloaded was a logo quiz game for old times’ sake.
Are there any packages you’re waiting to come in through the mail? Nah, haven’t ordered anything recently. I think I’m over my online shopping phase hahaha. I was just really excited about it when I got my first couple of paychecks, but now that the initial thrill has passed, I mainly look forward to spending on food – exactly like how I predicted it would be for me.
Describe your favorite t-shirt? I’d neverrrrr throw out my CM Punk Best in the World shirt for the world, no matter how more tattered and stained it gets. It’s one of my prized possessions and it reminds me of a really happy and carefree time in my life.
Do you have a specific aesthetic? I don’t know if I fit into a certain one; I certainly don’t consciously try to. You’d have to ask my friends if I do have a specific kind.
Skinny jeans or mom jeans? Mom jeans, a thousand times over. I dread wearing skinny jeans.
What’s your favorite 90s cartoon? The Wild Thornberrys.
Describe the moment you realized you were falling in love with someone. I felt scared more than anything else. I’ve never felt such a heavy sensation before, so I didn’t know what was going on. I also felt the need to be around them as much as I can, as I was starting to love and enjoy their presence, and be the one to attend to their needs.
Have you tried the feta and tomato recipe? No but sounds delicious.
What’s your favorite sparkling water brand/flavor? I don’t drink that. Sounds nasty.
What’s your favorite makeup brand/brands? Don’t wear makeup, either.
What’s your all time favorite movie? Two for the Road.
What are some female names you would name a baby? Olivia, Mia, and Amelia are some of my favorites.
What about male? Erm, probably names like Mason, Elliott, Matteo, Liam...I don’t want a son, so I don’t think about boy names too often lmao.
Do you have any subscription boxes? No. I’ve always wanted to subscribe to one with a quirky concept, like a Korean-themed one, or international snacks or condiments, or curated alcoholic drinks, etc. but at the end I feel it’s a luxury I could do without.
What did you purchase the last time you bought groceries? The last time I got groceries was for work, and for that instance I got several of the following: coffee packs, soju, various canned goods, spaghetti set, Nutella, and toiletries.
What fictional creature would you like as a pet? Wouldn’t keep him as a pet but I feel like Maximus from Tangled would be such a fun dude to be around.
Describe your favorite piece of jewelry. I don’t have one. I love borrwing my mom’s Tiffany’s jewelry, though.
Have any local businesses closed that you’re sad about? So fucking many of them, especially the ones I frequented back in college. I went back to Katip last week and the place felt like a damn ghost town.
How do you feel about the BLM movement? I support it, of course. And I feel infuriated by those who try to counter by saying aLl LiVeS mAtTeR or worse, bLuE lIvEs MaTtEr.
What’s the worst advice you’ve ever taken? I don’t think I ever took an advice I knew was bad or would be useless or irrelevant to me. But this reminds me of my mom’s favorite piece of advice for every bad situation, which is to pray lmao.
How do you feel about your neighbors? I feel like I answer this a lot on this surveys, but I don’t think anything of them. We mostly keep to our own business.
What kind of dwelling do you live in? A house.
Have you been watching this season of The Bachelor? I’ve never tried watching it and have no desire to.
What’s typically kept in your purse/wallet? Paper bills, receipts I have the tendency to stuff and keep there even though I’ll never have to use them again, my Paramore ticket, TIN ID, copies of 1x1 and 2x2 photos of myself just in case I have to whip one out, driver’s license, my debit cards, and my vape.
How do you feel about TikTok? I gravitate towards the tutorials and unique prompts (like people showing their parents of different nationalities, the then-vs-now of their pets, etc) more so than the dance-y/meme-y ones. I’ve never felt the need to get the actual app, though. I get my TikTok fix on Facebook, which makes me feel old saying so LOL
What’s the hardest thing you’ve done/been through? Dealing through a breakup was surprisingly harder and more excruciating than deaths I’ve had to go through.
Did you/do you still have a Neopets account? I never had an account but I did have a Neopets game on my flip phone.
What do you look like on a day where you don’t leave the house? Haggard.
Do you have any opinions on Amberlynn Reid? Have literally never heard of that name.
Any current trends you dislike? Most streetwear.
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qwnsuga · 4 years
hello, hello! so i started being more active on this blog in hopes of creating a place to get into urban 1x1s but with school & work taking over my life, checking tumblr never happens but if you’re down to do some writing then it’ll be better for me to do in discord.
i play mostly POC and i don’t really have any banned fcs maybe except k-pop people. if you have any banned fcs, let me know. i have muse for both male and female but i mostly prefer being male. i’m down for m/f or f/f type of plots that range from something simple to extreme.
if you’re up for plotting then likes this or add me on discord at jordy#9164
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wadey-wilson · 5 years
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In this tutorial, I’ll try to show you the basics of making a gif. Of course, there are many ways for this joyful and absolutely not stressful part-time hobby slash addiction, but this is how I’ve been doing it for a couple of months now, and it’s worked out pretty well so far. I’ve learned a couple of tricks, created my own shortcuts, and at this point it’s just something that comes naturally.
I use Photoshop CS5 Portable (you can get it here)
for taking caps, I’m using KMPLayer (get the verison, the .23 one is screwed up - you can get it here)
please, like / reblog if you find this useful
feel free to hit me up with any questions.
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1. Don’t beat your laptop with a baseball bat. Yet. Use your chair.
1.1. Videos/clips/movies.
I explained that part in this tutorial. What I want to add is that if you want the highest quality of a trailer, get QuickTime, wait a day or two after it comes out, and get the trailer here.
Find a trailer you’re interested in, play it, choose the highest quality option, press ctrl+shift+i, and you’ll get this:
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Click anywhere on that html codes and press ctrl+f. This will show up:
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Put that brandy away. Search for ‘source’, find this:
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Clink on the blue link using the right-click of your mouse, choose open in new tab, and a download window should show up.
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Save the video where you want to.
You can use videos from YT or movies you have on your computer or get those movies. Those movies also should be in the best quality possible. I suggest the ones with quality of 1080p and bit rate at least 6 Mb/s for best gifs.
In this tutorial I’ll be using the trailer of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Because all my movies are on another disk and I, uh...
2. KMPlayer + taking caps.
Before you open a video and take caps, I suggest you create a folder that’s easy to find and use on your desktop. I have one called ‘CAPS’.
- Open your video in KMPlayer. Pause it because this version of KMPlayer stinks and you have to pause the clip in order to start taking caps. So pause it and press ctrl+g. When the caps window shows up, set it to those (red) options and choose your folder (yellow) where your caps will be stored. You have to choose that one thing every time you open that window. [Sorry for the language, but it doesn’t matter. Just choose them settings.)
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- Play the video & make sure your caps window is somewhere on the side like this:
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Find the part that you want to gif. You can pause before it, press start on the caps window and then play the video or just start taking caps while the video is playing. I’ll do it using the first way.
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click ‘start’ on the caps:
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and then play the video until I get the caps I want and click stop on the caps window first, the video second.
Close that thing if you have what you want.
- Open your CAPS folder.
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Get rid off the caps you don’t need. They’re trash and should be treated as such. 
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If you’re giffing more than one scene, you can sort them caps to folders. I have 10 folders named from 1 to 10 where I sort mine. And because for now I’m making just one, I’ll move those caps to folder ‘1′ on my desktop.
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Time to make a gif. You good out there? If the answer is no, take Vicodin. No worries, when you’re done learning the basics, you’ll make gifs with Britney Spears playing in the background. Now shhh, focus.
3. Photoshop, aka that scary part.
- When you install it, you’ll get a folder, and in that folder there’s the app.
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- Open that thing (and maybe copy on your desktop).
What you need is the layers window, the actions window, the adjustments window, the characters window, the animation window, the paragraph window, the history window... It... It sounds horrifying, I know, but cool your pits. It’s just this:
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If you’re not laughing, take another Vicodin. Use this if those windows aren’t on display automatically:
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And sort them. Now, I use my own keyboard shortcut for gifs. I suggest you do the same. Trust me, you don’t want to do this:
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every time you make a gif. As you can see, I use alt+ctrl+p. You can set your shortcuts using the ‘Edit’ window at the bottom of which you’ll find the ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’ thingy. Then it’s a bit of digging but it all makes sense, ok? Ok. Yeah, no, it’s a lot of digging but I believe in you.
So you load them files, and this shows up:
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so choose your folder where your caps are, and click OK. Ta-dah:
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- This is the ‘make gif’ part. Click this:
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so you can get this
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at the bottom. I have this whole process made into an action, and if you want it in an action too, at this point you should click this:
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and choose ‘New Action’. Name it. Click record.
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and now 1)
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2) take Tylenol
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(you should be here now:)
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7) (right-click mouse)
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8) stop the action recording here:
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And this is how you should be looking right now:
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Oops, not this. This:
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Fine? Fine. Go smoke a cigarette.
You back? K.
- Dimensions. Very important. Like, 10/10 important. Don’t cross the 3Mb size.
Fitting into the tungler dimensions means your gifs will be posted in the highest quality. This is a visual of those dimensions (depending on how many gifs per row):
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If you don’t do that, your gifs will look like blurred filmography of Zack Snyder’s.
I’m gonna make a 253px gif so it won’t stretch in that post. Gifs over I think 268px stretch on normal posts as in posts and look ugly.
So that brings us to the next steps.
- Cutting, resizing. Easy. Don’t panic.
choose that tool:
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set your... this:
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(make sure it’s ‘cm’, otherwise you’re screwed) and crop, baby, crop. I suggest the biggest area you can, of course without the black parts.
Also, depending on gifs, the dimensions can be different. For my 540px gifs I use 5x2 or 2x1 or 16x9. For my 268px gifs I use 11x7, 11x8, 5x3, 1x1. For the 177/8/7px ones, I usually use 3x5 or something. Just make it look nice. Not too thin, not too high.
Ok, so I’m cropping.
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And now resizing. Crtl+alt+i.
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Make sure this thingy looks like that:
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My width will be 253px, you make it 268, alright? Or something. Just don’t cross 540px. And put that beer away.
So I have this now:
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Doesn’t look appealing, huh? Yeah.
Also click ctrl+’-’/’+’ to zoom in/out the gif. 
- Sharpening.
Some people use actions, some do their own thing, I use an action. I’m lazy. And I don’t look forward to just... You know. Clicking a lot. So I use this action. Download it, make sure you like or rb that post, and upload the action using this:
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Find your action. Load. Choose it, click play.
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So this is how the gif looks without:
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and with the sharpening:
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Magic, I know. Okay, you can have that beer. Or no, don’t mix alcohol with pills.
- Coloring.
This is the fun part. That’s where vodka comes in. The part with 390248 times you get frustrated and your laptop is in danger because it can never know when it will join the doves behind your window in a short fly. Anyhoo.
Start from brightness. This is one little trick I learned. You can use these options:
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I start off with doing something else. I choose the first option, aka Brightness/Contrast, and when it appears on my layers window, I choose the ‘screen’ option.
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So I’ve gone from this
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to this
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It’s clean. It’s cute. Brightens the whole gif.
Of course, you can do it traditionally and/or adjust the opacity of that ‘screen’ layer. I think I’m gonna brighten it just a tiny bit more and add some contrast.
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Now cooolors. I’ll make a standard gif, nothing crazy. You can go crazy if you want to, just don’t make someone’s skin orange. It just... doesn’t look good, kay?
Those are my options:
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And this is the result:
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Save your gif using this (once again you can see my shortcut)
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and your settings should look like this:
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Click save, name the gif, save it wherever you want. And it’s done.
As a bonus we’ll go through...
4. Text on gif.
I use Arial Rounded MT Bold. You can use Calibri, it’s the one I used to use.
Choose this:
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Click on the gif. Write your text. It looks like crap.
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No worries. Choose the text (ctrl+a). Choose your character window. And manipulate until you get the result you’re happy with. Change the size of the font, the distance between letters and paragraphs (and choose the paragraph window to make the text centered).
My options:
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and result:
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Doesn’t look nice, we want it nice and clean and all that jazz. So. Back to the layers window. Choose that text layer and find this button
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and choose drop shadow. When a window pops up, choose those settings (those are the ones I use:)
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Then go to Stroke on your left and set it like this:
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And click ok, and that’s the result:
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- create shortcuts. saves time, - make gif actions. saves time, - make sure you use the tumblr dimensions, - don’t do orange faces, ok? - when setting the text on your gif, you can do this little trick so it’s in the center:
x if my gif is 253x wide, the center is in 126,5, I make it 126px. 
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(make sure to write that ‘px’). click twice on your text layer, and this is the middle of that layer:
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while moving that layer you should be able to see that tiny square and it’s the center of your text. Set it on the guide and you’re done. It’s centered.
- use these
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to cut your gif. - play with the opacity and layer settings. for example, if you use color selection or saturation, you can set the layer’s option to ‘color’ and have it 70% opacity. - you can save the text layer only and reuse it by using ctrl+shit+s and saving it as psd
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and then just open it again anytime with ctrl+o and duplicate it to the gif. - have fun with it. don’t throw your laptop out of your balcony, they’re expensive.
If you have any questions or want me to make a different tutorial on coloring or something, don’t be scared, I don’t bite (for real, I have braces, biting hurts).
I hope I helped and making gifs doesn’t look like magic to you anymore.
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fyeahx1 · 5 years
[ARTICLE] X1 Breaks Debut Album 1st Week Sales Record With “Quantum Leap”
X1 has set an impressive record with their debut album!
The “Produce X 101” group’s album “Quantum Leap” was released on August 27.
As recorded by Hanteo Chart, the physical album has sold over 416,000 copies so far as of August 30 at 6:40 p.m. KST. On only the fourth day of sales, the album has set a new record for the first week sales of a K-pop debut album.
The previous debut album record was set in 2017 by Wanna One with “1X1=1 (TO BE ONE),” which sold about 411,300 copies in its first week.
“Quantum Leap” also has the third highest first week sales of a 2019 album so far, with BTS’s “Map of the Soul: Persona” at No. 1 and Kang Daniel’s “Color On Me” at No. 2.
Congratulations to X1!
Source (1)
190830 (KST) Source: soompi.com
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uptcwn · 2 years
once again, asking for some rp writing partners on discord bc ya girl wants someone to write with that isn’t a ghost, ya know? there’s more info on my pinned post, but here’s my discord anyway !! uptvwn .#5071
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